HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-05-01Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee May 1, 2019, 6:30pm MAC Meeting Room 1A If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Present: Shea -Lea Latchford, Chair Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer, Vice -Chair Pinder DaSilva Tim Van Leeuwen Deb Kalogris Councillor Jones Marina Ross Sarah McConaghy Catherine McConaghy Also Present: Anne Greentree — Municipal Clerk Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: None The meeting was called to order at 6:32pm. 1. Approval of November 2018 and April 2019 Meeting Minutes Moved by Tim Van Leeuwen and seconded by Pinder DaSilva, That the minutes of the November 7, 2018 and the April 3, 2019 meeting be approved. Carried 2. Presentation — Vehicle for Hire By -Law Shea -Lea Latchford welcomed Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, who was in attendance to discuss the updated Taxi by-law, which will now be known as the Vehicle for Hire by-law. Ms. Greentree explained to the Committee that the current Taxi by-law is out of date and does not reflect other vehicle for hire services like Uber and Lyft. She further explained that the draft by-law addresses the Municipality's taxicab responsibilities as outlined in the Transportation Standard. The Committee was advised that Municipal staff have been investigating options to ensure there are accessible, on -demand taxis available to Clarington residents, but there are challenges that are being worked through. Tim Van Leeuwen reported that he has been able to get trips through Durham Region Transit (DRT) fairly easily. He does not rely on on -demand taxis because of the high Clarington Accessibility - 2 - Advisory Committee cost. He does use taxis contracted through DIRT as part of their specialized service. Although he must book travel 7 days in advance, he reported that he is often able to get a ride 1-2 days before if it's for a medical appointment. No one on the Committee relies on on -demand accessible taxis. Two reasons were identified: they aren't currently available and taxis are too expensive, especially for long trips. However, the Committee requested that the Municipality continue to push for accessible on -demand taxi options because they felt strongly it should be an option for residents. 3. National AccessAbility Week Jeannette Whynot provided the Committee with an update on the Committee's plans for National AccessAbility Week. The Committee was advised that two additional banners and Access Clarington flags were ordered. Additionally, a communications request was submitted 4. MapleFest Jeannette Whynot advised the Committee that she had provided the Tourism Office brochures and other handouts to make available during MapleFest. Committee members were encouraged to attend if possible and to look for the Tourism tent on Temperance Street. Members were reminded that they can come for as little or as much of the day as they are able and through this partnership there would be no need to set up or take down. 5. Sub -Committee on Accessible Housing Jeannette Whynot advised the Committee that she will send a meeting invitation to those who expressed interest in forming a sub -committee on accessible housing. 6. Updates MAC Accessible Entrance Jeannette Whynot advised the Committee that building services advises that cannot make the power -door operators open together because it poses a health and safety issue to the Customer Service desk staff. It is likely possible that the middle door opener can be moved to the other side of the entrance. Committee members noted that since major improvements cannot be made at this time, they recommend leaving it the way it is because the money could be better utilized elsewhere. Jeannette advised that if the cost of moving the middle operator is small, the Municipality will do it as it would make the entrance easier for everyone. Page 2 of 4 Clarington Accessibility - 3 - Advisory Committee Beach Access Mat Placement Following up from a complaint in 2018 about the placement of a beach access mat at East Beach, Jeannette Whynot advised the Committee that due to erosion the mat can't always be placed directly in front of the ramp. Last year, it was necessary to move the mat several feet away in order to safely install it. It is too early to know where the mat will be placed this year, but Jeannette Whynot will be consulted prior to the installation. Snow Removal Jeannette Whynot advised the Committee that she will invite the Director of Operations to the June 2019 meeting to discuss snow clearing for 2019-2020 season. If he is unavailable, another meeting will be arranged. 7. Other Business Sylvia Jaspers-Fayer noted that the walkway from Hobbs Drive to the Bowmanville Mall has a trip hazard. Jeannette advised she would look into it and see if it was something the Municipality is responsible for or if the Mall is. Sarah McConaghy brought up a product she had seen — Caroline's Cart. This allows parents to shop with older/adult children with disabilities in a safe and respectful way. Jeannette Whynot noted that these carts do exist in some larger retain chains, but was not sure if there were any in Clarington stores. The Committee mutually agreed that these carts are a wonderful addition to the community and businesses should be encouraged to purchase them. This could become a project of the AAC in the future. Page 3 of 4 Clarington Accessibility -4- Advisory Committee 8. Adjournment Moved by Catherine McConaghy and seconded by Pinder DaSilva, That the meeting adjourn (end). Carried The meeting concluded at 8:07 PM. Chair Secretary Page 4 of 4