HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-x-81 (Report #6)Report # 6 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Mayor Rickard and Members of Council: Re: Base Line Community Centre. Please find attached copy of letter dated February 19 1981 from Grant Robertson, the architect of the proposed Base Line Community Centre. On December 22 1980 Council decided to proceed with the construction of the Centre on the following basis: • Revenue Sale of existing property Interest on funds paid by Ontario Hydro to September 12th 1980 Supplementary Agreement $3 Ontario Hydro C.R.C.A. Grants Expenditures Estimated cost of construction of building Estimated cost of well Professional fees Land transfer and survey $85,000.00 26,768.44 35,000.00 44,125.00 $190.893.44 $139,500.00 5,000.00 11,000.00 1,000.00 $156,500.00 A res olui_ion o £ Council is required to change the Agreement as requested by Mr. Robertson. Respectfully submitted, ~~L __.,.._.._. ~-'"i Joseph M~Ilroy, A.M.C.T. February 16 1981 =~ Town Clerk cc: Mr. David J. D. Sims ~~ ~.~ I`~`~ ~ ' Mayor Garnet B. Rickard r r,. R- ~ ._ 'l'oom of 'ewcastle 40 Temperance Street 3ovrrnanville, Cr.tario L1C 3A6 ' Attention i:~r, J,i.-, :,:cIlroy, _.. ,..C.`~'. Tovrn Clerk February 10,-19£31 Dear ?,?r. I:"cIlro;*, GRANT ROBF_RTSON /ARCHITECT 1 am writing this letter to clarify my ~..~reement with the Corporation of the 1'oran of iieti~rcastle re~-ardin.~ the proposed tease Line Convnunity Centre. i,:y contract, dated June 5th, 1980, eras for a fixed amount of ten thousand eight hundred dollars based on ~i~ of the estimated project cost of one hundred and tvaenty thousand • dollars. In my July F3, 1980 letter I confirmed the estimate ate 123,500.00 without basement. At a subsequent meeting of the Base Line L'ommunity Centre Committee, attenled by :'.ir, Guiler and myself, a motion was passed to include the basement, ti°rhich •woul.d increaae construction cost to ar_ estimated •:a 139,500.00. `Phis estimate was based on tl-:e as~umptior. the project aronld proceed at that time. IIovrever, a delay of eight montls has tal:cn place, i•r?rich i~~ my opinion will increase tl_e estimate an additional 6~;~ to a total of •`a 183,000.00, 1~H th1C 1nC1'eaSO 1:1 ,3COp0 Of lBOr1S l.J F/C 11 OUtF31de my Orl(~irial COntraCt, ti118 letter 19 t0 regU_est a Ci1~..1?e lri OLIr agreement t0 aCCOT~riOdate the nel'r erilar ~;ed SCOpe. 'Phis ~-rould change item 12, 2. 1 of i,he a^~reement as follows: fine percent of i:he ~~ .d--et ooti•nate of or,e hundred and forty- ei~ht tnotaand five ~ z:dred dollars ror a total fixed arno~~-nt of thirteen tho•,aand three lu.ndred and :sixty-five dollar. ^. Sincerel;j, ~ ~ , Grant Robertson, li, Arcn. , 13tAIC Q~~~ rtd 13 1981 fi91CSB~ ~~ t4E'd3CA5iLE .~~nnTAAFNT i (~. ., /7 (, .-i .,