HomeMy WebLinkAbout1131A By-law to provide for additional 1946 expenditure on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. ~. ~ ~~~ ~.- ~., ~~ . , - - _ . ~ , -~ ~~z .. w .. ;;: ~~ ~ 'By -.LAW N0. l~ ~ ~ Form •B - 6 '~`~' e A •BY SLAW nTO F~(~9I17E FOR `L l ~WI'i'[)~ ON ROADS .ZPT THE TOiANSffiP OF 'C-~~t. ;IN THE COf~TY' OF ~"' The S~ghvvay Smprovement ,pct, Chapter 56, R.S. 0. , 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and.bridgas be provided for annually by township. by -lavt. . 'IP'4RE the oouncl of the corporation of the said tor~nghip eaaats ,as . - _, follows:.. a~, . , (l) -'The sum of 6-d-y sis ~ 'a pr.iated franc maaiea raised by levy, debentures and go~fent subsidy for e p ditureupon coa~atruction .and mait~- tenanca aP the roads .in the said tcsrnship during the year I.~~cf., ae follaNre: Road Construction ~' •Br.idge Construction ~dachinery ~ c.f.Q,~ ~ Superintendence' ~ Maintenance & Repair____._~..~,_ ~ .~~""~ ~ .~..r..~-.. Total Estimated Expenditurs_...~, ~~ a~ , ~2) The -said. manias e~hall ~ be expended u~-der the direat3.oa off' duly apppinted township road superiijtendent and on work performed .in acoordanoe with the Highway ~:ImproPement Act, . (3) ~ The .clerk shall ,transmit a copy of this: by -law tb the `lilunic.ipal Roads •Branch, Depar~me.nt. of ~ighv~ays, for approval on cfz' be the prey®nt year. pass:®d at t~"~-a'~+'Q this ~ day of~ A.D.:, 19~-~ • ~ i R'gE4E ;.] Clerk of the. corporation of the .. .,:.,, .~'~~~~~ do hereby Certify .that the foregoing ~'~ township of .is a true copy of ~By- av~ No. -passed,by the council of the said corporation on the... S ~ day of ~_... 39~ ; ' ~- ti '. .. . iv~s^'dr;:FSY; ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, DTovember 12th, 1946. Mr. d. J. Mellor, C]s rk, Township of Clarke, Orono, Ontario. Dear Sir:» Re: Township oP Clarke - Supplementary E:rpenditure By-law Mo. 1131 f~ ire have received thxough our District Engineer, Dot. E.F. Marston, duplicate copies of the above Supplementary By-law which was passed by your township to provide an ad» dition+al #7,000.00 for this years highway expenditures. This is t o advise you that the Department approves of this supplementary amount, and an approved copy of the By-law is returned herewith. Together with .what alreac~ hea bean ap» proved, this makes your total 1946 approved appripriatioa X31,000.00. Yours very truly, J'. .P. Marshall Chief Municipal Engimser JAPM: SW Enclosure ~I ~~/~~ ~~ /"'