HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20-2020Clarington If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Council Minutes Date: January 20, 2020 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Present Were: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor R. Hooper, Councillor J. Jones, Councillor J. Neal, Councillor C. Traill until 9:10 PM, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: A. Allison, G. Acorn, S. Brake, R. Maciver, M. Marano, T. Pinn, G. Weir, A. Greentree M. Chambers 1. Call to Order Mayor Foster called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. Moment of Reflection Councillor Zwart led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 3. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Zwart recited the land acknowledgement statement. 4. Declaration of Interest Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in Item 21 of the General Government Committee Report, Memo from Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, regarding Correspondence Item 10.1 and Item 3 of General Government Report Dated November 4, 2019 - Report CLD -023-19 Regarding Taxicab Drivers Licence Application - Appeal. Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Item 2 of the Planning and Development Committee Report PSD -001-20, Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning to Implement the Bowmanville Neighbourhood Character Study. 5. Announcements Members of Council announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 6. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) Crington la January 20, 2020 Council Minutes 6.1 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council dated December 9, 2019 Resolution # C-001-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on December 9, 2019, be approved. Carried 7. Presentations 7.1 Clarington Knights Bantam Football Team - 2019 OFL Champions Mayor Foster presented Certificates of Recognition to the following members of the Clarington Knights Bantam Football Team for winning 2019 OFL Championship: Liam Loisel, Austin Hopmans, Noah James, Christiano Ciancone, Matt Seiffert, Luke Pennie, Aiden Mcmillan, Carter Hardy, George Tzinis, Jean - Sebastian Baril, Liam Anderson, Michael Dennis-Beamish, Ryland Thomson, Trentin Richardson, Owen Belfry, Oliver Sottile, Logan Woolsey, Ashley Lalonde, Sheri Stil, Team Manager, Shane James, Head Coach, Dale James, Coach, Scott Williamson, Coach, Noah Kowch, Junior Coach and Connor Hume, Junior Coach. Mayor Foster also recognized Jean -Francois Baril, Coach, Aiden Taylor, Cody O'Hara, Junior Coach and Evan James, Junior Coach who were not in attendance. 8. Delegations 8.1 Sarah Delicate regarding United Shorelines Ontario (USO) Information Session (Item 19 of the General Government Committee Report) Sarah Delicate was present regarding United Shorelines Ontario (USO) Information Session (Item 19 of the General Government Committee Report). She made a verbal presentation to accompany an electronic presentation. Ms. Delicate noted she was present to discuss the upcoming USO information session event taking place in the Region of Durham. She highlighted some of the key facts related to Plan 2014. Ms. Delicate provided a comparison with a graph of the Old Plan (1958DD) and the New Plan 2014. She noted that there has been a change to 4 feet to 7 feet range in additional to 1/2 to 2 meter waves. Ms. Delicate explained that there are three major areas of concern including the trigger levels, the F -Limit and the L -Limit. She explained the trigger levels do not allow for enough time to avoid disaster. Ms. Delicate noted that the F -Limit does not have an even distribution and there is a hard stop for Montreal and not Lake Ontario. She reviewed the L -Limit and how it relates to the shipping industry and protect other stakeholders and are not balanced. Ms. Delicate expressed the importance of the criteria in H14 and reviewed the past and projected outflows from 2017 to 2019. Crington la January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Resolution # C-002-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to the delegation of Sarah Delicate for an additional two minutes. Carried Ms. Delicate continued by reviewing the United Shoreline asks. Ms. Delicate concluded by asking the Municipality of Clarington to join Ajax in hosting the High Water/ Flood talks being held on January 30, 2020, which includes Clarington's name being used in marking and outreach. She also asked that the Clarington Emergency Services and Operations present a 10-15 minute presentation on Emergency Management. Ms. Delicate answered questions from the Members of Council. Alter the Agenda Resolution # C-003-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 19 of the General Government Committee Report - United Shorelines Ontario (USO) Information Session, at this time. Carried 8.2 General Government Committee Report - Item 19 - United Shorelines Ontario (USO) Information Session Resolution # C-004-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That Clarington issue a media advisory regarding the USO information session being held at the Audley Recreation Centre, 1900 Audley Road, Ajax, Ontario, from 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM on January 30, 2020 to express its supports for the information session to as an Ontario Shoreline Municipality affected by flooding; That the event details be shared on the Municipal calendar; and That Fire & Emergency Services make a short presentation at the information session on flood response. Carried 3 Crington la January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Alter the Agenda Resolution # C-005-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 17 of the General Government Committee Report regarding Street Naming, at this time. Carried 8.3 General Government Committee Report - Item 17 - Street Naming Resolution # C-006-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Zwart Whereas the Price family has contributed significantly to Clarington, starting with James Sydney Price who received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal for his service in World War 1; Whereas the Price family has been farming in Bowmanville since 1931 and Price's Country Market vegetable stand and farm has been a staple in east Bowmanville for the past 30 years; Whereas the Price family has donated vegetables, decorations, flowers and Christmas trees to Bowmanville churches, local schools, and donated pumpkins to the Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic for its fundraising for the Farley Foundation which helps other-abled people with payment of veterinary bills the Bowmanville Museum the Bowmanville Legion, and sponsored Concerts in the Park; and Whereas, with Phyllis Price having been a teacher in Clarington for thirty years, the Price family also provided school tours to local school children to teach young people about the importance of farming and growing local; Now therefore be it resolved that: In recognition of the contributions of the Price family, Clarington waive its street -naming by-law to allow a new street to be named "Price", with proximity to Price's Market being the primary consideration when selecting a street; 2. The Price family be advised of Committee's decision; and 3. Recognition of Terry Price and his family's contributions be made at the ratification of this Motion, if passed. Carried 12 Clam Recess Resolution # C-007-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Neal That the Council recess for 2 minutes. Carried January 20, 2020 Council Minutes The meeting reconvened at 7:53 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 9. Communications — Receive for Information 9.1 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal - Decision and Order of the Board regarding Part of Lot 33, Concession 2 Resolution # C-008-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Communication Item 9.1 be received for information. Carried 10. Communications — Direction Councillor Traill rose on a point of order claiming there was a breach of the Procedural By-law with respect to the Clerk not adding two correspondence items proposed amendments to Provincial Policy Statement. At the request of the Chair, the Municipal Clerk responded to Councillor Traill and Mayor Foster ruled there was no breach of the Procedural By-law. Councillor Traill immediately appealed the ruling of the chair. The question "Will the ruling be sustained?" was put to a vote. The ruling of the Chair was sustained on the following recorded vote: Yes (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Zwart No (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Traill Carried on a recorded vote (4 to 3) Suspend the Rules Resolution # C-009-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to add two additional correspondence items to the Agenda. Carried 5 ClaringtonJanuary 20, 2020 Council Minutes Resolution # C-010-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the correspondence dated September 17, 2019 to Minister Clark from Mayor Foster regarding proposed amendments to provincial policy statement and the response from Minister Clark received on January 10, 2020 be added to the Agenda as items 10.4 and 10.5 respectively. Yes (6): Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill and Councillor Zwart No (1): Mayor Foster Carried on a recorded vote Later in the Meeting, see following motion (6 to 1) Recess Resolution # C-011-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Council recess for 2 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:18 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. The foregoing Resolution #C-010-20 was then put to a vote and carried. 10.1 Memo from the Acting Director of Planning regarding the Street Naming Request — Terry Price (Item 17 of the General Government Committee Report) The Memo from the Acting Director of Planning regarding the Street Naming Request — Terry Price, was considered earlier in the meeting. 10.2 Memo from the Acting Director of Operations regarding Contracting Out of Snow Plow Routes 10.3 Memo from the Director of Finance/Treasurer regarding CBOT Funding Per Capita Resolution # C-012-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Items 10.2 and 10.3, be approved on consent as follows: That Memo from the Acting Director of Operation regarding Contracting Out of Snow Plow Routes, be referred to the consideration of Item 10 of the General Government Committee Report; and A Clam January 20, 2020 Council Minutes That Memo from the Director of Finance/Treasurer, regarding CBOT Funding Per Capita, be referred to the consideration of Items 2 and 16 of the General Government Committee Report. Carried 10.4 Letter from the Mayor to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated September 17, 2019 Resolution # C-013-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Correspondence Item 10.4 from Mayor Foster to Minister Clark, dated September 17, 2019 regarding Proposed Amendments to Provincial Policy Statement, be received for information. Carried 10.5 Response from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Resolution # C-014-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That Correspondence Item 10.5 from the Minister of Affairs and Housing, be referred to the February 24, 2020 Planning and Development Committee meeting; and That Staff report back on the additional lands included in the Environmentally Protected (EP) areas by the Municipality that were not required by the Province to be identified as EP. Yes (7): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, Councillor Traill, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (7 to 0) Recess Resolution # C-015-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Traill That the Council recess for five minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 9:04 PM with Mayor Foster in the Chair. 11. Committee Reports 11.1 Advisory Committee Reports 11.1.1 Minutes of the Newcastle Arena Board dated December 10, 2019 7 Clarington January 20, 2020 Council Minutes 11.1.2 Minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee dated December 12, 2019 11.1.3 Minutes of the Clarington Affordable Housing Task Force dated November 19, 2019 11.1.5 Minutes of the Clarington Museum and Archives Board dated December 11, 2019 Resolution # C-016-20 Moved by Councillor Jones Seconded by Councillor Neal That Advisory Committee Report Items 11.1.1 to 11.1.5, be approved with the exception of Item 11.1.4. Carried 11.1.4 Minutes of the Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee dated December 16, 2019 Resolution # C-017-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 11.1.4, Minutes of the Clarington Tourism Advisory Committee dated December 16, 2019, be approved. Carried 11.2 General Government Committee Report of January 6, 2020 Resolution # C-018-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Traill That the recommendations contained in the General Government Committee Report of January 6, 2020 be approved on consent, with the exception of items 6, 21, 8, 10, 20 and 19 and 17 which were considered earlier in the meeting. Carried Clam January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Item 6 -Myles Brandt, President & General Manager, Canadian Tire Motorsport Park, Regarding Flyby Approval Request Resolution # C-019-20 Moved by Councillor Traill Seconded by Councillor Hooper That the Municipality of Clarington send letters of support for a flyby by Canadian Armed Forces aircraft as low as 500 feet, for the following events at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park for transit, practice and shows: Castrol Victoria Day SpeedFest - May 17, 2020, Mobil 1 SportsCar Grand Prix - July 5, 2020, Chevrolet Silverado 250 - September 6, 2020. Yes (4): Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Hooper, and Councillor Traill No (3): Councillor Jones, Councillor Neal, and Councillor Zwart Carried on a recorded vote (4 to 3) Item 21 - Memo from Anne Greentree, Municipal Clerk, regarding Correspondence Item 10.1 and Item 3 of General Government Report Dated November 4, 2019- Report CLD -023-19 Regarding Taxicab Drivers Licence Application — Appeal Councillor Hooper declared a direct interest in Item 21 of the General Government Committee Report as the applicant is a former employee of his personal business. Councillor Hooper left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution # C-020-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Confidential Report CLD -023-19 be received; That the application for a taxi driver licence, submitted by Sandra MacDonald, be denied; and That all interested parties listed in Report CLD -023-19 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried Councillor Hooper returned to the meeting. Councillor Traill left the meeting. 9 Clam January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Item 8 - Amelia Humphries, City Clerk, City of Woodstock, regarding Ban of Single -Use Plastic Handled Shopping Bags Resolution # C-021-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Communication Item 10.6, Amelia Humphries, City Clerk, City of Woodstock, regarding Ban of Single -Use Plastic Handled Shopping Bags, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington. Carried Item 10 - Contracting Out of Snow Plow Routes Resolution # C-022-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report OPD -001-20 be received; That Council approve, as requested in the 2019 Capital Budget submission, the purchase of two additional single axle combination plow trucks that are to be 90% funded through development charges; and That staff be directed to issue a tender as soon as possible requiring that two pieces of equipment be provided on November 1, 2020; and add additional routes to the contract each year as existing combination snow plow trucks reach the end of their service life and are scheduled for replacement. Carried Item 20 - Miscellaneous Catch Basin and Maintenance Hole Repairs Resolution # C-023-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That Report COD -023-19 be received; That Coco Paving Inc. having satisfactorily completed the initial one year term as approved in Resolution #C-047-19 (Attachment #1), with an annual bid in the amount of $133,032.00 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2018-33 be awarded the contract for a second one year term, as required by the Operations Department; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $139,683.00 (Net HST Rebate) which includes the construction cost of $133,032.00 (Net HST Rebate) and contingency cost of $6,651.00 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: 10 Clarftwn Description Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc Engineering Pavement Rehab Account Number 100-36-380-10245-7163 110-32-330-83212-7401 January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Amount $77,000 $62,683 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -023-19, and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Motion Lost Resolution # C-024-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That Report COD -023-19 be received; That Coco Paving Inc. having satisfactorily completed the initial one year term as approved in Resolution #C-047-19 (Attachment #1), with an annual bid in the amount of $133,032.00 (Net HST Rebate) being the lowest compliant bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2018-33 be awarded the contract for a second one year term, as required by the Operations Department; That pending satisfactory performance and the Operations Department confirmation following an internal work assessment the Purchasing Manager, in consultation with the Director of Operations, be given the authority to extend the contract for this service for up to two additional one year terms; That the funds required for this project in the amount of $139,683.00 (Net HST Rebate) which includes the construction cost of $133,032.00 (Net HST Rebate) and contingency cost of $6,651.00 (Net HST Rebate) be funded by the Municipality as follows: Description Account Number Amount Catch Basin/Sewer Mntnc 100-36-380-10245-7163 $77,000 Engineering Pavement Rehab 110-32-330-83212-7401 $62,683 That all interested parties listed in Report COD -023-19, and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 11 ClaringtonJanuary 20, 2020 Council Minutes 11.3 Special General Government Committee Report of January 10, 2020 Resolution # C-025-20 Moved by Councillor Zwart Seconded by Councillor Neal That the recommendations contained in the Special General Government Committee Report of January 10, 2020, be approved on consent. Carried 11.4 Planning and Development Committee Report of January 13, 2020 Resolution # C-026-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Jones That the recommendations contained in the Planning and Development Committee Report of January 13, 2020 be approved on consent, with the exception of Item 2. Carried Item 2 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning to Implement the Bowmanville Neighbourhood Character Study Councillor Neal declared an indirect interest in Item 2 of the Planning and Development Committee Report, as it relates to his law practice. Councillor Neal left the room and refrained from discussion and voting on this matter. Resolution # C-027-20 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Hooper That Report PSD -001-20 be received; That the final recommendations of the Bowmanville Neighbourhood Character Study be received for information; That the recommendations contained in Section 6.3.1 relating to Trees be forwarded to the Operations Department for consideration; That the recommendations contained in Section 6.3.2 relating to Heritage be forwarded to the Clarington Heritage Committee for consideration; That the proposed applications for an Official Plan Amendment COPA2019-0002 and Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA2019-0019 continue to be processed including the preparation of a subsequent report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -001-20 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. Carried 12 Clam Councillor Neal returned to the meeting. 12. Staff Reports None 13. Business Arising from Procedural Notice of Motion None 14. Unfinished Business None 15. By-laws Resolution # C-028-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson January 20, 2020 Council Minutes That leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2020-001 to 2020-002: 15.1 2020-001 - Being a By-law to Authorize the Borrowing of $15,000,000 to Meet, Until the Taxes are Collected, the Current Expenditures of the Municipality for the Year 2020 15.2 2020-002 - Being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; and That the said by-laws be approved. Carried 16. Procedural Notices of Motion None 17. Other Business 17.1 Memo from the Acting Director of Planning regarding a Request from Tornat Newcastle Limited for an Exemption from the Two Year Freeze on Submitting a Minor Variance Application Relating to a Site Specific Zoning By-law Amendment Resolution # C-029-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson Whereas on November 20, 2018, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal approved a Zoning By-law Amendment for lands owned by Tornat Newcastle Limited, on the north side of King Avenue, Newcastle, generally between Ruddell Road and Pedwell Street, and placed these lands in the (H)R4-42 and (H)C1-64 Zones; and 13 Clam January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Whereas Tornat Newcastle Limited wishes to apply for minor variances to permit a mix of land uses including low and mid -rise apartments, townhouses and a mixed -used building; and Whereas subsections 45(1.2), 45(1.3) and 45(1.4) of the Planning Act prohibit Tornat Newcastle Limited from requesting a minor variance to Zoning By-law 84- 63, as amended, before the second anniversary of the first day that the site specific amendments came into effect unless Council has declared by resolution that such a request is permitted: and Whereas Council wishes to permit Tornat Newcastle Limited to make a Minor Variance application respecting their property Now therefore be it resolved that, Council hereby permits Tornat Newcastle Limited to file an application requesting minor variances to permit a mix of land uses including low and mid -rise apartments, townhouses and a mixed -used building; and 2. By granting permission to Tornat Newcastle Limits to apply for minor variances, Council is in no way expressing any opinion regarding the planning merits of the application or any related application. Carried 18. Confirming By -Law Resolution # C-030-20 Moved by Councillor Hooper Seconded by Councillor Anderson That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2020-003, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of January, 2020; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 14 Clarkwwo 19. Adjournment Resolution # C-031-20 Moved by Councillor Neal Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the meeting adjourn at 9:40 PM. Carried 15 January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Mur(icipal Clerk Y 4��* M -or 15 January 20, 2020 Council Minutes Mur(icipal Clerk