HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-210-89~~ , ~_,-- ,t 3 s ~~: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 6a •35•~~3 REPORT File °•~• ~~~ ~bo•3s•~as Res. #~ By-Law # hEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: TUESDAY, September 5, 1989 REPORT #: PD-210-89 FILE #: 18T-87085 (DEV 88-12); 18T-87086 (DEV 88-13); ZgT~7U$7-(DEV 68-14); 18T-87088 (DEV 88-15) SUB,ECT: BOWMANVILLS NORTH DEVELOPERS GROUP PART LOT3 12, 13, 14, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Coirenittee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-210-89 be received; 2. THAT it is recommended to the Durham Region that Application to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (BOwmanville Urban Area), submitted by Tunney Planning on behalf of the Bowmanville North Developers Group to delete a junior elementary public school designation; delete the "Hazard Land" indications affecting the subject land; introduce a "Local Central Area (LC)"; introduce two "Medium (M)" Density symbols; and restructure the population targets of Neighbourhoods "2A" and "2B" be APPROVED; 3. THAT the Region of Durham and Regional Planning Department be so advised and forwarded a copy of Report PD-210-89; and 4. THAT the interested parties attached hereto be informed of Council's decision. ...2 BVILLE 1 X07 ~~~ S _ _ =. t. a .. • REPORT NO.: PD-210-89 '~. 1. BACRGR00RD: PAGE 2 1.1 In January, 1988, the Town of Newcastle was advised by the Regfon of Durham of an application submitted by the Bowmanville North Developers. Group to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Bowmanville Major Orban Area). The Official Plan Amendment application proposed to combine two (2) existing Neighbourhoods "2B" and "2D" for a combined population of 5900 as opposed to 4200 and 2400 for "2B" and "2D" respectively; eliminate one neighbourhood park and a public junior elementary school; delete the Medium Density symbol and replace it with a High Density symbol; and further the application (see attached Schedule B) proposed to introduce two (2) new Local Central Areas; one in the new "2B" neighbourhood and one in the "2A" neighbourhood. 1.2 The Bowmanville North Developers Group consists of the four (4) developers which have submitted proposed Plans of Subdivision simultaneously to the Official Plan Amendment applications within the area subject to Official Plan Amendment. The subdivision applications were received as follows: 18T-87085 Pat Carruthers Pt.Lt. 13/14, Conc. 2, Bowmanville 18T-8708fi Smith/Carruthers Pt.Lt. 13, Conc. 2, Bowmanville 18T-87087 Treflar Management Pt.Lt. 12, Conc. 2, Bowmanvilie 18T-87089 Oceanfront Devts. Pt.Lt. 13/14, Conc. 2, Bowmanville The necessary rezoning applications to implement the proposed Plans of Subdivision were also submitted. 1.3 The ownership of the subject properties as noted above have changed numerous times since the applications were originally received. The change in ownership however, in most cases also introduced revisions to the proposals which has made it difficult for Staff to deal with these applications in an expeditious manner. This report will not deal with the various revisions which have been reviewed, but rather will outline the latest submissions received. ...3 128 r REPI~RT NO.: PD-210-89 PAGE 3 1.4 (a) Lincoln Holdings Pickering Ltd. is the current applicant of proposed Plan 18T-87085. This plan has been revised and proposes four (4), 15 metre single family dwelling lots; eighteen (18), 12 metre single family dwelling lots; .eleven (11) blocks of street townhouses, each block containg six (6), 6.0 metre minimum frontage lots. The Plan therefore, proposes a total of 110 units. (b) Linmac is the new applicant of proposed Plan 18T-87086. This plan has been revised and now proposes a total of 223 units consisting of 92, 12 metre single family dwelling lots; seventy-nine (79), 15 metre single family dwelling lots; and twenty-six (26), 18 metre semi-detached/link lots. (c) Fram Development Corporation is the present applicant of proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-87087. The most up to date revision proposed one hundred and fifty-two (152), 12 metre minimum frontage single family dwelling lots; twenty-four (24), 13.5 metre single family dwelling lots; fifty-one (51), 15 metre single family dwelling lots; fifty-four (54), 18 metre minimum semi-detached/link lots; street townhouses and a block of townhouses totalling one hundred and fifty-two (152) units; and a 1.443 ha commercial site. The overall total number of units proposed equal 379 units. (d) 806886 Ontario Limited is the latest owner of the lands submitted as application 18T-87089. The most recent revision proposes one hundred and forty-one (141), 12 metre minimum frontage single family dwelling lots; seventeen (17), 15 metre minimum frontage single family dwelling lots; five (5), 18 metre minimum frontage semi-detached/link dwelling lots; and forty-nine (49), 6 metre minimum frontage street townhouse lots. The plan proposes a total of two hundred and seventeen (217) units. 1.5 In consideration of the most recent revisions to the proposed Plans of Subdivision, the Official Plan Amendment will only be considering the following amendments to the Town's present Official Plan: 12 0`9 `~.ZQ ...4 PAGE 4 ~, (a) the introduction of a "Local Central Area.{LC)" in "2Bnf (b) the deletion of a "Junior 8lementary School Site im "2D"; (c) the introduction of a "Medium (M)" density symbol in Neighbourhood "2A".and "2B"; and (d) the deletion of the "Hazard Land" indications in "2A", "2B", and n2Dn, (e) the restructuring of population targets in "2A" and "2B". 2, PDBLIC MEESZNG AND SOBMISSIONS: 2.1 Pursuant to Council resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the Official Plan Amendment and four (4) Zoning By-law Amendment-applications, was installed on the subject lands. In addition, notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. Public Meetings for the said' applications were held April 18, 1988. 2.2 A number of area residents attended the Public Meeting and stated their` concerns to the proposal as originally submitted. The following contains a summary of issues presented at the General Purpose and Administration Meeting: - the deletion of Middle Road and increased traffic on Scugog,Road - the proposed commercial block adjacent to Ontario Hydro lands, too large and too close to the schools - opposed to the proposed High Density development at the Middle Road and Scugog Road intersection requested greater buffering to existing single .family. dwelling units - fear of potential well interference when construction crommences - want a park on west side of Middle Road in order to maintain trees - want homes facing on Scugog Street not reversed frontage - lack of servicing (water and sewer) how will this development affect existing poor pressure - want meeting with applicants and Staff ...5 ~ 2 I 0 _~ _..~~ `_- ~ ,`RFPORT~NO.: PD-210-89 PAGE 5 3. MEETING WITH RESIDENTS: 3.1 A meeting was held with the residents July 18, 1988. The consultant identified all the revisions which had been made at that time to the proposals. This included reinstating Middle Road, reducing the high density to medium density; reducing the size of the commercial at the north end and introducing a park which incorporated part of the woodlot. 3.2 The residents were appreciative of the changes which were made to the proposals and generally felt this to be more acceptable. Concern was still expressed however, at the need for a commercial site adjacent to the Hydro lands and the ability of the existing residents to connect to futures services and at what cost. 3.3 A letter was submitted by the Bowmanville North Ratepayers (B.N.R.), shortly after the meeting, summarizing the concerns outstanding. The letter detailed their concern with regards to services and demanded that the developer be responsible for all costs of connecting existing homes to water and sanitary in the event wells are adversely affected. ' 4. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY: 4.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Residential" with some indications of "Hazard Lands". Residential policies indicate the predominant use of lands so designated shall be for housing purposes. Local Central Areas are permitted to be established within the "Residential" designation subject to Official Plan policies. 4.2 The "Hazard Land" indications refers to lands having physical characteristics such as poor drainage, swamps or other physical condition. These lands shall be generally determined in the local Comprehensive Zoning By-law in consultation with the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. An application for the removal of the development constraints involving lands identified as "Hazard Lands" are subject to Regional Official Plan policies (Section 1.3.4). 121.1 ~~ ...6 REPORT NO.: PD-210-89 PAGE 6 4.3 Within the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (HOwmanville Major IIrban Area) the subject lands are designated "Low Density Residential" with indications of "Hazard Land" and incorporates lands in Neighbourhoods "2A", "2B" and "2D" of Schedule 7-1. The Official Plan Amendment .application as per the latest revision seeks to: a) introduce a "Local Central Area (LC)" designation in Neighbourhood n2Bn. b) introduce a "Medium (M)" density symbol in Neighbourhood "2A" and v2B"f c) delete a "Public Junior Elementary School" in Neighbourhood "2D"; d) delete the "Hazard Land" indications as it affects the subject lands in all three (3) of the neighbourhoods. 4.4 The Town of Newcastle Official Plan policies state that Local Central Areas shall be planned and developed to serve the residential areas delineated on Schedule 7-1. They should develop to a maximum floor space of 5,500 sq.m. and the overall average floor space index shall not exceed 1.25. Additional Local Central Areas may be permitted by amendment to the Official Plan, however, they shall be accompanied. by a retail analysis to justify the need for and to identify the effects of such proposed Local Central Area upon the viability of any existing Central Areas. The zoning by-law shall determine the precise location and boundaries of all Local Central Areas, in developing Central Ateas, the proposal shall be subject to Site Plan approval and consideration will be given to Section (iii). 4.5 Plan policies state that "Low Density Residential".shall not exceed a density of 30 units per net residential. hectare and shall generally locate at .the interior of the residential neighbourhood on local or collector roads. "Medium Density" developments shall have a density greater than 30 and up to 55 unite per net hectare. ...7 X212 ~. REPORT NO.: PD-210-89 PAGE 7 The Newcastle Official Plan policies further state that proposed plans of subdivision are to be in conformity with population targets for the respective neighbourhoods. The neighbourhoods in question "2A", "2B", and "2C" have population targets of 3,000, 4,200 and 2,400 respectively. 4.6 Detailed population calculations have been undertaken for all three (3) neighbourhoods affected by the Official Plan Amendment and related subdivision applications. (i) Neighbourhood '2A' The population target for this neighbourhood is set at 3000 people. It is estimated there is an existing 2000 people within this neighbourhood and an additional approximately 1770 people to be generated through various proposed and approved developmant applications. Should all applications be approved this would bring the neighbourhood population total to approximately 3770 people, 770 above the present target. (ii) Neighbourhood '2B' The population target for this neighbourhood is forcasted to be 4200 people. This area is predominantly agricultural at the present time and an existing population is relatively insignificant. Therefore, a review of lands for potential development, proposed and approved development applications only have been considered. Should all proposed developments be approved and any lands which would be subject to application develop at their maximum potential within present policies, the population of neighbourhood '2B' would only be 3095 people as opposed to 4200. (iii) Neighbourhood '2D' The current population target for this neighbourhood is set at 2400 people. This area is partially developed and has an approximate population of 135 people, Proposed applications, if approved, would generate approximately 1735 people. Vacant lands not currently under application could yield an additional 360 people, approximately. This figure is based on the maximum yield given current Official Plan policies and zoning on the land. Therefore, the total potential population would be approximately 2230 people as compared to 2400. u~l~ .."` ...8 R&PORT NO.: FU-210-89 PAGE 8 4.7 In reviewing the population targets with the proposed. total populatioh for each neighbourhood, it is noted that there is a large discrepancy between the figures in neighbourhood '2A' (3000 vs. 3770) and '2B' (4200. vs. 3095). There being a 800 person increase in the former and a 1100 deficit in the latter. This variation is due primarily to the location of the boundary between the two (2) neighbourhoods. The neighbourhoods are separated by a proposed collector road which is eventually to cross the Howmanville Creek and access Regional Road No. 57. The, location of this road has been determined by draft approval of 18T-82037 to the east, however, the actual location would appear to be somewhat north of its designation on the Official Plan. This has in essence compacted the area of '2B' while enlarging the area of '2A'. 4.8 Therefore, although the proposed populations vary from the Newcastle Official Plan targets, adjustments between the two (2) neighbourhood would indicate that the. overall population is closely following-the * stated targets. It is recommended that .population guides within Schedule 7-1 of the Official Plan be amended as follows to reflect the. current situation: '2A' population target 3900 '2B' population target 3300 4.9 A review of the related subdivision applications indicated both 18T-87085 amd 18T-87089 (being located within neighbourhood '2D') propose. medium density developments. Plan 18T-87085 proposes I52 units on 3.979 ha for a net residential density of 38.2 units/ha. Plan 18T-87089 proposes 49 units on 1.035 ha for a net residential density of 47.3 units/ha. These both comply with the "Medium (M)' density policies which permits a density range of 30 - 55 units per net residential ha for this type of development. in addition these proposals do not appear to have an impact on the developability of other lands, nor on the current population target. Therefore, these medium density components appear to comply. .9 1214 REPORT NO.: PD-210-89 5 AGENCY COMMENTS PAGE 9 5.1 In accordance with departmental procedures the Official Plan Amendment and Subdivision applications were circulated to various agencies for input. Through the various revisions which have taken place most of the commenting agencies are satisfied and have been able to resolve any major issues or concerns which had existed. 5.2 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department noted that the proposed developments fall within the response area of Station No. 1 in Bowmanville. However, the continued growth in the Bowmanville area will, in time, put a strain on the level of service which the department will be able to supply the residents. The Town of Newcastle Community Services Department also noted no objection to the principle of development in this area. Community Services Staff are presently negotiating park configuration and location as affecting neighbourhood '2D' and are satisfied with the proposed block in file 18T-87087 subject to standard Town conditions to be addressed through subdivision approval. 5.3 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Staff have not provided detail comments on any of the subject subdivision applications to date. However, Staff have reviewed the 'Northwest Bowmanville Master Drainage Plan' prepared by G. M. Sernas and Associates, and find it to be generally acceptable. Minor revisions and amendments to this plan will be necessary and are required to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department prior to implementation of the said drainage plan. Each development application and its impact on the Master Drainage Plan will be reviewed prior to a report for the individual subdivision proposals. 5.4 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Staff have reviewed the Northwest Bowmanville Area Master Drainage Plan as it pertains to the subject application and find it to be generally to their satisfaction. They too note that minor issues need to be resolved prior to final approval of the various development applications. However, as noted, have no objection to approval of the Official Plan Amendment. which in effect eliminates the 'Hazard Lands' indications from the 'Residential' designation. . 1215 -J~1~CLI ..10 REPORT NO.: PD-210-89 PAGE 10 5.5 The Ministry of Natural Resources Staff's comments noted no objection to the principle of development as proposed through the subject Official Plan Amendment. They do have some resource concerns which need to be addressed prior to subdivision approval. However, they too note no objection to the removal of the 'Hazard Land' indications. Regional Public Works Staff have reviewed the Official Plan Amendment and have no objection in principle, however, they note. that no development can take place until a Servicing Agreement satisfactory to the Region is in place. To date, they are generally satisfied with the servicing plan which has been submitted. 5.6 Both the Public and Separate School Boards have reviewed the Official Plan Amendment application, as well as the various corresponding subdivision proposals and neither board has any objection to the elimination of a designated school site in neighbourhood '2D'. Both school boards have shown interest in acquiring one site only in the vicinity of the '2B and '2D' neighbourhoods, and are satisfied with the sites as proposed. 6 STAFF COMMENTS 6.1 As noted earlier in the report, the Official Plan Amendment deals with the introduction of a 'Local Central Area (LC) and medium density symbols and the elimination of a school site and the 'Hazard Land' indications. 6.2 In reviewing the portion of the application to eliminate the development constraints associated with the 'Hazard Land' indication, it is noted that neither the (bnservation Authority nor the Ministry of Natural Resources have expressed any concern with the proposed deletion. Both agencies are satisfied that the Master Drainage Plan for the North West Bowmanville as submitted by G. M. Sernas and Associates adequately deals with the provision of these lands as associated with the four (4) subdivision proposals. The Master Drainage Plan would appear to satisfy the requirements of the Regional Official Plan, as outlined in Section 1.3.4 in terms of existing and potential impacts and method of overcoming these impacts. 1216 ..11 REPORT NO.: PD-210-89 PAGE 11 6.3 The introduction. of 'medium (M)' density symbols in neighbourhoods '2A' and '2B' to reflect the proposed developments in Plans 18T-87087 appears to comply with the medium density policies of Newcastle Official Plam and. would also be within the adjusted population targets of 3900 and 3300 for neighbourhoods '2A' and '2B' respectively. This proposed amendment would appear to be consistent with the policies of the Durham Region Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Official Plaa as it will allow the introduction of a greater variety of housing types, as well as the possibility of a greater range of housing prices. The medium density proposal also has greater support from neighbouring residents and complies with Town policies requiring a transition of low to medium then high density. 6.4 The proposed elimination of a designated public elementary school site has not zeceived objections from either the Public School Hoard or the Separate School Board. Both school boards have identified one site in either a proposed or approved plan as being sufficient to serve the north-west Bowmanville area. In light of the fact that neither school board has presented any objection to the deletion of a designated site, it would seem feasible to support this aspect of the application. 6.5 (a) The proposed indroduction of a second 'Local Central Area (LC)' designation in neighbourhood '2B' was supported by a 'Market Feasibility Study' prepared for Fram Building Corp. by Marketscope Research of Toronto. The application seeks approval for 4200 mz to 4650 m2 (45,000 sq. ft. to 50,000 sq. ft.) of retail space, with as much as 408 1650 m2 to 1850 m2 (18,000 sq. ft. to 20,000 sq. ft.) of this space being allocated for a grocery store use. (b) The report concludes that Bowmanville is a very under-stored marketplace for both department store type merchandise (DSTM) as well as convenience related goods and services. The subject property would be suitable because of its central location in the new community. The report notes a retail development is not only supportable ih this market but required, and that development of the subject site is not expected to negatively impact any .existing retail business. Furthermore there is sufficient retail potential to support retail uses on this site in addition to the retail site approved9 fo7r L"bert Street north of Meadowview Blvd. (18T-82037). 12 17 .REPORT NOr: PD-210-89 PAGE 12 (c) The report notes that the subject site wouid compete ..directly with. the approved site to the east and the trade areas are expected to overlap. It notes minimal impact from the proposed commercial developments in the Highway No. 2, Regional Road 57 vicinity, as well as from the approved site at Concession and Mearns. The report states that the advantages of two commercial sites include; greater variety of goods offered, shopping availability within a shorter distance for a greater number of people; and traffic reduction in one location. (d) ~e to new applications for commercial development in North-East Howmanville, Staff believe some of the trade areas for the subject and approved Local. Central Area may be reduced in the future. However, an analysis utilizing the revised figures and the formula provided in the report indicates there remains adequate support for the two sites. The report did not detail the impact of the previously proposed commercial site at Scugog Road and Concession Road 3. ('This application however,. has since been withdrawn). it is noted the proposed location.. of the commercial site although relatively central to proposed developments and at the intersection of two collector roads will be within one (1) km of the approved site to the east. 7 CONCLIISION Atm T.1 The subject application as revised appears to have made several key revisions. in order to satisfy area residents and staff. The introduction of the '(M) Medium' density blocks as opposed to the 'High (H)' density block does not appear to detract from the Official Plan policies and population targets; the deletion of the school site in neighbourhood '2D' appears not to pose any problems in the school board's ability to serve the community; the elimination of the 'Hazard Land' indication and their associated development constraints also appears feasible and the introduction of a Local Central Area does not appear to adversly impact existing Central Area's and is located at the intersection of two collector roads relatively central to the future approximately 2300 units in North-East Bowmanville. _. I218~ ...1~ I 1 w REPORT NO.: PAGE 13 7.2 Staff recommend apgroval of the subject Official. Plan Amendment application to: (i) delete the designated public elementary school site in neighbourhood '2D'; (ii) delete the 'Hazard Land' indications in the 'Residential' designation as outlined on Schedule 'C'; (iii) introduce. a 'Medium (M)' density symbol in neighbourhood '2A' and '2B' as outlined on Schedule 'C'; (iv) .redistribute the population in neighbourhood '2A' and '2B' from '3000' and '4200' to '3900' and '3300' in neighbourhood '2A' and '2B' respectively; and (v) introduce a 'Local Central Area (LC)' designation in neighbourhood '2B as shown on Schedule 'C'. The proposed Plans of Subdivision and related zoning by-law. amendment applications affecting said application will be dealt with individually and on their own merits at subsequent meetings. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Frankli .C.LP. vLawrence fi. Rotseff Director of Planning & Development Chief Administrative Officer CP*FW*cc *Attach. August 25, 1989 ...14 1219 '~ +I2EPORT NO.. PAGE 14 s -'-----------------------------------------------°--- Interested parties to be notified of Committee and Council's decision: Frain Building Group Attention: Elio Ciccotelli, P. Eng 220 Hwnberline Dr., Rexdale, Ontario M9W SY4 Ron Siebenga c/o Durham G'hristian Bigh School R.R.#1 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3R6 Peter Deighan 32 Meadowview Blvd Howmanville Ont. L1C 3T8 Joe Reitsma Secretary, Durham Christian High R. R. #1 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K2 Mr. R. D. Hodgson 9 Mill Lane R. R. #1 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K2 806886 Ontario Ltd Attention: Amand Aggarwal 7 Marsilea Place Nepean, Ontario R2R lA6 Mr. Frank B. Shetler 32 Mill Lane R.R. $1 Howmanville, Ontario L1C 3K2 John. Sheppard 22 Mill Lane Howmanville, Ontario James Griffin R.R. # 1 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3R2 Peter Feddema 7 Luverme Crt Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3R4 Lincoln Holding Pickering Ltd. 4117 Lawrence Ave. E., Suite 205 West Hill, Ontario M1E 2S2 Mr. A. M. Vandergaast R. R. # 1 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3R2 Mr. George Webster, Chairman Board of Management Howmanville Business Centre P.O, Box 365. Bowmanville, Ont. Mr. 5 Mrs. B. William Knapp P.0. Box 203 Bowmanville, Ont L1C 3K9 Mr. & Mrs. James T. McCann R. R. # 1 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3R2 Lanny Cooper 57 Barley Mill Cres. Howmanville, Ont L1C 4B1 Joan Virtue Box 242 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3L1 Mr. & Mrs. Grant Malley R,R. #1 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K2 Chris Stewart Group 1, Box 14, R.R. #1 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K2. Audrey Shirk G. D. Bowmanville, Ontario Linmac inc. Suite 206. 30 Centurian Dr. Markham, fit. George Horning 1308 Grovedale Crt Pickering, Ont. L1X 1G9 Wray Hansel P.O. Box 83 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3R8 Anthony Pugliese 307 Scugog St. Bowmanville, Ontario Mike Rolland R. R.' #3 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K4 Mr. & Mrs. Lens 5 Milt Lane Bowmanville, Ont Tunney Planning „~c(,,,~~QAr1S~'•S Whitby, Ontario L1N ~564:'•E•P`?~ L1C 3L1 1220 PROPOSED TO TBE TowN of NEr~,sTLE OFPICIAI. PLAN BOWMANVILLE MAJOR URBAN AREA PURPOSE: The Purpose of the Amendment is to examine the potential of restructuring the land use designation within neighbourhoods 'ZA', '2B', and '2D'. BASIS: The amendment is submitted to compliment four (4) applications for proposed plan of subdivision: 18T-87085, 18T-87086, 18T-87087 and.18T-87089. ACTUAL The purpose of this amendment is to undertake the following (as shown on Schedule 'A') i) delete the Public Elementary School designation in neighbourhood '2D' of Schedule 7-1; ii) delete the Hazard Land indications. as affecting part of neighbourhood '2A', neighbourhood '2B' and neighbourhood '2D'; iii) introduce a 'Medium (M)' density symbol in neighbourhood '2A' and '2B'; iv) redistribute the population targets of neighbourhoods '2A' and '2B' to more accurately reflect proposed developments; v) introduce a Local Central Area (LC) designation in neighbourhood 'ZB'. vi) switch the public and separate junior elementary school symbols in neighbourhood '2B'. IMPLEMEPTATION: The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (BOwmanville Major Urban Area) with respect to implementation, shall apply to this Amendment. IN'E&RpRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (BOwmanville Major Urban Area), as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 1221 ~ CHANGE TO PUBLIC SCHOOL DELETE HAZARD ADD LOCAL CENTRAL AREA CHANGE POPULATION TO 3900 J a z 0 w AMENDMENT TO BOWMANVILLE LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN, SCHEDULE 7-1 SCHEDULE ~A° CHANGE POPULATION TO 3300 ORIGINAL PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT SCHEDULE "B' T223 Q Q NEIGHBOURHOODS 2A, 2B & 2D BOWMANVILLE LAND USE STRUCTURE PLAN, SCHEDULE 7-1 SCHEDULE "C" 1224 ,~~ LOT 14 LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT II IL CONCESSION ROAD 3 I~ 18T-87089 r• d z 0 0 co ao r 18T=. ~ ' 87085 °,° H ;; - ~. ~,~ W z a ~~ ~ I~rl\ J - ,~ ti._,~ I~-~--~ >~~J . 18T-87087 i \4i 1 `- ~ v pppQQQ+++~~~JJJRO4p a Q /yam N I ~-. ~~ RELATED SUBDIVISION FILES __ 0 a: W N Z O_ N ~ U ~ m Z O ~ U ~~aP~o _~ ca NICREST BLVD VANSTONE CT. SIRAMERfIELD SUNSET CT ~ 7NIRD ST. y ~~ SCHEDULE "D"