HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/2010 General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 Minutes of a meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, April 19, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor J. Abernethy Councillor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor M. Novak Councillor G. Robinson Councillor W. Woo Absent: Councillor C. Trim Also Present: Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Deputy Fire Chief, M. Berney Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Deputy Treasurer, L. Gordon Acting Director of Planning Services, F. Langmaid Director of Corporate Services & Human Resources, M. Marano Deputy Clerk, A. Greentree Clerk II, J. Gallagher Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest stated at this meeting. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Novak announced that the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area has th scheduled a tree planting event on Saturday, April 24 from 9:00 a.m. to noon and encouraged everyone to participate. Councillor Novak also noted that the Clarington Older Adults Association (COAA) held a sold-out variety evening on Saturday. As well, the COAA is holding a volunteer appreciation evening on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 starting at 5:00 p.m. - 1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 Councillor Robinson announced that he attended a fundraising event at the Kendal Community Centre, to raise funds in excess of $7500 for an area family in need. Councillor Robinson thanked the sponsors and those that attended the event. Councillor Robinson also announced that on Saturday, April 17, 2010, he attended the retirement of Alf Alldread, the former Newcastle District Fire Chief. Also, he announced th the opening, on April 17 of the art event, “Piece of Mind”, regarding recycling and what can be done. Councillor Robinson encouraged the Region to work with individuals and groups like this to make use of recyclables. Councillor Foster announced that retired police chief, Kevin McAlpine, has accepted the position of police chief of Port Hope. He noted his involvement in the community and wished him well in the future. th Councillor Hooper announced that on Saturday, April 17 most of Council attended the opening of Addie’s Dairy and Frozen Foods at 219 King Street East. In addition, he noted that there was recently an opening of a new records store called Vinyl Alibi Records located at 19 Scugog Street. Councillor Hooper thanked the Board of Trade for their involvement in bringing people to our municipality. MINUTES Resolution #GPA-234-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on March 29, 2010, be approved. CARRIED PRESENTATIONS Christine Fahey, Director, Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office (PHAIMO), addressed the Committee with an update on the Port Granby Project. She introduced the representatives related to the presentation. Ms. Fahey provided the Committee with a recap of the transition phase, which includes three project phases (regulatory approvals; construction and development; and long-term monitoring and maintenance). She noted that, in 2008, the transition phase was approved to bridge the completion of Phase 1 and Phase 2. Ms. Fahey stated that there is a $30 million federal government investment in 2008 with an additional $18 million in January, 2010. She reviewed the environmental assessment stages, noting that PHAIMO would be consulting with the public in the development of the biophysical effects program to be launched in the spring. Ms. Fahey informed the committee that AECOM Canada Limited has been - 2 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 selected as the design consultant for a contract totalling $10.8M. She noted that the design scope includes the new Long Term Waste Management Facility (LTWMF) and remediation sites, construction planning and cost estimate; construction document preparation; and overseeing the construction work. Ms. Fahey advised that the End Use Committee Report was completed and advanced for acceptance in March, 2010. She noted that the discussions currently taking place with property owners are part of the follow-up program commitment. Ms. Fahey noted that the licensing strategy was revisited based on the Port Hope Project experience. The timing for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) hearing has been deferred until late 2011, with no impact on the 2012 start date for construction. Ms. Fahey reviewed the ongoing programs which include stakeholder relations, municipal administration cost recovery, municipal tax revenue loss, property value protection, and real estate agent knowledge. Regarding project governance, Ms. Fahey reviewed the establishment of the PHAIMO office and noted that the federal government recently appointed them to lead the project. In summary, Ms. Fahey reviewed the focus for the next 18 months, which includes: completing the detailed design for new LTWMF; developing and implementing environmental assessment follow-up programs; establishing visual and sound barriers; preparing licence application for CNSC consideration; meeting the legal agreement program commitments; and keeping municipal officials and local residents informed on progress related to Port Granby Project. Eha Naylor, The ENVision Group, addressed the Committee regarding Report PSD-051-10, regarding the Port Granby Project - Report of the End Use Advisory Committee. Ms. Naylor was accompanied by Mr. Gary Vandergaast, from PHAIMO. Mr. Vandergaast noted that the End Use Plan is part of the agreement and reminded the Committee that the study began in late 2007 which was followed by the development of the End Use Plan. Ms. Naylor began with an overview of the stages involved in the study, which were background data collection and review, policy review, field work, concept development, public consultation/review, development of the preferred master plan, draft report, public meetings, and final report. She assured the Committee that the public has been involved. Ms. Naylor informed the Committee of the landscape planning objectives for the report which were to: create a nature reserve, enable natural regeneration, design with the natural heritage framework, create diversity, build linkages, enhance the shoreline ecosystem, minimize the ecological footprint, maximize benefits, and ensure that infrastructure is unobtrusive. She provided the Committee with a summary of background activities. Ms. Naylor noted some site characteristics including a review of the regional physiography, hydrology, ecological land classifications, and natural heritage. She noted that science has led the design which resulted in the natural landscape of drumlins directing the strategy. Ms. Naylor noted that there have been precedents in other remediation projects to use local landform and typologies for guidance. She informed the Committee of the vision and guiding principles. Ms. Naylor stated that they had developed three preliminary concepts – meadow, forest, and agriculture and undertook a design study in order to refine and recommend a concept. The recommended concept takes aspects from each - 3 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 of the concepts, which includes a drumlin, woodland area and linkages. She noted that the concept goes beyond the licensed areas and includes adjacent lands in the study area. Adam Labijak, Web Technician, addressed the Committee regarding the new look for the municipal website. Mr. Labijak reviewed the new colour schemes, the accessibility, the language, the interactive features, and statistical analysis of the website. He noted that there is a colour scheme associated with each of the areas of interest on the navigation menu. He also reviewed the changes that are being made in order to be compliant with the W3C standards which states that all websites must be accessible for people with disabilities. W3C is the main international organization for standards on the world wide web. Mr. Labijak noted that these changes include: no border to allow for different size screens; text size adjustor, print size feature which ensures no loss of content when printing; visibility to screen readers; and service disruption page. He explained the new “how do I” page. Mr. Labijak stated that there has been great success on the implementation of the events calendar, recently implemented in January, 2010, which allows users to submit their own events to the calendar. He noted that the Communications & Marketing Division reviews the submissions and upon approval, it becomes live on the calendar within the website. Mr. Labijak noted that the home page includes the next four upcoming events. He provided the Committee with some interesting statistics regarding the website, including 68,000 page views, 21,000 unique visitors and 6000 views of the calendar page in March 2010. Mr. Labijak informed the Committee that he will be forwarding a test link to Council and staff looking for feedback before implementing the new website. SUSPEND RULES Resolution #GPA-235-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended. CARRIED (See following motion) Resolution #GPA-236-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Tom Rees be added as a delegation at the end of the delegation section. CARRIED - 4 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 RECESS Resolution #GPA-237-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the Committee recess for a 10 minute break until 11:00 a.m. CARRIED The meeting resumed at 11:00 a.m. DELEGATIONS Chuck MacDonald, West Beach Cottagers Association, was present regarding Report PSD-050-10, West Beach Cottagers. Mr. MacDonald presented a signed petition regarding a request for the residents to be allowed to stay on the property until the land is developed into a park by the Municipality. He thanked Council and Ms. Langmaid and municipal staff for their assistance during this process. Ross Smith was present regarding Report PSD-050-10, West Beach Cottagers. Mr. Smith stated that he was also speaking on behalf of his wife, Sharon. He also thanked Ms. Langmaid for answering questions and concerns. He stated that he supports the agreement. Mr. Smith extended an invitation to the Mayor and Council to join them at their wedding reception during the Civic holiday weekend. Sharon Eccles was present regarding Report PSD-050-10, West Beach Cottagers. Ms. Eccles stated that she was very pleased with the proposal. Dr. Ted Bounsall was called, but was not present. Glen Genge, D.G. Biddle & Associates, was present regarding Report PSD-049-10 to permit the Construction of a Golf Driving Range and Accessory Uses. Mr. Genge was present representing two of the landowners whose property abuts the subject lands. He stated that his clients are requesting that, during the site plan approval, regard be given for requiring the driving range owner to erect a six foot cedar hedge, in addition to the proposed netting. Mr. Genge stated that if this is not done, his client’s privacy and security will be compromised. He also stated that his clients are concerned about an old wire fence which they deem a hazard. He requested that it be removed or replaced. - 5 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 Ken Bromley was present regarding Report PSD-052-10, concerning the appeal of Zoning By-Law Amendment, applicant: Green Martin Holdings Ltd. Mr. Bromley stated that he is concerned about the proposed change of zoning. He stated that he appreciates Council’s decision to deny the proposed zoning change. Mr. Bromley gave credit to the Clerk’s Department in the notice of the denial for noting that representation was made to the purchasers of the earlier properties. He stated that he plans to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing. Bob Kreasul was present, representing the resident boaters of Port Darlington Marina, regarding Report PSD-042-10, concerning Dredging – Bowmanville and Newcastle (Bondhead) Municipal Boat Launches. Mr. Kreasul reminded the Committee that he had forwarded a letter to Council following the last GPA meeting. He reiterated that he is not asking Council to pay for any dredging on private property. Mr. Kreasul suggested that, by using the pay-and-display machine in the parking area, the Municipality could recuperate the costs from the users. He informed the Committee that the Town of Cobourg has put forward a quote of $40,000 to perform the dredging from the boat launch to the lake. Mr. Kreasul stated that there are 60 businesses depending on the channel, including tour boat operators. Anne McGuey was present regarding Report FND-009-10, regarding Tax Office change of ownership fee. Ms. McGuey stated that she is concerned about the $25 administration fee that she was charged. She informed the Committee that she had written to the Municipality asking why there is an administrative fee for this service, which she believes should be paid for by the property taxes. Additionally, the service fee was to be effective on January 1, 2010, however her house was purchased in October, 2009. Ms. McGuey stated that she received a copy of Report FND-009-10 and further that she has yet to receive a satisfactory answer. She further noted that she had recently purchased a home in Newcastle and has yet to receive a tax bill. Tom Rees, Planner, Biglieri Group, was present representing the applicant for the rezoning of land for a golf driving range. Regarding the staff Report PSD-049-10, he stated that it is his client’s proposal to have a driving range, pro shop and restaurant together. Mr. Rees stated that the staff report has indicated that the restaurant has been limited to certain hours, scope and size in order to downplay the restaurant. He stated that his client agrees to the operating hour restriction, but was concerned about the ambiguity regarding the restaurant use (whether it is a canteen or full restaurant). In addition, Mr. Rees indicated that he is concerned about staff’s proposal which reduces the size of the restaurant area and would ask for flexibility on this issue. Mr. Rees requested that a decision not be made at this time to allow for further discussions with staff. Councillor Novak chaired this portion of the meeting. - 6 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 PUBLIC MEETING There were no public meetings scheduled. PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT APPLICATION TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GOLF DRIVING RANGE AND ACCESSORY USES Resolution #GPA-238-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-049-10 be tabled until the Council meeting of April 26, 2010 to allow staff the opportunity to meet with the applicant. CARRIED OFFER OF COMPENSATION TO COTTAGE OWNERS RESPECTING THE EXPROPRIATION OF THE WEST BEACH LANDS FOR BOWMANVILLE WATERFRONT DISTRICT PARK Resolution #GPA-239-10 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report PSD-050-10 be adopted; THAT Council approve the offer of settlement set out in the letter from Faye Langmaid to Chuck MacDonald and Gary Cole dated March 12, 2010 (Attachment 1 to Report PSD-050-10) and accepted by the cottage owners listed in Schedule 1 as set out in their consent (Attachment 8 to Report PSD-050-10); THAT the Municipality’s solicitor be authorized to: (i) prepare a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Municipality and the cottage owners listed in Schedule 1 to Report PSD-050-10 containing provisions necessary to give effect to the offer of settlement referred to in paragraph 2, and (ii) protect the Municipality’s interests as considered to be appropriate by the Director of Planning Services, and to prepare the leases and other documents to implement the Memorandum of Understanding; - 7 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 THAT Council pass a by-law (Attachment 9 to Report PSD-050-10) to authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington to execute the Memorandum of Understanding and the leases and documents necessary to implement the intent of Report PSD-050-10 as referred to in Recommendation 3; provided that the Municipality is satisfied that the cottages are fit for habitation and in compliance with health, safety, housing and maintenance standards; THAT subject to the execution of the Memorandum of Understanding referred to in Recommendation 3, the Municipal Clerk be authorized to withdraw the applications to the Landlord and Tenant Board under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 to terminate the tenancies of the cottage owners who have executed the Memorandum of Understanding; THAT the Director of Planning Services be authorized to continue discussion with the owners of the cottage on Lot 17 on Plan 345 regarding settlement of compensation for all claims under the Expropriations Act and/or arrangements respecting the relocation of the cottages to other lands and report back at a later date; THAT the Director of Planning Services continue to pursue the notice of termination of the owner of the cottage on Lot 17 on Plan 345 under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 unless a settlement is reached in advance of the hearing; THAT the Director of Operations be authorized to demolish the buildings and structures previously owned by the Port Darlington Harbour Company (the structures on all other lots except those listed in Report PSD-050-10); THAT the Director of Planning Services, the Municipality’s Solicitor, the Municipal Clerk, the Director of Operations and the Director of Engineering Services be authorized to take all necessary actions to implement the intent of Report PSD-050-10, the Memorandum of Understanding referred to in Recommendation 3 and leases and other documents necessary to implement the MOU; and THAT all interested parties be notified of Council’s decision. CARRIED PORT GRANBY PROJECT REPORT OF THE END USE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Resolution #GPA-240-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report PSD-051-10 be received; - 8 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 THAT the Report of the Port Granby Project End Use Advisory Committee be received with thanks and endorsed; THAT Frances Brooks and Luanne Hill be thanked for their work in preparing the End Use Report; THAT the Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office and Natural Resources Canada be requested to initiate discussions with the Municipality of Clarington, the Municipality of Port Hope and the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority with respect to the implementation of the Full Concept prepared by the End Use Committee, including the ownership and management of the subject lands; THAT a copy of Report PSD-051-10 and Council’s decision be forwarded to the Port Hope Area Initiative Management Office, Natural Resources Canada, the Municipality of Port Hope, the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Frances Brooks, Luanne Hill, and the Southeast Clarington Residents Association; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-051-10 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. CARRIED APPEAL OF ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICANT: GREEN MARTIN HOLDINGS LTD. Resolution #GPA-241-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Mayor Abernethy THAT Report PSD-052-10 be received; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-052-10 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. CARRIED MONITORING OF THE DECISIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT FOR THE MEETING OF APRIL 8, 2010 Resolution #GPA-242-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report PSD-053-10 be received; and - 9 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 THAT Council concurs with the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment made on April 8, 2010 for applications A2010-0007 through A2010-0014, and that Staff be authorized to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board to defend the decisions of the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY - 182, 186, 190, 194 GEORGE REYNOLDS DRIVE, FORMER TRULLS ROAD FIRE STATION SITE Resolution #GPA-243-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report PSD-054-10 be received; THAT a By-law be passed to confirm and ratify the realty services agreement between the Municipality of Clarington and Ryan Realty Services Ltd.; THAT a By-law be passed to ratify and confirm the Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Municipality and 1529250 Ontario Inc., including the payment of commission to Ryan Realty Services Ltd. as provided in the Agreement on its completion; THAT a By-law be passed to authorize the sale and transfer of the lands identified as Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5, Plan 40R-25845, Part Lot 30, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington, 182, 186, 190, and 194 George Reynolds Drive, Courtice; THAT the net proceeds from the sale of the surplus properties be deposited into the Municipal Acquisition Reserve; THAT staff and the Municipality’s Solicitor be authorized to take all necessary actions to complete the transaction; and THAT all interested partied in Report PSD-054-10 be notified of Council’s decision. CARRIED Councillor Foster chaired this portion of the meeting. - 10 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT WITH THE REGION OF DURHAM HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO DELEGATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT IN RESPECT TO SEWAGE SYSTEMS Resolution #GPA-244-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report EGD-011-10 be received; THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, the agreement with the Regional Municipality of Durham attached to Report EGD-011-10, as Attachment #1, for the administration of the Building Code Act and the Ontario Building Code, as it relates to the enforcement of small capacity sewage systems; THAT the by-law attached to Report EGD-011-10, as Attachment #4, be forwarded to Council; and THAT a copy of Report EGD-011-10, Council’s resolution and the by-law be forwarded to the Regional Municipality of Durham. CARRIED MONTHLY REPORT ON BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY FOR MARCH, 2010 Resolution #GPA-245-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report EGD-014-10 be received for information. CARRIED JANE STREET ROAD RECONSTRUCTION & FLETT STREET PAVEMENT REHABILITATION – PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Resolution #GPA-246-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT Report EGD-015-10 be received; - 11 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 THAT Staff proceed to finalize the detail design and tender based on the information received at the Public Information Centre to meet the summer 2010 construction start schedule; and THAT all those who attended the Public Information Centre and who have contacted the Municipality as interested parties be informed of this Report. CARRIED OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. EMERGENCY AND FIRE SERVICES DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. Councillor Robinson chaired this portion of the meeting. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT FRAGRANCE FREE RECREATION FACILITIES Resolution #GPA-247-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report CSD-003-10 be received for information. CARRIED COMMUNITY GRANT REQUEST – ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Resolution #GPA-248-10 Moved by Mayor Abernethy, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Report CSD-004-10 be received; THAT Council approve the grant request submitted by the Orono Amateur Athletic Association under the Community Grant Program, in the amount of $2500; and THAT the Orono Amateur Athletic Association be advised of Council’s decision. CARRIED - 12 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 COMMUNITY GRANT REQUEST – NEWCASTLE SANTA CLAUS PARADE Resolution #GPA-249-10 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report CSD-005-10 be received; THAT Council approve the grant request submitted by the Newcastle Santa Claus Parade under the Community Grant Program, in the amount of $2500; and THAT Martha Hendrikx, President, Newcastle Santa Claus Parade be advised of Council’s decision. CARRIED CLERK’S DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. Mayor Abernethy chaired this portion of the meeting. CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT TENDER CL2010-12 - SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF ONE (1) HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR Resolution #GPA-250-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report COD-012-10 be received; THAT Amaco Construction Equipment Incorporated, Mississauga, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $307,622.88 (plus G.S.T.), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2010-12, be awarded the contract for Supply & Delivery of One (1) Hydraulic Excavator, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Operations Department; and THAT the funds expended be drawn from the Operations Department 2010 Replacement of Fleet-Roads Account 110-36-388-83642-7401. CARRIED - 13 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 CLARINGTON.NET NEWSLETTERS Resolution #GPA-251-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Foster THAT Report COD-013-10 be received; THAT the Clarington.net newsletter continue to be produced and distributed by the Municipality of Clarington; and THAT Metroland, Durham Region Media group be thanked for their proposal submitted to the 2010 budget for consideration. CARRIED FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT ON REVENUE SENSITIVE TO ECONOMIC CONDITIONS – JANUARY TO MARCH 2010 Resolution #GPA-252-10 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Report FND-008-10 be received for information. CARRIED TAX OFFICE – CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP FEE Resolution #GPA-253-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report FND-009-10 be received; THAT Ms. McGuey’s request be received for information; and THAT Ms. McGuey be advised of Council’s decision. MOTION TABLED (See following motion) - 14 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 Resolution #GPA-254-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report FND-009-10, regarding the Tax Office Change of Ownership Fee, be tabled until the Council meeting of April 26, 2010. CARRIED SOLICITOR’S DEPARTMENT There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER There were no reports to be considered under this section of the Agenda. UNFINISHED BUSINESS DREDGING – BOWMANVILLE AND NEWCASTLE (BONDHEAD) MUNICIPAL BOAT LAUNCHES [TABLED ON MARCH 29, 2010 GPA MEETING] Resolution #GPA-255-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-042-10, regarding dredging of Bowmanville and Newcastle (Bondhead) municipal boat launches, be lifted from the table. CARRIED Resolution #GPA-256-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT Report PSD-042-10 be received; and THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-042-10 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. CARRIED, AS AMENDED (See following motion) - 15 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 Resolution #GPA-257-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the foregoing resolution #GPA-256-10 be amended by adding the following paragraph immediately following paragraph 1: That the CAO be requested to prepare a report, within four weeks, on the further opportunities and logistics regarding the cost recovery of dredging, installation of a gate, and activating of the parking meter at the municipal boat launch in Bowmanville. CARRIED The foregoing resolution was then put to a vote and was carried, as amended. PRESENTATION OF CHRISTINE FAHEY REGARDING THE PORT GRANBY END USE PLAN Resolution #GPA-258-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Robinson THAT the presentation of Christine Fahey be received with thanks. CARRIED PRESENTATION REGARDING NEW LOOK OF MUNICIPAL WEBSITE Resolution #GPA-259-10 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the presentation of Adam Labijak and Jennifer Cooke, regarding the new look of the municipal website, be received with thanks. CARRIED - 16 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 OTHER BUSINESS INSURANCE AS IT RELATES TO THE CONCEPT OF “JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY” Resolution #GPA-260-10 Moved by Councillor Foster, seconded by Councillor Woo WHEREAS the AMO Municipal Liability Reform Working Group has presented its paper on joint and several liability reform to the Attorney General’s Office; WHEREAS the joint and several provisions of the Negligence Act, indicate, “Where damages have been caused or contributed to by the fault or neglect of two or more persons…and, where two or more persons are found at fault or negligent, they are jointly and severally liable to the person suffering the loss or damage…”; WHEREAS the paper highlights how municipalities have become the targets of litigation when other defendants fail to have the means to pay high damage awards causing municipal insurance premiums and liability claims to continue to increase dramatically, despite enormous improvements to safety including new standards for roads, playgrounds, pool safety, better risk management practices, and the scaling back of some services; and WHEREAS municipalities should not be insurers of last resort and many other common law jurisdictions have better approaches and others are pursuing liability reform, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Municipality of Clarington calls on the Government of Ontario to reform joint and several liability with a particular regard for the impact it has on property taxpayers and their communities; and THAT Matthew Wilson, Senior Policy Advisor for the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, MPP John O’Toole, and Chris Bentley, the Attorney General for Ontario be forwarded a copy of this resolution. CARRIED - 17 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Minutes April 19, 2010 PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION FOR THE REGION OF DURHAM'S PROPOSED WASTE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW Resolution #GPA-261-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the Municipality of Clarington request that the Region of Durham arrange for an additional public information session, regarding the Region of Durham's proposed waste management by-law, to be held at the Newcastle Recreation Complex in a format similar to the one held on April 15, 2010 at the Courtice Community Complex. CARRIED COMMUNICATIONS There were no items considered under this section of the Agenda. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS There were no items considered under this section of the Agenda. ADJOURNMENT Resolution #GPA-262-10 Moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 1:30 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR D UTY LE K -18-