HomeMy WebLinkAbout1004,, j~ , ~~ B- 6 BY-LAW N0.-/~.y A ppby--/Ilaw to provide for the total expenditure on roads in the township of ., ...___... _.. _ ~~!.~.~._._... ... , _.._.._,. _.. _..__ ._ ,.._.. _....._. ....... __ ..... ,..._....,_._...rluring the year 1 9 3 !o . WI~REAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 54, R.S.O., 197 and amend- ments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be pro- vided for annually by township by-law. THEREFORE the council of the municipal corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of ~ l_~c~uo °_°_..is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance on the roads in the said township during the year 1936 as follows: Road Construe tion.__ _._._... ae ..__..._ ..~._...._..J`~_~.CJ_p.,_ _____..__.. _..~._ M.._,..,.....____.._..._..._ d~ Bridge Construction,.._....___._..._..........__.....~....._..~.U~1 a .__..___..w_......__..__,...._......~,.....~......_._._..._.. Machinery _.~....._...__._......__-____...._........._......_..,_..._~....,._......~'aQ...°°__...,.._-_..._...._..._...._.__....._._._...._.........._..._ Superintendence..._..._. __...._.._ .____._.._ .~_.._._...(,_U_.0_o0 Maintenance ~. Repair __,__,, ~ 3 SQU~!" .,~,._~.. Total Estimated Expenditure ~ ~3 uuU.~~ (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the last re- vised regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit this by-law in duplicate to the Deputy Minister, Department of High~aays, for approval on or before Tanuary 31st of .the present year. Passed at....._ ... .. ., this....l_~._~, ...da of___~~,.._._ A. D., 193 L. (SEAL ) (~ Clerk Reeve ~~~~~~~ I,.__._.._~ ..... . ........ ....... ....._.... .._ m_.._Clerk of the corporation of the township of ~." ._. _. _ . .__..... .._...._ _......~...~Anr~~¢,......... .._....... ..._. _. _ ....._... _..._... do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No...~~~ ~'.._.,passed by the council of the said corporation on the ...~P.~~rvt4yl?~........._._.day of... _..~'~~u~:. _...._ _........193.~t. Township Clerk.