HomeMy WebLinkAbout886A Bylaw to raise by way of loan the sum of $11,000 upon debentures for the purpose of erecting an addition to the Public and Continuation School-House in School Section No.12 of the Township of Clarke and purchasing equipment for such addition. ~EftEAS the Pub3.ia; Soho©~. Board of School. Section Number Twelve ~l'~ oP the To~rnship of Clarke has made appliaatian to the b~unicipal Council of the Tovmship of Clarke fvr the seam of E1,even Thausarid Dallars(~11,000'. ~ Par the purpose of erect~.n~ an add3.tion to the present pu3~lic and Corstinuaton School-house s~.id Section and purchasing equ~.pment Par .+s~uah addition; AND r~iEREAS the proposal Por the said ].aan has been submitted to and saACtioned at a special rnee•~ing of the ratepayers ob said Section duly called for that pur;aaset ~#TdD ~iEREAS the R;unicipal Council flf the said Ta~mship deem 3.t d~asircble t© comply with •the sv~i..d application azsd to pees a BY-law for borrowing the said sum of X11,000`, on the credit of the Corporation and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of five per centun per onrxuray ~rhich is the at~utit of the debt intended to be cre~.ted bar thin Hit-»la~r=. AIdD CIHEREAS the amount o P the v~hol a rateable p rflp erty of the F.~unicipality aoaarding to the last reprised assessment rail is ~~30,G00.00 l~ii'D 'Y7HER.EA,S the arnaunt of the exiting deberrture debt or the Municipal Corporation ~ exclusive oP local. ifnprogmnents secured by spacial rates or •~ sse~smerit+~ is ~lg~ l52'.35 and no part of thQ pr~nc:i~;^~1 or ~.nterest is in arreax« TfiER~r'Oit~: THE ~:9Ui~d1CZ~'AL COUNCIL 0~'`. ~~iiE Ct3RPORATION ©T' THE TO~TPdS~iIP OF t~ARKE L1W'~`.CTS AS FOLLO~PS;~- 1,. Thai: for the ~~urpose of ar~~~z"}id ~~h~re shai3. b'~ borrowed an the credit of the Corpora•t:i.an og the To,~~tlsh~p of Clare at large the 3u3~ of I~ev~ Thausr~,nd Dollars (,~11., 000,00) d deberitu~ee shall ,.. ~ ... be issued therefor in earns of not zees than :~.lOC~, each bearing interest at the rate of fia~c~ per centum per annum computed from the 6th day of ".~zgust 192.6 ~d ha4ir~ aoupone attached thereto for the payment of the r~terest~« 2. T1~e debentures shall ate. be dated ~,+~ cif the 1Gth of August 1926 and shall be payable in thirty equal annual instalments of pr3.ncipal and interest on the 16th day of August in each of thz years 192'7 to 1950 inclusive and the respective amounts of principal and 3.ntoraat payable in each off' such years shall be s.s set out in Schedule "A" hereto ann8~ed, which ins hereby declared to be and fom part of this ~r-1a~. 3. The debentures ae to both pr~.ncipal and interest shall be expressed as payable in Canadian currency at the office of the Treasurer of the Township of Clarke at Orvnoa (?ntario. 9w The ReevQ of the Corporation shall sign. and issue the debentures and the debentures and the interest coupons shall also be signed by the Treasurer of the Corporation and the debentures shall be scaled with thu s®al cif tho Corporation. The +signature of the Treasurer to the coupons may be written, stampad~ litho graphed or engraved'. 5. During the thirty years the currency of the debentures the sum of $x715.56 sha11 be raised az~aually for the pa,ymezxt of the debt and interest by a special rata suf'ficierrr th®refor otter and above all other rstes~ on all the rateable prop~x'ty of Public School euppartex-s in said School Section Number 12 of ~~he To`rnsha.p oP Clarke. fi. Tie debentures may contain any claulse providing for the registrs.~ion thereof authorized by statute dating to Municipal debentur~+~ in force a'~ the time of the issue t;~e~ea,f'~. 7. Thisr }3y-slaw shall take effect on t~e :'de~,y' of the final p a~ssin,~ thereo~. ' ~N,~,LLY PASSEb this ~ dad ~,~ At~g~tst 1926. { ~~ j ' ~' c. irk BrH~D~.I~,E "A" Annual ~a~ Pra.nai~~,l In~arest Total Caupvr~ '~" • e .. s • . • r ~ ~6C]'. a~E7 ~ . + . • . HP S~~.iliJ . •~ .71.~. ~6 r a T ~ +~ U . . . .7 s . • • .. • • .L~3~.eJ~r • s . ~`~-~.~ 7~ t ~~5. ~~ 8. r79 . • • • r • . • '" • • • • • • • • '~ .t[Jl~is ~1.1~'JI r . • , ~ ~.,7tJs ~ 2 7151. ~ 9~~ 13 - .. r a • . • L • f i1 1 191,. VY v~3~ v0 1 MF•/ ~~ 9. ^ R • s • • • • • • i w • i Y 11 WV ~ .... , • . max; , . . ~•~ 3i 715.56 1© 0~ . . ~ .. . ... , ~ ....... ~a.:~. 3~. • .. ~o~. 2s . 716.56 a. 57 a . . ~ . .... . '~ ... , * , 221:87 ..... 493; 69 77.5~~ 56 Z1.09 . • . .... i 8 .,•..,. 3~ 2 .9r 1 ...i. ~.'S9 .. 715..56 11 65 . .... . . . . • . • . / ~ / y ~ 249r',fi2 . i • .'• ~1701~ ~94. . . i.Y V/~ $~ MiV ~ . . . • • M 10 . . 256'.85 458'.71 715,- 56 , 12 84 .. ... ..... .. • . ... . Z:+~ '. 69 ~ ~ ~~. 8? 715'. 5~i 1~ 9~3 .. • . , .. .. • . i . ... , . , .. * W ~ , • . . . . ~j (~ I ~ NwV. ~~ • . ~. r ~ 43Nr ~V ~ • . i lY. YIV a • • , .. . i .• . W f~ W ww "" .1•IJ . s s . • . 29 f ~. u3 . • • i 111 '~.1.~. F3a.7 • ' • f .L~Ji ~'V • • • r~~ Q7 .~•~! ...s• 312. •..... 40'5.36 .•• 715.W •••• 15~r61 15 .... • .. 32T.8l ...... 87.? 5 3 . • . 715'. 5f .... l6'. 39 + .l.V • • • • . • • ~ ~+~ ~r1J r • .. + • + ' .J (~J- yV r .. + 7~,~~i ~V • r • • l~ rj !11 Fi.1. Z~ • . • • • • 361'i9 ~1 . . • r .. • iJ~ 3 l.15 1, . 7 15111 v6 • • ~ • 28.07 13 ••.•.. ~ ~ 3ls-~.~~lo •.,•ss r + 3NVsV8 •t• - '~.45`.56 i•i•~~,-~l l9 ...... 398: 975 ... , .. 317.11 • .. 7l5'. 56 • • • • 19.92 ~ ...... 418'.38 ...... 297'.18 ..: 715'« 56 . .... 2L~.92 tel. . 439'. 3f3 .... . 276.26 ... 715' 56 .... ~ y7 .... - . . 22 . • • + • . ~~,~ ~ ... • • . 254.3(3 • • • ~"~ ~'` ~+ • - • t 23 • • • .. ~89e. 3rr ~ • • • • - 231,. `.r'9t • • • 5~ S5 7~ . • s s 24 22 • . • . 24 ...... 508'. 54 .. , • .. 207'.02 ... 715'~~56 • • . ,25`.43 25 • ..... 533.97 ... • .. , 181.59 , .. 715-',1'56 .... ?6!. 7d t••s..• ~~~~~~ .-•rw•. - 154.90 +•a ~ 715.5'6 r••s 25.03 ~+. • • • • . • • '}y ; • `~ • • • • • . • ` 126. BV • • • ~~~, ~~ • • • a `~~~ t'~ 2:.7 • • • - • s 6fL81.13 . • . • s .. 9 1 t ~Jltd i • ~ 71 tJ~ • • • • Wr 7~1 , .. 29 .... • . ~~919;. 04 • .... , ~iF~°. v 2 ... fi15t~ 56 ... • 3~1' 45 f/~' ~ a • s Ira • . '~ r r . • • s . ~~Q7 s • . 715-~'~6 ~ • • . • ~ {,~. r . * X11, 0(}0.00 $~55U.OU O O rl O ~ O •s7 U O W • i~ • O ~ V1 ~ ..N • ~o o ~ o ~ _. ~ ~ -N o ~ ~ • r--1 O •r1 ~ U v~ U] .L W O O #~ •t7 •F~ ~ Vl ~ cd v O Z t4 ~ •rl •r! ~ .s1 ~ •r-1 4-I rci -N S.; O V f4 O~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~+~~ C~ ~ `c~~3.~~~~~i a~a~i r•1 ~ -N •rl U r-i O ~ 1 ~ +~ •~ oat .Sa a~ 'Ta ~ U U r-I O r~l !~-~ •r1 ~ O N~ A U O r-1 O'~ ~~~ u~acr~z~ a~ ,,;tea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~,~ ~ , ~ ~: , ~ ~.. ~'` "~ . ~ = . .-~., ~ •~ A ~ ~ ~ ~+i ~ ~ ~ ~~~ a .~, ~ ~~ ti ~ ~ a ~ °' `-'' zti:= ~a o- a a w A A d a I CHEQUES MUST BE PAYABLE AT PAR ,, ~. r.~ J. ALMA POLLARD REGISTRAR BOWMANVILLE, AUGUST 4, 19 6~ MR. A. J. STAPLES, IN ACCOUNT WITH ~~r ~p~i~#r~r of ~rP~s fnr ter rat ~i~ing of tt~r (~uunf~ of ~ur~ttm DATE T O REGISTRATION OF BY-lAW FOR THE T OWN5H 1 P OF CLARKE, REGISTERED AS N~ER 69 IN BOOK 1 FOR BY-LAWS----- RECEIVED PAYMENT AUGUST 4, 1926. ~OEPUfY REGISTRAR. FEE 2.100