HomeMy WebLinkAbout1005FORM B-18 ~:~,-~ BY-h~VV N0.~00 A BY-Lri4~ t~PPOINTIPJG A ROAD SUPERintentendent IN THE TOl~`~lTTSHIP OF,_,_,_ VL"-' G~~C.~. IN THE COUTdTY OE.,..12!,~~~~~L~L ~!.:L;~_ WfiEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads vaithin the exclusive jurisdiction of this township should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting under the direction of this council. AiTD VJI~RExS it is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highway Iriprovernent nct and to receive the Government grant as pro- vided in Sections 44, 46 and 48 of the said Act,. BE IT TI~REFORE EIdnC^1ED by the Municipal council of the corporation of the said township and it~ios here~'by, en~ac/ted: 1~ ~j ~f~ /~ (name) (address) is appointed road superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Section 44 of the said Act from the and during the pleasure of the said council. 2. T&~T the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of ~~ ~-•~~ - - ~..~_.n%r_per._,_~~~!~.,_.,,for such time as he may be so employed, 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and super- vise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the township council and to conform to such general regulations as the Dehartraent of Highway-s racy prescribe. 4. THnT all by-lavas or parts thereof and all or any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby ,.h+z L: wL''J41 iMii repealed. ~ouEa 5. TH~~T a certified copy of t11is by-law be forwarded by the clerlt without P delay to the deputy minister, Department of Highvrays, Toronto. REnD ri TIiIRD TIC _i~~D FnSSED Tl-IIS._......~/~ ,,..day of.~--~"_^...~.....193.5¢ (S~) C~l~rh Reeve L.,_,_._~ .~~~t~ Clerk of the c orporati on of the township __._-- of_.__._~~d~':~~_.._,.._.~..._._..._.._.do copy of By-law N 10...._.~~_.passed by hereby certif~r t the council of hat the the said foregoing is a true cor;.~ora~tion on the w~-'r,_~,f ~y k~' f" _.._._.._~_. day of _~-..(~ ._-193-....~. Town Clerk -_..,.,._,-,-...