HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-10-03 MinutesClarington Accessibility Advisory Committee October 3, 2018, 6:30 PM MAC Meeting Room 1A If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford (Chair) Tim Van Leeuwen Maureen Reed Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer Pinder DaSilva Also Present: Andrea Nicholson — Accessibility Coordinator Linda Kent — Director, Clarington Public Library (until 6:50PM) Sarah Vaisler — Deputy Director, Clarington Public Library (until 6:50PM) Megan Elliott — Manager of Business Administration, Clarington Public Library (until 6:50PM) Melissa Scott — Manager of Service Excellence, Clarington Public Library (until 6:50PM) Eric Riddell — Shoalts and Zaback Ltd. (until 6:50PM) Paul Wirch — Planner (until 7:25PM) Regrets: Jacqui Watchorn Councillor Wendy Partner Sally Barrie The meeting was called to order at 6:30PM. 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Pinder DaSilva That the minutes of the meeting of September 5, 2018 be approved. Carried 2. Presentations a) Library Main Branch renovations Linda Kent introduced Eric Riddell, of Shoalts and Zaback Ltd. (architectural firm), who reported that the Clarington Public Library will be undergoing a renovation to make improvements to the Main Branch. Some issues were noted in the Clarington Public Library Service Review and the goal is to make the library accessible and inclusive. Public and Staff consultations were held in Clarington Accessibility - 2 - October 3, 2018 Advisory Committee September. Shoalts and Zaback Ltd. is seeking input from various groups prior to redesigning the library space. The new design will be presented to the Library Board in November 2018 for approval and then to the new Clarington Municipal Council for approval. Eric requested input from the AAC, noting that the slate flooring and accessible washrooms had already been noted as areas for improvement. The Committee provided suggestions to improve access such as sensor sliding doors at the entrance, universal washroom with space to allow access from either side of the water closet with drop down grab bars on both sides of the water closet, washroom lights on a sensor, elongated bar power door operators instead of push button operators, large print wayfinding signage for collections and washrooms and other library features, and lowered stacks to allow those in a seated positon to reach items in the library's collection. Committee members were provided with drawings of the current space and invited to submit any additional comments via an online survey or the Accessibility Coordinator. Andrea Nicholson will provide the survey link to Committee members. b) Clarington Secondary Plans Paul Wirch provided background on Clarington's Official Plan and Secondary Plans. Paul described the Secondary Plan area of Bowmanville West Urban Station. Face-to-face public consultation on the Bowmanville West Urban Station Secondary Plan has already taken place and an online tool for residents to provide input and feedback has been in place and will come to a close within the next week. Paul utilized the online tool adding in feedback from Committee members, including the need for safe crossings over rail lines and walkable areas in and around the retail areas. The Committee noted that the retail areas are currently designed to encourage vehicle access rather than safe pedestrian access. Committee members may access the link to the online tool on their own to and additional comments and feedback for the remainder of the week. 3. Business Arising From Minutes a) AAC Awareness at Community Events - October 13 Applefest The Committee will now share the Elections tent for Applefest. The Elections staff will put up the tent, bring out the AAC materials, take down the tent and bring leftover materials back to Town Hall. The tent will be up from 8:45am until 2:OOPM. Andrea Nicholson will prepare the AAC materials (brochures, bookmarks, jar grips, magnifiers and reflective zipper pulls. The Committee agreed to the following schedule: Page 2 of 5 Clarington Accessibility -3- October 3, 2018 Advisory Committee 8:45AM — 2:OOPM Shea -lea Latchford 8:45AM — 11:30AM Pinder DaSilva 11:30AM — 1:OOPM Sylvia Jaspers-Feyer 9:30AM — 2:OOPM Tim Van Leeuwen (weather permitting) b) Promotional items / Budget Jar Grips — the 500 Jar grips that were ordered were received. Banners — the Committee reviewed designs and images for the banners. The Committee selected preferred images and requested an image of a person using a walker. The Committee agreed that the banner should include the words "Accessibility Advisory Committee" and some points about the Committee's role. Andrea Nicholson will email all AAC members for suggestions on wording and then liaise with Communications on the draft design on the banner. iii. Other — Andrea Nicholson presented some other options for utilizing remaining budget including purchasing additional promotional materials and hosting an educational event on universal design. Committee members that were present at the Joint Regional AAC event on September 24 agreed that speaker Thea Kurdi of DesignABLE Environments was an interesting, dynamic speaker on universal design. The Committee discussed hosting an educational event for municipal staff including individuals from various departments, and possibly external developers. Andrea Nicholson agreed to contact Thea Kurdi to determine speaker fees and to consult with Municipal staff regarding the interest and feasibility of attending an education session on universal design. Moved by Maureen Reed, seconded by Tim Van Leeuwen That the remaining funds be earmarked for the AAC to host an educational event on universal design featuring speaker Thea Kurdi, if practicable. Carried c) Joint Regional AACs Forum and Awards The Sept 24, 2018 event was attended by Andre O'Bumsawin, Tim Van Leeuen, Pinder SaSilva and Andrea Nicholson. Speaker topics were: Universal Design, Portable Washrooms and Play spaces. Those in attendance particularly enjoyed the session on Universal Design. Page 3 of 5 Clarington Accessibility -4- October 3, 2018 Advisory Committee 4. New Business a) AAC Site Plan Review Subcommittee Sylvia Jaspers-Feyer will serve on the subcommittee for the remainder of the term, replacing Andre O'Bumsawin. 5. Regional Updates a) Regional AAC No updates b) Regional Municipality of Durham to host Spring ONAP meeting Andrea Nicholson reported that the Accessibility Coordinators in Durham Region will work together to host a spring meeting of the Ontario Network of Accessibility Professionals. The event is an education and networking event for Accessibility Coordinators, most of whom work at local municipalities. 6. Other business c) Dynamic Symbol of Access Andrea Nicholson reported that Ontario MPPs voted to in support of Grey -Bruce - Owen Sound MPP Bill Walker's motion to adopt the Dynamic Accessibility Symbol. Andrea provided a copy of the media release. Andrea reported that the Oshawa Accessibility Coordinator has contacted the Accessibity Directorate for direction and will share any information that comes back. d) On Street parking outside Newcastle Shoppers Drug Mart Tim Van Leeuen reported that a curb cut has not been added to the on street parking outside of Newcastle Shopper Drug Mart. Andrea Nicholson will follow up with Operations regarding the status of the work. e) Garbage containers at transit stops Tim VanLeeuwen reported that he has been unable to get a photograph of the bust stop at King Street and Mearns in Bowmanville where garbage cans block the view of the oncoming bus. Andrea Nicholson agreed to obtain photo to pass along to the appropriate jurisdiction. Page 4 of 5 Clarington Accessibility -5- October 3, 2018 Advisory Committee 7. Next Meeting Andrea Nicholson reported that Committees are not meeting between Council Terms. The Committee expressed interest in meeting in November. Andrea will confirm with the Municipal Clerk whether a November meeting may be held on November 7. 8. Adjournment Moved by Maureen Reed and seconded by Pinder DaSilva, That the meeting adjourn. Carried The meeting concluded at 8:00 PM Chair Secretary Page 5 of 5