HomeMy WebLinkAbout879A Bylaw to appoint Poundkeepers and Fenceviewers for the year 1926. BY"LAW Na ° 879 A By•Irw to appoint Fougdtreepe~e and FenoevleweFa fvr. the jaar 19fC8. ' 1'he Muuioipa! soilooil vf: tMre Cur- " stion of the Tuwnebip of~7larlle emote as fuf~oa~e, yiz:- What the futlowina pereone be,. attd are ` hereby appointed Pouodkee~lbra~far 1866. Paeaed Feb: 9ud, i83i: No. 1 Wm~illigan•Nu.ll H. fllenny 2 $penoerBarley" 12 Peter Laiog '• S W J Hallowell " 13 ~'. J. Hell `• 4 C Careon " 14 .uhae Taylor " ~~ 1`it,~e R~~bioeon." 16- I~en: Oain • ti 11 M doper ".lit A.i RiRelow 7 R. Luaon •' 17 A Wrigbt. '• 8 A A-Soa~ervilte •' 16 1Z~~bt Fuller `• 9 H Careoaddeo '• 19` ft H Brown. •` 10 F Perrin '• 20 Lorne Befl` `• i0} W Ul7roaaleP •• 21Ln~rie-K~bbior and" that the following p~erai+ad bey and are bereby appointed Feneeviewere for 192E Bub. Div. No. 1 w. J. McUullouRh,wm Payee, J A Barrie i •' 2 John Holmee, N $amis ~ Rubt Martin I •` S Bohn Middleton, H. t~Irn~W, E3whrd DPau. 4 W Bleep, F Falle, (lee. Quanttil •• 6 lYI. d. Hall, H. J Beet, C3eo. A'Torton, ~' 6 D Bell,. W. Cornish, .A. N Robbins: 7 "J. Allin,ar. JaeBurReee, ~ John Tribble •' 8 Q. Raid. W A $sllawel' ~ J J w ~tcirlRer •` 8 F;Hill, ll li~offet, ~ > " M' H Itltaplee Tl•at the dntiee to be performed by the above named-and appointed offieen aball-ba eaeb'wari pro-id~d 11y tltatate o -that b- half and the Bylaws off this Manioipplity. - '1. J. 61ayy~~lea, 1Q: J Helmt~ (71erY Reaw ~ ` ~; I ~";` ~' , __