HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD Report to Council 2019-12-02Clarington Committee Report to Council If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Council Report Number: PDR -004-19 Date of Meeting: December 9, 2019 Report Subject: Planning and Development Committee meeting of December 2, 2019 Recommendations: 1. Receive for Information a. Report PSD -057-19 - 1987 Bloor Street - Case Study of Site Specific Draft Zoning Mapping Refinements 2. Ted Comiskey, Mayor, Town of Ingersoll, Briefing Note Regarding Granting Municipal Right to Approve Landfills in Ontario That the following resolution from Town of Ingersoll, regarding Granting Municipal Right to Approve Landfills in Ontario, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: Whereas municipal governments in Ontario do not have the right to approve landfill projects in their communities, but have authority for making decisions on all other types of development; And Whereas this out -dated policy allows private landfill operators to consult with local residents and municipal Councils, but essentially ignore them; 1 ���1�'� � '. �■ ���►' (U).]I� ��■1i1,,. �II',1�11�611111� i��b. J���■1�■\�l 1 -i [II)■! (11 And Whereas municipalities already have exclusive rights for approving casinos and nuclear waste facilities within their communities, whether to host cannabis retail in their communities, And Further that the province has recognized the value of municipal approval for the siting of power generation facilities; $ CGS aVH-LVFFH R ffU; P r2 -M IIIdlREP HI -U RP P IVAR❑H EUL found that Ontario has a garbage problem, particularly from Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) waste generated within the City of Toronto, where diversion rates are as low as 15%; Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PDR -004-19 And Unless significant efforts are made to increase recycling and diversion rates, a new home for this Toronto garbage will need to be found, as landfill space is filling up quickly; And Whereas municipalities across Ontario are quietly being identified and targeted as potential landfill sites for future Toronto garbage by private landfill operators; And Whereas other communities should not be forced to take Toronto waste, as landfills can contaminate local watersheds, air quality, dramatically increase heavy truck traffic on community roads, and reduce the quality of life for local residents; And Whereas municipalities should be considered experts in waste management, as they are responsible for this within their own communities, and R \N--LD-H-&FD(3-/Z RL)NRI [house expertise in managing waste, recycling, and diversion programs; And Whereas municipalities should have the exclusive right to approve or reject these projects, and assess whether the potential economic benefits are of sufficient value to offset any negative impacts and environmental concerns; Therefore be it resolved that the Municipality of Clarington calls upon the Government of Ontario, as SDLY RI DC4+L❑C2 dVW ❑ URLP H \M ® 1\R_ formally entrench the right of municipalities to approve or reject landfill projects in or adjacent to their communities; And That in the case of a two-tier municipality, the approval be required at both the upper -tier and affected lower -tier municipalities; And Further That the Municipality of Clarington encourage all other municipalities in Ontario to consider this motion calling for immediate provincial action; And That the motion adopted by Council be forwarded to the demand the right coalition of Ontario municipalities. 3. Rezoning to Facilitate 3 Severances at 1535 Ovens Road in Newtonville That Report PSD -052-19 be received; That the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application, submitted by Will & Nancy Vanniejenhuis, continue to be processed and that a subsequent recommendation report be prepared; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -052-19 and any delegations be advised RI [& R❑EFLCV-G+LVIR Municipality of Clarington Resort PDR -004-19 Page 3 4. Seasonal Sidewalk Patio Program Results, Guidelines, and Procedures That Report PSD -053-19 be received; That the updated Application Form for Seasonal Sidewalk Patios on municipal property (Attachment 1) be approved; That the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Planning Services review and approve site plans for seasonal sidewalk patios, subject to the provisions outlined in the Application for Seasonal Sidewalk Patios and Boulevard By-law 2013-066; That exceptions to the Traffic and Parking By-law 2014-059, Section 20(1) Retail Services be granted for sidewalk patio locations; That Council approve the allocation of $7,500.00 from each of the Bowmanville and Newcastle Community Improvement Programs ($15,000 total) to be used to support any additional restaurants that may apply to participate in the seasonal Sidewalk Patio Program; and UFO 41LII1T1111,■■NDU1,1,1 M::■■ICfl l[1e:�111�7� 5. Community Improvement Plan Programs Annual Report That Report PSD -054-19 be received for information; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -054-19 and any delegations be advised of this report. 6. Environmental Stewardship, 2019 Annual Report That Report PSD -055-19 be received for information; and That all interested parties and any delegations be advised RI A F ❑ 7. Heritage Incentive Grant Annual Report for 2019 That Report PSD -056-19 be received for information; and That all interested parties listed in Report PSD -056-19 and any delegations be advised of this report.