HomeMy WebLinkAbout1069A By-law to provide for the Corporation's consent to the Bell Telephone Company of Canada constructing its lines upon the highways, streets, bridges and other public places of the Corporation, and to authorize the Township Road Superintendent to supervise and approve the construction of such lines. ,~ .. ..~.w ~„ `['f~.ati purquant to the provitiians of Section X73 ~~~ of the Ha~.l~ray Act ~.i~C. 1327, Chapter 17(?,. the s~xid Cc~rporatc~n herby cansan:ts to the construct~.can by* :Che ~3e~.:.. 't'elephone Company of Canada crf alb. lines of telephone and telephone plant hereto-fare can~tructect upont slang,, across or under the highways squares, bridges and publ.~c; places within. the said Township of Clarl~e cover which the said Corporation has ~uri,sdict~.on in the lpcation anal in the manner in which the same have been ~aonstructsd. 2» That pursue.nt to the provisions of Section. 373 (2~ of the I~ail~- way AGt, ~.S.Cx l~~'7, Chapter 174y The sa~.d Corporation. hereby . consents to the ccanstructian b;~ ~."txe k~a1.i. Telephone Ctr~npany of Canada $rom time to time hereafter of a1.1, such 11.ne or ~.ines of te~,e~ahane s.s 3.t requ~.ras for ~:~he purposes of its busina,ss upan~ a.lang, across car ~raxzder any or a.il a£ the hig,hvrays, 3nuares, bre3.~;as, sir publ~.c places within the said. Tcawnsh.ip under the jurisdiction oi' This Corporatian~ provid~a~, howevery ~tx~:~t t~xe eonstruc:tion. of a~.l suoh dines anc3. p~..ant by The I3e"11 Telephone L~omps.ny of ~ana,da shall be done in accordance with the said. Camrxny~s standards of canstructQn ~`~ from time to time rx .force and ef~`ect~ sand prov:~aed further tY'~at the location c~i" .all such telephone lines and plant hereafteY~ con- structed, pr a$ existing lines which may herea~'ter be relocated; and thy; opening ~p of streets squares,, bridgR~s or rather such public places far the erection of pales or the carrying of wires under~rourrdi shall be sub.~ect to the supervision of the ~CawnsY,.p C Road Superintendent of ~h.e Cc+rpQration fr~am t~,rne tai .time being, whose writtex7. approval of locations of lines and whale certifieates . es tc~ supervis~.on shall be val~.d and binding upcan the Garpcarat,ic~n, 3. That upon ~atatainin~; th.e consent of the a~,utting l,andowriers, the Company mays with the approval. and uzxder the supervis~.on of .the said T~avwnship Rand 5uperintendent,~ trim all tress ~~rawing c~~~ standing upon the highways of the Corp©raton so as to deep its 13nes and xires free From interferenrte th.$rew3.th~ %; , , i~,.~- t -~_ 1~.. That the Clerk of the said CorAora.tion is hereby authorized and ~~~irected to certify from time to time under the Sear of the Corporation to The Bell ~'elephone Company of Canaci~- the appoint- ment and the name of the Corporstian~s To~~vnship Road Superintendent authorized to act under this By-Law, 5. And be it further enacted that in the avant of the Township Road C©mmission or other properly c;ualified body or person deeming it necessary to request the Company to move, alter ar rearrange its line or lines of telephone and/or other plant for the purpose of widening, improving or relocating a hightkay of the Corporation, or for any other purpose, the To~anhip Road superintendent may give to the said Company an order to do such ~dork as he deeYns necessary, and he may outer Into an agreement withthE~ said Company for the payment of the ~rrhole or any portion of tYze cost of the said work by the Corporation, sand dny such. ~~;reomQnt entered iota by the said. Township F?oad ~ uperintendent sh<~.11 be vs.lid r~~~d fu11_y , binding; upon the said Corporation., provided ths.t the amount of the cost to be borne by the Corporation under the terr~~s of the said ogre:'-- went shall not exceed the sun of x:200.00. I certify the above to be a true copy of a 13y-Law,. duly passed at a regularly convened meeting of the Council of the Corporation of (°.. on the ~.~~ day oft 19 4/, and that the Township Road Superintendent for the said Township of Clarke i s Mr . ~...`~'~%~~ , 1~~1,+-rte 1~ 0 . Tu~n~nsh p Cl.e -. ~~~ c ~~` 11~Q~ +~xtd t'~4t~1~ ri~~ ~t~~~~ 43 ~z~aotls~xt ~~'' ~t~ p~' Ac~~.at~ or oab~4~t - th+~ ~ ~~la~iv~a ~~~' ~i`~.n. ~ha~ rc~rxat~hi~ ~~ Q~Q t~rr lt~ta~ 't~tata~ra- L