HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/2010 Council Meeting Minutes JUNE 14, 2010 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on June 14, 2010 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Trim led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor C. Trim Councillor W. Woo Also Acting Chief Administrative Officer/Director of Corporate Services Present: and Human Resources, M. Marano Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Manager of Communication and Marketing, J. Cooke, attended until 7:46 p.m. Director of Operations, F. Horvath Acting Director of Planning Services, F. Langmaid Director of Finance/Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services/Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. Resolution #C-243-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on May 31, 2010, be approved. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - June 14, 2010 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Abernethy announced the following: ? He has spoken to Bill Bickell, father of Bryan Bickell, member of the Stanley Cup-winning Chicago Blackhawks and he is most certain that Bryan will be bringing the Stanley Cup to his hometown of Orono this summer, and that perhaps a parade can be arranged. ? On June 10, 2010, a community meeting was held at the Orono Arena regarding wind turbines. The meeting was organized by Heather Rutherford and information was presented by residents who live in communities with wind turbines. ? On June 9, 2010, the Clarington Board of Trade and Office of Economic Development hosted their 2nd Annual Energy Summit focused on Darlington refurbishment and what it means for Clarington and the business community. Representatives of the Nuclear community including CANDU Industries, Ontario Power Generation and the Canadian Nuclear Association were in attendance. ? On June 7, 2010, he attended a roundtable discussion with the Honourable Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, senior staff from the Ontario Power Generation, UOIT, Durham College, the Bowmanville Hospital Foundation and the farming community, with discussions focussing on the Highway 407 extension, Nuclear New Build and other infrastructure projects. ? On June 7, 2010, he attended the Regional Chair’s Classic Golf Tournament which raised $341,000 for Post-Secondary Student Bursaries and in support of the new Abilities Centre. ? On June 15, 2010, Cobbledick Road will be closed for CN to repair the level railway crossing. Councillor Novak announced the following: ? There will be a Public meeting regarding Robinson Creek and Tooley Creek Watershed Plans on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. ? She, along with Councillor Foster, toured the new simulator at Darlington Nuclear Generating Station. ? She attended the opening of “Play and Trade”, with Gary Leeman in attendance signing autographs. ? She attended the Grand Opening of Wal-Mart on Friday, June 11, 2010. Councillor Hooper announced the following: ? He expressed appreciation to Lou DeVuono, Organizer of the Heroes Highway Ride, held on June 5, 2009. ? The third annual Rockin' Rotary Ribfest, held June 11, 12, and 13, 2010, was a huge success. Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - June 14, 2010 ? An ecumenical church service was held in Rotary Park on Sunday, with approximately 1,000 in attendance. ? He, along with Councillor Foster and Councillor Woo, attended the Ontario Power Generation’s Environmental Convergence. Representatives from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority were in attendance demonstrating environmental weed control. ? The Fabulous Fifties Festival, sponsored by the Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Improvement Area takes place June 17, 18 and 19, 2010, featuring a Classic Car Show and the Annual Sidewalk Sale. Councillor Foster announced the following: ? Approximately 5,500 to 8,500 were in attendance Friday night at the Rotary Ribfest. ? Good Shepherd Catholic Elementary School held a barbeque to celebrate its Tenth Anniversary on June 10, 2010. Councillor Trim announced the following: th ? Village Concerts in Newcastle will be held every Tuesday until August 24 at the parkette. The Community Hall will be open in case of rain. ? He believes the meeting regarding wind turbines held last Thursday will be one of many meetings on the issue and suggested that Council wait until they receive the staff report before discussing wind turbines in detail. Councillor Robinson announced the following: st ? The Newcastle BIA will be hosting a pre-July 1 Celebration – Canada Then and Now on June 26, 2010, featuring a pancake breakfast at 8:00 a.m. at St. Francis of Assisi Church Hall and a fireworks display at the Newcastle Recreation Complex. th ? Canada Day Celebrations in Orono will be held on June 30 at the Library. Councillor Woo announced the following: nd ? The 2 Annual Energy Summit hosted by the Clarington Board of Trade provided an opportunity for industry leaders to provide information on nuclear refurbishment and the financial and employment benefits to the municipality. th ? On Saturday, June 19 two fundraising events will be held – “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” at 11:00 a.m. and the Annual Duck Derby. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - June 14, 2010 PRESENTATIONS Dana Baars, Lieutenant-Commander, CFRB Hamilton, Canadian Navy, addressed Council on behalf of Vice Admiral Dean McFadden and Commodore Jennifer Bennett to present his hometown of Clarington with a framed print of the HMCS Bowmanville, th in celebration of the Canadian Navy’s 100 Anniversary. Lieutenant-Commander Baars provided a history of the ship and its significance to the war effort, including the Battle of the Atlantic, the direct connection to Camp 30 and the role the Navy played in recapturing Otto Kretschmer. He noted Bowmanville has a very active Sea Cadet Corps which keeps naval traditions alive. Lieutenant-Commander Baars indicated that the need for the Canadian Navy is greater today and the fleet serves a number of roles from major international operations, sovereignty operations and patrols to support of multinational deployments, noting that the Canadian Navy was first on scene following Hurricane Katrina and the earthquake in Haiti. He stated the Navy is undergoing recapitalization and revitalization and is preparing for more deployments to the Arctic. He also indicated a strong presence is required to ensure environmental regulations are adhered to. Lieutenant-Commander Baars stated the Centennial offers a unique opportunity to reach out to the community and the theme is to bring the Navy to Canadians. Lieutenant-Commander Baars noted that the Clarington Museum will be hosting a Navy-themed Canada Day Celebration and that the HMCS Fredericton will be coming to the Oshawa Harbour this year. Lieutenant-Commander Baars stated that he has enjoyed a 24-year career with the Navy and it was his honour and pleasure to present the print to the Municipality of Clarington. Lou DeVuono, Organizer, Heroes Highway Ride, addressed Council expressing appreciation for the community’s support in bringing the Heroes Highway Ride to Bowmanville. Mr. DeVuono stated the event has succeeded in some small measure to recognize all who serve in the Canadian Forces - the men and women in the military and their families – “the silent soldiers” and to confirm that soldiers should not have to die in action to be recognized. Mr. DeVuono stated he hopes to expand the event next year to be held on June 4, 2011, and he has heard from other organizations in Saskatchewan and Alberta who are interested in the event. Mr. DeVuono confirmed that the event has raised approximately $20,000 but that the charity aspect was secondary to paying tribute to the military, and noted donations are being accepted at www.woundedsoldiers.ca. Mr. DeVuono presented Mayor Abernethy with a flag to commemorate the Heroes Highway Ride. Mayor Abernethy presented Gord Lee with the 2010 “Senior of the Year” Award and acknowledged Mr. Lee’s many years of voluntary service to the community. Mayor Abernethy indicated Mr. Lee is an active community supporter and volunteer; serving on the Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board since 1998 and as Chair for the past 10 years, he is a Durham Regional Police Services Volunteer, he Chairs the Clarington Road Watch Program and the Clarington Traffic Advisory Committee, he serves on the Village of Newcastle Community Improvement Committee, he has provided management services to the Clarington Farmers’ Market since its inception in 2005, and is a member in good standing of the Newcastle & District Chamber of Commerce and the Newcastle, Bond Head Rate Payers Association. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - June 14, 2010 Mayor Abernethy noted that Mr. Lee is a writing hobbyist and has recently begun writing for publication. His recent story of his recovery from heart surgery; titled: “Searching for Sodium” is being considered for publication by Lakeridge Health, for distribution to all patients that enter the Cardio-Rehab Program. Both Mr. Lee and his wife are active volunteers for the Heart & Stroke Foundation, Durham Region and run an adult skate program every Tuesday, afternoon, all winter at the Newcastle Arena. Mayor Abernethy extended congratulations to Mr. Lee and presented him with the 2010 “Senior of the Year” Award. Mr. Lee expressed appreciation to Council for the honour, indicating he was accepting it on behalf of the many community volunteers. He thanked his wife Shirley and his family for supporting his volunteer efforts and recognized the efforts of the many other people who serve with him on various Boards and Committees. Mr. Lee indicated that his family have been residents of Clarington and Durham Region for twenty-three years and that he is humbled and very appreciative of receiving the Award. DELEGATIONS There were no delegations considered under this section of the Agenda. COMMUNICATIONS Resolution #C-244-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the communications to be received for information be approved. “CARRIED” I - 1 Minutes of the Living Green Community Advisory Committee dated April 27, 2010 I - 2 Minutes of the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee dated June 2, 2010 I - 3 Minutes of the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee dated May 13, 2010 I - 4 Minutes of the Task Force for Attracting Higher Education Facilities dated May 20, 2010 Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - June 14, 2010 I - 5 John R. O’Toole, MPP, Durham, enclosing a copy of his correspondence to the Honourable Dwight Duncan, Minister of Finance, supporting Council’s endorsement of the City of Oshawa’s resolution regarding the impacts on property values from green initiatives undertaken by homeowners; requesting that the Province establish a program that ensures homeowners who are being environmentally mindful are not penalized by higher assessments leading to higher taxes; and, advising that he has requested the Province to follow up by establishing appropriate policies through the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). I - 6 Carl Isenburg, President and Chief Administrative Officer, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) advising that a two-year settlement reached with OPSEU, representing approximately 1,400 MPAC employees across Ontario has been officially ratified by bargaining unit employees and MPAC’s Board of Directors. I - 7 George Rankin, Environmental Office Administrator, Buckham Transport Ltd., highlighting the details of the household hazardous waste (HHW) events in Durham Region for 2010; and, indicating that a HHW event in Clarington will take place on October 2, 2010 at the Clarington Operations Depot, 178 Darlington/Clark Line, Regional Road 42, Orono, between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. I - 8 Land Use Council (LUC), forwarding a bulletin concerning the Committee on Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO), indicating that the LUC supports wildlife protection in principle; however, opposes the process by which Ontario’s Species at Risk Act (SARA) was drafted, legislated, implemented and piggy-backed onto a number of landuse statutes; and, expressing concern that the Province has empowered a select Committee to decide in secret when and where pre-selected wildlife species and their habitat(s) are to be protected, ultimately impacting use, mortgage worth, market value and municipal tax potential of privately-owned lands and demeaning claimed government respect for regulatory transparency and accountability. I - 9 Jim Hunt, Chair, Source Protection Committee and Glenda J. Rodgers, Project Manager, Source Protection Planning, Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region, forwarding a copy of the Public Notice, required under the Clean Water Act, 2006, the Draft Proposed Assessment Reports for the Trent Source Protection Areas and the Ganaraska Region Source Protection Area, a brochure and fact sheet, DVDs of the Assessment Reports, and comment forms; indicating that the Assessment Reports include information on vulnerable areas and potential threats to related municipal drinking water systems and background information about the local watershed; and, advising that written comments will be accepted until July 9, 2010. Municipalities are urged to review the entire Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - June 14, 2010 Reports noting Chapter 4 (for surface water systems) and Chapter 5 (for groundwater systems) are the key chapters. Six public meetings have been scheduled between June 23 and July 6, 2010, in the communities of Baltimore, Norland, Havelock, Peterborough, Blackstock and Stirling. Additional information is available at www.trentsourceprotection.on.ca I - 10 Melissa Thomson, Director, Housing Policy Branch, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, indicating that under the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) rents are to be decreased automatically when property taxes decrease and that municipalities are required to calculate these decreases and send notices to landlords between June 1 and September 15 and to tenants between October 1 and December 15 of buildings with seven or more units, advising them of the reductions and when they will take effect; and, forwarding a document highlighting the provisions on automatic rent reductions due to property tax decreases and the formula for calculating the rent reduction. I - 11 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising Council that on June 2, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to 211 Service in Durham Region which is anticipated to roll out September 30, 2010: “a) THAT Report #2010-A-23 of the Chief Administrative Officer be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of the Report be forwarded to local municipal councils for their information.” I - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to Doris Krahn, Forest Program Specialist, Ministry of Natural Resources, advising that on June 2, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to Regional Tree By-law – Extension of Administration and Enforcement Consulting Agreement with Kestrel Forestry Consulting: “a) THAT the Consulting Agreement with Kestrel Forestry Consulting to administer and enforce the Region’s Tree By-law be extended for a one year period from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, at an upset limit of $30,000 per year with financing to be provided from funds allocated within professional and consulting services under the Plan Implementation Program (Program 3) of the Planning Department’s 2010 Budget; b) THAT a copy of Report #2010-P-34 of the Commissioner of Planning be forwarded to the Area Municipalities, the Conservation Authorities having jurisdiction in the Region, the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee, the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, and the Ministry of Natural Resources, for their information; and Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - June 14, 2010 c) THAT the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to execute the contract extension. I - 13 D. Jeffrey Dea, Project Officer, Environmental Assessment and Approvals Branch, Ministry of the Environment, indicating that the submission period provided for in the Notice of Completion of the Ministry of the Environment Review for the 407 East Environmental Assessment expired on January 29, 2010; advising that having considered the purpose of the Act, the environmental assessment of the undertaking, the terms of reference and the submissions received, the Minister decided that a hearing was not required; and forwarding a Notice of Approval to Proceed with the Undertaking in accordance with the requirements of the EA and the conditions outlined in the Notice of Approval. I - 14 Ministry of Consumer Services forwarding a News Release announcing the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s (AGCO) special policy exemption on extended bar and restaurant hours for the World Cup. Licensed bars and restaurants will be permitted to open at 10:00 a.m. from June 11 to July 11, 2010, unless a municipality objects in writing to the AGCO. I - 15 Clifford Curtis, Commissioner of Works, Region of Durham, responding to Council’s correspondence regarding the Class Environmental Assessment for the Courtice Trunk Sanitary Sewer, providing assurance that the evaluation of the Courtice Trunk Sanitary Sewer is following the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process and that comments received from Clarington staff have been included in the evaluation of the final alignment alternatives; providing a chronology of events/meetings since April 2009; and, indicating that Regional staff will continue to involve Clarington staff in the Courtice Trunk Sanitary Sewer Class EA throughout the process. CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Resolution #C-245-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D - 5 be approved as per the agenda, with the exception of Correspondence Item D - 4. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - June 14, 2010 D - 1 Sheila Hall, President-Elect, Rotary Club of Courtice, requesting approval for their annual Canada Day Fireworks Celebration to be held at the Garnett B. Rickard Recreation Complex park on July 1, 2010, from 5 p.m. to approximately 10:30 p.m.; requesting that Stevens Road be closed between Highway #57 and Clarington Boulevard from 5:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; advising the event will feature live entertainment, children’s activities and outstanding fireworks as well as a military display, providing an opportunity for attendees to pay their respect to those who are or who have represented Canada; and, indicating that required insurance will be in place for the event. (Approved provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department and a fireworks permit from the Municipal Law Enforcement Division) D - 2 Confidential Correspondence regarding a personnel matter. (Correspondence referred to the Director of Corporate Services and Human Resources for response in accordance with Council Resolution #C-375-08) D - 3 Randy Cowan, Director, Orono Fair Committee, Durham Central Fair, requesting that the Durham Central Fair to be held on September 9 to 12, 2010, be designated as a community event as required for various permits and policing issues. (Designation of the Durham Central Fair to be held September 9, 10, 11 and 12, 2010, as a community event approved) D - 5 Lisa Roy, Event Organizer, Orono Mini Walk of Hope, requesting permission to host a Mini Walk of Hope for Ovarian Cancer in Canada on September 12, 2010 in Orono; forwarding a map of the route beginning and ending at Orono Park; indicating that they are estimating 75 participants and 10 volunteers for the day and that they hope to host a small barbeque following the event; and, that appropriate insurance will be arranged following Council’s approval. (Approved provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) Council Meeting Minutes - 10 - June 14, 2010 D - 4 Nancy Campbell expressing concern with safety issues at the intersection of Bloor Street and Roswell Drive; indicating that a family member was recently struck by a car while crossing the intersection; and, questioning how many other incidents must occur before traffic lights or other safety measures are put in place. Resolution #C-246-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Correspondence Item D - 4 from Nancy Campbell, with respect to safety issues at the Bloor/Roswell/Meadowglade intersection, be referred to the Director of Engineering Services. “CARRIED” D - 6 Gayla McDonald, Clerk/Manager of Administration and Economic Development, Town of New Tecumseth, writing to the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, advising that on May 10, 2010, the Town of New Tecumseth adopted the following resolution pertaining to Harmonized Goods and Services Tax: “WHEREAS the Harmonized Goods and Services Tax will come into effect on July 1, 2010 resulting in an 8% increase on many products and services for tax payers; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Town of New Tecumseth passed a resolution in July 2009 requesting the Provincial Government to minimize the impact on taxpayers and businesses that was widely endorsed by Ontario municipalities; AND WHEREAS minor sports organizations have expressed concerns that the HST will result in children’s and youth sports activities being too expensive for working families and that enrolment in minor sports will diminish; AND WHEREAS Ontario municipalities are being requested by minor sports organizations to freeze or reduce facility rental fees in order to lessen the impact of the HST; AND WHEREAS all taxpayers will have to bear the cost of any further subsidy provided by municipalities; Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - June 14, 2010 AND WHEREAS the Province has publicly stated that the health system is committed to reversing the trend to overweight and obesity, but it cannot solve the problem on its own and that physical, social, cultural and environmental factors have strong influence on weight and that Ontario needs a broad, multi-sectoral, community-wide response to the obesity epidemic; AND WHEREAS the increased cost of recreation and athletic programs resulting from the HST will further prevent individuals, youth and children from registering in these programs; AND WHEREAS the rising cost of policing is further exacerbated by the increasing number of crimes perpetrated by youth and that keeping our young people active and involved in recreation and sports assists in reducing such criminal involvement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario be requested to consider exempting children’s recreation programs from the HST in order that Ontario families can afford to participate in athletic and recreation programs in their communities.” Resolution #C-247-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the resolution from the Town of New Tecumseth, with respect to the Harmonized Goods and Services Tax, be endorsed. “CARRIED” D - 7 John Bolognone, Acting City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on May 25, 2010, the City of Kingston adopted the following resolution pertaining to Payments in Lieu of Taxes: “WHEREAS in a unanimous decision on 15 April the Supreme Court of Canada clearly and unequivocally stated that the federal government and its Crown Corporations must pay for the services municipalities provide in the same way private owners pay; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Kingston City Council urges the government of the Province of Ontario to follow this decision, with respect to all properties for which it makes payments in lieu of taxes (including heads and beds); AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to John Gerretsen, MPP for Kingston and the Islands, and to all Ontario university and hospital towns.” Council Meeting Minutes - 12 - June 14, 2010 Resolution #C-248-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the City of Kingston, with respect to Payments in Lieu of Taxes, be received for information. “CARRIED” D - 8 Susan Daniels, City Clerk, City of Thorold, writing to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty, Premier of Ontario, the Honourable John Gerretsen, Minister of the Environment and the Honourable Jim Prentice, Federal Minister of the Environment advising that on May 18, 2010, the City of Thorold adopted the following resolution pertaining to proposed amendments to leaded gasoline regulations: “WHEREAS leaded race car fuels represent less than 2% of the total leaded gasoline allowed in Canada; AND WHEREAS (except for racing fuels) close to 98% of leaded fuel users in Canada are exempt from leaded fuel regulations; AND WHEREAS the City of Thorold has benefitted from local racing activities for fifty-nine years; AND WHEREAS exempting race car tracks from leaded fuel regulations would help to preserve an estimated 4 million dollar annual stimulus to the local economy; AND WHEREAS exempting race car tracks from leaded fuel regulations would support economic activities at local race tracks; AND WHEREAS exempting race car tracks from leaded fuel regulations would preserve an estimated forty-five full and part time jobs, locally; AND WHEREAS the City of Thorold supports the local racing industry and deems it appropriate to support the Federal Government’s proposed amendments to leaded fuel regulations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the City of Thorold express its support of the local racing industry with its support of the Federal Government’s proposed amendments to leaded fuel regulations. Council Meeting Minutes - 13 - June 14, 2010 THAT this motion be forwarded to all local municipalities, The Regional Municipality of Niagara, local MP’s, MPP’s, The Honourable John Gerretsen, Ontario Minister of the Environment, the Honourable Jim Prentice, Federal Minister of the Environment, Premier Dalton McGuinty and Prime Minister Stephen Harper.” Resolution #C-249-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the resolution from the City of Thorold, with respect to proposed amendments to leaded gasoline regulations, be received for information. “MOTION LOST” Resolution #C-250-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the resolution from the City of Thorold, with respect to proposed amendments to leaded gasoline regulations, beendorsed. “CARRIED” D - 9 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to Susan Self, Chair, CTC Source Protection Committee, advising that on June 2, 2010, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to Draft Proposed Assessment Report: Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Area: “a) THAT Joint Report No. 2010-J-23 be endorsed and submitted to the CTC Source Protection Committee as Durham Region’s comments on the draft proposed Assessment Report for the Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Area (CLOSPA); b) THAT Regional Council direct staff to review and comment directly to the relevant source protection committees on the contents of proposed Assessment Reports that are released for public consultation during Council’s summer recess; and c) THAT a copy of Joint Report No. 2010-J-23 be forwarded to the Minister of the Environment and Durham area municipalities.” Council Meeting Minutes - 14 - June 14, 2010 Resolution #C-251-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution from the Regional Municipality of Durham, with respect to the Draft Proposed Assessment Report: Central Lake Ontario Source Protection Area, be referred to the Director of Planning Services. “CARRIED” D - 10 John Bolognone, Acting City Clerk, City of Kingston, advising Council that on May 18, 2010, the City of Kingston adopted the following resolution pertaining to declaration of parallel transit as essential service: “WHEREAS the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) recommends solutions to deal with the provision of goods and services as defined within the City Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee mandate; and, WHEREAS the City of Kingston has publicly committed to accessibility for all its citizens; and, WHEREAS the City of Kingston operates Kingston Transit buses for its residents; and, WHEREAS Kingston Access Services operates buses as a parallel transit to Kingston Transit for disabled residents; and, WHEREAS the Access Bus is the only option for transportation for most people with disabilities; and, WHEREAS accessibility to parallel transit was denied to citizens during the recent access bus strike; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) request that City Council approve the following motion, and that a copy of the following motion be forwarded to the Premier Dalton McGuinty, Hon. John Gerretsen, M.P.P. for Kingston and the Islands, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all municipalities with a population of over 50,000, requesting that they also request the Provincial Government to declare all parallel transit as an essential service: WHEREAS the Access Bus is the only option for transportation for most people with disabilities; and, Council Meeting Minutes - 15 - June 14, 2010 WHEREAS accessibility to parallel transit was denied to citizens during a recent access bus strike; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council request the Provincial Government to declare all parallel transit an essential service. Resolution #C-252-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the resolution fromthe City of Kingston, with respect to declaration of parallel transit as an essential service, be referred to the Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee for comment. “CARRIED” D - 11 Cameron Ackerblade, forwarding a press release regarding Rotary th International’s efforts to commemorate their 100 Anniversary in Canada; th advising that on June 19the CN Tower will be lit up in Rotary Blue and Gold to honour Rotary International’s Anniversary; and, questioning whether there is a building in Clarington that could be lit up for the same reason. Resolution #C-253-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Item D - 11, from Cameron Ackerblade, with respect to the th 100 Anniversary of Rotary International in Canada, be referred to staff. “CARRIED” COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report June 7, 2010. Resolution #C-254-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of June 7, 2010 be approved. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 16 - June 14, 2010 STAFF REPORT(S) Resolution #C-255-10 Moved by Councillor Trim, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report COD-035-10 be referred back to staff for the preparation of a subsequent report at a later date. “CARRIED” BUSINESS ARISING FROM NOTICE OF MOTION There was No Business Arising from Notice of Motion considered under this Section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. BY-LAWS Resolution #C-256-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-laws 2010-070 to 2010-073; 2010-070 Being a by-law to require the payment of fees for information and services provided by the Municipality of Clarington and for prescribing the amount of such fees and to amend By-law 96-032, as amended 2010-071 Being a by-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (Wintser Investments Limited) 2010-072 Being a by-law to authorize the purchase agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Marion Elaine Hamilton and Dorothy Ada Conlin to sell the property known for municipal purposes in 2010 as 153 Port Darlington Road, Bowmanville, Ontario and being more particularly described as Part of Lot 11, Block B, Plan H50073, Broken Front Concession, former Town of Bowmanville, and Town of Newcastle, now Municipality of Clarington, Regional Municipality of Durham Council Meeting Minutes - 17 - June 14, 2010 2010-073 Being a by-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Trustco Construction Ltd., Markham,, Ontario, to enter into an agreement for the Change Room and Seating Renovations for the Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex; and THAT the said by-laws be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. “CARRIED” NOTICE OF MOTION There were no Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. OTHER INFORMATION Mayor Abernethy provided comments on the recent announcement by the Province that Infrastructure Ontario has released a request for qualifications (RFQ) to pre- qualify and shortlist project teams to extend Highway 407 eastward from Brock Road in Pickering to the Simcoe Street area in Oshawa. Mayor Abernethy indicated his disappointment on learning of this announcement when just last week, the Provincial Government had approved the Environmental Assessment for the extension of the Highway and that the Honourable Brad Duguid, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure stated that the Province was committed to moving forward with Highway 407. Mayor Abernethy stated Council requires clarification on what the announcement actually means and he is hoping that an announcement will be forthcoming to announce a follow-up Request for Qualifications to complete the project to Highway 35/115. Members of Council spoke at length regarding the impacts of the announcement on the existing infrastructure, the tax base, the uncertainty placed on the urban and rural communities and need for Council to take a proactive approach and send a stern message to the Province outlining Council’s disappointment and the importance of the full extension. Mayor Abernethy read Regional Chair Roger Anderson’s Letter to the Editor of the Peterborough Examiner in response to the article “407 Stalled Until 2017” by Brendan th Wedley in the June 12 issue of the Peterborough newspaper. According to the article, Jeff Leal, MPP for Peterborough, commented that the Province remains committed to extending Highway 407 to Highway 35/115 with the entire project expected to be completed by 2017. Mr. Leal states that breaking the project into two stages makes it more manageable and “That essentially will be fast-tracking the process …” Mr. Anderson’s response indicated that unfortunately, readers may be left with the impression that this was a good news announcement when in fact it is a shocking disappointment to Durham Region Councillors, residents and businesses and is completely contrary to repeated commitments made by the province since 2007 that the entire extension would be completed by 2013 and that delaying the project will Council Meeting Minutes - 18 - June 14, 2010 have huge negative impacts. He further indicated that Regional Council had acknowledged that the 2013 timeline was very ambitious and that Ministry of Transportation staff had assured Durham Regional Council on more than one occasion that the target for 407 completion was 2013. Mr. Anderson wrote that if the Province has indeed made such a decision they should have contacted the Region in advance to discuss directly the serious negative impacts of a route that ends at Simcoe Street in Oshawa, not even half way to Highway 35/115. Mr. Anderson further stated that construction of the 407 east extension was absolutely essential to enable access to employment lands in Durham communities and that long-term business investment and jobs for the residents of Durham, Kawartha and Peterborough, not just temporary construction jobs, is the goal on which the Region should be focused. Mayor Abernethy stated that Council should have a further discussion of this issue at the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting next week and indicated that he would try to obtain additional information and that staff was requested to also investigate the matter. Resolution #C-257-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the rules of procedure be suspended to allow for the introduction of motion with respect to the extension of Highway 407. “CARRIED” Resolution #C-258-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT staff of the Planning Services Department and Engineering Services Department prepare a report with factual information to assist Council in establishing a position to bring forward to the Ministry of Transportation regarding the extension of Highway 407 to Highway 35/115. “CARRIED” Members of Council discussed the issue of Wind Turbines, stating they are looking forward to receiving the staff report regarding the impacts on the community. Mayor Abernethy indicated that Council has adopted a number of resolutions concerning wind turbines and that he would ensure that all Members of Council receive copies. Council Meeting Minutes - 19 - June 14, 2010 Councillor Robinson questioned the status of the Mill Street Underpass. The Director of Engineering Services stated the project is moving forward and it is his intention to bring Council up to speed with the design and the benefits to the public of this type of approach from an Environmental impact perspective. He is targeting going to tender in September and hoping for completion in 2010. Mayor Abernethy indicated that the Bowmanville Sewage Treatment Capacity issue has been resolved with the solution being to run a line along Baseline Road from Liberty Street to Courtice Road and connect into the new sewage treatment plant in Courtice. He indicated that the final agreement is being worked out but there are a group of five or six developers who will front end the line and that the project should be finished sooner that the expansion to the Port Darlington plant. Mayor Abernethy expressed appreciation to Regional Chair Anderson for helping to resolve this issue. Mayor Abernethy advised that eight-year-old Ethan Wing spent the day with him as “Mayor for the Day” on Friday, June 11, 2010. Ethan’s parents had bid on the silent auction for the “Mayor for a Day” certificate at the annual fundraising dinner in support of Bethesda House. Ethan attended the Grand Opening of the Wal-Mart, accompanied Mayor Abernethy to most of his meetings throughout the day, and conducted a role playing exercise with visiting Grade 1 & 2 students in the Council Chambers. Councillor Hooper issued a reminder that on Thursday, June 17, 2010, an Accessibility Expo will be held at Durham College/UOIT and that Justin Hines will entertain. Councillor Novak advised that the Municipality of Clarington has received an accessibility award for their efforts in making the municipality barrier-free. CONFIRMING BY-LAW Resolution #C-259-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT leave be granted to introduce By-law 2010-074, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held th on the 14day of June, 2010; and THAT the said by-law be now read a first, second and third time and finally approved. “CARRIED” Council Meeting Minutes - 20 - June 14, 2010 ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C-260-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Trim THAT the meeting adjourn at 8:54 p.m. "CARRIED"