HomeMy WebLinkAbout857By law of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke to establish and lay out a new highway across lots 21 and 22 in the Broken Front Concession of the said Towship of Clarke and to stop up, close and sell the land comprised in the existing highway across the said lots. establish and lay out a new highway across lots 21 and 22 in the Broken Front Concession o f the said Towns hip o f Clarke and to stop up, close and sell the land comprised in, the existing highway across the said lots. ~'PHEREAS it is sap edieat to lay out sn d establish 8 new highway across the above mentione8 lots 21 and. 22 and to close the exiat~ng highwe-y. aoros$ the sa#d late mad. doll the land__ ~ ` aomprised then®~.~, BB IT THER~;FQRE E8T8CTBD by the ~ni.aipal Council of the Ce~rporation of the Township of Clarke. 1• That a public highway shall be and is .hereby established on those parts of lots 21 and ,2~ in the Broken Front Concession of the skid Township of Clarke described as follows=- QOIdl~~Cl at a point on the east limit of said lpt 2i $t a d2~tan© 01' L6~. feet measured northerly thereon from the north limit 4~f'~.'the Cax~dian Pacific Railway right of gray 3~d~CB south 8S 9.?~~ 30* treat 4?E feet two inches THLpCB.north 88 43' 3Q* west 1~5? feet '` ~ 3 inches mere or less to the -east limit of the went- ~talf of said :~'~~~~~ lot. number 2E THEP~CL south 16 east 11~: feet 6 inches more or . v~ less to th® north limit of the Canadian Pacific R8i1~1ay right of way THENCB north 65 37~ west along the said north®r1,y limit of. said Canadian $Aaific Bail~a~ right of why 4?b feet mctr or lass THEHCB~ continui~` along the northerly limit of they said right ~ way north 64 39~ treat 4E4 feet 14 .inches to t2~ west limit of said. lot- 28 TCB north 16 west along the west limit of said lot ~;~ g2 feet 11 inches TEEIYCL south 64 39w east 482 feet 8 inches THCB south 65 37~ east i9C feet 3 inches THF~NCE south 88 43* 30" east 1954. fe®t 9 inches TH~CE nort#~ 8b 7* 3C" east 456 feet 1 incs~- t o the east limit of said lot 8~ TCB south. 2b east fi? feet E~ inchea~ to the place of beginning ~ That thls Council be and they are hereby authorized by resolution to cause the said highway to be made fit for travel and in so doing to expend eo much ads be necessary and shall have been appropriated for that purpose. 3. ghat when the said highway aha11. have been- made fit for _.. :.. ` ,, .~,,$ trave.],-a~-~-;8 xaBn~o!l~t~#.tra-~af~,thi+a- ~CrAi1-°aher7.~ ~i~LS®- b~e~n--° '"'~.~.___ . _ ~ so declaring, it shall be opened for public use. 4. That the present highway aarass said lots 2l and 22 be stopped up and. closed and the .land ac~ld and that the 8®eve, the Treasurer and the Clerk of the acid I~-a.nicipality are hereby authorised ~co sign and affix the sell of the said Corporation tc such documents, agreer,:ents and conveyances as may be requisite. ~, ~ i ~` w l- and necessary to carry ant the sale thereof, 5• i~hat the said existing highway shall be clps,ed for publio~ us® and stopped np as soon as the said new highway shall be declared opened for public use. ¢. Passed ,~~,~~ ~;~ day pf December 1.924. ~•C CDERS B~9E 9 . _~ ~,~~ __ _ __ i ' ~;;;; ~ F3:.4~G.':'~.._- ` J~ -.-.~.': ,-.;~~i1` ~~.~~~C+~~~~~^S^~~..naa.sa..` ~. T`^A~.a'ibyVR-a ,. '~mi'.:.'~!~!F" ~..''f~'b~.o'n -4b NM r !"R-~ i.+w. -~•- '~ ~~ ~ a ~ ~ ~i' ~ A ~ Oa E'O ~ * `~ Qs' is ~ ~! `V ~~M ,•x p , . ~ • G` A ~ ~~ ~ a • . l~+i ; ~- f .'S, a. ~ 7 `. t~~ , % 1 4 3 ~