HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-066-10Clarington ceaa~ng me way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING Date: May 17, 2010 Resolution#: ~PA~-313-!0 By-law #: NIA Report #: PSD-066-10 File #: PLN 14.8.2 Subject: CLARINGTON ENERGY BUSINESS PARK, MASTER STREETSCAPE PLAN FOR ENERGY PARK DRIVE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-066-10 be received; 2. THAT funding from the Clarington Station `A' Reserve Fund in the approximate amount of $30,000.00 be approved for the development of a Streetscape Master Plan for Energy Park Drive; 3. THAT the funds be recovered as part of each subdivision agreement with each developer in proportion to the portion of Energy Park Drive they are responsible for; and 4. THAT all interested parties to Report PSD-066-10 be notified of Council's decision. ~~. ,_, ~ o ~ R. Submitted by: ' Reviewed by: ~ ~ ""^"~` "" "` a e La gmai, FCSLA, MCIP Franklin Wu A ting Directo ,Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer FUdf 11 May 2010 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905) 623-3379 F (905) 623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-066-10 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 In February 2006 Council adopted the Clarington Energy Business Park Secondary Plan, as an amendment to the Official Plan together with Zoning By-law provisions for the Business Park. This was the culmination of two years of study and consultation. Since that time the Clarington Energy Business Park has been the focus for a number of economic develop initiatives and activities for the Clarington Board of Trade, Durham Strategic Energy Alliance, Durham Region and Clarington. 1.2 There are other development activities being pursued with regard to specific projects such as the York/Durham Energy from Waste Facility, the East Link of the 407, and the extension of services north from the Courtice Pollution Control Treatment Plant. The project that is the furthest along in its planning and at the point of imminent construction is the subdivision servicing by Ontario Power Generation for their office complex and training facility (Attachment 1). As part of this subdivision the first section of Energy Park Drive will be constructed. 2.0 STREETSCAPE DESIGN ELEMENTS 2.1 In the background study that led to the Secondary Plan there was specific attention given to the urban design and streetscape development for Energy Park Drive. Specifically: "It will be important to promote and enforce good urban design practices to ensure the park maintains a consistent, high-quality image and "sense of place" befitting a business park seeking a global profile. One of the overarching objectives for the park is to provide a better than typical quality of design, landscaping and environment, in order to create an identity and address that will distinguish the Clarington Energy Business Park as a unique place within the Greater Toronto region. This objective is approached through two strategies, the first being the creation of exceptional streets. Energy Drive and Park Drive should have significant landscaping and high-quality lighting to establish the setting and address for development, and to create a consistent image across the site that unifies what may be disparate land uses and building types. The second strategy is the creation of design guidelines and controls to ensure private development contributes to the desired quality and image of the Energy Park." "Park Drive" (now Energy Park Drive) "will be [a] main entry road and the spine of the business park. As such, it has a critical role to play in defining the image of the park." 2.2 A number of the speck. policies of the Secondary Plan, being Sections 4.1.4, 4.2.2, 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 7.2.7 (Attachment 2) provide objectives and direction for how Energy Park Drive is to be designed and developed. REPORT NO.: PSD-066-10 PAGE 3 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 To ensure that Energy Park Drive is designed and developed to meet the expectations that have been established for the Clarington Energy Business Park it would be appropriate to have an overall Streetscape Master Plan prepared. 3.2 The Subdivision Agreement for Ontario Power Generation is currently being completed and includes provisions for the design of Energy Drive to meet urban design standards and sustainability measures. The Energy Park Drive Streetscape Master Plan is part of the overall urban design standards and sustainability measures that all subdividers will be expected to adhere to within the Clarington Energy Business Park. 3.3 As the other subdivision developers bring forward their projects they will be required to provide similar sustainability plans of which the streetscaping of Energy Park Drive is a major component. The preparation of the overall Streetscape Master Plan will ensure a consistent design of the road network and will assist all of the developers as they come online in the future. 3.4 The Municipality should take the lead and develop the standards for the urban design, streetscape and sustainability aspects of Energy Park Drive that all the developers will be required to meet. To carry out this design development in advance of having all of the subdividers in place it would not be fair to have one land owner bear the cost; however, it is also not a cost that the Municipality should bear. It is a cost that should be borne by all of the subdividers in proportion to the lands they have fronting on Energy Park Drive. Away to have this occur is for the Municipality to fund the study in advance and recover the costs as the developers proceed on an individual basis. 3.5 To accommodate the process of the Municipality taking the lead and recovering the funds over time, the Director of Finance has suggested that funding from Clarington Station 'A' Reserve Fund, which was set up for the purpose of development/servicing the South Courtice Industrial area be used with the funds being recovered over time as the individual projects proceed. Clauses will be included in the subdivision agreements to recover this cost. 4.0 CONCLUSION 4.1 The Planning Services Department has obtained a proposal from Urban Strategies Inc., the planning, urban design and landscape architecture firm involved in the development of the Secondary Plan for the Clarington Energy Business Park. The quote obtained was below $30,000 and as such the purchase order can be issued by Staff. 4.2 Council approval is required for the use of the funds from a Reserve Fund regardless of whether they are being recovered or not. 4.3 The Director of Finance concurs with this Report. Contact: Faye Langmaid REPORT NO.: PSD-066-10 PAGE 4 Attachments: Attachment 1 -Key Map Attachment 2 -Secondary Plan Policies Interested parties to be notified of Council's decision: Bill Collie; OPG Durham Region, Greg Borchuk, Works Department Attachment 1 To Report PSD-066-10 ~ x ~ _ ~~a ~ O>o >a > ~~~ 28~~Ve~'36 aY;~{, 1• •~c OZZ ¢ ~ 4 ~• ~ SSA _?41~~_ ~ `~TVI~ Nw 's' ~z~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ E~ :~ i~.. r r ,~ _ ~ '+!s ~ ' ~ k~ ~ ha K ~a~~r-- - III` ~ ~ `~.;, •"~:_ ~~'~ l ~. 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It will function as a Type C Arterial Road, as defined in Section 19.5.1 of the Clarington Official Plan. Notwithstanding Section 19.5.1, however, Energy Drive may have aright-of-way width of up to 30 metres to accommodate a landscaped median. Applications for development fronting Energy Drive may be required to provide an Access Management Plan, depending on the land use and intended operations, to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Emergency Services. 6.2.2 Landscaping on private lands and public open space at the intersections of Energy Drive and Courtice Road, South Service Road and Courtice Road, and Energy Drive and South Service Road shall reinforce the entrances to the Energy Park. 6.2.3 Gateway features shall be developed along Energy Drive at both entrances to the Energy Park. The western gateway feature shall be a passive recreational and outdoor display facility located along Energy Drive near Courtice Road. This facility shall have a minimum size of 1 hectare and may be developed in conjunction with a hotel and convention facilities. The eastern gateway feature shall be a passive recreational facility located near the intersection of Energy Drive and South Service Road. This facility shall have a minimum size of 0.4 hectares. Both facilities shall be connected to future sidewalks and walking trails. 7.2.7 Council may require that development applications include a Sustainability Plan, prepared to the satisfaction of the Municipality's Director of Planning Services, the Director of Engineering/Building Services and the Conservation Authority.