HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-11-19Clarington- Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes November 19, 2019 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee held on November 19, 2019, at 7:00 PM, at the Clarington Municipal Offices in Room 1 C. Members Present Were: Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Ron Sproule, Noel Gamble, Councillor Hooper, Robert Malone (NVDHS), Jason Moore (ACO), Marina Ross (Museum), Councillor R. Hooper (7:40pm) Regrets: Victor Suppan, Katharine Warren, David Reesor Staff Present: Faye Langmaid, Sarah Allin, Planning Services Guests: A. Babista and Carlo Pellarin Planning Services; J. Haslett, Brookfield Homes 1 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Adoption of Agenda 19.33 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by S. Conway That the Agenda be adopted. "Carried" 3 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 19.34 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by M. Ross That the minutes of the October 15, 2019 Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. "Carried" 4 Delegations/Presentations 4.1 Neighbourhood Character Study; Presentation by A. Babista, Planning Services A. Babista presented an overview of the Neighbourhood Character Study being undertaken by the Planning Services Department to better understand the character of established neighbourhoods, and how such areas may be affected by redevelopment and intensification pressure. The recommendations of the Neighbourhood Character Study will be implemented in part through a Zoning By- law amendment, and will inform the ongoing Zoning By-law Review (Zone Clarington). The Final Report is currently being prepared for release in December, in consideration of the study findings and public/stakeholder feedback received. A Public Meeting for the proposed changes to the Zoning By-law - 1 - Clarftwn Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes November 19, 2019 recommended by the Neighbourhood Character Study will be held early in the New Year. Committee members received the presentation, and inquired as to when the zoning changes will come into effect, how recommendations related to heritage would be implemented, and how architectural style is addressed. Planning Services staff advised changes to the Zoning By-law would come into effect subsequent to Council enacting a Zoning By-law amendment, a separate process would have to be undertaken to determine how to best implement Neighbourhood Character Study recommendations that are not zoning -related (such as those relating to heritage and trees). Planning staff also advised architectural control is often used in the development of new residential areas, however consideration must be given as to how much control is appropriate in the context of established neighbourhoods, as different is not necessarily incompatible. Committee members advised that they have been conducting research on the Veterans' Land Act, and have been in touch with residents of Veterans Avenue in Bowmanville. 4.2 Heritage Impact Study for 879 Regional Road 17; Presentation by J. Haslett, Brookfield Homes J. Haslett presented an overview of the study area, and the Allin farmhouse (879 Regional Road 17) in the context of the Newcastle North Village Secondary Plan, noting the draft approved plan of subdivision to the south of the subject farmhouse. As part of the development of the area, the Ministry of Transportation requires the re -alignment of North Street, and the Allin farmhouse falls within the proposed re -alignment corridor. Brookfield Homes requested the subject dwelling be evaluated for cultural heritage value in advance of the normal progression of the secondary plan process in consideration of the above noted road re -alignment. J. Haslett also noted the dwelling is now vacant and vulnerable to vandalism. A cultural heritage consultant prepared a Heritage Impact Assessment, the draft of which concluded the dwelling did not meet the criteria for designation under the Ontario Heritage Act, but recommended that the house be photographically documented prior to demolition. Brookfield Homes would provide access to the Committee to document the dwelling, should it wish to do so. Committee members inquired as to whether a roundabout could be considered that might spare the dwelling, rather than the proposed North Street re -alignment. J. Haslett advised that a Transportation Master Plan will be undertaken as part of the secondary plan process for this area that will consider alternatives and the impact on any surrounding dwellings. The Committee was also advised of North Newcastle Secondary Plan Public Information Centre being held on November 21 st. R. Malone indicated the Committee should review the Heritage Impact Assessment, to ensure the rationale for demolishing the dwelling is solid. R. -2- Clarftwn Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes November 19, 2019 Malone also indicated that the NVDHS may have an interest in viewing the house. The Committee thanked J. Haslett for her presentation. 5 Business Arising 5.1 879 Regional Road 17 Heritage Impact Assessment The Planning staff noted the Committee previously considered the dwelling at 879 Regional Road 17, and did not recommend that it be placed on the Municipal Register. The Heritage Impact Assessment will be circulated to the Committee once it has been finalized, along with any information on the Committee's previous consideration of the dwelling. This matter will be brought back to the Committee's January meeting. 5.2 Fletcher Tree Draft Statement of Significance Planning Services staff provided a draft statement of significance for the Fletcher Tree for the Committee's review, first presented at the October 2019 Committee meeting and circulated for further review in conjunction with the sub -committee's evaluation of the Tree in advance of this meeting. Committee members discussed the sub -committee's recommendation that a tree protection barrier be implemented to protect the critical root zone, in accordance with a methodology used by the City of Burlington, and whether such a recommendation was appropriate at this time. Committee members supported moving forward with the draft statement of significance, and addressing additional tree protection measures through the planning process, as appropriate. 19.35 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by S. Conway That the Committee recommends the designation of the Fletcher Tree under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, requesting staff move forward with statement of significance, and that additional matters of tree protection be addressed through appropriate planning processes. "Carried" 5.3 Toll House Plaque Planning staff has corresponded with Durham Region staff regarding the relocation of the plaque to a more visible location. Regional staff has acknowledged the historical toll house at the subject location, and is willing to provide for the plaque to be located within the right-of-way. Engineering Services staff, who are responsible for the sidewalk, advised the sidewalk along this section of King Avenue is tentatively scheduled to be installed by the Municipality of Clarington about the year 2024. The plaque will remain in its current location until such time as the sidewalk is installed. -3- Clarington- Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes November 19, 2019 5.4 December 2019 Heritage Committee Meeting The Heritage Committee has fulfilled the meeting requirements for 2019, and Committee members agreed the preference would be to forgo a December meeting. Committee members confirmed the Chair could call a meeting in December should the need arise. 19.36 Moved by R. Malone, seconded by J. Moore That the Heritage Committee will not convene for a regular December 2019 meeting, although the Chair may call a meeting should the need arise. "Carried" 6 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None. 7 Reports from other Committees 7.1 Bowmanville, Orono & Newcastle Community Improvement Plans — x Community Improvement (CIP) Grant Programs — There has been continuous interest throughout 2019 in Bowmanville and Orono, where a number of buildings have undergone improvements with financial support from the Programs. Interest in Newcastle has been relatively low this year, although this is likely an anomaly given past years. x Sidewalk Patio Program — Three -Six Kitchen in Bowmanville, and The Snug in Newcastle have had successful patio seasons. Star Apple in Bowmanville also opened a patio entirely on its own property towards the end of the summer. Sidewalk patios were removed in October and will be stored until next season. The Municipality has found the current fee for installation/removal of patio infrastructure was not sufficient to cover costs and is reviewing. Funds were allocated in 2019 to support a sidewalk patio in downtown Orono. No interest has been received to date, however there may be interest next season from newly establishing businesses. x Public Art Projects — Funding was received from the Province (OMAFRA) for use in the downtowns of Bowmanville, Courtice, Newcastle, and Orono. The Municipality is using the funds to support public art. Requests for Proposals for each project have closed and the Juries have evaluated the submissions to select Artists for each project. Projects include: Bowmanville (mural project on the wall of James Insurance building), Courtice (youth collaboration for art in the park/trail system), and Newcastle (small sculpture treasure hunt theme in downtown gardens). Artistic bike racks are being procured for Orono and funds were used for the Orono mural on the north wall of the former Orono Electric building. Funds have to be expended by the end of March 2020. x Orono Town Hall — Tender has been issued for the addition of the accessible elevator at Orono Town Hall, previously reviewed by the Committee. The repair M Clar-ington- Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes November 19, 2019 of the clock tower and drainage issue at the southeast corner is not included in this work. 7.2 Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Clarington Branch: - No report. 7.3 Newcastle Village District Historical Society (NVDHS) — The NVDHS participated in the Newcastle Santa Claus Parade, and received good recognition and feedback. The NVDHS was open on Remembrance Day displaying uniforms and memorabilia, and had lots of visitors. The Digitization Project is moving along and is expected to be completed by mid -2020, making a significant amount of documentation more easily accessible to the public. NVDHS has been contacted by a real estate broker regarding two properties on Mill Street North that are planned for redevelopment. NVDHS will not object to the demolition of the dwelling, if the matter comes before the Committee. 7.4 Museum — Upcoming events include: annual Edwardian Christmas (Dec. 6), and Museum is hosting the Clarington Community Christmas Party. The Museum and Library Boards will be merged as of January 2020. M. Ross and K. Warren will be on the Library Board and will represent the Museum. The Museum will be a Committee under the Library. 7.5 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park — V. Suppan and B. Malone met with Chief D. Mowat in Alderville to obtain input on how to represent the heritage of First Nations communities in the development of the Wilmot Creek Heritage Park. The landowner has retained a Landscape Architect, with whom the group is hoping to meet prior to the Committee's meeting in January. 8 Project Reports 8.1 Municipal Inventory and Register Committee: None. 8.2 Outreach/Education Committee: None. 9 New Business 9.1 Heritage Project Updates: Planning staff provided an update on various heritage planning projects as follows: x The Municipality of Clarington is now in possession of 156 Church Street. This property was designated in 2018; x DocVille (816 Regional Road 17) has been added to the Municipal Register via Council's adoption of the recommendations of Planning Services Report PSD - 030 -19; x The heritage plaque denoting designation has been installed at 26 Concession Street West; and -5- Clarftwn Clarington Heritage Committee Minutes November 19, 2019 x Designation By-laws were passed for Haydon Community Hall (2503 Concession Rd 8) and Central Public School (120 Wellington Street). 10 Adjournment B. Malone moved Adjournment 8:45 pm. Next Meeting: January 21, 2020, 7:00 p.m. Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1C