HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN-56-97_,' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Ff~e# Date: December a 1997 Res. # By-Law # Report#: ADMIN-56-9~711e#: Subject: CLARINGTON BOARD OF TRADE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. That Report ADMIN-56-97 be received; 2. That Council endorse the establishment of an independent Board of Trade, in partnership with the representatives of the Clarington Business Community; 3. That Council enter into a three year agreement with the Board of Trade to provide financial support as follows: 1998 - $35,000 1999 - $50,000 2000 - $75,000 based on the presentation of an annual work program and operating budget for the approval of Council; 4. That the Board of Trade be responsible for the delivery of services in the area of Economic Development commencing in the year 2000; and 5. That the Clarington Board of Trade Steering Committee be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 The discussion regarding the establishment of a "Clarington-specific" business organization is not new to the Municipality or to the Clarington business community. Over the past 5 - 7 years, Clarington has experienced tremendous growth - in both residential and commercial/industrial development. Consequently, our business partners have expressed the need for a "collective voice" to represent the business community on issues that are to have an impact on their operations. 1.2 In the spring of 1997, representatives of some of Clarington's businesses approached the Municipality, through the Marketing, Tourism and Economic Development Office, to investigate the Municipality's interest in supporting a Board of Trade initiative. Clarington has a unique situation in that businesses can belong to a number of organizations, both mandatory (e.g. B.I.A.) and voluntary (Oshawa/Clarington Chamber of Commerce, I ~.I Y p, pE EU® xec vc ~E Clarington Business Group). Currently, none of these is dedicated (solely) to the promotion and support of all businesses in Clarington. The Board of Trade will act as an umbrella organization through which business - regardless of nature (e.g. Retail, commercial, industrial, home-based), size or location - can voice their concerns, opinions and suggestions on issues that have an impact on them. 1.3 The Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office has worked with the business community to follow up on this initiative. The initial focus is to determine the level of support a Clarington Board of Trade can anticipate from the majority of businesses located and operating in this municipality. 2. STEERING COMMITTEE 2.1 The Economic Development Liaison Team (EDLT) has indicated strong support for the Clarington Board of Trade initiative. Given the EDLT's history - representing the needs and concerns of Clarington Businesses at the local level - their support is key to the success of the Board of Trade. Their participation will assist in the dissemination of information and the initial development of the Board of Trade entity. As the first step in the establishment of the board, a Steering Committee has been established. The Committee's members include representatives of as many Clarington business communities as possible. The Clarington Board of Trade Steering Committee includes the following individuals: Charlie Trim - Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company Jim Schell - Blue Circle Cement Michael Patrick - EDLT/Bowmanville Foundry Murray Taylor - Orono B.I.A. Penny Waghorne - Darlington Nuclear Generating Station/Ontario Hydro Rick James - Canadian Statesman/James Publishing Ron Hooper - Bowmanville B.I.A. Ron Hope - Newcastle B.I.A. Ron Strike - Strike, Salmers & Furlong Tom Morawetz - Evergreen Farm and Garden Limited Troy Young - Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce Adrian Foster - Foster Financial The Chief Administrative Officer and the Marketing, Tourism and Economic Development Officer for the Municipality of Clarington are the liaisons to the Steering Committee. 2.2 The Board of Trade, like a Chamber of Commerce, is intended to be a voluntary association of business representatives. Membership is open to any business operating within the Municipality of Clarington who wishes to be a partner in the economic growth and development of the Clarington business community. To confirm the commitment of Clarington businesses to the concept of the Board of Trade, the Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office sent a mailing to all known businesses on behalf of the Steering Committee. The letter and accompanying survey (Attachment #1) was sent to over 1,100 businesses listed in the Clarington Business Directory. The letter was intended to give businesses a brief outline of ?L'iI the Board of Trade initiative and the survey asked that they consider (1) if they agree that Clarington needs an independent business organization; and (2) how they saw their own participation in the Board of Trade. 2.3 The deadline for returning the survey was Friday, November 14, 1997. Although some envelopes were returned as undeliverable (which assists the Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office update the Business Directory), over 15% of the surveys were returned. The following is a summary of the responses (Note: There is no analysis of the responses): Total delivered 1,126 Question #1 Agree 93g Disagree 7g Question #2 Time (only) 6$ Membership (only) 20~ Time & Membership 74$ 2.4 From the responses to the survey, it would be reasonable to state that there is significant support for the Board of Trade within the Clarington business community. There is some scepticism about the establishment of the Board of Trade but the perceptions seem to be based on other associations whose focus is of a more social nature. 3. FUTURE PLANS 3.1 From the onset of the Board of Trade discussion, it has been stated many times that the Board of Trade must be a proactive organization, one with a clearly defined mandate and business plan. The Steering Committee and the Municipality's liaisons are in total agreement with this point. 3.2 The Steering Committee has met to outline the potential mandate of the Board of Trade. The Board will be proactive in a number of areas with the most significant being in the area of Economic Development. A three-year plan is proposed and is to be implemented from 1998 to the year 2000. initially, the Board will focus on membership development and membership benefits. To do this, the Board will hire an individual to act as a Secretary-Treasurer to communicate to Clarington businesses the benefits of being a member of the Clarington Board of Trade. Opportunities for membership benefits (e.g. group business insurance, employee benefit plans, etc.) are to be identified and investigated. An organizational meeting will be held to elect a Board of Directors who will be responsible for the drafting of a constitution, business plan, and operating budget for the approval of the membership prior to presentation to Council. 3.3 Over the next l8 to 24 months, the Steering Committee will work in co- operation with the Municipality to expand the role of the Board of Trade in the area of Economic Development. The Board of Trade will assume the essential leadership role in the area of business attraction, while the Municipality will step back to facilitate this activity. It has become clear, especially when one looks at the business attraction activities of ourAmerican neighbours, that "business sells to business" better than government can sell to business. The plan to involve the Board of Trade in the business attraction function of economic development will serve to heighten the profile of the Municipality of Clarington as a site for business relocation and expansion. 3.4 The Municipality will retain the leadership role in business retention activities while the Board continues to develop programs and services. By l~i~ the year 2000, the Board of Trade will assume the leadership role in both business attraction and business retention activities with the Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Officer defining the role of business facilitator and liaison. This new role in the Municipality will provide the Clarington business community the necessary assurances that the support they require to continue to operate here is available on a consistent basis. The Board of Trade will function to identify issues having an impact on local business and will work with the Municipality to find resolves that are beneficial to all concerned. 3.5 Together the Board of Trade and the Municipality of Clarington will function as an extension of the Economic Development team. The common goal of business development and retention will continue to be a priority for both partners. It is also intended that the partnership between the Board of Trade and the Municipality of Clarington will foster the development of effective communications to and from both parties. 4. 1998 PLANS 4.1 It is the plan of the Steering Committee to commence operation of the Board of Trade in January 1998. To facilitate this, there will be a need for the Municipality to allocate operational funds to enable the Steering Committee to take the necessary action to prepare for start-up. It is suggested that the Municipality enter into a 3-year agreement that would allocate funds to be used in the operation of the programs and activities of the Board of Trade. There is no bottom line increase in the Municipality's operational budget anticipated, as changes in the Board of Trade allocation would be associated with the transference of the Economic Development function. The Municipal contribution for the next three years is recommended as follows: 1998 $35,000.00 1999 $50,000.00 2000 $75,000.00 Prior to the release of funding, the Board of Trade will present to Council both a work program and an annual budget for Council's approval. 4.2 Initially, the Municipality will provide space to the Board of Trade in the new Tourism Office. As previously stated, the Board of Trade Steering Committee will hire an individual to initiate contacts with local business to announce the establishment of the organization and to draft plans of membership benefits. The Marketing, Tourism & Economic Development Officer has been approached by a local Durham College student who has expressed an interest in doing a College required placement with the Board of Trade. At this point, the offer has been accepted and this individual would be made available, at no charge, to the Board of Trade. The placement student will assist the individual hired by the Steering Committee to develop the plans and strategies of the Board. 4.3 By occupying space at the Tourism Office, the Board of Trade will be able to establish a presence within the community in addition to establishing a community headquarters for the Board and the Steering Committee. The Board would also share in the use of office equipment that is available at the Tourism Office. A cost sharing arrangement to cover expenses incurred by the Board of Trade will be drafted and the Steering Committee will be responsible to monitor all activities of the Board of Trade. SUMMARY 5.1 The Board of Trade initiative should result in a successful venture for both the Municipality of Clarington and the business community. Through the partnership arrangement outlined in this report, the Economic 1Z~~~ Development function will be implemented by a team of professionals who are knowledgeable and experienced in doing business in this Municipality. The Board of Trade will approach business attraction from a position of strength and knowledge. Opportunities to work with the business community to promote the Municipality will continue to grow into the future. 5.2 Upon the approval of Council, Municipal staff will assist in the organization of an inaugural meeting and the election of a Board of Directors, as well as providing any further assistance required in launching the proposed Clarington Board of Trade. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer I LL'J Attachment l/1 to Report ADMIN. 56-97 MUNICIPALITY OF ~` Iarngtorr ONTARIO November 4, 1997 Dear Business Partner: First, I apologize for resorting to a form letter but this correspondence is being sent to all of our business partners and we are hoping fora "quick" turn around on getting information back. As most of you know, some businesses have approached the Municipality to discuss the potential of establishing an independent business association - a Clazington Board of Trade. The vision for this body is to establish a comprehensive communication network for all Clarington business. It must be clearly pointed out that the proposed Board of Trade is not intended to replace or duplicate programs or services provided by existing groups. Rather, the Board of Trade is .intended to be an "umbrella" organization that .provides business with . a collective voice addressing issues that have an impact on the Clarington business community. It is also proposed that, in time, the Board of Trade will adopt a leadership role in specific economic development activities - such as business attraction and business retention programs. The Board would also promote the products and services of the Clarington business community as a whole. The benefits to Clarington resultant from the establishment of an independent Board of Trade aze fairly obvious. The Board will provide a direct line from the Municipality to the business community. For member businesses, there are other benefits [hat could result in cost savings (eg. business insurance, group benefits) and greater awareness of the products and services that are available by shopping at home. A Steering Committee for the Clazington Board of Trade has been established. It is comprised of Clazington business leaders who have expressed an interest and a desire to participate in promoting the development of Clazington's business future. For your reference and information, the Committee members include: Michael Patrick Bowmanville Foundry; Economic Development Liaison Team Murray Taylor Orono Business Improvement Association (BIA) Ron Hooper Bowmanville BIA Ron Hope Newcastle BIA Troy Young Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce ../2 ~~~ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 4p TEMPERANCE STREET ROWMANYILLE •ONTARIO L1C 3A6 (905) 623-33]9 fAX 623-1169 "ec.ueo r.nen •r -2- Adrian Foster Clazington Business Group Rick James James Publishing Company Tom Morawetz Evergreen Farm & Garden Limited Ron Strike Strike & Furlong Barristers & Solicitors Jim Schell Blue Circle Cement Charlie Trim Goodyear Canada Penny Waghorne Dazlington Nucleaz Generating Station The Municipality of Clarington will continue to be an active partner in the growth, development and operation of the Clarington Board of Trade. To ensure the success of the Clarington Boazd of Trade, the activities of the Board must be driven by the Clarington business community. To confum the commitment of the business community, the Steering Committee has asked the Municipality, through the Mazketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office, to send out the attached survey to all of our business partners. I encourage you to take a few moments to respond to the survey questions and to return your response by mail, fax or dmp off to the Mazketing, Tourism & Economic Development Office. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation in this process. You can contact any .member of the Steering. Committee, or myself, should you .wish furtber information regazding the vision for the Clarington Boazd of Trade or to have any questions you might have answered. I look forwazd to receiving your input. Yours truly, J.11~oolke! R.D.M.R., AMCT (A) ig, Tourism & Economic Development Officer *jjc DN: ED9TBUSPlFSS.PI'N ~~2 FAX TO: MARKETING, TOURISM, & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Fax: 905-623-5717 Phone: 905-623-3379 E-mail: jennifer.cookel@sympatico.ca FAX BACK MESSAGE Please rxsnond by November 14. 1997 DATE: .1997 NUMBER OF PAGES: 1 (mcluding cover page) QUESTIONNAIRE: Question one: Do you agree that "Our Tune has Come" to establish a Clarington specific Board of Trade? YES ^ NO ^ Ouestzon Two: If you answered YES to Question One, would you be willing to support the Board of Trade by contributing? ^ Time (couple of hours/month) ^ - Membership (not to exceed $100.00/business) ^ Both (This Section Optional) From: Thank you. 123