HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-198 10i'05/2007 16:00 4168647404 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW PAGE 16117 Schedule TH£ CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW N0.2007- j being a By-law to amend By-law t34-tS3, the Camprehansive Zoning By-law for the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS, the Council of IAe Corporation of the Municipagty tlf Clarington deems ii advisable to emend By-law 64.83, as amended, of the Corporation of the fiormer Town of Newcastle io implement ZBA 2001-016 and SC-2001.002; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Counr~l of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: Section 13.4 'SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS -URBAN RESIpENTIAI TYPE TWO (R2) ZONE' is hereby amended by adding thereto the following new Special Exception 13.4,50 es follows: '13.4.56 URBAN RF..SlDENTIAL EXCEPTION {Ft2.5D) ZONE Notwitfu:landing Sections 13.2 a), !hose lands zoned 'R2-60' on the attached Schedule to We By-law shag also be subject to the foibwing zone regulations; a) Lot Area (minimum) - 355 square metres' 2. Section 14.6 'SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS -URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE THREE (R3) ZONE' i6 hereby amended by add"Ng (hereto the following new Specal Exception 14.6.30 ac fOlbWa: "14.6.30 URBAN RESIDENTIAL I7tCEPTION (R3.30) ZONE NotWkhstanding Seedons 14.4 b) and tA,4 e) ~, those (ands zoned 'R3.30" on the attached Schedule to this By-taw stmll also he subject to the falbwirtg zone reguledens; aj Lot Frontage (minimum) 9.0 metres b) Yard Requirements Interior Side Yard (minimum) 1.2 mehes on the east side and 9.0 metres on the west side L) Private garages and their access shall be located within the mouth building fayade of the dsregin9 unit,' 3. Schedule '4' to By-law 84.63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: -Holding -Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1) Zone' and 'Urban I4ealdential Type Two (R2) Zone' to "Holding -Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2.50) Zone' and 'Holding -Urban Residengat Type Exception ((ti)R3.30) Zone' as ghlstraled on the atWChed Sehedule'A' hereto. 4, Schedule "A' attached berate snail form part of the By-law. 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the pravisiena of Sections 34 and 36 d the Planning Ad. BY-LAW passed by the Ontario Municipal Board [his _ day of 2007 Oniario Municipal Board 41btlb4 /4n4 UtIVIVlb I'1ChhtKUlY LHW I"HUt 1111! This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2007- ~ 9 g , passed this ____ day of , 2007 A.D. REGIONAL WIGWWAY No. 2 ,a~~ 1AL Jlm A6emethy, Maynr Potti L 9arAe, Municipal Clerk lerrow znn r lb: nn ~~ Zming Charge From "(H)Ri"To •(H)R3.90• ®2oNng Change From •R7 ro •(H)R7.90• Zening Change flnm •(H)R1"To •(Wyt2-5o• Zor>tng change From "RT' Te'(H~t2~o•