HomeMy WebLinkAboutESD-005-10c~aogera~ REPORT EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 17, 2010 Resolution #: 6Pfl-3I$'~~ By-law #: n/a Report #: ESD-005-10 File # n/a Subject: CONSTRUCTION AND RELOCATION OF STATION 2 -NEWCASTLE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report ESD-005-10 be received; 2. THAT Council approve 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle as the location of the new Fire Station; and 3. THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the RFP for professional services of an architect/design consultant and to move ahead with detailed design. l ~~ Submitted by: .= Coo ~- l~-~ ~ Reviewed by: ~- ~""'"`J~"-' ~~~~K' Gordon Weir, AMCT, CMM111 Franklin Wu, Director Emergency & Fire Services Chief Administrative Officer GW/jm CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 REPORT NO: ESD-005-10 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 On February 19, 2010 Council approved Report FND-004-10, approving funds in the amount of $4.5 million for the construction of a new fire station in the Village of Newcastle, as required per the Master Plan. The new fire station will replace the existing fire station located at 247 King Street East, Newcastle. 2.0 LOCATION ANALYSIS 2.1 Previous to these funds being approved, Emergency and Fire Services worked with Planning and Engineering Services to conduct a preliminary investigation of the feasibility of various sites. This new station will, depending on final design, be between 10,000 to 12,000 square feet in size. The configuration would be 4-6 bays with a new Municipal Emergency Operations Centre and back up dispatch centre as part of the design. In considering the location of the station there were various key aspects we looked at such as keeping the fire station with in the community. The need to ensure the Emergency Operations Centre would be at least 10 km away from the Darlington Nuclear Plant as per provincial guidelines. Having close access to both Hwy 401 and Hwy 115135 was an important consideration as well when we looked at some of our historical response data: In consultation with the Planning Department it was determined there were no suitable sites available in the core of the village, along Hwy. 2 that met these criteria. The existing site was considered, however a number of limitations became apparent that it may not be the most suitable site. The ability to have the trucks drive around the back and into the hall was one concern and inadequate room at the rear of the station for trucks to conduct certain mechanical and water flow tests was another. Issues with poor drainage and limited space have suggested the current site would not be appropriate with the growing needs of the department. After further investigation, it became apparent the Municipality had two sites that may be suitable. Subsequently Dillon Consulting was retained to study these two properties and to provide a report on their feasibility; a copy of the report is available upon request. Aecom Canada Ltd. was also retained to conduct a servicing analysis of the same two sites and to provide their analysis. A summary of the Aecom report, is attached. (Attachment #1). 2.2 Dillon Consulting studied the following two proposed sites: - Site 2A (located at 3355 Highway 2, a former apple orchard) - Site 26 (located at 1780 Rudell Road, adjacent and immediately north of the Newcastle and District Recreation Complex) Consideration of the social, natural environment, financial and transportation issues were included in the evaluation of the preferred site. After a detailed review and modelling of both sites, it was concluded that, although both sites could be considered, Site 26 would be a more favourable choice due to safety aspects regarding Highway 2 access and site servicing costs that would be incurred with Site 2A. REPORT NO: ESD-005-10 PAGE 3 2.3 Aecom's servicing analysis concluded that an estimated $259,000 would be required for road widening and water main extensions should Site 2A be chosen. Sanitary concerns were also commented on and at this time, both sites may have sanitary sewer concerns: Site 2A would require a holding tank and the bed. Site 26 may also require the same, however, Planning Services, in consultation with the Region of Durham feel that tying into the Newcastle and District Recreation Complex may be an option, should there be sufficient capacity. At the time of this report the Director of Engineering will hopefully have arranged a meeting with the Region of Durham to determine the availability of any additional sanitary sewer capacity. 2.4 In reviewing the Station Location Study by Dillon and Aecom's Servicing Analysis, it would appear that the preferred location for construction of the new fire station in Newcastle Village is Site B, 1780 Rudell Road. 2.5 Disposition of the current fire station, located at 247 King Street East will be reviewed and staff will report back to Council at the appropriate time. 3.0 PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND FINANCING 3.1 The preliminary breakdown of the $4.5million project is as follows: Construction and Contin enc 3,550,000 Consultin and Disbursements 330,000 Pro~ect Contin enc 180,000 Furnishin s 440,000 TOTAL $4,500,000 3.2 The funding allocation, as per the 2010 budget approval is as follows: Develo ment Char es 1,044,977 Ontario Power Generation 750,000 Federal Grant 21,000 Reserve Funds 2,684,023 TOTAL $4,500,000 REPORT NO: ESD-005-10 PAGE 4 4.0 PROJECT TIME LINE 4.1 The projected time line for this project is as follows: A. Council a royal of referred site at 1780 Rudell Road Ma 2010 B. Request for Proposal for Architect/Design services and subse uent a royal b Council July 2010 C. Initial Meetin sand start desi n rocess Jul /Au ust 2010 D. Desi n finalized and Council A royal November 2010 E. Re uest for Pro osal for construction tender December 2010 F. Council A royal Februa 2011 G. Construction commences March 2011 H. Construction com lete March 2012 I. Occu anc A ri12012 5.0 PROJECT TEAM 5.1 The project team will consist of the following staff: Pro~ect Mana er Geor a Acorn De artment Liaison Gord Weir Procurement Jer Barber Pro'ect Oversi ht/Pa ment A royal Frank Wu 6.0 CONCLUSION 6.1 Staff recommends that Report ESD-005-10 be received and Council approve 1780 Rudell Road, Newcastle as the location of the new fire station and authorize staff to proceed with the RFP for architect/design services. Once approved, a sign will be erected at the site, identifying the location of the new firehall. Attachment #1: Aecom -Servicing Analysis Attachment #1 to Report ESD-005-10 AECOM AECOM 513 Division Street 905 372 2121 tel Cobourg, ON, Canada K9A 5G8 905 3723621 fax vmw.aecom.wm December 18, 2009 Mr. Gord Weir, Fire Chief Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Sir: Project No: 60144046 Regarding: Newcastle Fire Station Servicing Analysis We have been asked to complete a servicing feasibility study for a new fire station at two potential locations in Newcastle. Site 2a is on the south side of Durham Highway 2 between Rudell Road and Cobbledick Road and Site 2b is on the west side of Rudell Road between Edward Street and Highway 2, just north of the Newcastle Aquatic Centre. In order to allow access for Site 2a on to Highway 2, the Region of Durham would require the construction of a right turn taper, and a left turn slip around. The lane alignments are shown on the attached map 2a. Regrading of roadside ditches may require grading onto private property and the relocation of the existing hydro line on the south side of the road. The estimated cost to construct the widening is $203,000, as shown in the attached detailed estimate. Water service to Site 2a would be provided by extending the existing watermain on Highway 2 westerly by approximately 116 m to the site, which is estimated to cost $56,000. As there is no sanitary sewer currently fronting this site it is assumed that sewage effluent would have to be disposed of by means of a private sewage disposal system composed of a holding tank and file bed. Water service to Site 2b is available from the existing watermain on Rudell Road. A sanitary sewer fronts the Rudell Road site but correspondence with Region of Durham staff indicates that there is no reserve capacity at the Rudell Road pumping station to service the proposed fire station. This means that as with site 2a a private holding tank and file bed may be the best option for servicing this site from a technical and financial perspective. The Clarington planning department should be consulted to confirm if this is an acceptable solution for this site based on current planning policy. Another option is to negotiate with land owners north of Highway 2 for use of a small portion of the sewer allocation reserved at the Rudell Road pumping station for future development of their lands. Engineering services may be able to assist in this regard. Ultimately a fire station at site 2b could be serviced by the future Wilmot Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer which is identified in the Region of Durham Development Charges background study for construction in the 2013 to 2017 timeframe. The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) indicated that storm water runoff at both sites would have to be restricted to pre-development flows and must be treated to Level 1 quality. P:KCL PmjecUbp144p4B1COiresD'Newuslla Fire &ielipn 8ervitlnp Merysla.OOc Page 2 December 18, 2009 This.would likely be accomplished through parking lot grading and the use of a Stormceptor, which would cost somewhere in the range of $20,000, and would be required at both Site 2a and Site 2b. The Regional flood line and Fill and Construction limits have been plotted on the attached Map 2a. The flood and fill lines for Site 2b are far enough to the west to not be of concern. The Municipality would not be able to re-grade or build within the Fill and Construction limit without approval from GRCA. The approval process would include modelling of the creek and if alterations were permitted, compensation would likely be required for changing the creek hydraulics. The building footprint and parking lot layout of Fire Station #4 in Courtice is shown on Maps 2a and 2b to determine if there is adequate space outside of the flood plain to accommodate a fire station. It appears that with adjustments to the parking lot and entrance alignment it would be possible to place a similarly sized building on either of the potehtial sites without impacting the Fill and Construction limits. Constructing the new fire station at either site would be feasible from a servicing perspective, however there are additional costs associated with Site 2a, which would make Site 2b on Rudell Rd the more favourable site based on servicing costs. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact the undersigned Sincerely, AECOM Canada Ltd. Sean Bagshaw, P.Eng. Civil Engineer, Community Infrastructure Sean. baashawCa~aecom.com ~ - ;~. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ f ~F.{1 ,h~ ;3 ~~~ij f . ~ ~ I ~ $' .''~1~ l F ~! il~i~!F ~ ~~ ~I I ~ f ~~ I r' f ~ t ~. ~ tM, ~ ~y~ M1w ~ h t } ~ I I J ~ I~+~1 ilk:,! P p j. ~ s. i''EE~r ~ . 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