HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-081-10Staff Report # 2 Clari~~gton Leading the Way Meeting: COUNCIL Date: June 28, 2010 Report#: PSD-081-10 REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Resolution #: ~''o? S6" ~ O File #: PLN 23.5.14 Subject: LETTER TO PREMIER REGARDING HIGHWAY 407 By-law #: NIA DATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: THAT Report PSD-081-10 be received and the letter (Attachment 1) be endorsed. Submitted by: Reviewed by: F y Langm ' , FCSLA, MCIP c ng Direct r of Planning Services FL/df 23 June 2010 ~~Q ~ ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-081-10 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 At the Council meeting of June 14, 2010 the following motion was passed: "THAT staff of the Planning Services Department and Engineering Services Department prepare a report with factual information to assist Council in establishing a position to bring forward to the Ministry of Transportation regarding the extension of Highway 407 to Highway35/115" 1.2 During the week of June 14th to 18th, the Mayor met with the Director of Engineering Services, Acting CAO and Acting Director of Planning Services. The letter (Attachment 1) was drafted and issued by the Mayor on June 18th 1.3 In addition, the Mayor requested the Clarington Board of Trade undertake a letter writing campaign. The Acting Director of Planning Services has assisted the Economic Development Officer in assembling information for CBOT members as a resource. 2.0 CONCLUSION 2.1 That the letter in Attachment 1 be endorsed by Council. Staff Contact: Faye Langmaid Attachments: Attachment 1 - Letter to Premier • Mayor Jim Abernethy June 18, 2010 Premier Dalton McGuinty Room 281 Main Legislative Building Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A lAl Dear Premier McGuinty: Lg~i"F/~9~/JB'/"UJI'60N REVIEG'rEC 2Y.`---'-~--__ GRIGINAL TO:~ ^ COUPICIL Cr COUNCIL '] FILE CIREClIDN INFORMATION f COPY TO: ^ MAYOq ^ MEMBERS ^ CAO GE cour:ca J COf,!MWNI?Y ^ GF.Pprygy ^ EMERGCENCY SERVICES ~Bpl e- ~ FS ^ ENGINEERING ^ MUIICIPAL ^ OPERATIG~VS SERVICES CLERN'S ^ PLANNING ^ SOLICITOq ^ TREASURY SERVICES ^ OTHEq MUNICIPAL CLERH'S Attachment 1 To Report PSD-081-10 Prt 4~2.5~53 The Municipality of Clarington was very pleased to receive the announcement on June 2, 2q 10 that the 407 East Environmental Assessment had been approved by the Minister of Environment. However, we are very disappointed with the subsequent Request for Qualifications issued by Infrastructure Ontario for the design and construction of the 407 to the Simcoe Street area of Oshawa, and in particular the reference that the remainder of the highway will be completed when warranted by demand. An Environmental Assessment is intended to address the impacts related to both the construction and operation of a proposed project, and to identify measures to mitigate the adverse effects of these impacts. However, the termination of the highway at Simcoe Streefwas not addressed in the EA, and neither were the resulting impacts on the local road network in Clarington. Delaying the undertaking by not completing it in one phase to Highway 35/115 as committed in the EA will have significant negative impacts on the local road infrastructure in the Municipality of Clarington. These roads are neither designed nor constructed to the standards necessary to carry the traffic accessing and exiting from the eastern. terminus of Highway 407 at Simcoe Street. The Municipality of Clarington worked extensively with the 407 Project 'T'eam over the past several years, and with the Ministry of Environment during the EA review period, to resolve numerous details related to the location and design of the highway to ensure that the impacts on our community would be minimized to the extent practicable. Given this level of consultation and cooperation, the Municipality of Clarington is very disappointed that the Provincial Government did not give greater consideration to the impact on our community that will now result from the staged implementation of the highway. As well, much of the goodwill that the 407 Project Team had been able to establish with residents, property owners, staff and politicians has evaporated due to this announcement: CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOVJMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-2582 e-mail -mayor@clarington.net s The federal/provincial FLOW announcement on March 6, 2007 committed $4.5 billion in public transit and highway infrastructure projects in the Greater Toronto Area and includes a specific reference to the extension of the Highway 407 east to Highway 35/115 by 2013. Clazington Council knew that 2013 was a very ambitious timeline and asked MTO representatives on more than one occasion if the completion of the entire highway by 2013 was feasible. We were repeatedly assured that 2013 was the expected completion date of the 407 to Highway 35/115. Notwithstanding that the conditions set out in the EA approval allow for the "staged implementation of the undertaking", there has been no discussion or consultation on the staging of the implementation. We therefore respectfully request that the Minister abide by the conclusions of the EA and the commitments made with respect to the expected completion date. It would be unreasonable and unfair to expect the Municipality of Clarington and our residents to endure the impacts that will result from not completing Highway 407 in one stage. dim Abernethy MAYOR cc: The Honourable James M. Flaherty, Department of Finance The Honourable Dwight Duncan, Ministry of Finance Minister Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Minister Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Transportation John O'Toole, MPP, Durham Joe Dickson, MPP, Ajax-Pickering Jerry Ouellette, MPP, Oshawa Wayne Arthurs, MPP, Pickering -Scarborough East Christine Elliott, MPP, Whitby -Oshawa Rick Johnson, MPP, Haliburton - Kawartha Lakes -Brock Jeff Leal, MPP, Peterborough Regional Chair Roger Anderson, Regional Municipality of Durham Regional Councillors, Region of Durham Clarington Board of Trade, Board Members Members of Clarington Council Frank Wu, Chief Administrative Officer Faye Langmaid, Acting Director of Planning Services Anthony Cannella, Director, Engineering Services Mazie Marano, Director, Corporate Services