HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-1-94✓e THE DN: DE1 Meeting: General Pi Date: Monday, Ji Report #: PD -1 -94 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON .;:q w�l "a'•'1; r; q,V`,���'r. L019. GPA REPORT se and Administration Committee File # DL I- b4EL G(11• 00 G ry 3, 1994 Res. # CrN--Q- l4 #:DEV 91 -019 (X -REF: 18T- 88046) By-Law# 9Z/_/ Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - KAITLIN GROUP LTD. PART LOT IM, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF FILE: DEO 91 -019 (X -REF: 18T- 88046) Recommendations: It is re pectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administ ation Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Repert PD -1 -94 be received; 2. THAT the rezoning application, to amend the Comprehensive Zoning B law 84 -63, as amended, for the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by the Kaitlin Group Ltd. to permit 1200 m2 of retail floor space and 650 m2 of floor area for a day care use be Approved. 3. THAT the amending by -law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; 4. THAT the 11H11 - Holding symbol in the amending by -law not be removed until such time the applicant has entered into a Site Plan Agreement with the Municipality; 5. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 6. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegaticn be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Kaitlin Group Ltd. 1.2 Rezoning From "Agricultural (A) ", "Holding - Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2)" and "Holding - Neighbourhood Commercial ((H)C2)11 to an appropriate zone to permit the proposed development. 1.3 Site Plan: to permit the development of 1200 m2 of retail commercial floor space and 650 m2 of floor space for a day care use. 501 ....2 4 ° ®..,. P 1.4 Land Area: 8680 m2 (2.14 acres) 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 15, Concession 1, former Township of Darlington. The property incorporates Block 108 of Registered Plan of Subdivision 40M -1686 as well as additional lands to the north and is shown on Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 1ST -88046 as a block for developm nt of a 'Local Central Area'. The subject lands are generall located south of the Aspen Springs Drive, west of Regional Road 57, north of Hartwell Avenue and east Bonnycas le Drive (see Attachment No. 1). 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The application for zoning by -law amendment was originally received in April 1991 along with a related Official Plan Amendment application. Council approved the associated Official Plan Amendment which designated the subject lands for a Local Central Area in January of 1993. 3.2 The zoning for the commercial component was not finalized previously as detailed site plan drawings had not been forwarded for circulation. In October the applicant submitted detailed site plan drawings which have been circulated for review. The applicant is presently working on the final revisions to the various drawings to satisfy Staff comments. It is an icipated that a site plan agreement will be signed early in he new year. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The lands subject to the rezoning application are currently vacant save and except the sales pavilion associated with the first and second phase of the development (40M -1686 and 40M- 1734). 502 ...3 4.2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: residential development associated with 40M -1686, existing residential development on Penfound Drive, Baseline Road and agricultural land. East: Regional Road 57 and existing residential fronting thereon. North: residential development associated with 40M -1734, vacant lands and the Canadian Pacific Railway. West: residential development associated with 40M -1686 and 40M -1734 and vacant lands subject to development applications. 5 PUBLIC M ETINQ AND RESPONSE 5.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, public meetings have been held for the rezoning application on June 17 1991 and April 21, 1992. The appropriate signage acknowledging the application for zoning by -law amendment and revisions thereto was installed on the subject lands and notice was mailed to each lan owner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance. 5.2 A number of neighbouring residents made inquiries with regards to the circulations, as well as making presentations to Committee at the Public Meetings. The majority of the concerns raised by the residents were as a result of the magnitude of the commercial proposal and high density blocks as origi ally proposed. The current application no longer proposes a new high density component, and,the commercial floor sp ce has been previously approved at a significantly lower le el than originally submitted. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Within the Ministry approved 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are designated "Living Area ". The 4 503 policies Iof this designation suggest each community shall develop to incorporate the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure. Furthermore, subject to the inclusion of appropriate provisions and designations in the local of icial plan, Local Central Areas may be permitted to a maximu of 10,000 m2. The commercial floor space proposed falls we 1 within the allowable maximum in the Durham Official Plan. 6.2 Within t2 a Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle the subject f}�'roperty is designated "Local Central Area (LCA)" within n ighbourhood 113B" of the Bowmanville Major Urban Area. Amendment No. 52 to the Official Plan, as approved by the Ministry in July of 1993, designates a local central area located con west side of Regional Road 57 at the intersection of Hartwell Avenue. The local central area is permitted to have a maximum 1200 m2 of retail and personal service floor space, 500 m' of office floor space and 650 m2 of day care floor space. 6.3 The subject rezoning and site plan application is seeking approval Ifor 1200 m2 of retail and personal service floor space and 650 m2 of day care floor space only at this time. The remaining 500 m2 of office floor space was previously zoned in conjunction with the approval for the plan of subdivision on the south side of Hartwell Avenue. The application would appear to conform. 7 AGENCY C4MXENTs 7.1 In acco+nce with departmental procedure the rezoning and site pla application were circulated to a limited number of agencies nd departments for comment. The Fire Department and Ontario ydro provided no objection to the proposal. 504 ....5 7.2 Public Wi principle remains satisfact has been servicing will be 'staging proposal. 7.3 irks Staff advised that they have no objection in to the proposed rezoning and site plan. There minor engineering details to be revised to the ion of the Director of Public Works, the applicant )rovided a detailed list of revisions required to the drawings. Various aspects of the site servicing included in the site plan agreement as well as a plan' to control the sequential development of the Regional Works Staff advised that they have agreed to a I right-ir ' 'right -out' access to Regional Road No. 57 as shown on the site plan. Full municipal services are available to the site from Hartwell Avenue. The proponent is required to submit d tailed site servicing drawings to the Region for connection and entrance approval, prior to issuance of a building permit. 7.4 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Staff advised that the site falls within the study limits of the Westside Creek Master Drainage Plan. The applicant should demonstrate that the commercial development of the site will not affect the sizing of the facilities, or increase flooding of lands along th6 overland flow route to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department prior to approval of the zoning. The Public Works Department are satisfied in principle with regard to these issues and the details of which can be addressed through the Site Plan Agreement. Concerns were also noted with regard to overland flow from the site impacting the residential lots to the west. A third issue is a requirement for details of on -site sedimentation control. This information will be required prior to the issuance of Authority permits and will be contained within the requirem nts of the Site Plan Agreement. 505 ....6 8 ST"r COMMENTS 8.1 The application for rezoning currently before Committee and Council is to implement the official plan in permitting the development of a Local Central Area accommodating 1200 m2 of retail arid personal service floor area and 650 ma of floor space f or a day care use. The applicant has submitted detailed site plan, site servicing and landscape plans for consideration (Attachment No. 2 illustrates the site plan as submitted) . Staff have reviewed these and in conjunction with comments from the Public Works Department have requested a number of practical revisions to the submission. 8.2 Staff are satisfied that the revisions required will not impact the ability of the proposal to comply with the proposed zoning provisions as the building locations are not required to change. Staff are satisfied that the design of the proposal is sympathetic to the new residential development in its architectural style. In addition, the site is sloped such that the building grades will be 1 metre to 2 metres below the grade of Regional Road No. 57, further minimizing the visual impact tD the residents of Martin Road. As well, the applicant is required to erect a privacy fence on the perimeter of the site, to minimize the impact to residents of the new subdivision and significant on -site landscaping is being proposed in accordance with the Municipality's Landscape Design Guidelines. 9 CONCLOSIOIN 9.1 In consideration of the favourable comments received from the departments and agencies circulated and the staff comments contained within said report, Staff would have no objection to the proposed zoning by -law amendment being approved, subject to removal of the "Holding (H)" symbol not occurring until a site plan agreement has been executed. 506 ""7 Respectfully �ubmitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, .C.I.P. Ma�14 Marano, Acting Director of Planning Chief Administrative and Develonme t Officer CP *FW *cc Attachment No. 1 - Key Map Attachment No. 2 - Proposed Site Plan Attachment No. 3 - Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment 17 December 1993 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Peter R. King 56 Alonna Str BOWMANVILLE, L1C 3P8 Martin Road H 250 Consumers Suite 403 NORTH YORK, O M2J 4V6 Design Plan 385 The West Suite 303 ETOBICOKE, O M9C 1E7 io 507 George Vice 34 Martin Road ario R.R. # 6 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K7 ing Ltd. ad John Vanderkooi 46 Martin Road rio R.R. # 6 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3K7 ices Inc. io 507 508 I i I i I I I I I I 1 ' ' L 1 1 I 1 I I I NEIGHBOURHOOD 3B. ,•Y I BOWMANVILLE m' I I t OIU]t av 1 a wxlc I I 1 t ee¢m.nz ul SJI M I m 1 1 Q 1 1 \\ xual au t fm..ty roo[,[trel.tzlz �1 ' \ 1 ww,ums ZI mM 01 � W i \ V �i 1 \1 BLMR 32 1 ROCK .W '. r wMN➢IR Z" W INIY 110 M iN p 1 ( yylrypf6 I I I i -------- I �t 4`i' m 'a m HpRTWEI.L 1 r • 6L a S l 1 rr r CIt 1 , I I •.r.. w m . , , , - I 1 • i I . I w.. 1 1 I L . w � I 1 1 ' I .. .. •• .�. -- ii .. 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WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By -law 84 -63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle to implement the proposed site plan DEV 91 -019. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in .approving the application deems it appropriate to incorporate a Holding (H) symbol on said lands which would be removed at such time that the provisions of Section 3.9 within the Comprehensive Zoning By -law of the former Town of Newcastle have been satisfied. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 143" to By -law 84 -63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Agricultural (A) ", "Holding - Urban Residential Type Two ((H)R2)" and "Holding - Neighbourhood Commercial ((H)C2)" to "Holding - General Commercial ((H)C1" zone. as shown on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By -law. 3. This By -law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1994. BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1994. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1994. 510 MAYOR CLERK 511 This is Schedule "A" to By -law 94 - -, passed this of , 1994A.D. —day 72 °2930 "E 62433 3 TN < 1- ] j N N ; G LOT 15 e O m " Z CONCESSION I a Li 3 3 Q Z O " °pg�w M z PO g Y m r)" 3 � P a -J N O �t Q N67 °41'00"E 36664 HARTWELL AVE. MAYOR IZONING CHANGE FROM 'A'TO'(H)CI)' ZONING CHANGE FROM '(H)R2' TO '(H) Cl' ® ZONING CHANGE FROM '(H)C2' TO '(H)CI' CLERK LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 \1 A -13 EP ' I A-37 R1 [i WR3 1 ✓x Iw � PC C1 -7 �• As A i ULJ� = ° w IJ ED Z O '. IHIRi (H)RI y R3 , w m �(H)PQ IwF° Z xl x R1 III O 9 3 P) l R1 M)R1 A RI s O.A 100 2W 300m 50 BOWMANVILLE FC•.G 511