HomeMy WebLinkAbout1181A By-law to authorize the Corporation to enter into an agreement with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for street lighting. - 2 - a ma,~ority of the resident freeholders within the said area; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKS enacts as follows:- 1. THAT the Corporation of the Township of Clarke do enter into an agreement with The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for street lighting in the said area, a copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By-law; 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation be and they are hereby authorized and required to execute the said agreement on behalf of the Corporation and to affix the Corporate Seal there- to and to deliver such agreement when executed to The Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario; 3. THAT Q~ ~ of the cost incurred under said agreement for street lighting in the area therein described be raised, levied and collected by an annual special rate upon the taxable property lying within the said area; ~}. THAT ~ ~~ of the cost incurred under the said agreement for street lighting in the area therein described be paid by the Corporation and be chargeable to the municipality as a whole. DATED at ~.,,,o and finally passed this ~ day of ~- A.D. 19Sb. .. .: ~~:.t". ..... ..... . Reeve ..~~:'/ k~. /:mil-s~.~aa~~J .............. . 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