HomeMy WebLinkAbout1036A By-law to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke take ef~'eet an th® appolntrrent off' his successor; BTU WI~1~AS it is deazued advisable c~nd expedient .that the offices of Clerk and' 1`res:surer should eant,nuc~ to be corubined in cane official; I~TOV `.CHEREFORE THE ~U1VIGzrk~ CQUNGIL Gl' THE GURYO~:~TION ilk' THE: TOYiT3~H~1' Ql' C~ARKE hereby emote ,.that . /a}USe ~'~ ,~~ .11~e.Z1.o"L of the '`~i.~aage of Orono iri the said Township of Glarke, ~ e.lill-E-' 1~~.C+~11. , be and. he is hereby appointed Clark and 1~'reaburer of the ~~unicsip~l Council of the Corporation of the TawnBhip of Clarke ~.n ~ucesssiori to t1~e said Albert J• Maples; that he shall have an office in the-said Village of Orono for the carrying an of his duties s~ Clerk and Treasurer; and that he shall be paid tha sum of ~ ~ ~,`,~~~ llollars r,~.~-~.. ~, per annum,, payable quarterly, the said ~~.unlai~al Council to pravi~e ~'or him a suitable offiLe Par tr:e earrying on of his duties as Clerk and Treasurer and to pray all premiums on whatever bond the~T req~xire him as Treasurer to sc~,pply; and further that all by-laws or parts of by-laws contrary to or iziconsistent with the provisions of this by-law be and they are hereby r®healed. ....... .... ........ ierk Ree BST-law i~?o . ~ ~ 3 ~. . `, A ~3y-law to appoint a Clerk and Treasurer of the ,unicipal Council of the Corp oration of the rT'ownship of Clarks . Passed ........ ..:?3......... 1939. VrI~ERE1'i.S Albert J. ;staples who has for sor~.e years been Clerk and Treasurer of the said Y~~~unicipal Council has tendered his resignation which the said i~'unicipal Council hereby accepts to take effect on the appointment of his successor; AND VVHEF~.,;AS it is deemed advisable and expedient that the offices of CLerk and 'T'reasurer should continue to be combined iri, o>ne official; i~OV~ 'T'HEREFORE 1'HE ~UI~?ICIFA~L COUNCID CF THE CGi~PO~.`T'ION 4l' TH:~ 'T'OYb'NSHIF Ol' CLhRKE hereby enacts that ~~~~, L~ ~~~~~ of the ~'~illage of Orono in '"'~ _ _ , the said `T'ownship of Clarke, be and he is hereby appointed Clerk and 1'reasursr of tl~e run.icipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke in succession to tree said a.Lbert J. Staples; that he shall have an office in the said Village of Orono for the carrying on of his duties as Clerk anal Treasurer ; and that he shall be -paid the sum of Dollars per annum, payable quarterly, the said r:unci;~a1 Council to provide for him a suitable office for tree carrying on of his duties as Clerk and Treasurer and to pay all premiums on whatever bond they require hits. as ~i'rea:urer to supply; and further that all by-laws or parts of by-laws contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law be and they are hereby repealed. ~..~...._. ~c ~ /C-~ccrrrl, Cler Reeve ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~