HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-03 MinutesCLARINGTON ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE September 3, 2014, 6:00 P.M. Meeting Room 1A Present: Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Chair Shea -Lea Latchford, Vice Chair Councillor Partner arrived at 6:15 p.m. Julie Michalejko-Earle arrived at 6:25 p.m. Absent: Tim Hick Sally Barrie Also Present: Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk Michelle Chambers, Committee Coordinator Linda Kent, Library Director Melissa Scott, Manager of Public Services, Clarington Library Sarah Vaisler, Marketing & Communications, Clarington Library George Acorn, Facilities Manager Eric Riddell, Shoalts and Zaback Debbie Hillyer, FishAbility Sports Club Inc. Viki Hillyer, FishAbility Sports Club Inc. Raymond Leeder, FishAbility Sports Club Inc. Jacqueline Muccio 1. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Shea -Lea Latchford, seconded by Julie Michalejko-Earle THAT the minutes of the meeting of June 4, 2014 be approved. "CARRIED" 2. PRESENTATION (a) George Acorn, Facilities Manager, Municipality of Clarington, Linda Kent, Library Director, Clarington Public Library, and Eric Riddell, Architect, Shoalts and Zaback, Regarding the Courtice Branch Library Expansion George Acorn, Facilities Manager, introduced Eric Riddell of Shoalts and Zaback, who has been working with the Municipality in designing the expansion project of the Courtice Public Library. Eric had an electronic presentation of the project overview, drawings of the new library space and explained the features to the Committee. A question and answer period followed. Mr. Riddell explained the importance of community and staff involvement on the project and that there has been a great deal of focus on accessibility for all the potential users of the library. The Committee provided input on the following accessibility concerns: • Family and accessible washrooms and the use of both hand dryers Clarington Accessibility - 2 - September 3, 2014 Advisory Committee and paper towel. • The entrances and doorways within the library • The flooring and carpet that will be used • The number of accessible parking spots • The possibility of the Committee having a tour of the construction site Linda Kent, Library Director, introduced herself to the Committee and gave a brief update on the expansion project and explained what some of the processes will be during the renovation period. George Acorn noted that at this time they would appreciate any feedback from the Committee, and that any comments or suggestions with respect to accessibility, will be considered during the planning process. Eric Riddell was thanked for his presentation. (b) Debbie and Viki Hillyer, from FishAbility Sports Club Inc., Regarding the FishAbility Sports Club Inc. Debbie and Viki Hillyer introduced themselves to the Committee. Ms. Hillyer gave a brief history of the FishAbility Sports Club and how the organization was developed. She had an electronic presentation and a handout that included a description of their services. She explained to the Committee that FishAbility provides adapted fishing programs for individuals with all abilities and provides the necessary equipment and assistance to allow them to participate in these fishing programs. Debbie also provided information on their sledge hockey team that is another program that they are currently offering. This program gives individuals with disabilities the opportunity to play hockey. She continued that these programs allow individuals of all abilities to participate in activities they enjoy and the opportunity to socialize with peers. Debbie concluded that the main objective of their presentation is to increase awareness of the FishAbility programs that they offer to the Municipality of Clarington. They are hoping to be able to use the fish platform located in Bowmanville in the future. Debbie asked if the accessible fishing platform in Bowmanville has an accessible washroom and noted that this is one of the key factors when organizing outings with those who require the use of accessible washrooms. The Municipal Clerk advised that currently there is no accessible washroom at the fish platform. She advised that she will inquire in the fishing platform requires booking prior to its use and if there are any future plans for an accessible washroom in this area. Debbie and Viki were thanked for their presentation. Clarington Accessibility -3- September 3, 2014 Advisory Committee 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES (a) Marshall Hohmann's Follow-up Presentation at June 23rd General Purpose & Administration Committee Meeting Regarding "General Accessibility Awareness and This is my Town" Sylvia and Councillor Partner both attended Mr. Hohmann's presentation and provided the Committee with a summary of his presentation and both stated that they were impressed with his presentation. Councillor Partner informed the Committee that Mr. Hohmann will be making a presentation to the Clarington Board of Trade's Round Table meeting on September 11 to (b) Town of Ajax — "Accessibility for Business" Tool Kit The Municipal Clerk advised that this was raised at the Chair's Meeting. Sylva noted that she requested this with the intentions that this tool kit could be adjusted to suit the Municipality of Clarington and make this available to local businesses. The Clerk asked if someone was willing to take this tool kit and massage it to Clarington's needs. Sylvia suggested that this should go to the new Committee, and this can be put forward as an action item to the new Committee. The Committee agreed. 4. NEW BUSINESS (a) Policy Guidelines on the Accessibility Standard for the Design of Public Spaces The item was distributed by the Municipal Clerk to the Committee for their information. (b) Accessible Pedestrian Signals (Audio Crosswalks) The Municipal Clerk advised the Committee that these units were on display at the Region of Durham for the public to demo. This was well received and she asked if there were any plans of having these display's at the surrounding Municipalities and is waiting for a response. A discussion took place regarding the length of the signals and it was questioned why these are not installed at all pedestrian crossings. The Municipal Clerk explained the process installing traffic signals and the effect on traffic flow. (c) Ontario Human Rights Commission Policy on Mental Disabilities Clarington Accessibility - 4 - September 3, 2014 Advisory Committee and Addictions This item was received for information. (d) Review of Accessibility Committee Terms of Reference — Going Forward The Municipal Clerk advised that the Accessibility Plan was presented to Council and adopted. This will continue to be used once the new Committee is in place and at this time she is looking for feedback and suggestions for the Committee moving forward. The Committee advised that the main focus should be to provide awareness and information regarding accessibility and the Committee to the community. 5. REGIONAL UPDATE (a) Regional AAC Chairs Group Minutes of Meeting of August 20, 2014 Sylvia requested that these minutes be included in the Accessibility Committees agenda to allow items in the minutes to be added to the agenda. (b) East Beach Park Sylvia noted that she recently visited the newly finished East Beach Park. She continued that the park is lovely but is not completely accessible. A discussion regarding the park followed. Moved by Julie Michalejko-Earle, seconded by Shea -Lea Latchford THAT the site plans for new park designs be brought to the Accessibility Site Plan Review Committee for comments and feedback. "CARRIED" 6. OTHER BUSINESS (a) Resignation of Andrea Horgan The resignation was accepted by the Committee. The Municipal Clerk noted that due to the time frame time of this resignation, this will not be put forward to Council. (b) Accessibility Audit The Municipal Clerk advised the Committee that the Municipality of Clarington Clarington Accessibility - 5 - September 3, 2014 Advisory Committee has been audited and she has not yet received any further information. She provided the Committee a brief update and summary on key items. (c) Joint AAC Forum The Municipal Clerk distributed the Joint AAC Forum Agenda to be held at the Region of Durham and asked that the Committee RSVP directly to the contact on the agenda and to Michelle Chambers. 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING When next Committee is formed. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Shea -Lea Latchford THAT the meeting adjourn. "CARRIED" The meeting adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Chair Secretary