HomeMy WebLinkAbout1063A By-law appointing a Road Superintendent in the Township of Carke in the County of Durham. FORT~4 8-18 BY-LA~~J PT0.~4_G.3 A BY-LAW APPOIIdTIT1G A ROAD SUPERITdTETTDEITT IDT THE TOVi1i~TSHIP OF__.......__.. IN THE COUI~?TY OF...........7.5.-~~ ...................................... WHEREAS it is desirable that the la~rir~; out and supervision of all work ' and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads vrithin the exclusive jurie- diction of this tovrnship should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting under the direction of this council. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highvray Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in R.S.O., 1937, Chapter 56, Sections 45, 47 and 49. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal council of the corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted: ~ ~' 1. THAT ..............................~'..: ..... ........_.................... ._......._...........,................_.........._....................... ~......:..........................._................ .... (name) (address) ' is appointed road superintendent in the said tovrnship to act as aforesaid in accord- h provisions of the ance with t e said Section 45 of the said Act from the ,; ~ ~ ........._......._.........._Tit,:.y.."" .........................................................._.................. ...... .. day of ... ........... ......... ...............r~......_..............._...... ........_...._........._............__....,....................,...._..,. 19.5~.~._.. and during the pleasLSe of the said council. 2. THAT the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of ~ ._,.,....~:,,~...;Cs~~L,'.„.,,,,,___. per.....___„~r,:±w... ..........................for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the dut~r of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all worlc and e~:penditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the tovrnship council and to conform to such general regulations as the Department of Highways may prescribe. 4. THAT all by-•latias or parts thereof and all or alzy resolutions of said couilcii contrary hereto cr inconsiste:Zt herevrith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 5. THAT a certified copy of this by-law be forvrarded by the clerk without delay to the Municipal Roads .Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS ..................._......... day of ....._....._....................................... i9~~F...l. ( SEAL ) ......... _....._........._,... ..............CLERK ...... ....................................................... .............._..............._...._._,..........._..._....... REEVE I, ............................._..................................................._.............................................Olerk of the corporation of the township of.........._... ...................__.....i......,...............................................................................do hereb~~ certify that the foregoing .is a true cop~r of By-law DTo, ......,~.G~.~*_...~ .................... passed b~J the council of the said corporation on the ..:.......................................................... da~r of......................:............:..................................._......... 19GF.,I._..... ....................................._.._..~~-~-~..:.:r..:................_............_:......................_...._ ~OtiYNSHIP CLERK