HomeMy WebLinkAbout986A By-law to provide for borrowiing $8,500.00 upon debentures to purchase the electrical distribution system and business known as "The Orono Electric System" and to authorize a certain agreement for the purchase of said electrical distribution system and business. _. .. .,r X~ -, ~ild'~ 1~h1! ~i1~~~ ~~ ~bA ~i~ eaf ~bs ~~~~ Y~11~! tl! .. ~~ said sal ~~'~ ~~ ~~ t~~~s~tp ~• M~ 1~he R+~a~s ~1+~'']~ ~~` ~~r '~~r~~~~-i~ a~ the ~t~~~ ~~R ~ ~udh+~~~a~ ~t~-rd ~eq~tire~d ~o ~-xawutrr the ,~ ~ ~ ~+~~s+lU -ls~rer ~, ~~' ~ ' xea~'~e~'~a awed ~~~ xt'~~11s 1~ka pe~l~-ac.o~r 'fie ~a~-A k pa~ca~i~~- axe ~++~'~~` a~~ ix~. +~~~~t~1r~s ~~' l~d~ 11i~~ -~ ~ ~.tQV. ~t~~ ~aoht 2~uc®e q~~~r~ ~r~ , ,r: ~. _, "~ ~!-1+~~ u# '~ha date o~ lvux~ ~~ '~ ~~~ ~,.»~f +~~-~ ~'~ :~ ~~ ~atd Via' ~+~~ ~~~ ~ ~a~'~1e ~~ ~rr+Mt~~~r +- ~~t~~-#~ as - ~l's7Lb~~ ~~ ~~~',~'~ ~r~ a~ ~ ~.~ ~.~~. ~~~~ ~r~w ~t eft ~~a ~+~ 6. T~s ~a~,a~g ~s tca ba- px~~~ripel ~d a~sraat ala~:~,l be •~ ~t+ilw~l, +~~ `~!~~, t~-~+o~r~o, mid ~i€ + rpr~~ ~~* ~~ ~. - ~~ h~, ~gc~ra~~a~- a~a~r ds+a2+~-; s ,~ ~. ~ ~,. iffit~l ~hMl i A$A~.~ ~~.,A bA ~~~A!Q ~~f '~hlt 'T'1"Adi~1'~~" 0~ ~ 4~'gr1`* ~i~t ~ti~pte-#rt~;~'~ ~~- be w~~~i1~-m,, ~~~~t l~ ~m-~tt~ ~~ ~rna~-r~s~;; ~, C~ #r'~~- ~rer~-r~ a~arran,~r ~~' the ~i~e~~~-~-s, ~~ ~'~#~'1'~ #t~p~IM'° •~eaifie~ ~~. oa-1'~a ~ +~t the +~er'~r~~a ~~~ed~.~,~ ari~+~~~.ly ~' 1~&e arew~~ ~~ ~- said v~- ~l+~ot~~~ ~~nr*~ ~~ a ~p+~#a~. ~~'~-, a + ~~ rr ~r ~at~e, e~~ ~- ors arat~- s1~ls ~ra-psa~~sy tz~ ~ ~~~_'pr~~t+~ ~~' ~-x~4~4 a~ same '# izt a says ~-4~' a~ +~~ s~st~r~ ~, #~r~+s~-~~ ~.~ ~``~+~ ett f~~l ~e ' 'mss ~~A ~~-~sv~'~ ~~~ ~~~ ~9 3 ~.~~~ ~~ --._r~...~~~_w~._r.~.._.~._._.....:.u..._~.a..~~ . n l~B~ ~ ~~~ ~-- ~ ~~~~ ~-s+~t! ~ ail ~~ ._. dad a~ ~ . ._ n_ C~: wt:~;, ~ w s h+e~C~l~~`~!r x~el~x~r~d 'gip as t~s "~+~r~4~nt10a"' f fat ~:~.~~ the ~~.+a1~i+~+~ +~.ai~-°~+~- ~t~ +~ ~~~r off` oi' ar+!~a-, ls~ ~~ a~' t~~ ash C~u~,ty ~' ~~ i~ P~arra~r~ ~a!" 0~it+o, ~~ Y~-~1~ed ~»~ t~a.e ~ ~x~ #~;e r~~ 1~ha l~rosvs of t~~l~erra Mai, A,.~. 1~1, !! i~~ ~ ~~~~~ +~r!' +~ ~ ~tl~ ~~- ~h~ s+~i+~ ~eat~~-1 C$t~~- ~-+~~ ~4t il~~, f~~ ~+~1,: air- nett bauri~+ra+~ ~srd gre~~#+~~ ~+~ ~~ '~rate~ ~n t~e- E~es~it~Z ~D 1~ f~~ ~~~1 a~tius~sa i~ ~ ~» !~~ o!' i~a s~,d ~rlee~ri~ di~l~x~i~ui~;c~ ~#+~ aa~-d D~~a~~e t~ ssi ~- h~,~ ~8a ~~a i~.e:~at ~~s ~ etc#r~i mdRt!-tm~ts r~~~ tb~ar~~o~ ~: ~ ; ~: Al~~ ~,~$ b the ro~i~o~r ~t` thi CeAral ~1~~ariQ _~ . ~ s p~x~~ •~~ ~~'~~~ t~ eai~ ~h~#x~iaa7~ ~~~rtrib~~i~a ay~-#~r- a bu~iu~~a ire #h~ ~-~d 1~~~ V#~l~a~+~ ~rf ;~ ~~~.u~t~s~ +~~1 s~tr~a~~:o~~r,~ ex,~~~rios~ a~di-~~aa~# thrrr~~ ~ ~~~#a w~eru gran~e+~ ~o amd ~~r~~d ~~ ~h~ ~-~,r~io~~ A$p ~~$ the Trustss+~ d~eire to putrc~has~ tch~ ~afd ~3~a~~~~oa~ ~~s~r~~t~it~~ ~~~~ ~~ ]~~~n~a+~~ ;~~~i ail ,. .. alb«~a#~osa~ ~x~~-~ior~a a~d~iox~s t2sarrai~ a~td 'I~i+~rsta # std ~ t3~am~~~t~-a ~illi~g ~~ ~-~ll rho amt t~pc~x~ ~ha '~+rr~r and ~o~d~t#o~s hfx~-p o~~fiaitted~ ~~ ~~ ~h~: ,g~ar~,siaas of 'Th• ~~ 4+~~na~io~ r ~: ~pa~a~i~r~ ~~ ~~rw~~s+~ #~ -'~ar~orr ~~~~~ ~~ +r ~~w ~f dr~r~tt~sr v~' ~~-• ~oxia~3~~t t~~' 1ih# '~~~a ~f ~ht eald +~l~a~ric~al dis#zilr~~~n sy~~em a~td l~;~i,m+r~te by ~h~ ~;'ruetara~r# $0~ T~~'t: THIS _ ~~ ~~ ; ~+~~ t.:,~ . #~~-+~ ~-d~f~d+~~,~~~t~ h~~`~~~t ~a~#a~+~ '.~ ga~r~i4~ h~x~~o ~aTSna~t f pr~-mi;~ a~td a~ra+~ as ~'ella-w~t- 1~~iYi~'~~li aa+d •i'~i b'~MI~' dip ~~li ~~~i~~~ ~ '~ „~~ '~ sle~~rioa~ el~rtxi.ta~~~ih ,~y~t~ i~a ~ ~l~~a ''~llag~ raf ~ro~o ~raet~ad ~~ aad ~+~+~t~td ix ~- ~~~~o~ t~~+~+~t th• pxo~ia~o~s ~t ~h~ t~+~x~r~-1 t?nario ~a-~rfr A~t~ ~93~ a• a~arra ~+a~#sd, alb. a+~ ar~a~t ,. .,.,.; pat'~~~n1~ly d~~~Pibs~ ~~- $ah~d~ ~ "~~,* here~~ a~~s+~tad 4e~d fo~a#~, r ~r~ . off' i~hia atss~tat, and- ~lse~ ~h~ b~~rne~ra e~ ! dtt~~~~l~tto» .° ~ l1~:O~x'~'~,~' ~~ ~it3~lMQt~O~R t~~"~~~~ ~`~~~ +~~' ~f~ .~s "x"~~"i~#~' r~fera~ed ~a as fiha •0~'~A~r a~~atr~~ ~ys~•m~} T.~~.~L #h~r ~~rptr`i~~~r~r ~lax~~ ate: i+~~-p~~~t a~or• ;^~la~r~~r d~,~ar~lrr~~ #h ah~rds ~~-'~ b~xEte atta~he~ w~tci ~'o~s~~q par# ~f ~h~s ag~rsanem# ~ rr~it p~r~par~i~~~ $~a~~ ah~ +~qu~pES~~ ~ ~` ~t~t oo~pr~~s a~t~ gam a! ~~+~. 4~0~0 ~l~~~rxe ;~yst~m sgd are. ~ ~ ~~AYs~r~d ~ t~s ~+aar~t~or~ l~os~~n~a~ ~ z i ~:.< ~'2ts Q~t~!»eea~,t~a her~l~~r tx~n+~tea~e, neai~pas end sate eYer to the ~r~ur~eea ~t1~, e~.e#:~~~ ~e~i~se~#~r ~'~ th* sale of +r~.em~ta~i~a3. ~e~ v~ e~te~~yr tar` ~~e~, ~~ a '1~-i~,g srl~- ~` the #~z ~.:e+~t~'+~ ~y'~t+~, and s~.~ ~~ ~d edwaaty~r to be ~e~~,TeQ th+er~ei~re~a ~~-~-e~rq~ent to the date e~` ~~~'+~~ he~pk ~~'e~ t~~r ~ ~h~ ~+IP~ee~ti>, ~e -' ~'~ to the 'i'r~t+~tse~ i"all rtght~ pc-r~er ~d aa.thc~3ty ~~+ pea~~'aa~t:, e~Pe~~e ex~d ~e.~~ry ems. su~rh ~~t~t~p~ +~et-ts~o~ ~ ~x the rs;~,,~ F #~- a-#" V~euc-s~'a~;~ ar ~~ +~s ~€~- tNS3a~a- ~+}.d'A~e~ ~I~e -s i~-n ~"+~-"~~ e~rt;r +~~, relea~cea tc~ tha ~rnsl~eee all ttr right and ttte~e~t thexete~ r, ~• "~- g~~~~Qe h~-ra~~r e~eatg~~ s~rn.~er~~ releaa~es ltd ~i~m +- the '~t~ X11 r.ghl~i~ ga~~~ilegse frea~- e~~fes eeret~c~a~ e~~ t~aa ~si~l c~ae~o ~leel~~rio ~y t~~t vested i~t the C~c-mc~i-s ia~z by thu Qs~~~r~s1. antarc~ ~-vt~er Est 1+~~:E~; ea+~ the.. Tour#ass hereby relsRa~ eel ~'+a~e'~rrtr ~i~eh+g~-~ the ~~~f;r•- s~,an tram all obligstie~e, liab~.a~i~c~+~s a p~~~a ertsix ,. ~~t +af" +~~ ~~~ret~~ ~~h e,~~ nth ,gres~ent+~ ar anything d~aae or s~t~-nte~,ned ther+~,hr; ~g +~. agrera~tr a aka ~~#r d kshlxties thea~re~dar shsi~. ab+~niutel~~r +~e as ~ete~Re a t2as t and a~ the data a! t~euets~r here~-attar set etxt ~ 4 « " 4~eir , here~r~ get*;~ ~a~~-e~e ~, r`elewree- aad sets vier t~- the '~xnsteer ail lan+~s, ~ssts~ ~~;~~•©~`«-w~- e other i~teremt~® ~~ laz-d l~o~,~da~ to the 8x~ gleol~r~,~ ~r'+~ta-~ ~'h~t ~w~r~t eaa~ t~as~!`M~ hbh,~.~, ~1-aMr elteeti.Ye tt s~~t t~~t tz~e 3a~-st y of thact ~~th whtsh e~cpiaes ~'sr~ct the +~ iiS ~r4~ '~ ~~e~ a1~. ha~re exe+~te~t thi,Jt ~~'~~ went a~' sale and t~a-nsler~ pra°~'ide~d the ~arporatian at~.~l h~t~t ~le~re~ ~te t t~+~~+~el~a~pt .e4 ltr ~sa~ O~tise 3h the a#ty 4t ~'tr~lte, the ~e'henu~+r ~-~` the t3~vp+t+tt~ta~t„ t~- ttre s~- ~-~tia i~ t~~.se ~ h~~ro~~ ~h~.ah t~ ~a ~rere~a~ rafer~red ter ~-e tie { .~ ,~,. ~e The ~3orpora3a~r shall pay tt~ the C~omms~3c~n tsar the Bald Urcno ~li+atrio ~yrteee thi mare of Ss~rin T~ueand ~tisi r Humdred artd ~ naty-Qne ~ellt-~• aad Thlr~ain ~ah'~rr t~~~~-~1~~ whfah bas barn agreed upsr~ air tb:e va]~ne thirrM~rt as wt' the 31st day of Utitpbir~ 1134, t0githi~' raitXx the arr<eu~-t~, t~' +!~-', a!; X11 luy ~- Qo~i sl~a>3 i~ Qap~ta~ „wetauxrt in +aox+~srr~i a+ests ira~rred therevri.th t'rom the ea~.d 33et day at Oatobsr, 193a to the Rate . 1 o t T ~ansti~c r i ,,. ~ ~;, Th• f3orparat3+Dr~ sha11 pe-y tax thi Ilterid Arc-~ea ~1l~itr111 ~st~ by tai iss~ti aAd d~lirrsry to thi c3aesimn pri~-r tsa the said date et Tt'aaestrr,r ~-! dibintures of thi Clsrp©zatiaA ixt thi stem of fit ~h+~urarrd ,~'i~'i ~t~dred dollars (~8„~~Q.04~; ~` the said debsrst~tres shall all bias date the ~l~j dam' o! /~~//'~'~ A.D+- 1~3~'` shall bear ~etrrrcest ~rQS the s*~ date at the rats ai' tnttr asd three~gt~art+arr p~ri~t ~~) per azutum payable serrai~ asuually c+n the ~i's7~"days ~t ~nrC'~J and ~ ~ ~ ~• 1A issth. year, E' e2~al~. '~+~ ~rlid send blit ~tt+e~t th• ,sa-tiabla property ira f ~_ o-.~:. ._ t~~;~ th~- ~,tis t'i~la8i of prom, and shall be payable `ici`'~r~rh ,::... coney et Ca~ta~a« bath ai to pr~iil clad, st+~rset at the ob~ist i ctti~i of the Bank at' ~ontreal,~ at Torarrte, t3~atarim~ amd at ~uQh 1 tither p~.arrs ax plaais as the C@rpcrrati~trn .ay deed~r, in ~.• ,, respsatire tests s• tp principal ar~d intsrest aet ettt is F Sahidula *CS" hereto attached attd fs~~ t of this agreeteer~tt ~; Thi Commi'iiwxr rhal~. ~asatttrEil, adsisistir Bad sa-raage .the. said ~rorai ]~2ev'trfQ ~yst+~ ;tirr and ea behalf' a-l the Trustees fl~trm arad aster the tirst dray of , t~,t mahth is Nish thi ~ry~law of the Tere~sl~,p ~P ~~ta~~rat agpx~dYina the sale et the aroma ~lea-trlo gy~rte>N axd~ the t~~rr `~ dabeatnria in ~~nt $leer+rtar riseirss the assent of the eleeators, gp to the said Date of rr~~net~~~ iar~t ae right,, title s~ irtt~ra~-*t. thiriin shall •i~rt is the Truet.;r~1>ti '~y rerasbx~ th~tre+ai# cad thi Qox~tarscn ~ i~ it •.a desi~rii icaatiA~t~ to ~tc,atrol, adai'tr$ter cad r~aaags thrN said Orarao ~leatricr 8yst~m fwx axed era ~3~ s~ the Treur-tsir ties sad aftir the said lute ~ ~ w i~~' ~x't~a~"+~~C' ~~~1 l1~t~b '~~1~a ~a ~~~ ~~''ll~ ~"IM ~A~T ~ki~ #he7~'+b~~'~ d~T ~~.~. ~Itti~~i #i i!r 1i~1~ t~t~cs!- ~~~~re `Ofd ~ell.~ctqu~ h per; as .e-a ± ~+r~~oa~ after r ~~ D~-~~ +~~' w~~rol., ad~i~-lat~ra#3~za ~d ~aa~g~n~ vt ~ha Baia Ed~~am prDr~~sd, the ~~os+~ r~a7~1 atde~ ~ ~"r~r#errs a ~s~# ~,. ~~' ~aa~u~a-t ~ as ~a~a "by ~~+~ E~~ae~a-x~~ r D~Q~a, t~f a~~. ~ra~yr ~*ee+~-~yed aa4 •~e4sfl ~+~' '4~~- Caa~,as~,m~t - i~h+r #X ~ A~ i ~#~+~~ a~-+~1 a~Mta~ ~-~" ~h~ as~~ .tea 5~.+~r'6ri~a ~q~~~ attd of all #~ a+~~~t ~;- # ~~~a~ lua~'~~ ;~~+~~ ~aa~sai~l+t~ ~~s~t~-~s- ~-g the ~~ cif ~~~ ~-diGtia~a*~It-. '~~a~ aa~ ~ne-aa,ti~~ '~It~-r~t+~t ~ ~ ~s~~:a~;, ~~ ~wi~her "~ ah+Ntl~, pay'' '~!~ '~~ o~~te~ r~, #~l.~ ~ g~~-~! +~~' 'I~i~ ~ 3~ } Qa9s> f~ ~ha s+a~3.~[ da1~a ~~ e~~ of ~artewar~~: a~q- ~d aid. .,ors std c~~~ug the c-~har pert~r* m~ dh+b~l'~ i ''~~~~ ;~~_ ~o+aira# t ~naas~#~ N'~h the ~afs~ ~~" lihs aaH d~~~~ ~"lso#ario y'st1~t s~-s3.1 'ba ~ald~r ~-~- ~` tae ~~a ~-~ ~re-a~r~'aa~~ ~'h~- ~ ~e~-s X11 1e~a +~ end a~ ~~ e+~t-~i~ ae~~~a~t .ex~@ ~~~a~t ~~` 1th1r s~-3d ~g B~-~r~~'"~0 ~Sya~~t ~ s~ '~!! ~~' Tra~att ,~rae ~ ~+a-sa~,~ ~~11 ®~~to ~~ta a~ra1~ at-+r~~d~#o~ _: yn nary ~~~®~ "l}, p~+ra~ling~ in whiQh ~'~'~; ~~+Ox~ d+~~ •h~l.~. bt "~iw ~~~~- ~f r+rl~x~- ~ aua~ dale i~ha Tr~a~~-+~a shall h~ re~apca~-abls ft~r ohs •a1d system ~~ ee~-~~~.i;~g ~~~y ~~€ + Wised i,a~s~d-sA ~~ `be a a~.l ~~~ 1~~~-i1~.1~T aa~ c~bl~,ga~~cs~ ~,n ; ~~~ ert~itb a~a ~shsll st sly is t~ers+~f~er ~~ aad a~~ ha~l~se the ~+~rlc~a t~-ex~~-~ar!ae-~ ~a~ ~e C~flmm~as~au ~~, tx~+ ~; ire 4.ae + R# #~~ he~aat#~-r v~~~~ enrsx~r ~eas~-amble ~~qu~-at e~ ~~ a E 4 •~+~,~ •~M~! ~F #-b# T~~+~~~ •]~4i~~i ~-~i~ d#~1.~1r•~ ail ~~#~ std ~#~ d4~t~~t ~~~~~~r ~. de ~r ~-~r~r 1w- ~ dvxr~ a~-1 f ad~a aid ~~~~ ~'+~;~ ~ ~~.~~ d ~ 'sa~~-' oos~~g'~t~ ~d a~as> +` aid ~t~'e~~r the l-~t~c+rr ~~~~'~ "~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ jai ~' Oh#:~ ~1~1~#'~- ~~ ~`~~" Mid! ~~M ~d ~`~ ~~" '~~ '~'~I~i~~ $ iii ~~~ aa~e$~r daa +az P~'''a~~-a ~per~t ar u~dar ~~yr ~a~c~tr~~#t rig~-~,~ ar~~~rr +~r tb:~~Ag ~~~~in aam~+r~-r~t a~ ~~t+~~d+~d ~~ ~o ba; t-s ~a~ i~t~, ~-b~ai~~ j?h'~1iQ'~ ~t~ r1~1'~r~~F ltx~t~t ~~~bt ~~~##~ 40~i~~~ ~Rttl~ !13" '~~L~~~ ~~ a~-m~~n~sr p~4aes~t~ a~ ~+~-t~t~d ~~l e~~id~+r ax ~thur la~-1 pro~aod3~gs ~auehn~ asy a~a~ o~ ~a i~t'~aP1-~br~~ ~~- aa~r s~xceh ac~taas or ~-~c~~+~~dlagt~ !0 4d~t~rt, a+~~~ls yr von~pr~,~s~r ~Y' a~tioxts, la~-,1 p~eaaa~dinga• dab'k~a, ~~~ ~-t ~i~~~~.M#~~ air a~hi ~-; eta ~~ ~~r ~-+~, ~`~~t ~ x~aa~ •aeu~i~y; at~d ~~ gfT.~ ~. ~~~~ Mid ~7~~~F~~ ~~~.~~~.. ~~~~~~ ~'~ ~~'~~~'~ ~1U ~/IA~i~~ ~~" 5 f ~e~rt~a~io~ ~~ssrr~i~h~ ~-d ~'~~~ s~~ asd a-~r~t~r ~~ ~~11~t ~~~~~~r~~ fs~~ ~t~h p~tp~r~r ~a~ f+a~ +~~ #~s +~erf~-~~-u ~ta+~lt rt_ E +~~ ~~d do,, aid th# t~~a~s~-~n ~ra~tr rat~~t-a~-, ~ aox~#~- ~~~ '~~~~ ~~e paid +~t~#l~~~r +~s r lair#i~~~t~+~ a~.l la~rt~.~.~ d~ ~ ~5~ ~~s t~~~a~a~ eb~s~~ ~~~.iTS~ ~ tht us~4~as +wtl a®~z~+-at#an th+~rvwitl~• a~~ sha~1 g~t~rAia~~i ail r~ta+~~~aablrr ~formaiiaxi ~~- +~ ~~~•rs,r ~-s ~r~ the ~t !~~ ~~ ~~-' ~+- ~~-~ ~t~~ ar,~~~ss~ amt ~~~t ~` dttta~#~r +r •a ~#~# fi~~ ~~-rt+~+~~r epars~r om #~ ~i~ 'Mw~~~eers ~-~-d ,~,~.~[a~r- o +~~#`Qr~s ~~~ ~atd +to~ser~s s~ +~~~+rs~i~r~l~ ~-s~ t ~sar<#~an ~~~+~~,~' t~uid ffi~'1~M . d~~A' ~- i • +v~w ~,~~, Thy ~1~~ l~~~tA~~o r~i3~~. +~nd+w-r-anx #. 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