HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-57-97n;~~ ~'x THE CORPORE+TION OF THE M17NICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' i • REPORT File #~' Res. # __----- Meeting: couNCIL Decemberl5 1997 By-Law# ~-- Date: ADMIN.57-9~11e #: ~-" RepoA #: -~ ality of Clarington purchase from theBc~riville Municip of Bowmanville, 26 Beech Street, Subject: Lions Club Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1, That Report ADMIN.57-97 be received; and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute on behalf ersons ecting disputed areas along the boundary 2. it claim deeds reap ri favour of the following p their Municipality qu ro erty of the Lions Club P P substantially in the form of the Attachment referred to followin respective names: a) Wilhelmina J. Tielmans and Andreas Cornelius Tielmans (attachmen #1), Rice (attachment #2). b) John Powell a Rundle (attachment #3 c) John Douglas Rundle and Patricia Ann BACKGROUND: 1997, Council approved entering into an of Bowmanville, Ontario for the purchase of 26 At its meeting held on October 14, agreement with the Lions Club reement required that t o~ers °r Ineresolving Beech Street, Bowmanville. ~tlegdisputes with abu Vendor may quit claim the efforts to resolve certain alit agreed that the these disputes the Municip Y disputed areas to the abutting owners. owners has oin in the quit claim deeds £or nominal The Vendor's solicitoMUaic pality That the solicitor for the abut in o£ the legal issues relating to compliance requested that the arty so as to 'avoid any itable interest consideration as a P Act and the release of the equ urchase and sale. The with the Planning entering into the agreement of p ality acquired by re ared by the Vendor's solicitor and I am Municip it claim has been p P proposed form of 4u ro riate £orm. of the opinion that it is of ari aPP P to Wilhelmina J. Tielmans and Andreas Cornelius on Plan 4oR-14445. The land t0 be quit Claimed The land to be quit claimed lan yet to Tielmans is described as Part 2 to John Powell Rice is described as Part 3 on Plan bu ti.nng theirlpropertye 4u1 claimed to John and Patricia Rundle will be described in a referenbe p be deposited but will comprise a five foot strip ,~~so~ ®.~~oP.~w The Proposed Quit Claim Deeds are attached as follows: Wilhelmina J. Tielmans-arid Andreas Cornelius Tielmans John Powell Rice John Douglas Rundle and Patricia Anne Rundle. The transaction with the Lions Club is scheduled to close on January 2, 1998. The Property Manager has been consulted and supports the recommendations of this report. Respectfully submitted, ~~ W. H. Stockwell, Chief Administrative Officer WHS:nof att. --- ----------------- ---- ------ gchedule ---. -- Yre~r¢e geferm Act - - om~e Ferrn s - Lind aealsN+dO^ t ID and/er pd,er rn~ mdRbnal PrepaAY ra~iertst ----- ~eo.e..sru~""~aA,..w.r^i s cels e, ontarlo and the Transfezees own ad~oiniag P~ l The Lions Club of'Bowrnan~ll of land, but there has been uncertainty as to the exact location of the common boundary betweeen such Parcels. The Corporation of the MtmiciPabtY of Clarington has an equitable interest in the 2. lands being quit claimed hezein. It has now been determined that the common bovnda`ry is PiOPerly defined as being 3. the south-westerly limit of the lands laid out as Part 2 oa R.eference Plan 4~R~~•~~rtainty q 'Chis Quit Claizn Deed has band ~ osmde°r d°e ~~it the absa'aets of title and the as to the location of the cor~on bolt ~ properly rofloct the true extent of the owaershtP of legal descriptions of the adj ' 11 P the parties to this imttument. rrou ae '97 ii:ea __---- - -- - PmSnn a • o~arm Pseimry tawroMs(^) andlp - ----- Schedule -----'~"Oa-'-„-~n+.~.w~w,~»s~«~cx 5 Yo,1 ile(ofu, PR't PPi~e •?-~- FamS-IJM Regsla Filn ~9%•t.lT]~ rrterseaaee BOA (8~CONT (B) bswPa'M~) N~me(sl THE CORppgpTloN OP THE MUNICiPAL1TY CLARINGTON S n.~ e~ ~~~ y M D ~ 1997 11 Per: Diane 1iamre, Mayor * 1997 11 Per: Patti L. Barrie, Clerk We have authority to bind the Corporation. nn ~ 40 Temperance Strcet. Bowmaaville, Ontario, L1C 3A2 ror swice NW 28 '97 11.04 905 S7C ca'fi oerc n,: ~- - - - _ - - -marce m - ontarta Property Idernifiers ra0nbrus Svv sehveWe Dollars t ,acnpoee rmeaa: rrvpanq ..,.•.., ofvidon ^ coneelitktloa of Lots 22 and 23, Block 35, Plan H•50079, (john McClnng's ), in the MIInlclpalit9 of Clarington, (formerly In the Town of natrcville), in the Regional Municipality of Durham, now paled as Part 3, Plan 10RA72. Atl010aneC Sao uk ^ (6) TMs M) RedeseApdon ! ro) &ehedule Pof: (» ~ ~r~mPl/ Trarelaered Decmeent New EaslrneM AddiLmd Centeats per,/ ^ bsealption ^ Pertiee ~ ether ® Quit Claim ~ .......... ..............._..._.............,.....,,...,.,,._..,....,_.,.....,.,...,.. 9prtrtumhl Y ~ M ~ D Neme~s) .... ~ ~ TIC.LIONS.CX,'(7.~.~1i~.~tQV.4'MAr~,.e..r~.~l..Q~tf(? ',.. .................... .,,. .,,. !,..194,I_,,.,x~,j..,, .. ''~ert,~aIDE6~'.~OOW'b86,~I881dBIIt '.I99T_,..1~....,... _..._........ __._......_-......_.._......_._., .._._-. Par Kenneth ~ ~rai~, `~._......_. ~ _ _ ... . .... .....------ .-__._.--_.__--_-_. -• Vv~ snth~o~it~y~to bind ;~.-.""T i _.. (B) Spewe(s)e1lFansfaref(sJingrabyednaMtetNetrantaction DrteMSanature $IgnaWR{s) Y M D Name(s) IOf serviee Z6 nt'RCR AYeR tuuweuoss,w vrvoaw r DAte 01 B'iAh (11) Tfallaferoe(e} Y M S D ~iICI~..JaM.PION.rll ....................... _ _ ............._......................~.1~A3L....;Q9,Q8 ......._...___.._ .................. ...............__.,_._.~..--...._..... .,.,......,......_.. .... .f , ,. tef 9ervip 65-67 (:OIIC0SS10R SLICE[ Hasa np,ywrunwe vmoa.vs ...v ++. (1~ Ranshrar(s) TM tr.neleror wrNles That m the oab ~ ~ tteNra r1s ~~~ ~ alirt, thiv lroneler dofu not ommawm aecdoR eD of the PlaMiny ACt. V M D Dots of &t9natura ~ goliehw for T/aneteror(s 1 have ee ~~~Ined d+e elleet of aaotlen 90 d tha PMnninp Act 10 the mnrteror ens I have made InQulrles o1 the YenalertN m determine fiat thla tfamlir dos not e~omravene that escdon ~aRd!Dm,ed on dte~ stien~ PPaed ~ ............. ...................................... ~,,..,.., .........1.......'s........... by the aartslorw, m the Bert dl mY kpotvNape and Z bsael, dils Vanshr dOSS nel sOnlKVene tltat aeetian, I em an OnWw aellamr in rtaeldi pale A Sienrturs Y ~~ i j Address of $19RaMrR .....,.................................., ..~.,, .~..i ..............:~..._....Y Saliohq _ ~ (141 Sallcltor im Thnefaee(e- I have investipatad rha tMe to mfe MrM and b abutting hind Whero raNvsm and I en', ealiefied that the tltb records revW ne eentraverWen u vet out In suhdewe W (??~ (el P9 el the plumin0 Pet end fiat w d,e oast of my knoMedpe and bCllef Ihla earrsrer a ~' doss not oonuawno eeellen 50 oI tha Plarrning Aec I art IneependenMy of the soNdmr forthe tronaferdr(a} and I am M Ontulo aoliohor In prod bag starrdng, ~ ~$~ va.. Nemo ind Daa of $tOhrtero b¢ Addess N Y M D ~Z:e Seliciler , ~ s~ynature .,..,...._ ......................... _;....... ._1..... I+a1 Mw~k1pW Address a Prapver 65.67 Concession Sued West $owmanville, Ontario L1C lY7 Simeaon South Psyielrrtion Pea Torar ~ansfer/Deed of Land e~°°°"„~`'`""`"~""°."`".~` A germ, _ tars ReglsaaHon pe}um Ad ale #97.10764 q} RylarY ® lmdLMea ^ Cil gape 1 W 2 Pe6~ Bledt Prepsny ,agNpRy: (~ IdenYSer(°} 9~enaduh ^ FAOd VL5'ON 90£0 898 9S4 E 3Ntl~atl~JN NOS3WIS N3Fpl[NN3FOl1N S4t8S L6/£OiZS P~~. Sched»le ,,,,a,ti.,s~v;w,a,k,tiw,,...,.a~,w e~ pwno Fem~ 5-~ Luu! fdaterm M ,- . _ xnn » r~e~ P~eparty MaIa) arw/m Ou~er hformWan RECTTAL4 1. The Transferor and the Transferee own adjoining parcels of land, but there has been uncertainty as to the exaetlocatlon of the common boundary betweeen such parcels. S 2. It has naw been determined that the common boundary is properly defined as being the southerly limit of the lands laid out as Part 3 on Reference Plan Number lOR-972. 3. This Quit Claim Deed has been given in order to eliminate atny further uncertainty as to the location of the common boundary and is order to permit Ute abstracts of title and the legal descriptions of the adjoining parcels to properly reflect the true extent of the ownership of the parties to this instrument. 480d 4Z5'C1N 90£B 1398 9tb F ~7FJ'Rki~JW PIOS3JIS N3H~lINN3i71Ir 96~0T G6ifi02L ~~~ ~7`~'t~ a Feria t ~ tseto Ragc p) Re9MtrY raeimrw: sd~iaeaM C ~e , r Del{ers i Properly keruiHtrro ndomend' gee sen.aua pddisard sea Bsaaeula esorlPdetr This is a' Progeny PrcpanY Dlvleion ^ Conlogda4on of Lot 23, Registeml Plan H-50079, being Pant of Lot l 1, session 1 and PaR of lots 226 and 227, Bhtek "H", P,owman to Plan, in the Mttaicipality of Clariagton, (tormeriy in the n of Bowmanvilk), is the Regional Mnnfcipaliry of Durhan designated a9 Part 2, Ptan gQR•14445• .~-_.. .. l~ddhbnal New Paaemem Pam ®petor Plan/59soxh ~ ? OelcADmn ^ d of Land `"~."'`",-'~.°"°'"°...~~..~ ~ s,„ Re+ermllat FSIe #97-10764 land lMaa ^ 1lsl uses 1 of 4 pagoa .. . ...........................,., ._.......~...-_.._,..._.... .... Date of Signalwe Nomep) Per. James )i ........ ........., x,1997.....! 11.. . '.~A(`1.S,.~C~rC1)~r_Ok',.1~4'~MIYIi.LT+.~?~Q.... .......................... ~,n~, ptes~en' X997 _.11. . ,.._. .._._..~..... ., .l3er Kenneth ~. l#ra ~Want ... .. ... ___._.____..._ _..__._......___ ._._....__ .. ..,__,_ ~ntharity to bind.. ___.. _ _ ttranoae6tm Sgnaturo(a) r ai 0 ;Iq 4ansraror(s) address ror servlee The Lfons Club of Bowmanvllle, Ontario - 26 Beerh Ave, $oTVmanTrille, Ontario to a~A2 fit) lsanafuee(s) r N o ..........................................._....~.~9zb .',03..,.19... '~ . ~,N~..~Andcea~aCao~nt*ellus.....~'......~ .................................. .... _ ...................;..477....;0.6 ;07.. x1ELMAIV ......................................... As dautt,Tenants,. . __.......... .......... .. . . ... ............... . . , ,.. 1orSemee 39 EI ' 5 lfoWmBnYW vnluw a.av ~... (19) 7ranslaar(a) The transferor verities mat to iho beat of the tfanderor'a lmpvdedge and teller, mla lronafer deer not oerdravena oMe eG~nsSO enalr urge %antdn$Aer. OYatt of uptxlDro Y M D .. ~..,.....:.._...i Sigrtmuro _ ._._.... ........_ _ . _... ,.., ._ ..__.. signaaro_.... __ . ....................... .... .... ., SepNWr hr Tanatxar((s) f have esplained fie erfsn or seet'an 90 d the Planning kt to the tronakrer and I have made inquma ai the transferor ro tlexnM1lM Ma! this erana-er dose nos t:omravsns thu seenon and based on the Inrarma90n wpplied tY me tranahra, tt the beat o1 my Mrewledg! end O belief, this lransrer dsro6 not eomravone that saeaon, I em an Orrado wUdxr In good axn0ing. Data of gtgnsturo p W roasd ~ ~10neWn.., ..............., ~, .. ... .............. ~. i SoEalor . ~ $ (ty Sorieryor for rroneroree(s) I have invectlgatetl e+o sine to fiis lane one to atarcNng une where relevant and I am autlsflee mat dro tide rooads ~$ roved rro eerdravsnden as eat eu! in subdause 50 (Y1) (a f) d ma Planning AR and mat ID fie belt of mY laxrnetlge one bellel true vender ~ .,4r dose nor tonvawna seeaort 50 of me Planning Act. l as epandendy d fie solidsor fet she venskror(s) and I am an Onterlo edbieer in good ~ ~e~ standing. ~. ar °~s Name and pax of Sgnsarre ag9 gddrees Or r r 0 a5 Soseffor ' `o ... .......~.......~. ~i i .....,,.. N 9lgnatvro .......... _. .. ~ . (tr) Asecssatrxnl Reg Namtar ;. M. ; uen. W i ha Pr. Fees and ria e, faevorey i 18 i 17 '020 ' 030 '023 o Ragkaatfon r« (10) M,mkfpal Addroea el Property n~ Doaureeat Pteparodty: ~ band Trondm Tas Kitt:he Rdchea, Simeson ,,,„,,,,,,,,, 39 Elgin Street & M~arlane ~ Sowmartville, Ontario ~ 5~ &~ ~,a~ LLC 3C7 Oshawa, Ontario ~ T~ LLH lib ,. NW d8 ' 97 11 r 03 9R5 5^ae 6Gr7Z acrc a~ _ ______ - vn~.r w.e.:.nw as10e... an •,mee.,e•r..e. pg[~ j Affidavit Ot ReskienCe and Of Value Of the Consideration ,suoe+ er,pvE poevwa.mmPla,deo4ra.ntwre Form 1 -Land TransferTaXAet fAN ~ E MATTE ntO aTHEmCOMVE~YANCE OF d..Y+Aaa dYS'w°'n erw'°).~~ oPin c,y~an(j,~}~B1~k.,}~Gn~P1Aan~Iip59079.ho_.~ ~inhn b"cC'lunda P19nlr ie the MuniCioetill(~^'~ 9` paw Plan i Rpoinnal MnnicinalitaAj',1~~.11X11AII4eA4R.wu+ti^ ~~"" '_.. r LONG T 113 OF `~°h'='t? r ° ~wa~sRtO eY a,dm.Y,a.rwen.db....nra1.THF ~ ~ ~5~--- .....-. _. 70 Mme Mrn,rePw f ewar>ar nrwm a w evmmnreme N •dl -~ v~~ pn~LJ 4irrl' W _. ...... Y _. ^~F~i rnwFr T uid~tr; _........._ I. hw pM^w^M a Md eNOf eeuefN Jn hd7 ..Rl.. .......+..--, -..- MAKE OATN ANO SAY THAT: 1, Ian Weeermre.re trace esMw+NWA'u.ren.wn./wwYO ArwrV~n•e l..alM. n. wYl9~aa. CNMVnYmJ): /ore n,esva6w. a) ^ (a1 A DMdn IM1 WA /Or mmom IM n)M dOmrmyid In Ina abaYO•dwodb^d oomygMe Ix ceing opnYCYed; ^ (b) A InNtN 1remW In IM aborvAV^CrIpW apnyeyvKe to wienn tM I^ed Iv hemp Co1wvY•a; ® ta) A Imnavicee narlMa m Ino aaovm4eaaritwd mnwysnxo: _~ ^ (a) Tn• atnnenaaa agent Or wncua wring In tm^tr^raeellen ter pYeRKYNPg NYa,a•.IpA ----'"..». . ....... dvacrlba0ln peragr^ph(e) Ild (e), (e) rotrvet eaten m Manner ro prooppcwu paepvyNl ^ (s) TIe WeYdvnl, yldspro^1danL Managvn SewNary. protler. or 7)vavoRT paggnYN m ^or IOr (mYKne•mIN d eeievrwwlOl ..._.... __..-..•.. dstaflD00 In pvagm9Mn (N• IM, (•) •aor:feRe er ~1Oea PlnipPaO1M'O'"°1eP"b w and arl maning mlxamtlaYn Pn my own poludl and en ^ {f) A tranAmai dvw(bvd In paragraph ( ) peaeRMywm awwePnPb (Unfq •MA wpa^.wd - ........'...._^._ wno I^ my ^pwse deacnnee ceneit of (hevm nmlev dvprm) In paragraph ( ) fa,iee ndr mY •r Pmrelr~• Mb (M rr (°)1101°r "•.eiSe•aral ant m vueR I nNe penona Id1awl0agv of my has hiroln dvpewd to. 2. rro M aenardlvd mdar>. xb. raNr. er me eatxldeYCon laJfr edrlrgmnp• ap^aRx troeodel- I nave rave end eorlvlderod Ina dvSapon a •xingm Many (exleence' w+ nut In asua 1())Ua) a me Adl. TM IatN eonveymd'm me sbove•da^arl6ad wntmyana © aoMelM a leael OM and rid more Irian n.e mnlEle 1^mlry IalderlceA )ypgG gdyp ~~ inlppevx an addNbnal NPI el Plc rasa a ene.halt a aria per Does na eo11mM a anpd mmly roxlovne-. oM upon Plc vonY a oelmldslaEoe in ease a gxpppdo rnrem ne wwopnde ^ eenlaini mare ihan hve mingle IamSY roxlCMax. (eve irbawnn >h WIIaSt^ d haN one artd ~ eenti UYrr hw eirlph 6roly meldelloes 'sal cur reapennrey In elaPKS +1+1P) aria p) or mo Aa 8, I Mvv rise aria seneldvria N+e edmillenc d'txrl•rodeanl ebporalkn" an0 'vtotl-nNdern pMOn' in rob ebev^baid/Wa OOwvyanp 11 ^ 'Mn•rvelolm eelpoMlon" and facn Of lM IoaoMng poraonx N) rnom or In INSI IM wnaM PN lane 4 aahq ••neOY•d or a "non•n^idvM Dimon" ai ^el oa M mi kL pse arammfvm i W C NORA __..u........»..«..» THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION POK TNIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATBO AS FOLLOWS: Nil fa) Monln Pala or M N P•NI In darn . . ~ ~ S Nil d pr..w s ae e.dnw weNerrnamw 1eNN • , to) hlong•Fa to AI:FFmvd (MIenPIMe4a s s Nil (II) dlNw Bark m vendor 1~~~ aN Wn,b xa i i .. ............... F (o) Pmpelry vvnvlemvd In excnarlgv (Mw ••lwl . . . t~ ~ ~ S .~.--w..`..a7M arelle (dl Seoumrce Ne:dema td me vNUe d pd wP edwl . . . . enww eMlgas a nhieh hwalar M ^vbjeN .. ... l E ...,....."..'^"'~ HYed •e rn (e) core, ngwlH, annonros aw me s Nil e.ar-Na• [1) OmY u^lueele coMMemNen auger m lane Ir^naM In (dWI aea•'1 ....... . (g)vALUE OF LANG, EVILDINO. FIXTURES AND OOO DwIII SVSUECT TO NII arxeK ApAlfeWe LAND TKANSFER TAx (RDM01 (^)10 (7)) ~ ~ S Nll : (h)vALUE OP ALL CNATTELS -name of (anproN per^enal Propi+N ,~I (M•If drm^ Tr 4 M~epre M me eNem a w t111mIYe a•Nax ovrept reran f __-_........ hll( YM ProWNw1m a1 p,m yleey/a.N. faro Act ; w.so. row, a+sY... rrriW s Nil (1) Weer oemMeralon for nanaarnon Mt mnvdw m {g) a P) ^DOw . ...... .. ... .. f = Nil ll)TOTAI CON SID£faAT10N . . ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~ . . . . . . . ~Y/~ ~.-~- 9, n iinaPlmilon b nemMa, dHalPe MallelanlP nvlwaM Imn^feror aria Var1Ae/BV and 6We PaNe•• a pdnv^yMV. (eve a,erwdee y +~aF+e..-......•_ a, t! the eenaldemtlon N nOmina, p me IoM wOlem W MY vnaomblmlw9 JS77..- ri'lata nt"lolmdl•.2diA T, WMr romans and oapwlaaons, a nie^aary. r of $wom pe!er^ my a me tL,l^~ V{ VPYana m ,M RegiolAal Municipality o[ Durham97 u,;^ day a November A Commrononer for takbtp A)IMIndN, Ma / Pfoptrty IlNwtaAdon Neoerd rlaStn need - I~ A peaarlbv Mauro pf InaNmvelC , .Le to n~....s..:.... Ci.rnd ~1pQe~ to (II Mdtexe a plepeKy avmS o0nvlyw Pr.rivy :r~ae~.Yx^alruYw tt --nviller Antarin. t.lS1P7 _,~__ m s e nr mn MA T Ad llllnxae.emem gal No. pne,eam••'1 .JO • • •••'"• • -"• ~-•-• ~•~• C. MalMng ^danax(vx) far futum Nolidvx d AtlataNllem v:avr the A^wa^maa M for proPVNY eNng eomYyea (wm aeeaede,r rJ 6~ ConrF rnr CtvrEt We•i - Ip ~'IOatli.rale AwM~x ,U•s.l.l.{...-. ..........,.-..... a (p K^puUNton numa^r la Mn oomoyand• d prepoNy D^I•g Comayad tp ^rell^91m1 126396 pl)Leg^I deeedPeon d prepeaY eenvoyod: Same S M O.(1) ao0r. Yn ® No ^ Na nnenrl ^ E lama(s) eM waf^ae(w) d amen Nsn^Mrsa'^ wneua _ Sahool 1Y^ SopPerl (YOW Mart Ehcgon) See Ieverae for aaplAatadida (y ruv an mdlwaua Ir^naMrvw Kona' Caemltc T Yea is Ne ^ (bl N Ya, do ell IndWWaa lranetmrM Bean to ce Renlarl CMelle S^prW Senea-SappeC^ts T Yoe ^ No ~] (c1 Do an InoNldaBl trans(eroa hervo Proncn luupu^go Eaueallon RISm^ T vw ^ Ne ^ (mi a veA em ell Ina1.MiY NenpNNm Min W aupPon aY aencn L•ege•Fe 9bnaY seer (rn•re carob Wneey 4 Yes ^ N• ^ aN0 ~~ NOTE: Jm W Ka am fd) aria land adll9lr~arsw letl (» erlgnW mtM Tteren PIeSo Shceal SsNd a swat Ilr^•M anered^^ dtw+ed In (a1 •~ NI• S90d 4IS'ON 99£9 998 9T4 t 3JIi"Ritl~lJ NOS3dIS N3HJ11Nh13H71i71 94=05 L6/£0/ZT SMpmP6,n/ _- ___. -. Ae7o11e Aat File ,r~7-bAA.+•91~L/4 - P:~ua. - - - - - --Transfer/Deed of Land tn~a °r form 1 - una Reglsfr+°°" Onrvia (t) gys,y ® Land7ftles ^ l'A Peas 1 of 3 PaB~ gbak PrepeM1Y /ddhblW: (0) I~dastlller(s) s~eAae 3 Quit claim mil"' s /V®• epery .: PeRY Oiyiran ^ Consofidalon part of Tots ~L a;4d 23, Block 3S, Plan H-50079, (John McClwgg's plan), in the Munfdpa6ty oe C1arBnglon, (fo Durham, ~ of Bowmanville), lathe Regloual MnnilciP~i' designated as Part < > on Plan 40R• < >. Propery Wendr»rs naarroar: a~cneaub ^ Add~EOnal: ad'MaUb fiedeeaiprion :, (bJ sanaub ror: pddhonel ~ Fos P~h„ ~ ~ ~, DeaorlMion ^ PaAbs ^ OMr ®_--°t wme(s1 SigaaalreU) t O.N'i'El~.O. ~ ~~;^~coinbes,Pi TIIE..I.EQNB..O~.TJB..QI!.BS?)Y~'lAPi1i LGE,.... .._._.. hE. BreB&'.-. (to) llranaterorl for SeMee alhtroneeadon grq„aarfeq} Y M F D _.. .. Dab of firth r M o RTI1YAlal~,..i.4au1.110i~a,9..., ..._ ................................................................... RUND!x.E..P.atdciat.Anuz ......................................................_,...,...... ,,....,,., AS.ZointTenneta_ ~_ ____......_...._.._......... .. .... ,.,..... ' der sendee' 63 Concession JL ppwsueus.u. .•~•~••- ------ - (uj Tr+nsleror(;) Tire trarMbrer verifies toes b ZM Doat of tF» panefe}efa knowledge and polisl, Nh trenebr des roe coneweneflwate of S"~pnaataros Planning Pct. (}ee M gignalure y M 0 Signature .. ..........................._..........._.. _._......_..._.........,...... da inqur df mY itriowladge anA ransbr ....~............ ~e ~ Of IiIE slanSfCfOf f7 Sollcttor Tor Tramferar(s) I have eaPl aMtectlen. I •m a11~Onbrio sd'Iabl~lyd ~ ~ e fends%n~e ~.".~....~....,:~....~.'~ M 5grxi ~.'.... tletesmhe Me ihh i dose oat oertua.ene Met aecdm and 6aaed on the hderrtiadon eOPPilad OY nos aNiet, thin a'enefN does neteanVawne Y M i D wine ana Salidbr ~_ (tq Solblbr br 7yrafereals)1 haw invpstigoeed dis dde b thh hod and m abuaing hod where relevant entl 18m eotiehsd shat Mc ago reco ,~,~ ,w aomtavsmion ea set out in subelauae 60~ (~ ~) of qie Planning Ace end the b the ease of my krior'Asdgs end belief +}ils erenabl ~'= does na oanfavene seetlon 50 d the Planning Aet. I as i Pen~wM of b0 901io'~ ~ o's epnderor(a) and I am an privrie wllehor In goad ~~ standing. ~3_ rh11e yd Oats c181gnatwe ~~: Atldre»d - Y ~ M = D I ig° Sblldtar slenature. ...„ ...................._...._..,...~.................;..._ a...... (tA •ssea:menr fteN aretaeer of Propergr , ~ ('OnC2SeHOII .St+i'Cet Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3Y7 MgiNation Fae Lantl tr6aMef Ta South Dab of Slgneure y I M ~ D ..~A.7,.....al..;.,,,...., .L4~l1...111. ~..... .....~._. ., s.... Tool 900d bss'ON 90E0 B9B 9Sb t 3NliW N083JI5 N~i'J1INN~l~liN Lbt9i b6~0~2t -- ---- .~„~. Schedule ~.~~°r""'.'`"'~.°..~°.~. S o We rvnn 5 - LvM Reolsti9en Relarr^ Act .... ..~., p~9n~ ProaenY ~QNI uW/x oaw~ Intonna9on cT 1. The Transferor and the Transferee own adjoining parcels of land, but there has been uncertainty as to the exact location of the wmmon boundary betweeen such Parcels. 2. It has now been determined that the common boundary is properly defined as being the southerly limit of the lands laid out as Part < > on Reference Plan Number < ~ . 3, This Quit Claim Decd has been given in order to eliminate any further uncertainty as to the location of the common boundary and to order to permit the abstracts of title and the legal descriptions of the adjoining parcels to properly reflect the true ezteat of the ownership of the parties to this instrument. 1A0d 6LS'ON 90£0 89B 9T4 F 3NFl~i*id~ll NCP53WIS N?FDlINN3H~IIN Bb~OT L6/C02T •aroili el ~ woe<.N,mro ..~rw :',vml~r: ' As(aro sll rnsfnudoaa ao rowra• sMe. IN THE MATTER OF THE CONYETANCE OF Page 3 AlTitlawt Oi Re.4idertce and ..w edd ~iye,,, ar aedl Pats Of Tnte 22 and 24. t- SY /pmt nasar arylar.arwa b+Aeg ~. ~= ......,nny . fS nyrAL11T c ewA P, ~~~e eTaT)VF RIINT)TF. TO ar« :ruwaw f ws pNt aa.w e/ da •alNlaaw M avq '•413-J' .... .. ............ ••• ••••••••• •° RY)NU~.A' »•wd PA'IRIt'i1 ANNE' Rl)NT1T.R I. fa« w.•ad.•. a aaI/raq awa•(aI r AiJ 1d __--- ................ .. MAKE OATH AND SAY TMAYi 1, Il~em (N•ra . rrer sY•re •aLM e1e aywn ap/seM YHI aW K Pa feeeMnp PrtlAti sae tlwaha• and apaoAy N M orP•"•nKN/: (^• rn~'°aO1I 2) y (el A Wroorr M IrWitor WNOm IM land eeneay0e In YI• eboawe•aedbal eanVlySnee N MNIB aoNWTW: ^ (o) w walav named In fete atrwe4•udbae oomgme• w Wlan IIe bred a tealp mm•ye; (c) • Nanarorw nam•a m me abew4eacnbw wnnyarla: ['I (d) Tna alawnt.e apem ar eglclepr aepng m the hensapgn ter 1M•rltew•a(N MSCIRIpNp1N ..... __. ._....•~. eaaalad In pelagraPll(s) (W ib). (tl) ebew; fanA• a•a r.r.•~Ar ro A•vvadra wad~nN ^ (•) Tno Phale•M, Vlp•Pfetldfnl. MMagar, Scenery, proctor, er TrooFYror suneeK•d l0 8cl rot faeM nnrfN eraarver+ewrWJ -~ - - -._....,._.-eeaentNKlMpeagrebnDl lN. (e). R) abovn;fabW•arndra•erw(nwnc.erevwwrarrw) [] (f) w naner•roa ea•ede•e in paragrepn l ) ryAwrawyarw N/aralYa fNr fN«(N~`e• •• r•A~1 and an mwllp !Me aIIMS•R on my own bahanane on e•nell of (•ri raMllMee eravowN .----•••-••--~ t1110 Nmy ePOWdeaeNeed M oanaplspn ( ) p'aen a+Yy •ne el a•raeraM fN. fN er (•1 awR w IsM~M an0 s suer, I new pere•nal knwAedp• of 1ne 1eRt Mroin e•pota0 le. Z, ftb OR OOwrj(wawd wFara M• .Accra a NI• emNdklN(orl fen fRe dM••yanoe YaAde d110a Sb0} I naw read and Caretdettd Ina de1lMYln el'alnple family roaldarP' s•1 oa m alalfa 1 ft)IpD of me Aq. Toe Iend MI1wYs M p1e erYe•desenben eonvryanea [] Genulnt at est one arw nm moro man Iwo aingle lemlry rWldaneea ~: Chw ph7{~ iNlpnere ~ •ddRlalls NR at 1hA rda A oM•Irall M ene pot done na1 oontabl ^ sllgle pmcy nddaww. arlt upon tnb wnle of mddarNwr ie aS® et SIW,000 YIIISt•IhS eemyarlse ^ conlNns more men Iwe amp. runny rwamaes. p.. ararwdwr ~ cantle a lest are aad net room man Iwe saeple Mnl(f nakanws. 3. 1 heW /fed end Oa1leNlar•d me eellnnbrn d "non•naaid•d oogeralbn• elld ~IOlueaWm pawn" ea ea Ieapaemsy in cyYSea l 17)11) Sno Ig) of Ina Ast end euh a IIIe Iolloaanp paROr to wnem ar qr IrIN1 hx when IIIB WId77LNLTT,,o,~aln~p oonr•yaE In 1M abawdeserlDed oorneypnce la a "nan.realaaa eetpewlen" or a "non•mldml p•laon' as N1 oU1 M Ina Atl pae haewtlwr d aa/ ad l~aaasw "•• ~ •~ 4. 7HE TOTAI CDNSIDERATION fON THIS TRANSACTION IS AlIO GATED AS POIIDWSI _ (e) MonNS pald or to r geld M caNl ~ S Nly It)MOrIpeB•a (1)AaarrnW(ay"'erar•la•landbrlwawr..e.•rerdy.weP~rMMaN• ~--'-=Nll 111) ONen tlaak f0 wnaa .. .... ... S PoI vroPenY IraneMroO in aAenmp• (eraW MM1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S Nil Aa braMr ly seeodY•a ironsl•n•d ro tn• wehw or fawn May ~ . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . i N-1 Mare o. (e) Dena, Nfpeelq annYpee .ne malnNanane• CniTpai Po NMCn nenafar Is sub)eal . . . . . t N>i fvaes er. nlomarYafwDlseonaaarauonwNeallolawllanmrw(ralwewny ......... s ~r rr~e-au' (g)VALUE OF LANG. BOIL DING, FIkTURte AND GOODWILL bUBJECT TO N11 IrAeR LAND TRANSFER TAX (rblSl of (e1 ro (/11 .. .. ~ ~ .. ~ f _...........~~ S pplrn~ele (n)YALUE OF ALL CHATTELS - Ilona Ol unplNe Paraorlprop•Hy ...m"..:uio.s~.w°N.,'~°war~AS.o`~+a.ie~ic°~°`0`~roo ....... ...... b Nil I q doer cemld•rallon ter IalabalNin na mmuaed m m) u IM erw • • • ' • • ' ' ' • ' • • • ' ~ t Nll {Il TOTAL CONSIDERATION ......... .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S 3. If wnafd•ralbn la ngmlMl, msenr raaNentMP hlNwee lrorelalM Nd trarNtxee Sod siaba purpose d a•natyane•. pw arDarw• ~ ~ - ' 6. If Ih• confld•rollon b nominal, b ma lend W C)•al to tdry •IICIMnbraneet f]aM~--- -"""-"""~ T, aver nmans one e~nnuierrA n noeesary~~"• m_ t Olnim 'e f~fwlegae anv and All.offtia ~~mraa Bwvrn tMOro m• b IM ~;: m Ina Regional Mm INS day et of Durham ,p 97 A Commltslon•r for leWrp AMOn11M, eta. Propery Infermatlon rteeetd A Dv Wrlb•naluroNlnstnunem: B. (l) Mareee o! Propay clop r (n)Anelemenl flop No. pr.waeary ~.RJU~~--~-• c. IAaRlnp Mona•(eal ter Nnuro NofNea of Ats•camaR Ynda ar• AwsNnaa ACI to PrepaHy bang avnadyad !~ are•eek•» (3 Cnnregg),pA StrnPL ....~... D. (I) pe0ltlreven numrr for Nax mroeyanca el PrePerlY 0•ln, aOelYayetl praweYlN ~nlaa r •-`' (ll I LegSl eaxrlpllon of pmp•Hy obnveyed: bane s In D,ll) Sbete~ '(s (~ NO ^ Net Nrown t] 6. Nam•(e) end aeorwt(q) 01 each IroMerotY maeeor School Txx &rppoA (YOIDeltary EI•btbn) 3S0 rS•NN fac glaltfEan la) An YI InfR•ISYSi nmeteroes 11•man Cam•Ik ? Yee ^ No ^ (e) N Teo, e• an Indlasuel Iranff•1•ea arltn W oa lemon CYrNa S•PefSDe banool 8upport•n 4 Yae [~ Ns [] (e) De atl irANNlYaI tronelfroe3lsae French lanpYapf EaYeaslen RIEMS t Yee ~ Ne ^ (d) If taa. ee dl Y10NpYe uarwr•r••• wMn b .appal ar• Frpwh WpuAps Sah•a SoarO (wtwn Mea4hed) 7 Vn ~ Ne '~ NDTE: v ro fel w M ue las ttNnE wnnartad •An r sagr.a tome Follett Publk SNeal So•rd v sass YnMSS maYdae db•eteE to (q and ~. oeaso ta-al 000d 6TS'ON 99£0 B98 9Tb r 3Nt)1Zk1~JW Nf]S3dIS N3FI~lINN~11>t 64:05 L6/£8/ZS ** TOTRL PRf~.12 **