HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-037THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2010-037 Being a By-law to authorize Corporation of the Municipality Construction Limited, Courtice, agreement for the Renovations Centre. a contract between the of Clarington and Gerr Ontario, to enter into for the Darlington Sports THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Gerr Construction Limited, Courtice, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 12th day of April, 2010. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 12"' day of April, 2010. BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) LIMITED Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architect Prajeci Managers Tele:905-666-5252 ~ ~~ Toronto: 965-427-4495 250 Water Street Fax: 905-666-5256 Whitby, Ontario E-mail: bba®bba-archeng.com Canada L1N OG5 www.bba-archeng.com CONTRACT DOCUMENTS TENDER NO. CL2O10-1 RENOVATIONS TO DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON RMIIY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES 11991) LIMITED MARIa4 LwrhNrR Landaeaa ArcMUeC Projaot Manapan 250 Wtbur Strait TaUphona•. sn BBE-5252 Wbifby, Wnarin ToroMO: 9o642J-4495 Canads Fax: an~8.5258 L1N 065 Email: bba4Tbha-archanp.com Web Site: www.bba-erehanp.com Project No. 09040 ~ ~ ~~~~ April 23, 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS AGREEh1ENT BETW EEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR A-1 The Work A-2 Agreemems and Amendments A-3 Contract Documents A-4 Contract Price A-5 Payment A-6 Receipt of and Addresses for Notices ¢r Writing A-7 Language of the Contract A-8 Succession DEFINf[IONS L Change Directive A Change Order 3. Construction Equipment 4. Consultant 5. Contract 6. Contract Documents 7. Contract Price 8. Conttac[ Time 4 Contractor !0. Drawings l L Notice in Writing l2. Owner l3. Place ofthe Work l4. Product l5. Project l6. Provide 17. Shop Drnwings 18. Specifications 19. Subcontractor 20. Substantial Perfomrartce of the Work 2l. Supplemental lnstrucuon 22. Supplier 23. Temporay Work 24. Value Added Taxes 25. Work 26. Wodcing Day GENERAL CONDfITONS OF THE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACF PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS GC Ll Contract Documents GC 1.2 Law ofthe Contract GC 1 3 Rights and Remedies GC 1.4 Assignment PART 5 PAYhIENT GC 5.1 Financing Infornation Required of the Owner GC 5.2 Applications for Progress Payment GC 5.3 Progress Payrnent GC 5.4 Substantial Performance ofthe Work GC 5.5 Payment of Holdback upon Substantial Performance ofthe Work GC 5.6 Progressive Release of Holdback GC 5.7 Finial Payment GC 5.8 Withholding of Payment GC 5.9 Non-conforming Work PART 6 CHANGES IN THE WORK GC 6.1 Owner's Right to Make Changes GC 6 2 Change Order GC 6.3 Change Directive GC 6.4 Concealed or Unknown Conditions GC 6.i Delays GC 6.6 Claims for a Change m Contract Price PART 7 DEFAULT SOTICE GC 7. t Owner's Right to Perform the Work, Terminate the Contractor's Right to Continue with [he Work or Terminate the Contract GC 7.2 Contractofs Right m Suspend the Work or Tertnina[e the Contract PART 8 DISPLrTE RESOLUEION GC S.l Authority of the Consultant GC 8 2 Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitrazion GC 8.3 Retention of Rights PART 9 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY GC 9.1 Protection of Work and Property GC 9.2 Toxic and Hazardous Substances GC 9.3 Artifacts and Possile GC 9.4 Construction Safety GC 9 5 Mould PART ]0 GOVERNING REGCLATIONS GC 10.1 Taxes and Duties CS 10.2 Laws, Notices, Permits, and Fees GC 10.3 Patent Fees GC 10.4 Workers' Compensation PART I l INSURANCE AND CONTRACF SECURITY GC 11.1 Insurance GC 1 t 2 Contra[ Security PART2 ADMINISTRATION OFTHE CONTRACT GC 2.1 Authority oF[he Consultant GC 2.2 Role ofthe Consultant GC 2.3 Review and Inspection of the Work GC 2.4 Defective Work PART 3 EXECUTION OF THE W-ORK ' GC 3.1 Control of the Work GC 3.2 Construction by Owner or Other Contractors GC 3.3 Temporary Work GC 3.4 Document Review ' GC 3 5 COrISIr1Gt10n Schedule GC 3.6 Supervision GC 3 7 Subcontractors and Suppliers GC 3.8 Labour and Products GC 3.9 Documents ar the Site t GC 3.10 Shop Dmwings GC 3.11 Use of [he Work GC 3.12 Cutting and Remedial Work GC 3.13 Cleanup ' PART 4 ALLOWANCES GC 4.1 Cash Allowances GC 4.2 Contingency Allowance PART 12 [NDEMNIFICATION,WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND WARRANTY GC 12.1 Indemnification GC 12.2 Waiver o£Claims GC 12.3 Warmnry The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) is a na[ionaf join[ committee responsible for the development, production and review of standard Canadian consWCtion wntracts, fortes and guides. Formed in 1974 the CCDC is made up of volunteer representatives from Public Sector Owners Private Sector Owners Canadian Bar Association (Ex-Officio) * The Association of Canadian Engineering Companies * The Canadian Constmaion Association * Construction Specifications Canada * The Royal Architecturnl InsOMe of Canada *Cormittee policy and procedures are directed and approved by the four constituent national organizations. CCDC 2 is the product of aconsensus-building process aimed ar balancing the interests of all parties on the construction project. It reflects recommended industry practices. CCDC 2 can have important consequences. The CCDC and its constituent member organizations do no[ accept any responsibility or liability for loss or damage which may be suffered as a result of the use or interpretation of CCDC 2. CCDC CopyrgA[ 20118 Must no[ be copied in whole or in part without the written permissimn ofthe CCDC. Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 -2008 AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNERAND CONTRACTOR For use when a stipulated price is [he basis of payment This Agreement made on the Twenty-third day of April in the year 2010 by and between the parties The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereinafter called the "Owner" and Gerr Construction Limited hereinafter called the "Contractor" The Owner and the Contractor agree as follows: ARTICLE A-1 THE WORK The Contractor shall: l.I perform the Wark required by the Contract Documents for Darlington Sports Centre Renovation, Tender No. CL2010-1 insert above the name of the Wark located at 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario inner! above the Place afthe Work for which the Agreement has been signed by the parties, and for which Barry-Bryan Associates (1991) Limited insert above the name of the Consultant is acting as and is hereinafter called the "Consultant" and 1.2 do and fulfill everything indicated by the Contract Documents, and 1.3 commence the G4'ork by the Twenty-sixth day of April m the year 2010 and, subject to adjustment in Contract Time as provided for in the Contract Documents, attain Substantial Performance of the Work, by the First day of October in the yeaz 2010 ARTICLE A-2 AGREEMENTS AND AMENDMENTS 2.1 The Contract supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral, relating in any manner to [he Work, including the bidding documents that are not expressly listed in Article A-3 of [he Agreement -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 2.2 The Contract may be amended only as provided in the Contract Documents. CCDC 2 - 2008 Fde 005213 r~bte: This ron[ract is protected by copyright. L'se afa CCDC 2 document not conmining a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement ojcapyright. Only sign this contract f the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is imerated by the parties to be an accarate and urutmended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are selforth in supplementary candidons. ARTICLE A-3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 3.1 The following are the Contract Documents referred to in Article A-1 of the Agreement -THE WORK: - Agreement between Owner and Contractor - Definitions - The General Conditions of the Stipulated Price Contract 3.2 Addendum No. 1 dated March 2, 2010 ...................................................................................................... .........8 pages 3.3 Addendum No. 2 dated March 9, 2010 ...................................................................................................... .......49 pages 3.4 Addendum No. 3 dated March 9, 20100 .................................................................................................... .........I page 3.5 Post Addendum No. I dated January 26, 20100 ......................................................................................... ........7 pages 3.6 Form of Tender submitted by Gerr Construction Limited dated March 12, 2010 ...................................... .........4 pages 3.6. t Agreement to Bond dated February 22, 2010 .................................................................................. ........1 page 3.6.2 Schedule (C) Contractor Safety dated March 12, 20t0 ................................................................... ........6 pages 3.6.3 WS[B Workplace Injury Summary Report dated January 31, 20100 ............................................. .........2 pages 3.6.4 WSIB Merit-Adjusted Premium Rate Statement dated Deember 1, 2009 ...................................... .........1 page 3.6.5 WSIB Certificate of Clearance dated January 21, 20100 ................................................................ .........1 page 3.6.6 Schedule (D) -Fair Wage Policy dated March 12, 20100 ............................................................... .........1 page 3.6.7 Addendum No. 1 signed page 4 of 7 ............................................................................................... .........1 page 3.6.8 Addendum No. 2 signed page 6 of 6 ............................................................................................... .........1 page 3.6.8 Addendum No. 3 signed page 1 of 1 ............................................................................................... .........1 page 3.6.9 Bid Bond issued by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd. dated March 12, 2010 ................................. .........1 page 3.7 Post Tender Addendum No. 1 submitted by Gerr Construction Limited dated March 18, 2010 ............... ........6 pages 3.8 Post Tender Addendum No. 2 submitted by Gerr Construction Limited dated March 18, 2010 ............... ........1 page 3.9 Corporate Services Department Report No. COD-008-10 dated April 12, 2010 ....................................... ......15 pages 3.10 WSIB Certificate of Cleazance dated March 19, 2009 ............................................................................... ........1 page 3.11 Performance Bond issued by Zurich Insurance Company L[d. dated April 16, 2010 ................................ ........1 page 3.12 Labour and Material Payment Bond issued byZurich Insurance Company Ltd. dated April 16, 2010 ..... .........2 pages 3.13 Certificate of Insurance issued by Petrela Winter & Associates dated April 23, 2010 .............................. .........1 page ' 3.14 List of Drawings (attached as Pages 2A and 2B) 3.15 Specifications Volumes 1 and 2 * (Insert here, attaching additional pages if required, a list idendifying all other Contract Documents e.g. supplementary ' conditions; information documents; speciftcafians, giving a list of contents with section numbers and titles, trumber of pages and date; maderial finishing schedules; drawings, giving drawing number, title, date, revision date or mark; addenda, giving title, rmmber, date) CCDC2-2008 File 005213 Note: This rontract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constinRes an infringement of copyright Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate ami unamended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary candidans. ARTICLE A-4 CONTRACT PRICE 4.1 The Contract Price, which excludes Value Added Tazes, is: One million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, eight hundred--------------- /100 dollars 4.2 Y"alue Added Taxes (of 5 %) payable by the Owner to the Contractor are: Ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety--------------------------------------- !100 dollars 4.3 Total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor for the wnsttuction of the Work is: Two million and ninety-nine thousand, seven hundred and ninety----------------- /100 dollars 4.4 These amounts shall be subject to adjustments as provided in the Contract Documents. 4.5 All amounts are in Canadian funds. ARTICLE A-5 PAYMENT $ 1,999,800.00 $ 99,990.00 $ 2,099,790.00 5.1 Subject to the provisions of the Contract Documents, and in accordance with legislation and statutory regulations respecting holdback percentages and, where such legislation or regulations do not exist or apply, subject to a holdback of Ten percent ( 10 %), the Owner shall: .1 make progress payments to the Contractor on account of the Contract Price when due in the amount certified by the Consultant together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payments, and .2 upon Substantial Performance of the Work, pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the holdback amount when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment, and .3 upon the issuance of the final certificate for payment, pay to the Contractor the unpaid balance of the Contract Price when due together with such Value Added Taxes as may be applicable to such payment. 5.2 In the event of loss or damage occurring where payment becomes due under the property and boiler insurance policies, payments shall be made to the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of GC 11.1 -INSURANCE. 5.3 Interest .1 Should either party fail to make payments as they become due under the terms of the Contract or in an award by arbitration or court, interest at the following rates on such unpaid amounts shall also become due and payable until payment: (1) 2% per annum above the prime rate for the first 60 days. (2) 4% per annum above the prime rate after the first 60 days. Such interest shall be compounded on a monthly basis. The prime rate shall be the rate of interest quoted by TD Canada Trust (Insert name of chartered lenfi'ng institution whose prime rate is [o be used/ for prime business loans as it may change from time to time. - .2 Interest shall apply at the rate and in the manner prescribed by paragraph 5.3.1 of this Article on the settlement amount of any claim in dispute that is resolved either pursuant to Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION or otherwise, from the date the amount would have been due and payable under the Contract, had it not been in dispute, until the date it is paid. CCDC 2-2008 Fie 005213 3 - Note: This cantrac[ is protected by capyrlght Use of a CCDC 2 dacxunend na/ containing a CCDC 2 copyrtght seat consatures an tnfrtngemenf of copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that rt u Intended by the parfies ro be an accurate and unamended version of CCDC 2 - 2008 excep[ to the extern that any aherah'ons, addtdons or madtRcaFOns are set faith In supplementary condih'ons. ARTICLE A-6 RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES IN WRITING 6.1 .Notices in Writing will be addressed to the recipient at the address se[ out below. The delivery of a A'otice in Writing will be by hand, by courier, by prepaid first class mail, or by facsimile or other form of electronic communication during the transmission of which no indication of failure of receipt is communicated to the sender. A Notice in Writing delivered by one party in accordance with this Contract will be deemed to have been received by the other party on the date of delivery if delivered by hand or courier, or if sent by mail it shall be deemed to have been received five calendaz days after the date on which it was mailed, provided that if either such day is not a Working Day, then the Notice in Writing shall be deemed to have been received on the Working Day next following such day. A Notice in Writing sent by facsimile or other form of electronic communication shall be deemed m have been received on the date of its transmission provided that if such day is not a Working Day or if it is received after the end of normal business hours on the date of its transmission at the place of receipt, then it shall be deemed to have been received a[ the opening of business at the place of receipt on the first Working Day next following the transmission thereof. An address for a party may be changed by ,Notice in Writing to the other party setting out the new address in accordance with this Article. Owner The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington name ofOwner* 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 address (905)623-5506 facsimile number email address COntCUCfOC Gerz Construction Limited name ofConlractor* 3386 Solina Road North, RR #3, Courtice, Ontario L 1C 3K4 address 905-436-5198 jgerzits@gerreon.com facsimile manber email address COUSUItaOt Bazry-Bryan Associates (1991) Limited name ofCansultant* 250 Water Street, Whitby, Ontario L1N OGS 905-666-5256 bba@bba-archeng.com facsimile munber email address "ljit is intended that the notice must be received by a speck individual, that individual's name shall be indicated. ARTICLE A-7 LANGUAGE OF THE CONTRACT 7.1 When the Contract Documents are prepazed in both the English and French languages, it is agreed that in the event of any apparent discrepancy between the English and French versions, [he English / Fr~ch # language shall prevail. # Complete this statement by striking out inapplicable term. 7.2 This Agreement is drawn in English at the request of the parties hereto. La presente convention est redigee en anglais ~ la demande des parties. CCDC2-2008 File 005213 q Note: This cono-ac! is protected by copyright. L'se of a CCDC 1 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this roMact if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 capyrigM seal to demonstrate that it is imeraled by the parries to be an accurate am( unamended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that arty afterafians, addldons or modifications are setforth in suppfememary rorrdih'ons. ARTICLE A-S SUCCESSION 8.1 The Contract shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed this Agreement by the hands of their duly authorized representatives. SIGNED AND DELIVERED in the presence of: WITNESS signature OWNER The Corporation of the Municipality of Clazington name of owner signature m Abernetby,~Mayor name ofperson signing name and tif(e of pers~signm - i ~~~ ~ f - rr _" ~ me; Clerk name ofperson signing WITNESS signature name name and title ofperson signing CONTRACTOR Gen Construction Limited gna re - _ _ _ tl • GE2R~Ts , PleesivE,>,i ~_ name and fi11e ofperson signing name ofperson signing name and title ofperson signing ,~'. B. Where legal jurisdiction, local practice or Owner ar Contractor requirement calls for: (a) proof of authority to execute this document, attach such proof of authority in the form of a certified copy of a resolution naming the representative(sj authorised to sign the Agreement for and on behalf of the corporation or partnership; or (b) the affixing of a corporate seal, this Agreement should be properly sealed CCDC2-2008 File 005213 5 Note: This contract is protected by copyright. G'se afa CCDC 2 document not conmining a CCDC 2 copyright sea! mrulitutes an infringement afcopyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 coporight seal to demansbare that i1 u imended by the parties to be an accurate amt unamerded version of CCDC 2- 2008 excep! to the extent that airy afteratiorrs, addifioru or modJfications are set forth in supplementary corulivons. Standard Construction Document CCDC 2 - 2008 ' DEFINITIONS The following Definitions shall apply to all Contract Documents. t. Change Directive ' A Change Directive is a written instruction prepared by the Consultant and signed by the Owner directing the Contractor to proceed with a change in the Work within the general scope of the Contract Documents prior to the Orvner and the Contractor agreeing upon adjustments in the Contract Price and the Contract Time. ' 2. Change Order A Change Order is a written amendment to the Contract prepazed by the Consultant and signed by the Owner and the Contractor stating their agreement upon: - a change in the Work; ' the method of adjustment or the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Price, if any; and - the extent of the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any. 3. ConstruMion Equipment ' Construction Equipment means all machinery and equipment, either operated or not operated, that is required for preparing, fabricating, conveying, erecting, or otherwise performing the Work but is not incorporated into [he Work. 4. Consultant ' The Consultant is the person or entity engaged by the Owner and identified as such in the Agreement. The Consultant is the Architect, the Engineer or entity licensed to practise in the province or territory of the Place of the 4i'ork. The term Consultant means the Consuhant or the Consultant's authorized representative. ' S. Contract The Contract is the undertaking by the parties to perform their respective duties, responsibilities and obligations as prescribed in the Contract Documents and represents the entire agreement between the parties. ' 6. Contract Documents The Contract Documents consist of those documents listed in Article A-3 of the Agreement -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and amendments agreed upon between the parties. ' 7. Contract Price The Contract Price is the amount stipulated in Article A-4 of the Ageement -CONTRACT PRICE. 8. Contract Time ' The Contract Time is the time stipulated in paragraph l.3 of Article A-1 of the Agreement -THE WORK from commencement of the Work to Substantial Performance of the Work 9. Contractor ' The Contractor is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. The term Contractor means the Contractor or the Contractor's authorized representative as designated to the Owner in writing. 10. Drawings The Drawings aze the graphic and pictorial portions of the Contract Documents, wherever located and whenever issued, showing the design, location and dimensions of the Work, generally including plans, elevations, sections, details, and diagrams. 11. Notice in Writing A Notice fn Writing, where identified in the Contract Documents, is a written communication between the parties or between ' them and [he Consultant that is transmitted in accordance with the provisions of Article A-6 of the Agreement -RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES IN WRITING. 12. Owner The Owner is the person or entity identified as such in the Agreement. The term Orvner means the Owner or the Owner's authorized agent or representative as designated to the Contractor in writing, but does not include the Consultant. 13. Place of the Work The Place of the Work is the designated site or location of the Work identified in the Contract Documents. 14. Product Product or Products means material, machinery, equipment, and fixtures forming the Work, but does not include Construction Equipment. CCDC2-2008 File 007100 6 Note: This contract is protected by copyright L'se afa CCDC 2 document no( containing a CCDC 2 copyright sea( constitutes an infringement afmpyright. Only sign this conMac( if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is in(emled by the games (o be an accurate oral urwmended version of ' CCDC 2 - 2008 except to the extent that atry altermions, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions. 1 15. Project The Project means the total construction contemplated of which [he Work may be the whole or a part. 16. Provide Provide means to supply and install. 17. Shop Drawings Shop Drmvings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures, Product data, and other data which the Contractor provides to illustrate details of portions of the Work. 18. Specifications The Specifrcations are that portion of the Contract Documents, wherever located and whenever issued, consisting of the written requirements and standards for Products, systems, workmanship, quality, and the services necessary for the performance of the Work. 19. Subcontractor A Subcontractor is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to perform a part or parts of the Work at the Place of the Work. 20. Substantial Performance of the Work Substantial Performance of the Work is as defined in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the 6f'ork. If such legislation is not in force or does not contain such defmition, or if the Work is governed by the Civil Code of Quebec, Substantial Performance of the Work shall have been reached when the Work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended and is so certified by the Consultant. 2l. Supplemental [ostroction A Supplementallnstruction is an instruction, not involving adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time, in the form of Specifications, Drawings, schedules, samples, models or written instructions, consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. It is to be issued by the Consultant to supplement the Contract Documents as required for the performance of the Work. 22. Supplier A Supplier is a person or entity having a direct contract with the Contractor to supply Products. 23. Temporary Work Temporary Work means temporary supports, stmctures, facilities, services, and other temporary items, excluding Construction Equipment, required for the execution of the Work but not incorporated into the Work. 2J. Value Added Taxes Value Added Taxes means such sum as shall be levied upon the Contract Prrce by the Federal or any Provincial or Territorial Government and is computed as a percentage of the Contract Price and includes the Goods and Services Tax, the Quebec Sales Tax, dte Harmonized Sales Tax, and any similar tax, the collection and payment of which have been imposed on the Contractor by the tax legislation. 25. Work The Work means the total construction and related services required by the Contract Documents. 26. Working Day Working Day means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, statutory holiday, or statutory vacation day that is observed by the construction industry in the area of the Place of the Work. CCDC 2 - 2008 File 007100 ,Nate: This conduct is protected by copyright Use of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 1 copyright seal cons#tules an in¢ingement of copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is interaled by the parties to 6e an accurate and vnamended version of CCDC 2 -1008 except to the extent that airy alteratbns, addltians or mod fcations are setforth in supplementary conditions. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS Standard Construction Document CCDC 2-2008 GC 1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1.1 The intent of the Contract Documents is to include the labour, Products and services necessary for the performance of the Yfork by the Contractor in accordance with these documents. It is not intended, however, that the Contractor shall supply products or perform work not consistent with, not covered by, or not properly inferable from the Contract Documents. 1.1.2 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between: .1 the Owner and a Subcontractor, a Supplier, or their agent, employee, or other person performing any portion of the Work. .2 the Consultant and the Contractor, a Subcontractor, a Supplier, or their agent, employee, or other person performing any portion of the Work. 1.1.3 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by all. 1.1.4 Words and abbreviations which have well known technical or trade meanings are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meanings. 1.1.5 References in the Contract Documents to the singular shall be considered to include the plural as the context requires. 1.1.6 Neither the organization of the Spec cations nor the arrangement of Drawings shall control the Contractor in dividing the work among Subcontractors and Suppliers. 1.1.7 If there is a conflict within the Contract Documents: .l the order of priority of documents, from highest to lowest, shall be - the Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, - the Definitions, - Supplementary Conditions, - the General Conditions, - Division 1 of the Spec cations, - technical Specifications, - material and finishing schedules, - the Drmvings. .2 Drawings of larger scale shall govern over [hose of smaller scale of the same date. .3 dimensions shown on Drawings shall govern over dimensions scaled from Drawings. .4 later dated documents shall govern over eazlier documents of the same type. 1.1.8 The Owner shall provide the Contractor, without charge, sufficient copies of the Contract Documents to perform the Work. 1.1.9 Spec cations, Drmvings, models, and copies thereof furnished by the Consultant are and shall remain the Consultant's property, with the exception of the signed Contract sets, which shall belong to each party to [he Contract. All Specifications, Drmvings and models furnished by the Consultant aze to be used only with respect to [he Work and are not to be used on other work. These Specifications, Drmvings and models are not to be copied or altered in any manner without the written authorization of the Consultant. 1.1.10 Models furnished by the Contractor at the Owner's expense are the property of the Owner. GC 1.2 LAW OF THE CONTRACT 1.2.1 The law of the Place of the Work shall govern the interpretation of the Contract. GC 1.3 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES 13.1 Except as expressly provided in the Contract Documents, the duties and obligations imposed by the Contract Documents and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of any duties, obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law. 1.3.2 No action or failure to act by the Owner, Consultant or Contractor shall constitute a waiver of any right or duty afforded any of them under the Contract, nor shall any such action or failure to act constitute an approval of or acquiescence in any breach thereunder, except as may be specifically agreed in writing. CCDC 2 - 2008 File 007213 8 Note: This contract is protected by copyright. L'se ofa CCOC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement afcopyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCOC 2 copyright seal to demonsdate tha! d is imetded by the parties to be an accwate amt unamended version of CCIJC 2 -2008 ezcept to the extent that arty alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary conditions. GC 1.4 ASSIGNMENT 1.4.1 Neither parry to the Contract shall assign the Contract or a portion thereof without the written consent of the other, which consent shall no[ be unreasonably withheld. PART 2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT GC 2.t AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT 2.1.1 The Consultant will have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in the Contract Documents, unless otherwise modified by written ageement as provided in paragraph 2.1.2. 2.1.2 The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of [he Consultant as set forth in the Contract Documents shall be modified or extended only with the written consent of the Owner, the Contractor and the Consultant. 2.1.3 If the Consultant's employment is terminated, the Owner shall immediately appoint or reappoint a Consultant against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objection and whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former Consultant. GC 2.2 ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT 2.2.1 The Consultant will provide administration of the Contract as described in the Contract Documents. 2.2.2 The Consultant will visit the Place of the Work at intervals appropriate to the progress of construction to become familiaz with the progress and quality of the work and to determine if the Work is proceeding in general conformity with the Contract Documents. 2.2.3 If the Owner and the Consultant agree, the Consutant will provide at the Place of the Work, one or more project representatives to assist in carrying out the Consultant's responsibilities. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of such project representatives shall be as set forth in writing to the Contractor. 2.2.4 The Consultant will promptly inform the Owner of the date of receipt of the Contractor's applications for payment as provided in paragraph of GC 5.3 -PROGRESS PAYMENT. 2.2.5 Based on the Consultant's observations and evaluation of the Contractor's applications for payment, the Consultant will determine the amounts owing to the Contractor under the Contract and will issue certificates for payment as provided in Article A-5 of the Ageement -PAYMENT, GC 5.3 -PROGRESS PAYMENT and GC 5.7 -FINAL PAYMENT. 2.2.6 The Consultant will not be responsible for and will not have control, charge or supervision of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs required in connection with the Work in accordance with the applicable construction safety legislation, other regulations or general construction practice. The Consultant will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure [o carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. The Consultant will not have control over, charge of or be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or their agents, employees, or any other persons performing portions of the Work. 2.2.7 Except with respect to GC 5.1 -FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER, the Consulant will be, in the first instance, the interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents. 2.2.8 Matters in question relating to the performance of the Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents shall be initially referred in writing to the Consultant by the party raising the question for interpretations and findings and copied to the other Parh'~ 2.2.9 Interpretations and fmdings of the Consultant shall be consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. In making such interpretations and findings the Consu/rant will not show partiality to either the Owner or the Contractor. 2.2.10 The Consultant's interpretations and fmdings will be given in writing to the parties within a reasonable time. 2.2.11 With respect to claims for a change in Contract Price, the Consultant will make findings as set out in GC 6.6 -CLAIMS FOR A CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE. 2.2.12 The Consultant will have authority to reject work which in the Consultant's opinion does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Whenever the Consultant considers it necessary or advisable, the Consultant will have authority to require inspection or testing of work, whether or not such work is fabricated, installed or wmpleted. However, neither the authority of the Consultant to act nor any decision either [o exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to any duty or xesponsibiliry of the Consulant to the Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers, or their agents, employees, or other persons performing any of the Work. CCDC2-2008 Ff1e 007213 Note: Thu contract is protected by capynghi. Use ofa CCDC 1 document rro[ containing a CCDC 2 ropyrtght seal conrnmtes an infringement ofropyrlght. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright sea! to demonstrate that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and urwmended version of CCDC 2 - 2008 except to the exlenr that airy alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplemenmry conditions. 2.2.13 During the progress of the Work the Consultant will fumish Supplemental Instructbons to the Contractor with reasonable promptness or in accordance with a schedule for such instructions agreed to by the Consultant and the Contractor. 2.2.14 The Consultant will review and take appropriate action upon Shop Drmvings, samples and other Contractor's submittals, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.2.15 The Consultant will prepaze Change Orders and Change Directives as provided in GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 - CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 2.2.16 The Consultant will conduct reviews of the Work to determine the date of Substantial Performance of the Work as provided in GC 5.4 -SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. 2.2.17 All certificates issued by the Consultant will be to the best of the Consultant's knowledge, information and belief. By issuing any certificate, the Consultant does not guarantee the Work is corsect or complete. 2.2.18 The Consultant will receive and review written wazranties and related documents required by the Contract and provided by the Contractor and will forward such warranties and documents to the Owner for the Owner's acceptance. GC 2.3 REVIEW AND INSPECTION OF THE WORK 2.3.1 The Orvner and the Consultant shall have access to the Work at all times. The Contractor shall provide sufficient, safe and proper facilities at all times for the review of the Work by the Consultant and the inspection of the Work by authorized agencies. If parts of the Work are in preparation at locations other than the Place of the Work, the Owner and the Consultant shall be given access to such work whenever it is in progress. 2.3.2 If work is designated for tests, inspections or approvals in the Contract Documents, or by the Consultant's instructions, or by the laws or ordinances of the Place of the Work, the Contractor shall give the Consultant reasonable notification of when the work will be ready for review and inspection. The Contractor shall arrange for and shall give the Consultant reasonable notification of the date and time of inspections by other authorities. 2.3.3 The Contractor shall furnish promptly to the Consultant two copies of certificates and inspection reports relating to the Work. 2.3.4 If the Contractor covers, or permits to be covered, work that has been designated for special tests, inspections or approvals before such special tests, inspections or approvals are made, given or completed, the Contractor shall, if so directed, uncover such work, have the inspections or tests satisfactorily completed, and make good covering work at the Contractor's expense. 2.3.5 The Consultant may order any portion or portions of the Work to be examined to confirm that such work is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If the work is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct the work and pay the cost of examination and correction. If the work is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the cost of examination and restoration. 2.3.6 The Contractor shall pay the cost of making any test or inspection, including the cost of samples required for such test or inspection, if such test or inspection is designated in the Contract Documents to be performed by the Contractor or is designated by the laws or ordinances applicable to the Place of the Work. 2.3.7 The Contractor shall pay the cost of samples required for any test or inspection to be performed by the Consultant or the Owner if such test or inspection is designated in the Contract Documents. GC 2.4 DEFECTIVE WORK 2.4.1 The Contractor shall promptly corsect defective work that has been rejected by the Consultant as failing to conform to the Contract Documents whether or not the defective work has been incorporated in the Work and whether or not the defect is the result of poor workmanship, use of defective products or damage through carelessness or other act or omission of the Contractor. 2.4.2 The Contractor shall make good promptly other contractors' work destroyed or damaged by such corrections at the Contractor's expense. 2.4.3 If in the opinion of the Consultant it is not expedient to correct defective work or work not performed as provided in the Contract Documents, the Owner may deduct from the amount otherwise due to the Contractor the difference in value between the work as performed and that called for by the Contract Documents. If the Owner and the Contractor do not agree on the difference in value, they shall refer the matter to the Consultant for a determination. CCDC2-2008 File 007213 to Ab[e.~ This contract is protected by copyright. Use afa CCDC 2 document wt containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal carunhe(es an infringement ofcopyright. Only sign [his contract f the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright sea! m demonsMate that it is imemled by the parties !o be an accurate and urmmended version of CCDC 2- 2008 except to the extent [hat arry alterations, additions ar modffrcations are setforth in supplementary conditions. PART 3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK GC 3.1 CONTROL OF THE WORK 3.1.1 The Contractor shall have total control of the Work and shall effectively direct and supervise the Work so as to ensure conformity with the Contract Documents. 3.1.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, and procedures and for co-ordinating the various parts of the Work under the Contract. GC 3.2 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS 3.2.1 The Owner reserves the right to award separate contracts in connection with other parts of [he Project to other contractors and to perform work with own forces. 3.2.2 When separate contracts are awarded for other parts of the Project, or when work is performed by the Owner's own forces, the Owner shall: .1 provide for the co-ordination of the activities and work of other contractors and Owner's own forces with the Work of the Contract; .2 assume overall responsibility for compliance with the applicable health and construction safety legislation at the Place of the Work; .3 enter into separate contracts with other contractors under conditions of contract which are compatible with the conditions of the Contract; .4 ensure that insurance coverage is provided to the same requirements as aze called for in GC 11.1 -INSURANCE and co- ordinate such insurance with the insurance coverage of the Contractor as it affects the Work; and .5 take all reasonable precautions to avoid labour disputes or other disputes on the Project arising from the work of other contractors or the Owner's own Forces. 3.2.3 When separate contracts are awarded for other parts of the Project, or when work is performed by the Owner's own forces, the Contractor shall: .1 afford the Owner and other contractors reasonable opportunity to store their products and execute [heir work; .2 cooperate with other contractors and the Owner in reviewing their construction schedules; and .3 promptly report to the Consultant in writing any apparent deficiencies in the work of other contractors or of the Owner's own forces, where such work affects the proper execution of any portion of the Work, prior to proceeding with that portion of the Work. 3.2.4 Where the Contract Documents identify work to be performed by other contractors or the Owner's own forces, the Contractor shall co-ordinate and schedule the Work with the work of other contractors and the Owner's own forces as specified in the Contract Documents. 3.2.5 Where a change in the Work is required as a result of the co-ordination and integration of the work of other contractors or Owner's own forces with the Work, the changes shall be authorized and valued as provided in GC 6.1 -OWNER'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 3.2.6 Disputes and other matters in question between the Contractor and other contractors shall be dealt with as provided in Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION provided the other contractors have reciprocal obligations. The Contractor shall be deemed to have consented to arbitration of any dispute with any other contractor whose contract with [he Owner contains a similar agreement to arbitrate. GC 3.3 TEMPORARY WORK 3.3.1 The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility for the design, erection, operation, maintenance, and removal of Temporary Work. 3.3.2 The Contractor shall engage and pay for registered professional engineering personnel skilled in the appropriate disciplines to perform those functions referred to in paragraph 3.3.1 where required by law or by the Contract Documents and in all cases where such Temporary Work is of such a nature that professional engineering skill is required to produce safe and satisfactory results. CCC1C2-2008 File 007213 u Note: This cain'act is prMected by copyright. Use ofa CCDC 1 document Trot containing a CCLK 2 copyright seal constitutes an ircfringement afcopyright. Only sign this contract f the document cover page bears a CCIK 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is irvetuled by the parties to be an accurate amt unamended version of CCOC 2- 2008 except to the extent that airy alterations, additions ar modifications are set forth in supplemenmry candidons. 3.3.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of GC 3.1 -CONTROL OF THE WORK, paragraphs 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 or provisions to the contrary elsewhere in the Contract Documents where such Contract Documents include designs for Temporary Work or specify a method of construction in whole or in part, such designs or methods of construction shall be considered to be part of the design of the Work and the Contractor shall not be held responsible for that part of the design or the specified method of construction. The Contractor shall, however, be responsible for the execution of such design or specified method of construction in the same manner as For the execution of the Work. GC 3.4 DOCUMENT REVIEW 3.4.1 The Contractor shall review the Contract Documents and shall report promptly to the Consultant any error, inconsistency or omission the Contractor may discover. Such review by the Contractor shall be to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief and in making such review the Contractor does not assume any responsibility to the Owner or the Consultant for the accuracy of the review. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage or costs resulting from such errors, inconsistencies or omissions in the Contract Documents, which the Contractor did not discover. If the Contractor does discover any error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall not proceed with the work affected until the Contractor has received corrected or missing information from the Consultant. GC 3.5 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 3.5.1 The Contractor shall: .I prepare and submit to the Owner and the Consultant prior to the first application for payment, a construction schedule that indicates the timing of the major activities of the Work and provides sufficient detail of the critical events and their inter-relationship to demonstrate the Work will be performed in conformity with the Contract Time; .2 monitor the progress of the Work relative to the construction schedule and update the schedule on a monthly basis or as stipulated by the Contract Documents; and .3 advise the Consultant of any revisions required to [he schedule as the result of extensions of the Contract Time as provided in Part 6 ofthe General Conditions -CHANGES IN THE WORK. GC 3.6 SUPERVISION 3.6.1 The Coutractor shall provide all necessary supervision and appoint a competent representative who shall be in attendance at the Place of the Work while work is being performed. The appointed representative shall not be changed except for valid reason. 3.6.2 The appointed representative shall represent the Contractor at the Place of the Work. Information and instructions provided by the Consultant to the Contractor's appointed representative shall be deemed to have been received by the Contractor, except with respect [o Article A-6 of the Ageement -RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES IN WRITING. GC 3.7 SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS 3.7.1 The Contractor shall preserve and protect the rights of the parties under the Contract with respect to work to be performed under subcontract, and shall: .1 enter into contracts or written agreements with Subcontractors and Suppliers to require them to perform their work as provided in the Contract Documents, .2 incorporate the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents into all contracts or written agreements with Subcontractors and Suppliers; and .3 be as fully responsible to the Owner for acts and omissions of Subcontractors, Suppliers and of persons directly or indvectly employed by them as for acts and omissions of persons directly employed by the Contractor. 3.7.2 The Contractor shall indicate in writing, if requested by the Owner, those Subcontractors or Suppliers whose bids have been received by [he Contractor which the Contractor would be prepared to accept for the performance of a portion of the Work. Should the Owner not object before signing [he Contract, the Contractor shall employ those Subcontractors or Suppliers so identified by the Contractor in writing for the performance of that portion of the Work to which their bid applies. 3.7.3 The Owner may, for reasonable cause, at any time before the Owner has signed the Contract, object to [he use of a proposed Subcontractor or Supplier and require the Contractor to employ one of the other subcontract bidders. 3.7.4 If the Owner requires the Contractor to change a proposed Subcontractor or Supplier, the Contract Prrce and Contract Time shall be adjusted by the differences occasioned by such required change. CCDC 2-2005 Pile 007213 12 Note: This contact is protected by copyright. Use ofa CCDC 2 document trot contaircircg a CCDC 2 copyright sea! constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this contmct f the document cover page bears u CCDC 2 copyright sea! to demomftate that rt is intended by the parties to be an accurate amf unamended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the exterct that arty alterations, additions ar mod cations are setfarth m supplememary coraAtons. 3.7.5 The Contractor shall not be required to employ as a Subcontractor or Supplier, a person or firm to which the Contractor may reasonably object. 3.7.6 The Owner, through the Consultant, may provide to a Subcontractor or Supplier information as to the percentage of the Subcontractor's or Supplier's work which has been certified for payment. GC 3.8 LABOUR AND PRODUCTS 3.8.1 The Contractor shall provide and pay for labour, Products, tools, Construction Equipment, water, heat, light, power, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for the performance of [he Work in accordance with the Contract. 3.8.2 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, Products provided shall be new. Products which are not specified shall be of a quality consistent with those specified and their use acceptable to the Consultant. 3.8.3 The Contractor shall maintain good order and discipline among the Contractor's employees engaged on the Work and shall not employ on the Work anyone not skilled in the tasks assigned. GC 3.9 DOCUMENTS AT THE SITE 3.9.1 The Contractor shall keep one copy of current Contract Documents, submittals, reports, and records of meetings at the Place of the Work, in good order and available to the Owner and the Consultant. GC 3.10 SHOP DRAWINGS 3.10.1 The Contractor shall provide Shop Drawings as required in the Contract Documents. 3.10.2 The Contractor shall provide Shop Drmvings to the Consultant to review in orderly sequence and sufficiently in advance so as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of other contractors. 3.10.3 Upon request of the Contractor or the Consultant, they shall jointly prepare a schedule of the dates for provision, review and return of Shop Drawings. 3.10.4 The Contractor shall provide Shop Drawings in the form specified, or if not specified, as directed by the Consultant. 3.10.5 Shop Drmvings provided by the Contractor to the Consultant shall indicate by stamp, date and signature of the person responsible for the review that the Contractor has reviewed each one of them. 3.10.6 The Consultant's review is for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only. 3.10.7 Shop Drawings which require approval of any legally constituted authority having jurisdiction shall be provided to such authority by the Contractor for approval. 3.10.8 The Contractor shall review all Shop Drmvings before providing them to the Consultant The Contractor represents by this review that: .1 the Contractor has deteanined and verified all applicable field measurements, field constrction wnditions, Product requirements, catalogue numbers and similaz data, or will do so, and .2 the Contractor has checked and co-ordinated each Shop Drawing with [he requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. 3.10.9 At the 6me of providing Shop Drawings, the Contractor shall expressly advise the Consultant in writing of any deviations in a Shop Drmving from the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Consultant shall indicate the acceptance or rejection of such deviation expressly ht writing. 3.10.10 The ConsultanPs review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings or for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents. 3.10.11 The Contractor shall provide revised Shop Drawings to correct those which the Consultant rejects as inconsistent with the Contract Documents, unless otherwise directed by the Consultant. The Contractor shall notify [he Consultant in writing of any revisions to the Shop Drawings other than those requested by the Consultant. 3.10.12 The Consultant will review and return Shop Drmvings in accordance with [he schedule agreed upon, or, in the absence of such schedule, with reasonable promptness so as to cause no delay in the performance of the Work. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 13 Note: Tiu's candact is protected by copyright Use ofa CCDC 1 document trot containing a CCDC 1 copyright seal constitutes an infringement ofcopyright. Only sign du's contract f the docarmem corer page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonsdote that it is in(ended by (he parties to be an accurate and urmmended version of CCDC 2-1(108 except to the extern that arty alterations, additions ar modifrcations are setforth in supplememary canditiorrs. GC 3.11 USE OF THE WORK 3.11.1 The Contractor shall confine Construction Equipment, Temporary Work, storage of Products, waste products and debris, and operations of employees and Subcontractors to limits indicated by laws, ordinances, permits, or the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably encumber the Place of the G4'ork. 3.11.2 The Contractor shall not load or permit to be loaded any part of the Work with a weight or force that will endanger the safety of the Work. GC 3.12 CUTTING AND REMEDIAL WORK 3.12.1 The Contractor shall perform the cutting and remedial work required to make the affected parts of the Work come together properly. 3.12.2 The Contractor shall co-ordinate the Work to ensure that the cutting and remedial work is kept to a minimum. 3.12.3 Should the Owner, the Consultant, other contractors or anyone employed by them be responsible for ill-timed work necessitating cutting or remedial work to be performed, the cost of such cutting or remedial work shall be valued as provided in GC 6.1 -OWNER'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 3.12.4 Cutting and remedial work shall be performed by specialists familiar with the Products affected and shall be performed in a manner to neither damage nor endanger the Work. GC 3.13 CLEANUP 3.13.1 The Contractor shall maintain the Work in a safe and tidy condition and free from the accumulation of waste products and debris, other than that caused by the Owner, other contractors or their employees. 3.13.2 Before applying for Substantial Performance of the Work as provided in GC 5.4 -SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK, the Contractor shall remove waste products and debris, other than that resulting from the work of the Owner, other contractors or their employees, and shall leave the Place of the Work clean and suitable for use or occupancy by the Owner. The Contractor shall remove products, tools, Construction Equipment, and Temporary Work not required for the performance of the remaining work. 3.13.3 Prior to application for the final payment, the Contractor shall remove any remaining products, tools, Construction Equipment, Temporary Work, and waste products and debris, other than those resulting from the work of the Owner, other contractors or their employees. PART 4 ALLOWANCES GC 4.1 CASH ALLOWANCES 4.1.1 The Contract Price includes the cash allowances, if any, stated in the Contract Documents. The scope of work or costs included in such cash allowances shall be as described in the Contract Documents. 4.1.2 The Contract Price, and not the cash allowances, includes the Contractor's overhead and profit in connection with such cash allowances. 4.1.3 Expenditures under cash allowances shall be authorized by the Owner through the Consultant. 4.1.4 Where the actual cost of the Work under any cash allowance exceeds the amount of the allowance, the Contractor shall be compensated for the excess incurred and substantiated plus an amount for overhead and profit on the excess as set out in the Contract Documents. Where the actual cost of the Work under any cash allowance is less than the amount of the allowance, the Owner shall be credited for the unexpended portion of the cash allowance, but no[ for [he Contractor's overhead and profit on such amount. Multiple cash allowances shall not be combined for the purpose of calculating the foregoing. 4.1.5 The Contract Price shall be adjusted by Change Order to provide for any difference between the amount of each cash allowance and the actual cost of the work under that cash allowance. 4.1.6 The value of the work performed under a cash allowance is eligible [o be included in progress payments. 4.1.7 The Contractor and the Consultant shall jointly prepare a schedule that shows when the Consultant and Owner must authorize ordering of items called for under cash allowances to avoid delaying the progress of the Work. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 l4 Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use ofa CCDC 2 document rml contafning a CCDC 2 copyright sea] constitutes an infringement afcopyright. Ottly sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that It is Intended by the parties to be an accurate amt unamended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that arty alterations, additions ar mod fcations me set forth in supplementary conditions. GC 4.2 CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE 4.2.1 The Contract Price includes the contingency allowance, if any, stated in the Contract Documents. 4.2.2 The contingency allowance includes the Contractor's overhead and profit in connection with such contingency allowance. 4.2.3 Expenditures under the contingency allowance shall be authorized and valued as provided in GC 6.1 -OWNER'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 4.2.4 The Contract Price shall be adjusted by Change Order to provide for any difference between the expenditures authorized under paragraph 4.2.3 and the contingency allowance. PARTS PAYMENT ' GC 5.1 FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 5.1.1 The Owner shall, at the request of the Contractor, before signing the Contract, and promptly from time to time thereafter, famish to the Contractor reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations ' under the Contract. 5.1.2 The Owner shall give the Contractor Notrce in Writing of any material change in the Owner's fmancial arrangements to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract during the performance of the Contract. ' GC 5.2 APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT 5.2.1 Applications for payment on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT may be made monthly as the il'ork progresses. 5.2.2 Applications for payment shall be dated the last day of each payment period, which is the last day of the month or an alternative day of the month agreed in writing by the parties. 5.2.3 The amount claimed shall be for the value, proportionate to the amount of the Contract, of Work performed and Products delivered to the Place of the Work as of the last day of the payment period. 5.2.4 The Contractor shall submit to the Consultant, at least 15 calendaz days before the first application for payment, a schedule of values for the parts of the Work, aggegating the total amount of the Contract Price, so as to facilitate evaluation of applications for payment. 5.2.5 The schedule of values shall be made out in such form and supported by such evidence as the Consultant may reasonably direct and when accepted by the Consultant, shall be used as the basis for applications for payment, unless it is found to be in error. 5.2.6 The Contractor shall include a statement based on the schedule of values with each application for payment. 5.2.7 Applications for payment for Products delivered to the Place of the Work but not yet incorporated into the Work shall be supported by such evidence as the Consultant may reasonably require to establish the value and delivery of the Products. GC 5.3 PROGRESS PAYMENT 5.3.1 After receipt by the Consultant of an application for payment submitted by the Contractor in accordance with GC 5.2 - APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT: .1 the Consultant will promptly inform the Owner of the date of receipt of the Contractor's application for payment, .2 the Consultant will issue to the Dwner and copy to the Contractor, no later than l0 calendaz days after the receipt of the application for payment, a certificate for payment in the amount applied for, or in such other amount as the Consultant determines to be properly due. If the Consultant amends the application, the Consultant will promptly advise the Contractor in writing giving reasons for the amendment, .3 the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT on or before 20 calendar days after the later of: - receipt by the Consultant ofthe application for payment, or - the last day of the monthly payment period for which the application for payment is made. CCDC 2-2008 Filz 007213 is Note: This con(racd is protected by copyright Use ofa CCDC 2 document not comalrving a CCDC 2 copyright sea! constitutes an infringement afcopyright. (>nTy sign this contract tf the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demorama[e that it is intended by the parties to be an accurate aml umtmended version of CCIx 2-2008 except to the extent that arty alterations, additions or modifications are set forth irc supplementary conditions. GC 5.4 SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK ' 5.4.1 When the Contractor considers that the Work is substantially performed, or if permitted by the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work a designated portion thereof which the Avner agrees to accept separately is substantially performed, the Contractor shall, within one Working Day, deliver to the Consultant and to the Owner a comprehensive list of items to be ' completed or corrected, together with a written application for a review by the Consultant to establish Substantial Performance of the Work or substantial performance of the designated portion of the Work. Failure to include an item on the list does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete the Contract. ' 5.4.2 The Consultant will review the Work to verify the validity of the application and shall promptly, and in any event, no later than 20 calendar days after receipt of the Contractor's list and application: .1 advise the Contractor in writing that the Work or die designated portion of the Work is not substantially performed and ' give reasons why, or .2 state the date of Substantial Performance of the Work or a designated portion of the Work in a certificate and issue a copy of that certificate to each of the Owner and the Contractor. 5.4.3 Immediately following the issuance of the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, the Contractor, in consultation . with the Consultant, shall establish a reasonable date for finishing the Work. GC 5.5 PAYMENT OF HOLDBACK UPON SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 5.5.1 After the issuance of the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, the Contractor shall: .l submit an application for payment of the holdback amount, .2 submit CCDC 9A `Statutory Declaration' to state that all accounts for labour, subcontracts, Products, Construction Equipment, and other indebtedness which may have been incurred by the Contractor in the Substantial Performance of the Work and for which the Owner might in any way be held responsible have been paid in full, except for amounts properly retained as a holdback or as an identified amount in dispute. 5.5.2 After the receipt of an application for payment from the Contractor and the statement as provided in paragraph 5.5.1, the Consultant will issue a certificate for payment of the holdback amount. 5.5.3 Where the holdback amount required by the applicable lien legislation has not been placed in a sepazate holdback account, the Owner shall, 10 calendar days prior to the expiry of the holdback period stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, place the holdback amount in a bank account in the joint names of the Owner and the Contractor. 5.5.4 In the common law jurisdictions, the holdback amount authorized by the certificate for payment of [he holdback amount is due and payable on [he first calendar day following the expiration of the holdback period stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. Where lien legislation does not exist or apply, the holdback amount shall be due and payable in acwrdance with other legislation, industry practice or provisions which may be agreed [o between the parties. The Owner may retain out of the holdback amount any sums required by law to satisfy any liens against the Work or, if permitted by the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, other third party monetary claims against the Contractor which are enforceable against the Owner. 5.5.5 In the Province of Quebec, the holdback amount authorized by the certificate for payment of the holdback amount is due and payable 30 calendar days after the issuance of the certificate. The Owner may retain out of the holdback amount any sums required to satisfy any legal hypothecs that have been taken, or could be taken, against the Work or other third party monetary claims against the Contractor which are enforceable against the Owner. GC 5.6 PROGRESSIVE RELEASE OF HOLDBACK 5.6.1 In the common law jurisdictions, where legislation permits and where, upon application by the Contractor, the Consultant has certified that the work of a Subcontractor or Supplier has been performed prior to Substantial Performance of the Work, the Owner shall pay the Contractor the holdback amount retained for such subcontract work, or the Products supplied by such Supplier, on the first calendar day following the expiration of the holdback period for such work stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work. The Owner may retain out of the holdback amount any sums required by law to satisfy any liens against the Work or, if permitted by the lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, other third party monetary claims against the Contractor which are enforceable against the Owner. CCDC2-2008 File 007213 76 .Note: This contract is protected by copyright Use afa CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal conslinaes an ircfringement of copyright. Onfy sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate Thal d u intended by the parties ro be an accurate and unamerded version of CCDC 2-2008 except to [he extent [hat arty alterations, additloms or modificatioms are set fortA In supplementary conditions. 5.6.2 In [he Province of Quebec, where, upon application by the Contractor, the Consultant has certified that the work of a Subcontractor or Supplrer has been performed prior to Substantial Performance of the W"ork, the Owner shall pay the Contractor the holdback amount retained for such subcontract work, or the Products supplied by such Supplier, no later than 30 calendar days after such certification by the Consultant. The Owner may retain out of the holdback amount any sums required to satisfy any legal hypothecs that have been taken, or could be taken, against the Work or other third party monetary claims against the Contractor which are enforceable against [he Owner. 5.6.3 Notwithstanding [he provisions of the preceding pazagraphs, and notwithstanding the wording of such certificates, the Contractor shall ensure that such subcontract work or Products are protected pending the issuance of a final certificate for payment and be responsible for the correction of defects or work not performed regazdless of whether or not such was apparent when such certificates were issued. GC 5.7 FINAL PAYMENT 5.7.1 When the Contractor considers that the Work is completed, the Contractor shall submit an application for final payment. 5.7.2 The Consultant will, no later than 10 calendar days after the receipt of an application from the Contractor for final payment, review the Work to verify the validity of the application and advise the Contractor in writing that the application is valid or give reasons why it is not valid. 5.7.3 When the Consultant finds the Contractor's application for final payment valid, the Consultant will promptly issue a final certificate for payment. 5.7.4 Subject to the provision of paragraph 10.4.1 of GC 10.4 -WORKERS' COMPENSATION, and any lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, the Owner shall, no later than 5 calendar days after the issuance of a final certificate for payment, pay the Contractor as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT. GC 5.8 WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENT 5.8.1 If because of climatic or other conditions reasonably beyond [he control of the Contractor, there are items of work that cannot be performed, payment in full for that portion of the Work which has been performed as certified by the Consultant shall not be withheld or delayed by the Owner on account thereof, but the Owner may withhold, until the remaining portion of the {fork is finished, only such an amount that the Consuhant determines is sufficient and reasonable to cover the cost of performing such remaining work. GC 5.9 NON-CONFORMING WORK 5.9.1 No payment by the Owner under the Contract nor partial or entire use or occupancy of the Work by the Orvner shall constitute an acceptance of any portion of the Work or Products which are not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. PART 6 CHANGES IN THE WORK GC 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES 6.1.1 The Owner, through the Consultant, without invalidating the Contract, may make: .l changes in the Work consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions to the Work by Change Order or Change Directive, and .2 changes to the Contract Time for the Work, or any part thereof, by Change Order. 6.1.2 The Contractor shall not perform a change in the Work without a Change Order or a Change Directive. GC 6.2 CHANGE ORDER 6.2.1 When a change in the Work is proposed or required, the Consultam will provide the Contractor with a written description of the proposed change in the Work. The Contractor shall promptly present, in a form acceptable to the Consultant, a method of adjustment or an amount of adjustment for the Contract Price, if any, and the adjustment in the Contract Time, if any, for the proposed change in the Work. 6.2.2 When the Orvner and Contractor agree to the adjustments in the Contract Price and Contract Tame or to the method to be used to determine the adjustments, such agreement shall be effective immediately and shall be recorded in a Change Order. The value of the work performed as the result of a Change Order shall be included in [he application for progress payment. CCDC 2-2008 File 00'7213 17 Note: This contract is protected by copyright Use of a CCDC 2 document not rontaining a CCDC 1 copyright seal carrstitates an tnJYir{Qement of copyright. Only sign this contracf if the document cover page bears a CCOC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is irctended by the parties to be an accurate and vnamercded version of CCDC 2 - 2008 except to the eztem that airy alterations, additions or modifications are sel forth in supp7ememary condihons. GC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE 6.3.1 If the Owner requires the Contractor to proceed with a change in the W"ork prior to the Owner and the Contractor agreeing upon the corresponding adjustment in Contract Price and Contract Time, the Owner, through the Consultant, shall issue a Change Directive. 6.3.2 A Change Directive shall only be used to direct a change in the Work which is within the general scope of the Contract Documents. 6.3.3 A Change Directive shall not be used to direct a change in the Contract Time only. 6.3.4 Upon receipt of a Change Directive, the Contractor shall proceed promptly with the change in the Work. 6.3.5 For the purpose of valuing Change Directives, changes in the Work that aze not substitutions or otherwise related to each other shall not be grouped together in the same Change Directive. 6.3.6 The adjustment in the Contract Price for a change carried out by way of a Change Directive shall be determined on the basis of the cost of the Contractor's actual expenditures and savings attributable to [he Change Directive, valued in accordance with paragraph 6.3.7 and as follows: .1 If the change results in a net increase in the Contractor's cost, the Contract Price shall be increased by the amount of [he net increase in the Contractor's cost, plus the Contractor's percentage fee on such net increase. .2 If the change results in a net decrease in the Contractor's cost, the Contract Price shall be decreased by the amount of the net decrease in the Contractor's cost, without adjustment for the Contractor's percentage fee. .3 The Contractor's fee shall be as specified in the Contract Documents or as otherwise agreed by the parties. 6.3.7 The cost of performing the work attributable to the Change Directive shall be limited to the actual cost of the following: .1 salaries, wages and benefits paid to personnel in the direct employ of the Contractor under a salary or wage schedule agreed upon by the Owner and the Contractor, or in the absence of such a schedule, actual salaries, wages and benefits paid under applicable bargaining agreement, and in the absence of a salary or wage schedule and bargaining agreement, actual salaries, wages and benefits paid by the Contractor, for personnel (1) stationed at the Contractor's field office, in whatever capacity employed; (2) engaged in expediting the production or Uansportation of material or equipment, at shops or on the road; (3) engaged in the prepazation or review of Shop Drawings, fabrication drawings, and coordination drawings; or (4) engaged in the processing of changes in the Work. .2 contributions, assessments or taxes incurred for such items as employment insurance, provincial or territorial health insurance, workers' compensation, and Canada or Quebec Pension Plan, insofar as such cost is based on wages, salaries or other remuneration paid to employees of the Contractor and included in the cost of the Work as provided in paragraph; .3 Uavel and subsistence expenses of the Contractor's personnel described in pazagraph; .4 all Products including cost of transportation thereof; .5 materials, supplies, Construction Equipment, Temporary Work, and hand tools not owned by the workers, including Uansportation and maintenance thereof, which are consumed in the performance of the Work; and cost less salvage value on such items used but not consumed, which remain the property of the Contractor; .6 all tools and Construction Equipment, exclusive of hand tools used in the performance of the Work, whether rented from or provided by the Contractor or others, including installation, minor repairs and replacements, dismantling, removal, transportation, and delivery cost thereof; .7 all equipment and services required for the Contractor's field office; .8 deposits lost; .9 the amounts of all subcontracts; .10 quality assurance such as independent inspection and testing services; .l 1 charges levied by authorities having jurisdiction at the Place of the Work; .12 royalties, patent licence fees and damages for infringement of patents and cost of defending suits therefor subject always to the Contractor's obligations to indemnify the Owner as provided in pazagraph 10.3.1. of GC 10.3 -PATENT FEES; .13 any adjustment in premiums for all bonds and insurance which the Contractor is required, by the Contract Documents, [o purchase and maintain; .14 any adjustment in taxes, other than Value Added Tares, and duties for which the Contractor is liable; .15 charges for long distance telephone and facsimile communications, courier services, expressage, and petty cash items incurred in relation to the performance of the Work; .16 removal and disposal of waste products and debris; and .17 safety measures and requirements. CCIK2-2008 File 007213 18 Note: This contract is protected by copyright. G'se of a CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is imended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of CCDC 2 - 2008 except to the extent that arty aRerwions, additions or madtficadans are setforth in supplementary condidons. 6.3.8 Notwithstanding any other provisions contained in [he General Conditions of the Contract, it is the intention of the parties that the cost of any item under any cost element referred to in paragraph 6.3.7 shall cover and include any and all costs or liabilities attributable to the Change Directive other than those which are the result of or occasioned by any failure on the part of the Contractor to exercise reasonable care and diligence in [he Contractor's attention to the Work. Any cost due to failure on the part of the Contractor to exercise reasonable care and diligence in the Contractor's attention to the Work shall be borne by the Contractor. 6.3.9 The Contractor shall keep full and detailed accounts and records necessary for the documentation of the cost of performing the Work attributable to the Change Directive and shall provide the Consultant with copies thereof when requested. 6.3.10 For the purpose of valuing Change Directives, the Owner shall be afforded reasonable access to all of the Contractor's pertinent documents related to the cost of performing the Work attributable to the Change Directive. 6.3.11 Pending determination of the final amount of a Change Directive, the undisputed value of the Work performed as the result of a Change Directive is eligible to be included in progress payments. 6.3.12 If the Owner and the Contractor do not agree on the proposed adjustment in the Contract Time attributable [o the change in the Work, or the method of determining it, the adjustment shall be referred to the Consultant for determination. 6.3.13 When the Owner and the Contractor reach agreement on the adjustment to the Contract Price and to the Contract Time, this ageement shall be recorded in a Change Order. GC 6.4 CONCEALED OR UNKNOWN CONDITIONS 6.4.t If the Owner or the Contractor discover conditions at the Place of the Work which are: .1 subsurface or otherwise concealed physical conditions which existed before the commencement of the Work which differ materially from those indicated in the Contract Documents; or .2 physical conditions, other than conditions due to weather, that are of a nature which differ materially from those ordinarily found to exist and generally recognized as inherent in construction activities of the chazader provided for in the Contract Documents, then the observing party shall give Notice in Writing to the other parry of such conditions before they are disturbed and in no event later than 5 Working Days after first observance of the conditions. 6.4.2 The Consultant will promptly investigate such conditions and make a finding. If the finding is that the conditions differ materially and this would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's wst or time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner's approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in [he Work as provided in GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 6.4.3 If the Consultant finds that the conditions at the Place of the Work aze not materially different or that no change in the Contract Price or the Contract Time is justified, the Consultant will report the reasons for this finding to the Owner and the Contractor in writing. 6.4.4 If such concealed or unknown conditions relate to toxic and hazardous substances and materials, artifacts and fossils, or mould, the parties will be governed by the provisions of GC 9.2 -TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES, GC 9.3 - ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS and GC 9.5 -MOULD. GC 6.5 DELAYS 6.5.1 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by an action or omission of the Owner, Consultant or anyone employed or engaged by them directly or indirectly, contrary to the provisions of the Contract Documents, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor as the result of such delay. 6.5.2 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by a stop work order issued by a court or other public authority and providing that such order was not issued as the result of an act or fault of the Contractor or any person employed or engaged by the Contractor directly or indirectly, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The Contractor shall be reimbursed by the Owner for reasonable costs incurred by [he Contractor as the result of such delay. CCDC2-2008 F1e 007213 19 .ry'ote: This corcbact is protected by copyright. Use aft CCDC 2 document not conmining a CCDC 1 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 1 copyright seal to demomsbate that it is imended by the parties to be an accwa[e amt unamemfed versiorc of CCOC Z-1(X18 except to the extent that any atteradons, additlom or modifications are setfarth in supp(emenmry corutitions. 6.5.3 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by: .1 labour disputes, strikes, lock-outs (including lock-outs decreed or recommended for its members by a recognized contractors' association, of which the Contractor is a member or to which the Contractor is otherwise bound), .2 fire, unusual delay by common carriers or unavoidable casualties, .3 abnormally adverse weather conditions, or .4 any cause beyond the Contractor's control other than one resulting from a default or breach of Contract by the Contractor, then the Contract Time shall be extended fox such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor. The extension of time shall not be less than the time lost as the result of the event causing the delay, unless the Contractor agrees to a shorter extension. The Contractor shall not be entitled to payment for costs incurred by such delays unless such delays result from actions by the Owner, Consultant or anyone employed or engaged by [hem directly or indirectly. 6.5.4 No extension shall be made for delay unless Notice in Writing of the cause of delay is given to the Consultant not later than 10 Working Days after the commencement of the delay. In the case of a continuing cause of delay only one Notice in Writing shall be necessary. 6.5.5 If no schedule is made under paragraph 2.2.13 of GC 2.2 -ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT, then no request for extension shall be made because of failure of the Consultant to famish insUuctions until 10 Working Days after demand for such instructions has been made. GC 6.6 CLAIMS FOR A CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE 6.6.1 If the Contractor intends to make a claim for an increase to the Contract Price, or if the Owner intends to make a claim against the Contractor for a credit to the Contract Price, the party that intends to make the claim shall give timely Notice in Writing of intent to claim to the other party and to the Consultant. 6.6.2 Upon commencement of the event or series of events giving rise [o a claim, [he party intending to make the claim shall: .1 take all reasonable measures to mitigate any loss or expense which may be incurred as a result of such event or series of events, and .2 keep such records as may be necessary to support the claim. 6.6.3 The party making the claim shall submit within a reasonable time to the Consultant a detailed account of the amount claimed and the grounds upon which the claim is based. 6.6.4 Where the event or series of events giving rise to the claim has a continuing effect, the detailed account submitted under paragraph 6.6.3 shall be considered to be an interim account and the party making the claim shall, at such intervals as the Consultant may reasonably require, submit further interim accounts giving the accumulated amount of the claim and any further grounds upon which it is based. The party making the claim shall submit a final account after the end of the effects resulting from the event or series of events. 6.6.5 The Consultant's findings, with respect to a claim made by either party, will be given by Notice in Writing to both parties within 30 Working Days after receipt of the claim by the Consultant, or within such other time period as may be agreed by the parties. 6.6.6 If such finding is not acceptable to either party, the claim shall be settled in accordance with Part 8 of the General Conditions - DISPUTE RESOLUTION. PART 7 DEFAULT NOTICE GC 7.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO PERFORM THE WORK, TERMINATE THE CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO CONTINUE WITH THE WORK OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT 7.1.1 If the Contractor is adjudged bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors because of the Contractor's insolvency, or if a receiver is appointed because of the Contractors insolvency, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, terminate the Contractor's right to continue with the YVork, by giving the Contractor or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy Notice in Writing to that effect. 7.1.2 If the Contractor neglects to prosecute the Work properly or otherwise fails to comply with the requirements of the Contract to a substantial degree and if the Consultant has given a written statement to the Owner and Contractor that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, the Owner may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, give the Contractor Notice in Writing that [he Contractor is in default of the Contractor's contractual obligations and instruct the Contractor to correct the default in the 5 Working Days immediately following the receipt of such Notice in Writing. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 2e Note: This contact Is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not containang a CCDC 2 copyright seal constJtutes an infringement of copyright Only sign this contract f the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seat to demonstrate that it is intemled by [he parties to be an accurate oral uwmerated version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that atry alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary candidons. 7.1.3 If the default cannot be corrected in the 5 Working Days specified or in such other time period as may be subsequently agreed in writing by the parties, the Contractor shall be in compliance with the Owner's instructions if the Contractor: .1 commences the correction of the default within the specified time, and .2 provides the Owner with an acceptable schedule for such correction, and .3 corzects the default in accordance with the Contract terms and with such schedule. 7.1.4 If the Contractor fails to corzect the default in the time specified or in such other time period as may be subsequently agreed in writing by the parties, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Owner may have, the Owner may: .l correct such default and deduct the wst thereof from any payment then or thereafter due the Contractor provided the Consultant has certified such cost to the Owner and the Contractor, or .2 terminate the Contractor's right to continue with the Work in whole or in part or terminate the Contract. 7.15 [f the Owner terminates the Contractor's right to continue with the Work as provided in paragraphs 7.1.1 and 7.1.4, the Owner shall be entitled to: .1 take possession of the Work and Products at [he Place of the Work; subject to the rights of third parties, utilize the Construction Equipment at the Place of the Work; finish the Work by whatever method the Owner may consider expedient, but without undue delay or expense, and .2 withhold further payment to the Contractor until a final certificate for payment is issued, and .3 charge the Contractor the amount by which the full cost of finishing the Work as certified by the Consultant, including compensation to the Consultant for the Consultant's additional services and a reasonable allowance as determined by the Consultant to cover the cost of corrections to work performed by the Contractor that may be required under GC 12.3 - WARRANTY, exceeds the unpaid balance of the Contract Price; however, if such cost of finishing the Work is less than the unpaid balance of the Contract Price, the Owner shall pay Che Contractor the difference, and .4 on expiry of the warranty period, charge the Contractor the amount by which the cost of corrections to the Contractor's work under GC 12.3 -WARRANTY exceeds the allowance provided for such corrections, or if the cost of such corrections is less than the allowance, pay the Contractor the difference. ' 7.1.6 The Contractor's obligation under the Contract as to quality, correction and warranty of the work performed by the Contractor up to the time of termination shall continue after such termination of the Contract. GC 7.2 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO SUSPEND THE WORK OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT 7.2.1 If the Owner is adjudged bankrupt, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors because of the Owner's insolvency, or if a receiver is appointed because of the Owner's insolvency, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Contractor may have, terminate the Contract by giving the Owner or receiver or trustee in bankruptcy Notice fn Writing to that effect. 7.2.2 If the Work is suspended or otherwise delayed for a period of 20 Working Days or more under an order of a court or other public authority and providing that such order was not issued as the result of an act or fault of the Contractor or of anyone directly or indirectly employed or engaged by the Contractor, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Contractor may have, terminate the Contract by giving the Owner Notice in Writing to that effect. 7.2.3 The Contractor may give Notice in Writing to the O(vner, with a copy to the Consultant, that the Owner is in default of the Owner's contractual obligations i£ .1 the Owner fails to furnish, when so requested by the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations under the Contract, or .2 the Consultant fails to issue a certificate as provided in GC 5.3 -PROGRESS PAYMENT, or .3 the Owner fails to pay the Contractor when due the amounts certified by the Consultant or awarded by azbitration or court, or .4 the Owner violates the requirements of the Contract to a substantial degree and the Consultant, except for GC 5.1 - F[NANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER, confirms by written statement to the Contractor that sufficient cause exists. 7.2.4 The Contractor's .4btice in Writing to [he Owner provided under pazagraph 7.2.3 shall advise that if the default is not corrected within 5 Working Days following the receipt of [he Notice in Writing, the Contractor may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy the Contractor may have, suspend the Work or terminate the Contract. 7.2.5 If the Contractor terminates the Contract under [he conditions set out above, the Contractor shall be entitled to be paid for all work performed including reasonable profit, for loss sustained upon Products and Construction Equipment, and such other damages as the Contractor may have sustained as a result of the termination of the Contract. CCDC 2-2008 File OW2l3 2t A'a(e: This canvact is protected by copyright. Use ofa CCDC 2 document not comaining a CCOC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement afcapyright. Only sigrc this contract if the documem corer page bears a CCDC 2 copyrigh( seal ra demonsvate (hat i( is imerded by the parties to be an accurate am[ urtame~ed version of CCDC 2 - 2008 except to the ex(erct (ha( any alleradans, additions or modifica(ions are se(fonh in supplementary cwditions. PART 8 DISPUTE RESOLUTION GC 8.1 AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT 8.1.1 Differences between the parties to the Contract as to the interpretation, application or administration of the Contract or any failure to agree where agreement between the parties is called for, herein collectively called disputes, which are not resolved in the first instance by findings of the Consultant as provided in GC 2.2 -ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT, shall be settled in accordance with the requirements of Part 8 of [he General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION. 8.1.2 If a dispute arises under the Contract in respect of a matter in which the Consultant has no authority under [he Contract to make a finding, the procedures set out in paragraph 8.1.3 and pazagraphs 8.2.3 [0 8.2.8 of GC 8.2 -NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION, and in GC 8.3 -RETENTION OF RIGHTS apply to that dispute with the necessary changes to detail as may be required. 8.1.3 If a dispute is not resolved promptly, the Consultant will give such instructions as in the Consultant's opinion aze necessary for the proper performance of the Work and to prevent delays pending settlement of the dispute. The parties shall act immediately according to such instructions, it being understood that by so doing neither party will jeopazdize any claim the party may have. If it is subsequently determined that such instructions were in error or at variance with the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay [he Contractor costs incurred by the Contractor in carrying out such instructions which the Contractor was required to do beyond what the Contract Documents correctly understood and interpreted would have required, including costs resulting from interruption of the Work. GC 8.2 NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION 8.2.1 In accordance with the Rules for Mediation of Construction Disputes as provided in CCDC 40 in effect a[ the time of bid closing, the parties shall appoint a Project Mediator .1 within 20 Working Days after the Contract was awarded, or .2 if the parties neglected to make an appointment within [he 20 Working Days, within 10 Working Days after either party by Notice in Writing requests that the Project Mediator be appointed. 8.2.2 A party shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted a finding of the Consultant under GC 2.2 -ROLE OF THE CONSULTANT and to have expressly waived and released the other party from any claims in respect of the particulaz matter dealt with in that finding unless, within 15 Working Days after receipt of that finding, the party sends a N"once in Writing of dispute to the other party and to the Consultant, which contains the particulars of the matter in dispute and the relevant provisions of [he Contract Documents. The responding party shall send a A'otice in Writing of reply to the dispute within 10 Working Days after receipt of such .'n'otice in Writing setting out particulars of this response and any relevant provisions of the Contract Documents. 8.2.3 The parties shall make all reasonable efforts to resolve their dispute by amicable negotiations and agree to provide, without prejudice, frank, candid and timely disclosure of relevant facts, information and documents to facilitate these negotiations. 8.2.4 After a period of 10 Working Days following receipt of a responding party's Notice in Writing of reply under paragraph 8.2.2, the parties shall request the Project Mediator to assist the parties to reach agreement on any unresolved dispute. The mediated negotiations shall be conducted in accordance with the Rules for Mediation of Construction Disputes as provided in CCDC 40 in effect at the time of bid closing. 8.2.5 If the dispute has not been resolved within 10 Working Days after the Project Mediator was requested under paragraph 8.2.4 or within such further period agreed by the parties, [he Project Mediator shall terminate the mediated negotiations by giving Notice in Writing to the Owner, the Contractor and the Consultant. 8.2.6 By giving a Notice in Writing to the other party and the Consultant, not later than 10 Working Days after the date of termination of the mediated negotiations under paragraph 8.2.5, either party may refer the dispute to be finally resolved by arbitration under the Rules for Arbitration of Construction Disputes as provided in CCDC 40 ht effect at the time of bid closing. The arbitration shall be conducted in the jurisdiction of the Place of the Work. 8.2.7 On expiration of the 10 Working Days, the arbitration agreement under paragraph 8.2.6 is not binding on the parties and, if a Notice in Writing is not given under paragraph 8.2.6 within [he required time, the parties may refer the unresolved dispute to the courts or to any other form of dispute resolution, including arbitration, which [hey have agreed to use. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 22 Nate: This candact is protected by copyright Use ofa CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes art infringement of copyright. Only sign this contract f the document rover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal m demonstrate that it is rmemled by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of CCDC 2 -1008 except to the extent that any alterations, additions ar modifications are setforth in supplememary cordittans. 8.2.8 If neither party, by :4'olice in Writing, given within 10 Working Days of the date of 14'otice in Writing requesting arbitration in paragraph 8.2.6, requires that a dispute be arbitrated immediately, all disputes referred to arbitration as provided in paragraph 8.2.6 shall be .1 held in abeyance until (1) Substantial Performance of the Work, (2) the Contract has been terminated, or (3) the Contractor has abandoned the Work, whichever is earlier; and .2 consolidated into a single azbitra[ion under the rules governing the arbitration under paragaph 8.2.6. GC 8.3 RETENTION OF RIGHTS 8.3.1 It is agreed that no act by either party shall be construed as a renunciation or waiver of any rights or recourses, provided the party has given the ,4'otice in Writing required under Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION and has carried out the instructions as provided in paragraph 8.1.3 of GC 8.1 -AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT. 8.3.2 Nothing in Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION shall be constmed in any way to limit a party from asserting any statutory right to a lien under applicable lien legislation of the jurisdiction of the Place of the Work and the assertion of such right by initiating judicial proceedings is no[ to be constmed as a waiver of any right that parry may have under paragraph 8.2.6 of GC 8.2 -NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION [o proceed by way of arbitration to adjudicate the merits of the claim upon which such a lien is based. PART 9 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY GC 9.1 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY 9.1.1 The Contractor shall protect the Work and the Owner's property and property adjacent to the Place of the Work from damage which may azise as the result of the Contractor's operations under the Contract, and shall be responsible for such damage, except damage which occurs as the result of: .1 errors in the Conrract Documents; .2 acts or omissions by the Owner, the Consultant, other contractors, their agents and employees. 9.1.2 Before commencing any work, the Contractor shall determine the location of all underground utilities and stmctures indicated in the Contract Documents or that are reasonably apparent in an inspection of the Place of the Work. 9.1.3 Should the Contractor in the performance of the Contract damage the Work, the Owner's property or property adjacent to the Place of the Work, the Contractor shall be responsible for making good such damage at the Contractor's expense. 9.L4 Should damage occur to the Work or Owner's property for which the Contractor is not responsible, as provided in paragraph 9.1.1, the Contractor shall make good such damage to the Work and, if the Owner so directs, to the Owner's property. The Contract Price and Contract Time shall be adjusted as provided in GC 6.1 -OWNER'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 -CHANGE DIRECTIVE. GC 9.2 TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES 9.2.1 For the purposes of applicable legislation related to toxic and hazazdous substances, the Owner shall be deemed to have confrol and management of the Place of the Work with respect to existing conditions. 9.2.2 Prior to the Conrractor commencing the Work, the Owner shall, .1 take all reasonable steps to determine whether any toxic or hazazdous substances are present at the Place of the Work, and .2 provide the Consultant and the Contractor with a written list of any such substances that are known to exist and their locations. 9.2.3 The Owner shall take all reasonable steps [o ensure that no person's exposure to any toxic or hazardous substances exceeds the time weighted levels prescribed by applicable legislation at the Place of the Work and that no property is damaged or destroyed as a result of exposure to, or the presence of, toxic or hazardous substances which were at the Place of the Work prior to the Contractor commencing the Work. 9.2.4 Unless the Contract expressly provides otherwise, the Owner shall be responsible for taking all necessary steps, in accordance with applicable legislation in force at the Place of the Work, to dispose of, store or otherwise render harmless toxic or hazardous substances which were present at the Place of the Work prior [o [he Contractor commencing the Work. CCIX'2-2008 File 007213 23 .Vote: This contract is protected by copyright. Use of a CCDC 2 document not comaining a CCDC 1 copyright sea(constitutes an infringement of copyright. Onty sign this contract if the document cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright sea( to demonstrate Lhat it is intended by the parties to be an accurate and unamended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that arty atteratians, addlhons or modlfecations are sef forth irc svpp(ementary conditions. 9.2.5 If the Conbacior ' .1 encounters toxic or hazardous substances at the Place of the Work, or .2 has reasonable grounds to believe that toxic or hazardous substances are present at the Place of the Work, which were not brought to the Place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible and ' which were not disclosed by the Owner or which were disclosed but have not been dealt with as required under paragraph 9.2.4, the Contractor shall .3 take all reasonable steps, including stopping the Work, to ensure [ha[ no person's exposure to any toxic or hazardous substances exceeds any applicable time weighted levels prescribed by applicable legislation at the Place of the Work, ' and .4 immediately report the circumstances to the Consuhant and the Owner in writing. 9.2.6 If the Owner and Contractor do not agree on the existence, significance of, or whether the toxic or hazardous substances were brought onto the Place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, the Owner shall retain and pay for an independent qualified expert [o investigate and determine such matters. The expert's report shall be delivered to the Owner and the Contractor. 9.2.7 If the Owner and Contractor agree or if the expert referred to in paragraph 9.2.6 determines that the toxic or hazazdous substances were not brought onto the place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, the Owner shall promptly at the Owner's own expense: .1 take all steps as required under pazagraph 9.2.4; .2 reimburse the Contractor for the costs of all steps taken pursuant to paragraph 9.2.5; .3 extend the Contract time for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor and the expert referred to in 9.2.6 and reimburse the Contractor for reasonable costs incurred as a result of the delay; and .4 indemnify the Contractor as required by GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION. 9.2.8 If the Oivner and Contractor agree or if the expert referred to in paragraph 9.2.6 determines that the toxic or hazardous substances were brought onto the place of the Work by the Contractor or anyone for whom the Contractor is responsible, the Contractor shall promptly at the Contractor's own expense: .1 take all necessary steps, in accordance with applicable legislation in force at [he Place of the Work, to safely remove and dispose the toxic or hazardous substances; .2 make good any damage to the Work, the Owner's property or property adjacent to the place of the Work as provided in paragraph 9.1.3 of GC 9.1 -PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY; .3 reimburse the Owner for reasonable costs incurred under paragraph 9.2.6; and .4 indemnify the Owner as required by GC 12. ] - INDEMNIFICATION. 9.2.9 If either party does not accept the expert's findings under pazagraph 9.2.6, the disagreement shall be settled in accordance with Part 8 of the General Conditions -Dispute Resolution. If such disagreement is not resolved promptly, the parties shall act immediately in accordance with the expert's determination and take the steps required by paragraph 9.2.7 or 9.2.8 it being understood that by so doing, neither party will jeopardize any claim that party may have to be reimbursed as provided by GC 9.2 -TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. GC 9.3 ARTIFACTS AND FOSSILS 9.3.1 Fossils, coins, articles of value or antiquity, structures and other remains or things of scientific or historic interest discovered at the Place or Work shall, as between the Owner and the Contractor, be deemed to be the absolute property of the Owner. 9.3.2 The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent removal or damage to discoveries as idemified in paragraph 9.3.1, and shall advise the Consultant upon discovery of such items. 9.3.3 The Consultant will investigate the impact on the Work of the discoveries identified in paragraph 9.3.1. If conditions aze found that would cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost or time to perform the Work, the Consultant, with the Owner's approval, will issue appropriate instructions for a change in the Work as provided in GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER or GC 6.3 CHANGE DIRECTIVE. GC 9.4 CONSTRUCTION SAFETY 9.4.1 .Subject [o pazagraph of GC 3.2 -CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for construction safety at the Place of the Work and for compliance with the rules, regulations and practices required by the applicable construction health and safety legislation and shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the performance of the Work. CCDC2-2008 File 007213 as Note: This contract is protected by copyright. Use afa CCDC 2 document Trot containing a CCDC 2 copyright sea! constitutes an infringement ofcopyrsght. Only sign this contract Jthe document cover page bears a CCDC 1 copvright sea! to demonstrate that it is intemled by the parties to be an accurate aid ummended version of CCDC 2 - 2008 except to the extent that airy alterations, additions or nwdificanons are setforth in supplementary comiigons. GC 9.5 MOULD 9.5.1 If the Contractor or Owner observes or reasonably suspects the presence of mould at the Place of the Work, the remediation of which is not expressly part ofthe Work, .1 the observing party shall promptly report the circumstances to the other party in writing, and .2 the Contractor shall promptly take all reasonable steps, including stopping the Work if necessary, to ensure that no person suffers injury, sickness or death and that no property is damaged as a result of exposure to or the presence of the mould, and .3 if the Owner and Contractor do not agree on the existence, significance or cause of the mould or as [o what steps need be taken to deal with it, the Owner shall retain and pay for an independent qualified expert to investigate and determine such matters. The expert's report shall be delivered to the Owner and Contractor. 9.5.2 If the Owner and Contractor agree, or if the expert referred to in paragaph determines that the presence of mould was caused by the Contractor's operations under the Contract, the Contractor shall promptly, at the Contractor's own expense: .1 take all reasonable and necessary steps to safely remediate or dispose ofthe mould, and .2 make good any damage to the Work, the Owner's property or property adjacent to the Place of the Work as provided in paragraph 9.1.3 of GC 9.1 -PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY, and .3 reimburse the Owner for reasonable costs incurred under paragraph, and .4 indemnify the Owner as required by GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION. 9.5.3 If the Owner and Contractor agree, or if the expert referzed to in paragraph determines that the presence of mould was not caused by the Contractor's operations under the Contract, the Owner shall promptly, at the Avner's own expense: .1 take all reasonable and necessary steps to safely remediate or dispose ofthe mould, and .2 reimburse the Contractor for the cost of taking the steps under paragraph and making good any damage to the Work as provided in paragraph 9.1.4 of GC 9.1 -PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY, and .3 extend the Contract Time for such reasonable time as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor and the expert referred to in paragraph and reimburse the Contractor for reasonable costs incurred as a result of the delay, and 4 indemnify the Contractor as required by GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION. 9.5.4 If either party does not accept the expert's finding under paragaph, the disagreement shall be settled in accordance with Part 8 of the General Conditions -DISPUTE RESOLUTION. If such desagreement is not resolved promptly, the parties shall act immediately in accordance with the expert's determination and take the steps required by paragraphs 9.5.2 or 9.5.3, it being understood that by so doing neither party willjeopardize any claim the party may have to be reimbursed as provided by GC 9.5 - MOULD. PART 10 GOVERNING REGULATIONS GC 10.1 TAXES AND DUTIES 10.1.1 The Contract Price shall include all taxes and customs duties in effect at [he time ofthe bid closing except for Yalue Added Taxes payable by the Owner to the Contractor as stipulated in Article A-4 ofthe Agreement -CONTRACT PRICE. 10.1.2 Any increase or decrease in costs to the Contractor due to changes in such included taxes and duties after the time ofthe bid closing shall increase or decrease the Contract Price accordingly. GC 10.2 LAWS, NOTICES, PERMITS, AND FEES 10.2.1 The laws ofthe Place ofthe Work shall govern the Work. 10.2.2 The Owner shall obtain and pay for development approvals, building permit, permanent easements, rights of servitude, and all other necessary approvals and permits, except for the permits and fees referzed to in paragraph 10.2.3 or for which the Contract Documents specify as the responsibility ofthe Contractor. 10.2.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for the procurement of permits, licences, inspections, and certificates, which are necessary for the performance of the Work and customazily obtained by contractors in the jurisdiction of the Place of the Work after the issuance of the building permit. The Contract Price includes the cost of these permits, licences, inspections, and certificates, and their procurement. 10.2.4 The Contractor shall give the required notices and comply with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes which are or become in. force during the performance ofthe Work and which relate to the Work, to the preservation ofthe public health, and [o constmction safety. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 zs .M1bte: This contract is protected by copyright. L'se ofa CCDC 1 document rro! containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright Only sign this con[rac! if the document cover page bears a CCDC 1 copyright sea( do demonstrate that 3l is intended by the parries ro be an accurate am( unamended version of CCDC 2-2008 except to the extent that arty alterations, addltlons or modifications are se! forth in supplementary couditionc 10.2.5 The Contractor shall not be responsible for verifying that the Contract Documents are in compliance with the applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes relating to the Work. If the Contract Documents are at vaziance therewith, or if, subsequent to the time of bid closing, changes aze made m [he applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes which require modification [o the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall advise the Consultant in writing requesting direction immediately upon such vaziance or change becoming known. The Consultant will make the changes required to the Contract Documents as provided in GC 6.1 -OWNER'S RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES, GC 6.2 -CHANGE ORDER and GC 6.3 - CHANGE DIRECTIVE. 10.2.6 If the Contractor fails to advise the Consultant in writing; and fails to obtain direction as required in paragraph 10.2.5; and performs work knowing it to be contrary to any laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes; the Contractor shall be responsible for and shall correct the violations thereof; and shall bear the costs, expenses and damages attributable [o the failure to comply with the provisions of such laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes. 10.2.7 If, subsequent [o the time of bid closing, changes are made to applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or codes of authorities having jurisdiction which affect the cost of the Work, either party may submit a claim in accordance with the requirements of GC 6.6 -CLAIMS FOR A CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE. GC 10.3 PATENT FEES 10.3.1 The Contractor shall pay the royalties and patent licence fees required for the performance of the Contract. The Contractor shall hold the Owner harmless from and against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to an infringement or an alleged infringement of a patent of invention by the Contractor or anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. 10.3.2 The Owner shall hold the Contractor harmless against claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings azising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which aze attributable to an infringement or an alleged infringement of a patent of invention in executing anything for the purpose of the Contract, the model, plan or design of which was supplied to the Contractor as part of the Contract Documents. GC 10.4 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 10.4.1 Prior to commencing the Work, again with the Contractor's application for payment of the holdback amount following Substantial Performance of the Work and again with the Contractor's application for final payment, the Contractor shall provide evidence of compliance with workers' compensation legislation at the Place of the Work, including payments due thereunder. 10.4.2 At any time during the term of the Contract, when requested by the Owner, the Contractor shall provide such evidence of compliance by the Contractor and Subcontractors. PART t 1 INSURANCE AND CONTRACT SECURITY GC 11.1 INSURANCE 11.1.1 Without restricting the generality of GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION, the Contractor shall provide, maintain and pay for the following insurance coverages, the minimum requirements of which are specified in CCDC 41 -CCDC Insurance Requirements in effect at the time of bid closing except as hereinafter provided: .l General liability insurance in the name of the Contractor and include, or in the case of a single, blanket policy, be endorsed to name, [he Chvner and the Consultant as insureds but only with respect to liability, other than legal liability arising out of their sole negligence, arising out of the operations of the Contractor with regard to the Work. General liability insurance shall be maintained from the date of commencement of the Work until one year from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. Liability coverage shall be provided for completed operations hazards from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work, as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work, on an ongoing basis for a period of 6 yeazs following Substantial Performance of the Work. .2 Automobile Liability Insurance from the date of commencement of the Work until one year after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. .3 Aircraft or Watercraft Liability Insurance when owned or non-owned aircraft or watercraft are used directly or indirectly in the performance of the Work .4 "Broad form" property insurance in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner and the Consultant. The policy shall include as insureds all Subcontractors. The "Broad form" property insurance shall be provided from the date of commencement of the Work until the earliest of: Q) 10 calendar days after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work; CCDC2-2008 File 007213 26 Note: This contract is protected by copyright L'se of a CCDC 2 documem not conlgining a CCDC 2 copyright seal conslinRes an irtfrs'ngement of copyright Only sign this cantracl if the dacrtment cover page bears a CCDC 2 copyright sea! m demonstrate lhot d is imetded by [he parlles to be an acctvade ami tmamemled version of CCDC 2-2008 except m the extent that arty alterofions, additions or mod~licallons are set forth in supplementary condlbons. (2) on the commencement of use or occupancy of any part or section of [he Work unless such use or occupancy is for construction purposes, habitational, office, banking, convenience store under 465 square metres in area, or pazking purposes, or for the installation, testing and commissioning of equipment forming part of the Work; (3) when left unattended for more than 30 consecutive calendar days or when construction activity has ceased for more than 30 consecutive calendaz days. .5 Boiler and machinery insurance in the joint names of the Contractor, the Owner and the Consultant. The policy shall include as insureds all Subcontractors. The coverage shall be maintained continuously from commencement of use or operation of the boiler and machinery objects insured by the policy and until 10 calendar days after the date of Substantial Performance ojthe Work. .6 The "Broad form" property and boiler and machinery policies shall provide that, in the case of a loss or damage, payment shall be made [o the Owner and the Contractor as their respective interests may appeaz. In the even[ of loss or damage: (1) the Contractor shall act on behalf of the Owner for the purpose of adjusting the amount of such loss or damage payment with the insurers. When the extent of the loss or damage is determined, the Conmactor shall proceed to restore the Work. Loss or damage shall not affect the rights and obligations of either party under the Contract except that the Contractor shall be entitled to such reasonable extension of Contract Time relative to the extent of the loss or damage as the Consultant may recommend in consultation with the Contractor; (2) the Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the Owner, in addition to the amount due under the Contract, the amount which the Owner's interest in restoration of the Work has been appraised, such amount to be paid as the restoration of the W"ork proceeds in accordance with the progress payment provisions. In addition the Contractor shall be entitled to receive from the payments made by the insurer the amount of the Contractor's interest in the restoration of the Work; and (3) to the Work azising from the work of the Owner, the Owner's own forces or another contractor, the Owner shall, in accordance with the Owner's obligations under the provisions relating to construction by Owner or other contractors, pay the Contractor the cost of restoring the Work as [he restoration of the Work proceeds and as in accordance with the progress payment provisions. .7 Contractors' Equipment Insurance from the date of commencement of the Work until one year after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. 11.1.2 Prior to commencement of the Work and upon the placement, renewal, amendment, or extension of all or any part of the ' insurance, the Contractor shall promptly provide the Owner with confirmation of coverage and, if required, a certified true copy of the policies certified by an authorized representative of the insurer together with copies of any amending endorsements applicable to the Work. 11.1.3 The parties shall pay their shaze of the deductible amounts in direct proportion to their responsibility in regazds to any loss for which the above policies aze required to pay, except where such amounts maybe excluded by the terms of the Contract. 1 L 1.4 If the Contractor fails to provide or maintain insurance as required by the Contract Documents, then the Owner shall have the right to provide and maintain such insurance and give evidence to the Contractor and the Consultant. The Contractor shall pay the cost thereof to the Owner on demand or the Owner may deduct the cost from the amount which is due or may become due to the Contractor. 11.1.5 All required insurance policies shall be with insurers licensed to underwrite insurance in the jurisdiction of the Place of the Work. 11.1.6 If a revised version of CCDC 41 -INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS is published, which specifies reduced insurance requirements, the parties shall address such reduction, prior to the Contractor's insurance policy becoming due for renewal, and record any agreement in a Change Order. 11.1.7 If a revised version of CCDC 41 -INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS is published, which specifies increased insurance requirements, the Owner may request the increased coverage from the Contractor by way of a Change Order. I L 1.8 A Change Directive shall not be used to direct a change in the insurance requirements m response to the revision of CCDC 41 - INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. GC 11.2 CONTRACT SECURITY 1 L2.1 The Contractor shall, prior to commencement of the Work or within the specified time, provide to the Owner any Contract security specified in the Contract Documents. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 27 No[e.~ This tonbact is protected by copyright Use ofa CCDC 2 document trot containittg a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement of copyright. Only sign this contract f the dacumem corer page bears a CCDC 1 copyright seal to demonstrate that it is imended by the parties to be an accurate and vnamercded version of CCDC 2 -2008 except to the extettt that arty alterations, additions or mod fcatiorcs are setfarlh in supplementary cordi(ions. l 1.2.2 If the Contract Documents require surety bonds to be provided, such bonds shall be issued by a duly licensed surety company authorized to transact the business of suretyship in the province or territory of the Place of the Work and shall be maintained in good standing until the fulfillment of the Contract. The form of such bonds shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the CCDC approved bond forms. PART 12 INDEMNIFICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND WARRANTY GC 12.1 INDEMNIFICATION 12.1.1 Without restricting the parties' obligation to indemnify as described in paragraphs 12.1.4 and 12.1.5, the Owner and the Contractor shall each indemnify and hold harmless the other from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings whether in respect to losses suffered by them or in respect to claims by third parties that arise out of, or are attributable in any respect to their involvement as parties to this Contract, provided such claims are: .l caused by: (1) the negligent acts or omissions of the party from whom indemnification is sought or anyone for whose acts or omissions that party is liable, or (2) a failure of the party to the Contract from whom indemnification is sought to fulfill its terms or conditions; and .2 made by ,~'otice in Wrtting within a period of 6 yeazs from the date of Substantlal Performance of the Work as set out in the certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work issued pursuant to paragraph of GC 5.4 -SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK or within such shorter period as may be prescribed by any limitation statute of the province or territory of the Place of the Work. The parties expressly waive the right to indemnity for claims other than those provided for ht this Contract. 12.1.2 The obligation of either party to indemnify as set forth in paragraph 12.1.1 shall be limited as follows: .1 In respect to losses suffered by the Owner and the Contractor for which insurance is to be provided by either party pursuant to GC 11.1 -INSURANCE, the general liability insurance limit for one occurrence as referred to in CCDC 41 in effect at the time of bid closing. .2 In respect to losses suffered by the Owner and the Contractor for which insurance is not required to be provided by either party in accordance with GC 11.1 -INSURANCE, the Beater of the Contract Price as recorded in Article A-4 - CONTRACTPRICE or $2,000,000, but in no event shall the sum be greater than $20,000,000. .3 In respect to claims by third parties for direct loss resulfing from bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property, the obligation to indemnify is without limit. In respect to all other claims for indemnity as a result of claims advanced by third parties, the limits of indemnity set forth in paragraphs and shall apply. 12.1.3 The obligation of either party to indemnify the other as set forth in paragraphs 12.1.1 and 12.1.2 shall be inclusive of interest and all legal costs. 12.1.4 The Owner and the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the other from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings arising out of their obligations described in GC 9.2 -TOXIC AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. 12.1.5 The Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings: .1 as described in pazagmph 10.3.2 of GC 10.3 -PATENT FEES, and .2 arising out of the Contractor's performance of the Contract which are attributable to a lack of or defect in title or an alleged lack of or defect in title to the Place of the Work. 12.1.6 In respect to any claim for indemnity or ro be held hornless by the Owner or the Contractor: .1 .+~'otice rn Writing of such claim shall be given within a reasonable time after the facts upon which such claim is based became known; .2 should any party be required as a result of its obligation [o indemnify another to pay or satisfy a final order, judgment or award made against the party entitled by this contract to be indemnified, then the indemnifying party upon assuming all liability for any costs that might result shall have the right to appeal in the name of the party against whom such final order or judgment has been made until such rights of appeal have been exhausted. CCDC2-2008 File 007213 28 Note: This contract is protected by copyright Use ofa CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copyright seal constitutes an infringement ofcopyright. Only sign this contract if the document crn~er page bears a CCDC 2 copyright seal la demonstrate that it is imewded by the parties to be an accurate and unamettded version of CCDC 2 - 2008 except to fie extern that airy afterahans, additions or mochftcahons are set forth in supplementary condihonf. GC 12.2 WAIVER OF CLAIMS 12.2.1 Subject to any lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, as of the fifth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the Contractor waives and releases the Owner from all claims which the Contractor has or reasonably ought to have knowledge of that could be advanced by the Contractor against the Owner arising from the Contractor's involvement in the Work, including, without limitation, those azising from negligence or breach of contract in respect to which [he cause of action is based upon acts or omissions which occurred prior to or on the date of Substantial Performance of the work, except as follows: .I claims azising prior to or on [he date of Substantial Performance of the Work for which A'otice in Writing of claim has been received by the Owner from the Contractor no later than the sixth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work; .2 indemnification for claims advanced against the Contractor by third parties for which a right of indemnification may be asserted by the Contractor against the Owner pursuant to the provisions ofthis Contract; .3 claims for which a fight of indemnity could be asserted by the Connactor pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 12.1.4 or 12.1.5 of GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION; and .4 claims resulting from acts or omissions which occur after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. 12.2.2 The Contractor waives and releases the Owner from all claims referenced in paragraph except for those referzed in paragraphs and and claims for which Notice in Writing of claim has been received by the Owner from the Contractor within 395 calendar days following the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. 12.2.3 Subject to any lien legislation applicable to the Place of the Work, as of the fifth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the Owner waives and releases the Contractor from all claims which the Owner has or reasonably ought to have knowledge of that could be advanced by the Owner against the Contractor arising from the Owner's involvement in the Work, including, without limitation, those arising from negligence or breach of contract in respect to which the cause of action is based upon acts or omissions which occurred prior to or on the date of Substantial Performance of the Wark, except as follows: . t claims arising prior to or on the date of Substantial Performance of the Work for which ,~4otice in Writing of claim has been received by the Contractor from the Owner no later than the sixth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work; .2 indemnification for claims advanced against the Owner by third parties for which a right of indemnification may be asserted by the Owner against the Contractor pursuant to the provisions ofthis Contract; .3 claims for which a right of indemnity could be asserted by the Owner against the Contractor pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 12.1.4 of GC 12.1 -INDEMNIFICATION; .4 damages arising from the Contractor's actions which result in substantial defects or deficiencies in the Work. "Substantial defects or deficiencies" mean those defects or deficiencies in the Work which affect the W"ork to such an extent or in such a manner that a significant part or the whole of the Work is unfit for the purpose intended by the Contract Documents; .5 claims azising pursuant to GC 12.3 -WARRANTY; and .6 claims arising from acts or omissions which occur after the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. 12.2.4 The Owner waives and releases the Contractor from all claims referzed to in paragraph except claims for which Notice in Writing of claim has been received by the Contractor from the Owner within a period of six years from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work should any limitation statute of the Province or Territory of the Place of the Work permit such agreement. If the applicable limitaton statute does not permit such agreement, within such shorter period as may be prescribed by: .1 any limitation statute of the Province or Territory of the Place of the Work; or .2 if the Place of the Work is the Province of Quebec, then Article 21 l8 of the Civil Code of Quebec. 12.2.5 The Owner waives and releases the Contractor from all claims referenced in paragraph except for those refereed in paragraph, and those arising under GC 12.3 -WARRANTY and claims for which Notice in Writing has been received by the Contractor from the Owner within 395 calendar days following the date of Substantio(Performance of the Work. 12.2.6 "Notice in Writing of claim" as provided for in GC 12.2 -WAIVER OF CLAIMS to preserve a claim or right of action which would otherwise, by the provisions of GC 12.2 -WAIVER OF CLAIMS, be deemed to be waived, must include the following: .1 a cleaz and unequivocal statement of the intention to claim; .2 a statement as [o the nature of the claim and the grounds upon which the claim is based; and .3 a statement of the estimated quantum of the claim. 12.2.7 The party giving ".Notice in Writing of claim" as provided for in GC 12.2 -WAIVER OF CLAIMS shall submit within a reasonable time a detailed account of the amount claimed. CCDC 2-2008 File 007213 29 Note: This contract is protected by copyrlghf. Use ofa CCUC 2 document rrot containing a CCOC 2 copyright seal wnstitutes an infringement afcopyright Ottly sign this contract f the document corer page bears a CCDC 2 copyright sea[ to demonstrate that n is intended by the parties to be arc accurate amt unamended version of CCIx 2- 2008 except to the extent that arty alterations, additions ar modifications are set forth in supplememary condinans. 12.2.8 Where the event or series of events giving rise to a claim made under paragaphs 12.2.1 or 12.2.3 has a continuing effect, the detailed account submitted under pazagraph 12.2.7 shall be considered to be an interim account and the party making the claim shall submit further interim accounts, at reasonable intervals, giving the accumulated amount of the claim and any further grounds upon which it is based. The party making the claim shall submit a final account after the end of the effects resulting from the even[ or series of events. 12.2.9 If a Notice in Wrtttng of claim pursuant to pazagraph is received on the seventh or sixth calendaz day before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the period within which Po'otice in YVriting of claim shall be received pursuant to pamgraph shall be extended to two calendaz days before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work. 12.2.10 If a .~'otice rn Writing of claim pursuant to paragraph is received on the seventh or sixth calendar day before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work, the period within which N"once in Writing of claim shall be received pursuant to pazagraph12.2.1.1 shall be extended to two calendaz days before the expiry of the lien period provided by the lien legislation applicable at the Place of the Work. GC 12.3 WARRANTY 12.3.1 Except for extended wazranties as described in pazagraph 12.3.6, the warranty period under the Contract is one year from the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. 12.3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the !ti'ork to the extent that the design and Contract Documents permit such performance. 12.3.3 The Owner, through the Consultant, shall promptly give the Contractor Notice to Writng of observed defects and deficiencies which occur during the one yeaz warranty period. 12.3.4 Subject to pazagraph 12.3.2, the Contractor shall corsect promptly, at [he Contractor's expense, defects or deficiencies in [he Work which appeaz prior to and during the one year warranty period. 12.3.5 The Contractor shall corsect or pay for damage resulting from corzections made under the requirements of pazagraph 12.3.4. 12.3.6 Any extended warranties required beyond the one year warranty period as described in pazagraph 12.3.1, shall be as specified in the Contract Documents. Extended warranties shall be issued by the wazrantor to the benefit of the Owner. The Contractor's responsibility with respect to extended warranties shall be limited to obtaining any such extended warranties from the warrantor. The obligations under such extended warzanties aze solely the responsibilities of the warzantor. CCDC2-2008 File 007213 30 Nbte: This contract is protected by copyright Use ofa CCDC 2 document not containing a CCDC 2 copynght seal constinetes an infringemem of copyright. Only sign th/s contract if the document corer page bears a CCDC 1 copyright sea( to demonstrate that it is imwded by the parties to be an accurate and ummended version of CCDC 1-1008 escepl to the esLent that airy alterations, additions or modifications are set forth in supplementary corcdlhons. cc~c 75 Albert Street Suite 400 Ottawa, Ont. Kl P 5E7 ` ~ , j ' ',' I ~ ? 1 ~. ~ ~ t) _ ~ _ ' .L 1 . _ , ~ ,. ~ ~ ~ , i ~-~ ~ _ .~ CANADIAN CONSTRUCTION ~OCLIMENTS COMMITTEE Tel: (613) 236-9455 Fox: (613) 236-9526 CCDC 41 info@ccdcorg CCDC INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS PUBLICATION DATE: JANUARY 21, 2008 General liability insurance shall be with limits of not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence, an aggregate limit of not less than $5,000,000 within any policy year with respect to completed operations, and a deductible not exceeding $5,000. The insurance coverage shall not be less than the insurance provided by IBC Form 2100 (including an extension for a standard provincial and territorial form of non-owned automobile liability policy) and IBC Form 2320. To achieve the desired limit, umbrella or excess liability insurance may be used. Subject to satisfactory proof of financial capability by the Contractor, the Owner may agree to increase the deductible amounts. 2. Automobile liability insurance in respect of vehicles that are required by law to be insured under a contract by a Motor Vehicle Liability Policy, shall have limits of not less than $5,000,000 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property, covering all vehicles owned or leased by the Contractor. Where the policy has been issued pursuant to a government-operated automobile insurance system, the Contractor shall provide the Owner with confirmation of automobile insurance coverage for all automobiles registered in the name of the Contractor. 3. Aircraft and watercraft liability insurance with respect to owned or non-owned aircraft and watercraft (if used directly or indirectly in the performance of the Work), including use of additional premises, shall have limits of not less than $5,000,000 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury, death and damage to property including loss of use thereof and limits of not less than $5,000,000 for aircraft passenger hazard. Such insurance shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner. 4. "Broad form" property insurance shall have limits of not less than the sum of 1.1 times Contract Price and the full value, as stated in the Contract, of Products and design services that are specified to be provided by the Owner for incorporation into the Work, with a deductible not exceeding $5,000. The insurance coverage shall not be less than. the insurance provided by IBC Forms 4042 and 4047 (excluding flood and earthquake) or their equivalent replacement. Subject to satisfactory Association proof of financial capability by the Contractor, the Owner may agree to increase the deductible of Canadian amounts. Engineering Companies 5. Boiler and machinery insurance shall have limits of not less than the replacement value of the permanent or temporary boilers and pressure vessels, and other insurable objects forming part of the Work. The insurance coverage shall not be less than the insurance provided by a comprehensive boiler and machinery policy. Canadian 6. "Broad form" contractors' equipment insurance coverage covering Construction Equipment used by Construction the Contractor for the performance of the Work, shall be in a form acceptable to the Owner and shall Association not allow subrogation claims by the insurer against the Owner. Subject to satisfactory proof of financial capability by the Contractor for self-insurance, the Owner may agree to waive the equipment insurance requirement. Construction 7. Standazd Exclusions Specifications Canada 7.1 [n addition to the broad form property exclusions identified in IBC forms 4042(1995), and 404'7(2000), the Contractor is not required to provide the following insurance coverage: • Asbestos • Cyber Risk The Royal • Mould Architectural • Terrorism Institute of Canada , ~ : ~- , ' March 2, 2010 ' VIA: EMAIL OR FAX ' ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir: ' RE: TENDER NO. CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION. ADDENDUM NO. 1 ' Bidders are hereby advised of Addendum #1. The following clarification and additional information is provided in response to questions raised during the site meeting held Thursday, February 25, 2010 at the Darlington Sorts Centre. 1. The Darlington Sports Centre will be open for viewing by Bidders and sub-trades on Friday March 5`", 2010 between the hours of 8.00 am and 4.00 pm. There will be no representative of the Municipality or the Consultant on site authorized to answer questions. ' 2. Refrigeration system has been pre-tendered and awarded to Cimco Refrigeration. The Municipality has issued a Purchase order to Cimco to cover the cost of preparation of shop drawings. The balance of the contract amount will be included in the tender amount and is ' indicated on the tender forms. The Refrigerated rink slab specifications are included as an appendix to the Mechanical Specifications. Bidders were instructed to ensure that this cost was not carried in duplicate by the Mechanical sub-trade and the General Contractor. ' 3. Alternate Prices: a. Alternate price for seamless glass to include south and east sides of rink as indicated on drawing A203. ' b. Alternate Price Item (added by addenda): Bidders are to be aware that complete removal and replacement of the existing rink slab under this alternate price including ' removal of existing sub-base can undermine the existing apron slab. Include costs to support and restore the apron slab as necessary including replacement and compaction of any loose or disturbed fill material encountered. c. Alternate prices must be included with your submission at the time of closing. 4. The playing fields to the north of the building are used by the public and will remain in use ' throughout the construction period. Provide unrestricted access to driveways and parking areas at all times. ' 1 of 7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 5. Replacement of existing wood header trench cover is included. Provide new header trench cover as specified in Section 06600 of the specifications. 6. The existing Header trench is partially a confined space as described during the site tour. 7. Designated materials have been identified at the Darlington Sports Centre and a report prepared by Golder Associates. Copies of the report were provided to each bidder. Abatement work is specified in Section 02080 and is to be carried out by a qualified and licensed abatement contractor. 8. Well water. The Darlington Sports Centre is served by a drilled well and there is no assurances that this well is adequate to support construction requirements. Contractor to provide his own water supply. 9. Specification Section 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING 2.01 MATERIALS Paragraph A: Add: Flextile 10. Specification Section 13180: DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Paragraph C. Change first sentence to read: "Complete panelized arena board system of prefabricated lightweight removable modular panel sections having structural aluminum framing of welded or screwed construction, and high density polyethylene facing both sides." 2.01 MANUFACTURERS Paragraph A: ADD: "Sound Barriers". 11. Delete all references in Division 15 Mechanical specifications to "LEED". This is not a LEED certified project. t 12. DRAWING A202 a. Ceiling Hung Toilet Partitions: Provide in each washroom (Women's 8103, Men's B105, Shower B119 and Shower 6123) above new toilet partitions, framing support as detailed on Drawing A901. Support to include all necessary hangers and bracing to suit existing conditions including anchors to suit existing structure above. Structure above Women's 8103 and Men's 6105 is precast concrete hollow core slabs. ' 13. DRAWING A203 a. Clarify Finished floor elevations as follows: i. The lobby floor slab is at elevation 0'-0" ' ii. The existing rink slab is at elevation -2'-5" iii. The existing apron slab is at elevation -1'-10" iv. The new rink slab elevation is to match the apron slab elevation of -1'-10" (8" ' above the existing rink slab) v. The new ALTERNATE PRICE rink slab top of slab elevation is to be at -1'-11 ''/i' (1 '/" below existing apron slab). ' b. At rink area team benches, infill existing stairs at each end of benches with concrete as noted and as detailed on Drawing SK-A101 attached. ' 2of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 c. Make allowances for repair and restoration of existing rink slab where concealed below existing Dasherboards. Include restoration as necessary for removal of rink board anchors. ' d. Extent of safety netting. Safety netting to be provided at the south and north ends only and shall extend from its existing termination point at the west side radii, to the end of ' the radii on the east side of the rinks (approximately 24 feet from the end boards). Existing netting may be reused as available. 14. DRAWING A204 ' a. At existing skylight: Remove entirely skylight and curb assembly including all drywall and structural steel framing associated with the skylight, and replace with new perimeter curbs and new skylight as detailed. l .l ~~ 15. DRAWING S103 a. Detail S/S103, Typical Rink Slab Detail: Revise thickness of 50mm sand layer as follows: provide leveling layer of sand only as necessary to bring all depressions in the existing rink slab to the tolerances specified for installation of the insulation. The total thickness of sand, insulation and concrete shall not exceed the height of the existing apron slabs (+/- 8" above rink slab). b. Detail 6/S103, Typical Rink Slab Detail (Alternate Price): At 300 mm sand fill, delete reference to "heati9ng pipes". Revise "100 Engineered Fill to suit" to read "300 Granular A Fill". 16. DRAWING S201 a. Provide minimum 6" embedment into existing walls for all drilled and epoxy anchors. b. Break out and dispose of existing slab as outlined on drawing S201 near grid lines 1 - CA. Drill and epoxy 15M dowels @ 24" c/c around entire broken out portion of slab. Refer to architectural drawings for new floor slopes. 17. DRAWING S202 a. Between Grids DA and EA and Lines 9A and 10A, change note at roof opening "Existing Mechanical Unit", to read: "Existing Skylight". b. Grid lines at east side of entrance and lobby areas on this drawing have been displaced. Relocate as indicated on architectural drawings. 18. DRAWING S501 a. Drill and epoxy 10M dowels at 24" c/c from new slab to existing slab in section 5/S501. Provide minimum 6" embedment into existing slab. b. Note in section 3/S501 should read "sawcut and breakout existing slab as required. Drill and epoxy 10M dowels 6" minimum embedment at 24"Gc to existing slab, and make good slab after pier installation" 19. Specification for new precast trench drains (TD-1) in the Resurfacer room area are included in Specification Section 15430, Article 2.03. 3of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 1.1 L] I1 20. Clarification of pages to be included in your submission a. Schedule (C) Contractor Safety to be completed and included with your submission. b. Schedule (D) Fair Wage Policy for ICI Contracts page 39 is to be completed and included in your submission c. Schedule (I) Tender Form the following pages must be completed and included in your submission -Pages 40-43 (inclusive) d. Schedule (G) -Information Sheet -References Page 45. This page does not have to be returned with your submission as references were part of the Prequalification submission. 21. Revised Tender pages: a) Replace Schedule (J) with the attached Address Label. This revised label is to be on your submission envelope. b) Replace Schedule (E) page 42 with the attached revised Tender Form pages. All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. Signed (Must be Signing Officer of Firm) Position Name of Firm 4of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (I) ADDRESS LABEL -revised CL2010-01 ae 47 of 47 ' PLEASE FIRMLY AFFIX THIS ADDRESS LABEL TO THE ENVELOPE CONTAINING YOUR SUBMISSION FOR SUBMITTING BY MAIL OR COURIER. ----------------------------------------------cut here-------------------------------------------------- ' TENDER ENVELOPE RETURN NAME: NAME ................................................ ADDRESS .......................................... ........................................................ ' TELEPHONE ...................................... CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICE OF THE CLERK ' 40 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 ' TENDER NUMBER: CL2010-1 SPECIFICATION: ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS ' CENTRE, CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00:00 p.m. Thursday, March 11, 2010 SEALED BID --------------------------------------------------cut here-------------------------------------------- ' Note: Should you decide to use your own return envelope in lieu of the envelope provided, the label above must be affixed to the front of your envelope. ALL of the information shown on the above label must be complete. ' The Municipality of Clarington cannot be held responsible for documents submitted in envelopes that are not labelled in accordance with the above instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Purchasing at 905-623-3379. Sof7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-01 ge 42 of 47 SCHEDULE (E) TENDER FORM (continued) 1. PART B SEPARATE PRICING (INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE) ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 1.1 All materials, labour and equipment to complete hazardous materials abatement as shown and s ecified $ p . 2. PART C OPTIONAL PRICING (NOT INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE) ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 2't Supply all labour materials and equipment to replace entirely existing built u roofin on main hi h level arena roof $ I p g g . EXTRA/CREDIT 2.2 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to provide seamless glass at east and south sides of rink as indicated on the lans and as s ecified $ p p . EXTRA/CREDIT 2.3 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to clean, prepare and paint exterior surface of all existin concrete block exterior masonr walls ~~ $ g y EXTRA/CREDIT 2.4 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to provide 2" (50mm) of external insulation on the existing portion of return air ductwork located above the existing Dressing Room ceiling space and scheduled to remain as indicated $ on drawin M-4016. EXTRA/CREDIT 2.5 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to break out and remove entirely, existing refrigerated rink slab including refrigerant piping, reinforcing and sub-base and install new rink slab with compacted $ granular base as detailed on drawing S703 and as specified. EXTRA/CREDIT 3. PART D PRETENDERED WORK: ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 3.1 We agree that our Total Stipulated Price includes the following amount for pre-tendered work to be assigned to this Contract including Supply and Installation of the Arena Refrigeration System and that the subcontractor (Cimco) will be assigned as a normal sub-trade and that all relations and I responsibilities between the General Contractor and the assigned sub- ' contractor are as defined in the General Conditions of this Contract. $352,475.00 6of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L9C 3A6 7(905)623-3379 F (905)623-333D THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON c~zoio-o~ 1 ~1 L1 4. PART E CASH ALLOWANCES: We agree that our Total Stipulated Price includes Cash Allowances in the Total amount of $70,000.00 and as follows: ITEM DESCRIPTION i PRICE NUMBER ~! 4.1 Independent Inspection and testing: $35,000.00 4'2 Supply of Finishing Hardware $35,000.00 4.3 'Total amount of Cash Allowances included in our Total Stipulated $70 000.00 Price: , 7of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ~J l~ 1 L_7 1' ~,8~ 7 ` ~ 6~ 'S ~ 16'-0' 16'-0' 16'-0' INFlLL EXISTING ST S WfTH CONCRETE ADD N RINK BOARDS TO ENDS STAIR INFlLL STAIR IN LL ----- --- -------- ---~ ~ r--~-f----. DN ~ ~ DN '~ i DN I ~2~ KK-AO PLAN z p ` DASHD2BOAR0 2 , INFlLL EXISTING STAIRS WITH CONCRETE ADD NEW RINK BOARDS TO ENDS DRILL AND EPOXY 15 AI DOWEL ~ ` 6' MIN. EMBEOMENf 1-10N CO GROUND FLOOR 0'-0~ __ ~ 10A1 0 16' C/C TOP OF FlNSIHED ICE ~`~~ ~-~ .~~. ~ ~ ~ ~t §r .- „ ~~ y k.+ ~ , F ~K-A0~ SECTION PROJECT: DRAWING: BARRV~BRYAN ASSOCIATES a~Ne° ~~ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE STAIR INFlLL (1991)LIMRED ov ' ,,,~~~ «EPO. AT PLAYERS BENCH ~"eh°°rs i.~d,~Peaanxa~ ~E Pioial Mara9ers MAO. 12010 HAMPTON, ONTARIO NHW/Onwv x wa wcvsen ocs iw~-im MUNICPALITY OF CAARINGTON ~°^^^°'£Po^^~°~.re°~^~^~~ ~ .. ~~b~ ~ ~ ~ Pwo,E~„a ~~x~Na. o N~oa~,aE~Ur~E~~,~~~o ~ ~ 09040 SK-A01 1 L J i~ ,. { to d::~ rAe way ®_ March 9. 2010 VIA: EMAIL OR FAX Municipal Website ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir: RE: TENDER NO. CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION. Bidders are hereby advised of Addendum #2. ADDENDUM NO. 2 1. Closing Date & Time Currently reads as follows: 2:00:00 p.m. Thursday, March 11, 2010 Amend to read as follows: 2:00:00 p.m. Friday, March 12, 2010 2. Specifications TABLE OF CONTENTS a. Delete references to Section 07220 Standard Density Cementitious Fireproofing and Section 07250 Fireproofing. 3. Specification Section 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE a. 2.02 CONCRETE MIXES i. Sentence B., 5., (8): Change 28 day strength of rink slab concrete mix from 32 MPa to 30 MPa. 4. Specification Section 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY a. 2.01 MATERIALS i. Paragraph H: 1. Plastic Lumber shall be NON fiberglass reinforced material, 100% post consumer recycled content. 2. Alternate manufacturer: Preservation Materials Inc. (pmi), Ionia, Michigan. ' b. Article 3.03 PLASTIC LUMBER BENCHES. i. Revise paragraph C to read: "Provide plastic lumber benches in arena seating areas mounted to existing concrete risers with matching plastic spacers in accordance with manufacturer's instructions." ' 1 of 6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 u 1 1 C 1 1 Addendum #2, Cont'd c. Add new Article 3.07: 3.07 WOOD BENCHES A. Coordinate benches in dressing rooms with Section 04200 and Section 05500. B. Install solid maple bench seats as detailed in dressing rooms with countersunk stainless steel carriage bolts. 5. Specification Section 07200 BUILDING INSULATION a. 3.04 REFRIGERATED RINK SLAB INSULATION Paragraph E: i. Delete reference to extending refrigerated ice slab perimeter insulation 1200 mm beyond. Terminate insulation at limits of ice slab and at existing apron slab. 6. Specification Section 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING a. 2.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Paragraph A: i. Change reference to roof Type R3 to Type R2 7. Specification Section 09310 CERAMIC WALL AND FLOOR TILE a. Add specification Section 09310 attached. 8. Specification Section 10950 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES a. 2.02 PRODUCTS: i. Add the following: C. Stair Treads: Heat treated extruded aluminum 6063-T6 alloy with abrasive fillers consisting of a mixture of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide granules in an epoxy matrix locked into the extruded channels of the base. The abrasive ribs shall project a minimum of 1.6 mm above the extruded channels. Treads shall be one piece without joints and shall terminate not more than 76 mm from ends of steps for poured concrete stairs; for concrete filled steel pan stairs, treads shall be full length of steps less 3.0 mm clearance. Metal in contact with concrete shall have asphaltic isolation coating. Colour shall be black. For Concrete Cast in Place stair treads: American Safety Tread Type 1511 76 mm wide x 6 mm deep with integral anchor, or equivalent by Wooster Stair Products Inc. Install stair treads in cast in place concrete stairs in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 9. Drawing A100: a. Existing monitoring well to be de-commissioned is 6" diameter and 153' deep. Details and procedures for decommissioning this well will be reviewed with the Owner and the local conservation authority on site, prior to decommissioning. 10. Drawing A101: a. Change detail reference for bollards at two locations, from 6/A301 to 5/A101. b. Change note at south west exit doors from basement level, "Remove and replace existing concrete pad with new frost slab" to read "Remove and replace existing concrete pad with concrete pad, 42" x 72"". c. Change note at new railing at new main entrance doors "Concrete curb and galvanized handrail. Refer to detail 13/A504" to read: "Concrete curb and painted steel handrail. Refer to detail 13/A504" 2of6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 1 i Addendum #2 Cont'd 1 11. Drawing A202: a. Revise detail reference for enlarged floor plan (from Machine Room B106 to Stair 8117) from 1/A208 to 2/A208. b. Refer to attached drawing SK-A04 for dimensions of new vestibule (Vestibule 106A) at ' Machine Room and dimensions of new stair at exterior door 8106. New and existing surfaces in Vestibule 106A shall be painted as noted on the room schedules for room 8106. ' c. Weeping the shown on this plan between lines 1 and 9A is existing to remain. Connect new weeping the at line 9A to existing and extend along face of new and existing building to north west corner of basement. 12. Drawing A203: a. Change note at south west exit doors from basement level "new frost slab 6'-0" x 6'-0"" to read: "Remove and replace existing concrete pad with concrete pad, 42" x 72"". 13. Drawing A204: a. Delete note "New gravel ballasted EPDM roof' at grid BxA/10A. ' b. Roof Plan: Refer to Detail SK-A03 attached: i. Roof datum elevations at north additions are clarified to coordinate with structural drawings. 1 c. Provide new metal flashing along west side of existing roof at new addition, on line CA, as detailed. 14. Drawing A207: a. 1/A207 Detail: Delete note "built up roof assembly of felt, fibre board, rigid insulation and vapour barrier' at two locations. Refer to roof plan for roof types. b. 2/A207/401 Detail: Delete note "built up roof assembly of felt, fibre board, rigid insulation and vapour barrier". Refer to roof plan for roof types. c. 3/A207 Detail: delete references to duct insulation on this detail. Insulate duct as specified in Division 15. ' d. 7/A207 Roof Plan: Refer to Detail SK-A03 attached: i. Roof datum elevations at north additions are clarified to coordinate with structural drawings. e. Detail9/A207: i. Revise detail 9/A207 as indicated on drawing SK-A03 attached. f. At all roof details for roof types R1 and R3 (Built up Bituminous Roofing), delete metal subflashing below metal parapet flashing at all locations. Refer to specification section ' 07500 and provide two ply modified bituminous flashing at all parapets and counterflashing locations with metal cap flashing only. ' 15. Drawing A208: a. 4/A208 Enlarged Plan Vestibule Addition i. Delete note at grid FA/11A "1/2" gypsum board on 7/8" furring". ' ii. Delete reference to partition type P10 at annunciator panel. iii. Change detail reference below main entrance doors from 8/A901 to 13/A504 iv. Revise reference to plan detail at annunciator panel from 5/A201 to 5/A601. v. Revise reference to plan detail at column FA/9A from 4lA201 to 4/A601. ' 3of6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ' Addendum #2 Cont'd b. 5/A208 Enlarged Plan Lower Public Washrooms i. Vanities in Lower level Men's and Women's washrooms 6103 and 6105 are to ' be continuous prefabricated moulded counter/lavatories as specified in Section 15440. ' 16. Drawing A301: a. 1/A301: South Elevation i. Change detail reference at reveal from 6/A503 to 8/A503. b. 2/A301: North Elevation ' i. Change Detail reference between lines BA and CA from 11/A207 to S/A301 ii. Change Detail reference between lines AA and BA from 11/A207 to 2/A501 c. 4/A301 East Elevation i. Change detail reference below main entrance doors from 13/A503 to 13/A504. 17. Drawi ng A501: t a. 2/A203 Wall Section: Delete dimension from finished floor to underside of door track. b. 3/A203 Wall Section: Refer to revised wall section on drawing SK-A02 attached. c. 5/A203 Wall Section: Change roof type R1 to Type R3. d. 8/A203 Wall Section: ' i. Change height of door opening to suit block coursing (i.e. change 7'-4 318" to 7'-2 5!8") ii. Change dimension from finished floor to top of masonry from 10'-0" to 10'-6". ' e. At all roof details for roof types R1 and R3 (Built up Bituminous Roofing), delete metal subflashing below metal parapet flashing at all locations. Refer to specification section 07500 and provide two ply modified bituminous flashing at all parapets and counterflashing locations with metal cap flashing only. 18. Drawi ng A502: a. 1/A203 Detail: i. Change roof type at canopy from type R3 to type R2. ii. Change roof type at new roof above entrance vestibule from type R1 to Type R3. ' b. c. 4/A502 Detail: Change roof type at canopy from type R3 to type R2. 5/A502 Detail: Change roof type at canopy from type R3 to type R2. d. At all roof details for roof types R1 and R3 (Built up Bituminous Roofing), delete metal subflashing below metal parapet flashing at all locations. Refer to specification section ' 07500 and provide two ply modified bituminous flashing at all parapets and counterflashing locations with metal cap flashing only. ' 19. Drawi ng A503 a. 3/A203 Wall Section: Change roof type at new roof from type R2 to type R3. b. 4/A203 Wall Section: Change roof type at new roof from type R2 to type R3. c. 5lA503 Wall Section ' i. Plastic lumber bleacher seating to be nominal 2 x 12" (1 Y" x 11 Yz') seating on nominal 1 x 6 (3/4" x 5'/") continuous matching plastic spacers. Anchor to ' d. existing concrete as recommended by material manufacturer. 8/A301 Elevation of Exterior Wall Reveal: change detail reference through reveal from 9/A501 to 9/A503. e. At all roof details for roof types R1 and R3 (Built up Bituminous Roofing), delete metal ' subflashing below metal parapet flashing at all locations. Refer to specification section 07500 and provide two ply modified bituminous flashing at all parapets and counterflashing locations with metal cap flashing only. ' 4of6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 '] u t Addendum #2 Cont'd 20. Drawing A504: a. 1/A203 Wall Section: i. Change roof type at new addition from type R2 to type R3. ii. Delete General note below exterior concrete stair. Stair nosings to be as specified in Section 10950. b. 4/A501 Section Detail: delete note: "Top of Lobby Floor Level 000". c. At all roof details for roof types R1 and R3 (Built up Bituminous Roofing), delete metal subflashing below metal parapet flashing at all locations. Refer to specification section 07500 and provide two ply modified bituminous flashing at all parapets and counterflashing locations with metal cap flashing only. 21. Drawing A601: a. 5/A208 Plan Detail: Delete reference to partition type P10 and shaftwall assembly. 22. Drawing A801: a. Room Schedule: i. At room 112, Ice Rink: in remarks column, delete reference to painting existing spectator seating. ii. Apply epoxy paint finish as specified in Section 09900, Article 31.3, E., 1 at the following locations: All structural steel, steel joists, trusses, guardrails and other metal fabrications, new and existing, in the Ice Rink 112, Ice Resurfacer Room 117 and Storage 115. iii. All existing exterior and interior doors and frames scheduled to remain shall be cleaned and painted both sides. iv. Paint all new and existing ductwork, conduit and piping left exposed in the finished building. v. Refer to plans and details for locations of new or existing surfaces. vi. Dressing Rooms 6118, 8120, 8122 and B124: Paint existing concrete columns and exposed underside of existing concrete bleacher seating. Paint all exposed ductwork. Paint new GB ceilings where indicated on the plans. Stain and varnish new wood benches. vii. Add Vestibule 6106A: Finish new vestibule on all surfaces as indicated for Machine Room 6106. 23. Drawing A901: a. 1/A901 and 2/A901: Interior of cabinets to be melamine as specified in Section 06410. b. 7/A208 Section at Display Case: i. Change depth of display case from 4'-2 '/" to 4'-0" +/-. ii. Provide intermediate gables in display case at maximum 3'-6" centres. 24. Drawing S103: a. Typical rink slab Detail (Alternate pricing): New slab thickness of 152 mm (6") as shown on this detail is correct for total slab replacement. 25. Drawing S201: a. Provide slab thickening below new interior walls at Resurfacer Room as shown on typical details. b. Concrete expose class schedule for all exterior concrete should read type C2 concrete in lieu of the type C1. Sof6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ' Addendum #2 Cont'd c. Delete reference to detail 2/A501 and delete note "Frost slab on void form on frost wall" ' at south west corner of building (at exist doors from basement level). Provide concrete pad on grade as noted on architectural drawings, 42" x 72" to replace existing. Pad to be as specified for concrete sidewalks. 26. Drawing S202 a. Change elevation of underside of roof deck for the low roof bounded by grid lines BA-CA and gridline 1-1A from elevation 0'-5 1/2" to -1'-4" from roof datum elevation. ' b. Change elevation of underside of roof deck for the low roof bounded by grid lines BA-AA and gridline 1-2A from elevation 4'-3 1/2" to 4'-7 112" from roof datum elevation. c. Provide steel lintel type L1 above door 117A in new resurfacer room. (refer to Section on revised detail SK-A02 attached for location of lintel). ' 27. Det 4/A207 Replacement of the metal flashing at the high (arena roof) area is related to the high roof replacement and is part of the alternate price No. 1 and is not to be included in the base tender amount. ' 28. Clarification of Insurance requirements. A certificate of insurance for the amount of $5 million CGL and $2 million auto liability noting the Municipality of Clarington as "additionally insured" will be required from the successfully contractor prior to any work being completed. ' 29. Mechanical Addendum -M001 Note enclosed within as part of this Addendum is the above mentioned Mechanical Addendum consisting of 34 pages. ' 30. Plastic Laminate Sills Refer to specification 06410, 2.01., D., 3: Particle core based on CSA standard CAN3-0188.1 M All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. ' I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. ' Signed (Must be Signing Officer of Firm) t CI Position Name of Firm 6of6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 1 1 1 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Joint Sealers Section 07900 D. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 E. Resilient Flooring Section 09660 1.03 A. ASTM C207 Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes B. ASTM C847 Metal Lath C. ANSI A118.1 Specifications for Dry-Set Portland Cement Mortar (Included in ANSI A108.1) D. CAN/CGSB-51.33-M Vapour Barrier Sheet, Excluding Polyethylene, for Use in Building Construction E. CGSB 71 GP 22M Adhesive, Organic, for Installation of Ceramic Wall Tile F. CAN/CGSB-75.1 M, Tile, Ceramic G. CAN/CSA AS-93, Portland Cement H. CSA A82.5-M Structural Clay Non-Load-Bearing Tile I. CSA A123.3 M, Asphalt or Tar Saturated Roofing Felt 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with the requirements of Section 01330. B. Submit duplicate samples of file to the Consultant for approval. Samples to be submitted on 300 x 600 mm sample board for each colour, texture, size and pattern of tile. Grout sample joints for representative sample of final installation. C. Shop drawings: submit tiling plans giving all details of special fittings, expansion joints, joint layout, etc. These plans and details must be submitted insufficient time to allow for review and ordering of tiles so as not to cause a delay in the work. D. Maintenance Data: Provide maintenancedatafortilework,forincorporationintoMaintenance Manuals specified under Section 0178D. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Do the work in accordance with Installation Manual 200, Ceramic Tile, by Terrazzo, Tile and Marble Association of Canada (TTMA), except where this specification is more stringent. B. For the actual installation of ceramic wall and floor tile, use only skilled tradesmen who are familiar with the referenced standards and with the requirements for this Work. C. The setting materialmanufacturer'srepresentativeshallreviewthedetailswiththeContractor prior to the start of work. Instruct the Contractor on the proper installation procedures to ensure compliance with the guarantee requirements. 09040-09310 wpd 1 ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE Page 2 ' 1.06 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver packaged materials in original unopened containers. ' B. Keep delivered material dry and free from stains. Store cementitious material off damp surfaces. ' C. Use all means necessary to protect floor and wall file materials, before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. D. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the ' approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.07 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ' A. Maintain air temperature and structural base temperature at ceramic file installation area above 12°C for 48 hours before, during and after installation. ' 1.D8 QUALIFICATIONS A. Installer of ceramic tiles shall have a minimum of 10 years experience including at least five projects of similar scope and scale. Submit documented proof of experience prior to ' commencing work of this Section. 1.09 SCHEDULING ' A. Arrange for production and shipment of the file in sufficient time to avoid delays. Substitutions will not be considered due to last minute unavailability of the tile. Any extra costs incurred to ensure the timely delivery of the file will be at the Contractors expense. ' 1.10 WARRANTY A. Provide setting materials Manufacturer's5yearmaterialsandlabourguaranteeagainstbreak ' down or deterioration of the waterproof membrane and setting materials. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2 01 M ATERIALS . A. Materials shall be graded and containers grade sealed, delivered to the job site in their ' original packages or containers with the manufacturer's labels and seals intact. B. Tile and grout colour shall be selected by the Consultant from the manufacturer's standard ' range of colours. C. Tile shall conform to CAN/CGSB-75.1. D. Provide coves, corners, reveals, surf caps, inners and outers as required to complete the ' work. 1 ' osoao-osaio.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE Page 3 ' 2.02 CERAMIC TILE ' A. Ceramic Wall and Ceiling Tile (Shower Stalls): Olympia Maple Leaf 4 114" x 4 1/4", bright glazed. Up to three colours will be selected. (80% Colour Group 1 and 20% Colour Group 3). B. Ceramic Wall Tile (Public Barrier Free Washroom): Olympia Tile Fabrio series. 10" x 20". ' Up to 2 colours will be selected. Colour to be selected by Consultant. Installation to be stacked. C. Ceramic Shower Floor Tile: Olympia Quebec series 1"x 1",unglazed porcelain slip resistant tile. Two colours will be selected. D. Porcelain Tile: Olympia Porcelain Maxxi series 12" x 24". Grip Finish. Up to two colours will be selected. ' 2.03 MORTAR. GROUT ADDITIVES AND ADHESIVES A. The fallowing is based on a system of products manufactured by Laticrete International Inc. Mapei Products as listed are pre-approved as equivalent. The products of one manufacturer shall be used throughout the project to ensure compatibility of materials: 1. Water: Fresh, clean, potable, free from deleterious matter, acids or alkalis. ' 2. Floors: (thinset) T.T.M.A. Detail #317 SP-2000 "A". (1) Thinset mortar: Laticrete 42371atex additive plus 211 Crete filler powder or Mapei Kerabond mixed with Keralastic high performance latex admixture. (2) Levelling Compound (if required): Laticrete 3701 latex and 226 Mapecem ' mortar mixed with Planicrete 50. (3) Grout: Laticrete Latapoxy SP10Q, solid epoxy grout or Mapei Kerapoxy. Colours to Consultant's selection. ' 3. Shower Floors: thickset (T.T.M.A.C. Detail #319 SR-2000 "B:)Mortar Bed: Levelling coat with Laticrete 3701 and 226 mortar mix or Mapei "Mapecem" mortar mixed with `Planicrete 50". (1) Waterproof membrane, Laticrete 92351iquid applied reinforced membrane ' or Mapei PRP315 with fibreglass mesh and Mapei board corner pieces for all 90 degree corners. (2) Bond Coat: Laticrete 4237 latex thinset mortar additive with 211 Crete filler powder or Mapei "Kerabond" mixed with Keralastin high performance latex ' admixture. (3) Grout: Laticrete Latapoxy SP100 solid epoxy grout or Kerapoxy. Colours to Consultant's selection. 4. Walls: (1) Concrete and Concrete Block: T.T.M.A.C. Detail #3D3W-2000: (a) Levelling Coat: Laticrete 3701 or Mapei Mapecem mixed with Planicrete 50. ' (b) Waterproof membrane (shower walls only): ,Laticrete 9235 liquid applied reinforced membrane or Mapei PRP315 with fibreglass mesh and Mapei board corner pieces for all 90 degree corners. (2) Thinset mortar: Laticrete 42371atex additive plus 211 Crete filler powder or t Mapei Kerabond mixed with Keralastic high performance latex admixture. (3) Grout: Laticrete Latapoxy SP100 solid epoxy grout or Kerapoxy. Colours to Consultant's selection. t (4) Cementitious Gypsum Board on steel studs: 09040-09310.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE Paqe 4 (a) Thinset mortar: Laticrete 4237 latex additive plus 211 Crete filler powder or Mapei Kerabond mixed with Keralastic high performance latex admixture. (b) Grout: Laticrete Latapoxy SP100 solid epoxy grout or Kerapoxy. Colours to Consultant's selection. 2.04 FLOOR SEALER AND PROTECTIVE COATING A. To file and grout manufacturer's recommendations. 2.05 A. Reducers, edge trim, and transition strips: Schluter Systems purpose made aluminum. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Surfaces on which wall and floor file is to be applied, shall be thoroughly cleaned down. B. Concrete must be cured a minimum of 35 days before installation of ceramic tile. C. Drywall surfaces on which wall and floor file is to be applied, shall be free from dust, excess plaster and shall be plain and true without any irregularities. D. Concrete floor slabs, concrete and masonry walls on which floor and wall file are to be applied, shall be thoroughly cleaned down and all dust, efflorescence, dirt, etc. removed. Concrete and masonry wall surfaces to which wall file is to be applied shall be levelled off as required with mortar adhesive to produce true flat surfaces. E. In the event of discrepancies, immediately notify the Consultant and do not proceed with installation in such areas until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. F. Install transition strips, reducers and edge trim at exposed edges of all tiled walls and floors in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. G. Ensure that conditions are suitable to receive membrane and tile. Report any adverse conditions to the Consultant. Commencement of the work will indicate acceptance of the surfaces to receive the tile. H. Remove from the job site all damaged or broken items caused by improper handling or storage. I. Ensure that all materials are fresh before starting work by recommended tests on site to ensure proper, permanent bonds. J. Check that conditions of temperature, humidity; traffic and usage are suitable as required by Installation Manual specifications. Minimum temperature to be not less than 10°C. K. Check that surfaces ready to receive tiling are cured, level and/or graded, plumb, smooth, firm, free from loose particles, droppings, projection, grease, solvent, paint and other foreign matter and from other unsuitable conditions. 09040-09310.wptl 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE Page 5 3.02 WORKMANSHIP A. Expansion joints which are required for structural reasons must be continued to the same width in the bedding mortar and file cladding. Clean out joint when dry and apply a pore sealed backfill material and fill with sealant. Refer to Section 07900. B. Waterproof membrane and setting materials shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Fit file around corners, fitments, fixtures, and other built-in objects to maintain uniform joint appearance. Utilize appropriateaccessorytilesatcornersandjunctions. Cut edges smooth, even and free from chipping. Edges resulting from splitting not acceptable. D. Joints between file shall be uniform in width, plumb, straight, evenly spaced with adjacent file flush and planeness in accordance with surface tolerance specified. E. Install file on substrates as noted on drawings and specified herein utilizing specified setting materials in strict accordance with manufacturers written instructions. Follow T.T.M.A. guidelines for expansion and control joints. F. Locate and install control joints utilizing colour match sealant at all corners and where recommended by substrate and file manufacturers and where indicated on drawings and approved by the Consultant. G. Unless specifically noted otherwise, all file wall base is to be constructed using special trim shapes such as mosaic coves and mosaic bull nose tiles as part of a the mosaic cove base ' (with TMCB designation) and cove where continuous with wall file (with-C designation). Use special inside and outside trim shapes for all edges and corners. ' H. Refer to room finish schedule for additional information. I. Unless specifically noted otherwise, in areas whereceramictileisindicated,provideceramic ' file base. Base to be 100 mm high with additional cut tiles to allow for slope in floor. ' J. All materials to be installed as per manufacturer s instructions. ' 3.03 GROUTING A. Grout all file using specified grout in strict accordance with manufacturers written instructions all to give a flush, hard joint. ' B J i t i fil fl d b h ll b fill lid d fl h d i h . n o s n e oor an ase s a an e e so us w t grout. ' C. Joints in wall file shall be filled solid and flush with grout. ' D. Prepare joints and mix grout in accordance with manufacturer s printed instructions. Force maximum amount of grout into joints, avoiding air traps or voids. E. Remove all excess grout by washing diagonally across the joints. Check for voids, air pockets and gaps and fill same. Remove all discoloured grout and replace with new. ' F. Cure all joints. ' 09040-09370.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09310 CERAMIC FLOOR AND WALL TILE Pa e 6 ' 3.04 CLEANING A. On completion, check work and replace defective, upset or misaligned tile. Make good skips, ' voids or excess grouting to the Consultant's approval. B. Immediately following removal of grout from surface of ceramic tile, remove dust and wipe ' clean. C. Thoroughly clean and polish all exposed surfaces of ceramic wall tile. D. Leave tiles clean, free of any apparent cement or epoxy film. Any epoxy film shall be removed with epoxy film remover within 24 hours maximum from commencement of grouting. Ensure compatibility of epoxy film remover with grout materials. E. Protect tiling during the works and until completion of the work with recommended methods and materials. 3.05 EXTRA STOCK A. Upon completion of the installation and as a condition of acceptance, deliver to the Owner 1 % of file and accessory tiles in each colour and pattern of ceramic tiles installed under this section for the Owner's maintenance program. Identify each carton for location and ' installation date. Submission must be made all at one time and prior to Substantial Performance. ' End of Section 09040-09310.wpd I 8"I ~~~ ~ !I JERK AL - j _~ ~TE ._ II T _ _ --_ \ F \\ D (7 I ' Z ', 1 Z 1 G d 1 \ I I ~ I ~ / z I ~I, w ~ , i I~.) n ~ PRO\ PLAT i TO ~ / EX15 L I I -. - I I ~ T I I ~ I P I 1 I I \\ III ,~ ~~"ORKBEN'; ~ I I ~ \' EInISB ~ EL w a i II ~ ~/ ELEVAT z o 1 1 I 545.5 1, 1 ~N 1 ~/ _1~~~D~~ - _ ' PROJECT: DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE HAMPTON, ONTARIO MUNICPALITY OF CLARINGTON InsrAL_ NEw 3LOC WALLS I 24' 0° BENCH I / RAIN - I ___ - - -4 ^I I I ':II- all 1::11 ] ~~ ~ ' c ~ M ~ I /~ 1DE S`E_I ' !'~7 ~ ~ ` ' I N I ~ ~ E JAMB C 4SER \ UIT 'HE III A - _ , _ - INC WALL ~ I -~ NrSB ~_ ~ S T m _ r-~I N I ~ _..__ ~FIA'.NIJNK FEN E FII~JD SATE '~,'N LGCK SUMS PIT I ~ AIJC COVER I ~ ~ O ~' 0 ~ o I ~ v i jE" X. 2 k '~" LONG HOOKED STRAP TIES @ 16" C/C STAGGARD 1 ~4" BcNT STffL PLA`E PART PLAN ICE RESURFACER ROOM OCD 117A LOCATION a~.~a.a~AOw~~w~,..~.a~ TAPERED INSUTA',ION / WHERE REQUIRED REFER i0 ROOF PWJ ~ ~~FIRESiOPPING PPJNTED GR"S I ANGLE ALL SICES o y STEEL DCK J o,ws ~ --~ I ~ NoioR¢ o COLINC DGR GONNEC D TG FIRE A~.A N i 5'EEL ll TEL AnD P E SLPPCR PAINTED IRTS -,. FACE of IsnNc au,tow~ ROOM r PATCh AND REPNR wau wnER AFFECTED' ar CNTEL NsrAEUTION~ .. -.. _---~ SECTION A501 BARRY~BRYAN a~ ner. ASSOCIATES (1991)LIMITED ~y°m+ar. McOil¢CR pBv ~aM~„ cE«e uNOarepea~nnMl wol~x Munx9ars MAO. 32010 nmo~w~,suFi,N sr..~: voa~.ro ~i ocs .er. wosl sx,~xz ve•=ra wel @asm~l 99'~va' rid[: ~ ~ ~ 09040 SK-A02 1 ~ ~1A 2A _- 11 4 _ 9~ I I P,N'L AND SPLASH PbC-~ ~, O 29 SLO~E~ , ~ ADDITIO _ ~ SAN VENT A ITI v ~xIS-1Nc PP.E~:NISHE7 ME F~ I s ~ SAP LASHING 2~ S_OP ~ SLOP= 2% 'YF. ---T ^ ~ ?.i. woOD RGOF DATU6 . BLOCKING g'-~' A2; ' PREFIN. METAL FASH~NG _ AS RECD. ' UNDERS DE 0 STE_-L DECK = - lAP NEW ' MEMBRANE O'JER EXSTNG I ROOF DATUM -oF of ExlsTltic ' " - - - 9 -8 CORESL49 9 E - - - - F3CM C,0 TOP OF ' i W CORE I S~ r I g DETAIL AT RESURFACER ROOM ' PROJECT: DRAWING DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE PART ROOF PLAN ICE RESURFACER ROOM DETAIL 9/A207 HAMPTON, ONTARIO MUNICPALITY OF CLARINGTON "^"°"""^"°°6'~°'"•"'~~` __.._~ i ROOF DATUM UNG=RSIDE OF STEEL DECK 5 7'%~, FROId QO --~,BA ANDI sPIASa Z Rc~ O i ~ 0 Q z C/7 X W BARRY~BPYAN eea ASSOCIATES - (1991j LIMITED wee ~r MGI~e[ts x Ceeu m En4re6•s E . c IeM6CeP6NC~ilad Pialk'I Men~er6 : ' w.Ra,zmc o~l ~ t~°°~ 6G~ rc leoe155ena p~=pp~ ~ Iees X6585t .~ rs Pawem rva. cxa. 09040 SK-/ - -__ 1 I - I I - I - -- - 1" OIL LINE THRU ROOF -- ~ ' V I I ~ ~ ~~ IIII ~ ~ III ~ :VEW HOUSEKEEPING PADS TO SUI? NEW EQUIPMENT LAYO CUT AND PATCH EXISTING REFIGERAEION WADS TO SUET !~ ROUTIKG CF DUCTS ,PIPES CONDUITS. I T UNEXCAVATED I r ~ i ~ : / ~ ~ i , ~ s y FI ~~~ HED FLOOR ~ EvarloN ~~_~,~ ' EX FN~O 54235 ', ~---- >- ~J ' ` E~ . N'hIN ROOfe .~ ~-, B 0 - I I ~ L ~- ~~ ~,; r ~h ~ ,~,, I '; ' PROJECT: DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE ' HAMPTON, ONTARIO MUNICPALITY OF CLARINGTON 1 _- ,~ II o n _~ ~_ EX EE- CORRIDOR ~'~ 10 -~., ~1~-~" -~~- ---- - ~y E10; ~X =.E.:~ EX F.E. o G ~~ OFFICALS` OF B11" 8109 EX F.E. MECH I~ B NEW FIRE ALAR~VI CONTROL PANEL FIh,SI-,EC FLOOR ELEVATION ~I 545.00 RARRY~eRYAN 7RAWING: ASSOCIATES (1991)LIMRED , w v PART PLAN m MECHANICAL ROOM a"n~~ec~ `"p'""" ~m~a~nnen c~o oe °E B ~ ~6 waiWn M."ape.. ~ ,®,sua.i, unq. ami~ G5 ~ psi essrszs2 •o ~ia' ... ~seaneu ~~~..,a~ewe...~a~ura~ws.r.~rre .,,.e bwe.w+a.~ ~ ~ w, `° " e° ~ 09040 SK ~ ,~~f_^ ~;w~~=::~ ~a.,".~ ~, :. -I MECHANICAL ADDENDUM NO. M-001 ii i~ i~ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE ARENA RENOVATION Job #09064 Barry Bryan Associates (1991) Limited 250 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N OGS March 9, 2010 This Addendum becomes part of the Contract Documents and will be considered to have been included in the Tender. Additions, deletions, and revisions shall be incorporated in the Contract Documents as hereinafter described. 1. MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION 1.1 Refer to Mechanical Specification Section 15010 -Mechanical General Provisions. 1 Add "Johnson Controls {HTS)" to Item 1.03.3. 1.2 Refer to Mechanical Specification Section 15452 -Pumps -Plumbing. .1 Reissued in its entirety. 1.3 Refer to Mechanical Specification Section 15480 -Domestic Water Treatment Package. 1 Reissued in its entirety. 1.4 Refer to Mechanical Specification Section 15831 -Commercial Fans. .1 Add "Woods" to Item 2.02.F.1 -Standard of Acceptance. 1.5 Refer to Mechanical Specification Section 15900 -Controls System. 1 Add "Johnson Controls (HTS)" to item 1.02 -Standard of Acceptance. 2 .3 Revise item 3.02.E.3 "Domestic Cold Water Booster Pump Package" to read as follows: 1 Refer to Section 15452 for Booster Pump Package for controls .2 Water treatment pack control Panel shall provide a signal to the Booster Pump package to tum off the Booster pumps when the low water cut-off level relay in the domestic cold water storage tank is activated. PAGE 1 REF: LIPROJECT5~2909109064•MNUDENDUMS~ADD.lmO'IWDDENDUM A1901.ODC 1.6 Refer to Mechanical Specification Section 15999 -Schedules Table of Contents .1 Refer to the attached Mechanical Schedules and revise as indicated: 1.10 "Roof Top Air Handling Unit Schedule". 1.11 "Plumbing System Pump Schedule". 1.12 "Silencer Schedule". 1.13 "Domestic Hot Water Boiler Schedule". 1.7 Add Mechanical Specifications Appendix B -Control Schematics. 1 Add Control Schematics CD-01, CD-02 and CD-03. 2. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS 2.1 Refer to drawing M-601 - P&D AND HVAC LAYOUTS (not issued, refer to the attached sketches SKM601-1 and SKM601-2). .1 Revise as indicated. 2.2 Refer to drawing M-701 -DOMESTIC COLD WATER AND HOT WATER SCHEMATIC (not issued, refer to the attached sketch SKM701-1 ). 1 Revise as indicated. END OF MECHANICAL ADDENDUM NO. M-001 PAGE 2 rseF: LJ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 1501 D. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate: 1 Equipment, including connections, fittings, control assemblies and ancillaries Identify whether factory or field assembled. .2 Wiring and schematic diagrams. ' 3 Dimensions and recommended installation. 4 Pump curves. 1 1.03 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 15010. ' B. Data to include: 1 Description of equipment giving manufacturers name, type, model year, ' capacity and serial number. .2 Details of operation, servicing and maintenance. .3 Recommended spare parts list with names and addresses. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 CAPACITY A. Capacity for all pumps shall be as indicated on the schedule. 2.02 PUMP MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT ' A. Hydraulic sealing flange: A hydraulically operated sealing flange, completewith Buna N rubber diaphragm type sealing gasket, shall be mounted on each pump discharge. The diaphragm shall be held in place by a 300 series stainless steel ring with stainless steel fasteners. ' Oaeltr~gWn Sports CenVe, Arena Rsnwa[lon cEL ProJed No. 09064 DIVISION 75 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING ' B. When the pump is activated, the resulting discharge pressure shall force the diaphragm seal againstthe flange face of the discharge elbow providing a leak proof seal. When pressure 'ts removed, the diaphragm shat! relax so that there is no ' mechanical connection to the discharge, and pump with hydraulic sealing flange may be easily removed. Units utilizing metal to metal connection which could corrode together shall not be acceptable. ' C. Guide Rail: The guide rails used to direct the pump in proper alignment with the stationary discharge piping shall be of a dual ail design. The rail shall be a 2" corrosion resistant pipe and positioned on the centedine ofthe pump to each side so ' that no weight of the pump bears on either of the two guide rails at any time. The guide rails shalt serve truly as a guide rail. Units which do not have the guide rails positioned on the centerline of the pump with off centered weight disUibution shall not be considered. D. Carrier Guide Bracket: A sliding guide bracket shall be attached to the pump. The sliding carrier guide bracket shall be fabricated from steel and protected with a corrosion resistant coating. The carrier shall be mounted on the pump so lifting is t done from the carrier and no strain is placed on the pump or guide rails. Fasteners shall be 300 Series stainless steel. The carrier shall be designed to lift from a centered loop. E. Discharge Base Elbow With Base Plate: A discharge elbow shall be furnished for each pump. The discharge base elbow shall be attached to a flat steel fabricated base plate which rests squarely on the wet well floor. The flat base plate shall assure the pump has a smooth surface on which to rest when lowered into position. The base plate shall include a leveling bolt adjustment as well as adjustable guide rail supports which hold the guide rail pipes at the bottom. The pump discharge with ' hydraulic sealing flange shall align with the base elbow of the base plate assembly. The sealing face of the base discharge elbow shall be smooth and shall be heavily coated with zing to provide a smooth corrosion resistant and abrasion resistant surface. All fasteners shall be 300 series stainless steel. ' F. When the pump is lowered into place, it shall rest squarely on the base plate, supported only by the feet on the pump. Units which hang from the discharge elbow shall not be acceptable as undue stress may occur on the volute case casing of the pump or on the base elbow of the base plate assembly. G. Lift Chain: Each pumps shall be provided with a galvanized lifting chain or cable. The lifting chain or cable shall be of sufficient length to extend from the pumping unit at one end to the top of the wet well at the other end. The access frame shall provide a hook to attach the lifting chain or cable when not in use. The lifting chain or cable shall be sized according to the pumps weight. Provide appropriate chain hooks to ' permit lifting of pump from well for inspection and service. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arere Renovation CEL Project No. 09084 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 _ PUMPS - PWMBING Page 3 ' 2.03 PIPING A. Piping: Piping shall include one swing check valve with outside leverand spring, and ' one plug valve. Piping shall include all necessary elbows and tees. B. All piping shall be coated with coal tar epoxy or equal for corrosion resistance. Where piping passes through the wall the pipes shall be sealed to make a water tight joint. C. Refer to Section 15413 for material and connections. 2.04 CONTROLS A. Controls: Provide packaged duplex control system. Duplex controls shall be housed in CEMA i sheet metal enclosure and shall comprise of the following: .1 Main disconnect switch. .2 Fuse Clips .3 Ful! voltage magnetic starters complete with overload protection for each phase. .4 110 Volt control circuit transformer. ' .5 Selector switch for each pump (Hand/OfflAuto). .6 Green pump "running" light for each pump. ' .7 Red pump "fault" light. Pump fault shall be provided with a dry contact for future connection to the EMCS. The pump status shall be provided by current switches provided across the starter for each motor. If the control panel calls for the pump to be running and the current swiich indicates no ' flow /pump fault, an audible, visual, indication and silence switch shall be provided. Provide two (2) visual no flow /fault alarm strobe lights interconnected into the control panel. Locate one (1) of the strobe lights ' directly above the control panel control panel and locate one (1) just outside the room were the pumps ate located. Coordinate the sVobe light locations with the high level alarm strobe tight locations and if the same strobe lights could be utilized for both the sump pump no flow /fault and the high level ' alarm, make all required modifications to suit. .8 The High water alarm control panel shall be complete with audible, visual, indication and silence switch. High water alarm shall be provided with dry contact for future connection to EMCS. Provide two (2) visual high level alarm strobe lights interconnected into the high Eevel alarm control panel. Locate one (1) of the strobe lights directly above the high level alarm control panel and locate one (1) just outside the room were the pumps are located. ' Darlington Sporrs Centre, Area Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~J r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 JMPS -PLUMBING 9 Terminal strip for mercury type level control (Off, Primary pump on, Sec. Pump on, High level) .10 Mercury type level controls with waterproof cables. 11 Automatic lead, lag alternator, electric. B. Pumps shall be controlled as follows: .1 On sump level rise lower switch shall first be energized, then upper level switch shall next energize and start lead pump. 2 Wrth lead pump operating, sump level shall lower to low switch turn off setting and pump shall stop. Alternating relay shall index on stopping of pump so that lag pump will start first on next operation and become Lead pump. .3 If sump level continues to rise when lead pump is operating, override switch shall energize and start fag pump. .4 Both lead and lag pump shall operating together until low level switch turns off both pumps. If level continues #o rise when both pumps are operating, alarm switch shall energize and signal the alarm. 5 Alarm signal shall close a contactto alarm at EMCS. All level switches shall be adjusted for level setting from the surface. C. The power connection for the high level alarm must be independent of the power feed to the pump control panel. 2.05 VISUAL HIGH LEVEL ALARM STROBE LIGHT FOR EXISTING SANITARY SUMP PUMPS .1 Provide a visual high level alarm strobe fight interconnected into the existing high level alarm control panel serving the existing sanitary sump pumps. Locate the strobe light in the adjacent basement level corridor. The exact loption of the strobe light shall be coordinated on site and make all required modifications to the existing high level alarm control panel to suR. 2.06 NON CLOG SUMP PUMP -SUBMERSIBLE DUPLEX A. Pump shall be capable of handling raw unscreened sewage consisting of water, fibrous 2" (SOmm) diameter spherical solids. Darlington Spor[S Centre, Aram Renovation CEL Project No. 08064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 5 B. Operating Temperature 1 The pump shall be capable of handling liquids with temperatures of 104 F continuous, 780 F intermittent and shall be capable of running dry for ' extended periods. 2 Where indicated on the schedule as "high temperature operation" the pump shall be capable of handling liquids with temperatures of 200 F continuous and shall be capable of running dry for extended periods. C. Pump Construction h onstructed of hi h ll b h i g a e c ous ng s 1 The volute, seal plates, and motor quality ASTM A-48 class 30 cast iron. The pump shall be painted with a ' water based air dry enamel of 2.0 mil minimum thickness. 2 All exposed hardware shall be 300 series stainless steel. The pump construction shall contain no points of critical Gearance nor require periodic ' adjustment or replacement to maintain operating efficiency. 3 Discharge connection shall be a standard 2" (50mm) NPT in the vertical position. All caskets shall be of the compression square ring type to eliminate critical slip fits and the possibility of damage during service associated with sliding O-ring sealing arrangements ' 4 The pump impeller shall be of a non clog design with pump out vanes on the back side. The impeller shall be dynamically balanced to ISO G8.3 specificaitons. ' .5 The unit shall utilize a single mechanical shaft seal which will operate in an oil atmosphere. The materials of construction shall be carbon #or the rotating face and ceramic for the stationary face, lapped and polished to a tolerance of one light band, 300 series hardware and all elastomer parts to be of Buna-N. The seal shall be commercially available and not a proprietary design. D. Motor The pump shall be designed to be non overloading throughout the entire pump curve. 2 The rotor and stator assembly shall be of the standard #rame design and secured to the pump seal plate by four threaded fasteners allowing for easy serviceability. Motor designs incorporating shrink for press fit assembly between the stator and the motor housing shall not be acceptable. Darlington Sports Centre, Arere Renovation CEL Project Na 090ti6 1 ' DNISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING ' .3 The motor shall be constructed with the windings operating in a sealed environment containing clean dielectric oil, making it capableof operating in a totally, partially or non submerged condition for extended periods of time without damage due to the heat being generated. Air filled motors shall not be ' acceptable. .4 The motor shall meet the standard NEMA Design L for single phase and NEMA design B for three phase. The motor shaft shall be of 416 stainless ' steel. The lower bearing shall be of the single ball type to accept radial Toads and the upper bearing of the sleeve or ball design, for radial loads. Bearings shall operate in an oil bath atmosphere for superior lift. Permanently lubricated bearings shall not be acceptable. .5 Thermal sensor shall be provided for use on three phase units to monitor the stator temperatures. The stator shall be equipped with a thermal switch ' embedded in the end coil of the stator winding. This shall be used in conjunction with external motor overload protection and wired to the control panel. Single phase shall have an overload switch on the motor windings and do not required any external protection. E. Power Cable .1 The pump shall be equipped with sufficient power cable to connect to the control panel. .2 Power cable shall be connected to the motor via quick disconnect spade ' terminals. Crimp connected cords are not acceptable. A secondary rubber pressure grommet shall be provided as an additional sealing point and strain relief at the point of cable entry. Cable entry designs utilizing terminal boards to connect power cord leads with motor leads are not acceptable. F. Pump Test .1 The pump manufacturer shall perform the following inspections and tests in accordance with Hydraulic Institute type B standards prior to shipment from the factory. 2 A check of the motor voltage and frequency shall be made as shown on the name plate. .3 A motor and cable insulation test for moisture content or insulation defects ' shall be made per UL criteria. .4 The pump shall be wmpletely submerged and run to determinethatthe unit meets three predetermined hydraulic performance points. .5 A written report shall be available showing the aforementioned tests have t been performed in accordance with the specifications. ' DarlNgton Sports CBnVe, Mere Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 LJ t t 1 DIV[SION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING G. Start Up The pump(s) shall be tested at start up by a qualified representative of the manufacturer. 2 A start up report shall be provided by the manufacturer and shall be completed prior to final acceptance of the pump(s). H. Standard of Acceptance: Barnes, Myers, Darling, Hydromatic, Scarboro. 2.07 CIRCULATING PUMPS A. Capacity: As shown on the pump schedules. B. Construction: Closed-coupled, in-line centrifugal, all bronze construction, ss or alloy steel shaft, ss or bronze shaft sleeve, two oil lubricated bronze sleeves or ball bearing. Design for 125 psi (230oF (860 kPa and 105 C) continuous service. C. Motor: Drip-proof, thermal overload protection. D. Standard of Acceptance: Armstrong, Taco, fTT Bell & Gossett 2.08 PRESSURE BOOSTER PUMPS ~ A. Capacity: Refer fo pump schedule. B. Lead and the duty pumps shall be alternated automatically C. The pumps shall be selected so that the pump motor combination assures maximum utilization of motor horsepower. D. Pump casing shall be 304 Stainless Steel (with Cast lion foot base), suitable for 175 prig working pressure at 140°f. The casing shat! be hydrostatically tested to 150% maximum working pressure. The casing shall be radially split to allow removal of the rofa6ng element without duturbfng the pipe connections complete with tapped drain connection. Suction and discharge connections shall be provided with drilled and tapped pressure gauge connections. Pump impellershall be 304 Stainless Steel, fullyenclosed and dynamicailybalanced. Provide a shaft sleeve, extending the full length of the mechanical seal area. Mechanical Seal shall be single spring Inside type with carbon face rotating against an O-ring mounted Ni-Resist seat. EPDM elastomer with Stainless Steel spring and hardware shall be provided. Darlington Sports Centre, Areea Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 E. Pump Sequencing DIVISION 15 SECTION 35452 PUMPS -PLUMBING 1 The pump designated as the lead pump shall run. 1 LJ .2 The pump contro/lershall compare a signal from the discharge pressure transducer fo the desired set point value. The lead pump speed will ramp up in order to satisfy the set point pressure. .3 The discharge pressure transducer shall be mounted in the new domestic cold wafersupply line at the location of the existing pressure buffer tanks which are located in the storage room adjacent fo the womens public washroom. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide wiring and conduit from the pressure sensor to the pump control package. Exact location to be coMirmed on site. .4 One pump (lead pump} shall operate continuously at various speeds io maintain the set point pressure. When the system demand exceeds the Best Operating Point (BOP} of the lead pump or the system pressure is not being satisfied, the second pump (lag pump} shall be automatically started. BOP shall be determined by current sensing. .5 A similar sequence of events shall take place in reverse on decreasing demand. .8 Pump RPM shall be controlled by a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD} connected directly to each individual pump motor. An analog signal from the discharge pressure transmitter shall be compared to a desired set point entered in to the operator panel. The pump logic controller shall instruct the VFD to either speedup or slow down in order to meet or maintain the system set point pressure. .7 Sequential starting and stopping of the pumps is achieved by a combination of pump BOP orset point pressure. The pump BOPshall be determined based on factory tests as well as pump operatng ditferertffal pressure. The pump BOP values shall be factory set and shall be accessible in the Set-Up screen of the operator panel. A default restore button shall be included in the setup page to return settings to factory conditions at any time. A set point pressure control will bring on a lag pump if the lead pump Is operating at full speed and once the lead pump exceeds iPs besf•operating-point (80P) the first lag pump shall start following a 10 second time delay. .8 Once the lag pump is called on, a minimum run timer(MRT} shall begin counting to ensure riiat the pump runs for a minimum of 5 minutes. The MRT shall be adjustable. DarOngton Sports Centre, Arena RanovaDon CEL Project Na 09066 ' DfVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING .9 When the 2 pumps are running and are operating at a point below the BOP and the lag pump minimum run timer having timed out the lag pump shalt remp down its speed and turn off. The lead pump will ' continue to operate and meet system requirements based on the set point pressure. Steps 2-5 are repeated in order to satisfy the building requirements. 1 10 The lead pump shall alternate every 24 hrs based via an adjustable real time clock. A time clock shall bring on the second pump, for a period of 5 seconds both pumps will operate at which point the fast pump on will be shut off. 11 An Aquastat connected to the pump seal chambers shall monitor the wafer temperature and when the water temperature reaches its high limit setpoint the pump shall be shut off. Pump shall restart when there is a Spsi pressure drop in the system pressure. When the pump is shut off due to high temperature a red indicator (fight shall be lit an the control panel. .12 The system shall be equipped with a "No-Flow" shutdown that will stop the pump when the pump controller determines there has been a "No- Flow" condition fora continuous 5-minute period. The lead pump will start again once a drop in pressure of at least 5 psi is measured on the discharge of the system. .13 The system shall be manually operated by means of the virtual HOA selector buttons provided on the touch screen operator interface. F. Combination pressure reducing valve with non slam check feature shall be mounted in each pump circuit. G. The panel shall carry the UL fisting mark for industrial contra/panels and shall be in a NEN)A 1 enclosure. Dartugton Sports Centre, Arena Renovatlon CEL Project NO. 08064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 1D ' H. Power and Control Panel .1 Controllers shall be housed in a NEMA Typei enclosure with touch screen operatorinterface and one main disconnect. Control panel shall be equipped with virtual Hand-Off-Auto control switches on display panel for user control of pump motors, and variable frequency drives. Control panel is fo be complete with 3 leg overload and short circuit ' protection, 120V control circuit transformer and integral, fused 24V controller power supply. ' .2 Ambient environmental ratings for the controller shall be as a minimum, 0°C to 60°C and 5% to 95% relative humidify, non-condensing. .3 The control panel shall be complete with 3.5" 6y 4.5" liquid crystal, watertight touch screen operator interface with easy to read backlit ' display. The operator interface shall have password protected system parameters, on-screen display of pump system parameters such as system pressure (psi), supply pressure (psi), three phase voltages, three phase amperages, pump run status, percentage of full speed All system parameters are visible onscreen on one screen without having fo scroll Access !o the inside of the controller is not required to change system parameter settings, alarm settings or reset alarms. System parameters 1 can 6e monitored without additional tools ordevices orthe need to open control panel door. .4 The controller must be capable of controlling up to three (3) pumps, using a 0-10mV analogue signal using pressure and or flow as the controt variable. ' .5 Controller design shall include provisions for low flow energysavings, best-operating-point (BOPJ sequencing, end of pump curve protection, 24hr automatic alternation of pumps, burl! fn pump on-delay and minimum run timers, re-settable pump elapsed run time meters, smooth pump starting and sequencing, on-screen freld modifiable control and alarm parameters, and no-flow shutdown. ' .6 On-screen alarm display with alarm identification shall be incorporated with the following alarms included: . i Low system pressure shutdown ' .2 Hlgh system pressure shutdown .3 Low suction pressure shutdown .4 High suction pressure shutdown .5 Pump failure ' .8 Corrtroller failure .7 Drive fault .8 SucSon or discharge pressure transmitter failure. ' Wrlington Sports Centre, Ares Renovation CEL Project No. 09D66 L' u ~'i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 11 .7 The controller shall include on-screen fault description and possible cause information with optional alarm hom. .8 Non-volatile factorysef parameters muss be capable of being restoredat any time in the field without requiring any programming device or connection to an external source. The controller must hold software in EPROM. EPROM memory storage prevents accidental loss of data due to voltage surge or spike. .9 The following remote indication, WO contacts shaft be included: .1 lrtdividual pump status .2 Drive/motor failure .3 Low system pressure .4 High system pressure .5 Low suction pressure .6 LowsupplyleveJ. .10 The unit is to be provided with flow meter that is complete with flow display and re•settable flow totaliser. .11 The flow meter flow rate shall be provided at the pump control panel terminal strip for connection by the BAS. The signal to the BAS shall enable the 8AS to read fire Now rate of the system. .12 The controUershall control the no-flowshutdown feature forintermittenf operation of the pumps. .13 Variable speed drives shall be in accordance with Section 15100 of the specification. 14 All controls to be factory pre-wired and tested in accordance with provisions of the national electrical code. AI! control wires shall be Individually numbered and each component shall be labeled accordingly. A11 internal wiring shall be Copper stranded, A.W.G. wlth a minimum 90°F rating. The controller shall bear the UL508 label for industrial controls. Instrumentation artd Controls Pump system she/I be supplied with manifold mounted liquid flfled pressure gauges for indicating suction and discharge pressure. Apre- wlred and pre-piped temperature probe or a Copper reciroulation and bleed tine shall be provided fo assure over temperature protection on continuous running systems. J. Factory Prefabrication DaringWn Sports Centre, Arere Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 12 The system shall be factory prefabricated, including isolation ball valves on the suction and discharge of each pump as well as headers sized for the flow rate indicated in the schedule. Type L copper construction with flanged connections. The only field connections required shall be piping to the system headers, over temperature drain tube and one incoming power connection at the control panel. K. Factory Test and Cerf~cafion The booster system and its component parts shall undergo acomp/efe operational flaw test from zero to 100% design flow rate under the specifred suction pressure conditions. The system certification shall include copies of the test data as certified by a factory engineer. Performance test certifications fo be placed inside the control pane! and extra copies with installation manual. In addition, the entire system shall be third party certified by Underwriters Laboratories inc. In accordance with OSHA 29 CFR with references to naffonally recognized fesffng laboratories. L Standard of Acceptance: Myers, SA Armstrong, ITT. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Make piping and electrical connections to pump and motor assemblyand wntrolsas indicated. B. Ensure pump and motor assembly do not support piping. C. Confirm pump rotation is correct. D. Set up and adjust all controls. E. Provide ball or butterfly valve, check valve and union, or flange as applicable on pump discharge pipes and union or flange as applicable on vent pipe forsanitary pits. F. Check valves downstream of pumps shall be swing type with external lever and adjustable weight. G. Mount domestic cold water booster pump package on a 100mm (4") housekeeping pad. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovetlon CEL Project No. 09060 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING 13 H. Start -Up of Domestic Cold Water Booster Package .1 The service of afactory-trained representative shall be made available on the job site to verify the installation and Start-Up and instruct operating personnel. .2 Division i 5 Contractorto provide conduif and wiring from the supply pressure sensor to the pump control package. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovatlon CEL Project No. 09064 1 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. ' B. All components of Domestic Cold Water Treafinenf package shall be supplied by one (7J manufacturer. C. Div. 15 contractor shall confirm existing well pump details. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS ' A. Do the work in accordance with: .1 NSF-61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects and requirements and standards of regulating authorities, except where specfied otherwise. .2 Ontario Building Code 2006 ' 3 Local Authority Having Jurisdiction t.03 SHOP DRAWINGS ' A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. 1.04 MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING DATA ' A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 CHLORINATION PACKAGE: ' A. Chlorination package shall consist of the following components: .1 One (1) Myers 26350-1 50 gal. Chemical Tank. ' .2 One (1) Myers AA951-389SI Chemical Feed Pump (P-7). ' .3 One (1) Myers AA951-398Sj Chemical Feed Pump (P-8). .4 One (1) Myers Chlorine residual analyzer. ' .5 One (1) Myers HJSOS-K Jet Pump to circulate the stored water through the Chlorine residual analyzer (P-5). Darlington Sports Centre, Arem Renovatlon CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE ' 6 Provide initial 40 gal. of Chlorine mixture to allow for start-up. B. Storage tank circulator Jet Pump shall be self priming. ' C. All interconnecting piping for Chlorination package shall be completed by the Div. 15 contractor in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and Mechanical Drawings. ' D. Standard of Acceptance: Myers, Klenzoid, 6raeeDearbern, Betz, Siemens. 2.02 IRON FILTER PACKAGE: ' A P . rovide Twinlron/Manganese Fil#er Package. Package shall be fullyautomaticwdh separate back wash. Back wash shall utilize treated water. ' B. Design Parameters: .1 Normal system flow and pressure drop of 7 gpm at 4 psi per vessel. .2 Maximum system flow and pressure drop of 14 gpm at 8 psi per vessel. .3 Backwash flow of 14 gpm. t 4 O eratin m t t f 100°F . p g pera e ure range o . ' .5 Operating pressure range (system) of 125 prig. C. Filter Tanks: .1 The filter tanks shall be of wound fiberglass with polyethylene fining. ' The innershell is Constructed of high densitypolyefhylene (HDPE} which is wound with corKinuous fiberglass roving forsfrength. Then tankshall be rated of 150 pslg operating pressure and 120°F temperature. Each tank shall be factory tested prior fo shipment and shall meet N5F and W(?A .2 Filter tanks shall be 16 inches in diameter and 85 inches in height. .3 Filter media shah be 4 co.ft. per tank. .4 A dual-media filter bed shall be provided for efficient iron, manganese ' and suspended solids removal. The filter bed consists of two layers of media Eo reduce filter presswe drop, provide deep bed filtrefion and long filter runs. The first layer will consist of hard coal anthradte with an effective s/ze of 0.6 to O.Smm. The second layer consists of manganese greensand with an effective size of 0.3 to 0.35 mm. Total bed depth shall be a minimum of 30 Inches. The manganese greensand shall be ' regenerated with chlorine for efficient iron and manganese removal. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 1 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE ' D. Distributor Assembly: .1 Provide a single non-clogging segmented distributor constructed of ' ABS. The distributor shall be covered with a gravel support bed. E. Main Operating Valves: ' .1 A fully automatic mulfiport control valve shall be provided to cycle the filter through the down flow service, up How backwash and down flow rinse operating modes. The valve shall be constructed with cast brass valve body and Teflon coated brass piston. The valve will be controlled ' by a single piston that is motor driven for positive operation. The control system shall consist of piston motor timer/ positioner which controls the regeneration program and is fully adjustable. F. The Manganese greensand requires regeneration with chlorine in order to provide efficient oxidation/filtrafion of Iron and manganese. Continuous feed regeneration shall be provided and controlled based on time clock to allow the system to be regenerated at any Time of the day or night Regeneration / Backwash shall be scheduled fo occur at a Hme that will not interfere with times of high water demands. t H. Filters shall use hub and lateral lower distribution with fne slot design for maximum service flow with eft3cient utilization of the enter media bed to eliminate channeling. ' These hub and lateral distributors shall be made of PVC. 1 _ „ ~.:~ ~6n/f ud.:/.. h..Ls 4CU:.. .f:..m..i..- -L,...e.ef.elLA:fs .. A./n.. AGn ..... f...L. ' r, n - in6ide-aAd-out ' L. All interconnecting piping for Iron Filter package shall be completed by the Div. 15 contractor in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and Mechanical Drawings. ' M. Standard of Acceptance: Myers MtiA-16-1 twin, Klenzoid, Betz, Siemens. 2.03 WATER SOFTENER PACKAGE: A. Provide a complete automatic water softener package. Provide chemicals, sak and Darlington Sports Centre. Arere Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 ' i31VISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Paoe 4 ' service for a period of one (1) year after substantial completion. B. The water softening equipment shalt be warzanted against failure due to faulty materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year. In addition, the fiberglass ' reinforced pressure vessels shall be warranted for a period of five (5) years. C. Provide a complete water hardness test kit (ASTM soap test method). ' D. Furnish and install a Marto model MAT-60M-1 SE twin alternating watersoftener to provide a zero soft watereffluent as determined byASTMstandardsoap test method, when operated In accordance with operating instructions. ' C T{... .-f {1... .+M. N cin '11 f- -.J {M L • .`T G. Each unit shall be designed to provide 60 kilograins per tank maximum capacity of hardness reduction between regenerations at a maximum salt dosage of 3.S /bs. ' salt. Each unit shall ba capable ofcontinuous flow rate of minimum 16 gpm with a pressure drop of 15 psi; with intermittent peak flow of 21 gpm not rrrore than 25 psi ' pressure drop. H. Softener Tanks: ' 1 The softener vessels shall be designed for a working pressure of 150 PS! and a temperature of 120°F. A minimum freeboard volume of 50% shall be provided to assure adequate bed expansion during backwash. .2 The softerrei vessels shall be constructed from fiberglass reinforced polyester (FRPJ with openings for mineral filling and periodic inspection. The exterior side shall be reinioreed with continuous roving glass filament ' ovenNrap of the same color as the vessels) shell. The vessels shall be supported by a molded polypropylene structural base. .3 The vessels shall be equipped with an opening in the top head for mineral filling and periodic inspection. The Tank shall have the dimensions of 12"Dx ' 52"H plus the Neigh! of the base. .4 Each softener vessel shall be provided with 2 cubic feet of high- ' capacity, non-phenolic resin per tank having a minimum exchange of capacity of 30,000 grains per cubic foot when regenereted with 151bs. of salt per cubic foot. The media shall be solid, of the proper particle size (not more than 4% through 40 mesh V.S. standard screen, wet ' screening) and shall contain no plates, shells, agglomerates or other shapes which might interfere with the normal function of the water softener. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Projectrao. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE ' .5 The softener tank shall have a stainless steel upper distributor which disperse water laterally to avoid channeling within the resin bed. The lower distributor shall be of all plastic construction in ahub-radial design. It shall incorporate fine slot distributors to avoid possible passing of resin to service ' in the event of plumbing system upset. No slots shall face upward to minimize the opportunity of channeling. One (1) layer of gravel shall be provided to aid in the even collection of water and make efficient use of the ' softening capacity of the resin. /. Brine Tank: .1 The combination salt storage and brine measuring tank with cover shall be sized to hold 320Ibs. ofsalt and have the dimensions of 18" dia. x 40" tall. The tank shall be of 3/8" rotationally molded rigid polyethylene. The brine ' tank shall 6e equipped with an elevated salt plate for the collection of brine and shall have a chamber to house a brine valve assembly. The brine valve assembly shall include an automatic air eliminator and float safety shut-off valve. It shall open automatically to educe brine, Gose to prevent the entrance of air after the brine has been drawn, and permit refill of the tank ' with the correct amount of water. Brine dosage shall be corrfrolled by the softener control valve through an adjustment on the clock timer. The system shalt be designed to allow proper refilling regardless of the salt ' level in the tank. .2 The control valve shall have a one (1) Inch inlet and outlet connections. ' /t sha/! be of the mechanically actuated, four position type to accomplish the regeneration steps of backwash, brine draw/ slow rinse, fast rinse and brine refill, al! accomplished using soft water. The valve shall contain a fixed orifice eductor nozzle and self-adjusting backwash flow ' control. .3 During refill, the brine valve shall regulate the flow of softwater into the brine tank, working with the timed refill feature of the softener control valve; together ' these components shall admit the correct volume of water to the brine tank in accordance with the salt dosage settings on the control valves. The brine valves shall include afloat-operated safety shut-off valve, and a back up tothe ' time refill valve on the control, to prevent brine tank from overflow. .4 The corMrol time shall have adjustable duration of the various steps in the regeneration cycle, shall allow for "pushbutton" start and also ' provide complete manual regeneration. Regenerations shall be initiated by volumetric meter. An arrow on the control valve shall indicate which position the control valve is in during regeneration. All steps of the ' regeneration cycle shall be accomplished using soft water. ' Darliigton Sports centre, Arere Renovation CEL ProJeet No. 09066 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Page 6 J. Alternator ' .7 An a/ternafor shall be supplied to allow only one unit to be in regeneration or standby at a time while the other unit is in service. This ' system shall provide a continuous supply of soft wafer. An arrow shall indicate which unit is in service. IC Volumetric Meter: .1 A volumetric meter, mechanically coupled to the control valve, shall inftlate regeneration. After a preset volume of treated wafer has passed through the softener, the mefar timer shall initiate a regeneration. The contra! shall have provisions for individual setting of al- regeneration cycles. The meter steal! be attached fo the control valve and have an outlet pipe the size of one (1) inch. Valve shat/ be electronic. ' L. The softener resin tanks and brine tank shall be mounted on an epoxy coated carbon sees! skid. The cantro! valve shall be pre-installed on the softener tanks and connected to the brine tank. All resin and support gravel shall be pre- ' Loaded in the softener tanks. M. Control System: .1 The automatic control shall be oftop mount design and all brassconstruction. It shall utilize a boR down flange connection to permit proper positioning between the valve and conditioner tank openings. Allow either left hand or right hand raw water plumbing to simplify installation. .2 The control shall be fully automatic muki-port wntrol valve operated by a rotary pilot that hydraulically or pneumatically activates cartridge style diaphragm valves to accomplish regeneration. The multi-port valve shall ' incorporate self-adjustable flow regulators to control flow rate and prevent resin loss during backwash, brine-rinse, and brine tank refill positions, regardless of pressure fluctuations between 30 and 100 PSI. the control shall open and close slowly to prevent noise and hydraulic shock. jt shall have provision for bypass of hard water during the regeneration cycle or eliminate of the bypass, depending upon the requirements. .3 The electrical control mechanism shall be enclosed in a gasketted, moisture- resistant panel to NEMA3. .4 The unit shall have provisions for individua€ adjustment of backwash and rinse cycle, and provisions for manually regenerating the water softener by means of inlet hydraulic pressure even without the use of electric power. ' Regeneration shat! be controlled by a 7-day calendar clock that permits regeneration at any time of the day or night any or every day of the week , . ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09084 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 35480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Page 7 N. Standard of Acceptance: Myers, Klenzoid, Betz, Siemens. 2.04 CONTROLS: A. Provide Three (3) Myers PS20D5 pressure switches or approved alternate. B. Provide a ConVol Panel that shall control the following pieces of equipment: 2 Booster Pump Package (P~, P-4 and P-9). .3 Storage tank circulator, pump P-5. 4 Chemical Feed pump P-7. 5 One (1) control valve. .6 Well Pump. This Control Panel shall also receive inputs from the following pieces of equipment: .7 One (1) Pressure switch. 8 Four (4) relays from Ultrasonic Level Sensor. .9 Fire Protection Storage Tank Float Switches. C. Control Panel shall be enclosed in a Nema 3 rated enclosure. D. Control Panel shalt be capable of accepting one (1) 120/1/60 electrical feeafer. E. Refer to Section 15900 for required control sequence. Darlington Sports Centre, Arere Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 LJ 1 LJ 1 I 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Page 8 PART 3: EXECUTION A. INSTALLATION .1 Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2 Install Softener package and Iron Filter package on housekeeping pads. 3 Ensure adequate clearances to permit performance of servicing and maintenance of equipment. .4 Pipe blow-off connections to nearest drain. 5 Provide power and control from electrical tie in points. .6 All piping shall be flushed prior to start-up. By-pass all equipment during flushing and cleaning. B. START-UP SERVICE 1 Manufacturer shall furnish a factory trained service technician to perform the unit start-up. .2 Provide a start up log by the manufacturer to document the start-up procedure. .3 The manufacturer shalt provide instruction to the owners personnel on the operation and maintenance of equipment. Manufacturers warranty shall include all parts and labour to install parts. -END- taarlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 I ~ r ' O N ~ Z ~ C C ~ a ? 3~' d O ~ LL ~ a d J U p Z 0 F a ~O Q Z U ~ ya ~~ 2 a 2 H J Z d W a~ 2 y K ~ `= a ay 0 LL ~ O~ K LL y i ~ ~ a ~ Y ~ ~ ~ d K R d ~ ~ ~ a j > J ~ Q Z N ~ LL M S V' y LL t a upj N L m _ r ~ W ~ J Ei 6 T d ~ ~ d C LL ~ C A rL ~ ~a ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ p r Y J ~ t0 p W r Z - H L C7 W a ~ a ~ 3 w m m c LL L ~ ~ ~ V ° ~ K m ci ~ ~ G ~ p L ~ C = N N > O = ~ U W J X m C7 a LL `m ~ ~ o O m !co VIaL ~ ~ m N m a ~ ~ ~ R ' r~ LL C W Z ~ Z LL ~ 0 Q ~ dU ~ W ~ ~ 3 F Q m a g J ~ LL L M N ~ M M y ~ (pC ~' a N Z W m y L 7 p v L O p a .- m m 2 M N ~ N C m J LLI LL ~ ~ ~ d N m ° ~ m U ~ N ~ ~ v M o d r Z Z O ~ F ~ C LL U m LL ~! 2 f J p C .L m m c .~ C W T d N O V 3 U O a m w r io m L_ ~3 aai g O a ~~ d C W ~ C O m ~~ ~ N W C ~ N w y 'p l6 pC C w U ~ O N a D E y O p C C U N m ~~ C c6 d ~a~ Em3 'x r a o _N d n~> ~ ~ o rn a, L C .~ ~ d 3 m ~ .. t .. .. 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'~ m ~ a d ' o E d U' ~ C f0 r N 3 a° ~ U ~ O U d "~ '> ~ ii m o d ~ O C LL N v0. g N ~ 'd a E ~.~- c n ~ n vim m w m ~ tIJ ~ U f6 C C r p f0 m V C ~) C Z ~ ~ d •~ ~ Q ~ N fl- N y m ~ m~ ~ a N ~ > (p d O ~ 3 ~- C~ O ~ N .~ °o U ~ (q V m O C7 U ~ N ~ N d d r C ~ N m N~ E W ~. 7 d ~ ~ ~ m o 9 m 3~a~~ o ;o ~ N X ~ U U `' l4 ~ dmV-~ m~ °- nQQ ~ma E ~ ~ L ~ ~ 0 N ~ 0 U U Ll l~ ~ ` . 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Mi o FRdJT NEW : roj TOP NEW NOZZLE ELEVATION o NOZZLE. LIFT WG AND HOLD DOWN ORIENTATION GENERAL NOTES 1. SINGLE WALL TANK, MANWAY, MANWAY COVER AND NOZZLES ARE LINED WITH DION IMPACT 9102-70 (US) RESIN FOR PORTABLE WATER APPLICATION. 2. TANK VERTICAL WALL AND DOME ARE INSULATED 'M TH 2" URETHANE FOAM AND PAINTED WITH UV COATING. CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO AVOID CONTAMINATION OF INTERIOR TANK WALL. 3. ALL INTERNAL LAY UPS TO BE LAMINATED THROUGHOUT WITH DION IMPACT 9102-7D (US). 4. THIS TANK MUST BE VENTED AT ALL TIMES. 5. FRP FLANGES EXCEPT MANWAY, ARE DRILLED TO STANDARD #150 ASME B16.5 FF FLANGES. 6. MAXIMUM BOLT TORQUE FOR FRP FLANGES IS 25 LB-FT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. MANWAY COVER GASKET: CORKBUNA N. 8. FRP FLANGES SHALL BE C/W REQUIRED GUSSETS TO TANK. ~s~ DOMESTIC COLD WATER STORAGE TANK -60 N.T.S. C_ROSS[r ~ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE LFC Moreh, 2010 - ' ° ENGINEERING ~ ARENA RENOVATION 8~ ~ = _ Lr o LFC 09064 ' . ec e y p n ~ o: 2255 Sheppard Avenue. E. Part Plans t N.T.S. scar M9064 ~.~. re no 1 - Suite E~331 P&D and HVAC Layouts . North York, On M2J 4Y1 ~ Atltjendum M -001 yy~~~~__~~~~1__ Mechanical SKM601-1 (416)497.3111 fox {416)497.7210 no. reeswn a~ i e raring no. rev. no, 1 NOZZLE SCHEDULE POS SIZE DESCRIPTION SERVICE N1 2" FF FRP FLG 4 GUSSETS - N2 2° FF FRP FLG 4 GUSSETS - N3 2° FF FRP FLG 4 GUSSETS - N4 2" FF FRP FLG 4 GUSSETS - N5 4" FF FRP FLG 4 GUSSETS - M1 24" FRP MANWAY FLANGE C/ STL BLIND COVER MANWAY 1 CRO$$EY DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE LFC March, 2010 - wn o3Te ' ENGINEERING ~ ARENA RENOVATION = _ 4 090 L7o. pro~ec chec~ed~y 0 Part Plans 1 N.T.S. 09064 M-6 O7 2255 Sheppard Avenue. E. = P&D and HVAC La outs sear ~ re. no. ' Suite E-331 y North York. On M2J 4Y7 ~ ~endum M -001 ~~,,__~~ryryqp__ Mechanical SKM601-2 (416)497.3111 fas (416)497.7210 no. reasion a~ I e winar~ g no. rev, na TO WELL PUNP DOASSTIC COLD WATER ~ BOOSTER PUMP PACKAGE C/W VFD'S CON OL PANEL P P P 3 1 9 ~ ~ NEAREST F'FD P O TTLE FILTER ' (50/78 2-i/2' P9) O PS PS i - __ __ __-, MW t _ 1 i ~ ~ ~ Y ~ I ND -- _- P S i ' i ._____________J NC ~ i - ~ -HIGH WATER ALARM ' ®~ O O ' V-7 OPEN 1 Q I I PRESS PRE55 LOW WATER AWiN I TANK 1 TANK ' WATER i SOFTENE FLOAT LEVEL SWITCHES Ot J LOW WATER CUT OFF ' MANUFACTURER 1 i CROSSeY -_ ,_ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE LFC Morch, 2010 ENGI NEERINC ~ ARENA RENOVATION ~ ~- _ _ LTG. = LFC 09064 proXc c ec cTiTae ~ pig 2255 Sh eppard Avenue. E. DOMESTIC COLD WATER N.T,S. 09064 M- 0_ 7 1 ' Suite E~331 = AND HOT WATER scale ~ re. no. North York, On M2J 4Yi ~ A(~~endum M -OD1 y~y~p~q_ SCHEMATIC SKM70~-1 (416}497.3111 iox (416~97.721U no. rensron a~Ee I e awmv 'g no: rev. no. 1 ~.. leading The N'ay -~ March 9, 2010 VIA: EMAIL OR FAX & MUNICIPAL WEBSITE ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir: RE: TENDER NO. CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION. ADDENDUM NO. 3 Bidders are hereby advised of Addendum #3. Addendum #1 Item #5 noted the following: "Replacement of existing wood header trench cover is included. Provide new header trench cover as specified in Section 06600 of the specifications." This should have read as follows: `Replacement of existing wood header trench cover is included. Provide new header trench cover as specified in Section 06200 of the specifications." ' 2. Clarification to Addendum #1 item 15 b. When providing the alternate price, the alternate price should include the contractor placing 300mm sand fill under the slab in addition to the 300mm of Granular A Fill. This is a total of 600mm of fill below the rigid insulation. LJ 1 All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. Signed (Must be Signing Officer of Firrn) Position Name of Firm 1of1 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(906)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 n ~~)) 11 ,,\ rl r 1 ~~ ' BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) Limited ' Ardutects Lal Arditect ' Project Maregers LJ LJ 1 a~ `. ~9~~`c0(fQ. 4lY_. 250 Water Street, Whitby, Ontario Car~da L1 N OG5 Tele:9O5-6555252 Toronto: 905-427.4495 Fax: 905666.5256 Email: hhaQdhba~archenp.com www.hha~ardceng.com POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 1 of 5 Project No.: 0904D Project: TENDER CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Date: March 18, 2010 The fallowing information supplements and/or supersedes the bid documents issued on February 16, 2010 This Addendum forms part of the contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts. The cost of all changes contained herein to be included in the contract sum. The following revisions supersedes the information contained in the original drawings and specifcations issued for the above-named project to the extent referenced and shall become part thereof. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. The tenders received were greater than the 15% of the original construction budget. This tender will invite the 3 low bidders to participate in a Post Tender Addendum. The original base bid for each contractor is to remain as is. The Post Tender Document is to show further possible credits that could be utilized to bring this project within budget. The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to select any or all credits proposed whichever is in their best interest. The credits proposed and selected will be used in determining the overall low bidder. The Post Tender Closing Date is Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 2:00:00 pm Closing at: Office of the Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 1.1 SEPARATE CREDIT PRICES We submit the following Separate Credit Prices (originally included in the stipulated price) as credits for price reductions: 1. ,Delete new concrete sidewalk at east and north sides of building from south edge of refrigeration room to existing exit doors on north wall including sawcutting, removal and replacement of asphalt paving. !, $ cr 2. Delete decommissioning and filling with concrete of existing monitoring well. $ cr 3. Delete removal and replacement of wood fence and gate at exterior refrigeration equipment. Existing wood fence and gate to remain. $ cr 4. Delete replacement of existing fixtures with all new washroom fixtures including lavatories, urinals and water closets in existing lower level washrooms 6103 $ cr i and B105. 5. Delete removal and replacement of toilet partitions in existing lower level washrooms B103 and 6105. $ cr 6. Remove Concession Room 101 renovation from scope. Delete all new doors, counters, millwork, aluminum counter shutter and all finishes, fittings and equipment related to this area. $ cr 09040PTA01180310.dou C~~ r LJ 1 POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. '@ Page 2 of 5 7. Drawing A200: Delete removal of VCT flooring in Corridor 6110 from door to Stair 8126 to limits of skate the at Officials room. Leave existing painted concrete floor in place. $ cr 8. Delete removal of all existing spectator bleacher seating and replacement with new plastic seating in Ice Pad 112. $ cr 9. Delete new display cases (add drywall to replace). $ cr 10. Confirm that dasher board contractors have included in price the re-use of existing 6' arena glass and supports. $ cr 11. Delete Electric vertical lift gate and replace with dasherboard manufacturer's standard 10'-0" wide swing machine gates $ cr 12. Delete dasher board surfacing on outside surface of dasher boards on north and west sides of rink (but not including inside of penalty and timekeepers benches. $ cr 13. Delete removal of existing ceiling grids in dressing rooms and showers No. 6118, 6119, 6120, 6122, B123, B124. Replace ceiling the only with new. Delete painting of structure and services above these ceilings. $ cr 14. Delete painting of existing rink walls, slabs, and roof steel in Ice Pad 112. $ cr 15. Delete all painting in Storage 115. $ cr 18. Delete painting of existing basement level meeting room and washrooms. ' $ cr ~ 17. Delete removal and replacement of Doors no. B101, 6103, i B104, 6105, B116, 8117, B109, 8111, B118, B120, 6122, B124. Paint all existing doors and frames to remain. $ cr 18. Delete removal of existing skylight and replacement with new aluminum framed skylight. $ cr 19. Delete new recessed foot grille at Vestibule 105. $ cr 20. Delete removal of three existing planters and removal and replacement of three existing exterior light fixtures in planters ' ! west of the new front addition. $ cr 21. Specification Section 08800: Change glass type GL3 from Heat Mirror glass to double glazed sealed units, low E coated and argon filled. 6 mm thick clear inner and outer lights. $ cr 22. Delete new wood header trench cover. Remove and reinstall existing wood covet $ cr ' 09040PTAO11S0310.doa 1 1 ' 09040PTA01 180310.docx POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. '! Page 3 of 5 23. Refer to attached sketch SK-A05: Delete entirely new Resurfacer ~ Room 117 and Workroom 116. Delete new steel fire shutter ~ 117A and overhead door 1176 to resurtacer room. Delete doors 116A, 1166 and 116C. Delete all mechanical and electrical services, fixtures and devices serving these areas. Decrease mechanical connections to accommodate relocated Mechanical Room. Delete removal and infill of service doors (overhead doors from rink to Storage 115 and from Storage 115 to Exterior). Delete exterior paving and concrete apron outside of rooms 116 and 117. Existing Resurfacer Room (Proposed Storage 115) to remain as is. All existing Zamboni refill electric heaters to be left in place. Construct new service room for mechanical equipment as indicated on the attached BBA Sketch SK-A05 "Part Plan Mechanical Room 6106" dated March 17, 2007 and relocate water service to this new space. Relocate ! new 300 MBH boiler and 500 gal. storage tank to new mechanical room and recirculation pump. Delete sump and associated work. Relocate new heating and ventilation to new water treatment room. $ cr 24. Delete specified new hot water boiler and storage tanks I relocated to new mechanical room (Sketch SK-A05) and leave existing hot water boiler and storage tank in Mechanical Room 6108. Connect existing hot water tank to new cold water feed. Delete new domestic hot water and domestic hot water recirculation lines in dressing room area. Re-use existing domestic hot water and domestic hot water recirculation lines to ! feed new fixtures. $ cr 25. In the new Mechanical Room noted above in Item 24, leave existing Water Treatment Package providing potable water i supply to Arena. Revise booster pump package and delete VFD's from scope. Supply and install two (2) pumps (only) (one ', duty, one standby). $ cr 26. In item 23 above, water treatment system was relocated. In this option delete new water system and avoid building mechanical room 6106. Plumbing changes include the following: i "1. Drawing M-001 a) Delete all work associated with relocating well feed tc building. Retain existing system. 2. Drawing M-201A and M-201-D a) Delete bottle filler BF-1 and DCW - BF line. b) In lower level dressing room area do not demolish existing DCW and DHW and DHWR j lines. Delete new DCW line, DHW line, TW line, and DHWR line. Pipe new fixtures in lower level dressing room area from existing DCW, and DHW lines. 3. Drawing M-201 B and M-201 B-D a) Delete DCW - BF line. b) In lower level dressing room area do not demolish existing DCW, DHW, and DHWR lines. Delete new DCW line, DHW line, TW line, and DHWR line. Pipe new fixtures in lower level dressing room area from existing DCW, and DHW lines II u i~ POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 4 of 5 4. Drawing M-2D2B and M-2D26-D a) Do not delete existing water lines, and sanitary lines. Delete new DCW, DHW, DHWR, TW and '~ DCW - BF, and 4" sanitary line. I 5. Drawing M-601 and M-701 a) Do not demolish existing equipment in mechanical rooms or zamboni room. b) Retain existing water system including domestic hot water and zamboni electric hot water tanks. c) Delete all work associated with detail 2/M701: 1 Delete new laundry tub LT-1 2 Delete new 48" sanitary sump pit and pumps. 3 Provide new water filters and one new pressurized tank on existing water system. 4 Replace existing UV system with new. 6. Drawing M-602 (Detail - M-602) a) Delete unit heater UH-1, SF-2 and associated controls and ductwork. b) Delete exhaust fan EF-4 and associated controls and ductwork. c) Delete infrared heater IFC-2. d) Delete new wall louvers." $ cr 27. Delete DX cooling capacity from new AHU. Provide heating capacity only. Unit to become heating only with outside air free cooling when conditions permit. $ cr 28. Delete new ground mounted AHU and replace with new unit in existing location Storage 118. Provide additional supplementary electric heating in ramp area and handicap W/R. $ cr 29. Delete exterior lighting on east wall (7 fixtures type N). $ cr 30. Delete fencing and concrete pad at new AHU. $ cr 37.E Modify lobby ductwork to expand existing HV coverage. $ cr 32.1 Drawing M-401A and M-4016 a) Delete notes 4 and 5. Do not replace existing supply and return air grilles. Retain existing. $ cr 1.2 ALTERNATE SEPARATE PRICES ' In addition to the Credit Prices identified in Item 1.1 above, we offer the following proposed changes to the project plans and specifications with the following Credits. II Il Description of Proposed Change Credit 11. $ cr 2. $ cr 3. $ cr ' 09040PTA01 180310.docx ' End of Post tender Addendum No. 1 ' CM/ck Attachments: I POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. '! Page 5 of 5 4. $ cr 5. I $ cr 1991) Limited Drawing SK-A05 Part Plans Mechanical Room 8106 Address Label ' 09040PTA01 180310.docx THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON POST TENDER ADDENDUM ADDRESS LABEL PLEASE FIRMLY AFFIX THIS ADDRESS LABEL TO THE ENVELOPE CONTAINING YOUR SUBMISSION FOR SUBMITTING BY MAIL OR COURIER. --------------------------------------------------c u t TENDER ENVELOPE RETURN NAME: NAME ................................................ ADDRESS .......................................... TELEPHONE ....................................... CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON OFFICE OF THE CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 TENDER NUMBER: CL2009-1 SPECIFICATION: ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS SEALED BID CENTRE, CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00:00 P.M., THURSDAY MARCH 25, 2010 Note: Should you decide to use your own return envelope in lieu of the envelope provided, the label above must be affixed to the front of your envelope. ALL of the information shown on the above label must be complete. The Municipality of Clarington cannot be held responsible for documents submitted in envelopes that are not labelled in accordance with the above instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Purchasing at 905-623-3379. --- TPO MENRRhnE Raof ' fULLT fANERED iP0 ROOF MfNBRANE TAPERED INSUUiION (WHERE PUNS INGGTEO) PROiELnON GOARG ON SIftJCNRAI STEEL DECK / 7r-mac-: ~!- _.l ' 29 AvPE --scu=p afro s~olxc i. ~ DJLIHCSE R~.CCK M \ E%PCiCO LgiVER l j~ CDr.T. $TNMT k &CKDV BGTH SID DDCR k {RAMC DETAIL HEAD u~ --- SEG MHEYFD - - - AlRnawNa &PHIER Ai WDd {PANE 4EEAL 51iINC BCLLNDSE 9LDCK Ai EXPDYC ~ COPNpi CDYr. 5[,NA~! _ k &LNJP 60M 9S5 - NOR k {PAVE ' o 2~ FRAME TYPES F1 RWL FND SP/1SH PPG ' 3 ROOF PLAN K-AO vis^=r-o" __~ ~. I y I Il ' ~{ 6. .Po 152k=c 3 0 0 - R. 2' L~ACRE'E FGUnaAnoN waL_ awD \ I \ 10• , 24- STEPPED \ FOpiIM1e LO MA`LH \ E%ISTINC .R._D. -i7-D° nraR HEIGHT ~ `_t ' ~~ ROOF FRAMING PLAN '~K-A~50 ' vis°=r-o° PROJECT: ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE HAMPTON, ONTARIO MUNICPALITY OF CLARINGTON DOOR TYPES J~_ _ '' M I T____ s' sue GM cRAGa WTH 6 % fi / W IDfD WIRE MESH / O 1 ~ ~ ~ N nPE DCOR I ANJ FI HM ~ FRAME f ~ I / oaR ar D M o ° ABwnc ]/E" VER]CAL CORRUGATED METAL f SIDING ON _ 4' YERPCAL Z-0IRiS (lIERIMLLY 1 BROKEN) CAW 5' sPRAYeD Insu~unDN ALSG A~ INc ~ AS INTEGFIti NR/VAPGUfl BARRIER - lp' LOPD BEARING CONCRETE BLOCK - -~ A ~ ~ 4'-0 x o -D' CONCRETE PaD - PRa,4DE z F.DRESCeui LIGHT FlXIURd AND POWER o TO SERVE WATER TREATMENT lc-D EWIpMENi ' ~_- ~~ FLOOR PLAN PART PLAN MECHANICAL ROOM 8106 RARRY~RRYAN ~ ~ ASSOCIATES (1991) LIMITED u r c v ~ m Mclulevts c c exam-,., c e. a wraps aonna~ FOjaCt Managar5 Mar 1],N10 mYby CmeXe ~iN W5 s ~t. r. (wsl w55csx ~ "'~ v: ryJSl maszu .s. mime.+u+a.~ 09040 SK-A05 ' ~ ~ _ ' reading rke way ~-° March 24, 2010 VIA: EMAIL OR FAX ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir: LJ LJ C' t RE: TENDER NO. CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 2 Bidders are hereby advised of Post Tender Addendum No. 2. 1. The closing date for submission of the Post Tender Addendum has been changed. The revised time for submission is: 2:00:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 2010. 2. Revised Post Tender Addendum No. 1 page: a) Replace page 5 of 5 of Post Tender Addendum No. 1 with the attached. All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. Signed (Must be Signing Officer of Firm) Position Name of Firm 1 of 2 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. '! Page 5 of 5 Revised 4. $ cr 5. $ cr It is understood, by signing and submitting this Post Tender Addendum, the undersigned is/are fully aware of the requirements outlined herein. Furthermore, it is certified that the undersigned is/are authorized and empowered to sign and submit this Addendum. End of Post tender Addendum No. 1 191) Limited CMlck Attachments: Drawing SK-A05 Part Plans Mechanical Room 8106 Address Label I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. Signed (Must be Signing Officer of Firm) Position Name of Firm 2of2 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ,. THE CORPORATION OFTHE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTpN cLZOtat Pape 41 or 47 SCHEDULE (Ey TENDER FORM (continued) TENDER REQUEST GUARANTEED DELIVERY OR COMPLETION Oct . 1 / 10 CASH DISCOUNT DATE UPON RECEIPT OF OFFICIAL ORDER .......................... AND TERMS ........,PER, CONTRACT,.,.......:.. ORIGIN OF GOODS: GOODS TO BE SHIPPED CITY &COUNTRY......QAL~IQ ...................L..GAZ`IAAA FROM CITY 8 COUNTRYON;!'AR<~g,,,,,~,,C~ANADA Insurance Coverage Infonnatlon: Comprehensive General Liability: $5 Million Automobile Insurance Coverage: 2 Million Insurance Company: Royal & SunAlliance Insurance Insurnce Policy Number. GL# COM021873407, AUto # CAP021933649 WSIB Number: Firm 240541EX Account 13746860 Name Addroas TradeorTenderltsm J~ MECHANICAL Q ELECTRICAL G M C ~ REFRIGERATION p ~~ ~ `~`- " ~ MASONRY DASHER BOARDS The undersigned, bidder agrees to supply and deliver all goods andlor services for prices} bid, to the Corporation of the MunicipaNty of Clarington conforming to all terms and conditions set forth herein. A successful bMder must conform to all terms & conditions set forth onthe official purchase order subsequently issued upon award, unless otherwise indicated by the Corpoaton of the Municipality of Clarington. FIRMNAME:(Bidder) Gerr Construction - ' AUTHORI2EDSIGNATURE: Limited ADDRESS: A7RF, Rn7inaRnad N PRINT NAME: e G rrit Eng. RR 113, Couatice, ON. POSTAL CODE: L1C 3K4 TELEPHONE: 905-436-2018 71TLE: President FAX NUMBER: 905-436-5198 DATED: March 12, 2010 SCHEDULE (G) TENDER FORM (continued) , ; , ' i ' f G~ACONSrnucnor~u~nEo THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2278 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON cLZdto-t Page 40 of 47 BIDDERS ARE INSTRUCTEDTO COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT IT WRH YOUR BID SUBMISSION. SCHEDULE (E) TENDER FORM TENDER REQUEST Closing Tima and Date (Local Time): 2:00:00 P.M. (local time), Mazcd~77r2GM 14arch 12, 2010 Reference/Purchasing Manager: Jerry D.Barber ........:.................... Date: February 18,2010 Phone (905)623-3379 Tenders ale invited for the following goods/servlces and/or projeGS speclUad herein and assoaated documents, plans arxi apecificagons. Complete in full, aU blanks where provided and realm one copy and/or set in fha envelope provided or in an envelope idenUOed by the address label enclosed in this tender docurrranL Bid deposits and/or agreement to hand, if required, must accompany the Tender auhmisslon under same cover end envelope. All tenders moat campy N accordance with regulations, firms end condUions setfoM in this tender document. Bide must be received et the office of the Purdfasing Manager, Corporstbn of the Municipality of Clerington, 40 Temperance Street, Boertnanville, Ontario L1C 3A6, by the dosing date and tkne. Late bid will not be accepted. Any or all Tn...in.e may ha arronfad In whnb nr In nart arvf fha Inwa_a} m anv.TnMar rtnf ,ursvaorilJ arrianfaA ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UN17 PRICE EXTENDED PRICES Pdcea tendered shall be payable in Canadian Funds, F.O.B. deatinatlon, unless otherwise indicated. Ontario Retail Sales tax and the Federal Oaods and Services Tax, ~ applicable, shall ba quoted as a separate item. INVa hereby agree to supply all necessary labour, materials, equipment, preparation and supervision to complete this contraot, as par aN terms, conditions and apeclUcaUons and F r Wage Policy and Schedule setforth herein for the prices bid. IANe acknowledge receipt ofAddenda numbered 1 to ~ f~ued dudngfhe bidding period. It W understood, by signing and submllUng this Tender, the undersigned islare fully aware of the requirements outlined herein. Furthermore, it is wed that the undersigned ialare authorized and empowered to elfin and submN Ihla Tender. Additions and Renovations to the Darlington Sports Complex. Lump sum price to include labour, tools, materials and equipment to complete the work In accordance with the drawings, specifications, terms and conditions herein. c :~_; ~ ~,~ DOD ~ eT- 5%G.S.T. S_- ~ f r~~ ~ ~O GRAND TOTAL S~*~~4 r` THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON cL2oto-oi pe 42 of 47 SCHEDULE (E) TENDER FORM (continued) 1. PART B SEPARATE PRICING INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 1.1 All materials, labour and equipment to complete hazardous materials ecified abatement as shown and s $ , Q OQO . p 2. PART C OPTIONAL PRICING (NOT INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE) ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 2.1 Supply all labour materials and equipmentto replace entirely existing built i hi h l l f fi $ 5.-~ ~O~ ,-°~~ n g eve arena roo . up roo ng on ma XT 2.2 Supply all labour, materials and equipmentto provide seamless glass at id i di t d th l d if d th f k i d $ ~ S ~ . as n ca e on e p ans an east an sou s es o r n as spec ie . ° XTR ~;+ _ 2.3 Supply all labour, materials and equipmentto clean, prepare and paint ll i ti t bl k t i ll i rf f ~~~gt $ ~~ '7rr ace o ex s ng concre e oc ex er or masonry wa s exter or su a XTRA/ T~EB'I~" 2.4 Supply all labour, materials and equipmentto provide 2" (50mm) of external insulation on the existing portion of return air ductwork located above the Boa. OD - ~ existing Dressing Room ceiling space and scheduled to remain as indicated $ on drawin M-4018. XTRA/ _ 2.5 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to break out and remove entirely, existing refrigerated rink slab including refrigerant piping, yr reinforcing and sub-base and install new rink slab with compacted ~ $ ~ /~ ~QQ • v granular base as detailed on drawing 5103 and as specified. l / 3. PART D PRETENDERED WORK: _ _ ___ I ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER ~ i 3.1 - --_ We agree that our Total Stipulated Price includes the following amount for -- __ 1 pre-tendered work to be assigned to this Contract including Supply and Installation of the Arena Refrigeration System and that the subcontractor , (Cimco) will be assigned as a normal sub-trade and that all relations and responsibilities between the General Contractor and the assigned sub $352 00 475 - contractor are as defined in ttie General Conditions of this Contract. . , J 6of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 I i~~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-Ot e 42b aF 47 4. PART E CASH ALLOWANCES: We agree that our Total Stipulated Price includes Cash Allowances in the Total amount of $70,000.00 and as follows: ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 4•~ Independent Inspection and testing: $35,000.00 4.2 gupply of Flnishing Hardware $35,000.00 4.3 Total amount of Cash Allowances included in our Total Stipulated $70,000.00 Price: ' 7of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ~~ ~ ~ , THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTQN PURCHASING DIVI31ON ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CLZn10.1 Pape 43 of 47 SCHEDULE (F) AGREEMENT TO BOND Bond No. 6303019-03-10 ' AGREEMENT TO BOND (to be completed by Bonding Comoanvl CONTRACT NO. CL201011 WE, the Undersigned, HEREBY AGREE to become twund as Surety for Gerr Construction Limited in a Performance Bond totalling FIFTY PERCENT (SD°~,) of the Total Tender amcunk and a Labour and Material Payment ' Bond totalling FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the Total Tender amount, and conforming to the Instruments of Contract attached hereto, for the full and due performance of the works shown or described herein, ff the Tender for ContractNo. r C1.20~0-1 Darlington Sports Centre RenovaGona is accepted by the Authority. IT IS A CONDITION of this Agreement that If the above mentioned Tender is accepted, sppYcation for a Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond must be made to the Undersigned within TEN (t0) DAYS of Notice of Contract Award, othervulse the Agreement shall be null and void. DATED AT Toronto this 22nd day of February 2010 (BONDING COMPANY SEAL) (This Form shall be completed and attached to the Tender Submitted}. Kim Grant Attorney-In-Fact Position ~ _ r_ ~` 7HE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITION8 AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 21 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE ' ( POLICY: Contractors and Sub-contractors are responsible to ensure that their personnel are updated on-all safety concerns of the workplace and are aware of the safely requirements as required by the Contractor under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Safety perfomtance wll be a consideration in the awarding of contract. Under the Occupational- Health and Safety Act (Section 23 (f ), (2)), it is the constructor's responsibility to ensure 1 that: i ` the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations are carried out on the roe f • every employer and every worker performing work on the proiect complies wRh the Occupational Health • . end Safety Act and the Regulations (under the Act); and f where so prescribed, a constructor shall, before commencing any work on a project, give to a Director notice in writing of the project containing such information as may be prescribed. . (f DEFINITIONS: l Contractor- any individual or firm engaged by the Municipality to do work an behalf of the Municipality Project- means a construction project, wheiher public or private, including: • the construction of a building, bridge, structure, industrial establishment, mining plant, shaft tunnel, caisson, trench, excavation, highway, railway, street; runway, parking lot, cofferdam, conduit, sewer, watermain, service connection, telegraph, telephone or electrical cable, pipe line, f duct or well, or any combination thereof; the moving of a building or structure; and • any work or undertaking, or any lands or appurtenances used in connection with construction.. ' ( Construcfton -includes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, trenching, digging, boring, drtlling, blasting, or wncreting, the installation of any machinery or plant, and any work or undertaking in connection with a project. { Constructor- means a person who undertakes a project for an owner and includes an owner who undertakes all 1 or part of a project himself or by mare than one employer. Project Manager- means the municipal management representative who has responsibility for a contract. 'r I,: L. ' ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLRRINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2278 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2070.7 Page 22 0147 SCHEDULE{C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: PROCEDURE: The fotlowing items are required before any ConUactors ere hired by the Municipality: a) Before beginning a project, the project manager or designate must determine whether any designated substanceslhazardous materials are (or will be) present at the site and prepare a list of all these substances. b) The project manager or designate must include, as part of the request for Tender, a copy of the above mentioned list. The Ilst of designated substanceslhazardous materials must be provided to all prospective constructors andlor contractors. c) The request for Tender will require prospective contractors to include a list of the designated substanceslhazardous materials that will be brought onto the work site and material safety data sheets. d) Before awarding a contract, the contractor(s) will be required to complete and sign the Health and Safety Practice Form (Schedule "A"). The Purchasing Office will maintain ell contrectors' safety performance records, ' e) As part of the Tender conditions, hefore award of a contract, the contractor must provide details of their Health and Safety program. f) The project manager or designate, If necessary, will provide the successful contractor with a workplace orientation which will include, but not be limited to identifying known potential hazards, hazardous material Inventory and material safety data sheets for the sites. g) Before the start of the assignment the following documentation will be provided to the successful contractor, by the project manager or delegate: i) copies of the Municipal Corporate Health and Safety Program ii) departmental health and safety policies iii) workplace procedures regarding health and safety practices h) The contractor has the responsibility to provitle any and all prescribed personal protective equipment for their own workers, to include as a minimum but not limited to hard hats and safely boots. If a worker(s) fails to comply with any program, policy, rule or request regarding heatth and safety, that persons} is not allowed on the site until the person(s) compl(es. i) The Municipality will retain the fight to document contractors for ail health and safety warnings andlor to stop any contractors' work if any of the previously mentioned items are not in compliance. Similarly, the Municipality will have the right to issue warnings and/or to stop work if there are any violatlons by the contractor of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal Health and Safety programs, policies, rules, andlor if the contractor creates an unacceptable health and safety hazard. Written warnings andlor stop work orders can be given to contractors using Contractor Health and Safety Warning/Stop Work Order Form (Schedule "B'~. f~ i (' i (' l r i , i. j) Where applicable, the Municipality will retain the right to allow municipal employees to refuse to work in accordance with the established policy and the Occupational Health and Safely Act, iri any unsafe condtions. L.~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATN)NS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2gig-1 Page 23 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: PROCEDURE: k) The Purchasing Department will maintain cunent certificates of clearance until all monies owing have been paid to the contractor. I) Responslbllity for ensuring contractor compliance to this policy falls upon the project manager or designate. This will Include identificaticn, evaluation and control practices and procedures for hazards and follow-up and issuing of Contractor Health and Safeiy WarninglStop Work OMers: !, ~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL201 g-t Page 24 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: Section "A" HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE FORM To Contractor(s): The Municipality of Clarington is committed to a healthy antl safe working environment for all workers. To ensure the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors, constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Ocdupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining to employee health and safety. In ordea to evaluate your company's health and safety experience, please provide the accidenUincident andlor Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) information noted below, where applicable. • The New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) - The WSIB experience rating system for non-construction rate groups. ,, .Not Applicable • .The Council Amended Draft #7 (CAD-7) Rating - The WSIB experience rating system for construction rate groups. Not Applicable -See Attached Merit Adjusted Premium (2010) • Injury frequency performance for the last two years - This may be available from the contractor's trade association. .............. See. Attached, Workplace Injury Summary Report • Has the contractor received any Ministry of Labour warnings or orders in the Last two years? (If the answer is yes, please include the infraction). Confirmation of Independent Operator Status - The WSIB independent operator number assigned: Not Applicable (Bidders to include the letter confirming this status and number from WSIB with their bid submission). ~- !. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ( PURCHASING DIVISION l ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON 8PORT3 CENTRE, 2278 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON ~ ~ ctzatat Page 25 of 47 t' l SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) f POLICY AND PROCEDURE: t CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY As a' cpntractor working for the Municipality of Clarington, Ilwe will comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Muniapal safety policies, department and site specific policies and procedures and other applicable legislation or regulations. Uwe will work safely with skill antl care so as to prevent an accidental Injury to ourselves, fellow empbyees and members of the publ(c. 1. The contractodsuccessful tenderer certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees: a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations thereunder (the Act'); and b) have. sufticlent knowledge and fraining to perform all matters required pursuant to this contracUtender safely and irrcompliance with the Acf. 2. In the performance of all matters required pursuant to this contractlTender, the contractor/successful lender shall a} act safely and comply in all respells to the Act, and b) ensure that its employees, its subcontractors and their employees act safety and comply wkh all aspects with the Act. 3. The contractor/successful tenderer shall rectify any unsafe act or practice and any non-compliance with the Act at its expense Immediately upon being notified by any person of the existence of such act, practice or non-complance. 4. The contractor/successful tenderer shall permit representatives of the Municipality and the Health and Safety Committee on the site at any time or gmes for the purpose of inspection to determine compliance with this contracUtender. 5. No act or omiss'an by any representative of the Municipality shall be deemed to be an assumption of any of the duties or obligations of the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its subcontractors under the Act. 6. The contractor/successful tenderer shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality: ~. a) from any foss, Inconvenience, damage or cost to the Municipality which may result from the cantractodsuccessful tenderer or any of Its employees, its subcontractors or their employees failing to act safely or to comply in all respects with the Act in the performance of any matters required pursuant to this contracUtender; b) against any action or claim, and costs. related thereto, brought against the Municipality by any person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any non-compliance with the Act by the contractor/successful tendaer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees in t the performance of any matter required pursuant to this contracUtender, and c) from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred ar paid. by the -- Municipality (or any of its council members or employees) shall be made a party to any charge t ' under the Actin relation to any violation of the Acf arising out of this contracUtehder. ~~ a THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON + '- - CL2010-1 . ~ - Page 28 of 4T SCHEDULE (C~ CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE Schedule "C' Contractor Safety -Policy Procedures, Health & Safety Practice, Pages 19 - 26 have been reviewed and accepted by the contractor Gerr Construction Limited Contractor (~~ ^~~V "' ~- Signatu of ontractor Joseyh Gerrits, P. F.ne. Name of Person Signing for Contractor March T2, 2010 Date FEB 23 2010 1018 FR PREVENTION 416 344 3493 TO 819054365196 P.02i03 ~.., ~ 1`I Htakplaar~Sataly ~ lmerprlsa lnrprrnalan WatehOU[e ' !+~~ GnarmrY Eoasd _ AS •f: Jan 31.2610 ' 1 11p ~e~t ed Yawam wnhela duhevaR Workplace injury Summary Report ' By: FIRM GERR CON9TRUCtrON LIMITED 3386 SOUNA RD N FIRI1 NuroMc 240641IX 80WMANVIUE ON L1C3K4 Accourn Number, 3746860 Finn CarGestStart Date: lun 72 7980 n3 - oelveRnL cowrRACroRs EadusFCoveriga SpR Date: 61/01/1993 ' Latas[ COVaraee End Date: ~.-.....~. I ' ~ ~ I ~ ~~., e_.. I •Yip •/~Yr .. ..._ ~T. I .~~. f NEER r .~.. Fagl Fahl M ~ ~ ' Ln •NLT Days D ~ • FIE •Sesvlq ~ Pert ~ reap RateG Rees Group Tea[ DBeasb ~ Tnumadtt Ln Nln Freq ' Ftea Lost Lest . Workms Race tndea Ln Freq NLn Free ~ YrD Coto I o f D i o ... D - - .. _ ~ . _ 2009 0~ 0 r"--- ..,. ~_ 0 0 _._.. 0.00 ,._.._ 0.00 0,0 . _. D.0 17.9 .. . _ 0_00 N/A 126 S09 2008 ~ 0 0' 0 2007 _t. _. 0.~_~_ 01 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.oo, __ .. O.D a.0 0.0' 0.0 .. 96 7.6~ 0.00 y_O.W ~ ^ N/A N/q _ 7.30 L_ 1.32 .... _ ._ 5:90 _ 5.72 FIRM TOTAL j •YTD •Aa.Yr CAD7 ' Fatal I Fatal I I f ~ 8 • Ln •NLTI ~ Drys Days • F3E ~ •SaverlW Pert Year D6easn ~ 7taumatkS Yi0 ZOtp i..... •, 0 ....__ 0 ~_..r. _.__~. .. 2009 ' 01 0~ ... .~. .._. ___6 ._. 2008 ~ 0 f 0 ~~ LP 0 0 . 0 ~ NLTI 0 0 . 0 FRO YO.DO ~. _ 0.00 Froq 0.00 0,00 lsrst 0.0 0,0 Lost ~ ,^0 0.0 War#ers ~ 11.9 9.6 Rate ' .. i_ _0.00 0.00 Index ....... , WAI WA 7007 O, O _ ._ OI O 0.00 .I 0.00 _.. 0.0 D.0 . ._ 7.6 _.... 0.00 _. ~ N/A ..__._ pdnxd ok 0223/!010. etl:03 AM ~ WA Nn Apglubk Pateei et2 •~rlnt YaN lNury Fk•uan~iet.De)51AlFR,Sevedly,antl>'!f(Olmance lndbt vF4 b•walthle MYtar Fntl FEB 23 2010 10:1.8 FR PREVENTION 416 344 3493 TO 819054365198 P.03i03 e ..~ r Tnantan~iYBoard & mlvabss de IeABorri6E rtal etch etsuranoa aonhe l~ a~ teavail Workplace Injury Summary Report By: FIRM Enterprise Irrformatlon Warehouse As of: Jan 31, 2010 firm Number. 2405at Ex Account Number. 3746860 GLOSSARY Column Heading Long Name Definitlon Fatal Diseases Number of ocwpational disease An ocwpationaldlsease tltat resuhs inthe death of the worker fatalities Por the accident ear Fagl iroumatics Numher of traumaticiatalities for the Awork-related acdderR that results in the death of the worker accident ar " # LP Number pf allowed non total lost time A -lost time' claim v „;.,wdwhen aworker sullen awork-related injuries for the accident year injury that results in being off work past the day of accixnt, a loss of s/cam' ore munenttlisabl[' /im airmene # NLn Number of allowed no lost time A •no lost time' claim resuRs from a workrelated injury where no injuries far the accident year Dme is lost from work, other than on the day of the accident but Where health care is re wired LTI Freq. Losttfine injury frequency Calculation on the number of allowed fatal and nors-fatal LTI claims divided the derived hounworked multi Iled 200,000 NL71 Freq. No losttime frequency Cakulaaan on the number of allowed No Last Time cWims divided D the derived hours worked multi I'wd 200,000 1TD Days Lost veer-Co-Date days lost for ail claims in The number of equivalent full working days lost authorized for all the wlendaryear claims (regardless of accidents dates) where temporary benefts have been awarded In the calendar ear Ace Year Ytb Days lost Lifedo-Date days lost forclaims with The number of equivalent fuA working days lost authored forall accidents occurred in the alentlar claims with actMents otturced within the calendar year, where ear tem ore benefits have been awarded FTE Workers Full lima equvalent worken An eseima[ed number of full time equivalentworkersbased onthe average hourly wage for the rate group and the firm's insurable eamingi for the calendar year, assuming a person works an av of 2,000 hows er ar Severity Rate Severity Ra[a Year-To-Date Days lost regardless of the accidenidates dvided by thetuAtimee uivalentworkermulti liedb t00 NEER Perf. Index NEER Performance Index (available Ukulated at the fEm-rate IeveL A comparison between the firm- . only if frrm meets criteria for NEER rate's accident cost record and the ezpeded costs. If the costs aye program) higher (lower) than av~e, a surcharge (refund) is calwlated 0.00 to 0.99 =refund 1.00 = no refund or surcharge t.at to 3.00 =surcharge 'Effective 2006, NEER vests are capped at a times the expected costs at the o Race level CA0.7 Pert. Index CA0.7 performance Index (available Calculated at thefirm level. Indicates ffie firm's overall only if firm meets criteria for CAD-7 performance based on its two-year cost and frequency records. n ro ram) ran from the best rformance at 1.00 to the Want at-2.00 Page 2 of 2 >k* TOTAL PfiGE.03 ~* GERR CONSTRUCTION LIMITED U~.L 14 LUU9 Account No.: 3746860 3386 SOLINA RD N FirmNO.: 240541EX BOWMANVILLE ON Datelssued: December 1, 2009 L1C 3K4 For personal service contact: PETER O'HARA ACCOUNT SPECIALIST Directly at (416)344-3(x67 . Or call toll free 1-800-387-0750 Your Firm's Individual Premium Rate Information for 2010 Your business has been reviewed under the wS1B's Merit-Adjusted Premium (MAP) program. The program provides financial incentives to encourage small businesses to have healthy and safe workplaces, and to encourage early and safe return to work. Under the MAP program, the indusfrypremium rpfe. is adjusted (up or down), depending on the firm's individual claims record. Your firm's individual premium rare per classification unit (CU) will be as follows: Code GRoup CU Description Industry Premium RateA' Adjustment 8 % DISCOUNT 4021-099 723 INDUSTRIAL, COMM/CONSTRUCTION $4.35 Less I * Rate per $100 of insurable earnings. . You will sea your merit-adjusted premium rate on your firm's Premium Remittance form(s). ' Your firm's INDIVIDUAL MERIT ADJUSTMENT was calculated as follows (negative values represent a discount): We u9ed the MERIT ADJU5TMEM TABLE (shown on the reverse of this page) and your firm's ~ ~, "`~ ~~ ~ ~ . average annual premium for 20(16 to 2008 of $18 , 3 76.5 7 to determine an adjustment ~ ~ ~ ~ t '~ ~ ' amount, based on the number of claims with costs over $500. 0 - 8 g we added 10% for each claim with costs exceeding $5,000 for your firm (excluding fatalities). 0 N/P. ~ ~ 0- N/A ' We added 25% for each fatality claim. ~ Your total adjustment is therefore: - $ ; Note: MAP~indeases are capped at 50%. THIS DISCOUNT REPRESENTS A POTENTIAL SAVINGSOF $1,470.12 IN PREMILAA, BASED ON YOUR THREE YEAR AVERAGE PREMIUM OF $18,376.57 (IE: AVERAGE PREMIUM OF $18,376.57 X 8%). THIS AMOUNT IS SUBJECT TD CHANGE BASED ON YOUR 2010 REPORTED INSURABLE EARNINGS. WHILE YOUR FIRN HAS RECEIVED A DISCOUNT lM®ER THE MAP PROGRAM. YOUR INDIVIDUAL PREMIUM RATE FOR 2010 MAY BE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR, AS A RESULT OF A CHANGE IN THE INDUSTRY PREMIUM RATE. THE INDUSTRY ' PREMIUM RATE IS THE RATE ESTABLISHED FOR EVERYONE IN THE RATE GROUP. THIS INDUSTRY PREMIUM RATE COVERS ALL EXISTING AND EXPECTED-COSTS AND OTHER EXPENSES WITHIN THE RATE GROUP. IF VOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ON THIS RATE SETTING PROCESS PLEASE CONTACT YOUR ACCOUNT SPECIALIST. 2285A (10/09) aosQs3°roY 'wJ~ Workplew5e@t L- _yY~ ,,,~,,,,wre„~" 200 Front Street West Merit-Adjusted Premium ~Pt~ee1r~„„~ re Toronto ON Rate Statement ~iiurememdaive du vew~S M5V 3Ji - W5ib Y Y~~B -- .1/21/2010 11:13:12 AM PAGE 1/001 Fax Server 200 Front Street West telephone: Certificate of Clearance Toronto ON M5V 3J 1 (416) 344-1012 Certificate de decharge CONTRACTOR L'ENTREPRENEUR GERR CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 3386 SOLINA RD N BOWMANVILLE ON L1C 3x9 The Workplace Safety and Insurance Beard f,WSlB) hereby waives its rights under Sedion 147 of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Ad to hold the Principal, that is in a eentredual agreement with the Contractor named, liable far any Sedion 141 liability of the ConVador for premiums and levies of the WSIB owing now or within 80 days from the date of this Certificate. Par la presence, /a Commission de fa securRe professionne/le et de Passurance cxmfre lee accidents du trevai! (CSPAAT) renonce aux drods qui fui sort conferee en vertu de Particle i41 de fa Loi sur fa securite professionne0e et 1'assmance crontre !es accdents du travail of qur Pautorisenf a tenir Pentrepreneur principal, qui a srgne une entente eontractue0e avee f'entrepreneur dont le nom figure surle present ceRificat, responsable du paiement de toute prime pu de toute Somme que l entrepreneur est tenu de verser a ye CSPAAT immeoyetement ou daps fee 60/ours suivant la data lndiquee sur ce certiticat. THIS CERTIFICATE IS VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF THE NAMED CONTRACTOR DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD LE PRESENT CERTIFICAT EST VALIDE POUR TOUS LES CONTRATS PASSES PAR LEDIT ENTREPRENEUR PENDANT LA PERIODE D'APPLICATION DU CERTIFICAT 3746860 24Q541EX Valid a)Ji y when signed b! an authorized Offwer at the W318. o v da sans la signature d'un apen[ autorise de la CSPAAT. Rate,?avx Desai on RaterTaux D~cri on 4021099 INDU5TRIAL OONSTRU Contrail DescdptloN Descdprion du corHrer Contact the W516 if you queskbn the validly of the documera. Veulnez camrturniquer avec /a CSPAA T s vaus doufez de /a vaNdde du present document. Certificate No. l N° de cer5fica[ 203928029 19054365198 D190C {07!08) ~~ I , Company: Scope: r t r r r r Reference: CL 2010-1Contad Joe Gerrits P En¢ President THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF GLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLWOTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2278 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-t page 39 of 47 Fair Wage Policy end LebourTredea Requirements CONFIDENTIAL Gerr Construction Limited Reference: ~ - Please complete this form and return it with your submiasicn. Where appik:able, fhe Falr Wage OHlce farthe City of Torohto will review and report on the contents of this form. 1. Does your Frm have a Union Agreement9 ^ Yes $i No If yes, state Union name, Local Numher, and Worker Group represented (please print): 2, Will your Finn be engaging any Sub-conlrector for the work stated above (please print)4 e~Yes u No ono v no a no -------- oyes ^no (If edd9lonal space Is required, please atlach the Ilel of subcontractors on your company's tefterheed} 2a. Ifyes, will your Firm ensure ycur Sub-contractors fully comply with aA the pravl9lana of the Fair Wage Policy?. p}Yes ^No 3. Has your Finn (and its Sub-contractors) fully reviewed the provisions under the Fair Wage Policy9 $ Yea a No ' ~ 4. Will your Firm agree to Po9y comply with all the provisions of the Falr Wage Policy? $ Yea D No 5 Wage rates to be paid to the different classifications of employees on your paymq engaged on the shave item (please pdnt): ( CLASSIFICATION! HOURLY RATE HOURLYBENEFIT9 VACATION~B l JOB TITLE (Le, health or perebn plans: HOLIDAY PAY °/. 1 DO NOT include deductlans IACa !ad a as CPP orEl r•ARpENTER _ $36.00 hr. ~ .15 r. . LABOURER ~ tr- r• This Infomlaflo n wa rates shall a affective unt9 December 31, 2010. (Provincial expiry dale) President March 12, 2010 S19natura TiAo Dale J ph Gerrits, P: Eng. ' i Pdnt PLEASE NOTE: This form Is considered CONFIDENTIAL, end wIM NOT he made public aub(ect to tlisclosure requlrernenla of the Munklpal Freedom } of Informatlon end Protection or Pdvecy AG, 1989, `__ BIDDERS ARE REOUESTEO TO COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMR R WITH YOUR BID SUBMISSION, SCHEDULE (D)-FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS ., t 20. Clarification of pages to be included in your submission a. Schedule (C) Contractor Safety to be completed and included with your submission. b. Schedule (D) Fair Wage Policy for ICI Contracts page 39 is to be completed and included in your submission c. Schedule (I) Tender Form the following pages must be completed and included in your submission -Pages 40-43 (inclusive) d. Schedule (G) -Information Sheet -References Page 45. This page does not have to be returned with your submission as references were part of the Prequalification submission. 21. Revised Tender pages: a) Replace Schedule (J) with the attached Address Label. This revised label is to be on your submission envelope. b) Replace Schedule (E) page 42 with the attached revised Tender Form pages. I~ ii All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. ' ~ Signed ( u f be Signing Officer of Firm) Joseph trite, P. Eng. POSItIOn President C.err Construction Limited Name of Firm 4of7 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(9D5)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ,n .. • f Addendum #2 Cont'd c. Delete reference to detail 2/A501 and delete note "Frost slab on void form on frost wall" at south west corner of building (at exist doors from basement level). Provide concrete pad on grade as noted on architectural drawings, 42" x 72" to replace existing: Pad to be as specified for concrete sidewalks. 26. Drawing S202 a. Change elevation of underside of roof deck for the low roof bounded by grid lines BA-CA and gridline 1-1A from elevation 0'-5 1/2" to -1'-4" from roof datum elevation. b. Change elevation of underside of roof deck for the low roof bounded by grid lines BA-AA and gridline 1-2A from elevation 4'-3 1/2" to 4'-7 1l2" from roof datum elevation. c. Provide steel lintel type L1 above door 117A in new resurfacer room. (refer to Section on revised detail SK-A02 attached for location of lintel). I~ I I1 n 27. Det MA207 Replacement of the metal flashing at the high (arena roof) area is related to the high roof replacement and is part of the alternate price No. 1 and is not to be included in the base tender amount. 28. Clarification of Insurance requirements. A cerf~cate of insurance for the amount of $5 million CGL and $2 million auto liability noting the Municipality of Clarington as "additionally insured" will be required from the successfully contractor prior to any work being completed. 29. Mechanical Addendum -M001 Note enclosed within as part of this Addendum is the above mentioned Mechanical Addendum consisting of 34 pages. 30. Plastic Laminate Sllls Refer to specification 06410, 2.01., D., 3: Particle core based ort CSA standard CAN3-0188.1 M All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. i/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. be Signing Officer of Firm) Position Gerr Construction Limited Name of Firm 6of6 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 .. ~ f Cla~~~t~~ /.eadfnq tlee Way March 9, 2010 VIA: EMAIL OR FAX & MUNICIPAL WEBSITE ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS Dear Sir: RE: TENDER NO. CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION. ADDENDUM NO. 3 Bidders. are hereby advised of Addendum #3. Addendum #1 Item #5 noted the following: `Replacement of existing wood header trench cover is included. Provide new header trench cover as specified in Section 06600 of the specifications." This should have read as follows: °Replacement of existing wood header trench cover is included. Provide new header trench cover as specified in Section 06200 of the specifications:' 2. Clarification to Addendum #1 item 15 6. When providing the alternate price, the alternate price should include the contractor placing 300mm sand fill under the slab in addition to the 300mm of Granular A Fill. This is a total of 600mm of fill below the rigid insulation. All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return it with the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. Ilwe hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. Signedt{I~ust be Signing Officer of Firm) Josep~ Gerrits, P. Eng. President Position Gerr Construction Limited Name of Firm 1 of 1 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-3330 ~.. ZURICH BID BOND Bond No: 6303019-03-16 Bond Amount: $200.000.00 Gerr Construction Limited as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Zurich Insurance Comoanv Ltd a corporation created and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in Canada as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The Corporation of the Municioalitv of Clarinoton as Obligee, hereinafter plied the Obligee, in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand--001100 Dollars ($200.000.DO) lawful money of Canada, for the payment of which sum the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. 12 WHEREAS, the Pdnapal has submitted a written bid to the Obligee, dated this MARCH~Yf 2010 or TENDER CL2010-1 ADDITIONS & RENOVATIONS DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE The condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall have the bid accepted within the time period prescribed in the Obligee's bid documents, or, if no time period is specified in the Obligee's bid documents, within ninety (901 days from the closing date as specified in the Obligee's bid documents, and the Principal enters into a formal contract and gives the specified security, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise, provided the Obligee takes all reasonable steps to mitigate the amount of such excess costs, the Principal and the Surety will pay to the Obligee the differenp in money between the amount of the bid of the Principal and the amount for which the Obligee legally contrails with another party to pertorm the work if the latter amount be in expss of the former. The Principal and Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the Bond Amount. li is a condition of this bond that any suit or action must be commenced within seven (7) months of the date of this Bond. No right of action shall accrue hereunder to or for the use of any person or corporation other than the Obligee named herein, or the heirs, executors, administrators or successors of the Obligee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pdndpal and the Surety have Signed and Sealed this Bond dated February 23, 2010 SIGNED.and SEALED Gerr Construction Limited ~~ ~~ Principal iWw J in the presence of Name of Signator for Principal Sig at re D ~ copyright 2002 Canadian Construction Documents Committee Canada)) Zurich I suren C mpany Ltd Kim rant, A ey-in- ,act r (CCDC 220 - 2002 has been approved by the Surety Association of I`. BARBY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES It991- Limited A LadrrspaAiddect Aojatt Marepas POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 1 of 5 Project No.: 09040 Project: TENDER CL2010-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Date: March 10, 2010 The following information supplements and/or supersedes the bid documents issued on February 16, 2010 This Addendum forms part of the contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts. The cost of all changes contained herein to he incuded in the contract sum. The folowing revisions supersedes the information contained in the original drawings and specifications issued for the above-named project to the extent referenced and shall become part thereof. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqualification. The tenders received were greater than the 15°k of the original construction budget. This tender will invite the 3 low bidders fo participate in a Post Tender Addendum. The original base bid for each contractor is to remain as is. The Post Tender Document is to show further possible credits that could be utilized to bring this project within budget The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to select any or all credits proposed whichever is in their best interest The credits proposed and selected will be used in determining the overall bw bidder. The Post Tender Cosing Date is Ttttristlayr~pfit~sZE~Bg'1;0 at 2:00:00 pm Tuesday, March 30, 2010 Closing at: Office of the Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 1.1 SEPARATE CREDIT PRICES We submit the following Separate Credit Prices (originally included in the stipulated price) as credits for price reductions: (GST excluded) Teta 9068805252 Tmordo:906~27d495 Fac 90588&5250 6~ h6a@66awdienp.cnm www.tbrreMp.can 1. Delete new concrete sidewalk at east and north sides of building from south edge of refrigeretion room to existing exit doors on north wall including sawatting, removal and replacement of asphalt paving. $ 8, 000 cr 2. Delete decommissioning and filling with concrete of existing monitodng well. $ 2.500 cr 3. Delete removal and replacement of wood fence and gate at exterior refrigeration equipment. F~risting wood fence and-gate to remain. $ 2.500 cr 4. Delete replacement of existing fixtures with all riew washroom fixtures incuding lavatories, urinals and water closets in existing lower level washrooms 6103 $ 28.000 er and B105. 5. Delete removal and replacement of toilet partitions in existing lower level washrooms 8103 and 8105. $ 13, 000 cr 6. Remove Concession Room 101 renovation from scope. Delete all new doors, counters, millwork, aluminum wunter shutter and all finishes, fittings and equipment related to this area. $ 14, 000 cr 09040PTA01 180310 POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 2 of 5 7. Drawing A200: Delete removal of VCT flooring in Corridor 8110 from door ro Stair 8726 to limits of skate file at Officials room: oncrete floor in place i t d i 200 S cr . n e c ng pa leave exist 8. Delete removal of all existing spectator bleacher seating and in Ice Pad 112 tic seatin l 24.000 cr 5 . g as replacement with new p wall ro replace) add d S s . nnn cr 9. . ry Delete new display cases ( 10. E lass and supports ' $ 1 s .000 er . arena g re-use of existing 6 11. Delete Electric vertipi lift gate and replace with dasherboard manufacturefs standard 1D'-0" wide swing machine gates q , 500 cr S 11. Delete dasher board surfacing on outside surtace of dasher boards an north and west sides of rink (but not including inside of nches b k b 5,000 cr . e eepers penalty and time 13. Delete removal of existing ce0ing grids in dressing rooms and showers No. 8118, 8119, 8120, 6122, 6123, B124. Replace ceiling Hle only with new. Delete painting of structure and ilin s 9 7, 500 cr g . services above these ce 14. Delete painting of existing rink waNs, slabs, and roof steel in Ice $ 28, 000 cr Pad 112. e 115 in Stora i ti lt 9 250 cr 15. . g n ng pa Delete a 1B. Delete painting of existing basement level meeting room and S 750 cr washrooms. 17. Delete removal and replacement of Doors no. 8107, 8103, 8104, 8105, 8116, 8117, 6109, 8111, 8118, 8120, 8122, 8124. s and frames to remain d i S 6.000 cr . oor ng Paint all exist 18. Delete removal of existing skylight and replacement with new li ht k d $ 27.000 cr g . y s aluminum frame rille at Vestibule 105. d foot S 3.200 er 19. g Delete new recesse 20. Delete removal of three existing planters and removal and replacement of three existing exterior light fixtures in planters ddition t fr - $ 2, 300 cr . on a west of the new 21 . Specification Section 08600: Change glass type Gl3 from Heat Mirror glass to double glazed sealed units, low E coated and argon filled. 6 mm thick clear inner and outer lights. 1, 500 cr i 22 . Delete new wood header trench cover. Remove and reinstall ver d 8 300 cr . co existing woo 09040P7A01180310 POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 3 of 5 23. Refer to attached sketch SK-A05: Delete entirely new Resurfacer Room 117 and Workroom 116. Delete new steel fire shutter 117A and overhead door 1178 to resurfacer room. Delete doors 116A, 1168 and 116C. Delete alt mechanical and electrical services, fixtures and devices serving these areas. Decrease mechanical connections to accommodate relocated Mechanical Room. Delete removal and infill of service doors (overhead doors from rink to Storage 115 and from Storage 115 to Exterior). Delete exterior paving and concrete apron outside of rooms 118 and 117. Existing Resurfacer Room (Proposed Storage 115) to remain as is. All existing Zamtmni refill electric heaters to tm left in place. Construct new service room for mechanical equipment as indicated on the attached BBA Sketch SK-A05 `Part Plan Mechanical Room B106" dated March 17, 2007 and relocate water service to this new space. Relocate new 300 MBH boiler and 500 gal. storage tank to new mechanical room and recirculation pump. Delete sump and associated work. Relocate new heating and ventilation to new water treatment room. $ t 15,000 cr 24. Delete specified new hot water boiler and storage tanks relocated to new mechanical room (Sketch SK-A05) and leave existing hot water boiler and storage tank in Mechanical Room 8108. Connect existing hot water tank to new cold water feed. Delete new domestic hot water and domestic hot water recirculation lines in dressing room area. Reuse existing ~ domestic hot water and domestic hot water recirculation lines to feed-new fixtures S 54,000 cr . 25. In the new Mechanical Room noted above in Item 24, leave existing Water Treatment Package providing potable water supply to Arena. Revise booster pump package and delete VFD's from scope. Supply and install two (2) pumps (only) (one duty, one standby}. S 46,500 cr 26. In item 23 above, water treatment system was relocated. In this option delete new water system and avoid building mechanical room 8108. Plumbing changes include the following: "1. Drawing M-001 a) Delete all work associated with relocating well feed to building. Retain existing system. 2. Drawing M-201A and M-201-D a) Delete bottle filler BF-1 and DCW - BF line. b) In lower level dressing room area do not demolish existing DCW and DHW and DHWR lines. Delete new DCW line, DHW line, TW line, and OHWR line. Pipe new fixtures in lower level dressing room area from existing DCW, and DHW lines. 3. Drawing M-101 B and M-2018-D a} Delete DCW - BF line. b) In lower level dressing room area do not demolish existing DCW, DHW, and OHWR lines. Delete new DCW line, DHW line, TW line, and DHWR line. Pipe new fixtures in lower level dressing room area fiom existing OCW, and DHW fines. p9040P7A01 180310 Note - If option per Ztem 25 is accepted, credits per Item 24 and 25 are not applicable. POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 4 of 5 Drawing M-2028 and M-2026-D 4 . a) Do not delete existing water lines, and sanitary lines. Delete new DCW, DHW, DHWR, TW and DCW - BF, and 4° sanitary line. 5. Drawing M-801 and M-701 . a) Do not demolish existing equipment in mechanical rooms or zamboni room. b) Retain existing water system inducting domestic hot water and zamboni electric hot water tanks. c) Delete all work associated with detail 2lM701: .1 Delete new laundry tutr LT-1 .2 Delete new 48° sanitary sump pit and pumps. 3 Provide new water filters and one new pressurized tank on existing water system. .4 Replace existing UV system with new. Drawing M-802 (Detail - M-802) 6 . a) Delete unit heater UH-1, SF-2 and associated controls and ductwork. b) Delete exhaust fan EF-4 and associated controls and ductwork. c) Delete infrared heater IFC-2. vers " ll l S 205, 000 cr . ou d) Delete new wa 2T. Delete DX cooling capacity from new AHU. Provide heating capacity only. Unit to become heating only with outside air free it $ 24, 000 cr . cooling when conditbns perm 28. Delete new ground mounted AHU and replace with new unit in existing Location Storage 118. Provide additional supplementary d handicap WlR 21,000 cr S . electric heating in ramp area an all (7 fixtures type N) st S 2 , 200 cr 28. . w Delete exterior lighting on ea ad at new AHU. rete d ; 8.500 cr 30. p conc Delete fendng an NV coverage istin d S 4.600 Fx 31. . g ex Modify lobby ductwork to expan 32 . Drawing M-001A and M-4016 a) Delete notes 4 and 5. Do rtot replace existing supply 600 existing t i R S cr . a n e and return air grilles. 1.2 ALTERNATE SEPARATE PRICES In addition to the Credit Prices identified in Item 1.1 above, we offer the following proposed changes to the project plans and specifications with the folowing Credits. Description of Proposed Change Credit 1• e TPO system ua 45 3,000 cr S g g Change roofing to 2• Delete epoxy grout (Section 09310) 6,000 Cf S 3. S cr * Note - If option per Item 26 is accepted, credits per Item 2b and 25 are not applicable. 09040PTA0118011~ 306.623 3330 CLARINGTON PURCH.4 11:5&51 a.m. 03-24-2010 POST TENDER ADDENDUM N0.1 Page 5 of 5 Revised 5. S cr It is understood, by signing and submitting this Post Tender Addendum, the undersigned islare tu11y aware of the requirements outlined herein. Furthermore, it is certified that the undersigned islare authorized and empowered to sign and submit Phis Addendum. End of Post tender Addendum No.1 Ba s tes {1991) Limited C.M. 0 CM/ck Attachments: Drawing SK-A05 Part Plans Mechanical Room Bt06 Address Label Ifwe hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. J. Gerrlts. P. Gerr Construction Limited Name of Firm 2of2 z rz- I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARSNGFON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET. BOwMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T{905)623-3379 F (905)623.3330 ~>Fm ~, _ _~ ~«. r~-> _ ~__ it R N rtn w® svsn Mo ROOF PLAN K-AO u~s^=r-o• PROJECT: DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE MLl me acsac _" FRAME TYPES Ft DOOR TYPES M wroe ~ m mn e is ~~~~+ s-r z r-a~ Y 1YPE OWR cro vi rw mu ~,~, .~: 1/D' 1FNI~K [aRIK~1F0 ~dTK h NRIYJL Z-.R2 (IIEItlIllY ~ ~ ~ ~ig1 N36 ILIMC )' &W1 ltD R N a i 14' WN 9019100 KCttKE1E BLau1 A i - Y-n' . 5'-0' ~cw7Z a - - pEa9E 1 FIOPESCFfrt IAMf fYIILLiS MD VLMFP ~ i m aa~ rnm >~+ianr caawmrt FLOOR PLAN K-AO vts•=r-0• PART PLAN MECHANICAL ROOM 8106 •a~~N AS80CIATEB nee+~ uMrtm ~:~ F 4M,~ca+[.~tlYYtl rww+wa•. ~~..... wNQbbLM~ HHMPTON. ONTARIO wex ~~^ny i rte= MUNICPALITY OF CLARINGTON °®` .~~.b.a. mom,-^^kM ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ -^~^~~ ~.,:-^ `~°• ° "" -~'°~ 09040 iSK-/ ROOF FRAMING PLAN K-AO vts^=r-a~ .. .. -806 623 3330 CLARINOTON PURCHA • ~ea+rs re. w~ March 24, 2010 71:56:42 a.m. 03-24-2010 1 l2-, i VIA: EMAIL OR FAX Mr. Joseph Gerrits C3err Construction Limited 3366 Solirta Raad North Courtice, ON L1C 3K4 Mr. Gerrils: RE: TENDEtt NO. CL201D-1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION POST TENDER ADDENDUM N0.2 Bidders are hereby advised of Post Tender Addendum No. 2. 1. The dosing date for submission of the Post Tender Addendum has been changed. The revised time for submission is: 2:00:00 P.M., LOCAL TIME, TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 2040. 2. Revised Post Tender Addendum No. 1 page: a) Replace page 5 of 5 of Post Tender Addendum No. i with the attached. All submissions must be in accordance with this addendum. Bidders are instructed to sign this addendum and return itwith the completed tender, or the tender submitted may be rejected. r, ~:ia.P.o., Manager Services JBlkm Ifwe hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. ~,,(~(r{j(/j>0 J.6errits , (Must be Signing Officer of Firm) Geri' Construction Limited Name of Firm 1 of 2 OF THE MUNICIPgUTY OF ~arln~ron Staff Report # 1 REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: APRIL 12, 2010 Resolution#: Bydaw#: Reporl#: COD-0OS-10 File: Subject: TENDER NO. CL2010-1 -RENOVATIONS TO DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE TIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-008-10 be received; and 2. THAT Gerr Construction Limited, Courtice, Ontario, with a revised bid in the amount of $1,999,800.00 being the lowest responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and spec cations of Tender CL2010-01, be awarded the contract for the Renovations for Darlington Sports Centre, Hampton, Ontario at a total revised bid of $1,999,800.04, plus GST; 3. THAT the expenditure in the total amount of $2,219,800.00 ($1,999,800.00 Gender-plus contingency), be charged to the following accounts: Account# 110-42-421-84267-7401 $1,847,800.00 Account-110-42-421-84268-7401 (RinC) $372,000.00 4. THAT the additional funds required of $200,000.00 be drawn from the General Municipal. Purposes Reserve Fund; and - - - 5. THAT the By-law attached to Report COD-008-10 marked Schedule "A" authorizing th yor and the Clerk to execute the necessary agreement be approv ~ l ~-~ H~ p ~ ~ ~sr~ Submitted by: ~'~`~°'~ Reviewed by: ~' W""'"" ~ ~-'Jw arie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O., Franklin Wu, Dire of Corporat erv' s Chief Administrative Officer ~~ Nancy a or, .B ., C. ., Director f Finan !treasurer MM1JDBlkm REPORT NO.: COD-008-70 PAGE 2 7.0 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT 1.1 Tender specifications were provided by Barry Bryan Associates Limited for the Renovations for the Darlington Sports Centre as required by the Community Services Department. 1.2 Bidders were invited from the list of pre-qualfied contractors and the prequalified tender was advertised electronically for the benefd of sub- - trades. Tenders closed March 12, 2010. Subsequently tenders were received and tabulated as follows: BtDDF~ TOTALt3 GST. Ex3ca Gerr Construction Limited Courtice, Ontario $2,415,000.00 Graham Construction Engineering Mississau a, Ontario $2,458,000.00 James Kemp Construction Limited Hamilton; Ontario $2,555,533.00 J.J. McGuire General Contractors Ina Pickerin ,Ontario $2,597,000.00 Dineen Construction Corporation Toronto, Orrtario $2,630,000.00 2.0 ANALYSIS 2.1 As all bids received exceeded the total funds availabie, and in axordance with guidelines of the Canadian General Contractors Association, the three low bidders were invited to respond to a Post Tender Addendum requesting credits for 32 items for consideration. A copy of the Post Tender Addendum listing the 32 options is attached as Schedule `B" REPORT NO.: COD-008-10 PAGE 3 2.2 Subsequently, the available credits were identified are as follows: ,BIDDER Opt~e~t 1 G~Orr ~ O~tf'$"" ;; Items 4 to 32 Items 1 to 32 l~ns:1 14;32 Excluding 24 Excluding 2B* Exc~dictg 3 to &25* ti 15i(to 17 826 Gerr Construction Limited Courtice, Ontario $575,200.00 $470,700.00 $406,200.00 Graham Construction Engineering Mississau a, Ontario Wdhdrewfrom Com etkion James Kemp Construction Limited Hamilton, Ontario $715,326.00 $625,493.00 $550,685.00 * Items 24 ~ 25 are considered as an alternate to 26 ** By accepting all available credits noted in Options 1 and 2 very little work proposed would be evident in the public areas. Opfron 3 provides for the retention of some public area upgrades by retaining painting, replacement of doors, renovation of washrooms and the concession area. 2.3 In addition to the list of 32 credit items, the bidders were invited to propose additional. cost reducing items and the corresponding credits for consideration.... . Each bidder provided suggestions as follows: GerrCorrstruction Limited Change Roofing to 45 gauge ` $9;000:00 - Courtice, Ontario TPO System and delete epoxy rout James Kemp Construction Limited Substitute Galvanized steel Hamilton, Ontario frames in lieu of aluminum at $3,000.00 dasher board 2.4 After reviewing all options the preferred credits were selected to reduce the original tender amount to establish Option 3 for the project. The revised project cost as depicted by Option 3 and the acceptable extra credits offered by Gerr Construction Limited are as follows: REPORT NO.: COD-008-10 PAGE 4 2.5 After review and analysis of the bids by the Community Services Department, Barry Bryan Associates and Purchasing, i# was mutually agreed that the fow bidder for Option 3, Gerr Construction Limited, Courtice, Ontario, be awarded the contract for the Renovations for Darlington Sports Centre. A memo from Barry Bryan Associates providing details of the process and confirming the recommendation is attached as Schedule "C". Gerr Construction Limited has completed a number of similar projects for other municipalities and has completed projects for the Municipality of Clalington, all satisfactorily. 3. FINANCIAL 3.1 The total project cost, including contingency is $2,219,800.00. This cost exceeds the budget amount by $200,000.00. However, any further reductions in the scope would affect the integrity and objectives of the project. It is therefore recommended that an additional $200,000.00 be funded by the General Municipal Purposes Reserve Fund and added to account #110-42-421-84267- 7401.The project is split into two capital accounts: REPORT NO.: COD-008-10 PAGE 5 Account # 110-42-421-84267-7401, 2009 Capital (partially Provincial surplus funding) $1,847,860.00 Account #110-42-421-84268-7401(RinC Program) $372,000.00 Total Funds Available $2,219,800.00 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 After review and analysis of the bids by Purchasing, the Community Services Department and Barry Bryan Associates, it is recommended that Gerr Construction Limited be awarded the contract for the Renovations for the Darlington Sports Centre project, 5. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES 5.1 The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Community Services. 5.2 This report has been reviewed for recommendation by the Purchasing Manager with the appropriate departments and circulated as follows. Concurrence: Director of Community Services Attachments: Schedule "A", By-law Schedule "B", Past Tender Addendum Schedule °C", Memo from Barry Bryan Associates Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2010- ^__l I' ~1 I' I' Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Gerr Construction Limited, Courtice, Ontario, to enter into agreement for the Renovations for the Darlington Sports Centre. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Gerr Construction Limited, Courtice, Ontario, and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of , 2010. By-Iaw read a third time and finally passed this day of , 2010. Jim Abernethy, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk II Schedule "B" POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 . Page 1 of 5 BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES (18911 Limited Alditerb ~ArdReR PrajectMasgax Project No.: 09040 Project: TENDER Ct2010.1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Date: March 18, 2010 The fo8owing information supplements andlor supersedes the bid documents issued on February 18, 2010 This Addendum fortes part of-the contract documents and is to be read, interpreted, and coordinated with all other parts. The cost of all ehangea contained herein to be included in the contract sum. The following revisions supersedes the infortnaticn contained in the original• drawings and specifleations issued for the above-named project to the extent referenced snd shall became part thereof. Failure to do so may subject bidder to disqual~cation. The tenders received were greater than the 15% of the original cbnstruetion budget This tender will invite the 3 low bidders to participate in a Post TenderAddendum. The original base bid for each contractor is to remain as is. The Post Tender Document is to show Further possible cred'ds that could be utilized to bring this project within budget. The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to select any or all credits proposed whichever is In their best interest. The credits proposed and selected wig be used in determining the overall low bidder. The Post Tender Closing Date is Thursday, Maroh 25, 2010 at 2:00;00 pm Closing at: Office of the Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 1.1 SEPARATE CREDIT PRICES We submit the folowing Separate Credit Prices (originally included in the stipulated price) as credits for price reductions: b ~G 0 ~~ 250 Water Street Wkitby. Ontario Carada L1 N 005 Tele:905.68&5252 TOrOm0: 90tr427.4495 fax: ~16~8ai5255 Emat: Dsa®t~beamhendran wunN.t+Omerdrntcan 1. Delete new concrete sidewalk at east and north sides of building from south edge of refrigeration room to existing exit doors on north wall including sawcutting, removal and replacement of asphak paving. S cr 2. Delete decommissioning and filling with concrete of existing monitoring well S or 3. Delete removal and replacement of wood fence and gate at eMedor refrigeration equipment. Existing wood fence and gate to remain. S cr 4. Delete replacement of existing fxtures with all new washroom fixtures including lavatories, urinals and water closets in existing lower level washrooms 8103 $ cr and 8705. 5. Delete removal and replacement of toilet partitions in existing lower level washrooms 8103 and 6105. i cr 6. Remove Concession Room 101 renovation from scope. Delete all now doors,-counters, millwork, aluminum counter abutter and aN finishes, fittings and equipment related to this area. S cr I' I POST TEDNER ADDENDUM pl (fINALJ W04~TAO3 3e0310 Schedule "8" POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 2 of 5 LI I I I I 7. Drawing A200: Delete removal of VCT flooring in Corridor 8110 - from door to Stair 6128 to limits of skate file at l')fficials room. Leave existing painted concrete floor in place $ c- S. Delete removal of all existing spectator bleacher seating and replacement with new plastic seating in Ice Pad 112. S cr 9. Delete new display cases (add drywall to replace). S cr 10. Confirm that dasher board contractors have included in price the re-use of existing 6' arena glass and supports, $ cr 11, Delete Electric vertical lift gate and replace with dasherboard manufacturer's standard 10'A' wide swing machine gates S cr 12. fJeletadasherboantsurfacfngarroutsidesurfaceofdashar- _ --- --- boards on north and west sides of rink (but not including inside of penalty and timekeepers benches. $ cr 13. Delete removal of existing ceiling grids in dressing rooms ahd showers No. 8118, 8119, 8120, 6122, B123, 6124. Replace ceiling file only with new. Delete painting of structure and services above these ceilings. $ cr 14, Delete painting of existing rink walls, slabs, and roof steel in ice Pad 112, S er 16. Delete allpainting in Storage 11b. S ~ cr 16. Delete painting of existing basement level meeting room and washrooms. $ cr 17. Delete removal and replacement of Doors ne. 8101, 8103, B104, B105,.B116, 8117, 8109, 8111, 6118, B120, 8122, 8124. Paint all existing doors and fremes to remain. $ cr 18. Delete removal of existing skylight and replacemeMwith new aluminum Premed skylight. S cr 19 Delete new recessed foot grille at Vestibule 105. $ cr . 20. Delete removal of three existing planters and removat and replaoement of three existing exterior light fixtures In planters west of the newfront addition. $ cr 21. Specification Section 09800: Change glass type GL3 from Heat Mirror glasa to double glazed sealed units, low E coated and argon filled. 6 mm thick clear inner and outer lights. $ cr 22. Delete new wood header trench cover. Remove and reinstall existing wood cover. S cr POSTTEDNER ADDEPIDUM tl11FINAL109040PTA01190330 i~ Schedule "B" POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 3 of 5 23. Refer to attached sketch SK-A05: Delete entirely new Resurfaeer Room 117 and Workroom 116. Delete new steel fire shutter 117A and ovefiead door 1178 to resurfaeer room. Delete doors 116A, 1168 and 116C. Delete all mechanieal.and elecbical services, fixtures and devices serving these areas. Decrease mechanical connections to accommodate relocated Mechanical Room. Delete removal and infill of service doors (overhead doors from rink to Storage 115 end from Storage 115 to Exterior). Delete exterior paving and concrete apron outside of rooms t16 and 117. Existing Resurfacer Room (Proposed Storage 115) to remain as is. All existing Zamboni refill electric heaters to be left in place. Construct new service roam for mechanical equipment as indicated on the attached BBA Sketch SK-ADS "Part Plan Mechanical Room B106° dated March 17, 2007 and relocate water service to this new space. Rebate new 300 MBH boiler and 500 gal. storage tank to new mechanical room and recirculation pump. Delete sump and assodated work. Relocate new heating and ventilation to new water treatment room. S cr 24. Delete specified new hot water boiler and storage tanks relocated to new mechanical room (Sketch SK-A05) and leave existing hot inter baler and storage tank in Mechanical Raom 8708. Connect existing hot water tank to new wld water feed. Delete new domestic hot water and domestic hot water recirculation lines in dressing room area. Reuse existing . domestic hot water and domestic hot water recirculation lines to feed new fixtures. S cr 25. In the new Mechanical Room noted above In Item 24, leave exlsting Water Treatment Package providing potable water supply to Arena. Revise booster pump package and delete VFD's from scope. Supply and install two (2} pumps (only) (one duty, one standby}. S cr 26. !n item 23 above, water treatment system was relocated. In this option delete new water system and avoid building mechanical room 6108. Plumbing changes include the following: "1. Drawing M-001 a) Delete all work associated with relocating well feed to building. Retain existing. system. 2. Drawing M-201A and M-201-D a) Delete bottle filler BF-1 and DCW - BF line. b) In lower lerel dressing room area do na demolish existing DCW and DHW and DHWR lines. Delete new DCW line, DHW line, TW line, and DHWR line. Pipe new fDRures in lower level dressing room area from existing DCW, and DHW lines. 3. Drawing M-21118 and M-201 B-D a) Delete DCW - BFiine. b) In lower level dressing room area do not demolish existing DCW, DHW, and DHWR lines. Delete new DCW line, DHW line, TW line, and DHWR line. Pipe new fixtures in bwer level dressing room area from existing DCW, and DHW lines. POST TEDNER ADDENDUM #1 (FINAL} 09000PTA01 1>m330 it Schedule "8" POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 4 of 5 4. Drawing M-2028 and M-2026-D a) Do not delete existing water lines, and sanitary Ilnes. Delete new OCW, DHW, DHWR, TW and DCW - BF, and 4' sanitary Ilne. 5. Drawing M-601 and M-701 a) Do not demolish existing equipment In mechanical rooms or zamboni room. ' b) Retain existing water system including domestic hot water and zamboni electric hot water tanks. c) Delete all work associated with detail 2lM701: 1 Delete new laundry tub LT-1 2 Delete new 48' sahkary sump pit and pumps. .3 Provide new water filters and one new pressurized tank on existing water system. ' i 4 Replace existing W system with new. 6. Drawing M-802 (Detail - M1i02) a} Delete unit heater UH-1, SF-2 and associated controls and ductwork. b} Delete exhaust fan EFL and associated controls and ductwork. c) Delete infrared heater IFC•2. d) Delete new wall louvers." S er 2T. Delete DX cooling eapacityfrom new AHU. Provide heating capacity only. Unit to became hea5ng only with outside air free. cooling when conditions permit. $ cr ~. Delete new ground mounted AHU and replace with new unit in existing location Storage 118. Provide additional supplementary electric heating in ramp area and handicap W/R. S cr 28. Delete exterior lighting on east wall (7 fixtures type N). $ cr 30. Delete fencing and concrete pad at new AHU. $ cr 3t. Modify lobby ductwork to expand existing HV coverage. $ cr 32. Drawing M-401A and M-401B a) Delete notes 4 and 5. Do not replace existing supply and return alr grilles. Retain existing. $ cr 1.2 ALTERNATE SEPARATE PRICES In additbn to the Credit Prices identified in Item 1.1 above, we offer the following proposed changes to the project plans and speciFications with the following Cradds. Descrtptlon of Proposed Change Credlt L $ cr 2. $ cr 3. 8 cr. POST TEtlNER ADDENDUM pl (fINALl09040P7A01180310 Schedule "B" POST TENDER ADDENDUM NO. 1 Page 5 of 5 Revised 4. S er 6. 8 cr It is understood, by signing and submitting this Post Tender Addendum, the undersigned islare fully aware of the requirements outlined herein. Furthermore, it is certified that the undersigned is/are authorized and empowered to sign and submR this Addendum. End of Post tender Addendum No. 7 8a tes (1991) Limited C.M. O CMkk Attachments: Drawing SK-A05 Part Plans Mechanical Room 8106 Address Label I/we hereby acknowledge receipt of this addendum. Signed (Must be Signing Officer of Firm) Position Name of Firm 2 of 2 CORPORATION Of THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 46 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T{905)623-3379 F {905J623-3330 1 Schedule "B" 1 ~ fP0 YFY91ruF FMF N4Y NYIEPEY iPa ROOF YEY6RINE I fKERfe 4dY41Dx (YIYii PMxe PNOIECaW BaMD NNGIFD) OR SiwN,TYRY SrtFi LmC - - _ T %r v __ 1 YnK saw FRAME TYPES _ _ -- I wuwsF ewx u 1e eiA ~~., PE - DFOFO mFw aea. sNFr+ _ - r enar emx aas I N_ Kq 11IWI( DETAIL HEAD - F1 scYSVu I eYA .Wa SP1fiN PIe - r6f MEFID - _ _ _ auaoe DOOR TYPES rsua ~YSw saw a ,a'-0. I ~ AI Yea4e ~"~ ROOF PLAN Fea~ . ma r FwxF K-AO 1118'=1'-0" DETAIL JAMB - M 6• St/H al CMOE Y NRNBF6 NFILFw Ypx' Y6N s-o• . r-r ' Y RPE 00D1 NI- h 1x1 {RUF. ' CDIAI.G1rro xFtr cuodxa ~/e• vDarx cmeuwrm Ysva a sDNe as saa •' ssenFx L-cers iwfnwur . sr eFU¢xy a/Y . - ~ - e' ~wrm IxsuuFmn nEm ,sclac - .. ro T W IYELRIL Ae/VIPfeY exadm • _ ~ lo Ean erwarc orxceLTE elttx a A IY CroDeER ~ rouxwrnx YwL xvo r-a• z Y-a• WNLRflE IpF M' SIFPPEO ti PAD W NNCN E11sDIG Ii11111 MD Fax9r Iz-o• erne NFIENf Ir-o• a•-a• ro SEINE wrm ,auurxr EaFYDn ROOF FRAMING PLAN ~_-i_~_ FLOOR PLAN ' K-AO u1s•=r-o• KK-AO v1e~r-0• PROJECT: DRAWING: BMPY~BRYMI T A980CL µ ^~ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE PART PLAN 1 E9 It Nei LIMITED °YV°m m. MECHANICAL ROOM xrwYa F~.a,.a ~. cF• - 8106 °q'°"""°" mw..=.a °°` xr ramie HPMPFON, ONTARIO -ga..xuxmF .- Wyly Wr wu +m.ro k Doers ac MUNICPALITY OF CLARINGTON °~°°°•-~w°~°°°^°°~ """'"'^" -..•...~~.-....-~....M ~.aw..~n,r ~rrr-.im..® _ ..~.,~ ~ rnu,..xs ~,;,,~„_~„;,,,~„,~d ; ~ ' 09040 SK-A05 i~ ~~ Schedule "B" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLALINGTON ' PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS ANO RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON POST TENDER ADDENDUM ADDRESS LABEL PLEASE FIRMLY AFFIX THIS ADDRESS LABEL TO THE ENVELOPE CONTAINING YOUR SUBMISSION FOR SUBMITTING BY MAIL OR COURIER. ----•-•--------------cut hero --_ _. TENDER ENVELOPE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICE OF THE CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 TENDER NUMBER: CL2010-1(PDSTTENDERADDENDUM) SPECIFICATION: ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS SEALED BID CENTRE, CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00:00 P.M., THURSDAY MARCH 25, 2010 - -----cut here- --M_.__~_ Note: Should you decide to use your own return ernebpe in lieu of the envelope provided, the label above must be affixed to the front of your envelope. ALL of the information shown on the above label must be complete. The Municipality d Clarington cannot beheld responsible for documents submitted in envelopes that are not labelled in accordance with the above instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Purchasing at 905-623-3379. scnedd~ •c° March 31, 2010 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvflle, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager BARRY•aaYAN ASSOCIATES Re: Tender Summary and Rac~mmendations l799q Limited Darlin gton Sports Centre Renovation 2278 Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario nrcnit~s Municipality of Claringtonn Tender No. CL2010-1 Eng"~ ~ Wcbitect $BA Project No. 09040 naea ~na~rs Dear Sir As requested, we have reviewed the tendersubmissions received forthe Darlington Sports Centre Renovation, 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario, Municipality of Clarington Tender CL2010-1 Tenders for the Darlington Sports Centre Rsnovation were reeeived by the Municipality of Clarington on Friday March 12, 2010. Tenders were received by the Purchasing Menager of the Municipality of Clarington at or before the stipulated tender closing time. Five bids were received from approved pre-qualified General Contractors. One of the pre-qualified bidders, Jasper Construction, did not suhmit a tender. Tenders were opened at 2.15 pm immediately fallowing receipt of fhe tenders at a public tender opening at the Municipal Administrative Centre. The following table summarizes the five tenders received. Name of Bidder Tgtal Lump Sum Tender PNce" Dineen Construction Corporation $ 2 630 000 00 Gerr Construction Ltd. $ 2 415000.00 Greham Construction & Enpineerinp $ 2 548 000 00 JJ McGuire General Contractors inc. $ 2 597 000.00 James Kemp Construction Ltd $ 2 555 533 00 „o~..., / ~ ' Tofa/ Lump Sum Tender rrce excludlnA GST. ~ ~ ~ y Each of the bidders correct) acknowledged receipt of Addenda No.'s 1-3. ''~-~- Each of the bids identified an amount for Separate Price item No. 1, hazardous materials abatement. z55weursv:el Whitby, Ontario Each of the bids included amounts for Optional Price items 2.1 to 2.5 in the tender form. Canada LiN eG5 Each of the bids included an amount as stipulated of $352,475.00 for pre-tendered work Whk:h Teie: sss•tisa•a2s2 includes the suppy and installation of the Refrigeration System. This work was pre-tendered by the Toronto:905-427.1495 Municipality (Tender CL2009-45) and is to be assigned to the selected General Contractor as a Faa:9p5.66E~525a normal sub-trade. E~nnlit• bba®hYba~arhang,wm ,~,,b~a~ -Each of the bids included the total Cash Allowances of $70,000.00. OgWO131031g Tender 6ummary Leder.wptl 1 Schedule "C" Page 2 An Agreement to Bond in the amount of Fifty Percent of the Amount of Tender For each of the Performance Bond and Labour and Material Payment Bond were provided by all tridders. The Tender Forms were signed by all bidders. Uponreviewofthetendersreceived itwasdeterminedthatthelowesttenderedamountexceededthebudget established by the Municipality. In accordance with the guidelines of the Canadian General Contractors Association, the three !ow tenderer's were invited ro respond to a Posl TenderAddendum, which was issued on March 19, 2010. The Post Tender Addendum requested credit pricing far 32 Items. There was also an opportunity for the bidders ro make recommendalionswlth pricing for additional revisions tc the scope which may assist in lowering the total tendered amount. Two o} the three low bidders, Gerr Construction Ltd. and James Kemp Construction Ltd., responded and submitted Post Tender Addendum pricing on March 30, 201D, at 2.00 P.M. Summary Based on our reviawof the tenders and the subsequent post tender addendum pricing we recommend that the tender for the Darlington Sports Centre Renovation. be awarded to Gerr Construction Ltd. of Solina Ontario for the Total lump Sum Tender Price of 51.999,800.00 (exclusive of applicable taxes) being the amount of original tendered price less the amounts for items 1, 2, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12, 13,14, 18, 19, Z0, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 and the bidders alternate separate items. Tenders are open ro acceptance by the Municipality of Claringron for Sixty (60) days We believe that ro the best of our knowledge, the tenders for this protect have been received and reviewed and our recommendations have been made in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Canadian Construction Documents CommitteeDocument CCDC-23- A Guide to Calling Bids and Awarding Contracts. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate ro contact our office. Yours very truly, Limited ct, PrWecr Menapera Chris M. Earle, Attachment. c.c. Mr. George Acom, Municipality of Clarington O80WLS10S10 Tender Summary Leder.wpd 200 Front Street West Telephone: ~~~w~~vwa~~ Toronto ON M5V 3J 1 (416) 344-1012 -oW~ r1['u CONTRACTOR L'ENTREPRENEUR GERR CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 3386 SOLINA RD N BOWMANVILLE ON L1C 3K4 Certificate of Clearance Certificate de decharge The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board tVUSIB) hereby waives its rights under Section 141 of thz Workplace Safety and Insurance Act to hold the Principal, that is in a contractual agreement with the Contractor named, liable for any Section 141 liability of the Contractor for premiums and levies of the WSIB owing now or within 60 days from the date of this Certificate. Par la presents, fa Commission de !a securite professionnelle et de Passurance contre les accidents du travai! (CSPAAT) renonce aux drods qui lui soot conferes en vertu de !'artlclet 47 de Ja Loi sur la securite proiessionneAe et Passurance contre les accidents du travail et qui Pautonsenf a tenir !'entrepreneur principal, qui a signs une entente contractuelle avac 1'entrapreneur dont le nom figure suck present certiflcat, responsable du paiement de touts prime ou de fouls Somme que !'entrepreneur est tenu de verser a to CSPAAT immediatement ou daps les 60 fours suivant la date indiquee sur ce certiticat. THIS CERTIFICATE IS VALID FOR ALL CONTRACTS OF THE NAMED CONTRACTOR DURING THE EFFECTIVE PERIOD LE PRESENT CERTIFICAT EST VALIDE POUR TOUS LES CONTRATS PASSES PAR LEDIT ENTREPRENEUR PENDANT LA PERIODE D'APPLICATION DU CERTIFICAT Account No 1 N° de compte Firm No.1N° dentrepnse ~eaecm'cuaravarrsrareceo rn sayw. ,"a~ny~Aaa+; 'rf~^~ Nor $~~r, r 3746860 240541 EX ,z~~,'~~ ~~~~ r, fir: Valid onn,>y when signed by an authodzed Offcer at the WSIB. Non vaFde sans la signature dun agent autonsA de /a CSPAAT Ratel7aux Description RatelTaux Description 4021099 INDUSTRIAL CONSTFU Contrail Description! DescnpNOn du can&af Contact the WSIB if you questbn the validity of this document. Veuillez communiquer avec la CSPAAT si vous doufez de la validite du present document. Certificate No, t N° de cerd6ca[ 204002261 I9O54365198 D190C (07!08) r ZURICH PERFORMANCE BOND Bond No. 6331761 Bond Amount $1,999,800.00 Gerr Construction Limited as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Zurich Insurance Company Ltd a corporation created and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in all Provinces and Territories in Canada as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Municipality of Clarington as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the amount of One Million, Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred---XX/]00 Dollars ($1,999,800.00) lawful money of Canada, for the payment of which sum the Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a written contract with the Obligee, dated April 15, 2010 for CL2010-1 Renovations for Darlington Sports Centre 2276 Taunton Road hereinafter referred to as the Contract. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Principal shall promptly and faithfully perform the Contract then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Whenever the Principal shall be, and declared by the Obligee to be, in default under the Contract, the Obligee having performed the Obligee's obligations [hereunder, the Surety shall promptly: I) remedy the default, or; 2) complete the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions or; 3) obtain a bid or bids for submission to the Obligee for completing the Contract in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon determination by the Obligee and [he Surety of the lowest responsible bidder, arrange for a contract between such bidder and [he Obligee and make available as work progresses (even though there should be a default, or a succession of defaults, under the contract or contracts of completion, arranged under this paragraph) sufficient funds to pay to complete the Principal's obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Con[rac[ and to pay [hose expenses incurred by the Obligee as a result of the Principal's default relating directly to [he performance of the work under the Contract, less the balance of the Contract price; but not exceeding the Bond Amount. The balance of the Contract price is the total amount payable by the Obligee to the Principal under the Contract, less the amount properly paid by the Obligee to the Principal, or; 4) pay [he Obligee the lesser of (1) the Bond Amount or (2) the Obligee's proposed cos[ of completion, less the balance of Contract price. It is a condition of this bond that any suit or action must be commenced before the expiration of two (2) years from the earlier of (1) the date of Substantial Peformance of the Contract as defined in the lien legislation where the work under the Contract is taking place, or, if no such definition exists, the date when the work is ready for use or is being used for the purpose intended, or (2) the date on which the Principal is declared in default by the Obligee. The Surety shall not be liable for a greater sum than the Bond Amount. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond, [o or for the use of, any person or corporation other than the Obligee named herein, or the heirs, executors, administrators or successors of the Obligee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have Signed and Sealed this Bond dated April 16, 2010. SIGNED and SEALED Gerr C nstruction Limited in the presence of Signature J. G its P. En President _ Name of Person Signing Zurich Insura mpany Ltd O Signature i D ~ Copyright 2002 Oliver Eggert. Attorney-in-Fact Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC 221 - 2002 has been approved by the Surety Association of Canada) ®Trademark of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd ®Marque deposee de K Zurich ~ Compagoie d'Assurances SA ZURICH LABOUR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND (TRUSTEE FORM) Bond No. 6331761 Bond Amount $999,900.00 Gerr Construction Limited as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and Zurich Insurance Company Ltd a corporation created and existing under the laws of Canada and duly authorized to transact the business of Suretyship in all Provinces and Territories in Canada as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firmly bound unto Municipality of Clarington as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred---XX/100 Dollazs ($999,900.00) lawful money of Canada, for the payment of which sum [he Principal and the Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally. WI-IEREAS, the Principal has entered inm a written contras with the Obligee, dated April 15, 2010 for CL2010-1 Renovations for Darlington Sports Centre 2276 Taunton Road in accordance with the Contract Documents submitted, and which are by reference made part hereof and are hereinafter referred to as the Contract. The Condition of this obligation is such [hat, if the Principal shall make payment to all Claimants for all labour and material used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Contract, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect, subject, however, to the following conditions: 1. A Claimant for the purpose of this Band is defined as one having a direct contract with the Principal for labour, material, or both, used or reasonably required for use in the performance of the Conrad, labour and material being construed to include that part of water, gas, power, light, heat, oil, gasoline, telephone service or rental equipment directly applicable to the Contract provided that a person, firm or corporation who rents equipment to the Principal to be used in the performance of [he Contract under a contract which provides that all or any part of the rent is to be applied towards the purchase price thereof, shall only be a Claimant [o the extent of the prevailing industrial rental value of such equipment for the period during which the equipment was used in the performance of the Contract. The prevailing industrial rental value of equipment shall be determined, insofar as it is practical to do so, by [he prevailing rates in the equipment marketplace in which the work is taking plxe. 2. The Principal and the Surety, hereby jointly and severally agree with the Obligee, as Trustee, that every Claimant who has not been paid as provided for under the terms of its contract with the Principal, before the expiration of a period of ninety (90) days after the date on which the last of such Claimant's work or labour was done or performed or materials were furnished by such Claimant, may as a beneficiary of the trust herein provided for, sue on this Bond, prosecute the suit to final judgment for such sum or sums as may be justly due to such Claimant under the terms of its contract with the Principal and have execution thereon. Provided [hat the Obligee is not obliged to do or take any act, action or proceeding against the Surety on behalf of the Claimants, or any of them, to enforce the provisions of this Bond. If any act, action or proceeding is taken either in the name of the Obligee or by joining the Obligee as a party to such proceeding, then such act, action or proceeding, shall be taken on the understanding and basis that the Claimants, or any of them, who take such act, action or proceeding shall indemnify and save harmless the Obligee against all costs, charges and expenses or liabilities incured thereon and any loss or damage resulting to the Obligee by reason thereof. Provided still further that, subject to the foregoing terms and conditions, the Claimants, or any of them may use the name of the Obligee to sue on and enforce the provisions of this Bond. 3. It is a condition precedent to the liability of the Surety under this Bond that such Claimant shall have given written notice as hereinafter set forth to each of the Principal, the Surety and the Obligee, stating with substantial accuracy the amount claimed, and that such Claimant shall have brought suit or action in accordance with this Bond, as set out in sub-clauses 3 (b) and 3 (c) below, Accordingly, no suit or action shall be commenced hereunder by any Claimant: a) unless such notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered mail to the Principal, the Surety and the Obligee, at any place where an office is regulazly maintained for the transaction of business by such persons or served in any manner in which legal process may be served in the Province or Teritory in which the subject matter of the Contract is located. Such notice shall be given. i) in respect of any claim for the amount or any portion thereof, required to be held back from the Claimant by the Principal, under either the terms of the Claimant's contract with [he Principal, or under the lien Legislation applicable to the Claimant's contract with the Principal, whichever is the greater, within one hundred and twenty (120) days after such Claimant should have been paid in full under the Claimant's contract with the Principal; ii) in respect of any claim other than for the holdback, or portion thereof, referred to above, within one hundred and twenty (120) days after the date upon which such Claimant did, or performed, the last of the work or labour or famished the last of the materials for which such claim is made under [he Claimant's contract with the Principal; b) after the expiration of one (1) year following the date on which the Principal ceased work on the Contract, including work performed under the guarantees provided in the Contract; c) other than in a Court of competent jurisdiction in the Province or Teritory in which the work described in the Contract is to be installed or delivered as the case may be and no[ elsewhere, and the parties hereto agree to submit to the jurisdiction of such Cour. ®Trademark of Zurich Insurance Company Ltd ®Marque deposee de ~ Zurich ~ Compagnie d'Assurances SA ZURICH 4. The Surety agrees not to take advantage of Article 2365 of the Civi] Code of the Province of Quebec in the event that, by an act or an omission of a Claimant, the Surety can no longer be subroga[ed in the rights, hypothec and privileges of said Claimant. 5. Any material change in the contract between the Principal and the Obligee shall not prejudice the rights or interest of any Claimant under [his Bond, who is not instrumental in bringing about or has not caused such change. 6. The amount of this Bond shall be reduced by, and [o the extent of any payment or payments made in good faith, and in accordance with the provisions hereof, inclusive of the payment by [he Surety of claims made under the applicable lien legislation or legislation relating to legal hypothecs, whether or not such claim is presented under and against this Bond. 7. The Surety shall not be liable far a greater sum than the Bond Amount. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and [he Surety have Signed and Sealed this Bond dated Apri116, 2010. SIGNED and SEALED Gerr Construction Limited in the presence of _ Signature J. Ge tits, P.Enq, President Name of Person Signing Zurich Insurance C mpany Ltd -~~' .atur Oliver Eggert, Attorney-in-Foci D ~ Copyright 2002 Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC 222 - 2002 has been approved by the Surety Association of Canada) ®Trademark of Zudch Insurance Company Ltd ®>Marque deposee de ~ Zurich ~ Compagnie d'Assurances SA it CSIO CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Date: Apri123, 2010 BROKER: PETRELA WINTER & ASSOCL4TE5 1'itis certificate is issued ns a matter of information only and confers no rights 12-14 Bruce Park Avenue upon the certificate holder. This certificate. does not amend. extend or after Toronto, Onturio M4P 2S3 the coverages afforded by the policies below. NAMED INSURED: Company Lcucr GERR CONSTRUCTION LIMITED A ROYAL & SUNALLIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY 338E Salina Road North Courtice,Ontnria LtC3Kd B AVIVAINSURANCECOMPANY COVER4GBS: This is to certify nrat the policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above for the policy period indicated, nonvifhstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertaiq the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. L1b11TS SI-10 WN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. Ltr TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY TERM LFIDIITS POLICY NUMBER (YY/MhI/DD) A GENERAL LIABILITY COM021873407 D9/08/07 to 10/08/07 EACH OCCURRENCE $2,OOD,OOD COMMERCIAL.GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $2,000,000 TENANTS LEGAL LIABILITY $250,000 NON-OWNED AUTO 52,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $5,000,000 A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CAP027933G49 09/08/07 to t0/08107 BODILY INIURY a ALL OWNED/LEASED AUTOS g2,p0o,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBMED SINGLE LIMIT A UMBRELLA LIABILITY COM021873407 09/OSN7 to 10/08/07 EAC13 OCCURRENCE $8,000,000 AGGREGATE $8,000,000 B BUILDERS RISK, BOILER 8 BINDER 2522 10!05/Ol to IO/09/30 LIMIT $2,OD0,000 MACHINERY including Testing & DEDUCTIBLE $5,000 Commissionin ADDITIONAL INSURED: DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/PROJECT: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Darlington Sports Centre Arerta Renovations CL2010-1 2276 Tautott Road, Hampton, Ontario It is understood snd agreed loot the a6avc is (sn:) oddad as Additional lasurcd(sJ to Ih StaK Date: May I , 201 Gcoeml Liability policy hW only rvi0i respect to liability wising out of the ap~Kations arcetr conntucdon li.nifnd as aremtearo Ne aapeanmpmJcet. Completion Date: September 30, 2010 CERTIFICATE HOLDER: CANCELLATION Shonld any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration dal Mnnicipali[y Of Clarington drereof, the issuing company will endeavor to mail 30 days svrittep notice to [Ire Certificate Holder named to the left, but failure to mail such notice shall impost 40 Temperance Street no obligation or liability of any kind aeon the company, its agent or representativ Iiovvmanvillc, Ontario ' L1C 3A6 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE L/ - ~~ LIST OF DRAWINGS PAGE 2A 1 ~i ii i~ Dwg. No: Title.. Issue No. Rev:.-' No: Issue Date ARCHITECTURAL: -- Cover Sheet 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A001 Fire Se aration Plans 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A100 Site Plan Demolition 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A101 Site Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A200 Lower Level Demolition Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A201 Ground Floor Demolition Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A202 Overall Lower Level Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A203 Overall Ground Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A204 Overall Roof Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A205 Reflected Ceilin Basement Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A206 Reflected Ceilin Ground Flcor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A207 Roof Plan Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A208 Enlar ed Floor Plans 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A301 Elevations 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A401 Buildin Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A501 Wall Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A502 Wall Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A503 Wall Sections 2 - February 16, 2010 A504 Wall Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A601 Plan Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A801 Room Finish Schedule 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A802 Door and Glazin Schedules 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A901 Millwork Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 STRUCTURAL; S101 General Notes and Abbreviations 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S102 T ical Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S103 T ical Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S201 Partial Foundation/Ground Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S202 Partial Roof Framin Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S501 Foundation Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S502 Roof Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S801 Schedules 2 - Februa 16, 2010 MECHANICAL: M-001 Mechanical Legend and Drawing List Mechanical General 1 - February 16, 2010 M-201A Lower Level New Layout - P8D Plumbing & Draina a New La out 1 - February 16, 2010 M-201A-D Lower Level Demolition Layout - P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-201 B Lower Level New Layout - P&D Plumbing & Draina a New La out 1 - February 16, 2010 M-2016-D Lower Level.Demolition Layout - P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-202A Main Level New Layout - P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-202A-D Main Level Demolition Layout - P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 201 D M-2026 Main Level New Layout - P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-2026-D Main Level Demolition Layout- P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 08040-list of drawings.wpd LIST OF DRAWINGS PAGE 26 Dwg. No. Title ~' issue Rev.: issue Date M-203-D Roof Level Part Plans Plumbing and Drainage 1 - February 16, 2010 Demolition and New M-401A Lower Level Floor Plan New La out HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-401A-D Lower Level Floor Plan Demolition La out HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-401 B Lower level New La out -HVAC HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-401 B-D Lower Level Demolition La out -HVAC HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-402 Main Level New La out -HVAC HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-402-D Main Level Demolition La out -HVAC HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-403 Roof Level New La out -HVAC HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-403-D Roof Level Demolition La out -HVAC HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-501 Refrigeration Room Demolition & New Equipment 1 - February 16, 2010 La out M-502 Cold Glycol Piping & Details Layout Within 1 - February 16, 2010 Existin Header Trench M-503 Refrigeration System Refrigeration Piping 1 - February 16, 2010 Schematic M-601 Part Plans 1 - P&D and HVAC Mechanical 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-G02 Part Plans 2 - P&D and HVAC Mechanical 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-701 Domestic Cold Water and Hot Water Schematics 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-702 Demolition & New Natural Gas Schematics 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-801 Details 1 Mechanical Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-802 Details 2 Mechanical Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-803 Details 3 Mechanical Details 1 - Februa 16, 201D ELECTRICAL: E1 Existin Sin le Line Dia ram 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E2 Pro osed Sin le Line Dia ram 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E3 Ground Level Power Plan 1 - Februa 16, 201D E4 Li htin La out 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E5 Fire Alarm Plan 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E6 Schedules 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E7 Le end & S ecification 1 - Februa 16, 201 D E8 Demolition Plan 1 Februa 16 2010 End of Section I' 09040-list of tlrewings.wpd t 1 1 1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Municipality of Clarington 2276 Taunton Road Hampton, ON Tender: CL2010-1 VOLUME10F2 BAflRY~BflYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) LIMITED Ar[eife[l; Engineers, Lanba<eOe ArMiteq Yrojacr Mangers _.r 250 Water Street Telephone: ms 6665252 (^" "+ Wni[by, Ontario Toronto: sns 421-4695 ceeee6 Fe.: ~[asfis~s2ss _ uw 6c5 Emeii: bbav?rbba-armgnq.[gm Leading the Way -- Web Site: www.bba-archeng[om Project No. 09040 February 16, 2010 • ' Leading the Way THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING OFFICE TENDER CL2010-1 ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON ' CONTENTS: SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAGE 2 - 10 SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS PAGE 11 - 20 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR'S SAFETY- POLICY PAGE 21 -28 PROCEDURES, HEALTH & SAFETY PRACTICE FORM ' SCHEDULE (D) FAIR WAGE POLICY AND SCHEDULE OF RATES PAGE 29-40 SCHEDULE (E) TENDER REQUEST PAGE 40 -42 SCHEDULE (F) AGREEMENT TO BOND PAGE 43 SCHEDULE (G) INFORMATION SHEETS PAGE 44 -45 SCHEDULE (H) QUESTIONS FOR CLARIFICATION PAGE 46 SCHEDULE (I) ADDRESS LABEL PAGE 47 SPECIFICATIONS-TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES1T04 CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00:00 P.M. TIME (LOCAL TIME) THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2010 - ADDENDUM INFORMATION I ALTHOUGH WE WILL ATTEMPT TO FAX OR EMAIL ANY ADDENDUM TO THE REGISTERED BIDDERS FOR A PARTICULAR BID, ALL BIDDERS ARE TO NOTE THAT ANY ADDENDUM(S) TO ANY TENDERlFORMAL QUOTATION OR RFP WILL BE POSTED ON THE MUNICIPAL WEB SITE (www.clanngton.netl. IT IS THE BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE WEBSITE OFTEN FOR ANY ADDENDA. TO FIND THE ADDENDUM(S) FOR ANY PARTICULAR BID, ACCESS THE WEBSITE AND CLICK ON "TENDERS, RFP'S & ' QUOTES", LOCATE THE APPLICABLE TENDERIRFPIQUOTE AND CLICK ON THE ADDENDUM TO DOWNLOAD FOR FILE AND SUBMISSION WITH YOUR BID. - NOTICE TO BIDDERS - LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, BUT RETURNED UNOPENED TO THE RESPECTIVE BIDDER ' = BIDS NOT SIGNED WILL BE REJECTED 81D5 MUST BE TYPED OR IN INK ERASURES OR NOTICEABLE CHANGES MUST BE INITIALLED BY THE BIDDER - 81DDERS MUST NOT INCLUDE RESTRICTIVE OR CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS TO ALTER THE FORMAT OR INTENT OF THE TENDER ' - THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED TENDER OPENING MEETING IS SCHEDULED TO TAKE PLACE AT 2:15:00 PM AFTER THE CLOSING TIME AND DATE, IN MEETING ROOM #1A, MAIN FLOOR, 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, AND INTERESTED BIDDERS ARE INVITED TO 1 ATTEND. TENDERS MUST BE RETURNED ON THE FORMS PROVIDED AND IN THE ENVELOPE SHOWING THE FIRM NAME, TENDER NUMBER AND TENDER NAME OR BY USING THE ADDRESS LABEL ATTACHED TO THIS TENDER. ISSUED BY: SANDRA MCKEE ' BUYER 1 TELEPHONE: 905-623-3379, EXT. 401 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 , Page 2 of 47 SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS , 1.D SCOPE The Work includes the Additions and Renovations to the Darlington Sports Centre as indicated on the ' specifications, plans and details or as required to complete the work. The work is to commence in April 2010 and shall be completed no later than October 1, 2010. The Work will include supply and installation of a new refrigeration system. This Work has been pre- ' tendered by the Municipality of Clarington. The successful tenderer for the refrigeration system will be assigned to this Contractor as a normal sub-trade. The preparation of shop drawings will be completed by ' the Refrigeration System Supplier under a separate Purchase Order with the Municipality and the costs for the preparation of these shop drawings is EXCLUDED from the assigned amount. The remainder of the Refrigeration Contract amount will be included in the Tender and is identified in the t pricing schedules. Please provide your best competitive price to supply all necessary labour, materials and equipment to complete the work requirements outlined herein. . This is an invited (prequalified) General Contractor Tender. submit bids: • Gerr Construction Limited, Courtice James Kemp Construction Limited, Hamilton • Dineen Construction Corporation, Toronto • Graham Construction & Engineering, Mississauga • J.J. McGuire General Contractors, Pickering • Jasper Construction, Vaughn Only the following prequalified companies may Copies of the bid documents are also available at: a. Durham Construction Association b. Toronto Construction Association c. Peterborough District Construction Association d. Mississauga Construction Association Tenders received from other than invited prequalified bidders will be rejected and returned unopened. 2.D TENDER DELIVERY 8 OPENING Tenders made on the forms provided must be submitted in the envelope provided or in an envelope with the enclosed label, clearly affixed to the front of the envelope. Bids will be received at: Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Office of the Clerk 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario until the specified closing time and date of: 2:00:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 2010 Any Tender received after the deadline for submission will be considered as non-compliant and will be returned unopened. L~J SCHEDULE (A) 3.0 4.0 5.0 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) CL2010-7 Page 3 of 47 The use of the mail or courier services for delivery of a Tender will be at the risk of the Bidder. The Tender must come into the possession of the above-mentioned representative of the Municipality before the deadline for submission or the Tender will be returned to the Bidder unopened. In the event that the Tender is hand delivered and is received past the deadline for submission, the Tender envelope will be time stamped and returned unopened to the deliverer immediately. In the event that the Tender is received by a means other than 'in person' and is received past the submission deadline, it will be time stamped and retumed unopened by courier. Note: Since Tenders must be submitted in a sealed envelope, submissions by facsimile or electronic delivery, secured or otherwise, are not acceptable. The onus unequivocally remains with the Bidder to ensure that Tenders are delivered to the Municipal Clerk, Clerks Office, 2nd Floor, before the deadline for submission, in accordance with the submission instructions. Misdirected Tenders received after the deadline for submission will not be accepted and will be returned unopened. Requests for adjustments to submitted Tenders by telephone, fax or electronically will not be considered. The Municipality shall not be liable for any cost of preparation or presentation of Tenders, and all Tenders and accompanying documents submitted by the Bidder become the property of the Municipality and will not be retumed. There will be no payment to Bidders far work related to and materials supplied in the preparation, presentation and evaluation of any Tender, nor for the Contract negotiations whether they are successful or unsuccessful. GENERAL The Agreement, Defnition and General Conditions of this Contract shall be the Canadian Standard Construction Document CCDC-2, 2008, Stipulated Price Contract, except as amended by the Supplementary General Conditions, Section 00400. COMMUNICATION 1 All inquiries and other communications with the Municipality of Clarington about this Tender throughout the bid period are to be directed ONLY to Sandra McKee, Senior Buyer. If Sandra McKee is unavailable, please contact Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager. 2 Non-compliance with this condition during the bid period may (for that reason alone) result in disqualification of the bidder's offer. 3 Contractors are expected to complete their own inspection of the Darlington Sports Centre in order to determine the bid price. INQUIRIES Any inquiries with respect to this Tender should be submitted, in writing, to the individual in Section 3.1. The Municipality of Clarington will circulate to all bidders who received this Tender any information with respect to significant inquiries received and the replies to such inquiries to the extent that such inquiries are applicable to all bidders. Any material changes resulting from inquiries will be documented in writing to the bidders prior to the closing date and time. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION , ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON crzoio-i ' Page 4 of 47 SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 6.0 Written inquiries shall be submitted using the Fax Cover Sheet provided as Schedule (H). Bidders are requested to make all inquiries prior to the last Thursday preceding the closing date. Person to contact: PRIMARY CONTACT SECONDARY CONTACT SANDRA McKEE, C.P.P. JERRY BARBER SENIOR BUYER PURCHASING MANAGER T: (905) 623-3379, ext. 401 T: (905) 623-3379, ext. 402 Consultant: Mr. Chris Earle, M.A.A.T.O. or Ms. Deanna Young, B. Arch. Barry Bryan Associates (BBA) 250 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1 N OG5 Telephone: (905) 666-5252 Fax: (905) 666 5256 BIDlQUOTE DEPOSIT All bid submissions shall be accompanied by a Bid Deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft, money order or cash, payable to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington in the amount specified in the table below: .TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID MINIMUM DEPOSIT REQUIRED $20,000.00 or less $1,000.00 $20,000.01 to $50,000.00 $2,000.00 $50,000.01 to $100,000.00 $5,000.00 $100,000.01 to $zso,ooo.oo $10,000.00 $250,000.01 to $500,000.00 $25,000.00 $500,000.01 to $1,000,000.00 $50,000.00 $1,000,000.01 to $2,000,000.00 $100,000.00 $2,000,000.01 and over $200,000.00 NOTE: Bid bonds issued by a surety approved by and in a fonn containing terms satisfactory to the Municipality's Treasurer will be accepted for Tender valued over $20,000.00. Bid deposit must be enclosed in the envelope with vour Tender. All Tender bid deposits will be returned to the respective bidders upon award of the contract except those of the two (2) low bidders, which shall be retained by the Municipality of Clarington until the successful bidder has executed the Contract. 11 7.0 PERFORMANCE SURETY Prior to the commencement of the work, the Contractor is required to provide a Performance Bond, and a Labour and Materials Payment Bond, each in an amount equal to 50% of the tender sum as accepted, to guarantee his faithful performance of this Contract and his fulfilment of all obligations in respect of payment for labour and materials used on this work. Bonds shall be issued by a Guarantee Surety Company, licensed to issue such instruments in the Province of Ontario, having been properly executed and in other respects acceptable to the Municipality. The expiration period of the bond shall be consistent with the specified warranty / maintenance period. Where the tender is extended for a subsequent year(s) additional bonding in accordance with the above shall be provided for the extension. Bidders must provide, with their submission, a signed Agreement to Bond, from their Surety Company. ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 5 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) This Surety may be held by the Municipality until 90 days after the day on which all work covered by the Contract has been completed and accepted or the warranty has expired, whichever is the longer. The surety may be returned before the 90 days has elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the Contractor in carrying out the work have been satisfied and that all liens have expired or have been satisfied, discharged or provided for and that a Clearance Certificate from the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (UVSIB) is ' provided. 8.0 SAFETY ' The Contractor shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in- Council and 8y-Laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Contractor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Contractor shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Contractor's obligations under this Contract. 9.0 COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACCESSIBILITY FOR ONTARIANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. 2005 The Contractor shall ensure that all its employees, agents, volunteers, or others for whom the Contractor is legally responsible receive training regarding the provision of the goods and services contemplated herein to persons ' with disabilities in accordance with Section 6 of Ontario Regulation 429/07 (the "Regulation") made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, as amended the "Act"). The Contractor shall ensure that such training includes, without limitation, a review of the purposes of the Act and the requirements of the ' Regulation, as well as instruction regarding all matters set out in Section 6 of the Regulation. The Contractor shall submit to the Municipality, as required from time to time, documentation describing its customer service training policies, practices and procedures, and a summary of its program, together with a record of the dates on which training was provided and a list of employees, agents volunteers or others who received such training. The ' Municipality reserves the right to require the contractor to amend its training policies to meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulation. 10.0 PUBLIC LIABILITY The successful contractor will indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington from all loss or the payment of the sums of money by reason of all accidents, injuries or damages to persons or ' property that may occur in connection therewith. A certificate of liability insurance (third party) must be provided to the Municipality of Clarington, in the amount of $5,000,000.00 (Five million dollars) naming the Municipality of Clarington as additional insured. ' Any damages to any or all properties as a result of the work performed by the contractor will 6e repaired at the expense of the contractor to the satisfaction of the Director of Operations or his delegate. ' The Company shall maintain and pay for Automobile Liability insurance in respect of licensed vehicles and shall have limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence covering all licensed vehicles owned or leased by the Company. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ' ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON azofo-~ ' Page 6 of 47 SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) ' 11.0 WSIB -WORKPLACE SAFETY INSURANCE BOARD The contractor shall maintain coverage and pay all assessments under applicable Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) legislation and regulations. A Certificate of Clearance to be submitted prior to commencement of contract and may be requested at any time during the contract. See Schedule (B), Standard Terms and Conditions, Section 22 for details. , 12.0 PREPARATION OF BIDS All Bids must be submitted on the supplied Tender Form, based on unit prices. The Bid must be signed by a ' designated signing officer of the Bidder. Completion of the Tender Form as supplied is mandatory. Failure to comply will result in the disqualification of the submitted Bid. The Bidder, by submitting a signed Bid, acknowledged that the Bidder has read, understands and accepts the terms and conditions and instructions of this Tender in full. 13.0 INCOMPLETE WORK The Municipality reserves the right to have the work completed by others in the event that the Contractor fails to complete the specifed work within the time stated in the form of Tender. 14.0 SUB-CONTRACTING Sub-contractors will be permitted. The contractor must provide a list of the subcontractors for the project , requirements. 15.0 ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS i , n an amount Without invalidating the contract, the Municipality of Clarington may add or subtract to the contract not exceeding twenty-five percent (25%) to adjust to the actual work to be performed. Adjustments will be based on the unit prices bid. If a unit price is not provided for the added work described, said unit price will be negotiated between the successful contractor and the Purchasing Manager and will be based on similar prices ' contained in the bid, the nature and the scope of work, material required and hourly rate. The Municipality shall have the right, which may be exercised from time to time to cancel an uncompleted or unperformed portion of the work or part thereof. ' 16.0 TAXES It is a requirement of the Tender that the Goods and Services Tax be shown as a separate item in the Tender. ' Applicable PST is to be included in the pricing submitted and not shown as a separate item. Changes in taxes due to the introduction of the new Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is set to take effect starting July 1, 2010. Effective July 1, 2010, the tendered unit prices will be adjusted to account for new HST tax change. The adjusted unit prices will reflect your lower costs as you can claim full HST on your purchases. Currently, you cannot claim the Ontario retail sales tax recovery on your purchases. After July 1, 2010, you can claim full HST recovery on your purchases. Accordingly, contract payments for work performed after the HST takes effect, will ' be based on the adjusted unit prices. Should the final regulations governing HST differ from the above, said regulations shall govern. 1 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, ' 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 7 of 47 ' SCHE DULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) Provide necessary detailed documentation as requested by the Municipality, to support changes to the unit prices due to the implementation of the new HST in advance of requesting payment. Contract payments after July 1, 2010 will not be made without the necessary HST support documentation. 17.0 CHARACTER OF WORKERS 1 The reference to "workers" refers t k f th C t o wor ers o e on ractor and includes Corporate Officers. 2 The Contractor agrees to employ only orderly, competent, and skilful workers. Whenever the Municipality informs the Contractor in writing that any worker is, in its opinion, incompetent, unfaithful or disorderly, the Contractor will ensure that the worker in question is removed from the work and shall not be further employed on the Contract without the Municipality's written consent. ' 18.0 PROPERTY DAMAGE Any damage to private or municipal property resulting from the required work will be remediated by the contractor at their cost. Such remediation will include, but is not limited to importation and spreading of clean fill for any pits, holes or ruts sufficient to leave the property in a clean, level and graded condition. 19.0 WORKMANSHIP ' I h f n t e event o a disagreement between the Director of Community Services or his designate and the contractor as to required work or level of work to be performed, the Director of Community Services decision is final. t 2D.0 AWARD OF CONTRACT The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to award the Tender in part or in whole, by item, or groups of ' items to one Bidder or several Bidders. The Municipality is not bound to accept the lowest of any tender. 21.0 MANDATORY SITE MEETING ' All prequalified bidders must visit the Darlington Sports Centre, 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario to take i t t ll i i measuremen nspec s, a ex st ng conditions and ascertain the amount of work involved. The site meeting will be held on Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 10:00 am at Darlington Sports Centre, 2275 Taunton Road, Hampton, Ontario LOB 1J0. If the above date and time cannot be accommodated, the contractor must contact Sandra McKee to arrange ' for another date and time. The Contractor must sign into indicate that they have visited the site. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or difficulties encountered due to conditions of the sites which were visible or reasonably inferable prior to date of submission of bids. ' The work required under this contract is for roof replacement. It is the bidder's responsibility to examine the location prior to submitting a Tender for this work, in order to thoroughly acquaint themselves with all existing conditions at the site which may affect the proper completion of the work specified. No extra claim for payment will be allowed for work or difficulties due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonably inferred. 22.0 ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER ' Tenders will be open for acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days after the closing date. After this time elapses, the Tender may only be accepted with the consent of the successful bidder. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ' ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 ' Page 8 of 47 SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) ' 23.0 BUDGET APPROVAL Award of this Tender is subject to Council approval and funds being available within the Capital and/or Operating ' budgets. 24.0 CONTRACTOR EXPERIENCE , Bidders are requested to complete and include with their bid submission, the Bidders Experience Form (listing current references). The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to contact any ! or all references. 0 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS 25 . No contract shall be awarded to any person or corporation or any affiliate, subsidiary or related person thereto who, or which, has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding against the Municipality of Clarington or against ' whom the Municipality of Clarington has a claim or has instituted a legal proceeding with respect to any previous contract. See also Schedule "B", Section 16. 26.0 PAYMENTS .1 Lump sum payments unless otherwise stipulated in the Form of Tender, the terms of payment shall be net thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the invoice or net 30 days from completion of work as determined by the Project Engineer/Coordinator whichever is later. ' Payments will only be made upon receipt of a certificate of clearance from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board and a Statutory Declaration stating that all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid ' all amounts due and payable to them as at the measurement date. OR ' 2 Progress certificate payments once per month the Contractor and the Project Engineer/Coordinator shall agree and failing agreement, the decision of the Project Engineer/Coordinator shall govern, on the approximate amount of work done and material furnished and of the value thereof according to the terms ' of the Contract. The date of this determination shall be known as the "measurement date". A progress certificate shall be prepared by the Project Engineer/Coordinator based on the work completed on each measurement date and shall be of the amount, quantity and value of the work done , since the Bidder commenced the performance of this Contract less all stipulated forfeitures and deductions. The Owner will pay to the bidder ninety per cent (90%) of the amount shown on all such certificates in ' accordance with the terms and conditions of the Construction Lien Act net thirty (30) days after each "measurement date" and only upon receipt of a certificate of clearance from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board and a Statutory Declaration stating that all subcontractors and suppliers have been paid ' all amounts due and payable to them as at the measurement date. These payments will be made on Progress Certificates, which shall be approximate only and must not be taken or construed as an acceptance of the work so estimated or as an admission that the Owner is in any way liable to the Bidder in respect thereof. The 10% holdback will be dealt with as per the terms and conditions of the , Construction Lien Act, 1990, as amended. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, ' 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 9 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 3 The bidder shall publish a copy of the Certification of Substantial Performance of the Contract once in a ' Construction Trade newspaper within seven (7) days of receiving a copy of the Certificate signed by the payment certifier in accordance with the Construction Lien Act, 1990. Where the bidder fails or refuses to publish the Certifcate within twenty (20) days of the date of the Certificate, the Owner may publish a copy of the Certificate in a Construction Trade newspaper and deduct the cost thereof from the amount ' payable under the Contract. 4 Final payment for work completed under this Contract will be based on final measurements and quantities mutually agreeable to the Municipality of Clarington (the Owner) and the Contractor, in the absence of such an agreement, the decision of the Engineer/Coordinator shall be final and binding on both parties. Final payment measurements and quantities will also be subject to adjustments resulting from final audits by the Owner and/or other agencies providing full or partial funding for the cost of the project. ' 5 If early payment allowance is offered on the Form of Tender, the allowance will affect the bottom line tendered price and is a factor in determining overall low bid. 27.0 INTEREST CHARGES It is the policy of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (the Owner) that application by the vendors for penalty charges for late payment will not be allowed. 28.0 LIENS If any construction lien is registered or asserted in writing against the Work, or any trust fund claim or other claim under the Construction Lien Act, or any other claim in connection with the Work (other than a claim that will be paid out of insurance proceeds), is made by or to anyone, the Contractor shall cause any lien or claim to be forthwith removed and released from the title to the Work, but in any event prior to the next payment due to the ' Contractor. Any costs, expenses or legal fees (as between a solicitor and his or her own client) incurred by the Owner in connection with any such lien or claim shall be paid to it by the Contractor forthwith after demand by the Owner. Without limiting the above, it is agreed that the Owner may, but shall not be obliged to, pay the amount of any claim (whether or not under the Construction Lien Act) plus a reasonable allowance for costs into court, or ' into a lawyer's trust account, and withhold the amount so paid in from future payments falling due to the Contractor. This clause does not apply to a legitimate claim by the Contractor. The Owner will not withhold funds as set out above, or will pay any funds previously withheld, where the Contractor provides the Owner'with a letter of credit or other security in form, amount and substance satisfactory to the Owner acting reasonably. ' 29.0 DECLARATIONS ' 1 INVe declare that no person, firm or corporation other than the one who's signature or the signature of whose proper officers is or are attached to this Request for Tender (RFT), has any interest in this Tender or in the Contract. 2 INVe further declare that this Tender is made without any connection, knowledge, comparison of figures or arrangement with any other contractor, firm or person making a similar Tender and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. 3 IN11e further declare that no Municipality of Clarington employee, or member of Council (or their families) is, or will become interested directly or indirectly as a contracting party or otherwise in or in the performance of the Contract or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates or in any portion of the profits of it, or of any such supplies to be used therein or any of the monies to be derived from it i~ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ' ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 , Page 70 of 47 SCHEDULE (A) GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) ' 4 IlWe further declare that the statements contained in the Tender are in all respects true. 5 I~Ne further declare that I/We have examined the locality and site(s) of the proposed Equipment, as well as ' all the specifications relating to them, prepared, submitted and rendered available on behalf of the Municipality of Clarington and are hereby acknowledged to be an integral part of the Contract. I/We hereby , propose and offer to enter into the Contract on the terms and conditions and under the provisions set forth in the Tender, and to accept in full payment for it the sums calculated in accordance with the actual measured quantities and unit prices attached to this Tender. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, ' 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 11 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS ' Municipality -The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, its successors and assigns. Bidder -The person, firm or corporation submitting a bid to the Municipality. ' Company -The person, contractor, firm or corporation to whom the Municipality has awarded the contract, it successors and assigns. ' Contract -The purchase order authorizing the company to perform the work, purchase order alterations, the document and addenda, the bid, and surety. Subcontractor - A person, firm or corporation having a contract with the company for, or any part of, the work. ' Document -The document(s) issued by the Municipality in response to which bids are invited to perform the work in accordance with the specifications contained in the document. ' Bid - An offer by a Bidder in response to the document issued by the Municipality. Work -All labour, materials, products, articles, fixtures, services, supplies, and acts required to be done, furnished ' or performed by the company, which are subject to the Contract. 2. SUBMISSION OF BID ' Bid invitation shall be in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Purchasing By-law #2006-127 and will apply for the calling, receiving, and opening of bids. The Municipality will be responsible for evaluating bids, awarding and administering the contract in accordance with the Purchasing By-law. t The bid must be submitted on the form(s) and in the envelope supplied by the Municipality unless otherwise provided herein. The envelope must not be covered by any outside wrappings, i.e. courier envelopes or other coverings. ' The bid must be signed by a designated signing officer of the Bidder. If a joint bid is submitted, it must be signed on behalf of each of the Bidders. ' The bid must be legible, written in ink, or typewritten. Any form of erasure, strikeout or over-writing must be initialled by the Bidder's authorized signing offcer. ' The bid must not be restricted by a covering letter, a statement added, or by alterations to the document unless otherwise provided herein. Failure to return the document or invitation may result in the removal of the Bidder from the Municipality's bidder's ' list. A bid received after the closing date and time will not be considered and will be returned, unopened. ' Should a dispute arise from the terms and conditions of any part of the contract, regarding meaning, intent or ambiguity, the decision of the Municipality shall be final. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 , Page 12 of 47 SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) ' 3. CONTRACT The contract consists of the documents aforementioned as defined in Section 1, Definitions, Contract The contract and portions thereof take precedence in the order in which they are named above, notwithstanding the chronological order in which they are issued or executed. The intent of the contract is that the Company shall supply work which is fit and suitable for the Municipality's intended use and complete for a particular purpose. None of the conditions contained in the Bidder's standard or general conditions of sale shall be of any effect unless explicitly agreed to by the Municipality and specifcally referred to in the purchase order. 4. CLARIFICATION OF THE DOCUMENT Any clarification of the document required by the Bidder prior to submission of its bid shall be requested through the Municipality's contact identified in the document. Any such clarification so given shall not in any way alter the document and in no case shall oral arrangements be considered. Every notice, advice or other communication pertaining thereto will be in the form of a written addendum. No officer, agent or employee of the Municipality is authorized to alter orally any portion of the document. 5. PROOF OF ABILITY The bidder may be required to show, in terms of experience and facilities, evidence of its ability, as well as that of any proposed subcontractor, to perform the work by the specified delivery date. 6. DELIVERY Unless othervvise stated, the work specified in the bid shall be delivered or completely performed by the Company as soon as possible and in any event within the period set out herein as the guaranteed period of delivery or completion after receipt of a purchase order therefore. A detailed delivery ticket or piece tally, showing the exact quantity of goods, materials, articles or equipment, shall accompany each delivery thereof. Receiving by a foreperson, storekeeper or other such receiver shall not bind the Municipality to accept the work covered thereby, or the particulars of the delivery ticket or piece tally thereof. Work shall be subject to further inspection and approval by the Municipality. The Company shall be responsible for arranging the work so that completion shall be as specified in the contract. Time shall be of the essence of the contract. L~ 1 LJ l__J 1 u ' SCHEDULE~B) 7. PRICING 1 1 ' 8. 1 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON cLZa1o-1 Page 13 or 47 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) Prices shall be in Canadian Funds, quoted separately for each item stipulated, F.O.B. destination. Prices shall be firm for the duration of the contract. Prices bid must include all incidental costs and the Company shall be deemed to be satisfied as to the full requirements of the bid. No claims for extra work will be entertained and any additional work must be authorized in writing prior to commencement. Should the Company require more information or clarification on any point, it must be obtained prior to the submission of the bid. Payment shall be full compensation for all costs related to the work, including operating and overhead costs to provide work to the satisfaction of the Municipality. All prices quoted shall include applicable customs duty, excise tax, freight, insurance, and all other charges of every kind attributable to the work. Goods and Services Tax and Provincial Sales Tax shall be extra and not shown, unless otherwise specified herein. If the Bidder intends to manufacture or fabricate any part of the work outside of Canada, it shall arrange its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for customs purposes. Should any additional tax, duty or any variation in any tax or duty be imposed by the Government of Canada or the Province of Ontario become directly applicable to work specified in this document subsequent to its submission by the Bidder and before the delivery of the work covered thereby pursuant to a purchase order issued by the Municipality appropriate increase or decrease in the price of work shall be made to compensate for such changes as of the effective date thereof. TERMS OF PAYMENT Where required by the Construction Lien Act appropriate monies may be held back until 60 days after the completion of the work. Payments made hereunder, including final payment shall not relieve the company from its obligations or liabilities under the contract. Acceptance by the company of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the company against the Municipality, except those previously made in writing in accordance with the contract and still unsettled. The Municipality shall have the right to withhold from any sum otherwise payable to the company such amount as may be suffcient to remedy any defect or deficiency in the work, pending correction of it. Payment may be made 30 days after delivery pursuant to the Bidder submitting an invoice, contract requirements being completed and work being deemed satisfactory. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION 1 ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 ' Page 14 of 47 SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) ' 9. PATENTS AND COPYRIGHTS The company shall, at its expense, defend all claims, actions or proceedings against the Municipality based on any allegations that the work or any part of the work constitutes an infringement of any patent, copyright or other proprietary right, and shall pay to the Municipality all costs, damages, charges and expenses, including its lawyers' fees on a solicitor and his own client basis occasioned to the Municipality by reason thereof. uired for the work t li fees re ll lti d t h ll ' . en cense q roya es an pa The company s a pay a If the work or any part thereof is in any action or proceeding held to constitute an infringement, the company shall ' s expense, forthwith either secure for the Municipality the right to continue using the work or shall at the company ' replace the infringing work with non-infringing work or modify it so that the work no longer infringes. 10. ALTERNATES t Any opinion with regard to the use of a proposed alternate determined by the Municipality shall be fnal. Any bid proposing an alternate will not be considered unless otherwise specifed herein. 11 EQUIVALENCY ' . Any opinion determined by the Municipality with respect to equivalency shall be f nal. UBCONTRACTING 12. ASSIGNMENT AND S The company shall not assign or subcontract the contract or any portion thereof without the prior written consent of the Municipality. ' 13. FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE COMPANY The Municipality is entitled to request of the Company to furnish reasonable evidence that financial arrangements ' have been made to fulfill the Company's obligations under the Contract. 14. LAWS AND REGULATIONS The company shall comply with relevant Federal, Provincial and Municipal statutes, regulations and by-laws pertaining to the work and its performance. The company shall be responsible for ensuring similar compliance by suppliers and subcontractors. , The contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario. 15. CORRECTION OF DEFECTS ' If at any time prior to one year after the actual delivery date or completion of the work (or specified warranty/guarantee period if longer than one year) any part of the work becomes defective or is deficient or fails due , to defect in design, material or workmanship, or otherwise fails to meet the requirements of the contract, the company, upon request, shall make good every such defect, deficiency or failure without cost to the Municipality. The company shall pay all transportation costs for work both ways between the company's factory or repair depot and the point of use. ' Ll THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 16. BID ACCEPTANCE cLZO1o-1 Page 15 of 47 The Municipality reserves the right to award by item, or part thereof, groups of items, or parts thereof, or all items of the bids and to award contracts to one or more bidders submitting identical bids as to price; to accept or reject any bids in whole or in part; to waive irregularities and omissions, if in so doing, the best interests of the Municipality will be served. No liability shall accrue to the Municipality for its decision in this regard. Bids shall be irrevocable for 90 days after the official closing time. The placing in the mail or delivery to the Bidder's shown address given in the bid of a notice of award to a bidder by the Municipality shall constitute notice of acceptance of contract by the Municipality to the extent described in the notice of award. ' The Municipality reserves the right to reject a Bid from any Bidder based on the following considerations: • a Bidder or a subcontractor of a Bidder has an outstanding legal action against the Corporation, or the Corporation has an outstanding legal action against a Bidder or a subcontractor of the Bidder; • a Bidder owes money including, but not limited to outstanding property taxes owed to the Corporation; and • a Bidder is not in compliance vdth the Corporation's Corporate Policies and by-laws including Property Standards By-law. ' 17. SUPPLIER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Prior to the Contract renewal dates or upon expiry of the Contract, the Municipality of Clarington will complete a Performance Evaluation Form, providing feedback related to the Company's performance of the Contract. Suppliers/Contractors will be evaluated based on, but not limited to the following: • quality of goods/services provided; • compliance with Contract specifications, terms & conditions; • communication (responsiveness); • billing accuracy. ' The results of the Performance Evaluation shall be used to determine whether or not the Company is: • considered for renewal of a Contract with the Municipality; ' • considered for award of any subsequent Contract opportunities. Throughout the life of the Contract, the Municipality shall communicate any performance issues/concerns, to the Company. Persistent performance issues may result in an immediate Contract Performance Evaluation by all participating departments to determine if Contract suspension or termination is necessary. ' Companies whose previous Contracts were terminated due to poor performance shall be considered for subsequent Contract Awards, only if they can show proof, through a minimum of three references for similar work, that they have overcome their performance issues of the past Contract. The Municipality's decision in this regard shall be final. ' The results of any Performance Evaluation may be disclosed to other Municipalities or government bodies upon request, where it can be demonstrated that the Company has listed the Municipality as a Work reference. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 18. DEFAULT BY COMPANY I~ a. If the Company commits any act of bankruptcy; or if a receiver is appointed on account of its insolvency or in , respect of any of its property; or if the company makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; then, in any such case, the Municipality may, without notice: terminate the contract. b. If the Company fails to comply with any request, instruction or order of the Municipality; or fails to pay its accounts; or fails to comply with or persistently disregard statutes, regulations, by-laws or directives of relevant authorities relating to the work; or fails to prosecute the work with skill and diligence; or assigns or sublets the contract or any portion thereof without the Municipality's prior written consent; or refuses to correct defective work; or is otherwise in default in carrying out its part of any of the terms, conditions and obligations of the contract, then, in any such case, the Municipality may, upon expiration of ten days from the date of written notice to the company, terminate the contract. c. Any termination of the contract by the Municipality, as aforesaid, shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Municipality may have and without incurring any liability whatsoever in respect thereto. d. If the Municipality terminates the contract, it is entitled to: take possession of all work in progress, materials and construction equipment then at the project site (at no additional charge for the retention or use of the construction equipment), and finish the work by whatever means the Municipality may deem appropriate under the circumstances; withhold any further payments to the company until the completion of the work and the expiry of all obligations under the Corection of Defects section; iii) recover from the company loss, damage and expense incured by the Municipality by reason of the company's default (which may be deducted from any monies due or becoming due to the company, any balance to be paid by the company to the Municipality). 19. CONTRACT CANCELLATION The Municipality shall have the right, which may be exercised from time to time, to cancel any uncompleted or unperformed portion of the work or part thereof. In the event of such cancellation, the Municipality and the Company may negotiate a settlement. The Municipality shall not be liable to the Company for loss of anticipated proft on the cancelled portion or portions of the work. 20. QUANTITIES Unless otherwise specified herein, quantities are shown as approximate, are not guaranteed to be accurate, are furnished without any liability on behalf of the Municipality and shall be used as a basis for comparison only. Payment will be by the unit complete at the bid price on actual quantities deemed acceptable by the Municipality. cLZO~o-~ ' Page 16 or 47 ~J IJ 1 t 1 -, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, ' 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2070-1 Page 77 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 21. SAMPLES I~ 1 II Upon request, samples must be submitted strictly in accordance with instructions. If samples are requested subsequent to opening of bids, they shall be delivered within three (3) working days following such request, unless additional time is granted. Samples must be submitted free of charge and will be returned at the bidder's expense, upon request, provided they have not been destroyed by tests, or are not required for comparison purposes. The acceptance of samples by the Municipality shall be at its sole discretion and any such acceptance shall in no way be construed to imply relief of the company from its obligations under the contract. Samples submitted must be accompanied by current Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) where applicable. 22. SURETY The successful tenderer shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy surety requirements by providing a deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or money order or other form of surety, in an amount determined by the Municipality. This surety may be held by the Municipality until 60 days after the day on which all work covered by the contract has been completed and accepted. The surety may be returned before the 60 days have elapsed providing satisfactory evidence is provided that all liabilities incurred by the company in carrying out the work have expired or have been satisfied and that a Certificate of Clearance from the WSIB -Workplace Safety Insurance Board has been received. The company shall, if the Municipality in its absolute discretion so desires, be required to satisfy fdelity bonding requirements by providing such bonding in an amount and form determined by the Municipality. Failure to furnish required surety within two weeks from date of request thereof by the Municipality shall make the award of the Contract by the Municipality subject to withdrawal. 23. WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD All of the Contractor's personnel must be covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997, or must provide an identifcation number from the WSIB verifying their status as an "Independent Operator". Upon request by the Municipality, an original Letter of Good Standing from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board shall be provided prior to the commencement of work indicating all payments by the Company to the board have been made. Prior to final payment, a Certificate of Clearance must be issued indicating all payments by the Company to the Board in conjunction with the subject Contract have been made and that the Municipality will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection with the Company's fulfilment of the contract. Further Certificates of Clearance or other types of certificates shall be provided upon request. For Independent contractors !Owners !Operators who do not have WSIB coverage, the following shall be provided upon request by the Calling Agency: Single Independent Contractors /Owners !Operators shall provide a letter from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confirming independent operator status and identification number. To obtain this, contractors must complete the form "Determining worker/Independent Operator status', issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. (For more information, please contact your local Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Office and refer to this clause.) Single Independent Contractors !Owners /Operators must also provide a certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confirming they have purchased the optional WSIB coverage. The Municipality of Clarington has the right to reject any bid it deems to provide insufficient coverage. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-i Page 18 of 47 SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 24. INSURANCE The company shall maintain and pay for Comprehensive General Liability insurance including premises and all operations. This insurance coverage shall be subject to limits of not less than $3,000,OOO.DO inclusive per occurrence for third party Bodily Injury and Property Damage or such other coverage or amount as may be requested. The Company shall maintain and pay for Automobile Liability insurance in respect of licensed vehicles and shall have limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence covering all licensed vehicles owned or leased by the Company. The policy shall include the Municipality as an additional insured in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Company. A certified copy of such policy or certificate shall be provided to the municipality prior to commencement of the work. Further certified copies shall be provided upon request. The Policies shall be endorsed to provide that the Municipality is to receive not less than 30 days notice in writing in advance of any cancellation, material amendment, or change restricting coverage. Written notice shall be personally delivered to or sent by registered mail to the Agency. The Company will ensure that any and all Subcontractors also have valid Insurance coverage. 25. LIABILITY The company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or injury including death to any person and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly by reason of a requirement of the contract, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or its employees. The Company agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. 26. VISITING THE SITE The Company shall carefully examine the site and existing building and services affecting the proper execution of the work, and obtain a clear and comprehensive knowledge of the existing conditions. No claim for extra payment will be allowed for work or difficulties encountered due to conditions of the site which were visible or reasonably inferable, prior to the date of submission of Bid. Bidders shall accept sole responsibility for any error or neglect on their part in this respect. 27. SAFETY The Company shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in- Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Company shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the Company's obligations under this Contract. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C ~' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (B) STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) CL2010-1 Page 19 of 47 The Company shall be aware of and conform to all governing regulations including those established by the Municipality relating to employee health and safety. The Company shall keep employees and subcontractors informed of i;uch regulations. The Company shall provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to the Municipality for any supplied Hazardous Materials. 28. UNPAID ACCOUNTS ' The company shall indemnify the Municipality from all claims arising out of unpaid accounts relating to the work. The Municipality shall have the right at any time to require satisfactory evidence that the work in respect of which any payment has been made or is to be made by the Municipality is free and clear of liens, attachments, claims, demands, charges or other encumbrances. t 29. SUSPENSION OF WORK The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, suspend performance by the Company from time to time of any part or all of the work for such reasonable period of time as the Municipality may determine. The resumption and completion of work after the suspension shall be governed by the schedule established by the Municipality. 30. CHANGES IN THE WORK ' The Municipality may, without invalidating the contract, direct the Company to make changes to the work. When a change causes an increase or decrease in the work, the contract price shall be increased or decreased by the application of unit prices to the quantum of such increase or decrease, or in the absence of applicable unit prices, by an amount to be agreed upon between the Municipality and the Company. All such changes shall be in writing and ' approved by the Municipality. 31. CONFLICT OF INTEREST No employee or member of Council of the Municipality shall sell goods or services to the Municipality in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Policy or have a direct or indirect interest in a Company or own a Company which sells goods or services to the Municipality. ' 32. MUNICIPAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT (MFIPPAI All correspondence, documentation, and information provided to staff of the Municipality of Clarington by every ' offerer, including the submission of proposals, shall become the property of the Municipality, and as such, is subject to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and may be subject to release pursuant to the Act. ' Offerers are reminded to identify in their proposal material any specific scientifc, technical, commercial, proprietary, or similar confidential information, the disclosure of which could cause them injury. Complete proposals are not to be identified as confdential. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALfTY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (BJ STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS (continued) 33. CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS IJ CL2070-1 ' Page 20 of 47 "The successful service provider covenants and agrees to provide the Municipality of Clarington, or such other entity as the Municipality may designate, with written consent to perform a criminal background check including Criminal Code (Canada) convictions, pardoned sexual offences, records or convictions under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Narcotics Control Act and Food and Drugs Act and all outstanding warrants and charges for every individual who may come into direct contract with youth or who are permitted entrance to private or restricted areas or residences. This will be done at no cost to the Municipality and any such requested document will be submitted to the Municipality in its true form in advance of commencement of work. The Municipal issued identification card must be worn when individuals are at a site where there is direct contact with youth or where access to any private or restricted area is anticipated. The Municipal identification card is valid for the term of the contract only or a one year term, whichever comes first. Under the terms of the contract, the Municipality has the sole and unfettered discretion to prohibit an individual from coming into direct contact with youth or entering a private or restricted area on a regular basis and to terminate the contract if the bidder/partner fails to obtain or renew the Municipal identifcation cards according to Municipal policy and procedure. The Municipality of Clarington reserves the right to cancel and/or suspend the contract immediately and unilaterally and without penalty to the Municipality should the service provider fail to provide the required documentation or otherwise adhere to this procedure. "The Chief Administrative Officer has the final say in determining any final action." Il LJ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY POLICY AND PROCEDURE CL2010-i Page 21 of 47 ' POLICY: M C~ Contractors and Sub-contractors are responsible to ensure that their personnel are updated on all safety concerns of the workplace and are aware of the safety requirements as required by the Contractor under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Safety performance will be a consideration in the awarding of contract. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Section 23 (1), (2)), it is the constructor's responsibility to ensure that: the measures and procedures prescribed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations are carried out on the rp oiect; every employer and every worker performing work on the rp oiect complies with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Regulations (under the Act); and where so prescribed, a constructor shall, before commencing any work on a project, give to a Director notice in writing of the project containing such information as may be prescribed. DEFINITIONS: Contractor- any individual or firm engaged by the Municipality to do work on behalf of the Municipality Project - means a construction project, whether public or private, including: the construction of a building, bridge, structure, industrial establishment, mining plant, shaft tunnel, caisson, trench, excavation, highway, railway, street, runway, parking lot, cofferdam, conduit, sewer, watermain, service wnnection, telegraph, telephone or electrical cable, pipe line, duct or well, or any combination thereof; the moving of a building or structure; and any work or undertaking, or any lands or appurtenances used in connection with construction. Construction -includes erection, alteration, repair, dismantling, demolition, structural maintenance, painting, land clearing, earth moving, grading, excavating, trenching, digging, boring, drilling, blasting, or concreting, the installation of any machinery or plant, and any work or undertaking in connection with a project. Constructor - means a person who undertakes a project for an owner and includes an owner who undertakes all or part of a project himself or by more than one employer. Project Manager- means the municipal management representative who has responsibility for a contract. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ' ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON cLZOfo-f ' Page 22 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) ' POLICY AND PROCEDURE: PROCEDURE: ' The following items are required before any Contractors are hired by the Municipality: i d a) gnate Before beginning a project, the project manager or designate must determine whether any des substances/hazardous materials are (or will be) present at the site and prepare a list of all these substances. b) The project manager or designate must include, as part of the request for Tender, a copy of the above mentioned list. The list of designated substances/hazardous materials must be provided to all prospective constructors and/or contractors. , c) The request for Tender will require prospective contractors to include a list of the designated substanceslhazardous materials that will be brought onto the work site and material safety data sheets. d) Before awarding a contract, the contractor(s) will be required to complete and sign the Health and Safety ' Practice Form (Schedule "A"). The Purchasing Office will maintain all contractors' safety performance records. f th i id d t il ' e) r e e a s o e As part of the Tender conditions, before award of a contract, the contractor must prov Health and Safety program. f) The project manager or designate, if necessary, will provide the successful contractor with a workplace ' orientation which will include, but not be limited to identifying known potential hazards, hazardous material inventory and material safety data sheets for the sites. g) Before the start of the assignment the following documentation will be provided to the successful ' contractor, by the project manager or delegate: i) copies of the Municipal Corporate Health and Safety Program , ii) departmental health and safety policies iii) workplace procedures regarding health and safety practices h) The contractor has the responsibility to provide any and all prescribed personal protective equipment for ' their own workers, to include as a minimum but not limited to hard hats and safety boots. If a worker(s) fails to comply with any program, policy, rule or request regarding health and safety, that person(s) is not allowed on the site until the person(s) complies. ' i) The Municipality will retain the right to document contractors for all health and safety warnings and/or to stop any contractors' work if any of the previously mentioned items are not in compliance. Similarly, the Municipality will have the right to issue warnings and/or to stop work if there are any violations by the contractor of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal Health and Safety programs, policies, ' rules, and/or if the contractor creates an unacceptable health and safety hazard. Written warnings and/or stop work orders can be given to contractors using Contractor Health and Safety WarninglStop Work Order Form (Schedule "B"). ' j) Where applicable, the Municipality will retain the right to allow municipal employees to refuse to work in accordance with the established policy and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, in any unsafe conditions. ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON c~zof o-f Page 23 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: PROCEDURE: k) The Purchasing Department will maintain current certificates of clearance until all monies owing have been paid to the contractor. I) Responsibility for ensuring contractor compliance to this policy falls upon the project manager or designate. This will include identification, evaluation and control practices and procedures for hazards and follow-up and issuing of Contractor Health and Safety WarninglStop Work Orders. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ' ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 ' Page 24 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: Section "A" HEALTH AND SAFETY PRACTICE FORM ' To Contractor(s): , The Municipality of Clarington is committed to a healthy and safe working environment for all workers. To ensure the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, contractors, constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining ' to employee health and safety. In order to evaluate your company's health and safety experience, please provide the accidenUincident and/or Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) information noted below, where applicable. ' • The New Experimental Experience Rating (NEER) - The WSIB experience rating system for non-construction rate groups. • The Council Amended Draft #7 (CAD-7) Rating - The WSIB experience rating system for construction rate groups. ' ....................................................................... • Injury frequency pertormance for the last two years , - This may be available from the contractor's trade association. • Has the contractor received any Ministry of Labour warnings or orders in the last two years? (If the answer is yes, please include the infraction). • Confirmation of Independent Operator Status , - The WSIB independent operator number assigned: (Bidders to include the letter confirming fhis status and number from WSlB with their bid submission). ' C 1 1 1 ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 25 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: ' CONTRACTOR'S STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY ' As a contractor working for the Municipality of Clarington, Ilwe will comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal safety policies, department and site specific policies and procedures and other applicable legislation or regulations. I/we will work safely with skill and care so as to prevent an accidental injury to ourselves, fellow employees and members of the public. ' 1. The contractor/successful tenderer certifies that it, its employees, its subcontractors and their employees: a) are aware of their respective duties and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety ' Act, as amended from time to time, and all Regulations thereunder (the 'Act's; and b) have sufficient knowledge and training to perform all matters required pursuant to this contracUtender safely and in compliance with the Act. ' 2. In the performance of all matters required pursuant to this contracUTender, the contractor/successful tender shall: ' a) act safely and comply in all respects to the Act, and b) ensure that its employees, its subcontractors and their employees act safely and comply with all ' aspects with the Act. 3. The contractorlsuccessful tenderer shall rectify any unsafe act or practice and any non-compliance with the Act at its expense immediately upon being notifed by any person of the existence of such act, ' practice or non-compliance. 4. The contractorlsuccessful tenderer shall permit representatives of the Municipality and the Health and Safety Committee on the site at any time or times for the purpose of inspection to determine compliance with this contracUtender. 5. No act or omission by any representative of the Municipality shall be deemed to be an assumption of any ' of the duties or obligations of the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its subcontractors under the Act. 6. The contractor/successful tenderer shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality: ' a) from any loss, inconvenience, damage or cost to the Municipality which may result from the contractor/successful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees failing to act safely or to comply in all respects with the Act in the performance of any matters ' required pursuant to this contracUtender, b) against any action or claim, and costs related thereto, brought against the Municipality by any ' person arising out of any unsafe act or practice or any non-compliance with the Act by the contractorlsuccessful tenderer or any of its employees, its subcontractors or their employees in the performance of any matter required pursuant to this contracUtender; and ' c) from any and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality (or any of its council members or employees) shall be made a party to any charge under the Acf in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contracUtender. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 26 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE Schedule "C" Contractor Safety -Policy Procedures, Health & Safety Practice, Pages 19 - 26 have been reviewed and accepted by the contractor. Contractor Name of Person Signing for Contractor Signature of Contractor Date II THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 27 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: Section "B" CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER The purpose of this form is to: (Issuer to check one of the following) ^ Provide warning to the contractor to immediately discontinue the unsafe work practices, if it affects our workplace, described below. ^ Direct the contractor to immediately cease all work being performed under this contract due to the unsafe work practice described below. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THIS WARNINGlSTOP WORK ORDER SHALL CONSTITUTE A BREACH OF CONTRACT. PART "A" -DETAILS OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR/P.O. # DESCRIPTION: NAME OF FIRM: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 28 of 47 SCHEDULE (C) CONTRACTOR SAFETY (continued) POLICY AND PROCEDURE: PART "B" -DETAILS OF INFRACTION (TO BE COMPLETED BY ISSUER) DATE AND TIME OF INFRACTION DESCRIPTION OF INFRACTION, INCLUDING LOCATION: ORDER GIVEN BY MUNICIPALITY: DID THE CONTRACTOR COMPLY WITH THIS ORDER? DATE AND TIME OF COMPLIANCE: ISSUED TO: CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE TITLE ISSUED BY: MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE DEPARTMENT TITLE PART "C" -ADDITIONAL COMMENTS THIS SECTION TO BE USED INTERNALLY TO RECORD ADDITIONAL COMMENTS SUBSEQUENT TO ISSUING THE WARNING/STOP WORK ORDER, I.E. DATE AND TIME WORK RESUMED, FURTHER ACTION TAKEN, ETC. '~ 1 fl THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS POLICY STATEMENT CL2010-1 Page 29 of 47 On all Industrial Commercial Institutional Construction Contracts with the Municipality, every Contractor and Sub-Contractor shall pay or provide wages, benefits and hours of work to their Employees, in accordance with the "Fair Wage Policy for ICI Contracts' and the Fair Wage Schedule of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. Failure to comply with the Fair Wage Policy may result in restricted ability to bid on Municipal construction business. In this policy wherever a term set out below appears in the text of this policy with its initial letters capitalized, the term is intended to have the meaning set out for it in this DEFINITION section. Wherever a term below appears in the text of this policy in regular case, it is intended to have the meaning ordinarily attributed to it in the English language. a) "Municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, and, where the context allows, its officers, officials, employees and agents or any of them. b) "Municipal Council" means the elected Municipal Council of the Municipality. ' c) "Contractor" means any person, firm or corporation having a contract with the Municipality for the performance of ICI construction work, but does not include any person, firm or corporation that only supplies materials for the Construction Contract. i d) "Construction Contract" means any ICI construction of an estimated value of at least one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars (exclusive of GST, administration and related costs), entered into between the Municipality and a Contractor and includes the various sub-contracts to that contract. Construction Contracts which were initially tendered and awarded under the one million ($1,000,000.00) dollar threshold (exclusive of GST, administration and related costs) but exceeded this upset limit due to owner requested changes or other unknown change orders after the award of the contract, are exempt from this policy. e) "Audit Services" means the review of tender submissions of any or all bids at time of tender and records of low bid contractors and sub-contractors to ensure compliance. Audit services may be performed by the City of Toronto or alternate designated by the Municipality of Clarington. f) "Employees" .means those persons employed by the Contractor or Sub-Contractor in positions, classifications (trades or any combination of those) identified in the Fair Wage Schedule, for the performance of construction work on a Construction Contract with the Municipality, or any sub-contract. g) "Fair Wage Schedule" means the schedule of wages, benefits and hours of work for the performance of construction work on all Municipal ICI Construction Contracts as approved and as amended from time to time as based on the Ontario Labour Relations Geographical Board Area 9. I THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (D)-FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS DEFINITIONS CONTINUED 1 cfzoto-t ' Page 30 of 47 h) "Fringe Benefits" includes such benefits as company pension plans, extended health care benefits, dental and prescription plans, etc. It does not include legislated payroll deductions such as C.P.P., E.H.T., W.S.I.B. or E.I.C., O.H.I.P. i) "ICI" is an acronym abbreviation for "Industrial, Commercial and/or Institutional". j) "Registered Complaint" means a written complaint from an identified source which alleges that a Contractor or Sub-contractor has violated this Fair Wage Policy. Registered Complaints must be submitted, in writing, to the Purchasing Manager of the Municipality of Clarington. k) "Sub-contractor" means any person, firm or corporation performing work for a Contractor or one of the Contractors or other Sub-contractors who has a Construction Contract with the Municipality, but does not include any person, firm or corporation that only supplies materials for the Construction Contract. "Sub-contract" means any contract between a Contractor and any of that Contractor's Sub-contractors , with a firm, person or corporation for work in accordance with a Construction Contract. The term excludes contracts for material supplies only. m) "Term'. This policy is in effect for a term of twelve (12) months from Council ratification, after which it ' will be referred back to Council for review. 1 LJ 1 1 LJ 11 L LJ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS PROCEDURES cLZOf o-f Page 31 of 47 1.a) The Purchasing Manager or designate will prepare and review the Fair Wage Schedule from time to time and after consultation with the audit service provider, those amendments to the Fair Wage Schedule which are required to reflect the prevailing wages, benefits and hours of work in the construction industry in the geographical area of the Municipality will be made by the Purchasing Manager. b) The Purchasing Manager or designate will review the Fair Wage Policy from time to time and recommend to Council any substantive required amendments to the Fair Wage Policy. Minor amendments may be made after consultation with the audit service provider. c) The Purchasing Manager for the Municipality or designate will co-ordinate, as necessary, the preparation of information reports to Council regarding complaints investigated and audits performed pursuant to the Fair Wage Policy. 2. The Municipality shall make available through its tender call, to every person bidding on the Municipality's ICI Contracts, the then current Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule and shall include in contract documents and/or provide copies of them to the bidders, or make them available through the Municipality's web page. The Contractor and its Sub-contractors shall not be responsible for any Fair Wage Schedule rate increases which occur after the closing of the tender for the Municipal Construction Contract on which the Contractor is the successful bidder. 3. For all ICI Contracts with the Municipality, the Contractor shall provide to the Municipality, in a form acceptable to the Municipal Solicitor or designate, notification that the Contractor and its Sub- contractors are in compliance with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. This notification shall be provided to the Municipality after substantial performance of the Construction Contract as defined in the Ontario Construction Lien Act. R.S.O. 1990, c C.30, as amended, including successor legislation. 4.a) A Contractor is fully responsible for ensuring that all of its Sub-contractors comply with the Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage Schedule. ASub-contractor is fully responsible for ensuring that all of its Sub- contractors comply with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. b) A Contractor must provide all of its Sub-contractors with a copy of the Fair Wage Policy and Fair Wage t Schedule before any construction work is performed by the Sub-contractors. c) Contractors and Sub-contractors can not subcontract any portion of the contract for less than the fair ' wage rates. 5. From time to time, the Municipality of Clarington will engage the services of the City of Toronto or ' alternate auditing services to conduct investigations on their behalf. 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION , ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 ' Page 32 of 47 SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS 1 PROCEDURES CONTINUED 6. The Fair Wage Rates will be based on the Ontario Labour Relations Geographical Board Area 9. ' 7. Contractors and Sub-contractors shall not discriminate because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offences ' (provincial offences and pardoned federal offences), marital status, family status or handicap. 8. LEGISLATIVE COMPLIANCE Contractors and Sub-contractors shall obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Act, Ordinances, Regulations, Orders-in-Council and By-laws, which could in any way pertain to the work outlined in the Contract or to the Employees of the Company. ' Contractors and Sub-contractors shall ensure WSIB compliance and coverage in accordance with relevant legislation and the Municipality's prevailing policy. ' Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractors and Sub-contractors shall satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a contractor, a Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the performance of the , Contractors and Sub-contractors obligations. 9. LIABILITY ' The Municipality of Clarington and any other designate to be fully indemnified and saved harmless from all actions, suits, claims, demands, losses, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever for all damage or ' injury including death to any person and all damage to any property which may arise directly or indirectly, save and except for damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality, its employees or designate. The Contractor agrees to defend, fully indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any and all , charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred or paid by the Municipality if the Municipality or any of its employees shall be made a party to any charge under the Occupational Health and Safety Act or any other Act in relation to any violation of the Act arising out of this contract. ' POSTING , All Contractors must post in a conspicuous place on every construction project site, in a location satisfactory to the Project Manager or his designate, a copy of the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule supplied to it by the Municipality which will include a telephone number by which any inquiry regarding the Fair Wage , Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule, may be made to the Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate. 1 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, ' 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON cLZOto-t Page 33 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS RECORDS ' 1.a) The Contractor must keep records of the names, addresses, wages paid, benefits paid or provided and hours worked for all of its employees. ' b) The Contractor shall make these records available for inspection by the Municipality upon the request of the Municipality for a period of seven (7) years after final completion of the Construction Contract. The Municipality will only be permitted access to these records upon receipt of a Registered Complaint. ' 2. The Contractor shall, in any agreement with aSub-contractor, require the Sub-contractor to comply with all subparagraphs below. ' a) The Sub-contractor shall keep records of the names, addresses, wages paid, benefits paid or provided and hours worked for all of its employees. b) The Sub-contractor shall make these records available for inspection by the Municipality within five (5) days to the date of the Municipality's request. The Municipality will only be permitted access to these records upon receipt of a Registered Complaint, and only for a period of seven (7) years after final completion of the Construction Contract. c) The Sub-contractor shall also require its Sub-contractors to assume the same obligations in relation to their own Employees. 3. Failure to provide these records or failure to co-operate as required by this Policy may result in the Contractor or Sub-contractor being subject to the CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE provisions of this Fair Wage Policy. COMPLAINTS 1. Any Contractor, Sub-contractor or Employee that tendered on that awarded Construction Contract by ' the Municipality, may submit a Complaint against that tender award to the Municipality with respect to any Contractor or Sub-contractor on that project. Registered Complaints should be submitted at the earliest time but no later than fifteen (15) days following the: a) substantial performance of relevant Construction Contract where a complaint is being made ' against a Contractor; or b) substantial completion of relevant Sub-contract to a Construction Contract where a complaint is being made against aSub-contractor. ' 2. Upon receipt of a Registered Complaint, together with payment of an investigation fee of $2,500.00, in the form of a certified cheque, the Municipality shall take such action as it deems necessary to ' determine whether the Contractor and Sub-contractor involved or named in the Registered Complaint is incompliance with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION , ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2f110-1 ' Page 34 of 47 SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS ' COMPLAINTS CONTINUED If upon investigation, the Registered Complaint is found to be substantiated, the fee of $2,500.00 will be ' refunded to the person, company or corporation filing the complaint. If the complaint is found to be unsubstantiated, the fee will be retained by the Municipality to cover administrative costs of the investigation and audit process. ' The Municipality may, at its discretion, waive the fee in cases where an employee of the Contractor or Sub-contractor working on the construction project issues the complaint. 3. The Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate shall inform the complainant and any Contractor or Sub-contractor involved or named in the complaint, or the results of the Municipality's determination of Contractor's and/or Sub-contractor's compliance or non-compliance with the Fair Wage Policy or Fair Wage Schedule, or both by ordinary mail. The decision of the Purchasing Manager or designate is final. INSPECTION AND AUDITS The Municipality retains the right to inspect and audit the payroll records (as referred to in the RECORDS section of the Fair Wage Policy) of the Contractor or Sub-contractor at any time during the period of the Construction Contract and up to seven (7) years after the Construction Contract has been completed, as deemed necessary by the Municipality. The Contractor shall supply certified copies of any records whenever requested by the Municipality within five (5) business days.. After completion of the Construction Contract, the Municipality will only be permitted access to these records upon its receipt of a Registered Complaint of non-compliance of a Contractor or Sub-contractor under the Fair Wage Policy. COMPLIANCE A Contractor or Sub-contractor shall be in compliance with the wage requirements of the Fair Wage Policy when it pays to its Employees wages, vacation and holiday pay, fringe benefits equal to or greater than the amount set out in the most recently approved Fair Wage Schedule. CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE The Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate, upon determining that a Contractor or Sub- contractor is in non-compliance of the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule, shall undertake the actions set out in subparagraphs (a) and (c) and may undertake the action set out in subparagraph (b). t C 1 C~ LI' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE CONTINUED SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS azoio-f Page 35 of 47 a) The Municipality shall advise the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor, in writing, sent by ordinary mail, that it has been determined that the Contractor or Sub-contractor is in non-compliance, providing the detail of that non-compliance. The notice shall stipulate that the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor is required to comply and/or immediately pay (retroactively) wages to its workers according to the Fair Wage Schedule applicable at the time of the Construction Contract award, as applicable. ' If a Contractor or Sub-contractor is provided with notice in accordance with this subparagraph, the fact shall be recorded as an occurrence of non-compliance. ' b) The Municipality may withhold an amount of funds equal to the amount by which the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor has benefited from its non- compliance from any payment owed by the Municipality to the Contractor until such time as the Contractor or Sub-contractor complies. ' c) The Municipality shall assess the base cost of $2,500.00 for the Municipality's inspection, audit or other action as deemed necessary by the Municipality as a result of the determination of non-compliance of the Contractor and/or Sub-contractor, and may deduct that amount from any payment owed by the ' Municipality to the Contractor. In .addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for all of the Municipality's costs beyond the base cost of $2,500.00, to be payable immediately upon demand. 2. Where a Contractor or Sub-contractor has been determined to be in non- compliance with the Fair Wage Schedule for the first time in a five (5) year period, the Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate may require that Contractor or Sub-contractor, on the next three (3) Municipal Construction Contracts on which the Contractor or Sub-contractor performs construction work, to submit an accountant's report which verifies the Contractor's or Sub-contractor's compliance with the Fair Wage Policy and the Fair Wage Schedule. The account's report shall be in a form satisfactory to the Municipality's Director of Corporate Services or designate and shall be submitted after substantial performance of the Construction Contract as defined in the Construction Lien Act, R.S.O., c. C.30, as amended, including successor legislation. ' 3. Where a Contractor or Sub-contractor has been determined to be in non- compliance with the Fair Wage Schedule for a second or subsequent time within a five (5) year period from the date of the first determination of non- compliance by the Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate, the Municipality may: a) refuse to accept bids, quotations or proposals from that Contractor on Municipal Construction Contracts for a period of two (2) years, save and except any Construction Contract the Contractor may currently ' have with the Municipality THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 ' Page 36 of 47 SCHEDULE (D) -FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE CONTINUED b) not allow that Sub-contractor to perform any construction work on any Municipal Construction Contract for a period of two (2) years, save and except any Construction Contract on which the Sub-contractor may currently be performing construction work. 4. The Municipality's Purchasing Manager or designate shall make available to the public a list of all Contractors and Sub-contractors who have been determined to be in non-compliance with the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule or both and are subject to restrictions in accordance with #2 and/or #3 of the CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE. This list may be made available through the Municipality's web page, posted through the Durham Construction Association web page, included in ICI tender calls, posted in the Purchasing Office or other suitable methods of posting. 5. The Municipality of Clarington's Purchasing Manager or designate will require a Contractor or Sub- contractor to substitute, at its own cost, any Sub-contractor who, on the first day that the tender for the relevant Construction Contract is available for pick-up, is named on the list referred to in #4 of the CONSEQUENCES OF NON-COMPLIANCE above, and is identified as not being allowed to perform any construction work on a Construction Contract. 6. The Municipality of Clarington or its designate is not in any way liable, obligated or responsible to any Employee, Sub-contractor, Contractor or any other person for the payment of any monies not paid by a Contractor or Sub-contractor in accordance with the Fair Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule or both and the Municipality assumes no responsibility to any Employee, Sub-contractor or Contractor or any other person for the administration and enforcement of the Fair Wage Policy or the Fair Wage Schedule or both. Any employee of the Contractor or Sub-contractor is not an employee or deemed an employee of the Municipality for any purpose. THIS POLICY SHALL BE READ WITH SUCH GENDER OR NUMBER OR CORPORATE STATUS AS THE CONTEXT MAY REQUIRE. 1 i~ ~"t n o P 0 0 ~ r U `° m a W H Z Z O W ~ U ~ N _Z ~ K ~ J d U to Z Q O H ~z Za ~O JQ aN ~_ UD 00 Q C ? Z L O a O U Z Oj ZQ za ~~ O ~ 0 A Q Q N O N a z O _~ U ~ W ~ O ~ a to H Q H Z 0 U U O LL } U J a W r Q LL 1 ~ rn O f0 j O v W ~ 2 s a1 cq t ~ . . ~~; m m m m N r u~ n r of a i ci Iti + + + + I I e Q v o o e o Z o o o + + + + + N M N M m O P m N m W N h N m N m N ~ M ~ O N ~ m N m 1~ N n cc to ai ~ m r of o; m in Ip + + + + + + + + C') II e o o a e o Q o a e a a o N o 0 o Z o O N o + + + + + + + + + + n a ~ M < ~ m N < N N M ~ m N 1~ N N N N N N M n N ~ ~ M e- O N y ~[] N m N 1~ N n (O p m Oi (O OI n tD N Oi of vm1 tD m + + + + + + + + m + + o'i + II Q e o o e o e e o Q + ;E o e o e Z a o o N o 0 0 o Z o o o 0 0 _ N N h a O tD N M M M O m + N pi W f0 P M O m O N N N N N N N N N m N M m P N N m m n ~ mo m N P i0 w N m 1~ m N m r m N m r (O O [O ai Ip O) n ro IO Oi Oi m ~O (O N + + + + + + + + + + + 1") + II e a s e a s o s ¢ v o e e o a Z o 0 0 o 0 0 o Z o 0 0 o 0 . + + + + N M M N P N N 01 .n O n m M m m m m (p M m m m o m m (p m N O N N N P N P N O N N ~- N N N N l0 ~- 1~ ~ N N N N N N m n a m a M M o m n m °m N a ro n m P m O) (O N 1~ N N Of pi m VJ N m + + + + + ~ + + + + + vi + + a o 0 0 0 o v o g e v o 0 o e Z o o s a o 0 o Z o 0 o N o 0 + + :: + + + N O t") M N M A O O (O V1 N O I~ m M m N m m ! 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E y F i y ~3 U U O > Q N 3 ~ N }`.:.. n Q Q ¢ m m o m o r= m o 'a m w a. rn a u u m` 3 E° m v v m U m U i a U v U O ~` ^ W N v W o LL € W m -U' z 0 F O 2 K J U a O ~z ~O aN a~ U~ ~ 2 ~~ wQ x= ~U LL ~ O~ za O_ F Q O a O U W 2 H w z W U y O a N z Z ~ 0 F~ ~a z~ ~a a= 00 N Q 2~ Oz QO >z Z= W Q d' F m ~ N Z N Q N z O Q ~~ 1 u THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ' ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 39 of 47 Corporate Services, Purchasing Division SCHEDULE (D)-FAIR WAGE POLICY FOR ICI CONTRACTS Fair Wage Policy and Labour Trades Requirements CONFIDENTIAL Company: Scope: Reference: Contact: Reference: Please complete this form and return it with your submission. Where applicable, the Fair Wage Office for the City of Toronto will review and report on the contents of this form. ' 1. Does your Firm have a Union Agreement? ^ Yes ^ No If yes, state Union name, Local Number, and Worker Group represented (please print): 1 1 2. WIII your Firm be engaging any Sub-contractor far the work stated above (please print)? ^ Yes ^ No FIRM NAME CONTACT PHONE FAX WORK TYPE UNION LOCAL yes ^ no ^ yes ^ no ^ yes ^ no ^ yes ^ no ^ yes ^ no (If additional space is required, please attach the list of subcontractors on your company's letterhead) ' 2a. If yes, will your Firm ensure your Subcontractors fully comply with all the provisions of the Fair Wage Policy? ^ Yes c No 3. Has your Firm (and its Sub-contractors) fully reviewed the provisions under the Fair Wage Policy? ^ Yes ^ No 4. Will your Finn agree to fully comply with all the provisions of the Fair Wage Policy? ^ Yes ^ No 5. Wage 2tes to be paid to the different classifcations of employees on your payroll engaged on the above item (please print): ' CLASSIFICATION I HOURLY RATE HOURLY BENEFITS VACATION 8 JOB TITLE (i.e, health or pension plans: HOLIDAY PAY DO NOT inclutle deductions like lodge, gas, CPP or Ep ' This information and wage rates shall be effective until (Provincial expiry date) Signature Title Date ' Pn l n ' PLEASE NOTE: This form is considered CONFIDENTIAL, and will NOT be made public subject to disclosure requirements of the Municipal Freetlom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989. BIDDERS ARE REQUESTED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT IT WITH YOUR BID SUBMISSION. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 40 of 47 BIDDERS ARE INSTRUCTED TO COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SUBMIT IT WITH YOUR BID SUBMISSION. SCHEDULE (E) TENDER FORM TENDER REQUEST Closing Time and Date (Local Time): 2:00:00 P.M. (local time), March 11, 2010 Reference/Purchasing Manager: Jerry D. Barber ............................. Date: February 18, 2010 Phone (905) 623-3379 Tenders are invited for the following goodslservices and/or projects specified herein and associated documents, plans and specifcations. Complete in full, all blanks where provided and return one copy and/or set in the envelope provided or in an envelope identified by the address label enclosed in this tender document. Bid deposits and/or agreement to bond, if required, must accompany the Tender submission under same cover and envelope. All tenders must comply in accordance with regulations, terms and conditions setforth in this tender document. Bids must be received at the offce of the Purchasing Manager, Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6, by the closing date and time. Late bids will not be accepted. Any or all Tenderc may ha acnenfeH in whole nr in nart and the Inwesr nr anv Tender nor neraccarily arranfed ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICES Prices tendered shall be payable in Canadian Funds, F.O.B. destination, unless otherwise indicated. Ontario Retail Sales tax and the Federal Goods and Services Tax, if applicable, shall be quoted as a separate item. I/We hereby agree to supply all necessary labour, materials, equipment, preparation and supervision to complete this contract, as per all terms, conditions and specifications and Fair Wage Policy and Schedule setforth herein for the prices bid. INVe acknowledge receipt of Addenda numbered _ to _ issued during the bidding period It is understood, by signing and submitting this Tender, the undersigned is/are fully aware of the requirements outlined herein. Furthermore, it is certified that the undersigned is/are authorized and empowered to sign and submit this Tender. Additions and Renovations to the Darlington Sports Complex. Lump sum price to include labour, tools, materials and equipment to complete the work In accordance with the drawings, specifications, terms and conditions herein. $ I 5% G.S.T. I $ i GRANO TOTAL $ ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 41 of 47 SCHEDULE (E) TENDER FORM (continued) TENDER REQUEST ' The undersigned, bidder agrees to supply and deliver all goods and/or services for price(s) bid, to the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington conforming to all terms and conditions set forth herein. A successful bidder must conform to all ' terms & conditions set forth on the official purchase order subsequently issued upon award, unless otherwise indicated by the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. FIRM NAME:(Bidder) AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ' ADDRESS: PRINT NAME: ' POSTAL CODE: TELEPHONE: TITLE: FAX NUMBER: DATED: ' SCHEDULE (G) TENDER FORM (continued) ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 42 of 47 SCHEDULE (E) TENDER FORM (continued) 1. PART B -SEPARATE PRICING (INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE) ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER i ~'f All materials, labour and equipment to complete hazardous materials abatement as shown and s ecified $ L p . 2. PART C -OPTIONAL PRICING (NOT INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL LUMP SUM PRICE) ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 2'~ Supply all labour materials and equipment tc replace entirely existing built i hi h l l f f $ ing on ma n g eve arena roo . up roo EXTRAICREDIT 2.2 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to provide seamless glass at ink as indicated on the t side of lans and as s ecif ed $ eas r p p i . EXTRA/CREDIT 2.3 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to clean, prepare and paint rface of all existin te io s concrete block exterior ma on ll $ ~ ex r r u g ry wa s s I EXTRA/CREDIT ' 2.4 Supply all labour, materials and equipment to provide 2" (50mm) of external insulation on the existing portion of return air ductwork located above the $ existing Dressing Room ceiling space and scheduled to remain as indicated ; EXTRAlCREDIT on drawin M-401 B. 3. PART D - PRETENDERED WORK: ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 3.1 yt/e agree that our Total Stipulated Price includes the following amount for pre-tendered work to be assigned to this Contract including Supply and Installation of the Arena Refrigeration System and that the subcontractor (Cimco) will be assigned as a normal sub-trade and that all relations and responsibilities between the General Contractor and the assigned sub- contractor are as defined in the General Conditions of this Contract. $352,475.00 4. PART E -CASH ALLOWANCES: We agree that our Total Stipulated Price includes Cash Allowances in the Total amount of $70,000.00 and as follows: ~ ITEM DESCRIPTION PRICE NUMBER 4'1 Independent Inspection and testing: I $35,000.00 4.2 Supply of Finishing Hardware ' $35,000.00 4,3 Total amount of Cash Allowances included in our Total Stipulated Price: $70,000.00 L_ 1 1 ' SCHEDULE (F) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON AGREEMENT TO BOND cLZOfo-t Page 43 of 47 AGREEMENT TO BOND Ito be completed by Bonding Companvl CONTRACT NO. CL2010-1 WE, the Undersigned, HEREBY AGREE to become bound as Surety for: in a Performance Bond totalling FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the Total Tender amount, and a Labour and Material Payment ' Bond totalling FIFTY PERCENT (50%) of the Total Tender amount, and conforming to the Instruments of Contract attached hereto, for the full and due performance of the works shown or described herein, if the Tender for Contract No. ' CL2010-1 Darlington Sports Centre Renovations is accepted by the Authority. IT IS A CONDITION of this Agreement that if the above mentioned Tender is accepted, application for a ' Performance Bond and a Labour and Material Payment Bond must be made to the Undersigned within TEN (10) DAYS of Notice of Contract Award, otherwise the Agreement shall be null and void. ' DATED AT r this day of Name of Bonding Company Signature of Authorized Person Signing for Bonding Company Position r 2010 (BONDING COMPANY SEAL) (This Fonn shall be completed and attached to the Tender Submitted). THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON ' SCHEDULE (G) INFORMATION SHEETS NOTICE OF "NO BID" 1 IMPORTANT -PLEASE READ THIS CL2010-1 Page 44 of 47 CLOSING DATE: March 11, 2010 It is important to the Municipality to receive a reply from all invited bidders. There is no obligation to submit a Tender, however, should you choose not to bid, completion of this form will assist the Municipality in determining the type of goods or services you are interested in bidding on in the future. INSTRUCTIONS If you are unable, or do not wish to bid on this Tender please complete the following portion of this form. State your ' reason for not bidding by checking yes or no in the applicable line or by explaining briefly in the space provided. It is not necessary to return any other Tender documents. Just return this completed form in the enclosed Tender envelope prior tc the official closing time and date. u 1. We do not manufacture/supply this commodity 2. We do not manufacture/supply to this specification 3. Unable to quote competitively 4. Cannot handle due to present plant loading 5. Quantity/job too large 6. Quantity/job too small 7. Cannot meet delivery/completion requirements 8. Agreements with distributors/dealers do not permit us to sell directly 9. Licensing restrictions Other reasons or additional comments: Yes/No Do you wish to bid on these goods/services in the future? Yes/No For Municipality Use Only Do Not Write In This Space Company Name: Address: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ' PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, ' 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 45 0(47 ' SCHEDULE (G) INFORMATION SHEETS PURCHASING OFFICE REFERENCES ' BIDDER'S REFERENCES Year D i ti f C t act escr p on o on r ' Name of Organization Contact Person Telephone Number Value of Contract 1 Year Description of Contract ' f O i ti N rgan za on ame o ' Contact Person Telephone Number Value of Contract Year ' D i ti f Contract escr p on o Name of Organization Contact Person ' Telephone Number Value of Contract Please provide detail as to bidder's financial responsibility, (banker, etc.), references, auditor's name and address, etc., THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 46 of 47 SCHEDULE (H) QUESTIONS FOR CLARIFICATION FAX COVER PAGE QUESTIONS FOR CLARIFICATION CL2010-1 TO: Sandra McKee, Senior Buyer The Municipality Of Clarington Purchasing Office 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 DATE: TIME: FAX NUMBER: (905) 623-3330 FROM: Company Name: Contact Name: Telephone: _ Reference to Section Question: Fax: on Page Number of this Tender. Total Number of Pages including cover THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CAARINGTON ' PURCHASING DIVISION ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, 2276 TAUNTON ROAD, HAMPTON CL2010-1 Page 47 of 47 ' SCHEDULE (I) ADDRESS LABEL PLEASE FIRMLY AFFIX THIS ADDRESS LABEL TO THE ENVELOPE CONTAINING YOUR SUBMISSION FOR SUBMITTING BY MAIL OR COURIER. --------------------------------------------------cut here-.....-------------------------------------------- TENDER ENVELOPE RETURN NAME: ' NAME ................................................ ADDRESS .......................................... ........................................................ TELEPHONE ...................................... ' CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICE OF THE CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 TENDER NUMBER: CL2009-1 ' SPECIFICATION: ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS, DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE, CLOSING TIME & DATE: 2:00:00 p.m. THURSDAY MARCH 11, 2010 SEALED BID --------------------------------------------------cut here-------------------------------------------------- Note: Should you decide to use your own return envelope in lieu of the envelope provided, the label above must be affixed to the front of your envelope. ALL of the information shown on the above label must be complete. The Municipality of Clarington cannot be held responsible for documents submitted in envelopes that ' are not labelled in accordance with the above instructions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Purchasing at 905-623-3379. ' ' SPECIFICATIONS DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE 2276 TAUNTON ROAD HAMPTON, ONTARIO TENDER: CL2010-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag 1 DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES 00 TENDER AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ' The Corporati on of the Municipality of Clarington Purchasing Office Tender CL2010-01, Additions and Renovations, Darlington Sports Centre, 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton ' Supplementa ry Conditions to CCDC 2 Stipulated Price Contract, 2008 ............. 15 01 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 01110 Summary of Work ........................................... 3 ' 01111 List of Consultants ........................................... 1 01112 List of Drawings ............................................. 2 ' 01115 Generallnstructions ......................................... Appendix 'A' to Section 01115: Sample Authorization to Use Barry•Bryan 3 Associates (1991) Limited (BBA) CAD Drawing Files for Shop Drawing Preparation ......................................... 2 01140 Work Restrictions ...... . ............................. 2 01200 Site Administration 2 01210 Allowances ................................................ 2 01320 Construction Progress Documentation ........................... 3 ' 01330 Submittal Procedures .. 4 01350 Environmental Procedures 3 01355 Waste Management and Disposal .............................. 5 01410 Regulatory Requirements ..................................... 4 ' 01450 Quality Control .............................................. 4 01510 Temporary Utilities .......................................... 3 01520 Construction Facilities ........................................ 3 01545 Safety Requirements ......................................... 2 01560 Temporary Barriers and Enclosures ............................. 3 01561 Environmental Protection ..................................... 2 01610 Common Product Requirements ................. . .............. 6 ' 01710 Examination and Preparation 3 01740 Cleaning .................................................. 2 01770 Closeout Procedures ........................... .. 2 01780 Closeout Submittals 6 01820 Demonstration and Training 3 02 SITE WORK ' 02050 ................................ Demolition .......... 15 02080 Asbestos Abatement ........................................ 32 02100 Site Preparation ............................................ 2 ' 02200 Excavating, Backfilling and Grading 10 02400 Asphalt Pavement ........................................... 5 02514 Concrete Sidewalks ......................................... 3 02516 Concrete Curbs and Gutters ................................... 3 ' 02622 Foundation Drainage ......................................... 3 02935 Sodding ................................................... 3 03 CONCRETE ' 03100 Formwork ................................................. 6 ' 09040-0000 Table Of Contents.wpd 2 P ' SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) age DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES , 03200 Concrete Reinforcement ........................... ........... 4 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete ............................ .......... 14 03362 Concrete Floor Sealing ............................ ........... 2 ' 04 MASONRY 04080 Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors .............. ........... 5 04200 Masonry ........................................ .......... 11 ' OS METALS 9 05120 Structural Steel .................................. ........... 05210 Steel Joists ..................................... ........... 5 , 05310 Steel Roof Deck ................................. ........... 5 05320 Steel Floor Deck ................................. ........... 6 05500 .Metal Fabrications ................................ .......... 13 ' O6 WOOD AND PLASTICS 06100 Rough Carpentry ................................. ........... 6 06200 Finish Carpentry ................................. ........... 06410 Cabinetwork .................................... 7 .......... 07 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07160 Sheet Vapour Retarders ........................... ........... 4 ' 07165 Bituminous Dampproofing .......................... ........... 3 07195 Air Barrier ...................................... ........... 5 5 07200 Building Insulation ................................ ........... 07218 Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation ............... ........... 5 07220 Standard Density Cementitious Fireproofing ........... ........... 7 07250 Fireproofing .................................... ............ 4 07270 Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals .................... ........... 10 ' 07410 Metal Cladding ................................. ............ 5 07425 Lightweight Steel Framing ......................... ............ 9 07500 Built Up Bituminous Roofing ....................... 1 ........... ' 07530 TPO Membrane Roofing .......................... ............ 5 07620 Metal Flashing and Trim .......................... ........... . 07800 Roof Specialties and Accessories ................... . l J i S ............ 2 ............ 5 07900 ers .................................. ea o nt 08 DOORS AND WINDOWS 08100 Hollow Metal Doors, Screens and Pressed Metal Frames ............ 7 ' 08343 Rolling Shutters ................................. ............ 2 08346 Rolling Metal Fire Doors .......................... ............ 4 08364 Sectional Metal Insulated Overhead Doors ............ ............ 5 08400 Aluminum Windows and Screens ................... ............ 9 ' 08425 Aluminum Skylights .............................. ............ 6 08460 Automatic Entrance Doors ........................ ............ 6 08710 Finishing Hardware .............................. ............ 2 , 08715 Automatic Door Operators ........................ ............ 5 08800 Glazing ....................................... ........... 10 08900 Aluminum Curtain Walls .......................... ........... 12 ' 09 FINISHES 10 09250 Gypsum Wallboard .............................. ........... 09310 Ceramic Wall and Floor Tile ....................... ............ 6 09500 Acoustical Ceilings .............................. ............ 5 ' 09651 Resilient Flooring ............................... ............ 5 09670 Athletic Rubber Tile .............................. ............ 5 09900 Painting ....................................... ........... 15 t 09040-0000 Table Of Contents wpd , u LJ SPECIFICATIONS -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 3 DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES 10 SPECIALTIES 10160 Compartments and Cubicles ................................ ... 4 10800 Washroom Accessories ................................... ... 5 10950 Miscellaneous Specialities ................................. ... 2 12 FURNISHINGS 12690 Foot Grilles and Mats ..................................... ... 4 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13180 Dasherboard Systems ..................................... .. 14 13185 Electric Vertical Lift Gates ................................. .... 6 15 MECHANICAL Mechanical General Requirements 15000 Mechanical Specifications Table of Contents .................. .... 2 15010 Mechanical General Provisions ............................. ... 29 15013 Mechanical Project Schedule Requirement ................... .... 2 15050 Start Up, Performance Tests & Mechanical System Commissioning .... 4 15060 Hangers and Supports ................................... .... 9 15065 Work Within Existing Buildings ............................. .... 5 15070 V Belts and Guards ...................................... .... 2 15075 Access Doors and Valve Boxes ............................ .... 5 15080 Thermometers and Pressure Gauges ....................... .... 4 15090 Identification ........................................... .... 5 Electrical Systems 15100 Variable Frequency Drives ................................. .. 12 15125 Electrical Heating Equipment .. 3 15150 Electric Heat Tracing ...................................... ... 3 ' 15170 Motors and Wiring Methods ................................ ... 4 Sound, Vibrati on and Seismic Control 15240 Sound Attenuation ........................................ ... 8 15241 Vibrationlsolation ........................................ ... 6 Mechanical In sulation ' 15260 15270 Thermal Insulation for Piping .............................. Thermal Insulation for Ducting 13 9 15280 Thermal Insulation for Equipment ............................ ... 6 Fire Protection ' 15305 Portable Fire Extinguishers ................................. ... 3 Plumbing ' 15411 15412 Domestic Water Supply Piping -Ductile Iron and PVC ............ Domestic Water Supply Piping -Copper ... 4 8 15413 Storm, Sanitary and Pumped Drainage Piping -Cast Iron, Copper .. ... 3 15415 Drainage & Vent Piping -Plastic ............................ .... 3 15430 Plumbing Specialties ................ . .......... . .......... .. 11 ' 15440 Plumbing Fixtures and Trim 13 15452 Pumps-Plumbing ....................................... ... 8 15455 Domestic Cold Water Storage Tanks for Potable Water Storage ... ... 4 ' 15460 Domestic Hot Water Heaters 8 15480 Domestic Water Treatment Package ........................ 5 Fuei Systems ' 15551 Piping, Valves and Fittings -Natural Gas ...................... ... 6 ' 09040-0000 Table Of Contents.wpd SPECIFICATIONS -TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4 DIVISION SECTION TITLE NO. OF PAGES , Heat Transfer Equipment 15621 Gas Fired Infrared Heaters ...................... .............. 2 ' Heat Transfer Piping and Accessories 15707 Refrigeration ................................ ............... 1 Air Distribution 15801 Ductwork -Low Pressure -Metallic up to 4" W.G .... ............... 8 ' 15811 Flexible Ductwork ............................ ............... 3 15820 Duct Accessories ............................ ............... 4 15825 Dampers -Balancing .......................... ............... 2 ' 15828 Acoustic Lining .............................. ............... 4 15831 Commercial Fans ............................ ............... 4 15832 Packaged RoofExhausters .................... ............... 2 15842 Custon Roof Mounted Air Handling Units D/X Cooling and Natural Gas Heating12 15851 Louvers,lntake and Vents ..................... ............... 2 15853 Dampers Operating ........................... ............... 3 15854 Dampers -Fire and Smoke ..................... ............... 5 , 15855 Filters ..................................... ............... 4 15875 Grilles, Registers & Diffusers ................... ............... 3 15881 Breeching and Chimneys ...................... ............... 4 ' Controls 15900 Controls System ............................. .............. 12 ' Sub Contractors 15950 Testing, Adjusting & Balancing (TAB) ............. ............... 6 Schedules ' 15999 Schedules, Table of Contents ................... ............... 1 Schedules .................................. .............. 17 , Appendices A Pre-Tender of Ice Rink Refrigeration System ....... .............. 30 ' End of Section 09040-0000 Table Of Contents wpd ' u ll ~~ SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO CCDC 2 STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT, 2008 The standard Construction Document CCDC 2 Stipulated Price Contract, 2008, English version, consisting of; the Agreement Between the Owner and Contractor, Definitions and General Conditions are hereby made part of these Contract Documents with amendments and additions as follows: ARTICLE A-5 PAYMENT 5.3 Interest Delete subsections .1 (1) & (2) in their entirety and replace with the following: 2. The prime rate shall be the rate of interest quoted by "RBC Royal Bank" (1) At prime rate per annum. 3. Add new paragraph as follows: 5.4 The Contractor shall have no claim for interest on invoiced amounts which have not been certified by the Consultant. ' ARTICLE A-6 RECEIPT OF AND ADDRESSES FOR NOTICES IN WRITING LJ Delete paragraph 6.1 in its entirety and replace with the new paragraph as follows: 6.1 Notices in Writing between the parties or between them and the Consultant, shall be considered to have been received by the addressee on the date of receipt if delivered by hand or by commercial courier or if sent during normal business hours by fax and addressed as set out below. Such Notices in Writing will be deemed to be received by the addressee on the next business day if send by fax after normal business hours or if sent by overnight commercial courier. Such Notices in Writing will be deemed to be received by the addressee on the fifth Working Day following the date of mailing, if sent by prepaid registered post, when addressed as set out below. An address for a party may be changed by Notice in Writing to the other parties setting out the new address in accordance with this Article. DEFINITIONS Add the following definition: 27. Submittals Submittals are documents or items required by the Contract Documents to be provided by the Contractor, such as; shop drawings, samples, models, mock-ups, manuals, etc. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE STIPULATED PRICE CONTRACT PART 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS , GC1.1 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ' 1. Add the following sentence at the end of paragraph 1.1.6: "Neither the ' organization nor the arrangement of the Contract Documents shall oblige the Consultant or the Owner to act as arbiter to establish limits of responsibility between the Contractor and the Subcontractors." ' 2. Add new subparagraph as follows: In case of discrepancies, noted materials and annotations shall , take precedence over graphic indications in the Contract Documents. 3. Delete paragraph 1.1.8 in its entirety and replace with the following: 1.1.8 The Owner shall provide the Contractor, without charge, a maximum of 15 , copies of the drawings and specifications to perform the Work. Should the Contractor require additional copies, they may be obtained at the Contractor's expense from the Owner" ' PART 2 ADMINISTRATION OF THE CONTRACT GC2.4DEFECTIVE WORK ' 1. Add new sub-paragraphs as follows: ' The Contractor shall rectify, in a manner acceptable to the Owner and the Consultant, all defective work and deficiencies throughout the , Work, whether or not they are specifically identified by the Consultant or the Owner. The Contractor shall prioritize the correction of any defective work ' which, in the sole discretion of the Owner, adversely affects the day to day operation of the Owner. , PART 3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK GC3.1 CONTROL OF THE WORK ' 1. Add new paragraph as follows: ' 3.1.3 Prior to commencing individual procurement, fabrication and construction activities, the Contractor shall verify, at the Place of ' the Work, all relevant measurements and levels necessary for the proper and complete fabrication, assembly and installation of the t Work and shall further, carefully compare such field measurements and conditions with the requirements of the Contract Documents. Where dimensions are not included or exact locations are not ' ' apparent, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Consultant in ' writing and obtain written instructions from the Consultant before proceeding with any part of the affected Work. t GC3.2 CONSTRUCTION BY OWNER OR OTHER CONTRACTORS 1. Delete paragraph in its entirety. ' 2. Add new paragraphs as follows: ' 3.2.7 Entry by the Owner's own forces and by other contractors shall not mean acceptance of the Work and shall not relieve the Contractor's responsibility to complete the Work. ' 3.2.8 Placing, installation, application, and connection of work by Owner's own forces or by other contractors on and to, the Work shall not ' relieve the Contractor's responsibility to provide and maintain the specified warranties. ' 3.2.9 Placing, installation, application and connection of work by Owner's own forces or by other contractors, shall not mean acceptance of the Work and shall not relieve the Contractor's responsibility as t Constructor for the project, including all requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. ' GC3.4000UMENT REVIEW 1. Delete paragraph 3.4.1 in its entirety and replace with the new paragraph ' as follows: 3.4.1 The Contractor shall review the Contract Documents and shall ' report promptly to the Consultant any error, inconsistency or omission the Contractor may discover. Such review by the Contractor shall comply with the standard of care described in ' paragraph 3.14.1 of the Contract. Except for its obligation to make such review and report the result, the Contractor does not assume any responsibility to the Owneror to the Consultant for the accuracy of the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall not be liable for damage or costs resulting from such errors, inconsistencies, or omissions in the Contract Documents, which the Contractor could ' not reasonably have discovered. If the Contractor does discover any error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected until the ' Contractor has received corrected or missing information, in writing, from the Consuttant. ' 2. Add new paragraph as follows: 3.4.2 If the Contractorfinds discrepancies in and/or omissions from the ' Contract Documents or has any doubt as to the meaning or intent of any part thereof, the Contractor must immediately notify the Consultant, who will provide written instructions or explanations. Neither the Owner nor the Consultant will be responsible for oral instructions. GC3.5 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Amend paragraph as follows: Replace "prior to the first application for payment" with "within 10 Working Days following execution of the Contract", Add new paragraph as follows: 3.5.2 If at any time it should appear to the Owner or the Consultant that the actual progress of the Work is behind schedule or is likely to become behind schedule, the Contractor shall take appropriate steps to cause the actual progress of the Work to conform to the schedule and shall produce and present to the Owner and the Consultant, a recovery plan demonstrating how the Contractor will achieve the recovery of the schedule. If the Contractor intends to apply for a change in the Contract Price in relation to a schedule recovery plan, the Contractorshall proceed in accordance with PART 6 -CHANGES IN THE WORK. GC3.6 SUPERVISION Add new paragraphs as follows: 3.6.3 The Contractors appointed representatives shall be satisfactory to the Owner and must be maintained on the job full time until all deficiencies have been corrected and completion of all Works under the Contract has been reached. Applications to replace any appointed representatives during the Work of this Contract or prior to completion will not be considered, except for valid reason. 3.6.4 The Owner may, at any time during the course of the Work, request the replacement of an appointed representative, where the grounds for the request involve conduct which jeopardizes the safety of the Owner's operations. Immediately upon receipt of the request, the Contractorshall make arrangements to appoint an acceptable replacement. GC3.7 SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS Add the following sentences to the end of paragraph 3.7.2: "In the event that the Contractorwishes to change any of such Subcontractors or Suppliers, the Contractorshall advise the Consultant in writing giving the reasons for the change. No change may be made without prior written approval of the Owner. Any change made by the Contractor without such approval may be considered a breach of the Contract." LJ CI', 1 1 1 1 1 ~l ' GC3.8 LABOUR AND PRODUCTS ' 1. Add new paragraph as follows: 3.8.4 The Contractorshall be responsible for the safe and reasonable on- site storage and protection of Products, including those supplied by the Owner, to the satisfaction of the Consultant. ' 3.8.5 "If the Contractor intends to obtain, manufacture or fabricate any part of the Products outside of Canada, the Contractor will arrange ' its shipping procedures so that its agent or representative in Canada is the importer of record for customs purposes." ' GC3.9 DOCUMENTS AT THE SITE 1. Amend paragraph 3.9.1 as follows: Add the following after the words ' "Contract Documents"...`including; Addenda, Bid Revisions, Change Orders, Change Directives, Supplemental Instructions,"... Submittals.. GC3.13 CLEAN-UP 1. Add new paragraph as follows: 3.13.4 The Owner shall have the right to back charge cleaning to the Contractor if not done by the Contractorwithin 24 hours of written ' notice from the Consultant or Owner ,to clean up. Add new General Conditions as follows: GC3.14 PERFORMANCE BY CONTRACTOR ' 3.14.1 In performing its services and obligations under the Contract, the Contractorshall exercise a standard of care, skill and diligence that would normally be provided by an experienced and prudent ' contractor supplying similar services for similar projects. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that throughout the Contract, ' the Contractor's obligations, duties and responsibilities shall be interpreted in accordance with this standard. The Contractorshall exercise the same standard of due care and diligence in respect of ' any Products, personnel, or procedures which it may recommend to the Owner. ' 3.14.2 The Contractorfurther represents, covenants and warrants to the Owner that: 1 the personnel it assigns to the Project are appropriately experienced; .2 it has sufficient staff of qualified and competent personnel to ' replace its appointed representatives, subject to the Owner's approval, in the event of death, incapacity, removal or resignation; and ' .3 there are no pending, threatened or anticipated claims that would have a material effect on the financial ability of the Contractor to perform its work under the Contract. .4 the Contractor's workload is not over extended such that would have an adverse effect on the Contractor's ability to perform its work under the Contract. GC3.15 RIGHT OF ENTRY 3.15.1 The Owner shall have the right to enter or occupy the Work in whole or in part for the purpose of placing fittings and equipment or for other uses before Substantial Performance of the Work, if, in the opinion of the Consultant and Contractor, such entry or occupation does not prevent or substantially interfere with the Contractor in completion of the Contract within the Contract Time. Such entry or occupation shall not be considered as acceptance of the Work, or in any way relieve the Contractorfrom responsibility to complete the Contract. PART 4 ALLOWANCES GC4.1 CASH ALLOWANCES 1. Delete paragraph 4.1.4 in its entirety and substitute the following: 4.1.4 Where costs under a cash allowance exceed the amount of the allowance, unexpended amounts from other cash allowances shall be reallocated at the Consultant's direction to cover the shortfall. 2. Delete paragraph 4.1.5 in its entirety and substitute new paragraph 4.1.5: 4.1.5. The net amount of any unexpended cash allowances, after providing for any re-allocations as contemplated in paragraph 4.1.4, shall be deducted from the Contract Price by Change Order. 2. Add new paragraph as follows: 4.1.8 The Owner reserves the right to call, or to have the Contractor call, for competitive Bids for portions of the Work to be paid for from Cash Allowances. GC4.2CONTINGENCY ALLOWANCE 1. Delete GC4.2 in its entirety. PART 5 PAYMENT GC5.1 FINANCING INFORMATION REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 1. Delete GC5.1 in its entirety. GC5.2 APPLICATIONS FOR PROGRESS PAYMENT 1. Add new paragraph as follows: ' 5.2.8 The second and all subsequent applications for payment made by ' the Contractor, Subcontractor, or Supplier shall include, without limitation, the following: ' 1 A Statutory Declaration CCDC 9A-2001 Document, amended as follows: 2. "........ by the said Contract relating to Payment Certificate ' No ,except the accounts listed on Schedule "A" attached hereto and holdback monies properly retained." ' .2 A "Certificate of Standing" from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board stating that the Contractor has complied with the requirements of the Workers Compensation Act and ' is in good standing as of the date of Certificate. GC5.3 PROGRESS PAYMENT ' 1. Delete sub-paragraph in its entirety and replace with the following: ' The Owner shall make payment to the Contractor on account as provided in Article A-5 of the Agreement -PAYMENT, on or before 35 calendar days after the issuance date of the t certificate of payment as issued by the Consultant. GC5.4 SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 1. Add the following to sub-paragraph after the word "why," "and provide a list of incomplete Work and deficiencies, if any, to the ' Contractor"... 2. Delete paragraph 5.4.3 in its entirety and replace with the following: ' 5.4.3 Upon receipt of the list of incomplete Work and deficiencies, the ' Contractor, must submit within five Working Days, written notification of any items which may not be completed due to climatic or other conditions reasonably beyond the control of the Contractor. The time period for completion of the balance of remaining Work shall not exceed 28 Working Days, commencing on the day following the date of issue by the Consultant, of the list of 1 incomplete Work and deficiencies, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Owner. Failure to complete this Work in the specified time period will place the Contractor in default of the Contract under the ' provisions of GC7.1.4. 5.4.4 The Contractor shall publish, in a construction trade newspaper in ' the area of the location of the Work, a copy of the Certificate of Substantial Performance of the Work within seven (7) days of receiving a copy of the Certificate signed by the Consultant, and the Contractor shall provide suitable evidence of the publication to the Consultant and Owner. If the Contractorfails to publish such notice, the Owner shall be at liberty to publish and back charge the Contractor its reasonable costs for doing so. 5.4.5 Prior to submitting its application for Substantia! Performance of the Work, the Contractor shall submit to the Consultant all: , .1 guarantees, .2 warranties .3 certificates ' .4 testing and balancing reports, .5 distribution system diagrams, 6 spare parts ' .7 maintenance manuals, And other materials or documentation required to be submitted under the Contract, together written proof acceptable to the Owner ' and the Consultant that the Work has been substantially performed in conformance with the requirements of municipal, government and utilities authorities having jurisdiction. ' 5.4.6 Where the Contractor is unable to deliver the documents and t materials described in paragraph 5.4.5, then, provided that none of the missing documents and materials interferes, in a material way, with the use and occupancy of the Work, failure to deliver shall not ' be grounds for the Consultant to refuse to certify Substantial Performance of the Work. Any documents or materials not delivered in accordance with paragraph 5.4.5 shall be delivered as ' provided in GC 5.7,paragraph 5.7.1. GC5.5 PAYMENT OF HOLDBACK UPON SUBSTANTIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK 1 Add new subparagraphs .3 and .4 of paragraph 5.5.1 as follows ' 3 submit a release letter, releasing the Owner from all further claims , relating to the Contract for all work performed up to and including the date of Substantial Performance of the Work. Such final claim shall itemize all outstanding and unsettled claims by the Contractor. ' .4 submit a satisfactory Certificate of Clearance from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB). , 2 Delete paragraph 5.5.2 and replace with the following: 5.5.2 After the receipt of an application for payment from the Contractor, and the submissions as required in paragraph 5.5.1, the Owner will issue a certificate for payment of the holdback amount. Delete paragraph 5.5.3 in its entirety. ' 4 Delete the first and second sentences in paragraph 5.5.4 and replace with , the following: The holdback amount authorized by the certificate for payment of the holdback amount is due and payable 30 calendar days following the ' GC5.6 1. ' 2 ~~ l.~ expiration of the holdback period stipulated in the lien legislation applicable to the Place of Work. PROGRESSIVE RELEASE OF HOLDBACK Renumber paragraphs 5.6.1, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 as paragraphs 5.6.2, 5.6.3 and 5.6.4 respectively. Add the following as paragraph 5.6.1: 5.6.1 Upon application by the Contractor for release of a Subcontractors or Supplier's holdback, the Contractor shall provide the Consultant with; the extent of all additions to, or deductions from, the Work of the Subcontractor or of the Supplier as a result of Change Orders or Change Directives, .2 a letter or certificate from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board stating that the Subcontractor or Supplier has paid all assessments to the Board up to the date of application for partial release of holdback covering the work of the Subcontractor or Supplier and, .3 a statutory declaration made by the Subcontractor or the Suonlier in the form of CCDC 9B-2001 Document." GC5.7 FINAL PAYMENT Amend paragraph 5.7.4 as follows: Remove "... no later than 5 calendar days after the issuance of a final certificate for payment..." and replace with "....on or before 30 calendar days after the issuance date of the final certificate for payment, as issued by the Consultant, ..." PART 6 CHANGES IN THE WORK GC6.4 CONCEALED OR UNKNOWN CONDITIONS Add new paragraph as follows: 6.4.5 The Contractor confirms, that prior to bidding the Project, it carefully investigated the Place of Work and applied to that investigation the degree of care and skill described in paragraph 3.14.1, given the amount of time provided between the issue of the bid documents and the actual closing of bids, the degree of access provided to the Contractor prior to submission of bid, and the sufficiency and completeness of the information provided by the Owner. The Contractor is not entitled to compensation or to an extension of the Contract Time for conditions which could reasonably have been ascertained by the Contractor by such careful investigation undertaken prior to the submission of the bid. GC6.SDELAYS ' 1. Delete the period at the end of paragraph 6.5.1 and add the following ' words: "..,but excluding any consequential, indirect or special damages." 2. Add new paragraph as follows: ' 6.5.6 If the Contractor is delayed in the performance of the Work by an act or omission of the Contractor or anyone employed or engaged ' by the Contracfordirectly or indirectly, or by any cause within the Contractors control, then the Contract Time shall be extended for such reasonable time as the Consultant may decide in consultation , with the Contractor. The Owner shall be reimbursed by the Contractorfor all reasonable costs incurred by the Owneras a result of such delay, including all services required by the Owner ' from the Consultant as a result of such delay by the Contractor and, in particular, the cost of the Consultants service during the period between the date of Substantial Performance of the Work stated in ' Article A-1 herein as the same may be extended through the provisions of these General Conditions and any later, actual date of Substantial Performance of the Work achieved by the Contractor. PART 7 DEFAULT NOTICE , GC7.2 CONTRACTOR'S RIGHT TO SUSPEND THE WORK OR TERMINATE THE CONTRACT ' 1. Delete paragraph in its entirety. 2. Delete sub-paragraph in its entirety and replace with new sub- , paragraph as follows: the Ownerfails to pay the Contractor when due the amount ' certified by the Consultant or awarded by arbitration or a Court, except where the Owner has a bona fide claim for set off, or ' 3. Delete from line 2 of subparagraph 7.2,3,4, the words, "OF THE OWNER". PART 8 DISPUTE RESOLUTION ' GC8.1 AUTHORITY OF THE CONSULTANT 1. Amend paragraph 8.1.2 to read as follows: ".... and paragraphs 8.2.3 to 8.2.15 of GC8.2... GC8.2 NEGOTIATION, MEDIATION, AND ARBITRATION 1. Add new paragraphs as follows: ' 8.2.9 Within 5 Working Days of receipt of the notice of arbitration by the ' responding parry under paragraph 8.2.6 the Owner and the Contractorshall give the Consultant a written notice containing: 1 a copy of the notice of arbitration .2 a copy of supplementary conditions 8.2.9 to 8.2.14 of this ' Contract, and; .3 any claims or issues which the Contractoror the Owner, as the case may be, wishes to raise in relation to the Consultant arising out of the issues in dispute in the arbitration. 8.2.10 The Owner and the Contractor agree that the Consultant ' may elect, within 10 Working Days of receipt of the notice under paragraph 8.2.9, to become a full party to the arbitration under ' paragraph 8.2.6 if the Consultant: 1 has a vested or contingent financial interest in the outcome of the arbitration; 2 gives notice of election to the Owner and the Contractor ' before the arbitrator is appointed; 3 agrees to be a party to the arbitration within the meaning of ' the rules referred to in paragraph 8.2.6, and 4 agrees to be bound by the arbitral award made in the ' arbitration 8.2.11 If the Consultant is not given the written notice required under paragraph 8.2.9, both the Owner and the Contractor are stopped from pursuing an action, counter claim or other proceeding or making an application against the Consultant arising out of the t issues in dispute in the arbitration between the Owner and the Contractor under paragraph 8.2.6 ' 8.2.12 If an election is made under paragraph 8.2.10, the Consultant may participate in the appointment of the arbitrator and, notwithstanding ' the rules referred to in paragraph 8.2.6, the time period for reaching agreement on the appointment of the arbitrator shall begin to run from the date the Owner issues or receives a copy of the notice of ' arbitration. 8.2.13 The arbitrator in the arbitration in which the Consultant has ' elected under paragraph 8.2.10 to become a full party may: .1 on application of the Owner or the Contractor, determine whether the Consuttant has satisfied the requirements of paragraph 8.2.10, and; ' .2 make any procedural order considered necessary to facilitate the addition of the Consultant as a party to the arbitration. , 8.2.14 The provisions of paragraph 8.2.9 shall apply mutatis mutandis to l tant. written notice to be given by the Consultant to any sub-consu ' 8.2.15 In the event of notice of arbitration given by a Consultant to a the sub-consultant is not entitled to any election sub-consultant , , with respect to the proceeding as outlined in 8.2.10, and is deemed to be bound by the arbitration proceeding ' GC8.3RETENTION OF RIGHTS 1. Add new paragraph as follows: , 8.3.3 If the Ownergives Notice in Writing described in paragraph 8.2.6 to have a dispute resolved by arbitration, the Contractor agrees that ' this paragraph 8.3.3 shall be construed as a formal consent to the stay of any lien proceedings until an award is rendered in the ' arbitration or such dispute is otherwise resolved between the parties. In no event shall the Contractor be deprived of its right to enforce its lien against the Project should the Ownerfail to satisfy ' any arbitral award against it in full on the dispute in respect of which the lien proceedings were commenced. Provided nothing in this paragraph 8.3.3 shall prevent the Contractor from taking the steps ' required by the Construction Lien Act to preserve and/or perfect a lien to which it may be entitled. ' PART 9 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY GC9.1 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY 1. Add new paragraphs as follows: l ace any 9.1.5 The Contractor shall not undertake to repair and/or rep damage whatsoever to adjoining property or acknowledge the same was caused or occasioned by the Contractor, without first ' consulting with the Owner and receiving written instructions as to the course of action to be followed. ' 9.1.6 Where there is danger to life or property, the Contractor may take such emergency action as is necessary to remove the danger and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Consultant, ' their agents and employees from and against claims, demands losses, costs, damages, actions, suits, or proceedings by third parties that arise out of, or are attributable to such action. ' ' PART 10 GOVERNING REGULATIONS ' GC10.1 TAXES AND DUTIES 1. Add new paragraph as follows: 10.1.3 All chargeable taxes on Goods/Services [Provincial Sales Tax (PST) and Goods and Services Tax (GST)], shall be representative of the current taxable rates as of the Official Closing Time and shall be included or shown separately, where applicable, ' on the Tender Form. As of July 1, 2010, the tax rate changes to the proposed ' Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), are expected to be implemented. When this occurs, if the Provincial Sales Tax (PST) was included in unit prices, stipulated prices or lump sum portions of the original ' costs, then the amount of 8% must be backed out of those portions and then the HST tax will be applied on invoices. Goods and Services Tax (GST), will no longer be shown as a separate line item, but will be included in the HST amount. Upon effect of the new HST, the Contractor will be required to show evidence of the PST values which were included in the original bid prices and applied to the Goods/Services but not yet billed to the Owner. Contractor shall provide such evidence to the Owner upon ' request and in a form acceptable to the Owner. For informaticn regarding the General Transitional Rules for ' Ontario HST, refer to the Ontario Ministry of Revenue website @ www. rev. gov. on.ca. ' GC10.2 LAWS, NOTICES, PERMITS AND FEES 1. Delete paragraph 10.2.2 in its entirety and replace with the following: 10.2.2 The Owner shall obtain and pay for the building permit, the ' development permit, servicing permit, permanent easements, and rights of servitude. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all other permits, licences, or certificates necessary for the performance of ' the Work and which relate to the Work which were in force at the date of bid closing. ' PART 11 INSURANCE AND CONTRACT SECURITY GC11.1 INSURANCE 1. Add the word "additional" to the first sentence of paragraph as follows: ' ......the Owner and the Consultant as "additional" insureds...... 2. Delete the first sentence of paragraph and replace with the following: "Broad form" property insurance in the name of the Contractor, with the Owner and Consultant included as additional insured. Broad form property insurance shall include flood coverage. 3. Delete the first sentence of paragraph and replace with the following: Boiler and machinery insurance in the name of the Contractor, with the Owner and Consultant included as additional insureds. 4. Delete 11.1.3 in its entirety. 5. Add new paragraphs as follows: 11.1.9 The Contractor shall provide and maintain in full force and effect, a Wrap Up Liability Insurance policy: 1 Including the Owner, Consultant and all Subcontractors as additional insureds and which shall extend to cover the employees of the insureds hereunder, containing a clause to provide that the inclusion of more than one insured shall in no way effect the rights of any insured with respect to any claim, demand, suit or judgement made against any other insured. Each party shall receive a certified copy of this policy. .2 Providing for a combined single limit of five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) for each occurrence of accident. 3 Providing coverage for damage due to bodily injury, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons or because of injury to, or destruction of property caused by an occurrence of accident arising out of any operations in connection with this Contract, subject to all exclusions set forth in the said policy. .4 Including coverage for tortuous liability, Owners or Contractor's Protective Liability, Products or Completed Operations Liability, Contractual Liability and Employers Liability. .5 Providing for extension of such coverage to non-owned licensed motor vehicles used in connection with the Work. Such coverage may be provided by separate policies. .6 Providing for coverage during the period of these Contractual Documents including a maintenance period of 24 months. ' 11.1.10 Insurance policies shall be primary coverage pursuant to ' which the insurer is acting as first loss insurer against the risk covered and not excess to any other insurance available to the additional named insureds. ' GC11.2 CONTRACT SECURITY ' 1. Add new paragraphs as follows: 11.2.3 The bonds shall cover payment of all obligations placed upon the ' Owner as a result of the Contractor's default, including: 1 payment of all legal, architectural, mechanical, electrical and ' structural engineering expenses incurred by the Owner in determining the extent of the work performed and Work yet to be performed, including without limitation, any additional Work required as a result of the interruption of the Work and, .2 payment of any additional expenses reasonably incurred by ' the Owner in the form or site security services, light, heat, power, etc., payable over the period between the default of the original Contract and commencement of a new contract. 11.2.4 No claims for additional bonding will be considered unless such additional bonding has been approved by the Owner. ' PART 12 INDEMNIFICATION, WAIVER OF CLAIMS AND WARRANTY ' GC12.11NDEMNIFICATION ' 1. Delete the last sentence of paragraph 12.1.1. END OF SECTION i 1 1 1 1 ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01110 ' SUMMARY OF WORK Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Title and Description of Work. B. Work by Others. ' C. Pre-tendered Work. D. Partial Owner Occupancy. E. Contractor Use of Premises. ' F. Work by Owner. G. Owner Furnished Items. H. Site Reference and Documentation. ' I. Owner. 1.02 TITLE AND DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work otthis Contract comprises Additions and Renovations to the Darlington Sports Centre, ' 2276 Taunton Road, Hampton Ontario for the Municipality of Clarington. 1. Selective demolition. 2. Hazardous materials abatement in accordance with specification Section 02080. 3. Site works and landscaping. ' 4. New addition and renovations at lobby/concession areas including new barrier free accessibilty upgrades. 5. New ice resurfacer room addition. ' 6. Dampproofing of exterior basement foundation walls. 7. Replace rink slab 8. Replace dasherboard system with electric lift gate. ' 9. Renovations and upgrades to arena dressing rooms, officials rooms, and first aid rooms. 10. Painting of interior walls and surfaces as indicated. 11. New flooring as indicated. 12. Painting of exterior walls. 13. Repair and replacement of roofing as indicated. ' 14. Mechanical. 15. Electrical. 16. Replace refrigeration plant and piping including upgrades to existing machine room (Pretendered item to be assigned to the General Contract). B. Scope of work is indicated in the Contract Documents. ' 1.03 PRE-TENDERED WORK A. The Owner has pre-tendered the Refrigeration System. Therefrtgerationsupplierwillbeassigned ' to the General Contractor as a normal subtrade. B. Drawings and Specifications for previously tendered Sections of the Work are available from the Municipality for information. ' C. The following items are specifically listed as exclusions in the pre-tendered refrigeration system specifications and are to be included in the scope of work of the General Contract: 1. Cutting, patching, sleeving, sealing and fireproofing of floor, wall and ceiling openings for all refrigeration system piping and/or conduits. 2. All trenching, backfilling and compaction for any buried portions of refrigeration system piping. ' 3. Temporary lighting, heating, 120V power and water. Should the refrigeration contractor require additional light heat or power it shall be provided in order to c m l t hi k , , p o e e s wor . ' aeoao-oiiiawPa DIVISION 1 , SECTION 01110 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 4. Apermanentwatersupplyshallbeavailablefortherinkfloorpipingsystempressuretest ' 5. and concrete rink floor pour. Refrigeration Compressor Room to be constructed in accordance with current edition of 1 the CSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. 6. Refrigeration Compressor Roomexhaustandfreshairmake-up tomeetthecurrentCSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. 7. Heat for Refrigeration Compressor Room to maintain minimum 125°C room temperature. , Open flame heater is not acceptable. 8 Cold water service with valved back flow preventer inside the Refrigeration Compressor . Room for initial system filling. , 9. Removal of existing concrete housekeeping pads and the forming and pouring of new level concrete housekeeping pads for new refrigeration equipment. 10. Floor drains in Refrigeration Compressor Room. rtin the i 11. g ers suppo Repairs or replacement (as required) of the existing concrete p ' 12. outdoor evaporative condenser. Minimum 3" (75mm) of extruded polystyrene board insulation, installed in two layers with staggered joints. 13. 6 mil polyethylene slip sheet over insulation. ' 14. 5" reinforced concrete slab including concrete, rebar and/or welded wire mesh. 15. Ice paint, logos and first ice installation (by Owner). ANCY ' 1.04 PARTIAL OWNER OCCUP A. Owner, or other contractors or suppliers retained by the Owner, may occupy areas during the course of the work for the purpose of installation of fixtures, furnishings and equipment. ' B. The existing parking lot beyond the work area limits and the adjacent playing fields will remain in use by the Owner and the public throughout the construction period. ' C. Contractor will be the "Constructor" as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Acton this project and will be solely responsible for all persons on the Site including Owner and contractors or suppliers retained by the Owner. , 1.05 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES A. Contractor will have unrestricted use of the site until Substantial Performance except as ' noted above. 1.06 WORK BY OWNER ' A. The Owner will arrange the following work to be completed by others: 1. Supply and installation of Commercial Kitchen equipment in the Servery except as noted on the drawings. ' 2. Supply and installation of signage. 3. Painting of rink slab and game lines and first ice installation. 1.07 OWNER FURNISHED ITEMS , A. Following items will be supplied by the Owner for installation by the Contractor: 1. Washroom accessories where indicated in Section 10800. 2. Any other items specifically mentioned in the Contract Documents. ' 3. Existing rink safety netting for reuse where indicated. 09040-01110 wpd ' ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01110 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 3 1.08 SITE REFERENCE AND DOCUMENTATION ' A. Obtain from the Owner and be familiar with all available reference material and historic documentation for the building site, including, but not limited to: t 1. Original Building Drawings (partial set, not "as-built") "Community Centre for the Town of Newcastle", dated January 1974. 2. Designated Substances Survey, Darlington Sports Centre-Taunton Road, Hampton Ontario by Golder Associates, report No. 09-1187-0125 dated August 24, 2009. ' B. Maintain a copy of all reference materials and documents on site for the duration ofthe Work. C. No claims for extras or for delay will be considered due to the contractor's failure to fully ' apprise himself of the condition of the site prior to commencement of the work. 1.09 OWNER A. The Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario ' L1C 3A6 (905)-623-3379 ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT USED PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED ' End of Section n t ' osoao-on~a.wPa DIVISION 1 SECTION 01111 LIST OF CONSULTANTS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 CONSULTANTS A. ARCHITECT: Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited 250 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1 N OG5 Tel: (905) 666-5252 Fax: (905) 666-5256 Attention: Mr. Chris Earle, MAATO ' B. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited 250 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N OG5 Tel: (905) 666-5252 Fax: (905) 666-5256 Attention: Mr. Chris Earle, MAATO ' C. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited 250 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1N OG5 ' Tel: (905) 666-5252 Fax: (905) 666-5256 Attention: Mr. Chris Earle, MAATO ~~ D. MECHANICAL ENGINEER Crossey Engineering Limited, 2255 Sheppard Avenue East Suite E-331 Toronto, Ontario, M2J 4Y1 Tel: (416)497-3111 Fax: (416) 497-7210 Attention: Mr. Louis Comeau, C.E.T. E. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER: Kirkland Engineering Ltd. 294 Rink Street Peterborough Ontario K9J 2K2 Tel: (705) 745-2831 Fax: (705)741-1526 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT USED Attention: Mr. Mike McPhail, B.Sc. t PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 NOT USED End of Section ' 09040-01111.wpd i PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES DIVISION 1 SECTION 01115 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. General Requirements B. Specification Format C. Co-operation D. Cutting and Patching E. Closing Off Areas F. Verification G. Ownership of Materials H. Use of Drawings 1.02 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Unless specified otherwise, the provisions of all Sections of Division 1 shall apply to all Sections of the specifications. B. Conform to the GeneralConditionsoftheCanadianStandardConstructionDocumentCCDC 2, 2008 Stipulated Price Contract, and the Supplementary Conditions. C. StudyallContractDocumentstodetermineadditionalworkrequiredbyyourSectiononwhich the work of other Sections depend. D. Workmanship shall be of highest quality in accordance with best standard practice for this type of work, except where specified more precisely. E. All materials shall be exactly as specified or approved alternate. 1.03 SPECIFICATION FORMAT 1.04 A. These specifications are not intended as a detailed description of installation methods but serve to indicate particular requirements in the completed work. B. The Specification format is based on the Uniform Construction Index (U.C.I.) and the three part format of the Canadian National Master Specification. It is the contractors sole responsibility to provide all Work indicated in the Contract Documents. C. Separation of materials and products by Section, does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to coordinate and complete all Sections of the Work in its entirety, and in accordance with the Contract Documents. A. Cooperate with and coordinate with other trades as required for the satisfactory and expeditious completion of the work. Take field dimensions relative to this work. Fabricate and erect work to suit field dimensions and field conditions. Provide all forms, templates, anchors, sleeves, inserts and accessories required to be fixed to or inserted in the work and set in place or instruct the related trades as to their location. Pay the cost of extra work caused by and make up time lost as the result of failure to provide the necessary cooperation, information or items to be fixed to or built in. 09040-01115.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01115 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Page 2 ' B. Cooperate fully with, and provide assistance to, all outside authorities including Building Inspectors, testing agencies and Consultants, with the inspection of the work. , 1.05 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cut, patch and make good to leave work in a finished condition. ' B. Do cutting and patching in the following manner: 1. Regardless of which Subcontractor or Section of the specifications is responsible for ' any portion of cutting and patching work, in each case tradesmen qualified in the work being cut and patched shall be employed to ensure that it is correctly done. 2. Do not cut, drill or sleeve load-bearing members without first obtaining Consultant's t written authority for each condition. 3. Drill work carefully, leaving clean hole not larger than required. 4. Cut holes after they are located by trades requiring them. 5. Make cuts with clean, true, smooth edges. Fit units to tolerances established and ' in conformance with best standard practice for applicable class of work. Make patches invisible in finished work. 6. Co-ordinate work of all Sections, taking into account existing installations to assure best arrangement of components in available space. For critical locations review ' with Consultant before commencing work. 7. Coordinate with applicable specification sections to ensure that all penetrations of fire rated assemblies are firestopped. , 8. Provide sleeves as specified in technical specifications at all penetrations through building elements. 9. Bidders shall review in particular, the requirements for Refrigeration systems as specified elsewhere and shall include costs for all cutting and patching required for ' installation of refrigeration systems in the Stipulated Lump Sum price. 1.06 CLOSING OFF AREAS , A. Close off access routes by placing barricades or to prevent unauthorized personnel from having access to areas of the work. Unauthorized personnel shall mean anyone not directly ' concerned with the execution, supervision or inspection of the work. 1.07 1.08 VERIFICATION A. Carefully check the drawings and specifications and bring to the attention of the Consultant any apparent discrepancies or dimensional errors before proceeding with the work. Any deviation from the specifications and drawings shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant far decision before proceeding with the work. Check and verify all dimensions at the job site. B. All dimensions when pertaining to the work of other trades shall be verified with the ' Contractor concerned prior to start of the work. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS A. All work or material delivered on the site or premises to form part of the works, shall be considered the property of the Contractor until installed and shall not be removed without the consent of the Owner, but the Contractor shall have the right to and shall remove the surplus material after he has completed the work. 1 09040-01115.wptl ' ' DIVISION i SECTION 01115 ' GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Pa e 3 B. All excess or un-used materials shall be removed from the Owner's property. 1.09 USE OF DRAWINGS A. Copies of architectural and structural "issued for construction" drawings in digital format will ' be made available for the contractors use under the following conditions: 1. BBA is paid a lump sum fee of $2,500.00 for architectural and structural drawings 2. Copyright remains with BBA. 3. The drawings will only be used in the preparation of shop drawings for this project and not be put to any other use. 4. BBA assumes no liability for errors or omissions in the drawings. The Contractor assumes all risk and expenses associated with the use of drawings in the production of his work. 5. References to BBA and other Consultants must be deleted from the title block. 6. The Contractor signs a release available from BBA that addresses the above items in more detail. (Sample attached as Appendix'A') B. Arrangements for use of sub-consultant drawings must be made with the appropriate sub- consultant. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT USED PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED End of Section L-1 1 ' 09040-011 t5 wpd ' APPENDIX A fo Secfion 01115 SAMPLE AUTHORIZATION TO USE BARRY•BRYAN ASSOCIATES (1991) LIMITED (BBA) CAD DRAWING FILES FOR SHOP DRAWING PREPARATION [DATE] ' [CONTRACTOR'S COMPANY ADDRESS CITY, PROVINCE POSTAL CODE] Attention: [INSERT CONTACT NAME] At your request, we will provide electronic files far your convenience and use in the preparation of your shop drawings for The Darlington Sports Centre, Municipality of Clarington, BBA Project No. 09040 subject to the following terms and conditions: Our electronic files are compatible with [AutoCAD 2000/2004 (")j. We make no representation as to ' the compatibility of these files with your hardware or your software beyond the specified release of the referenced specifications. Data contained on these electronic files are part of our instruments of service, and at all times remain the exclusive property of Barry-Bryan Associates (1991) Limited and copyright is reserved. The electronic files shall not be used by you for any purpose other than as a convenience in the preparation of your shop drawings for the referenced project. You further agree not to transfer these electronic files to others without the prior written consent of Barry-Bryan Associates (1991) Limited. Any other use or reuse by you or by others will be at your sole risk and without liability or legal exposure to us. You agree to make no claim and hereby waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any claim or cause of action ' of any nature against us, our officers, directors, employees, agents or other project consultants that may arise out of or in connection with your use of the electronic fifes. Furthermore, you shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify and hold us harmless against ' all damages, liabilities or costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and defence costs, arising out of or resulting from your use of these electronic files, or from the use by others, should they have obtained them from you. These electronic files are not construction documents. Differences may exist between these electronic files and corresponding hard-copy construction documents. We make no representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the electronic files you receive. In the event that a conflict arises between ' the hard-copy construction documents prepared by us and the electronic files, the hard-copy construction documents shall govern. You are responsible for determining if any conflict exists. ' Due to the nature of the design and construction process, the drawings on these electronic files may not be fully coordinated, may change, and may not incorporate revisions, change orders, or addenda. By your use of these electronic files, you are not relieved of your duty to fully comply with the contract documents, including, and without limitation, the need to check, confirm and coordinate all dimensions ' and details, take field measurements, verify field conditions and coordinate your work with that of other contractors for the project. Because information presented on the electronic files can be modified, unintentionally or otherwise, we require all indications of our ownership and/or involvement be removed from each electronic display. We will furnish you electronic files upon your written request. ' 11Server_nt12 0 0 9109 0 4 0 Datlington Sports Centre16.1 Bitl Documents109040-01115 Appendix BBA Release Forth -Shop Drawings wpd The Darlington Sports Centre for the Municipality of Clarington Date Recipients Company Name ' BBA Project No.09040 ' Page 2 Under no circumstances shall delivery of the electronic files for use by you be deemed a sale by us, and we ' make no warranties, either express or implied, of merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall we be liable for any loss of profit or any consequential damages as a result of your use or reuse of these electronic files. ' Barry-Bryan Associates (1991) Limited \1Server_nP2009109040 Darlington Sports Centrel6.1 Bid Documents10 9040-011 1 5 Appendix BBA Release Form -Shop Drawings.wpd [CONTRACTOR NAME AND FIRM NAME] il~ 1 L~ LJ 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01112 LIST OF DRAWINGS Dwg. No. '. .Title Issue No. ;. Rev. - ^r. No. -Issue Date _ ARCHITECTURAL: -- Cover Sheet 1 - Februa 16,2010 A001 Fire Se aration Plans 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A100 Site Demolition Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A101 Site Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A200 Lower Level Demolition Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A201 Ground Floor Demolition Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A202 Overall Lower Level Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A203 Overall Ground Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A204 Overall Roof Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A205 Reflected Ceilin Basement Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A206 Reflected Ceilin Ground Floor Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A207 Roof Plan Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A208 Enlar ed Floor Plans 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A301 Elevations 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A401 Buildin Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A501 Wall Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A502 Wall Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A503 Wall Sections 2 - February 16, 2010 A504 Wall Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A601 Plan Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A801 Room Finish Schedule 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A802 Door and Glazin Schedules 2 - Februa 16, 2010 A901 Millwork Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 STRUCTURAL: 5101 General Notes and Abbreviations 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S102 T ical Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S103 T ical Details 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S201 Partial Foundation Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S202 Partial Roof Framin Plan 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S501 Foundation Sections 2 - Februa 16, 2010 S801 Schedules 2 - Februa 16, 2010 INECHANICAL: M-001 Mechanical Legend and Drawing List, Mechanical General 1 - February 16, 2010 M-201A Lower Level New Layout-P&D Plumbing & Drains a New La out 1 - February 16, 2010 M-201A-D Lower Level Demolition Layout -P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-201 B Lower Level New Layout-P&D Plumbing & Draina a New La out 1 - February 16, 2010 M201 B-D Lower Level Demolition Layout -P&D Plumbing 8 Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-202A Main Level New Layout-P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-202A-D Main Level Demolition Layout -P&D Plumbing & Drains e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-2028 Main Level New Layout-P&D Plumbing & Drains e 1 - February 16, 2010 9040-011 t 2 wptl 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01112 LIST OF DRAWINGS Dwg;.No. Title - Issue No. Rev. No. Issue Date. M-2028-D Main Level Demolition Layout -P&D Plumbing & Draina e 1 - February 16, 2010 M-203-D Roof Level Part Plans Plumbing and Drainage Demolition and New 1 - February 16, 2010 M-401 A Lower Level Floor Plan New la out HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-401A-D Lower Level Floor Plan Demolition La out HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-401 B Lower level New La out -HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-401 B-D Lower level Demolition La out -HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-402 Main Level New La out-HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-402-D Main Level Demolition La out-HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-403 Roof Level New La out-HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-403-D Roof level Demolition La out-HVAC 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-501 Refrigeration Room Demolition & New Equipment La out 1 - February 16, 2010 M-502 Cold Glycol Piping & Details Layout Within Existin Header Trench 1 - February 16, 2010 M-503 Refrigeration System Refrigeration Piping Schematic 1 - February 16, 2010 M-601 Part Plans -P&D and HVAC Mechanical 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-602 Part Plans 2-P&D and HVAC Mechanical 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-701 Domestic Cold Water and Hot Water Schematics 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-702 Demolition & New Natural Gas Schematics 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-801 Details 1 Mechanical Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-802 Details 2 Mechanical Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 M-803 Details 3 Mechanical Details 1 - Februa 16, 2010 ELECTRICA L: ` E1 Existin Sin le Line Dia ram 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E2 Pro osed Sin le Line Dia ram 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E3 Ground level Power Plan 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E4 Li htin La out 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E5 Fire Alarm Plan 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E6 Schedules 1 - Februa 16, 2010 E7 Le end & S ecification 1 - Februa 16 2010 End of Section oeoaa-oiiiz.wPa LJ lJ LJ Il DIVISION 1 SECTION 01200 ' SITE ADMINISTRATION Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES ' A. Pre-construction meeting. B. Site meetings. C. Supervision. D. Documents on site. ' 1.02 REFERENCES ' A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-2008 ,Stipulated Price Contract including the Supplementary Conditions. 1.03 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING ' A. Immediately prior to construction and upon notification, attend where directed by the Owner, pre-construction meeting along with representatives of major subcontractors as requested by the Consultant and Owner. B. Purpose of the meeting will be as follows: 1. Review communication procedures. ' 2. Review contract administration requirements including submittals, payment and change notice procedures. 3. Review construction schedule and identify critical dates and points in the ' schedule. 4. Review construction constraints including owners and public access to the site. 5. Review procedures for independent Inspection and Testing. 6. Identify product availability problems and substitution requests. 7. Establish site arrangements and temporary facilities. 8. Review any items requiring clarification. 9. Review all historic documents and reference material related to the condition of t the building site. 10. Review designated substances report and requirements for abatement of deignated substances as specified in Section 02080. 1.04 SITE MEETINGS A. Prior to commencement of the Work, the Contractor together with the Owner and Consultant, shall mutually agree on a schedule for on site project meetings. B. Organize, schedule and administer all necessary meetings. Ensure that persons whose presence is required are in attendance and that relative information is available to allow meetings to be conducted efficiently. C. The Consultant will prepare agenda and record minutes of each project meeting and will promptly distribute copies to be received by all participants and affected parties not in attendance not later than four days after meeting. D. Meetings shall be held bi-weekly unless mutually agreed otherwise. ' E. Additional trade specific "pre-construction meetings" will be held as required by the various Sections of the specifications. ' osoao-oizoo wPa I_I DIVISION 1 , SECTION 01200 SITE ADMINISTRATION Page 2 ' 1.05 SUPERVISION A. Employ an experienced and qualified superintendent who shall devote his time exclusively ' to the work of this Contract and who shall be in complete charge of the work from commencement until Total Completion. A working foreperson will not be acceptable. ' The superintendent shall not be changed after commencement of the work without approval of the Consultant and the Owner. B. Supervise, direct, manage and control the work of all forces carrying out the work, including contractors and suppliers. Carry out daily inspections by the Contractor's forces ' to ensure compliance with the Contract Documents and the maintenance of quality standards. Ensure that the inspectors employed are personnel competent in inspecting the work of the mechanical and electrical trades. ' 1.06 DOCUMENTS ON SITE A. Contractors field office shall at all times contain a compete set of Contract Documents ' including: 1. Contract Drawings. ' 2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Reviewed Shop Drawings. 5. Samples. ' 6. Hardware and colour schedules. 7. Progress reports. 8. Supplementallnstructions. , 9. Change Orders 10. Change Directives and logs. 11. Inspection and Test reports 12. Meeting minutes. ' 13. All as-built record documents related to the building site and work including drawings provided by the Owner. ti rt i l i ' on repo s pa nspec B. Maintain approved building permit drawings and all related munic on site at all times. C. Maintain a copy of the current Ontario Building Code (O.Reg. 350106) including ' Supplements, the Canadian Electrical Code, The Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Environmental Protection Act, the Ontario Fire Code and all other applicable legislated or referenced standards. , D. Maintain a copy of the Contractor's approved Fire Safety Plan, Waste Management Plan and Corporate Health & Safety Policy. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE ' PART 3: EXECUTION NOT APPLICABLE ' End of Section 09040-01200.wpd ' ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS Pa e 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1 01 SEC TION INCLUDES . ' A. B. Connecting to existing services. Scheduling requirements. C. Owners access. ' 1.D2 RELATED WORK A. Summary of Work Section 01110 B. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 1.03 EXISTING SERVICES ' A. Where Work involves breaking into or connecting to existing services, carry out Work at times directed by authorities having jurisdiction, with minimum of disturbance to pedestrian and vehicular traffic and to ongoing operations at the Darlington Sports Centre. Schedule disruptions to services in consultation with the Owner and complete such work in off-hours ' when necessary. B. Obtain information on known underground services from local utilities C. . Construct barriers in accordance with Section 01560 -Temporary Barriers and Enclosures 1.04 SCHEDULING REQUIREMENTS A . Refer to scheduling requirements for occupied and partially occupied spaces in Section 01110. ' B. Work shall be scheduled by the Contractor. C. Working hours shall be in accordance with local by-laws and ordinances where applicable ' D . P rf ll . orm a e work on a Monday to Saturday basis between the hours of 7:00 am and 6.00 pm., and on Sundays between the hours of 12.00 noon and 6.00 pm, unless otherwise directed ' or approved by the Municipality of Clarington E. Refrain from work on Statutory Holidays recognized by the Municipality of Clarington unless otherwise authorized. ' F Th M i i li . e un c pa ty of Clarington may require that work hours may be restricted by ongoing programming in the Darlington Sports Centre and adjacent playing fields and will work with the Contractor to minimize any disruptions to the construction schedule. G. Provide all necessary protection including access routes for the public, to existing facilities at all times. ' H A written r d id tif i . p oce ure en y ng all the work and detailed timing must be submitted by the Contractor for approval by the Consultant and Owner. All necessary governing authority ' approvals must be obtained and included with the proposed work plan submission. ' 09040-01140.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01140 WORK RESTRICTIONS Page 2 I. Provide all labour, material and equipment necessary to meet the schedule. J. Work on-site may commence prior to the closure of the Darlington Sports Centre provided such work is completed outside of the existing building and in no way affects or disrupts operations and programming at the Darlington Sports Centre including access to the site or building and disconnection or disruption of services. This work may include site set-up, excavation and foundation work at the north end addition, excavation and waterproofing of existing exterior foundation walls etc. All such work must be pre-approved by the Municipality of Caarington, and all necessary safety precautions must be in place before commencement. 1.05 OWNERS ACCESS A. Refer to Section 01110. B. Maintain access to driveways and parking areas at all times during construction. C. Provide access for other contractors or suppliers when required by the Owner. D. Maintain access to site as required for emergency services personnel. E. Access to the site and parking areas including access to the adjacent soccer fields must remain open to the public at all times during construction. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section osoao-ai i aa.wPa ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01210 ALLOWANCES Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cash Allowances. 1.02 REFERENCES ' A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC2-2008 ,Stipulated Price Contract including the Supplementary Conditions. ' 1.03 CASH ALLOWANCES A. Refer to General Conditions, GC4.1. B. Unless otherwise specified, Cash Allowances shall cover the cost of the materials and equipment delivered F.O.B. job site, and all applicable taxes, except Goods and Services Tax. The Contractor's handling costs on the site, labour, installation costs, overhead and profit and other expenses shall be included separately in the Stipulated Price and not in t the Cash Allowance. C. Where it is specified that a Cash Allowances is to include both supply and installation costs, such allowances shall cover the cost of the materials and equipment delivered and ' unloaded at the site, all applicable taxes and the contractor's handling costs on the site, labour and installation costs and other expenses, except overhead and profit which shall D be included separately in the Stipulated Price. If th f . e cost o the Work covered by Cash Allowances, when determined, is more or less than the allowance, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly. ' E. In the event that the cost of the work covered by Cash Allowances should exceed the cash allowance, while the contract sum will be adjusted in conformity therewith, there shall be no adjustment to the Contractor's tee or other expenses such as overhead or ' profit, it being understood and agreed that the contract sum includes the Contractor's expenses and profit for all Cash Allowances whether or not they are exceeded. ' F. Progress payments on accounts of work authorized under Cash Allowances shall be included in monthly certificate for payment. G. Expenditures from Cash Allowances shall be authorized by Change Directive or Change Order. H. Cash Allowance for independent inspection and testing shall cover the cost of such services as provided by independent testing agency only. The Contractor's cost for ' labour, overhead and other expenses shall be included separately in the Stipulated Price and not in the Cash Allowance. ' I. Cause the work covered by Cash Allowances to be performed for such amounts and by such persons as the Consultant may select and direct or as required by the project drawings and specifications. J. Refer to Instructions to Bidders, for list of Cash Allowances. ' 09040-012W.wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01210 ALLOWANCES Page 2 1.04 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CASH ALLOWANCES A. Cash Allowances for Mechanical and Electrical work are specified in Division 15 and 16 ' respectively unless specifically mentioned in the Instructions to Bidders. B. Cash Allowances for Mechanical and Electrical work shall be subject to the terms and , conditions of this Section. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01210 wpd L I1 1 t I I I I 1 ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01320 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 SECTION INCLUDES . ' A. Schedules required. B. Schedule format. C. Cash flow schedule. D. Critical path scheduling. E. Submittal schedule. ' F. Schedule submission. G. Schedule revisions. ' H. Progress photographs. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE ' A. Closeout Procedures Section 01770 1.03 SCHEDULES REQUIRED ' A. Submit schedules as follows: 1. Construction Progress Schedule. 2. Submittal Schedule for Shop Drawings and Product Data . 3. Submittal Schedule for Samples. ' 4. Product Delivery Schedule. 5. Cash Allowance Schedule. 6. Cash Flow Schedule in format acceptable to Owner ' 1 04 . SCHEDULE FORM . AT ' A. Prepare schedules in form of a horizontal bar chart. B. Provide a separate bar for each major item of work, trade or operation. ' C. Split horizontally for projected and actual pertormance. D. Provide horizontal time scale identifying first work day of each week. E. Format for listings: chronological order of start of each item of work. F. Identification of listings: Systems description. ' 1 05 CASH FLOW SCHEDULE . ' A. Cash Flow Schedule shall indicate monthly projected expenditures, and shall be adjusted monthly to reflect actual approved amounts. 1.06 CRITICAL PATH SCHEDULING ' A. Include complete sequence of construction activities. t B. Include dates for commencement and completion of each major element of construction. ' 09040-01320.wptl DIVISION 1 , SECTION 01320 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION Page 2 C. Show projected percentage of completion of each item as of first day of month. D. Indicate progress of each activity to date of submission schedule. E. Show changes occurring since previous submission of schedule: 1. Major changes in scope. ' 2. Activities modified since previous submission. 3. Revised projections of progress and completion. 4. Other identifiable changes. ' F. Provide a written narrative report to define: 1. Problem areas, anticipated delays, and impact on schedule. 2. Corrective action recommended and its effect. ' 3. Effect of changes on schedules of other contractors or parties. 1.07 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE , A. Include separate schedule for submitting shop drawings, product data, and samples. B. Indicate dates for submitting, review time, re-submission time, last date for meeting fabrication schedule. C. Include dates when reviewed submittals will be required from Consultant. Allow a minimum ' of 15 (fifteen) working days for circulation and review of all submittals. D. Include timing for review or coordination of submittals by other trades where applicable. 1.08 SCHEDULE SUBMISSION ' A. Submit initial format of schedules within 15 working days after award of Contract. ' B. Submit schedules in electronic format, using Microsoft MS Project software, forward through e-mail to the consultant as .pdf files. C. Submit four (4) coloured reproductions, plus two (2) copies to be retained by Consultant . , D. Consultant will review schedule and return reviewed copy within ten (10) days after receipt. ' E. Resubmit finalized schedule within 7 days after return of review copy and prior tc the first application for payment. F. Instruct recipients to report to Contractor within 10 days, any problems anticipated by timetable shown in schedule. G. Distribute copies of revised schedule to: ' 1. Consultant 2. Owner 3. Job site office. 4. Subcontractors. , 5. Other concerned parties. 09040-01320 wpd , DIVISION 1 SECTION 01320 CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS DOCUMENTATION Pa e 3 1.09 SCHEDULE REVISIONS A U date schedules monthl . p y. ' B. Submit revised progress schedule with each application for payment. C. Ensure that a current and up to date schedule is available for reference at each site meeting. 1.10 PROGRESS PHOTOGRAPHS A. Submit progress photographs in digital format with each monthly application for payment. B. Photographs shall be high resolution, .jpg format, and shall be captioned to describe date of photograph, name of project, and description of view. ' C. Provide eight (8) viewpoints from location as directed by Consultant. PART 2 : PRODUCTS ' 2 01 NOT APPLICABLE . PART 3 : EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE ' End of Section I I i~ II ' 09040~01320.wptl ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTIONINCLUDES ' A. Administrative B. Certificates and transcripts. C. Procedures. D. Shop drawings and product data E. Samples. F. Interterence drawings. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. General Instructions Section 01115 B. Construction Progress Documentation Section 01320 C. D. Quality Control Examination and Preparation Section 01450 Section 01710 E. Closeout Submittals Section 01780 1.03 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-2008, Stipulated Price Contract ' including the Supplementary Conditions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE ' A. Pay all costs for delivery of submittals to the Consultant. Unless indicated otherwise, all submittals will be delivered to the offices of Barry•Bryan Associates (1991) Limited, 250 Water Street, Whitby, Ontario L1N OGS. ' B. Submit to Consultant submittals listed for review. Submit with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as to not cause delay in Work. Failure to submit in ample time is not considered sufficient reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by ' reason of such default will be allowed. C. Work affected by submittal shall not proceed until review is complete. D. Present shop drawings, product data, samples and mock-ups in Imperial units. E. Carefully review submittals prior to submission to Consultant. This review by the Contractor represents that necessary requirements have been determined and verified, or will be, and th t h i b a eac su m ttal has been checked and co-ordinated with requirements of Work and Contract Documents. The Contractor assumes all responsibility to ensure that work required by the Contract Documents is provided, whether indicated on the reviewed shop drawings or not. Submittals not stamped, signed, dated and identified as to specific project by the General Contractor will be returned without being examined and shall be considered rejected. F. Notify Consultant, in writing at time of submission, identifying deviations from requirements of Contract Documents stating reasons for deviations. G. Verify field measurements and affected adjacent Work are coordinated. ' 09040-07330.wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 2 H. Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submission or from deviation in ' submission from the requirements of the Contract Documents is not relieved by Consultant's I. review. Any costs associated with remedial work needed to correct errors in submissions will be at , the Contractors sole expense. , J. Keep one reviewed copy of each submission on site. K. Submit a copy of all field test reports and inspection certificates to the Municipality of Clarington Chief Building Official. 1.05 CERTIFICATES AND TRANSCRIPTS , A. Immediately after award of Contract, submit Workplace Safety and Insurance Board status, transcription of insurances, bonds and all otherdocuments, certificates or transcripts required by the Contract documents. 1.06 PROCEDURES A. Where required by the Contract Documents, submit Safe Work Plans. B. Submit a Waste Management Plan as specified in Section 01355. C. Submit one copy of the Contractors Corporate Construction Safety Policy. ' D. Submit a Fire Safety Plan as specified in Section 01545. E. Submit WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets for all products and materials to be used on site. ' 1.07 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA , A. Refer to CCDC 2 GC 3.11. B. Indicate materials, methods of construction and attachment oranchorage, erection diagrams, connections, explanatory notes and other information necessary for completion of Work. ' Where articles or equipment attach or connect to other articles or equipment, indicate that such items have been coordinated, regardless of Section under which adjacent items will be ifications d i . ngs an spec supplied and installed. Indicate cross references to design draw ' C. Shop drawings shall carefully consider architectural intent, and shall be coordinated to ensure items to be exposed in finished work are located to provide best aesthetics as directed or required by the Consultant. Show orientation and relationships between materials where ' deemed necessary by the Consultant. D. AIIow fifteen (15) working days for Consultant's review of each submission. , E. Adjustments made on shop drawings by Consultant are not intended to change Contract Price. If adjustments affect value of Work, state such in writing to Consultant prior to proceeding with Work. ' F. Make changes in shop drawings as Consultant may require, consistent with Contract Documents. When resubmitting, notify Consultant in writing of any revisions otherthan those , requested. 09040-01330.wpd ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 t SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 3 ' G. Accompany submissions with transmittal letter, containing: 1. Date. 2. Consultant's project title and project number. 3. Contractor's name and address. 4. Identification and quantity of each shop drawing, product data and sample. 5. Other pertinent data. H. Submissions shall include: ' 1. Date and revision dates. 2. Project title and number. 3. Name and address of: (1) Subcontractor. ' (2) Supplier. (3) Manufactures 4. Contractor's stamp, signed by Contractor's authorized representative certifying approval of submissions, verification of field measurements and compliance with Contract Documents. 5. Details of appropriate portions of Work as applicable: (1) Fabrication. (2) Layout, showing dimensions including identified field dimensions and , , clearances. (3) Setting or erection details. (4) Capacities. ' (5) Performance characteristics. (6) Standards. (7) Operating weight. ' (8) Wiring diagrams. (9) Single line and schematic diagrams. (10) Relationship to adjacent work. I. After Consultant's review, distribute copies. J. Submit6 copies of shop drawings for each requirement requested in specification Sections ' and as Consultant may reasonably request. K. Submit 6 copies of product data sheets or brochures for requirements requested in specification Sections and as requested by Consultant where shop drawings will not be prepared due to standardized manufacture of product. L. Delete information not applicable to project. ' M. Supplement standard information to provide details applicable to project. N. If upon review by Consultant, no errors or omissions are discovered or if only minor " " " ' corrections are made, 2 copies will be stamped reviewed or reviewed as modified" and returned and fabrication and installation of Work may proceed. If shop drawings are returned stamped "not reviewed", noted copy will be returned and re-submission of corrected shop drawings, through same procedure indicated above, must be performed before fabrication ' and installation of Work may proceed. ' 09040-01330.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES Page 4 O. The review of shop drawings by the Consultant is for sole purpose of ascertaining conformance with general design concept. This review shall not mean that the Consultant approves detail design inherent in shop drawings, responsibility for which shall remain with Contractor submitting same, and such review shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in shop drawings or of his responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for dimensions to be confirmed and correlated at job site, for information that pertains solely to fabrication processes or to techniques of construction and installation and for co-ordination of Work of all sub-trades. 1.08 SAMPLES A. Submit for review samples as requested in respective specification Sections. Label samples with origin and intended use. B. Deliver samples prepaid to Consultant's business address. C. Notify Consultant in writing,attimeofsubmissionofdeviationsinsamplesfromrequirements of Contract Documents. D. Where colour, pattern or texture is criterion, submit full range of samples. E. Adjustments made on samples by Consultant are not intended to change Contract Price. If adjustments affect value of Work, state such in writing to Consultant prior to proceeding with Work. F. Make changes in samples which Consultant may require, consistent with Contract Documents. G. Reviewed and accepted samples willbecomestandardofworkmanshipandmaterialagainst which installed Work will be verified. 1.09 INTERFERENCE DRAWINGS C~ A. Submit interference and equipment placing drawings as specified in Section 01710 and ' Divisions 15 and 16. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01330.wpd 1 Il DIVISION 1 SECTION 01350 ' ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES PART1-GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Environmental controls and procedures. B. Quality assurance. C. Delivery, storage and handling. D. Project conditions. ' E. Sequencing. F. Protection. t ~1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Requirements Section 01115 B. Regulatory Requirements Section 01410 C. Waste Management and Disposal Section 01355 D. Project Waste Management Section 01505 E. Environmental Protection Section 01561 1.03 ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES A. Comply with Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations pertaining to waste, air, solid waste, chemical waste, sanitary waste, sediment and noise pollution. B. Protection of natural resources: Preserve the natural resources within the project boundaries and outside the limits of permanent work performed under this Contract in their existing condition or restore to an equivalent or improved condition upon completion of the Work. 1. Confine construction activities to areas defined by public roads, easements, and work area limits indicated on the Drawings. 2. Temporary construction: Remove indications of temporary construction facilities, such as haul roads, work areas, structures, stockpiles of excess or waste materials, and other vestiges of construction as directed by Owner's Representative. 3. Water resources: Comply with applicable regulations concerning the direct or indirect discharge of pollutants to the underground and natural waters. 4. Oily substances: Prevent oily or other hazardous substances from entering the ground, drainage areas, or local bodies of water in such quantities as to affect normal use, aesthetics, or produce a measurable ecological impact on the area. Store and service construction equipment at areas designated for collection of oil wastes. 5. Land resources: Prior to construction, identify all land resources to be preserved within the work area. Do no remove, cut deface, injure, or destroy land resources including trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, top soil, and land forms without permission from the Owner's Representative. (1) Erodible soils: Plan and conduct earthwork to minimize the duration of exposure of unprotected soils. Clear areas in reasonably sized increments only as needed to use the areas developed. Immediately protect side slopes and back slopes upon completion of rough grading. Provide progress photos documenting erosion control measures. (2) Erosion and sedimentation control devices: Constructor install temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control features as required and as specified elsewhere. 6. Dust control, air pollution, and odour control: Prevent creation of dust, air pollution and odours. 09040-01350.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01350 ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES Page 2 ' (1) Use water sprinkling, temporary enclosures, and other appropriate methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in air to lowest practical level. Do not use water when it may create hazardous or other adverse conditions ' such as flooding and pollution. (2) Store volatile liquids, including fuels and solvents, in closed containers. (3) Properly maintain equipment to reduce gaseous pollutant emissions. ' 7. Disposal operations: Refer To Section 01355. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Identify one person on staff to be responsible far sustainable issues compliance and coordination. Coordinate the discussion of sustainable goals at the following meetings: 1. Pre-construction meeting. ' 2. Pre-installation meetings. 3. Regularly scheduled job-site meetings. 4. Special client meetings. ' 1.05 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Take special care to prevent accumulation of moisture on materials and within packaging ' during delivery, storage and handling to prevent development of mold and mildew on packaging and on products. B. Packaging: ' 1. Deliver materials in recyclable, or in reusable packaging, such as cardboard, wood paper, or reusable blankets, which will be reclaimed by supplier or manufacturer for recycling. , 2. Minimize packaging materials to maximum extent possible while still ensuring protection of materials during delivery, storage and handling. 3. Minimize the use of the following packaging materials: Polyurethane, , polyisocyanurate, polyethylene, and similar plastic materials such as "foam" plastics and "shrink-fit" plastics. 4. Reusable Blankets: Deliver and store materials in reusable blankets and mats reclaimed by manufacturers or suppliers for reuse where program exists or where ' program can be developed for such reuse. 5. Pallets: Where pallets are used, suppliers shall be responsible to ensure pallets are removed from site for reuse or for recycling. ' 6. Corrugated Cardboard and Paper: Refer to Section 01355 for recycling. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. No smoking will be permitted on the Project site. ' B. Construction Ventilation: 1. Temporary Construction Ventilation: materials that emit VOC's are to be avoided, , however maintain sufficient temporary ventilation of areas where materials are bei ng used thatemit VOC's. Maintain ventilation continuously during installation, and until emissions dissipate after installation. If continuous ventilation is not possible via , building's HVAC systems then ventilation shall be supplied via open windows and temporary fans, sufficient to provide no less than three air changes per hour. 2. The period after installation shall be sufficient to dissipate odours and elevated concentrations of VOC's. Where no specific periods stated in these Specifications, , a time period of 72 hours shall be used. 09040-01350.wpd ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01350 ENVIRONMENTAL PROCEDURES Page 3 1 3. Ventilate areas directly to outside; ventilation to other enclosed areas is not acceptable. 4. During dust producing activities(e.g.drywallinstallationandfinishing)turnventilation system off, and protect openings in supply and return HVAC system from dust ' infiltration. Provide temporary ventilation as required. C. Preconditioning: 1. Store products, which have odours and which have significant VOC emissions to ' off-gas, in dry, well ventilation space for sufficient period to allow for reasonable dissipation of odours and emissions prior to delivery to Project. 2. Condition products without containers and packaging to maximize off-gassing of VOC's. 3. Condition products in a ventilated warehouse or other building. Comply with substitution requirements for consideration of other locations. ' D. Protection: 1. Take special care to prevent accumulation of moisture within packaging during delivery, storage and handling to prevent development of moulds and mildew on packaging and on products. 2. Immediately remove from site and properly dispose of materials showing signs of mould and signs of mildew, including materials with moisture stains. 3. Replace mouldy materials with new, undamaged materials. ' 1.07 SEQUENCING A. On-site application: Where odourousand/or high VOC emitting products are applied on-site, apply prior to installation of porous and fibrous materials. Where this is not possible, protect porous materials with polyethylene vapour retarders. ' B. Complete interior finish material installation no less than fourteen (14) days prior to Substantial Completion. Building shall be flushed out continuously for at least fourteen (14) days priorto Substantial Completion. When Contractor is required to perform touch-up work, ' provide temporary construction ventilation during installation and extend building flush out by a minimum of four (4) days after touch up installation with 100% tempered outside air for 24 hours per day. ' 1.08 PROTECTION A. Protect interior materials from water intrusion or penetration, where interior products not intended for wet applications are exposed to moisture, immediately remove from site and ' dispose of properly. B. Protect installed products using methods that do not support growth of moulds and mildews. ' PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE ' PART 3 -EXECUTION ' 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01350.wptl ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01355 ' WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. B. References. Definitions. C. Waste Management Goals for the Project. D. Documents. E. Submittals. ' F. Waste Management Plan. G. Waste Audit. H. I. Waste Reduction Work Plan. Materials Source Separation Program. J. Waste Processing Sites. K. Disposal of Wastes. L. Scheduling. M. Storage, Handling and Protection. N. Application. ' O. 1 02 REL Diversion of Materials. AT . ED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Submittal Procedures Section 01330 ' B. Environmental Procedures Section 01350 C. Cleaning Section 01740 D. Demolition Section 02050 ' E. Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 1.03 REFERENCES A. O. Reg. 102/94, Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work Plans 1.04 DEFINITIONS ' A W t M ' . as e anagement Plan (WMP): Contractor s approved overall strategy for waste management including waste audit, waste reduction workplan and materials source separation program. B. Waste Audit (WA): Relates to projected waste generation. Involves measuring and estimating quantity and composition ofwaste, reasons forwaste generation, and operational factors which contribute to waste. C. Waste Reduction Workplan (WRW): Written report which addresses opportunities for reduction, reuse, or recycling of materials. WRW is based on information acquired from WA. D. Materials Source Separation Program (MSSP): Consists of a series of ongoing activities to separate reusable and recyclable waste material into material categories from other types ' ofwaste at point of generation. E. Waste Management Coordinator (WMC): Designate individual who is in attendance on-site ' , full-time. Designate, or have designated, individuals from each Subcontractor to be responsible for waste management related to their trade and for di ti i coor na ng act vities with WMC. 09040-01355 wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01355 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Page 2 F. Separate Condition: Refers to waste sorted into individual types. 1.05 WASTE MANAGEMENT GOALS FOR THE PROJECT ' A. The Owner has established that this Project shall generate the least amount of waste possible and that processes shall be employed that ensure the generation of as little waste ' as possible including prevention of damage due to mishandling, improper storage, contamination, inadequate protection or other factors as well as minimizing over packaging and poor quantity estimating. ' B. Of the inevitable waste that is generated, the waste materials designated in this specification shall be salvaged for reuse and or recycling. Waste disposal in landfills or incinerators shall be minimized. On new construction projects this means careful recycling of job site waste. ' 1.06 DOCUMENTS A. Maintain at job site, one copy of following documents: 1. Waste Audit 2. Waste Reduction Workplan 3. Material Source Separation Plan ' 1.07 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330 -Submittal Procedures. ' B. Submit 2 copies of completed Waste Management Plan (WMP) including Waste Reduction Workplan (WRW) and Materials Source Separation Program description prior to project ' start-up. 1.08 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. Waste Management Plan: Within 10 calendar days after receipt of Notice of Award of Contract, or prior to any waste removal, wh ichever occurs sooner, the Contractor shall subm it to the Owner and consultant a Waste Management Plan. The Plan shall contain the ' following: 1. Analysis of the proposed jab site waste to be generated, including the types of recyclable and waste materials generated (by volume or weight). In the case of demolition, a list of each item proposed to be salvaged during the course of the ' project should also be prepared 2. Alternatives to Land Filling: Contractor shall designate responsibility for preparing a list of each material proposed to be salvaged, reused, or recycled during the course , of the Project. B. Post WMP or summary where workers at site are able to review its content. , 1.09 WASTE AUDIT A. Prepare Waste Audit prior to project start-up. ' B. Record, on Waste Audit ,extent to which materials or products used consist of recycled or reused materials or products. 09040-01355.wpd ' u C! DIVISION 1 SECTION 01355 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Page 3 1.10 WASTE REDUCTION WORK PLAN A. Prepare WRW prior to project start-up. B. Reduce construction and demolition waste in compliance with O. Reg. 102/94. C. Reduction will involve action to minimize quantity of waste at source. Reuse products which would become wastewhere practical. Recycling will involve collection and source separation at the site, of materials for use as feedstock in manufacturing of new products. D. Conform to local Municipal and Regional Landfill Solid waste management requirements. Consider reduction, reuse and recycling of waste generated during construction such as dimensional lumber, clean drywall, concrete, brick, scrap metal and corrugated cardboard. 1.11 MATERIALS SOURCE SEPARATION PROGRAM A. The Waste Management Plan shall include a Source Separation Program for recyclable waste, and shall be in accordance with the established policies currently in place at the Municipality of Clarington, and the requirements of O. Reg. 102/94. B. Prepare MSSP and have ready for use prior to project start-up. C. Implement MSSP for waste generated on project in compliance with approved methods and as approved by Consultant. D. Provide on-site facilities for collection, handling, and storage of anticipated quantities of reusable and/or recyclable materials. E. Provide containers to deposit reusable and/or recyclable materials. Locate containers to facilitate deposit of materials without hindering daily operations. G. Locate separated materials in areas which minimize material damage. Collect, handle, store on-site, and transport off-site, salvaged materials in separate condition. 1.12 DISPOSAL OF WASTES A. Make arrangements with and obtain permits from authorities having jurisdiction for disposal of waste and debris. B. Provide appropriate on-site containers for collection of waste materials and debris. C. Provide and use clearly marked separate bins for recycling. D. Remove waste materials from site at regularly scheduled times or dispose of as directed by Consultant. Do not burn waste materials on site. E. Remove waste material and debris from site and deposit in waste container at end of each working day. F. Do not permit waste to accumulate onsite. G. Burying of rubbish and waste materials is prohibited. 09040-01355.wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01355 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Page 4 H. Disposal of waste into waterways, storm, or sanitary sewers is prohibited. SSING SITES ' 1.13 WASTE PROCE A. Waste disposal and recycling sites shall be as approved by the Municipality of Clarington. 1.14 SCHEDULING A. Coordinate work with other activities at site to ensure timely and orderly progress ofthe work. , 1.15 STORAGE HANDLING AND PROTECTION A. Store, materials to be reused, recycled and salvaged in locations as directed by Owner. , B. Materials from building demolition to be salvaged or re-used are to be removed and salvaged as indicated in Section 02050. ' C. Unless specified otherwise, materials for removal become Contractor's property. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 APPLICATION t Pl an. A. Do work in compliance with Waste Managemen B. Handle waste materials not reused, salvaged, or recycled in accordance with appropriate regulations and codes. ' C. Application for Progress Payments: Submit with each application for Progress Payment a summary of waste materials, recycled, salvaged, and disposed of by the Project using the ' form appended to this specification or a form generated by the Contractor containing the same information. Failure to submitthis information shall render the Application for Payment incomplete and shall delay Progress Payment. The Summary shall contain the following ' information: 1. For each material salvaged and recycled from the Project, include the amount (in cubic metres or tonnes or in the case of salvaged items state quantities by number, type and size of items) and the destination (i.e. recycling facility, used building ' materials yard). For each material land filled or incinerated from the Project, include the amount (in cubic metres or tonnes) of material and the identity of the landfill, incinerator and/or transfer station. D. Source separate materials to be reused/recycled into specified sort areas. 3.02 DIVERSION OF MATERIALS ' A. Separate materials from general waste stream and stockpile in separate piles or containers, to approval of Owner, and consistent with applicable fire regulations. Mark containers or , stockpile areas. Provide instruction on disposal practices. 09040-01355 wptl - ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01355 ' WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL Paqe 5 ' B. On-site sale of materials is not permitted. End of Section L1 u r 1 09040-01355 wpd II I~ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. References. B. Owner's Regulations. C. Standards and Definitions. D, Hazardous Materials. E. Spills Reporting. F. Protection of Water Quality. G. Potable Water Systems. H. Access for Inspection and Testing. I. Other Regulatory Requirements. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Generallnstructions B. Safety Requirements Section 01115 Section 01545 ' 1.03 REFERENCES L~ A. Perform Work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Act, O. Reg. 350/06, the Ontario Building Code (OBC) including all Supplements and other codes of provincial or local regulation provided that in case of conflict or discrepancy, mare stringent requirements apply. C. Where a material is designated in the Contract Documents for a certain application, unless otherwise specified, that material shall conform to standards designated in the Code. Similarly, unless otherwise specified, installation methods and standards of workmanship shall also conform to standards invoked by the aforementioned Code. D. Meet or exceed requirements of: 1. Contract documents. 2. Specified standards, codes and referenced documents. 3. Manufacturers instructions. E. Where requirements of Contract Documents exceed Code requirements provide such additional requirements. Where the Building Code orthe Contract Documents do not provide all information necessary for complete installation of an item, then the manufacturer's instructions for first quality workmanship shall be strictly complied with. 1.04 OWNER'S REGULATIONS A. Conform to requirements, regulations and procedures of the Municipality of Clarington. 1.05 STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS A. Where a reference is made to specification standards produced by various organizations, conform to latest edition of standards, as amended and revised to date of Contract. S ' 09040-01410.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Page 2 ' B. Have a copy of each specified standard which relates to your work available on the site to be produced immediately on Consultant's request. , C. Where a standard designates authorities such as the "Engineer", the "Owner' (when used in a sense other than that defined in the General Conditions) the "Purchaser" or some other ' such designation, these designations shall be taken to mean the Consultant. D. Whereverthewords"acceptable","approved","satisfactory","selected","directed","submit", or similar words or phrases are used in standards or elsewhere in the Contract Documents, ' it shall be understood that they mean, unless the context provides otherwise, "acceptable to the Consultant", "approved by the Consultant", "satisfactory to the Consultant", "selected by the Consultant", "directed by the Consultant", "inspected by the Consultant", "instructed by ' the Consultant", "required by the Consultant" and "submit to the Consultants". 1.06 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. The Owner will arrange for independent testing of suspected hazardous materials and , removal of confirmed hazardous substances encountered on the site. B. In the event of discovery of potentially hazardous materials, immediately stop work and notify ' the Owner, both orally and in writing. C. "Hazardous Materials" will not be introduced for experimental or any other use prior to being , evaluated for hazards. D. Make known to the Consultant those "hazardous materials" intended to be used in the workplace and receive "Permission to Use" before introducing to the Owner's property. ' E. Provide MSDS for all materials brought to the Place of Work. F. Definition: "Hazardous Material" is material, in any form, which by its nature, may be flammable, explosive, irritating, corrosive, poisonous, or may react violently with other materials, if used, handled or stored improperly. Included are substances prohibited, restricted, designated or otherwise controlled by law. ' G. Many common construction materials such as asbestos pipe and various insulations are hazardous materials and shall not be used under any circumstances. Such materials are ' banned from the Owner's facilities. 1.07 SPILLS REPORTING and ontrol of the Contractor d th i t ' , s un er e c nan A. Spills or discharges of pollutants or contam spills or discharges of pollutants or contaminants that are a result of the Contractor's operations that cause or are likely to cause adverse effects shall forthwith be reported to the Consultant. Such spills or discharges and their adverse effects shall be as defined in the ' Environmental Protection Act R.S.O. 1980. B. All spillsordischargesofliquid,otherthanaccumulatedrainwater,fromluminaries,internally illuminated signs, lamps, and liquid type transformers underthe control of the Contractor, and all spills or discharges from this equipment that are a result of the Contractor's operations shall, unless otherwise indicated in the Contract, be assumed to contain PCB's and shall ' forthwith be reported to the Consultant. 0904D-01410.wpd 1 I DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Pape 3 C. This reporting will not relieve the Contractor of his legislated responsibilities regarding such spills or discharges. 1.08 PROTECTION OF WATER QUALITY A. At all times maintain existing stream flows and control all construction work so as to not allow sediment or other deleterious materials to enter streams. B. No waste or surplus organic material including topsoil is to be stored or disposed of within 30 metres of any watercourses. Run-off from excavation piles will not be permitted to drain directly into watercourses. Where this measure is not sufficient or feasible to control sediment entering the watercourses, sedimentation traps or geo-textile coverage will be required. C. If de-watering is required, the water shall be pumped into a sedimentation pond or diffused onto vegetated areas a minimum of 30 metres from the watercourses and not pumped directly into the watercourses. D. Provide all de-watering and sedimentation control required to properly complete the work of this contract. E. Supply, install and maintain silUsediment control fencing as detailed, along the edge of the site to intercept construction runoff silt, to the satisfaction of the consultant and the local Conservation Authority. 1.09 POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS A. Potable water systems in completed buildings must meet criteria and guidelines established by Provincial and Municipal authorities, prior to occupancy by the Owner. B. Upon completion, submit testing certificates verifying water quality andwatersystemsmeets all applicable Provincial and Legislated Standards. 1.10 ACCESS FOR INSPECTIONS AND TESTING A. Cooperate fully with and provide assistance to, all outside authorities including Building Inspectors, utilities, testing agencies and consultants, with the inspection of the Work. 1.11 OTHER REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. B. C. D. E. Conform to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Regional and Local authorities regarding transportation of materials. Obtain required road occupancy permits. Pay any required roadway damage deposits required by the Municipality of Clarington. Conform to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Conform to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Conform to the requirements of the local Conservation Authority. 09040-01410.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01410 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Page 4 ' G. Conform to all applicable local by-laws, regulations and ordinances. PART 2 : PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE ' PART 3 : EXECUTION , 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE ' End of Section i 1 1 1 09040-07410.wpd 1 ' i 1 I I 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Inspection. B. Inspection Agencies. C. Access to Work. D. Procedures. E. Rejected Work. F. Reports. G. Tests and Mix Designs. H. Mock-ups. I. Mill Tests. J. Rink Slabs. K. Equipment and Systems. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01115 B. Allowances Section 01210 C. Submittal Procedures Section 01330 D. Closeout Submittals Section 01780 1.03 WORK NOT INCLUDED A. Requirements specified herein do not apply to the following: 1. Inspection and testing required by laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders by public authorities. 2. Testing, adjustment and balancing of mechanical and electrical systems and equipment. 3. Inspection and testing pertormed exclusively for Contractor's convenience. 1.04 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) 1. CCDC 2-2008, Stipulated Price Contract and Supplementary Conditions. 1.05 INSPECTION A. Allow Consultant access to Work. If part of Work is in preparation at locations other than Place of Work, allow access to such Work whenever it is in progress. B. Give timely notice requesting inspection if Work is designated for special tests, inspections or approvals by Consultant, instructions, or law of Place of Work. C. If Contractor covers or permits to be covered Work that has been designated for special tests, inspections or approvals before such is made, uncover such Work, have inspections or tests satisfactorily completed and make good such Work. 09040-01450.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Page 2 D. Consultant may order any part of Work to be examined if Work is suspected to be not in i ' n accordance with Contract Documents. If, upon examination such work is found not ' accordance with Contract Documents, correct such Work and pay cost of examination and correction. If such Work is found in accordance with Contract Documents, Owner shall pay cost of examination and replacement. 1.06 INSPECTION AGENCIES A. Independent Inspection and Testing Agencies will be selected by the Owner and engaged , by the Contractor for purpose of inspecting and/or testing portions of the Work. Cost of such services will be paid out of the Cash Allowance included in the Tender. B. Independent Inspection and Testing Agencies do not have authorization to amend or release any requirements of Contract Documents, nor to approve or reject portions of the Work. C. Provide equipment required for executing inspection and testing by appointed agencies. ' Provide casual labour and other incidental services required by testing and inspection agency. D. Employment of inspectionltesting agencies does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility ' to perform Work in accordance with Contract Documents. E. If defects are revealed during inspection and/or testing, appointed agency will request , additional inspection and/or testing to ascertain full degree of defect. Correct defect and irregularities as advised by Consultant at no cost to the Owner. Pay costs for retesting and reinspection. ' F. Failure by the independent inspection and testing agency to detect defective work or materials shall not in any way prevent later rejection when such defect is discovered, nor shall it obligate consultant for final acceptance. , 1.07 ACCESS TO WORK A. Allow inspection/testing agencies access to Work, including off site manufacturing and ' fabrication plants. B. Cooperate to provide reasonable facilities for such access. 1.08 PROCEDURES A. Notify appropriate agency and Consultant in advance of requirement for test, in order that ' attendance arrangements can be made. 8. Submit samples and/or materials required for testing, as specifically requested in ' specifications. Submit with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence so as not to cause delay in Work. C. Provide labour and facilities to obtain and handle samples and materials on site. Provide sufficient space to store and cure test samples. D. Refer to technical specification sections for specific inspection and testing requirements. ' 09040-01450.wpd 1 LJ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Pa e 3 1.09 REJECTED WORK A. Remove defective Work, whether result of poor workmanship, use of defective products or damage and whether incorporated in Work or not, which has been rejected by Consultant as failing to conform to Contract Documents. Replace or re-execute in accordance with Contract Documents. B. Make good other Contractor's work damaged by such removals or replacements promptly. C. If in opinion of Consultant it is not expedient to correct defective Work or Work not performed in accordance with Contract Documents, Owner may deduct from Contract Price difference in value between Work performed and that called for by Contract Documents, amount of which shall be determined by the Consultant. 1.10 REPORTS A. Submit four (4) copies of inspection and test reports to Consultant. B. Provide copies to sub-contractor of work being inspected or tested. 1.11 TESTS AND MIX DESIGNS A. Furnish test results and mix designs as may be requested. B. The cost of tests and mix designs requested in writing by the Consultant or the Owner beyond those called for in Contract Documents or beyond those required by law of Place of Work shall be appraised by Consultant and may be authorized as recoverable. 1.12 MOCK-UPS A. Prepare mock-ups for Work specifically requested in specifications. Include for Work of all Sections required to provide mock-ups. B. Construct in all locations acceptable to Consultant. C. Prepare mock-ups for Consultant's review with reasonable promptness and in an orderly sequence, so as not to cause any delay in Work. D. Failure to prepare mock-ups in ample time is not considered sufficient reason for an extension of Contract Time and no claim for extension by reason of such default will be allowed. E. Specifications section identifies whether mock-up may remain as part of Work or if it is to be removed and when. 1.13 MILL TESTS A. Submit mill test certificates as required of specification Sections. 09040-01450.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01450 QUALITY CONTROL Page 4 1.14 RINK SLAB A. Under no circumstances will conduit, piping or other services be permitted to be installed below the refrigerated rink slab other than that piping specified or required to operate the refrigeration systems. B. Prior to placing the rink slab structure, including subbase, piping, reinforcing and insulation and inserts verify all layouts and dimensions using a qualified Ontario Land Surveyor. Ensure that overall rink dimensions, corner radii and insert locations are accurate within tolerances noted elsewhere in the specifications. C. Submit a copy of the survey to the Consultant and the dasherboard supplier. D. Pour concrete rink slab only when approved by the Consultant and after all required tests, surveys and inspections are complete, and all deficiencies have been corrected and verified. E. Finished rink slab may not be used as work surfaces or lay down areas unless approved in writing by the Consultant and fully protected. Rink Slab Pre-Construction Conferences: 1. Arrange a rink slab pre-installation conference with the Owner, Consultant, General Contractor, excavation and backfilling sub-contractor, reinforcing installer, floor finishing sub-contractor, concrete supplier, manufacturer of admixture products, refrigeration sub-contractor, and independent testing agency, to establish correct procedures and methods for placing concrete rink slabs. The meeting will be held within seven days prior to the placing of rink slab sand fill. 1.15 EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS A. Submit adjustment and balancing reports for mechanical, electrical and building equipment systems. B. Refer to Divisions 15 and 16 for definitive requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01450.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 ^ TEMPORARY UTILITIES PART 1: GENERAL 1.D1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Temporary Utilities. B. Dewatering C. Water Supply D. Temporary Heating and Ventilation. E. Temporary Power and Lighting F. Temporary Communication Facilities. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. Environmental Procedures. Section 01350 B. Construction Facilities Section 01520 C. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 D. Environmental Protection Section 01561 1.03 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL A. Provide temporary utilities and controls in order to execute work expeditiously. B. Remove from site all such work after use. 1.04 1 A. Provide temporary drainage and pumping facilities to keep excavations and site free from standing water. B. Refer to Section 01410-Regulatory Requirements. C. Provide necessary equipment, including pumps and piping. D. Control grading in andadjacenttoexcavationstodirectallsurtacewaterfromopenexcavation. C. Avoid excavation below groundwater table if quick condition or heave is likely to occur. Prevent piping or bottom heave of excavations by groundwater lowering, or other means. D. Protect open excavations against flooding and damage due to surface runoff. E. Dispose of water in a manner not detrimental to public and private property, or any portion of work completed or under construction. F. Provide flocculation tanks, settling basins, or other treatment facilities to remove suspended solids or other materials before discharging into storm sewers, water courses or drainage areas. 1.05 WATER SUPPLY A. Use of Owner's well-water supply will not be permitted. B. Provide continuous supply of potable water for construction use. C. Arrange for delivery of water to the site and storage. 09040-01510.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 TEMPORARY UTILITIES Page 2 D. Conveniently locate water supply for use by all sections of the work. Protect water lines from freezing. E. Water shall be potable and shall meet the requirements of the technical sections of the specifications. 1.06 TEMPORARY HEATING AND VENTILATION A. Provide temporary heating required during construction period, including attendance, maintenance and fuel. B. Construction heaters used inside the building must be ventilated to outside or be flameless type. Solid fuel salamanders are not permitted. C. Provide temporary heat and ventilation in enclosed areas as required to: 1. Facilitate progress of the work. 2. Protect work and products against dampness and cold. 3. Prevent moisture condensation on surtaces. 4. Provide ambient temperatures and humidity levelsforstorage,installationandcuring of materials. 5. Provide adequate ventilation to meet health regulations for safe working environment. D. Maintain temperatures of minimum 10 degrees C in areas where construction is in progress. ' E. Ventilating: 1. Refer to Section 01350 -Environmental Procedures. 2. Prevent accumulation of dust, fumes, mists, gases or vapours in areas occupied during construction. 3. Provide local exhaust ventilation to prevent harmful accumulation of hazardous substances into atmosphere of occupied areas. 4. Dispose of exhaust materials in manner that will not result in harmful exposure to persons. 5. Ventilate storage spaces containing hazardous or volatile materials. 6. Ventilate temporary sanitary facilities. 7. Continue operation of ventilation and exhaust systems for time after cessation of work process to assure removal of harmful contaminants. F. Permanent pumps, unit heaters and convectors may be used for temporary heating when available provided that equipment is installed in permanent location and providing that the building is completely closed in and clean. Obtain approval from Consultant before using equipment. G. Fans and air systems may not be used for temporary heat except with permission and specific instructions from the Consultant. Be responsible fordamage to heating system if use is permitted H. On completion of Work for which permanent heating system is used, and prior to final acceptance, all permanentequipment used for temporary heating shall be thoroughly cleaned and provided with new filters, put in first class operating condition and appearance to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Replace all damaged equipment. 09040-01510.wpd r DIVISION 1 SECTION 01510 ' TEMPORARY UTILITIES I. Ensure Date of Substantial Performance and Warranties for heating and ventilation system ' do not commence until entire system is in as near original condition as possible and is certified by Consultant. ' J. Pay costs for maintaining temporary heat, when using permanent heating system. K. Maintain strict supervision of operation of temporary heating and ventilating equipment to: 1 Conform with applicable codes and standards. ' 2 Enforce safe practices. 3 Prevent abuse of services. 4 Prevent damage to finishes. ' S Vent direct-fired combustion units to outside. L. Be responsible for damage to Work due to failure in providing adequate heat and protection during construction. 07 TEM 1 PORARY POWER AND LIGHTING . ' A. Provide and pay for all temporary power during construction. B. Arrange for connection with utility company. Pay all costs for installation, maintenance and removal. C. Provide and maintain temporary lighting throughout project. Lighting levels shall be sufficient to complete work including inspections. Provide minimum lighting levels of 400 lux at work areas. Lighting levels at floors and stairs not within work areas shall be not less than 160 lux at all times during construction activity. D. All equipment used shall be CSA approved. E. Wiring and method of installation shall conform to local power requirements and shall be reviewed by a licensed inspector prior to use. 1.08 TEMPORARY COMMUNICATION FACILITIES A. Arrange, provide and pay for temporary telephone, fax and hi-speed data hook up lines and equipment as necessary for own use and use of Consultant and Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section ' 09040-01510.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01520 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Installation and Removals. B. Construction Access and Parking. C. Construction Signage. D. Equipment, Tool and Material Storage. E. Falsework. F. Hoisting. G. Offices. H. Sanitary Facilities. I. Scaffolding. J. Security. K. Site Storage and Loading. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01115 B. Waste Management and Disposal Section 01355 C. Regulatory Requirements Section 01410 D. Temporary Utilities Section 01510 E. Safety Requirements Section 01545 F. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 1.03 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-2008 ,Stipulated Price Contract and Supplementary Conditions. B. CGSB 1-GP-189M, Primer, Alkyd, Wood, Exterior. C. CGSB 1.59, Alkyd Exterior Gloss Enamel. D. CSA-0121, Douglas Fir Plywood. E. CAN3-2321, Signs and Symbols for the Workplace. 1.04 INSTALLATION AND REMOVALS A. Provide construction facilities in order to execute work expeditiously. B. Remove from site all such work after use. C. Make good all surfaces and restore site where disturbed by removal of temporary facilities. 1.05 CONSTRUCTION ACCESS AND PARKING A. Parking will be permitted on site and within designated areas provided it does not disrupt the performance of Work or public access to occupied areas. Restrict parking to areas assigned by the Owner. B. Provide and maintain adequate access to project site as indicated and where directed by the Owner. 09040-01520.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01520 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Page 2 ' C. Maintain existing roads for duration of Contract and make good damage resulting from ' Contractors' use of roads. , D. Height, width and weight restrictions must be verified prior to bringing equipment into the work area. , E. Provide flagmen to direct traffic for large vehicles accessing public roads from the site. F. Obey and enforce all parking restrictions and speed limits. ' 1.06 CONSTRUCTION SIGNAGE A. No signs or advertisements, other than warning signs and the Project Sign, are permitted on , site. B. Safety and Instruction Signs and Notices: Graphic symbols shall conform to CAN3-2321. ' 1.07 EQUIPMENT TOOL AND MATERIAL STORAGE A. Provide and maintain, in a clean and orderly condition, lockable weatherproof sheds for ' storage of tools, equipment and materials. B. Locate materials not required to be stored in weatherproof sheds on site in a manner to , cause least interference with work activities and in a location assigned by the Owner. 1.08 FALSEWORK A. Design and construct falsework in accordance with CSA S269.1, and Ministry of Labour Regulations. 1.09 HOISTING A. Provide, operate and maintain hoists and cranes required for moving of materials and equipment. B. Hoists and cranes shall be operated by qualified operator. C. Hoists and cranes shall be certified for use by the Ontario Ministry of Labour and shall be inspected on a regular basis in accordance with applicable legislation. 1.10 OFFICES A. Provide office space heated to 22°C, lighted to 750 lux, ventilated, and airconditioned, of sufficient size to accommodate site meetings and furnished with drawing lay-down table. B. Locate site trailers within the property. C. Provide clearly marked and fully stocked first-aid facilities in a readily available location as required by the OHSA. D. Subcontractors may provide their own offices as necessary and if space permits. Direct location of these offices. oeoao.o i szo wpa _ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01520 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES Pa e 3 ' 1.11 SAN ITARY FACILITIES A. Provide sanitary facilities for work force in accordance with governing regulations and ordinances. 1 B. Post notices and take such precautions as required by local health authorities. Keep area and premises in sanitary condition. ' 1.12 SCAFFOLDING A. Provide and maintain scaffolding in accordance with CSA S269.2-M. ' B. Erect scaffolding independent of walls. Use in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with other trades. When not in use, move as necessary to permit installation of other work. Construct and maintain scaffolding in a rigid, secure and safe manner. ' Scaffolding must comply with all safety regulations in force in the Province of Ontario. C. Scaffolds must be in good condition and if equipped with wheels. Wheels must be locked ~ when in use. D. Planking on scaffolds must meet the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1991 and Regulations far Construction Projects. 1.13 SECURITY A. Be responsible for security of site, equipment, tools and materials. 1.14 SITE STORAGE AND LOADING A. Refer to CCDC 2, GC 3.12. B. Do not load or permit to load any part of Work with a weight or force that will endanger the Work. C. Store packed materials in original, undamaged condition with manufacturer's labels and seals intact. Handle and store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Replace all damaged material. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section ' osoaa-oiszo.wPa DIVISION 1 SECTION 01545 ' SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Safety Requirements. B. Fire Protection. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01115 C. Regulatory Requirements Section 01410 D. Construction Facilities Section 01520 1.03 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ' A. Observe and enforce all construction safety measures and comply with the latest edition and amending regulations of the following documents and in the event of any differences among those provisions, the most stringent shall apply: 1. Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations for Construction Projects, August 1997, Ontario Regulation 213/91 as amended by Ontario Regulation 631/94, R.R.O. 1990, Regulation 834. 2. Hazardous Projects Act and Canada Labour Code. 3 The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. ' 4. Ontario Building Code Act Chapter 51 and Ontario Regulation 350106 including amendments. 5. Ontario Regulation 454-Fire Codes and Building Construction Operation DFC No. 301, issued by the Dominion Fire Commissioner. 6. Regulation 447- Environmental Protection Act. 7. National Building Code of Canada, Part 8: Safety Measures on Construction and Demolition Sites. ' 8. National Fire Code of Canada. 9. The Power Commission Act. 10. The Boiler and Pressure Vessels Act. ' 11. The Elevators and Lifts Act. 12. The Operating Engineer's Act. 13. Municipal statutes. B. Obey all Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws, Acts, Statutes, Regulations, Ordinances and By-laws which could in any way, pertain to the work outlined in the Contract, or to any employees of the Contractor. Satisfy all statutory requirements imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations made thereunder, on a Contractor, and Constructor and/or Employer with respect to or arising out of the pertormance of the Contractors obligations under this Contract. C. The Contractor will be the "Constructor" as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, will file a Notice of Project with the Ontario Ministry of Labour prior to commencement of the work and will pay all associated fees. D. Confined Space: Where applicable,providetheConsultantandallRegulatoryAuthoritieswith a copy of the Contractors' Confined Space Entry Procedure. In the event that defined procedures are not available, abide by the applicable requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and all regulations made thereunder. 09040-01545.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01545 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Page 2 E. The supervisor of the project, will be responsible for his employees and subcontractors/suppliers maintaining standard safety practices, as well as the specific safety rules listed below, while working on the Owner's property. F. The Owner reserves the right to order individuals to leave the site if the individual is in violation of any safety requirement or any Act, and any expense incurred will be the responsibility of the Contractor. G. Notify the Owner should any hazardous condition become apparent. Referto Section 01410. H. Enforce the use of CSA approved hard hats and safety boots for all persons entering or working at the construction site. Refuse admission to those refusing to conform to this requirement. I. Provide safeguard and protection against accident or injury to any person on the site, adjacent work areas and adjacent property. J. Provide safeguard and protection against damage to adjacent structures, properties and services. K. During demolition, protect site and adjacent properties in accordance with the requirements of the Municipality of Clarington Building Department. 1.04 FIRE PROTECTION A. Provide safeguard and protection against fire in accordance with current fire codes and regulations. B. Provide temporary fire protection throughout the course of construction. Particular attention shall be paid to the elimination of fire hazards. C. Complywith the requirements of FCC No. 301 Standards for Construction Operations issued by the Fire Commissioner of Canada and the National Building Code. D. Prior to construction, submit to the Owner, Consultant and Municipality of Clarington Fire Department, for review, a "Fire Safety Plan" conforming to Section 2.14 of the National Fire Code of Canada. Maintain a copy of the "Fire Safety Plan" on site. E. Provide and maintain portable fire extinguishers during construction, in accordance with Part 6 of the National Fire Code of Canada. F. Maintain unobstructed access for fire fighting at all areas in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01545.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES Pape 1 ' ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Installation and Removal. B. Access to Site. C . Dust Tight Screens. D . Fire Routes E. . Guardrails and Barricades. F. Hoarding. G . Protection of Building Finishes. H. Protection for Off-Site and Public Property. ' I. Public Traffic Flow. J. Weather Enclosures. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01005 B. Construction Facilities Section 01520 C. Demolition Section 02050 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 ' 1.03 REFERENCES A. CGSB 1.189M, Primer, Alkyd, Wood, Exterior. B. CGSB 1.59, Alkyd Exterior Gloss Enamel. C. CSA 0121 Douglas Fir Plywood. 1.04 INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL A. Provide temporary controls in order to execute Work expeditiously. 1.05 I I I B. Remove from site all such work after use. ACCESS TO SITE A. Provide and maintain access roads, sidewalk crossings, ramps and construction runways as may be required for access to Work. 1.06 DUST TIGHT SCREENS A. Provide and maintain dust tight screens or insulated partitions to localize dust generating activities, and for protection of workers, finished areas of Work, and public. B. Maintain and relocate protection until such work is complete. 1.07 FIRE ROUTES A. Maintain access to property including overhead clearances for use by emergency response vehicles. 09040-01560.wpd LJ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES Page 2 , 1.08 GUARDRAILS AND BARRICADES ' A. Provide secure, rigid guard rails and barricades around deep excavations, open shafts, open i stair wells, open edges of floors and roofs. B. Provide all necessary barricades, fencing, hoarding and railings to protectthework areas and ' prevent access by unauthorized personnel from entering the site. Provide all necessary safety screens and hoarding to protect pedestrians and vehicles passing through the work area when necessary. C. Provide as required by governing authorities. 1.09 HOARDING A. Erect temporary hoardings where required to protectthe work using 38 x 89 mm construction grade lumber framing at 610 mm centres and 1219 x 2438 x 13 mm exterior grade fir plywood to CSA 0121-M. Provide barriers around trees and plants designated to remain. Protect from damage by B . equipment and construction procedures. Refer to Section 02100. ' 1.10 PROTECTION OF BUILDING FINISHES A. Provide protection for finished and partially finished building finishes and equipment during performance of Work. B. Provide necessary screens, covers, and hoardings. C. Be responsible for damage incurred due to lack of or improper protection. D. Damaged work shall be made good by the appropriate trade. , E. Install appropriate dust proof and weather proof screens to protect adjacent areas when performing any work in the existing pool building and including work of mechanical and ' electrical trades. 1.11 PROTECTION FOR OFF-SITE AND PUBLIC PROPERTY ' A. Protect surrounding private and public property from damage during performance of Work. B. Be responsible for damage incurred. , 1.12 PUBLIC TRAFFIC FLOW A. Provide and maintain signal flag operators, traffic signals, barricades and flares, lights, or lanterns as required to perform Work and protect the public. 1.13 WEATHER ENCLOSURES ' A. Provide weather tight closures to unfinished door and window openings, tops of shafts and other openings in floors, walls and roofs. ' 09040-01560.wpd t II 1 L1 1 I I ~1 I' I' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01560 TEMPORARY BARRIERS AND ENCLOSURES Page 3 B. Close off Floor areas where walls are not finished; seal off other openings; enclose building interior work for temporary heat. C. Design enclosures to withstand wind pressure and snow loading. D. Provide adequate weather protection around and overallopeningsduringtheprogressofthe work to prevent damage to the building. Insulate openings or provide temporary heat to maintain comfort conditions in the area during construction. E. Keep that work which requires protection from cold adequately warm and sheltered from elements so that it may be done safely and with good workmanship meeting all code requirements. Provide minimum required temperatures and do everything necessary to produce a suitable environment for work to proceed without delay at all times of the year. F. Maintain the building in a secure and weatherproof condition at all times during construction. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01560.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01561 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES ' A. Environmental protection. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Regulatory Requirements Section 01410 B. Construction Facilities Section 01520 C. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 ' 1.03 FIRES A. Fires and burning of rubbish on site is not permitted. ' 1 04 DISPO SAL OF WASTES . A. Do not bury rubbish and waste materials on site. B. Do not dispose of waste or volatile materials such as mineral spirits, oil or paint thinners into waterways, storm or sanitary sewers. ' C. Refer to Section 01410-Regulatory Requirements. ' 1.05 DRAINAGE A. Provide temporary drainage and pumping systems as necessary to keep excavations and site free from water. Refer to Section 01510. ' B. Do not pump water containing suspended materials into waterways, sewer or drainage systems. ' C. Control disposal of runoff of water containing suspended materials or other harmful substances in accordance with local authority requirements. ' 1.06 SITE CLEARING AND PLANT PROTECTION A. Protect trees and plants on site and adjacent properties where indicated B. Wrap in burlap, trees and shrubs adjacent to construction work, storage areas and trucking lanes and encase with protective wood framework from grade to a height of 2.0 meters. C. Protect roots of designated trees to drip line during excavation and site grading to prevent disturbance or damage. Avoid unnecessary traffic, dumping and storage of materials over root zones. D. Restrict tree removal to areas indicated or designated by the Consultant. 1.07 POLLUTION CONTROL A. Maintain temporary erosion and pollution control features installed under this Contract 09040-01561.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01561 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Page 2 B. Control emissions from equipment and plant to local authorities emission requirements. C. Prevent sandblasting and other extraneous materials from contaminating air beyond area of application by providing temporary enclosures. D. Cover or wet dry materials and rubbish to prevent blowing dust and debris. E. Provide dust control for temporary roads and elsewhere as required and directed by the Owner or Consultant. F. Refer to Section 01410 for requirements for spills reporting. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01561 wpd ~~~ 1 C' 1 ~~ DIVISION 1 SECTION 01610 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. References B. Quality C. Availability D. Storage, Handling and Protection E. Transportation F. Manufacturer's Instructions G. Quality of Work H. Coordination I. Concealment J. Remedial Work K. Location of Fixtures L. Fastenings M. Fastenings- Equipment N. Protection of Work in Progress O. Existing Utilities P. Requirements for Fire Rated Assemblies 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01115 1.03 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee: CCDC 2-2008, Stipulated Price Contract. B. Within text of each specifications section, reference may be made to reference standards. C. Conform to these reference standards, in wholeorinpartasspecificallyrequestedinspecifications. D. If there is question as to whether products or systems are in conformance with applicable standards, Consultant reserves right to have such products or systems tested to prove or disprove conformance. E. Cost for such testing will be born by Owner in event of conformance with Contract Documents or by Contractor in event of non-conformance. 1.04 QUALITY A. .Products, materials, equipment and articles incorporated in Work shall be new, not damaged or defective, and of best qual ity for purpose intended. If requested, furnish evidence as to type, source and quality of products provided. B. Defective products, whenever identified priorto completion of Work, will be rejected, regardless of previous inspections. Inspection does not relieve responsibility, but is precaution against oversight or error. Remove and replace defective products at own expense and be responsible for delays and expenses caused by rejection. C. Should disputes arise as to quality or fitness of products, decision rests strictly with Consultant based upon requirements of Contract Documents. D. Unless otherwise indicated in specifications, maintain uniformity of manufacture for any particular or like item throughout building. oeoaa-oie i o.wPa DIVISION 1 SECTION 01610 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 2 E. Permanent labels, trademarks and nameplates on products are not acceptable in prominent locations, except where required for operating instructions, or when located in mechanical or electrical rooms 1.05 AVAILABILITY A. immediately upon signing Contract, review product delivery requirements and anticipate foreseeable supply delays for items. If delays in supply of products are foreseeable, notify Consultant of such, in order that substitutions or other remedial action may be authorized in ample time to prevent delay in performance of Work. B. In event of failure to notify Consultant at commencement of Work and should it subsequently appear that Work may be delayed for such reason, Consultant reserves right to substitute more readily available products of similar character, at no increase in Contract Price or Contract Time. 1.06 STORAGE HANDLING AND PROTECTION A. Handle and store products in manner to prevent damage, adulteration, deterioration and soiling and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions when applicable. B. Store packaged or bundled products in original and undamaged condition with manufacturer's seal and labels intact. Do not remove from packaging or bundling until required in Work. C. Store products subject to damage from weather in weatherproof enclosures. D. Store cementitious products clear of earth or concrete floors, and away from walls. E. Keep sand, when used for grout or mortar materials, clean and dry. Store sand on wooden platforms and cover with waterproof tarpaulins during inclement weather. F. Store sheet materials, lumber and panel products on flat, solid supports and keep clear of ground. Slope to shed moisture. G. Store and mix paints in heated and ventilated room. Remove oily rags and other combustible debris from site daily. Take every precaution necessary to prevent spontaneous combustion. H. Remove and replace damaged products at own expense and to satisfaction of Consultant. Touch-up damaged factory finished surfaces to Consultant's satisfaction. Use touch-up materials to match original. Do not paint over name plates. 1.07 TRANSPORTATION A. Pay costs of transportation of products required in performance of Work. B. Unload, handle and store products supplied and delivered to site by Owner 1.D8 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A. Unless otherwise indicated in specifications, install or erect products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Do not rely on labels or enclosures provided with products. Obtain written instructions directly from manufacturers. B. Notify Consultant in writing, of conflicts between specifications and manufacturer's instructions, so that Consultant will establish course of action. osoaa.oisio wpa 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01610 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Pape 3 C. Improper installation or erection of products, due to failure in complying with these requirements, ' authorizes Consultant to require removal and re-installation at no increase in Contract Price or Contract Time. 1.09 QUALITY OF WORK A. Ensure Quality of Work is of highest standard, executed by workers experienced and skilled in respective duties for which they are employed. Immediately notify Consultant if required Work is such as to make it impractical to produce required results. B. Do not employ anyone unskilled in their required duties. Consultant reserves right to require dismissal from site, workers deemed incompetent or careless. C. Decisions as to standard or fitness of Quality of Work in cases of dispute rest solely with Consultant, whose decision is final. ' 1.10 COORDINATION A. Co-ordinate all sections of the work. The responsibility as to which subcontractor, or supplier provides labour, material, equipment or services rests solely with the Contractor. The Consultant ' will not be required to settle disputes between the Contractor and subcontractors or suppliers. B. Ensure co-operation of workers in laying out Work. Maintain efficient and continuous supervision. ' C. Be responsible for coordination and placement of openings, sleeves and accessories. 1.11 CON CEALMENT ' A. Plans are schematic and do not indicate final arrangement or routing of conduit, piping, ducts, tubing and wiring. Prepare all necessary interference drawings as specified and coordinate all routing of services prior to construction. Before installation inform Consultant if there is interference. Install as directed by Consultant. B. Conceal pipes, ducts, tubing, conduit and wiring located in fnished areas, within walls, ceiling spaces, floors and furred construction unless specifically noted to be left exposed. C. If any doubt arises as to the means of concealment, or intent of contract documents, request clarification from the Consultant before proceeding with the portion of the work in question. 1 D Do not install conduit, piping or the like exposed on face of exterior or interior walls or surfaces without express consent of the Consultant. ' E. Mechanical and Electrical work shall be inspected and tested before being concealed. 1.12 REM EDIAL WORK A. Perform remedial work required to repairor replace parts or portions of Work identified as defective ' or unacceptable. Co-ordinate adjacent affected Work as required. B. Perform remedial work by specialists familiar with materials affected. Perform in a manner to neither damage nor put at risk any portion of Work. 1.13 LOCATION OF FIXTURES A. Consider location offxtures, outlets, and mechanical and electrical items indicated as approximate. 09040-01610 wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01610 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 4 ' B. Inform Consultant of conflicting installation. Install as directed. 1.14 FASTENINGS ' A. Supply all fastenings, anchors and accessories and adhesives required forfabrication and erection of the work. , B. Provide exposed metal fastenings and accessories in same texture, colour and finish as adjacent materials, unless indicated otherwise. C. Metal fastenings shall be of the same material as the metal component they are anchoring or of a metal which will not result in an electrolytic action which would cause damage to the fastening or metal component under moist or acidic conditions. e and shall be used in ro riate t ll b of a dh i h i , D. p yp e pp es ve s a ces or a Anchoring and fastening dev sufficient quantity in such a manner as to provide positive permanent anchorage of the unit to be anchored in position. Install anchors at spacing to provide for required load carrying capacity. , E. Prevent electrolytic action between dissimilar metals and materials. F. Use non-corrosive hot dip galvanizedsteelfastenersandanchorsforsecuringexteriorwork,unless stainless steel or other material is specifically requested in affected specification Section. , G. Space anchors within individual load limit or shear capacity and ensure they provide positive permanent anchorage. Wood, or any other organic material plugs are not acceptable. ' H. Keep exposed fastenings to a minimum, space evenly and install neatly. I. Supply adequate instructions and templates and, if necessary, supervise installation where ' fastenings or accessories are required to be built into work of other trades. J. Fastenings which cause spalling or cracking of material to which anchorage is being made are not permitted. , 1.15 FASTENINGS- EQUIPMENT A. Use fastenings of standard commercial sizes and patterns with material and finish suitable for service. B. Use heavy hexagon heads, semi-fnished unless otherwise specified. Use No. 3D4 stainless steel for exterior areas. ' C. Bolts may not project more than one diameter beyond nuts. D. Use plain type washers on equipment, sheet metal and soft gasket lock type washers where ' vibrations occur. Use resilient washers with stainless steel. 1.16 PROTECTION OF WORK IN PROGRESS ' A. Prevent overloading of parts of building. Do not cut, drill or sleeve load bearing structural member, unless specifically indicated without written approval of Consultant. ' 09040-016 W.wptl , ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01610 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 5 ' 1.17 EXISTING UTILITIES A. Be responsible forthe protection of all utilities where required. No claims will be considered which are based on delays or inconvenience resulting from relocation or repair due to the Contractor failing to provide adequate protection. ' B. The location and depth of any underground utilities shown on the Contract Drawings are based on the investigations made by the Owner's consultants. Contact the appropriate utilities for further information in regard to the exact location of all utilities and exercise the necessary care in ' construction operations and take such other precautions as are necessary to safeguard the utilities from damage. ' C. Give proper notices for new services as may be required. Make arrangements with authorities and utilities for service connections required. D. Pay any charges levied by utilities or authorities for work carried out by them in connection with the ' Work, unless specified otheruvise- E. Operate, maintain and pay for all utility systems affected by work of the Contract, until the building or specifc portions thereof have been accepted by the Owner. F. Report existing unknown services encountered during excavation to Consultantforinstructions;cut back and cap or plug unused services in accordance with approved practices of the affected utility provider. Be responsible forthe protection of all active services encountered and for repairof such ' services if damaged. G. When breaking into or connecting to existing services or utilities, execute Work at times directed ' by local governing authorities, with minimum of disturbance to Work, and pedestrian and vehicular traffic. H. Protect, relocate or maintain existing active services. When services are encountered, cap off in ' manner approved by authority having jurisdiction. Stake and record location of capped service 1.18 REQU IREMENTS FOR FIRE RATED ASSEMBLIES A. Provide fire protection to the finished project as indicated on the drawings and in the Technical ' Sections of the Specifications. B. Test methods used to determine fire hazard classifications and fire performance ratings of ' assemblies and materials shall be as required by the Ontario Building Code. C. When requested, furnish the Owner with evidence of compliance with the fire protection requirements. i D. Materials and components used to construct fire rated assemblies and materials requiring fire hazard classification shall be I fisted and labelled or otherwise approved by the appropriate authority. Labelled materials and their packaging shall bear fre rating authorities label showing product classification. E. Fire rated door assemblies shall include doors, frames, anchors and hardware and shall bear label ' of fire rating authority showing opening classification and rating. F. Materials having a fire hazard classifcation shall be installed in accordance with the fire rating authorities printed instructions. ' G. Fire rated assemblies and all components shall be in accordance with the referenced design criteria. Deviations from the requirements of the referenced authority will not be permitted. 09040-0'1670 wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01610 COMMON PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS Page 6 H. Construct all f re rated assemblies as continuous, uninterrupted elements. Extend rated walls or partitions from the floor to the underside of the structure above. I. Fill and patch voids and gaps around openings and penetrations and at the perimeter of the assembly to maintain continuity and to produce a fire resistant smoke tight seal. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT USED PART 3 : EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED End of Section osoao-oi s i o wPa ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01710 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Pa e 1 ' PART 1: GE NERAL ' 1 01 SECTION INCLUDES . A. Qualifications of surveyor. ' B. Survey reference points. C. Lines, levels and dimensions. D. Examination. ' E. Existing services. F. Location of equipment and fixtures. G. Records. ' H. I. Submittals. Subsurface conditions. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A Construction Pro ress Documentation S ti 01320 . g ec on ' 1.03 REFERENCES A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) 1. CCDC 2- 2008 ,Stipulated Price Contract. ' B. Owner's identification of existing survey control points and property limits. ' 1.04 QUALIFICATIONS OF SURVEYOR A f . Quali ied registered land surveyor, licensed to practice in Place of Work, acceptable to Consultant. ' 1.05 SURVEY REFERENCE POINTS A. Existing base horizontal and vertical control points are designated on drawings. B L fi . ocate, con rm and protect control points prior to starting site work. Preserve permanent reference points during construction. ' C. Make no changes or relocations without prior written notice to Consultant. D. Report to Consultant when reference point is lost or destroyed, or requires relocation because of necessary changes in grades or locations. E. Require surveyor to replace control points in accordance with original survey control. 1.06 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS A. Establish two permanent bench marks on site, referenced to established bench marks by ' survey control points. Record locations, with horizontal and vertical data in Project Record Documents. ' B. Establish lines and levels, locate and lay out, by instrumentation. ' 09040-Ot 7 W.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01710 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Page 2 , C. Carefully lay out the building on the site and confirm all bearings and tie in points relative tc the site. Report any discrepancies to the Consultant prior to commencement of the work. ' Proceed only when such discrepancies have been resolved. D. Stake for grading, fill and topsoil placement and landscaping features. , E. Stake slopes and berms. F. Establish pipe invert elevations. ' G. Stake batter boards for foundations. H. Establish foundation column locations and floor elevations. , 1.07 LINES LEVELS AND DIMENSIONS A. Lay out work in accordance with lines and levels shown on Drawings. ' B. Verify lines, levels and dimensions and report errors or inconsistencies in the Drawings to Consultant before commencing shop drawing or the work. ' C. Provide levels and dimensions necessary to relate the work of one Section to another Section. ' D. Establish lines and levels for mechanical and electrical work. E. Take all necessary job measurements for proper execution and completion of the work. , Assume complete responsibility for accuracy and completeness thereof. 1.08 EXAMINATION ' A. Prior to the commencement of the work of any Section of the specifications, existing work shall be inspected and any defects shall be reported in writing, to the General Contractor and the Consultant. The commencement of work or any part of it, shall be deemed to mean the ' acceptance of the work upon which work or that part of it which has been applied depends. B. Drawings are, in part, diagrammatic and are intended to convey scope of work and indicate , general and approximate location, arrangement and sizes of fixtures and equipment. Obtain more accurate information about locations, arrangement and sizes from study and coordination of shop drawings and interference drawings, including architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection and electrical drawings and become familiar with ' conditions and spaces affecting these matters before proceeding with work. Where job conditions require reasonable changes in indicated locations and arrangements, make changes at no additional cost to Owner. ' C. Install and arrange fixtures and equipment in such a way as to conserve as much headroom and space as possible. 1.09 EXISTING SERVICES , A. Before commencing work, establish location and extent of service lines in area of Work and notify Consultant of findings. , 09040-01710 wptl ' DIVISION 1 SECTION 01710 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Page 3 ' B. Remove abandoned service lines within 2 m of structures. Cap or otherwise seal lines at ff ' cut-o points as directed by Consultant. 1.10 LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT AND FIXTURES A. Location of equipment, fixtures and outlets indicated or specified are to be considered as approximate. B. Locate equipment, fixtures and distribution systems to provide minimum interterence and maximum usable space and in accordancewith manufacturer's recommendations for safety, access and maintenance. Include existing equipmentwhich affects, orwill be affected by the ' work. C. Inform Consultant of impending installation and obtain approval for actual location. D. Submit field and interterence drawings to indicate relative position of various services and ' equipmentwhen required by Consultant. Refer to requirements for interference drawings in Divisions 15 and 16. E. Prepare interference and equipment placing drawings to ensure that all components will be properly accommodated within the spaces provided. F. Prepare drawings to indicate coordination and methods of installation of a system with other systems where their relationship is critical. Ensure that all details of equipment apparatus and connections are coordinated. ' G. Ensure that clearances required by jurisdictional authorities and clearances for proper maintenance and access are indicated and maintained. ' H. Submit two (2) copies of interference drawings to Owner and Consultant in accordance with Section 01330. 1.11 RECORDS A. Maintain a complete, accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses. B. On completion of foundations and major site improvements, prepare a certified survey ' showing dimensions, locations, angles and elevations of Work and submit three copies plus one digital AutoCad file to Consultant. C. Record locations of service lines. 1.12 SUBMITTALS ' A. Submit name and address of Surveyor to Consultant. B. On request of Consultant, submit documentation to verify accuracy of field engineering work. ' C. Submit certificate signed by surveyor certifying and noting those elevations and locations of completed Work that conform and do not conform with Contract Documents. ' 09040-01710.wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01710 EXAMINATION AND PREPARATION Page 4 ' 1.13 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS A. Refer to CCDC 2, GC 6.4. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section osoaa-onmwpa 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01740 CLEANING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Progressive cleaning. B. Final cleaning. 1.02 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE A. General Instructions Section 01115 B. Waste Management and Disposal Section 01355 C. Closeout Procedures Section 01770 1.03 A. Canadian Construction Documents CommitteeCCDC2-2008, Stipulated PriceContractand Supplementary General Conditions. 1.04 PROJECT CLEANLINESS A. Maintain Work in tidy condition, free from accumulation of waste products and debris, including that caused by Owner or other Contractors. B. Clean interior areas prior to start of finish work, and maintain areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing operations. C. Store volatile waste in covered metal containers, and remove from premises at end of each working day. D. Provide adequate ventilation during use of volatile or noxious substances. Use of building ventilation systems is not permitted for this purpose. E. Use only cleaning materials recommended by manufacturer of surface to be cleaned, and as recommended by cleaning material manufacturer. F. Schedule cleaning operations so that resulting dust, debris and other contaminants will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces nor contaminate building systems. G. Close rooms and areas finished by painter and decorators to all but authorized persons. H. On completion of work remove stains and smudges from paint work, hardware, aluminum and other finished surfaces and wash and polish glass. I. Replace all broken, damaged or scratched glass other than those which have been broken or damaged by those installing them which shall be replaced by the installers. J. Upon completion of final cleaning, and immediately prior to Total Performance, remove cleaning equipment, tools, waste materials and debris from the building and site. K. Keep existing building and parking areas clean and safe, free from debris or construction material. L. Dispose of waste materials in accordance with the requirements of Section 01355. 1.05 FINAL CLEANING A. Refer to CCDC 2, GC 3.14. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE 09040-01740.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01740 CLEANING Page 2 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section 09040-01740.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Pa e1 ' PART 1 : GENERAL ' 1 01 SECTION INCLUDES . A. Administrative procedures preceding preliminary and final inspections of Work. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Closeout Submittals Section 01780 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. Canadian Construction Documents Committee CCDC 2-2008, Stipulated Price Contract including Supplementary Conditions. B. OAA/OGCADocument100-RecommendedproceduresregardingSubstantialPertormance ' of Construction Contracts and Completion Take Over of Projects. C. The Construction Lien Act. 1.04 INSPECTION AND DECLARATION A. Contractor's Inspection: The Contractor and all Sub-contractors shall conduct an inspection of Work, identify deficiencies and defects, and repair as required to conform to Contract Documents. Submit duplicate copies of the deficiency list to the Owner and Consultant. 1. Notify Consultant in writing of satisfactory completion of Contractor's Inspection and ' that corrections have been made. 2. Request Consultant's Inspection. ' B. Consultant'slnspection:ConsultantandContractorwillperforminspectionofWorktoidentify obvious defects or deficiencies Contractor shall correct Work a di l . ccor ng y. C. Completion: submit written certificate that following have been pertormed: 1. Work has been completed and inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. 2. Defects have been corrected and deficiencies have been completed. 3. Equipment and systems have been tested, adjusted and balanced and are fully operational. 4. Certificates required by Boiler Inspection Branch, Fire Commissioner, Utility companies, TSSA and other regulatory agencies have been submitted. 5. Operation of systems have been demonstrated to Owner's personnel. 6. Work is complete and ready for Final Inspection. D. Final Inspection: when items noted above are completed, request final inspection of Work by Consultant ,and Contractor. If Work is deemed incomplete by the Consultant, complete ' outstanding items and request reinspection. E. Declaration of Substantial Performance: when Consultant consider deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been substantially pertormed, make application for certificate of Substantial Performance. Refer to CCDC 2, General Conditions Article GC 5.4 -Substantial Performance of Work and the Construction 1 Lien Act for specifics to application. 09040-01770.wpd 1 DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Page 2 ' F. Commencement of Lien and Warranty Periods: date of Owner's acceptance of submitted declaration of Substantial Performance shall be date for commencement for warranty period , and commencement of lien period unless required otherwise by lien statute of Place of Work. G. Final Payment: When Consultant considers final deficiencies and defects have been corrected and it appears requirements of Contract have been totally performed, make ' application for final payment. Refer to CCDC 2, General Conditions Article GC 5.7 for specifics to application. H. Payment of Holdback: After issuance of certificate of Substantial Performance of Work, ' submit an application for payment of holdback amount in accordance with CCDC 2, General Conditions Article 5.5. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE , PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section , f1 09040-01770.wpd , DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 ' CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES ' A. B. As-built, samples, and specifications. Record drawings. C. Equipment and systems. D. Final site survey. E. Product data, materials and finishes, and related information. ' F. Operation and maintenance data. G. Spare parts, special tools and maintenance materials. H. I. Warranties and bonds. Commissioning report and sign offs. J. Test certificates and verifications. K. Testing and Balancing (TAB) reports L. Independent Specialty Engineers Sign-Off. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. General Instructions Section 01115 B. Submittal Procedures Section 01330 C. Closeout Procedures Section 01770 ' 1.03 SUBMISSIONS A. Prepare instructions and data by personnel experienced in maintenance and operation of ' described products. B. Copy will be returned after final inspection, with Consultant's comments. C. Revise content of documents as required prior to final submittal. D. Two weeks prior to Substantial Performance of the Work, submit to the Consultant, three final copies of operating and maintenance manuals. E. Ensure spare parts, maintenance materials and special tools provided are new, not ' damaged or defective, and of same quality and manufacture as products provided in Work. F. If requested, furnish evidence as to type, source and quality of products provided. G. Defective products will be rejected, regardless of previous inspections. Replace products at ' own expense. ' H. Pay all costs for transportation and delivery of closeout submittals. 1.04 FORMAT ' A. Organize data in the form of an instructional manual. B. Binders: vinyl, hard covered, 3'D' ring, loose leaf 8'/" x 11" (219 x 279 mm) with spine and I face pockets. ' 09040-01780.wpd DIVISION 1 ' SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 2 C. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. Identify contents of each binder on spine. , D. Cover: Identify each binder with type or printed title 'Project Record Documents'; list title of project and identify subject matter of contents. E uence of Table of Contents Arran e content b stems under Section numbers and se s , . q . g y y , F. Provide tabbed fly leaf for each separate product and system, with typed description of product and major component parts of equipment. ' G. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or typewritten data. H. Drawings: provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text; fold larger drawings ' to size of text pages 1.05 CON TENTS-EACH VOLUME ' A. Table of Contents: provide title of project, identify sections and page numbers. 1. Date of submission ' 2. Names,addresses, and telephone numbers of Consultant andContractorwithname of responsible parties; 3. Schedule of products and systems, indexed to content of volume. , B. For each product or system: 1. List names, addresses and telephone numbers of subcontractors and suppliers, , including local source of supplies and replacement parts. 2. Provide contact names and telephone numbersformaintenanceandrepairservices. ' C. Product Data: mark eachsheettoclearlyidentifyspecificproductsandcomponentparts,and data applicable to installation; delete inapplicable information. D. Drawings: supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of equipment ' and systems, to show control and Flow diagrams. E. Typewritten Text: as required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of ' instructions for each procedure, incorporating manufacturer's instructions specified in Section 01450 -Quality Control. 1.06 RECORD DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES ' A. In addition to requirements in General Conditions, maintain at the site for Consultant one record copy of: ' 1. Contract Drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. 4. Addenda. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. ' 5. Reviewed shop drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Field test records. 7. Inspection certificates. 8. Manufacturer's certificates. 09040-O'1780.wptl LJ 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 3 ' 1.07 lJ B. Store record documents and samples in field office apart from documents used for construction. Provide files, racks, and secure storage. C. Label record documents and file in accordance with Section number listings in List of Contents of this Project Manual. Label each document"PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. D. Maintain record documents in clean, dry and legible condition. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. E. Keep record documents and samples available for inspection by Consultant. RECORDING ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS A. Record information on set of black line opaque drawings obtained from the Consultant. B. Provide felt tip marking pens, maintaining separate colours for each major system, for recording information. C. Record information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal Work until required information is recorded. D. Contract Drawings and shop drawings: legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including: 1. Any deviation from construction documents. 2. Measured depths of elements of foundation in relation to finish first floor datum. 3. Measured horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. 4. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances, referenced to visible and accessible features of construction. 5. Field changes of dimension and detail. 6. Changes made by change orders. 7. Details not on original Contract Drawings. 8. References to related shop drawings and modifications. E. On completion of the Work, and prior to Substantial Performance, transfer all "As-Built" information onto AutoCAD drawings and store drawings on a CD ROM. Correct information as directed and hand overtwo sets ofwhite prints, clearly marked "As-Built" and the CD ROM to the Consultant. Specifications: legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, and catalogue number of each product actually installed, particularly optional items and substitute items. 2. Changes made by Addenda and change orders. G. Other Documents: maintain manufacturer's certifications, inspection certifications, field test records, required by individual specifications sections. asoao-oneo wPd DIVISION 1 , SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 4 1.08 FINAL SURVEY A. Submitfinal sitesurveycertificate, prepared bya registered Ontario Land Surveyor, certifying ' that elevations and locations of completed Work are in conformance, or non-conformance with Contract Documents. 1 09 EQU IPMENT AND SYSTEMS ' . A. Each Item of Equipment and Each System: include description of unit or system, and component parts. Give function, normal operation characteristics, and limiting conditions. Include performance curves, with engineering data and tests, and complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts. B. Panel board circuit directories: provide electrical service characteristics, controls, and t communications. C. Include installed colour coded wiring diagrams. ' D. Operating Procedures: include start-up, break-in, and routine normal operating instructions and sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and emergency instructions. Include summer, winter, and any special operating instructions. ' E. Maintenance Requirements: include routine procedures and guide for trouble-shooting; disassembly, repair, and reassembly instructions; and alignment, adjusting, balancing, and checking instructions. F. Provide servicing and lubrication schedule, and list of lubricants required. , G. Include manufacturer's printed operation and maintenance instructions. H. Include sequence of operation by controls manufacturer. ' I. Provide original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings, and diagrams required for maintenance. ' J. Provide installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer. K. Provide Contractor's coordination drawings, with installed colour coded piping diagrams. ' L. Provide charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve, keyed to flow and control diagrams. , M. Provide list of original manufacturer's spare parts, current prices, and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage. ' N. Include test and balancing reports as specified in Section 01450 -Quality Control. O. Elevator: Submit certificates of inspection and licenses specified in Section 14241 and in ' accordance with regulatory requirements. Coordinate and obtain all permits required in the Province of Ontario from all regulatory agencies including the Ontario Ministry of Consumer Relations ,Technical Standards and Safety Authority (T.S.S.A.), and from Electrical and ElevatinglnspectionsBranch.ObtainT.S.S.A.approvalofdesignpriortosubmissionofshop ' drawings, and pay for all required inspections and permits under Ontaric Regulation 221/01. 09040-01780.wptl u 1 1 DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS Page 5 P. Additional requirements: As specified in individual specification sections. 1.10 MATERIALS AND FINISHES A. Building Products, Applied Materials, and Finishes: include product data, with catalogue number, size, composition, and colour and texture designations. B. Instructions for cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. C. Moisture-protection and Weather-exposed Products: include manufacturer's recommendations far cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods, and recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance. D. Additional Requirements: as specified in individual specifications sections. 1.11 SPARE PARTS A. Provide spare parts, in quantities specified in individual specification sections. B. Provide items of same manufacture and quality as items in Work. C. Deliver to site; place and store. D. Receive and catalogue all items. Submit inventory listing to Consultant. Include approved listings in Maintenance Manual. E. Obtain receipt for delivered products and submit prior to final payment. 1.12 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide maintenance and extra materials, in quantities specified in individual specification sections. B. Provide items of same manufacture and quality as items in Work. C. Deliver to site; place and store. D. Receive and catalogue all items. Submit inventory listing to Consultant. Include approved listings in Maintenance Manual. E. Obtain receipt for delivered products and submit prior to final payment. 1.13 SPECIAL TOOLS A. Provide special tools, in quantities specified in individual specification section. B. Provide items with tags identifying their associated function and equipment. C. Deliver to site ;place and store. D. Receive and catalogue all items. Submit inventory listing to Consultant .Include approved listings in Maintenance Manual. 09040-01780.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS 1.14 STORAGE. HANDLING AND PROTECTION A. Store spare parts, maintenance materials, and special tools in manner to prevent damage or deterioration. B. Store in original and undamaged condition with manufacturer's seal and labels intact. C. Store components subject to damage from weather in weatherproof enclosures. D. Store paints and freezable materials in a heated and ventilated room. E. Remove and replace damaged products at own expense and to satisfaction of Consultant. 1.15 WARRANTEES AND BONDS A. Separate each warranty or bond with index tab sheets keyed to Table of Contents listing. B. List subcontractor, supplier, and manufacturer, with name, address, and telephone number of responsible principal. C. Obtain warranties and bonds, executed in duplicate by subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers, within ten (10) days after completion of the applicable item of work. D. Except for items put into use with Owner's permission, leave date of beginning of time of warranty until the Date of Substantial Performance is determined. E. Verify that documents are in proper form, contain full information, and are notarized. F. Co-execute submittals when required. G. Retain warrantees and bonds until time specified for submittal. 1.16 INDEPENDENT SPECIALTY ENGINEERS SIGN-OFF A. Prior to Substantial Performance, provide copies of signed and stamped engineers review and sign-off letters stating that the work has been built in accordance with their drawings and designs. Conditional or vague letters of sign-off will not be accepted. All specialty design engineers for all sub-contractors and suppliers will be required to review the work in progress at appropriate intervals to ensure compliance with their designs and drawings and shall provide final sign-off letters. Provide copies of all field reports issued by specialty engineers. Carry all costs associated with full compliance with this requirement. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT APPLICABLE End of Section osoao-onao.wPa DIVISION 1 SECTION 01820 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedures and requirements for demonstration and instruction of equipment and systems to Owner's operating and maintenance personnel. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Quality Control Section 01450 B. Closeout Submittals Section 01780 C. Mechanical Division 15 D. Electrical Division 16 1.03 A. Demonstrate operation and maintenance of equipment and systems to Owner's personnel two weeks prior to date of Substantial Performance. B. Owner will provide list of personnel to receive instructions, and will coordinate their attendance at agreed-upon times. 1.04 QUALITY CONTROL A. When specified in individual Sections, require manufacturer to provide authorized representative to demonstrate operation of equipment and systems, instruct Owner's personnel, and provide written report that demonstration and instructions have been completed. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit schedule of time and date for demonstration of each item of equipment and each system two weeks prior to designated dates, for Owner and Consultant approval. B. Submit reports within one week after completion of demonstration, that demonstration and instructions have been satisfactorily completed. C. Give time and date of each demonstration, with list of persons present 1.06 CONDITIONS FOR DEMONSTRATION A. Equipment has been inspected and put into operation. B. Testing, adjusting, and balancing has been performed and accepted and equipment and systems are fully operational. C. Provide copies of completed operation and maintenance manuals for use in demonstrations and instructions. 09090-01820.wptl DIVISION 1 SECTION 01820 DEMONSTRATION AND TRAINING 1.07 PREPARATION A. Verify that conditions for demonstration and instructions comply with requirements. B. Verify that designated personnel are present. 1.08 DEMONSTRATION AND INSTRUCTIONS 1.09 A. Demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble-shooting, servicing, and maintenance of each item of equipment at agreed upon times, at the designated location. C. Review contents of manual in detail to explain all aspects of operation and maintenance. D. Prepare and insert additional data in operations and maintenance manuals when the need for additional data becomes apparent during instructions. E. Refer to detailed instructions far demonstration and training included in Division 15 and 16. B. Instruct personnel in all phases of operation and maintenance using operation and maintenance manuals as the basis of instruction. F. Where training instructions are not specifically mentioned, but are required, perform demonstration and training in accordance with equipment manufacturer's written instructions. TRAINING OF OWNERS PERSONNEL A. Be responsible for training coordination and scheduling and for ensuring that training is completed. B. The commissioning personnel shall be responsible for reviewing and approving the content of the training of Owner personnel for commissioned equipment. C. The specific training requirements of Owner personnel is specified in the Division in which the equipment is specified. D. Each trade responsible for training submits a written training plan for review and approval prior to training. The approved Operations and Maintenance manuals shall be used during the training for equipment specific references. The plan will cover the following elements: 1. Equipment list. 2. Agenda and subjects (design intent, equipment inspections, modes of operation, system interactions, troubleshooting, preventative maintenance, etc.) 3. Expected duration of training session 4. Methods (classroom lecture, video, site walk-through, actual operational demonstrations, written handouts, etc.) 5. Instructor and qualifications 6. For primary HVAC equipment, the Controls Contractor shall provide a short discussion of the control of the equipment during the mechanical or electrical training conducted by others. osoao-ouzo wPa 1 1 1 I w PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT USED PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 NOT USED 09040-01820.wpd DIVISION 1 SECTION 01820 DEMONSTRATION AND T End of Section 3 A DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS . A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Environmental Procedures Section 01350 B. Waste Management and Disposal Section 01355 C. Temporary Barriers and Enclosures Section 01560 D. Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 E. Site Preparation Section 02100 F. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 1.03 WORK INCLUDED A. Selective demolition of the existing building for the extent shown on the drawings. B. Decommissioning of all mechanical, electrical systems including drainage and purging of all equipment and piping. C. Decommissioning, removal and disposal of ice rink refrigeration equipment including draining and disposal of refrigerant from existing rink refrigeration system. D. Removal of landscape components, exterior structures, exterior fixtures and equipment and other exterior elements indicated or as necessary to complete the work. E. Abatement, removal and disposal of designated substances listed in the "Designated Substances Survey, Darlington Sports Centre-Taunton Road, Hampton Ontario" by Golder Associates, report No. 09-1187-D125 dated August 24, 2009 in accordance with O. Reg 278/05 and all other applicable legislation, but not including items identified to remain such as lead paint and vinyl floor tile. Refer to Specification Section 02080 for Asbestos ' Abatement requirements. 1.04 REFERENCES 1 A The National Building Code of Canada, Part 8-Safety Measures on Construction and Demolition Sites. B. Ontario Regulation 102/94, Waste Audits and Waste Reduction Work Plans. C. Ontario Regulation 103/94.Environmental Protection Act. D. Ontario Regulation 213107 -The Fire Code. E. Ontario Regulation 232/98 - Landfilling Sites. F. Ontario Regulation 278105 -Designated Substance - Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations. G. Ontario Regulation 347- Environmental Protection Act, General -Waste Management. H Ontario Regulation 350/06 -The Building Code. 1 I. Ontario Regulation 521/03 -The Gasoline Handling Act. J. The Environmental Protection Act. K The Workplace Health and Safety Act, and Regulations for Construction Projects. I L. The Contractors Health and Safety Policy. 1 osaao-o2aso wpd 1.05 DIVISION 2 ' SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 2 M. Laws, rules and regulations of other authorities having jurisdiction. SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit detailed written schedule, methodology and proposed procedures for demolition including a Safe Work Plan to Consultant and Owner for review prior to commencement of demolition. ' C. Where required by authorities havingjurisdiction, submit forapproval drawings, diagrams or details clearly showing sequence of disassembly work or supporting structures and underpinning. D. Drawings for structural elements of the demolition process including shoring and underpinning shall bear signature and stamp of qualified professional engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. E. Submitaconstructionwastemanagementplanincludingdemolitionandremovalprocedures under provisions of Section 01355. ' F. Submit proposed dust-control measures. osed noise-control measures ro Submit G t . p p . H. Submit schedule of demolition activities indicating the following: ~ K. 1 Detailed sequence of demolition and removal work, including start and end dates for each activity. 2 Dates for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. 3 If hazardous materials are encountered and disposed of, landfill records indicating receipt and acceptance of hazardous wastes by a landfill facility licensed to accept hazardous wastes. , Submitwaste reduction progress reports with applications for payment. Include the following in the reports: 1 Material Category/Type 2 Where waste was generated 3 Total quantity of waste in tons. 4 Total quantity salvaged, in tons 5 Total quantity recycled, in tons 6 Total quantity recovered (salvaged + recycled), in tons 7 Total quantity recovered as a percentage of total waste. At Project Closeout: Submit record drawings in accordance with Section 01780. Identify and accurately locate capped utilities and other subsurface structural, electrical, or mechanical conditions ^ Submit proof that all personnel involved in the removal and handling of hazardous material ° are trained and certified in the safe removal and handling of such materials 09040-02050.wpd ,j DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 _ DEMOLITION Pa e 3 1.06 PERMITS A. Obtain and pay for all permits and comply with all laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations relating to Demolition of Building and preservation of Public Health and Safety. B. The Consultant will complete General Review during demolition in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, Division C., Part 1, Article All other engineering required for shoring design and for other structural elements of the demolition work will be completed by the Contractor's own engineer and paid for by the Contractor. 1.D7 WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN A. All work of this section shall be completed in accordance with the contractors approved Waste Management Plan specified in Section 01355. 1.08 DEFINITIONS A. Chemical Waste: Includes petroleum products, bituminous materials, salts, acids, alkalis, 1 herbicides, pesticides, organic chemicals and inorganic wastes. B. Demolition Waste: Building materials and solid waste resulting from construction,remodeling, repair, cleanup, or demolition operations that are not hazardous. This term includes, but is I not limited to, asphalt concrete, Portland cementconcrete, brick, lumber, gypsum wallboard, cardboard and other associated packaging, roofing material, ceramic tile, carpeting, plastic pipe, and steel. The materials may include rock, soil, tree stumps, and other vegetative matter resulting from land clearing and landscaping for construction or land development projects. C. Environmental Pollution and Damage: The presence of chemical, physical, or biological elements or agents which adversely affect human health or welfare; unfavorably alter ecological balances of importance to human or animal life; affect other species of importance to humanity; or degrade the utility of the environment for aesthetic, cultural or historical purposes. D. Inert Fill: A permitted facility that accepts inert waste such as asphalt and concrete exclusively for the purpose of disposal. E. Inert Solids/inert Waste: Non-liquid solid waste including, but not limited to, soil and concrete, thatdoes not contain hazardous substances orsoluble pollutants at concentrations inexcess of water-quality standards established by a regional water board and does not contain significant quantities of decomposable solid waste. F. Landfill: A landfill thataccepts non-hazardous materials such as household, commercial, and industrial waste, resulting from construction remodeling repair and demolition operations , , , . A landfill must have a solid waste facilities permit from the Ministry of the Environment and be in conformance to O. Reg 232198. G R li . ecyc ng: The process of sorting, cleansing, treating and reconstituting materials for the purpose of using the altered form in the manufacture of a new product. Recycling does not include burning, incinerating or thermally destroying solid waste. 09040-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 4 H. Remove: Remove and legally dispose of items, except those identified for use in recycling, re-use, and salvage programs. I. Reuse: The use, in the same or similar form as it was produced, of a material which might otherwise be discarded. includin d li id t lid i J. g qu was es, , an so Solid Waste: All putrescible and nonputrescible solid, sem garbage, trash, refuse, paper, rubbish, ashes, industrial wastes, demolition and construction wastes, abandoned vehicles and parts thereof, discarded home and industrial appliances, dewatered, treated, or chemically fixed sewage sludge which is not hazardous waste, manure, vegetable or animal solid and semisolid wastes, and other discarded solid and semisolid wastes. "Solid waste" does not include hazardous waste, radioactive waste, or medical waste as defined or regulated by law. 1.09 QUALI TY ASSURANCE A. Demolition Firm Qualifications: Demolition contractor shall be an experienced firm that has successfully completed demolition Work similar to that indicated for this Project. B. Abatement Contractors: Only abatement contractors licenced in the province of Ontario and approved by the Owner are permitted to undertake designated substances abatement and removal. C. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing regulations before starting demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Obtain and pay for all permits required. D. Pre-demolition Conference: Conduct a conference at Project site. 1 Review the environmental goals of this Project and make a proactive effort to increase awareness of these goals among all labor forces on site. 2 Review schedule and scheduling procedures. 3 Review health and safety procedures. 4 Review of Designated Substances Survey, Darlington Sports Centre-Taunton Road, Hampton Ontario by Golder Associates, report No. 09-1187-0125 dated August 24, 2009. 5 Review of Project conditions including review of record photographs. DITIONS 1.10 PROJ ECT SITE CON A. Areas of buildings to be demolished will be vacated and discontinued in use prior to the start of the work. B. Construct safety barriers, barricades, fencing and hoarding to separate public from work areas as described in Section 01560. C. The Owner assumes no responsibility for the actual condition of the structures to be demolished. D. Conditions existing at the time of inspection for bidding purposes will be maintained by the Owner insofar as practicable. Variations within the structures may occur by the Owner's salvage operations prior to start of demolition. 09040-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 ~ DEMOLITION Pa e 5 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Conform to requirements of the General Conditions and Division 1, in particular, articles on Design and Safety Requirements for Temporary Work. Provide all materials necessary for temporary shoring. On completion, remove temporary materials from site unless specifically indicated to remain for future phases of the work. B All b i d . u l ing materials removed from the building shall become the property of the Contractor unless specified otherwise and shall be reused in new construction or removed from the Site the same or next day after demolition. C. All concrete, masonry, asphalt and similar materials shall be crushed prior to removals from the site. D D i . es gnated Substances: Confirm all quantities of designated substances. 2.02 SALVAGE A. All items of salvageable value must be salvaged. ~' B. The Owner reserves first salvage rights. C. Notify the Owner for review of material to be stored or selected for salvage. D. Provide a schedule of items to be salvaged and clearly indicate which items are to be retained by Owner. Clearly identify and tag each salvageable item. E. Items of salvageable value to the Contractor may be removed from the structure as the work progresses, if such items are not claimed by the Owner. F. Transport salvaged items from the site as they are removed. 2.03 RECYCLE A. All materials from demolition and land clearing which can be recycled through local municipal programs and which is not scheduled for salvage shall be sorted and separated in accordance with Regional, Provincial and Municipal standards and regulations. B D . ocumentation must be kept of all recycled material in order to fill out waste reduction progress reports. C. Recycle paper and beverage containers used by onsite workers. Provide recycling receptacles for the duration of construction activities at the building site. 09040-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 6 PART 3: EXEC UTION PHASING 3.01 A. Provide a phasing plan indicating areas ofwork and methods of protection. Indicate hoarding, fencing and public way protection locations and details. Schedule and sequence work in accordance with the phasing plans. 3.02 DESIGNATED SUBSTANCES A. Referto Designated Substances Survey, Darlington Sports Centre-Taunton Road, Hampton Ontario by Golder Associates, report No. 09-1187-0125 dated August 24, 2009. B. Ensure that all Identified Designated Substances have been abated and all clean-up is complete in accordance with GolderAssociates specifications (Section 02080) and approval to proceed has been obtained from the Owner and Consultant. , C. Certain materials listed in the designated substances reports will remain for removal by this Contract. A list of these items will be provided by the Owner. D. Provide and maintain all required temporary construction facilities and enclosures as required. 3.03 EXAM INATION A. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped. B. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of demolition, salvage and recycling required. ht result in nt mi l i C. g eme ng any e Survey condition of the building to determine whether remov a structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of the structure or adjacent structures during demolition. D. Retain a licensed and qualified civil or structural engineer to provide analysis, including calculations, necessary to ensure the safe execution of the demolition work. E. Perform surveys and tests as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from demolition activities. Survev: li i P , F. m nary re 1 The Demolition Plans indicate the general extent of existing conditions based upon drawings provided by the Owner and existing site conditions. Review all areas of work to determine full extent of areas to be demolished, altered or renovated and become familiar with actual conditions and extent of work required. 2 Before commencing demolition operations, examine Site and provide engineering survey to determine type of construction, condition of structure, and Site conditions. Assess strength and stability of damaged or deteriorated structures. 3 Assess potential effect of removal of any part or parts on the remainder of structure before such part(s) are removed. 09040-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 7 ~' 4 Assess effects of demolition at adjacent building(s), structure(s) and consider need for underpinning, shoring and/or bracing. 5 Investigate for following conditions: (1) load bearing walls and floors (2) structure suspended from another (3) cantilevered construction (4) effects of soils, water, lateral pressures on retaining or foundations walls (5) presence of tanks, wells, other piping systems (6) presence of hazardous materials. G. Afterdeterminingdemolitionmethods,determineareaofpossiblevibration. Carefully inspect beyond those adjacent areas. List potential damage areas and photograph each for record purposes before starting work. 3.04 UTILITIES A. Contact authorities or utility companies for assistance in locating and marking services passing under, through, overhead or adjacentto structure to be demolished. Such services include: 1 electrical power lines 2 gas mains 3 oil pipelines 4 communication cables 5 fibre optic cables 6 water mains 7 fire mains 8 drainage piping (storm and sanitary) B. Before disconnecting, removing, plugging or abandoning any existing utilities serving the building: 1 Notify the Owner, applicable utility companies, and local authorities having jurisdiction. 2 Cut off and cap utilities at the mains on the property or in the street as required by the Owner and responsible utility company. Maintain fire protection to the existing buildings at all times. 3 Remove, cut off and plug, or cap all utilities within the existing building areas to be demolished, except those designated to remain. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Erect and maintain temporary protection, such as walks, fences, railings, canopies, and covered passageways, where required by authorities havingjurisdiction. Maintain such areas free of snow, ice, mud, water and debris. Lighting levels shall be equal to that prior to erection. - B. C. 09040-02050.wpd Provide safe access and egress from working areas using entrances, hallways, stairways or ladder runs, protected to safeguard the personnel using them from falling debris. Where necessary to seal fire exits of adjoining or adjacent buildings, provide other exits in compliance with applicable fire safety and building regulations. DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 8 D. Do not interfere with use and activities of adjacent buildings and site. Maintain free and safe passage to and from buildings. ' E. Where demolition operations prevent normal access to adjacent properties, provide and maintain suitable alternative access. F. Provide flagmen where necessary orappropriate, to provide effective and safe access to site to vehicular traffic and protection to Owner's personnel. G. Protect existing site improvements, appurtenances, and landscaping that are designated to remain in place. H. Submit to the Owner and work plans including plans for the control of airborne dust ' containing possible mould spores, and hazardous substances. Ensure that all necessary controls are in place at the beginning of each work period which will prevent to spread of contaminated material beyond the work area limits. Stop work immediately if there exists any , possibility of the spread of contaminated materials. I. Keep dust from entering existing facilities and areas of building remaining in operation. Comply with Ministry of Health requirements regarding debris control. J. Ensure scaffolds, ladders, equipment and other such equipments are not accessible to public. Protect with adequate fencing or remove and dismantle at end of each day or when no longer required. K. Take precautions to guard against movement, settlement or collapse of adjacent structures, services, sidewalks or driveways. Be liable for such movement, settlement or collapse caused by failure to take necessary precautions. Repair promptly such damage when ordered. , L. If Owner considers additional bracing and shoring necessary to safeguard and prevent such movement or settlement, install bracing or shoring upon Owner's orders. d hi h M. s w c Particular attention shall be paid to prevention of fire and elimination of fire hazar would endanger new work or existing premises. N. Protect existing adjacent work against damages which might occur from falling debris or other causes due to work of this Section. ' O. At all times protect the structure from overloading. i P. ngs. Provide protection around floor and/or roof open O. Protect from weather, parts of adjoining structures not previously exposed. R. Protect interiors of building parts not to be demolished from exterior elements at all times. S. At end of each day's work, leave work in safe condition so that no part is in danger of toppling ~' or falling. 09040-02050 wptl DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Pa e 9 3.06 PREPARATION A P id ll h i . rov e a s or ng and bracing required for the execution of the work. B. Ensure all sedimentation controls as required are in place prior to commencement of demolition activities. Refer to Sections 01350 and 02100. C. Obtain permission from Consultant and/or Owner regarding use of outriggers, swinging ' cranes and similar equipment. D. Before commencing demolition, verify that existing sprinkler, water, gas, electrical and other services in areas being demolished are cut off, capped diverted or removed as required. Post warning signs on electrical lines and equipment which must remain energized to serve adjacent areas during period of demolition. E. Prepare all drawings, documents, and applications and obtain all regulatory approvals and permits required for demolition activities other than the Municipality of Clarington Demolition Permit. F. Conduct demolition operations and remove materials from demolition to ensure minimum interterence with roads, streets, walks, and other adjacent occupied and utilized facilities. ~' G. Do not closeorobstructstreets,walks, or other adjacent occupied or utilized facilitieswithout permission from authorities having jurisdiction. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed traffic ways if required by governing regulations. H. Provide alternate routes around closed or obstructed vehicular and pedestrian ways as routes required by Owners operations. I. Ensure the safe passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic around site. 3.07 TEMPORARY VENTILATION A Provide all re uired t til i f . q emporary ven at on or demolition work. 3.08 ENVI RONMENTAL CONTROLS A. Comply with provincial and municipal regulations pertaining to water, air, solid waste, recycling, chemical waste, sanitary waste, sediment and noise pollution. B. Protection of Natural Resources: 1 Preserve the natural resources within the project boundaries or restore to an equivalent condition. 2 Confine demolition activities to areas defined by public roads, easements, and work - area limits indicated on the drawings. 3 Temporary Construction: Remove indications of temporary construction facilities , such as haul roads, work areas, structures, stockpiles or waste areas. 4 Water Resources: Comply with applicable regulations concerning the direct or indirect discharge of pollutants to underground and natural surface waters. Provide sedimentation control where necessary. 09040-02050.Wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page t0 5 Oily Substances: Prevent oily or other hazardous substances from entering the ground, drainage areas, or local bodies of water in such quantities as to affect normal use, aesthetics, or produce a measurable ecological impact on the area. 6 Store and service construction equipment at areas designated for collection of oil wastes. C. Dust Control, Air Pollution, and Odour Control: Prevent creation of dust, air pollution and odors. 1 Use temporary enclosures and other appropriate methods to limit dust and dirt rising ' and scattering in air to lowest practical level. 2 Store volatile liquids, including fuels and solvents, in closed containers. 3 Properly maintain equipment to reduce gaseous pollutant emissions. D. Noise Control: Pertorm demolition operations to minimize noise. 1 Repetitive, high level impact noise will be permitted only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p. m. Repetitive impact noise on the property shall not exceed the following dB limitations: Sound Level in d6 Time Duration of Impact Noise 60 db More than 12 minutes in any hour 70 dB More than 3 minutes in any hour 2 Provide equipment, sound deadening devices, and take noise abatement measures that are necessary to comply with the requirements of this Contract and Municipality of Clarington regulations. 3 Coordinate vibration creating operations with Owner such that nearby functioning facilities are disturbed minimally. E. Salvage, Re-Use, and Recycling Procedures: 1 Identify re-use, salvage, and recycling facilities. , 2 Develop and implement procedures to re-use, salvage, and recycle demolition materials, based on the Contract Documents, the Contractor's Waste Management and Recycling Plan, estimated quantities of available materials, and availability of recycling facilities. Procedures may include on-site recycling, source-separated recycling, salvage, and/or mixed debris recycling efforts. 3 Identify materials that are feasible for salvage, determine requirements for site storage, and transportation of materials to a salvage facility. 4 Source-separate clean and uncontaminated demolition materials including, but not limited to the following types: (1) Asphalt (2) Concrete, Concrete Block, Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) (3) Brick. (4) Cement Fiber Products. (5) Rigid Foam (6) Glass (7) Plastics (8) Insulation (9) Gypsum Board (10) Porcelain Plumbing Fixtures (11) Fluorescent Light Tubes (12) Metal (ferrous and non-ferrous) 09040-02050 wptl DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 _ DEMOLITION Pa a 11 (13) Soil (14) Wood, Clean Dimensional Wood, Pallet Wood (15) Sheet Wood: Plywood, Oriented Strand Board (OSB), Particle Board (16) Beverage Containers (17) Paper: Bond, Newsprint, Cardboard, Paper, Packaging Materials (18) Other materials as appropriate 5 Develop and implement a program to transport loads of mixed demolition materials that cannot be feasibly source separated to a mixed materials recycling facility. 3.09 PER FORMANCE A. Ensure demolition work is supervised by competent foreman at all times. B. Demolition shall proceed safely in systematic manner from roof to grade, and as necessary to accommodate remedial work indicated. Work on each floor level shall be complete before commencing work on supporting structure and safety of its supports are impaired. Parts of building which would otherwise collapse prematurely shall be securely shored. Walls and piers shall not be undermined. C. Materials and debris shall not be stacked in building. D. At end of each day's work, leave work in safe condition ensuring that no parts of structure are in danger of collapsing. E. Until acceptance, maintain and preserve active utilities traversing premises. t F. Keep work wetted down to minimize dust. G. Provide enclosed chutes for disposal of debris from heights more than 1 storey in accordance with CAN S350-M. H. Maintain safety of site by shoring below-grade-structures and excavations resulting from demolition against collapse. I. Provide and maintain interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or structural support to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of buildings to be demolished and adjacent buildings to remain. Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of demolition. 3.010 DEMOLITION A. Maintain the work areas and storage areas clean and orderly at all times and free of rubbish and debris. B. When permission has been granted to proceed with demolition in the various phasing of the work, it shall be carried forth expeditiously and continuously to completion. C. Review demolition procedures to ensure no personnel or equipment are located or working without additional safe working platforms or working surface adequate to support the operations. 09040-02050.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 12 D. Maintain the existing neighboring buildings or fencing. All damage caused to the adjacent buildings or properties by the neglect of the Contractor or any of his forces shall be made good at the expense of the Contractor including all costs and charges which may be claimed by the Owner for damages or loss of production suffered. E. Complete the work in such a manner as to cause a minimum of noise or interference to Owner's operations. Secure the approval of the Consultant and Owner before proceeding with any work which may cause interference. F. The following methods of demolition will not be permitted in the work of this Contract: ' 1 Use of explosives. G. Demolish in a manner to minimize dusting. Keep dusty materials wetted at all times. H. Execute all cutting and removal of existing building walls, floor slabs, structural steel, roof deck, roofing and other removals as required. I. Demolish masonry and concrete walls in small sections. Carefully remove and lower structural framing and other heavy or large objects. , J. Prevent movement, settlement or damage of adjacentstructures,services,adjacentgrades, and existing building to remain. Make good damage and be liable for injury caused by demolition. K. Demolition: Use methods required to complete Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1 Locate demolition equipment throughout the building and remove debris and materials so as notto impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, orframing. 2 Demolish concrete and masonry in sizes that will be suitable for acceptance at recycling or disposal facilities. , 3 Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation. 4 Break up and remove concrete slabs on grade in small sizes, suitable for acceptance at recycling or disposal facilities, unless otherwise shown to remain. 5 Remove all disconnected, abandoned utilities on site. L. Damages: Promptly repair damages to adjacent facilities caused by demolition operations. M. Upon completion of demolition work, level and clear site or prevent access to excavations by means of fences or hoardings. ~ 3.011 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. Refer to Section 02080. 3.012 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A. Carefully dismantle and remove all items in as shown and as necessary to complete the work. Include removal of all structures, roofing, canopies, finishes, ceramic file flooring, ceilings, bulkheads, stairs, walls, doors, frames, millwork and folding grilles etc. 09040-02050 wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Paqe 13 B. Keep the spread of dust to occupied building areas to an absolute minimum. Demolition or alterations to any portion of the existing building shall be commenced only after approval of the Owner has been obtained, and after weathertight and dustproof screens have been erected to provide thorough protection to the adjoining areas. All areas within the existing building which are to be altered or are affected by the work including areas adjacent thereto shall be thoroughly cleaned daily. C. Particular attention shall be paid tc prevention of fire and elimination of fire hazards which would endanger the existing buildings. D. Erect and maintain dustproof and weatherproof partitions as required to prevent spread of ' dust, fumes and smoke to other parts of building. Maintain fire exits. On completion, remove partitions and make good surfaces to match adjacent surfaces of building. E. Demolish masonry walls in small sections. F. Remove all finishes, fixtures, fitments and services as indicated. G. Where existing flooring is to 6e removed from floor slabs to remain, including ceramic file ' flooring, carefully remove flooring, grout, adhesives and the like down to the base slab. Patch and repair slab where damaged with concrete or acceptable leveling compound. H. Return areas to condition existing prior to the start of the work unless indicated otherwise. 3.013 HAN DLING OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Conform to the approved Waste Management Plan. B. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate or be stored on-site for more than 5 days. C. Do not burn, bury or otherwise dispose of rubbish and waste materials on project site. D. Pallet and shrink-wrap materials scheduled for re-use and stockpile where directed on site. E. Disposal: Transport demolished materials off Owner's property and legally reuse, salvage, recycle, or dispose of materials. F. Legally transport and dispose of materials that cannot be delivered to a source separated or mixed recycling facility to a transfer station or disposal facility that can legally accept the materials for the purpose of disposal. G. Become familiar with the conditions for acceptance of new construction, excavation and demolition materials at recycling facilities, prior to delivering materials. H. Use a permitted waste hauler or Contractor's trucking services and personnel. I. Deliver to facilities that can legally accept new construction, excavation and demolition materials for purpose of re-use rec clin com ostin di l , y g, p g, or sposa . J. Remove and transport materials from demolition in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces, streets, and areas or dust being emitted into the atmosphere. oeoaa-ozoso wPa DIVISION 2 SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION Page 14 K. Implement a re-use program to the greatest extent feasible. 3.014 MATERIALS TO BE HANDED OVER TO THE OWNER A. The following materials are to be carefully removed, palletted, tagged and stored off site at a location on site as directed by the Owner: 1 Kitchen and concession equipment as noted. 2 HVAC and Ventilation systems equipment as noted. 3 Dasher board glass shields. B. Be responsible for damage caused by the removal or transportation of materials designated to be handed over to the Owner and replace or make good to the Owner's satisfaction. 3.015 CLEAN-UP A. Clean adjacent streets of dust, dirt and materials caused by demolition operations. B. Reinstate areas and existing works outside areas of demolition to conditions that existed prior to commencement of work. C. Upon completion of demolition work, remove debris, trim surfaces and leave work site clean. ' D. Video storm and sanitary sewers and jet clean where debris may have accumulated. End of Section 1 1 C~ 1 09040-02050 wpd - Municipality of Clazington Section 02080 ' Darlington Sports Centre Page i Hampton, Ontazio January 2010 Asbestos Abatement ' PART1 GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 2 A defined schedule for each phase of work will be issued separately by the General Contractor for this project and/or the Building Owner's Representative. The extent of work under this Section, and for each phase, may include, but is ' not limited to any of the following items of this section. 1.2 SITE CONDITIONS ' .1 The following outlines the conditions of previously reported, confirmed ACM as detailed within Golder's Report entitled "Designated Substance Survey- Dartington Sports Centre -Taunton Road Hampton Ontario" dated August 24, 2009 (Golder Protect 09-1187-0125): .1 Grey parging cement insulation (friable), containing chrysotile asbestos, is present on mechanical pipe fittings (i.e. elbows, valves, tees, etc.) in selected areas throughout the Site including, but not necessarily limited to: Room 6101; Mechanical Rooms 6106, Bi08, and 8109; north end of Basement Corcidor; North Exit Stairwell (Stair #2); Dressing Room 4 (6124); in the Washrooms for the Dressing Rooms (above the toilets and t in the wet-walls) and on the rain-water leader (underside of Roof) spanning the width of the south end of the Arena. .2 Approximately 9 square meters of grey parging cement (friable), containing chrysotile asbestos, is applied over fibreglass insulation in Mechanical Room B-109. The parging cement is jacketed with canvas. .3 Approximately 14 square meters of off-white 300 mm x 300 mm vinyl floor tiles (non-friable), containing chrysotile asbestos, are located in Electrical Room B-107. .4 Approximately 420 square meters of blue 300 mm x 300 mm vinyl floor tiles (non-friable), containing chrysotile asbestos, are located in the Meeting Room (Room B-101), the Viewing Room, Front Foyer, Janitors Room (Room 107) and the New B.E. W.R. {Room 104). .5 Approximately 13 square meters of off-white 600 mm x 1200 mm pink- backed, lay-in ceiling tiles with random pinholes and small holes (non- friable), containing chrysotile asbestos, are located in the Officials Room (Room B-111/112), the First Aid Room (Room B-115) and the Janitors Room (Room 107). .6 Approximately 33 square meters of black tar applied over fibreglass insulation located on the South Lower Roof (exterior) mounted HVAC ducts. 7 Asbestos~ement pipe (commonly referred to as "Transite") is present as drainage and rain water leader pipes throughout the Site. 8 Asbestos-containing vermiculite fill insulation (friable) may be present within voids of the concrete block walls present at the Site. If ident~ed Golder Associated Ltd. -09-1187-0125 ~-, Municipality of Carington Section 02080 2 Darlington Sports Centre Page , Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement during the renovation/construction activities, the material should either be , tested/analyzed to verify the presence of asbestos and/or removed following Type 3 asbestos procedures as outlined in O. Reg. 278/05 (if found to be asbestos-containing and depending on the quantity of the ' material). 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK ' .1 Using Type 1 Procedures as outlined in Paragraph 3.1, remove and dispose of asbestos-containing vinyl floor tiles as identified in Paragraphs and with the exception of the tiles in Room 8101 -these tiles are to ' remain in place. 1 Removal of items to accommodate vinyl floor file abatement, to be completed by others, prior to start of work. ' .2 Using Type 2 Procedures as outlined in Paragraph 3.2, remove and dispose of asbestos-containing, lay-in ceiling tiles identified in Paragraph .1 Include with this work, the removal and disposal of the ceiling grid system, , including J-channel attached to the walls. 2 Ceiling support system (i.e. wire hangers), is to be removed by others. .3 Decontaminatelclean and temporarily support fixtures scheduled to remain in place including, but not limited to: light fixtures; fire sprinklers; speakers; diffusers; heaUsmoke detectors; and signs. ' 3 Using Glove Bag Procedures as outlined in Paragraph 3.3, remove and dispose of asbestos-containing parging cement from pipe fittings identified in Paragraph; with the exception to the parging cement on fittings present in the ' Mechanical Rooms 6108 and 6109 {these Rooms are to be completed as a Type 3 Work Area). .1 If for reasons of pipe geometry or access, Glove Bag Procedures are not ' possible, complete the work following Type 2 Procedures OR Type 3 Procedures, depending on the quantity, in accordance with the requirements of O. Reg. 278105. ' .4 Using Type 3 Procedures as outlined in Paragraph 3.4, remove and dispose of asbestos-containing parging cement present in Rooms 8108 and 8109. 1 Include materials identified in Paragraphs and 12.1.2. .2 Connect Rooms so that work can be performed as a single Type 3 Asbestos Work Area. 3 This work will be subject to air monitoring clearance sampling in ' . accordance with the requirements of O. Reg. 278/05. Additional air monitoring prior to and during the abatement work is subject to the requirements of the Owner or Owner's representative. ' .5 Work will also include the removal and disposal of all settled dust and debris and other identfed asbestos-containing or potentially contaminated materials. t Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington Dazlingtoa Spores Centre Hampton, Ontario Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 Page 3 January 2010 .6 In the event that multiple asbestos-containing materials are to be removed under a single containment, than the more stringent work procedures, based on the type of materials, shall apply. 7 At the completion of work in each abatement location, apply a sealant or boding agent to surfaces from which .ACM has been removed and surfaces potentially contaminated with settled asbestos fibres or debris. Locations where a portion of asbestos-containing mechanical pipe insulation has been abated to facilitate a mechanical tie-in and exposed asbestos is likely the result; then the exposed surtace shall be covered with canvas and lagging compound or encapsulated with a "bridging" encapsulant. 8 Work may be subject to inspection, both inside and outside the asbestos work area(s), by an Environmental Consultant. Any contamination of the surrounding areas, indicated by visual inspection or air monitoring, shall necessitate complete cleanup of affected areas by the Contractor, at no cost to the Owner. The Contractor recognizes that time is of the essence in remedying any noted contamination or other deficiencies and that the deficiencies must be remedied immediately upon discovery. 9 The Contractor shall ensure that all persons involved in the removal of asbestos under Type 3 work procedures has successfully completed an "Asbestos Abatement Worker Training Program" which is recognized by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The Contractor shall ensure that all supervisory personnel involved in Type 3 operations have successfully completed an "Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Training Program" which is recognized by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. 10 Protect surfaces, including fabric and items remaining within Asbestos Work Area. Temporarily relocate, cover/crate, and replace existing furnishings {desks, chairs, bookcases, electronic equipment etc.), or other materials potentially impacted by, or otherwise affecting, the work. Damage to floors, carpets, walls or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other adhesives, shalt be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 11 Construct containments) in such a manner as to take advantage of full-height walls to aid in isolating the work area ceiling space from adjacent ceiling spaces. Above-ceiling polyethylene barriers will be required, in addition to the ventilation system being completely deactivated and sealed in effected areas. 12 The Contractor must notify the Consultant 24-hours prior to requiring apre- contamination or visual clearance inspection. 13 The Contractor will be responsible for all costs incurred for the completion of additional visual clearance inspections or air clearance monitoring if the first inspection or air clearance tests fail as a result of Contractor and/or abatement deficiencies. 14 The Contractor shall supply the materials and equipment required to complete the work. The Building Owner witl provide plumbing and electrical supply services as required for the work. The Contractor is to supply/install, and provide necessary materials and equipment for, the plumbing and electrical connections required for the work and to meet the requirements of this specification. Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Carrington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 4 Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement ' 15 The movement and re-establishment of all furnishings (e.g., desks, chairs, ' bookcases) that is required to facilitate the asbestos abatement work will be done by others. ' 1.4 DEFINITIONS .1 HEPA Filter: High Efficiency Particulate Aerosol filter at least 99.97 percent efficient in collecting 0.3 micrometer aerosol. ' .2 Friable Material: Material that when dry can be crumbled, pulverized or powdered by hand pressure and includes such material that is crumbled, pulverized or powdered. , .3 Polyethylene Sheeting: Polyethylene sheeting of 0.15 mm (6 mil) minimum thickness with taped seals along edges, around penetrating objects, over cuts and tears, and elsewhere as required to provide continuous polyethylene membrane protection. .4 Authorized Visitor(s): The Building Owner, the Consultant, or person(s) representing regulatory agencies, and person(s) authorized by them. ' .5 Asbestos Work Area(s): Area(s) where work takes place which will, or may, disturb asbestos-containing material, including overspray and fallen material, or settled dust that may contain asbestos. 6 Mould Work Area: Area where work takes place which will, or may, disturb mould affected building materials. .7 Hazardous Materials Work Area: Area where work takes place which will, or may, disturb hazardous materials including, but not limited to: asbestos; mould; lead and lead-containing products; silica; mercury; poly-chlorinated biphenyls ("PCB"); and ozone depleting substances. t3 Curtained Doorway: Device to allow ingress or egress from one room to another while permitting minimal air movement between rooms, typically ' constructed by placing two overlapping sheets of polyethylene sheeting (2 sheets of polyethylene per flap) attached to head and one jamb of existing or temporarily constructed door frame. Secure vertical edge of one (1) flap along one (1) vertical side of door frame and vertical edge of other flap along opposite vertical ' side of door frame. Reinforce free edges of polyethylene with duct tape. 9 Negative Pressure: Reduced pressure within asbestos/mould work area(s) ' established by extracting air directly from work area, and discharging it directly to exterior of building. Discharged air first passes through HEPA faker. Extract sufficient air to ensure constant reduced pressure at perimeter of work area with respect to surrounding areas. For the duration of this project, pressure ' differential for all negatively pressurized work areas must be equal to or greater than -0.03 in/wc compared with the surrounding environment. .10 DOP Test: A testing method employing dioctyl phthalate aerosol'or polyalpha ' olefin for the purpose of leak-testing negative air units. 11 Building Owner: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 ir' 'J Municipality of Clanngton Sec[ion 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 5 Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement 12 General Contractor: The Contractor responsible for the overall project execution and retainer of the sub-trades necessary to accomplish the work. Not yet '' determined. .13 Contractor: Asbestos Removal Contractor. .14 Consultant: Golder Associates Ltd. ' 15 IPAC: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Infection Prevention and Control Department 16 IPAC Program: The general policies and procedures governing construction/investigation work within Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, as determined and designed by the Sunnybrook Infection Prevention and Control Department. 17 PCM: Phase Contrast Microscopy, the type of analysis to be utilized for asbestos air samples. 18 TWAEV: Time-weighted Average Exposure Value, the value of which is determined by the Ministry of Labour 19 Glove Bag: Portable, single use, pipe insulation removal enclosure, with integral gloves as defined by the Canada Labour Code and the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Occupational Health and Safety branch. 20 PAPR: Powered-Air Purifying Respirator ~ 1.5 REGULATIONS ' 1 Comply with Federal, Provincial and local requirements pertaining fo asbestos and other hazardous materials, provided that in any case of conflict among these requirements or with these specifications the more stringent requirement shall apply. .2 All work must be conducted in compliance with applicable guidelines and regulations, including, but not limited to: • Occupational Health and Safety Act ("OH&S Act") and Regulations, R.S.O. 1990, Ontario Ministry of Labour; • Ontario Regulation 278/05: "Designated Substance - Asbestos on Construction Projects and in Buildings and Repair Operations" ' • R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 347, General -Waste Management; • CSA Standard 294.4-02 Selection, Care and Use of Respirators; • CSA Standard 2180.1-M85 Compressed Breathing Air and Systems; • CGSB 1-GP-205m Standard for: Sealer Application to Asbestos Fibre Releasing Materials; :3 Handle and dispose of contaminated waste as required by the Ontario Ministry of Environment. .4 Not later than 72 hours before commencing asbestos work on this project, notify ' orally and in wrfting an inspector at the office of the Ministry of Labour nearest the workplace. Complete in accordance with Section i1 of Ontario Regulation 278/05. ' Golder Associated Ltd. 09,t 187-0125 Municipality of Clazington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 6 Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement , .5 Contractor shall ensure that: , 1 Measures and procedures prescribed under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations are carried out. ' .2 Every employee and every worker on the project complies with the applicable Act and Regulations. 3 The health and safety of workers and the public is Yo be protected. ' 4 Policies and procedures of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre IPAC Program are to be complied with. .5 Hazardous materials handling, and equipment or products associated , with it's handling or removal, must conform with and be operated in accordance with "Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System" (WHMIS). ' 6 Advise Building Owner 24 hours prior to commencement of work which is expected to impact hazardous materials, and/or work which is expected to impact Sunnybrook employees, patients, and/or the public. ' .7 Contractor may be requested to provide information on their health and safety record. ' 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1 Ensure work proceeds on schedule, and meets all the requirements of this ' Section. Perform work so that airborne asbestos, asbestos waste, or water runoff, and other hazardous materials do not contaminate areas outside the work enclosure. ' .2 Pay the cost to Building Owner for the inspection and air monitoring performed as a result of failure to perform work satisfactorily regarding quality, safety, or the schedule. 3 Use only skilled and qualified workers for all the trades required for this work. ' 1.7 SUBMITTALS , 1 Before commencing work: .1 Obtain and submit all the necessary permits for transporting and disposal of asbestos waste. Submit verification that the removed asbestos ' materials have been disposed of as asbestos waste in an approved landfill. ersonnel who will be responsible iso f h , ry p e superv t .2 Submit the names} o for the- asbestos work area(s). One of these supervisors must remain on site at all times that asbestos removal or clean-up is occurring. Submit proof that supervisory personnel have attended a training course on ' asbestos control (2-day minimum duration) and have performed supervisory function on at least two other asbestos removal projects of similar size to this project. Submit documentation that all employees have ' had instruction on: the potential health hazards of asbestos exposure; on the use, fitting and maintenance of respirators; on the use of protective Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 - Municipality of Caarington Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 Page 7 January 2010 dress; on the use of showers; on the use of entry and exit procedures from work areas; and on all aspects of work safety procedures and protective measures to be utilized on this project. All asbestos removal workers on this project must be able to provide proof of asbestos worker training. A copy of all of the asbestos removal workers' certrfication must be provided to the Consultant. All asbestos removal workers on this project must provide evidence the medical monitoring requirement are met. A copy of this evidence must be provided to the Consultant. .3 Submit a list of any existing damage for acceptance by Building Owner and/or the Consultant. See also RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS, as outlined in each work procedure. 4 Laws of the province of Ontario shall govern this work. Contractor shall observe all such laws and shall obtain and/or pay all permits, notices, fees, taxes, duties as may be required. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the contractor to comply with the Workers' Compensation and Occupational Health and Safety Acts and Regulations. 5 Before commencing any work, the Contractor shall submit, in writing, confirmation of good standing with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ("WSIB") .6 Documentation of In-Place Filter Testing (DOP or equivalent) for HEPA- rated negative air units and vacuums must be provided prior to project commencement. .7 Where requested, provide a letter from a certified electrician confirming in writing that the existing power supply to the Asbestos Work Area has been isolated and disconnected. 1.8 WORKER AND VISITOR PROTECTION .1 Instructions: Before entering an asbestos or hazardous materials work area, instruct workers and visitors in the use of respirators, dress, showers, entry and exit from hazardous materials work areas, and all aspects of work procedures and protective measures. Ins#ruction shall be provided by a competent person as defined by Occupational Health and Safety Act. .2 Respirators: All respirators selected for abatement activities must be selected by the criterion in, and in compliance with Table 2: Respirators, provided as an appendix to O. Reg. 278/05. .3 Respirators shall be acceptable as defined by the Ontario Ministry of Labour Provide proper instruction to workers and visitors in use of respirators, including qualitative fit testing. No supervisor, worker or authorized visitor shall have facial hair that affects the seal between respirator and face. Maintain respiratory protection equipment in proper function and clean condition, or remove from site. .4 Protective Clothinsr: Provide workers and visitors in full-enclosure suits with full body coveralls with integral hoods. Once coveralls are worn in hazardous materials work area, treat and dispose of as asbestos contaminated waste. Workers and visitors shall also wear other protective apparel required by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. Golder Associated Ltd. - 09-I187-OI25 ___ Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 8 _ =, Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement 1.9 ENTRY/EXIT PROCEDURES ' .1 Before entering full-enclosure hazardous materials work area{s) remove street clothes in the clean change room and put on respirator with new or tested filters, clean coveralls and head covers before entering equipment and access areas or asbestos work area. Store street clothes, uncontaminated footwear, towels etc. in clean change room. .2 Persons leaving full-enclosure hazardous materials work area(s) shall remove ' gross contamination from clothing before leaving the asbestos work area; proceed to equipment and access area and remove all clothing except respirator; place the contaminated work suit in the receptacles for disposal with other ' asbestos contaminated materials; leave footwear, clothing, hardhats, protective eye wear, etc., in the equipment and access area to dry for later use, still wearing a respirator proceed naked to the showers and clean the respirator to ensure that visible contamination is removed. After having thoroughly washed hair and body ' with shampoo and soap, remove the respirator. Remove the filters and dispose of in the container provided for this purpose or test filters according to manufacturer's recommendation. Dispose of filters as necessary. Store ' respirators and respirator accessories on the clean side of shower room away from clean room. Wet clean inside of the respirator. Upon completion of asbestos removal, dispose of footwear as contaminated waste or clean before ' removing from the equipment and access area, or carry in sealed plastic bag to next contaminated site. 3 Following showering, proceed to the clean change room, dry off and dress in ' street clothes. Store the respirators in a fashion to allow them to be put on prior to entering hazardous materials work area at the start of the next shift without contaminating the clean area. If re-entry to the asbestos work area is to take place after having left, follow procedures in paragraph 1.8.1. ' .4 Removal of waste and equipment from the holding room of the waste decontamination enclosure system shall be performed by workers entering from outside. These workers shall wear clean coveralls and half-face, asbestos ' approved respirator as specified in paragraph 1.7.3. No worker shall use this system as means to leave or enter the hazardous materials work area. .5 Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew gum or tobacco at the work site or in the ' enclosure. 6 Be fully protected as specified herein when the possibility of disturbance of ' hazardous materials exists. 7 Workers applying polyurethane foam shall wear full-face respirators with organic . vapour cartridges. Dispose of the cartridges after each shift. ' ll 1 Golder Associated Ltd 09.1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington DazGngton Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 Page 9 ]anuary 2010 PART2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS .1 Polyethylene: 0.15 mm {6 mil) minimum thickness unless otherwise specified; in sheet size to minimize joints. 2 FR Polyethylene: 0.20 mm (8 mil) fabric made up from 0.13 mm (5 mil weave and 2 layers 6.04 mm (1.5 mil) poly laminate, in sheet size to minimize joints. .3 Tape: Tape suitable for sealing polyethylene to surface encountered, under both wet conditions using amended water, and dry conditions. Nashua 398 Duct Tape or approved equivalent. 4 Wetting Agent: Non-foaming surfactant, mixed with water in concentration to provide thorough wetting of asbestos fibre: Asbestos-Wet, or equivalent. .5 Amended Water: Water with wetting agent added. 6 Asbestos Waste Receptors: Two separate containers of which- one shall consist of 0.15 mm (6 mil} minimum thickness sealable polyethylene bag. Other container may be 0.15 mm (6 mil) minimum thickness polyethylene bag or rigid sealable container such as cardboard or fibre drum or wood box. Other container shall be adequate to prevent perforating rips, or tears during filling, transport or disposal. Containers must be acceptable to disposal site selected, and the Ministry of Environment. 7 Mould Waste Container: Two separate 6-mil nominal disposal bags, sealed indedpendantly from one another (i.e. the first bag is sealed, wiped clean of dust and debris, and placed in the second bag before it is sealed}. .8 Disinfectant: Liquid or spray solution suitable for the disinfection of microbial matter in accordance with procedures described in IICRC S500 Standard and Reference Guide for Professional Water Damage Restoration. 9 Sealer: Sealer for purpose of trapping residual fibre debris. Product must have flame spread and smoke development ratings both less than 25. Product shall leave no stain when dry. Childers CP-240 Childers Products Company or equivalent. Follow manufacturer's instructions with regards to the proper use, handling and application of the sealer. .10 Ground Fault Panel: Portable electrical panel equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters (5 mA protection) of sufficient capacity to power all electrical equipment and lights in asbestos work enclosure. Panel complete with ground fault interrupter lights, test switch to ensure unit is working, and reset switch. All G.F.C.I. equipment to be installed by licensed electrician. 11 HEPA Vacuum: Vacuum with all necessary fittings, tools and attachments. Air must pass through HEPA filter before discharge. 12 Protective Coveralls: Disposable full body coveralls complete with elasticized hoods made of spun polyolefln material Tyvek by DuPont or non-woven material Kleenguard by Kimberley Clark, or equivalent. 13 Flexible ducting: Metal reinforced flexible ductwork, 12" diameter minimum. Golder Associated Ltd. -09-1187-0125 __ Municipality of Clazing[on Section 02080 Dazling[on Sports Centre Page 10 Hamptott, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement ' .14 Negative Air Unit: Portable air handling system which extracts air directly from , asbestos work area and discharges air outside building. Unit shall be fitted with prefilter and HEPA final filter. Air shall pass through HEPA filter before discharge. Unit shall have pressure differential gauge to monitor filter loading. ' Unit shall have auto shut-off and warning system for HEPA filter failure. HEPA fitter shall have separate hold down clamps to retain filter in place. 15 Airless Water Sprayer: A compression-style sprayer with which air is ' pressurized by pumping the handle a designated number of times, and a control lever on an attached wand controls the spray pattern and amount. .16 Power Sprayer: Graco Maxi-wetter or equivalent. 1 1 t 1 Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 1 ' MunicipaliTy of Carrington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 11 Hampton, Ontario January 20 E 0 Asbestos Abatement ' PART 3 EXECUTION -ASBESTOS ' 3.1 TYPE 1 WORK PROCEDURES -Vinyl Floor Tiles with Non-Asbestos Containing Mastic ' .1 PREPARATION 1 Before beginning work, isolate asbestos work area using, at a minimum, pre-printed cautionary asbestos warning signs that are visible at all access routes to asbestos work area. 2 Within work area, move equipment, tools; furnishings, and stored materials which can be moved without disturbing asbestos-containing materials. Coordinate with Building Owner personnel and/or General ' Contractor. .3 Request Building Owner to shut off air handling and ventilation systems supplying or exhausting from asbestos work area{s} and all fire detection ' and suppression systems in the asbestos work area(s). .4 Caulk and seal any ducts and duct shafts to remain in service as required to make airtight. Seal supply ducts with polyethylene sheeting to make t airtight. Perform work at appropriate time under contaminated conditions, if necessary. .5 Seal off openings including, but not limited to, doorways, windows, vents, ' service holes in walls, grilles to non-operating ducts, etc., with polyethylene sheeting and duct tape or spray adhesive, etc. ' 6 Ensure existing power supply to asbestos work area is isolated and disconnected where necessary. Do not disrupt power supply to remaining areas of building. Provide ground fault electrical system where application of amended water is required for wetting asbestos-containing materials. Supply all electrical apparatus from this ground fault system. Ensure safe installation of electrical lines and equipment. ,7 Provide temporary lighting in the asbestos work area to levels that will ' permit work to be done safely, and as required by Spec cations. .8 Contractor shall be responsible to supply and install temporary power panels complete with cable feeder in full accordance with electrical safety ' code and asbestos abatement guidelines regarding temporary lighting and power. .9 Provide a fire extinguisher(s) within immediate vicinity of work area. ' Protect extinguisher with polyethylene sheeting in manner that will not hamper emergency use. ' .10 Remove visible dusf from surfaces in the work area where dust is likely to be disturbed during course of work. .11 Use HEPA vacuum or damp cloths where damp cleaning does not create a hazard and is otherwise appropriate. 12 Do not use compressed air to clean up or remove dust from any surface. Golder Associated Ltd. _ -09-1187-0725 ............_....... 1 Municipality of Clazington Section 02080 Darlington Spor[s Centre Page 12 Hampton, Ontazio January 2010 Asbestos Abatement 13 Prevent spread of dust from asbestos work area using measures appropriate to work to be done. .2 DO NOT COMMENCE ASBESTOS REMOVAL WORK UNTIL: .1 Arrangements have been made for disposal of waste. .2 Asbestos work areas and parts of building required to remain in use are effectively segregated. .3 Tools, equipment and materials waste receptors are on hand. .4 Arrangements have been made with the Building Owner for work area security. .5 Signs are displayed in areas where access to sealed asbestos work area is possible. Signs shall read: CAUTION Asbestos Hazard Area No Unauthorized Entry Wear assigned protective equipment Breathing asbestos dust may cause serious bodily harm. 6 The Consultant has been notified of intention to proceed and has reviewed set-up, equipment and procedures. 7 Before performing any contaminated work, prepare site as described in section 3.1.1. .8 Protect electrical, communication, life safety and control systems to remain in place in asbestos work area with polyethylene and tape. .3 REMOVAL .1 Abatement work area will be subject to apre-contamination inspection by the Consultant. Work may proceed only upon approval by Consultant. .2 Wet materials containing asbestos to be cut, ground, abraded, scraped, drilled, or otherwise disturbed unless wetting creates hazard or causes damage. Use garden reservoir type low -velocity, fine -mist sprayer. If materials cannot be wetted during removal, then asbestos-containing materials must not be ground, abraded, drilled, or otherwise caused to create dust. 3 Perform work to reduce dust creation to lowest levels practicable. .4 Where possible, remove floor tiles by utilizing a large hand-powered scraping tool, lifting the tiles from the substrate in whole pieces where possible. No residual materials can remain. .5 Place asbestos waste in asbestos waste receptors as outlined in Section 2.1.6. Remove to designated on-site waste bin. 4 FINAL CLEAN-UP Clean surfaces from which asbestos has been removed with HEPA vacuum, orwet-wiping techniques to remove visible dust and debris. [I u II fJ Golder Associated Lid. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Caalington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 13 Hampton, Ontario January 2610 Asbestos Abatement .2 Remove sealed and labeled asbestos waste receptors and dispose of to authorized disposal area in accordance with requirements of disposal authority. .3 After vacuuming and wet-wiping to remove visible asbestos, wet clean entire asbestos work area including equipment and access area, polyethylene sheeting and equipment used in process. Floor and wall surfaces, ducts, and similar items not covered with polyethylene sheeting must be wet cleaned. .4 Request Consultant to provide `a visual clearance inspection. Following _.___<' inspection and acceptance, apply one coat of slow drying sealer to all surfaces from which asbestos has been removed. Apply thinned coat (sufficient to coat all surfaces) to other surfaces in asbestos work area including all polyethylene sheeting and surfaces scheduled for demoldion. Operate negative air units during this period. No clearance air monitoring will be conducted for Type 1 floor file removal, however occupational and/or ambient sampling may be conducted while work is in progress to demonstrate the effectiveness of abatement procedures. .5 AIR MONITORING .1 At the discretion of the Consultant and/or Building Owner, air sampling may be utilized during floor the removal. The Consultant would then collect air samples immediately prior to commencement of asbestos removal to be used as a baseline indicator. .2 The Consultant may arrange for PCM air samples to be taken inside and outside of asbestos work area(s), as requested by the Building Owner and in accordance with NIOSH 7400A Method, where appropriate. Air sample results will be made available within 24 hours during asbestos removal. 3 Co-operate with the Consultant in collection of air samples, including the provision of extension cords and requiring workers to wear sampling pumps (if required) for up to half shift periods. Workers shall exercise care not to damage air sampling equipment. .4 For air samples collected immediately outside the asbestos work area - If levels exceed 10% of the TWAEV, work practices will be reviewed, at no cost to the Building Owner. 5 For air samples collected both inside and outside the asbestos work area - If levels exceed 50% of the TWAEV, work shall be immediately stopped, work practices will be reviewed and cleanup shall be completed by HEPA vacuum and/or wet methods. Work will only resume at the discretion of the Consultant or the Building Owner. Air sampling may be repeated in the work area prior to the resumption of abatement activities, to demonstrate that fibre concentrations within the affected area are at acceptable levels. If, at the discretion of the Consultant, it is determined that the Contractor's work activities are the cause of the fibre migration which result in an action level of 50% of the TWAEV, then all costs associated with the work required tq bring the affected area back to an Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Section 02080 Page t4 January 2010 Asbestos Abatement acceptable level will be borne solely by the Contractor. This includes the cost of additional air sampling. .6 TWAEV is 0.1 fibres/cc. .6 TEAR DOWN .1 If visual clearance inspection by the Consultant has been accepted, proceed with dismantling of work area. .2 Remove polyethylene sheeting exposed during contaminated work. Wear half face P100 HEPA filtered respirator and disposable coveralls during removal of sheeting. Carefully roll sheeting away from walls to center of asbestos work area. As sheeting is rolled away from walls and corners, HEPA vacuum visible debris. .3 Place polyethylene sheeting, seals, tape, cleaning material, clothing, and other contaminated waste in asbestos waste receptors for disposal. Remove any debris fallen behind sheeting with HEPA vacuum. .4 Clean asbestos work area(s), equipment, and other areas that may have been contaminated during work. .5 Clean asbestos waste receptors and equipment used in work and remove from asbestos work area(s) via drum and equipment decontamination enclosure system, at the appropriate time in sequence. .6 Remove barriers, temporary lighting, equipment and facilities provided for work. .7 A final review may be carried out by the Consultant to ensure that no dust or debris remains. 7 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS .1 When clean-up is complete reconstruct items demolished which are to remain and reinstall objects and items removed to facilitate asbestos removal operation in their proper positions. Reconstruction and reinstallation shall be by tradesmen qualified in work being reinstalled or reconstructed. 2 Re-establish mechanical and electrical systems to remain operative in proper working order. Arrange for, and pay costs of, electrical or mechanical repairs needed due to work of this Section. .3 Make good all damage at completion of work not identified in pre-removal survey, including, but not limited to, damage to floors, carpets, walls or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other adhesives. 8 INSPECTION 1 From commencement of work until completion of clean-up operations, the Consultant will be present periodically or on a full time basis, both inside and outside asbestos work area(s). Golder Associated Ltd. 09-I 187-0125 1 Municipality of Clazington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page I S Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement .2 !f asbestos work area(s) or adjacent areas are found unacceptable in accordance with standards specified or required by authorities having jurisdiction, correct such deficiencies at no cost to the Building Owner. .3 Pay cost to provide re-inspection of work found not in accordance with these spec cations and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 9 WASTE TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL .1 Conform to the requirements under as detailed under the Ontario Ministry of Environment for the disposal of asbestos waste. .2 Ensure shipment of containers to the landfill is taken by waste hauler licensed to transport asbestos waste. Submit documentation to this effect. .3 Each load requires completion of bill of lading showing type and weight of hazardous waste being transported. 4 Co-operate with the authorities having jurisdiction to carry out instructions for remedial work at landfill to maintain environment, at no additional cost to Building Owner. .5 .Ensure that the landfill operator is fully aware of hazardous material being dumped. 3.2 TYPE 2 CEILING TILE REMOVAL PROCEDURES 1 PREPARATION .1 Within each work area, equipment, tools, furnishings, and stored materials which can be moved without disturbing asbestos-containing maierials will be moved by Others prior to the start of work. Asbestos Abatement Contractor is to coordinate with Owner's Representative. .2 Request Building Owner shut off air handling and ventilation systems supplying or exhausting from asbestos work area(s) and all fire detection and suppression systems in the asbestos work area(s). .3 Caulk and seal any ducts and duct shafts to remain in service as required to make airtight. Seal supply ducts with polyethylene sheeting to make airtight. Pertorm work at appropriate time under contaminated conditions, if necessary. 4 Seal off openings including, but not limited to, doorways, windows, vents, service holes in walls, grilles to non-operating ducts, etc., with polyethylene sheeting and duct tape or spray adhesive, etc. .5 Cover all vertical surfaces, including but not limited to walls and other barriers with one layer of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting. Cover all horizontal surfaces, incuding but not limited to floors and any existing furnishings and equipment with one layer of 10-mil reinforced polyethylene sheeting with an additional 'drop-sheet' layer of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting. Cover floors first so that polyethylene extends at least 300 mm up walls then cover walls to overlap floor sheeting. All damage to floors, carpets, walls or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0.125 Municipality of Clazing[on Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 , Page t6 January 2010 adhesives, shall be repaired at the expense of the Asbestos Abatement Contractor. .6 Cover with polyethylene sheeting any motors, heating units, fire apparatus, door closers, fans, benches, shelving, storage racks, valves, taps, controllers, lights, other fixtures and furnishings, etc., which are not being removed from asbestos work area and which could be damaged and/or which cannot be readily cleaned at completion of this work. Pre- clean surfaces potentially contaminated with asbestos, with HEPA vacuum or damp cloth prior to installing protection. 7 Establish negative pressure in asbestos work area. Negative pressure units shall have total rated capacity with filters in place, sufficient to provide minimum one (1) air change every 20 minutes. Volume of air shall be sufficient to ensure airFlow is maintained from clean areas into asbestos work area. Leak test all HEPA vacuums to be used on the project, in operating position at project, using an approved in-place filter test (DOP) method. .8 Maintain emergency and fire exits from asbestos work area, or establish alternative exits satisfactory to authorfties having jurisdiction. An emergency evacuation plan shall be created and provided to the Building Owner or his representative for review prior to commencement of the project. .9 Ensure existing power supply to asbestos work area is isolated and disconnected where necessary. Do not disrupt power supply to remaining areas of building. Provide ground fault electrical system where application of amended water is required for wetting asbestos-containing materials. Supply all electrical apparatus from this ground fault system. Ensure safe installation of electrical lines and equipment. .10 Provide temporary lighting in the asbestos work area to levels that will permit work to be done safely, and as required by Specifications. .11 Asbestos Abatement Contractor shall be responsible to supply and install temporary power panels complete with cable feeder in full accordance with electrical safety code and asbestos abatement guidelines regarding temporary lighting and power. .12 Provide a fire extinguisher(s) at each emergency exit, and in decontamination facilities. Protect extinguishers with polyethylene sheeting in manner that will not hamper emergency use. .2 WORKER DECONTAMINATION ENCLOSURE SYSTEM Construct worker decontamination enclosure at entrance to each Type 2 work area. The worker decontamination enclosure system shall comprise of a room attached to the Type 2 work areas large enough to facilitate the number of workers inside. Provide set of curtain doorways at both the dirty and clean entrances to enclosure systems. .2 Install waste receptor, and storage facilities for workers' shoes and any protective clothing to be re-worn in asbestos work area. Equipment and access room shall be large enough to accommodate specified facilities, Golder Associated Lid. - 09-118'7-0I25 1 i~ IJ II 1 GI r i Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 17 Hampton, Ontario ~ January 2010 Asbestos Abatement and other equipment needed, and allowing sufficient space for at least one worker to undress comfortably. .3 MAINTENANCE OF ENCLOSURE 1 Maintain enclosure in a tidy condition at all times. .2 Ensure barriers and polyethylene linings are effectively sealed and taped. Repair damaged barriers and remedy defects immediately upon discovery. .3 Visually inspect enclosure at beginning and end of each working period, and at least once per 24 hours of inactivity. 4 DO NOT COMMENCE ASBESTOS REMOVAL WORK UNTIL: .1 Arrangements have been made for disposal of waste. 2 Asbestos work areas and decontamination enclosures (and parts of building required to remain in use) are effectively segregated. 3 Tools, equipment and materials waste receptors are on hand. .4 Arrangements have been made with the Building Owner for work area security. .5 Signs are displayed in areas where access to sealed asbestos work area is possible. Signs shall read: CAUTION Asbestos Hazard Area No Unauthorized Entry Wear assigned protective equipment Breathing asbestos dust may cause serious bodUy harm. 6 Post Site-specific safe work procedures on the Site. .7 The Consultant has been notified of intention to proceed and has reviewed enclosures, equipment and procedures. 8 Protect electrical, communication, life safety and control systems to remain in place in asbestos work area with polyethylene and tape. 9 Promptly seal holes or penetrations in structure above ceiling, ducts, etc. to provide airtight enclosure around asbes#os work area(s). 5 REMOVAL .1 Abatement work area may be subject to apre-contamination inspection by an Environmental Consultant. Work may proceed only upon approval by Consultant and/or Owner's Representative. .2 Workers as a minimum must wear disposable coveralls and, a half mask respirator equipped with HEPi4 filters. .3 Ensure that all air handling equipment which could contribute to the dispersal of asbestos fibres from the work area is turned off. Golder Associated LYd. 09-1187-0125 _' Municipality of Claringfon Dazlington Sports Centre Hamptoq Ontario Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 ' Page 18 7anuary 2010 .4 Wet the materials to control the spread of the dust, unless wetting creates ' a hazard or causes damage. Wet both the underside and topside of the ceiling tiles prior to removal and disposal. 5 Carefully remove entire ceiling file from the grid system being careful not to break the file and place it directly into an ashes#os waste receptor. .6 Immediately place asbestos waste and debris in asbestos waste ' receptors and remove to designated, on-Site, waste bin. Do not allow waste to accumulate within the enclosure at any time. .6 FINAL CLEAN-UP .1 Clean surfaces from which asbestos has been removed with HEPA vacuum orwet-wiping techniques to remove visible dust and debris. , .2 Remove sealed and labeled asbestos waste receptors and dispose of to ~ authorized disposal area in accordance with requirements of disposal authority. , .3 After vacuuming and wet-wiping to remove visible asbestos, wet clean entire asbestos work area including equipment and access area, ll d wa polyethylene sheeting and equipment used in process. Floor an surfaces, ducts, and similar items not covered with polyethylene sheeting must be wet cleaned. .4 Once Site has been cleaned, asbestos abatement contractor is to request i ng the Consultant to provide a Visual Clearance Inspection. Follow Inspection and acceptance, apply one coat of slow drying sealer to all surfaces from which asbestos has been removed. Apply a thin coat (sufficient to coat all surfaces) to other surfaces in asbestos work area ' including all polyethylene sheeting and surfaces scheduled for demolition. Allow minimum of 24 hours with no disturbance of asbestos work area prior to conducting clearance air monitoring tests. Operate negative air ' units during this period. .7 AIR MONITORING ' .1 At the discretion of the Consultant andlor Building Owner, air sampling may be utilized during ceiling file removal. The Consultant would then collect air samples immediately prior to commencement of asbestos ' removal to be used as a baseline indicator. .2 The Consultant may arrange for PCM air samples to be taken inside and outside of asbestos work area(s), as requested by the Building Owner ' and in accordance with NIOSH 7400A Method. Air sample results will be made available within 24 hours during asbestos removal. 3 Co-operate with the Consultant in collection of air samples, including the ' provision of extension cords and requiring workers to wear sampling pumps (if required} for up to half shift periods. Workers shall exercise care not to damage air sampling equipment. ' Golder Associated L[d. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Dazlmgton Sports Centre Page 19 Hampton, Qntazio January 2010 Asbestos Abatement 4 If levels exceed 10% of the TWAEV (0.1 fibres/cc) for air samples collected immediately outside the asbestos work area (ambient), work practices will be reviewed, at no cost to the Building Owner. .5 if levels exceed 50% of the TWAEV for air samples collected from either inside or outside the asbestos work area, work shall be immediately stopped, work practices will be reviewed and cleanup shall be completed by HEPA vacuum andlor wet methods. Work will only resume at the discretion of the Consultant or the Building Owner. Air sampling may be repeated in the work area prior to the resumption of abatement activities, to demonstrate that fibre concentrations within the affected area are at acceptable levels. If, at the discretion of the Consultant, it is determined that the Asbestos Abatement Contractor's work activities are the cause of the fibre migration which result in an action level of 50% of the TWAEV, then all costs associated with the work required to bring the affected area back to an acceptable level will be borne solely by the Asbestos Abatement Contractor. This includes the cost of additional air sampling. .8 TEAR DOWN 1 If air sampling by the Consultant shows that levels in asbestos work area do not exceed TWAEV as determined by NIOSH 7400A Counting Rules Method, proceed with dismantling of enclosures. .2 Remove polyethylene sheeting exposed during contaminated work including upper surfaces plus any underlying sheeting contaminated by water leaks, rips, tears, or exposed by failure of upper layer. Wear half face P100 HEPA filtered respirator and disposable coveralls during removal of sheeting. Carefully roll sheeting away from walls to center of asbestos work area. As sheeting is rolled away from walls and corners, HEPA vacuum visible debris. .3 While removing top layer of sheeting from surFaces protected by two layers of sheeting, cut lower sheeting so as to expose baseboards, window sills, cabinetry, shelves, and other horizontal surfaces that may be contaminated with asbestos debris. HEPA vacuum any visible debris. 4 Place polyethylene sheeting, seals, tape, cleaning material, clothing, and other contaminated waste in asbestos waste receptors for disposal. Remove any debris fallen behind sheeting with HEPA vacuum. 5 Clean asbestos work area(s), equipment and access area, washing/showering room, and other enclosures that may have been contaminated during work. 6 Clean asbestos waste receptors and equipment used in work and remove from asbestos work area(s) via drum and equipment decontamination enclosure system, at the appropriate time in sequence. 7 Remove hoardings, temporary lighting, equipment and facilities provided for work. .8 A final review may be carcied out by the Consultant to ensure that no dust or debris remains. ' Go[derAssociatedLtd. 09-1187-0]25 Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 20 Hampton, Ontario ]snooty 2010 Asbestos Abatement ' .9 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS ' 1 When clean-up is complete reconstruct items demolished which are to remain and reinstall objects and items removed to facilitate asbestos removal operation in their proper positions. Reconstruction and ' reinstallation shall be by tradesmen qualified in work being reinstalled or reconstructed. stems to remain operative in lectrical s i l d h h ' y e an ca an mec .2 Re-establis proper working order: Arrange for, and pay costs of, electrical or mechanical repairs needed due to work of this Section. .3 Make good all damage at completion of work not identified in pre-removal ' survey, including, but not limited to, damage to floors, carpets, walls or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other adhesives. . ' .10 INSPECTION .1 From commencement of work until completion of clean-up operations, the t Consultant may be present periodically or on a full time basis, both inside and outside asbestos work area(s). .2 If asbestos work area(s) or adjacent areas are found unacceptable in accordance with standards specified or required by authorities having jurisdiction, correct such deficiencies at no cost to the Building Owner. .3 Pay cost to provide re-inspection of work found not in accordance with ' these specifications and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. .11 WASTE TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL .1 Conform to the requirements under as detailed under the Ontario Ministry ' of Environment for the disposal of asbestos waste. 2 Ensure shipment of containers to the landfill is taken by waste hauler licensed to transport asbestos waste. Submit documentation to this effect. .3 Each load requires completion of bill of lading showing type and weight of ' hazardous waste being transported. .4 Co-operate with the authorities having jurisdiction to carry out instructions for remedial work at landfill to maintain environment, at no additional cost to Building Owner. 5 Ensure that the landfill operator is fully aware of asbestos being dumped. . ' 3.3 TYPE 2 GLOVE BAG WORK PROCEDURES -Mechanical Pipe Fitting Insulation (Parging Cement). 1 PREPARATION ' .1 Within work area, move equipment, tools, furnishings, and stored materials which can be moved without disturbing asbestos-containing materials. Coordinate with Building Owner personnel and/or General , Contractor Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington ~ Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre page 2] Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement .2 Request Building Owner to shut off air handling and ventilation systems supplying or exhausting from asbestos work area(s) and all fire detection and suppression systems in the asbestos work areas}. .3 Caulk and seal any ducts and duct shafts to remain in service as required to make airtight. Seal supply ducts with polyethylene sheeting to make airtight. Perform work at appropriate time under contaminated conditions, if necessary. 4 Seal off openings such as doorways, windows, vents, service holes in walls and grilles to non-operating ducts with polyethylene sheeting sealed with tape or with polyurethane foam as appropriate. .5 Isolate the asbestos work area with tape barriers or other barriers posted with notices marking the area as an asbestos removal area. Workers pertorming Glove Bag removal shall wear half-face air-purifying respirators equipped with HEPA filter cartridges and disposable protective suits with hoods. .6 Pre-clean the surface of the pipe of fallen or damaged insulation by HEPA vacuuming or damp wiping. .7 Spray the areas of damaged jacketing with a mist of amended water. Tape over any damage, or wrap with polyethylene sheeting, to provide temporary repair. Use polyethylene sheeting of sufficient size for drop sheets beneath pipe insulation. .8 If the pipe insulation is not jacketed, spray the surface with a mist of amended water and wrap entire length of pipe with 0.15 mm (6 mil) polyethylene sheeting taped in place. .9 Place tools necessary to remove insulation in the tool pouch of the Glove Bag. Zip bag onto pipe and seal all openings to pipe with cloth securing straps. Far valve bags seal valve cover with wire tie or equivalent. 10 Provide a fire extinguisher(s) in the immediate vicinity of work area. Protect extinguishers with polyethylene sheeting in manner that will not hamper emergency use. 2 MAINTENANCE OF GLOVE BAG 3 Maintain work area in a tidy condition at all times .2 Ensure Glove Bags are effectively seated and taped. If the Glove Bag is ripped, cut or opened in any way, cease work and repair with tape before continuing work. If opening is not easily repaired, workers in area shall follow clean-up and tear down work procedures as outlined in sections 3.3.5 and 3.3.7 respectively. Following this, and with approval from the consultant, work is to commence with a new Glove Bag. .3 Visually inspect Glove Bag at beginning of each working period, and intermittently (at least once per hour) during abatement activities. 3 DO NOT COMMENCE ASBESTOS REMOVAL WORK UNTIL: Arrangements have been made for disposal of waste. Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Cen[re Page ~ Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement ' .2 Asbestos work areas and parts of building required to remain in use are ' effectively segregated. .3 Tools, equipment and materials waste receptors are on hand. ' .4 Arrangements have been made with the Building Owner for work area security. 5 Signs are displayed in areas where access to sealed asbestos work area ' is possible. Signs shall read: CAUTION Asbestos Hazard Area No Unauthorized Entry Wear assigned protective equipment Breathing asbestos dust may cause serious bodily harm. , .6 Post Proof that the Project Notification has been issued and received from the Ministry of Labour and ensure that the MOL has been notified prior to the start of each separate Type 3 work area. Post sfte-specific safe work procedures on the site. .7 The Consultant has been notified of intention to proceed and has reviewed enclosures, equipment and procedures. ' 8 Before performing any contaminated work, prepare site as described in .9 section 3.3.1. Electrical, communication, life safety and control systems to remain in ' place in asbestos work area have been adequately protected with polyethylene and tape. ' .4 REMOVAL 1 Abatement work area will be subject to apre-contamination inspection by the Consultant. Work may proceed only upon approval by Consultant. , 2 Workers as a minimum muss wear disposable coveralls and a half mask respirator equipped with HEPA filters. ' 3 Ensure that alt air handling equipment which could contribute to the dispersal of asbestos fibres from the work area is turned off. .4 Platte tools necessary to remove insulation in the tool pouch of the Glove , Bag. Zip bag onto pipe and seal all openings to pipe with cloth securing straps. For valve bags seal valve cover with wire tie or equivalent. 5 Place hands into gloves and use necessary tools to remove the ' insulation. Arrange the insulation in bag to obtain the full capacity of the bag. Roll jacketing carefully to minimize the possibility of ripping or puncturing the bags. ' .6 Insert nozzle of spray pump into bag through the valve and wash down the pipe and interior of the bag thoroughly. Use one hand to aid washing Wet surface of insulation in the lower section of the bag and process ' . exposed end of asbestos insulation remaining on pipe by spraying with water prior to moving the bag. Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125_ __ _. __ ___ ___ Municipality of Caarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 23 Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement .7 !f the bag is to be moved along the pipe, move the bag, re-seal to pipe using double-pull zipper to pass hangers. Repeat stripping operation. .8 If bag is removed from pipe for use on new section of pipe, seal the interior zip lock. Re-install in the new location before opening the zip lock. .5 FINAL CLEAN-UP If necessary, after removal of each section of asbestos, HEPA vacuum surfaces of pipe or wipe with a wet cloth. Ensure that surfaces are kept free of wet sludge, dust, debris, and any residual material. If necessary, apply a heavy coat of sealer to exposed ends of asbestos insulation to remain in place until the next shift. Request Consultant to provide visual clearance inspection. Following inspection and acceptance, apply one coat of slow drying sealer to all surfaces from which asbestos has been removed. No clearance air monitoring will be conducted for Glove Bag removal, however occupational and/or ambient sampling may be conducted while work is in progress to demonstrate the effectiveness of abatement procedures. .6 AIR MONITORING .1 At the discretion of the Consultant and/or Building Owner, air sampling may be utilized during Glove Bag abatement work procedures. The Consultant would then collect air samples immediately prior to commencement of asbestos removal to be used as a baseline indicator. .2 The Consultant may arrange for PCM air samples to be taken inside and outside of asbestos work area(s), as requested by the Building Owner and in accordance with NIOSH 7400A Method. Air sample results will be made available within 24 hours during asbestos removal. .3 Co-operate with the Consultant in collection of air samples, including the provision of extension cords and requiring workers to wear sampling pumps (if required) for up to half shift periods. Workers shall exercise care not to damage air sampling equipment. .4 For air samples collected immediately outside the asbestos work area - If levels exceed 10°~ of the TWAEV, work practices will be reviewed, at no cost to the Building Owner. .5 For air samples collected both inside and outside the asbestos work area - If levels exceed 509'0 of the TWAEV, work shall be immediately stopped, work practices will be reviewed and cleanup shall lie completed by HEPA vacuum and/or wet methods. Work will only resume at the discretion of the Consultant or the Building Owner. Air sampling may be repeated in the work area prior to the resumption of abatement activities, to demonstrate that fibre concentrations within the affected area are at acceptable levels. If, at the discretion of the Consultant, it is determined that the Contractor's work activities are the cause of the fibre migration which result in an action level of 50% of the TWAEV, then all costs associated with the work required to bring the affected area back to an Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-OI25 Municipality of Clarington Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Section 02080 Page 24 January 2010 1 Asbestos Abatement acceptable level will be borne solely by the Contractor. This includes the cost of additional air sampling. .6 TWAEV is 0.1 fibres/cc. .7 TEAR DOWN .1 To remove the Glove Bag once it is full, wash the top section and the tools thoroughly. Place the tools in one hand (glove); pull hand out inverted, twist to create separate pouch and double tape to seal. Cut between tape and place the pouch with tools in next the Glove Bag; or place the pouch into a water bucket, open the pouch underwater, clean tools and allow to dry. .2 Pull waste disposal bag over the Glove Bag before removing from pipe. Remove the securing straps and unfasten the zipper. .3 Once a Glove Bag has been used, dispose of as contaminated waste. Do not reuse the bag. .4 Wear half face P100 HEPA filtered respirator and disposable coveralls during removal of Glove Bag. Place Glove Bag, po{yethylene sheeting, seals, tape, cleaning material, clothing, and other contaminated waste in asbestos waste receptors for disposal. Remove any debris fallen from pipe insulation with HEPA vacuum. .5 Clean asbestos work area(s), and other areas that may have been contaminated during work. 6 Clean asbestos waste receptors and equipment used in work and remove from asbestos work area(s) at the appropriate time in sequence. .7 Remove temporary lighting, equipment and facilities provided for work. .8 A final review may be carried out by the Consultant to ensure that no dust or debris remains. .8 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS .1 When clean-up is complete reconstruct items demolished which are to remain and reinstall objects and items removed to facilitate asbestos removal operation in their proper positions. Reconstruction and reinstallation shall be by tradesmen qualified in work being reinstalled or reconstructed. .2 Re-establish mechanical and electrical systems to remain operative in proper working order. Arrange for, and pay costs of, electrical or mechanical repairs needed due to work of this Section. .3 Make good all damage at completion of work not identified in pre-removal survey, including, but not limited to, damage to floors, carpets, walls or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other adhesives. Golder Associated Ltd. 09,1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 25 Hampton, Ontario 7anaary 2010 Asbestos Abatement 9 INSPECTION .1 From commencement of work until completion of clean-up operations, the Consultant will be present periodically or on a full time basis, both inside and outside asbestos work area(s). 2 If asbestos work area(s) or adjacent areas are found unacceptable in accordance with standards spec'rfied or required by authorities having jurisdiction, correct such deficiencies at no cost to the Building Owner. .3 Pay cost to provide re-inspection of work found not in accordance with these specifications and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 10 WASTE TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL .1 Conform to the requirements under as detailed under the Ontario Ministry of Environment for the disposal of asbestos waste. 2 Ensure shipment of containers to the landfill is taken by waste hauler licensed to transport asbestos waste. Submit documentation to this effect. .3 Each load requires completion of bill of lading showing type and weight of hazardous waste being transported. .4 Co-operate with the Authorities having jurisdiction to carry out instructions for remedial work at landfill to maintain environment, at no additional cost to Building Owner. 5 Ensure that the landfill operator is fully aware of hazardous material being dumped. 3.4 TYPE 3 ASBESTOS WORK PROCEDURES -REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS- CONTAINING PARGING CEMENT -GREATER THAN 1 M' 1 PREPARATION 1 Within each work area, the Building Owner will make the arrangements to move equipment, tools; furnishings, and stored materials which can be moved without disturbing asbestos-containing materials. Asbestos Abatement Contractor is to coordinate with Building Owner personnel. .2 Request Building Owner to shut off air handling and ventilation systems supplying or exhausting from asbestos work area(s) and all fire detection and suppression systems in the asbestos work area(s}. .3 Caulk and seal any ducts and duct shafts to remain in service as required to make airtight. Seal supply ducts with polyethylene sheeting to make airtight. Pertorm work at appropriate time under contaminated condi#ions, if necessary. 4 Erect suitable wood framing between asbestos work areas} and remaining building area (if required), to. support polyethylene sheeting enclosures. ' Golder Associated Ltd. - 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 26 Hampton, Ontario 7anuary 2010 Asbestos Abatement ' .5 Seal off openings such as doorways, windows, vents, service holes in , walls and grilles to non-operating ducts with polyethylene sheeting sealed with tape or with polyurethane foam as appropriate. but not limited to walls and other includin rti l f ll C ' g sur aces, over a ve ca .6 barriers with one layer of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting. Cover all horizontal surfaces, including but not limited to floors and any existing furnishings and equipment with one layer of 10-mil reinforced polyethylene sheeting , with an additional 'drop-sheet' layer of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting. Cover floors first so that polyethylene extends at Least 300 mm up walls then cover walls to overlap floor sheeting. All damage to floors, carpets, walls , or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other adhesives, shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. .7 Cover with polyethylene sheeting any shelving, storage racks, fixtures and furnishings, etc., which are not being removed from asbestos work area and which could be damaged and/or which cannot be readily cleaned at completion of this work. Pre-clean surfaces potentially contaminated with asbestos, with HEPA vacuum or damp cloth prior to installing protection. 8 Install plywood enclosures, covered with rip-proof polyethylene to protect equipment or fixtures in asbestos work area(s) that may be damaged. .9 Establish negative pressure in asbestos work area. Negative pressure units shall have total rated capacity with filters in place sufficient to provide minimum one (f) air change every 20 minutes in wet-removal Sites, and one (1) change every f 5 minutes in dry-removal Sites. Volume of air shall be sufficient to ensure airflow is maintained from clean areas into asbestos work area. Vent air from work area to outside of building via flexible ducting from negative air units. Locate vents to discharge air away from building access points or sidewalks. Do not discharge air into building interior without obtaining approval from the Consultant. Leak test all negative air units to be used on the project, in operating position at project, using an approved in-place filter test (DOP) method. Venting of exhaust air through occupied area shall be via rigid airtight ductwork. 10 Maintain emergency and fire exits from asbestos work area, or establish alternative exits satisfactory to authorities having jurisdiction. An emergency evacuation plan shall be created and provided to the Building Owner or his representative for review prior to commencement of the project. 11 Ensure existing power supply to asbestos work area is isolated and disconnected where necessary. Do not disrupt power supply to remaining areas of building. Provide ground fault electrical system where application of amended water is required for wetting asbestos-containing materials. Supply all electrical apparatus from this ground fault system. Ensure safe installation of electrical lines and equipment. .12 Provide temporary lighting in the asbestos work area to levels that will permit work to be done safely, and as required by Specifications. Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 ~~ 1 Municipality of Clarington Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Asbestos Abatement Section 02080 Page 27 January 2010 13 Contractor shall be responsible to supply and install temporary power panels complete with cable feeder in full accordance with electrical safety code and asbestos abatement guidelines regarding temporary lighting and power. 14 Provide a fire extinguisher(s) at each emergency exit, and in decontamination facilities. Protect extinguishers with polyethylene sheeting in manner that will not hamper emergency use. .2 WORKER DECONTAMINATION ENCLOSURE SYSTEM ' .1 Construct worker decontamination enclosure at entrance to Type 3 work area. The worker decontamination enclosure system shall comprise of three interconnecting rooms separated by a set of curtain doorways ' between each room, and at both dirty and clean room entrances to enclosure systems. The rooms are as follows: ' 2 Dirty Room: Build a room between the shower room and the asbestos ' work area. Install waste receptor, and storage facilities for workers' shoes and any protective clothing to be re-worn in asbestos work area. Equipment and access room shall be large enough to accommodate specified facilities, and other equipment needed, and allowing sufficient space for at least one worker to undress comfortably. Minimum size 3 square metres (30 sq, ft.). I .3 Shower Room: Build a room between the clean room and the dirty room. ' Provide constant separate supplies of hot and cold water. Provide valves controllable at shower(s) to regulate water temperature. Provide rigid piping with watertight connections and connect to water sources and ', drains. Provide soap, shampoo, clean towels and appropriate containers for disposal of used respirator filters. Filter waste water and direct it to a sanitary sewer drains. A shower room is not required for moderate-risk ' removal. 4 Clean Room: Build a room between the shower room and the clean areas outside of enclosures. Provide hangers for workers' street clothes ' and personal belongings. Provide storage for clean protective clothing and respiratory equipment. Install water heater, if required. Minimum size 3 square metres (30 sq. ft.). ' .3 WASTE AND EQUIPMENT DECONTAMINATION ENCLOSURE SYSTEM .1 Purpose of this system is to provide means to decontaminate drums, scaffolding, materials containers, vacuum and spray equipment, and other ' tools and equipment for which worker decontamination system is not suitable. Provide curtain doorways between rooms, and at both dirty and clean entrances to Enclosure System. Construct a system comprised of ' three linked rooms as follows: 2 Staging Area: Build a staging area in the asbestos work area for gross removal of dust and debris from waste containers and equipment, labeling and sealing of waste containers, and temporary storage pending removal to container cleaning room. ' Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Caarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 28 ' Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement .3 Container Cleaning Room: Build a container cleaning room between the staging area and the holding room. Room shall be of sufficient size to allow proper washing of equipment and drums or double bagging of asbestos waste. Treat wash water as asbestos contaminated waste. .4 Holding Room: Build a holding room between the container cleaning room and the uncontaminated area. The holding room shall be of sufficient size to accommodate largest item of equipment used and ten waste containers. 4 CONSTRUCTION OF DECONTAMINATION ENCLOSURES .1 Floor: Prior to erecting wall framing, lay one sheet of rip-proof polyethylene over floor area to be covered by enclosures. Turn 600 mm (24") of rip-proof polyethylene up outside of enclosure, overlapping with polyethylene sheeting covering perimeter walls. Provide second layer of rip-proof polyethylene to all floors, extending 600 mm up inside of enclosure walls. 2 Walls: Build load bearing walls of 39 mm x 89 mm (2" x 4") wood framing at 400 mm (16") centre with continuous top and sill plates. Cover both sides of walls with polyethylene sheeting. Walls exposed to asbestos work area shall be constructed with min. 9 mm (318") plywood sheeting or hardboard. Caulk, seal, and tape plywood joints. Walls exposed to occupied area shall be covered with min. 6 mil polyethylene sheeting. .3 Roof: Size of joists shall be determined by span, loads, use and Code. Use as a minimum 39 mm x 69 mm (2" x 4") joists. Cover joists with 19 mm (3/4°) plywood sheeting. Seal and tape joints, and cover with two layers of rip-proof polyethylene. At underside of joists install one layer of polyethylene sheeting. .4 Doorways: Build curtain doorways designed so that when workers or drums and equipment move through doorway, one of two barriers comprising doorway always remains closed. .5 MAINTENANCE OF ENCLOSURE .1 Maintain enclosure in a tidy cond'Rion at all times. .2 Ensure barriers and polyethylene linings are effectively sealed and taped. Repair damaged barriers and remedy defects immediately upon discovery. 3 Visually inspect enclosure at beginning and end of each working period, and at least once per 24 hour period of inactivity. In the event that moderate to serious breaches are observed in the containment structure, all asbestos removal work must be stopped until breaching has been repaired. .6 DO NOT COMMENCE ASBESTOS REMOVAL WORK UNTIL: .1 Arrangements have been made for disposal of waste. .2 Asbestos work areas and decontamination enclosures (and parts of building required to remain in use) are effectively segregated. t u t CI Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-0125 _____ Municipality ofClarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 29 Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement 3 Negative pressure equipment is operating continuously and is checked to ensure that required pressure differential is obtained. Negative pressure for all work being conducted on the Site is -0.03 inches/wc. .4 Toots, equipment and materials waste receptors are on hand. .5 Arrangements have been made with the Building Owner for work area security. II 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .6 Signs are displayed in areas where access to sealed asbestos work area is possible. Signs shalt read: CAUTION Asbestos Hazard Area No Unauthorized Entry Wear assigned protective equipment Breathing asbestos dust may cause serious bodily harm. 7 Post Proaf that the Project Notification has been issued and received from the Ministry of Labour and ensure that the MOL has been notified prior to the start of each separate Type 3 work area. Post site-specific safe work procedures on the site. .8 The Consultant has been notified of intention to proceed and has reviewed enclosures, equipment and procedures. .9 Before performing any contaminated work, prepare site as described in section 3.4.1. 10 Electrical, communication, life safety and control systems to remain in place in asbestos work area have been adequately protected with polyethylene and tape. 11 Promptly seal holes or penetrations in structure above ceiling, ducts, etc. to provide airtight enclosure around asbestos work area(s). 7 REMOVAL i Abatement work area will be subject to apre-contamination inspection by the Consultant. Work may proceed only upon approval by Consultant. 2 Workers as a minimum must wear disposable coveralls and, afull-face PAPR respirator equipped with HEPA filters. 3 Ensure that all air handling equipment which could contribute to the dispersal of asbestos fibres from the work area is turned off. .4 Wet the materials to control the spread of the dust, unless wetting creates a hazard or causes damage. Dismantle or remove items and fixtures as required to access the texture-coated surface including, but not limited to surface mounted fixtures, signs, diffusers, hangers, movable partitions, etc. Decontaminate and remove from asbestos work area. Store in designated location, as identified by the Building Owner, General Contractor, or Consultant. Re-instatement to be completed by others. 5 Abatement of this material is not considered complete until all remnants of the texture coat have been removed, with no residual material left remaining on the substrate. In the event that the nature of the substrate ' Golder Associated Ltd 09-1187-0125 Municipality of Clazington Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Section 02080 Page 30 January 2010 1 1 Asbestos Abatement limits the effectiveness of the texture coat removal, upon direction from the Consultant or Building Owner, it may be necessary to dispose of the substrate as asbestos waste as well (i.e. drywall) 6 Place asbestos waste in asbestos waste receptors as outlined in Section 2.1.6. Remove to designated on-Site waste bin. 8 FINAL CLEAN-UP .1 Clean surfaces from which asbestos has been removed with HEPA vacuum, orwet-wiping techniques to remove visible dust and debris. .2 Remove sealed and labeled asbestos waste receptors and dispose of to authorized disposal area in accordance with requirements of disposal authority. .3 After vacuuming and wet-wiping to remove visible asbestos, wet clean entire asbestos work area including equipment and access area, polyethylene sheeting and equipment used in process. Floor and wall surfaces, ducts, and similar items not covered with polyethylene sheeting must be wet cleaned. 4 Request Consultant to provide visual clearance inspection. Following inspection and acceptance, apply one coat of slow drying sealer to all surfaces from which asbestos has been removed. Apply thinned coat (sufficient to coat all surfaces) to other surfaces in asbestos work area including all polyethylene sheeting and surfaces scheduled far demolition. Allow minimum of 24 hours with no disturbance of asbestos work area prior to conducting clearance air monitoring tests. Operate negative air units during this period. 9 AIR MONITORING .1 The Consultant will arrange for air samples to be taken prior to commencement of asbestos removal to be used as a baseline indicator. Sampling will proceed immediately prior to asbestos removal. .2 The Consultant will arrange for PCM air samples to be taken daily from commencement of work until completion of cleaning operations, inside (if required) and outside of asbestos work area(s) enclosures in accordance with NIOSH 7400A Counting Rules Method, and with Fibrous Aerosol Monitor, where appropriate. Air sample results will be made available within 24 hours during asbestos removal. .3 Co-operate with the Consultant in collection of air samples, including the provision of extension cords and requiring workers to wear sampling pumps (if required) for up to half shift periods. Workers shall exercise care not fo damage air sampling equipment. .4 If, during removal, levels exceed 10°k of the TWAEV (Q.01 fibres/cc), work practices will be reviewed, at no cost to the Building Owner. .5 If, during removal, levels exceed 50% of the TWAEV, work shall be immediately stopped, work practices will be reviewed and cleanup shall be completed by HEPA vacuum and/or wet methods, a1 no cost to the Building Owner. LJ L~ 1 ~J 1 Golder Associated Ltd. ~ - - 09-Ii87-0125 Municipality of Clarington Section 02080 Darlington Sports Centre Page 31 Hampton, Ontario January 2010 Asbestos Abatement .6 Clearance level is 0.01 fibresJcc. .10 TEAR DOWN .1 If aggressive air sampling by the Consultant shows that levels in asbestos work area do not exceed 0.01 fibreslcc as determined by NIOSH 7400A Counting Rules Method, proceed with dismantling of enclosures. .2 Remove polyethylene sheeting exposed during contaminated work including upper surfaces plus any underlying sheeting contaminated by water leaks, rips, tears, or exposed by failure of upper layer. Wear half face P100 HEPA fliftered respirator and disposable coveralls during removal of sheeting. Carefully roll sheeting away from walls to center of asbestos work area. As sheeting is rolled away from walls and corners, HEPA vacuum visible debris. 3 While removing top layer of sheeting from surfaces protected by two i layers of sheeting, cut lower sheeting so as to expose baseboards, ~ window sills, cabinetry, shelves, and other horizontal surfaces that may be contaminated with asbestos debris. HEPA vacuum any visible debris. .4 Place polyethylene sheeting, seals, tape, cleaning material, clothing, and ' other contaminated waste in asbestos waste receptors for disposal. Remove any debris fallen behind sheeting with HEPA vacuum. .5 Clean asbestos work area(s), equipment and access area, ' washing/showering room, and other enclosures that may have been ~ contaminated during work. ~ 6 Clean asbestos waste receptors and equipment used in work and remove ' from asbestos work area(s) via drum and equipment decontamination enclosure system, at the appropriate time in sequence. ' 7 Remove hoardings, temporary lighting, equipment and facilities provided for work. 8 A final review may be carried out by the Consultant to ensure that no dust or debris remains. .11 RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS .1 When clean-up is complete reconstruct items demolished which are to remain and reinstall objects and items removed to facilitate asbestos removal operation in their proper positions. Reconstruction and reinstallation shall be by tradesmen qualified in work being reinstalled or ' reconstructed. .2 Re-establish mechanical and electrical systems to remain operative in proper working order. Arrange for, and pay costs of, electrical or ' mechanical repairs needed due to work of this Section. i 3 Make good all damage at completion of work not identified in pre-removal survey, including, but not limited to, damage to floors, carpets, walls or paint due to the use of, but not limited to, tape, spray glue or other adhesives. Golder Associated Ltd. 09-1187-4125 Municipa]ity of Claringon Darlington Sports Centre Hampton, Ontario Section 02080 Page 32 January 2010 Asbestos Abatement 12 INSPECTION .1 From commencement of work until completion of clean-up operations, the Consultant will be present periodically or on a full time basis, both inside and outside asbestos work area(s). 2 If asbestos work area(s) or adjacent areas are found unacceptable in accordance with standards specked or required by authorities having jurisdiction, correct such deficiencies at no cost to the Building Owner. .3 Pay cost to provide re-inspection of work found not in accordance with these specifications and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 13 WASTE TRANSPORT AND DISPOSAL .1 Conform to the requirements under as detailed under the Ontario Ministry of Environment for the disposal of asbestos waste. .2 Ensure shipment of containers to the landfill is taken by waste hauler licensed to transport asbestos waste. Submit documents#ion to this . effect. .3 Each load requires completion of bill of lading showing type and weight of hazardous waste being transported. .4 Co-operate with the authorities having jurisdiction to carry out instructions for remedial work at landfill to maintain environment, at no additional cost to Building Owner. 5 Ensure that the landfill operator is fully aware of hazardous material being dumped. END OF SECTION January 2010 Golder Associates Ltd. net N~UUiva\_2W91118>EHkS\PROIECTS100.118'14135-Clariny[onASS~Darling Ar<re-liamptm46aremem spaiEceiionUsbenas Abaremw 5perifiu[ion Secvon 03084.doc ' fl 1 i [~ 1 1 1 1 Golder Associated Ltd. 09-I 187-0125 u t kI DIVISION 2 SECTION 02100 SITE PREPARATION Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Demolition Section 02050 B. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 NOT APPLICABLE PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Prior to commencement of Work, meet with Owner and Consultant on site for review of layout and items to be retained and protected on site. B. Examine drawings including reference drawings and investigate fully site conditions. Report any adverse conditions to the Consultant. 3.02 PREPARATION AND PROTECTION A. Ensure that sedimentation control as specified in Sections 01410 and 02200 and as indicated on the drawings and required by authorities are in place and are in proper repair prior to commencement of the Work. B. Maintain control devices throughout the duration of construction in good repair and to the satisfaction of the Owner, Consultant, Ministry of the Environment and Local Conservation Authority. C. Environmental protection measures are to be installed in advance of any work performed. Environmental protection measures are to be constructed and maintained to the satisfaction of the Owner and the Local Conservation Authority. D. Install and maintain new construction fencing in location determined by Contractor and approved by Owner. Refer to Section 01560. E. Prepare all required temporary access routes and driveways. Ensure entrances are designed to safely support all imposed loads. F. Install and maintain construction fencing as indicated on the drawings. Fencing to be installed beyond existing trees along west property line. Avoid causing any damage to existing trees during fence erection. All work to be done opposite to the trees. G. Protect trees and vegetation to remain during construction against flooding and sediment deposit. H. Obtain locates of all underground services prior to commencement of any work on site. 09040-02t00.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02100 SITE PREPARATION Page 2 3.03 3.04 I. Locate and stake all buried services. Be responsible for protection of services including sub- drainage systems. J. Ensure that all pedestrian access and exit routes from the Darlington Sports Centre are in place and protected from construction operations. Maintain access to existing parking areas and the public sports fields north of the building at all times. K. Maintain and protect existing fire access routes .Provide access to municipal fire hydrants at all times. L. Provide and maintain temporary drainage structures as required STRIPPING TOPSOIL A. Remove topsoil down to full depth where it contacts non-organic soil from locations of new structures and where adjustment to grades is necessary in areas not completed in site preparation contract. B. Do not handle wet or frozen topsoil. C. Stockpile clean non-contaminated topsoil approved by the Geotechnical Engineer, on site, for reuse. Piles shall not exceed 2000 mm in height. D. Protect stockpiled material from contamination and erosion. E. On completion of work, remove all unused stockpiled material from the site, and dispose of in accordance with applicable legislation. REMOVAL/DEMOLITION A. Remove all items as indicated on site plans and dispose of in a legal manner. B. Sawcut and remove existing asphalt pavement at limits shown and as necessary. C. Remove concrete sidewalks, planting beds, pavement, curbs, walls, fences, screens and enclosures as indicated. D. Recycle asphalt, concrete and metal materials as specified in Section 02050. E. Remove and dispose of wood planter boxes. Coordinate removals of light fixtures with Electrical subcontractor. F. The Owner will remove items indicated on the site and landscape plans and beyond the work area limits, as described. G. Remove and dispose of fences, gates, posts and their foundations completely, as indicated or as required by the Consultant. H. Remove and dispose of all signage, sign posts, curbs, barriers, bollards and the like within work area limits. End of Section C C n 1 t 09040-021 OO.wptl ' DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 ' EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Environmental Procedures Section 01350 ' B. Waste Management and Disposals Section 01355 C. Demolition Section 02050 D. Site Preparation Section 02100 E. Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 F. Concrete Curbs and Gutters Section 02516 G. Foundation Drainage Section 02622 H. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 ' I. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 J. Bituminous Damp Proofing Section 07165 K. Building Insulation Section 07200 t 03 REFERENCES 1 . A. Ontario Building Code. ' B. ASTM 0698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort. C. ASTM 01557, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil using Modified Effort. ' D. CSA-A23.1/A23.2, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Methods of Test and Standard Practices for Concrete. E. CAN/CSA-A3000, Cementitious Materials Compendium (Consists of A3001, A3002, A3003, ' A3004 and A3005). F. CSA-A300, Cementitious Materials for Use in Concrete. G. Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS)/Ontario Ministry of Transportation ' H. I. Ontario Provincial Standard Details (OPSD)/Ontario Ministry of Transportation. U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency(EPA)/Office of Water: EPA832R92005,StormWater Management for Construction Activities: Developing Pollution Prevention Plans and Best Management Practices ' J. The Workplace Health and Safety Act. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ' A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit shop drawings of shoring and bracing required in connection with excavation. ' Drawings to show clearly procedural sequence to be followed. C. Not less than seven days priorto placing fills, submit 20 kg samples of each type fill specified including representative samples of excavated material for analysis by testing laboratory. In ' the case of coarse gravelly soil or coarse crushed stone, submit 60 kg samples. 1.05 DEFI NITIONS ' A. Earth: Site excavated material, including shale, rubble rock, building debris, shrub and tree roots and soil. ' 09040-02200.wptl DIVISION 2 ' SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 2 t B. Soil: Site excavated material, free from shale, rubble rock, building debris, shrub and tree roots. ' C. Fill: Approved materials, other than earth, clay and unapproved soil. Approved soil may be used only with approval of the Consultant in writing. D. Rock: All solid rock in ledges, stratified deposits, unstratified masses, and all conglomerate ' deposits or any other material so firmly cemented by process of nature as to present all the characteristics of solid rock, being so hard orfirmly cemented that it cannot be excavated and ' removed with a power shovel except after thorough and continuous drilling and blasting. E. Backfilling: The operation of supplying and installing fill and approved soil materials. F. Engineered Fill: Approved material used to build-up to design elevations. ' 1.06 EXAMINATION ' A. Examine the building site and determine the nature and extent of the materials to be removed or the additional fill required to provide depths and levels indicated on drawings. Field check the site to review existing conditions. Verify locations of all existing utilities and services that ' will affect the work. B. Before tendering the work, examine the site and ascertain the extent and nature of the material it may be necessary to remove to provide for the depths, levels, and grades ' required. Refer to architectural, structural and landscape architectural drawings for all building and site development details. 1.07 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT A. Soils information on the drawings is based on historical information taken from the original building construction drawings and has not been updated, or verified. ' B. During examination of the site, carry out such investigations as necessary to determine subsurface conditions to be encountered in constructing the Works. ' 1.08 SET TING OUT WORK A. The drawings indicate the building components location; and proposed and final grades. Be responsible to construct the work according to levels and locations shown on the drawings. ' Report any errors or discrepancies to the Consultant before commencing with the work. B. Commencement of any part of the work shall constitute acceptance of drawings as being correct. ' C. Employacompetentinstrumentmanandprovidealllinesandlevels,limitlinesandboundary stakes for the execution of the work as required. All bench marks shall be carefully protected. ' D. Provide all Subcontractors with, and be responsible for, all lines, levels and dimensionswhich such trades require to relate their work to the work of the Contractor or other trades. All ' trades shall be notified that all such levels and dimensions must be obtained from the Contractor. 09040-02200.wpd ' t t DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Pa e 3 1.09 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.10 1.11 1.12 A. Conform to the applicable requirements of the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications (OPSS). INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Provide proper and sufficient samples, ample opportunity and access at all times for the Consultant or Testing Agency to inspect materials, operations and completed works carried out under this Section. B. Sample and test excavated material prior to shipping to landfill off the site. Samples shall be tested far compliance of acceptable material for landfill. Furnish to the Owner the results of all testing and location of landfill site used. This testing will not be undertaken by the Owner's Inspection and Testing Agency. C. Provide 24 hours notice to inspection laboratory and request tests as follows: 1 Sieve Analysis: Proposed fill materials will be tested to confirm stability for intended use and conformity with specifications. 2 Density Test: Tests will be conducted on compacted fill, to ASTM D698. 3 FreguencvTest: Excavated Surfaces: When existing compacted fill surface is being prepared, make a series of three tests of surface for each 500 m~ area. 4 Fills under Roads or Slabs on Grade: Make three tests for every two lifts of compacted fill for each 500 m~ area. 5 Backfill Structural Walls: Test each different material for approximately each 30 metres of wall being backfilled at depth increments of 610 mm. STANDARDS A. Carry out all work in accordance with the applicable OPSS, OPSD and site drawings. The applicable Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications are listed hereafter. B. The following shall aooly: OPS Spec. No. Title Date 180 Management and Disposal of Excess Material Nov. 2005 206 Grading Nov. 2000 314 Untreated Granular Subbase, Base, Surface, Shoulder and Stockpiling Nov. 2004 408 Adjusting or Rebuilding Maintenance Holes, Catch Basins Ditch Inlets and Valve Chambers Nov. 2007 577 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures Nov. 2006 PROTECTION OF EXISTING SERVICES A. B. C. 09040-02200.wptl Before starting the work, verify the location of all known underground services and utilities occurring in the work site area. Notify the Owner, Public Utility or Municipal authorities in advance of planned excavations adjacent to their services. Take care not to damage or displace encountered known and unknown services. DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 4 D. When such services are encountered during the execution of work, immediately notify the Consultant and protect, brace and support active services. Where repairs to these services become necessary use the following procedure: 1 Known services, repair at no expense to the Owner. 2 Unknown services, forward to the Consultant a complete breakdown of the estimated cost of such work. Proceed only upon written authorization. E. In the case of damage to, or cutting off of an essential service, notify Consultant, the Owner, and Public Utility or Municipal authorities immediately and repair the service under the ' Consultant's direction. 1.13 SHORING AND BRACING A. Shoring and trench timbering, in addition to requirements of local authorities, shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of The Occupational Health and Safety Act, "November 1992 Ontario Regulation 213191" and Regulations for Construction Projects by Ontario Ministry of Labour and to Construction Safety Association brochure "Trenching Safety April 1994". B. Erect necessary shoring for excavations in such a manner that: 1 Whenever a trench or excavated face is necessary, shore and brace to prevent failure. Engage a registered Professional Engineer fully qualified in this line of work to design, stamp shop drawings and assume responsibility for the shoring and bracing. All shop drawings shall be submitted to the Consultant. 2 It will properly retain the banks of the excavations and prevent caving-in or displacement or damage to surrounding or adjacent buildings or other property. 3 All other work in connection with this Contract, including the Mechanical and Electrical Trades, may be carried out while it is still in place if necessary. 4 It will be entirely free of footings, foundation walls or other such work so that it may be removed entirely or in sections when it is no longer required or when directed, without causing any damage or injury to the structural work that has been completed. 1.14 SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. Maintain and/or repair sedimentation control at all watercourses and catch basins to prevent contamination by excavated fill. B. Sedimentation control shall be in accordance with the Ontario Provincial Standard Specifications, OPSS 577, and local authorities. C. Refer to details and notes on site development drawings. D. Install additional sedimentation control as required and obtain Consultant's approval prior to commencement of site works. 1.15 DEWATERING A. Keep excavation and backfill dry at all times. Refer to requirements in Section 01510. osaao~ozzoo.wpd L_ J DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 ' EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 5 PART 2: PRODUCTS t 2.01 MATERIALS A. Tvoe A Fill: Class "A" material conforming to OPSS Division 10, latest edition. B. Tvoe B Fill: Class "B" material conforming tc OPSS Division 10, latest edition. C. Pea Gravel: 10 mm diameter washed stone. D. Sand Fill: All sand fill shall be clean, well graded compactable sand to OPSS 1010 Granular ' "M" fill. Sand fill for the refrigerated slab warm glycol pipe sand zone shall be well graded, compactable sand, conforming to OPSS 1004, Mortar Sand. E. Crushed Stone: Crushed stone shall be composed of clean, hard, durable course gravel, or ' crushed rock fragments such that 100% of the particles pass the 18 mm sieve and not more than 10% of the particles pass the No. 4 sieve. No clay or other objectionable materials shall be present. ' F. Engineered Fill: fill placed below Type A and Type B fill to bring excavation to the design elevations. To be Type B fill or approved fill, approved in writing by the Consultant. ' G. ~lashpads: Precast concrete splash pads, Hydraprest 305 mm x 610 mm x 65 mm thick with deflector ribs, as manufactured by Brooklin Concrete Products Ltd. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION ' A. Clearing - Refer to Section 02100 -Site Preparation. B. Lines and Levels - refer to Section 01710-Examination and Preparation. ' C. Stock Piles -Materials shall not be stockpiled on the site except with the prior approval of the Consultant. Where permitted, stockpile materials in a manner to prevent segregation and contamination. Piles not to exceed 2000 mm in height. Stockpile materials in a location and ' manner not interfering with ongoing operation and use of the site and building by the Owner. 3.02 EXCAVATION WORK ' A. Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated or required by the work, plus sufficient space to permit erection of forms, shoring and inspection. Excavation shall be made to clean lines to minimize quantity of fill material required. ' B. Remove large rocks, stumps and other obstructions of whatever nature encountered in the course of excavation and haul away off the site. ' C. Unauthorized Excavation -Excavation to greater than required depth shall be corrected by the Contractor at his own expense in a manner as directed by the Consultant. Fill over-excavated areas under structure bearing surtaces and footings with concrete as specified for foundations. 1 ' 09040-02200.wptl DIVISION 2 ' SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 6 ' D. Remove all concrete, masonry, rubble or other construction debris encountered during the work. ' E. Keep excavation free of water by bailing, pumping or a system of drainage as required and provide pumps, suction and discharge lines Orwell points of sufficient capacity and maintain until such time as the permanent drainage system is installed or until the Consultant's ' approval of removal of equipment is obtained. Take all necessary measures to prevent flow of water into the excavation. F. Protect the bottom and sides of excavated pits and trenches from freezing. Protect also from exposure to the sun and wet weather to prevent cave-ins and softening of the bed upon which concrete or drains rest. ' G. Excavations must not intertere with the normal 45 degree plane of bearing from the bottom of any footing. H. Keep bottoms of excavations clean and clear of loose materials levelled and stepped at ' changes of levels with exception of excavations made for drainage purposes and those to slope as required. I. Iftheexcavationsrevealseepagezones,springsorotherunexpectedsub-surface conditions ' which may necessitate revisions or additions to any drainage system, inform the Consultant immediately so that remedial action can be taken. ' J. If removal of earth causes displacement of adjacent earth, the earth so disturbed shall be removed at no additional cost to the Owner. K. Conditions of Excavated Surtaces , 1 Excavate to a depth sufficient to expose firm undisturbed subsoil, free of organic ' matter and to the Testing Agency's approval. 2 Remove soft, wet or unconsolidated ground and organic material encountered in excavating. 3 Should the nature of the sub-soil at the depths shown prove to be unsatisfactory to ' the Consultant for the placing of the concrete work, then upon the Consultant's written order, the Contractor shall excavate to greater depth until a satisfactory bottom is reached. L. Tolerances: General excavation shall be to the elevations shown on the drawings, plus or ' minus 25 mm. 3.03 BACKFILLING A. Proceed promptlywith backfilling as the building progresses, and aswork to be backfilled has been inspected and approved by the Consultant. The backfill in areas where settlement cannot be tolerated, e.g. service and footing trenches under the floor slab, should be compacted to at least 100 per cent of its Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density. The backfill should be placed in lifts not greater than 200 mm thick in the loose state, each lift being compacted with a suitable compactor to the specified density. 09040-02200.wpd 1 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 ' EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 7 B. Do not commence backfilling operations until mechanical and electrical services, site ' drainage systems, perimeterand underslab insulation, and dampproofing has been inspected and approved by Consultant and authorities having jurisdiction. Existing floor subgrade must be proof rolled before backfilling. C. Withdraw shoring material during Backfill. Lumber left in place without the Consultant's approval will not be paid for by the Owner. ' D. Backfill evenly on both sides of foundation walls to avoid unequal fill pressures on walls. E. Place fill around foundation walls and footings so that footings will have a minimum of 1200 mm coverage, measured at an angle of 45 degrees from bottom of footing to protect against 1 frost until final grading is complete. F. Where fill is placed adjacent to structures or vulnerable building components or in restricted areas, the fill shall be compacted to the same degree as specified by suitable equipment approved by the Consultant. Avoid damage to or displacement of walls, columns, piers, underground services, and process/ production equipment. ' G. Add water in amounts required only to achieve the optimum moisture content, in accordance with ASTM D1557. H. Backfill shall be free of snow and ice, topsoil, construction debris and oversized boulders ' greater than 150 mm. 3.04 ROU GH GRADING ' A. Preparation and Layout 1 Establish extent of grading by area and elevation. ' 2 Prior to commencement of grading work, establish location and extent of all underground utilities occurring in work areas. Maintain, reroute or extend as required. Pay all costs for this work, except costs borne by utilities companies. 3 Slope grade away from building as indicated on drawings. 4 Cut temporary drainage swales and create containment ponds and structures for temporary surface run-offs, until storm sewer system is installed. 5 Regrade all areas that retain or pond water. ' 6 Rough grade all areas to tolerance of plus or minus 50 mm. 7 Trenching for foundation drainage is specified in Section 02622. 3.05 FILLS UNDER CONCRETE SLABS 1 A. The fill shall be deposited in layers of such thickness that the equipment being used for compacting can produce the specified density but in no cases, more than 200 mm thickness. If lumps are present in the material each layer shall be continuously disced in order to ensure ' proper compaction. B. The exposed subgrade shall be proof rolled to ensure its integrity. If the subgrade consists of engineered fill, the fill shall be compacted to at least 98% of its maximum Standard Proctor t Dry Density for native materials or 100% compaction for Granular "A" and "B" materials, using equipment approved by the Consultant. Any loose, wet or deleterious material shall besub-excavated and replaced by the Contractor with Type B Engineered fill which must be compacted to 98% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. osoao-ozzoo.wPa DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 8 C. Immediately after levelling, each layer of fill shall be thoroughly compacted by the use of approved mechanical equipment. 3.06 COMPACTION DENSITY A. Use approved equipment for compaction. Maintain materials at optimum moisture content to obtain required compaction. Special care shall be taken to prevent disturbance of the existing subgrade and adjacent structures and equipment. B. Be responsible for damage to the subgrade and installed materials due to improper compaction methods. Make good to approval of the Consultant. C. The minimum density of fill in place shall be the following values of Standard proctor densities for corresponding locations in accordance with A.S.T.M. D698-(STD). 1 Type A Fill: To 100% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. 2 Type B Fill: To 100% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. 3 Engineered Fill: To 98% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. D. If during progress of work, tests indicate that compacted materials do not meet specified requirements, remove defective work, replace and retest at own expense. E. Ensure compacted fills are tested and approved before proceeding with placement of surface materials. 3.07 FILL LOCATIONS A. Type A Fill: 1 Under all interior and exterior concrete slabs 150 mm minimum thickness. 2 Below all mechanical or electrical services, from 150 mm below invert, to springline. 3 Backfill for refrigeration header piping (material to be non-acidic as approved by Refrigeration Contractor). 4 (Alternate Price Item): Under refrigerated ice pad (below sand layer) minimum 300 mm thickness. B. Type B Fill: 1 Around all footings, foundations, grade beams and walls up to the underside of Type A fill. 2 From top of approved compacted subgrade to underside of concrete slabs (interior or exterior) but not less than 200 mm thickness. 3 At all areas on the site indicated to be paved with asphalt by the owner and disturbed by the work of this contract, to a minimum thickness of 300 mm. C. Sand Fill: 1 Below ice surface slab, and above existing ice surface slab to remain, as necessary to level existing slab for installation of rigid insulation. 2 Below all mechanical or electrical services, minimum 150 mm deep. 3 Above all mechanical or electrical pipes and trenches, from springline to 300 mm above pipe obvert. 4 Alternate Price Item: Under refrigerated ice pad minimum 300 mm thickness. D. Engineered Fill: All fill locations up to the underside of Type B fill and where required to fill up to design elevations. 09040-02200.wptl LJ 1 M LJ 1 1 I'~ C' C DIVISION 2 SECTION 02200 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING AND GRADING Page 9 E. Crushed Stone: around all drainage piping, minimum 200 mm thick. Site excavated material: as backfill to exterior side of foundation walls only when permitted and approved by the Geotechnical engineer and below all sodded or seeded areas up to underside of topsoil, but not within 600 mm of foundation walls or structures. 3.08 WATER ON PREPARED SURFACES A. Promptly remove, by approved methods, water rising from seeping of the soil or resulting from rainfall wherever such water is on the surface of sub-grade soil and compacted fill. B. Where proper drainage and pumping is not carried out as specified herein, and any prepared sub-grade soil for under structural work, and any compacted fill for under concrete slabs, is softened or disturbed by water due to improper drainage and pumping, the Contractor shall remove the unsatisfactory soil and fill, and bear all incidental costs in connection with additional excavation and placing and compacting of granular fill under floor slabs. 3.09 ADJUSTMENTS A. All manhole frames and covers, catch basin frames and covers, drains and valves including those existing scheduled to remain, shall be adjusted and set flush with finished elevation. B. Adjustments to manholes and catch basins shall be done using concrete adjustment units as per OPSS 408 and OPSD 704.010. 3.10 SPLASHPADS A. Place precast concrete splashpads at base of each rainwater leader. 3.11 SURPLUS SOIL DISPOSAL Surplus soil and excavated material shall be promptly removed and disposed of off the site at legal dump sites. Conform to local bylaw requirements for trucking and disposal. Complete testing as described in Part 1 of this specification. 2. Conform to the requirements of the approved Waste Management Plan as specified in Section 01355. 3.12 CLEAN-UP A. As excavation proceeds, keep roads and aisles clean of dirt and excavated material. B. Clean up and wash down to remove all dirt and excavated materials caused by the work of this section daily. End of Section osoao-ozzoo.wPd 1 1 1 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02400 ASPHALT PAVING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 C. Concrete Curbs and Gutters Section 02516 D. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 1.03 A. All materials, equipment and methods shall conform to the referenced Ontaric Provincial Standard Specification (O.P.S.S). B. ASTM D1557, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil using Modified Effort. C. ASTM D698 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort. D. O.P.S.S. 310, Construction Specification for Hot Mix Asphalt E. OPSS 1001 Aggregates -General F. OPSS 1003 Aggregates -Hot Mix Asphalt G. OPSS 1101 Performance Graded Asphalt Cement H. O.P.S.S. 1103, Emulsified Asphalt I. O.P.S.S.1150, Material Specification Far Hot Mix Asphalt J. CGSB 1-GP-12C Alkyd Traffic Paint. K. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): M320-05 Performance-Graded Asphalt Binder. L. Asphalt Institute Publications (AI): MS-2, Sixth Edition Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete and Other Hot-Mix Types. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit asphalt mix designs. C. Submit source of asphalt materials. 1.05 PROTECTION A. Protectwork of all trades and adjacent properties from damage from the work of this section. Barricade paved areas to prevent vehicle traffic for at least 24 hours after completion. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All work of this Section shall be completed by a bonafide road building contractor engaged in paving work for a minimum of 5 years and having all equipment necessary to complete the work as specified. 09040-02400.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02400 ASPHALT PAVING 1.07 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. The Owner shall appoint an independent inspection and testing company. B. The inspection and testing company shall perform the following services: 1. Sample proposed sources of fill materials and advise as to acceptability, maximum densities obtainable and compaction procedures. 2. Carry out density tests to ensure that the required density is achieved, andreportthe results of such tests in writing. C. The cost of employing the inspection and testing company shall be paid for by the Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 ENGINEERED FILL 0 1 A. Compacted Granular 'B' backfill or other suitable fill as approved by the consultant to ' thickness required to bring subgrade to level of underside of Granular'B' base course. 2.02 GRANULAR BASE MATERIALS ' A. Granular'A' Base Course: Class "A"material conforming to OPSS Division 10, latest edition. B. Granular 'B' Base Course: Class "B" material conforming to O.P.S.S. Division 10, latest ' edition. 2.03 ASPHALT MATERIALS A. Asphalt Cement: Asphalt cement shall be performance graded asphalt cement according to OPSS 1101. B. Aggregates: Aggregates shall be according to OPSS 1003 C. Asphalt Base Course: dense graded, hot mixed, hot laid asphalt as a surface or binder course for low volume roads. The maximum aggregate size is 19 mm. HL4 conforming to O.P.S.S.1150. D. Asphalt Surface Course: hot mixed, hot laid dense-graded surface course mix for intermediate volume roads with a maximum aggregate size of 16 mm. HL3 conforming to O.P.S.S.1150. E. Emulsified Asphalt: O.P.S.S. Form 1010 or MTO primer. F. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement: where permittedinaHMA,ReclaimedAsphaltPavementshall be according to the aggregate requirements of OPSS 1003 for the mix type specified. Absorption, freeze thaw, and magnesium sulphate requirements do not apply to RAP. 1. Reclaimed AsphaltPavementthatiscontaminatedwithdeleteriousmaterialshallnot be used and shall be removed from the Work. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement shall be stockpiled conforming to the stockpiling requirements for coarse aggregates according to OPSS 1001. 2. Process control sampling and testing of the reclaimed asphalt pavement shall be as specified. asoao-ozaoo wPd LJ I1 1 u DIVISION 2 SECTION 02400 ASPHALT PAVING Page 3 G. Silicone: When added to the asphalt cement, silicone oil shall be less than five parts per million of asphalt cement. H. Filler: to OPSS 1003. 2.04 JOINT PAINTING MATERIAL AND ASPHALTIC PRIMER A. SS-1 Emulsion to OPSS 1103-5. 2.05 PAINTED LINE MARKINGS A. To CGSB 1-GP-12C Alkyd Traffic Paint. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS t 1 1 3.02 t A. Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly commence. B. Verify that asphalt pavement may be installed in strict accordance with the original design, all pertinent codes and regulations, and all pertinent portions of the referenced standards. C. Check rough grading, re-grade, re-level and re-compact as required. Soft spots, wet holes, shall be dug out and filled with granular fill placed in not over 150 mm layers and compacted. Remove surplus material from the site. D. Sub-grade shall be fully stabilized, compacted to 100% of standard Proctor Density and levelled to a tolerance of not more than 13 mm measured on a 3.0 m straight edge. E. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Consultant. F. Place and compact engineered fill in sufficient quantities to bring subgrade up to specified level of underside of Granular 'B' base course. Compact engineered fill as noted in paragraph'D'above. PLACEMENT OF GRANULAR BASE COURSES A. B. C. D. Granular material shall be placed in layers of such thickness that the equipment being used can produce the specified density. Immediately after levelling the material shall be compacted to the specified density. Compaction: All granular material shall be compacted to a minimum of 98% Standard Proctor Maximum Density. Finished elevation tolerance will be to within 13 mm of the required elevation. 09040-02400.wptl fl DIVISION 2 SECTION 02400 ASPHALT PAVING Page 4 3.03 ASPHALT PRIME A. Paint contact of curbs, gutters, headers, manholes, and like structures with thin, uniform coat of asphalt prime material. B. Do not apply prime when air temperature is less than 5°C or when rain is forecast within 2 hours. C. Prevent overlap at junction of spreads. D. Do not prime surfaces that will be visible when paving is complete. E. Apply additional material to areas not sufficiently covered. F. Keep traffic off primed areas until asphalt prime has cured. G. Permit prime to cure before placing asphalt paving. H. Apply asphalt prime to granular base at a rate directed by Consultant. 3.04 PLACEMENT OF ASPHALT SURFACING A. Asphalt surfacing shall consist of compacted thickness of HL4, and compacted thickness of H.L. 3 fine laid in accordance with referenced standards. B. Place asphalt paving where indicated on the drawings. C. Finished surface shall be smooth of uniform density and texture and true to established elevations. Paving shall be of thickness specified and when checked with a 3 m straight edge shall show no irregularity exceeding 6 mm in depth. Surface shall be sloped in order that all surface water will be drained to perimeter of asphalt, to catch basins or storm sewers. D. Joints in asphalt shall be kept to a minimum. Joints in base and top asphalt shall be staggered. E. Base asphalt shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to placing of top course of asphalt. F. Where asphalt does not adjoin concrete curbs, edges shall be trimmed and hand tamped to a clean straight line. 3.05 PATCHING ASPHALT PAVEMENT A. Saw cut perimeters of areas to be patched or joined. Remove existing asphalt and base material to depth where footing. B. Restore disturbed areas of boulevards, road shoulder and ditches along the alignment of the work to match the existing conditions prevalent prior to the commencement of construction. C. Grind top surface of asphalt to depth of 38 mm for width of 300 mm from saw cut. Paint exposed edge of asphaltic joints, edge of maintenance holes and catch basin frames, curbs and similar items with SS-1 emulsified asphalt. 09040-02400.wpd 1 1 ~' C DIVISION 2 SECTION 02400 ASPHALT PAVING Page 5 3.06 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Pavement markings shall be painted after completion of the asphalt paving and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. B. Restrict traffic over areas to be painted during and for 24 hours after painting. Repaint any areas which are disturbed. C. Markings shall be 100 mm wide, yellow. Locate as shown on the drawings. Paint lines straight, or uniformly curved with well defined edges and full paint coverage in all directions. D. Paint handicap parking spaces blue, with yellow line markings and yellow international handicap designation symbol. End of Section oeoao-ozaaa wpd ' DIVISION 2 SECTION 02514 ' CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Concrete Curbs and Gutters Section 02516 C. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 ' D. Mechanical Division 15 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM C309 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing ' Concrete. B. ASTM D698 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate C. Mixtures Using 5.5-Ib (2.49-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (305-mm) Drop. CANICSA-A23.1 Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. D. CAN/CSA-A23.2 Methods of Test for Concrete. E. OPSS 1010 Material Specification for Aggregates - Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material. ' F. OPSS 1308 Material Specification for Joint Filler (Concrete). 1.04 QUA LITY ASSURANCE ' A. Do concrete work in accordance with the requirements of Division 3, exceptwhere otherwise specified herein. ' PART 2 : PRODUCTS 2.01 MAT ERIALS ' " " A. Base: Granular A , OPSS 1010. B. Concrete: CAN/CSA-A23.1-M. C. Curing Compound: Chlorinated rubber based, ASTM C309 Type 2. ' D. Joint Filler: Premoulded, non-extruding and resilient bituminous. OPSS 1308 Type Ajoint filler. E. Form Lumber: No. 2 S.P.F., 28 x 89 mm, free of twist and warp. ' F. Reinforcing Steel: 152 x 152 mm MW18.7/MW18.7 welded wire mesh, in flat sheets, not rolls. G. Polyethylene Sheeting: 0.100 mm thickness, to CGSB CAN2-53.33. ' 2.02 CON CRETE MIX A. Unless otherwise indicated, provide ready mix concrete designed by concrete producer, meeting the following requirements: 1. Coarse Aggregate: Standard weight, maximum size 19 mm. 2. Water Cement Ratio: Maximum 0.45 by weight. 3. Compressive Strength: 32 Mpa at 28 days. 4. Air Content: 5% to 7% achieved by air entrainment. 5. Slump at Point of Discharge: 50 mm t 25 mm. 09040-02514.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02514 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Page 2 ' PART 3: EXECUTION 01 PREPARATION 3 ' . A. Establish lines and levels as required for completion of work. b ' - B. Check adequacy of preparations for sidewalks done under Section 02200. Ensure that su base is compacted to 98% of Standard Proctor density ASTM D698. 02 PLACING GRANULAR BASE 3 , . Sub-grade must be dry and compacted to smooth surface and required grade prior to placing A . granular base material. ' B. Place granular base to a uniform cross-section over required area in minimum 100 mm thickness. ' C. Finish granular base surface true to sidewalk founding elevations and compact to minimum of 98% of Standard Proctor density, ASTM D698. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Erect formwork for sidewalks to achieve lines and grades shown on the drawings. ' B. Cut expansion joint filler to full cross sectional shape of the sidewalk and place at intervals not exceeding 5.0 m. Refer to plans for patterns. C. Place expansion joint filler between sidewalks and curbs, between sidewalks and building ' foundations and between sidewalk and any poured concrete bases or piers. D. Coordinate installation of hydronic heat tracing equipment in heated slabs where indicated ' and as shown on the mechanical drawings. Heat traced slabs shall be a two process including a recessed base slab and a topping slab. E. Pour concrete on prepared sub-base to required levels and dimensions. Execute all concrete r work to CANICSA A23.1, and CAN/CSA A23.2. F. Pour concrete sidewalks with minimum 125 mm depth, and with transverse slope of 2 mm/ , 100 mm (2%). G. Where indicated, depress sidewalks for handicap access. ' H. Do not pour concrete when air temperature is, or may fall below 5° C during or within 24 hours of pour, unless precautions are taken to prevent damage to concrete resulting from low , temperature. I. Remove and replace any concrete damaged by freezing at no extra cost. J. Finish concrete with light broom finish, transverse to direction of travel. ' K. Trowel smooth edges, minimum 75 mm wide. osoao-azsin.wpa DIVISION 2 SECTION 02514 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS Page 3 L. M. Apply membrane forming curing compound as soon as surface is free of bleed water to uniformly cover exposed concrete surtaces at rate of not less than 1.0 litre/5 m'. Maintain this protection for minimum 7 days. Divide sidewalk between expansionjoints into lengths notexceeding 2.0 m, with powerdriven carbide tipped blade, or other device approved for use by the Consultant. End of Section 09040-92514 wpd 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02516 CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavation and Backfilling Section 02200 B. Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 C. Formwork Section 03100 D. Concrete Section 03300 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM C309-89: Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. B. ASTM D698-78: Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-Ib (2.49-kg) Rammer and 12-in. (305-mm) Drop. C. CAN/CSA-A23.1: Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. D. CAN/CSA-A23.2: Methods of Test for Concrete. E. OPSS 1010: Material Specification for Aggregates -Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material. F. OPSS1308: Material Specification for Joint Filler (Concrete). G. OPSD 600.11 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Do concrete work in accordance with the requirements of Division 3, exceptwhere otherwise specified herein. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Base: Granular "A". OPSS 1010. B. Form Work: Steel or wood, capable of producing smooth, flat surtaces. C. Concrete: CAN/CSA-A23.1 D. Curing Compound: Chlorinated rubber based, ASTM C309 Type 2, suitable for exterior use. E. Joint Filler: Pre moulded, non-extruding and resilient bituminous, 13 mm thick. OPSS 1308 Type A joint filler. F. Reinforcing Steel: Deformed billet steel bars to CSA G30.12-M, Grade 400. G. Sealer: A-H anti-spalling compound by Anti-Hydro, or Sealtight CS-309 by W.R. Meadows. 09040-02516 wpd 1 DIVISION 2 ' SECTION 02516 CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS Page 2 2.02 CONCRETE MIX A. Unless otherwise indicated, provide ready mix concrete designed by concrete producer, ' meeting the following requirements: 1. Coarse Aggregate: Standard weight, maximum size 19 mm. 2. Water Cement Ratio: Maximum 0.45 by weight. ' 3. Compressive Strength: 32 Mpa at 28 days. 4. Air Content: 5% to 7% achieved by air entrainment. 5. Slump at Point of Discharge: 50 mm ± 25 mm. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION ' A. Establish lines and levels as required for completion of work. B. Excavate for curbs to lines and grades required. , 3.02 PLACING GRANULAR BASE A. Sub-grade must be dry and compacted to smooth surface and required grade prior to placing ' granular base material. B. Place Granular Base to a uniform cross-section over required area in layers not exceeding ' 150 mm uncompacted thickness and to total depth of 300 mm. C. Finish granular base surface true to curb founding elevations and compact to minimum of 98% of Standard Proctor density, ASTM D698. , 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS h D i d ' A. tangents as s own on raw ngs. Align concrete curbs and gutters with curves an B. Curbs shall be in accordance with OPSD 600.11 ' C. Pour concrete on prepared sub-base to required levels and dimensions. Execute work to requirements of CAN/CSA-A23.1, and CAN/CSA-A23.2. ° D. Do not pour concrete when air temperature is, or may fall below 5 C during or within 24 hours of pour, unless precautions are taken to prevent damage to concrete resulting from low temperature. ' E. Remove and replace any concrete damaged by freezing at no extra cost. F. Finish concrete with a wooden float to produce an even gritty surface. ' G. Finish edges of concrete curbs and gutters in accordance with OPSD Standard Drawings. H. Provide mountable curb along length of barrier free parking spaces and drop curbs at all , pedestrian crossings, as indicated on the drawings. 1 09040-0251fi wptl 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02516 CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS Page 3 I. Apply membrane forming curing compound as soon as surface is free of bleed water to ' uniformly cover exposed concrete surfaces at rate of not less than 1.0 litre/5 m'. Maintain this protection for minimum 7 days. J. Apply sealer to exposed surfaces of curbs and gutters, in two coats, in accordance with manufacturer's directions. Prevent contamination of adjacent surfaces. 3.04 JOINTS ' A. Joints between curb and gutter and any abutting sidewalk, catch basin and manhole frames, gutter outlets, or any structure, shall be formed with 12 mm thick panels ofjoint filler, except ' for controljoints for extruded orformed curb and gutter, where they may be sawcut orformed with a "Guillotine" knife. End of Section LJ ' 09040-02616.wpd ~~ u CJ 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02622 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 C. Bituminous Dampproofing Section 07165 D. Building Insulation Section 07200 E. Mechanical Division 15 1.03 REF ERENCES A. CAN/CSA-A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. B. CAN/CSA-8182.1- M, Plastic Drain and Sewer Pipe and Pipe Fittings. C. Ontario Building Code, Part 7 -Plumbing. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Perforated plastic pipe and fittings: to CSA 182.1. Nominal pipe size 100 mm. Drainage tubing manufactured from high density polyethylene resin which meets or exceeds the requirements of Type III, Category 4 or 5, Grade P33 or P34, Class C as per ASTM D1248. B. Joining System: snap, insert or split coupler. C. Filter Sock: Woven polyester. D. Acceptable product: Big'O' Perforated Corrugated with PolyesterSock Filter as manufactured by Armtec Ltd. E. Coarse filter aggregate: to CAN/CSA-A23.1, Table 2, Group 1, 20-5 mm. F. Fine filter aggregate: to CAN/CSA-A23.1, Table 1. G. Filter mat: Non Woven Polypropylene Geotextile: 1. Terrafix 200R by Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc. 2. Mirafi 140N by TC Mirafi. H. Drainage sheet: Terradrain 600 by Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc. or Mirafi Drainage Composite by TC Mirafi. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 LAYOUT A. Establish grades and inverts from appropriate bench marks. Lay out lines as shown on Drawings. 09040-02622.wp0 1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02622 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Page 2 , B. Slope drainage pipes at least 1%. Pipe grade shall not vary more than 10% of internal ' diameter of pipe withing a given run. Such deviation shall be gradual and over a distance of not less than 9.0 m. ' C. Lay pipe in straight lines; turn corners using 45° bends. ' 3.02 INST ALLATION A. Coordinate work of this Section with that of other related Sections. ' B. Do not place pipe in direct contact with rigid materials such as rock, brick, or wood. Do not use grade stakes, stones, masonry or concrete fragments or any type of shim under pipe. C. Join pipe sections by means of couplings. Provide end plugs on open ends of pipe runs at high points. provide fittings such as elbows, bends, tees, adapters, reducers, as required to form a complete drainage system. Carefully tap tapered fittings into pipe; do not overdrive. ' D. Install perforated pipe with holes and coupling slots facing down. E. Aggregate materials shall be damp when placed. If necessary, spray with water using fog ' nozzle to assist hydraulic consolidation. F. Place aggregate materials by hand around and above pipe in successive 150 mm lifts. Consolidate each lift by tamping moderately; prevent damage to pipes. , G. Do not cover pipes until inspected and approved by Consultant. H. Supply rigid non-corrosive sleeves for insertion into foundation walls and other building ' elements where pipe penetrates such elements. Sleeve diameter shall be 50 mm larger than pipe diameter. Pack joint between pipe and sleeve with moisture resistant compressible pre- moulded filler. 3.03 PERIMETER DRAINAGE A. Provide perimeter drainage at outside of external foundation walls where floor slab is located , below finish grade, and where indicated on Drawings. B. Place filter fabric into prepared excavation. Size filter fabric to completely wrap drainage , course, lapping at joints minimum 300 mm. C. Place minimum 150 mm coarse filter aggregate on top of filter fabric and consolidate. D. Lay drainage pipe to layout shown. Unless other size is indicated, provide 100 mm diameter perforated pipe. Connect to storm drainage system as indicated on drawings. ' E. Provide minimum 150 mm thick coarse filter aggregate at sides and top of drainage pipe. F. Close filter fabric over top of drainage course and secure lap in place. ' G. Cover filter fabric with 300 mm fine filter aggregate. oeoaa-ozszzwPd i DIVISION 2 SECTION 02622 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Paae 3 3.05 DRAINAGE SHEET A. Provide drainage sheet at elevator pit walls and ice melt pit walls. B. Ensure that dampproof membranes have been inspected and approved prior to placing drainage sheet. C. Place panels with flat side against damp proofed foundation walls and filter fabric facing soil. Secure panels to substrate with two sided tape or adhesive, compatible with substrate material. D. Connect adjacent panels at the longitudinal edge by pulling the filter fabric back to expose the flange. Place flangeless panel edge on top ofthe flange of the adjacent panel and butt dimple to dimple. E. Complete panel and attachment by pulling the filter fabric back to expose two rows of dimpled core. Place end of the next panel over the two rows of dimples and interlock. F. Complete all connections in single fashion from top to bottom so that moisture will flow with the overlap and not against it. G. Overlap fabric in the direction of waterflow. Secure all terminal edges with the filter fabric flap by tucking it behind the core. H. Overlap drain sheet filter fabric over perimeter drain filter fabric. I. Coordinate with Section 07200 for installation of rigid insulation over foundation walls. J. Coordinate with Section 02200 to ensure that drainage sheet is covered with backfill within maximum two weeks of its installation. 3.06 INSPECTION A. ArrangeforinspectionoffoundationandunderslabdrainagesystemsbyMunicipallnspectors and the Consultant prior to placing backfill and slabs. End of Section 09040-02622.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02935 SODDING Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 A. Site Preparation Section 02100 B. Excavating, Backfilling, and Grading Section 02200 REFERENCES A. Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit name and address of sod farm. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Topsoil from each source, native and imported, shall be tested for N.P.K., altrazine, minor elements, as well as clay and organic matter contents and acidity (pH) range. Topsoil shall be tested, written test report submitted and approved by Consultant, prior to delivery to site. B. Guarantee and provide maintenance as specified for sodded areas, for one year from date of Substantial Performance. 1.06 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE 1 A. Protect sod during transportation, for delivery to the site in a fresh and healthy condition. B. Install sod immediately, no later than 48 hours after arrival on site. Keep moist and fresh until installation. C. Handle sod carefully to prevent breaking or tearing. Immediately remove damaged and dried-out sad from the site. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL A. Native or imported material approved by Geotechnical Engineer, and free from admixtures of subsoil, clay lumps, stones and roots over 25 mm in diameter, free of toxic substances or any other foreign matter which would inhibit growth. 2.02 SOD A. Sod shall be a Certified No. 1 sod, grown and sold in accordance with the latest specifications of the Nursery Sod Growers Association of Ontario (NSGA), composition of 50% Kentucky Blue Grass and 50% Merion Blue Grass. 09040-02935.wpd DIVISION 2 SECTION 02935 SODDING Page 2 B. At the time of delivery, sod shall have a strong, fibrous root system, be free of disease, stones, burned or bare spots, with a healthy green colour and contain not more than 1 twitch grass and other weeds. C. Sod shall be cut and rolled in sections of max. 1.0 m' in area and approximately 3 mm thick as specified by the NSGA. 2.03 WOODEN PEGS A. Hardwood pegs, 25 x 25 mm square and at least 250 mm long, or longer as required for ' satisfactory anchorage of sod. 2.04 FERTILIZER A. Commercial type having a 10-10-10 ratio and shall be applied such that actual nitrogen is 9.0 kg/10 m~. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SITE PREPARATION A. Adjust subgrade to allow the placing of topsoil to minimum depths specified. B. Scarify subgrade to at least 75 mm deep and remove debris and all stones 50 mm in diameter and larger. C. Arrange for inspection of finished subgrade by Consultant. D. Spread and grade topsoil evenly over approved subgrade. Provide minimum 200 mm thick topsoil. No less will be accepted. E. Finished sodded area top surface shall be uniform and evenly graded between elevations indicated, free of bumps, ridges and depressions. Remove all stones and lumps over25 mm in diameter and foreign materials. F. Unless recommended otherwise on soil analysis report, apply a 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 9.0 kg/10 m~. G. Work fertilizer well and uniformly into the topsoil within 48 hours before laying sod. H. Fine grade, rake and roll surface until smooth and firm against foot prints, and free of depressions, lumps and irregularities. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Place sod closely knit together, so that no open joints are visible and pieces are not overlapping. B. Install sod to blend tightly and uniformly with adjoining grass areas and, unless otherwise detailed, to be flush with paving, top of curbs. C. On slopes of 3:1 and steeper, place sod perpendicularly to the slope and stake every row with wooden pegs at maximum 600 mm intervals. Drive pegs flush with sod. 09040-02935 wptl LJ 1 L ~J Il 1 I1 DIVISION 2 SECTION 02935 SODDING Page 3 D. Immediately after installation, water with sufficient amount to saturate sod and underlying topsoil. E. As soon as sod has dried sufficiently to prevent damage, roll with roller to ensure a good bond between sod and topsoil and to remove minor depressions and irregularities. F. Clean up all areas and remove debris. 3.03 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain all sodded areas, from date of installation and until one full growing season is complete (minimum 6 months). Obtain Consultant's approval at end of maintenance. B. Maintenance shall include all necessary measures to establish and maintain grass in a healthy, vigorous growing condition, for one full growing season. C. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to the following work: 1. Mow grass areas at regular intervals as required to maintain grass height between 50 mm and 60 mm. Not more than v3 of grass blade shall be cut during one mowing. Hand clip where necessary and keep edges neatly trimmed. Remove heavy clippings immediately after mowing and trimming. 2. Control weeds by cutting. Use of chemicals is strictly prohibited. 3. Fertilize not less than once per season (Spring, Summer, Fall). 4. Water when necessary, with sufficient quantities of water to prevent sod and underlying soil from drying out. 5. Roll all sodded areas to remove minor depressions and irregularities. 6. Repair all erosion damage resulting from faulty workmanship and/or maintenance. 7. Replace all grass which has deteriorated or which shows bare spots. 8. Protect all grass areas against damage, including erosion and trespassing, by providing and maintaining proper safeguards. Remove safeguards at end of maintenance period. End of Section 09040-02935 wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Excavation, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 C. Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 D. Structural Steel Section 05120 E. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 1.03 REFERENCES A. CSA-A23.1-M, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. B. CAN/CSA-086.1, Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design) C. CAN/CSA-O86.1S1, Supplement No. 1 to 086.1-94, Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design) D. CSA-0121-M, Douglas Fir Plywood E. CSA-0151-M, Canadian Softwood Plywood F. CSA-0153-M, Poplar Plywood G. CSA-S269.1, Falsework for Construction Purposes H. CSA-5269-M, Concrete Formwork. I. ACI CI 117, Standard Specifications forTolerancesfor Concrete Construction and Materials. J. ACI 347 -Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork K. ASTM D1751, Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Non extruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). L. ASTM D1752, Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction. M. CGSB 41-GP-35M Polyvinyl Chloride Waterstop. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings showing type, extent and locations of items to be built into concrete. ' 2. Sleeving Drawings: Submit drawings showing sleeves required through floors, roof and other structural members. 3. Submit drawings showing size and spacing of conduits and piping, if requested by Consultant. ' 4. For architectural concrete surfaces, submit shop drawings showing layout of panels , form ties, corner details and joint details. 5. Coordinate with other Divisions prior to submittal. 6. Prior to submission to Consultant, review all submitted drawings. By this review, Contractor represents to have determined and verified field measurements, site conditions, materials, catalogue number and similar data and to have checked and coordinated each drawings with the requirements of Work and of Contract ' Documents. Contractor's review of each drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. ' asaao-osioa wpd DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Page 2 ' 7. At time of submission, notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in drawings from requirements of Contract Documents. 8. Consultant will review and return submitted drawings in accordance with an agreed ' schedule. Consultant's review will be for conformity to design concept and for general arrangement, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in submitted drawings or of responsibility for meeting requirements of ' Contract Documents. 9. Make any changes in submitted drawings which Consultant may require, consistent with Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by Consultant. When resubmitting, notify Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those , requested by Consultant. 10. Do not commence placing sleeves, conduits, or piping before drawings have been reviewed and Consultant's comments incorporated on drawings issued to site. ' 11. Assume responsibility for accuracy of Work. Review of submitted shop drawings does not relieve Contractor from compliance with requirements of Contract Documents. 12. In addition to the requirements of Section 01330, submit one copy of reviewed shop ' drawings to the Inspection and Testing Company. C. Required by Regulatorv Aoencies: Submit shop drawings bearing signature and seal of Professional Engineer responsible for formwork design, as may be required by regulatory agencies. Proceed with construction of formwork only with their approval. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE , A. Design, construct and erect formwork in accordance with CSA A23.1-00, CSA S269.1, ACI 347, and all applicable construction safety regulations for the place of the work. ' B. Assume full responsibility for complete structural design and construction of formwork in accordance with CSA S269. ' C. Conform to local and provincial regulations, including construction safety regulations. 1.06 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Protect formwork to prevent functional damage and damage to faces affecting appearance of concrete surfaces exposed to view. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS , A. All materials shall be new, in accordance with referenced standards. B. Lumber: Conforming to CSA 0141 with grade stamp clearly visible. ' C. Plywood: Douglas Fir, conforming to CSA 0121. Sound undamaged sheets finished one side, fabricated especially for use as concrete form panels, with sealed edges. Minimum 17 ' mm thickness. D. Corner or Chamfer Fillets: extruded plastic or mill finished pine, 20 mm width, maximum possible lengths, mitre ends. ' osoao-osi ao wPa ' l1 LJ LJ t u l_ J Il DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK E. Form Ties: snap ties, with spreader washer and 25mm break back. Void Form: Honeycomb cellular core structure manufactured from Kraft fibre. Tap and sides protected with wax coated corrugated board, and bottom unprotected, structurally sufficient tosupportweightofwetconcretemixuntilinitialset: VoidformbyVoidforminternationallnc.. G. Round Column Fibre Forms: Sonotube "W" Coated, by Sonoco Limited. H. Architectural Forms: forms for light pole bases where indicated on the site and landscape plans shall be Custom Morose as manufactured by ArtFORMS International Inc, Toronto. Size of forms to suit details. I. Joint Tape: non-staining, water impermeable, self-release, as approved by Consultant. J. Waterstops: PVC Waterstop to CGSB 41-GP-35M, types 2 and 3 and OPSS 1204: 1. Construction Joints, Internal Waterstop. 150 mm wide, ribbed, centre bulb style tapered thickness varying from 9.5 mm minimum near centre to 6.4 mm minimum near edge. (1) Wirestop PVC Waterstop type CR-6380, with steel wire fastening loops, by Paul Murphy Plastics Company. (2) Vinylex PVC Waterstop type RB6-38 ribbed with centre bulb, by Gamco Inc. (3) Durajoint PVC Waterstop type 5, by Durajoint Concrete Accessories. (4) PVC Waterstop Type 6380, by W. R. Meadows of Canada Ltd. K. Nails, Spikes and Staples: Galvanized, conforming to CSA 8111. L. Form Release Agent:Ecologo certified under the Environmental Choice Program (ECP) or, if not Ecologo certified, provide a product that conforms to the requirements for concrete release agents in accordance with ECP Certification Criteria Document (CCD) 143 governing Asphalt and Concrete Release Agents, excluding the provisions under Conditions for Ecologo Use. M. Metal forms shall be used only with the approval of the Consultant. N. For concrete surtaces exposed to view, provide panels smooth and free of defects which would be reproduced as concrete blemishes. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before starting this work, examine work done by others which effects this work and notify the Consultant of any conditions which would prevent proper completion of this work. B. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 ERECTION A. Verify lines, levels and centres before proceeding with formwork. Ensure dimensions agree with drawings. B. Align joints and make watertight, to prevent leakage of cement paste and disfiguration of concrete. 09040-03100.wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 FORMWORK 3.03 C. D. E. F. G. I. Be responsible for safety of the structure both before and after the removal of forms, until the concrete has reached its specified 28 day strength. Construct formwork to produce concrete with dimensions, lines and levels within tolerances specified in ACI 347. Provide formed openings where required for pipes, conduits, sleeves and other work to be embedded in and passing through concrete members. Install chamfers at all external corners exposed to view. Install PVC waterstops where detailed and at alt joints in walls or slabs retaining earth. Bed mud sills on sand, gravel or crushed stone placed on unfrozen, dry, solid and stable subgrade. H. Adequately brace and shore formwork to sustain loads (both concrete and working loads) applied during construction. J. Voidform: Install voidform and place 7.5 mm thick plywood over voidform, to provide firm surtace for supporting reinforcement. K. Round Fibre Forms: 1. At concealed locations, provide uncoated fibre form. 2. Provide round fibre form where indicated for piers, equipment bases, light pole bases, fence foundation and wherever indicated or required. BUILT-IN WORK A. Form openings and build in anchors, inserts, sub-frames, sleeves, miscellaneous metal items, flashing reglets and similar items furnished under Work of other Sections, which are indicated on Drawings and on shop drawings of other trades, and as required far proper completion of the Work. B. C. D. E. 09040-03100 wp0 Do not embed wood in concrete. Anchor Bolts: Tie anchor bolts securely in position to prevent movement during concrete placing. Use template to locate bolts. Verify that bolts have specified projection above concrete. 1. Obtain Consultant's written approval before forming openings of sleeves through columns and beams, or through slabs within 1800 mm of their supports. 2. Obtain Consultant's written approval before forming openings or sleeves larger than 200 mm square in any location. Openings or Sleeves Not Shown on Structural Drawings: Embedded Pipe or Conduit Not Shown or Detailed on Structural Drawings: 1. Obtain Consultant's written approval before placing conduit or pipe which would be embedded in finished structure. Confirm that built-in items that penetrate surtace waterproofing are installed to meet requirements of waterproofing trade. 1 C 1 i] 1 DIVISION 3 SECTION 03100 ' FORMWORK Pape 5 3.04 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS ' A. Form construction and expansion joints with bulkheads to ensure straight lines.Immediately before subsequent pour at construction joint, remove bulkhead and tighten forms so that ' concrete surfaces will be on same plane with no overlapping of concrete. B. ReviewwithConsultantandStructuralEngineerproposedlocationanddetailsofconstruction joints in walls, columns, beams and slabs. ' 1. Construction joints shall present appearance of normal form panel joint. 2. Install continuous shear key in construction joints in walls and framed floors which are 152 mm or more thick. 3. Provide vertical construction joints in walls at not more than 20 metres centre to ' centre. 4. Vibrate concrete adjacent to water stops. 5. Provide PVC waterstops at construction joints in walls which retain earth. ' Waterstops shall be continuous. 3.05 TREATMENT OF FORMWORK SURFACES ' A. Farm Release Agent: 1. Coatformwork with form release agent before reinforcement, anchors, accessories, and other built-in items are installed. 2. Do not coat plywood forms pre-treated with release agent. ' 3. On surfaces to receive finish materials, adhesives, sealers, paint or other coatings or materials, use a compatible release agent. ' 3.06 STRIPPING OF FORMWORK A. Be responsible for safety of structure, both before and after removal of forms, until concrete ' has reached its specified 28 day strength. B. Strip formwork on vertical surfaces when concrete has hardened sufficiently that no damage ' will result from stripping operations. C. Do not remove plywood formwork byjerking loose or by metal pinch bars. Use wood wedges and gradually force panels loose. Leave plywood forms in place as long as possible to permit maximum shrinkage away from concrete. ' D. Take particular care not to damage external corners when stripping formwork. ' E. When forms are stripped during curing period, cure and protect exposed concrete in accordance with Section 03300. ' 3.07 DEFECTIVE WORK A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances, and failure of materials or workmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will ' be considered defective work. B. Movement and displacement of formwork during construction, variations in excess of ' specified tolerances and marked and disfigured surfaces that cannot be repaired by approved methods will be considered defective work. ' 0 904 0-0 31 0 0 wpd DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03100 FORMWORK Page 6 1 C. Replace defective work, as directed by Consultant. D. Pay for additional inspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related , expenses, if work has proven to be deficient. E. Reconstruct defective formwork and replace concrete and reinforcement placed in defective ' formwork at no additional cost to Owner. End of Section , L 1 CJ L. J 09040-03~OD.wpd , DIVISION 3 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Paqe 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 01 1. G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 B. Concrete Curbs and Gutters Section 02516 C. Concrete Formwork Section 03100 D. Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 E. Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories Section 04080 F. Masonry Section 04200 G . Metal Fabrications Section 05500 ' 1 03 REFERENCES . A. B. CSA A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. CAN3-A23.3-M, Design of Concrete Structures. C. CAN/CSA-G30.18-M, Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. D. CSA W186-M, Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction. E. ASTM A185/A185M, Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Reinforcement Plain for , , Concrete F. ACI Detailing Manual. ' G. RSIC Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ' A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings, including placing drawings and bar lists. 2. Prepare placing drawings and bar lists in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Detailing Manual, and the Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada (RSIC) Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice, the typical details included with Contract Documents. ' 3. Prepare placing drawings to minimum scale of 1:50. 4. Submit placing drawings and bar lists sufficiently detailed and dimensioned to permit correct placement of reinforcement and accessories without reference to architectural or structural Drawings. 5. Show reinforcement, including dowels, in elevation on placing drawings for concrete and masonry wall reinforcement. 6. Show concrete cover to reinforcement. ' 7. Show location of construction joints. 8. Prior to submission to Consultant, review all shop drawings. By this review, Contractor represents to have determined and verified field measurements, site conditions, materials, catalogue number and similar data and to have checked and coordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of Work and Contract Documents. 9. Contractors review of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date, and signature of a responsible person. asoao-oszoo.wpd 1 DIVISION 3 , SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Page 2 ' 10. At time of submission, Contractor shall notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in shop drawings from requirements of Contract Documents. , 11. Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with an agreed schedule. Consultant's review will be for conformity to design concept and for general arrangement, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting requirements of Contract ' Documents. 12. Make any changes in shop drawings which Consultant may require consistent with Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by Consultant. When ' resubmitting, notify Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by Consultant. 13. Do not commence fabrication of reinforcement before drawings have been reviewed and Consultant's comments incorporated on drawings issued to fabricating shop. , 14. In addition to the requirements of Section 01330, submit one copy of reviewed shop drawings to the Inspection and Testing Company. C. Ins pection Reoorts: Inspection and Testing Company shall submit and distribute inspection ' reports as follows: 1. 2 copies to Consultant. 2. 1 copy to Structural Engineer. 3. 1 copy to Contractor. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Qualifications: 1. Welding: Undertake welding of reinforcement only by a fabricator or Subcontractor approved by Canadian Welding Bureau to requirements of CSA Standard W186. , B. Source Quality Control 1. Source Quality Control may be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company , appointed by Consultant. 2. Review provided by Inspection and Testing Company does not relieve Contractor of his sole responsibility for quality control over Work. Performance or non- pertormance of Inspection and Testing Company shall not limit, reduce, or relieve Contractor of his responsibilities in complying with the requirements of the Specification. 3. Identify and correlate reinforcing steel from Canadian mills with test reports for ' compliance with requirements specified. 4. Test unidentified reinforcing steel at expense of Contractor. Perform testingforeach 1 tonne or part thereof supplied for incorporation in Work. 5. Payment for specified Work performed by Inspection and Testing Company will be ' made from a Cash Allowance specified in the Instructions to Bidders. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Materials for concrete reinforcing shall be in accordance with Reference Standards. ' B. Bar Reinforcino Steel: 1. Bars which are to be welded by arc-welding process: to CSA Standard CANlCSA- , G30.18 Grade 400W. 09040-03200.wp~ ' L! 1 t 1 1 DIVISION 3 SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Pa e 3 2. Other bars: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-G30.18 Grade 400R. 3. Bar areas are 100 mm', 200 mm', 300 mm', 500 mm~, 700 mm~, 1000 mm~, 1500 mm~ and 2500 mm' for bar designations 10, 15, 20, 25, 3D, 35, 45, and 55 respectively. C. Welded Wire Fabric: to ASTM A185/A185M, and in flat sheets, not rolls. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate reinforcing steel only in permanent fabricating shop unless otherwise approved by Consultant. B. Fabricate reinforcing steel in accordance with shop drawings. C. Tag reinforcing bars to indicate placement as designated on shop drawings. D. Splices: 1. Provide splices only where specifically indicated on Drawings. 2. Stagger alternate mechanical splices 750 mm apart. 3. Stagger alternate end bearing splices 750 mm apart. 4. Install on threaded splices, plastic internal coupler thread protector and plastic bar end thread protector. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before starting this work, examine work done by others which effects this work. B. Examine formwork to verify that it has been completed, and adequately braced in place. C. Notify the Consultant of any conditions which would prejudice proper completionofthiswork. D. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Place reinforcing steel and welded wire fabric in accordance with reviewed placing drawings, typical details, and CSA A23.3. B. Reinforcing for rink slab: Coordinate placement of rink slab reinforcing with all other applicable sections of the work. Install to meet tolerances required. Do not damage or displace sub-slab insulation during placement of reinforcing. C. Adequately support reinforcing and secure againstdisplacementwithintolerancespermitted. D. Place reinforcing steel to provide concrete cover as noted on drawings. E. Do not cut reinforcement to incorporate other Work. F. Relocate or rebend bars only on written instructions of Consultant. G. Tie reinforcement in place. Do not weld. osoaa-oszoo.wPe DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT Page 4 ' 3.03 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust and secure reinforcement in correct position immediately before concrete is placed. , B. Remove contaminants which lessen bond between concrete and reinforcement. , 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide competent supervisor, with at least three years experience in reinforcement placement, to direct placement of reinforcement. B. Inspect placement of reinforcement for conformance with Drawings and Specifications, before each concrete placement, and correct as necessary. ' C. Consultant's periodic review of selected areas of reinforcement are for verification of conformity to design concept and general arrangement only, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for quality control, errors, or omissions, or conformance with requirements ' of Contract Documents. 3.05 DEF ECTIVE WORK ' A. Replace or adjust defective reinforcement before concrete is placed as directed by Consultant. ' B. Replace or strengthen concrete work which is deficient as a result of incorrectly fabricated, misplaced, or omitted reinforcement, which was not corrected before concrete was placed. ' C. Pay for additional inspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses, if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section ' 09040-03200.wpd ' i'"~ DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK ' 1.03 t L1 A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Concrete Sidewalks Section 02514 C. Concrete Curbs and Gutters Section 02516 D. Formwork Section 03100 E. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 F. Concrete Floor Sealing Section 03362 G. Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories Section 04080 H. Masonry Section 04200 I. Structural Steel Section 05120 J. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 K. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 L. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 M. Building Insulation Section 07200 N. Joint Sealers Section 07900 O. Dasherboard Systems Section 13180 P. Mechanical Division 15 Q. Electrical Division 16 A. CSA-A5, Portland Cement. B. CSA A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. C. CSA A23.2, Methods of Test for Concrete. D. CSA-A23.5-M, Supplementary Cementing Materials. E. CSA A283, Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories. F. CSA A363, Cementitious Hydraulic Slag. G. ACI 117, Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials, American Concrete Institute. H. CGSB-19.13-M, Sealing Compound, One Component, Elastomeric, Chemical Curing. I. CGSB-19.24-M, Multi Component, Chemical-Curing Sealing Compound. J. Ontario Provincial Standard Specification OPSS 1010, Material Specification forAggregates- Granular A, B, M and Select Subgrade Material. K. Ontario Provincial Standard Specification OPSS 1212, Material Specification torHot-Poured Rubberized Asphalt Joint Sealing Compound. L. ASTM C 109/C 109M, Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (using 2 in. or 50 mm cube specimens). M. ASTM C260, Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. N. ASTM C309, Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Samples: Submit for inspection, material samples of specified mix designs. 09040-03300.wptl DIVISION 3 , SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 2 C. Concrete Mix Designs: 1. Submit concrete mix designs for review; when optimum bulk density of aggregates ' is specified, provide supporting evidence of compliance with requirements. 2. Review of mix design does not relieve Contractor from responsibility for compliance with Contract Documents. ' D. Inspection Reports: 1. Inspection and Testing Company shall prepare and distribute written reports of inspections and tests as follows: 1. 2 copies to Consultant; 2. 1 copy to Consulting Structural Engineer; 3. 1 copy to Contractor. ' 2. On concrete cylinder test reports, include: 1. Specific location of concrete represented by sample 2. Design strength. ' 3. Unit weight of sample 4. Class of exposure t d e 5. Aggregate size and mixtures incorpora ' 6. Date, hour and temperature at time sample taken 7. Percentage air content 8. Test strength of cylinder g. Type of failure if test fails to meet specification. ' D. Joint Location Drawings: Submit drawings showing proposed locations of control joints in slab-on-grade, where not shown on Drawings. ' 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Quality Control: ' 1. Both source quality control, and field quality control specified in Article 1.04 B., may be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by Consultant. 2. Review provided bylnspectionandTestingCompanydoesnotrelievetheContractor ' of his sole responsibility for quality control over Work. Performance or non- performance of Inspection and Testing Company shall not limit, reduce, or relieve Contractor of his responsibilities in complying with the requirements of the Specification. ' 3. Inspection and Testing Company shall be certified under CSA Standard A283, Qualification Code for Concrete Testing Laboratories, for Category 1 Certification. 4. Payment for specified Work performed by Inspection and Testing Company will be ' made from Cash Allowance specified in Section 01020. 5. Payment for additional tests (including testing of structure and its performance and load testing) required by changes of materials or mix design requested by Contractor, and failure of completed Work to meet specified requirements, shall be , made at Contractor's expense. 6. Perform Work of source quality control in accordance with CSA Standard A23.2 and to include: 1. Verification that ready-mix supplier is qualified to supply concrete in accordance with Specification. 2. Review of proposed concrete mix designs. i d re . 3. Sampling, inspection, and testing of materials as may be requ ' 09040-03300.wptl ' ~J DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 ' CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 3 B. Field Quality Control: ' 1. Inspection and Testing Company, when appointed as specified for Source Quality Control in Article 1.04 A, shall perform sampling, inspection and testing of concrete work at site. 2. Pertorm sampling, inspection and testing in accordance with CSA Standard A23.2, ' and to include: 1. Making of standard slump tests. 2. Obtaining of three standard specimens for strength tests from each 100 m' of concrete, orfraction thereof, of each mix design of concrete placed in any one day. In addition, for slabs-on-grade, obtain beam specimens for determination of modulus of rupture. 3. Verification that test specimens are stored within an enclosure, maintained ' at specified temperatures. 4. Making compression tests of each set of three specimens, one at 7 days and two at 28 days; modulus of rupture tests at 90 days. t 5. Verification of air content of air-entrained concrete. a. For Class of exposure F-1, and C-2, test at frequency in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1 Clause b. Make first test before placing any concrete. c. After stable air content has been established, frequency of tests will be determined by Consultant. d. For other Classes of exposure, test at time of obtaining strength ' test specimens. 3. Inspection for Tolerances: 1. Confirm that concrete work meets specified tolerance requirements. ' 2. Use the elevation survey records of elevations of soffit form surfaces and finished concrete surfaces specified in Section 03100 and this section as basis for judging compliance. 3. Use approved aluminum straightedge to judge compliance with specified slab tolerances, except use dipstick equipment where F-number tolerance is specified. 4. Slabs-on-Grade: 1. Observe application of curing compound to sample slab, recording rate of ' application. 2. Monitor on a random basis acceptable to the Consultant, that slab is being saw cut before slab temperature starts to fall. ' C. Qualifications: Floor finishing shall be undertaken only by contractors with at least 10 years experience finishing Class "B', "C" and "D" floors. ' D. Sample of Finish Flooring: 1. Finish an area of floor slab where directed by Consultant to provide sample of finish and colour for approval. 2. Protect new sample area until finish is approved. 3. If liquid membrane curing compound is to be used on Project, determine and apply correct quantity required to meet rate of coverage recommended by manufacturer for measured test area. ' 4. Approved sample will provide standard by which subsequent finishingwill bejudged and will be incorporated into Work. ' 09040-03300 wpd DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 4 ' E. Pre-Construction Conference: 1. At least 35 days prior to the start of concrete construction schedule, conduct a ' meeting to review proposed mix designs and to discuss detailed requirements of the proposed concrete operations. Review requirements for submittals, coordination, and availability of materials. Establish work progress and sequencing schedules and procedures for material testing, inspection and certifications. ' 2. Arrangearinkslabpre-installationconferencewiththeOwner,Consultant,Structural Engineer, General Contractor, reinforcing installer, floor finishing contractor, concrete supplier, manufacturer of admixture products, refrigeration contractor, and independent testing agency, to establish correct proced ures and methods for placing , concrete rink slabs. The meeting will be held within seven days prior to the placing of rink slab concrete. ' 1.06 TOLERANCES A. In accordance with ACI 117 and CAN/CSA A23.1, Article 22, Table 19. ' B. Difference between elevation of high point and law point in specified area not to exceed: 1. In any bay up to 100 mz: 12 mm. 2 : 25 mm. 2. In any bay up to 400 m ' C. Straightedge method: Finish floor slabs to meet following tolerances when measured at 72 +/-12 hours after completion of floorfinishing,beforeshoresareremovedfromformedslabs, by placing a freestanding unlevelled straight edge anywhere on slab and allowing it to rest ' on two high points. Gap between straightedge placed on two high points and slab not to exceed: 1. 3 metre straightedge: 8 mm (Class A). ' 2. 2 metre straightedge: 4 mm. D. Finish Rink slab to tolerances specified in paragraph 3.03, L. ' 1.07 PROJ ECT RECORDS A. Maintain record of all concrete pour related to time, date, delivery slip serial number and ' location of each concrete pour and identify related test cylinders. Keep records on site until project is completed. B. Delivery Records: File duplicate copies of concrete delivery slips on which shall be recorded: ' supplier, serial number of slip, date, truck number, contractor, Project, Class of exposure, cementing materials content, air content, volume in load, and time of first mixing of aggregate, cementing materials and water. ' C. Record Drawings: 1. Record on a set of Drawings: 1. time and date of each pour ' 2. high and low ambient air temperatures during each pour 3. date of removal of forms in each area 4. founding elevations of all footings 5. variations of foundation Work from that indicated on Drawings ' 2. Make record drawings available for Consultant's inspection at all times. 09040-03300 wp0 ' DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 ' __ CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Pa e 5 1.08 JOB CONDITIONS A. Protect floor slabs, and concrete surfaces exposed to view or on which finishes are to be applied, from grease, oil, and other soil which will affect the appearance of the concrete, or ' impair the bond of finish material. B. Environmental Conditions: In addition to Cold Weather and Hot Weather Requirements of CSA Standard A23.1, the following shall apply to Work of this Section: ' 1. Provide protection or heat, or both, so that temperature of concrete at surfaces is maintained at not less than 21 °C for three days after placing, not less than 10°C for the next two days and above freezing for the next two days and above freezing for ' the next two days. 2. Do not permit alternate freezing and thawing for fourteen days after placing. 3. Vent exhaust gases from combustion type heaters to atmosphere outside protection enclosures. ' 4. Provide protection to maintain concrete continuously moist during curing period. 5. For field cured cylinders representing strength development of in-situ concrete, provide same specified hot and cold weather protection for storage of each concrete ' compression specimen as for concrete from which it was taken, until it is sent to testing laboratory. 6. Do not place concrete when it is raining. Should rain commence during placing, cover freshly placed concrete. ' 7. Do not place bonded toppings on rough slabs that are less than 15°C. 8. Do not groutatambientairtemperaturesorconcretesurfacetemperatureslessthan 5°C, or when temperature is forecast to fall to less than 5°C within 24 hours of ' grouting. 9. Do not apply sealantsatambientairtemperaturesorconcretesurfacetemperatures less than 5°C. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. To meet specified requirements of referenced Standards. B. Cement: ' 1. Portland Cement: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A5. 2. Cementiticus Hydraulic Slag: to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A23.5. C. Fine Aggregate: For slabs-on-grade, fineness modulus of fine aggregate to be between 2.7 ' and 3.1. D. Coarse Aggregates: 1. 20 mm to 5 mm (No. 4 sieve) except as specified below. 2. For slabs-on-grade 125 mm and thicker: 40 mm to 5 mm (No. 4 sieve); combine at least two of the single sizes specified in Table 11 Group II of CSA Standard A23.1, one of which is to be 40 mm, to obtain maximum bulk density (unit weight) and ' optimum grading, in accordance with an approved procedure. 3. For slabs-on-grade: Abrasion loss not to exceed 35%. Petrographic number of aggregate not to exceed 125 when tested in accordance with ASTM C295, as ' conducted by Ministry of Transport of Ontario. 4. For toppings 50 mm thick and less and for slabs over open web steel joists: 12 mm to 5 mm (No. 4 sieve). ' 09040-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 6 ' E. Admixtures 1. Conform to Reference Standards for chemical and air-entraining admixtures. 2. Provide only admixtures that are free of chlorides. , 3. When requested, provide evidence acceptable to Consultant that superplasticizer does no increase shrinkage of concrete. , F. Premoulded Expansion Joint Filler: 1. Asphalt impregnated fibreboard conforming to ASTM D1751, sizes indicated on drawings, W.R. Meadows Sealtite Fibre Expansion Joint, C.P.D. Asphalt fibre expansion joint. , 2. Emseal: Emseal regular uncompressed width 123 x 76 mm deep, manufactured by Emseal Corporation. imum 7 i h d , n , m ar ness G. Non-Metallic Hardener: Natural and synthetic materials with Mohs premixed with Portland cement. 1. Surflex, by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. 2. Mastercon FF, by Master Builders Ltd. ' H. Curing-Sealing Compound: Membranecuring-sealingcompoundformulatedfromchlorinated rubber resins, or acrylic emulsion or solvent free for use in occupied buildings, to ASTMC309, ' type 1: 1. Floor Coat, by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. 2. Masterkure CR Clear, by Master Builders Ltd. 3. Sealtight CS309 or Vocomp-20, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Limited. ' 4. For areas which will be exposed to foot traffic, sealer shall be as specified in Section 03362. I. Saw cut Filler: two component pourable sealer, 100% solids epoxy: ' 1. Euco 7000 by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. 2. Jointflex by C.P.D. 3. Sealtight Rezi-Weld Flex by W.R. Meadows of Canada Limited. ' J. Bonding Agent: Euco 452LV by Euclid. ' K. Sealant: 1. Hot-Poured Asphalt: (1) For use with bituminous type joint filler: rubberized asphalt compound to OPSS 1212: , (a) Hi-Spec Hot Poured Joint Sealant, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Ltd. (b) Sealz No. 6165 Hot Pcured Joint Sealant, by Hydrotech Membrane , Corporation. 2. Cold Poured Liquid Neoprene: For use with non-bituminous joint filler: Meadows of Canada Limited. R by W (1) Gardox t . . , Elastomeric Sealant (1) For use with non-bituminous type joint filler. ' (2) Two component polysulphides, or two component polyepoxide urethane, in colour selected by Consultant, to CGSB Specification CAN/CGSB-19.24. (a) For horizontal joints: THC 900, by Tremco Ltd. or Eucolastic Pourable by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. , 09040-03300.wpd , 1 DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 ' CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Pa e 7 ' (b) Forverticaljoints:Dymeric,byTremcoLtd.orEucolasticgungrade by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. (i) Or one part urethane, in colour selected, by Consultant, to CAN/CGSB-19.13. ' 4. Sealant in conjunction with dampproofing. (1) Plastic cutback asphalt to CAN/CGSB-37.5. L. Mechanical Anchors: 'Kwik' Bolts, 'Cinch' Anchors or Parabolts. ' M. Curing Blankets: Amoco Propex #4551, colour: white. ' 2.02 CONCRETE MIXES A. Ready Mix, with 28 day compressive strength as indicated on Drawings and in Specifications. ' B. Design concrete mix in conformance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 4.1.2, Table 5 (Alternative 1) and Clause 4.1.1, Tables 1, 2 and 17, and as follows. Provide concrete meeting water/cementing materials ratio and aircontent of Table 14 in accordance with Class ' of exposure specified in following sub-paragraphs, and minimum strength specified on Drawings. Note that concrete designed in accordance with water/cementing materials ratio of Table 14 may yield strength exceeding minimum strength specified on Drawings. 1. Class of exposure C-2 with 25 percent Portland cement replaced with cementitious t hydraulic slag: for pavements, sidewalks, curbs and gutters. 2. Class of exposure F-2 with 25 percent Portland cement replaced with cementitious hydraulic slag: for grade beams, and for exposed exterior beams, columns, walls ' and slabs. 3. Slabs-on-Grade: (1) Use type 20 Portland cement, or replace 35 percent type Portland cement with cementitious hydraulic slag. ' (2) When mean daily temperature exceeds 25°C at time of placement, replace 25 percent of type 20 cement, or 50 percent of type 10 cement, with cementitious hydraulic slag. ' (3) Use water/cementing materials ratio 0.45 maximum. (4) Use aggregates specified in paragraphs 2.01, C and D. (5) Cementing materials content 325 kg/m' (550 Ib/yd'). (6) Modulus of rupture 3.5 MPa (510 psi) average, 3.0 MPa (435 psi) minimum. (7) Slump at delivery, before addition of superplasticizer, 50 mm; add superplasticizer, notwater, to bring slump to level acceptable to floor finisher for placement. ' 4. Interior Concrete, other than specified above, and not exposed to freezing and thawing or the application of deicing chemicals: select water/cementing materials ratio and cementing materials content on basis of strength, workability, and finishing requirements. ' S. Rink Slab: (1) Waterlcementing materials ratio: 0.45 max. (2) Cementing Materials Content: 325 kg/cu.m minimum. ' (3) Slump at delivery, before addition of superplasticizer: 80 mm. (4) Slump at point of discharge in slab, after addition of superplasticizer: 125 mm. (5) Normal size course aggregate: 20 mm. ' (6) Total air content: No air entrainment required. ' 09040-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 8 ' (7) When mean daily temperature exceeds 18 degrees C at time of placement, replace 25% of Portland Cement with cementitious hydraulic slag. , (8) This mix is expected to produce a 28 day strength of 32 MPa. minimum. (9) Bring extra superplasticizer to site to permit additional dosage, if necessary. 6. Floor Hardeners: Confirm that concrete mix contains only materials compatible with ' floor hardener C. Submit evidence, and material samples, if requested, acceptable to the Inspection and Testing Company, to verify that the proposed concrete mix design will produce specified ' quality of concrete. D. List all proposed admixtures in mix design submission. Do not change or add admixtures to approved design mixes without Consultants approval. ' E. Concrete Weight: Air dry unit weight: minimum 2,300 kg/m° adjusted proportionally for maximum air content listed in CSA A23.1, Clause 4.1.1, Table 13. ' 2.03 ADMIXTURES A. Chemical Admixture: Incorporate water-reducing admixture, type WN, in all concrete. ' B. Air Entraining Agent: Incorporate air-entraining agent in addition to chemical admixture in concrete of relevant Class of exposure, in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 4.1.1 Table 13. ' C. Calcium Chloride: Do not use calcium chloride or admixtures containing chloride in concrete. 2.04 CONC RETE TOPPINGS ' A. Provide topping with minimum 28 day compressive strength of 32 MPa. ROU T 2.05 G A. Dry pack grout under steel plates and where grout thickness does not exceed 75 mm: Mix one part Portland cement to two parts concrete sand that conforms to CSA Standard A23.1, with t only sufficient water that mix will retain its shape when made into ball by hand. B. Dry pack grout where thickness exceeds 75 mm. Mix one part Portland Cement, one and one half (1Y:) parts concrete sand and two parts 10 mm pea gravel, with only sufficient water that ' mix will retain its shape when made into ball by hand. 2.06 PREMIXED GROUT ' Mix with water in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. A. Non-Shrink Metallic: ' 1. Embeco 636 Grout, by Master Builders Ltd. 2. NS Metallic Grout by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. B Non-Shrink Non-Metallic: ' . 1. V-3 Grout, by W.R. Meadows of Canada Limited. 2. Masterflow 713 Grout, by Master Builders Ltd. 3. M-Bed Standard Premix, by The Sternson Group. ' 4. NS Grout by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. 09040-03300 wptl ' DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Pa e 9 C. Plowable Grout: Non-metallic shrinkage compensating: ' 1. M-Bed Supertlow, by The Sternson Group 2. Mastertlow 713, by Master Builders Ltd. 3. In-Pakt Pre-Mix, by C.C. Chemicals Limited ' 4. Hi Flow Grout by Euclid Chemical Canada Inc. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Before starting this work, examine work done by others which effects this work. B. Notify Consultant of any condition which would prejudice proper completion of this work. C. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. ' D. Confirm that surfaces on which concrete is to be placed are free of frost and water before placing. ' E. Confirm that reinforcement, dowels, control joints, inserts and all other built-in work are in place and secured. 3.02 TREATMENT OF FORMED SURFACES A. Conform to the requirements of CSA A23.1, Clauses 7.7.1 and 7.7.2 and as additionally B specified herein. . Treat concrete surfaces which will be exposed or painted in the completed building to provide a "Smooth Rubbed Finish" in accordance with CSA A23.1, Clause, uniform in colour and texture. C. Finish surfaces to receive ahot-applied rubberized asphalt membrane smooth with no ridges ordepressions, using "Sack-Rubbed Finish" in accordancewith CSA Standard A23.1, Clause ' D. Plugs at Recessed Ties: 1. Clean tie holes to remove all foreign matter. ' 2. Coat plugs by dipping in adhesive and insert in hole. 3. Remove excess adhesive immediately with thinner which will not stain concrete, as E recommended by manufacturer. Ob ' . tain Consultant s approval of finished exposed concrete and grind or otherwise correct to the satisfaction of the Consultant. ' 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE A. Place concrete in accordance with requirements CAN/CSA-A23.1. B. Notify Consultant and inspection and testing firm at least 24 hours prior to commencement of concrete placing operation and 24 hours before wall forms are closed in. ' C. Do not place concrete in water or open frozen surfaces. ' 09040-03300 wpd DIVISION 3 , SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 10 1 D. Remove contaminants which lessen concrete bond to reinforcement before concrete is placed. ' E. Maintain accurate records of cast-in-place concrete items. Record date, location of pour, quantity, air temperature and test samples taken. ints and the like i f d ' , expans on jo orme F. Ensure that reinforcement, inserts, embedded items, are not disturbed during concrete placement. G. Provide construction joint as indicated on the drawings. Ensure dowels are adequately ' anchored and placed at right angles tc the joint before placing concrete. H. Place floor slabs to depth indicated on the drawings with 25 MPa minimum concrete unless ' otherwise noted on drawings but consistent with minimum cement content specified for exposed floors in this specification. I. Concrete Placed over Open Web Steel Joists: transport and spread concrete over joist ' construction in a manner to prevent lateral deflection and twisting of joists. J. Sloping Surfaces and Slabs: commence concrete placement at bottom of sloping surfaces. ' K. Obtain Geotechnical Consultants confirmation that thickness, elevation and compaction of sub-grade meets specifications before placing concrete. L. Rink Floor Slab: 1. Place rink slab only after building has been closed and made watertight. 2. Place sand layer and insulation to the following tolerances: ' (1) 3 m straight edge ................................8 mm (2) 2 m straight edge ................................4 mm (3) Be aware that variation in level of insulation will adversely affect the concrete cover over refrigeration piping and welded wire mesh, both of , which are critical to the proper pertormance of the rink slab. Use lasers to determine surface elevations while placing insulation and rink slab. (4) Submit to the Consultant, elevation survey of insulation surface and correct , areas that do not meet specifications, before proceeding with rink slab. (5) Wire slab bars to special chairs designed to support refrigeration piping and reinforcement. (6) After reinforcing bars have been placed, provide removable sheets of , plywood over the chairs to act as working platforms for trades placing piping and welded wire mesh reinforcement. (7) Take special care not to walk on or exert any forces on piping. ' (8) Take special care to maintain specified cover to welded wire mesh. Tie wires down and do not allow them to encroach into cover. Reverse alternate rows of sheets of mesh, so that at laps there are three thicknesses of wire. At corners of sheets of mesh, cut out extra layers of overlapping mesh so ' that only two sheets overlap. (9) Verify that all piping has ben pressure tested for leaks before commencing placement of concrete. , (10) Circulate cool water through the piping during entire concrete placement. Do not re-circulate water. 09040-03300 wpd ' DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 11 ' (11) Provide concrete mix for rink slab as specified under paragraph 2.02 Concrete Mixes. A representative of the concrete supplier must be present ' during the rink slab pour. (12) Pump concrete for rink slabs. Slump of concrete at discharge to be 150 mm +or-. (13) Consider first concrete from first truck as trial. Deposit in location within building otherthan rink slab, or in trial slab in prepared area outside building. If slump at end of pump line does not meet specifications, adjust superplastercizer dosage at truck. Remove trial slab from building site on completion. (14) Do not add water to concrete mix on site. (15) Place concrete in strips running transversely across the rink in accordance ' with details on the drawings. Width of strips as required to suit screeding methods and specified tolerances. (16) Vibrate concrete with small pencil vibrators. Do not over vibrate (over vibration may cause floatation of pipes). Provide at least two spare vibrators 1 for use in the event of equipment breakdown. (17) Immediately prior to casting each new strip, revibrate edges of adjacent previous strip. ' (18) Apply non-metallic hardener in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations at a rate of not less than 500 kg per 100 m2. Placement of hardener shall begin in proper time to ensure a bond. (19) Finish to Class "C" floor finishing tolerance classification of F-number ' system, in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.1, clause and table 22. (20) Submit to the Consultant within 72 hours of placing rink slab concrete, a survey of slab finish demonstrating compliance with accordance with ASTM ' E-1486 and CANlCSA-A23.1, Clause and Table 22. (21) Finish surface to hard dense steel trowel finish free from blemishes and of uniform appearance. (22) Cure by diking rink slab perimeter and ponding with 10 mm minimum depth ' of water for seven days minimum. Dike to prevent excess water loss through external construction joints. (23) Remove dikes and water on completion of curing and keep traffic off slab ' until concrete has reached specified strength, as determined by field cured cylinders. ' 3.04 FINISHING CONCRETE A. Perform finishing operations on plastic concrete surfaces in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 7.5, and as specified herein. B f R h d . e er to t e rawings and/or the finish schedule for floor finishes and coverings. C. Screed the top of rough floor slabs to an even level or sloping surface at the proper elevation to receive the finish or topping specified on the drawings and in finish schedule. D. Provide a smooth steel trowel finish on all areas scheduled to receive a covering, or painted finish, except recessed floor. E. Stair treads and landings and areas receiving ceramic or porcelain file shall receive a wood ' float finish, texture approved by file installer. ' 09040-03300.wpd DIVISION 3 , SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 12 ' F. Exposed Floor Surfaces: Provide hard, smooth, dense, steel trowelled surface, free from blemishes, and of uniform appearance. ' G. Non-Slip Floor Surfaces: Provide swirl trowel finish of texture acceptable to Consultant. H. Hardened Floor Finish: 1. Apply premixed material, to total of 7.5 kglm~ of floor surface. ' 2. Apply in two shakes, of half total specified amount in each shake; the second shake at right angles to the first. 3. Provide hard, smooth, dense, steel trowelled surface, free from blemishes, and of , uniform appearance. 4. Follow manufacturer's special finishing instructions if concrete is air entrained. I. Curb Edging: Finish external corners of curbs rounded and smooth. ' 3.05 CURING AND SEALING ' A. Cure concrete in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1, Clause 7.4 and as specified herein. B. Curing Compound Method: ' 1. Use curing and sealing compound specified in paragraph 2.01.H except: (1) On surfaces to receive epoxy or similar paint finish. (2) On surfaces to which architectural finishes will be adhered, the adhesives for which are incompatible with the curing compound. ' (3) Air-entrained concrete for exterior slabs and sidewalks placed between October 1 and April 1. 2. Select acrylic water compound except that if ambient conditions extend drying time unduly and if area is well ventilated and unoccupied by other workers, solvent based ' compound may be used. ' s instructions, Apply curing and sealing compound in accordance with manufacturer 3 . increasing application rate as necessary to cover surface completely. ' C. Plastic Film Method: where curing compound method cannot be used, cure finished floor surfaces not exposed to freezing and thawing or deicing chemicals as follows: 1. Cover with 0.102 mm (4 mil) thick polyethylene sheets. ' 2. Lap edges 100 mm minimum and seal laps. Leave in place for the"Basic Curing Period" in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1 3 . Clause, but in no case for less than 3 days. ' D. Curing Blanket or Wet Burlap Method: finished concrete surfaces that will be exposed to freezing and thawing or deicing chemicals: 1. Cover with curing blanket specified in paragraph 2.01, N. or wet burlap overlaid with ' 0.102 mm (4 mil) thick polyethylene, and maintain in place for the "Additional Curing for Durability" period in accordance with CSA Standard A23.1 Clause, but in no case for less than 7 days. ' 2. Concrete sidewalk and curbs shall be cured as specified in Sections 02514 and 02516. 3. Wet blanket or burlap regularly to maintain in moist condition. Do not allow to dry ' out. 1 09040-03300 wpd , DIVISION 3 ' SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 13 E. Cure finished concrete surface with an approved curing and sealing compound which will ' leave the surface with a uniform appearance and with a minimum of discolouration after drying. Ensure that the curing compound will be compatible with the architectural finishes or adhesives for architectural finishes to be applied later. Apply the compound in strict ' accordance with the manufacturers instructions. F. Protect surface which will be exposed to direct sunlight during the curing period, with a light coloured, laminated waterproof paper immediately after the curing and sealing compound ' has hardened sufficiently for the paper to be placed without damage to the sealed surface. Lap the paper a minimum of 100 mm and seal the laps. Leave the paper in place for at least seven days. ' 3.06 GROUTING OF STEEL MEMBERS A. Provide and place groutforsettingcolumnbaseplatesandbeambearingplates. Co-operate ' with those. performing the work of other Sections who supply and set plates. Install grout in a manner that will ensure positive bearing on the full area of the steel plate on top of the supporting surface. ' B. Dampen concrete surfaces immediately before installing grout. C. Use non-shrink and shrinkage-compensating grouts only when grout will be contained ' against expansion and self-disintegration. D. Slope grout beyond edge of plate at 45 degrees. E. Provide same environmental protection and curing as specified for concrete. F. Do not use Plowable grout at beam bearing plates unless otherwise indicated, or approved ' by Consultant. 3.07 JOINT SEALANT A. Provide sealant on top ofjoint filler with a polyethylene bond breaker between joint filler and joint sealant applied in accordance with manufacturer's direction. Sealant shall be light grey colour. bi th hl d rf l t t i t t b 5°C A l l t t B. y ry su aces on y, a am en a r empera ures a ove . pp y sea an o oroug ' C. Confirm that preformed joint filler and backer rod are compatible with sealant. D. Caulk joints in accordance with the following: 1. Do not commence joint preparation until concrete is at least 28 days old. ' 2. Thoroughly clean sides of joints with mason's router, or power saw, equipped with double blade where necessary to suit joint width. 3. Blow clean with compressed air with oil trap on line, or vacuum clean. 4. Install backer rod of diameter 25 percent greater than joint width, and type recommended by sealant manufacturer to be compatible with sealant. Locate backer rod to provide for sealant depth of one-half joint width, but not less than 12 mm. 5. Prime joint if required, as recommended by sealant manufacturer. ' 09040-03300.wptl DIVISION 3 SECTION 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Page 14 3.08 DEFECTIVE WORK , A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances and marked and disfigured surfaces that cannot , be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective work. B. Replace or modify concrete that is out of place or does not conform to lines, detail or grade ' as directed by the Consultant. C. Replace or repair defectively placed or finished concrete as directed by the Consultant. ' D. Testing and Replacement of Deficient Concrete in Place: 1. Pay for additional testing and related expenses if concrete has proven to be deficient. ' 2. Replace or strengthen deficient concrete work as directed by the Consultant, and pay for all testing and related expenses for replaced work until approved by the Consultant. , 3.09 CLEANING A. Clear away from the building site excess and waste materials and debris resulting from Work ' of this Section. B. Leave the premises in a condition acceptable to the Consultant before completion of the work. End of Section t t 09040-03300 wpd ' C! i DIVISION 3 SECTION 03362 CONCRETE FLOOR SEALING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 1.03 REFERENCES A. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit duplicate 300 x 300 mm samples of coating applied to smooth cement board. C. Submit MSDS for specified products and maintain copy on site. 1.05 MAINTENANCE A. Provide maintenance data forfloor coating for incorporation into Operating and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Maximum moisture content of substrate: 12%. B. Temperature: Minimum temperature of substrate 10 deg. C. C. Alkali: Ensure negative alkalinity of substrate before application of coating. D. Ventilation: Provide continuous ventilation during and after coating application. 1.07 QUALITY CONTROL A. Pre-application Meeting: Convene apre-application meeting 2 weeks before start of application of coating. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this section, including Contractor, Consultant, applicator, and manufacturer's representative. Review surtace preparation, mixing, application, protection, and coordination with other work. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Epoxy Coating: Eucopoxy Tufcoat. As manufactured by the Euclid Chemical Co. 1. Description: 2-component, epoxy coating for concrete floors. 2. Compliance: Meets maximum VOC content of 450 g/L in accordance with EPA 40 CFR Part 59, Table 1, Subpart D for industrial maintenance coatings. 09040-03362 wpd DIVISION 3 SECTION 03362 CONCRETE FLOOR SEALING Page 2 3. VOC Content: Maximum 450 g/l. 4. Total Solids Content: 58 percent. 5. Dry Film Thickness: 3 to 4 mils (76 to 102 microns) per coat. 6. Abrasion Resistance, TaberAbrader, CS-17 Wheel, 1,000 g Load, 500 Cycles: 30.2 mg loss. 7. Finish: Smooth, semi-gloss. 8. Colour: Clear. B. Acceptable Alternates ProductslManufacturers: 1. BASF Selby 700 Series. 2. SIKH, Sikafloor 261 System 1 and System 3. 3. W.R. Meadows. C. Joint Filler: Euco #456 Mortar or as recommended by manufacturer. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Concrete must be cured a minimum of 28 days prior to installation of sealers. Ensure substrate is free of dust, dirt, oil, grease laitence and any other foreign material that may affect bond. B. Remove all foreign matter from concrete surfaces and prepare slabs in accordance with manufacturer's instructions to ensure a surface satisfactory for concrete finishing. C. Fill joints and repair cracks with repair mortar. D. Acid etch and prime surfaces according to strict manufacturer's directions. Flush surface and allow to dry. 3.02 APPLICATION A. Mix and apply coating employing trained applicators, using equipment specifically designed for this purpose. B. Apply coating intwoindividual,uniformapplications,permittingfirsttocureatleastfourhours before applying second coat. C. Minimum dry film thickness: 10 mils. Verify film thickness of completed coating system in field using inspection gauge. D. Apply additional coats as required to achieve specified dry film thickness. E. Finished Work: To match approved samples, be uniform in thickness, sheen, colour and texture and be free from marks, dirt particles, runs, crawls, curling, holes, air pockets and other defects. End of Section 09040-03362.wptl DIVISION 4 SECTION 04080 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Structural Steel Section 05120 D. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 E. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 1.03 REFERENCES A. CSA-A370, Connectors for Masonry. B. CSA-A371, Masonry Construction for Buildings. C. CSA-5304.1, Masonry Design for Buildings (limit States Design). D. CSA G30.3, Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. E. CSA G30.12, Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. F. CSA W186, Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction. G. CSA-A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction. H. Environmental Choice Program (ECP). 1. CCD-045-95, Sealants and Caulking Compounds. I. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and data sheets. C. Submit two (2) of each type of masonry reinforcing and connector specified. D. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit shop drawings for all masonry reinforcing. Include placing drawings, bar lists and details. Indicate clearly reinforcing bar sizes, spacing, bending details, lap details, dowels to adjacent construction location and quantities of reinforcement and connectors. 2. Prepare placing drawings and bar lists in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Detailing Manual, and the Reinforcing Steel InstituteofCanada (RSIC) Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice, the typical details included with Contract Documents. 3. Prepare placing drawings to minimum scale of 1:50. 4. Submit placing drawings andbarlistssufficientlydetailedanddimensionedtopermit correct placement of reinforcement and accessories without reference to architectural or structural drawings. 5. Show reinforcement, including dowels, in elevation on placing drawings for wall reinforcement. 6. Show cover tg reinforcement. 7. Show location of construction joints. 09040-04080.wpd DIVISION 4 ' SECTION 04080 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS Page 2 , 8. Prior to submission to Consultant, review all shop drawings. By this review, Contractor represents to have determined and verified field measurements, site , conditions, materials, catalogue number and similar data and to have checked and coordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of Work and Contract Documents. Contractor's review of each shop drawing with the requirements of ' Work and Contract Documents. Contractor's review of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date, and signature of a responsible person. 9. At time of submission, notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in shop drawings from requirements of Contract Documents. , 10. Consultant will review and return shop drawings in accordance with an agreed schedule. Consultant's review will be for conformity to design concept and for general arrangement, and shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for errors or , omissions in shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting requirements of Contract Documents. 11. Make any changes in shop drawings which Consultant may require consistent with Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by Consultant. When ' resubmitting, Contractor shall notify Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by Consultant. 12. Do not commence fabrication of reinforcement before drawings have been reviewed and Consultant's comments incorporated on drawings issued to fabricating shop. ' E. Submit two copies of WHMIS MSDS -Material Safety Data Sheets. Indicate VOC's for epoxy coatings and galvanized protective coatings and touch-up products. , 1.05 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Non-conventional Masonry Connectors ' 1. Deflection: maximum 2.0 mm, including free play when acted upon by 0.45 kN lateral load, in all possible positions of adjustment. 2. Positive restraint at position of maximum adjustment. ' B. Multi-component Ties -Free Play: Maximum 1.2 mm, when assembled in any possible configuration. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS ' A. All metal components: hot dipped zinc galvanized to CSA-S304 unless otherwise indicated. B. Column Ties: Ferro CAT Tie (Column Adjustable Tie), spot weld to columns at 400 mm c/c. ' C. Connectors: to CSA-A370 and CSA-S304. 1. Finish: Steel components, hot dip galvanized toCANlCSA , D. Bar Reinforcement: To CSA-A371 and CSA G30.18, grade 400R, deformed billet steel bars. E. Wire Reinforcement: To CSA-A371 and CSA G30.3, truss type: ' 1. Interior bearing walls: hot dipped galvanized to CSA-S304, 4.76 mm wire diameter, Blok-Trus BL-30 by Blok-Lok Ltd. 2. Interior non-load bearing walls: hot dipped galvanized to CSA-S304, 3.66 mm wire diameter: Blok-Trus BL-30 by Block-Lok Ltd. ' 09040-04080.wptl ' r II DIVISION 4 SECTION 04080 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS Page 3 3. Masonry Cavity Walls: hot dipped galvanized to CSA-S304, 4.76 mm wire diameter, to suit overall wall thickness. Adjustable Econo-Cavity Blok-Trus I I BL37 by Blok-Lok Ltd. F. Equivalent products as manufactured by the following manufacturer's may be used subject to submission and acceptance by the Consultant of technical data: 1. Dayton Superior Dur-O-Wall 2. Hohmann and Barnard Inc. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate reinforcing in accordance with CSA-A23.1 and Reinforcing Steel Manual of Standard Practice by the Reinforcing Steel Institute of Ontario. B. Fabricate connectors in accordance with CSA-A37D. C. Obtain Consultant's approval for locations of reinforcement splices other than shown on placing drawings. D. Upon approval of Consultant, weld reinforcement in accordance with CSA W186. E. Ship reinforcement and connectors, clearly identified in accordance with drawings. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Install masonry anchors and accessories to manufacturer instructions. B. Install masonry connectors in accordance with CSA-A370, CSA-A371, CSA-A23.1 and CSA3-5304 unless indicated otherwise. C. Connector spacing shall be in accordance with CSA 5304.1 but not greater than 600 mm o.c. vertically and 800 mm o.c. horizontally. Stagger successive rows 400 mm horizontally. 3.02 REINFORCEMENT A. Unless otherwise noted, all masonry walls shall be reinforced with joint reinforcement. B. Interior non bearing partitions where height is less than 36 times thickness, do not require reinforcing unless specifically indicated on drawings. C. Reinforcement shall be installed in the first and second bed joints, 200 mm apart immediately above lintels and below sill at openings, and in bed joints at 400 mm vertical intervals elsewhere. Reinforcement in the second bed joint above or below openings shall extend two feet beyond thejambs. All other reinforcement shall be continuous except that it shall not pass through vertical masonry control joints. Side rods shall be lapped at least 150 mm at splices. D. Use prefabricated corner and tee sections for continuous reinforcement at corners and intersecting walls. E. Terminate reinforcement 25 mm short of each side of control joints as indicated 09040-04080.wpd DIVISION 4 SECTION 04080 MASONRY REINFORCEMENT AND CONNECTORS Page 4 F. Vertical reinforcement shall have a minimum clearance of 13 mm from the masonry and not less than one bar diameter between bars. G. All block cores containing vertical reinforcing and/or anchor bolts shall be solidly filled with non shrink grout. 3.03 BONDING AND TYING A. Bond walls of two or more wythes using metal connectors and wire reinforcement in accordance with NBC CSA-5304, CSA-A371 and as indicated. B. Connect masonry walls to adjoining steel columns with purpose made column connectors at maximum 40D mm vertical spacing. At columns embedded in walls, provide strap anchors as indicated. C. Tie masonry veneer to backing in accordance with NBC, CSA-S304, CSA-A371 and as indicated herein. 3.04 REINFORCED LINTELS AND BOND BEAMS A. Reinforce masonry lintels and bond beams as indicated. 6. Place and grout reinforcement in accordance with CSA-S304. 3.05 METAL ANCHORS A. Do metal anchors as indicated. 3.06 LATERAL SUPPORT AND ANCHORAGE A. Do lateral support and anchorage in accordance with CSA-S304 and as indicated. B. Lateral support at top of masonry walls shown on the structural drawings is specified under Section 05500. 3.07 CONTROL JOINTS A. Terminate reinforcement 25 mm short of each side of control joints unless otherwise indicated. 3.08 FIELD BENDING A. Do not field bend reinforcement and connectors except where indicated or authorized by Consultant. B. When field bending is authorized, bend without heat, applying a slow and steady pressure. C. Replace bars and connectors which develop cracks or splits. 3.09 FIELD TOUCH-UP A. Touch up damaged and cut ends of galvanized reinforcement steel and connectors with compatible finish to provide continuous coating. End of Section asoao-oaoao.~a DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Concrete Reinforcement Section 03200 B. Cast-in Place Concrete Section 03300 C. Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors Section 04080 D. Structural Steel Section 05120 E. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 F. Air Barrier Section 07195 G . Building Insulation Section 07200 ' H. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation Section 07218 I. Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 J. Metal Cladding Section 07410 K. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 ' L. Joint Sealers Section 07900 M . Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 N. Sectional Overhead Doors Section 08361 O. Gypsum Board Section 09250 ' P. Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile Section 09310 Q. Painting Section 09900 ' 1.03 REFERENCES A. Ontario Building Code, Ontario Regulation 350/06. ' B. ASTM C90 Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units. C. ASTM C207 Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. D. ASTM 05249 Standard Specification for Backer Material for Use with Cold- and Hot-Applied Joint Sealants in Portland-Cement Concrete and Asphalt Joints. E. CSA A179, Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry. F. CSA-A370, Connectors for Masonry. G. CSA-A371, Masonry Construction for Buildings. H. CSA A3000, Cementitious Materials Compendium. ' I. CSA-5304, Masonry Design for Buildings. J. CSA CAN3-A165.1 Standards for Concrete Masonry Units. K. CSA G30.3, Cold-Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. ' L. CSA G30.12, Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. M. CSA W186, Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced Concrete Construction. N. Ontario Concrete Block Association Quality Assurance Program. O. Environmental Choice Program (ECP). 1. CCD-045-95, Sealants and Caulking Compounds. P. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. ' 1 04 SU BMITTALS . A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' 09040-04200.wpd DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 2 , B. Submitfullrangeofmanufacturer'sstandardcoloursamplesofcolouredmortarforselection ' of colours by the Consultant. , C. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's printed product literature, specifications and data sheets. ' D. Submit the following samples: 1. Two (2) of each type of architectural concrete masonry units and two (2) concrete masonry units specified. ' 2. Two (2) of each type of masonry accessory specified. 3. Submit samples of coloured mortar selected by the Consultant. E. Submit laboratory test and O.C.B.A. Quality Assurance Test Certificates certifying , compliance of concrete masonry units with specification requirements. F. Submit shop drawings for all masonry reinforcing. Include placing drawings, bar lists and details. Indicate clearly reinforcing bar sizes, spacing, bending details, lap details, dowels to ' adjacent construction location and quantities of reinforcement and connectors. G. Submit two copies of WHMIS MSDS -Material Safety Data Sheets in accordance with ' Section 01330. Indicate VOC's for epoxy coatings and galvanized protective coatings and touch-up products. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS ' A. The masonry sub-contractor shall have a minimum of five (5) years continuous documented Canadian experience in work of the type and quality shown and specified. Proof of , experience shall be submitted when requested by the Consultant and shall be subject to the approval of the Consultant. 1.06 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE , A. Materials shall be kept clean and dry. r al nd labels intact i di t ith f t ' li t li d t D ' B. . ngre en s w manu ac u er s se a ver cemen , me an mor ar e C. Cementitious material and aggregates shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of CAN A23.1. , D. Exposed unitswhich become stained orchipped, surface marked orscratched, and materials which are affected by inadequate protection shall be replaced, at no additional expense to , the Owner. E. Masonry units shall be delivered to site in protective film and shall be stored without contact with ground or ground water. ' 1.07 COLD WEATHER REQUIREMENTS A. Supplement Clause 5.15.2 of CAN3-A371 with the following requirements: 1. Maintain temperature of mortar between 5°C and 50°C until batch is used. ' 09040-04200.wpd ' DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 ' MASONRY 1.08 HOT WEATHER REQUIREMENTS ' A. Protect freshly laid masonry from drying too rapidly by means of waterproof, non-staining coverings. ' 1.09 PROTECTION A. Keep masonry dry using secure waterproof, non-staining coverings that extend over walls ' and down sides sufficient to protect walls from snow, rain and dirt, until masonry work is completed and protected by flashings or other permanent construction. B. Protect masonry and other work from marking and other damage. Protect completed work from mortar droppings. Use non-staining coverings. C. Provide temporary bracing of masonry work during and after erection until mortar has cured and permanent lateral support is in place. 1.10 MOCK-UP A. Prior to proceeding with the work of this section, construct a 1200 mm long x 1000 mm high panel mock-up of each wall type, to establish for the Consultant's review and acceptance, the general construction and appearance of the installed masonry walls including mortar ' colours. Mock-up panel shall incorporate each type of masonry unit, pre-manufactured sill, use of reinforcement, connectors, through wall flashings, air barriers, weep holes, jointing, coursing, mortar and workmanship. B. Allow 24 hours for inspection of mock-up by Consultant before proceeding with the work. C. Erect as many panels as are necessary to obtain Consultant's acceptance without additional ' cost to the Owner. Remove rejected panels from site. D. Upon the Consultant's acceptance, complete all masonry work in strict accordance with the ' standards established by the Consultant in the mock-up. E. The accepted mock-up panel shall remain intact until the work of this section has been accepted by the Consultant and shall serve as the basis of standard for the work. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS ' A. Concrete Masonry Units: Concrete Block: Modular, conforming to CSA A165 Series-M, Concrete Masonry Units. ' 1. H/15/AIM concrete masonry units to be used at all locations unless noted otherwise. 2. Special Units - Bullnose and corner blocks, base blocks, fillers, bond beam and lintel blocks, and the like as may be required. ' 3. Exposed block shall all be made by one manufacturer and shall be uniform in colour, shade and texture. 4. Where required to obtain specified fire resistance ratings, type of concrete to conform to Table 5.1 of the Ontario Concrete Block Association Handbook, Fire Performance Properties. Refer to drawings for other Fire Resistance Ratings. ' 09040-04200.wpd DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 4 , B. Architectural Concrete Block: 1. H/20/A/M, metric modular size as manufactured by one of the following: (1) Atlas, ' (2) Blue Circle Materials, (3) Boehmers (Hargest), (4) Day & Campbell Ltd., , (5) Permacon, (6) Richvale York Blocklnc., (7) Shouldice. , 2. (Listed colours are based on Permacon product range): 3. Type A: Full Split Face, 190 x 390 x thickness indicated. , (1) Colour: Charcoal C. All architectural concrete block shall be supplied with manufacturer's standard pre- manufactured corners and shapes. , D. Masonry Reinforcementand Connectors: Bar Reinforcement, wire reinforcement, connectors and ties: as specified in Section 04080. ' E. Control Joint Filler: to ASTM D5249, Type 1, Round, flexible, continuous-length, nonabsorbent, non-gassing, non-staining, and non-shrinking. Extruded from across-linked polyethylene. Flexible foam, heat-Resistant Backer Rod. 9.5 mm thick by width of wall: ' Sealtight Cera-Rod by W. R. Meadows Canada Limited. Pre-manufactured Masonry Control Jcint: Pre-manufactured polyvinyl chloride control joints , may be used in lieu of the specified Built-up type of joint. Controljoints as manufactured by the following are acceptable: 1. Wall-Tile by Blok-Lok Limited ' 2. Rapid Control Joint- Wide Flange - by Dur-O-Wall Limited 3. Flexible PVC Masonry Control Joint by Greenstreak G. Mortar and Grout: Conforming to CSA A179 1. Use same brand of material and source of aggregate for entire project. , 2. Aggregate: CSA A179 coarse sharp clean sand, free from salt, alkaline or other organic substances, specifically graded for masonry use. 3. Cement: To CSA A3000, masonry cement. Type S. Blended mixes of Portland , cement to CSA A3000 and double hydrated lime to ASTM C 207. 4. Water shall be clean, potable and free of deleterious amounts of acid, alkalies, or organic materials. 5. Hydrated Lime: Type 'S' to ASTM C207. ' 6. Type'S' mortar shall be used for all concrete black and architectural concrete block masonry work. 7. Proprietary Mortar Mixes: St. Lawrence Cement Company, Blue Circle Cement, , Daubois Inc., Lafarge Canada. Mortar mixes shall conform to mix requirements specified. 8. Mortar colour for plain concrete block masonry work shall be grey. 9. Mortar for architectural concrete block units shall be coloured with ground coloured ' natural aggregates. Up to four colours will be selected by the Consultant. (1) Coloured mortar: colouring admixture not exceeding 10%ofcement content by mass,orintegrallycolouredmasonrycement,toproducecolouredmortar , to match approved sample. osoao-oazoo.wPa ' ' DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 ' MASONRY Page 5 10. Admixtures of any kind are not allowed except as specified for coloured mortar. ' 11. Grout: to CSA A179, Table 3. 12. Premixed, non shrink non metallic grout: Non Shrink Grout by C.P.D., V3 Grout by W.R. Meadows of Canada, NS Grout by Euclid. 13. Parging Mortar: Type N, to CSA A179. H. Other Materials: all other materials not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation of masonry, shall be as selected by the Contractor subject to approval by the Consultant. 2.02 MIXES ' A. Mixing: Prepare and mix mortar materials under strict supervision, and in small batches only for immediate use. Mix proprietary mortars in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions to produce the specified mortar types in accordance with CSA A179. Do not use retempered mortars. B. Admixtures: in accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. C. Take representative samplesfortestingconsistencyofstrengthandcolouraccordingtoCSA A179. D. Use mortar within 2 hours after mixing at temperatures of 26 degrees C, or 2-1/2 hours at temperatures under 10 degrees C. 2.03 DAMP COURSE AND FLASHINGS A. Fully compatible with air barrier membrane specified in Section 07195. Self adhesive modified SBS bitumen membrane reinforced with proprietary glass screen, minimum thickness of 1.0 mm: 1. Vedagard Non-slip by Bakor Inc. 2. Perm-A-Barrier Wall Flashing or Bituthene 5000 by W.R. Grace & Co. 3. Mel-Dek by W.R. Meadows B. Lap Sealant: recommended by flashing manufacturer. C. Surface primers and conditioners as recommended by membrane manufacturer. 2.04 ACCESSORIES ' A. Cavity Vents and Weepholes: purpose made PVC vents, with pest resisting design, size to suit masonry units. Cell-Vent with mortar net, or Mor-Control by Dur-O-WaI Inc. Colour to match mortar colour. ' B. Mechanical Fasteners: As recommended by manufacturer of material to be fastened, and in accordance with the reference standards, corrosion resistant. C. Cavity wall vertical barriers: 24 gauge galvanized sheet steel. D. Packing Insulation: loose glass fibre insulation or mineral wool with minimum density of 17.6 ' kg/m'. 09040-04200.wptl DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY 2.05 FABRICATION A. Lintels in non-load-bearing walls shall be constructed with special bond or lintel block units unless shown otherwise on plans. Lintels shall bear 150 mm minimum and bearing shat) be isolated with two layers of heavy asphalt coated paper. B. Reinforcing steel in lintels shall be 2 x 20 M bars or as noted on drawings. C. Concrete fill for lintels shall be 25 MPA or as noted on the drawings. Concrete shall be as specified in Section 03300. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Examine work of other trades for defects or discrepancies and report same in writing to Consultant. B. Installation of any part of this work shall constitute acceptance of such surfaces as being satisfactory. 3.02 GENERAL A. Do masonry work in accordance with CAN3-A371 except where specified otherwise. B. Refer to structural drawings for additional requirements for load bearing masonry walls. C. Build masonry plumb, level and true tc line, with vertical joints in alignment. D. Lay out coursing and bond to achieve correct coursing heights and continuity of bond above and below openings, with minimum cutting. E. A competent masonry foreman shall supervise and direct the work and only skilled masons shall execute the workofthisSection. Theworkmanshipinconstructionofexposedmasonry walls shall be of highest calibre and first class in all respects. F. Chipped, crackedorstained,andunsatisfactorymaterialorworkmanshipofallmasonrywork shall be replaced with undamaged units. G. Co-ordinate work of this Section with others such as, field welding of anchors to steel work, insulation application, installation of conduit and electrical boxes, and the like. Prepare all items to built-in as the work proceeds, either supplied and installed by other trades or installed under this Section. H. Walls shall be constructed as true planes and when tested with a 3 metre straight edge placed anywhere on the wall in any direction shall be true within 3 mm. I. Variation in the Sizes of Wall Openings: A 6 mm maximum variation is allowed from the actual designated size of wall openings. 09040-04200.wpd DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY J. Buttering corners of units, throwing mortar droppingsintojoints,deeporexcessivefurrowing of bed joints, will not be permitted. Do not shift or tap units after mortar has taken initial set. Where adjustment must be made after mortar has started to set, remove mortar and replace with fresh supply. Bed and vertical joints shall be evenly and solidly filled with mortar. K. All mortar shall be used and placed in final position within 2 hours of mixing. Mortar not used within this time limit shall be discarded. ' L. Lay all joints 10 mm thick (uniform) unless otherwise specified or otherwise indicated on drawings or instructed by the Consultant. All joints shall be full of mortar except where specifically designated to be left open. ' M. Alljoints shall be slightly concave. Use sufficient force to press mortar tight against masonry units on both sides of joints. Remove excess material or burrs left afterjointing by means ' of a trowel or rubbing with burlap bag. N. Mitre architectural block at all corners other than 90°. O Coordinate with Electrical and Mechanical trades and set smooth faced block at locations of 1 all outlets, boxes, switches, thermostats and other devices ' 3.03 BLOCK WORK A. Provide special shapes and sizes as required such a halves, jambs, lintels, solids, corners, bullnoses and double bullnoses, semi-solids, ashlar, etc. 1 B. Lay block with webs to align plumb over each other with thick ends of webs up. The top course of all partitions which do not pass through a ceiling or up to the underside of a roof deck shall have the open cells filled solid. ' C. Cut exposed block with power driven abrasive cutting disc or diamond cutting wheel for flush mounted electrical outlets, grilles, pipes, conduits, leaving 3 mm maximum clearance. D. Do not wet concrete masonry before or during laying in wall. E. Fill all vertical and bed joints, including plain end faces, through the entire wall thickness ' solidly with mortar. F. Bond intersecting block walls in alternate courses. G. Do not break bond of exposed walls where partitions intersect and if bond would show through on exposed face of walls. Bond these partitions to walls they intersect with prefabricated intersection masonry reinforcement in each course. ' H. Terminate non load bearing walls within 20 mm of structure above unless indicated otherwise. ' I. Where walls are pierced by structural members, ducts, pipes, fill voids with mortar to within 20 mm of such members. J. Fill spaces between non-load bearing walls and structure, ducts and pipes with compressed ' glass fibre or mineral wool insulation completely from one side of wall to other. ' 09040-04200.wpd , DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 8 ' K. For fire separations, fill around wall penetrations and between top of wall and deck/structure with Fire Stop Sealant specified in Section 07270 to provide the same rating as the wall. ' L. All exposed interior block corners shall be bullnose. 3.04 EXTERIOR WALLS ' A. Mixing and Blending: mix masonry units within each pallet and with other pallets to ensure uniform blend of colour, size and texture. ' B. Exterior cavity wall construction shall be erected as shown on the drawings of exterior architectural concrete masonry veneer and concrete block back-up with a nominal 76 mm cavity unless indicated otherwise. The block shall have a 50 mm thickness of spray applied ' polyurethane insulation specified in Secticn 07218. C. Where indicated, and where required to maintain continuity of building air/vapour barrier ' envelope, air seals consisting of sheet membranes shall be installed in the cavity to seal transition between various building systems and materials. Air barrier as specified in Section 07195. ' D. Veneer in cavity wall construction shall be tied to block backup togetherwith adjustable truss type masonry reinforcing as specified in Section 04080. E. Bond walls of two or more wythes and tie masonry veneer to backing in accordance with ' NBC, CAN3-S304, CAN3-A371, and as indicated. F. Masonry units shall be laid up in running bond unless indicated otherwise. G. Place continuous dampcourse and flashing membrane atthe bottom of all cavities, including at bottom of walls and over all openings. Extend flashing from exterior face of exterior wythe, turned up backing face minimum 150 mm and built into the first horizontal block joint or , bonded to sheathing with adhesive, unless otherwise indicated. Lap all joints 150 mm and seal with adhesive. , H. The cavity shall be kept free of mortar droppings at all times, by means of boards set in between and raised as the face block work progresses. Accumulations of mortar droppings in the cavity will not be accepted. , I. Install weep hole vents in vertical joints immediately over flashings at base of walls and at horizontal shelf angles, inexteriorwythesofcavitywallandmasonryveneerwallconstruction at horizontal spacing not exceeding 800 mm o.c. Install top of wall vents at horizontal , spacing not exceeding 800 mm in top course of walls. J. Install galvanized steel vertical barriers at corners of all cavity wall assemblies to restrict air flow between adjacent wall cavities. , K. Jointing: allow joints to dry just enough to remove excess water, then tool with round jointer to provide smooth, compressed, uniformly concave joints. ' L. Where necessary to temporarily stop horizontal runs of masonry and in building corners: 1. Step-back masonry diagonally to lowest course previously laid. 2. Do not 'tooth' new masonry. , 3. Fill in adjacent courses before heights of stepped masonry reach 1200 mm. 09040-04200.wpd , 11 DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 9 3.05 REINFORCEMENT A. Refer to Section 04080 and structural drawings. 3.06 A. Refer to Section 04080. 3.07 CONTROL JOINTS A. Provide continuous joints as indicated. B. Joints shall be full height and thickness of wall and shall be 10 mm wide. C. Break vertical mortar bond with extruded neoprene gasket or building paper. D. Prime control joint to prevent drying out of caulking material. 3.08 CONCRETE MASONRY LINTELS A. Install reinforced concrete block lintels over openings in masonry walls where steel or reinforced concrete lintels are not indicated. B. End bearing: not less than 200 mm. C. Refer to Section 04080 and structural drawings. 3.09 LOO SE STEEL LINTELS A. Install loose steel lintels. Centre over opening width. Lintel sizes indicated on structural drawings and supplied under Sections 05120 and 05500. 3.10 GROUTING A. Grout masonry in accordance with CAN3-5304 and as indicated. 3.11 SUP PORT OF LOADS A. Use 25 MPa concrete unless specified otherwise on the Drawings, where concrete fill is used in lieu of solid units. Refer to structural drawings. B. Use grout to CSA A179 where grout is used in lieu of solid units. C. Install building paper below voids to be filled with grout. Keep paper 25 mm back from face of units. 3.12 LATERAL SUPPORT AND ANCHORAGE A. Refer to Section 04080 and the structural drawings. 3.13 TEM PORARY WALL BRACING A. Design and provide all required temporary engineered wall bracing. osoao-oazoo.wPa DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY Page 10 B. Brace masonry walls to resist wind pressure and Bracing of all masonry walls during construction structures is a mandatory requirement. 3.14 BUILT-INS other lateral loads during construction. ' and prior to completion of supporting A. Build in items provided by otherSections, including bearing plates, doorframes, anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts and loose steel lintels. Build in items to present a neat, rigid, true and plumb installation. Leave wall openings required for ducts, grilles, pipes and other items. B. Fill voids between masonry and metal frames with masonry mortar or insulation, as indicated on drawings or as required to provide a neat finished appearance. C. Set wall plates on masonry in non-shrink grout in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Do all cutting, fitting, drilling, patching and making good for other trades in masonry work. E. Consultant's approval shall be obtained before cutting. 3.15 REPOINTING OR TUCK POINTING A. Repoint defective joints as follows: 1. Cut back joints 12 mm, taking care not to damage units. Remove dust and loose materials by brushing or by waterjet. If waterjet is used, allow excess water to drain before repointing. 2. Repoint with original mix. 3. Pack mortar tightly in thin layers, and tool to required joint finish. 3.16 CLEANING A. Obtain and follow material manufacturer's written instructions for Cleaning. Test sample area, 3.0 m x 3.0 m, to judge effectiveness of cleaning procedures. B. Keep wall clean and free of mortar stains during laying. Allowmortardroppingswhichadhere to wall to dry out but not set. Then rub with small piece of masonry followed by brushing to remove all traces. On completion of masonry, after mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean masonry thoroughly. C. Protect windows, trim and metal. D. Removemortarwithwoodpaddlesandscrapersbeforewetting.Saturatemasonrywithclean water and flush off loose mortar and dirt. Clean block work using water, scrubbing brushes and wood paddles only. E. Separate and recycle waste materials to the maximum extent economically feasible. F. Remove mortar from concrete floor slabs. G. Leave entire area vacuum clean. 09040-04200.wptl ~~ LJ Y DIVISION 4 SECTION 04200 MASONRY 3.17 11 A. Protect masonry units from damage resulting from subsequent construction operations. B. Use protection materials and methods which will not stain or damage masonry units. C. Remove protection materials upon Substantial Performance of the Work, or when risk of damage is no longer present. End of Section 09040-04200 wpd r DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 1.02 A 1.03 1.04 a GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 RELATED WORK A. Steel Joists Section 05210 B. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 C. Steel Floor Deck Section 05320 D. Painting Section 09900 REFERENCES A. CSA W47.1Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. B. CSA W59 Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding) C. CSA W178.1 Certification of Welding Inspection Organizations D. CSA W178.2 Certification of Welding Inspectors E. CSA-G164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles F. CSA-S16.1-M, Limit States Design of Steel Structures G. CSA-5136-M, Cold Formed Steel Structural Members H. SSPC-SP 6-91, Structural Steel Painting Council, Commercial Blast Cleaning. I. ASTM A108, Specifications for Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold Finished, Standard Quality. J. ASTM A123, Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip K. ASTM A143, Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dipped Galvanized Structural Steel. L. ASTM A153, Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. M. ASTM A780, Repair of Damaged Hot Dip Galvanizing Coatings. N. ASTM 385, Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot Dip) O. ASTM A 570/A570M, Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality. P. ASTM A653/A653M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized), or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. Q. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Codeof Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, Section 1 D, Architectural Exposed Structural Steel. SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit proof of connection design engineers professional liability insurance when requested by the Consultant. C. Submit shop and erection drawings in accordance with General Conditions. Submit typical details of connections and any special connections for review before preparation of shop drawings. Assume responsibility for the accuracy of Work. Review of submitted shop drawings is to ensure only that the Contract Documents are being correctly interpreted. D. Professional Engineer responsible for connection design shall sign and seal each shop drawing. ' 09040-05120 wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 2 E. Show on shop drawings the size, spacing, and the location of structural steel members, connections, attachments, reinforcing, anchorage and all necessary plans, elevations and details. F. Show splice locations and details. G. Welded connections shall be designated by welding symbols in compliance with American Welding Society, AWS 2.D68, Welding Symbols, and indicate clearly net weld lengths. H. Submit design calculations if requested by the Consultant. I. Submit diagrams showing proposed methods of erection. J. Field Work Drawings shall be submitted as shop drawings. K. Notify Consultant in writing of any deviations in shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract Documents. L. Submit a schedule of fabrication to the Consultant and the Testing Agency, prior to commencement of fabrication. M. Inspection and Testing Reports: Submit in accordance with Section 01450. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS A. Undertake welding and/orwelding inspection by welders fully approved to one or more of the reference codes and standards where applicable. B. Fabricate structural steel only by a Fabrication Member of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Connections designed by Consultant: Submission of shop drawings for connection which have been detailed on Drawings by Consultant shall represent acceptance by Contractor that connection can be executed successfully. B. Design of other connections which cannot be selected from standard designs tabulated in CISC Handbook of Steel Construction shall be by a Professional Engineer, licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in structural steel connection design. C. Consultant will review connection arrangement to verify general conformance with overall design concept of structure. D. Connection design engineershall be insured against professional liability in accordancewith section 74 subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. aeoao-osiza.wPa i i i 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL ' E. Design: 1. Connections: (1) Provide bolted or welded connections, unless shown otherwise on Drawings. (2) Do not permit connections to encroach on clearance lines required for installation of Work of other Sections. (3) Use high strength bolts, exceptthatA307 bolts may be used for connections ' of roof purlins, bridging, girts and trimmer beams not connecting to columns, unless otherwise note don Drawings. (4) Use slip resistant (friction-type) connections for bolted joints designed to resist reversible forces, except that bolt capacity need not be so limited under seismic force. (5) Provide tension adjustment hardware at rod type bracing and at flat bar type bracing. 2. Beam Connections: (1) Provide connections adequate to resist reaction of beam, when beam is loaded to maximum flexural capacity under uniformly distributed load, unless reaction or connection detail is shown on Drawings. For composite beam construction, use flexural capacity of composite section based on 100 percent shear connection of beam to slab. (2) Provide flexible beam connections for unrestrained members in accordance with CSA S16.1, unless shown otherwise on Drawings. (3) Select connections, wherever possible, from standard designs tabulated in current edition of CISC Handbook of Steel Construction, except that length of beam web angles shall not be less than half the depth of beam, and single angles shall not be used for beams deeper than 610 mm. (4) Provide direct connections totlangesofspandrelbeams(exteriorperimeter beams) to restrain twisting. (5) Do not use fish plate, shear plate or tab connection. ' 3. Random Splicing: Obtain in writing from Consultant, prior to commencement of shop drawings, special requirements that will be imposed as a necessary condition of acceptance of members with randomly located butt welded splices. ' 1.07 TOLERANCES A. In addition to tolerances specified in CAN 3-S16.1, erect shelf angles and sash angles attached to steel frame within a tolerance of 3 mm plus or minus, with abutting ends of members at the same level. ' 1.08 INSPECTION & TESTING A. Refer to Section 01450, Quality Control. B. Inspection and testing of materials and shop fabrication of Work of this Section, and field quality control, will be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Owner. ' C. The Inspection and Testing Company shall meet qualification requirements of CSA W 178.1, and shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau in Category 1 Buildings. 09040-OSt20 wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 4 D. Welding Inspectors and supervisors shall be certified by Canadian Welding Bureau to CSA W178.2, to minimum level 2 certification. E. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being performed, whether on site or off. F. Mill inspection shall ensure that materials conform to specified requirements. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. G. Shop inspection shall ensure that structural steel is fabricated in accordance with the shop drawings, and the specified fabrication and welding procedures. H. The cost of inspection and testing of splices introduced by the fabricator and not required on the Contract Documents will be paid by the Contractor. I. Inspection and Testing Company when appointed shall carry out shop inspection to verify: 1. Structural materials and paint conform to Specifications. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests of structural materials. 2. Fabrication and weldingconformstoSpecificationsanddimensionedshopdrawings. 3. Shop painting, and cleaning and preparation for same, conform to specified requirements. 4. Surfaces inaccessible for cleaning and painting after assembly are treated before assembly. 5. For surfaces painted with zinc rich paint orzinc primer, specified surface preparation is followed and specified paint thickness is applied. 6. Non-destructive Testing of Welded Connections: Carry out non-destructive testing of welded connections chosen at random as follows: (1) 10% of moment connections involving use of fillet welds, by magnetic particle inspections. (2) All moment connections and all connections in direct tension involving use of sf Full Penetration Groove welds, by ultrasonic testing. (3) Where moments are transferred by either fillet welds or groove welds into end plates in "T" joint configurations, examine base metals for lamellar tearing or cracking, by ultrasonic testing. 1.09 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver products that are only supplied under work of this Section to those who are responsible for their installation, to the place they direct and to meet construction schedule. B. Handle and store structural steel in such a manner that no damage, including corrosion, is caused to the stored or erected work, or to other property. C. Protect architecturally exposed steel during fabrication, handling storage and erection to prevent marring of surfaces exposed to view, by marking, bending, coarse grinding or denting. 09040-05120.wpd u u ~~ r LJ i i r DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Pa e 5 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Rolled shapes, hollow structural sections, plates and rods: new steel, in compliance with CSA and/or ASTM Standards indicated on Structural Drawings. B. High Strength Bolts: to meet specified requirements of ASTM A325M. Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers. C. Machine Bolts: to meet specified requirements of ASTM A307, Specification for Carbon Steel, Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. D. Anchor Bolts: to meet specified requirements ofASTM A307, Specification for Carbon Steel, Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. E. Studs: to ASTM A108. F. Welding Electrodes - to meet the requirements set forth in the applicable standard of the CSA W48 Series on welding electrodes. (Any process which produces deposited weld metal meeting the requirements ofthe applicable W48 Series Standard forany grade of arcwelding electrodes shall be accepted as equivalent to the use of such electrodes.) G. Shop Coat Paint: for steel that will not receive finish coat. To meet specified requirements of CISC/CPMA Standard 1-73a, Quick-Drying One Coat Paint for Use on Structural Steel. Colour shall be gray. H. AllprimaryandsecondarystructuralsteelmembersinwetareasasdefinedinSection09900 including exterior steel, and arena area shop primed steel (all structural steel, purlins, steel joists, braces, girts, fasteners and metal fabrications exposed in resurfacer room) shall receive one shop coat of recoatable epoxy rust inhibitive primer: Devran 223 Recoatable Epoxy Primer by Devoe High Performance Coatings. Colour: Light Gray. Refer to Section 09900. Galvanizing Materials: to CAN/CSA G164 or ASTM A123, or ASTM A153. ~J LJ PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Fabricate work of this Section in compliance with CAN 3-S16.1, and as specified following. B. Connections -Make bolted or welded connections. 1. Use high strength bolts, except that machine bolts may be used for connections of roof purlins, bridging, secondary bracing, girts and trimmer beams not connecting to columns, unless otherwise noted on Drawings. 2. Use friction type high strength bolts for the connections of bracing members (Diagonal Kickers) resisting the effects of applied lateral loads. Provide tension adjustment at flat bar and rod type lateral bracing. 3. Do not permit connections to encroach on the clearance lines required for the installation of work of this Section. 09040-05120 wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 6 C. Beam Connections: 1. Provide beam connections adequateto resist the reactions produced by the framing or load conditions. 2. Provide beam to column connections that apply vertical reaction with negligible eccentricity at the connecting face of the column, such as singleordoublebeamweb connections, end plate connections or unstiffened seats, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. Submit for review, in advance of the preparation of shop drawings, connections which do not meet these requirements. 3. Provide connections complying with the requirementsoftheClSCHandbookofSteel , Construction, except that the length of beam web angles shall not be less than half the depth of the beam and single angles shall not be used for beams deeper than 610 mm. 4. Provide direct connections to flanges of spandrel beams to restrain twisting. 5. Do not use fish plate or shear plate connections. D. Boles in Structural Members: 1. Punch hales 11 mm to 27 mm in diameter as required for attaching the work of other Sections to structural steel members. Locate holes so that no appreciable reduction of the strength of members is caused. 2. Provide holes for pipes and ducts, and reinforce openings as indicated on drawings. Cutting of holes in structural members in the field will not be permitted except with written approval of the Engineer. 3. Provide effective drainage holes to prevent the accumulation of water in tubular members. E. Member Separators: Provide separators at approximate spacing of 1200 mm o.c. for double beams and channels as follows: ' 1. For beams and channels 225 mm or less in depth: one or two rows of pipe separators. 2. For beams and channels over 225 mm in depth: channel separators, unless otherwise detailed on Drawings. F. Built-up Compression Members -General Requirements: Comply with the requirements of Clause 18 of CAN 3-S16.1, for all built up compression members of fabricated trusses. G. Column Bearing Plates: Mill column bearing plates under column bearing unless plate is sufficiently flat to give adequate contact bearing between column and plate. H. Masonry Anchors: Provide masonry strap anchors welded to structural steel. Provide for attachment of adjustable flexible anchors that are supplied by mason. Provide wall anchors for beams bearing on masonry or concrete. 3.02 STRUCTURAL STEEL PAINTING A. All prime painting shall be shop applied and the responsibility of the steel fabricator. Refer to specific priming requirements specified in Section 09900, Painting. B. Paint in accordance with manufacturer's published directions. C. Paint steel in the shop under cover. Keep painted members under cover until the paint has dried. , 09040-05120.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 7 ' D. Clean and prepare surfaces, as appropriate for paint specified, in accordance with CISC/CPMA Standard 2-75 or clean steel in compliance with SSPC-SP6, Steel Structures Painting Council Standard for Commercial Blast Cleaning, where zinc rich paint is shop applied or high performance finishes are specified. E. Where paint is applied adjacent to welded joints, remove it to bare metal for a distance of at least 50 mm beyond sides of joints. ' F. Do not paint surfaces and edges to be field welded, contact surtaces of friction type connections assembled by high strength bolts, surtaces encased in or in contact with concrete. 3.03 GALVANIZING A. Galvanizing: Galvanize members as indicated, after shop welding is complete. B. Steel members, fabrications, and assemblies shall be galvanized after fabrication by the hot dip process in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A123. ' C. Bolts, nuts, washers, iron, and steel hardware components shall be galvanized in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A153. ' D. Coating Requirements: 1. Weight: the weight of the galvanized coating shall conform with Table 1 of ' CSA G164 or paragraph 6.1 of ASTM A123 and Table 1 of ASTM A153 (as appropriate). 2. Surface Finish: The galvanized coating shall be continuous, adherent, as ' smooth and evenly distributed as possible and free from any defect that is detrimental to the stated end use of the coated article. (1) The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection ' and coating thickness measurements. 3. Adhesion: the galvanized coating shall be sufficiently adherent to withstand normal handling. 3.04 EXAMINATION A. Verify, before delivery of structural steel, that work of other Sections on which work of this Section is dependent is correctly installed and located. 3.05 PREPARATION A. Supply anchor bolts, base and bearing plates and other members to be built in under work of other Sections as the work progresses. Co-operate with installers of this work and provide instructions for setting items to be built-in. 3.06 ERECTION A. Comply with CAN 3-S16.1. ' 09040-05720 wptl DIVISION 5 1 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 8 B. Make adequate provision for horizontal and vertical erection loads and for sufficient ' temporary bracing to keep structural frame plumb and in true alignment until the completion ' of erection, and the installation of masonry, concrete work, and floor and roof decks which provide the necessary permanent bracing. C. Provide temporary steel members as may be required for erection purposes and remove them when no longer required. D. Installation of Bearing and Column Base Plates -Install bearing plates and standard wall t anchors for beams bearing on masonry orconcrete. Set loose beam bearing plates and column base plates, at properelevation, true and level, with steel shims, ready forgrouting as specified under work of other Sections. f AISC C d , E. o e Erect architecturally exposed steel in accordance with specified requirements o of Standard Practice, Section 10, Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel. F. Coordinate with pre-engineered building suppliers and make all necessary tie-ins and connections as required. 3.07 COATING TOUCH-UP ' A. Clean welds with wire brushes and wash down with clean water to ensure no residue from electrodes is present. t B. After erection, give one coat of prime coat or zinc rich paint as applicable and specified for shop coat to field bolts, field connections, burnt areas, and abrasions ordamage to shop coats. C. Touch up all areas with a specified paint film thickness. D. Give areas of bare metal on galvanized members two coats of zinc-rich paint. d l i E. n accor ance s Repair damaged hot dip galvanized coatings on architectural meta with ASTM A780. 08 FIEL D QUALITY CONTROL ' 3. A. Inspection and Testing Company, when appointed as specified in Source Quality Control elsewhere in this Section, shall perform: ' 1. Inspection of erection and fit-up, including placing, plumbing, levelling and temporary bracing and conformance with specified tolerances. 2. Inspection of bolted connections, including verification that A307 A325/A325M snug tight only bolts, and A324/A325M pre-tensioned bolts have been used appropriately, and that threads are excluded from shear plane where required. 3. Inspection of welded joints, including slag removal. 4. General inspection of field cutting and alterations; report immediately to Consultant, alterations or cutting not shown on reviewed shop drawings. 5. General inspection of shop coating touch-up. ti ng 6. Inspection of zinc primer and zinc-rich paint, including surtace preparation and coa , thickness. 7. Inspection of Galvanized Coatings. 09040-05120.wpd ' 1 ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL Page 9 3.09 DEFECTIVE WORK ' A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances, and failure of materials or workmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective Work performed by this Section. t B. Replace defective Work, as directed by Consultant. C. Pay for additional inspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section ' 09040-05120.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Structural Steel Section 05120 B. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 C. Painting Section 09900 ' 1.03 REFERENCES A. CSA S16.1, Steel Structures for Buildings - (Limit States Design). B. CSA S 136 Cold Formed Structural Steel Members. C. CSA W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. D. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). E. CSA W178, Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations. F. The National Building Code of Canada. G. The Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shoo Drawings 1. Submit steel joist shop drawings in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract and submitjoist design drawings as defined in reference standards. Shop drawings shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. 2. Indicate, in addition, dimensioned intersections of members, critical bending moments due to eccentricities, joist spacing, framing for openings, and slopes. ' 3. Detail welded connections using standard symbols for welding joints as published in the current CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. 4. Indicate on erection drawings, for each type ofjoist and bearing condition, the centre of bearing assumed in design and the maximum allowable distance from this point to the intersection of the axes of the chord and the end diagonal. 5. Priorto submission to the Consultant, the Contractor shall review all shop drawings. By this review, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field ' measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue number and similar data or will do so and that he has checked and co-ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractor's review of each shop drawing shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. 6. Notify the Consultant in writing of any deviations in the shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 7. The Consultant's review will be for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the shop drawings has been approved in writing by the Consultant. ' 09040-052W.wptl DIVISION 5 ' SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 2 , 8. Make any changes in shop drawings which the Consultant may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the , Consultant. When resubmitting the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by the Consultant. 9. Submit shop drawings as follows: ' (1) 5 Copies of erection diagrams and shop drawings for review before any work commences. (2) 2 Additional copies of shop drawings for distribution as directed by Consultant. t (3) 1 Copy of erection diagrams to the Inspection and Testing Company. 10. Inspection and Testing Reports: Submit in accordance with Section 01450. , 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Design Criteria ' 1. Design joists to carry loads indicated on structural drawings. 2. Design joist to ensure that total load deflection does not exceed 1/240 of the span and live load deflection does not exceed 11360 of the span. ' 3. Analyse joists composed wholly or in part of cold formed structural members as rigidly connected linear elastic frame works, includingalljointeccentricities. Design cold formed members for combined axial loads and bending moments predicted by analysis. Design hot rolled members for combined axial load and bending moment ' if eccentricity at one or both ends exceeds limits of reference standards above. 4. Tie Joists: Where tie joists are used, design tie joist, columns and connections to resist the member forces predicted by a linear elastic analysis. 5. Design special joist components to allow the passage of mechanical and electrical ' services through webs of joists, where so indicated on the structural drawings. 6. Design of joists shall be by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in steel joist design. Joist design engineer shall be insured ' against professional liability in accordance with Section 74 Subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with Subsection (2) is not acceptable. 7. Design framing members to meet minimum requirements of ULC for listed ' assemblies. B. Source Quality Control , 1. Inspection and testing of materials and shop fabrication of work of this Section, and field quality control specified elsewhere in this Section, will be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Owner. 2. The Inspection and Testing Company, and welding inspectors and supervisors shall ' meet qualification requirements of CSA W 178, and shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau in Category (1), Buildings. 3. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being performed. ' 4. Shop Inspection Inspection shall ensure that materials conform to specified requirements. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. Inspection shall ensure that fit-up, fabrication, and shop painting conform to specified requirements and dimensioned shop drawings. ' 1.06 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver products that are supplied only under work of this Section tc those who are , 09040-05210.wptl ' responsible for their installation, to the place they direct and to meet construction schedule 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Pa e 3 B. Handle and store joists in such a manner that no damage, including corrosion, is caused to the stored or erected work, or to other property. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS I~~ [l L. 1 u A. Steel Joists: Formed of hot rolled or cold formed shapes, hollow structural sections, plates and rods meeting requirements of specified reference standards. B. Prime Paint for all steel which will be exposed and in the finished building shall be as specified in Section 09900, Painting. Prime paint colour shall be gray. 2.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate joists with their attachments and accessories in accordance with the reference standards. B. Provide top chords of sufficient width and material thickness to permit 20 mm diameter arc spot welds of deck to joist to be formed, in accordance with CSA-S136. C. Prepare joists for attachment of other work as indicated on drawings and required for construction. D. Fabricate bridging not less than 3 mm in thickness. E. Extend bottom chords of joists where required to support ceiling or walls as shown on drawings. F. Fabricate joists and shoes to accommodate roof slopes shown on drawings. G. Fabricate web systems to allow clearances fortransverse mechanical and electrical services to pass through where so indicated on structural drawings. H. Provide shoe depths to suit elevations of bearings in each location. I. Fabricate bearing plates and supply plates and anchors to installer. At masonry, provide sufficient bearing area to ensure that bearing pressure does not exceed 1.20 Mpa. J. Fabricate joists of uniform appearance for erection in areas where they are exposed to view. 2.03 CLEANING AND PAINTING A. All prime painting shall be shop applied and the responsibility of the steel fabricator. B. Refer to specific priming requirements specified in Section 09900, Painting. C. Remove rust, loose mill scale, dirt and all contaminants prior to painting. D. Prior to painting, clean welds with wire brushes and wash down with clean water to ensure no residue from electrodes is present. 09040-052t0.wpd i~ DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Page 4 ' E. Give joists that will not receive finish coat one coat of shop paint and keep under cover until , paint has dried. ' F. Clean joists in accordance with requirements of specified CISC/CPMA Standard. G. Do not paint surfaces and edges to be field welded. ' H. Mark joists to indicate erection orientation when they are fabricated to special design or loading requirements. , I. Identify each joist with mark corresponding to shop drawing designation. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 EXECUTION A. Verify that work to receive joists is located correctly and at proper levels. ' 3.02 PREPARATION ' A. Provide necessary instructions to other trades for installation of bearings and anchors installed under work of other Sections. Assist in installation if requested. B. If steel surfaces are painted where connections are made bywelding at the site, remove paint ' to bare metal for a distance of at least two inches beyond sides of joints. 3.03 ERECTION ' A. Comply with CAN 3-S16.1 and specified reference standards. B. Refer to drawings for the work of other Sections and locate joists to avoid interference with ' ceiling construction, recessed lights, mechanical and electrical services, and similar work. C. Install shims, packing or special shoes to support joists at proper elevation. ' D. Carry joists to centre line of beams, with a tolerance of +0 mm and -25 mm for beams with joists bearing from both sides, and +25 mm and -0 mm for beams with joists bearing from one side only. ' E. Weld each joist at bearings on structural steel members and bearing plates, or as indicated on drawings. ' F. Install framing for openings between joists as indicated on drawings, and as specified for metal deck. ' 3.04 BRIDGING A. Install steel bridging, transverse to joist spans to meet specified requirements of reference standards. , B. Locate bridging at panel points wherever possible. 09040-052t0.wpd ' ~~~ O 4J DIVISION 5 SECTION 05210 STEEL JOISTS Paqe 5 C. Locate bridging to ensure no interference with recessed lights, and mechanical and electrical services. D. Top chord load distributing bridging may be used in lieu of normal top chord bridging specified above. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection by Inspection and Testing Company to meet requirements specified under Source Quality Control of this Section, and to include: 1. Inspection of erection and fit-up, including placing, plumbing, levelling and temporary and permanent bracing. 2. Verification for each end of each joist that the distance from the centre of bearing to the end tension web member does not exceed the maximum dimension given on the drawings. 3. Inspection of welded and bolted connections. 4. General inspection of shop coating touch-up. B. Inspection & Testing Company shall: 1. Submit reports at least weekly when shop and site work of this Section is in progress. 2. Distribute inspection reports as follows: (1) 2 copies to Consultant; (2) 1 copy to Contractor; (3) 2 copies to Steel Fabricator. 3. Sign report by inspector who pertorms inspection, and describe progress of Work, deficiencies found and corrective actions taken. 4. Include deficiency list of outstanding items from previous reports, and comment on status. 3.06 COATING TOUCH-UP A. After erection, give one coat of paint specified for shop coat to field bolts, field connections, burnt areas, and abrasions or damage to shop coats. 3.07 DEFECTIVE WORK A. Variations in excess of specified tolerances, and failure of materials or workmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective Work performed by this Section. B. Replace defective Work, as directed by Consultant. C. Pay for additional inspection and testing, redesign, corrective measures, and related expenses if Work has proven to be deficient. End of Section 09040-052'1 O.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Pape 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1 01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS . A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 R ELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 ' B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Steel Joists Section 05210 D. E. Steel Floor Deck Section 05320 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 F. Painting Section 09900 ' 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Ontario Building Code O.Reg. 350/06. B. The National Building Code of Canada. ' C. ASTMA446SheetSteel,Zinc-Coated(Galvanized)byHot-Dip Process, Structural(Physical) Quality. D. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mix Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. E. CANS-S136, Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. ' F. CSA W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. G. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). H. CSA W178, Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations. I. CSA W178.2, Certification of Welding Inspectors. J. CSSBI 101 M Zinc Coated Structural Quality Steel Sheet for Roof and Floor Deck. K. CSSBI 10M-Standard for Steel Roof Deck. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings 1. Submit shop and erection drawings. ' 2. Each shop drawing submitted shall bear signature and seal of Professional Engineer responsible for deck design. 3. Indicate: design loading; thicknesses and steel grade of material; zinc coating designations; layout of units; framing and supports; required minimum bearing; ' anchorages; size and spacing of fastening to meet uplift and diaphragm action; openings and their reinforcement; accessories; and details of construction. 4. Prior to submission to the Consultant the Contractor shall review all shop drawings. ' By this review, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue number and similar data orwill do so and that he has checked and co-ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractor's ' review of each shop drawings shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. 5. At time of submission, notify the Consultant in writing of any deviations in the shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract documents. ' 09040-05310 wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 2 ' 6. The Consultant's review will be for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all , requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the shop drawings has been approved in writing by the Consultant. 7. Make any changes in shop drawings which the Engineer may require consistentwith ' the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Consultant. When resubmitting, the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any revisions other than those requested by the Consultant. 8. Submit shop drawings as follows: ' (1) 5 copies for review before any Work commences (2) 1 copy of erection diagrams to Inspection and Testing Company C. Ins pection Reports 1. Distribute inspection reports as follows: (1) To Consultant: 2 copies (2) To Rocfing Subcontractor: 1 copy , (3) To Contractor: 1 copy 2. Submit reports at least weekly when shop and site work of this Section is in progress. ' 3. Sign report by the inspector who performs the inspection, and describe progress of work, the deficiencies found and the actions taken to correct them. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Qualifications 1. Design of steel deck shall be by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of ' Ontario, experienced in steel deck design. 2. Consultant will review general arrangement to verify general conformance with overall design concept of structure. 3. Steel deck design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in accordance with Section 74 Subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. , 4. Undertake weldingond/orweldinginspeaion only by personnel fully approved to one or more of the reference standards where applicable. B. Design Criteria: Design roof deck and fasteners in conformance with CSSBI Article 8.6: to ' ensure that the roof deck is capable of supporting the dead plus live loads shown on the drawings; to provide anchorage of roof deck to supporting framework; to resist the uplift loads. ' C. Suspended Loads: do not suspend ceilings, lights, ducts, piping, or any other item from steel roof deck. D. Tolerances: Lay and position roof deck within a tolerance of 6 mm in 11 m for unit alignment. ' E. Source Quality Control ' 1. Inspection and testing of materials and fabrication of work of this Section, and for field quality control specified elsewhere in this Section, will be performed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Consultant. 09040-05310.wpd ' ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 ' STEEL ROOF DECK Pa e 3 2. The Inspection and Testing Company, and welding inspectors and supervisors shall ' meet qualification requirements of CSA W 178, and shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau in Category (a), Buildings. 3. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being pertormed. ' F. Shop Inspection 1. Inspection shall ensure that materials, thickness of sheet steel, profile, welding and protective coating conform to the requirements of this specification. ' 2. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. ' 1.06 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Ship, store and install roof deck to prevent damage to the finish, denting, deformation and rusting by both careful handling and physical protection. Remove and replace deck that has ' suffered damage. B. Stack deck tilted for drainage. Raise off ground and provide spacers between each panel, with wood blocking. C. Coverstoreddeckandothercomponentswithwaterproofmaterialandprovideaircirculation. ' D. Tightly band bundles of deck when hoisting at site. E. During erection, secure deck units to supports with temporary fastening until they are F permanently welded in place, to ensure no displacement from any cause. l S b dl f d k i . ecure oose un es o ec n place at end of working day. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel To meet specified requirements of CSSBI 101 M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural Physical) Quality. 1. Grade'A', minimum. 2. Minimum Core thickness: Nominal 0.76 mm. ' 3. Coating: Zinc coating designation of ZF75. B. Cover plates, cell closures and trim shall be of same material as the deck with a minimum ' nominal thickness of 0.76 mm. C. Zinc Rich Paint: To CGSB 1-GP-181 M, coating, zinc rich, organic, ready mixed. 2.02 FABRI CATION A. Fabricate roof deck to meet specified requirements of CSA S136 of depth (and profile if noted) and to support dead and live loads, as indicated on drawings. B. Reinforcement for Openings: provide reinforcement for openings in accordance with CSSBI 10M, Clause 8.7. C F k d it i l th . orm ec un s n eng s to span continuously over at least three supports wherever possible. ' 09040-05310.wpd DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Page 4 D. Work shall include sheet steel angles, curbs, cover plates: cell closures; fasteners; stiffeners; and accessories as required. E. Holes in Deck: Provide holes in deck as indicated on drawings and for required services. Ensure that information on size and location of holes is obtained before fabrication commences. 1. Separate framing will be supplied under work of Section 05120 for holes with dimensions across flutes greater than 450 mm. 2. Do not reinforce openings of less than 150 mm. 3. Reinforce openings of more than 150 mm. 4. Reinforce openings from 300 mm to 450 mm across flutes with 65 x 65 x 6 mm structural steel angles. 5. Provide reinforcing across flutes at both ends of each opening, with members extending 450 mm at each side of opening. Weld angles to deck with 25 mm long tack welds on each side at 150 mm o.c. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION 1 1 A. Verify and approve alignment and levels of supporting members before laying roof deck. Do ' not proceed with erection until conditions are made satisfactory. 3.02 ERECTION A. Erect roof deck by its fabricator or experienced contractor. B. Placing Roof Deck Units 1. Place units aligned end to end and to provide a minimum bearing on structural steel members of 45 mm. Install necessary steel packing to level units. 2. Do not force units into place causing them to warp or deflect. 3. Lap ends of panels no less than 50 mm. C. Minimum Fastening Roof Deck Units 1. Weld flutes to steel supports with 19 mm diameter arc welds unless otherwise indicated on drawings. 2. Provide welds at end laps, and at intermediate supports, at maximum spacing of 406 mm o.c. ' 3. Secure panels to each other by clinching side laps at 600 mm o.c., or by 25 mm welds at 600 mm o.c., or by self-tapping screws at 600 mm o.c. D. Cutting and Fitting: Cut and fit deck and accessories around projections through roof. E. Reinforcement Reinforce all elements at top and bottom by a continuous web of sheet metal the same gauge as deck where they are cut longitudinally 50 mm or more from a vertical web. Reinforce holes cut in floor deck in the field as specified under Article 2.02, Fabrication. F. Cover Plates 1. Install sheet steel cover plates as may be required to support insulation and similar roofing components. 09040-05310 wpd 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05310 STEEL ROOF DECK Pa e 5 ' 2. Secure cover plates by either sheet metal screws or welding. ' G. Closures 1. Install sheet metal closures in flutes where indicated on drawings and where required to close openings as at junction of walls and partitions with deck. 2. Secure closures by either sheet metal screws or welding. 3. Install formed sheet metal closures to trim openings in steel deck at roof access hatch and elsewhere to provide a neat opening. ' 3.03 COATING TOUCH-UP AND REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE WORK A. After erection, wire brush, clean and paint welded areas, rush spots, and scratched or ' otherwise damaged areas of zinc coating on deck and shop-applied prime paint on structural members. B. Apply two coats of zinc rich paint to zinc coated areas specified above. C. Apply one coat of prime paint to prime painted areas specified above. Ensure that touch-up paint is the same type as shop coat. D. Variations in excess of specified tolerances and failure of materials or workmanship to meet requirements of this specification, and which cannot be repaired by approved methods, will be considered defective Work performed by this Section. ' E lace defective W Re rk di t d b th C lt t . p , as o rec e y e onsu an . ' F. Replace bend, warped, dented, punctured or weld perforated deck where exposed to view. G. Pay for additional inspection and testing and related expenses if Work has proven to be deficient. ' 3.04 FIEL D QUALITY CONTROL A. Pertorm field inspection by Inspection and Testing Company to meet requirements specified under Source Quality Control of this Section, and to include: 1. Erection and fastening. 2. General inspection of coating touch-up. End of Section ' 09040-05310.wpd ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 0532D ' STEEL FLOOR DECK PART 1 : GENERAL 1 01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS . ' A. Comply with the requiremen ts of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Steel Joists Section 05210 D. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. The Ontario Building Code O.Reg. 350/06. B. The National Building Code of Canada. C. ASTM A90 Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Iron and Steel Articles ' with Zinc or Zinc-Alloy Coatings D. ASTMA446SheetSteel,Zinc-Coated(Galvanized)byHot-Dip Process, Structural(Physical) Quality. E. CAN3-S136, Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. ' F. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mix Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. G. CSA C22.2 No. 79, Cellular Metal and Cellular Concrete Floor Raceways and Fittings. H. CSA W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. I. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). J. CSA W178, Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations. K. CSA W178.2, Certification of Welding Inspectors. L. CSSBI 101M Zinc Coated Structural Quality Steel Sheet for Roof and Floor Deck. ' M. CSSBI 12M-Standard for Composite Steel Deck. 1.04 SUBMITTALS ' A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings 1. Indicate thicknesses of material, layout of units, framing and supports, bearings, anchorages, openings and reinforcement, accessories and details of construction. 2. Prior to submission to the Consultant the Contractor shall review all shop drawings. By this review, the Contractor represents that he has determined and verified all field measurements, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue number and similar data or will do so and that he has checked and co-ordinated each shop drawing with the requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. The Contractor's ' review of each shop drawings shall be indicated by stamp, date and signature of a responsible person. 3. At time of submission, the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing of any deviations in the shop drawings from the requirements of the Contract documents. 4. The Consultant's review will be for conformity to the design concept and for general arrangement only and such review shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of responsibility for meeting all requirements of the Contract Documents unless a deviation on the shop drawings has been approved in writing by the Consultant. ' 09040-05320.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05320 STEEL FLOOR DECK Page 2 , 5. Make any changes in shop drawings which the Consultant may require consistent with the Contract Documents and resubmit unless otherwise directed by the Consultant. When resubmitting, the Contractor shall notify the Consultant in writing ' of any revisions other than those requested by the Consultant. C. Inspection Reports 1. Distribute inspection reports as follows: , (1) To Consultant: 2 copies. (2) To Consulting Structural Engineer: 1 copy. (3) To Contractor: 1 copy. 2. Submit reports at least weekly when shop and site work of this Section is in progress. 3. Sign report by the inspector who performs the inspection, and describe progress of work, the deficiencies found and the actions taken to correct them. , 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE , A. Qualifications: Undertake welding and/or welding inspection only by personnel fully approved to one or more of the following Codes and reference standards where applicable: 1. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). 2. CSA W178.1, Qualification Code for Welding Inspection Organizations. 3. CSA W178.2, Certification of Welding Inspectors. B. Design Criteria , 1. Design floor deck in conformance with CSSBI Article 8.6: (1) To ensure that the floor deck is capable of supporting the dead plus live loads, including concentrated loads in accordance with NBC 1995, Clause, without exceeding the allowable stresses. (2) To ensure that floor deck is capable of supporting the dead load of wet concrete plus construction loads 1/360 of the span under live load, without exceeding the specified maximum allowable steel stress. ' (3) To ensure that maximum allowable deflection of 1/240 of the span under total dead and live loads, including construction loads is not exceeded. (4) Design composite deck sections in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada for concrete strength indicated on drawings. , C. Requirements of Regulatorv Agencies: Fabricate and install deck which forms a part of a required fire rated system exactly as specified in Underwriters' Laboratories test design , specification that validates required rating. D. Tolerances: Lay and position floor deck within a tolerance of 3 mm to centre line of columns, and with units parallel to column centre lines, and with cellular units aligned within a tolerance , of 1.6 mm. E. Source Quality Control 1. Inspection and testing of materials and fabrication of work of this Section, and for ' field quality control specified elsewhere in this Section, will be pertormed by an Inspection and Testing Company appointed by the Consultant. 2. The Inspection and Testing Company, and welding inspectors and supervisors shall ' meet qualification requirements of CSA W178-173, and shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau in Category (a), Buildings. 3. Payment for specified work pertormed by the Inspection and Testing Company will be made from a cash allowance specified in Section 01005. ' 09040-05320 wptl , DIVISION 5 SECTION 05320 STEEL FLOOR DECK Pa e 3 4. Provide free access for inspectors to all places work is being performed. 1 Shop Inspection 1. Inspection shall ensure that materials, thickness of sheet steel, profile, welding and protective coating conform to the requirements of this specification. 2. Mill test reports, properly correlated to the materials, will be accepted in lieu of physical tests. 1.D6 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Label each floor deck unit to indicate Underwriters' Laboratory approved, fire rating and test design specification number. B. Ship, store and install roof deck to prevent damage to the finish, denting, deformation and rusting by both careful handling and physical protection. Remove and replace deck that has suffered damage. C. Co-ordinate work of this Section with work specified in other sections for structural bearing members, and arrange to deliver and install deck in accordance with erection schedule of bearing members. Install steel deck at the proper times to serve as safety planking during steel erection. D. Stack deck tilted for drainage. Raise off ground and provide spacers between each panel, with wood blocking. E. Cover stored deck and other components with waterproof material and provide air circulation. F. Tightly band bundles of deck when hoisting at site. G. During erection, secure deck units to supports with temporary fastening until they are permanently welded in place, to ensure no displacement from any cause. H. Secure loose bundles of deck in place at end of working day. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS O A. Sheet Steel: To meet specified requirements of ASTM A446, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process, Structural Physical) Quality: 1. Grade'A', minimum. 2. Minimum Core thickness: 0.76 mm for single element cellular steel floor. 3. Coating: Zinc coating designation of Wiped Coat with total weight on both sides of 91 g/m2 with a minimum of 76 glm2 when subjected tc triple spot test in accordance with ASTM A90. B. Shear Stud Connectors shall be Nelson headed anchors. Studs to be automatically end welded with suitable stud welding equipment in the field. Fillet welded studs shall be rejected. C. Steel deck to receive concrete toppings shall be composite deck. D. Deck shall conform to the depths noted on the drawings. Deck receiving composite shear stud connectors shall have an average bottom flute width equal to twice the deck depth. 09040-05320 wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05320 STEEL FLOOR DECK Page 4 ' E. Zinc Rich Paint: To CGSB 1-GP-181 M, coating, zinc rich, organic, ready mixed. ' 2.02 FABRI CATION ' A. Fabricate floor deck to meet specified requirements of CSA S136. B. Steel deck shall have interlocking male and female side laps. ' C. Steel deck shall span over three (3) or more supports unless prevented by the structural steel layout. D. Composite steel deck shall be formed with integral locking lugs to provide mechanical bond between concrete and steel. ' E. Work shall include sheet steel angles, curbs, cover plates: flashings at junction of columns, openings and walls with concrete slabs, and similar locations to prevent leakage of concrete topping; cell closures; fasteners; stiffeners; and accessories as required. Form cover plates of sheet steel with minimum core thickness of 0.76 mm and shaped to match profile of floor deck units at gaps between units that exceed 3.0 mm. F. Provide cell closures where required by architectural drawings and specifications at open ' ends of cell runs at columns, openings, walls etc. and where cells change direction. Form closure strips of sheet steel with minimum core thickness of 0.76 mm and shaped to match profile of floor deck units at gaps between units that exceed 3.0 mm. ' G. Holes in Deck: Provide holes in deck as indicated on drawings and for required services. Ensure that information on size and location of holes is obtained before fabrication commences. , 1. Separate framing will be supplied under work of Section 05120 for holes with dimensions across flutes greater than 300 mm. 2. Do not reinforce openings of less than 150 mm. 3. Reinforce openings from 150 to 300 mm across flutes with L 65 x 65 x 6 mm structural steel angles. Provide reinforcing across flutes at both ends of each opening with members extending 460 mm at each side of opening. Weld angles to deck with 25 mm long tack weld on each side at 150 mm o.c. ' H. Composite Non-Cellular Floor Deck Provide bond between deck and concrete by deformations rolled into the vertical webs andlor tops of flutes: 1. Profile: Vic West Steel Inc. HI-Bond H6938 38 mm deep. ' 2. End Joints -swagged far 50 mm overlap and to provide faces of deck in same plant. PART 3: EXECUTION , 3.01 EXAM INATION A. Verify and approve alignment and levels of supporting members before laying roof deck. B. Do not proceed with erection until conditions are made satisfactory. 3.02 ERECTION A. Placino Floor Deck Units 1. Place units with cells aligned end to end and to provide a minimum bearing on structural steel members of 45 mm. , 09040-05320.wptl , DIVISION 5 SECTION 05320 STEEL FLOOR DECK Pa e 5 2. Install necessary steel packing to level units. 3. Do not force units into place causing them to warp or deflect. ' 4. Lap ends of panels no less than 50 mm. 5. Ensure that ends of panels are free from distortion and rough ends, and butt them. Align units with hardwood blocks. Do not install with gap greater than 10 mm ' between ends of cells at joints. B. Fastening Floor Deck Units 1. Weld flutes to steel supports with 19 mm diameter arc welds unless otherwise indicated on drawings. 2. Provide welds at ends of units and at end laps, and at intermediate supports, at maximum spacing of 400 mm o.c. 3. Where two units abut, each unit shall be separately fastened to supports. ' 4. Tack weld end closures at 1220 mm o.c. 5. Tack weld side closures at 915 mm o.c. 6. Secure panels to each other by clinching side laps at 610 mm o.c., or by 25 mm welds at 610 mm o.c. C. Cutting and Fitting 1. Cut and fit floor deck and accessories around projections through floor. 2. Make cuts square with neatly trimmed edges. D. Reinfo rcement 1. Reinforce all elements at tap and bottom by a continuous web of sheet metal the same gauge as deck where they are cut longitudinally 50 mm or more from a vertical web. 2. Reinforce holes cut in floor deck in the field as specified under Article 2.03, ' Fabrication. E. Cover Plates 1. Install sheet steel cover plates over all gaps wider than 3 mm between units, at expansion joints, and at intersections of units that span in different directions. Cover plates shall prevent leakage of wet concrete. 2. Secure cover plates by either sheet metal screws or welding. ' F. Closures and Flashing 1. Install sheet metal flashing to contain concrete at columns, openings and similar locations where other construction does not perform this function. 2. Secure closures and (lashings by either sheet metal screws or welding. 3. Install flashing for side and end concrete forms at holes through floor and at perimeter of building, where indicated on drawings. ' G. Shear Stud Connectors: 1. Apply shear stud connectors in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions and standards, Procedural control shall be in accordance with CSA W59 as a minimum. 2. Studs shall be placed in bottom flutes of steel deck on the side closest to the nearest end of the beam. ' 3. After welding studs, remove ceramic ferules and visually inspect each stud. If the fillet is less than 360° around the base of the stud, the stud shall be hammer tested by bending the stud 30° from the vertical away from the side of no fillet. If the weld fails, replace the stud. Bent studs may be left bent. 4. If studs are welded to steel plates or members with temperatures below 0° C, one ' stud in each 100 is to be tested by the operator by bending 30° from the vertical. ' 09040-05320.wpd 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05320 STEEL FLOOR DECK Page 6 No stud welding is to be done when the base metal temperature is below -15° C or when the deck surtace is wet or the structural steel below the deck is wet. 3.03 COATING TOUCH-UP A. After erection, wire brush, clean and paint welded areas, rush spots, and scratched or otherwise damaged areas of zinc coating on deck and shop-applied prime paint on structural members. B. Apply two coats of zinc rich paint to zinc coated areas specified above. C. Apply one coat of prime paint to prime painted areas specified above. Ensure that touch-up paint is the same type as shop coat. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Perform field inspection by Inspection and Testing Company to meet requirements specified under Source Quality Control of this Section, and to include: 1. Erection and fastening. 2. General inspection of coating touch-up. End of Section 09040-05320.wpd 1 t 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 RELATED WORK A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. J. K. L. M. N. O. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. 09940-05500 wpd Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 Masonry Reinforcement and Accessories Section 04080 Masonry Section 04200 Structural Steel Section 05120 Open Web Steel Joists Section 05210 Steel Floor Deck Section 05320 Rough Carpentry Section 06100 Finish Carpentry Section 06200 Cabinetwork Section 06400 Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 05500 TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 Joint Sealers Section 07900 Glazing Section 08800 Painting Section 09900 Dasherboard Systems Section 13180 The Ontario Building Code. The National Building Code of Canada. Ontario Ministry of Labour. Ontario Provincial Standard Specification and Details. CAN3-S136 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. CAN3-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. CANlCSA S16.1, Limit States Design of Steel Structures. CANlCSA-G164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. CSA W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. CSA W48, Filler Metals and Allied Materials for Metal Arc Welding. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). CAN/CGSB-1.40, Primer, Structural Steel; Oil Alkyd Type. CAN/CGSB-1.108, Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mixed, Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. ASTM A53, Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc Coated, Welded and Seamless. ASTM A123, Zinc (Hot Dipped Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products. ASTM A153 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. ASTM A307, Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile. ASTM A325, Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength. ASTM A385 Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip). ASTM A570, Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality. ASTMA1008 Standard SpecificationforSceel, Sheet, Cold-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High- Strength Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. DIVISION 5 ' SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 2 W. ASTM A1011 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. ' X. ASTM D6386 Standard Practice for Preparation of Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coated Iron and Steel Product and Hardware Surfaces for Painting. Y. The National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers NAAMM, Metal Stair Manual. ' Z. ANSI/NAAMM MBG 53, Metal Bar Grating Manual. AA. Steel Structures Painting Council, Systems and Specifications Manual. BB. CISC/CPMA 1-73a A Quick-drying One-coat Paint for Use on Structural Steel. CC. CISClCPMA 2-75, A Quick-drying Primer for Use on Structural Steel. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Shoo Drawinos 1. Submit Shop and Erection Drawings to the Consultant for review before fabricating ' miscellaneous metal work. 2. Verify site dimensions before .proceeding with shop fabrication and to suit field conditions and field openings. ' 3. Show and describe in detail all the work of this Section including large scale detail of members and materials, of connection and jointing details, and of anchorage devices, dimensions, gauges, thicknesses, description of materials, metal finishing, as well as all other pertinent data and information, including type, size and ' description of all fasteners and anchors. 4. 5. Indicate connections to building structure. Shop drawings for all metal fabrications shall be stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario. 6. Submit written procedures for galvanizing and samples of galvanized material, for all architecturally exposed steel specified to be left galvanized. C. Man ufacturer's Data: 1. Submit duplicate copies of manufacturer's product data sheets and brochures for each paint coating to be used in the finishing of metal fabrications, including recommended procedures and precautions to be used. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS ' A. Work of this Section shall be executed by a firm thoroughly conversantwith laws, bylaws and regulations which govern and capable of workmanship of best grade of modern shop and field practice known to recognized manufacturers specializing in this work, and having a minimum ten (10) years proven experience in the fabrication of high quality metal fabrications. Use workmen skilled in work of this Section. , B. Welding shall be pertormed by trades persons certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau under CSA Standard W47.1. d b a l t ll b ' y e comp e e C. Galvanizing: hot dip galvanizing of architecturally exposed steel sha company recognized in high quality hotdip galvanizing of architectural metals. Submit proof of experience and references prior to fabrication. osoaa-ossoo wPa , t t 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 3 1.06 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Design metal stair, handrail, guardrail, landing and ladder construction and connections to OBC vertical and horizontal live load requirements. B. Stairs shall be designed and constructed to safely sustain a live load of 4.8 kPa evenly distributed over treads and landings with a maximum deflection of L/360. Furnish all supporting members required to connect to the building. C. Design stairs and guards to Ministry of Labour requirements. D. Except where specified otherwise, and where required by applicable codes, detail and fabricate stairs to NAAMM Metal Stairs Manual. 1.07 EXAMINATION A. All dimensions shall be taken from the drawings and checked against the building. Be responsi ble for the correctness of such measurements and report to the Consultant in writing all discrepancies between measurements at building and those shown on drawings prior to commencing work. Verify location of anchor bolts and embedded steel and ensure that work prepared by other trades is at a proper elevation, on line, level and true. 1.08 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Label, tag or otherwise mark work supplied for installation by other Sections to indicate its function, location and shop drawing description. B. Protect work from damage and deliver to a location at the site in orderto meet the scheduling requirements. C. Protect architecturally exposed materials during fabrication, delivery, handling, storage and erection to prevent marring of surfaces exposed to view, by marking, bending, denting or coarse grinding. D. Leave protective covering in place until final cleaning of building. Provide instructions for removal of protective coverings. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Structural Steel Sections and Steel Plate: CAN3-G40.21, Grade 350W. B. Hollow Structural Sections: CAN3-G40.21, Grade 350W. '_J C. Architectural and Miscellaneous Mild Steel: CAN3-G40.21, Grade 300W. D. Sheet Steel: (Structural Quality) ASTM-A1011. E. Sheet Steel: (Commercial Quality) ASTM-A1008, stretcher levelled or temper rolled. 09040-05500 wpd LJ DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 4 ' F. Steel pipe :ASTM A120 or ASTM A53, Schedule 40, Grade B. G. Stairgratings:WeldedsteelgratingstypeWBwithcheckeredplatenosing,galvanizedfinish. Tread depth 283 mm, width shall be as noted on the drawings. Bearing bars shall be 32 x 4.5 mm at 29 mm centres. As manufactured by Borden Metal Products Ltd. ' H. Stair landing gratings: Borden welded steel type WB, galvanized. Bearing bars shall be 38 x 4.5 mm at 29 mm centres. As manufactured by Borden Metal Products (Canada) Ltd. ' I. Checker plate: steel plate to CAN3-G40.21, Grade 300W, raised checkerboard pattern. Thickness as noted on the drawings or as required to support design loads. J. Gaskets: Noprene, minimum 5.00 mm thick x 25 mm wide. K. Machine Bolts and Nuts: ASTM Standard A307 low carbon steel externally and internally ' threaded standard fasteners. Dimensions, sizes, thread, strength, quality and type of items shall be designed for the work intended. Exposed fasteners and anchors shall be same material, colour and finish as the metal to which they are applied. ' L. Welding Materials: CSA W59. M. Welding Electrodes: CSA W48 Series. ' N. Metal Filler: Epoxy, Hysol 608 epoxy adhesive kit, or approved equal. O. Sulphur: Commercial Grade for setting of steel posts. ' P. Non-shrink Grout: 1. NS Grout by Euclid. 2. V-3 Grout by W.R. Meadows. 3. Mastertlow 713 Grout by Master Builders. 4. Non Shrink Grout by CPD. , Q. Adhesive Anchors: HILTI or Rawl Epoxy Adhesive Anchors sized to suit loading conditions, suitable for substrate. ' R. Isolation Coating: alkali resistant bituminous paint to CANlCGSB-1.108 2.02 FINISHES ' A. Primers: Afl primers for metal fabrications are to be factory applied under the requirements of this Section. Refer to Finish Schedules in Section 09900 for types of primers required for each application. ' B. Pre-Paint Finish: For galvanized surfaces to be exposed and finish painted -ASTM D2092. ASTM A153 CAN/CSA G164 ' ' C. . or - to Galvanizing: hot dipped with zinc coating 600 g/m D. Galvanizing: All steel specified to be galvanized and left exposed, to ASTM A385. ' 09040-OSSOO.wpd , DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 ' METAL FABRICATIONS Page 5 ' E. Galvanizing: All steel specified to be galvanized except above, ASTM A123, zinc (Hot-Galvanized) coatings on products fabricated from rolled, pressed and forged steel shapes, plates, bars and strips. Galvanized after all welding and grinding complete. No welding or grinding of galvanized products allowed. ' F. Zinc Rich Primer: zinc rich, organic, ready mix to CAN/CGSB-1.181: 1. Galvafroid by W.R. Meadows Ltd. 2. Devoe 13034 by ICI (Glidden) Paints. PART 3: EXECUTION L~.l 1 !. 1 3.01 FABRICATION GENERAL A. Fabricate to reviewed shop drawings and in general to details, sizes and materials indicated on drawings and specified herein. B. Fabricate work square, true, straight and accurate to required size, with joints closely fitted and properly secured. C. Fabricate work complete with all components required for anchoring; bolting or welding to structural frame; standing free or resting in frames or sockets; in a safe and sure manner. D. Where possible fit and shop assemble various sections of the work and deliver to site in largest practical sections. Where shop fabricating is not possible make trial assembly in shop. E. Ensure exposed welds are continuous for length of each joint. F. Grind and fill all welds after inspection and acceptance and leave ready for prime painting. G. Fill all open joints, depressions, seams with metallic paste filler or by continuous brazing or welding and grind smooth to true sharp arrises and profiles. H. Fit joints and intersecting members accurately. Make work in true planes with adequate fastenings. I. Supply all fastenings, anchors, accessories required for fabrication and erection of work of this Section. Such items occurring on or in an exterior wall or slab shall be hot dip galvanized. Make thread dimensions such that nuts and bolts will fit without re-threading or chasing threads. J. Make exposed metal fastenings and accessories of same material, texture, colour and finish as base metal on which they occur unless otherwise shown or specified. Keep exposed fastenings to an absolute minimum evenly spaced and neatly laid out. Make fastenings of permanent type unless otherwise indicated. K. Welding shall be done bythe shielded metal-arc method in accordancewith the requirements CSA W59. Welding operators shall be currently certified under CSA W47.1 for the work they are performing. L. Submit, when requested, welding procedures prepared and sealed by a Specialty Structural Engineer for review. 09040-05500.wpd DIVISION 5 ' SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 6 ' M. Surfaces to be welded shall be free from loose scale, rust, paint, or other foreign matter. Where weld material is deposited in two (2) or more layers, each layer shall be cleaned ' before the next layer is deposited. Care shall be taken to minimize stresses due to heat expansion, contraction and distortion by using proper sequence in welding and by approved methods. ' N. Appearance, quality of welds made, methods of correcting defective work shall be in accordance with CSA W59. 3.02 SHOP PAINTING A. Cleaning Steel: 1. Clean steel, whether it is to be painted or not, to the degree required by CISC/CPMA t 1-73a, except as specified below. 2. Prepare galvanized items scheduled to be painted in accordance with the requirements of Section 09900, and ASTM 06386. ' 3. Steel to receive a shop or field paint finish shall be cleaned in accordance with Section 09900 -Painting or SSPC SP6 "Commercial Blast Cleaning", whichever produces a surface which has less rust and mill scale. 4. Clean steel which is specified to be painted to CISC/CPMA 2-75 in accordance with ' that Standard. 5. Clean steel which is specified to receive an organic zinc-filled epoxy primer, or zinc- rich paint, or inorganic zinc primer, in accordance with SSPC-SP 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. ' 6. Clean welds by wire brushing and wash down with clean water, to remove the chemical residues left by the electrodes, prior tc painting. ' B. The following surfaces shall not be painted: 1. Surfaces and edges to be field welded. If painted, remove paint for field welding for a distance of at least 50 mm on all sides of the joint, to ensure proper fusion of the metal. , 2. The contact surfaces of friction type connections assembled by high strength bolts. Portions of steel members which are to be encased in or in contact with concrete or 3 . masonry. i d ' nte . 4. Galvanized items not specifically indicated to be pa C. Preparation and priming of all metal work which will be exposed to view and which is scheduled to be finish painted, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section ' 09900. D. Paint steel surfaces exterior to the building vapour barrier or within ice pad areas and wet , areas (as defined in Section 09900) and not specified to be galvanized or finish painted, with zinc primer, with two coats of zinc-rich paint CGSB 1.182, applied to an average dry film thickness of 1.50 mils per coat, and a minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 mils) per coat. , E. All other concealed or unpainted ferrous metal work shall be given one prime paint coat type CGSB 1.40 and in accordance with CISC/CPMA 2-75. Work paint into all corners and all joints. Metal parts in contact shall be primed before shop assembly. Priming damaged ' during erection or through lack of protection shall be cleaned and touched up. 1. Use primer unadulterated, as prepared by manufacturer. Paint on dry surfaces, free from rust, scale, grease. Do not paint when temperature is lower than 7°C. ' osoao-ossoo.wPa ' u J u 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 7 Metals in contact with other dissimilar metals, concrete or masonry materials shall be insulated or separated from one another to prevent corrosion, staining or electrolysis by use of bituminous paint. 3.03 GALVANIZING A. Steel members, fabrications, and assemblies shall be galvanized after fabrication by the hot dip process in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A123. B. Galvanizing of architecturally exposed steel shall be completed by a company recognized in the application of High Quality galvanized finishes and in accordance with ASTM A385. C. Prepare metals to be galvanized in accordance with requirements of ASTM D6386. D. Bolts, nuts, washers, iron, and steel hardware components shall be galvanized in accordance with CSA G164 or ASTM A153. E. Coatino Requirements: 1. Weight: the weight of the galvanized coating shall conform with Table 1 of CSA G164 or paragraph 6.1 of ASTM A123 and Table 1 of ASTM A153 (as appropriate). 2. Surface Finish: The galvanized coating shall be continuous, adherent, as smooth and evenly distributed as possible and free from any defect that is detrimental to the stated end use of the coated article. The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection and coating thickness measurements. 3. Adhesion: the galvanized coating shall be sufficiently adherent to withstand normal handling. 3.04 METAL GRATING STAIRS A. Form stringers from C250 x 23 unless indicated otherwise or required to meet design requirements. B. Continue stringers at landings with minimum 127 mm high kickplates. C. Treads and landings shall be prefabricated bar gratings with checkered plate nosings welded tc stringers. D. Provide landing support framing including HSS posts and base plates anchored to concrete slabs, as detailed. E. Provide minimum 125 mm high kickplates at landings. F. Provide all necessary angles, channels, clips, plates and anchors as required to support all stair treads and landings and as shown on the drawings. 3.05 METAL RAILINGS A. Definition: the term railing shall be taken to mean balustrades, guards, rails and handrails. B. Design and fabricate railings to conform toallapplicableOntarioBuildingCoderequirements. 09040-05500.wptl DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 8 ' C. Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate railings as follows: id t h e ave an ou s 1. Fabricate handrails and guardrails as detailed. Pipe rails shall ' diameter of not more than 38 mm. Close open ends of tubular members with welded steel plugs. 2. Extend handrails horizontally at top and bottom of each flight of stairs as shown on the drawings but not less than 305 mm beyond stair nosing at top of stair and 610 ' mm at bottom of stair. 3. Turn handrails down at exposed ends or turn into wall as detailed. s unless indicated tr 1070 ' mm cen e 4. Support railings at each end, and at maximum otherwise or required to meet loading requirements of the Ontario Building Code. 5. Minimum wall thicknesses of tubular railings: 2.5 mm. 6. At corners, angles and intersections, cope or mitre railings, weld and grind smooth. , 7. Pickets shall be minimum 13 mm diameter solid steel bars at 100 mm centres. 8. Railings at rink spectator viewing areas, ramps and stairs shall be as detailed. I TY SUPPORT BRACKETS ' 3.06 VAN A. Provide supports to vanities where indicated, constructed of 3.0 mm steel plate with 38 mm wide horizontal and vertical legs formed to profile indicated. Locate supports at end of vanity, ' as detailed. B. Finish: Shop coat primer. Fabrications in rink area dressing rooms to be shot blasted and , painted with zinc rich primer. C. Coordinate with Division 6. ' 3.07 BENCH SUPPORT BRACKETS AND POSTS A. Provide steel angle and steel post bench support framing and anchors as detailed. All rough edges to be ground smooth. , B. Steel to be prime painted. Fabrications in wet areas to be shot blasted and painted with zinc rich primer. ' C. Provide integral anchor assemblies for setting into concrete bench supports as detailed. D. Pre-drill bench support assemblies for anchor bolts and screws. ' 3.08 PIPE BOLLARDS with l t f i h ' A. own, comp e e s ze s Steel pipe bollards schedule 40 standard weight, steel pipe o anchors and sleeves, install plumb and free of defects detrimental to appearance and pertormance. Bollards shall be one piece construction no welds allowed. ' B. Concrete supplied and installed under the works of Section 03300. C. Finish: prime painted except where cast into concrete. ' osoao~ossoo wPa ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 ' METAL FABRICATIONS Page 9 ' 3.09 ANGLE LINTELS A. Provide all loose steel angle lintels required to support openings and recesses in masonry walls, whether indicated on the drawings or not. Refer to Architectural, Structural and ' Mechanical drawings for locations of openings. Lintels shall be as scheduled on the Structural drawings. ' B. Steel angles: CAN3-G40.21, Grade 3DOW, sizes indicated for openings. Provide 150 mm minimum bearing at ends unless otherwise indicated . C. Weld or bolt back-to-back angles to profiles as indicated. D Section 04200 l for installation b Su . . y y pp ' E. Lintels shall be prime painted unless otherwise indicated. 3.10 DOOR FRAMES A. Fabricate bent steel plate jambs as detailed with adjustable 3 mm x 35 mm x 300 mm ' galvanized masonry anchors at 400 o.c. vertical staggered and L100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm base plate pre-drilled for anchoring to floor slab. ' B. Return bent plate jambs minimum 75 mm for mounting of door hardware. C. Finish: Zinc rich paint with bituminous back paint where exposed to or encased in, masonry ' or concrete. 3.11 SUP PORT FRAMING CEILING HUNG TOILET PARTITIONS ' A. Where indicated, provide hanger and channel support framing for toilet partitions. B. Coordinate with respective Section in Division 10. ' C. Pre-drill flanges of support framing in accordance with templates provided by toilet partition supplier. D. Install at locations and within tolerances indicate. Brace support assemblies. 3.12 SUM P PITS ' A. Provide sump pit frames and checkered plate covers as indicated and detailed. B. Frames shall be one piece welded construction with anchor straps for casting into concrete ' slabs. C. Seal covers to frames with neoprene gaskets. ' D. Covers shall be screwed to frames with countersunk screws. E. Finish: prime painted except where cast into concrete. 09040-05500.wpd 1 DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS Page 10 ' 3.13 INSTALLATION , A. Supervise the setting of bases, anchor bolts, and other steel to concrete connections. Cutting of base plates to accommodate anchor bolts is cause for rejection of base plates. B. Work shall be fabricated and erected square, plumb and true, straight, level and accurately ' fitted to size detailed on reviewed Shop Drawings. Alljoints shall be welded unless otherwise indicated. Exposed welds shall be ground smooth andlor flush. Exposed work shall be finished smooth and even, close joints and neat connections. Exposed welds continuous for ' full length of joints. C. Provide all bracing and shoring required to support the work of this Section, during installation. ' D. Where anchors, fastenings or sleeves, have to be built in by other trades, supply all necessary templates, instructions and supervision to ensure satisfactory installation. , E. Do all drilling, cutting and fitting necessary to attach this work to adjoining work and make it complete. ' F. Provide all components required for anchoring. Make anchoring in concealed mannerwhere possible. Exposed anchors shall be approved by the consultant, shall be neat, and of the same material, colour, texture and finish of base metal on which they occur. Exposed ' fastenings shall be evenly spaced. G. Securely anchor components in place. Unless otherwise indicated, anchor components as follows: ' 1. To concrete and solid masonry with expansion or epoxy adhesive type anchors. 2. To hollow construction with toggle bolts. 3. To thin metal with screws or bolts. , 4. To thick metal with bolts or by welding. 5. To wood with bolts or lag screws. 6. Fill space between railing members and sleeves with non shrink grout. , H. Fasten metals to exterior building envelope with gasketted fasteners to maintain integrigrity of exterior building envelope and air barriers. Metal Stair Manual ith NAAMM d i i ll ' . , n accor ance w rs I. Insta sta J. Coordinate installation of roof perimeter angles and channels with other Sections. , K. Grind all field welds smooth. L. Touch up shop coat of prime paint where damaged by field erection. ' M. Touch up galvanized finishes with zinc rich paint. 3.14 SCHEDULE ' A. General 1. Supply and install all metal fabrications indicated on Drawings and as described ' below, and not included in the work of other Sections in addition to items listed below. 09040-05500.wptl ' 1 ' DIVISION 5 SECTION 05500 ' METAL FABRICATIONS Pa a 11 ' 2. Where items are required to be built into masonry, concrete or other work supply such items to respective Sections with all anchors and accessories for building in. 3. All items shall be of sizes and as detailed on drawings. 4. Coordinate with Section 09900 for preparation of exposed metal items required to ' have finish coatings applied in the field. 5. Coordinate and sequence the work to ensure timely delivery to the site, of all items to be built in. ' 6. Review all coordination drawings prior to installation of materials, to ensure that no interferences with the work of other Sections will occur. B. Itemized Lisf N D i ti o. escr p on Finish 1. Miscellaneous angles, anchors, bolts and hardware. As specified to suit location ' 2. Shelf angles, clips and channels. As specified to suit location 3. Masonry wall lateral support framing and clips. As specified to suit location 4. Loose steel lintels. Prime painted ' S. Miscellaneous equipment support steel as detailed. As specified to suit location 6. Support framing for sliding grilles and shutters as indicated including hanger and bracing assemblies Prime painted. ' 7. 8. Miscellaneous window and door support framing. Overhead door and rolling shutter door frame Prime painted assemblies. Prime painted 9. Checker plate sump pit covers, with steel angle f Prime painted/galvanized ' rame and gaskets. Bituminous back paint 10. Steel pipe bollards. Prime painted 11. Bench support brackets and posts. Prime painted ' 12. 13. Vanity support brackets. Arena dressing room coat hooks and shelves Prime painted Prime i t d . pa n e 14. Steel grating stairs Prime painted/galvanized 15. Guardrails and kick plates. Prime painted ' 16. Handrails and handrail brackets. Prime painted 17. Rainwater leaders as detailed Prime painted 18. All other metal fabrication items shown on the ' drawings and not specified elsewhere. As specified to suit location End of Section ' 09040-05500.wpd J 1 lJ LJ fl DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Formwork Section 03100 B. Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 C. Masonry Section 04200 D. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 E. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 F. Cabinet Work Section 06410 G. Building Insulation Section 07200 H. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 I. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 J. Joint Sealers Section 07900 K. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 L. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 M. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 N. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 O. Dasherboard Systems Section 13180 P. Electrical Division 16. 1.03 REFERENCES A. CSA-080-M Wood Preservation. B. CSA-080.1 Preservative Treatment of all Timber Products by Pressure Processes. C. CSA 080.9 Preservative Treatment of Plywood by Pressure Processes. D. CSA 086.1 Engineering Design in Wood (Limit States Design). E. CSA 0121-M Douglas Fir Plywood. F. CSA 0141 Softwood Lumber. G. CSA 0151-M Canadian Softwood Plywood H. CAN/CSA-0115 Hardwood and Decorative Plywood. I. CSA 8111 Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. J. CSA G164 Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. K. CAN/CGS671.26Adhesive for FieldGlueingPlywoodtoLumberFramingforFloorSystems. L. CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. M. National Lumber Grading Authority (NGLA), Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber. 1.04 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with applicable requirements of Ontario Building Code (OBC). 1.05 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Supply lumber graded and stamped by an agency certified by Canadian Lumber Standards Administrative Board. B. Supply plywood graded and stamped in accordance with applicable CSA standards. ossao-osi oo.wpd DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Page 2 C. Supply other panel products marked with a recognized, visible grade stamp. 1.06 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Materials shall not be delivered before they are required for proper conduct of the work. B. Protect materials, under cover, both in transit and on the site. C. Store materials to prevent deterioration or the loss or impairment of their structural and other essential properties. Do not store materials in areas subject to high humidity and areas where masonry and concrete work are not completely dried out. D. Store sheathing materials level and flat, in a dry location. Protect panel edges from moisture at all times. E. Protect work from damage during storage, handling, installation and until date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use materials specified herein. All material shall be new. B. Structural members shall conform to CSA 086.1. C. Construction Lumber: to CSA 0141, S-P-F S4S, surface-dry, graded and stamped in accordance with current National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA) Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber. Moisture content of softwood lumber not to exceed 19% at time of installation. 1. Furring, Blocking, Nailing Strips, Grounds, Rough Bucks, Cants, Curbs Fascia Backing and Sleepers: S4S, "Standard" or better grade for board, post and timber sizes, "Standard" light framing or better for dimension sizes. 2. Fitment framing: No. 1 Common Pine. 3. Finger jointed lumber is not acceptable D. Panel Materials: Plywood identification shall be by grade mark in accordance with applicable CSA Standards. Type, grade and thickness as specified in accordance with the following standards: 1. Softwood Plywood: to CSA 0151-M, standard construction, good one or both sides as required, thickness as shown or specified. 2. Douglas Fir Plywood: To CSA 0121-M, standard construction, good one side, thickness as shown on the drawings. 3. Plywood used for exposed interior work (equipment backboards): to CSA-0115, select grade veneer, one or both faces where exposed, with fire retardant finish. Fire retardant shall be in accordance with CSA-080.1, and all treated materials shall bear a ULC approval stamp. E. LumberforExteriorFencesandEnclosures:SelectGradeEasternWhiteCedar,roughsawn. F. Pressure treated materials shall conform to CSA-080.1 and CSA-080.9. 1. Odourless, waterborne for clear finish. osoao-osioo wPa 1 1 !I 1 ' DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ' ROUGH CARPENTRY ' 2. SCAOMD Rule #1113 -Architectural Coatings. Maximum allowable VOC limit 350 g/L. G. Fire Retardant Treatment: To ULC S102 and CSA 080.20 . Flame spread rating 25 or less. ' 1. SCAOMD Rule #1113 -Architectural Coatings. Maximum allowable VOC limit 350 g/L. ' H. Rough Hardware: Nails, screws, anchors and special fastening devices required for the erection of rough carpentry shall be galvanized and conform to CSA 6111. Use common spiral nails and spiral spikes except where indicated otherwise. Use hot dip galvanized finished steel for exposed exterior work, highly humid interior areas and for pressure ' preservative and fire retardant treated lumber. I. Bolt, nut, washer, screw and pin type fasteners: hot dip galvanized finish to CSA G164 M. J. Exterior hardware: Hot dipped galvanized, heavy duty as indicated on the drawings and as required. K. Adhesive: contractors gun grade wood adhesive, waterproof. L. Sealant: As specified under Section 07900. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Workmanship 1. Execute work using skilled mechanics according to best practice, as specified herein and indicated on drawings. ' 2. Lay out work carefully and to accommodate work of other trades. Accurately cut and fit; erect in proper position true to dimensions; align, level, square, plumb, adequately brace, and secure permanently in place. Jain work only over solid backing. B. Rough Hardware 1. Work shall include rough hardware such as nails, bolts, nuts, washers, screws, clips, hangers, connectors, strap iron, and operating hardware for temporary enclosures. ' 2. Fasten rough hardware; to hollow masonry units with adequate size toggle bolts; to solid masonry or concrete surfaces with expansion shields and lag screws. Where screws are required, use lead or inorganic fibre plugs. Wood or organic plugs are ' not permitted. Do not ramset fastenings into concrete floor or concrete block or structural steel sections. C. Surface Applied Wood Preservative ' 1. Treat surfaces of material with wood preservative before installation. Apply preservative after materials have been cut and fit to size. Apply two coats of preservative shall to cut ends. 2. Apply preservative by dipping, or by brush or spray to completely saturate and maintain wet film on surface for minimum 3 minute soak on lumber and one minute soak on plywood. 3. Retreat surfaces exposed by cutting, trimming, or boring with 2 coats of brush application of preservative before installation. 4. All wood in contact with masonry or concrete shall be dipped in a tank of preservative for two minutes after fabrication, cutting or boring. ' 09040-06100.wptl DIVISION 6 SECTION 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY Page 4 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Roof Blocking Curbs and Copings 1. Provide and install framing, blocking, curbs and copings as indicated on the drawings. Anchor blocking securely in permanent manner. 2. Provide minimum 10 mm Douglas Fir plywood copings on all built-up wood copings and curbs as detailed. 3. All wood curbs shall be filled with fibrous insulation specified in Section 07200. 4. Provide shims and blocking necessary for levelling of roof hatches and equipment curbs. B. Installation of Door Frames 1. Install pressed steel door frames as specified in Section 08100. C. Blockin 1. Provide solid wood or plywood backing to walls to support cabinetwork, vanities, accessories, grab bars, baby change tables, towel rails, handrails, specialty items and the like. Install blocking continuous between metal studs and of sufficient height to support fitments. 2. Provide solid wood blocking, shims and Hailers as required to provide substrate for window stools. 3. Provide wood strapping where required to support fitments and equipment. 4. Provide blocking to support overhead shutters and rolling grilles as detailed or required. 5. Provide wood strapping lagged to walls and as required to support metal lockers. Coordinate with Section 10500. 6. Provide continuous wood blocking as required and where detailed in walls and partitions at door and window jambs. Blocking in exterior cavity walls shall be pressure treated. D. Fencing and Enclosures 1. Construct fencing and enclosures as detailed on the drawings. 2. Lay out fence post locations and coordinate installation of concrete footings with Section 03300. Fence posts shall be evenly spaced between terminal or corner posts. 3. Build all items plumb, square and level. Use galvanized hardware and fasteners. 4. Hang and adjust gates complete with all hardware. E. Header Trench Covers 1. Install wood header trench cover planking to match existing, over entire header trench assembly. Material shall be select deck grade timber framing. 2. All header trench covers shall be preservative pressure treated. Electrical Equipment Backboards 1. Provide backboards for mounting electrical, security, public address and telephone equipment as indicated. Use 19 mm thick select grade face veneer fire retardant softwood plywood on 19 x 38 mm furring around perimeterand at maximum 305 mm intermediate spacing. 2. Install at heights and locations as directed by related Sections. 3. Priqr to installing back boards ensure that backboards are back primed as specified in Section 0990D. End of Section 09040-06100.wpd 1 1 1 u ' DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 1 ' PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A . Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A . Masonry Section 04200 B . Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C . Cabinet Work Section 06410 D . Metal Fabrications Section 05500 ' E . Joint Sealers Section 07900 F. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 G . Finish Hardware Section 08710 ' H . Glazing Section 08800 I. Painting Section 09900 J. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 ' K. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 1.03 R EFERENCES ' A. ANSI A208.1, Mat-Formed Wood Particleboard B. CAN/CGSB-11.3-M, Hardboard C . CSA 0115-M, Hardwood and Decorative Plywood D . CSA 0121-M, Douglas Fir Plywood E. CSA 0151-M, Canadian Softwood Plywood F. CSA 0153-M, Poplar Plywood. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. 1 B Submit shop drawings. Indicate details of construction, profiles, jointing, fastening and other related details. Indicate all materials, thicknesses, finishes and hardware. C. Submit product data for plastic lumberincludingMSDS, Manufacturer's Qualifications:Proof of compliance and manufacturer's installation and fabrication instructions. ' 1.05 SAMPLES A. Submit duplicate 300 mm long samples of each type of solid wood or 300 x 300 mm square type of plywood to receive stain or natural finish, in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Submit 250 mm long samples of each type of trim and moulding. C. Submit 300 mm long by 100 mm wide pieces of integral colored plastic lumber showing full range of available colours, five colours minimum. ' 09040-06200.wptl DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 2 1.06 STANDARDS A. Do millwork to Millwork Standards of Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers Association of Canada(AWMAC). All materials and workmanshipshallbeAWMACPremiumGradeunless noted otherwise. B. Lumber and wood products shall be graded in accordance with the National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA) Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Plastic Lumber Manufacturer's Qualifications: Minimum five years experience in producing , fiberglass reinforced thermoplastic lumber. 1.08 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Refer to section 01610- Common Product Requirements. B. Store finished carpentry items in clean, dry, ventilated area. During shipment and storage, materials shall have protective covering. C. Cover plastic laminate and stainless steel items with heavy Kraft paper and place in corrugated cardboard cartons with corners well padded to avoid damage. D. Handle plastic lumber material with gloves; refer to MSDS. E. Scrap Materials: Manufacturer of plastic lumber shall maintain a program to permit return of scrap materials. 1.09 WARRANTY A. Provide a written guarantee stating that "finished carpentry work shall be guaranteed for two years following date of Substantial Performance against warpage, opening ofjoints, cracking, shrinking, and similar defects." B. Special Warranty: 25-year limited warranty for plastic lumber against termites and fungal decay for a period of 25 years. Provide additional Warranty not to rot, split, splinter or check. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Softwood Lumber: To CAN/CSA 0141 and National Lumber Grades Authority requirements, S45, with maximum moisture content of 19% or less for interior work, to AWMAC premium grade. B. Hardwood Lumber: To NHLA requirements, moisture content of 6% maximum, maple species, AWMA Custom Grade. C. Hardwood Veneered Plywood: To CSA 0115, of thickness indicated, Type II Select Grade Maple, where transparent finish is required and Solid Grade where paint finish is required. Good two sides for work with two sides exposed to view; good one side for work with one side exposed to view. Use particle board core with Type I bond. 09040-06200 wptl 1 1 t t i 1 DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 3 D. Soft Plywood: to CSA 0151-M Standard Grade, solid two sides. Use in concealed locations only, except as indicated. High density DFP plywood at wet locations. E. Douglas Fir Plywood: To CSA 0121, good two sides, tight face select sheathing, high density overlaid. F. Poplar Plywood: To CSA 0153-M sanded grade construction grade overlaid grade. G. Mat-Formed Wood Particle Board: To CAN3-0188.1-M grade, sanded faces, of thickness indicated. H. Plastic Lumber: Trimax Decking System Trimax Structural Lumber as manufactured by Trimax Building Products, Luxemburg, WI or approved equivalent. 1. General: Heat-formed extruded shapes of fiberglass reinforced foamed polyolefin manufactured from approximately 80 percent recycled domestic and industrial plastics with reactive compatibilizers to stabilize the plastic/fibre matrix. 2. Allowable Design Stresses: Not less than the following as determined by rational engineering analysis, and demonstrated by comprehensive testing performed by an independent testing laboratory. 3. Properties: 4. 5. Mechanical Properties @ 70°F Test Method Average Value Test Method Average Value Density, Ibslcu.ln. ASTM D6111 .027 - .030 Modulus of rupture (ultimate) ASTM D198 ASTM D6109 2900 psi 2900 psi Modulus of elasticity ASTM D198 ASTM D6109 420,D00 psi 325,000 psi Compression parallel to grain (ultimate) ASTM 198 1740 psi Compression perpendicular to grain (ultimate) ASTM D143 700 psi Shear parallel to grain ASTM D143 730 psi Tension parallel to grain (ultimate) ASTM 198 1250 psi Screw withdrawal ASTMD1761 3801bs Coeffcient thermal expansion in/in /°F ASTM D6341 0.000034 Coeffcient of friction C Tribometer (dry) 0.61 Sizes: As indicated. colour: Integral colour throughout; colour will be selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's available colours. 2.02 FASTENERS AND ADHESIVES A. Nails and Staples: To CSA B111; plain finish, spiral thread nails. 09040-06200.wptl LJ DIVISION 6 , SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Page 4 ' B. Rough Hardware: Bolts, lag screws, anchors, nails and expansion shields required to secure ' this portion of work. Rough hardware hot dip galvanized conforming to latest edition of CAN/CSA-G164. All fasteners used in damp or wet areas to be suitable for use in corrosive environment. Use hot dipped galvanized or other material approved by the Consultant. C. Stainless Steel hardware: Type 316 Stainless steel for exposed or wet locations, tamper ' proof. D. Wood Screws: to CSA B 35.4 plain, type and size to suit application. , E. Adhesives and Sealers: To CSA 0112-M, waterproof, type as appropriate for the intended application. ' F. Splines: wood or metal, to suit application. PART 3: EXECUTION , 3.01 FABRICATION. GENERAL A. Field measure all dimensions. i B. Fabricate all finish carpentry items to AWMAC premium grade, and in accordance with the reviewed shop drawings. , C. Set nails and screws, apply stained plain wood filler to indentations, sand smooth and leave ready to receive finish. ' D. Ease edges of solid lumber components to 1.6 mm radius. E. Provide 1 D mm thick solid matching wood strip on plywood and particle board edges 13 mm , or thicker, exposed in final assembly. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Provide heavy duty grounds as necessary for secure installation of cabinetwork. B. All wood surfaces shall be sanded smooth, ready to receive finish. t C. Scribe and cut as required, fit to abutting walls and surfaces, fit properly into recesses and to accommodate piping, columns, fixtures, outlets or other projecting, intersecting or ' penetrating objects. D. Form joints to conceal shrinkage. E. Set and secure materials and components in place, rigid plumb and square. ' F. Provide heavy duty fixture attachments for wall mounted cabinet work. ' G. Design and select fasteners to suit size and nature of components being joined. Use proprietary devices as recommended by manufacturer. H. Set finishing nails to receive filler. Where screws are used to secure members, countersink ' screws in round, cleanly cut hole and plug with wood plug to match material being secured. 09040-06200 wptl , ' DIVISION 6 SECTION 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY Pa e 5 ' I. Replaceitemsoffinishcarpentrywithdamagetowoodsurfacesincludinghammerandother bruises. J. Install in accordance with the AW MAC Quality Standards Manual, Part 6, Item 6 for premium ' grade. All fastenings shall be concealed. 3.03 PLASTIC LUMBER BENCHES ' A. Install bench seating where indicated using plastic lumber and in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. ' B. Install bench seats as detailed with countersunk stainless steel carriage bolts. C. Coordinate benches in dressing roams and arena seating areas with Section 04200 and Section 05500. D. Install arena bleacher seating as detailed, anchored to concrete with 10 mm diameter stainless steel expansion anchors and carriage bolts, countersunk, at 800 clc staggered centres. 3.04 DOOR INSTALLATION A. Install doors in accordance with instructions in Section 08100 and manufacturer's printed instructions. ' B. Install door grilles specified in Section 10950. 3.05 FINISH HARDWARE INSTALLATION A. Finish hardware will be supplied for installation under this Section. B. Prepare doors and frames in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and templates. Install finish hardware complete in all respects, hang doors and make adjustments necessary. C. Doors shall swing freely. Where thresholds are to be used, door bottom shall be finished to suitthresholdsasrequired. Where indicated on door schedulesordrawingsunder-cut doors. D. Install door signs, bumpers and coat hooks. ' 3.06 MISCELLANEOUS A. Install Washroom Accessories as specified in Section 10800, including accessories supplied by Owner. B. Install Miscellaneous Specialties specified in Section 10950. End of Section L__l 09040-06200 wptl C'~ DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 ' CABINETWORK Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 B. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C . Finish Carpentry Section 06200 D . Joint Sealers Section 07900 ' E. Glazing Section 08800 F. Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile Section D9310 G H . Painting Section 09900 . Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 I. Mechanical Division 15 J. Electrical Division 16 1.03 R EFERENCES A. ANSI A208.1, Mat-Formed Wood Particleboard ' B. CAN/CGSB-11.3-M, Hardboard C . CSA 0115-M, Hardwood and Decorative Plywood D . CSA 0121-M, Douglas Fir Plywood E. CSA 0151-M, Canadian Softwood Plywood ' F. CSA 0153-M, Poplar Plywood 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Unless otherwise specified, carry out finish carpentry work in accordance with the requirements of"Millwork Standards" (latest issue) of Architectural Woodwork Manufacturers' ' Association of Canada (AWMAC), Custom Grade. 1.05 DEFINITION A. "Exposed" when referred to in this Section, shall mean all parts which can be viewed and shall include interiors of cupboards, cabinets and countertops, backs of doors, shelving, gables, and drawers. ' 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Submit detailed shop drawings for cabinetwork showing proposed assembly, connections, anchorage, materials, dimensions, thickness, and finishes. C. Submit duplicate, 300 mm long samples of each type of solid wood and 300 x 30D mm ' samples of each type of plywood used in exposed work and scheduled to receive stained or natural finish, complete with specified finish, prior to fabrication of cabinetwork. D. Submit sample of each type of cabinet hardware component used. O 09040-06410.wpd u DIVISION 6 ' SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK Page 2 ' 1.07 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Protectagainstdamage,includingdamagebyexcessivechangesinmoisturecontent,during delivery and storage. Maintain minimum storage temperature of 16°C, and relative humidity of 25% to 55%. ' B. Cover plastic laminate faces at shop with heavy Kraft paper. C. Do not deliver finish carpentry components to site before all wet trades are completed, the ' building is closed in and humidity conditions on site are acceptable. Do not deliver during rain or damp weather. D. Store materials on site in such a way as to prevent deterioration or loss or impairment of , essential properties. Prevent excessive moisture gain of materials. 1.08 PROTECTION ' A. Provide coverings as necessary to protect finish carpentry components from damage of any kind during storage and after installation. ' 1.09 WARRANTY A. At no cost Owner, remedy any defects in work of this Section due to delamination and warping of plastic laminated finish carpentry components for a period of two (2) years from ' date of Substantial Performance. Provide Owner with a written warranty to this effect. PART 2: PRODUCTS , 2.01 MATERIALS A. Solid Wood: 1 Unless otherwise indicated, provide AWMAC Premium Grade. 2 All wood materials shall be new, straight and clean, free of sap, knots, pitch, and other defects, except as permitted by applicable grading rules. ' 3 All wood shall be kiln dried to a maximum moisture content of 7%. 4 Softwood: to CSA 0141, dressed all sides used in concealed locations. B. Plywood: 1. Hardwood Plywood: to CSA 0115-M, Type II Select Grade Maple, where transparent finish is required and Solid Grade where paint finish is required. 2. Grade A face, book matched, flat cut maple face and No. 3 edge. , 3. Soft Plywood: to CSA 0151-M Standard Grade, solid two sides. Use in concealed locations only, except as indicated. 4. D. Fir Plywood: To CSA 0121, High density DFP plywood at wet locations. , C. Hardboard: To CGSB 11-GP-3M, Type 2, 6 mm thick or as indicated. Plastic Laminate Components: ' 1 Plastic laminate facing sheet: CSA CAN3-A172-M, PF-S and GP-S; colours, gloss and texture will be selected by Consultant from full range of products by Formica, Arborite, Pionite, Nevamar or Wilsonart. ' 2 Backing sheet: BK Grade by manufacturer of facing sheet. 3 Core: CAN3-0188.1 M, Grade R. aeoao-osa~o.wpd lJI' LJ ' 2.02 LJ DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK 4 Laminating adhesive: CAN3-0112 Series M. 5 Core sealer: clear water resistant synthetic resin sealer. E. Melamine Overlaid Panels: 1 Melamine overlay, heat and pressure laminated with phenolic resin to 12.7 mm thick particle board. 2 Overlay bonded to both faces where exposed two sides, and when panel material require surtace on one side only, reverse side to be overlaid with a plain balancing sheet. 3 Furniture finish: solid colour as selected by the consultant. 4 Edge Finishing: matching melamine and polyester overlay edge strip with self- adhesive. Fasteners and Adhesive: 1. All fasteners used in wet areas shall be suitable for use in a corrosive environment. Use hot dipped galvanized or other materials approved by the Consultant. 2. Nails and staples: CSA 8111, galvanized, spiral head nails. 3. Screws: To CSA 635.4 zinc, cadmium or chrome plated steel. 4. Splines: wood or metal, to suit application. 5. Adhesive: To CSA 0112-M, type as appropriate for the intended application waterproof. Complying with ANSIlWDMA I.S-1 series. Contact bond not acceptable. 6. Avoid the use of adhesives, preservatives, synthesizing agents and finish coatings that contain formaldehyde and high V.O.C. content. G. Cabinet Hardware: Products listed are a standard of acceptance. Products by other manufacturers, of equal quality and similar appearance may also be accepted subject to review and approval by Consultant. 1. Shelf Standards: Knape & Vogt KV80, Anochrome finish. 2. Brackets: Knape & Vogt KV180, Anochrome finish. 3. Hinges: Blum concealed hinges, 125° clip and 125° opening with selfclosing spring. Full or half overlay. Nickel plated steel. 4. Cabinet Pulls: Richelieu D-Pull No: 30134-170, 96 mm c.c. brushed stainless steel. 5. Drawer locks: CCL 0738 pin tumbler MK & KA by room. 6. Cabinet locks: CCL 0737 pin tumbler MK & KA by room. 7. Catches: Type optional with manufacturer. 8. Sliding Glass Door Track: Knape & Vogt KV P992ZC, zinc plated chrome. 9. Sliding Glass Door Lock: Knape & Vogt KV 963, adjustable ratchet lock, polished chrome. 10. Sliding Glass Door Pulls: Knape & Vogt KV 836, threaded finger pull, anachrome finish. 11. Aluminum trim, corners caps and reveals: Custom formed, extruded aluminum trim, reveals, caps and corners to sizes shown, clear anodized finish. 12. Other hardware as detailed or required. A. General Requirements 1 Exposed joints and edges: a. Uniformly space exposed joints unless otherwise indicated. b. No edge grain shall be visible; mitre external corners, house internal fasteners. Glue mitred corners. c. All exposed edges of plywood and particle board shall have solid wood edging, pressure glued. AWMAC No. 3 edge. ' 09040-06410.wpd u DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK Page 4 ' D. Ease edges of solid lumber components to 1.6 mm radius. 2 Mechanical Fasteners: a. Inconspicuously locate mechanical fasteners. Wherever possible, conceal fastenings. b. Countersink nail heads. ' c. Where exposed to view, countersink screw and bolt heads and fill holes with matching wood plugs. d. Cutting and fitting: make cutouts in work of this Section as required to , accommodate work of other Sections. e. Make provisions in cabinetwork to accept built-in appliances, provided by others. ' B. Plasti c Laminate Components: 1. Unless otherwise specified herein, comply with requirements of CAN3-A172-M Appendix 'A'. , 2. Assembly: Bond plastic laminate to core with adhesive, under pressure. 3. Core: unless otherwise indicated: 19 mm thick; countertops 28 mm thick. 4. Balanced construction: plastic laminate covered components shall be of balanced construction, with plastic laminate on both faces of core. Seal core edges not ' covered with plastic laminate. 5. Use largest practicable plastic laminate sheet size. 6. Provide joints symmetrically; provide joints as corners and at changes in superficial areas; provide concealed draw bolt anchors and joints. All butt joints shall have a , blind spine. 7. 8. Construct countertops postformed or self edged as detailed on drawings. Apply self-edged minimum 1.0 mm thick plastic laminate to exposed ends of ' countertops. 9. Construct splashbacks minimum 100 mm high or higher where indicated. Do not return postformed splashback at ends except where specifically called for. 10. Openings and cutouts: , i. Radius internal corners at least 3 mm and chamfer edges. ii. Where core edge is to remain exposed, cover with plastic laminate edging. iii. Where core edge is to be concealed, seal with sealer. ' C. Cabinetwork 1. Exceptwhereothenvisedetailed,useflushoverlaidconstruction.Tenon,dado,dowel, or rabbet interior construction with all parts well glued. Shoulder mitre all exposed , corners. Open ends or skeleton frames against walls are not permitted. 2. Unless otherwise permitted by Consultant, use unitized construction system for all components. ' 3. Provide cupboards with 6 mm thick plywood backs. 4. Construct cabinetwork components of plastic laminate or hardwood veneer faced particle board as indicated and in accordance with AWMAC Custom grade.. 5. Rout gables for pilaster strips where adjustable shelving is required. , 6. Construct shelving as indicated with edge moulding to match. 7. Construct doors and drawer fronts of 19 mm plastic laminate faced plywood. 8. Construct doors 19 mm thick with sides tongued into front and back housed into sides. 9. Install cabinet hardware in accord with hardware manufacturer's directions. Unless ' otherwise indicated, provide each drawer and door with pull, each drawer with extension hardware and each door with minimum two hinges. Provide locks where indicated. 10. Apply moisture repellent sealer to concealed backs of cabinetwork. ' 09040-06410 wptl , ' DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK Pa e 5 ' 11. Coordinate installation of wiring for concealed and built in light fixtures with Division 16. D . Display Cases: 1. Fabricate display case as detailed. 2. Glazing: tempered glass doors and shelves as specified in Section 08800. 3. Provide recessed pilaster supports and clips for support of glass shelves, complete with hardware and accessories. 4. Install sliding glass door track in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Glaze doors with prefabricated and pre-tempered glass and install locks and finger pulls. ' 2.03 FINISHES A. All exposed exterior surfaces: plastic laminate, stainless steel or wood veneer as indicated. B. Stainless Steel: Type 316 stainless steel, brushed finish. C . Aluminum: Architectura1200R1mediumetch(AA-M32C10A21).Thicknessof anodic coating shall be tested in accordance with ASTM B-244-68 and sealed to pass the modified dye stain ' test (ASTM B136-77). D . Wood Finish: 3 coats clear polyurethane finish on all sides as specified in Section 09900. ' Factory finish wherever practical. E. All exposed interior surfaces: melamine unless indicated otherwise. ' F. Cabinet and case backs unexposed to view shall be back primed with one coat of moisture repellent sealer. G . Apply finishes in accordance with the AWMAC Manual and Section 09900. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Verify adequacy of backing and support framing. Advise Contractor of areas and surfaces ' requiring further modifications for plumb, level, even or square fitting. B. Verify HVAC controls and systems are operating properly. C. Install work in accordance with AWMAC Installation Manual, Premium grade. D. Install cabinetwork components plumb, true and level and securely fasten in place. ' E A t l ib l l fit d t t i l iti f d . ccura y scr e an y componen e c ose s o rregu ar es o a jacent surfaces. F. Accurately fit joints in true plane, locate joints over bearing or supporting surfaces. G. Provide mechanical fastening devices such as nails, screws and bolts required for fastening wood components. Unless permitted, provide concealed fastening of components. osoao-asaio.~a 1 DIVISION 6 SECTION 06410 CABINETWORK Page 6 ' H. Install wall mounted cabinets with steel angle supports secured to wall with drilled, self- tapping screw anchors. ' I. Where permitted, nail with small headed finishing nails. Countersink nail heads with nail setter. ' J. Install plastic laminate components using concealed fastening devices. K. Where components are fastened with screws or bolts, countersink screw and bolt heads and ' provide wood plugs matching surrounding wood. L. Where cabinetwork abuts other building elements, provide wood trim matching cabinetwork , except where otherwise detailed. M. Where access is required to valves and other mechanical and electrical components, located ' behind cabinetwork, provide removable plywood access panels of size required and secure with brass screws. N. Check operation of all moveable parts and, if necessary, adjust to ensure proper and smooth ' function. O. Upon completion of installation, inspect work of this Section and touch-up, where required, ' minor or damaged surface finish to restore it to original condition. P. Touch up exposed job made nail and screw holes, raw finishes resulting from job fitting, scratches and mars. ' O. Apply mildew resistant siliconesealanttoperimeterofallcounterandvanitytopsasspecified in Section 07900. , R. Replace damaged components which, in the opinion of the Consultant, cannot be satisfactorily repaired. S. Clean all surfaces. , End of Section , 09040-084'10 wpd , 1 LJ 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07160 SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1, 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06200 D. Air Barriers Section 07195 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 F. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 H. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Screens Section 08400 I. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 J. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCES A. CAN/CGSB-51.34 Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet, for Use in Building Construction. B. ASTM E96 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. C. ASTM E154 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover. D. ASTM E1643 Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. E. ASTM E1745 Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs. F. ACI 302.1 R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. G. Environmental Choice Program (ECP). 1. CCD-045-95, Sealants and Caulking Compounds. H. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAOMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit manufacturer's product data and application instructions. 1.05 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Delivery: Deliver materials to site in manufacturer's original, unopened containers and packaging, with labels clearly identifying product name and manufacturer. B. Storage: Store materials in a clean dry area in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Stack membrane on smooth ground or wood platform to eliminate warping. C. Handling: Protect materials during handling and application to prevent damage or contamination. osoao-o~iso wpa DIVISION 7 SECTION 07160 SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 2 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Product not intended for uses subject to abuse or permanent exposure to the elements. B. Do not apply membranes on frozen ground. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET VAPOUR BARRIER AND ACCESSORIES FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS A. Polyethylene film: to CAN/CGSB-51.34, 0.15 mm thick. B. Joint sealing tape: air resistant pressure sensitive adhesive tape, type recommended by vapour barrier manufacturer, 50 mm wide for all lap joints and perimeter seals. C. Mastic: as recommended by membrane manufacturer and compatible with substrate. ' D. Sealants and Adhesives: as specified in Section 07900, compatible with vapour barrier and substrate. Low VOC type to meet requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1168-03. E. Moulded box vapour barrier: factory-moulded polyethylene box for use with recessed electric ' switch and outlet device boxes. 2.02 SHEET VAPOUR BARRIER AND ACCESSORIES FOR BELOW CONCRETE SLABS ON GRADE ' A. Vapour Retarder: Sealtight Vapor-Mat, 10 Mil as manufactured by W.R. Meadows. B. Vapour Retarder membrane below slabs on grade must meet or exceed all requirements of ASTM E 1745 Classes A, B, 8 C. 1 Minimum Permeance Resistance to Organisms and 2 Substrates in Contact with Soil, 3 Tensile Strength 4 Puncture Resistance 5 Water Vapor Retarder ASTM E 96 ASTM E 154, Section 13 0.034 Perms 0.051 Perms ASTM E 154, Section 9 ASTM D 1709, Method B ASTM E 1745 6 Thickness of Retarder (plastic) ACI 302.1 R-96 52 LBS. Force/Inch 3,770 Grams Meets or exceeds Class A,B&C Not less than 10 mils C. Seam Tape: High Density Polyethylene Tape with pressure sensitive adhesive. Minimum width 100 mm. D. Pipe Boots: Construct pipe boots from vapor barrier material and pressure sensitive tape per manufacturer's instructions. 2.03 SLIP SHEET BELOW RINK SLABS A. Polyethylene Film: to CAN/CGSB-51.34, 0.15 mm thick. 09040-07160 wpd ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07160 ' SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 3 PART 3: EXECUTION I NGS LI 3.01 INSTALLATION FOR WALLS AND CE A. Ensure services are installed and inspected prior to installation of vapour retarder. B. Use sheets of largest practical size to minimize joints. Install horizontally on wall surfaces. C. Adhere membrane to metal studs with continuous ribbons of mastic. D. Tape all joints. E. Seal perimeter of sheet vapour barrier as follows: 1. Apply continuous bead of sealant to substrate at perimeter of sheets. 2. Lap sheet over sealant and press into sealant bead. 3. Ensure that no gaps exist in sealant bead. Smooth out folds and ripples occurring in sheet over sealant. ' F. Seal lap joints of sheet vapour barrier as follows: 1. Attach first sheet to substrate using sealant/adhesive. 2. Apply continuous bead of sealant over solid backing at joint. ' 3. Lap adjoining sheet minimum 150 mm and press into sealant bead. 4. Ensure that no gaps exist in sealant bead. Smooth out folds and ripples occurring in sheet over sealant. G. Seal electrical switch and outlet device boxes that penetrate vapour barrier as follows: 1. Install moulded box vapour barrier. 2. Apply sealant to seal edges of flange to main vapour barrier and seal wiring penetrations through box cover. ith li rk i it R i t d t t b f l d t f ti I H. r punc ures an ears w sea ng ape e ore wo s concea e . nspec or con nu y. epa I. Refer to building elements schedule on the drawings and details for locations of vapour ' retarders. 3.02 VAPOUR RETARDER BELOW SLABS ' A. Install vapour retarder below floor slab immediately prior to concrete placement and in accordance with ASTM E1643. ' B. Do not place vapour retardant until immediately prior to installation of slab reinforcing. C. Prepare surfaces in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. ' D. Unrcll vapour retarder with the longest dimension parallel with the direction of the pour. E. Lap vapour retarder over footings and seal to foundation walls. F. Overlap joints 150 mm and seal with manufacturer's tape. G. Seal all penetrations (including pipes) with manufacturer's pipe boot. H. No penetration of the vapour retarder is allowed except for reinforcing steel and permanent utilities. 09040-07160.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07160 SHEET VAPOUR RETARDERS Page 4 I. Repairdamaged areas bycutting patches of vapour retarder, overlapping damaged area 150 mm and taping all four sides with tape. J. Restrict traffic over vapour retarder. K. Prior to placing concrete inspect vapour retarder and repair all tears and punctures. L. Install vapour retarder below all concrete slabs on grade which are to receive an applied or adhered finish including rubber tile, VCT, carpet and ceramic tiles. 3.03 RINK SLABS A. Polyethylene slip sheet below ice rink slabs shall be installed over rigid insulation to prevent adhesion of concrete slabs to rigid insulation board. B. Install sheets in longest practical sizes, with 250 mm laps at sides and ends, immediately prior to placement of reinforcing and refrigeration piping. Do not seal laps. 3.04 INSPECTION A. Arrange for inspection of vapour retarders immediately prior to covering, by local building department and Consultant. B. Make all required repairs identified during inspection. End of Section 09040-0TI60.wptl 1 lJ r DIVISION 7 SECTION 07165 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1,02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Foundation Drainage Section 02622 C. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 D. Masonry Section 04200 E. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 F. Building Insulation Section 07200 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 1.03 REFERENCES A. CAN/CGSB 37.1 M, Chemical Emulsified Type, Emulsified Asphalts for Dampproofing. B. CAN/CGSB 37.2 M, Emulsified Asphalt, Mineral Colloid Type, Unfilled, for Damproofing and Waterproofing and for Roof Coatings. C. CAN/CGSB 37.3 M, Application of Emulsified Asphalts for Dampproofing or Waterproofing. D. CAN/CGSB 37.5 M, Cutback Asphalt Plastic Cement. E. CGSB 37-GP-6Ma, Asphalt, Cutback, Unfilled, for Damproofing. F. CGSB 37-GP-9Ma, Primer, Asphalt, Unfilled, for Asphalt Roofing, Damproofing and Waterproofing. G. CGSB 37-GP-11M, Application of Cutback Asphalt Plastic Cement. H. CGSB 37-GP-12Ma, Application of Unfilled Cutback Asphalt for Dampproofing. I. CGSB 37-GP-15M Application of Asphalt Primer for Asphalt Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit manufacturers product data and MSDS. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Approved by material manufacturer. B. Workmanship Standards: 1. Prepare and apply materials in accordance with material manufacturer's specifications. 2. Keep copy of manufacturer's specifications on site for duration of work. 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not proceed with work when wind chill effect would tend to set bitumen before proper curing takes place. B. Do not apply dampprooting in wet weather. osoao-miss wpa DIVISION 7 SECTION 07165 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING Page 2 C. Provide forced air circulation during installation and curing periods for enclosed applications. D. Apply dampproofing only when air temperature is within limits specified by material manufacturer. E. Protect surrounding building surfaces from damage. F. During cold weather, store materials at minimum 5°C until immediately prior to application. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Guarantee bituminous dampproofing against defects in materials or workmanship fora ' period of iwo (2) years from date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Asphalt: 1. For application and curing at temperatures above 5°C: To CAN/CGSB 37.1 M Package label or bill of lading for bulk hot liquid asphalt must indicate type, softening point, flash point, equiviscous temperature range and final blowing temperature. 2. For application and curing at temperatures above 0°C but below 5°C: To CGSB 37-GP-6Ma. Package label or bill of lading for bulk hot liquid asphalt must indicate type, softening point, flash point, equiviscous temperature range and final blowing temperature. B. Sealing Compound: Plastic cutback asphalt cement to CAN/CGSB 37.5 M. C. Asphalt Primer: To CGSB 37-GP-gMa. 2.02 COMPATIBILITY A. Ensure that all materials used are compatible. B. Provide proof of compatibility. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION AND PREPARATION A. B. C. All surfaces which are to receive dampproofing must be smooth, clean, dry, frost-free and in sound condition. All moisture, frost, grease, oils, or other foreign materials which may impede the adhesion of the dampproofing must be removed. Clean existing exterior foundation walls of all soil, earth, and other materials down to surtace of concrete block. Before applying dampproofing: Seal exterior joints between foundation walls and footings, joints between concrete floor slab and foundation and around penetrations through dampproofing with sealing compound. ~J CI 09040-07165.wpd , LJ L' LJ 1 r ~~ DIVISION 7 SECTION 07165 BITUMINOUS DAMPPROOFING Page 3 3.02 WORKMANSHIP A. Keep hot asphalt: 1. Below its flash point. 2. At or below its final blowing temperature. 3. Within its equiviscous temperature range at place of application. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Apply primers accordance with CGSB 37-GP-15M except where specified otherwise. B. Do sealing work in accordance with CGSB 37-GP-11 M except where specified otherwise. C. Apply dampproofing in accordance with applicable CGSB application standard as follows: Material ADplication CAN/CGSB 37.1 M use CAN/CGSB 37.3 M, CGSB 37-GP-6Ma, use CGSB 37-gp-12Ma 3.04 SCHEDULE A. Apply continuous, uniform coating to entireexteriorfacesoffoundationwallswhereindicated, from 50 mm below finished grade level to and including tops of foundation wall footings. B. Apply two additional coats of dampproofing to vertical corner and construction joints for a minimum width of 230 mm on each side, and all around and for 230 mm along pipes passing through walls. 3.05 INSPECTION AND REPAIR A. Inspect membrane thoroughly immediately before installation of drainage sheet specified in Section 02622 and insulation specified in Section 07200, and backfilling and make any corrections to cracks, voids and other obvious defects which would impede the membrane from performing as intended. End of Section ' 09040-07165.wpd 1 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07195 AIR BARRIER Page 1 ' PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 F. Spray Applied Polyurethane Insulation Section 07218 G. Metal Wall Cladding Section 07410 H: Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 I. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 J. Joint Sealers Section 07900 K Hollow Metal Doors & Frames Section 08100 1 L. Aluminum Windows and Screens Section 08400 M. Aluminum Skylights Section 08425 N. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 1 O Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFE RENCES i A. The Ontario Building Code. B. ASTM D412 Standard Test Methods far Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension. ' C. ASTMD624StandardTestMethodforTearStrengthofConventionalVulcanizedRubberand Thermoplastic Elastomers. D. CAN2 51.33.M Vapour Barrier Sheet, Excluding Polyethylene, for Use in Building Construction. ' E. CGSB 37-GP-56M, "Membrane, Modified, Bituminous, Prefabricated, and Reinforced for Roofing. F. CGSB 37-GP-52M Roofing and Waterproofing Membrane, Sheet Applied, Elastomeric. G. Environmental Choice Program (ECP). 1. CCD-045-95, Sealants and Caulking Compounds. H. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Application. 1.04 SUBM ITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit independent documentation certifying that the air barrier membranes have been tested independently, indicating air leakage at rates recommended by the NRC and the National Building Code. C. Submit copies of manufacturers current certification to ISO 9002. Manufacturers of membrane, primers, sealants and adhesives shall be included. D. Submit manufacturers complete set of standard details for air barriers. ' 09040-07195.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07195 AIR BARRIER Page 2 , E. Submit MSDS data sheets for all products and materials prior to delivery to the site. b F. ranes. Submit duplicate 300 mm square samples of air barrier mem 1.05 QUA LITY ASSURANCE ' A. Applicator Qualifications: submit in writing, a document stating that the applicator of the primary air barrier membranes specified in this section is recognized by the manufacturer as suitable for the execution of the Work. , B. Workmanship Standards: 1. Prepare and apply materials in accordance with membrane material manufacturer's requirements, and this specification. 2. Keep copy of manufacturer's specifications and instructions on site for duration of work. C. Ensure that membrane manufacturer's field representative is present at site to observe installation of air barrier system and that he, upon completion of work, confirms in writing that work is installed as specified. D. Components used in this section shall be sourced from one manufacturer, including sheet membrane, air barrier sealants, primers, mastics, and adhesives. 06 MOCK-UP 1 ' . A. Construct, where directed, typical exterior wall panels, each 1500 x 1500 incorporating substrate, window frame, insulation and showing typical air barrier membrane installation details. B. Allow 24 hours for inspection of mock-up by Consultant before proceeding with air barrier work. Mock-up may remain as part of the Work. ' 1.07 PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE f hi k A. o t s Convene a pre construction conference one (1) week before commencing wor Section. Arrange for all affected parties to be in attendance, including but not limited to: 1. Installer 2. Manufacturer's representative 3. General Contractor 4. Sub-contractors pertorming work affected by this trade 5. Independent Inspection & Testing Agency 6. Consultant 7. Owner. 1.08 COORDINATION , A. Ensure continuity of the air seal throughout the scope of this Section. Coordinate with all other applicable sections to ensure that all transition points between dissimilar materials ' and assemblies in the building envelope are sealed. 09040-07195.wptl ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07195 ' AIR BARRIER 1.09 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver material to the site in the original unbroken packages bearing the name of manufacturer and product. ' B. Store materials in an approved manner at the site preceding application and protect from damage at all times. C. Store adhesives and primers at temperatures of 5°C and above to facilitate handling. D. Keep solvent away from open flame or excessive heat. E. Protect rolls from direct sunlight until ready for use. 1.10 JOB CONDITIONS A. Apply membrane only when air temperature is within limits specified by material manufacturer. B. Protect surrounding building surfaces from damage. C. During cold weather, store materials at minimum 5°C until immediately prior to application. 1.11 WARRANTY A. At no cost to Owner, remedy any defects in work, including work of this and other Sections, due to faults in materials or workmanship provided under this Section of Specifications appearing within a period of two (2) years from date of Substantial Performance. Provide Owner with a written warranty to this effect. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Air barrier membrane shall be an SBS modified bitumen self adhering type, integrally laminated to across-laminated polyethylene film having the following physical properties: 1. Thickness: 1 mm (40 mils) min. 2. Air Leakage: <0.01 L/s~ m' @ 75 Pa ' 3. Vapour permeance: 2.8 ng/Pa.m'.s 4. Low temperature flexibility: Pass @ -30°C to CGSB 37-GP-56M 5. Elongation: 200% min. to ASTM D412 ' B. Acceptable Products: 1. Blueskin SA by Monsey-Bakorlnc. 2. Perm-A-Barrier by W.R. Grace & Co. 3. Air Shield by W.R. Meadows C. AirNapour Barrier Membrane Primer: Sheet membrane primer: as recommended by membrane manufacturer and compatible with substrate materials. Low VOC type to meet requirements of SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. 09040-07195 wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07195 AIR BARRIER Page 4 D. Liquid Sealant: as recommended by membrane manufacturer and compatible with substrate ' materials. Low VOC type to meet requirements of SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. PART 3: EXECUTION INSPECTION , 3.01 A. Examine all surfaces to ensure conformance to the manufacturer's recommended surface conditions. 3.02 PREPARATION A. All surfaces which are to receive flexible air barrier must be smooth, clean, dry, frost-free and in sound condition. All moisture, frost, grease, oils, loose mortar, dust, or other foreign materials which may impede the adhesion of the air barrier must be removed. li d i e . s app B. New mortar must be cured 14 days and must be dry before air barrier membrane C. Concrete must be cured 28 days and dry before air barrier membrane is applied. D. Remove any and all sharp protrusions and repair any defects such as spalled or loose aggregate areas. i d d f t re . s are repa e ec E. Do not proceed with air barrier application until all substrate 3.03 INSTALLATION ~ A. Prime surfaces and apply membrane in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. B. Primed surfaces not covered by air barrier membrane during the same working day must be reprimed. C. Apply membrane by heating the surface in contact with the substrate with atrigger-activated propane torch, type as recommended by the manufacturer. D. Cut sheet membrane into manageable sizes, position membrane for alignment prior to removing protective film. E. Install membrane horizontally, in a shingle fashion starting at lowest point. Position membrane and remove protective film and press firmly into place. Ensure minimum 50 mm overlap at all end and side laps. Promptly roll the membrane surface and all Zaps with a counter top roller to ensure proper surface bond and effect the seal. F. Tie-in to window frames, door frames, roofing systems, metal wall cladding, masonry walls, and at the interface of dissimilar materials as indicated on drawings or as necessary to achieve a continuous air seal throughout the building envelope. Seal with air barrier tape. Refer to manufacturer's standard details. G. At allexteriorwindowopenings,applymembranearoundperimeterandreturninsidewindow openings. Seal with tape. asoao-o~ i ss.wPa i~ DIVISION 7 SECTION 07195 AIR BARRIER Page 5 H. At dooropenings, apply membrane to create positive seal between wall substrate and hollow metal door frame. Seal with tape. ' I. Ensure all projectionsincludingwallties,areproperlysealedwithatrowelorcaulkapplication of specified sealant. 3.04 INSPECTION AND REPAIR A. Inspect membrane thoroughly before covering and make any corrections to punctures,tears, voids and other obvious defects which would impede the membrane from performing as ' intended. B. Restrict construction traffic and equipment movement near the completed air barrier to only essentially related trades. For any other trades continuing to work near the completed air 1 barrier, appropriate protection shall be provided. C. Notify Consultant when sections of work are complete so as to allow for review prior to installation of insulation. End of Section ' 09040-07195.wptl 1 1 C i u DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 BUILDING INSULATION Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Foundation Drainage Section 02622 C. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 D. Masonry Section 04200 E. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 F. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 G. Bituminous Dampproofing Section 07165 H. Air Barrier Section 07195 1. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation Section 07218 J. Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 K. Metal Cladding Section 07410 L. Buitt Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 M. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 N. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Pressed Metal Screens Section 08100 O. Aluminum Windows and Screens Section 08400 P. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 Q. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 R. Mechanical Division 15 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. CAN/ULC S701, Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering B. CAN/ULC-S702 Thermal Insulation Mineral Fibre for Buildings C. CAN/ULC S704 Thermal Insulation Polyurethane and Polyisocyanurate, Boards, Faced. D. CGSB 71-GP-24M Adhesive, Flexible, for Bonding to Cellular Polystyrene Insulation. E. CAN 2-51.32 Sheathing, Membrane, Breather Type. F. CSA 6111 Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. G. ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. H. ASTM D1621 Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties Of Rigid Cellular Plastics. I. ASTM D1623 Standard Test Method for Tensile And Tensile Adhesion Properties Of Rigid Cellular Plastics. J. ASTM E1677 Standard Specification for an Air Retarder (AR) Material or System for Low- Rise Framed Building Walls. K. ASTM C665, Mineral-Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured Housing. L. Environmental Choice Program (ECP). 1. CCD-045-95, Sealants and Caulking Compounds. M. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit minimum 200 x 200 mm samples of each type of insulation specified. oeoao-o~zoo wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 BUILDING INSULATION Page 2 C. Submit one (1) can of spray foam insulation for review by Consultant. 1.05 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver material to the site in the original unbroken packages bearing the name of manufacturer. B. Store materials in an approved manner at the site preceding application and protect from damage at all times. C. Remove damaged or deteriorated materials from site. 1.06 MOCK-UP i 1 u 1 A. Coordinate with other Sections and construct mock-ups of each exterior wall type which incorporates building insulation. Mock-ups shall be minimum 1500 x 1500 mm. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 BOARD INSULATION A. Rigid insulation at perimeter of ground floor slab and below grade (except at rink slabs): extruded expanded polystyrene to CAN/ULC 5701 TYPE 4. Insulation shall have minimum compressive strength of 210 kPa, RSI value of not less than 0.87/25 mm, and a moisture absorption rate of not more than 0.9% by volume. Thickness as detailed, 400 x 2440 mm boards with butt edges. 1. Styrofoam SM Insulation as manufactured by Dow Chemical Canada. 2. Izolon Premier FS-100 as manufactured by Fransyl. 3. The following material is an acceptable alternate to the specified product: 1. Board Insulation: Expanded polystyrene to CAN/ULC S701 TYPE 3. Insulation shall have minimum compressive strength of 210 kPa, RSI value of not less than 0.74125 mm, and a moisture absorption rate of not more than 1% by volume. Thickness as necessary to provide insulation values equivalent to the above noted insulation, 610 x 2440 mm boards with shiplap edges on the length: (a) Premier THD insulation manufactured by Fransyl. B. Rigid drainage board insulation at perimeter of basement walls: extruded expanded polystyrene to ASTM C578 Type IV, CAN/ULC S701 Type 4 and CCMC Class A Type 2 drainage requirements. Shiplapped. Insulation shall have minimum compressive strength of 210 kPa, RSI value of not less than 0.87/25 mm, and a moisture absorption rate of not more than 0.9% by volume and grooved drainage channels. Thickness as detailed, 400 x 2440 mm boards with butt edges. 1. Styrofoam Perimate Insulation as manufactured by Dow Chemical Canada. 2. Premier Drainage Board by Fransyl. C. Rigid Insulation above grade, cast into concrete sandwich walls and foundations: closed cell polyisocyanurate foam with foil facers, CAN/ULC S704. Insulation shall have minimum RSI value of not less than 1.32/25 mm. 50 mm thickness as or detailed, 400 x 2440 mm boards with butt edges: 1. Rx ISO wall insulation supplied by Exel Therm. 2. Enerfoil by IKO Industries Ltd. 09040-0~200.wptl C IJ ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 ' BUILDING INSULATION Pa e 3 D. Refrigerated Rink Slab Insulation: Rigid Insulation below refrigerated rink slabs and apron slabs shall conform to CAN/ULC S701 TYPE 4. Thickness shall be 2 layers, 38 mm each; 400 x 2440 mm boards with butt edges. Material shall have the following characteristics when tested to the reference standards: ' 1. Tensile Strength: ASTM D1623: 590 kPa. 2. Compressive Strength: ASTM D1621 415 kPa. 3. Shear Strength: ASTM C273 310 kPa. 4. Flexural Strength: ASTM C203 585 kPa. 5. Water Absorption: ASTM D2842 less than 0.7% by volume. 6. Thermal resistance RSI: ASTM C518 0.87125 mm 7. Styrofoam HiLoad-60 Insulation, as manufactured by Dow Chemical of Canada Ltd. ' 8. Celfortec Foamular 600 as manufactured by Owens Corning. 9. Premier THD Insulation by Fransyl. E. Adhesives: As recommended by material manufacturer, compatible with insulation and ' substrate membrane, waterproof, conforming to CGSB 71-GP-24M. 1. Air-Bloc 21 by Monsey Bakor 2. Shur Stik 99 by The GH Company 3. PL Premium by LePage F. Primerforconcreteandmasonryandgypsumboardsurfacesrecommendedbytheadhesive manufacturer for the materials to be adhered. ' 2.02 BATT INSULATION A. Fibreglass friction fit Batts to CSA A101-M, Type 1 or mineral fibre to CAN/ULC-S702 Type ' 1 for wall application, width and thickness as shown on details: 1. Owens Corning Fibreglass Batt Insulation, unfaced. 2. Roxul Batt Insulation. ' 2.03 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION A. Spray Foam Insulation: one component expanding polyurethane or polyisocyanurate foam ' , ULC approved and compatible with rigid insulating materials, with Class 1 fire rating to ASTM-E84 and ASTM-C-557 for window and door frame application: 1. Ultra Seal PF-100 Gun Foam by Nuco Inc. 2. Handi-Foam by Fomo Products Inc. ' 3. Pinkseal by Owens Corning. 2.04 ACCESSORIES ' A. Insulation Clips: Adhesive bonded pin and disc type, size to suit insulation thickness: Sticklip by Eckel or similar by Dewar or Kelty. ' B. Sealing Tape: minimum 60 mm width, polypropylene sheathing tape with acrylic adhesive. C. Rough Hardware: Nails and staples as required for installation of insulation and membrane ' materials, galvanized to CSA 6111 and 834. D. Mechanical Fastening: galvanized screw type fasteners with 25 mm galvanized plate washers. Screws shall be 13 mm longer than the combined thickness of the insulation and sheathing. Screws for use in pool areas shall be hot dip galvanized or stainless steel. ' 09040-07200.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 BUILDING INSULATION Page 4 E. Sheathing Tape: Prefabricated self adhesive, modified SBS bituminous membrane composed of a factory applied layer of polymeric membrane on a shrink resistant cross laminated polyethylene carrier film. 1.0 mm thick. Minimum 200 mm wide. 1. Sealtight "Air Shield" by WR Meadows. 2. Blueskin SA by Monsey Bakor. 3. Perm-A-Barrier by W. R. Grace & Co. Vapour Retardant: As specified in Section 07160. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION. GENERAL A. Install insulation after building substrate materials are dry. B. Install insulation of types indicated, or, where not indicated, as appropriate, to provide a continuously un-interrupted building envelope in accordance with the requirements of the reference standards. C. Install insulation to maintain continuity of thermal protection to building elements and spaces. D. Fit insulation tightly around all structural angles, penetrations and other protrusions. E. Cut and trim insulation neatly to fit spaces. Butt joints tightly; offset vertical joints. Use only insulation board materials free from chipped or broken edges. F. Sizes of materials shall be consistent with the module of the system. G. Do not enclose or conceal insulation until it has been inspected by the Consultant. 3.02 PERIMETER INSULATION A. Do not proceed with installation until concrete surfaces are dry and cured, and damp proofing membranes have been inspected and approved. B. Install perimeter insulation vertically just prior to backfilling. C. Prime porous concrete surfaces. D. Apply adhesive in gobs or pads to the back of the insulation board in accordance with manufacturer'sinstructions.Jointsshallbeleftdrywithjointsbroughtintotightcontact. Apply insulation to the wall with a slight sliding motion to ensure good contact. E. Protect insulation from damage until time for backfilling. 3.03 DRAINAGE BOARD INSULATION A. Do not proceed with installation until waterproof and dampproof membranes have been inspected and approved. B. Install immediately prior to backfilling to avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. osoao-mzoo wpd '~J 1 W ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 ' BUILDING INSULATION Page 5 C. Install drainage board insulation over entire face of basement walls, from 150 mm below grade to top of footings. D. Adhere to wall with adhesive, compatible with substrate. t E Install with drainage channels on outside face . . ' F. Apply sealant or mastic at top edge of boards to prevent water infiltration behind. 3.04 REF RIGERATED RINK SLAB INSULATION A. Prior to installation, examine base course of granular fill and remove any large or sharp materials which may damage the insulation. B. Commence installation of insulation atone end of the slab, working sequentially across the ' extent of the rink. Set and maintain insulation exactly level with the underside of the concrete slab, to the tolerances in Section 03300. Use a surveyor's level or laser system to check and maintain the required elevation. ' C. Install insulation in two layers. Offsetjoints by one halfthe board dimension in each direction. Bring each sheet of insulation into continuous contact with adjacent sheets all around the perimeter of each sheet. D. Extend insulation below apron slab, minimum 1200 mm beyond rink slab and vertically at slab thickenings where shown on the drawings. ' E. The finished surface of the insulation shall be within 3 mm of the specified surface. 3.05 SAN DWICH WALL INSULATION A. Supply polyisocyanurate insulation to site for installation in concrete foundations at building perimeter, and in concrete wall assemblies. B. Ensure that all surfaces to which insulation board will be applied, are clean, smooth, free of grease, and that the surfaces are otherwise acceptable for insulation application. C. Ensure that air barrier membranes have been inspected and approved by the Consultant, and the Inspection and Testing Agency. D. Install rigid polyisocyanurate insulation boards to the substrate starting at base of wall, in ' horizontal, parallel courses with tightly butted joints. Stagger ends in adjacent courses. E. Install insulation using adhesive, in quantities as recommended by the manufacturer. Apply ' pressure to boards to ensure positive contact. F. Where necessary, secure insulation in place with stick clips. t G. Butter all joints except over movement joints with 3.0 mm film thickness of adhesive. H. At movement joints in substrate, create a continuous butt joint in line with movement joint. ' Leave insulation board un-bonded over line of movementjoints. ' osoao-a~zoo.wPd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07200 BUILDING INSULATION ~ 6 3.06 BATT INSULATION A. Install insulation to maintain continuity ofthermal protection to building elements and spaces. ' I B. Pack loose fibreglass insulation in crevices between exterior concrete and door and window frames and about lintels, frames, beams around ducts at holes and other places where shown or required to eliminate air infiltration. C. Pack loose fibreglass intovoids around mechanical and electrical pipes and ducts where they , pass through walls and slabs. D. Install friction fit insulation in spaces as shown on drawings, including all steel framed stud , walls. E. Fill fabricated wood and metal roof curbs with fibrous insulation as detailed. 3.07 SPRAY FOAM INSULATION A. Completely fill all joints and penetrations in exterior walls, at door and window frames and where indicated, with expanding spray foam insulation, in accordance with manufacturers ' instructions. B. Fill all joints in rigid polyisocyanurate insulation and all rigid insulation above grade within exterior wall with expanding spray foam. End of Section 09040-07200 wptl ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07218 SPRAYED POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A l with th C i t f Di i i 1 . y remen omp e requ s o v on s . 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 ' C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. Air Barrier Section 07195 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 ' F. G. Metal Cladding Section 07410 Lightweight Steel Framing Section 07425 H. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 I. Joint Sealers Section 07900 ' J. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. CAN/ULC S705.1 Standard for Thermal Insulation, Spray Applied Rigid Polyurethane Foam, Medium Density, Material Specifications. B. CAN/ULC S705.2 Standard for Thermal Insulation, Spray Applied Rigid Polyurethane Foam, Medium Density, Installers Responsibilities. C. Manual for Installers of Spray Polyurethane Foam Thermal Insulation, Canadian Urethane Foam Contractor's Association. D. Canadian Urethane Foam Contractors Association (CUFCA) Quality Assurance Program. ' E. National Energy Conservation Association (NECA). F. Manufacturer's Quality and Training Program. G. Manufacturer Installer Training Manual. H. Environmental Choice Program (ECP). 1. CCD-045-95, Sealants and Caulking Compounds. I. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. J. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Installer Qualifications: Submit proof confirming the installing contractor is licensed by the manufacturer's quality and training program and certified to pertorm the installation of the product or system specified. Licensing is required by CAN/ULC S705.2-05 Installation ' Standard. C. Copy of applicator certification by CUFCA/NECA or Morrison Hershfield. D. Submit WHMIS Data Sheets (MSDS) for all spray applied insulation and primers prior to material deliver to the site. E. Field quality control procedures to be utilized by the applicator to ensure proper preparation and installation of the materials specified ' 09040-07 218.wptl DIVISION 7 , SECTION 07218 SPRAYED POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Page 2 1.05 TEST REPORTS , A. Submit test reports, verifying qualities of insulation that meet or exceed requirements of this specification. ' 1.06 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Provide materials which maintain continuity of thermal insulation and air barrier at building ' enclosure in conjunction with thermal and air barrier materials specified elsewhere. B. Finished RSI value of spray applied insulation shall be as indicated on the drawings. , C. Coordinate with Section 07220-Standard Density Cementitious Fireproofing, for application of fire protective coatings on interior sprayed polyurethane foam insulation 1.07 QUALIFICATIONS A. Contractor performing work under this section must be licensed and certified by the manufacturer. All material shall be new and conforming to the requirements of CAN/ULC 705.1-01 Material standard. Applicators shall have proof of certification available at all times while on site. r thane l f i ' B. spray po yu e on o Applicators must have at least 5 years experience in the applicat foam insulations. 1.08 MOCK-UP ' A. Spray apply material in specified thickness to mock-up panels specified in other Sections. CTION 1.09 PROT E A. Ensure the work area is adequately ventilated. ' B. Ensure continuous ventilation of the work area, through a fresh air intake and the extraction of foul air, during the course of the application process and for a period of 24 hours following application. ' C. Install temporary partitions in order to prevent any effect on the ambient air outside of the work area, from spray applied insulation material. , D. Ensure all structures are well protected, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. , E. Protect all adjacent surfaces and equipment against any damage that may be caused by dispersion and overspray of insulation material beyond the prescribed limits. ' 1.10 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. WasteManagementandDisposal:Separatewastematerialsforrecyclinginaccordancewith Section 01355 -Project Waste Management. ' B Deliverand store material as recommended by manufacturer's writteninstructions inoriginal, . sealed, labelled containers in accordance with Division 1. ' C. During cold weather, store raw materials in heated storage. 72'1 e tl , .wp 09040-0 DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07218 SPRAYED POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Page 3 ' 1.11 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Apply insulating materials only if the surface and ambient air temperatures are within the ' manufacturer's prescribed limits, i.e -10° C to +35°C. B. Apply spray insulation only at times and in conditions in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 1.12 WARRANTY A. Warrant work of this Section against defects or deficiencies for a period of two (2) years from date of Substantial Performance in accordance with General Conditions. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 INSULATION/AIR BARRIER MATERIAL ' A. Blowing Agent: Product to utilize Zero ODS (Ozone Depleting Substance) blowing agent. B. Recycled Content: >5% recycled content by mass of finished product. C. Certified by EcoLogo. D. Listed by Greenguard as a low emitting material. ' E. Listed by CCMC as an Air Barrier Material and Insulation. F. Thermal resistance LTTR (CAN/ULC-S770): ' G. ~J THICKNESS THERMAL RESISTANCE INCHES MILLIMETERS R•VALUE RSI (ft'hr°FlBtu)!in (m~°C!W) 1.97 50 10.31 1.82 2 50.8 10.48 1.85 2.5 63.5 13.47 2.37 2.95 75 16.21 2.86 3 76.2 16.46 2.90 3.5 88.9 19.60 3.35 3.94 10D 22.39 3.94 4 101.6 22.74 4.01 Spray polyurethane foam insulation to CAN/ULC S705.1 and meeting the following criteria: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TEST PROCEDURE UNITS RESULT Density (min) ASTM D1622 Kg/m' 28 Compressive Strength (min) ASTM D1621 KPa 174 Tensile Strength (min) ASTM D1623 KPa 212 Water Absorption (96 hours) (max) ASTM D2842 % by Volume 0.62 ' o9oaa-o~z~swpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07218 ' SPRAYED POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Page 4 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES TEST PROCEDURE UNITS RESULT Water Vapour Permeance without skins. 50 mm Thickness (max) ASTM E96 nglPa~s~m' S0 Open Cell Content (max) ASTM D2856 % 6 Air Leakage ASTM E283 and E330 CCMC I/s m' @ 75 Pa 0.0053 Flame Spread CANlULC S-'102 <500 H. Approved Product: 1. Walltite Eco by BASF The Chemical Company 2. Heatlock Soya by Cornell Chemicals Limited I. The sprayed polyurethanefoamshallexceedtherequirementsoftheCCMCTechnicalGuide for Air Barrier Systems, Master Format 07272, as outlined by the Institute for Research in Construction -National Research Council of Canada (0.05 L/s m~. Indoor Humidity greater than 55%). J. Insulation to be CFC free formulation and utilize zero ODC blowing agents only. 2.02 PRIMERS A. Primers: in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations if required for surface ' conditions. Maximum VOC limit 100 g/l to SCAQMD Rule 1113. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 A. Verify that surfaces and conditions are suitable to accept work required in this Section B. Report, in writing, defects in surfaces or conditions which may adversely affect the performance of products installed under this section to the Consultant; prior to commencement of work. C. Do not commence work until defects have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Mask and cover adjacent areas to protect from over spray. B. Apply primers for special condition as required by foam manufacturer C. Clean work area prior to commencing spray operations. D. Surfaces to receive sprayed polyurethane foam insulation shall be frost free and not coated with release agents or other deleterious substances. Commencement of work shall be deemed as acceptance of existing work and conditions. 09040-07218 wpd DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07218 SPRAYED POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Page 5 ' 3.03 APPLICATION A. Apply air barrier membrane material to all transitions in accordance with the product installation manual and Section 07195 to bridge all gaps and control joints in the exterior ' walls, and ensure all perimeter air seals at window and door openings are in place, prior to application of spray applied insulation. B. Install sealant at outside edges of transition membrane at vertical to horizontal membrane ' locations. C. Apply insulation to clean surtaces in accordance with CAN/ULC S705.2 and manufacturer's ' printed instructions. Use primer where recommended by the manufacturer. D. Cooperate with other sections to ensure all air barrier, flashing membranes, masonry ties, and the like have been installed as necessary. E. Spray polyurethane foam insulation only during periods when ambient air temperatures are within range of -10° C to +35° C. ' F. Finished polyurethane foam shall be free of voids and embedded foreign materials and to minimum thicknesses shown or specified on drawings. ' 3.04 TOLERANCE A. Maximum variation from required thickness: +6 mm/-0 mm. ' 3.05 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS A. Conduct daily visual inspection, adhesion/cohesion testing and density measurements as ' outlined by CAN/ULC S705.2-05. B. Installed assembly will be tested and inspected for conformance with specifications by an ' independent inspection and testing company retained and paid for by the Owner. End of Section ' 09040-07218.wpd i t 1 C 1 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Structural Steel Section 05120 D. Steel Roof Deck Secticn 05310 E. Steel floor Deck Section 05320 F. Building Insulation Section 07200 G. Standard Density Cementitious Fireproofing Section 07220 H. Fireproofing Section 07250 I. Thin Film Intumescent Coatings Section 07260 J. Joint Sealers Section 07900 K. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 L. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 M. Mechanical and Electrical Divisions 15 & 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. Ontario Building Code O. Reg. 350/06. B. CAN-S115M Standard Method of Fire Tests of Through Penetration Fire Stops. C. ASTM E814-06 Standard Test Method for Fire Tests of Through-Penetration Fire Stops. D. NFPA 101-Life Safety Code. E. CAN/ULC-S102-M Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. F. Canadian Electrical Code. G. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1 SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2 SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. H. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1 Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2 Standard GS-11-97. Architectural Paints. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B: Prior to start of work, submit list of proposed fire stopping and smoke seal materials together with suitable documentation to verify that specified requirements will be met. C. Submit proposed U.L.C. listing including test data, fire resistance rating and design number for each type of firestop assembly required. Listing shall identify assemblies as applicable to the actual location including all components. D. Submit MSDS for review and acceptance by the Owner prior to delivery to the project site. E. Upon Consultant's request, submit samples of materials. 09040-07270 wpd 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS 1.05 F. Product data for each type of product specified. 1 Certification byfire-stopping manufacturer that products supplied comply with local regulations controlling use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and are nontoxic to building occupants. 2 Product certificates signed by manufacturers of fire-stopping products certifying that their products comply with specified requirements. 3 Product test reports from, and based on tests performed by, a qualified testing and inspecting agency evidencing compliance of fire-stopping with requirements based on comprehensive testing of current products. G. Provide identification of products proposed for each application found in the Work. Include drawings of proposed use. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire stopping and smoke seal components shall be listed and labelled by ULC. B. Install materials under environmental conditions specified by material manufacturer. C. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide fire-stopping that complies with the following requirements and those specified under the "System Performance Requirements" article: 1 Fire-stopping tests are performed by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. A qualified testing and inspecting agency is UL, Warnock Hersey, or another agency performing testing and follow-up inspection services for fire-stop systems that is acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 2 Through-penetration fire-stop systems are identical to those tested per ASTM E814 under conditions where positive furnace pressure differential of at least D.01 inch of water is maintained at a distance of 0.78 inch below the fill materials surrounding the penetrating items in the test assembly. Provide rated systems complying with the following requirements: (1) Through-penetration fire-stop system products bear classification marking of qualified testing and inspecting agency. (2) Through-penetration fire-stop systems correspond to those indicated by reference tothrough-penetration fire-stop system designations listed by UL in their "Fire Resistance Directory," by Warnock Hersey, or by another qualified testing and inspecting agency. 3 Fire-resistive joint sealant systems are identical to those tested for fire-response characteristics per ASTM E 119 under conditions where the positive furnace pressure differential is at least 0.01 inch of water, as measured 0.78 inch from the face exposed to furnace fire. Provide systems complying with the following requirements: (1) Fire-Resistance Ratings of Joint Sealants: As indicated by reference to design designations listed by UL in their "Fire Resistance Directory" or by another qualified testing and inspecting agency. (2) Joint sealants, including backing materials, bear classification marking of qualified testing and inspection agency. D. Information on drawings referring to specific design designations of through-penetration fire-stop systems is intended to establish requirements for performance based on conditions that are expected to exist during installation. Any changes in conditions and designated systems require the Consultant's prior approval. Submit documentation showing that the performance of proposed substitutions equals or exceeds that of the systems they would replace and are acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 09040-07270.wptl 1 I~ LJ ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 ' FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 3 ' E. Installer Qualifications:Engageanexperiencedlnstallerwhohascompletedfirestoppingthat is similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for Project and that has performed successfully. ' F. Single-Source Responsibility: Obtain through-penetration fire-stop systems for each kind of penetration and construction condition indicated from a single manufacturer. ' G. Field-Constructed Mockup: Prior to installing fire-stopping, erect mockups for each different through-penetration fire-stop system indicated to verify selections made and to demonstrate qualities of materials and execution. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for final installations. 1 Locate mockups on site in locations indicated or, if not indicated, as directed by Consultant. 2 Notify Consultantone(1)weekinadvanceofthedatesandtimeswhenmockupswill be erected. 3 Obtain Consultant's acceptance of mockups before start of final unit of Work. 4 Retain and maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard forjudging completed unit of Work. 5 Accepted mockups in an undisturbed condition at time of Substantial Completion may become part of completed unit of Work. H. Provide fire-stopping products containing no detectable asbestos as determined by the 1 method specified in 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart F, Appendix A, Section 1, "Polarized Light Microscopy." I. CcordinatingWork:Coordinateconstructionofopeningsandpenetratingitemstoensurethat designated through-penetration fire-stop systems are installed per specified requirements. J. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct pre-installation conference at Project site to review ' firestopping applications and requirements with all affected parties. 1.06 SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ' A. General: Provide fire-stopping systems that are produced and installed to resist the spread of fire, according to requirements indicated, and the passage of smoke and other gases. ' t3. F-Rated Through-Penetration Fire-stop Systems: Provide through-penetration fire-stop systems with F ratings indicated, as determined per ASTM E 814, but not less than that equalling or exceeding the fire-resistance rating of the constructions penetrated. C. T-Rated Through-Penetration Fire-stop Systems: Provide through-penetration fire-stop systems with T ratings, in addition to F ratings, as determined per ASTM E 814, where indicated and where systems protect penetrating items exposed to contact with adjacent ' materials in occupy-able floor areas. T-rated assemblies are required where the following conditions exist: 1 Where fire-stop systems protect penetrations located outside of wall cavities. 2 Where fire-stop systems protect penetrations located outside fire-resistive shaft enclosures. 3 Where fire-stop systems protect penetrations located in construction containing doors required to have atemperature-rise rating. ' 4 Where fire-stop systems protect penetrating items larger than a 100 mm diameter nominal pipe or sixteen (16) sq. in. in overall cross-sectional area. 09040-07270.wptl DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 4 ' D. Fire-Resistive Joint Sealants: Provide joint sealants with fire-resistance ratings indicated, as determined per ASTM E 119, but not less than that equalling or exceeding the fire-resistance ' rating of the construction in which the joint occurs. E. For fire-stopping exposed to view, traffic, moisture, and physical damage, provide products , that do not deteriorate when exposed to these conditions. 1 For piping penetrations for plumbing and wet-pipe sprinkler systems, provide moisture-resistant through-penetration fire-stop systems. ' 2 For floor penetrations with annular spaces exceeding 4 inches or more in width and exposed to possible loading and traffic, provide fire-stop systems capable of supporting the floor loads involved either by installing floor plates or by other means. ' 3 For penetrations involving insulated piping, provide through-penetration fire-stop systems not requiring removal of insulation. F. For firestopping exposed to view, provide products with flame-spread values of less than 25 ' and smoke-developed values of less than 450, as determined per ASTM E 84. 1.07 FIRE-STOPPING GENERAL ' A. Compatibility: Provide fire-stopping composed of components that are compatible with each other, the substrates forming openings, and the items, if any, penetrating the firestopping under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by fire-stopping manufacturer ' based on testing and field experience. B Accessories: Provide components for each fire-stopping system that are needed to install fill . materials and to comply with "System Performance Requirements". Use only components specified by the fire-stopping manufacturer and approved by the qualified testing and inspecting agency for the designated fire resistance-rated systems. Accessories include but are not limited to the following items: 1 Permanent forming/damming/backing materials including the following: ' (1) Semi-refractory fibre (mineral wool) insulation. (2) Ceramic fibre. i l t i t er a s o ng ma (3) Sealants used in combination with other forming/damm , prevent leakage of fill materials in liquid state. (4) Fire-rated formboard. (5) Joint fillers forjoint sealants. 2 Temporary farming materials. ' 3 Substrate primers. 4 Collars. 5 Steel sleeves. , C. Applications: Provide fire-stopping systems composed of materials specified in this Section that comply with system performance and other requirements. ' 1.D8 PROJ ECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not install fire-stopping when ambient or substrate ' temperatures areoutsidelimitspermittedbyfire-stopping manufacturersorwhen substrates are wet due to rain, frost, condensation, or other causes. B. Ventilation: Ventilate fire-stopping per fire-stopping manufacturers' instructions by natural , means or, where this is inadequate, forced air circulation. 09040-07270.wpd , i 1 LJ DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS C. Comply with the requirements of the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) regarding use, handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials and regarding labelling and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL L 1. 1 A. Manufacturers: Manufacturers of Fire Stop Components shall be listed in the ULC Fire Resistance Directory -Volume III. B. Fire stopping and smoke seal systems: in accordance with CAN-S115-M, asbestos free and capable of maintaining an effective barrier against flame, smoke and gases in compliance with requirements of jurisdictional authorities; labelled by ULC. Fire resistance rating of installed systems shall be equal to fire resistance rating of adjacenUsurrounding building components. C. Fire stopping materials: foamed in place insulation, mortar, grout, gun grade sealant, fire rated mineral fibre felt, or other materials bearing ULC label for required fire rating and compatible with the tested and approved U.L.C. design listing. D. Smoke seals and fire stopping exposed to view: sealant type. E. Service penetration assemblies: certified by ULC in accordance with CAN-S115-M and listed in ULC Guide No. 40 U19. F. Service penetration fire stop components: certified by ULC in accordance with CAN-S115 and listed in ULC Guide No. 40 U19.13 and ULC Guide No. 40 U19.15 under the Label Service of ULC. G. Fire stopping and smoke seals at openings intended for ease of re-entry such as cables: elastomeric seal; do not use cementitious or rigid seal at such locations. H. Fire stopping and smoke seals at openings around penetrations for pipes, ductwork and other mechanical items requiring sound and vibration control; elastomeric seal; do not use a cementitious or rigid seal at such locations. I. Primers: to manufacturer's recommendation for specific material, substrate and end use. J. Water (if applicable): potable, clean and free from injurious amounts of deleterious substances. K. Damming and back-up materials, supports and anchoring devices: to manufacturer's recommendations, and in accordance with tested assembly being installed as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. L. Sealants for vertical joints: non-sagging. M. Ensure fire stopping materials used are suitable for each particular application. Where fire stopping will be subjected to loading, use and install materials which will support the load. Obtain Consultant's approval before proceeding with installation. osoao-o~z~o wpa DIVISION 7 , SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 6 , 2.02 FILL MATERIALS FOR THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRE-STOP SYSTEMS ' A. Ceramic-Fibre and Mastic Coating:Ceramicfibresinbulkformformulatedforusewithmastic coating, and ceramic fibre manufacturer's mastic coating. B. Ceramic-Fibre Sealant: Single-component formulation of ceramic fibres and inorganic binders. C. Endothermic, Latex Compound Sealant: Single-component, endothermic, latex formulation. ' D. Intumescent, Latex Sealant: Single-component, intumescent, latex formulation. E. Intumescent Putty: Non-hardening, dielectric, water-resistant putty containing no solvents, ' inorganic fibres, or silicone compounds. F. Intumescent Wrap Strips: Single-component, elastomeric sheet with aluminum foil on one ' side. G. Job-Mixed Vinyl Compound: Prepackaged vinyl-based powder product for mixing with water at Project site to produce a paintable compound, passing ASTM E 136, with flame-spread ' and smoke-developed ratings of zero per ASTM E 84. H. Mortar: Prepackaged dry mix composed of a blend of inorganic binders, fillers, and lightweight aggregate formulated for mixing with water at project site toform anon-shrinking, , homogenous mortar. I. Pillows/Bags: Re-usable, heat-expanding pillows/bags composed of glass-fibre cloth cases ' filled with acombination ofmineral-fibre, water-insoluble expansion agents and fire-retardant additives. J. Silicone Foam: Two-component, silicone-based liquid elastomer that, when mixed, expands , and cures in place to produce a flexible, non-shrinking foam. K. Silicone Sealant: Moisture-curing, single-component, silicone-based, neutral-curing ' elastomeric sealant of grade indicated below: 1 Grade: Pourable (self-levelling) formulation for openings in floors and other horizontal surfaces and non-sag formulation for openings in vertical and other surfaces requiring anon-slumping/ gunnable sealant, unless indicated fire-stop system limits use to non-sag grade for both opening conditions. L. Solvent-Release-Curing Intumescent Sealant: Solvent-release-curing, single component, synthetic-polymer-based sealant of grade indicated below: 1 Grade: Pourable (self-levelling) formulation for openings in floors and other horizontal surfaces and non-sag formulation for openings in vertical and other surfaces requiring anon-slumping! gunnable sealant, unless indicated fire-stop system limits use to non-sag grade for both opening conditions. M. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements including LEED requirements, provide ' one of the following: 1 Endothermic, Latex Sealant: (1) Fyre Shield by Tremco Inc. (2) Flame-Safe FS 1900+/- by Grace Construction Products. 2 2. Intumescent Latex Sealant: 09040-07270.wptl ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 ' FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 7 ' (1) Metacaulk 950 by The RectorSeal Corporation, (2) Fire Barrier CP 25W6 Caulk by 3M Fire Protection Products. (3) Flamesafe FS 1900 by Grace Construction Products. 3 Intumescent Putty: 1 (1) Fire Barrier Mouldable Putty by 3M Fire Protection Products. (2) Flamesafe FSP 1000 Putty by Grace Construction Products. (3) Flamesafe FSP 1077/1825 Putty Pads by Grace Construction Products. ' 4 Intumescent Wrap Strips: (1) Dow Corning Fire Stop Intumescent Wrap Strip 2002 by Dow Corning Corp. (2) Fire Barrier FS-195 Wrap/Strip by 3M Fire Protection Products. (3) Flamesafe FSW 100 or 150 Wrap Strip by Grace Construction Products. 1 .5 Job-Mixed Vinyl Compound: (1) USG Firecode Compound by United States Gypsum Co. 6 Mortar: (1) K-2 Fire-Stop Mortar by Bio Fireshield, Inc. (2) K-10 Fire-stop Mortar, Bio Fireshield, Inc. (3) Equal product by The RectorSeal. (4) KBS-Mortar Seal MS 50 and Flamesafe FS 22B by Grace Construction Products. 7 Pillows/Bags: (1) Fire-stop Pillows, Bio Fireshield, Inc. (2) KBSSealbagsandFlamesafeBagorPillowbyGraceConstructionProducts. 8 Silicone Foams: (1) Dow Corning Fire Stop Foam 2001 by Dow Corning Corp. 9 Silicone Sealants: (1) Dow Corning Fire-stop Sealant 2000 by Dow Corning Corp. (2) Dow Corning Fire-stop Sealant SL 2003 by Dow Corning Corp. (3) Fyre-Sil by Tremco Inc. (4) Fyre-Sil S/L by Tremco Inc. (5) Grace Flamesafe FS 4000. 10 Solvent-Release-Curing Intumescent Sealants: (1) Biostop 500 Intumescent Fire-stop Caulk by Bio Fireshield, Inc. ' (2) Fire Barrier CP 25NlS Caulk by 3M Fire Protection Products. (3) Fire Barrier CP 25S/L Caulk by 3M Fire Protection Products. (4) Grace FS 1900. ' 2.03 FIRE-RESISTIVE ELASTOMERIC JOINT SEALANTS A. Elastomeric Sealant Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically curing, ' elastomeric sealants of base polymer indicated that complies with ASTM C 920 requirements, including those referenced for Type, Grade, Class, and Uses, and requirements specified in this Section applicable to fire-resistive joint sealants. 1 B Sealant Colours: Provide colourselectionsmadebyConsultantfrommanufacturer'sfullrange of standard colors for products of type indicated. C. Single-Component, Neutral-Curing Silicone Sealant: Type S; Grade NS; Class 25; exposure-related Use NT, and joint-substrate-related Uses M, G, A, and (as applicable tojoint substrates indicated) O. 1 Additional Movement Capability: Provide sealant with the capability to withstand the following percentage changes injointwidth existing at time of installation, when tested for adhesion and cohesion under maximum cyclic movement per ASTM C 719, and remain in compliance with other requirements of ASTM C 920 for uses indicated: ' 09040-07270.wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS (1) Fifty (50) percent movement in both extension and compression for a total of 100 percent movement. D. Multi-component, Non-sag, Urethane Sealant: Type M; Grade NS; Class 25; exposure related Use NT, and joint-substrate-related Uses M, A, and (as applicable to joint substrates indicated) O. 1 Additional Movement Capability: Provide sealant with the capability to withstand the following percentage change in joint width existing at time of installation, when tested for adhesion and cohesion under maximum cyclic movement perASTM C 719, and remain in compliance with other requirements of ASTM C 920 for uses indicated: (1) Fifty (50) percent movement in both extension and compression for a total of 100 percent movement. E. Single-Component, Non-sag, Urethane Sealant: Type S; Grade NS; Class 25; and Uses NT, M, A, and (as applicable to joint substrates indicated) O. Products: 1 Dow Corning 790, 795, Dow Corning Corp. 2 864 by Pecora Corp. F. Single-Component, Spray Applied, Water-Based Sealants: 1 3M FireDam Spray, CEJ115P & CEJ115P spray sealants by 3M Fire Protection Products. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for opening configurations, penetrating items, substrates, and other conditions affecting pertormance offire-stopping. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Examine sizes and conditions ofvoidstobefilledtoestablishcorrectthicknessandinstallation of materials. Ensure that substrates and surfaces are clean, dry and frost free. B. Maintain insulation around pipes and ducts penetrating fire separation. C. Surface Cleaning: Clean out openings and joints immediately prior to installing firestopping to comply with recommendations of fire-stopping manufacturer and the following requirements: 1 Remove all foreign materials from surfaces of opening and joint substrates and from penetrating items that could intertere with adhesion of fire-stopping. 2 Clean opening and joint substrates and penetrating items to produce clean, sound surfaces capable of developing optimum bond with fire-stopping. Remove loose particles remaining from cleaning operation. 3 Remove laitance and form release agents from concrete. D. Priming: Prime substrates where recommended by fire-stopping manufacturer using that manufacturer's recommended products and methods. Confine primers to areas of bond; do not allow spillage and migration onto exposed surfaces. 09040-0790 wpd i LJ I1 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 9 E. Masking Tape: Use masking tape to prevent fire-stopping from contacting adjoining surfaces that will remain exposed upon completion of Work and that would otherwise be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods used to remove smears from fire-stopping materials. Remove tape as soon as it is possible to do so without disturbing fire-stopping's seal with substrates. 3.03 MIXING ' A. For those products requiring mixing prior to application, comply with fire-stopping ' s directions for accurate proportioning of materials, water (if required), type of manufacturer mixing equipment, selection of mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other procedures needed to produce fire-stopping products of uniform quality with optimum 1 performance characteristics for application indicated. 3.04 INSTALLATION -GENERAL ' i d ' A. ons s recommen at Install fire stopping and smoke seal materials in accord with manufacturer and ULC test requirements. B. Provide temporary forming as required and remove forming only after materials have gained sufficient strength and after initial curing. 3.05 INSTALLING THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRE-STOPS A. General: Comply with the "System Performance Requirements" article in Part 1 and the through-penetration fire-stop manufacturer's installation instructions and drawings pertaining ' to products and applications indicated. B. Install forming/damming materials and other accessories of types required to support fill materials during their application and in the position needed to produce the cross sectional shapes and depths required to achieve fire ratings of designated through penetration fire-stop systems. After installing fill materials, remove combustible forming materials and other ' accessories not indicated as permanent components of fire-stop systems. C. Install fill materials for through-penetration fire-stop systems by proven techniques to produce the following results: 1 Completely fill voids and cavities formedbyopenings,formingmaterials,accessories, ' and penetrating items. 2 Apply materials so they contact and adhere to substrates formed by openings and I penetrating items. 3 For fill materials that will remain exposed after completing Work, finish to produce smooth, uniform surfaces that are flush with adjoining finishes. 3.06 INSTALLING FIRE-RESISTIVE JOINT SEALANTS A. General: Comply with the "System Performance Requirements" article in Part 1, with ASTM C 1193, and with the sealant manufacturer's installation instructions and drawings pertaining to products and applications indicated. B. Installjoint fillers to provide support of sealants during application and at position required tc produce the cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative tojoint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability and develop fire resistance rating required. 09040-0727D.wpd 1 DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07270 FIRE STOPPING AND SMOKE SEALS Page 10 ' C. I nstall sealants by proven techniques that result in sealants directly contacting and fully wetting jointsubstrates,completelyfillingrecessesprovidedforeachjointconfiguration,andproviding ' uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint width that optimum sealant movement capability. Install sealants at the same time joint fillers are installed. D. Tool non-sag sealants immediately after sealant application and prior to the time skinning or ' curing begins. Form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated or required to produce fire-resistance rating, as well as to eliminate air pockets, and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealants with sides ofjoint. Remove excess sealant from surtaces adjacent to joint. Do not , use tooling agents that discoloursealants or adjacent surtaces or are not approved by sealant manufacturer. 3.07 SCHEDULE A. Firestop all openings in fire rated assemblies and fire separations in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. B. Provide fire stopping and smoke seal at control joints, between fire rated walls/partitions and structural deck above, and at other locations, as required, to maintain integrity of smoke and ' fire barriers. C. Fire stopping and smoke seal in locations exposed to view shall be of the sealant type, alternatively, other fire stopping material may be used, provided it is covered by a bead of , sealant. D. Seal holes or voids made by through penetrations, poke-through termination devices, and un- , penetrated openings or joints to ensure continuity and integrity of fire separation are maintained. 3.08 INSPECTION ' A. Notify consultant when ready for inspection and prior to concealing or enclosing fire stopping materials and service penetration assemblies. 3.09 CLEAN-UP ' A. Clean off excess fill materials and sealants adjacent to openings and joints as work ' progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved by manufacturers of firestopping products and of products in which opening and joints occur. B. Remove temporary dams after initial set of fire stopping and smoke seal materials. , C. Protect fire-stopping during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances or from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so that ' they are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated fire-stopping immediately and install new materials to produce firestopping complying with specified requirements. End of Section 09040-07270.wptl 1 u L 1 L DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL CLADDING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 A. Structural Steel Section 05120 B. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Air Barrier Section 07195 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 F. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation Section 07218 G. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 07425 H. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 I. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 J. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 K. Joint Sealers Section 07900 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Ontario Building Code. B. The National Building Code of Canada. C. CSA S136 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. D. CSSBI -Standard Practice for Sheet Steel Cladding. E. CSSBI 20M Sheet Steel Cladding for Architectural and Industrial Applications. F. CSSBI B14 Steel Roofing and Siding Installation Guide. G. CSSBI 615 Snow, Wind and Earthquake Load Design Criteria for Steel Building Systems. H. CSSBI 616 Prefinished Sheet Steel for Building Construction. I. ASTM A635M Standard Specification for Sheet Steel, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) orZinc-Iron- Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process. J. ASTM A 792/A 792M -Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy- Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. K. ASTM 01005 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Dry-Film Thickness of Organic Coatings Using Micrometers. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit necessary plans, elevations and details. C. All dimensions must be verified in the field prior to submittal of shop drawings. D. Show profile, size, lap dimensions and details, connections, attachments, anchorage, caulking, closures and expansion joint details. E. Shop drawings shall be stamped and signedbyaregisteredProfessionalEngineerregistered in the Province of Ontario. Submit engineering design calculations for all materials and assemblies when requested by the Consultant. 09040-074'1 O.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL CLADDING Page 2 G. Submit duplicate samples of each type of fastener proposed to be used. H. Submit MSDS for sealant and adhesive products. Submit maintenance and cleaning instructions for metal cladding for inclusion in the Operation and Maintenance Manuals specified under Section 01780. 1.05 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Metal cladding shall be handled and stored on thejob in such a manner that no damage shall be done to the material or the structures. B. Materials showing evidence of improper handling and storage shall be rejected and removed from the site at no additional expense to the Owner. 1.06 DESIGN A. Design metal cladding and assemblies to sustain all applied loads as required by the Ontario Building Code. B. Design metal cladding and fasteners for a positive wind load of 0.96 kPa and a negative wind load of 0.56 kPa and a maximum deflection of 11180 of the span at maximum load. C. Spacing ofsub-framing system shall be not greaterthan 1200 mm centres installed vertically over steel stud framing where applicable. D. Stress shall not exceed 144 MPA for Grade A steel. E. Design shall be performed by an professional Engineer licenced to practice in Ontario. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Products supplied by VicWest form the basis of this specification. Equivalent products as manufactured by the following are acceptable, subject to approval of material, detail, profile and finishes, by the Consultant: 1. Agway Metals 2. Flynn Canada 3. Peerless. 4. Roll-Form Group 2.02 MATERIALS A. Sheet Metal: To ASTM A653 and CSA136, galvanized sheet steel, commercial quality with a minimum yield stress of 230 MPA, and a working stress of 144 MPA, to CSA 136. Material shall have 2275 designation zinc coating unless noted otherwise. B. Pre-finished material shall be colour coated with manufacturer's standard finish system equivalent to Baycoat Kynar or Vicwest WeatherX coating systems, minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 ± 0.2 mils (ASTM D1005). Custom and premium colours will be selected. 09040-07410 wpd u LJ ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 ' METAL CLADDING Page 3 ' C. Galvalume Finish: To ASTM A 792/A 792M aluminum-zinc alloy-coated steel sheet: 1. Coating weight, grade and thickness to suit panel manufacturer's standards. 2. Finish: Clear acrylic coating applied by Galvalume sheet manufacturer: Galvalume Plus. ' 03 CLA 2 DDING MATERIALS . A. Exterior Corrugated Wall Panel (Type 1): (1) Vicwest 2 213 x 7/8 Corrugated (2) C.N.T. 0.76 mm (22 gauge) (3) Zinc Coating Designation 2275 (4) Field Colour: Galvalume Finish with clear acrylic coating ' (5) Accent Colour Number 1: Colour to be selected by Consultant. (6) Accent Colour Number 2: Colour to be selected by Consultant. ' B. Soffit and Fascia Panel (Type 2): 1. Vicwest AD300R 2. C.N.T. 0.76 mm 3. Zinc coating designation 2275 4. Colour to be selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's standards. C. Z Bars and subframing systems: ' 1. Zinc coated steel 1.22 mm base steel thickness. 2. Depth as indicated or required by engineering design. D. Liner Panel: ' 1. Vicwest Steel Panel L-800 2. C.N.T. 0.030" ' 3. Zinc Coating Designation of 2275 Female side of li 4 factor caulked . p y . E. Insulation: ' 1. Unfaced glass fiber thermal insulation complying with ASTM C 553, Type III and ASTM C 665, Type I. 2. 100 mm thick where indicated. (1) Roxul RW 40. (2) Owens Corning Type 701 F. Reveal Flashings: ' 1. Flat Sheet. 2. C.N.T. 0.76 mm (22 gauge) 3. Zinc coating designation of 2275. ' 4. Colour to match cladding colour. 5. Insulation: Fibreglass AF110 semi rigid insulation, thickness as indicated on the drawings. G. Cladding colours shall be selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's standard colours, with no increase in cost for minimum orders or special run colours. ' osoao-o~aiowPa DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL CLADDING L~ 4 ' 2.04 ACCESSORIES ' A. Flashing, trim and closers shall be fabricated from the same material, thickness and finish as the intertacing interior or exterior panel, custom fabricated to suit each application. B. Fasteners: Panel fastened with exposed self-tapping "confas" orTapcon screws, prefinished , nylon hat "Colourmate" to match colour of cladding. Interior sheets, sub-girts, etc., fastened with type "AB"hex head cadmium plated high carbon steel, self-tapping sheet metal screws. Fasteners at galvalume finished materials shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. C. Closures: Unifoam PVC closures to profile of cladding. D. Caulking: Concealed caulking shall be butyl rubber for panel bedding on supports and around perimeter. Exposed caulking to 6e single component polysulphide, colour matched to cladding. PART 3 EXECUTION ' : 3.01 FABRICATION ' A. Fabricate all metal flashing, starter strips, closures, and trim as required for complete installation of wall cladding. Hem all exposed edges minimum 13 mm for appearance and stiffness. Mitre and seal corners with sealant. , B. Fabricate (lashings and trim to suit existing material profile and configuration. 3.02 EXAMINATION ' A. Examine building frame and substrate, take field measurements and examine other work which may affect this work. , B. Check the accuracy and alignment of the building substrate. If not within tolerances set forth in the CISC Standard Code of Practice, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant before proceeding with erection of the metal cladding. ' C. Ensure that all air barrier membranes and air seals are in place and have been accepted by the Consultant. , D. Notify Consultant of any conditions which would prevent proper installation. E. Do not proceed with cladding installation until work which will be concealed has been ' inspected and approved. F. Commencement of work implies acceptance of existing conditions. ' 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Erection shall be carried out by the manufacturer's trained erection crews or their approved ' erector. B. Installation shall be in accordance with the reviewed shop drawings, the manufacturer's printed instructions and the referenced standards. ' 09040-07410 wpd ' L~ u LJ LJ t LJ r DIVISION 7 SECTION 07410 METAL CLADDING C. Fasteners or method of attachment shall withstand all loads of wind or of suction as may be imposed on the metal cladding. Exposed fasteners shall have pre-coated or nylon coated heads to match colour of the metal wall cladding. D. Install all (lashings and seal to provide aweather-tight structure. E. Install liner panel where indicated over structural steel girt framing. F. Install sub-framing, girts, trim, flashings, insulation and metal cladding as indicated. G. Fasten sub-framing to backup with self tapping screws of sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of 19 mm into the structure. locate sub framing at maximum 1200 mm centres but not more than required to support applied wind loads. H. Apply a continuous bead of caulking on faces of all supports and at top, bottom and ends of cladding to provide a complete seal. I. On lapped joints, caulk continuously between laps to provide a complete water seal. J. Bed all flashings, closures and corner pieces in sealant to provide a weathertight installation. K. Caulk all openings, joints and around perimeter to provide a weathertight installation. L. Complete all air seals between metal cladding and other systems or materials as detailed. Air barrier membranes are specified under section 07195. M. Install semi rigid insulation where indicated on the drawings. Do not install until air barriers and vapour barriers specified elsewhere have been inspected and approved. N. Provide expansion joints complete with metal closures, flashings, trim and caulking, to provide a weather tight installation. O. Coordinate installation of, light fixtures and similar items with other Sections. P. Provide all matching trim, fasteners and accessories to make building weathertight. O. Form soffits and fascias as detailed complete with subframing, trim and flashings. R. There shall be no apparent difference between face sheets of same colourwhen viewed from a minimum distance of 15 metres. Remove and replace off-colour sheets as directed by the Consultant. 3.04 TOUCH-UP A. Touch-up marred panel surfaces to match finish, or replace as necessary, to the satisfaction of the Consultant. B. Wipe clean all panel surfaces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. End of Section 09040-07410.wptl ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 ' LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Reinforcement and Connectors Section 04080 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Structural Steel Section 05120 ' D. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 E. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 F. Air Barrier Section 07195 t G. H. Building Insulation Section 07200 Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation Section 07218 I. Metal Cladding Section 07410 J. Joint Sealers Section 07900 K. Hollow Metal Doors, Screens and Pressed Metal Frames Section 08100 ' L. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Screens Section 08400 M. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 ' N. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCES A. The National Building Code of Canada. ' B. The Ontario Building Code. C. ASTM A591 Standard Specification for Sheet Steel, Electrolytic Zinc Coated for Light CoatingWeight (Mass) Applications. D. ASTM A653/653M Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) orZinc- Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process. E. ASTM A792 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55%Aluminum Zinc AIIoy Coated by the Hot Dip Process. ' F. ASTM C1177 Glass Mat Substrate for Use as Sheathing. G. ANSI/AWSD1.3, Structural Welding Code-Sheet Steel. H. CAN/CSA G164-M Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. I. CAN/CSA-S16.1-M Limit States Design of Steel Structures. J. CAN/CSA S136-M Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. K. CSA W47.1 Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures. L. CSA W59 Welded Steel Construction (Metal-Arc Welding). ' M. CSA W178.1 Certification of Welding Inspection Organizations N. CSA W178.2 Certification of Welding Inspectors O. CBSB 1-GP-181 M Standard for Coating, Zinc Rich, Organic Ready Mix. ' P. CSSBI Lightweight Steel Framing Manual 50-M. Q. CSSBI S6-90 Guide Specification for Lightweight Steel Framing. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' 09040-07425.wptl 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 2 t B. Submit six (6) copies of shop drawings indicating layout and details of fabrication and , erection. Indicate member sizes and gauges of materials, framing, method of fastenings, ' spacing of all members, bridging and bracing. Indicate design loads. C. Indicate all framing systems including exterior and interior framing and soffits. ' D. Lightweight steel framing systems shall be designed by, and each shop drawing shall bear the stamp of a registered Professional Engineer licenced to practice in the Province of ' Ontario. E. Submit six (6) copies of engineering design calculations or data verifying the capacity of the members and the ability of the assemblies to meet the design requirements. , F. Detailweldedconnectionsusingstandardssymbolsforweldedjointsaspublished in current CISC Handbook of Steel Construction. ' G. Submit three (3) copies of field review reports specified in Section 3.07 within 3 working days of each inspection. Reports shall be submitted directly from the Design Engineer to the Consultant. H. Submit mill test reports covering chemical and mechanical properties of steel, and coating designation , . I. Inspection Reports: Inspection and Testing company shall: 1. Submit reports at least weekly when the work of this Section is in progress. , 2. Distribute inspection reports as follows: 4 copies to the General Contractor. 1 copy to the Consultant. 1 copy to the Owner. 2 copies to the Lightweight Steel Framing fabricator. 3. Sign report by inspector who performs inspection, describing progress of work, deficiencies observed and corrective action taken. t 4. Include deficiency list of outstanding items from previous reports, and comment on status. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS A. Subcontractor undertaking work of this Section shall have a minimum of 5 years experience in lightweight steel framing. ' B. Design of lightweight steel framing shall be by a Professional Engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario, experienced in lightweight steel framing design. ' C. Consultant will review lightweight steel framing to verify general conformance with overall design concept of the structure. ' D. Undertake welding only by fabricators certified by Canadian Welding Bureau under Division 1 or 2.1. , 09040-07425 wpd ' ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 ' - LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 3 E. Use welders qualified for the base material types and thicknesses that are to be welded. F. Lightweight steel framing design engineer shall be insured against professional liability in ' accordance with section 74 subsection (1) of Regulation 941 of the Ontario Professional Engineers Act. The alternative of compliance with subsection (2) is not acceptable. 1.06 DESIGN A. Design shall be based on Limit States Design Principles using factored loads and resistances. ' B. Exteriorwall and soffit systems supporting metal cladding on Z girt framing shall be designed to accommodate maximum wind loads on any stud, based on 1200 mm spacing of Z girts ' which will be installed vertically in line with studs. Locate studs to conform to metal cladding panel joint layouts and window mullion spacings indicated on drawings. Coordinate with Section 07410. C. Loads and load factors shall be in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. D. Resistances and resistance factors shall be determined in accordance with the National Building Code and CAN3-S136. E. Maximum allowable deflection of metal studs under specified loads shall be L/600. ' F. Design bridging as necessary to align members during erection, and to provide necessary structural integrity during construction and in the completed structure. Design bridging to prevent member rotation and translation perpendicular to the minor axis. G D i li t l l . es gn n e s over a l openings in accordance with the National Building Code. ' H. Design components or assemblies to accommodate specified erection tolerances. I. Member spacing shall not exceed the spacing indicated on the drawings. ' J. Allow for movement of the structure. Design wind bearing stud end connections to accommodate floor/roof deflections such that the studs are not loaded axially. ' K. Connections between lightweight steel framing members shall be by bolts, welding or sheet metal screws. ' L. Resistances for sheet metal screws shall be based on the manufacturer's lower bound test values multiplied by the appropriate resistance factor, e~, given in CAN3-S136. M. Provide bridging at spacing to satisfy structural requirements, but not at greater than the following: at the lesser of 1500 mm or 1/4 of span, for joists and rafters. N. Neglect contribution of sheathing to restrain member rotation and translation perpendicular ' to the minor access except where sheathing is of sheet steel, steel deck or plywood. ' 09040-07425 wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 4 ' O. Design bracing system to limit lateral deflections of building components under wind or , seismic load to heighU500. ' G welding or sheet metal screws to make connections between lightweight framing Use bolts . , members. ' H. Determine sheet metal screw capacities in accordance with CSA S136. I. Design top and bottom tracks to transfer joint and member loads, but not less than one ' gauge size thicker than the wall stud thickness. J. Design connections to masonry walls to stabilize the walls and resist lateral forces due to ' wind and seismic forces. 1.07 PROTECTION ' A. Provide and maintain adequate temporary bracing for all work of this Section until permanent lateral support is in place. ' B Provide and maintain scaffolding independent of walls in such a manner as to interfere as . little as possible with other trades. Construct scaffolding in a rigid, secure and safe manner in accordance with Ministry of Labour requirements, and CSA 5269.2-M. ' 1.08 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Use all means necessary to protect all materials before, during and after installation and to ' protect the installed work and materials of other trades affected by this work. B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the t approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Store lightweight steel framing members on site, flat. Protect from contact with ground. ' 1.09 WARRANTEE A. The Contractor represents that he has the special qualifications for doing the work and that , the plans and specifications are, in his opinion, appropriate and adequate forthe construction set out therein. ' B. Warrant the work of this Section against defects of workmanship and material, for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Performance and agree to make good promptly ' any defects which occur or become apparent within the warranty period. 09040-07425 wptl ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Pa e 5 ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 METAL STUD FRAMING ' A . Steel shall conform to the requirements of CAN3-S136 and shall be identified as to specification, type, grade and mechanical properties. ' B . Stud sizes as indicated on the drawings. C . Steel shall meet the requirements of ASTM A653/A653M, structural (physical) quality. ' Minimum grade, Grade'D', 50 ksi yield, galvanized 2180 coating. D . Lightweight steel framing shall be as manufactured by Bailey Metal Products Ltd., CSM ' (Canadian Steel Manufacturing), Nicholson Rollforming Inc., or Crona Steel Products. E. Thickness, exclusive of coating: not less than 1.22 mm (18 gauge). Use thicker material where required by Engineered design to satisfy structural requirements. Comply with t thickness tolerance requirements of CSA S136. Material thicknesses shall be greater than or equal to the specified thicknesses with underruns not to exceed the tolerance requirements of 5136. 1 F. Provide all necessarytracks,bridging,fasteners, hardware and otheraccessoriesasrequired for a complete installation. ' G. Installation of metal studs shall be designed to accommodate maximum wind loads at each stud location, regardless of final layout of vertical Z girt spacing by Section 07410. Locate studs in accordance with reviewed shop drawings to suit metal cladding panel spacing as ' indicated. H. Provide double or triple stud arrangements at locations where support of interior or exterior fixtures, fittings and accessories is required. I. Zinc Rich Paint: CGSB 1-GP-181 M: Galvafroid by W.R. Meadows of Canada. ' 2.02 FASTENINGS A. Sheet Metal Screws: self tapping with a minimum coating thickness of O.D08 microns ofzinc or cadmium. Screws shall have low profile heads where covered by sheathing. B. Sheathing Screws: As specified in Section 09250. ' C. Welding Electrodes: to CSA W59, 480 mPa minimum tensile strength series. D. Anchors: appropriate anchors sized to suit loads, substrate material, and edge distances, manufactured by Hilti Canada, installed as per manufacturer's recommendations. 2.03 GYPSUM SHEATHING A. As specified in Section 09250. ' oeoaa-mazs wpa DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 6 ' 2.04 ACCESSORIES ' A. Deflections Tracks and Slide Clips: Manufacturer's standard telescoping or slotted tracks to suit design and load conditions. B. Insulation: As specified in Section 07200 and 07218. 1 PART 3: EXECUTION , 3.01 GENERAL A. Fabrication and erection shall conform to the approved shop drawings. Modifications ' required to accommodate as-built conditions (other than minor dimensional changes) shall be submitted for approval. B. Provide Lightweight Steel Framing systems at exterior wall and soffit assemblies and at all ' interior wall locations where indicated. 3.02 WELDING ' A. Companies engaged in welding shall be certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau to CSA ' StandardW47.1. Companies shall have welding procedures approved and welders qualified for the base material types and thicknesses that are to be welded. B. Welds shall conform to CSA W59. , C. For metal less than 3.0 mm thick, shop drawings may shown nominal weld leg sizes. For such material, the effective throats of welds shall not be less than the thickness of the ' thinnest connected part. D. Touch-up welds with zinc rich paint. ' 3.03 SCREWS A. Steel screws shall equal or exceed the minimum diameter indicated on the shop drawings. ' B. Penetration beyond joined materials shall be not less than 3 exposed threads. 3.04 FABRICATION q. Where specified, provide cut-outs centred in the webs of members to accommodate , services. Unreinforced cut-outs shall be limited to the dimensions in Table 1 of CSSBI56. The effect of cut-outs on the strength and stiffness of the member shall be considered. B. Fabrication tolerances for members shall conform to Table 2 of CSSBI56. ' C. The steel thickness exclusive of coating shall be marked on each member by embossing, stamping with indelible ink or by colour coding. ' o9oao-o~azs wpd ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 ' LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING ' 3.05 ERECTION A. Methods of construction may be either by piece (stick-built) or by fabrication into panels ' (panelized) either on or off site. B. Lightweight steel framing shall be erected true and plumb within the specified tolerances. Temporary bracing shall be employed wherever necessary to withstand all loads to which the ' structure may be subject during erection and subsequent construction. Temporary bracing shall be left in place as long as required for the safety and integrity of the structure. The Erector shall ensure that during erection, a margin of safety consistent with the requirements ' of the National Building Code and CAN3-S136 exists in the uncompleted structure. C. Erection Tolerances: ' 1. For the purposes of this section, camber is defined as the deviation from straightness of a member or any portion of a member with respect to its major axis, and sweep is defined as the deviation from straightness of a member or any portion of a member with respect to its minor axis. ' 2. For axial load bearing studs, out of plumbness and out of straightness (camber and sweep) shall not exceed 1/1000th of the member length. ' 3. For wind bearing studs, out of plumbness shall not exceed 1/500th of the member length. 4. For track, camber shall not exceed 1/1000th of the member length. 5. Studs shall seat into top and bottom tracks. The gap between the end of the stud and the web of the track shall not exceed 1.6mm for axial load bearing studs or 5 mm for wind bearing studs. 6. Spacing of studs shall not be more than 3.Omm from the design spacing. The ' cumulative error in spacing shall not exceed the requirements of the finishing materials. ' D. Make all field measurements necessary to insure the proper fit of all members. E. Cutting of members may be by saw or shear. Torch cutting is not permitted. ' F. All axially loaded members shall be aligned vertically to allow for full transfer of the loads down to the foundation. Vertical alignment shall be maintained at floor/wall intersections. ' G. Completed bearing shall be maintained under tracks to provide for load transfer in axially loaded assemblies. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant. ' H. Holes that are field cut into lightweight steel framing members shall conform to the requirements of Section 3.04 and Table 1. I. Splicing of axial load bearing members is not permitted. ' J. Insulation shall be placed in all jamb and header assemblies that will be inaccessible after their installation into the wall. Insure that insulation is kept dry and not compressed. Use ' fibrous fill insulation as specified under section 07200. 09040-07425.wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07425 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Page 8 ' K. Handling and lifting of prefabricated panels shall not cause permanent distortion to any ' member or collateral material. L. Thoroughly inspect installation prior to application of covering materials and touch up all scratched or otherwise damaged surfaces with a heavy coating of zinc rich paint. , 3.06 SHEATHING A. Water resistantgypsumsheathingshallbeinstalledhorizontallyonallwalls. Refer to Section t 09250. 3.07 INSPECTION ' The lightweight steel framing Design Engineer, responsible for the production of the shop A . drawings, shall provide periodic field review during construction and shall submit reports in ' accordance with Section 1.05. 1. The cost of this field review shall be paid for by the Contractor. ' B. Additional inspection and testing of materials and workmanship shall be carried out by a qualified Independent Inspection Agency appointed by the Consultant. t 1. The cost of this additional inspection shall be paid for out of the Cash Allowances for Inspection and Testing. 2. Any testing or inspection required by the Consultant because of an error by the ' Contractor or due to departure from the contract documents by the Contractor, shall be paid for by the Contractor. ' 3. Inspection shall include: Checking that mill test reports are properly correlated to materials. a . b. Sampling fabrication and erection procedures for general conformity to the ' requirements of the specification. c. Checkingthattheweldingconformstotherequirementsofthisspecification. d. Checking fabricated members against specified member shapes. ' e. Visual inspection of all welded connections including sample checking of joint preparation and fit-up. f. Sample checking of screwed and bolted joints. g. Sample checking that tolerances are not exceeded during fit-up or erection. , h. Additional inspection and testing of welded connections as required by CSA W 59. i. General inspection of field cutting and alterations required by other trades. ' j. Submission of reports to the Consultant, the Contractor and the authorities having jurisdiction covering the work inspected with details of deficiencies discovered. ' 4. The Contractor shall provide the necessary cooperation to insure thatthe inspection can proceed. oeoao-mazs wpa t LJ DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07425 LIGHTWEIGHT STEEL FRAMING Pa e 9 u 1 r t 5. The inspection provided in this section does not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the performance of the contract. The Contractor is solely responsible for quality control and he shall implement his own supervisory and quality control procedures. 6. Materials or workmanship not conforming to the requirements of the contract documents may be rejected at any time during the progress or work. Table 1 -Allowable Dimensions for Unreinforced Cut-outs Member Depth Across the Member Web Along the Member Length ' Centre to Centre Spacing (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 92, 102 40 max. 105 max. 600 min. >152 65 max. 115 max. 600 min. `The distance from the centerline of the last unreinforcedcut-out to the end of the member shall be not less than 400 mm. Table 2 -Fabrication Tolerances for Lightweight Steel Framing Members Member Type Member Flange Lip Length Thickness Inside Radius Corner Depth Width C t r Angles A B (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Track orstud -1, +2 -1, +2 " -0, +q _p t3° Only applicable to members subjected to web crippling. For r<_2t +28% For 2Kr<4t +g% Where r is the manufacturer's specifed inside bend radius and t is the thickness exclusive of coating. ` Where drywall is attached directly to the flange, the minimum flange width shall be 31 mm. Member Type Length Tracks NIA Wind Bearing Studs t3 mm Axial Load Bearing Studs t1.5 mm End of Section oeoao-o7azs wpd ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 ' BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Pa e 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Demolition Section 02050 B. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 1 D. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 1.D3 REFERENCES ' A. Ontario Building Code. B. ASTM C208 -Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber). C. ASTM C-1177, Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing. D. ASTM C1289, Standard Specification for Faced Rigid Cellular Polyisocyanurate Thermal Insulation. E. ASTM D226, Standard SpecificationforAsphalt-Saturated Organic Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. F. ASTM D2178 Standard Specification for Asphalt Saturated Glass Ply Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing. G. ASTM E96/E96M-OS Standard Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials. ' H. CAN/CGSB-37.5, Cutback Asphalt Plastic Cement. I. CGSB 37-GP-9Ma, Primer, Asphalt, Unfilled, for Asphalt Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. ' J. CGSB 37-GP-15M, Application of Asphalt Primer for Asphalt Roofing, Dampproofing and Waterproofing. K. CGSB 37-GP-19M, Cement, Plastic, Cutback Tar. L. CAN/CGSB-37.29, Rubber-Asphalt Sealing Compound. ' M. CAN/CGSB-51.33-M Vapour Retarder Sheet, Excluding Polyethylene, for Building Construction. N. CSA A123.3, Asphalt or Tar Saturated Roofing Felt. ' O. CSA A123.4, Bitumen for Use in Construction of Built-up Roof Coverings and Dampproofing and Waterproofing Systems. P. CAN/CSA A247-M, Insulating Fibreboard. Q. CAN/ULC 5102 Test for Surtace Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and ' Assemblies. D. CAN/ULCS704 Standard for ThermallnsulationPolyurethaneandPolyisocyanurate,Boards, Faced. ' E. CAN/ULC S770 Standard Test Method for Determination of Long Term Thermal Resistance of Closed Cell Thermal Insulating Foams. F. Canadian Roofing Contractor's Association (CRCA) Metric Specification Manual. G. Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation (FM): "Loss Prevention Data, Insulated Steel Deck 1-28", FM "Approval Guide" including Revisions to date. -- H. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) "List of Equipment and Materials Volume II Building Construction" including supplements to date. ' 09040-07500.wpd DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 2 ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit complete list of all products intended for use, together with samples and , manufacturer's technical literature. C Submit verificationthatmembranematerialmeetsperformancerequirementsspecifiedinthe . Reference Standards. , D. Submit shop drawings of all components and accessories and including layoutdrawings and details for the tapered insulation system. Submit shop drawings for prefabricated work. ' E. Submit shop drawings detailing roof size, membrane sheet placement, location and type of penetrations, type of vapour retarder, insulation and insulation fasteners. roject this d b ' F. . p on e use Submit WHMIS Data Sheets for all products to 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Provide built-up roofing systems including insulation and all related materials to conform to "ULC Class A" and "FM Class I" design criteria, as shown and as specified herein. B. The roofing Contractor shall be of recognized standing with a proven record of satisfactory ' installations, and shall be a member in good standing of the Canadian Roofing Contractors Association and the Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association. ' C. Roofing work shall be executed under the full time supervision of a competent foreman. D. Amembranemanufacturer'srepresentativeshallbeavailabletoreviewinstallationprocedure ' and to impact the completed installation to verify compliance with all specifications and details. E. The Owner will appoint and pay for an Independent Inspection Company to provide roofing ' inspection. The contractor shall provide full co-operation to the roofing inspector. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE t A. The roofing contractor shall have adequate facilities or access to facilities to take receipt of and store roofing materials so that the materials are ready to be built in. ' B Deliver and store materials undamaged in original containers with manufacturer's label and . seals intact. All packed materials shall bear the manufacturer's name brand, and applicable specification number and printed instructions for storage and application. Materials not identified shall be removed off the site. Bitumen containers shall be stored upright and roofing t felts shall be stored on end to prevent flattening. All materials shall be protected from moisture at all times. No material shall be placed in direct contact with the earth. hibit d f i ' C. e . s pro Storage of insulation and roofing materials on the roo 1.07 ENVI RONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS , A. Apply roofing in periods only approved by the roofing inspector. 09040-07500.wpd ' ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Pa e 3 ' B. Materials shall not be applied during inclementweather.Donotapplyroofingoverwetdecks, or where frost or snow is present. ' C. The roofing contractor must receive written authorization from the roofing inspector to proceed. 1.08 PROTECTION ' A. Provide adequate protection of materials and work of this trade from damage by weather, traffic and other causes. At the end of each day's work seal exposed edges of roofing membrane. Protect work of other trades from damage resulting from the work of this trade. Make good such damage at no additional expense to the Owner and to the satisfaction of the Consultant. ' B. Protect adjacent properties and public areas in accordance with regulatory requirements and municipal by-laws. 1.09 PRE-INSTALLATION CONFERENCE A. Prior to scheduled commencement of the roofing installation and associated work, conduct a meeting at the project site with the installer, Consultant, owner, roof manufacturer's ' representative and any other persons directly involved with the perormance fo the work. Record conference discursions to include decisions, agreements, and open issues and furnish copies of recorded discussions to each attending party. The primary purpose of the meeting is to review foreseeable methods and procedures related to roofing work. r 1.10 WARRANTY ' A. The Contractor represents that he has the special qualifications for doing the work and that the specifications are, in his opinion, appropriate and adequate for the construction and/or renovations set out therein. ' B. Warrant the work of this Section, including vapour retardant and insulation work against defects of workmanship and material, and against any actual leakage for a period of two ears from the date of Substantial Performance and agree to make good promptly any ' defects which occur or become apparent within the warranty period, such defects to include but not be restricted to leaking, failure to stay in place ,undue expansion, lifting, deformation, loosening and splitting of seams, joint deformation, failure to adhere, deterioration, blisters, etc. C. Furnish the Guarantee Warranty in writing, on forms issued and approved by the Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association, signed and countersigned by the General Contractor and the Subcontractor. D. Provide manufacturers extended 10 year warrantee to cover repair or replacement costs for Labour, Materials and Workmanship required to restore roof or system to watertight condition, after a leak has occurred, due to defective materials or system related failures. Warranty shall be Non Pro Rated and must be covered to the original installation cost for the full ten years. ' 09040-07500 wpd DIVISION 7 , SECTION 07500 BUILT UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 4 ' PART 2: PRODUCTS , 2.01 GENERAL q. Compatibility between roofing system components is essential. All materials used on the roof shall be endorsed for compatibility by the applicator and the materials manufacturer. B. Materials shall conform to the reference specification numbers named including all revisions ' to date or shall be the product named. 2.02 MATERIALS q. Asphalt Primer: to CGSB 37-GP-9Ma, unfilled, penetrating, non-fibrated, cutback asphalt. B. Vapour Retardant: ASTM E-96 Procedure A Perm rating of 0.4 or less: 1. GAF Materials Corp/Lexsuco Permate (Ultra) Vapour Retarder. 2. DuroPerm Vapour Retarder by Johns Manville. 3. IKO Armourgard. C. Vapour Retardant Adhesive: Non-flammable type, compatible with vapour retardant membranes and substrate: 1. GAF Materials CorplLexsuco Permate II adhesive. ' 2. DuroPerm "VR" Adhesive by Johns Manville 3. IKO Roofcraft Armourgard VR Adhesive D. Glass Mat, Gypsum Board: to C1177lC1177M TypeX, 518" thick. E Protection Board: to CAN/CSA A247 or ASTM C208, compatible with roof system: 12.7 mm . fibreboard overlay, 1220 x 1220 mm size. Minimum compressive strength of 310 kPa. ' F Roofing Asphalts: Type 1 and 3 oxidized asphalt conforming to CSA A123.4. Type 2 asphalt . shall be used for horizontal surfaces and slopes up to 1:8, and type 3 for vertical and sloped surfaces overl:8. ' G Polyisocyanurate Base Insulation, Type 3, Class 2 manufactured with HC blowing agent . laminated to heavy black non-asphaltic fibre reinforced felt facers on top and bottom ts of CANIULC S126 and CAN/ULC S107 and conforming i remen surfaces. Meeting the requ to CANIULC 5704 and CANIULC for Long Term Thermal Resistance (LTTR) R- values. ' Evaluated and listed by current CCMC approvals guide and approved and listed by Factory Mutual Global far Class 1-60/75/90 windstorm classification and meeting FM 4450 approval requirements for Class 1A Fire as a component in roof deck construction. Provide 2 layers , of 38 mm thickness or as required to achieve a minimum LTTR R-value of 18.0. Square edges. Minimum compressive strength of 138 Kpa. 1. E'NRG'Y 3 by Johns Manville ' 2. Lexsucolsolexlsocyanurate 3. Firestone ISO+GL 4. IKO IKOTherm Polyisocyanurate insulation. 5. Atlas AC Foam II by Atlas Roofing Corporation. ' 6. Energy Guard ISO by GAF Materials Corp. 7. H-Shield Iso by Carlisle Syntec Canada. H. Tapered Insulation: compatible with roofing system, slope as shown on the drawings but not , less than 2% starting thickness of 0 mm, factory tapered. 07500 wptl 09040 , - ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Pa e 5 I. Insulation Accessories: As required, preformed crickets and mitres to match roof insulation. J. Fasteners: 1. Protection board to steel deck: No.10 flat head, self tapping, Type S, cadmium plated ' screws to 0002. 2. Insulation to metal or wood deck: coated insulation fasteners and galvanized plates must meet FM Approval for wind uplift and corrosion resistance, as recommended ' by insulation manufacturer. K. Roofing Felt: ASTM D2178 Type IV inorganic fibreglass mat impregnated with asphalt. 1. Johns Manville GlasPly IV 2. GAF Materials Corp. GAF Glas IV. 3. Bakor Type IV Glass Ply ' L. Cant Strips: ASTM C208, Type II, Grade 1 rigid board wood fiber insulation, or ASTM C728; rigid board perlite insulation cants 75 x 75 x 38 mm ref r d t 45 d , p o me o egree angle. GAF Materials Corp. Energy Guard Perlite Cant Strip or equivalent. M. Roof SurtacingAggregate - To ASTM D1863 10 mm pea gravel size well graded crushed or round, clean and dry, free from dust, sand or organic impurities, soft or friable materials. N. Base Sheet Flashing: Mop grade SBS modified bituminous membrane with minimum thickness of 2.2 mm and with minimum 180 g/m2 pol ester reinfor t T II y cemen . ype , Class C, Grade 1 conforming to CGSB 37-GP-56M. 1. GAF Material Carp. Rubberoid Mop Smooth Base Sheet. 2. Soprema Elastophene 180 SS. ' 3. IKO Industries Modiflex MF-95-FS-Base. ' O. Cap Sheet Flashing: Mop grade SBS modified bituminous membrane with minimum thickness of 4.0 mm and with minimum 250 g/mZ polyester reinforcement T I Cl . ype , ass A, Grade 2 conforming to CGSB 37-GP-56M. 1. GAF Material Corp. Rubberoid Mop Plus. 2. Soprema Sopralene 250GM. 3. IKO Industries Modiflex MP-250-Cap. P. Nails, bolts, screws and other flashings -same metal finish as sheet metal being used. The i ' s ze of fastenings shall suit the applicable conditions. All nails, screws and other flashings shall be subject to the approval of the Consultant or his representative. ' O. Caulking Sealant: Compatible with roofing materials, as specified in Section 07900. R. Bituminous Paint: To CGSB 1-GP-108M. ' S. Pitch Pockets -Lexsuco Spun Aluminum Mastic Pans. T. Pourable Sealer: 2-part polyurethane sealer intended for use by the manufacturer to seal ' pitch pans and other penetrations. U. Blackjacks (vent pipe flashings): Lexsuco or Thaler standard mill finish aluminum insulated vent stack covers applicable at all plumbing vent pipes. Rubber sleeves and sleeves su li d b th ' pp e y o er trades will not be acceptable. ' 09040-07500.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 6 V Roof Drains: Thaler Retrofit Aluminum Roof Drain size to fit existing drain piping and roof ' . configuration. , W Rain Collars and Clamps: Fabricated from same material as exhaust stacks, with . continuously soldered seams and extending a minimum of 50 mm down face of sleeve. Allow 6 mm gap all around between rain collar and sleeve or pitch pockets. Clamps to be fabricated ' from same material as collar. X. Precast Concrete Pavers: Reuse existing. ' Y Paver Stone Pedestals: Pave-EI pedestal system manufactured by Envirospec Inc. consisting . of Model 5X high density polyethylene pedestals and levelling plates, as required. ' Z Substitutions - If this Contractor substitutes materials or trade names specified herein with . others such materials shall be removed immediately from the site making good all other work disturbed for such removals. , PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS , A. Examine work of other trades and notify in writing to the Consultant and Contractor that the work is acceptable or of any defects or discrepancies. Verify that work of other trades which , penetrates roof deck or requires men and equipment to transverse roof deck has been completed or adequate protection is provided. B. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, foreign material, moisture and unevenness ' which would prevent the execution and quality of application of the roofing system as specified. Do not proceed with application of the roof system until defects are corrected. Installation of any part of the work without the written acceptance of such surfaces shall ' require immediate removal of such installed work. 3.02 WORKMANSHIP A Do workmanship in strict accordance with applicable standards in Canadian Roofing . Contractors Association Roofing Specifications Manual exceptwhere specified otherwise and to the approval of the Consultant. ' B. Regard the manufacturers printed recommendations and specifications as the minimum requirement for materials, methods and workmanship not otherwise specified. , C Do not overheat bitumen. Maximum temperature for type I, type II and type III oxidized . asphalt is 245° C. Do not apply to the roof under 200° C. Once asphalt temperature exceeds 245° C the material will be considered unsatisfactory and must be removed from the site. D All plies of roofing felt except as otherwise specified shall be "mopped solid" and squeegeed . into bitumen. ' E Wherever two or more plies of roofing felt are applied to the surface of the built up roofing . system, the edge of the roofing felt plies must not be left in a total raw edge thickness, but applied with progressive increased of 150 mm of each successive layer of felt applied. , 09040-07500.wpd ' ' DIVISION 7 t SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 7 ' F. Should at the conclusion of any day's work gravelling-in operations be incomplete or postponed, all newlyapplied roofing shall receive a continuous and uniform protective coating of bitumen. t G. Bitumen shall be supplied direct from the refinery. Bitumen temperature in tankers shall not exceed 190° C. Bitumen shall be transferred into standard kettles and heated to the required temperature. Tankers must be equipped with a thermometer at all times. Operator to leave ' the tanker lid open at all times to permit fumes to escape. Bitumen shall be maintained in the tanker at the lowest possible temperature. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Remove existing roofing over areas shown, including stone ballast, roof membranes, (lashings, protection board, insulations, cant strips and vapour retarders. Remove only ' enough roofing that can be replaced in the same day. B. Inspect and remove or replace existing wood roof curbs and copings. New wood curbs and copings are specified in Section 06100. Coordinate with others to ensure that all curbs, blocking and the like is in place, level and secure, prior to commencement of roofing. C. Remove existing roof drains. RetrofiUextend drainage piping to suit new installation. ' D. Clean and prepare existing roof deck and other substrate materials suitable for new vapour retarder application in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.04 APPLICATION OF VAPOUR RETARDANT A. Wood Deck ' 1. Vapour retarder shall be installed in 4 plys. The first ply shall be loose laid dry on existing wood roof deck. The top three plies shall be mopped. 2. First layer shall be laid dry over wood deck and nailed into place at 310 mm centres along edges and 460 mm centres each way in field area. Maintain minimum 100 mm side laps and 200 mm end laps. Lap membrane with existing and ensure that entire wood roof deck is completely covered. 3. Apply primer to vertical surfaces commencing at top of cant strips. ' 4. Vapour retardant shall be adhered with adhesive in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements for a Class 1 Vapour retarder, at the rate of 0.16E/mZ , in continuous ribbons. 5. Install vapour retarder in one layer with minimum 150 mm end laps and 50 mm side ' laps. All laps to be tightly sealed with a continuous mopping of adhesive. 6. Extend vapour retarder minimum 375 mm beyond termination point. The extended portion of the vapour retarded shall be turned up to envelope exposed ends of insulation boards and sealed on the top side of the insulation in a hot mopping of ' asphalt Type III. 7. No more vapour retardant shall be applied in any one working day than can be covered with insulation and properly "dried-in". ' 8. Vapour retardant shall not be installed to bridge across expansion joints or similar devices. B. Steel Deck ' 1. Prime steel deck with ASTM D41 or CGSB 37-GP-9 asphalt primer at the rate of .016 L/m2, in continuous ribbons parallel to steel deck flutes, and permit to dry. 2. Apply primer to vertical surfaces commencing at top of cant strips. ' 09040-07500.wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 8 3. Vapour retardant shall be adhered with adhesive in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements for a Class 1 Vapour retarder, at the rate of 0.16Llm2 , in continuous ribbons. 4. Install vapour retarder in one layer with minimum 150 mm end laps and 50 mm side laps. All laps tc be tightly sealed with a continuous mopping of adhesive. 5. Extend vapour retarder minimum 375 mm beyond termination point. The extended portion of the vapour retarded shall be turned up to envelope exposed ends of insulation boards and sealed on the top side of the insulation in a hot mopping of asphalt Type III. 6. No more vapour retardant shall be applied in any one working day than can be covered with insulation and properly "dried-in". 7. Vapour retardant shall not be installed to bridge across expansion joints or similar devices. 8. Mechanically fasten to steel deck Glass Mat Gypsum Board with screws to steel deck's upper rib surfaces, spaced 16"on centre each way. Place sheathing with long axis of each sheet transverse to steel deck ribs, with end joints staggered and fully supported on ribs. C. Concrete Deck 1. Apply primer on concrete deck at the rate specified on the container. 2. Embed two piles of felts glass in hot bitumen spread at rate of 1.2 Llm2 for glass asphalt. 3.05 INSTALLATION OF ROOF INSULATION A. Keep insulation dry atall times. Insulation showing evidence of having been dampened since its manufacture or separation of laminations shall not be used. Lay insulation panels in rows with all joints staggered. B. Lay board in tight contact to prevent gaps and resulting loss of thermal insulation value. Cut boards to fit neatly around projections through roof. C. Adhere insulation with adhesive. Firmly set the units of roof insulation long joints continuous and short joints staggered into a full width mopping of hot asphalt (within 14°C of the EVT). The asphalt shall be applied at a nominal rate of 1.46 kglm2. D. Insulation shall be installed in three (3) layers (two layers of 38 mm insulation and one layer of tapered insulation). All joints must be offset a minimum of 152 mm between layers. Walk- in insulation boards to ensure full embedment in asphalt. E. At roof drains, reduce the insulation thickness by 13 mm for a distance of 610 mm from the centre of the drain. Fill the flutes of the steel deck at roof drains with insulation board adhered with adhesive for a distance of 610 mm from the centre of the drain to ensure total support at all drains prior to placement of vapour retardant. F. Protection board: Cover entire roof with a layer of protection board, fully adhered in a complete 100% hot mopping of asphalt type III, to the top layer of insulation. Embed protection board firmly into the hot asphalt. asooo-o~eoo.wPa 1 L_1 LJ t DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Pape 9 G. Protect all exposed edges of insulation where roofing temporarily terminates at the end of a working day by forming a water cut-off. Water cut-off shall consist of 2 plies of felt continuously mopped and coated with asphalt, extending from the surface of the roof membrane minimum 200 mm onto the deck. Ensure water cut-off is continuously secured to the deck and is removed prior to proceeding with work the following day. H. Insulation shall not be installed to bridge across expansion joints or control joints. 3.06 INSTALLATION OF CANT STRIPS A. Apply a continuous and uniform mopping of Type II I asphalt along all intersections of roofing and vertical surfaces to the width of the cant strips. Immediately set cant strips in place. Lay true to line and level. Butt joints flush and accurately and mitre all corners. 3.07 BUILT-UP ROOFING APPLICATION A. Roof membrane shall consist of 4 plies of Type IV inorganic fibreglass and asphalt impregnated roofing felts laid in hot asphalt and covered with gravel. B. Solidly mop surtace of roof insulation with Type I hot asphalt at rate of 1.0 kg/m2 and embed 4 plies of felts lapping each ply 700 mm over preceding one and mopping solidly between in a similar mopping of hot asphalt. Do not allow dry felts to contact each other. C. Apply felts smooth, tree from air pockets, wrinkles, fish mouths, prominent lapjoints ortears. Lap end joints at least 152 mm and avoid end joints coinciding with underlying joints. Terminate all roofing felts at top of cant strip. Stagger the felts to finish in an even surface with all felt cant strip. Stagger the felts to finish in an even surface with all felt plies tightly sealed with asphalt at the top of all cant strips. D. At parapets apply four layers of felt strip flashing, the first layer to extend 254 mm onto roofing and the second layer 200 mm and each layer carried up full height to top of vertical surtace in an even line and secure to wood blocking with large headed roofing nails and to each other with Type III asphalt. Install elastic flashing. E. At curbs andotherverticalsurfaces,similarlyflashwithfourplyoffeltstripflashing,extending 305 mm high above roof level, unless otherwise shown, or extending full height of curbs, felts turned over top of curb and down face of wood blocking and nailed thereto and install (lashings. F. Install built-up (lashings at all roof curbs, sleepers, vent pipes, ducts, and all other projections through the roof as required and as shown on the drawings. 3.08 PARAPET AND CAP FLASHING A. Cap and parapetflashingsshall consistoftwo layers of SBS modified bituminous membrane flashing hot mopped into Type III asphalt covered with sheet metal flashing specified under Section 07620. B. Install base sheet of SBS modified bituminous base sheet in type III asphalt ensuring full bond and extending a minimum of 150 mm onto roof surface. Properly secure flashings to their support without sags, blisters, fishmouths or wrinkles. Terminate as detailed. 09040-07500.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 10 ' C. Install cap sheet of SBS modified bituminous base sheet in type III asphalt ensuring full bond ' and extending a minimum of 200 mm onto roof surface. Properly secure (lashings. D. Sheet metal flashings shall be installed as specified in Section 07620. 3.09 GRAVEL SURFACING ' A. Temporarily block all roof hoppers when gravel is being placed to prevent gravel from falling ' down leaders into drains. Exercise care to remove temporary blocking when work is not proceeding to avoid flooding. Over final ply of felt apply a flood coating of hot asphalt at rate of 3.0 kg/mz using an ' approved bitumen and gravel application machine and embed roofing gravel. Apply gravel at rate of 20 kg/mz. Sweep up excess gravel with mechanical broom and repour any bare spots. Apply a second topping of asphalt and gravel using 3.0 kg/mz of asphalt and spread gravel to provide a total uniform weight (including asphalt) of not less than 36 kg/m2 for both ' pours. 3.10 CONTROL JOINTS ' A. Supply and install control joints where indicated on the drawings. Roofing felts shall be solid mopped in place and terminate at top of cants. Install flexible flashing in the longest convenient lengths mopped in place with hotType 111 asphalt ,extending out onto roofing felts , a distance of 305 mm from toe of cant and carried up aver face of cant strip, up full height of curb and turned over wood blocking and nailed thereto with large headed roofing nails. 3.11 PAVERS ' A. Install paver pedestals at each corner of concrete paver stones, in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions. ' B. Shim with levelling plates, and stack paver pedestals as necessary to provide a level walking surtace. , C. Place''/z pedestals at edges, and 114 pedestals at edges of pavers. D. Place pedestals with spacer edge up, to provide uniform spacing between pavers of 6 mm ' E. Install precast pavers by lowering into place. Align and shim pedestals to provide a level surtace. 3.12 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT A. Remove and reinstall all mechanical equipment on the roof as necessary to facilitate , application of new roof system. This includes temporary removal and replacement of any associated duct work. Temporary removal of any gas lines is the responsibility of the contractor and gas lines shall be reinstalled in accordance with applicable regulations and authorities having jurisdiction. Provide all adjustmentsnecessarytosuitnewroofelevations. B. Disconnection, removal and re-installation of existing equipment shall be pertormed by a qualified Mechanical or electrical contractor as approved by the Owner. ' osoao-o~sao wpd ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07500 BUILT-UP BITUMINOUS ROOFING Page 11 C. All electrical conduits and gas lines must be sufficiently supported as directed by the Consultant. Use treated wood blocking supported on concrete pavers resting on PVC pedestals. D. Install rain collars complete with clamping rings over all pitch pockets and stacks where vandal proof caps cannot be installed. E. Provide purpose made stack jack (lashings at all plumbing vents. F. Seal flashing sleeves in accordance with manufacturer's directions and CRCA standard details. G. Atcompletion ofwork, verify that all mechanical and electrical equipmentis in place, properly installed and weatherproofed, and operating to the satisfaction of the Owner. ' 3.13 ROOF DRAINS 1 A. Removal of existing drains and installation of new drains shall be in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Ensure rain water pipes are fully supported prior to removal of the existing roof drains. B. Flash in drain flange with three plies of glass felt in Type II asphalt. Extend first ply a minimum of 300 mm beyond the edge ofthe flange and each succeeding ply 150 mm beyond underlying ply. C. Install clamping ring and aluminum strainer over raised bosses and install screws to tighten ring against membrane flashing until secure and apply gravel. 3.14 INSPECTION AND TESTING A. Provide necessary facilities and co-operate with designated inspection and testing agency. End of Section 09040-07500.wpd DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING PART 1 : GENERAL ' 1.D1 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK 1 A Structural Steel Section 05120 B. Metal Roof Deck Section 05300 C . Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D . Air Barrier Section 07270 E. Metal WaII Cladding Section 07410 F. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 ' G H . Metal Flashings and Trim Section 07620 . Joint Sealers Section 07900 I. Mechanical Division 15 ' 1.03 REFERENCES A. Ontario Building Code. ' B. C. The National Building Code of Canada. ASTM 0208 -Insulating Board (Cellulosic Fiber). D. ASTM C-1177, Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing. E. CGSB 37-GP-19M, Cement, Plastic, Cutback Tar. ' F. CAN/GSA A247-M, Insulating Fibreboard. G . CAN/ULC S102 Test for Surtace Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. D. Canadian Roofing Contractor's Association (CRCA) Metric Specification Manual, except as specified herein. E. Factory Mutual Engineering Corporation (FM): "Loss Prevention Data, Insulated Steel Deck 1-28", FM "Approval Guide" including Revisions to date. ' F. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada (ULC) "List of Equipment and Materials Volume II Building Construction" including supplements to date. G. Provide membrane roofing systems including insulation and all related materials to conform ' to "ULC Class A" and "FM Class I" design criteria, as shown and as specified herein. H. CCMC Evaluation Report-GCMG Technical Guide for TPO/Sheet Applied Roofing. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit complete list of all products intended for use, together with samples and manufacturer's technical literature. C. Submitverificationthatmembranematerialmeetspertormancerequirementsspecifiedinthe Referenced Standards. D. Submit shop drawings of all components and accessories and including layout drawings and details for the tapered insulation system. Submit shop drawings for prefabricated work. 09000-07530 wptl DIVISION 7 SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 2 E. Submit shop drawings detailing roof size, membrane sheet placement, location and type of penetrations, type underlayment and fasteners. , , F. Submit WHMIS Data Sheets for all products to be used. G. Submit a letter of certification from the manufacturer which certifies the roofing contractor is ' authorized to install the manufacturer's roofing system and lists foremen who have received training from the manufacturer along with the dates training was received. thi k h b d i , H. c ness e mem rane icat ng t Submit certification from the membrane manufacturer in over the reinforcing scrim (top ply membrane thickness) is nominal 15 mil. I. Upon completion of the installed work, submit copies of the manufacturer's final inspection ' to the specifier prior to the issuance of the manufacturer's warranty. 1.05 QUALI TY ASSURANCE , A. The roofing Contractor shall be of recognized standing with a proven record of satisfactory installations, and shall be a member in good standing of the Canadian Roofing Contractors Association andlor the Ontario Industrial Roofing Contractors Association. B. All membrane work shall be carried out by applicators fully experienced in this type of work, and approved by the system manufacturer. , C. Roofing work shall be executed under the full time supervision of a competent foreman. D. Amembranemanufacturer'srepresentativeshallbeavailabletoreviewinstallationprocedure and to impact the completed installation to verify compliance with all specifications and details. E. The Owner will appoint and pay for an Independent Inspection Company to provide roofing inspection. Provide full co-operation to the roofing inspector. 1.06 PRODUCT HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Deliver and store materials undamaged in original unopened containers with manufacturer's label and seals intact. Containers shall be stored upright and roofing membrane shall be stored on end to prevent flattening. All materials shall be protected from moisture at all , times. No material shall be placed in direct contact with the earth. B. All materials, except membrane, must be stored between 5° C and 27° C. If exposed to lower temperature, restore materials to 5° C minimum temperature before using. C. All materials, except membrane, must be stored in a dry area and protected from water and direct sunlight. Damaged materials shall be replaced at roofing Contractor's expense. ' D. Storage of insulation and roofing materials on the roof is prohibited. 1.07 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL A. Separate waste materials for recycling in accordance with Section 01355 -Waste Management and Disposal. 09040-07530.wpd ' i DIVISION 7 SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 3 i 1.D8 B. Remove from site and dispose of packaging materials at appropriate recycling facilities. C. Collect and separate for disposal packaging material in appropriate on-site bins for recycling in accordance with Waste Management Plan. D. Place materials defined as hazardous or toxic in designated containers E. Handle and dispose of hazardous materials in accordance with the CEPA, TDGA, Municipal and Base regulations. F. Divert unused metal materials from landfill to metal recycling facility as approved by Consultant. G. Unused adhesive and sealant materials must not be disposed of into sewer system, into streams, lakes, onto ground or in other location where it will pose health or environmental hazard. Divert unused materials to hazardous materials depot approved by Consultant. H. Divert wood materials from landfill to recycling facility approved by Owner or Consultant. I. Collect, package and store membrane cut-offs and waste material for recycling and return to recycler in accordance with Waste Management Plan. J. Fold up metal banding, flatten and place in designated area for recycling. A. Provide adequate protection of materials and work of this trade from damage by weather, traffic and other causes. B. Schedule roofing installations in such a manner that traffic over the completed portions of roofing will be avoided. C. At the end of each day's work seal exposed edges of roofing membrane. D. Protect work of other trades from damage resulting from the work of this trade. Make good such damage at no additional expense to the Ownerand to the satisfaction of the Consultant. 1.09 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Apply roofing in periods only approved by the roofing inspector. B. The roofing contractor must receive written authorization from the roofing inspector to proceed. C. Do not work during periods of rain, fog, sleet, snow or cold temperatures (below -15° C). 1.10 WARRANTY A. The Contractor represents that he has the special qualifications for doing the work and that the plans and specifications are, in his opinion, appropriate and adequate forthe construction and/or renovations set out therein. 09040-07530 wpd DIVISION 7 1 SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 4 B. The Contractor shall furnish the Guarantee Warranty in writing, on forms issued and approved bythe Canadian Roofing Contractors Association, signed bythe roofing Contractor. C. The roofing Contractor hereby warrants the work of this Section, including vapour retardant, insulation and sheet metal work against defects of workmanship and material, and against any actual leakage for a period of five vears from the date of Substantial Performance and agree to make good promptly any defects which occur or become apparent within the warranty period, such defects to include but not be restricted to leaking, failure to stay in place, undue expansion, lifting, deformation, loosening and splitting of seams, joint deformation, failure to adhere, deterioration, blisters, etc. D. Provide manufacturers extended 10 year warrantee to cover repair or replacement costs for Labour, Materials and Workmanship required to restore roof or system to watertight condition, after a leak has occurred, due to defective materials or system related failures. Warranty shall be Non Pro Rated and must be covered to the original installation cost for the full ten years. ' E. Membrane Reflectivity Warranty: Provide manufacturer's written document for 10 year coverage. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION , A. The roofing system (Type R3) shall be a mechanically fastened and fully adhered roofing system, including the following components: 1. Underlay board mechanically fastened to metal deck. ' 2. Tapered insulation where indicated adhered to underlay with adhesive. 3. 1.524 mm (0.060") nominal thickness prefabricated TPO roofing membrane, fully adhered to substrate. 4. TPO membrane (lashings. , 5. All accessories, hardware and material required for a complete installation as described on the drawings and as recommended by the manufacturer of the roof membrane. ' B. Equivalent roofing systems and components as manufactured by the following are acceptable, subject to the approval of the Consultant and conformance to the requirements ' of the reference standards: 1. Carlisle 2. Firestone 3. Johns Manville ' 4. Lexcan Limited. 2.02 GENERAL ' A. Compatibility between roofing system components is essential. All materials used on the roof shall be endorsed for compatibility by the applicator and the materials manufacturer. Where required undermanufacturerswarranty,all products (including insulation, fasteners, fastening plates and edgings) must be manufactured and supplied by the roofing system manufacturer. B. All packed materials shall bear the manufacturer's name brand, weight and applicable ' specification number and printed instructions for storage, application, etc. Materials not identified shall be removed off the site. 09040-07530.wpd ' ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07530 ' TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 5 ' C. Materials shall conform to the reference specification numbers named including all revisions to date or shall be the product named. 2.03 MATERIALS ' A. Underlayment Substrate Board: to ASTM C1177, moisture resistant. 1220 x 2440 mm sheets, 15. 9 mm thickness. Georgia Pacific Dens Deck Prime Roof and Substrate Board. ' B. Roof Membrane: Non-Halogenated Thermoplastic Polyolefin, 1.524 mm thick (0.060) TPO reinforced membrane (TPO) membrane manufactured with a 9 x 9, 1000 denier polyester reinforcement conforming to the following physical properties: PROPERTY A.S.T. M. TEST METHOD TYPICAL TEST VALUES Colour (Face) White Weight D-751 45 mil - .21 Ib/ft' Thickness, Nominal D-751 1.524 mm (.060") Thickness Over Scrim, mm D 4637 Optical Method 0.381 mm Min. Breaking Strength, min. D-751 1 k/N Min Elongation (unreinforced) D-421 -421 500% Tearing Strength, Min. D-751 245N Properties after heat aging ASTM D-751 a. Breaking Strength ASTM D-3045 90% b. Tear Strength 90% c. Elongation 90 Brittleness Point 02137 -40°C Ozone Resistance 01149 Pass Water Absorption, Max. 0471 +/- 2% Linear Dimensional Change, Max. 01204 +!- 2% Weather Resistance G53 Pass (No Cracks) Reflectivity E93 Grey: 44 Water Vapour Transmission E96 13 (perm mils) Puncture Resistance FTM 101C Method 2031 200 1bs Min. Fungus Resistance G-21 (21 days) No sustained growth -Pass TPO Membrane material shall be EnergyStar rated. ' 09040-07530 wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 6 ' 2. Acceptable products: (1) Carlisle Sure-Weld TPO , (2) Firestone UltraPly TPO (3) Johns Manville Ultragard TPO (4) Lexcan Hi-Tuff TPO ' C. Adhesives as recommended by the manufacturer: 1. Insulation Adhesive Carlisle Fast 100 (DC) or one step adhesive or equivalent. 2. Sureweld Low VOC Bonding adhesive and Aqua Base 120 Waterborne adhesive or ' equivalent. D. Provide membrane manufacturer's standard accessories including pre-moulded insideloutside corners, non-reinforced or reinforced flashing, pipe flashings, curb wraps, ' bonding adhesive, edge sealant, sealant pockets, splicing cement, sealers, water cut off mastics, pocket sealants and membrane cleaners and heat weldable walkway pads. r ct it d t d ' E. o su p oje ar , Metal edge and membrane terminations: manufacturers stan requirements and conditions. F. Underlay Fasteners: FM approved and tested with specified underlayment substrate board ' to FM I-90 Uplift Classification. Self tapping metal screw and plate fastening devices approved by the manufacturer of the substrate and of appropriate length to penetrate the top flange of the deck a minimum of 19 mm, but not long enough to extend past the bottom of , the deck rib. Fasteners shall be coated with Zn-97 base coat and composite flouropolymer finish: 1. Firestone Screw and Plate Anchoring System 2. Lexsuco Lexgrip ' 3. Weatherguard Fasteners 4. IKO "Dekfast" 5. Carlisle ' G. Caulking Sealant: Compatible with roofing materials, as specified in Section 07900. H. Elastic flashings -Field fabricated with TPO membrane, 1.6 mm thick. Adhesive as , recommended by membrane manufacturer. I. Bituminous Paint: To CGSB 1-GP-108M J. Substitutions - If this Contractor substitutes materials or trade names specified herein with others such materials shall be removed immediatelyfrom the site making good all other work disturbed for such removals. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXISTING CONDITIONS ' A Examine work of other trades and notify in writing to the Consultant and Contractor that the . work is acceptable or of any defects or discrepancies. Verify that work of other trades which ' penetrates roof deck or requires men and equipment to transverse roof deck has been completed or adequate protection is provided. 09040-07530.wptl , '~:1 LJ u I1 ~~ DIVISION 7 SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 7 B. Examine surfaces for inadequate anchorage, foreign material, moisture and unevenness which would prevent the execution and quality of application of the roofing system as specified. Do not proceed with application of the roof system until defects are corrected. Installation of any part of the work without the written acceptance of such surfaces shall require immediately removal of such installed work. 3.02 WORKMANSHIP A. Workmanship shall be of the highest quality. Use only competent mechanics and execute work in accordance with drawings and specifications. B. Regard the manufacturer's printed recommendations and specifications as the minimum requirement for materials, methods and workmanship not otherwise specified. C. Maintain roofing equipment in good working order. D. Unsuitable or damaged materials shall immediately be removed from the site. E. Materials shall not be applied during inclementweather. Do not apply roofing overwet decks, or where frost or snow is present. 3.03 PREPARATION A. Installation of wood and metal curbs, and prefabricated curbs is specified in other Sections. Coordinate with others to ensure that all curbs, blocking and the like is in place, level and secure. B. Applyprimertoverticalsurfacescommencingattopofparapetsandterminateprimer25mm below reglets or highest possible point. 3.04 UNDERLAYMENT SUBSTRATE BOARD A. Underlayment substrate board shall be installed over all areas of deck as indicated on the drawings, prior to application of vapour retarder. B. Install underlayment substrate board over steel deck with long side at right angles to flutes of steel deck. Provide full support at ends. Cut and trim boards to provide plain butt joints at perimeter, parapet curbs and other obstructions or terminations. Lay boards in parallel course, butted together in moderate contact without gaps, with staggered end joints. C. Adhere underlayment substrate board to steel deck by mechanically fastening with fasteners and plates in accordance with FM Approval Guide, ULC requirements and reviewed shop drawings. 3.05 ROOF MEMBRANE A. Roof membrane shall consist of 1 ply of reinforced 0.60 mil TPO sheets, fully adhered to substrate in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements. All seams shall be fully bonded with adhesive. B. Sweep loose debris from the substrate. 09040~O153tl.wptl DIVISION 7 1 SECTION 07530 TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Page 8 ' C. Unroll membrane and position sheets, lapping edges a minimum of 100 mm. Allow sheets ' to relax a minimum of thirty (30) minutes. D. Apply adhesive and bond membrane to substrate in accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. Apply bonding adhesive, to the exposed underside of the membrane and the corresponding substrate area. Do not apply bonding adhesive along the splice edge of the ' membrane to be hot air welded over the adjoining sheet. Allow the adhesive to dry until it is tacky but will not string or stick to a dry finger touch. ' E. Flash all corners, vent pipes, drains and curbs in accordance with the manufacturer's standard recommended details. Use either TPO membrane flashing for field fabrication or preformed accessories as recommended by manufacturer. Seal drains with water cut-off mastic or elastic sealer tape as per manufacturer's standard recommended details. F. Form control joints and expansion in membrane where indicated on the drawings. l h h t t d i , G. a ee me w t s At roof edge, membrane shall be carried over parapet and counter flashe flashings. H. Roll the coated membrane into the coated substrate while avoiding wrinkles. Brush down the bonded section of the membrane sheet immediately after rolling the membrane into the adhesive with a soft bristle push broom to achieve maximum contact. rocedures di t th b ' I. . on ng p e Fold back the unbonded half of the sheet lengthwise and repea J. Hot air weld the membrane sheets using manufacturers recommended hot air welding machine in accordance with the manufacturer's hot air welding procedures. ' K. Pull the membrane back along the welded splice so the entire underside of the membrane is exposed once the hot air weld has been completed. ' L. Apply Bonding Adhesive to the exposed underside ofthe membrane sheet and the substrate. M. Allow adhesive to dry until tacky and roll the membrane into the substrate and brush down ' the bonded section with a bristle broom following the procedure noted above. N. Continue to install adjoining membrane sheets in the same manner, overlapping edges a ' minimum of 5D mm and complete the bonding procedures as stated previously. O. Probe all seams once the hot air welds have thoroughly cooled (approximately 30 minutes). t P. Repair all seam deficiencies the same day they are discovered. O. Apply cut edge sealant on all cut edges of reinforced membrane (where the scrim ' reinforcement is exposed) after seam probing is complete. R. Follow manufacturer's typical flashing procedures for all wall, curb, and penetration flashing ' including metal edging/coping and roof drain applications. 09040-07530.wpd ' ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07530 ' TPO MEMBRANE ROOFING Pa e 9 S. Flashing of parapets, curbs, expansion joints and other parts of the roof shall be pertormed using reinforced membrane. Non-reinforced membrane may be used for flashing pipe penetrations, sealant pockets, and scuppers, as well as inside and outside corners, when the use of pre-moulded accessories is not feasible. ' T. Coordinate with Section 07195 for termination/tie ins with air barrier membranes at building walls and roof openings. Lap and seal membranes in accordance with manufacturer's printed recommendations, to provide continuous, uninterrupted building envelope and air seals. 3.06 METAL FLASHING ' A. Refer to Section 07620. ' 3.07 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT A. Seal flashing sleeves in accordance with manufacturer's directions and CRCA standard details. 3.08 INSPECTION AND TESTING ' A. Provide necessary facilities and co-operate with designated inspection and testing agency. B. Upon completion of the roofing system, an authorized manufacturers representative will make an inspection of the installation for warranty acceptance. End of Section l .l LJ I~ ' 09040-07530.wpd ll DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Excavating, Backfilling and Grading Section 02200 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Metal Cladding Section 07410 F. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 G. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 H. Roof Specialties and Accessories Section 07800 I. Joint Sealers Section 07900 J. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 K. Mechanical Division 15 L. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Ontario Building Code. B. The National Building Code of Canada. C. CA S136 Cold Formed Steel Structural Members. D. CGSB 37-GP-5M, Cement, Plastic. E. CSSBI Standard Practice for Sheet Steel Cladding. F. CSSBI 20M Sheet Steel Cladding far Architectural and Industrial Applications. G. CSSBI 616 Prefinished Sheet Steel for Building Construction. H. CSSBI B14 Steel Roofing and Siding Installation Guide. I. ASTMA635MStandardSpecificationforSheetSteel,ZincCoated(Galvanized)orZinc-Iron- Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process. J. ASTM A 792lA 792M -Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55% Aluminum-Zinc Alloy- Coated by the Hot-Dip Process. K. ASTM 632 Solder Metal. L. ASTM C920 - Elastomeric Joint Sealants. M. Canadian Roofing Contractor's Association (CRCA) Metric Specification Manual N. Factory Mutual Loss Prevention Data Sheets. O. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. P. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit shop drawings showing all work of this Section. Drawings shall clearly show materials, profiles, fastenings, sealants, lap joints, caulking, closures and expansion joint detail. Include necessary plans, elevations and details. 08040-07620.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 2 C Submit 300 x 300 mm samples of each type of sheet metal material in specified colours. ' . hi d D. on t s Submit WHMIS Material Safety Data Sheets for all products intended to be use project, including adhesives and sealants. 1.05 DESI GN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS , A. Appearance: neatly and evenly lay out and install components. Exposed fastening devices not permitted. , B. Effects of Wind: resist positive and negative wind pressures without detrimental effects. C. Water Control: prevent passage of water. , D. Thermal Movement: accommodate expansion and contraction of component parts without buckling, failure of joints, undue stress on fasteners and other detrimental effects. ' E. Compatibility: components shall be compatible with dissimilar metals and materials with which they are in contact or fastened to so as to prevent corrosion, staining and other detrimental effects. If required, treat or separate contact surfaces with inert and non-staining ' insulation material to achieve compatibility. 1.06 QUA LITY ASSURANCE ' A. Work of this Section shall be performed by a qualified sheet metal contractorwith a minimum of 5 years experience in the type of work required and specified. Submit proof of experience where requested by the Consultant. ' 1.07 DELI VERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Materials shall be handled and stored on the job in such a manner that no damage shall be , done to the material or the structures. B. Materials showing evidence of improper handling and storage shall be rejected and removed ' from the site at no additional expense to the Owner. 1.08 SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' A. The erector shall be responsible for the examination and acceptance of surfaces and the conditions affecting the proper installation of his materials and shall not proceed until all satisfactory conditions have been corrected. ' B. All dimensions must be verified in the field prior to submittal of shop drawings. 1.D9 MOCK-UP A. Construct mock-up of parapet flashing in each specified colour, 2440 mm long, far review and approval of the Consultant. ' B. Mock-up will form representative sample of flashing material and joint layout. Do not continue with flashing installation until mock-up has been approved by the Consultant. ' 09040-07620 wpd ' DIVISION 7 ' SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Pa e 3 ' 1.10 WARRANTY A. Submit a warranty to repair or replace metal flashing work for a period of five (5) years from date of Substantial Performance that does not remain watertight or free of material or ' workmanship defects affecting structure and appearance. B. Submit manufacturer's warrantee that pre finished materials will not lose film integrity for 25 ' years and will not chalk or fade for 20 years following date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MATERIALS A. Use materials only as specified herein and matching exactly, all approved samples. ' B. Ensure compatibility of all materials in contact with roof membrane. C. Sheet Metal: To ASTM A653 and CSA136, 0.61 mm thick galvanized sheet steel, commercial quality with a minimum yield stress of 230 MPA, and a working stress of 144 ' MPA, to CSA 136. Material shall have 2275 designation zinc coating unless noted otherwise. D. Prefinished material shall be colour coated with manufacturer's standard finish system ' equivalent to Baycoat Series or VicWest WeatherX Silicone Modified Polyester with 100% colour pigmentation, minimum dry film thickness of 1.0 ± 0.2 mils (ASTM D1005). Colours will be selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's standard colours. E. Continuous hook on strips and metal bellows: 0.65 mm galvanized sheet steel, zinc coating designation ZF275. ' F. Isolation Coating: Alkali resistant exterior bituminous paint to CAN/CGSB 1.108-M. G. Plastic Cement: To CGSB 37-GP-5M. ' H. Nails, Bolts, Screws and Other Fastenings: same metal finish as sheet metal being used to CSA B111. The size of fastenings shall suit the applicable conditions. ' I. Underlay: No. 15 perforated asphalt felt to CSA A123.3-M. J. Cleats: Of same material, and temper as sheet metal, minimum 50 mm wide. Thickness ' same as sheet metal being secured. K. Form gutters and downpipes from 0.61 mm thick prefinished, galvanized steel sheet metal. 1. Sizes and profiles as indicated. 2. Provide goosenecks, outlets, strainer baskets and necessary fastenings. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Install sheet metal work in accordance with CRCA specifications and as detailed. ' B. Use concealed fastenings except where approved before installation. 09040-07620.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 4 ' 3.02 FABRICATION ' A. Fabricate metal (lashings and other sheet metal work in accordance with applicable CRCA specifications and as indicated. B. Form pieces in 2440 mm maximum lengths. Make allowance for expansion at joints. ' C. Hem exposed edges on underside 13 mm. Mitre and seal corners with sealant. D. Form sections square, true and accurate to size, free from distortion and other defects detrimental to appearance or performance. E. Apply isolation coating (two coats) to metal surfaces to be in contact with concrete or mortar or dissimilar metals. , 3.03 INSTALLATION " " ' A. series details. Lapjoints FL Install underlay under sheet metal in accordance with CRCA 100 mm. B. All seams shall be of the "slip lock type" that permit adequate movement without resulting in ' deformation or loosening of metal Flashings. Lapped joints or exposed raw edges will not be accepted. Exposed edges shall be "double back" at least 13 mm. At eaves, parapets, etc., metal shall be hooked over continuous starter strips minimum 1 gauge thickerthan the metal ' used for flashing. Secure starter strips at 300 mm on centre or closer as required. C. Where metal terminates under fascia boards, secure metal at 610 mm centres using specified fasteners. At curbs to openings or at sleepers, and the like provide locked or ' standing seams at corners. Solder mitred corners, pop rivet or form standing seams. D. Secure metal (lashings in reglets at 610 mm centres and further secure metal to vertical surfaces at locks as required. , E. All (lashings shall be installed in perfectly straight lines. Irregular or badly fitted work will not be accepted. ' F. Imperfections in metal flashing work such as holes, dents, creases, oroil-canning will not be accepted. ' G. Exposed fastenings will only be permitted where concealed fastening is not possible. Provide neoprene washers for exposed fasteners. ' H. Coping flashings shall be secured on the exterior by continuous hook strips fastened to wall with no. 10 minimum metal fasteners spaced at maximum 610 mm on centre. I. Form scuppers in accordance with CRCA standard details and specifications. Custom , oversized scuppers shall be as detailed or as required. J. Construct expansion joints to accommodate structural movement of the building as detailed ' and in accordance with CRCA standard details and specifications. osoao-o~eza wPd , 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07620 METAL FLASHING AND TRIM Page 5 3.04 GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS 3.05 A. Install eaves troughs and secure to building at 750 mm on centre with eaves trough spikes through spacer ferrules. B. Replace existing metal gutters and downspouts where indicated. C. Slope eaves troughs to downpipes as indicated. D. Seal joints watertight. E. Install downpipes and provide goosenecks back to wall. F. Secure downpipes to wall with straps at 1800 mm on centre; minimum two straps per downpipe. G. Connect downpipes to drainage system and seal joint with plastic cement. H. Where indicated, terminate downspouts in steel pipe drains supplied under Section D5500 or at precast concrete splashpads specified in Section 02200. CAULKING OF FLASHINGS A. Sealants shall be as specified in Section 07900. B. Caulk all joints in Flashing. C. Dissimilar metals in contact, or metals in contact with adjacent surfaces shall be separated from one another to prevent corrosion, staining, or electrolysis by use of approved methods and materials. D. Do caulking between metal flashing and concrete, through roof openings, and all reglets using caulking as specified. E. Caulking compound shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer's application instructions. Use proper surface primers where necessary. F. Colour of caulking compound shall be the integral colour of the abutting material. End of Section ' 09040-07620.wpd ' DIVISION 7 SECTION 07800 ' _ ROOF SPECIALITIES AND ACCESSORIES Pa e 1 ' PART 1 : GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A, Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Structural Steel Section 05120 B. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 ' E. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 F. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 G. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 ' 1.03 REFERENCES u A. The Ontario Building Code. B. National Fire Code. 1.D4 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit Shop Drawings. Indicate size and description of components and materials,required clearances, fasteners, anchoring, and finishes. 1.05 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials in manufacturer's packaging with labels intact. 8. Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 1.06 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for equipmentincludinghardware,completewithpertinentdetails, spare parts list and warnings against harmful maintenance materials for incorporation into Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Mechanical Vent Flashinos: Thaler FEF: co-ordinate size, material, and locations with Division 15. Provide mechanical vent flashings at all mechanical equipment and pipe penetrations through the roof. Flashings shall be compatible with roofing assemblies. osoao-meao wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07800 ROOF SPECIALITIES AND ACCESSORIES Page 2 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 VENT FLASHINGS A. Secure all vent flashings and accessories to deck with bolts to meet the manufacturer's specifications. B. Coordinate with other trades for location and size of vent flashings. End of Section 09040-07800.wptl t i DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform with the requirements of Division 1. RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 D. Cabinet Work Section 06410 E. Sheet Vapour Retarders Section 07160 F. Air Barrier Section 07195 G. Sprayed Polyurethane Foam Insulation Section 07218 H. Firestopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 I. Metal Cladding Section 07410 J. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 K. TPO Membrane Roofing Section 07530 L. Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 M. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 N. Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile Section 09310 O. Aluminum Windows and Screens Section 08400 P. Automatic Entrance Doors Section 08460 Q. Glazing Section 08800 R. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 S. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 T. Dasherboard Systems Section 03180 REFERENCES A. CGSB 19-GP-SM Sealing compound, one component, acrylic base, solvent curing. B. CGSB 19.13-M Sealing compound, one component, elastomeric chemical curing. C. CGSB 19-GP-14M Sealing compound, one component, butyl-polyisobutylene, polymer base, solvent curing. D. CGSB 19-22-M Mildew resistant sealing compound for tubs and tile. E. CGSB 19-24-M Multi component, chemical curing sealing compound. F. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. G. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97. Architectural Paints. SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. C. osoao-o7soo.wPd Submit full range of manufacturers standard sealant colours for each type of product specified, for selection by the Consultant. Submit MSDS Data Sheets for review prior to delivery to the project site. 1 DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS Page 2 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installation of caulking shall be performed only by workmen thoroughly skilled and specially trained in the techniques of caulking. B. Caulking work shall be carried out in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Comply with requirements of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) regarding use, handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials, and regarding labelling and provision of material safety data sheets. B. Conform to manufacturer's recommended temperatures, relative humidity, and substrate moisture content for application and curing of sealants. C. Ventilate area of work by use of approved portable supply and exhaust fans. 1.07 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Materials shall be delivered to the job in their original containers or wrapping with the manufacturer's seal and labels intact. B. Use all means necessary to protect caulking materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. C. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Store all caulking materials and equipment under conditions recommended by its manufacturer. E. Do not use materials stored for a period exceeding the maximum recommended shelf-life of the material. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Warrant that caulking and sealant work will not leak, crack, crumble, melt, shrink, run, lose adhesion or stain adjacent surfaces for three (3) years from the date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Primers: Type recommended by sealant manufacturer. Low VOC type to meet requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1168-03. B. Products of the following manufacturers are approved for use subject to meeting the specifications for the particular product listed below: 1. Canadian General Electric 2. Dow Corning 3. Nucolnc. 09040-07900.wpd 1 i I~~ 1 lJ ~, DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS 4. Sika Canada Limited 5. Tremco Manufacturing Company (Canada) Ltd. 6. W.R. Grace and Company. 7. Sonneborn. 8. W.R. Grace. C. Joint Fillers 1. General: Compatible with primers and sealants, outsized 30 to 50%. 2. Vertical Joints: Polyethylene, Urethane, Neoprene or Vinyl: (1) Extruded closed cell foam, Shore A hardness 20, tensile strength 140 to 200 kPa. (2) Sealtight-Etha Foam Backer Rod by W. R. Meadows Canada Ltd. 3. Horizontal Joints: Neoprene or Butyl Rubber (Horizontal Joints): Round solid rod, Shore A hardness 70. 4. Premoulded Joint Filler: Unifoam R1009 by Goodco Limited D. Sealants: 1. All sealants shall be Low VOC Type. 2. For Exterior Locations: To CAN/CGSB19.24-M, two component LP polysulphide base sealant Type 2 where subjected to foot traffic and Type 1 where not subjected to foot traffic (20-35 Shore A) Class B, bearing seal of approval of Thiokol Chemical Corporation: (1) DOW Corning 790/795 (2) Dymeric -Tremco 3. For Interior Locations: To CAN3-11.13-M, one component polysulphide base sealant bearing seal of approval of Thiokol Chemical Corporation and meeting LEED requirements. (1) Mono 555 -Tremco (2) Vulkem 116 -Tremco (3) DOW Corning 790/795 4. Acrylic Latex: Siliconized acrylic latex to CGSB 19.GP-17M. (1) Tremflex 834 -Tremco 5. Mildew Resistant Sealant: Silicone to CANlCGSB-19.22-M. 6. Vapour Barrier Sealant: CAN/CGSB 19.21-M. 7. Colour of sealants to be selected by Consultant. Bond Breaker Tape: 1. Polyethylene bond breaker tape which will not bond to sealant. Joint Cleaner: Xylol, methylethyleketon or non-corrosive type recommended by sealant manufacturer and compatible with joint forming materials. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Inspect conditions and substrates upon which work of this Section is dependent. Report to Consultant in writing any defects that may jeopardize the pertormance of this work. Commencement of work implies acceptance of conditions. osoao-o7soo.wpd DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS 3.02 PREPARATION A. Remove dust, paint, loose mortar and other foreign matter. B. Ensure joint surfaces are dry and free of frost. C. Remove rust, mill scale and coatings from ferrous metals by wire brush, grinding or sandblasting. D. Remove oil, grease and other coatings from non-ferrous metals with joint cleaner. E. Do not apply sealants tojoint surfaces treated with sealer, curing compound, water repellent, or other coatings unless tests have been performed to ensure compatibility of materials. Remove coatings as required. F. Examine joint sizes and conditions to achieve correct depth ratio '/: of joint width with minimum width and depth of 6 mm, maximum width 25 mm. G. Where necessary to prevent staining, mask adjacent surface prior to priming and caulking. H. Prepare surtaces to sealant manufacturer's instructions. I. Install joint filler to achieve correct joint depth. J. Apply bond breaker tape where required to ensure pertormance of sealant. K. Prime sidesofjointswhenrequiredandasrecommendedbysealantmanufacturertoensure pertormance of sealant immediately prior to caulking. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Apply sealants in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, in continuous beads, to provide watertight joint. Apply sealant using gun with proper size nozzle. Use sufficient pressure to fill voids and joints solid. Superficial pointing with skin bead is not acceptable. B. Form surface of sealant with full bead, smooth, free from ridges, wrinkles, sags, air pockets, embedded impurities. Neatly tool surface to a slight concave joint. C. Apply sealant to joints between window or door frames to adjacent building components, around perimeter of every external opening, to control joints in masonry walls where shown. D. Clean adjacent surfaces immediately and leave work neat and clean. Remove excess sealant and droppings using recommended cleaners as work progresses. Remove masking after tooling of joints. E. Caulk joints in surfaces to be painted before surfaces are painted. Where surtaces to be caulked are primed in shop before caulking, check to make sure prime paint and caulking are compatible. If they are incompatible, inform Consultant and change caulking to compatible type approved by Consultant. F. Sealant Locations: 1. Where required to protect interior from exterior air and water infiltration. 2. Joints between all dissimilar materials. 3. Construction and control joints. 09040-07900.wptl LJ ~I L~ 1 t DIVISION 7 SECTION 07900 JOINT SEALERS Page 5 ' ' 4. 5. Junction of masonry and other types of partitions. At intersecting masonry wall. 6. Joints between gypsum board and masonry or concrete. 7. Joints in metal frames. 8. Base of metal frames at resilient flooring. ' 9. Joints between window stools and adjacent surfaces. 10. Exterior thresholds (set in 2 full beads). 11. Joints in underside of exposed precast concrete slabs. t 12. Joints between cabinetwork and adjoining surfaces (mildew resistant latex, white). 13. Joints in ceramic tile. 14. Window and curtain wall frames (inside and outside). 15. Door frames (inside and outside). 16. Joints between stair stringers and walls. 17. Junction of toilet fixtures with walls and floors (mildew resistant). 18. Junction between vanities and walls or backsplashes (mildew resistant). 19. Caulk the entire perimeter of all mechanical and electrical material or piping extending through or occurring in masonry walls unless indicated to be firestopped. 20. Perimeter of dasher board system where indicated. 21. Other locations where caulking or sealant is required to provide a neat clean junction End of Section ' 09040-07900.wpd !._J ~~ DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS, SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK ' 1.03 A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 D. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 E. Metal Cladding Section 07410 F. Joint Sealers Section 07900 G. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 H. Glazing Section 08800 I. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 J. Painting Section 09900 K. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 A. ASTM A 653M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy- Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. B. ASTM B 749, Specification for Lead and Lead Alloy Strip, Sheet and Plate Products. C. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. D. CAN/CGSB-51.20, Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Covering. E. CGSB 51-GP-21 M, Thermal Insulation, Urethane and Isocyanurate, Unlaced. F. CSA A101, Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, for Buildings. G. CAN/CSA-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. H. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). I. Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturers' Association, Specifications for Commercial Steel Doors and Frames. J. Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturers' Association, Recommended Selection and Usage Guide for Commercial Steel Doors. K. NFPA 80, Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives. L. ULC CAN4-S104M, Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. M. ULC CAN4-S105M, Fire Door Frames. N. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. O. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97. Architectural Paints. 1.04 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Steel fire rated doors and frames: labeled and installed by an organization accredited by Standards Council of Canada in conformance with CAN4-S104M (NFPA 252) for ratings specified or indicated. ' 09040-08100 wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS, SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Page 2 ' B. Provide fire labeled frame products for those openings requiring fire protection ratings, as scheduled. Test products in strict conformance with CAN4-S104, ASTM E 152 or NFPA 252 t and list by nationally recognized agency having factory inspection service and construct as detailed in Follow-up Service Procedures/Factory Inspection Manuals issued by listing agency to individual manufacturers. ' 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Submit shop drawings and door and frame schedules for review before fabricating hollow metal doors and frames. ' C. Indicate each type of door, size, material, mortises, hardware blanking, reinforcing, tapping and drilling arrangements, openings, metal gauges, thicknesses and finishes. D. Indicate frames including material, profile, elevation, anchorage details, mortices, ' reinforcement, fire rating, glazing stops and finish. E. Submit door and frame schedule identifying each unit. Each unit shall bear a legible ' identifying mark corresponding to that listed in the door and frame schedule. F. Co-ordinate with the Finish Hardware supplier. , G. Samples: Supply sample of frame corner showing construction, workmanship and finish. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Manufacturer of hollow metal doors, screens and pressed metal frames shall be a member in good standing of the Canadian Steel Door Manufacturer's Association (CSDMA). ' 8. Manufacturer shall be assessed and registered as meeting the requirements of Quality Systems under ISO 9001. 1.07 TES TING AND PERFORMANCE A. Fire labeled products shall be provided for those openings requiring fire protection ratings as , scheduled on the drawings. Products shall be tested in strict conformance with CAN4-S104 and listed by Underwriters Laboratory of Canada Ltd. or Warnock Hersey under an active Factory Inspection Program. B. Product quality shall meet the standards established by the Canadian Steel Door ' Manufacturer's Association. C. Door construction shall meet acceptance criteria of ANSI A224.1 and shall be certified as , meeting Level A (1,000,000 cycles) and Twist Test Acceptance Criteria deflection not to exceed 6.4 mm/13.6 kg force, total deflection at 136.1 kg force not to exceed 64 mm and permanent deflection not to exceed 3.0 mm when tested in strict conformance with ANSI ' A250.4. Test shall be conducted by an independent nationally recognized accredited laboratory. D. Core materials for insulated doors shall attain a thermal resistance rating of RSI 2.17 when ' tested in accordance with ASTM C177 or ASTM C518. osoaa-oei oo wPa ' ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 ' HOLLOW METAL DOORS, SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Page 3 ' 1.08 WARRANTY A. All steel door and frame products shall be warranted for defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Pertormance. t PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Sheet Steel: Cold rolled or hot rolled, commercial quality, stretcher levelled, galvanized, "Galvanneal", conforming to ASTM A924 light zinc coated ZF75 to ASTM A653. B. Gauges ~J t Thickness (Inches) Member Galvanized Gauge Uncoated Frames 0.064 16 0.06 Spreaders 0.052 18 0.048 Anchors 0.052 18 0.048 Boxes 0.022 20 0.018 Hinge Reinforcement 0.139 10 0.135 Hardware Reinforcement 0.064 16 0.06 Door Faces (Interior Un-reinforced) 0.052 18 0.048 Door Faces (Interior Reinforced) 0.064 16 0.06 Door faces (Exterior -Insulated) 0.064 16 0.06 Stiffeners 0.04 20 0.036 ' C. Reinforcement Channel: to CAN/CSA-G40.21, Grade 300W, coating designation to ASTM A 653M, ZF75. D. Door Fill Interior Un-reinforced Doors: Structural small cell, 24.Smm maximum kraft paper 'honeycomb', weight 36.3 kg per ream minimum, density: 16.5 kglm' minimum sanded to required thickness. ULC approved. ' E. Door Fill Exterior and Interior Reinforced Doors: Polyisocyanurate rigid foam, closed cell insulation. Thermal resistance value of RSI 2.17, minimum, to ASTM C1289. F. Adhesives: 1. Adhesives used shall be Low VOC type meeting requirements of SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. 2. Honeycomb cores and steel components: Heat resistant, spray grade resin ' reinforced neoprene/rubber based, law viscosity, contact cement or ULC approved equivalent. ' 09040-08100.wpd DIVISION 8 1 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Page 4 , 3. Polyisocyanurate cores: Heat resistant, epoxy based, low viscosity contact cement. 4. Interlocking edge seams: Resin reinforced polychloroprene (RRPC), fire resistant, , high viscosity sealanUadhesive or ULC approved equivalent. G. Exterior Top Caps: Rigid polyvinylchloride (PVC) extrusion to CGSB-41-GP-19Ma. ' H. Glazing Stops: Minimum 20 gauge (0.9 mm) base thickness sheet steel with wipe zinc finish to ASTM A525-80a. Fasteners to be #6 x 32 mm cadmium plated oval head scrulox (self drilling) type screws. Tamper proof screws on exterior doors and frames. ' I. Door Silencers: To CGSB-60-GPS, Type 6/180. Grey or black neoprene, single stud. Glynn Johnson Model No. GJ64. t J. Primer (for touch-up): To CAN/CGSB 1.181, Low VOC Type, organic zinc rich coating, rust inhibitive, Galvafroid SB Grade by W.R. Meadows or Devoe 13034 by ICI (Glidden). K. Fibreglass: To CSA A101, loose belt type, minimum density of 24 kglm'. ' 2.02 WELDING ' A. Conform to CSA Standard W59. B. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush. Fill all open joints, seams and depressions with filler or by continuous brazing or welding, and grind smooth to true shape and profile, sand to ' smooth, true, uniform finish. 2.03 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ' A. Doors and frames shall be factory blanked, mortised, reinforced, drilled and tapped for fully templated mortised hardware in accordance with the final approved schedule and templates received from the hardware supplier. ' B Doors and frames shall be factory blanked and reinforced only for mortised hardware that is . not fully templated. ' C. Doors and frames shall be factory reinforced for surface mounted hardware. D. Prepare all exterior doors and frames and all interior reinforced doors and frames for full ' height hinges. E. Templated holes 13 mm diameter and larger shall be factory prepared, except mounting and ' through bolt holes, which shall be by the contractor responsible for installation, on site at time of application. Templated holes less than 13 mm diameter shall be factory prepared only when required for the function of the device (for knobs, levers, cylinders, thumb or turn pieces) or when these holes overlap function holes. ' F. Drilling and tapping for surface mounted hardware that is not fully templated shall be by the contractor responsible for installation on site at time of application. ' G. Hinge and pivot reinforcements shall be 3.5 mm steel minimum with top cutout provided with high frequency type reinforcing. ' H. Lock, strike and flush bolt reinforcement shall be 1.6 mm steel minimum. oeoao-ae i oo.wPa , 1 t DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS, SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Page 5 Reinforcements for concealed closers and holders shall be 12 gauge (2.7 mm) steel minimum. . J. Reinforcements for surtace mounted hardware shall be 1.6 mm steel minimum. K. Hardware enclosures and/orjunction boxes shall be provided and interconnected with CSA approved 13 mm diameter conduit and connectors for electrically operated hardware. 2.04 FRAMES A. Fabricate frames to profiles shown with integral continuous stops, minimum 16 mm high. B. Mitre corners of frames. Cut frame mitres accurately and weld continuously on inside of frame. C. Where site welding or splicing is required due to size of unit, the location of field joints shall be shown on the shop drawings and strictly adhered to. D. Protect strike and hinge reinforcements and other openings with metal guard boxes welded to frame. E. Fit frames with channeloranglespreaders,twoperframe,toensureproperframealignment. Install stiffener plates or spreaders between frame trim where required, to prevent bending of trim and to maintain alignment when setting and during construction. F. Where frames occur in masonry provide an adjustable tee anchor for every 600 mm ofjamb length or as required by U.L.C. to provide the rating of the door. G. Where frames are to terminate at finished floor level, provide plates for anchorage to slabs H. Fit interior frames with rubber bumpers prior to shipping to job site. Where frames are to terminate at finished floor level, provide for anchorage to slabs. J. Provide removable mullions where indicated, to standard details of the Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturers' Association. 2.05 DOORS 1 1 1 A. Fabricate to present one continuous face free from joints, tool markings and abrasions. Assembly by welding. B. Exterior Doors: 16 Gauge (1.5 mm) galvanized sheet steel, stiffened, insulated and sound deadened with polyisocyanurate (Poly U) core lamented to face sheets under pressure. Longitudinal edges shall be mechanically interlocked, adhesive assisted with edge seams visible. C. Interior reinforced doors shall be Fleming H-Series steel doors or equivalent, steel stiffened with 20 gauge (0.90 mm) interlocking steel stiffeners at 150 mm c/c and 16 gauge (1.5 mm) end channels, insulated and sound deadened with polyisocyanurate core laminated to face sheets under pressure. Door faces to be 16 gauge steel, seamless. Provide additional reinforcement at hardware locations. 09040-OBt00.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS, SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Page 6 D. Interior non reinforced doors: 18 Gauge (1.2 mm) galvanized sheetsteel, stiffened, insulated and sound deadened with Honeycomb core lamented to face sheets under pressure. Longitudinal edges shall be mechanically interlocked, adhesive assisted with edge seams visible. E. Formed edges shall be true and straight with a minimum radius for the thickness of steel used. F. Reinforce edges with channel reinforcing. Form seam between faces and door edges by tack welding followed by continuous welding and grinding smooth.. Bevel stiles 3 mm. G. Top and bottom of doors shall be provided with inverted, recessed, 16 gauge (1.5 mm) steel end channels, welded to each face sheet at 150 mm on centre, maximum. Channels to be 12 gauge (2.6 mm) thick at fire labeled doors. 2.06 GLAZING STOPS A. Glazing stops: 20 gauge (0.90 mm) steel trim and screw fixed type. Screws shall be #6 x 32 mm oval head scrulox (self drilling) type at 300 mm on centre maximum. B. Glazing stops shall be accurately fitted, butted at corners with removable stops located on push side of door. C. Provide tamper proof screws on exterior doors and screens. D. Finishes: Doors and frames shall wipe coat zinc, ready for painting. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Set frames plumb, square, level and without twist at correct elevation. B. Secure anchorages and connections to adjacent construction. 11 C. Braceframesrigidlyinpositionwhilebuilding-in.Installtemporaryhorizontalwoodspreaders at third points of door opening to maintain frame width. Provide vertical support at centre of , head for openings over 1220 mm wide. Remove temporary spreaders after frames are built-in. D. Make allowances for deflection to ensure structural loads are not transmitted to frames. E. Frames in masonry walls shall be fully grouted in place. F. Fill frames in exterior walls and insulated interior walls, with fibrous insulation. G. Install doors and hardware in accordance with templates and manufacturer's instructions. H. Install rated doors in accordance with N.F.P.A-80 and U.L.C. requirements. Provide steel plate astragals on pairs of fire rated doors where mullions are not provided, to NFPA and ULC requirements. 09040-08100.wpd LJ 1 LJ i~ i~ II DIVISION 8 SECTION 08100 HOLLOW METAL DOORS, SCREENS AND PRESSED METAL FRAMES Pa e 7 J. Install glazing materials in accordance with Section 08800. K. Install door grilles specified in Division 15. L. Touch up doors and frames with primer where galvanized finish is damaged during fabrication and installation. 3.02 SCHEDULE A. Provide interior reinforced insulated core doors at all dressing rooms and referees rooms and whereverspecificallyindicated onthe Door and Frame Schedule. Unless indicated otherwise, all other interior doors shall be non-reinforced type. B. All exterior doors and interior reinforced doors shall be insulated core. End of Section o9aao-oeioo.wpd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08343 ' ROLLING SHUTTERS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 A Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 C. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 ' D. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. B. Green Seal Environmental Standards ' 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Shoo Drawings: Submit shop drawings to the Consultant for approval before fabricating rolling shutters. ' C. Submit duplicate samples of aluminum in selected finishes. D. Operation and Maintenance Data: Provide operation and maintenance data for rolling shutters for incorporation into operation and maintenance manuals specified under Section 01780. 1.05 WARRANTY ' A . Rolling shutters shall be unconditionally guaranteed for one year from date of Substantial Pertormance against any defects in manufacturing, or faultyworkmanship during installation. ' Provide a written guarantee to this effect. PART 2 : PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Rolling shutters as manufactured by the following are approved: ' 1. Amstel Manufacturing Inc. 2. Atlas Door 3. Dynaflair Corporation 4. Dynamic Closures 5. Kinnear ' 09040-0834 3 wpd 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08343 ROLLING SHUTTERS Page 2 , 2.02 MATERIALS d b f t ' A. ure y ac Rolling shutters shall be heavy duty Rolling Aluminum counter shutters as manu Amstel Manufacturing Inc. or approved equal. B. Curtain: Constructed of extruded aluminum (6063 alloy) flat slats. Slats shall be 32 mm wide ' x 13 mm deep. Material thickness to be minimum 1.25 mm. Alternate slats to have end Bottom bar shall be an extruded aluminum tubular memberwith slide bolts for locking locks . into guides. Bottom edge shall be furnished with black vinyl astragal. Shutter to be fitted with ' slide bolts at each jamb with padlock hasp and keeper. C. Guides: Heavy extruded aluminum sections with upset shoulders for curtain retention. Each guide shall be fitted with pile liners and snap in cover moulds. ' D. Counterbalance Assembly: Spring counterbalanceshallbehousedinasteelpipeofsufficient diameter to carry the door load with maximum deflection of 2.5 mm /lineal metre of opening ' width. Doors shall be evenly balanced helical torsion springs designed to include an overload factor of 25%. Spring tension shall be adjustable from outside of end bracket plates. Supply sealed ball bearings at rotating support points. , E. Hood: 0.6mm galvanized steel. Supply hood primed, ready for paint. F. Brackets: Bracket plates shall be of sufficient thickness to support counter balance assembly and curtain and to act as enclosures and support for the hood. Steel plates shall be minimum ' 4 mm thick. G. Finishes: Factory finish to comply with NAAMM Metal Finishes Manual. Clear Anodized. , H. Operation: Hand crank, face mounted. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall be by manufacturer or his authorized representatives. ' B. Supply, for installation into masonry, all necessary hardware, anchors and accessories required to support counterbalance assembly and guides. ' C. Install rolling shutters in strict accordance with the manufacturers printed instructions. D. Secure guides, brackets and hood to adjacent construction. t E. Touch-up prime painted finishes where damaged during installation. 3.02 ADJUSTING ' A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, and in the presence of the Owner's representative, inspect, test and adjust installation. B. Test all operable elements and ensure easy and smooth operation. End of Section ' 09040-08343.wpd , Ll i i~ II DIVISION 8 SECTION 08346 ROLLING METAL FIRE DOORS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. NFPA 80, Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives. B. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. C. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings: indicate material details, construction and accessory details, operating mechanisms, required clearances and electrical connections. C. Submit sample of door section showing construction, workmanship and finish. D. Submit wiring diagrams for door operators and smoke detection activators. E. Operation and Maintenance Data: Provide operation and maintenance data for rolling metal door hardware and operators regarding adjustment, operator maintenance, wiring diagrams and troubleshooting forincorporationinto operation and maintenance manual specified under Section 01780. LEED Submittals: In accordancewith Section 01350-Environmental Procedures Including: 1. Construction waste management. 2. Materials and resources. 3. Stoarage and collection of recyclables. 4. Recycled content. 5. Local/regional materials. 6. Low emitting materials. 1.05 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES A. Fabricate rolling metal fire doors to NFPA 80 with labelled 1 hour fire rating. ~J 09040-08346 wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08346 ROLLING METAL FIRE DOORS Page 2 1.06 WARRANTY A. Rolling metaldoorinstallationshallbeunconditionallyguaranteedforoneyearfollowingdate of Substantial Performance against any defects in manufacturing, or faulty workmanship during installation. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PRODUCTS A. Rolling metal doors as manufactured by the following are approved: 1. Cookson Co Inc. 2. Amstel Manufacturing Inc. 3. Kinnear 4. Richards Wilcox of Canada Ltd. Rolling Metal Doors: 1. Electrically operated rolling metal fire door. 2. Curtain shall be interlocking steel slats, 57 mm wide #6, thickness to provide fire rating, hot dipped galvanized steel, rolled in easy, deep curves for stiffness. The bottom bar shall consist of two angles securely fastened to a special bottom slat. End locks shall be installed on each slat to prevent lateral movement and to provide a wearing surface in the guides. 3. Guides shall be fabricated of 4.8mm steel and shall have sufficient depth to retain the curtain. The top of the guides shall have abell-shaped throat. 4. The counterbalancing spring barrel assembly shall consist of a solid steel shaft with oil tempered helical springs, shop assembled into a steel tube of sufficient diameter to prevent sag and deflection. The complete assembly shall be mounted in bearings for maintenance-free easy operation. 5. The end brackets shall be fabricated of heavy steel plates and shall be fitted with reinforcing angle clips. Solid steel bearing bosses shall be welded to the end brackets for support of the spring barrel assembly. 6. The hood shall be made from 18 gauge galvanized steel formed to fit the contour of the end brackets. The hood to contain a flame baffle with fusible link mechanism. 7. The curtain and hood shall be prime painted, ready for finish painting by Section 09900. The fabricated steel guides and end brackets shall receive one coat of aluminum prime paint at the factory. C. Weatherstripping: Weatherstrippingshallbesuppliedandinstalledunderthissectionfordoor heads, jambs and base. Weatherstripping shall be adjustable vinyl strip inserted in an aluminum extrusion. D. Electric Door Operators: Each door shall be equipped with electric operators manufactured by Cookson Co Inc. or approved equal as follows: 1. Motored operation as supplied by manufacture to suit door size, weight and frequency of use. Coordinate power supply with Division 16. 2. Speed reduction system with a hardened worm driving a high quality bronze worm ' gear. 3. Special clutch release mechanism operable from the floor, in order that the door can be rapidly opened by means of the geared hand chain operator in case of a power ' failure. Safety interlock switch that will automatically cut power to operator when chain hoist is in operation. 09040-06346 wpd , 1 1 1 LJ 1 t 1 1 !I DIVISION 8 SECTION 08346 ROLLING METAL FIRE 4. Solenoid brake to prevent door from coasting and to secure locking of the door in closed position. 5. Heavy duty reversing contactor. 6. Adjustable automatic slipping clutch to protect door and operator in case of obstruction. 7. Limit Switches -Rotary type with oil lite bronze cams and precision type micro switches for both up and down positions. 8. Automatic electro-mechanical safety stop if travelling door meets an obstruction it shall reverse automatically. E. Coordinate with Division 16 and Interlock operators with smoke detection system to automatically close doors upon signal from smoke detectors. System shall be time delayed to avoid door closing in case of temporary failure. Three button controls each side of door (open/close/stop), lockable liquid tight stations with cast back boxes. G. Chain hoist: manually operated galvanized chain hoist for manual operation in event of power failure with speed reduction mechanism. Coordinate with electric operator. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Drill and tap door frame to receive hardware. Doortracks and stops shall be fastened to door frame by means of machine bolts; welding will not be permitted. B. Door shall fit snugly to edges of jambs and head of frame, and shall operate smoothly under all conditions. Door shall sit in any position in door opening and shall not drift upward or downward. C. Necessary appurtenances such as metal plates and angles for bracing, mounting chain hoists, spring, etc., relating to the door installation required on the door frame shall be supplied and installed under this Section. D. Complete wiring and installation of the electric operators and interconnection devices in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and wiring diagrams. All electrical work shall be completed by qualified electricians, and in accordance with all applicable codes. E. Complete wiring from local disconnect switch to operator. F. Complete wiring of limit switches from door to operator. G. Complete wiring of operator including provision of additional transformers or other required accessories. Complete wiring of three button controls. H. Provision of three dry contacts which are closed when the door is open. One contact transfer at fully open, one transfers at approximately 900 mm open and the other transfers near the closed position. 09040-08346.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08346 ROLLING METAL FIRE DOORS Page 4 3.02 ADJUSTING A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, and in the presence of the Owner's representative, inspect, test and adjust installation to ensure smooth dependable operation. B. Test all operable elements and ensure easy and smooth operation. End of Section 09040-08346.wpd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 ' SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Paqe 1 PART 1 : GENERAL ' 1 01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS . ' A . Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 R ELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 ' B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C . Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D . Rough Carpentry Section 06100 ' E. Electrical Division 16 1.03 R EFERENCES A. ASTM A525, Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dipped Process. B. CAN/CGSB-12.1, Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass. C. CAN/CSA-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. ' D. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. ' E. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Shop Drawings: 1. Indicate materials, profiles, accessories, dimensions, hardware, reinforcing, openings, glazing details, metal gauges, thicknesses and finishes. ' 2. Indicate track details including material, profile, anchorage details, reinforcement, and finishes. 3. Provide wiring diagrams for electric operators. ' C. Submit sample of door section showing construction, workmanship and finish in selected colour. ' D. Operation and Maintenance Data: Prior to Substantial Performance, submit maintenance and cleaning instructions for doors, hardware and operators for inclusion in Operating and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. Include wiring diagrams, troubleshooting ' instructions and instructions regarding adjustment and maintenance. 1.05 DESIGN ' A. Design exterior door assemblies to withstand a wind load calculated in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. 1.06 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. All materials shall be delivered in manufacturer's original packaging. ' 09040-08364.wptl 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Page 2 ' B. Store materials in a dry, protected, well-vented area. ' 1.07 WARRANTY ' A. Sectional overhead door installation shall be guaranteed for one year following the date of Substantial Pertormance, against any defect in manufacturing or workmanship during ' installation. All defects shall be made good without cost to the Owner. B. Provide an additional written guarantee of the doors against warping, delamination or loss of seal for a period of two (2) years. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER ' A. Sectional metal overhead doors shall be Thermatite T175 series upward acting doors as manufactured by Richards-Wilcox. ' B. Doors manufactured by the following may be acceptable subject to review and approval by the Consultant, of product specifications: 1. Overhead Door Company Thermacore series 2. Wayne Dalton Thermospan 150 3. Upward Door Corporation 2.02 MATERIALS ' A. Steel: ASTM A525 galvanized sheet steel, coating weight of 380 g/mz. SECTIONAL METAL OVERHEAD DOORS ' 2.03 A. Door sections to be constructed from pre-painted, hot dip galvanized corrosion resistant stucco embossed sheet steel no less than 0.48 mm thick. Panels shall be internally reinforced for , hardware mounting. B. Door panels to be 45 mm thick with polyurethane foam insulation (density 49.97 kg/m') providing RSI 2.84, foamed in place between exterior/interior sheet steel faces. Interior and exterior sheet shall be separated by a thermal break. C. Provide two dual finned seals between sections, neoprene bulb weatherstrip with continuous , retainer for full width of bottom of door, flexible top seal and Arctic weather seal complete with horizontal slotted screws far adjustment at top and sides of door, 1.48 mm galvanized steel end caps, counterbalance hardware, locks, tracks and weatherstripping for a complete installation. ' 2.04 FINISHES A. Finish: Two coat baked on paint system on exterior side, primer and polyester finish coat. ' B. Colour: as selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's standards. 1 I~ 09040-08364 wptl , 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM A525, Specification for General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dipped Process. B. CAN/CGSB-12.1, Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass. C. CAN/CSA-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. D. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. E. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Indicate materials, profiles, accessories, dimensions, hardware, reinforcing, openings, glazing details, metal gauges, thicknesses and finishes. 2. Indicate track details including material, profile, anchorage details, reinforcement, and finishes. 3. Provide wiring diagrams for electric operators. C. Submit sample of door section showing construction, workmanship and finish in selected colour. D. Operation and Maintenance Data: Prior to Substantial Performance, submit maintenance and cleaning instructions for doors, hardware and operators for inclusion in Operating and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. Include wiring diagrams, troubleshooting instructions and instructions regarding adjustment and maintenance. 1.05 DESIGN A. Design exterior door assemblies to withstand a wind load calculated in accordance with the Ontario Building Code. 1.06 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. All materials shall be delivered in manufacturer's original packaging. ' 09040-08364.wpd [~ DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Page 2 B. Store materials in a dry, protected, well-vented area. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Sectional overhead door installation shall be guaranteed for one year following the date of Substantial Performance, against any defect in manufacturing or workmanship during installation. All defects shall be made good without cost to the Owner. B. Provide an additional written guarantee of the doors against warping, delamination or loss of seal for a period of two (2) years. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Sectional metal overhead doors shall be Thermatite T175 series upward acting doors as manufactured by Richards-Wilcox. B. Doors manufactured by the following may be acceptable subject to review and approval by the Consultant, of product specifications: 1. Overhead Door Company Thermacore series 2. Wayne Dalton Thermospan 150 3. Upward Door Corporation 2.02 MATERIALS A. Steel: ASTM A525 galvanized sheet steel, coating weight of 380 g/m2. 2.03 SECTIONAL METAL OVERHEAD DOORS A. Door sections to be constructed from pre-painted, hot dip galvanized corrosion resistant stucco embossed sheet steel no less than 0.48 mm thick. Panels shall be internally reinforced for hardware mounting. B. Door panels to be 45 mm thick with polyurethane foam insulation (density 49.97 kg/m3) providing RSI 2.84, foamed in place between exterior/interior sheet steel faces. Interior and exterior sheet shall be separated by a thermal break. C. Provide two dual finned seals between sections, neoprene bulb weatherstrip with continuous retainer for full width of bottom of door, flexible top seal and Arctic weather seal complete with horizontal slotted screws for adjustment at top and sides of door, 1.48 mm galvanized steel end caps, counterbalance hardware, locks, tracks and weatherstripping for a complete installation. 2.04 FINISHES A. Finish: Two coat baked on paint system on exterior side, primer and polyester finish coat. B. Colour: as selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's standards. 09040-08364.wptl C 1 1 1 1 ~J DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Pa e 3 2.05 HARDWARE A. 76 mm Track: 11 gauge, commercially galvanized steel formed track. Vertical tracks sloped for weather tight closing, mounted on adjustable steel angle bracket bolted to pressed metal framing at maximum spacing of 600 mm. Track shall include curves of proper radius fro quiet and free operation and be mounted to full size gusset plates. Field verify clearances before fabricating track and adjust curvature as required. Provide 75 x 75 x 6 x 1525 long steel angle track protector at floor level continuously welded or bolted to door frame orjambs and secured to floor. B. Provide lift track configuration to suit actual conditions and as directed by Consultant. C. Horizontal tracks shall be reinforced full length with steel angle. D. Track Brackets: 11 gauge, commercially galvanized steel, fully adjustable. E. Track hangers: perforated steel angles, minimum 32 x 32 mm, galvanized. Rollers: steel, 48 mm diameter with ten 6 mm diameter ball bearings, 11 mm diameter roller axles and inner and outer ball races of hardened steel. G. Roller Brackets: hinged roller brackets, fabricated from 2.0 mm and 2.4 mm commercially galvanized steel. H. Bottom Roller Brackets: Wrap around type complete with pick up cable anchoring device. I. Hinges: 3.1 mm commercially galvanized steel hinges and through bolts. J. Head Shaft: 32 mm diameter solid steel shaft. K. Drums: sized to suit door height and door weight. L. Counterbalance: helically wound torsion springs, stress relieved, minimum 1D,000 cycles, mounted to spring plugs riding on head shaft. Exact torque shall be set to allow the door to remain in a fully opened or partially opened position without being locked in that position. Springs shall be lifetime, heavy duty industrial type. M. Cables: galvanized aircraft cable with minimum safety factor of 4:1. 2.06 OPERATORS A. Doors shall be manually operated or electrically operated as specified herein and indicated on the door schedules. B. Chain Hoist: commercially galvanized steel. Speed reduction mechanism consisting of two sprockets and roller chain. Galvanized hand chains of appropriate length. Coordinate with electric operators where required. C. Electric Operators: 1. As manufactured by Automatic Doorman or approved equal. 2. Motor: 3/4 H.P., 208 V/3 Phase, hi-efficiency, overload and under voltage protection. CSA approved and labeled. 09040-08364.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Page 4 , 3. Special clutch release mechanism operable from the floor, to allow door operation by chain hoist in event of power failure. Safety interlock switch that will automatically cut power to operator when chain hoist is in operation. ' 4. Solenoid brake to prevent door from coasting and to secure locking of the door in closed position. 5. Heavy duty reversing contactor. , 6. Adjustable automatic slipping clutch to protect door and operator in case of obstruction. 7. Limit switches: screw type with oil life bronze cams and precision type micro switches for both up and down positions. 8. Automatic electro-mechanical safety stop to reverse direction in the event door meets an obstruction. 9. Operator shall be mounted to door by means of direct coupling cross header shaft. ' D. Controls: 1. Remote three button control operators located adjacent to door. 2. Remote control wireless operators. ' 3. Control circuit 24 volt, Class II. 4. Control shall be wired to provide door movement and stopping when momentary contact is made with the UP, DOWN and STOP buttons. 5. Emergency push button STOP located adjacent to door. ' 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. One (1) interior slide bolt locking device installed at each door. ' B Two (2) handles for each door, mounted on the top of the lower panel, one on each face. . ' 2.08 WEATHERSTRIPPING A. Weatherstripping shall be provided for entire perimeter of door. B. Type to be adjustable vinyl strip inserted into an aluminum extrusion. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Coordinate installation of tracks and anchors with other trades. , B. Install tracks and doors in accordance with reviewed shop drawings and manufacturer's instructions. ' C. Set tracks plumb, square, level and without twist at correct elevation. D. Secure anchorages and connections to adjacentconstruction with machine bolts. Welding not ' permitted. E. Doors shall fit snugly to edges ofjambs and heads of frame, and shall operate smoothly under all conditions. ' F. Make allowances for deflection to ensure structural loads are not transmitted to frames. G. Door shall sit in any position in door opening and shall not drift upward or downward. ' osoao-osssa wpa ' L_J DIVISION 8 SECTION 08364 SECTIONAL METAL INSULATED OVERHEAD DOORS Paqe 5 ' H. Electrical work shall be performed by a licenced electrician in accordance with The Canadian ' Electrical Code. I. Install electric operators and complete wiring in accordance with wiring diagrams. ' J. Division 16 will provide local disconnect at locations shown on the drawings. This Section shall provide all required wiring, conduit and devices required to connect door operators to disconnect at location shown. t K. Exterior overhead door shall be provided with remote control wireless operators and emergency Stop buttons located at high level adjacent to door. Provide two (2) remote control units for owners use for each door. ' L. The finished installation shall be weather tight. ' 3.02 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, and in the presence of the Owner's representative, inspect, test and adjust installation. B. Test all operable elements and motors, and ensure safe, easy and smooth operation. ' C. Clean doors and glass prior to Substantial Performance. End of Section ~~ L_J 09040-08364 wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Paqe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK 1.03 A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Finish Carpentry Section 06100 E. Metal Wall Cladding Secticn 07410 F. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 07425 G. Joint Sealers Section 07900 H. Aluminum Skylights Section 08425 I. Automatic Entrance Doors Section 08460 J. Glazing Section 08800 K. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 L. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 A. The Aluminum Association, Inc (AA), DAF-45, Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. B. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA): 1. AAMA 501, Methods of Test for Exterior Walls. 2. AAMA 609 & 610.2, Cleaning and Maintenance Guide for Architecturally Finished Aluminum (Combined Document). 3. AAMA 1503, Voluntary Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Condensation Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections. 4. AAMA 2603, Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for Pigmented Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels. 5. AAMA 2604, Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels. 6. AAMA CW-11, Design Windloads for Buildings and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Testing. 7. AAMA T1R-A1, Sound Control for Fenestration Products. C. ASTM A 276, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. D. ASTM B 221 M, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Allay Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes. E. ASTM E 283, Standard Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen. F. ASTME330,StandardTestMethodforStructuralPertormanceofExteriorWindows,Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. G. ASTM E 331, Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. H. ASTM E 413, Classification for Rating Sound Insulation. I. ASTM E 547, Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Differential. ' 09040-08400.wpd DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Page 2 J. ASTM E 1105, Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform or Cyclic Static , Air Pressure Difference. K. CAN/CGSB-12.20-M, Structural Design of Glass for Buildings. L. CAN/CSA-G164-M, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. M. CAN3-5157-M, Strength Design in Aluminum. ' N. CSA W59.2-M, Welded Aluminum Construction. O. National Building Code of Canada 1995 (NBC) P. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State ' 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. Q. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.04 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES ' A. Windows and screens shall be designed to meet or exceed air and water infiltration criteria of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A440. ' B. Structural members including intermediate mullions and horizontals, shall be designed to withstand loading in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. C. Structural performance shall be based on CSA Standard CAN3-S157 "Strength Design in Aluminum" and a maximum deflection of 1/175 of the span. D. Air infiltration shall not exceed 0.0003 m'/s.m' when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a pressure differential of 300 Pa. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS A. The Subcontractor executing the work of this Section shall have had at least ten years continuous Canadian experience in the successful manufacture and installation of work of the type and quality shown and specified and shall be approved by the systems , manufacturer. B. Submit proof of experience upon Consultant's request. ' C. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct apre-installation conferenceto review and verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacturer's installation instructions and warranty requirements. Meeting shall be attended by manufacturer's representative, sealant , manufacturer's representative, installer, General Contractor and Consultant. 1.06 SUBMITTALS ' A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Submit drawings for review by the Consultant. ' 2. Indicate and identify all items, show assembly, installation and connection details and methods. 09040-08400.wptl , DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ' ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Pa e 3 3. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate methods of accommodating thermal expansion ' and contraction, provisions for structural deflections, contractions, expansion and other normal movements. 4. Indicate items to be coordinated with curtain wall framing systems. C. Samples: Submitduplicate300mmlongsamplesectionsofallcomponentpartsofaluminum extrusions, in specified finishes. ' D. Test Reports: Submit a report from an independenttesting laboratory, verifying that the metal construction and the glass units used meet the following test requirements: 1. Air Infiltration: Conducted on fixed lights not less than 1370 x 1370 mm in area. The frame shallincludeathermalbarrierinaluminumextrusions. The test pressure shall be 0.081 kPa in accordance with the double chamber method outlined in NRC Technical Note No. 375, using Emsweilergauges tomeasure pressure differentials. ' Air infiltration shall be within NAAMM tolerance standards. 2. Water Infiltration: Conducted on fixed lights not less than 1370 x 1370 mm in area. The frame shall include a thermal barrier in aluminum extrusions. The static air ' pressure on the exterior side shall be 958 kPa (equivalent to the pressure exerted by wind having a velocity of 105 km/h), with a continuous water spray flowing at the rate of 6 litres per 300 x 300 mm per hour applied at the window head to flow as a film over the exterior window face. No water shall penetrate during a 15 minute ' period during which the above conditions shall be in effect. 3. Structural Deflection: Conducted on fixed lights used in the system specified or approved, over at least a height of 3.0 m and a width of two modules between ' mullions. The allowable maximum deflection at any point of the span, shall not be more than 1/220 of its span under a uniformly distributed positive load equivalent to the pressure exerted by wind having a velocity of 128 km/h and a negative load as determined from data and requirements of the Ontario Building Code. ' 4. Thermal Condensation: Conducted on fixed lights used in the system specified or approved, of not less than 1370 x 1370 mm in area, with an external temperature of -26.1 deg. C and an internal temperature of 24 deg. C and with an internal relative ' humidity of 30% maintained for 48 hours. Test result shall indicate no frost or condensation on the interior surfaces. 5. Design and components not complying with above requirements will not be accepted. ' E. Operations and Maintenance Data: At completion of the project submit three copies of manufacturer's maintenance, cleaning and operating instructions for aluminum frames and ' windows for inclusion into Operations and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 1.07 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Transport materials to the job site storage compound in such a manner as to prevent in transit damage. These measures shall include, but not limited to, crating, polyethylene wrapping system, etc. ' B. Store in a dry, protected area on site, in original undamaged containers with manufacturers labels and seals intact. ' 09040-08400.wpd DIVISION 8 , SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Page 4 , 1.08 PRO TECTION A. Protect the work of this trade from damage. Protect work of other trades resulting from the , work of this Section. B. Provide at the factory, strippable coatings on all exposed surfaces of aluminum. This coating ' and protective wrappings shall remain on the surfaces through the period that other trades' works proceed on the building, and shall be removed by this Subcontractor on completion of the building. ' C. Comply with unpacking procedures as recommended by framing and glass manufacturers. D. Make good all damaged work caused by failure to provide adequate protection. Remove ' unsatisfactory work and replace at no expense to the Owner. 1.09 WARRANTY ' A. Provide a 5 yearwarranty against defects and failure of system to remain completelyweather tight and air and water leak proof within the tolerances and limits specified. Insulating units shall carry a minimum five (5) year warranty against breakage due to faulty workmanship or ' materials, loss of air seal and condensation. Tinted reflective units shall carry a minimum ten (10) yearwarranty against peeling or becoming defective due to normal weather conditions. B. Provide a warranty stating that the anodized finish will be non-fading, nonconvertible, and ' permanently a part of the metal surface for a period of five years after acceptance of the building. The warranty shall state that any item showing failure during the warranty period will be replaced or refinished to the original condition, at no cost to the Owner. ' C. Provide a warranty stating that the organic fluoro polymer coating specified herein will not peel, check, blister or crack and be nonconvertible and facing will be within +5 NBS, fora period of five (5) years after acceptance of the building. The warranty shall state that any ' item showing failure during the warranty period will be replaced or refinished to the original condition at no cost to the Owner. jointl ble to the Owner f t i i i ' D. y , orm accep a ng, n a t Submit extended period warranties in wr signed by the subcontractor or supplier and the Contractor, with seal of each attached. E. Leakage in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, glass breakage, failure of insulating , glass units and condensation in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, shall (without limit to other defects which may become apparent) all be judged as defective work. Repair or replace at the discretion of, and at no cost to the Owner, any defects observed at any time ' prior to expiration of the above mentioned warranty periods. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MANUFACTURE A. Manufacture: Aluminum sections and products manufactured byKawneerCompanyCanada ' Ltd. form the basis of the drawings and specifications. The following manufacturers are considered as acceptable alternates subject to approval by the Consultant, of supporting technical literature, samples, drawings and performance data: ' 1. Alumicor 09040-06400.wpd ' C 1 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Pa e 5 2. Fulton Windows 3. Oldcastle Glass 4. Windspec 5. Zimmcor 6. United States Aluminum B. It is a mandatory requirement that the products specified in this Section, and the products specified in Section 08900, Aluminum Curtain Walls, be obtained from one source of supply. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Sections: Extruded fromAlcan6063alloywithaT54temper. Extruded aluminum sills to size and shape to suit wall conditions, complete with end drip deflectors, expansion cover plates, head and jamb receptors and necessary anchors. Formed aluminum components shall be manufacturer's standard sections as required for a complete installation, formed from sheet of alloy and temper suitable for their purpose and finish. B. Member Wall Thickness: Each framing member shall provide structural strength to meet or exceed specified performance requirements. C. Fasteners: Self-tapping 300 Series stainless steel foraluminum to steel contact, steel double cadium plated for aluminum to aluminum contact, of sufficient strength to perform the functions for which they are intended. D. Thermal Break: All members to have extruded rigid polyvinyl chloride thermal barriers. Durometer hardness of 80, plus or minus 5. E. Sealant: Multi-component conforming to CAN/CGSB 19.24-M, Type 2, Class "B"for sealant to be incorporated between aluminum framing and adjacent structures. Colours as later selected by the Consultant from standard colour selection. Furnish non-hardening, non- skimming, non-sagging, non-bleeding polyisobutylene or partially vulcanized rubber base sealant for use in concealed-sealing of thin joints in metal work. F. Isolation Coating: Acid and alkali resistant material conforming to CGSB 1.108-M, Type 2. G. Compressible Filler: "Unifoam R1009" by Goodco Limited. H. Adhesives: as recommended by manufacturer of materials to be bonded. I. Glass and Glazing: Glass and Glazing shall be as specified in Section 08800. 2.03 ALUMINUM FINISHES A. Finishes shall be in accordance with Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. B. Clear Anodized Finishes: Designation AA-M12C22A31 -appearance and properties of anodized finishes designated by the Aluminum Association as Architectural Class 1 and Class 2 respectively. C. ColourCoating:FinishexposedsurtacesofaluminumcomponentsinaccordancewithAAMA 2604: 09040-08400.wpd DIVISION 8 , SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Page 6 ' 1. Acceptable material: Duranar XL factory-applied, thermosetting fluoropolymer, architectural paint finish, manufactured by PPG, Professional Architectural Finishes ' Division, Brampton, ON. 2. Dry film thickness: 0.03 mm, 2 coats. 3. Colour: Selected by the Consultant from standard available range. , 2.04 PRODUCTS A. Interior Non-Thermally Broken Frames: 1. Kawneer Trifab 450, 45 mm wide x 115 mm deep as per details. , 2. Clear anodized finish. 3. 6 mm minimum tempered glazing, clear, unless noted otherwise. ' B. Exterior Windows: 1. Kawneer 518 Isoweb thermally broken window frames. 2. 127 mm deep profile. 3. Colour coating finish (black). ' 4. 25 mm sealed, glazed units as specified in Section 08800. 5. Install with high performance thermally broken sill receptor. FRAMES 2.05 FABRICATION WINDOWS SCREENS AND A. Take field measurements prior to fabrication. ' B. Fabricate frames square to profiles shown and prepare for glazing. Fill frames with manufacturer's insulation. bl k C. corner oc Vertical and horizontal members shall be tubular extrusions designed for shear construction. D. Design and fabricate necessary brackets and anchorage devices so that, when installed, they ' will compensate for unevenness and dimensional difference in the structure to which they are secured, will allow full expansion and contraction of framing members as a result of such expansion and contraction of framing members and will adequately sustain themselves, the , windows and superimposed wind and rain loads and all other stresses. E. Jig assemble components in shop and partially disassemble. Accurately form joints and ' intersections to tight, hairline fit. F. Nick threads to prevent loosening of nuts. Make bolted and screwed work as inconspicuous as possible. ' G. Welding of component members will be permitted providing it does not in any way mar the surface appearance and with joints made tight, in true plane, ground and sanded smooth, ' flush with base metal. Do all welding on concealed surface. H. Provide thermal break to maintain the interior surface of frames and glass free from condensation and frosting under conditions of minimum -12 degrees C outside temperature ' with 24 degrees C inside temperature at 35% relative humidity. I. Design of mullions and framing members shall accommodate insulating glass units generally. , osoao-oeaoo wPa ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Pape 7 ' J. Construction 1. Construct units from extrusions of size and shapes shown on the drawings and formed with clean, sharply defined profiles. Joints to be accurately machined, fitted, assembled and sealed to provide neat weather tight joinery. 2. Draw joints together and secure by means of screws driven through the walls and into the integrally extruded screw channels of abutting extrusions. 3. Intermediate members within units maybe either solid or tubular design to suit wind- loading and weight carrying requirements. ' 4. Design coupling mullions to eliminate the "seam joint" on the weathered side, while providing a functional split to permit unit module construction and provide for thermal expansion. When required, reinforce wind load carrying members with steel bars suitably treated to prevent electrolytic action. ' 5. Overlap and seal glazing flanges of abutting members for the entire depth and width of the flanges to provide a solid, unbroken water barrier. 6. Glass stops shall be lock in screw-less type. t K. Equip sill base with splice plate backup sections at joint in long runs. Seal ends and jambs to provide neat, weather tight joints. ' L. All exteriorframe members to have extruded P.V.C. thermal break integrated with the inner and outer aluminum extrusions by aroll-crimping process to form a rigidly interconnected assembly without the use of fasteners or other thermal bridging elements. r M. Provide adequate, shielded drainage and pressure equalization where required. N. Aluminum Sills -Extruded to size and shape as detailed, complete with end drip deflectors, expansion cover plates and necessary anchors. O. Form continuous flashings with intermediate clips, anchorages and reinforcing and as much t as possible, be shop assembled. Provide all filler and closure pieces as required. P. Units too large for handling or shipping shall be fitted and assembled in the shop to check O accuracy, disassembled and marked for shipping and field assembly. C l d f . oncea e astenings shall be used to the greatest possible extent. R. Isolate joints of unlike materials with bituminous paint to prevent electrolytic action or ' chemical reaction. Provide all necessary holes for connections and fastenings. ' S. Provide weep holes in horizontal members as required. Weep holes shall drain to the exterior. T. Glazing must withstand a specified combined dead, live and wind load in accordance with requirements of the Ontario Building Code for the building location, with a maximum t deflection of L/200 of the span. PART 3: EXE CUTION 3 01 CONDITION OF BUILDING . ' A. Commence installation only when variations or discrepancies on the Site which will prevent satisfactory installation of this Section's work are corrected. ' osoao-oeaoo.wPa DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Page 8 t 3.02 INSTALLATION: GENERAL , A. Do all installation in accordance with reviewed shop drawings and manufacturer's printed ' instructions. B. Provide all fastenings or anchors to be built in under other Sections. Conceal all fastenings ' of window components from view. C. Securely install frames plumb, true, square and straight in openings and free from distortion using the manufacturer's recommended anchors, anchor bolts and fasteners. Install slipjoint , linings where required to accommodate movement. D. Clean and restore primer and bituminous paint to surtaces disturbed by field welding or other ' operations. E. Aluminum to be placed in contact with dissimilar metals shall be given a heavy coat of bituminous paint on contacting surtaces, minimum 30 mil dry film thickness. , F. Caulk internal window joints. Seal joints between interior framing and masonry/drywall and between interior framing and mullion members in such a manner as to produce a completely ' airtight and watertight installation. G. Caulk externaljoints. Sealjointsbetweenexteriormetalandmasonryandbetweenframeand aluminum sill in such a manner as to produce a completely watertight installation. H. Where welding is unavoidable for exposed non-ferrous work during erection of assemblies, comply with CSA W59-M and recommendations of fully certified firm to CSA W47.1 for the particular metals and alloys being welded. Use methods and welding rods which will not distort members and will result in closest possible colour match. Grind exposed surfaces smooth, using wheels and compounds which are free of iron and other substances which would result in stains or discolouration of surfaces. Restore finishes after welding and ' grinding. Erection Tolerances: 1. Limit variations from plumb, level or dimensioned angle to the following: (1) 3.0 mm maximum deviation in storey height, or in 3.0 m vertical run, or in 6.0 m horizontal run. (2) 6.0 mm maximum deviation in 10.0 m in any direction. , 2. Limit variations from location (theoretical calculated positions) in plan or evaluation based on established floor lines and column lines, including variations from plumb and level, to the following: (1) 10 mm total maximum deviation for member at any location. , (2) 3.0 mm maximum change in deviation for member for 3.0 m run, any direction. 3. Limit offsets inend-to-end and edge-to-edge alignment of adjoining and consecutive members, which form planes, continuous runs and profiles, to the following: ' (1) 1.5 mm maximum offset in flush alignment, including those which are to be 13 mm or less out-of-flush, and including those which are separated 50 mm or less by a reveal or protrusion in plane of windows. Use concealed fastenings where possible. Where concealed fasteners are not feasible, use flat headed screws in countersink holes. Exposed bolt or nut heads are not permitted. ' osoao-oeaao wPd , 'J ~~ II II DIVISION 8 SECTION 08400 ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Page 9 K. Match exposed fastenings with finish or surfaces on which they occur. L. Assess each component for appearance and colour. Any variations in appearance and colour will not be permitted. M. Leave final installation water and weather tight. N. Glazing: Refer to Section 08800. O. Caulking: Refer to Section 07900. 3.03 CLEANING A. Immediately prior to the final cleaning of the glass and before handing over the building to the Owner, make good all damage and disfigurement to the work, and remove all protective coatings, stains and foreign matter from all exposed, exterior and interior surfaces of work supplied under this Section, and leave in a uniform colour and in first class condition to the Consultant's satisfaction. B. Use soap and water, or water and approved solvents not injurious to aluminum, glass, glazing and sealant compounds. Abrasives shall not be used. End of Section 09040-08400.Wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A . Conform with the requirements of Division 1. ' 1.02 R ELATED WORK A. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 B. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C . Built up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 D . Metal Flashing and Trim Section 07620 E. Joint Sealers Section 07900 F. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Screens Section 08400 G . Glazing Section 08800 H. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 1.03 REFERENCES A. AAMA501.1StandardTestMethodforExteriorWindows,CurtainWallsandDoorsforWater Penetration using Dynamic Pressure B. ASTM E283 Standard Test Method for Determining the Rate ofAir Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen. C. ASTM E330 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. D. ASTM E331Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. E. CSA/CAN3-S157 Strength Design in Aluminum F. CAN3-G40.21M Structural Quality Steels ' G. CSA G164-M Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. H. CGSB 1.108-M Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. ' 1.04 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Every component of the glazing system shall be designed to support dead load plus live loads in accordance with latest OBC and NBC taking into account snow accumulation and ' unbalanced loading as well as wind and interior pressures as appropriate. B. Aluminum design shall conform to CAN3-S157-M. Glass shall be designed in conformance with CAN/CGSB-12.20.M. C. Designforthermalmovementthatwillnotoverstresscomponents,causejointorglazingseal ' failure or other detrimental effectsthrough an ambienttemperature range of-35°C to+75°C. D. Design fixing method which cannot work loose due to expansion or building movements. E. Maximum deflection of any member shall not exceed U175. osoas-oeazawPd 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Page 2 ' F. Air Seal: the glazing system shall be pressure equalized to the exterior. All inbound joints of ' the system shall incorporate an air seal and drainage pockets vented to the exterior. Any condensation accumulation will be held within the system for evaporation. ' G. Airlnfiltration:airinfiltrationshallnotexceed0.0003m'/sec/m'at500Padifferentialpressure when tested in accordance with ASTM E283. ' H. Water Penetration: there shall be no water infiltration through the assembly when tested in accordance with ASTM E331 with a pressure differential of 1200 Pa. shall be a minimum of 59 8 index of the framin r r i t t t d ti C ' I. . . g on res ance empe a u e on ensa s J. Dissimilar Metals: isolate aluminum from dissimilar metals by use of a bituminous coating. K. If requested by the Consultant, submit test reports from an approved independent testing laboratory certifying that representative details comply with the requirements of this specification: ' 1. ASTM E283 for air infiltration 2. ASTM E331 for static water penetration 3. AAMA 501.1 for dynamic water penetration ' 4. ASTM E330 for structural performance. 1.05 SUBMITTALS ' A. Shoo Drawings: Submit drawings for review in accordance with Section 01330. B. Indicate each type of skylight frame and doors and include sizes, shapes, location and fastening, details of aluminum extrusions, anchoring, flashing and air/vapour barrier details, finishes, sealants and glass types. C. Clearly indicate materials and large scale details for head, jamb and sill, profiles of ' components, elevations of units, anchorage details, location of isolation coating, thermal breaks, description of related components, exposed finishes and fasteners. d h t d d , D. an tow a ate Clearly indicatehowthermalexpansionandcontractionaretobeaccommo degree. E. Show connections to adjacent construction and provisions made for structural deflections, , contractions, expansion and other normal movement. F. Drawings shall bear the stamp of a professional engineer, registered in the Province of ' Ontario for the design of all members and connections and shall indicate design loads and maximum support reactions. G. Operations and Maintenance Data: At completion of the project submit three copies of , manufacturer's maintenance, cleaning and operating instructions for aluminum skylights for inclusion into Operations and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 09040-08425 wpd 1 1.06 ' 1.07 1 1.08 I DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS SAMPLES A. Submit sample finishes required on appropriate frame in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit 305 mm long sample of each framing profile specified. WARRANTY A. Providea5yearwarrantyagainstdefectsandfailureofsystemtoremaincompletelyweather tight and air and water leak proof within the tolerances and limits specified. Insulating units shall carry a minimum five (5) year warranty against breakage due to faulty workmanship or materials, loss of air seal and condensation. Tinted reflective units shall carry a minimum ten (10) year warranty against peeling or becoming defective due to normal weather conditions. B. Provide a warranty stating that the anodized finish will be non-fading, nonconvertible, and permanently a part of the metal surtace for a period of five years after acceptance of the building. The warranty shall state that any item showing failure during the warranty period will be replaced or refinished to the original condition, at no cost to the Owner. C. Submit extended period warranties in writing, in a form acceptable to the Owner, jointly signed by the subcontractor or supplier and the Contractor, with seal of each attached. D. Leakage in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, glass breakage, failure of insulating glass units and condensation in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, shall (without limit to other defects which may become apparent) all be judged as defective work. Repair or replace at the discretion of, and at no cost to, the Owner, any defects observed at any time prior to expiration of the above mentioned warranty periods. COORDINATION A. Coordinate workofthissectionwithinstallationofroofingsystems,roughcarpentryandmetal flashings specified elsewhere. 1.09 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials in sequence to meet building schedule. Transport materials to the job site in such a manner as to prevent it transit damage. These measures shall include, but not limited to, crating, polyethylene wrapping system, etc. B. Store in dry protected area on site, in original undamaged containers. C. Remove damaged or unsatisfactory material from the site and replace with new materials to the satisfaction of the Consultant at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.10 PROTECTION A. Protect the work of this trade from damage. Protect work of other trades resulting from the work of this section. B. Provide at the factory, strippable coatings on all exposed surtaces of aluminum. ' 09040~08425.wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS C. Upon erection, protect vulnerable edges and exposed corners with 6 mil polyethylene wrappings covered with 25 mm thick wooden corner protection securely taped in place. Coating and protective wrappings shall remain on the surface through the period that other trade works proceed on the building and shall be removed on completion of the building. D. Protect all erected and completed work from damage by mortar, paint and other hazard of the work of othertrades by wrapping with 6 mil polyethylene covering securely taped in place. E. Make good all damaged work caused by failure to provide adequate protection. Remove unsatisfactory work and replace at no expense to the Owner. PART2-PRODUCTS 2.01 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS A. Aluminum sections and products manufactured by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd. form the basis of this specification. The following manufacturer's are considered as acceptable alternates subject to approval by the Consultant, of supporting technical literature, samples, drawings and performance data: 1. Alumicor 2. Commercial Aluminum 3. Zimmcor. 4. United States Aluminum 5. Fulton Windows Provide a letter from the manufacturer of aluminum sections verifying that material to be used is manufactured and supplied by an approved manufacturer as listed in this Specification. B. It is a mandatory requirement that the products supplied under this Section, and the products supplied under Section 08400-Aluminum Windows, Doors and Screens and Section 08900 Aluminum Curtain Walls, be obtained from one source of supply. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Products: Skylight framing systems shall be 2000 Skylight as manufactured by Kawneer Company Canada Ltd. B. Aluminum extrusions: 6063 aluminum alloy with T5 temper or stronger. Aluminum plate and aluminum sheet for flashing and closures shall be 3003-H14 minimum 0.8 mm thickness. C. Fasteners and Accessories: Fasteners used on the exterior shall be typ 304 stainless steel. Interior fasteners to be cadmium plated steel. Provide trim, sills and accessories where indicated or as required for a complete installation. D. Isolation Coating: Bituminous paint, acid and alkali resistant, to CGSB 1.108-M, Type 2. E. Glass: Insulated factory sealed double glazed unitsto CAN2-12.8M. Tempered, heat treated and laminated glass shall conform to CAN2-12.1-M. Glass shall be supplied under Section 08800. Aluminum Finishes: 1. Finishes shall be in accordance with Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. 09040-08425.wpd LJ C~ C DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS Paqe 5 2. ClearAnodizedFinishes: DesignaticnAA-M12C22A31-appearance and properties of anodized finishes designated by the Aluminum Association as Architectural Class ' 1 and Class 2 respectively. G. Glazing gaskets: dense EPDM, durometer 70 per ASTM C-509. H. Exteriorglazinggaskets:TremcoVISIONstripco-extruded EPDMgasketwithintegralglazing tape. I. Setting blocks: Neoprene compatible with glass edge seals, durometer between 60 and 80 per ASTM D2240. ' J. Steel Reinforcements, Weld Plates, Structural Sections and Anchors: To CAN3-G40.21 M, grade 300W hot dipped alvanized to CSA G164-M , g . 2.03 FAB RICATION A Custom fabricate an ed k li ht t it i ti f . g g y g s s o su ex s ng roo opening and roof opening framing. Site verify all existing conditions and dimensions and report to the Consultant, any deviations ' from the original building drawings which might affect the installation of new skylights. B. Construct and fabricate components to profiles indicated on reviewed shop drawings. Rafters and purlins shall be extrusions designed for overlap connections. Purlins shall be ' coped at the ends to drain moisture into the rafter drainage channels. There shall be a minimum 13 mm vertical offset between the purlin and the rafter drainage channels. Purlins shall be sealed at joints and fixed to rafters. Pressure plates shall be fastened to frame members with #14 self tapping screws 150 mm on centre. C. Purlins shall have an integral gutter to allow condensation from inner glass surfaces to discharge into an interior condensation gutter on the rafters and drain to the sill for ' evaporation. D. Accurately manufacture, assemble and seal all joints to provide weather tight joinery. ' E. Provide structural steel reinforcement for strength, stiffness and connections as required to meetdesign loading and pertormance requirements and in accordancewith engineered shop drawings.. F. Fit intersection members to flush hairline, weather tight joints and mechanically fasten together except where shown or specified otherwise. ' G. Fabricate aluminum sills from minimum 3.0 mm thick material. Aluminum to be finished to match adjacent window finishes. All fasteners and clips to be concealed unless indicated otherwise. H. Farm cut outs, recesses, mortising or milling for finishing hardware to templates supplied. Reinforce with aluminum or galvanized steel plates. ' I. Field apply isolation coating to aluminum in contact with dissimilar metals or cementitious materials. J. Provide all necessary holes for connections and fastenings. Provide weepholes in horizontal members as required to drain to the exterior. ' 09040-08425.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08425 ALUMINUM SKYLIGHTS K. Wherever possible, assemble components in shop for installation on site. 2.03 FINISHES A. Skylights: Exterior caps and interior frames: Clear Anodized. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION 6 , A. Check site dimensions and ensure all adjacent or adjoining items are properly set to receive the glazed skylights. B. Provide all fastenings or anchors to be built in under other Sections. C. Conceal all fastenings of components from view. D. Securely install frames and components plumb, true, square and straight and free from distortion using the manufacturer's recommended anchors, anchor bolts and fasteners. E. Clean and restore primer and bituminous paint to surfaces disturbed by field welding or other operations. F. Seal joints of skylight and all internal and external joints between skylight and interfacing construction to ensure a weather tight assembly in accordance with sealant manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. G. Glaze skylights in accordance with requirements of Section 08800-Glazing using exterior weUdry method. 3.02 CLEANING A. Immediately prior to the final cleaning of the glass and before handing over the Building to the Owner, make good all damage and disfigurement to the work, and remove all protective coatings, stains and foreign matter from all exposed, exterior and interior surfaces of work supplied under this Section, and leave in a uniform colour and in first class condition to the Consultant's satisfaction. B. Use soap and water, or water and approved solvents not injurious to aluminum, glass, glazing and sealant compounds. Abrasives shall not be used. End of Section 1 L I1 09040-08425.wpd ' t 11 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08460 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Joint Sealers Section 07900 C. Aluminum Windows and Screens Section 08400 D. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 E. Glazing Section 08800 F. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 G. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 H. Electrical Supply Division 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Ontario Building Code. B. The Aluminum Association. C. Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) D. Canadian Standards Association (CSA). E. ANSI A156.10. Power Operated Pedestrian Doors. F. CAN3-A440-M Windows, Extruded, Aluminum, Vertical and Horizontal Sliding, Heavy Duty. G. CAN3-S157 Strength Design in Aluminum. H. CAN/CGSB-1.108-M, Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. I. International Standards Organization (ISO). J. National Fire Protection Association NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. K. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Limited. L. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. M. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Product Data: Provide manufacturers product and complete installation data for all materials in this specification. C. Shop drawings: Shaw profiles, joining method, location of components, anchorage details, adjacent construction interface, and dimensions as well as all necessary wiring and electrical requirements. Submit wiring schematics. D. Samples: Sized to adequately represent material. E. Operation and Maintenance Data: Provide operation and maintenance data for automatic entrance doors for incorporation into Operation and Maintenance Manuals specified under Section 01780. 09040-08460 wpd DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08460 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Page 2 F. Installation Guide: Provide a written installation guide and/or installation recommendations. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' A. Automatic sliding door system shall be certified by the manufacturer to meet performance design criteria according to the following test standards: 1. Product shall meet or exceed air and water infiltration criteria of CAN3-A440-M. 2. ANSI A156.10. Power Operated Pedestrian Doors. 3. NFPA 101, Life Safety Code. 4. Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Ltd. listed. B. Structural performance shall be based on CSA Standard CAN3-S157, Strength Design in Aluminum, and a maximum deflection of 11175 of span. ' 1.06 OPE RATING CONDITIONS A. Climatic Conditions:Allautomaticslidingdoorsystemcomponentsshalloperatebetween-30 ' degrees F and +130 degrees F in all climatic conditions. 1.07 DEL IVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. All materials shall arrive in the manufacturers original sealed, labelled containers. B. Store materials in a dry, protected, well-vented area. ' C. Remove all protective materials after installation. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS , A. Verify that other trades are complete before installing the automatic sliding door system. B. Mounting surfaces shall be plumb, straight and secure; substrates shall be of proper ' dimension and material. C. Refer to the construction documents, shop drawings and manufacturers installation instructions. D. Coordinate installation with the glass, glazing and electrical work. , 1.09 WARRANTY A. Manufacturers Standard Warranty: Warranted materials shall be free of defects in material ' and workmanship for one year after Substantial Performance. B. Installer shall further guarantee the installation for a period of four (4) years from the expiration of the manufacturer's standard warranty. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Products manufactured by Stanley Canada Inc., form the basis of this specification. Equivalent product by the following manufacturer's are acceptable, subject to review and approval by the Consultant: ' 1. Besam osoao-oeaso wPa ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08460 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Pa e 3 2. Horton Automatics. 3. Hunter Automatics Inc. 4. Keene Monroe. 5. Nabco Gyro-Tech. t 2.02 AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR SYSTEMS A. Automatic Sliding Door Svstem: Stanley DURA-GLIDE Series 2000. System shall consist of ' sliding aluminum doors, sidelights, header, operator, and actuating controls. All components shall be factory assembled in the header, adjusted and tested. No field wiring or operator adjustment shall be required other than the connection to job-site power and fine-tuning of door speeds to compensate for various door sizes and weights. B. Sliding Aluminum Doors: Provide door units to dimension heights and widths with corresponding glazing as shown on construction documents, medium stile. Provide door ' holders for all panels to control the doors as they swing in the direction of egress. Glass stops, 15.6 mm, shall be provided for all door panels. All doors shall have intermediate rails. The bi-part sliding door system shall include atwo-point lock securing the lead edges of the door stiles together and to the hanger assembly. ' C. Door Operation: Shall be bi-part directional operation. Exit and entrance sides shall operate by sensor activation. Sliding door panels shall allow "breakout" to the full open position to ' provide instant egress at any point in the doors movement. To allow safe egress, automatic operation shall be discontinued when the SX panel is in the "breakout" mode. Doors and sidelights shall be sized to prevent pinch points at meeting stiles. D. Aluminum Frame and Extrusions: Shall be extruded 6063-T5 alloy and temper with a ' minimum 3.0 mmwallthickness in integralstructuralsections. Frames shall be 115 mm deep sections. The bi-part transom packages shall contain one vertical transom tube. Provide additional vertical tubes as required. ' E Header Case: Shall b 152 id b 203 hi h . e mm w e y mm g extruded aluminum and capable of supporting bi-parting doors of 220 pounds per leaf over a span of 7.30 metres with minimal deflection. Casing shall contain door operator and door mounting components. The header cover shall have a continuous self- locking hinge to open flush with the to of th h d p e ea er. F. Door Hanger Wheels: Shall be 65 mm diameter urethane wheels with precision steel lifetime ' lubricated ball bearing centres. The sliding doors shall be held on the track by 51 mm diameter anti-riser wheels and supported by a factory adjusted cantilever support and pivot assembly. This assembly shall allow the sliding doors to swing outward for emergency egress without the need for a lower door pivot support. The door height shall have an adjustment of 3.0 mm ± as required by field conditions. G. Sidelights: Provide sidelights and transom panels to dimension heights and widths as shown 1 on construction documents with corresponding glazing. All sidelight panels shall have intermediate rails to match doors. Sidelight shall be fixed assembly. 2.03 OPERATORS AND CONTROLS A. Door Operator and Controller: Stanley Dura-Glide System driven by electro-mechanical operator and regulated electronic controller. The operator components shall consist of a DC ' permanent magnet 1/8 horsepower motor, gear reduction drive, Stanley Pozi-Trot position encoder, and a microprocessor control box. Provide 120 VAC, 5 amps minimum to electrical door operator. ' 09040-08460.wptl DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08460 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Page 4 B. Microprocessor Control Box: Torque shall be factory set as prescribed byANSI A156.10. The control box and Stanley Pozi-Trac position encoder shall automatically set the opening and closing check positions, and the full open and full closed position of the door system. C. Threshold Sensor:Self-contained fully adjustablesensorsystemoperatinginconjunctionwith the motion sensors. Simultaneously with the door opening signal, the sensor shall be ' energized. It shall emit a 760 mm deep by 1840 mm maximum wide elliptical shaped infrared presence zone centred on the doorway threshold line. The door shall close after the sensors detect a clear surveillance field. ' D. Motion Sensor: Stanley SU-050 Motion Sensor. The unit shall be switchable between bi- directional and uni-directional k-band frequency to detect all motion, fast or slow, in both directions with a relay hold time of 2-30 seconds. The motion sensor shall be mounted to the , header 2740 mm maximum above the finish floor on both sides of the door. Using the adjustable antenna the detection pattern shall be semi-circular, approximately 2135 mm wide by 1525 mm deep for a wide zone. The location of the detection zone shall be adjustable from the face of the door (20 degrees to 35 degrees in increments of 3 degrees). ' The unit shall operate between 30 degrees through 122 degrees F in all environmental conditions. The supply voltage shall be 12-24 V AC/DC t 10% and the power consumption shall be 6 W maximum. ' E. Safety Search Circuitry shall be provided which will recycle the doors when an object is encountered during the closing cycle. The circuitry shall search for that object on the next closing cycle by reducing the door speed at the position the object was previously ' encountered, and will continue to close in check speed until the doors are fully closed, at which time the doors will reset to normal speed. If the obstruction is encountered again, the doors shall come to a full stop. The door shall remain stopped until the obstruction is removed and an operate signal is given, resetting the door to its normal speed. ' F. Accessories: The automatic sliding door system shall have the following accessories: selector switch located on the interior side of the unit to allow doors to open at full or reduced width according to traffic conditions, hydraulic closers, battery packs and alarm contact ' monitoring. 2.04 FINISHES t A. Aluminum Finishes shall be in accordance with Aluminum Association Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. ' B. Clear Anodized Finishes: Designation AA-M12-C22-A312, Class 1 and Class 2 ClearAnodic coating. 05 FASTENERS 2 ' . A. Series 300 stainless steel or Series 400 stainless steel cadium plated, of sufficient strength to perform the functions for which they are intended. ' 2.06 BITUMINOUS PAINT A. Bituminous paint for back painting shall be acid and alkali resistant type in accordance with ' CGSB Specification 1-108-M, Type 2. 09040-08460 wpd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08460 ' AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Pa e 5 2.07 GLAZING ' A. Prepare doors, sidelites and transoms to accept 6 mm thick tempered safety glass at all interior units and 25 mm thick sealed insulating units at exterior locations, supplied and ' installed under Section 08800. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSPECTION A. Verify that the automatic sliding door system installation will not disrupt other trades. Verify ' B that the installation area is dry, clean and free of foreign matter. C . heck as-built conditions and verify the manufacturers automatic sliding entrance system details for accuracy to fit the wall assembly prior to fabrication. ' C. Report in writing to the Contractorany detrimental conditions to the properfunctioning ofthe automatic sliding entrance system. D. Installation shall proceed once the unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in accordance to the manufacturers recommendations. 3.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate frames square to profiles shown and prepare for glazing. B. Design and fabricate necessary brackets and anchorage devices to compensate for ' unevenness and dimensional difference in the structure, to allow full expansion and contraction of framing members as a result of expansion and contraction of framing members and to adequately sustain themselves, and superimposed wind and rain loads and ' all other stresses. C. Take field measurements prior to fabrication. D. Jig assemble components in shop. E. Accurately form joints and intersections to tight, hairline fit. ' F. Nick threads to prevent loosening of nuts. Make bolted and screwed work as inconspicuous as possible. G. Finish: All frames and exposed aluminum components shall have clear anodized finish. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Installation shall be by an installer approved and trained by the manufacturer in strict accordance with the manufacturers instructions. B. Comply with the automatic sliding door system manufacturers recommendations and/or installation guide when installing the automatic sliding entrance system. C. Set all units plumb, level and true. D. Provide all fasteners required for installation of the automatic sliding door system. ' 09040-08460.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08460 AUTOMATIC ENTRANCE DOORS Page 6 E. Clean and restore primer and bituminous paint to surfaces distributed by field welding or other operations. F. Aluminum to be placed in contact with concrete mortar, plaster or dissimilar metals shall be given a heavy coat of bituminous paint on contacting surfaces. 3.04 ADJUSTMENT AND CLEANING A. Clean all metal surfaces promptly after installation. B. After repeated operation of the completed installation, re-adjust door operators and controls for optimum operating condition and safety. C. Explain and review the Daily Safety Check Procedure with Owner's Representative. End of Section 09040-08460 wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08710 ' FINISHING HARDWARE Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 B. Work Includes: 1. Supply of all finishing hardware included in the Finishing Hardware Schedule to be provided by the Consultant. 2. The cost of the finishing hardware shall include the supply and delivery F.O.B. Job Site of Finishing Hardware, and the service of a competent mechanic to inspect the ' installation of all hardware furnished underthis Section and supervise all adjustment (by trades responsible for fixing) which are necessary to leave hardware in pertect order. 3. Installation of Finishing Hardware is to be included in the General Contractors ' Tendered Price and is specified under the work of Division 6. 4. Refer to Cash Allowance for the Supply of Finishing Hardware listed in the Instructions to Bidders. ' 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 B. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 ' C. Hollow Metal Doors Frames and Screens Section 08100 D. Automatic Entrance Doors Section 08460 E. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08500 F. Electrical Division 26 1.03 SUBMITTALS ' A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit six (6) copies of complete detailed Hardware Schedule to the Consultant in accordance with Section 01330-Submittal Procedures. Hardware schedule shall be prepared by a qualified Architectural Hardware Consultant on behalf of the Hardware Supplier. ' C. Indicate each item location type finishes, identifying mark corresponding to the door schedule. D. Following installation of all hardware, inspect the hardware installation and certify in writing ' that all work is complete to manufacturer's recommendations and supplied as scheduled. Submit certification to the Consultant. ' 1.04 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Receive the delivery of the Finishing Hardware and identify all items against the Finishing Hardware Schedule. Advise the finish hardware supplier and Consultant in writing of errors ' or omissions. B. Store Finishing Hardware in locked room or storage shed. Ensure each hardware items is accompanied by the correct template, installation instructions, special tools, fastening devices and other loose items . ' osaaaoariowPa DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08710 FINISHING HARDWARE Page 2 C. Remove all hardware from doors and frames prior to painting. After painting is complete and ' dry, reinstall all hardware to manufacturer's recommendations. ' 1.05 ALTERNATES A. No alternates will be accepted other than listed in the approved hardware schedule. ' 1.06 WARRANTY roducts which shall be f r all f 2 f i d d ' p years o or a per o o ware A. Guarantee and warrant all har guaranteed for 10 years, from the date of Substantial Performance from defects in materials, workmanship and improper installation. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PRODUCTS , A. All hardware shall be supplied as specified in the Finishing Hardware Schedule. B. All finishes shall be as indicated in the Finishing Hardware Schedule by international codes. ' C. Fasteners shall match hardware. d ildi C ' ng e. o D. All door handles shall be lever type meeting requirements ofADA and Ontario Bu 2.02 KEYING ' A. All lock cylinders and cores shall be supplied complete by the hardware supplier, to suit Owner's master system, construction master keyed and grand master keyed. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 EXAMINATION ' A. Before installing any hardware, carefully check all architectural drawingsoftheworkrequiring verify door swings, door and frame materials and operating conditions, and assure hardware , that all hardware will fit the work to which it is to be attached. , B. Check all shop drawings and frame and door lists affecting hardware type and installation, and certify to the correctness thereof, or advise the hardware supplier and Consultant in writing of required revisions. ' 3.02 TEMPLATES , A. Check the hardware schedule, drawings and specifications, and furnish promptly to the applicabletradesanypatterns, templates, template information and manufacturer's literature required for the proper preparation for and application of hardware, in ample time to facilitate ' the progress of the work. 09040-08710 wpd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08710 FINISHING HARDWARE Pa e 3 3.03 INSTALLATION ' A. Installation of hardware shall be in accordance with ANSIA115.1G,manufacturer'stemplates and instructions. ' B. All hardware shall be installed by carpenters, skilled in the application of architectural hardware and satisfactory to the hardware supplier. Refer to Section 06200 -Finish Carpentry. Instruction sheets, details and templates shall be read and understood before installation. C. Install all materials as listed in the Finishing Hardware Schedule on the doors and frames ' listed. Interchanging of hardware will not be allowed. D. After installation, templates, installation instructions and details shall be put in a file and turned over to the Owner, when building is Substantially Pertormed. 3.04 INSPECTION ' A. After installation of all hardware and before building is accepted, inspect the installation of all hardware and certify in writing to the Consultant that the hardware is properly installed and supplied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and finishing hardware schedule. ' 3.05 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE ' A. The hardware supplier shall through the Contractor provide a written maintenance program for all finish hardware requiring maintenance and the name and address of the supplier for future repairs and replacement. I End of Section L.1 ' 09040-08710.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08715 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 B. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 C. Electrical Division 16 ' 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Ontario Building Code. ' B. Canadian Electrical Code. C. BHMA A156.10 D. NFPA 101. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B Shop Drawings: S b it h d i . u m s op raw ngs indicating all components, required clearances, electrical connections and coordination required with the work of related trades. ' C. Indicate materials, thickness, anchorage, finishes and operation. Indicate minimum acceptable clearances required. D. Provide layout for installation of door controller paddles and devices including mounting heights and conduit requirements. ' E. Submit wiring diagrams and schematics. F. Product Data: Submit for door operators. 1. Include operating hardware, accessories and other required components. ' 2. Include information far factory finishes and manufacturer's color charts showing full range of colors available for selection. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A . Single Source Responsibility: Furnish automatic door operating equipment from one manufacturer for entire Project. ' B. Provide complete units including accessory items necessary for proper operation. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing Products specified in ' this Section. D. Installer Qualifications: Acceptable to manufacturer with experience on at least five projects ' of similar nature. 09040-08715 wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION 08715 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 2 ' 06 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1 . t R i 1 remen s: A. Design equ 1. Manufacturer: Responsible for providing complete operating system. 2. Provide concealed fastening wherever possible. 3. Operate in accordance with manufacturer's published literature including power ' operation, emergency breakaway, manual use, entrapment protection, and "soft start" features. , B. Size Operator Capacity for: 1. Door size, weight, and movement. 2. Condition of exposure. 3. Long-term, maintenance-free operation under heavy pedestrian traffic load for , indicated occupancy. 4. Opening to back check position in time period no faster than 3 seconds. 5. Requiring no more than 15 pounds of force to stop door movement. ' 6. Permit automatic release of control to permit manual opening of doors. 7. Provide for manual opening and closing operation of door leaves in event of power failure with opening force complying with code requirement. 8. Products requiring electrical connection: Listed and classified by FM, UL, Warnock ' Hersey, or other testing agencies acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction as being suitable for specified and indicated purpose. C. Interface With Adjacent Systems: Provide units coordinated withdoorsize,weight,andswing ' type. 1. Coordinate fire-rated assemblies with door ratings. 2. Coordinate concealed operators with fire detection systems. ' 1.07 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Protect electrical components and finished surfaces as necessary to prevent damage. ' B. Replace damaged units. 1.08 MAINTENANCE A. Provide operating and maintenance manual for the automatic door operators for inclusion in Operation and Maintenance Manuals required under Section 01780. ' B. Instruct Owner in operation and maintenance of door operators. ' 1.09 WARRANTY A. Provide written warranty against defects for all work of this section for a period of two (2) years from date of Substantial Performance. , PART 2: PRODUCTS GENERAL 2.01 A. This specification is based on Stanley Magic Swing Door Operators. Equivalent products by the listed manufacturers are acceptable, subject to approval of the Consultant: ' 09040-08715.wptl ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08715 ' AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Pape 3 ' 2.02 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. Horton Automatics. ' 2. Stanley Magic Door. 3. Besam. 4. Dor-O-Matic. ' 2.03 MATERIALlDESIGN/OPERATION A. Operator ' 1. Shall be Stanley Magic-Swing, electro-mechanical system sealed against dirt, dust and corrosion in a cast aluminum case and fully lubricated to minimize wear and friction of the moving parts between temperature extremes of-20°C and+60°C. The entire operator shall be removable from the header as a unit. 2. Size operators to suit weight of doors as indicated on the Door and Frame Schedule. 3. Aluminum header extrusions to be minimum 3.0 mm wall thickness and have a clear anodized finish. ' 4. Back paint all aluminum in contact with steel with bituminous paint to CGSB 1-GP- 108 and install PVC isolating strips. 5. All automatic entrance equipment is to comply with all sectors ofANSI A-156.10 and by C.S.A. approved. ,~ B. Power Ooeninp 1. The operator shall open the door with a 1/8 hp DC motor through reduction gears, ball screw actuator and a forged steel rack and pinion. Opening time to back-check (approximately 75°) shall be 1.25-1.6 seconds. The drive train shall have positive, constant engagement. A force no greater than 25 IbF at the lock stile shall stop the door from opening. The operator shall stop the door in the open position by ' electrically reducing the motor voltage and holding against an adjustable 90° stop. C. Soring Closing 1. The operator shall close the door by spring energy. Closing speed shall be controlled by employing the motor as a dynamic brake, and closing to latch check (approximately 10°) shall be in 3 seconds. Closing through last 10° shall be in 1.5 seconds minimum. The closing spring shall be a helical compression spring, pre- ' loaded for positive closing action at a low material stress level for long spring life. D. Emergencv Release ' 1. The operator shall have built in emergencyreleasewithcontrolledspringreturntothe closed position without manual resetting. While the door is in the emergency release mode, a disconnect switch shall prevent powered operation. No header or jamb mounted stops or cams shall be required for emergency function. Not more than 50 ' IbF at the lock stile shall be required for emergency use per ANSI A-156.10. E. Manual Use 1. The operator shall function as a manual door closer in the direction of swing with or ' without electrical power. 2. Entrapment Protection: the forces and speeds of power opening, manual opening in both directions of swing, and spring closing in both directions of swing shall conform to the requirements ofANSI-A-156.10. ' 09040-08715.wptl DIVISION 8 t SECTION 08715 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 4 ' F. Electrical Control 1. A solid state, completely enclosed electronic control with quick connect plugs shall , incorporate the following features: (1) A "safety plus" - 1 '/~ second extension of both operate and safety signals after pressure has been removed from the control mats. (2) A 2 '/= ampere current limiting circuit which limits the opening force of the ' operator to a maximum of 24 IbF at the lock stile. (3) A "soft-start" motor driving circuit that reduces power to the motor after seven (7) seconds of maintained opening speed. , (4) A cam actuated emergency breakout switch to disconnect power to the motor when the door is manually pushed in the emergency direction. The operator will then automatically reset and power will be resumed. , G. Door Arm 1. Linkage assembly shall provide positive control of door through entire swing; shall permit use on butt hung doors. ' 2. Header shall be 140 mm wide by 152 mm high extruded aluminum of 3.0 mm thickness. Access to the operator and electronic control box shall be by a full length removable cover, edge rabbited to the header to insure flush fit. Finish to be anodized. ' H. Controls 1. Shall be manufacturer's standard manually operated 115 mm diameter stainless steel push plate embossed with Handicap Symbol and "PUSH TO OPEN". 2. Provide CSA approved 50 x 100 mm galvanized steel junction box or size to match frames. On frames, provide push plate to fit width of frame. ' 3. Control devices shall be weatherproof. PART 3 -EXECUTION 01 INSP ECTION ' 3. A. Prior to installation inspect the site with the Contractor to ensure that no defects are present t ll ti i on, or ns a a in the completed phases of the work which would result in poor application or cause latent defects of the automatic door equipment. B. Verify electrical power is available and of correct characteristics. ' 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install assemblies and operating equipment complete with operators, controls, and related ' accessories in accordance with Manufacturer's instructions. B. Coordinate installation of operators with other Sections. Supply material to be built in to the work when required. ' C. Provide necessary blocking, supports, and miscellaneous items for complete installation. t d b t l ' D. ra e. on su s ete Do not install surtace mounted items until finishes have been comp E. Install units plumb, level, square, and free from warp or twist while maintaining dimensional tolerances and alignment with surrounding construction. 09040-08715 wpd ' ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08715 ' AUTOMATIC DOOR OPERATORS Page 5 F. Install control switches at heights in accordance with referenced standards and reviewed shop drawings. G. Coordinate installation of operator with installation of: 1. Door frame. 2. Door. 3. Door hardware. 4. Electrical service. H. Install power connections and control wiring. 1 I Maintain minimum headroom requirements at doors as indicated on the reviewed shop drawings. ' 3.03 ADJ USTING A. Adjust parts for smooth, uniform, and optimum operation. B. Test door operating functions. Adjust opening and closing speeds and breakout forces in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. After repeated operation of completed installation, equivalent to three days use by normal ' traffic (100 to 300 cycles), readjust door operators and controls for optimum operating condition and safety and for weather tight closure. D. Lubricate hardware, operating equipment, and other moving parts in accordance with ' manufacturer's requirements. E. Adjust motion detector sensors, adjust door operator, and actuating controls to operate ' correctly. 3.04 DEMONSTRATION ' A. Demonstrate operating components, door operation, adjustment features, and lubrication requirements. 3.05 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Cleaning: Complywith Section 01740. Clean in accordancewith manufacturer requirements 1 . Do not use materials or methods which may damage finish or surrounding construction. B. Remove protective material from surfaces. C. Remove excess mastic, mastic smears, harmful materials, and other unsightly marks. D. Avoid damage to finishes during cleaning. End of Section oeoao-oa~iswpa DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 ' GLAZING Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK ' A. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 B. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 C. Cabinetwork Section 06400 D. Joint Sealers Section 07900 E. Hollow Metal Doors, Screens and Pressed Metal Frames Section 08100 F. Aluminum Windows and Screens Section 08400 G. Aluminum Skylights Section 08425 ' H. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08900 I. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 J. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 K. Dasherboard Systems Section 13180 1.03 REFERENCES ' A. ASTM C542 Specification for Lock-Strip Gaskets. B. ASTM C920 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants C. ASTM C1184 Standard Specification for Structural Silicone Sealants D ASTM C1376 -Standard Specification for Pyrolytic and Vacuum Deposition Coatings on 1 Glass. E. ASTM D790 Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials. ' F. ASTM D1929 Test Method for Ignition Properties of Plastics. G. ASTM D2240 Test Method for Rubber Property - Durometer Hardness. H. ASTM E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. I. E 283: Test Method for Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors. J. ASTM E330 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. ' K. ASTM E 773: Test Method for Seal Durability of Sealed insulating Glass Units. L. ASTM E 774: Specification for Sealed Insulating Glass Units. M. ASTM F1233 Test Method far Security Glazing Materials and Systems. N CAN/CGSB-12.1 Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass. 1 O. CAN/CGSB-12.2 Flat, Clear Sheet Glass. P. CAN/CGSB-12.3 Flat, Clear Float Glass. Q. CAN/CGSB-12.4 Heat Absorbing Glass. R. CAN/CGSB-12.5 Mirror Glass. S. CAN/CGSB-12.8 Insulating Glass Units. T. CAN/CGSB 12.9-M Spandrel Glass U. V CAN/CGSB-12.10 Glass, Light and Heat Reflecting. CAN/C ' . GSB-12.11 Wired Safety Glass. W. Flat Glass Manufacturers Association (FGMA) Glazing Manual. X. Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual. ' Y. CPSC 16 CFR 1201 -Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Materials. ' 09040-08800.wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 2 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Furnish complete shop and erection drawings for all work included in this section to the Consultant for review prior to fabrication. C. Shop drawings shall indicate all sizes, quantities, thicknesses, materials, glass types, glazing compounds, sealants, anchorage and fastening details, hardware, glazing methods, etc. ' D. Submit layout drawings for Consultants approval, for window films including patterns and dimensions. ' E. Submit catalog data on glass types indicating structural, physical and environmental characteristics, size limitations, special handling or installation requirements. F. Product Data on Laminated Glass Types: Provide structural, physical and environmental characteristics, size limitations, type and colour of interlayer, special handling or installation requirements. ' G. Submit catalog data on glazing compounds indicating chemical,functionalandenvironmental characteristics, limitations, special handling or installation requirements. H. Submit manufacturer's certifications that sealed insulated glass meets or exceeds specified ' requirements. I. Submit glazing compound manufacturer's installation instructions. J. Submit samples in accordance with Section 01330. K. Submit duplicate 300 mm square samples of glazing materials. 1 L Submit duplicate 300 mm square samples of sealed insulating units for approval. . lt nt h C d b M. onsu a . e y t Submit samples of sealant materials in colours selecte N. Operation and Maintenance Data: Provide maintenance data for all materials, including cleaning instructions, for incorporation into Operation and Maintenance Manuals specified ' in Section 01780. 1.05 PER FORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide continuity of building enclosure vapour and air barrier using glass and glazing material as follows: 1. Utilize inner light of multiple light sealed units for continuity of air and vapour seal. ' B. Size glass to withstand wind loads, dead loads and positive and negative live loads acting normal to a plane of glass to a design pressure of 1.2 kPa as measured in accordance with , ASTM E330. C. Limit glass deflection tc 1/200 with full recovery of glazing materials. ' osaaa-oseoo.wpa ' 1 ' 1.07 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Pa e 3 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pertorm work in accordance with FGMA Glazing Manual and Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual for glazing installation methods. B. Installer: Company specializing in the installation of structural glazing with five (5) years proven experience for projects of similar size and complexity and approved by the manufacturer for installation of their projects. C. Comply with published recommendations ofglass product manufacturers and organizations below, except where more stringent requirements are indicated. Refer to these publications for glazing terms not otherwise defined in this section or referenced standards. 1. GANA Publications 2. AAMA Publications 3. IGMA/IGMAC Publications D. Safety glass products shall comply with the testing requirements of CAN/CGSB-12.1-M, Type 1 for Laminated Glass and Type 2 for Tempered Glass. E. Provide safety glass permanently marked with the company name or logo and CAN/CGSB-12.1-M if the product meets categories 1 and 2, or mark as CAN/CGSB 12.1-M-1 if the product meets the requirements of Category 1 only. F. Insulating Glass products are to be permanently marked either on spacers or at least one insulating unit component with appropriate certification label of the Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance (IGMA) or Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association of Canada QGMAC) G. Single-source fabrication responsibility: All glass fabricated for each type shall be processed and supplied by a single fabricator. A. Design glass, glazing channels, connections, attachments and glazing accessories to withstand loads designated by the Ontario Building Code and to accommodate all building deflections. B. Glass thicknesses indicated are minimum and are for detailing only. Confirm glass thickness by analyzing project conditions, including in-service conditions and loads. Provide glass lites for various size openings in nominal thicknesses indicated but not less than required to meet performance requirements of referenced standards. Coordinate glass thicknesses with manufacturers of framing systems. 1.08 MOCK UPS A. B. C. 09040-08800.wpd Construct mock ups for various types of glazing installations in accordance with Section 01450. Mock ups to include glass glazing, frames, and air and vapour seals. Allow twenty four hours for review of mock ups by Consultant. LJ DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 4 ' D. When accepted, mock ups will form minimum standard for work of this Section. Mock ups may remain as part of finished work, once approved. ' 1.09 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Install glazing whenambienttemperatureis10°C minimum. Maintain ventilated environment for 24 hours after application. B. Maintain minimum ambient temperature before, during and for 24 hours after installation of glazing compounds. ' 1.10 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Provide glass units with interleaving protection between lites. Keep glass and interleaving dry and store cases in clean, cool, dry areas with temperatures above the dew point. Circulation of cool, dry air in storage areas is essential. Open cases and inspect units periodically for moisture accumulation. Do not store glass in direct sunlight without an opaque protective covering over same. 1.11 WARRANTY i t l A. ns sea Warrant insulating glass unitsfor10yearsfromdateofSubstantialPerformanceaga failure, interpane dusting, or interpane misting. B. Warrant low-emissivity coatings when applied to the secondorthirdsurfacesofaninsulating ' glass unit, for ten years against peeling or coating deterioration due to product failure. C. Laminated glass shall be warranted for a period of ten (10) years from date of acceptance of Project to be free from delamination and discoloration D. Glazing sealants shall be warranted for a period of ten (1 D) years per sealant manufacturer's standard warranty of merchantable quality. Warranty shall certify that cured sealants: , 1. Will pertorm as a watertight weatherseal. 2. Will not become brittle or crack due to weathering or normal expansion and contraction of adjacent surfaces. 3. Will not harden beyond a Shore A durometer of 50, nor soften below a durometer of 10. 4. Will not change color when used with compatible back-up materials. 5. Will not bleed. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General 1. Materials shall be free from bubbles, waves, discolouration, distortion and defects. 2. Material manufacturers shall label every piece of glass. labels shall remain in place until final cleaning. Label shall note: manufacturer, registered name of the products, weight and quality of glass. ' 3. Size glass thickness and glass unit dimensions to limits in accordance with CANlCGSB-12.20. B. Glass manufactured by one of the following is acceptable. Provide all Low-E glass from the ' same manufacturer for the entire project: o9oao-oeeoa wPd ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Paqe ' 1. AFG Industries 2. Guardian Industries 3. Libbey-Owens-Ford Co. 4. Oldcastle Glass 5. PPG Canada Inc. 6. Pilkington Glass. 2.02 GLASS A . Tempered Safety Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.1-M„ transparent, 10 mm thick unless indicated otherwise. ' 1. Type 2-tempered. 2. Class B-float. 3. Category 1 11. 4. Edge treatment: ground, bevel edge. B. Sheet Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.2, 6 mm thick minimum. ' C. Float Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.3-M, 6 mm thick minimum. D. Laminated Safety Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.1-M, Type I, Class B, with 0.4 mm polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer between two 3.0 mm layers of tempered glass. Conforming to Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual. E. Impact Resistant Laminated Glass (where required and as referred to as "i. r. glass"): laminated glass to CAN/CGSB-12.1-M with 0.060 mm polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer ' between two 4.0 mm layers of heat strengthened glass. Conforming to Laminators Safety Glass Association Standards Manual. ' F. Mirror Glass: To CAN/CGSB-12.5-M, No. 1 Quality, 6.0 mm polished plate or Type 1A float glass backed with silvered copper paint. All edges ground and polished. G. Low E: Sputter coated float glass with metallic oxide or metallic nitride coating deposited by vacuum deposition process after manufacture and heat treatment (if any). H. Insulating Glass Units: To CAN/CGSB-12.8-M, sealed units, not less than 25 mm thick or as required to meet code requirements. Minimum 13 mm air space. 1. Exterior Units (GL3): a. Heat Mirror glass configured as follows: b. Outboard Lite: 6 mm thick tempered float glass, clear. ' c. Spacers: warm edge spacer d. Heat Mirror Type: integral clear mylar Heat Mirror TC-88 film. e. Inboard Lite: Low-E coated clear 6.0 mm thick float glass. f. Invert Gas Fill: Krypton g. Overall Unit Thickness: 25 mm. h. Performance: All performance data shall be calculated according to ASHRAE standard procedures and verified using the LBL "Window 4.1" program: a. Winter nighttime U value: 0.12 b. Shading Coefficient: 0.38 ' c. Solar heat gain coefficient: 0.33 d. Daylight transmittance: 60% e. Ultraviolet blockage: minimum 99.5% osaao-oaeoo.wpa DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 6 , 2. Skylight Glass: a. Inner life: 6 mm thick laminated safety glass, clear to CAN2-12.1-M. b. Low E coating on third surface. c. Air space. Argon Filled. d. Outer liter 6 mm tempered glass, clear to CAN2-12.1-M. e. Total thickness: 25 mm Wired Glass (GWG): To CANlCGSB-12.11-M, 6 mm thick minimum, polished both sides, square wire mesh style. ' Spandrel Glass (SP1) : to CANlCGSB 12.9, type 1, tempered spandrel glasswith elastomeric coating on surface No. 2, Monolithic OPACI-COAT-300. Colours will be selected by the Consultant from full range of available colours. Up to three colours will be selected. 6mm ' minimum thickness. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Provide products of material, size and shape complying with referenced glazing standard, requirements of manufacturer's of glass and other glazing materials for applications indicated and with a proven record of compatibility with surfaces contacted in installation. Glazing , materials and accessories shall be fully compatible with the materials and finishes with which they are in contact. Neoprene and EPDM materials shall not come in contact with silicone sealant materials. Silicone rubber spacers, setting and edge blocks and gaskets shall be either Type I (designed to prevent adhesion) or Type I I (designed for adhesion) as per glazing , system manufacturer's recommendations for each condition of use. B. Cleaners, primers and sealers: as recommended by sealant or gasket manufacturer. t Non-staining and non-etching type. Low VOC to SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. C. Glazing Sealant: One component, silicone based sealant, black color; Dow-Corning "795" or General Electric "Silpruf 2000", or equal. Sealants shall be recommended by the , manufacturer for the particular condition of use. Low VOC to SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. D. Setting Blocks & Spacers: Neoprene, EPDM or Silicone Rubber setting blocks 80-90 Shore "A"durometer hardness to ASTM D2240, to suit glazing method, glass light weight and area. E. Edge Blocks: Neoprene, EPDM or silicone rubber conforming to ASTM C 864, 60-70 Shore A durometer hardness, and which will permit permanent mounting. Blocks shall be 76 mm minimum length x full channel width and of thickness or configuration to provide 3.0 mm nominal clearance between block and glass edge. F. Silicone Spacer Blocks: Durometer hardness of 55 ±5 Shore A. , G. Spacer shims: Neoprene, EPDM or silicone rubber, 60-70 Shore "A" durometer hardness to ASTM D2240.; 75 mm long x one half height of glazing stop x thickness to suit application. Self adhesive on one face. Do not use intermittent spacers. H. Glazing Tape: 1. Preformed, preshimmed polyisobutylene-butyl tape with integral resilient tube spacing device, 10-15 Shore "A" durometer hardness to ASTM D2240, 13 mm wide x thickness to suit proper face clearance of glass, black color; "Pecora BB-50 Extru-Seal", PTI "606", Tremco Preshimmed #440, or "Polyshim" ("Polyshim" only ' where glass lites exceed 150 united inches), or equal. 09040-08800 wpd , DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 7 ' 2. Exterior glazing tape for curtain wall systems shall be Tremco VISIONstrip co- ' extruded EPDM gasket with integral glazing tape on horizontals and jambs. I. Glazing splines: resilient polyvinyl chloride, extruded shape to suit glazing channel retaining ' slot, colour as selected by the Consultant. J. Glazing clips: manufacturer's standard type. ' K. Lock strip gaskets: to ASTM C542. L. Mirroradhesive:Syntheticrubberbasedadhesive,waterproofandmildewresistant:Franklin ' mirror adhesive. Low VOC LEED compliant to SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. M. Mirror Clips: Type 316 custom fabricated stainless steel Vancouver type 'H' clips. ' N. Window Films: 3M interior Window film, Fasara Films, Mat Crystal iSH2MACRi. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that openings for glazing are correctly sized and within tolerances. B. Verify that surfaces of glazing channels or recesses are clean, free of obstructions and ready to receive glazing. 3.02 FABRICATION A. Fabricate glass and other glazing products in sizes required to glaze openings indicated with face and edge clearances, edge and surface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product manufacturer and referenced standards. B. Cut wired or patterned glass so that pattern is parallel with frames. C. Site cutting of glass is prohibited. ' D. Grind smooth and polish all exposed glass edges. E. Clean cut or flat grind vertical edges of butt glazed monolithic lites in a manner that produces square edges with slight kerts at junctions with indoor and outdoor faces ' F . Fabricate H t Mi Gl i ' . ea rror ass n accordance with manufacturer s recommendations. ' G. Fabricate handrail and guardrail assembly components to lengths and configurations complying with shop drawin s g . H. Machine joint edges smooth and plane to produce hairline seams when site assembled; ' supply concealed sleeve connectors forjoints. I. Isolate dissimilar metals to prevent electrolytic action by applying primer to concealed surfaces of metal components. ' osoao-oeaoowPd L DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 8 3.03 PREPARATION A. Clean contact surfaces with solvent, and wipe dry. B. Seal porous surface channels or recesses with substrate compatible primer or sealer. C. Prime surfaces scheduled to receive sealant. 3.04 INSTALLATION: EXTERIOR WET/DRY METHOD A. Cut glazing tape to length and set against permanent stops, 6 mm below sight line. Seal corners by butting tape and dabbing with sealant. 8. Apply heel bead of sealant along intersection of permanent stop with frame ensuring full perimeter seal between glass and frame to complete continuity of air/vapour seal. C. Place setting blocks at 114 points, with edge block maximum 150 mm from corners. D. Rest glazing on setting blocks and push against tape and heel head of sealant with sufficient pressure to attain full contact at perimeter of light or glass unit. E. Install removable stops with spacer strips inserted between glazing and applied stops 6 mm below sight line. 3.05 INSTALLATION: INTERIOR -DRY METHOD A. Fill gap between glazing and stop with sealant to depth equal to bite of frame on glazing, maximum 9 mm below sight line. B. pply cap head of sealant along void between stop and glazing, to uniform line, flush with sight line. Tool or wipe sealant surface smooth. C. Cut glazing tape to length and set against permanent stops, projecting 1.6 mm above sight line. D. Place setting blocks at 114 points, with edge block maximum 150 mm from corners. E. G. H. J. Rest glazing on setting blocks and push against tape for full contact at perimeter of light or unit. Place glazing tape on free perimeter of glazing. Install removable stop without displacement of tape. Exert pressure on tape for full continuous contact. Knife trim protruding tape. Glaze hollow metal doors and pressed steel screens. Glass type as indicated. Install wired glass in fire rated doors and screens to meet requirements of NFPA 80. L..' ~1 09040-08800.Wpd ' ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 9 3.06 DISPLAY CASES A. Coordinate work with Section 06410. B. Doors shall be clear tempered, 10 mm thickness with polished edges, set in sliding glass door tracks specified in Section 06410. ' C. Supply and install 13 mm thick tempered glass shelves with ground and polished edges. D. Pre-drill glass doors and shelves for hangers and pulls prior to tempering. 3.07 MIRRORS A. Coordinate work with Section 06200. B. Install frameless mirrors in adhesive and with stainless steel H clips, concealed fasteners. C. Install mirrors in one piece. ' D. Framed mirrors are specified in Section 10800. ' 3.08 WINDOW FILM A. Install window film where indicated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and reviewed shop drawings. ' 3.09 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS ' A. Tempered glass arena shields for rink board systems are specified under Section 13180. 3.10 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. After installation, mark lights with an "X" by using removable plastic tape, or paste. Do not mark heat absorbing or reflective glass units. B. Examine glass surfaces at frequent intervals during construction, but not less than once per month, and remove any scum, alkaline deposits, dirt, dust, or stains. Remove as directed by glass manufacturer. ' C. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances during construction including weld splatter. ' 3.11 CLEANING A. Clean excess sealant or compound from glass and framing members immediately after application, using solvents or cleaners recommended by the manufacturer. ' B. Clean glass according to: 1. GANA Glass Informational Bulletin GANA 01-0300 - "Proper Procedures for ' Cleaning Architectural Glass Products.". 2. GANA Glass Information Bulletin GANA TD-02-0402 ='Heat-Treated Glass Surtaces Are Different." osaao-aseoo wPd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08800 GLAZING Page 10 C. Do not use scrapers or other metal tools to clean glass. 3.12 COMPLETION A. B. C. D. E. Upon completion, go over all work of this trade, remove all surplus glazing and other foreign materials, taking care not to scratch or damage glass or frames. Remove and replace glass that is broken, chipped, cracked, abraded or damaged in any way, including natural causes, accidents and vandalism, during construction. Wash glass on both exposed surfaces four days before Substantial Performance, in accordance with glass manufacturers recommendations. Clean up and remove from building and site all debris, surplus glazing and other foreign materials, tools and equipment and leave entire premises in a neat and tidy condition. Separate waste glass materials in accordance with the materials source separation program specified in Division 1. End of Section 09040-08800 wpd r ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Pa e 1 t PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS t A. Conform with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 B. Structural Steel Section 05120 C. Air Barriers Section 07195 D. Firestopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 E. Lightweight Steel Framing Section 07425 F. Metal Cladding Section 07410 G. Built Up Bituminous Roofing Section 07500 ' H. Joint Sealers Section 07900 I. Aluminum Windows and Screens Section 08400 J. Aluminum Skylights Section 08425 ' K. Automatic Entrance Doors Section 08460 L. Glazing Section 08800 M. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Aluminum Association, Inc (AA), DAF-45, Designation System for Aluminum Finishes. B. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA): 1. AAMA 501, Methods of Test for Exterior Walls. 2. AAMA 609 & 610.2, Cleaning and Maintenance Guide for Architecturally Finished Aluminum (Combined Document). 3. AAMA 1503, Voluntary Test Method for Thermal Transmittance and Condensation Resistance of Windows, Doors and Glazed Wall Sections. 4. AAMA 2603, Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test ' Procedures for Pigmented Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels. 5. AAMA 2604, Voluntary Specification, Performance Requirements and Test Procedures for High Performance Organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions and Panels. ' 6. AAMA CW-11, Design Windloads for Buildings and Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Testing. 7. AAMA CW-DG-1, Aluminum Curtain Wall Design Guide Manual. ' 8. AAMA MCWM-1, Metal Curtain Wall Manual. 9. AAMA T1R-A1, Sound Control for Fenestration Products. C. ASTM A 36/A 36M, Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel. D. ASTM A 276, Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes. ' E. ASTM B 221 M, Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes. F. ASTM E 283, Standard Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across ' the Specimen. G. ASTM E 330, Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. ' H. ASTM E 331, Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference. I. ASTM E 413, Classification for Rating Sound Insulation. ' 09040-08900.wptl DIVISION 8 , SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 2 , J ASTM E 547, Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, . Doors, and Curtain Walls by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Differential. ' K. ASTM E 1105, Standard Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference. L. CAN/CGSB-12.20-M, Structural Design of Glass for Buildings. , M. CAN/CSA-G164-M, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. N. CAN3-S157-M, Strength Design in Aluminum. O. CSA W59.2-M, Welded Aluminum Construction. P. National Building Code of Canada 1995 (NBC) Q. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. R. Green Seal Environmental Standards Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 1 . 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01330. ' B. Samples: 1. Submit to the Consultant, duplicate 300 mm long sample sections of all component ' parts of aluminum extrusions, finished in specified colours. C. Shop Drawings: 1. Indicate materials and profiles and provide full-size, scaled details for components. ' 2. Indicate interior trim and exterior junctions with adjacent construction. 3. Indicate junctions between combination units. Indicate elevations of units. Indicate core thicknesses of components. ' 4. Indicate type and location of exposed finishes, 5. Indicate method of anchorage, number of anchors, supports, reinforcement, accessories and caulking materials. Indicate location of caulking. Coordinate with h ors architectural and structural drawings and identify any supplementary support anc required which will be supplied under this Section. 6. Indicate arrangement of hardware and required clearances to surrounding structure. 7. Indicate assembly details and dimensions of fabrication. 8. Indicate installation details and sequencing, method of glass installation, and , location and method of sealing air and vapour barrier to curtain wall frame 9. components. Indicate system dimensions, framed opening requirements and tolerances, adjacent ' construction, anticipated deflection under load, affected related work, weep drainage network, expansion and contraction joint location and details, and field welding required. 10. Indicate methods of accommodating thermal expansion and contraction, provisions ' for structural deflections, contractions, expansion and other normal movements. 11. Curtain wall shop drawings shall bear the stamp of a professional engineer, registered in the province of Ontario for the design of all members and connections and shall indicate design loads and maximum support reactions. D. Test Reports: Submit certified test reports from approved independent testing laboratories, along with substantiating engineering data, certifying compliance with specifications for: osoaa-oesoo.wPd ' Il ' DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ' ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Paqe 3 ' 1. Structural design. 2. Wind load resistance. 3. Thermal resistance. 4. Air infiltration. 5. Water penetration. 6. Condensation resistance. 7. Finishes. ' 8. Design and components not complying with above requirements will not be accepted. E. Design Calculations: 1. Submit to the Consultant, design calculations of curtain wall system. Be responsible ' for the design of all components and accessories thereof and connections in accordance with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. 2. Make thorough examination of all drawings and details, check interfacing with work of other Contracts and other factors influencing the engineering design and ' performance of the work and be fully cognizant of requirements. 3. The engineering design calculations and drawings for the curtain wall shall be prepared by a registered Professional Engineer registered to practice in Ontario. The ' said Engineer shall affix his seal and signature to the design calculations and drawings. 4. Design to withstand without failure the positive and negative forces imposed by wind, earthquake, temperature and shrinkage stress, deflections of the supporting or adjacent structures, all with deflection limitations governed by the design of the supporting structure. The external pressure of suction due to wind on part or all of the surtace of the units shall be calculated in accordance with the requirements of the ' Ontario Building Code. F. Operations and Maintenance Data: At completion of the project submit three copies of manufacturer's maintenance, cleaning and maintenance instructions for curtain walls for inclusion into Operation and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 1.05 QUALIFICATIONS ' A. The installers executing the work of this Section shall have had at least ten years continuous Canadian experience in the successful manufacture and installation of work of the type and quality shown and specified and shall be approved by the systems manufacturer. ' B. Design Engineer for curtain wall systems shall have a minimum five (5) years experience in the design of similar systems and will have a minimum five (5) million dollars professional ' liability insurance. Submit proof of experience and insurance on request. C. Submit proof of experience upon Consultant's request. ' D. Pre-installation Conference: Conductapre-installation conference to reviewand verify project requirements, substrate conditions, manufacturer's installation instructions and warranty requirements. Meeting shall be attended by manufacturer's representative, sealant ' manufacturer's representative, installer, General Contractor and Consultant. E. Pertorm work in accordance with AAMA CW-DG-1. Maintain one copy on site. ' F. Perform welding work in accordance with CSA W59.2. osoao-oasoa wPa DIVISION 8 , SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 4 ' G. Installer qualifications: Company specializing in performing work of this Section with minimum 10-years documented experience. Approved by manufacturer. ' 1.06 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural members including intermediate mullions and horizontals, shall be designed to , withstand loading in accordance with the National Building Code of Canada. B. Design system to accommodate, without damage to components or deterioration of seals: ' 1. Movement within system. 2. Movement between system and perimeter framing components. 3. Dynamic loading and release of building structural loads. 4. Deflection, shortening or creep of structural support framing. , C Design system to accommodate expansion and contraction within system components . caused by cycling temperature range of 10.6° C over 12 hour period, without causing , detrimental effect to system components. D. Structural performance shall be based on CSA Standard CAN3-S157 "Strength Design in Aluminum" and a maximum deflection of 11175 of the span of unsupported span with full ' recovery of glazing materials. E. Design system as thermally broken, pressure-equalized vented and drained assembly. ' F. Air infiltration shall not exceed 0.0003 m'ls.m~ when tested in accordance with ASTM E283 at a pressure differential of 298.77 Pa. ' G. Water penetration: To ASTM E 331: None, with static pressure of 718.2 Pa. H. Drainwaterenteringjoints,condensationoccurringinglazingchannelsormigratingmoisture occurring within system, to exterior by weep drainage network. I. Provide continuous air barrier and vapour retarder throughout assembly, primarily in line with inside pane of glass and heel bead of glazing compound. Position thermal insulation on ' exterior surtace of air and vapour barrier. J Ensure no vibration harmonics, wind whistles, noises caused by thermal movement, thermal , . movement transmitted to other building elements, loosening, weakening, or fracturing of attachments or components of system occur. AGE O ' R 1.07 DELIVERY HANDLING AND ST A. Transport materials to the job site storage compound in such a manner as to prevent in ' transit damage. These measures shall include, but not limited to, crating, polyethylene wrapping system, etc. B. Deliver, store and handle materials in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. , Handle work of this section in accordance with AAMA CW-10. C. Store materials indoors in dry location. Ensure materials do not come in contact with ground , or other damp substrates. 09040-08900 wptl ' LI 1 DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 5 D. Coverexposedpre-finishedsurtaceswithpressure-sensitive, heavy protectionpaperorapply strippable plastic coating before shipping to job site. E. Leave protective covering in place until final cleaning of building. Provide instructions for removal of protective covering. 1.08 PROTECTION A. Protect the work of this trade from damage. Protect work of other trades resulting from the work of this Section. B. Provide at the factory, strippable coatings on all exposed surfaces of aluminum. This coating and protective wrappings shall remain on the surfaces through the period that other trades' works proceed on the building, and shall be removed by this Subcontractor on completion of the building. C. Comply with unpacking procedures as recommended by framing and glass manufacturers. D. Make goad all damaged work caused by failure to provide adequate protection. Remove unsatisfactory work and replace at no expense to the Owner. 1.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Have manufacturer of products suppliedunderthisSectionreviewworkinvolvedinhandling, installationlapplication, protection and cleaning, of its products, and submit written reports, to verify compliance of work with Contract. B. Manufacturer's field services: Provide manufacturer's field services consistingofproductuse recommendations and periodic site visits for inspection of product installation in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Schedule site visits to review work at stages listed: 1. After delivery and storage of products, and when preparatory work on which work of this Section depends is complete, but before installation begins. 2. Twice during progress of work at 25% and 60% complete. 3. Upon completion of work, after cleaning is carried out. D. Obtain reports within three days of review and submit immediately to Consultant. 1.10 SEQUENCING A. Co-ordinateworkof this Section with installation offirestopping,airbarrierplacement,vapour retarder placement, flashing placement, and other related components or materials. 1.11 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Do not install sealants when ambient and surface temperature is less than 5°C. B. Maintain this minimum temperature during and after installation of sealants. 09040-08900.wptl DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 6 1.12 WARRANTY t A. Provide a 5 yearwarranty against defects and failure of system to remain completelyweather ' tight and air and water leak proof within the tolerances and limits specified. Insulating units shall carry a minimum five (5) year warranty against breakage due to faulty workmanship or materials, loss of air seal and condensation. ' B. Provide a warranty stating that the anodized finish will be non-fading, nonconvertible, and permanently a part of the metal surface for a period of five years after acceptance of the ' building. The warranty shall state that any item showing failure during the warranty period will be replaced or refinished to the original condition, at no cost to the Owner. C. Submit extended period warranties in writing, in a form acceptable to the Owner, jointly , signed by the subcontractor or supplier and the Contractor, with seal of each attached. D. Leakage in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, glass breakage, failure of insulating glass units and condensation in excess of the specified tolerances and limits, shall (without limit to other defects which may become apparent) all be judged as defective work. Repair or replace at the discretion of, and at no cost to, the Owner, any defects observed at any time prior to expiration of the above mentioned warranty periods. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURE A. Manufacture: Aluminum sections and products manufactured byKawneerCompanyCanada Ltd. form the basis of the drawings and specifications. The following manufacturers are considered as acceptable alternates subject to approval by the Consultant, of supporting technical literature, samples, drawings, engineering data and performance data: 1. Alumicor 2. Fulton Windows 3. Oldcastle Glass 4. Windspec 5. Zimmcor 6. United States Aluminum It is a mandatory requirement that the products specified in this Section, and the products specified in Section 08400-Aluminum Windows, Doors and Screens be obtained from one source of supply. 2.02 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Vertical, glazed, pre-finished aluminum curtainwallsystem including thermally broken tubular aluminum sections. Double-glazed, hermetically sealed vision glass. Insulated metal spandrel panels, column covers and standard panels. Related flashings, anchorage and attachment devices. B. Assembled system to permit re-glazing of individual glass and infill panel units without requiring removal of structural mullion sections. C. Curtain wall framing shall be designed to suit glass thickness indicated. 09040-08900.wptl 1 LJ t DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ' ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Pa e 7 2.03 PRODUCTS ' A. Aluminum Curtain Wall Framing: 1. Curtain wall mullion: profile: 65 mm wide thermally broken with interior tubular section insulated from exterior pressure plate. Mullion depths: 133 mm or as required by engineered design. 2. Exterior caps: 19 mm. Stick system with shear block connections. Pressure-equalized rain screen design with drainage holes, deflector plates and internal (lashings to accommodate internal weep drainage system. Internal mullion baffles to eliminate "stack effect" air movement within internal spaces. 3. Acceptablematerial:1600seriessystem#l as manufactured byKawneerCompany ' Canada Limited or equivalent. 4. Curtain wall systems: clear anodized finish. 5. Parapet Flashings: clear anodized finish. B. Glazing: 25 mm thick insulating glass except at spandrel glass. C. Spandrel Panels 6.D mm thick tempered spandrel glass as specified in Section 08800, 100 ' mm AF530 Fibreglas insulation with 22 gauge galvanized sheet steel metal or clear anodized aluminum back-up as indicated on the drawings. Insulating clips to be adhesive bonded pin and disc type, Sticklip by Eckel, or similar by Kelty or Dewar. 2.04 MATERIALS A. Extruded aluminum: To ASTM B 221 M, AA 6063-T54 or 6063-T6 alloy and temper. B. Formed aluminum components from sheet aluminum stock, of alloy and temper to suit their purpose and finish requirements. ' C. Extruded aluminum sills to size and shape to suit wall conditions, complete with end drip deflectors, expansion cover plates and necessary anchors. D. Interior sills and trim: Brake-formed sheet aluminum, size, profile and thickness as detailed ' and to suit job conditions. Complete with joint covers, column covers, corner trim, closures and anchoring devices. Finish to match curtain wall framing. 1 E Flashings: Pre-finished aluminum where exposed to view. Finish: To match curtain wall sections. Secured with concealed fasteners. Thickness as required. F. Member Wall Thickness: Each framing member shall provide structural strength to meet or exceed specified performance requirements. G. Steel Reinforcements, Weld Plates, Structural Sections and Anchors: Conforming to CAN3-G40.21-M, Grade 300W hot dipped galvanized to CSA G164-M requirements. This Section shall supply and install any and all additional support framing, fasteners or anchors as necessary to complete the installation of the entire curtain wall system in accordance with the engineered design and the reviewed shop drawings. Anchors indicated on the ' architectural and structural drawings are for general support only and are not necessarily engineered to carry all components or support all applied loads. H. Fasteners: Stainless steel, to ASTM A 276, 300 series or 400 series stainless steel cadmium plated of sufficient size and quantity to suit their intended purpose. 09040-08900 wpd DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 8 ' I. Cold Formed Reinforcing Channels: To CAN/CSA S136-M and ASTM A525M, zinc coated , steel channels. ' J. Thermal breaks: Silicone compatible elastomer. K. Pressure plates: Mechanically fastened extruded aluminum pressure plate of sufficient size ' and strength to provide adequate bite on glass and infill panels. L. Exterior pressure plate cover: Extruded aluminum, standard sizes and profiles as detailed and to suit job conditions. Snap-on. Finish to match curtain wall framing. , 2.05 FINISHES i m f Al i S t ' A. nu em or um on ys FinishesshallbeinaccordancewithAluminumAssociationDesignat Finishes. B. Clear Anodized Finishes: Designation AA-M12C22A31 -appearance and properties of ' anodized finishes designated by the Aluminum Association as Architectural Class 1 and Class 2 respectively. 06 ACC 2 ESSORIES ' . A Weathering and glazing gaskets: to ASTM C864, extruded silicone compatible EPDM rubber. . him ithb ilt i l t B. . ew u - n s e Glazing tapes:Macro-polyisobutylene,highly adhesive and elastic,comp C. Gaskets: Extruded, black, closed cell or dense elastomer. ' D. Weathering and glazing gaskets: Exterior glazing system. E. Isolation Coating: Acid and alkali resistant material conforming to CGSB 1.108-M, Type 2. , F. Compressible Filler: "Unifoam R1009" by Goodco Limited. G. Adhesives: as recommended by manufacturer of materials to be bonded. Low VOC type to , meet requirements of SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. H. Sealant: Multi-component conforming to CAN/CGSB 19.24-M, Type 2, Class "B" for sealant ' to be incorporated between aluminum framing and adjacent structures. Colours as later selected by the Consultant from standard colour selection. Furnish non-hardening, non- skimming, non-sagging, non-bleeding polyisobutylene or partially vulcanized rubber base ' sealant for use in concealed-sealing of thin joints in metal work. Low VOC type to meet requirements of SCAOMD Rule 1168-03. I. Glass and Glazing: Glass and Glazing shall be as specified in Section 08800. , 2.07 FABRICATION A. Fabricate in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. ' B. Take field measurements prior to fabrication. 09040-08900.wpd , DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 9 C. Fabricate system components with minimum clearances and shim spacing around perimeter ' of assembly without adversely affecting installation and dynamic movement of perimeter seal. D. Design and fabricate coupling mullions to eliminate seam joints on exterior, to provide ' functional split, to permit modular construction and to allow for thermal expansion. E. Framingjoints to be accurately machined, fit, assembled, secured and sealed to provide tight, hairline, flush, neat weathertight joints and corners. ' F Pre are com onents to receive anchor devic s In ll t h . p p . e s a anc ors. G. Arrange fasteners and attachments to ensure concealment from view. H. Reinforce framing members for external imposed loads. I. Fabricate glazed pockets and insulation cavities with vents and drains, and pressure equalize ' to form rain screen assembly. Fabricate frames square to profiles shown and prepare for glazing. Fill frames with manufacturer's insulation. ' J. Design and fabricate necessary brackets and anchorage devices so that, when installed, they will compensate for unevenness and dimensional difference in the structure to which they are secured, will allow full expansion and contraction of framing members as a result of such expansion and contraction of framing members and will adequately sustain themselves, the windows and superimposed wind and rain loads and all other stresses. K. Welding of component members will be permitted providing it does not in any way mar the surface appearance and with joints made tight, in true plane, ground and sanded smooth, flush with base metal. Do all welding on concealed surface. ' L. Provide thermal break to maintain the interior surface of frames and glass free from condensation and frosting under conditions of minimum -12 degrees C outside temperature with 24 degrees C inside temperature at 35% relative humidity. ' M. Equip sill base with splice plate back up sections at joint in long runs. Seal ends and jambs to provide neat, weather tight joints. N. All frame membersto have extruded silicone compatible elastomeric thermal break integrated with the inner and outer aluminum extrusions by aroll-crimping process to form a rigidly interconnected assembly without the use of fasteners or other thermal bridging elements. O. Provide adequate, shielded drainage and pressure equalization where required. ' P. Aluminum Sills -Extruded to size and shape as detailed, complete with end drip deflectors, expansion cover plates and necessary anchors. O. Form continuous (lashings with intermediate clips, anchorages and reinforcing and as much as possible, be shop assembled. Provide all filler and closure pieces as required. ' osoao-oesao wPa DIVISION 8 ' SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 10 2.08 AIR BARRIERS AND VAPOUR RETARDERS t A. Equip curtain wall framing with factory-installed air barrier and vapour retarder material for , sealing to building air barrier and vapour retarder as follows: 1. Material: Identical to, or compatible with, building air barrier and vapour retarder h t ou materials to provide required air tightness and vapour diffusion control throug ' exterior envelope assembly. 2. Material width: Adequate to provide required airtightness and vapourdiffusioncontrol to building air barrier and vapour retarder from interior. , 2.09 ISOLATION COATING A. Apply one coat of bituminous paint to concealed aluminum and steel surfaces in contact with ' cementitious or dissimilar materials to provide isolation coating. Isolate aluminum from following: 1. Dissimilar metals, except stainless steel, zinc, or white bronze of small area. 2. Concrete, mortar, masonry and other alkaline materials. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 01 EXAMINATION ' 3. A. Commence installation only when variations or discrepancies on the Site which will prevent ' s work are corrected. satisfactory installation of this Section ' B. Verify dimensions, tolerances and method of attachment with other work on site. C. Verify thatwall openings and adjoining air barrier materials are prepared and ready to receive ' work of this Section and match reviewed shop drawings. 3.02 INSTALLATION ' A. Install curtain wall system and linear strip windows in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions and reviewed shop drawings. ' B. Provide all fastenings or anchors to be built in under other Sections. Coordinate location and connection details for intermediate support framing with Section 05120. i t l I C. erances on o Attach to structure to permit sufficient adjustment to accommodate construct and other irregularities. D. Provide alignment attachments and shims to permanently fasten system to building structure. ' Clean weld surfaces. Apply protective primer to field welds and adjacent surfaces. E. Align assembly and install plumb and level, square, free of warp or twist. Maintain assembly dimensional tolerances and align with adjacent work. , F. Provide thermal isolation where components penetrate or disrupt building insulation. , G. Install sill flashings. H. Co-ordinate installation of firestop insulation, specified in Section 07840, at each floor slab edge and intersection with vertical construction where indicated. , 09040-08900 wpd ' C~1 u DIVISION 8 SECTION 08900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Paoe 11 I. Co-ordinate attachment and seal of perimeter air barrier and vapour barrier materials. J. Pack fibrous insulation in shim spaces at perimeter of assembly to maintain continuity of thermal barrier. K. Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions to achieve vented and drained, pressure-equalized rain screen assembly. L. Where welding is unavoidable for exposed non-ferrous work during erection of curtain wall assembly, comply with CSA W59-M and recommendations offullycertifiedfirm to CSA W47.1 for the particular metals and alloys being welded. Use methods and welding rods which will not distort members and will result in closest possible colour match. Grind exposed surfaces smooth, using wheels and compounds which are free of iron and other substances which would result in stains or discolouration of surfaces. Restore finishes after welding and grinding. 3.03 SITE TOLERANCES A. Maximum variation from plumb: 1.6 mm per .91 mnon-cumulative or 12.7 mm per 30.48 metres, whichever is less. B. Maximum misalignment of two adjoining members abutting in plane: 0.8 mm. C. Maximum sealant space between curtain wall and adjacent construction: 12.7 mm. 3.04 GLAZING A. Install glass in accordance with Section 08800, to glazing method required to achieve performance criteria. Exterior method of glazing to recommendations of manufacturer. 3.05 CAULKING t A. Refer to Section 07900. Install perimeter sealant to method required to achieve performance criteria. 3.06 CLEANING A. Remove protective material from pre-finished aluminum surfaces. B. Perform cleaning as soon as possible after installation to remove construction and accumulated environmental dirt. C. Perform cleaning of aluminum components in accordance with AAMA 609 & 610.2 D. Commence cleaning operations at top of building and proceed downward in continuous operation. Take care to prevent use of procedures and chemicals that could damage finishes on curtain wall or on building itself. E. Wash down surfaces with solution of mild detergent in warm water, applied with soft, clean wiping cloths. Take care to remove dirt from corners. Wipe surfaces clean. F. Clean aluminum and stainless steel with damp rag and approved non-abrasive cleaner. 09040-08900 wptl DIVISION 8 SECTION D8900 ALUMINUM CURTAIN WALLS Page 12 G. Remove excess sealant by moderate use of mineral spirits or other solvent acceptable to sealant manufacturer. H. Clean glass and glazing materials with approved non-abrasive cleaner. I. Visible manufacturer's identification labels not permitted. 3.07 A. Protect finished work from damage. End of Section 09040-08900 wpd PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 B. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 C. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 D. Air Barrier Section 07195 E. Building Insulation Section 07200 F. Firestopping and Smoke Seals Section 07270 G. Metal Cladding Section 07410 H. Lightweight Metal Framing Section 07425 I. Joint Sealers Section 07900 J. Hollow Metal Doors, Screens and Pressed Metal Frames Section 08100 K. Aluminum Windows, Doors and Screens Section 08400 L. Aluminum Curtain Walls Section 08500 M. Acoustical Ceilings Section 09500 N. Painting Section 09900 O. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 P. Mechanical and Electrical Division 15 & 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. CSA A82.31-M Gypsum Board Application. B. CSA A82.27-M. Gypsum Board C. CGSB 1-GP-181M Standard for Coating, Zinc Rich, Organic, Ready Mix. D. CANlCGSB-51.34, Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in Building Construction. E. CAN/CGSB-71.25, Adhesive, for Bonding Drywall to Woad Framing and Metal Studs. F. CAN/ULC-S102, Building Materials and Assemblies, Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of. G. ASTM A 653 M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process. H. ASTM C 36, Specification for Gypsum Wallboard. I. ASTM C 442, Specification for Gypsum Backing Board and Coreboard. J. ASTM C 475, Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing Gypsum Board. K. ASTM C 514, Specification for Nails for the Application of Gypsum Board. L. ASTM C 630, Specification for Water-Resistant Gypsum Backing Board. M. ASTM C 645, Specification for Non-Load (Axial) Bearing Steel Studs, Runners (Track), and Rigid Furring Channels for Screw Application of Gypsum Board. N. ASTM C 665, Mineral-Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation. O. ASTM C 840, Specification and Finishing of Gypsum Board. P. ASTM C 954, Specification for Steel Drill Screws for the Application of Gypsum Board. Q. ASTM C 1047, Accessories for Gypsum Wallboard and Gypsum Veneer. R. ASTM C1177 Glass Mat Substrate for use as Sheathing. S. CSSBI Lightweight Steel Framing Manual T. ULC List of Equipment and Material, Volume III, Fire Resistance Ratings. 09040-09250.wptl 1 DIVISION 9 ' SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 2 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit WHMIS Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) for all products, to Owner and ' Consultant for review and approval, prior to delivery of products to the site. 1.05 FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS ' A. Comply with the requirements of Section 01610 Common Product Requirements, Article 1.18. ' B. Provide fire rated gypsum board components and assemblies as indicated on the drawings. Rated assemblies shall comply in all respects to the applicable ULC tested assemblies. 1.06 ACOUSTIC REQUIREMENTS A. Ensure that all metal sub framing is securely installed and will not "rattle" when exposed to ' low frequency sounds. 1.07 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Use all means necessary to protect gypsum board materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of other trades affected by this work. ' B. Store materials in a dry area inside the building. Do not remove wrapping until ready for use. Prevent damage to all edges and surfaces. C. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the t approval of the Consultant and at nc additional cost to the Owner. 1.08 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS ' A. Maintain temperature minimum 10°C, maximum 21°C for 48 hours prior to and during application of gypsum boards and joint treatment, and for at least 48 hours after completion ' of joint treatment. B. Apply board and joint treatment to dry, frost free surfaces. 1.09 WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL A. Separate and recycle waste in accordance with Section 01355. ' B. Divert unused materials from landfill to recycling facilities approved by the Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GYPSUM BOARD A. Plain: To CSA A82.27-M standard for non-rated applications, Type X for rated applications, ' 1220 mm wide x maximum practical length, ends square cut, edges tapered with round edge, 12.7 mm thick or to thickness indicated on drawings. All fire rated board shall be minimum 16 mm thickness. ' 09040-09250.wptl ' f 1 L 1 1 t J J n DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Paqe 3 B. Water and Moisture Resistant Board: to CSA A82.27 and ASTM C 630, 12.7 mm thick, 1220 mm wide with tapered edges. C. Exterior Gyosum Sheathing: to ASTM C177, Georgia Pacific DENS-Glass Gold, 12.7 mm thick, 1219 mm wide x 2440 mm long, square edge with water repellant glass mat facings. D. Abuse Resistant Gvpsum Board: CGC Fibrerock abuse resistant fibre/gypsum panels, 16 mm thickness. E. Shaft Wall Liner: 25 mm thick CGC. Shaft Wall Liner Boards to CSA A82.7, bevelled edge, 610 mm wide with ULC label. 2.02 METAL FURRING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Metal Furring Runners, Hangers, Tie Wires, Inserts, Anchors: To CSA A82.30-M, electro-zinc coated steel. B. Runner Channels: 38 x 19 x 0.59 mm and 38 x 9.5 x 0.45 mm, hot dip orelectro-galvanized sheet steel. Use of various sizes governed by applied loads and applicable spans. C. Drywall Furring Channel: Channel shaped furring member for screw attachment of drywall with knurled face. For interior use. Furring masonry or concrete surfaces. Cross furring under steel joist or suspended metal channels in suspended ceiling systems: 70 x 22 x 0.9 mm with knurled face, hat dip orelectro-galvanized sheet steel. Bailey D-1001. D. Hangers: minimum 4.1 mm diameter (or as required to by ULC fire rating design requirements) mild steel rods. 2.03 METAL STUDS A. Wind bearing light weight steel stud framing for exterior wall applications specified in Section 07425. B. Non-Load-bearing Channel Stud Framing (92 mm depth and smaller): To ASTM C645; to sizes indicated on drawings; roll formed from minimum 0.53 mm (25 ga) thickness electro-galvanized steel sheet "C"shape with knurled faces; for screw attachment of gypsum board. Knock-out service holes at 450 mm centres. C. At walls where file backer board and cement board is to be installed, design stud system such that deflections in excess of L/360 do not occur under any anticipated loading. Minimum stud system at such locations shall in no case consist of less than 0.91 mm (20 ga) steel studs at 400 mm o.c. or as otherwise required by sheathing board manufacturer. D. 152 mm metal stud framing shall be 1.22 mm thick steel conforming to ASTM A-525M, Grade 'D", 50 ksi yield, galvanized 2180 coating. E. Floor and Ceiling Tracks: To ASTM C645; in widths to suit stud sizes, 32 mm flange height. F. Metal Channel Stiffener: 1.4 mm thick cold rolled steel, coated with rust inhibitive coating. G. Shaft Wall Framing: CGC Cavity Shaft Wall framing system including C-H studs, E studs, and J runners, hot dip galvanized. 09040-09250.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD 2.04 2.05 H. Zinc Rich Paint: to CGSB 1-GP-181 M: Galvafroid by W.R. Meadows. FASTENINGS AND ADHESIVES A. Powder activated fasteners: to suit structural conditions and fastening requirements and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations: Ramset; Hilti; or approved equivalent. B. Drywall Screws: To CSA A82.31-M, and ASTM C 1002, self drilling, self tapping, case hardened, length to suit board thickness and provide minimum 12 mm penetration into support. C. Sheathing Screws: Pan head Buildex S-12 climaseal polymer coated, corrosion resistantself- tapping sheet metal screws minimum 32 mm long. D. Stud Adhesive: To CGSB 71-GP-25M. E. Tie Wire: 0.90 mm, galvanized, soft annealed, steel wire or clip as recommended by the manufacturer of furring channels. F. Joint Tape: 50 mm perforated with preformed seam, mould and mildew resistant. G. Joint treatment for Gypsum Sheathing: 50 mm wide, 10 x 10 woven threads per inch, self adhering fibreglass joint tape and Borden HPPG Elmer's Siliconized Acrylic Latex Caulk. H. Laminating Compound: To CSA A82.31-M, asbestos-free. I. Joint Compound: To CSA A82.31-M, asbestos-free. J. Joint Filler and Topping: Casein, vinyl or latex base, slow setting. K. At all wet areas all suspension system components shall be hot dipped galvanized. ACOUSTIC INSULATION A. Acoustic Insulation: Mineral or Glass Fibre Acoustic Insulation: 1. Mineral Fibre Acoustic Insulation: To ASTM C 665, Mineral fibre blanket insulation, minimum density of 40 kglm2: (1) AFB Acoustical Fire Batts manufactured by Roxul Inc. 2. Glass Fibre Acoustic Blanket Insulation: To CAN/ULC-S702, type 1, pre-formed unfaced glass fibre ball acoustic insulation. (1) QUIETZONE Acoustic Blanket insulation manufactured by Owens Corning Canada. 3. STC contribution and fire resistance (hr): Refer to NBC 1995, tables A- and Product Data Sheetfor various assemblies contributing to acoustic performance and fire resistance. 4. Surface burning characteristics to CAN/ULC-S102: (1) flame spread: 15 (2) smoke developed: 5 (3) Smoulder resistance: to ULC S-129. (4) Non-combustible: to CAN4-S114. 5. Thickness to suit depth of wall framing and as indicated. 09040-09250 wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 5 ' B. Acoustical Sealant: To CGSB 19-GP-21 M. Acceptable Products: 1. Dow Corning 795, 2. Tremco Acoustical Sealant. ' 2.06 ACCESSORIES A. Casing Beads, Corner Beads and Edge Trim: To ASTM C 1047, 0.5 mm gauge base thickness commercial grade sheet steel with G90 zinc finish to ASTM A525-SOA; pertorated flanges; one piece length per location. B. Polyethylene: To CAN 2-51.34 Type 2, 6 mil (0.152 mm) polyethylene film and Y-8086 Contractors Sheathing Tape by 3M Canada. C. Insulating Strip: Rubberized, moisture resistant, 3.0 mm thick, 12 mm wide closed cell neoprene strip, with self sticking permanent adhesive on one face; lengths as required. D ControlJoints:ToASTMC1047 rt db ll h i d . ,pe orme owss e ape sect onswithperforatedflanges. E. Steel Trim: custom fabricated steel, galvanized, to profile shown, for framing of gypsum board projection screens. F. Reveal Trim: Fry Reglet moulding, aluminum extruded alloy 6063-TS, paintable mill finish, ' 12.7 x 12.7 mm unless indicated otherwise. G. Runner Fasteners: powerdriven type towithstand 860N shear and 890N bearing forcewhen ' driven through structural head or base without exceeding allowable design stress in runner, fastener, or structural support. PART 3: EX ECUTION ' 3.01 GEN ERAL A. Prior to installation of gypsum wallboard, ensure that all required vapour barriers, air seals ' , gaskets and the like installed under another Section have been inspected and accepted by Municipal authorities and the Consultant. Failure to do so will result in removal of all gypsum wallboard installed prior to approval and replacement, at no additional cost to the Owner. ' B. Maintain copies of ULC tested assembly design criteria on site at all times. 3.02 ERECTION OF METAL STUDS ' A Ali n rtiti t k t fl d ili d . g pa on rac s a oor an ce ng an secure at 610 mm o.c. maximum. B. Install dampproof course under stud shoe tracks of partitions on slabs on grade. C. Erect metal studding to tolerance of 1:1000. D. Place studs vertically at 400 mm o.c. unless noted otherwise and not more than 50 mm from abutting walls, and at each side ofopenings and corners. Position studs in tracks at floor and ceiling. Cross brace steel studs as required to provide rigid installation to manufacturer's instructions. Ensure that all joints in metal stud framing are tightly screwed to eliminate "rattling" when exposed to low frequency sounds. 09040-09250.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page6 E. Attach studs to floor and ceiling track using screws. F. Coordinate simultaneous erection of studs with installation of service lines. When erecting studs ensure web openings are aligned. G. Co-ordinate erection of studs with installation of door/window frames and special supports or anchorage for work specified in other Sections. H. Provide two studs extending from floor to ceiling at each side of openings wider than stud centres specified. Secure studs together, using column clips or other approved means of fastening. I. Erect track at head of door/window openings and sills of sidelighUwindow openings to accommodate intermediate studs. Secure track to studs at each end, in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Install intermediate studs above and below openings in same manner and spacing as wall studs. J. Provide stud or furring channel secured between studs for attachment of fixtures behind lavatory basins, toilet and bathroom accessories, and other fixtures including grab bars and towel rails, attached to steel stud partitions. Where indicated, provide heavy gauge steel sheet backing for wall rails and fittings. K. Install steel studs or furring channel between studs far attaching electrical and other boxes. L. Extend partitions to underside of structural roof or floor deck except where noted otherwise on drawings. M. Maintain clearance under beams and structural slabs or provide slip connection to avoid transmission of structural loads to studs and possible damage of studs. N. Install continuous insulating strips to isolate studs from uninsulated surtaces. O. Install two continuous beads of acoustical sealant behind studs and tracks around perimeter of sound control partitions, (indicated on drawings as being acoustically insulated). 3.03 SUSPENDED AND FURRED CEILINGS AND BULKHEADS 1 1 A. Erect hanger and runner channels for suspended gypsum board ceilings in accordance with ' CSA A82.31-M except where specified otherwise and indicated on drawings. B. Securely anchor hanger to structural supports 1220 mm o.c. maximum along runner channels and not more than 150 mm from ends. Under no circumstances shall hangerwires be secured to or supported from mechanical or electrical materials or equipment or penetrate mechanical ductwork. C. Space runner or furring channels as shown on drawings and not more than 610 mm o.c. maximum nor 150 mm from walls. Run channels in long direction of board. Bend hanger sharply under bottom flange of runner and securely wire in place with a saddle tie. Provide channels below mechanical or electrical equipment and mechanical ductwork to maintain maximum spacing. osaaa-oszsa wPa L1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 7 D. Install furring channels transversely across runner channels in short direction of wallboard at 610 mm o.c. maximum or 150 mm from walls and interruptions in ceiling continuity. Secure channels to support with furring clips or wire. Where splicing is necessary lap minimum 200 mm and wire tie each end with double loops of 0.90 mm gauge galvanized tie wire, 25 mm from each end of overlap. E. Support light fixtures by providing additional ceiling suspension hangers within 150 mm of each corner and at maximum 610 mm around perimeter of fixture. Coordinate with Division 16. F. Install work level to tolerance of 1:1200. J 1 1 G. Frame with furring channels, perimeter of openings for access panels,lightfixtures,diffusers, grilles, etc. H. Install furring channels parallel to, and at exact locations of steel stud partition header track. I. Furr for gypsum board faced vertical bulkheads within or at termination of ceilings. 3.04 CAVITY SHAFT WALL A. Install runners, studs and liner panels for shaft wall assemblies, where indicated, and in accordance with system manufacturer's printed instructions. B. Finished assembly shall meet requirements for ULC listed assembly indicated on the drawings. 3.05 WALL FURRING A. Install wall furring for gypsum board wall finishes in accordance with CSA A82.31-M, except where specified otherwise and shown on drawings. B. Frame openings and around built-in equipment, cabinets, access panels, etc., on four sides. Extend furring into reveals. Check clearances with equipment suppliers. C. Furr duct shafts, beams, columns, pipes and exposed services where indicated. 3.06 ACOUSTIC BLANKET INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Install acoustic blankets full width and length, with tight joints, between wall framing and around penetrating electrical service boxes, piping, air ducts and frames. B. Place acoustic blankets where indicated on the Drawings and to thickness required to obtain acoustic performance indicated for the assembly. C. Place acoustic blankets between studs ensuring friction fit, free of sags, folds or open joints that may let sound pass through. D. Install blankets from the bottom up, tightly adjusted and trim accurately with a utility knife 09040-09250 wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page8 3.07 GYPSUM BOARD APPLICATION A. Do application and finishing of gypsum board in accordance with ASTM C 840 except where specified otherwise. B. Do not apply gypsum board until bucks, anchors, blocking, electrical, and mechanical work are approved. C. Do not apply gypsum wallboard toexteriorwallsuntilinsulation,vapourretarderandairseals have been installed and inspected by others, including consultant, owner and municipal building inspectors. D. Apply gypsum board at right angles to framing members or furring using screw fasteners. Maximum spacing of screws 300 mm o.c. or in accordance with ULC standards for fire rated assemblies. Apply type X gypsum board where indicated to obtain fire ratings as shown on the drawings. E. Apply 12 mm diameter bead of acoustic sealant continuously around periphery of each face of sound insulated partitions to seal gypsum board/structure junction where partitions abut fixed building components. Sealfullperimeterofcut-outsaroundelectricalboxes,ducts,and other penetrations in partitions where perimeter sealed with acoustical sealant. F. Where required to obtain ULC listed assemblies, or where indicated on the drawings, constructwalls with two (2) layers of gypsum wallboard. Install base layer with alljoints taped and finished. Second layer shall be installed in a full coating of laminating compound applied to the base layer and in accordance with the reference standards and manufacturers instructions. G. Apply water resistant gypsum wallboard where indicated. Apply water resistant sealant to edges, ends and cut outs which expose gypsum core. H. Seal perimeter and all penetrations through wallboard on exterior walls with caulking. Coordinate with Division 16 and Section 07200 to ensure that all gaskets for electrical devices are installed and sealed. Install fibre gypsum abuse resistant panels at walls, ceilings and bulkheads in Rinks and Arena Dressing Rooms and where indicated. Treatjointswith fibreglass reinforced joint tape in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.08 GYPSUM SHEATHING A. Install exterior gypsum sheathing horizontally on all exterior walls where indicated. Stagger joints between adjacent sheets. B. Install gypsum sheathing at soffits and overhangs. C. Install gypsum sheathing at concealed locations below or behind exterior metal wall systems and where detailed. 09040-09250 wptl u LJ CI L _l LJ 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 9 D. Screw-attach gypsum sheathing to each stud with 32 mm self-drilling corrosion resistant sheathing screws spaced 10 mm from ends and edges 200 mm o.c. Drive fasteners to bear tight against and flush with surface of sheathing. Do not countersink. Apply sealant around sheathing perimeter at interface with other materials and install flashing as indicated on the drawings. E. Apply fibreglass joint treatment to all joints, overlapping at intersections by the width of the tape. Apply 10 mm bead of sealant along the joint and embed the sealant into the entire surface of the tape with a trowel. Apply enough sealant to each exposed fastener to cover completely when trowelled smooth. 3.09 ACCESSORIES A. Erect accessories straight, plumb or level, rigid and at proper plane. Use full length pieces where practical. Make joints tight, accurately aligned and rigidly secured. Mitre and fit corners accurately, free from rough edges. B. Install revealtrim where indicated, true to line and in longestpractical lengths. Use concealed fasteners. C. Install casing beads where gypsum board butts against surfaces having no trim concealing junction and where indicated. D. Install insulating strips continuously at edges of gypsum board or casing beads abutting metal window or exterior door frames, to provide thermal break. 3.10 CONTROL JOINTS A. Construct control joints of preformed units or two back-to-back casing beads set in gypsum board facing and supported independently on both sides of joint. B. Provide continuous polyethylene dust barrier behind and across control joints. C. Locate control joints at changes in substrate construction, and at approximately 9.0 metre spacing on long wall runs. Install control joints straight and true. 3.11 ACCESS DOORS A. Install access doors to electrical and mechanical fixtures specified in respective Sections. B. Rigidly secure frames to furring or framing systems, to satisfy fire rating requirements. 3.12 TAPING AND FILLING A. Finish face panel joints and internal angles with joint system consisting of joint compound, joint tape and taping compound installed according to manufacturer's directions and feathered out onto panel faces. B. Finish corner beads, controljoints and trims as required with two coats ofjointcompoundond one coat of taping compound, feathered out onto panel faces. C. Fill screw head depressions with joint and taping compounds to bring flush with adjacent surface of gypsum board so as to be invisible after painting is completed. 09040-09250.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALLBOARD Page 10 D. Sand lightly to remove burred edges and other imperfections. Avoid sanding adjacent surface of board. E. Completed installation to be smooth, level or plumb, free from waves and other defects and ready for painting. End of Section 09040-09250 wpd LJ u CJ DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 B. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 C. Mechanical Division 15 D. Electrical Division 16 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM A 1008 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet, Cold Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy and High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability. B. ASTM A641, Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Carbon. Steel Wire. C. ASTM A653, Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (galvanized) bytheHot-Dip Process. D. ASTM C423 Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method. E. ASTM C635, Standard Specification for Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panel Ceilings. F. ASTM C636, Recommended Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels. G. ASTM C665, Mineral-Fibre Blanket Thermal Insulation. H. ASTM D3273, Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surtace of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber. I. ASTM E 119 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Material. J. ASTM E 84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. K. ASTM E1111, Standard Test Method for Measuring the Interzone Attenuation of Ceiling Systems. L. ASTM E1414, Standard Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum. M. ASTM E1264, Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products. N. ASTM E1477, Standard Test Method for Luminous Reflectance Factor of Acoustical Materials by Use of Integrating-Sphere Reflectometers. O. CAN/CGSB 92.1, Sound Absorptive Prefabricated Acoustic Units. P. CAN/ULC-S102, Surtace Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. Q. CSA 8111, Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's technical data for each type of acoustical ceiling units and suspension system required. C. Submit duplicate, 200 mm square samples of acoustic panel and file materials, 200 mm long samples of exposed wall moulding and suspension system including main runner and cross tees. 09040~09500.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 1.05 1.06 1.07 D. Submit duplicate 300 mm long samples of ceiling grid and trim accessories. E. Submitduplicate300mmlongsamplesofperimetertrimaccessoriesincludingfactorymitred corner. F. Shop Drawings: Layout and details of acoustical ceilings. Show locations of items which are to be coordinated with, or supported by the ceilings. G. Certifications:Manufacturer's certifications that productscomplywithspecifedrequirements, including laboratory reports showing compliance with specified tests and standards. For acoustical performance, each carton of material must carry an approved independent laboratory classification of NRC, CAC, and AC. H. Provide maintenance data for acoustical ceiling systems for inclusion in Operating and ^ Maintenance manuals specified in Section 01780. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS ' A. Maximum deflection: 1/360'" of span to ASTM C635 deflection test. QUALIFICATIONS A. The installation of all acoustic ceiling assemblies shall be carried out by an acoustical t contractor approved by the manufacturer of the acoustical materials and thoroughly experienced in this work. B. Coordination of the Work: Coordinate acoustical ceiling work with installers of related work, including but not limited tc, building insulation, gypsum board, light fixtures, mechanical and electrical systems. A. Fire Performance Characteristics: Identify acoustical ceiling components with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspection organization. 1. Surface Burning Characteristics: As follows, tested per ASTM E 84 and complying with ASTM E 1264 for Class A products: Flame Spread: 25 or less; Smoke developed: 50 or less. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.08 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver acoustical ceiling units to project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed space where they will be protected against damage from moisture, sunlight, surtace contamination and other causes. B. Before installing acoustical ceiling units, permit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture content. C. Handle acoustical ceiling units carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaging units. 09040-09500 wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Paqe 3 1.09 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not install interior ceilings until space is enclosed and weatherproof; wet work in place is completed and dry; work above ceilings is complete; and ambient conditions of temperature and humidity are continuously maintained at values nearthose intended far final occupancy. B. Building areas to receive ceilings shall be free of construction dust and debris. 1.10 MAINTENANCE A. Deliver one extra sealed carton of acoustical units far each type of unit required. B. Extra materials shall be from same production run as installed materials. C. Clearly identify each type of acoustic unit, including colour and texture. D. Store where directed by the Owner. 1.11 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturers written warranty that ceiling products will not sag, warp, shrink or rust as a result of materials defects or factory workmanship for a period often (10) years from the date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PANELS A. B. Acoustic Panels: To CAN/CGSB 92.1. Ecolabel Certified acoustic lay-in ceiling panels manufactured by Armstrong World Industries. Panel: Armstrong Millenia ClimaPlus #76505 1. Surface Texture: 2. Composition: 3. Colour: 4. Size: 5. Edge Profile: 6. Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC): 7. Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC): 8. Flame Spread: 9. Light Reflectance (LR): 10. Dimensional Stability: Fine Wet Formed Mineral Fiber with Durabrite acoustically transparent membrane and Acrylic Latex Painl Finish White 24" x 48" x 3/4" Square Edge ASTM C 423; Classifed with UL label, 0.70 ASTM C 1414; Classifed with UL label, 35 25 ASTM E 1477; White Panel Lighl Reflectance: 0.85 Standard 09040.09500.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS Page 4 11. Anti Mould and Mildew ClimaPlus 12. VOC Emissions Low 13. Recycled Content: 75% C. Alternate manufacturer: Products as manufactured by CGC Industries are acceptable, subject to Consultants approval of stye, finish, performance characteristics and texture. 2.02 A. Components: All main beams and cross tees shall be commercial quality hot-dipped galvanized steel as per ASTM A 653. Main beams and cross tees are double-web steel construction with type exposed flange design. Exposed surfaces chemically cleansed, capping pre-finished galvanized steel in baked polyester paint. Main beams and cross tees shall have rotary stitching. B. Edge Moldings and Trim: Hemmed angle moulding to match main beams and cross tees. C. Structural Classification: Intermediate Duty System, ASTM C 635. D. Colour: White and match the actual colour of the specified ceiling tile. E. Products: Armstrong 15/16" Prelude XL. 2.03 ACCESSORIES A. Splices, clips, mouldings, trim, retainers and tie wires to complement suspension system components, as recommended by the manufacturer. B. Wire for Hangers and Ties: ASTM A 641, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper, pre-stretched, with a yield stress load of at least time three design load, but not less than 2.5 mm. C. Attachment Devices: Size for five times design load indicated in ASTM C 635, Table 1, Direct Hung. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Do not install acoustic panels and tiles until work above ceiling has been inspected by the Consultant. B. Do not proceed with installation until all wet work such as concrete and painting has been completed and thoroughly dried out. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical units to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid use of less than hall width units at borders, and comply with reflected ceiling plans. Coordinate panel layoutwith mechanical and electrical fixtures. Lay out grid as indicated on the drawings. 09040-09500.wptl 1 3.03 3.04 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09500 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS B. Establish ceiling elevation by use of a laser level. Install the wall mould accurately in position to provide correct finished ceiling height. C. Coordination: Furnish layouts for preset inserts, clips, and other ceiling anchors whose installation is specified in other sections. D. Furnish concrete inserts and similar devices to other trades for installation well in advance of time needed for coordination of other work. WORKMANSHIP A. Install suspension system and panels in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and in compliance with ASTM C636 and with the authorities having jurisdiction. B. Suspend main beam from overhead construction with hangerwires spaced 1200 mm on centre along the length of the main runner. Install hanger wires plumb and straight. Hangers must not be more than 5 degrees from vertical. Do not suspend ceiling systems from plumbing lines, conduit or ductwork. C. Install wall moldings at intersection of suspended ceiling and vertical surtaces. Miter corners where wall moldings intersect or install corner caps. D. Install acoustical panels in coordination with suspended system, with edges resting on flanges of main runner and cross tees. Cut and fit panels neatly against abutting surfaces. Support edges by wall moldings. E. Frame openingsforlightfixturesorairdiffusersandatchangesinceilingheights.Obtainthe weights of the various electric light fixtures and install extra hangers as required to support these fixtures. F. All joints shall be straight in alignment and the exposed surfaces shall be flush and level. Edge moulding shall be installed wherever the acoustic ceiling abuts walls, columns and other vertical surfaces. G. Coordinate ceiling installation with mechanical and electrical work as indicated on the Reflected Ceiling Plans. H. Finished ceiling shall be square with adjoining walls and level within 1:1000. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Replace damaged and broken panels. B. Touch up scratches, abrasions, voids and other defects in painted surfaces. C. Clean exposed surtaces of acoustical ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and suspension members. Comply with manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and touch up of minor finish damage. Remove and replace work that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. End of Section 09040-09500.wptl 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Pa e 1 ART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Masonry Section 04200 C. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 D. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 E. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 F. Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile Section 09310 G. Athletic Rubber Tile Section 09670 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM F 1066, Specification for Vinyl Composition Floor Tile. B. ASTM F 1344, Specification for Rubber Tile. C. CAN/CGSB-25.20, Surface Sealer for Floors. D. CAN/CGSB-25.21, Detergent-Resistant Floor Polish. E. ASTM F710: Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. F. ASTM F1861 Standard Specification for Resilient Wall Base G. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit duplicate samples of manufacturers full range of colours for specified products for selection of colours by the Consultant. C. Before any resilient flooring materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Consultant, a complete list of all materials proposed to be furnished and installed under this portion of the Work, stating manufacturer's name and catalogue number for each item, and product samples in colours specified. D. Accompanying the materials list, submit two copies of the manufacturer's current recommended method of installation for each item. E. Provide maintenance data for resilient flooring for incorporation into Operation and Maintenance Manual specified in Section 01780. 1.05 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Use all means necessary to protect resilient flooring materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. B. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. osoao-assn wPa C! DIVISION 9 ' SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Page 2 1.06 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Maintain air temperature and structural base temperature at floor installation area above 20 ' C for 48 hours before, during and after installation. 1.07 EXTRA MATERIALS A. Provide extra stock materials of resilient flooring, base and adhesives in accordance with Division 1. B. Provide 10 m2 of each colour, pattern and type flooring material required for this project for maintenance use. C. Extra materials to be from same production run as installed materials. D. Clearly identify each container of floor file and each container of adhesive. E. Deliver extra materials to the site and store where directed by the Owner. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Vinyl Composition Tile: to CSA A126.1 or ASTM F 1066, 305 x 305 x 3.0 mm thick, non asbestos, Class 2 through pattern file with static load of not less than 517 kPa and U.L.C. flame spread rating of 75 or less. 1. Mannington Commercial: Essentials and Designer Essentials. 2. Armstrong: Standard Excelon Imperial Texture. 3. Amtico: Commercial Color-Thru Duravinyl. B. Resilient Base: 100 mm high thermoplastic rubber, not less than 3.0 mm gauge with preformed internal and external corners. Base at resilient and rubbertile shall have standard toe. 1. Johnsonite DuraCove DC Rubber Wall Base 2. Roppe Pinnacle Rubber Base 3. Amtico Marathon 4. Burke Mercer BurkeBase. C. Primers, Adhesives and Caulking: non-flammable, solvent free, waterproof, recommended by flooring manufacturer for specific material on applicable substrate, above, at or below grade. D. Sub-floorfillerandleveler shall be white premixed latex compatible with flooring products and adhesive as recommended by flooring manufacturer for specific flooring types. E. Metal edge strips: aluminum extruded, smooth, mill finish with lip to extend under floor finish, shoulder flush with top of adjacent floor finish. F. Transition strips, mouldings and adaptors shall be rubber or vinyl, manufactured by Johnsonite, Roppe or Burke Mercer with lip to extend under floor file with tapered edge, colour matched to flooring. G. Sealer: to CANlCGSB25.20, Type 2-water based, type recommended by flooring manufacturer . 09040-09651 wpd 1 1 LJ DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Page 3 1 H. Wax: to CAN/CGSB-25.21, type recommended by flooring manufacturer . ' I. All colours and patterns shall be as selected by the Consultant from the complete range of manufacturer's colours and patterns. Up to six (6) colours maybe selected for each product. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE CONDITIONS I A Prior to all work of this Section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly ' commence. 8. Confirm that resilient flooring may be installed in accordance with the original design and the manufacturer's recommendations. ' C . Ensure concrete floors are dry, by using test methods recommended by file manufacturer. Concrete must be cured a minimum of 35 days prior to commencement of resilient flooring ' application. D. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Consultant. E. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. ' 3.02 SUB-FLOOR TREATMENT A. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill low spots, cracks, joints, holes and other defects with sub-floor filler. ' B. Install sub floor to manufacturer's recommended standard limits and deviations. C. Remove all substance and materials affecting adhesive bond. Vacuum clean floors ' . D. Clean floor and apply filler; trowel and float to leave smooth, flat hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured and dry. ' E. Prime or seal substrates to flooring and adhesive manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 TILE APPLICATION A. Provide a high ventilation rate, with maximum outside air, during installation, and for48 hours after installation. Whenever possible, ventilate directly to outside. Do not allow contaminated ' air to re-circulate through the building ventilation system. B. Install all resilient flooring in strict accordance with the manufacturer's printed instructions and recommendations. C . Do not lay floor coverings and base until all trades, except painter, have completed theirwork and just prior to completion of the building. D. Apply adhesive uniformly with recommended trowels, at coverage as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not spread more adhesive than can be covered before initial set takes place. ' 09040-09651.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Page 4 E. Lay flooring with joints parallel to building lines unless otherwise indicated, to produce symmetrical file pattern. Patterns shall be as directed by the consultant. Allow for one field file and one accent file in each room or space. Border tiles shall be minimum '/: file width. F. Install flooring to square grid pattern with all joints aligned unless otherwise indicated. G. As installation progresses, and after installation, roll flooring in 2 directions with a 45 kg roller to ensure full adhesion. H. Cut and fit file neatly around fixed objects. I. Install feature strips or feature tiles where directed. Fit joints tightly. J. Continue flooring throughout areas to receive movable type partitions or fitments without interrupting floor pattern. K. Install flooring full depth of closets, toe spaces, and recesses. L. Terminate flooring at centreline of door in openings where adjacent floor finish or colour is dissimilar. M. Install transition strips at unprotected or exposed edges where flooring terminates. Locate transition strip at centreline of door where a door occurs. 3.04 BASE APPLICATION A. Lay out base to keep number of joints to a minimum. Locate joints at maximum available spacing or at internal or pre moulded corners. B. Clean substrate and prime with one coat of adhesive. C. Apply adhesive to back of base. D. Set base against wall and floor surfaces tightly by using a 3 kg hand roller. E. Install straight and level to variation of 1:1000. F. Scribe and fit to door frames and other obstructions. Use pre-moulded end pieces at flush door frames. G. Cope internal corners. Use pre moulded corner units for right angle external corners. Use formed straight base materials for external corners of other angles, minimum 300 mm each leg. H. Provide rubber base at all locations specified, regardless of floor finish. 3.05 INITIAL CLEANING AND WAXING A. Remove excess adhesive from resilient floor coverings, base and adjacent finished surfaces as the work progresses. B. Clean, seal and wax floor and base surfaces to manufacturer's instructions. osoao-osssi wpa DIVISION 9 SECTION 09651 RESILIENT FLOORING Page 5 3.06 PROTECTION OF FINISHED WORK A. Protect new floors until time of final inspection. B. Prohibit traffic on floors for 48 hours after installation. C. Immediately prior to final inspection, remove protection, clean, dry or damp mop resilient flooring and apply one additional coat of wax. End of Section CIS 09040-09651.wptl L_ J L~.J u DIVISION 9 SECTION 09670 ATHLETIC RUBBER TILE Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-in-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile Section 09310 C. Resilient Flooring Section 09651 D. Dasherboard Systems Section 13180 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM D 2047, Standard Test Method for Static Coefficient of Friction of Polish-Coated Floor Surfaces as measured by the James Machine. B. ASTM D 2240, Standard Test Method for Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness. C. ASTM D 5116, Standard Guide for Small-Scale Environmental Chamber Determinations of Organic Emissions from Indoor MaterialslProducts. D. ASTM E 648, Standard Test Method forCritical Radial Flux ofFloor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source. E. ASTM E662: Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Materials. F. ASTM E 1745, Standard Specification for Water Vapour Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs. G. ASTM F 970, Standard Test Method for Static Load Limit. H. ASTM F 1869, Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride. I. ASTM F710: Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. J. ASTM G 21, Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Synthetic Polymeric Materials to Fungi. K. NFPA 101, Code for Safety to Life from Fire in Buildings and Structures. L. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. 2. SCAQMD Rule 1168-03, Adhesives and Sealants Applications. M. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Before any rubber flooring materials are delivered to the job site, submit to the Consultant a complete list of all materials proposed to be furnished and installed under this Section of the Work, stating manufacturer's name and catalogue number for each item, and product samples in colours specified. C. Submit two copies of the manufacturer's current recommended method of installation for each item. D. Submit Manufacturer's current printed data sheets on specified products. 09040-09670.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09670 ATHLETIC RUBBER TILE 1.05 1.06 1.07 E. Samples: submit duplicate 100 x 100 mm samples of full range of manufacturer's specified products and colours. F. Submit shop drawings illustrating layouts, details, dimensions and other data. G. Submit maintenance data for athletic rubber the flooring for Operation and Maintenance Manual specified under Section 01780. H. Maintenance Material Submittals: Provide extra stock materials for use in facility operation and maintenance. Provide amount of approximately 2% of the total floor surface, of each type, colour and dye lot. DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Materials must be delivered in Manufacturer's original, unopened and undamaged containers with identification labels intact. B. Store material upright on a clean, dry, flat surface protected from all possible damage, and protect from exposure to harmful weather conditions. C. Store materials at a minimum temperature of 13°C. D. Use all means necessary to protect rubber flooring materials before, during and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of all other trades. E. In the event of damage, immediately make all repairs and replacements necessary to the approval of the Consultant and at no additional cost to the Owner. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer must be certified ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. B. Manufacturer musthaveexperienceinthemanufacturingofprefabricatedrubberathleticflooring. C. Installer must have performed installations of the same scale in the last three (3) years. D. Installer to be recognized and approved by the rubber athletic flooring manufacturer. E. Mock Up: Mock up is to be installed following the same procedures and utilizing the same specified materials that will be used for the actual project. Mock-up size: minimum 3.0 square meters. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Maintain a stable room and subfloor temperature between 18°C to 30°C for a period of 48 hours prior, during and 48 hours after installation. B. Installation to be carried out no sooner than the specified curing time of concrete subfloor. C. Moisture vapor emission content of the concrete slab must not exceed the tolerance of the adhesive used when tested using the anhydrous calcium chloride test as per ASTM F1869. C1 asoao-sesro wpa ' 1 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09670 ATHLETIC RUBBER TILE Page 3 D. Pertorm an alkalinity test and moisture test before commencing. Moisture content must not exceed the capacity of the specified adhesive (verify using the anhydrous calcium chloride test as per ASTM F1869 and pH level should be in the range of 7 to 8.5. E. Installation of rubber athletic flooring shall not commence unless all other trades in the building are completed. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Manufacturers Warranty: Provideaminimumthree(3)yearwrittenwearwarrantyinproducts from the date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Athletic rubber shall be Mondo Ramflex as distributed by Sportek Surfaces Inc. B. Material shall be rubber athletic flooring, calendered and vulcanized with a base of natural and synthetic rubbers, stabilizing agents and pigmentation. Manufactured in two layers which are vulcanized together. The shore hardness of the top layer will be greater than that of the bottom layer; shore hardness of layers to be recommended by the manufacturer and the limits specified. 1. Thickness: 10 mm 2. Tile size: 610 x 610 mm 3. Sheet Size: 1.83 m wide and 10 m long. 4. Colour: standard, solid background colours with random marbleization throughout material. Four (4)) colours to be selected by the Consultant from manufacturer's standard colour range. 5. Finish: hammered. 6. Manufactured in two layers, which are vulcanised together. The shore hardness of the top layer will be greater than that of the bottom layer, shore hardness of layers to be recommended by the manufacturer and the limits specified. C. Performance of the prefabricated rubber athletic flooring shall conform to the following criteria: Performance Criteria Test Method Result Hardness Shore A ASTM D 2240 77171 Critical Radiant Flux ASTM E 648, NFPA 101 D.58 Wlcm', Type I Optical Density of Smoke ASTM E 662 < 450, Class I Fungal Resistance Test ASTM G 21-90 No growth Coefficient of Friction ASTM D 2047 1.0 dry, 1.2 wet V.O.C. Compliant ASTM D 5116 Yes Colour Stability Good Light reflection Average Chemical Resistance Good 09040-09670.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09670 ATHLETIC RUBBER TILE Paae 4 D. Adhesive: Provide adhesive certified by the manufacturer, PU 105 Polyurethane Adhesive or EP 55 epoxy adhesive . E. Primers shall be waterproof, best quality formulated for the application of the rubber floor coverings over subfloor as indicated on the drawings and Room Finish Schedules. Primers to be type and brand recommended and certified by the manufacturer of the products for use with his materials and used in strict accordance with the manufacturer's directions. F. Patching or levelling compound to be supplied and/or recommendedlapproved by rubber athletic flooring Manufacturer and shall be compatible with file adhesive. G. Reducer strips shall be manufacturers standard reducer strips, 38 mm wide tapered from 9.5 mm to 0 mm. H. Sealant: As recommended by file manufacturer. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. New concrete floors and toppings must be thoroughly cured (minimum 28 days) prior to the installation. B. Existing concrete floors must be clean of all materials affecting bond C. Carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades and verify that all such work is complete to the point where this installation of rubber flooring may properly commence. D. Confirm that rubber flooring may be installed in accordance with the original design and the manufacturer's recommendations. E. Ensure that no concrete sealers or curing compounds are applied or mixed with the subfloors. F. Ensure concrete surfaces are smooth, dense finish, highly compacted with a tolerance of 3 mm in 3.05 m radius. G. In the event of discrepancy, immediately notify the Consultant. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been fully resolved. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Prepare subfloor in accordance with Manufacturer's current printed subfloor preparation guidelines. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Install rubber athletic flooring in accordance with Manufacturer's current printed Installation Manual. B. Refer to drawings for locations of sheet and file applications. C. Fill all cavities, cracks, joints and all other surface imperfections in concrete substrate with asaao-oss~o.wPa 1 ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09670 ' ATHLETIC RUBBER TILE Pa e 5 latex fill or other approved subfloor filler in order to produce a smooth, flat, hard surface for receipt of rubber flooring. Scrape off all ridges, droppings, scale and other projections. ' Clean floor with an industrial vacuum cleaner. Remove all substance and materials affecting adhesive bond. ' D. Prime concrete floors and apply adhesive uniformly with notched spreaders, at correct coverage as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not spread more adhesive than can be covered before initial set takes place. Place tiles so that adhesive is squeezed into tilejoints and provides a watertightjoint. ' E Allow for excessive fill and levellin of existin floor slabs . g g . ' F. Where tiles terminate at doorways, or where tiles of different type or colour butt together the joint shall centre on the door. G. Provide and install reducer strips where rubber floor tiles terminate against a concrete floor where no applied architectural floor finish is required. Reducer strip shall be installed below centre of door where a door occurs. ' H. Tile shall be laid with all joints square and tightly butted together. Start installation from centre of rooms to ensure equal max. size edge tiles. Pattern and direction of file shall be as directed by the Consultant. ' I. Tile to be laid full depth of closets, toe spaces, and recesses. Cut and fit tiles tightly against openings, breaks, frames, fixtures, columns and other vertical surfaces. Carry file under all movable fitments. Apply adhesive to provide watertight joint around all cut areas. t J. Seal perimeter of all athletic rubber the at walls and penetrations in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. ' K. Rubber base in locations specified shall be installed under Section 09651. 3.04 CLEANING ' A. Remove surplus adhesive from athletic rubber floor tiles as the work progresses. B. Initial cleaning should only be performed 72 hours afterthe rubber athletic surface has been ' completely installed. C. Maintain rubberathleticflooringaccordingtoManufacturer'scurrentmaintenanceinstructions for specified product. D Protect with non-stainin buildin a er or masonite . g g p p . ' E. Immediately prior to final inspection, remove protection, clean, dry or damp mop floors. End of Section ' 09040-09670 wpd ~J u DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast in Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Concrete Floor Sealing Section 03362 C. Masonry Section 04200 D. Structural Steel Section 05120 E. Steel Joists Section 05210 F. Steel Roof Deck Section 05310 G. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 H. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 I. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 J. Cabinet Work Section 06410 K. Joint Sealers Section 07900 L. Hollow Metal Doors, Screens and Pressed Metal Frames Section 08100 M. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 N. Mechanical and Electrical Division 15 & 26 1.03 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section of the contract includes all painting and finishing called for or implied by the drawings and specifications, together with all necessary incidentals whether referred to or not, as will be required to complete the work to the full intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications. The work includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Preparation, back-priming and painting and finishing of all exposed surfaces of the building including building services and accessories, not otherwise protected or covered as shown on the 'Finish Schedule', to the full intent of the drawings and specifications. 2. Coordination of offsite surface preparation, special priming and painting of structural steel, steel joists and metal fabrications. 3. Preparation and painting of all structural steel, pre-engineered steel, purlins, steel joists, and miscellaneous framing in each ice rink area whether indicated on the finish schedules or not. 4. Preparation, back-priming and painting and finishing of all exterior elements as indicated on the drawings, and not otherwise protected or covered. 5. Painting of all semi-concealed areas e.g. inside of lighttroughs and valances, behind grilles, and projecting edges above and below sight lines to ensure the work complies with this specification. 1.04 REFERENCES A. Ontario Painting Contractors Association Specifications Manual, latest edition. B. Master Painters Institute (MPI). C. MPI Architectural Painting Specifications Manual, 2004. D. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) SSPC Painting Manual, Volume Two, 8th Edition, Systems and Specifications Manual. E. National Fire Code of Canada - 1995 F. Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA), 1999, 09040-09900.wpd DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 2 G. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) EPA Test Method for Measuring Total Volatile Organic Compound Content of Consumer Products, Method 24 - 1995, (for Surface Coatings). H. Eco-Logo CCD-047: Architectural Surface Coatings. I. Green Seal GS-11 Green Seal Environmental Standard for Paints and Coatings, January 1997. J. Health Canada /Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). K. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California State 1. SCAQMD Rule 1113-06, Architectural Coatings. L. Green Seal Environmental Standards 1. Standard GC-03-93, Anti-Corrosive Paints. 2. Standard GS-11-97, Architectural Paints. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Samples: 1. Paint colours shall be selected by the Consultant. 2. Prepare, with type of paint and application specified, draw down samples of various finishes including each colour and gloss value for Consultant's approval by submitting samples at least thirty days before materials are required. Identify each sample as to job, finish, colour name, number, sheen name and gloss value, date and name of Sub-contractor. Submit sufficient samples as required by the Consultant until colours and textures are approved. Provide as many draw down samples as are necessary to obtain consultants approval. C. List of Materials: A list of materials proposed for use on the work, prepared by the paint manufacturer, shall be submitted in writing to the Consultant for review at least 30 days before the materials are required. The list shall bear the manufacturer's official certification that the materials listed thereon are equal to those specified herein. If products to be used are from various manufacturers submit a listfrom each manufacturer. All products shall be identified by their respective CPCA designation number. Indicate Eco-Logo certification designation for all products D. Certificates: submit certificates signed by manufacturer certifying that materials comply with specified performance characteristics and physical properties and SCAQMD Rule 1113-96. E. SubmittwocopiesofWorkplaceHazardousMaterialslnformationSystem(WHMIS)Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)prior to delivery of any materials to the site. I ndicate VOCs during application and curing. F. Prior to Substantial Performance, submit three copies of an itemized list complete with manufacturer's paint type, colour coding and cleaning procedures for all finishes and colours used, for Owner's later use in maintenance. 1.06 QUALIFICATIONS A. Painting Contractor shall have a minimum of 10 years proven satisfactory experience. This contractor shall maintain a qualified crew of painters for the duration of the work who shall be qualified to fully satisfy the requirements of this specification. asaao-ossoo wPa 1 1 t DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Pape 3 1.07 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to Workplace Safety regulations for storage, mixing, application and disposal of all paint related materials. 1.08 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Pack, ship, handle and unload materials in accordance with Section 01610 -Common Product Requirements and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Deliver materials to site in sealed, original containers with labels intact. Labels shall indicate manufacturers name, type of paint, brand name, colour designation in accordance with established colour schedule, compliance with applicable standard, and instructions for mixing or reducing. Notify the Consultant in writing that materials are on site and request examination by the Consultant before labels are broken on the original container. C. Remove damaged, opened and rejected materials from site. D. Storage and Protection: 1. Provide and maintain dry, temperature controlled, secure storage. 2. Store materials and supplies away from heat generating devices. 3. Store materials and equipment in well ventilated area with temperature range 7° C to 30° C. 4. Store temperature sensitive products above minimum temperature as recommended by manufacturer. 5. Keep areas used for storage, cleaning and preparation clean and orderly. After completion of operations, return areas to clean condition. 6. Remove paint materials from storage only in quantities required for same day use. E. Fire Safety Requirements 1. Provide one 9 kg Type ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher adjacent to storage area. 2. Store oily rags, waste products, empty containers and materials subject to spontaneous combustion in ULC approved, sealed containers and remove from site on a daily basis. 3. Handle, store, use and dispose of flammable and combustible materials in accordance with National Fire Code of Canada requirements. F. Waste Management and Disposal: 1. Separate waste materials for reuse and recycling in accordance with Section 01 355 -Waste Management and Disposal. 2. Remove from site and dispose of packaging materials at appropriate recycling facilities. 3. Collect and separate for disposal packaging material in appropriate on-site bins for recycling in accordance with Waste Management Plan (WMP). 4. Separate for reuse and recycling and place in designated containers waste in accordance with Waste Management Plan (WMP). 5. Place materials defined as hazardous or toxic in designated containers. 6. Handle and dispose of hazardous materials in accordance with Regional and Municipal regulations. 7. Ensure emptied containers are sealed and stored safely. 8. Unused materials must be disposed of at official hazardous material collections site as approved by Consultant. osoaa-ossoo.wpa DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Paae 4 9. Paint, stain and wood preservative finishes and related materials (thinners, and solvents) are regarded as hazardous products and are subject to regulations for disposal. Information on these controls can be obtained from Provincial Ministries of Environment and Regional levels of Government. 10. Material which cannot be reused must be treated as hazardous waste and disposed of in an appropriate manner. 11. Place materials defined as hazardous or toxic waste, including used sealant and adhesive tubes and containers, in containers or areas designated for hazardous waste. 12. To reduce the amount of contaminants entering waterways, sanitary/storm drain systems or into ground follow these procedures: (1) Retain cleaning water for water-based materials to allow sediments to be filtered out. (2) Retain cleaners, thinners, solvents and excess paint and place in designated containers and ensure proper disposal. (3) Return solvent and oil soaked rags used during painting operations for contaminant recovery, proper disposal, or appropriate cleaning and laundering. (4) Dispose of contaminants in approved legal manner in accordance with hazardous waste regulations. (5) Empty paint cans are to be dry prior to disposal or recycling (where available). 13. Where paint recycling is available, collect waste paint by type and provide for delivery to recycling or collection facility. 1.09 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. Environmental Temperature 1. Do not paint or finish in unclean or improperly ventilated areas. Do not paint when surface and air temperatures are lower then 10 degrees C or varnish in temperatures lower than 18 degrees C. 2. Relative humidity shall not be higher than 85%. 3. Maintain temperature and humidity, and provide continuous ventilation for 24 hours before and after paint application. 4. Do not paint exterior surfaces immediately following rain, frost or dew. Do not paint interior surfaces where condensation is present or likely to occur. B. Lighting: Painting and decorating work shall not proceed unless a minimum of 15 candle power/square foot lighting is provided on the surface to be painted. PROTECTION A. Provide metal pans or adequate tarpaulin to protect surfaces in areas assigned for the storage and mixing of paints. B. Use sufficient drop cloths and protective coverings for the full protection of floors, furnishings and work not being painted. Protect mechanical, electrical and special equipment, hardware, all other components of the building which do not require painting, from paint spotting and other soiling during the painting process. C. Remove electrical plates, surface hardware and fittings prior to painting. These items shall be carefully stored, cleaned and replaced upon completion of the work in each area. 1 `J e 09040-09900.wpd ' ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Pa e 5 ' ' D. Leave above areas clean and free from evidence of occupancy upon completion of painting. E. Protect paint materials from fire and freezing. F Keep waste rags in closed metal drums containing water and remove from building at end 1 of each working shift. Dispose of all waste materials including paint containers in accordance with Municipal requirements. G. Where toxic or explosive materials are used, use appropriate precautions as directed by the manufacturer. H. Post 'NO SMOKING' signs. 1.11 MOCK-UP A. Before proceeding with the work, if requested by the Consultant, finish one complete space or item of each colour scheme showing selected colours, texture, materials and workmanship. After approval, the sample room or surface shall serve as a standard far ' similar work throughout the building. 1.12 INSPECTION A. The work of this contractor shall be inspected by an independent inspector acceptable to the Consultant. The cost of such inspection shall be paid by the painting contractor. Cooperate fully at all times with the independent painting inspection agency in the pertormance of their duties. 1.13 WARRANTY ' A. Furnish an Ontario Painting Contractors AssociationTwo(2)YearWarrantyorotherwarranty acceptable to the Owner and Consultant, upon Substantial Pertormance of the work. Warrant that the work has been performed in accordance with the standards and requirements of this specification and of the Ontario Painting Contractors Association ' Specification Manual, latest edition. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Use material specified herein. Where not specified, materials listed under'Paint ' Product Recommendations' as listed in the O.P.C.A. manual may be used, subject to the approval of the Consultant. ' B. All materials shall be from one manufacturer, unless approved by the Consultant. C. Products manufactured by the following manufacturers may only be used: ' Benjamin Moore General Paints ICI Devoe Coatings PPG Canada Para Paints Pittsburg Paints Pratt and Lambert Sherwin Williams Sico Coatings ' D. All products shall meet the flame spread and smoke developed criteria designated by the Ontario Building Code. 09040-09900.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING E. 2.02 MIXING A. B. All paint products shall be lead and mercury free and shall have low V.O.C. content whenever possible. Paints shall be ready mixed. Products shall have excellent flowing and brushing properties and shall dry or cure free of sags or similar defects to yield the desired finish specified. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 INSPECTION A. Inspect all surfaces requiring painting and notify the Consultant in writing of any defects or problems, prior to commencement of the work, or after prime coat reveals defects in the substrate. B. Check all surfaces with electric moisture metre and do not proceed if reading is higher than 12% for gypsum board, concrete or masonry, and 15% for woodwork without written permission from the Consultant. C. Proceed with work only when surfaces and conditions are satisfactory for production of a first class job. D. Remove dust, grease, rust and extraneous matter from all surfaces (except that rust occurring on items specified to be primed under other Sections shall be removed and work reprimed under those Sections). E. Do nc paint masonry or concrete surfaces less than 28 days old, and unless visually dry on both sides. F. Test concrete surfaces for moisture content by using a 'cover patch test'. PREPARATION: CONCRETE AND MASONRY A. Ensure concrete and masonry materials are cured. Do not paint concrete and masonry less than 28 days old. B. Test surfaces for alkalinity. C. Where extreme alkalinity occurs, wash surface with 4% solution tetra-potassium pyrophosphate (5 oz. per gallon of water) where latex base paint is to be used and with zinc sulphate solution (3 Ib. per gal. water) where other paint bases are to be used. D. Remove contamination from concrete floors, acid etch, rinse and assure acid-alkali balance. Let dry. E. Prepare existing hollow core slabs for painting by removing existing stucco finish. Patch, prime and prepare surfaces to O.P.C.A. Guide Specifications and the paint manufacturers recommendations. t osoao-ossoo.wPa 1 ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 ' PAINTING Page 7 3.03 PREPARATION: METAL A. Clean unpainted and shop painted metal, remove loose rust and prime bare metal with zinc chromate primer. Feather out edges to make touch up patches inconspicuous. B. Refer to applicable specification Sections under Division 5, forshop cleaning and preparation of structural steel and other ferrous metal products. Supervise preparation work in the shop will be completed by the respective Sections to ensure all shop primers are applied in 1 accordance with the requirements of this Section. C. Clean and prepare existing pre-painted metal to be left exposed, using methods and ' materials recommended by the OPCA, the paint manufacturers and in accordance with the requirements of the Steel Structure Painting Council Surtace Preparation Specification No. 6, Commercial Blast Cleaning. Prime all surfaces whether exposed or not. Primers applied in shop shall be as specified in this Section. 3.04 PREPARATION: GALVANIZED METAL ' A. Solvent Clean per SSPC-SP1 to remove grease and oils and surface contamination. If any oxidation (white rust) has formed, sand and remove all forms of contamination. If the galvanized has been passivated or stabilized, the surface must be abraded, i.e., Brush-Off Blast Clean per SSPC-SP7 or chemically treat the surface. i B. Galvanized metal substrates may have afactory-applied stabilizer, which is used to prevent white rusting during storage and shipping. Such stabilizers must be removed byeither brush blasting, sanding or chemical treatment prior to painting.. Conform to paint manufacturer's recommendations for Surtace preparation. 3.05 PREPARATION: METAL DECK A. Solvent Clean per SSPC-SP1 and paint manufacturer's directions to remove grease and oils and surface contamination. If any oxidation (white rust) has formed, sand and remove all forms of contamination. If the galvanized has been passivated or stabilized, the Surtace must ' be abraded, i.e., Brush-Off Blast Clean per SSPC-SP7 or chemically treat the surface. B. Galvanized metal substrates may have afactory-applied stabilizer, which is used to prevent ' white rusting during storage and shipping. Such stabilizers must be removed byeither brush blasting, sanding or chemical treatment prior to painting. Conform to paint manufacturer's recommendations for surface preparation. 3.06 PREPARATION: WOODWORK A. Inspect millwork, cabinetwork, casework, benches, wood doors and any otherwood surfaces scheduled to be finished to assure surfaces are smooth free from machine marks and that nailheads have been countersunk. Seal all knots and sapwood in surfaces to receive paint, with a sealer compatible with finish specified. B. Sand smooth all woodwork which is to be finished and clean surfaces free of dust before applying first coat. In the case of painted woodwork fill nail holes, splits and scratches with non-shrinking filler after first coat is dry. When these occur on a surface to receive a transparent finish, use putty tinted to match local grain condition between coats and lightly with No. 00 sand paper and remove dust. 09040-09900.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 8 , 3.07 PREPARATION: GYPSUM BOARD A. Inspect gypsum board to assure surface as free from marks and blemishes. B. Clean surfaces free of dust before applying first coat. ' C. Inspect surface after prime coat and touch up and re-prime as necessary. 3.08 PREPARATION: MISCELLANEOUS SURFACES , A. All other surfaces not noted above shall be prepared in accordance with the O.P.C.A. Guide Specifications and the paint manufacturers recommendations. , 3.09 APPLICATION A. Finishes and number of coats specified in Finish Schedule are intended to cover surfaces completely. If they do not, apply further coats until complete coverage is achieved as ' required. Make allowance for a minimum of ten (10) deep tone or accent colours, each requiring a minimum of four (4) coats of paint. B. Any areas exhibiting incomplete or unsatisfactory coverage shall have the entire plane painted. Patching will not be acceptable. C. Spraying will not be allowed without written permission. , D. Arrange to have traffic barred from completed areas wherever possible. ' , E. s directions and specifications and be Apply materials in strict accordance with manufacturer familiar with those directions and specifications. F. Apply primer-sealer coats by brush or roller method. Permit paint to dry before applying ' succeeding coats, tough up suction spats and sand between coats with No. 00 sand paper. G. Prime woodwork designated for painting as soon as possible after woodwork is delivered to Site. Prime all surfaces of such woodwork, whether exposed or not, before installation. Back , prime woodwork which is to receive transparent finish with one coat of transparent finish reduced 25%. ' H. Where two coats of the same paint are to be applied, tint the first coat to differentiate from the final coat. Sand lightly between coats to achieve an anchor for the required finish. I. Apply final coats on smooth surfaces by roller or brush. Hand brush wood surfaces. ' J. Doors and frames: Doors may be painted a different colour than frames, and frames shall t h ll b fi i h d t f h o ma c e n s e doors s a be painted a different colour than walls. All exposed edges o ' door faces. 3.10 SITE TOLERANCES ' A. Walls: no defects visible from a distance of 1000 mm at 90 degrees to surface. B. Ceilings: no defects visible from floor at 45 degrees to surface when viewed using final lighting source. 09040-09900.wptl ' ' 3.11 I t 3.12 DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING C. Final coat to exhibit uniformity of colour and uniformity of sheen across full surface area. D. Paint shall be uniform in sheen, colour and texture, free from brush or roller marks, sags, runs or other defects. WORK BY THIS SECTION AS RELATED TO MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK A. Paint insulated and bare ductwork exposed to view in rooms scheduled to have painted walls and ceiling or other finished surfaces. B. Paint insulated and bare pipes exposed to view in rooms scheduled to have painted walls and ceiling or other finished surfaces. C. Prime and paint exposed, unfinished electrical raceways, fittings, outlet boxes, junction boxes, pull boxes and similar items in rooms scheduled to have painted walls or ceiling or other finished surfaces. D. Replace identification markings on mechanical and electrical work when painted over or spattered. E. Paint work to match adjacent walls and ceilings unless directed otherwise. Painting of all semi-concealed areas e.g. inside of light troughs and valances, behind grilles, and projecting edges above and below sight lines to ensure the work complies with this specification. G. Where walls and ceilings are not scheduled to be painted, the work described above shall be painted a colour selected by the Consultant except where galvanized or plated. H. Back priming of equipment backboards. FINISH SCHEDULE: GENERAL A. In instances where materials specified are not suitable far a particular job application or are contrary to manufacturer's recommendations for use on a particular surface, such condition shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Consultant for clarification and instructions. B. Finishes shall match approved samples but Consultant reserves the right to make reasonable changes to finish specifications to obtain desired results without additional cost or obligation of Owner. C. Gloss terms shall have following values (ASTM D523 "Test for Specular Gloss"): Gloss Term Gloss Value Flat 5 to 20 Eggshell 20 to 40 Semi-gloss 40 to 60 Gloss, medium 60 to 80 Gloss, high 80 to 90 ' 09040-09900.wptl DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING 3.13 D. A colour chart giving colour schemes for various areas will be prepared after tendering by Consultant. E. Except as indicated, do not paint baked enamel, chrome plated, stainless steel, aluminum or other surfaces finished with a final factory finish. All primed surfaces shall be finish painted under this Section. F. Definition: "WET AREAS" as used herein is defined as the rink, showers, drying areas, washrooms, resurfacer and refrigeration rooms in the arena area. SCHEDULE OF SURFACES AND NUMBER OF COATS A. Coating and finishing system designations are based on the current edition of the O. P.C.A. Specifications Manual. Provide additional coats where indicated. B. Select from manufacturer options available in O.P.C.A. Finish Systems specifications to provide specified gloss values. Select to ensure compatibility between coats. C. Number of coats indicated is minimum. Where additional coats are required to provide satisfactory results and as directed by the Consultant, provide such additional coats. Provide a minimum of four coats of paint where deep tints or bright colours are specified. D. Exterior Schedule 1 Galvanized and Zinc Coated Metal: EXT 12-C. (Do not paint architectural exposed steel) 1" Coat Galvanized Waterborne Primer 2ntl Coat Exterior Acrylic Latex 3"' Coat Exterior Acrylic Latex 4'" Coat Exterior Acrylic Latex 2 Primed Ferrous Metal Surfaces: EXT 11-D. High Performance. Steel to have SP-6 Blast. 1"Coat Recoatable Epoxy Primer (shop Devoe Devran 223 primed) 2n° Coat Recoatable Epoxy Primer (field Devoe Devran 223 applied) 3'd Coat Alphatic Urethane Gloss Enamel Devoe Devthane 389 3 Exterior Woodwork: EXT 1•C 1 °' Coat Semi-transparent oil stain 2"° Coat Semi-transparent oil stain osoao-ossao.wPd i~ ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 t PAINTING Page 11 ' 4 Exterior Concrete Block Masonry (Alternate Price) Exerior Waterproof Finish shall be PPG-PiH-Flex 4-110, 100% acrylic elastomeric coating and Speedhide alkali resistant primer #63 or 6-603. ' E. Interior Schedule VOC limits of all paint materials shall be in accordance with the reference standards. ' 1 Primed Metal Surfaces: Arena shop primed steel (all structural steel, purlins, steel joists, braces, metal fabrications and pre-engineered structures, exposed in Ice pads, refrigeration and resurfacer rooms): 1~' Coat Recoatable Epoxy Primer (shop Devoe Devran 223 primed) 2ntl Coat Recoatable Epoxy Primer (field Devoe Devran 223 applied) 3r° Coat Alphatic Urethane Gloss Enamel Devoe Devthane 389 2 Other Primed Ferrous Metal Surfaces: 1" Coat Shop Coat Primer: ' CAN/CGSB-1.40lCISC 2ntl Coat Touch up primer ' 3'tl Coat LatexSemi-Gloss Enamel Institutional low-odourNOC xSemi-Gloss Enamel Insiitutional low-odourNOC t t L 4'" C a e oa 3 Primed Metal Surfaces: To be concealed within interior of building and not scheduled to receive a finish coat. (Shop primed) ' 1"Coat CISC/CPMA 1-73a 4 Galvanized and Zinc Coated Metal: INT 73-D VOC limit: 150 g/l 1~' Coat Primer Primer 2"" Coat Latex Semi Gloss Enamel Institutional low-odourNOC 3rtl Coat Latex Semi Gloss Enamel Institutional low-odourNOC 150 /I OC li i S m t: g Zinc Coated Metal Deck: INT 13-F. V ' 1"Coat Primer as recommended by manufacturer. 2n° Ccat Interior Latex semi-gloss, waterborne dry fog/fall type. (100% Acrylic) i~ ' 09040-09900 wpd DIVISION 9 ' SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 12 ' 7 Concrete and cementitious surfaces: WET AREAS: Tile Like Finish INT 7-D Includes wet areas and arena dressing room cementitious ceilings and soffits. ' VOC limit: 250 g/l 1" Coat Waterborne Epoxy ' 2"° Coat Two Component Epoxy Gloss 3r0 Coat Two Component Epoxy Gloss ' S Concrete surfaces (other than areas noted above): INT 7-A. VOC limit: 150 g/l 1"Coat Latex Primer/Sealer 2"tl Coat Latex Semi-Glass Institutional low-odourNOC 3r° Coat Latex Semi-Gloss Institutional low-odourNOC ' 9 Masonry: INT 7•A VOC limit: 150 g/l 1" Coat Latex Primer/Sealer ' 2ntl Coat Latex Semi-Gloss, Institutional, low odour, low VOC 3r° Coat Latex Semi-Glass, Institutional, low odour, low VOC ' 10 Masonry (and cementitious coatings) WET AREAS: INT 6-D (Includes wet areas, arenas, arena dressing rooms, refrigeration and resurfacer rooms) Tile like finish. VOC limit: 150 g/l ' 1" Coat Two Component Epoxy Block Filler Gl t T C t E 2n° C ' wo omponen poxy oss oa 3'tl Coat Two Component Epoxy Glass 11 Gypsum Board Ceilings (Flat): INT 4-B. VOC limit: 50 g/I 1"Coat Latex Primer-sealer ' 2ntl Coat Latex flat, Institutional, low odour, low VOC 3'° Coat Latex flat, Institutional, low odour, low VOC ' 12 Gypsum Board Ceilings: WET AREAS: Tile Like Finish INT 4-C. VOC limit: ' 150 g/l 1"Coat Two Component Waterborne Epoxy Gloss ' 2ntl Coat Two Component Waterborne Epoxy Gloss 3'° Coat Two Component Waterborne Epoxy Gloss 09040-09900.wpd LJ LJ i~ i~ i~ II DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING 13 Gypsum Board Walls (Eggshell): INT 4-B. VOC limit: 150 g/I 1~' Coat Latex Primer-sealer 2n° Coat Latex Eggshell Institutional low-odourNOC 3rtl Coat Latex Eggshell Institutional low-odourNOC 14 Gypsum Wall Boards (Semi Gloss): INT 4-B. VOC limit: 150 g/l 1°' Coat Latex Primer-sealer 2ntl Coat Latex Semi Gloss, Institutional, low odour, low VOC 3'° Coat Latex Semi Gloss, Institutional, low odour, low VOC 15 Gypsum Wall Boards WET AREAS: Tile Like Finish INT 4-C. Includes wet areas, arenas, rink dressing rooms. VOC limit: 150 g/I 1"Coat Two Component Waterborne Epoxy Gloss 2nd Coat Two Component Waterborne Epoxy Gloss 3rtl Coat Two Component Waterborne Epoxy Gloss 16 Wood Paint Finish: INT 1-B. VOC limit: 150 g/l 1~' Coat Enamel Undercoat 2n° Coat Latex Semi Gloss Enamel ,Institutional, low odour, low VOC 3r° Coat Latex Semi Gloss Enamel ,Institutional, low odour, low VOC 17 Wood Clear Poyurethane Finish: INT 1-I VOC limit: 150 g/l 1~' Coat Wood Filler 2"tl Coat Polyurethane Satin (reduced) 3'd Coat Polyurethane Satin 4'" Coat Polyurethane Satin 3.14 SURFACES 1 A. The following surfaces shall be painted: 1. All new and existing exposed structural steel framing including steel joists, trusses, purlins, girts, hangers, sag rods, bracing etc. 2. Canopy framing and exposed steel framing on exterior of building. 3. Exposed metal deck. 4. Exposed metal fabrications. 5. Steel downspouts. osoao-ossoo wPa DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 14 ' 6. Bollards. 7. Steel plate and channel door frames. 8. Masonry walls including existing where scheduled. ' 9. Concrete walls including existing where scheduled. 10. Underside of existing hollow core precast slabs where exposed (including cleaning, priming and preparation of existing slabs currently with stucco finish system) , 11. Drywall partitions, ceilings, and bulkheads. 12. Special coatings onmasonrywallsandceilingsindressingroomsandshowerareas. 13. Exposed wood benches and trim. 14. Exposed woodwork and cabinetwork. ' 15. Hollow metal doors, frames and screens. 16. Access doors and hatches. 17. Plywood service panels. 18. Steel stair stringers, risers, handrails and guards. 19. Exposed mechanicalductwork, bare and insulated pipesand un-finished mechanical equipment. Note: Painting of natural gas piping by Division 15. 20. Exposed mechanical and electrical lines located on wall or ceiling surfaces to be , painted. 21. Interior side of light valances shall be painted gloss white. 22. Paint all closets and alcoves to match adjoining surfaces of rooms. 23. All other exposed surfaces (interior and exterior whether indicated on the Room , Finish Schedule or not). 24. Paint existing exterior masonry walls (Alternate Price). ' 3.15 PAINT MANUFACTURER'S INSPECTION REPORTS A. When requested by the Consultant, the Contractor shall arrange to have the paint manufacturer's representative of the product being used on the project submit written ' inspec tion reports to the Consultant. B. The representative shall visit the site as many times as required to assist the painting ' contractor in the proper application of the products to ensure a satisfactory job. C. In add ition to the requirements of paragraph .B the representative shall visit the site and submit a written inspection report to the Consultant at the following times: ' 1. Prior to painting to see that proper surtace preparation is carried out. 2. During each individual coat application including primer stage to see that there is no ' detrimental deviation from the manufacturer's specifications and the requirement specified herein. 3. At the final completion of painting to ensure a satisfactory job has been obtained. ' D. Paint manufacturer's inspections, if requested, are in addition to, and in no way relieve the contractor of his obligation to provide Independent Inspection as described in Part 1 of this specification. ' 3.16 CLEANING AND RESTORATION A. Promptly as the work proceeds, and upon completion, remove all paint where spilled, , splashed or splattered. During the progress of the work, keep the premises free from any unnecessary accumulation of tools, equipment, materials and debris. B. Clean and re-install hardware items removed before undertaken painting operations. ' 09040-09900.wpd ' DIVISION 9 SECTION 09900 PAINTING Page 15 ' 3.17 LJ 1 t Cl u C. Remove protective coverings and warning signs as soon as practical after operations cease. D. Remove paint splashings on exposed surfaces that were not painted. Remove smears and spatter immediately as operations progress, using compatible solvent. E. Protect freshly completed surfaces from paint droppings and dust to approval of Consultant. Avoid scuffing newly applied paint. F. Restore areas used for storage, cleaning, mixing and handling of paint to clean condition as approved by Consultant. MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Prior to Substantial Performance, provide four (4) litres of each type and colour of paint from same production batch used, in un-opened cans. Each can shall be properly labelled and identified. End of Section ' 09040-09900.wpd ' DIVISION 10 SECTION 10160 ' COMPARTMENTS AND CUBICLES Page 1 PART 1 : GENERAL ' 1 01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS . ' A . Conform to the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 R ELATED WORK A. Masonry Section 04200 ' B. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 C . Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 D . Washroom Accessories Section 10800 ' 1 03 R EFERENCES . ' A. ASTM A 167, Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. B. ASTM A 480/A 480M, Standard Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. C . ASTM E84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ' D . CAN/CSA-8651, Accessible Design for the Built Environment. E. CAN3-A172 High Pressure Paper Base, Decorative Laminates. F. The Ontario Building Code G . The Ontarians with Disabilities Act 1.04 SUBMITTALS t A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit shop drawings. Indicate partition layout. Show and describe in detail materials, finishes, dimensions, details of connections and fastenings, elevations, plans, sections, ' thicknesses, metal gauges, hardware and any other pertinent information. ' C. Provide location drawings for bolt hole locations in supporting members for attachment of compartments. D. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's printed product literature for toilet partitions or components, specifications and datasheet and include product characteristics, performance ' criteria, physical size, finish and limitations. E. Submit duplicate copies of manufacturer's standard colour charts for selection by the ' Engineer. F. Maintenance Procedures: On completion of the project submit three copies of manufacturer's cleaning and maintenance procedures for laminated and metal surfaces, and adjustment date ' for hardware for compartments and cubicles for inclusion in maintenance manuals specified under Section 01780. ' G. Submit two (2) sets of manufacturers standard colour samples. H. Submit duplicate 300 x 300 mm samples of panel showing finished edge and corner ' construction and core construction. 09040-10180 wpd DIVISION 10 t SECTION 10160 COMPARTMENTS AND CUBICLES Pa e 2 I. Submit duplicate representative samples of each hardware item, including brackets, fastenings and trim. ' 1.05 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver, store, handle and protect materials in accordance with manufacturer's printed , directions. B. Protect finished laminated plastic surfaces during shipment and installation. Do not remove ' until immediately prior to final inspection. 1.06 WARRANTY A. Guarantee compartments and cubicles against defects in manufacturing for a period of two ' (2) years from the date of Substantial Performance. PART 2: PRODUCTS t 2.01 GENERAL A. Approved manufacturers: ' 1. Bobrick Washroom Equipment of Canada Ltd. B. Compartments and cubicles as manufactured by the following manufacturer's may be , approved subject to approval of product specifications and details by the Consultant: 1. Buddsteel Architectural Products. Teeswater Ontario, (519) 392-6061 2. Edwards Door Systems Ltd. Sarnia, Ontario (519)-336-4990 ' 3. ASI Watrous 4. Bradley Corporation 2.02 PRODUCTS ' A. Design: Solid phenolic core partitions, 1080 Duraline Series, Vandal Resistant, as manufactured by Bobrick Washroom Equipment of Canada Ltd. ' B. Toilet Partitions: Bobrick 1088/1088.67 Duraline Series ceiling hung partitions with extra heavy duty vandal resistant hardware. ' C. Urinal Screens: Bobrick Wall Hung 1085 Duraline Series. D. Supply and install all required toilet partitions and urinal screens complete with all required , hardware and accessories. E. Materials shall meet NFPA Class B, UBC Class II, ASTM E84 Fire resistance standards, ' flame spread 69, smoke developed 93. F. Colours will be selected by the Consultant from the manufacturer's standard range of colours. Up to four (4) colours will be selected. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Shop fabricate partitions and screens. Take site measurements for areas where partitions ' are to be located and fabricate partitions to suit site dimensions. 09040-10160 wpd ' DIVISION 10 SECTION 10160 COMPARTMENTS AND CUBICLES Page 3 ' B. Doors, stiles and panels shall be constructed of solidly fused plastic laminate with matte finish ' melamine surfaces, coloured face sheets conforming to CAN 3-A172, and black phenolic core resin integrally bonded and fused. Edges shall be routed for PVC 'T' mould extrusion. C. Doors and stiles shall have a finished thickness of 19 mm, panels shall have a finished ' thickness of 13 mm. D. Toilet Partition Doors: 1470 mm high; inswing doors 610 mm wide; outswing doors 810 mm ' wide. E. Hinges, door latches, door keepers, U channels, door stop plates and angle brackets constructed of 18-8, type 304 stainless steel with satin finish. One piece full height 1.6 mm ' continuous hinge; one piece 3.2 mm door keeper; one piece full height 1.2 mm U channel and angle brackets. F. Mounting brackets shall be 1.2-mm stainless steel and extend full height of panel. U-channels shall be furnished for panel to stile mounting. Angle brackets shall be furnished for stile to wall and stile to panel mounting. Angle brackets shall be furnished for panel to wall mounting. G. Stainless steel Phillips head screws for mounting brackets. H. Wall posts: 25 x 38 mm tubing, 18-8 type 304 stainless steel satin finish, pre-drilled for door ' hardware. I. Urinal Screens: 1070 mm high x 460 mm wide. ' J. Theft resistant stainless steel torx screws for all door hardware. Threaded inserts factory installed to secure door hinge, latch and door stops. K. Fabricate compartments so that no hardware or mounting brackets are exposed on exterior ' of compartments except on those compartments with outswinging doors. Furnish Type 304 stainless steel door pull on exterior of outswinging doors. L. Furnish manufacturer's standard stainless steel coat hook, Type 304 stainless steel with No. 4 finish, one on each door. ' M. Provide ADA compliant stainless steel slide latch and keeper on interior side of each door. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSPECTION A. Check areas scheduled to receive compartmentsforcorrectdimensions,plumbnessofwalls, and soundness of surfaces that would affect installation of mounting brackets. B. Ensure that steel framing supports have been installed plumb and level and are secure and ' suitable for supporting partitions. Ensure that templated holes have been predrilled in structural supports. C. Verify spacing of plumbing fixtures to assure compatibility with installation of compartments. ' D. Do not begin installation of compartments until conditions are satisfactory. ' 09040-7 0 7 60 wpd DIVISION 10 SECTION 10160 COMPARTMENTS AND CUBICLES Pa e 4 3.02 INSTALLATION 3.03 A. Install compartments rigidly, straight, plumb, and level and in accordancewith manufacturer's installation instructions and reviewed shop drawings. B. Installation methods shall conform to manufacturer's recommendations for backing and proper support. C. Provide all anchorage devices and attachments as required and install toilet partitions by anchoring securely to floors, walls and stiles. D. Conceal evidence of drilling, cutting, and fitting to room finish. E. Hang doors and adjust hinges and doors to operate properly. Doors to hang open at rest. Emergency opening for doors from outside by lifting door to disengage door from latch. Provide two stops per door. F. Erect compartments and related items in rigid substantial manner, straight and plumb with horizontal lines level. G. Maintain uniform clearance at vertical edge of doors. H. Install urinal screens as indicated on drawings. Coordinate installation and spacing with plumbing fixture layout. I. Adjust hardware for proper operation after installation. J. Set hinge cam on in-swinging doors to hold doors open when unlatched. K. Set hinge cam on out-swinging doors to hold unlatched doors in closed position. L. Coordinate installation of washroom accessories on partitions with Section 10800. CLEANING A. Proceed in accordance with Section 01740 -Cleaning. B. On completion and verification of performance of installation, remove surplus materials, excess materials, rubbish, tools and equipment. C. Clean all exposed surtaces of compartments, hardware, and fittings. End of Section 09040-~ 0760 wptl ' DIVISION 10 SECTION 10800 WASHROOM ACCESSORIES Page 1 ' PART 1 : GEN ERAL GENE RAL REQUIREMENTS 1.01 ' A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Rough Carpentry Section 06100 ' B. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 C. Masonry Section 04200 D. Gypsum Wallboard Section 09250 E. Compartments and Cubicles Section 10160 F. Miscellaneous Specialties Section 10950 G. Electrical Division 26 1.03 REFE RENCES A. ASTM A167, Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip. ' B. ASTM A525M, Specification for General Requirements for Steel sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip Process . C. ASTM A526M, Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip ' Process, Commercial Quality. D. ASTM 6456, SpecificationforElectrodepositedCoatingofCopperPlusNickelPlusChromium and Nickel Plus Chromium. E. CAN/CGSB-1.81, Air Drying and Baking Alkyd Primer for Vehicles and Equipment. F. CAN/CGSB-1.88, Gloss Alkyd Enamel, Air Drying and Baking. G. CAN/CGSB-12.5, Mirrors, Silvered. H. CGSB 31-GP-107M, Non-inhibited Phosphoric Acid Base Metal Conditioner and Rust ' Remover. I. CAN/CSA-G164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. J. CAN/CSA-B651, Barrier-Free Design. ' K. Canadian Electrical Code 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make Submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit shop drawings and/or manufacturers' data sheets. ' C. Indicate size and description of components, base material, surface finish inside and out, hardware and locks, attachment devices, description of rough-in-frame, building-in details of anchors for grab bars. D. Submit samples of washroom accessories, finishes and fastening devices when requested ' by the Consultant. Samples will be returned for inclusion in the work. E. Submit templates or printed instructions to other trades responsible for preparing for built in or wall mounted items. Include instructions for mounting recessed items. F. Submit wiring diagrams for electric hand dryers. ' 09040-'108 00 wpd DIVISION 10 SECTION 10800 _ WASHROOM ACCESSORIES Pa e 2 , G. At completion of project submit three copies of manufacturer's product data sheets showing 1 size, capacity, and operating instructions and maintenance data for each product specified herein, for inclusion in Operations and Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. ' 1.05 WARRANTY ' , A. Submit manufacturer s standard warrantees for each item specified, including ten (10) year warrantee for glass mirrors. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. Products specified are used forthe purpose of establishing quality. Approved equal products of the following manufacturers will be accepted: 1. Bobrick Washroom Equipment of Canada 2. Frost 3. Twin-Cee Limited 4. Watrous Sales Inc. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Sheet steel: commercial quality to ASTM A52iiM with ZF001 designation zinc coating. B. Stainless steel sheet metal: to ASTM A167, Type 304, with No. 4 finish. C. Stainless steel tubing: Type 304, commercial grade, seamless welded, 18 gauge (1.2 mm) wall thickness. D. Fasteners: concealed screws and bolts hot dip galvanized, non-corroding, tamper proof, exposed fasteners to match face of unit. Expansion shields fibre, lead or rubber as recommended by accessory manufacturer for component and its intended use. E. Provide all necessary fasteners, mounting plates and accessories recommended and provided by the manufacturer, for a complete installation. 2.03 EQUIPMENT A. Surtace-mounted hand dryer shall be removed and replaced as required to pertorm the work. All wiring, mounting, painting etc is the responsibility of the contractor. B. Accessories Schedule: 1. Toilet Tissue Dispenser Owner supplied, Contractor Installed. 2. Barrier Free Toilet Grab Bar 1 Bobrick B-5806.99 x 24 32 mm dia. Peened finish clw mounting kits. 3. Barrier Free Toilet Grab Bars 2 (L- Bobrick 816722.99 shaped) 32 mm dia. Peened fnish Gw mounting kits. 09040-10600.wp0 1 u L u t DIVISION 10 SECTION 10800 WASHROOM ACCESSORIES Page 3 4. Feminine Napkin Disposal Bobrick B-254 surface mounted Frost 622 surface mounted Bradley 4781-15 surface mounted. 5. Frameless Mirror Refer to Section 08800 6. Liquid Soap Dispenser Owner supplied, Contractor Installed. 7. Stainless Steel Clothes Hook Bobrick B-233 8. Recessed Waste Receptacle Bobrick B-3944 9. Surface Mounted Hand Dryer Owner supplied, Contractor Installed. 10. Surface Mounted Waste Receptacle Bobrick B-279 11. Stainless Steel Mirror Bobrick B-1556 2436 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Washroom accessories and fasteners shall be fabricated to permit strong, concealed fastening to the respective surfaces. B. Weld and grind joints of fabricated components flush and smooth. Use mechanical fasteners only where approved. C. Wherever possible form exposed surfaces from one sheet of stock, free of joints. D. Brake form sheet metal work with 1.5 mm radius bends. E. Form surfaces flat without distortion. Maintain flat surfaces without scratches or dents. F. Back paint components where contact is made with building finishes to prevent electrolysis. G. Hot dip galvanize concealed ferrous metal anchors and fastening devices to CSA G164. H. Shop assemble components and package complete with anchors and fittings. I. Deliver inserts and rough-in frames to job site at appropriate time for building-in. Provide templates, details and instructions for building in anchors and inserts. J. Providesteelanchorplatesandcomponentsforinstallationonstuddingandbuildingframing. 09040-10800 wpd . i DIVISION 10 ' SECTION 10800 WASHROOM ACCESSORIES Page 4 ' 3.02 FINISHES A. Stainless steel surfaces shall have bright polished finish unless otherwise noted. ' B. Grab bars shall have peened finish. ' C. Chrome and nickel plating: to ASTM 8456, satin finish. D. Manufacturers or brand names on face of units not acceptable. , 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Locate washroom accessories at mounting heights recommended by the manufacturer, and t in accordance with CAN/CSA-B651 unless indicated otherwise. B. Install washroom accessories securely with the concealed fasteners supplied by the respective accessory manufacturer in accordance with recommendations of the ' manufacturers. C. Install and secure accessories rigidly in place as follows: 1. Stud walls: install steel backplate to stud prior to plaster or drywall finish. Provide ' plate with threaded studs or plugs. 2. Hollow masonry units or existing plaster/drywall: use toggle bolts drilled into cell/wall cavity. , 3. Solid masonry, or concrete: use boltwith lead expansion sleeve set into drilled hole. 4. ToileUshower compartments: use male/female through bolts. D. Installation of electric hand dryers shall be in accordance with the requirements of the ' Canadian Electrical Code. Coordinate with Division 16. E. Install accessories supplied by Owner or Owners sanitary services supplier. ' 3.04 SCHEDULE A. Install washroom accessories at locations and in quantities indicated on the drawings. ' End of Section 09040-10600 wpd ' DIVISION 10 SECTION 10950 ' MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES Page 1 ' 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Finish Carpentry Section 06200 ' B. Cabinetwork Section 06410 C. Hollow Metal Doors, Frames and Screens Section 08100 D. Finishing Hardware Section 08710 E. Glazing Section 08800 F. Compartments and Cubicles Section 10160 G. Lockers Section 10500 H. Washroom Accessories Section 10800 ' I. Foot Grilles and Mats Section 12690 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit detailed shop drawings and where applicable complete colour charts or colour t samples for each item specified herein. C. Submit manufacturers preprinted technical literature for pre-manufactured products. ' D. Submit samples of metal finishes when requested by the Consultant. E. Submitoperatingandmaintenanceinstructionsforallmanufacturedproductsandspecialties, ' for inclusion in the Maintenance Manuals specified in Section 01780. 1.04 DELIVERY HANDLING AND STORAGE ' A. Deliver, store, handle and protect materials in accordance with manufacturer's printed directions. ~ B. Protect finished surfaces during shipment and installation. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND FABRICATION A. Items specified herein shall be standard manufactured items, modified if required and as ' specified to suit conditions of this project. B. Fabricate work true to dimensions, square and plumb, to suit site conditions. C. Thickness of metals shall be adequate for the various conditions with requirements specified as a minimum. ' D. Finished work shall be free from warping, open seams, weld marks, rattles and other defects. Drilling shall be reamed and exposed edges finished smooth. ' 09040-10950.wpd DIVISION 10 SECTION 10950 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES Page 2 E. Fastenings shall be concealed or theft-proof type where possible. Exposed fastenings shall be neatly executed and shall be of the same material and finish as the base metal on which they occur. Clear Anodic Finish: For work specified to have clear anodic finish, provide an AA-M12C22A31 finish, unless otherwise specified, in accordance with AA DAF-45 and AA SAA-46. 2.02 PRODUCTS A. Door Grilles: Construction Specialties Inc. Model DL-138. All blades, frames and trim members to be 6063-TS2 aluminum extrusion, minimum 1.3 mm thick. All fasteners to be stainless steel or aluminum. All frames and trim members to be mitred at corners and rigidly secured by corner brackets. Finish to be clear anodized. 1. Acceptable manufacturer's: McGill, E.H. Price, Ten Plus, Airolite. K.N. Crowder B. Parking Signs: Heavy-duty, 2.0 mm thick aluminum signs and sign posts to Municipal standards. Reflective Aluminum (RA) -engineer-grade reflective sign face designed to provide increased visibility in low-light conditions with UV-resistant inks to prevent fading during long-term outdoor use. Supplied with top and bottom center holes for post- or fence-mounting and galvanized steel post. Symbols and markings as indicated. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install manufactured items in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions and recommendations. B. Supply door grilles to sizes indicated. Installation by Division 6. C. Install parking signs in accordance with Municipal guidelines. End of Section osoao-iosso.wpd I~ DIVISION 12 SECTION 12690 FOOT GRILLES AND MATS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1. 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Cast-In-Place Concrete Section 03300 B. Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile Section 09310 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASCE 7-Building Code Requirements for Minimum Design Loads in Buildings and other Structures. B. ASTM 8221, Aluminum -Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Shapes and Tubes. C. ASTM 8209, Aluminum -Alloy Sheet and Plate. D. ASTM D-2047, Static Coefficient of Friction. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. CI B. Shop Drawings: Indicate rail configuration, supports, frame profiles, locations, dimensions and installation details C. Samples: Provide two (2) sets of colour samples representing manufacturers full range. D. Installation instructions for each specified product. E. Submit manufacturer's maintenance data in the farm of printed instructions for cleaning and maintaining floor grilles, for inclusion in Operation and Maintenance Manuals specified in section D1780. 1.05 PERFORMANCE A. Slip resistance in accordancewith ASTM D-2047, Static Coefficientof Friction, minimum 0.60 for accessible routes when tested in wet conditions. B. Deflection under live load: Design foot grilles to support a minimum uniform load of 1.7 kN applied over a 100 mm square surface with a maximum deflection of 11180. C. Rolling Load Performance: 400 Ib./wheel. D. Flammability: in accordance with ASTM E648, Class 1, Critical Radiant Flux, minimum 0.45 wattslcm2. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Single Source Responsibility: Obtain foot grilles and frames from one source of a single manufacturer. 09040-12690.wpd DIVISION 12 , SECTION 12690 FOOT GRILLES AND MATS Pape 2 ' 1.07 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials to the project site ready for use and fabricated in as large sections and ' assemblies as practical, in unopened original factory packaging clearly labelled to identify manufacturer. 1.08 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field measurements: check actual openings for foot grilles by accurate field measurements before fabrication. Record actual measurements on final shop drawings. B. Coordinate frame installation with concrete construction to ensure recess and frame ' anchorage are accurate. Defer frame installation until building enclosure is complete and related interior finish work is in progress. PART 2: PRODUCTS , 2.01 GENERAL A. Items specified herein shall be standard manufactured items, modified if required and as specified to suit conditions of this project. B. Foot grilles shall be Pedigrid G1IM/PA/LB recess mounted, abrasive tread as manufactured ' by Construction Specialties Inc., Mississauga, Ontario. C. Equivalent productsofthefollowingmanufacturersareapproved,subjecttocompliancewith the minimum levels of material and detailing specified herein: , 1. M.W. McGill 2. Pawling Corp. 3. Grillage Bolar (Canada) Inc. 4. K.N. Crowder. ' D. Floor Grid: G1- Pedigrid, extruded 6105-T5 aluminum alloy tread rails joined mechanically by extruded T6061-T6 aluminum alloy key lock bars. Welding or bolting is not permitted. E. Tread:PA-Poured Abrasive, factory bonded, two part epoxy containing aluminum oxide grit. F. Colour shall be selected by the Consultant from full range of manufacturer's standards. ' Treads shall be locked into 6063-T5 aluminum alloy, continuously hinged tread rails, at 38.1 mm c/c. G. Grid Frame: L6-Level Base Frame, 6063-T5 alloy continuous extruded aluminumframewith ' 13 mm exposed surtace and depth of 46 mm complete with manufacturers standard anchors, fasteners. Provide6 mm thick heavygauge supportcushions 25 mm long mounted tc each continuous foot at 510 mm c/c. Frame in contact with concrete to be primer coated. ' 2.02 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B 221, alloy 6105-T5 Alloy for rail extrusions and 6061-T6 for , key lock bars. ossao-izsso.wpd ' DIVISION 12 SECTION 12690 FOOT GRILLES AND MATS Pa e 3 2.03 FINISHES A. All exposed aluminum surfaces to be mill finish. 2.04 FABRICATION A. Fabricate foot grilles in maximum practical sizes. Field splices shall be kept to a minimum. Where necessary, centre all splices between doors. B. Fabricate work true to dimensions, square and plumb, to suit site conditions C. Accurately and rigidly fittogetherjointsandcorners. Ensure continuity, with connections that are flush, minimal and weatherproof. Frame corners to be mitered. D. Assemble frame and supports to maintain weight load requirements. Grilles to be built in section no greater than 1220 mm x 1220 mm. E. Thickness of metals shall be adequate for the various conditions with requirements specified as a minimum. F. Maintain spacing between rails at maximum 4.76 mm. G. Finished work shall be free from warping, open seams, weld marks, rattles and other defects. Drilling shall be reamed and exposed edges finished smooth. H. All fastenings and anchors shall be concealed and corrosion resistant. I. Surfaces in contact with masonry to be corrosion coated. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine areas and conditions under which work is to be performed and identify conditions detrimental to proper or timely completion. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. B. Verify that surfaces and openings are ready to receive work and field measurements are as shown on drawings, allowing for square and level tolerances. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Provide templates and inserts for casting into concrete, in sufficient time to ensure a proper installation. 3.03 I NSTAL LAT I O N A. Install foot grilles in accordance with shop drawings and manufacturers printed instructions and recommendations. B. Coordinate installation method with application of surrounding materials. C. Clean all components thoroughly before installation. 09040-12690 wptl DIVISION 12 SECTION 12690 FOOT GRILLES AND MATS Page 4 D. Remove debris from recesses to receive frames; sweep recesses clean. E. Install grilles with treads at right angles to traffic flow. F. Coordinate top of grid surfaces with bottom of doors that swing across to provide ample clearance between door and maUgrid. 3.04 A. After completing required frame installation and concrete work, provide temporary filler of plywood for fibreboard in recesses, and cover frames with plywood protective flooring. Maintain protection until construction traffic has ended and Project is neartime of Substantial Performance. B. Defer installation of floor mats/grids until time of Substantial Performance. 3.05 CLEANING A. Clean tread insert surface and recessed well immediately prior to Substantial Performance. End of Secticn osoao-i2esawpd LJ 1 CJ 1 DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Pa e 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Concrete Section 033D0 B. Athletic Rubber Tile Section 09670 C. Electric Vertical Lift Gates Section 13185 1.03 REFERENCES A. The Ontario Building Code B. CSA CAN3-S157, Strength Design in Aluminum. C. CAN3-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. D. CAN3-S136, Cold Formed Structural Steel Members. E. CAN/CSA-G164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. F. CSA W59.2, Welded Aluminum Construction G. CAN/CGSB-1.40, Primer, Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd Type. H. CAN/CGSB-1.108, Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. I. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. J. CAN/CGSB-12.1, Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass. K. CGSB 19.13-M Sealing Compound, One Component, Elastomeric Chemical Curing. L. ASTM6221,StandardSpecificationforAluminumandAluminumAlloyExtrudedBars,Rods, Wire Profiles and Tubes. M. ASTM 6429, Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube. N. Canadian Standards Association. O. Canadian Electrical Code. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Submit complete set of manufacturer's standard specifications, installation instructions and details for dasherboard systems including promotional literature. Include list of similar projects utilizing similar board systems and completed within last ten years including current references. C. Submit complete list of materials and products to be used in the construction of dasher board systems and indicate clearly, any deviation from the specified requirements. D. Shop drawings shall bear the seal of a professional engineer licenced to design structures in the Province of Ontario. E. Submit layout ofthe ice surtace showing dasherboards, size and location of doors and gates, players and penalty boxes, removable panels and glass shields. Indicate locations of goal frame inserts. Show and describe in detail all components of the work of this Section including large scale details of members and materials, of connection and jointing details and of anchorage devices. 09040~t3180.Wpd DIVISION 13 ' SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 2 G. Submit a dimensioned layout drawing showing location of floor inserts, anchors and base plates to be set into concrete slabs by this Section. ' H. Submit calculations certified by the professional engineer affixing seal to the shop drawings substantiating sizes for members and connections based on the design loads, before commencing fabrication. I. Submit duplicate 300 x 300 mm samples of each colour of plastic surfacing materials. J. Submit a copy of the pre-installation survey for the rink surface, signed by an Ontario Land , Surveyor. K. Operating and Maintenance Data: Submit operating instructions and maintenance manuals ' for installed system outlining all required maintenance and cleaning procedures in accordance with the requirements of Section 01780. 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION , A. Dasherboard system shall be Pro Series dasherboards by Sports Systems Unlimited/Athletica or approved equivalent. ' B. Alternate Price: Where indicated in the tender form provide an Alternate Price to supply and install Pro-XL Seamless Series by Sports Systems/Athletica or approved equivalent in lieu of Pro Series specified. , C. Complete panelized arena board system of prefabricated lightweight removable modular panel sections having structural aluminum framing of welded or screwed construction, and high density polyethylene facing. Panelized sections shall be 1219 mm high and not more than 2438 mm long with caprail, kickplate, ice dams and thresholds. D. Dasher boards shall be installed on 12 mm thick continuous HDPE thermal bridge to isolate , metal and concrete surfaces. Material shall be same width as board system. E. Dasher board system shall be installed on the refrigerated rink slab surface. , F. Removable board sections where indicated complete with ice dams. G. Player, penalty and timekeepers boxes with glass surrounds, benches, shelves and raised ' floors. H. Rubber mat flooring in players, penalty ad timekeepers benches. ' I. Tempered safety glass arena shields: Seamless Glass Arena Glazing Shields. J. Hardware and accessories including anchor brackets. ' K. Gates and hardware. L. Electric vertical lift gates specified under Section 13185. , M. Benches at players, timekeepers and penalty boxes. N. Timekeepers bench and shelf. 09040-13180 wptl , ' DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 ' DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 3 O. Anchor bolt system for securing to refrigerated rink slab. ' bli i d rt f P. assem es. ng an suppo Nylon mesh sa ety nett Q. Ice slab inserts for goal frames (hockey and lacrosse). 1.06 DESI GN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Arena board systems shall be manufacturer's premium quality system. B. Arena board systems shall be to sizes as indicated on the drawings. ' C. There shall be no gaps in the dasherboard system sufficiently excessive to act as "stick traps" or "finger traps'. The maximum gaps exposed to the playing side of the dasherboard system shall be no greater than 4 mm. ' D. The work of this Secticn shall be designed by a professional engineer licenced in the Province of Ontario to design structures. E. Design of glass shields at spectator viewing areas shall be in accordance with horizontal and vertical loading requirements of the Ontario Building Code. ' F. Design aluminum members in accordance with CAN3-S157. G. Design loadings (Specified): ' 1. Concentrated load P= 2.7 kN applied at mid span of top rail (i.e. top of arena board assembly). 2. Uniformly distributed load of P= 2.7 kN applied along top rail. 3. Uniformly distributed load of 4.8 kPa applied across the entire face of the arena board. H. Design Loads (Alternate Price): ' 1. Concentrated load P = 3.6 kN applied at mid span of top rail (i.e. top of arena board assembly). 2. Uniformly distributed load of P = 3.6 kN applied along top rail. 3. Uniformly distributed load of 4.8 kPa applied across the entire face of the arena ' board. I. Member Resistances (Factored): ' 1. Axial Resistance: (1) Tension: T,= A,,.FY;T,=85 A,,.F„ (2) Compression: C,= A.F~ 2. Shear Resistance: (1) V, = 0.60 Aw-F~; 0.60 Aw.Fy; hNWR ' 3. Moment Resistance: (1) M, = S.FY (Class 2 Sections). ' osana-isieo wPa DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 4 ' 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE , A. System manufacturer shall have a minimum 5 years experience in the manufacture, design ' and installation of aluminum dasherboard systems. B. Installation of complete dasherboard system shall be by manufacturer's own farces. ' C. A copy of the manufacturers printed installation instructions shall be kept on site for the duration of the work of this Section. D. Pre-Installation Conference: Arrange for apre-installation conference, including Contractor, Consultant, Owner, and the dasher board system manufacturer and installer to coordinate the design and installation of the dasher board system. E. Welding shall be performed by trades persons certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau under CSA Standard W47.1. 1.08 DELIVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials to site in crates, with all seals and labels intact. Identify all materials with regards to locations and orientation. B. Store materials, under cover, in designated area on site. C. Store tempered glass arena shields vertically, on wood sleepers. Protect glass from work of other trades. 1.09 SITE CONDITIONS A. Permanent lighting and power shall be installed and functional. B. All overhead work is to be complete prior to the work of this Section commencing. C. Perimeter apron slabs and ice surface slabs are to be in place prior to the work of this Section commencing. Verify tolerance requirements of systems manufacturer have been met and report any discrepancies to the Consultant. D. Pre-Installation Survey: During and upon completion of apron slab construction, and prior to installation of the rink board anchor bolts, retain the services of a registered Ontario Land Surveyor to verify all dimensions and radii of refrigerated ice slab surface and apron slab. Make adjustments as necessary to eliminate or conceal gaps and similar defects. Provide remedial details for review and acceptance when requested by the Consultant. Refer to Section 01450. E. Environmental Requirements: Ensure that installation takes place only when temperatures and other conditions are suitable for a safe and proper installation. F. Field Measurements: Site verifydimensionsofexistingrinksurface.Verifylocationandlayout of arena gates, to align with aisles where required. Final arena board anchor insert locations shall be co-ordinated between Contractor, manufacturer, and ice floor installer. osoao-i 3i eo wpd 1 1 ~J 1 DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Paqe 5 1.10 MOCK UP A. Supply and install a mock up of the arena board system consisting of one flat section, 2440 mm long minimum, complete with glass shield supports, glass and coloured trim. B. Accepted mock up shall represent the standard of quality for the remainder of the arena board system work. 1.11 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Supply, in addition to the quantities required for the Work, extra materials and products for the Owner's future use as follows: 1. 1 Glass storage Dolly. 2. 2 Typical glazing panel 13 mm thick, side board section 3. 2 Typical glazing panel 15 mm thick, end board section. 4. 2 Typical glazing panel 15 mm thick, curved end board section. 5. 2 Typical HDPE Panel, side board section. 6. 2 Typical HDPE Panel, end board section 7. 2 Typical HDPE Panel, curved end board section. 8. Two Hundred (200) additional painted screws of each colour required for fastening of HDPE facing materials 9. 5m2 additional rubber floor matting. B. Deliver extra stock to Owner in cartons clearly labelled to identify contents as soon as permanent locking storage facilities are available. Place extra stock in designated storage areas. 1.12 WARRANTY A. Guarantee that the entire work of this Section shall remain free from defects in materials and workmanship including warping, twisting, de-lamination, cracking, sagging of gates and other defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Pertormance. Glass breakage is excluded. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. The following manufacturers of aluminum dasher board systems are acceptable subject to approval of complete product specifications and details for manufacturer's premium system and on receipt of project references satisfactory to the Owner and Consultant: 1. Sports Systems Unlimited Corp/Athletica. 2. Raita Sport 3. Aimcon Inc. 4. Riley Manufacturing. 5. Other manufacturers, meeting the requirements of this specification and complying with all provisions of the contract, approved by the Consultant prior to close of tenders. B. Use of specific requirements set forth in the specification does not preclude the use of equivalent products by approved manufacturers, but are given for the purpose of establishing a standard of design, quality of materials, product content, construction and workmanship. 09040-13180 wptl DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 6 2.02 MATERIALS A. Aluminum Extrusions: CSA CAN3-S157 or ASTM 6221, 6065-T5 or 6005A-T6. alloy and temper. B. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): High impact, integrally coloured, high density polyethylene, bright white and other colours as specified. C. Tempered Safety Glass: CAN/CGSB-12.1, Type 2, clear, colourless, fully toughened, heat tempered safety glass. Tempered glass material shall come from same tempering furnace and shall be tempered to minimize distortion. Roll wave distortion shall not exceed 0.127 mm from peak to valley. D. Hardware: Stainless or galvanized mild steel. E. Fasteners: Zinc plated steel unless indicated otherwise. F. Anchors: Zinc plated steel. G. Sealants: to CGSB 19.13-M Sealing compound, low VOC type, one component, elastomeric chemical curing. 2.03 FABRICATION A. As far as practical, execute fitting and assembly in the shop with the various parts or assemblies ready for erection at the project site. B. Accurately fit together all joints, corners and intersections. Match components carefully to produce continuity of line and design. C. Provide devices for anchoring the assemblies to the substrate with adjustment to permit correct and accurate alignment. D. Fabricate anchoring devices required to secure the work of this Section. Supply anchors and layout drawings where required to be built into work of other Sections. E. System components shall be numbered for ease of installation, disassembly and reinstallation. 2.04 ARENA PANELS A. Arena panels shall be factory prefabricated in demountable sections. The design of all panels whether straight, curved or in which a gate is located shall be similar. Each panel shall be made of extruded or rolled aluminum sections assembled into frames using high strength fasteners or welded joints. Frames shall allow for fastening of the HDPE facing and anchoring at base. Ensure flush mating of the HDPE facing at arena panel joints. B. Typical sections shall consist of two vertical posts and minimum of three horizontal stringers. Frames shall be connected end to end with heavy duty bolts and shall be connected to rink slab concrete structure at the posts with aluminum anchor brackets. C. Aluminum sections shall be isolated from the concrete slab with a continuous strip of 12 mm thick HDPE facing material, full width of dasher board. osoao-~ also wPd DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 7 ' ' D. Standard size of straight arena panels shall be 2438 mm long, 1220 mm high. E. The ice rink side of the arena panel shall be faced with 12 mm thick, high impact, integrally coloured white high density polyethylene (HDPE) facing. Both sides of the arena facing shall have smooth surfaces. Colour of arena facing shall be identical on both sides. F. HDPE facing shall be attached to the arena board framing with 6 mm diameter screws. Heads of screws shall be painted to colour match arena facing, kickplate or caprail sill as appropriate. Spacing of the screws shall not exceed 200 mm on centre. G. Colour extensions of red and blue lines shall be coloured HDPE strips inlaid flush to the HDPE ' facing and inlaid flush to the HDPE kickplate in conformance with NHL layout requirements. H. Provide a 12 mm thick colour impregnated HDPE caprail fastened to top horizontal framing member. Both edges of caprail shall have a smooth and radiused edge. ' I C l f il h ll b l t d fr f t ' t d d l . our o capra s a e se ec e om manu ac urer an o s s ar co our range. 2.05 PLAYER'S, PENALTY AND TIMEKEEPERS BOXES AND BENCHES A. Boxes shall consist of arena board enclosures similar to rink arena boards ' B. Provide two team boxes, two penalty boxes and one timekeeper's area. C. Interior f Wish of boxes shall be of similar construction as ice-side of arena boards, utilizing 10 mm thick white HDPE. Framing shall be similar construction as arena boards. Install 10 mm thick white HDPE Flush to top of mid stringer height to act as a water bottle shelf. D. Players boxes, penalty boxes and access gates shall be as indicated. E Officials box and access ates shall be as indicated . g . F. Scorers table shall be 450 mm deep for the full width of the box and constructed of minimum 30 mm thick solid or laminated HDPE surfacing material. Wood tables are not permitted. G. Benches shall be a nominal 250 mm deep and 500 mm above finished floor level. Bench supports shall be of a 6 mm steel base plate with 75 mm x 75 mm steel post which is easily ' removed at a maximum of 1200 mm O.C. Benches shall be fabricated from 38 mm x 238 mm solid or laminated white HDPE surfacing material. Wood benches are not permitted. ' H. Raised Floors: Provide manufacturer's standard raised floor assemblies behind players benches. Floors shall be 200 mm above surtace of apron slab. Provide raised coaches platform behind players bench, 200 mm above floor of players bench. ' 2.06 SPECTATOR SHIELDING SUPPORTS A. Spectator shielding system shall be PRO Series as manufactured by Sports Systems Unlimited ' or approved equivalent. 09040-13t80.wptl DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 8 B. Provision for attachment of shielding glazing to the vertical supports shall be by means of an extruded anodized aluminum shield support. The aluminum support shall run continuously to within 305 mm of the top of the glazing, an adjustable extruded anodized aluminum face plate shall slot into aluminum support and fastened with the 6 mm countersunk screws. Two piece shield system shall include EPDM gaskets inserted into both the aluminum supportand aluminum faceplate to securely hold the shield. C. The shield support system shall facilitate the replacement of shields from the ice side without requiring additional support or securement of the adjacent shields. D. The aluminum shield support shall be installed through a snug fitting contoured opening in the finished caprail and through a snug fitting contoured opening in the top of the mid-stringer. E. Shielding and supports shall be designed for easy removal for events when arena boards shall remain in place but shielding and shielding supports are to be removed. 2.07 SPECTATOR SHIELDING SUPPORTS (ALTERNATE PRICEI: A. Spectator shielding system shall be PRO-XL Seamless Glass Series as manufactured by Sports Systems Unlimited/Athletics or approved equivalent. B. Shielding shall be designed for easy removal for events when arena boards will remain in place but shielding is to be removed. C. Glass shall be rigidly retained along the bottom edge, with no less than 114 mm extended into the top rail of the arena board framing. The glass shall be anchored in place by a positive vise-type gripping mechanism to secure glass in the glazing rebate. Loosely fitting glass will not be acceptable. Provide adequate venting on the underside, to allow for proper cleaning of the glass retaining channels, should breakage occur. D. Top corner retainers shall be designed to remain on during play. The retainers shall be easily removed to allow for replacement of glass. The glass shall not come into contact with any metal parts which may cause breakage. E. The shield support system shall facilitate the replacement of shields from the ice side without requiring additional support or securement of the adjacent shields. F. Anodized aluminium glass supports shall be used at all gate locations. 2.08 SPECTATOR SHIELDING GLAZING A. B. C. D. E. 09040-131 SO wpd Tempered Safety Glass: 12 mm thick at glass areas to 1800 mm height, and 16 mm thick at high glass areas above 1800 mm height. For seamless glass (Alternate Price) size shall not exceed 1800 mm in height or 2.30 m2 in area. Three edges of the tempered glass shall be seamed edges channel sides and flat ground on the top side, and the two top corners shall have a 12 mm radius. The glazing shall be mounted in the middle of the caprail. Shielding shall be 1800 mm high at sides and ends as indicated on drawings. DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 9 F. Shielding shall be 1800 mm high between benches and public aisle ways as indicated on ' drawings. G. Shielding between timekeepers benches and penalty benches shall be 1220 mm high unless otherwise indicated. 2.09 GATES ' A. All gate sizes and direction of swing shall be as indicated on drawings. B. Standard access gates shall be built into standard 2440 mm sections. C. Players gates shall be built into standard 2440 mm sections. D. Gate latches shall be a single latch type with rink and spectator or bench side access. A flush mounted push-button latch shall be incorporated in the caprail on the ice entrance gates to the penalty boxes and ice access gates where shields would otherwise prevent latch operation. The button shall be approximately 75 mm in diameter. The push-button shall be designed to be simple to operate yet prevent accidental opening. E. Hinge assemblies shall be constructed of 6 mm stainless steel. The hinge pins shall be minimum 16 mm diameter. ' F. Oversized gates (larger than 914 mm in width) shall have rollers on leading edge to prevent sagging. ' G. Equipmentgatesshallbeelectricallyoperatedverticalliftgatesasspecifiedinsection13185. 2.10 KICKPLATES A. Kickplates shall be fabricated of 12 mm thick HDPE colour impregnated sheets in 200 mm x 2440 mm segments. The kickplate shall be fastened to the bottom of the arena panel using colour matched screws. B l f ki k l l C t h ll b t d f f t ' d d . our o p o c a e s a e se ec e rom manu ac urer s stan ar range of colours. ' 2.11 THRESHOLDS A. Player gates and access gate thresholds shall have a 25 mm thick white HDPE covering that can be removed and replaced when wearing occurs. ' B Thre holds of e ui m nt nd t h ll b 38 b i k l l . q p s e a access ga es s a e mm a ove r n eve . ' C. Thresholds of public skating gates shall be 63 mm above rink level. ' D. Thresholds of players gates shall be 63 mm above rink level. ' 2.12 BOARD ANCHORS A. All arena boards shall be tightly fastened to the refrigerated slab by means of zinc plated bolts. ' 09040-13180 wpd DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Pa a 10 ' B. Provide removable board sections as indicated with concealed or removable anchor bolts to ' allow access.Provide snap-in covers with flush tops to fill the anchors when the boards are removed. ' C. The dasher board manufacturer shall be responsible for supply, locating and installation of anchors. Provide shop drawings, which accurately locate all anchor points. ' D. Anchors shall be embedded in the rink slab flush or not exceeding 3mm below top of concrete. Mechanical removal of concrete to locate buried anchors shall not be permitted. ' E. The dasher board manufacturer shall have representative on site during the pouring of the refrigerated slab to ensure anchors are not damaged or moved during pouring and finishing of the refrigerated slab. ' 2.13 DAS HERBOARD PERIMETER ANGLES A. Supply and install continuous mill finish aluminum angle at perimeter base of dasherboard , system as detailed and as necessary to seal gap between rink slab and apron slab. B. Size of angle indicated on drawings is minimum size. Site measure and fabricate angles of adequate size to coverall gaps and conceal all insulation etc. between dasher board systems and concrete apron slab. 2.14 ACC ESSORIES , A. Shield Removal Devices: Supply three (3) suction cup type glass lifting tools to facilitate removal and installation of shield glazing units. ' B. Protective Netting: Black kevlar protective netting for ends and sides of ice rink where indicated. Netting to be attached using 3.0 mm stainless steel aircraft cable and turnbuckles. Top edge of netting shall be supported on 25mm diameter galvanized steel conduit running ' continuously above glass shields at locations indicated. Re-use of existing netting where available, is permitted. C. Goal frame inserts: Standard stainless steel frame inserts for setting in refrigerated ice slabs t shall be supplied and installed underthis Section. Coordinate with Division 3 and refrigeration equipment suppliers. Provide two pair of inserts. 2.15 RUBBER MAT FLOORING A. Rubber mat flooring in players, penalty and timekeepers bench shall be, 13 mm thick ' recycled rubber matting, colour black with longitudinal grooves at 19 mm centres on the underside for air circulation and as manufactured by Royal Mat Inc. or approved equivalent. 2.16 FINISHES , A. All aluminum sections shall have a manufacturer's standard anodized or mill finish. B. Anodizing shall be clear anodized finish equivalent to Aluminum Association designation AA , M12C22A31 with 0.0002 inch minimum coating thickness. 09040-13180.wptl 1 DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 ' DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Paqe 11 ' C. Plating: All precision ferrous hardware such as hinge pins, latches, casters, and miscellaneous nuts, bolts and fasteners shall be clear zinc electroplated or cadmium plated to allow for smooth operation. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION ' A. Before commencing erection and installation, examine the work of other Sections to which the work of this Section will be attached. B. Examine existing apron slabs where applicable. C. Report immediately in writing to the Consultant, all discrepancies in accuracy and suitability, conditions that will adversely affect the installation and permanency of the work of this ' Section. D. Ensure that openings and recesses to receive the work of this Section are within acceptable tolerances. Remove dust and other loose material from openings. 3.02 PRE PARATION ' A. Supply all anchors and similar items, required to be installed in the work of other Sections. Provide instruction for proper installation and arrangement. B. Setting of base plates shall be done under the direct supervision of a representative of the dasherboard manufacturer. Supply all necessary templates and instructions to ensure a satisfactory installation. The dasherboard manufacturershallberesponsibleforverifyingthe base plate layout on the concrete forms prior to pouring concrete. C. Space anchors at centres specified on the manufacturer's shop drawings. D. Setgoalframeinserts(hockeyandlacrosse)duringpreparationandexecutionofrefrigerated ' ' ice slab. Locate in accordance with Owner s requirements and to suit size of Owner's goal frames. 1 E Fabricate panelized dasher board sections off site. 3.03 INSTALLATION ' A. The finished rink shall have dimensions matching the existing rink surface. Site verify all dimensions including corner radii pior to preparation of shop and erection drawings. B. All dimensions shall be site verified prior to preparation of shop drawings. C. Install the arena board system in accordance with drawings and specifications. I D. Ensure a complete arena system with all arenas and spectator shielding straight and true to line and properly braced. Set work level, plumb, square and true with uniform joints. CJ 09040-13180.wpd DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 12 E. Fasten the work securely as erection progresses. Provide all units with suitable temporary braces, shores, and stays to hold them in position until permanently secured.The flat top surface of the sill and 50 mm down the face of the dasherboards on the spectator side shall be encased in 5.6 mm thick plastic material secured with colour matched fastenings. Colour of sill to Owner's selection. F. Install surfacing material to inside surfaces of players, penalty and timekeepers boxes, including gates. G. Install surfacing material on spectator side of arena boards, full or Y~ height as detailed, at all raised floors, bleachers, aisles and stairs. Install continuous aluminum angle trim at base to seal any gaps between floor and rink boards. H. All exposed edges of board surfacing materials shall be chamfered, rounded, ground or othervvise machined for safety. I. Adjust as necessary to ensure no openings or gaps in surfacing materials exceed 4.mm in width 3.04 PLAYER'S PENALTY AND TIMEKEEPER'S BOXES AND BENCHES A. Provide team boxes, penalty boxes and timekeeper's area and benches as specified and indicated on drawings. B. Provide raised floors in players benches, penalty boxes and timekeepers box, 200mm high. C. Provide additional raised platforms at coaches areas behind players benches with steps. D. Coordinate with Division 16, installation of wiring, conduit and devices for timekeepers areas. E. Install recycled rubber flooring in players, penalty and timekeepers benches in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.05 GATES A. Provide access gates as indicated on the drawings. B. Typical access gates shall be to sizes indicated.Fabricate gates with aluminum tubular framing similar to board sections. C. Bevel edge of gate and jamb at latch side of gate. Allow minimum 10 mm clearance. D. Dasherboardsystemsmanufacturerwillsupplyandinstallverticalliftgatesasspecifiedunder Section 13185. E. Install and adjust hardware. 3.06 SPECTATOR SHIELDING A. Layout glass shields to minimize number of sizes required. 09040-13180 wpd 1 DIVISION 13 SECTION 13180 _ DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Pa a 13 B. C Install aluminum support framing in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. S . pectator shielding glazing shall not be installed in front of team boxes. At shielding external corners on ice side, an easily replaceable protective corner bumper pad shall be provided for 1 full mullion height. D. Spectator shielding shall be installed behind, along side and in front of the penalty boxes. ' E. Spectator shielding shall be installed behind, along side and in front of the timekeeper's box. F. Install tempered glass shields into support system. Provide EPDM gaskets at all supports. G At timekee ers benches r vid l hi ld ith 83 " " . p , p o e g ass s e s w mm diameter speak holes , located 1680 mm above refrigerated slab surface on front panel and 1300 mm above floor slab on 3 side panels (penalty boxes). .07 PROTECTIVE NETTING A. Supply and install protective netting at side and ends of ice surface where indicated. Re-use existing netting where available. B. Suspend netting from aircraft cable attached securely to a continuous 25 mm diameter galvanized steel conduit suspended and braced rigidly from the building structure. Alternative methods of suspension are not acceptable. Netting shall be minimum 3050 mm above top of glass. Provide all necessary aircraft cable complete with turnbuckles to secure top rail. Secure bottom edge of netting to arena shields using manufacturer's standard clip assembly. 3.08 DASHERBOARD PERIMETER ANGLES A. Install continuous mill finish aluminum angle at perimeter base of dasherboard system as detailed. ' B. Anchor angle to the dasher board system to allow movement between rink slab and apron slab. C. Size of angle indicated on drawings is minimum size. Site measure and fabricate angles of adequate size to cover all gaps and conceal all insulation and gaps between dasher board systems and concrete apron slab. 3.09 SEALANT ~ A. Upon completion ofthe dasherboard installation, and prior to placement of ice surfaces, seal entire perimeter of dasherboards at base to prevent leakage. 3.10 ADJUSTING A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, inspect, test and adjust installation. B. Test all operable elements and ensure easy and smooth operation. 09040-t3180.wpd DIVISION 13 , SECTION 13180 DASHERBOARD SYSTEMS Page 14 ' 3.11 CLEAN UP A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, remove all scrap materials from the site and ' leave premises in a neat and tidy condition. B. Prior to Substantial Performance, wipe down plastic surfacing materials and clean all marks ' in accordance with the manufacturers directions. C. Clean glass in accordance with manufacturers directions. D. Provide protection to finisheddasherboardsystemuntilbuildingishandedovertotheOwner. Cover plastic board surfacing materials with heavy kraft paper. ' End of Section I I I I I I 11 09040-13180.wptl DIVISION 13 SECTION 13185 ' ELECTRIC VERTICAL LIFT GATES Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 G ENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 A Comply with the requirements of Division 1 1.02 RELATED WORK A. Concrete Section 03300 B. Metal Fabrications Section 05500 C. Dasherboard Systems Section 13180 1.03 REFERENCES A. CSA CANS-S157, Strength Design in Aluminum. B. CAN3-G40.21, Structural Quality Steels. C. CAN3-S136, Cold Formed Structural Steel Members. D. CAN/CSA S16.1, Limit States Design for Steel Structures. E. CAN/CSA-G164, Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped Articles. F. CSA W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding). G. CAN/CGSB-1.40, Primer, Structural Steel, Oil Alkyd Type. H. CAN/CGSB-1.108, Bituminous Solvent Type Paint. I. CAN/CGSB-1.181, Ready-Mixed Organic Zinc-Rich Coating. J. ASTM6221,StandardSpecificationforAluminumandAluminumAlloyExtrudedBars,Rods, Wire Profiles and Tubes. K. L. ASTM 6429, Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube. Canadian Standards Association. M. Canadian Electrical Code. N. ANSI/ALI Standard B153.1. i 1 04 SU BMITTALS . ' A. Make submittals in accordance with Section 01330. B. Shop drawings shall bearthe seal of a professional engineer licenced to design lifts and their structures in the Province of Ontario. C. Shop drawings shall show, in appropriate scale, dimensions, details of the vertical lift system. Steel columns, control power units, methods of anchoring, sizes of anchorage, overhead clearances, hardware, method of attachment of arena board surfacing, installation procedures, details ofother pertinent components ofthe work, and adjacent constructions to which the work of this Section will be attached. D. Submit layout of each lift gate showing location relative to ice surface and adjacent arena board systems. E. Submit a dimensioned layout drawing showing location of floor inserts, anchors and base plates to be set into concrete apron slabs by another Section. F. 09040-13185.wptl DIVISION 13 t SECTION 13185 ELECTRIC VERTICAL LIFT GATES Page 2 ' G. Submit calculations certified by the professional engineer affixing seal to the shop , drawings substantiating sizes for members and connections based on the design loads, before commencing fabrication. H. Submit specifications and wiring diagrams for electric lift gate operators. ' I. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit operating instructions and maintenance manuals for installed system outlining all required maintenance and cleaning , procedures in accordance with the requirements of Section 01780. 1.05 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Self supported steel columns 3658 mm high and steel anchor base plates with corrosion protection. B. Minimum lift width: 3658 mm. C. Aluminum framed gate assemblies with high density polyethylene (HDPE) surfacing. D. Arena Board brackets. E. Power and control units. F. Safety lock mechanisms. G. Chain operated manual hoist in event of power failure. 1.06 DES IGN AND PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS , A. Maximum weight of gate including shielding and supports: 1,000 kg. B. Standard clear lift height: 3048 mm. , C. Maximum time of ascent: 25 seconds. D. Maximum time of descent: 25 seconds. E. Power requirements: 220 volts single phase, 60 Hz at 25 amps. F. Motor size: 2 H.P. G. The work of this Section shall be designed by a professional engineer licenced in the province of Ontario to design structures. H. Design aluminum members in accordance with CAN3-S157. , I. Design steel structures in accordancewith CAN/CSA S16.1, Limit States Design for Steel Structures. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installation of complete vertical lift gate systems shall be by manufacturer's own ' forces. B. A copy of the manufacturers printed installation instructions shall be kept on site for the duration of the work of this Section. C. A copy of the manufacturers printed installation instructions shall be kept on site for the duration of the work of this Section. , D. System manufacturer shall have a minimum 5 years experience in the manufacture, design and installation of electric vertical lift gate systems. 09040-13185 wptl ' ' DIVISION 13 SECTION 13185 ELECTRIC VERTICAL LIFT GATES Paqe 3 E. Welding shall be pertormed by trades persons certified by the Canadian Welding Bureau under CSA Standard W47.1. F. Pre-Installation Conference: Arrange for apre-installation conference including Contractor, Consultant, Owner, electrical contractor and the vertical lift gate manufacturer and installer to coordinate the design and installation of the vertical lift gate systems for the satisfactory installation and operation of the system. G. Lift gates shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/ALI Standard B153.1. 1.08 DEL IVERY. HANDLING AND STORAGE A. Deliver materials to site in crates, with all seals and labels intact. Identify all materials with regards to locations and orientation. B. Store materials, under cover, in designated area on site. 1.09 SITE CONDITIONS ' A. Permanent lighting and power shall be installed and functional. B. Perimeter apron slabs and ice surface slabs are to be in place prior to the work of this Section ' commencing. Verify tolerance requirements of systems manufacturer have been met and report any discrepancies to the Consultant. C. All overhead work is to be complete prior to the work of this Section commencing. D. Environmental Requirements: Ensure that installation takes place only when temperatures and other conditions are suitable for a safe and proper installation. ' E. Field Measurements: Verify location and layout of electric vertical lift gates, to align with vehicle access aisles where required. Final anchor insert locations shall be co-ordinated between Contractor, manufacturer, and ice floor installer. 1.10 WAR RANTY ' A. Guarantee that the entire work of this Section shall remain free defects in material and workmanship, including warping, twisting, delamination, cracking, sagging of gates and other defects for a period of two (2) years from the date of Substantial Pertormance. ' B. Guarantee all electric operators and controls for lift gates for a period of five (5) years from the date of Substantial Pertormance. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS ' A. It is a mandatory requirement that all Electric Vertical Lift gates be supplied and installed by the same supplier as the dasher board systems specified in Section 13180. ' 09040-13185.wpd DIVISION 13 ' SECTION 13185 ELECTRIC VERTICAL LIFT GATES Page 4 2.02 MATERIALS Steel Columns and Cross Bracing: Self supported 6 mm CAN/CSA-G40.21, Type W steel A . of nominal 150 x 150 mm plan profile, welded to CANlCSA-W47.1 capable formed channel , of supporting the entire assembly at maximum design loading. Base plates to consist of 305 x 305 x 13 mm steel mounted to a 610 x 610 x 13 mm plate. Provide horizontal steel cross member at top of columns to maintain column width and support cross shaft bearing brackets. le with teel an l ' g ong s B. Guide Angle: Each column is to be equipped with a 125 x 125 x 500 mm 8 (eight) cam follower bearings. C. Locking Device: Electric solenoid actuated brake provided to reduce door coast. ' Electric Operator: Jackshaft Operator with 45:1 gear reduction using heavy-duty gears and D . special all climate synthetic gear oil for low temperature performance. Heavy-duty contactor; , hard wired with easily adjusted micro-switches for upper and lower limit setting. Motors shall be minimum 1 H.P. and shall have high efficiency rating. Drive System: Fully tapered vertical lift drums with 25 mm diameter drive shaft and 6 mm E . keyway. Provide piller block bearings with locks and grease fittings mounted at each end and Provide 5 mm diameter 7-7 construction zinc plated aviation cable. Auxiliary in centre . reduced drive chain hoist with electrically interlocked floor level disconnect for manual operation in the event of power failure. F. Counter Balance: 100,000 cycle double wound spring. G. Gate Frame: Gate frame to be similar to dasher board construction, utilizing 38 x 127 mm aluminum framing with brackets, HDPE facing, kickstrip and top sill. H. Control Operation: Remote disconnect by others. OPEN button, CLOSE button and Stop 1 button shall be mounted directly to the steel column at an accessible height for arena staff. Do not mount button in public access areas. CLOSE button shall require constant pressure ' to reduce risk of accidents during down operation. Friction clutch shall be provided to protect gate from damage should an obstruction be encountered. Install pressure switch full width of bottom edge of doorwhich will immediately stop operation and automatically reverse door, if in contact with any abject. ' I. Supply gates with remote radio control operators complete with all required transmitters and receivers. ' J. Lock System: Dead blow lock mechanism incorporated into each tower. Locks shall engage in the event of cable failure. Spring activated with rest position maintained by cable pressure. K. Aluminum Extrusions: ASTM B221, 6065-T5 alloy and temper. ' L. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE): High impact, integrally coloured, high density ' polyethylene, bright white and other colours to match dasherboard system as specified in Section 13180. M. Hardware: Stainless or galvanized mild steel. , 09040-13185 wpd LJ DIVISION 13 SECTION 13185 ELECTRIC VERTICAL LIFT GATES Page 5 ' N. Fasteners: Zinc plated steel unless indicated otherwise. O. Anchors: Zinc plated steel. ' 2.03 FABRICATION A. As far as practical, execute fitting and assembly in the shop with the various parts or ' assemblies ready for erection at the project site. B. Accurately fit together all joints, corners and intersections. Match components carefully to produce continuity of line and design. C. Provide devices for anchoring the assemblies to the substrate andstructureswithadjustment to permit correct and accurate alignment. Supply layout drawings where anchors are required to be built into work of other Sections. D. System components shall be numbered for ease of installation, disassembly and reinstallation. ' 2.04 FINISHES A. All aluminum shall be or mill finish or clear anodized to match dasher board system. Clear ' anodized coatings shall meet the requirements of Aluminum Association designation AA M12C22A31 0.0002 in. minimum coating thickness. B. Plating: All precision ferrous hardware shall be clearzinc electroplated or cadmium plated to allow for smooth operation. C. In preparation for painting of steel members, grind smooth all rough edges and welds and clean all surfaces to be painted. Prime coat using a zinc rich primer. D. Field touch-up all painted steel after final installation. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Before commencing erection and installation, examine the work of other Sections to which the work of this Section will be attached. B. Report immediately in writing to the Consultant all discrepancies in accuracy and suitability, conditions that will adversely affect the installation and permanency of the work of this t Section. C. Ensure that openings and recesses to receive the work of this Section are within acceptable tolerances. Remove dust and other loose material from openings. ' 3.02 PREPARATION ' A. Supply all anchors and similar items, required to be installed in the work of other Sections. ' osoao-iaias.wpd DIVISION 13 SECTION 13185 ELECTRIC VERTICAL LIFT GATES Page 6 , B Provide instruction for proper installation and arrangement. . C. Setting of base plates shall be done under the direct supervision of a representative of the , dasher board manufacturer. Supply all necessary templates and instructions to ensure a satisfactory installation. The dasher board manufacturer will be responsible for the base plate layout on the concrete forms prior to pouring concrete. ' D Space anchors at centres specified on the manufacturer's shop drawings. . E. Provide connection from local disconnect to lift gate operator panel. Disconnect to be ' supplied in accordance with local electrical codes. T ALLATION 3.03 INS A Install the electric vertical lift gate system in accordance with drawings, specifications . reviewed shop drawings, manufacturer's printed instructions and all applicable Codes ' including the Canadian Electrical Code. B. Electronic lift gate assemblies shall be completely compatible in all respects with dasher board systems. C Ensure a complete vertical lift gate system with all components straight and true to line and . properly braced. Set work level, plumb, square and true with uniform joints. t D Fasten the work securely as erection progresses. Provide all units with suitable temporary . braces, shores, and stays to hold them in position until permanently secured. 3.04 ADJUSTING A. Upon completion of the work of this Section, and in the presence of the owners , representative, inspect, test and adjust installation. B. Test all operable elements and ensure easy and smooth operation. ' C. Make provisions for alignment for lift gates when in closed position 3.05 CLEAN UP A. Keep installed work clean as work progresses. B C. Wipe down plastic surfacing materials and clean all marks in accordance with the manufacturers directions. Upon completion of the work of this Section, remove all scrap materials from the site and leave premises in a neat and tidy condition. End of Section 09040-13185.wptl i DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Municipality of Clarington 2276 Taunton Road Hampton, ON Tender: CL2010-1 VOLUME 2 OF 2 BAflHY•BFlYAN ASSOCIATES 11991) LIMITED Artalte[n, Enpineen, bn6ice0eArtaiM[r. Amlea Managers ~ ~1 ~ ~: 250 Waier Street Telephone: sos 666-5252 WAi[bY. Ontario Toronto: sus 427-4495 Canoda Fax: ws fi66-5256 ~~ L1NOG5 Emaa: bba®bba-arcnenappm Leading the Way Web Site: www.bba-archeng com Project No. 09040 February 16, 2010 DARLINGTON SPORT CENTRE ARENA RENOVATION CAARINGTON, ONTARIO MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION ISSUED FOR TENDER FEBRUARY 16, 2010 CROSSEY ENGINEERING LTD. Project No. 09064 u DIVISION 15 SECTION 15000 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 15000 Mechanical Specifications Table of Contents 15010 Mechanical General Provisions 15013 Mechanical Project Schedule Requirement 15050 Start Up, Performance Tests & Mechanical System Commissioning 15060 Hangers and Supports 15065 Work Within Existing Buildings 15070 V Belts and Guards 15075 Access Doors 15080 Thermometers and Pressure Gauges 15090 Identification ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 15100 Variable Frequency Drives 15125 Electrical Heating Equipment 15150 Electric Heat Tracing 15170 Motors and Wiring Methods SOUND, VIBRATION AND SEISMIC CONTROL 15240 Sound Attenuation 15241 Vibration Isolation MECHANICAL INSULATION 15260 Thermal Insulation for Piping ' 15270 Thermal Insulation for Ducting 15280 Thermal Insulation for Equipment FIRE PROTECTION 15305 Portable Fire Extinguishers PLUMBING 15411 Domestic Water Supply Piping -Ductile Iron and PVC 15412 Domestic Water Supply Piping -Copper 15413 Storm, Sanitary and Pumped Drainage Piping -Cast Iron, Copper 15415 Drainage & Vent Piping -Plastic 15430 Plumbing Specialties and Accessories 15440 Plumbing Fixtures and Trim 15452 Pumps -Plumbing 15455 Domestic Cold Water Storage Tanks 15460 Domestic Hot Water Heaters 15480 Domestic Water Treatment Package Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15000 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Paae 2 FUEL SYSTEMS 15551 Steel Piping, Valves & Fittings -Gas HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT 15621 Gas Fired Infrared Heaters HEAT TRANSFER PIPING AND ACCESSORIES 15707 Refrigeration AIR DISTRIBUTION 158D1 Ductwork -Low Pressure -Metallic 15811 Flexible Ductwork 15820 Duct Accessories 15825 Dampers -Balancing 15828 Acoustic Lining 15831 Commercial Fans 15832 Packaged Roof Exhausters 15842 Makeup Air Units -Gas heating, Dx Cooling 15851 Louvers, Intakes and Vents 15853 Dampers Operating 15854 Dampers -Fire 15855 Filters 15875 Grilles, Registers and Diffusers 15881 Breeching and Chimneys CONTROLS 15900 Control System SUB CONTRACTORS 15950 Testing, Adjusting & Balancing (TAB) SCHEDULES 15999 Table of Contents APPENDICES A Pre-Tender of Ice Rink Refrigeration System - END OF SECTION - Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~l D LJ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specifcation is an integral part of the Contract Documents and shall be read accordingly. B. The General Conditions of the Contract and all Sections of Division 0 and 1 -General Requirements shall be deemed to apply and be a part of this section of the specification as fully as if recited in full herein. They shall be read and fully adhered to by the contractor for Division 15. C. Section 15010, forms an integral part of the scope of work for the Division 15 Contract and will be referenced until completion of the contract. D. Throughout these mechanical specifications and associated drawings the following references shall be applied; 1 The term "By Others" noted within the mechanical documents shall mean work to be provided by the General Contractor and/or Owner. Howeverwithin his Bid, the Mechanical Contractor shall allocate the associated costs to provide assistance in the coordination, some field manpower, and offer his expertise to professionally execute the work. The final state of the work shall ensure it benefits the Owner and Consultants vision and the overall good for the project. 2 The term Mechanical Contractor or Contractor shall be used within the drawings and specifications. Read this to mean the Division 15's scope of work. 1.02 DIVISION 1 REFERENCE A. The following Division 1 Specification Sections are referenced in the Division 15 Specification: 1 Section N o. 2 Title 3 4 Instruction to Bidders and Tender Form 5 00400 6 Supplementary General Condition 7 01210 8 Allowances 9 13300 10 Submittal Procedures 11 01320 12 Construction Progress Documentation 13 01510 14 Temporary Utilities Darlington SpoRS Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 2 15 01520 16 Construction Facilities 17 01600 18 Products and Workmanship 19 01610 20 Common Product Requirements 21 01710 22 Examination and Preperation 23 01740 24 Cleaning 25 01770 26 Closeout Proceedures 27 01780 28 Closeout Submittals 29 02050 30 Demolition 31 02D80 32 Asbestos Abatement 33 02315 34 Excavation and Backfill 35 03100 36 Formwork 37 03200 38 Concrete Reinforcement 39 03300 40 Cast In Place Concrete 41 07270 42 Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals 43 07620 44 Metal Flashing and Trim 45 46 1.03 SUB CONTRACTORS TO DIVISION 15 A. Where identified, subcontractors have been named for specific sub contracts B. Sub Contractors for this project are: 1 The Air and Hydronic Balancing Contractor shall be one of the following: Design Test and Balance Pro Air VPG John Price Enterprises Clarke Balancing Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 u 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 2 The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all required test ports and assistance required by the Air and Hydronic Balancing Contractor. 3 The Controls Contractor shall be one of the following: TAC Controls Siemens 4 The refrigeration scope of work includes the supply and installation of the area refrigeration system. This scope of work was pretendered by the Owner and the Refrigeration Contractor (Subcontractor to the Division 15 Contractor) shall be Cimco Refrigeration. The amount to be carried for the refrigeration scope of work is included in the Tender Form, Part D, Pretendered Work. 1.04 INTENT 1.05 A. Bidders for work under this Division shall include for all labor, material, equipment and all other related cost including all applicable taxes and fees to provide the complete mechanical work specified in Division 15 and shown on the mechanical drawings, and all mechanical work noted in the specifications and shown on the drawings for other Divisions of this Contract as being the responsibility of Division 15. B. Misinterpretation of any requirement of the drawings and specifications will not relieve the Mechanical Subcontractor of responsibility to complete the specified work. If in any doubt, the Subcontractor shall contact the Consultant for written clarification prior to submitting a bid for the Work. C. The Division 15 Contractor shall assumefull responsibility for the entire mechanical installation noted in the specifications and drawings. Demarcation of the responsibilities among various mechanical sub trades shall be the sole responsibility of the Division 15 Contractor. A. The Mechanical Contractor to identify a separate line item within the Progress Draw labelled as "Interference Drawings" at a minimum of 0.2% of Contract Value. B. Provide information and cooperate with the General Contractor and Division 16 Contractor forthe preparation of interference drawings. General Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate the preparation of drawings for the Mechanical, Electrical and including all sub-contractors. C. Refer to Division 1 Section 01115 "General Instruction" and the requirements outlined in this item. D. All of the trades shall be responsible for coordinating with all other trades and divisions before interference drawings are prepared. ' Darlington $PORS Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 4 E. The General Contractor shall be responsible for submitting Interference drawings for this project. The interference drawings shall include the following: 1 All mechanical services. 2 All electrical services. 3 All fire protection services. 4 All structural elements shall be identified. F. The Division 15 Contractor shall prepare the interference drawings for all mechanical services and fire protection services taking into account all structural elements. The Division 16 Contractor shall also prepare electrical interference drawings that are coordinated with the mechanical / fre protection drawings. The Division 15 Contractor shall then incorporate the electrical interference drawings into the Mechanical interference drawings to provide one consolidated drawing that shows all services. Any remaining interterences shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. G. Interference drawings shall be prepared on AutoCAD 2008. H. The individual mechanical and electrical interference drawings and the consolidated interference drawings incorporating both trades shall be submitted to the Consultant for review on both a hard copy and CD Rom. 1. Interference drawings shall be provided to make clear the work intended or to show how it affects other trades. J. Interference drawings shall be provided to scale Y," = 1'-0" for the Mechanical Rooms. K. Interference drawings shall be provided to scale'/:' = 1'-0" for the following: 1 All Mechanical Rooms 2 Refrigeration Room 3 Additional interference drawings in various areas may be required and as requested by the consultant /Owner. L. Interference drawings shall also be provided for areas where there are potential conflicts in positioning the mechanical and electrical equipment, piping and cable trays/conduits. M. Coordinate with all other trades and divisions before interference drawings are prepared. Installed andJor fabricated services shall be modified, replaced, removed andJor relocated to suit the field conditions at no extra cost to the Owner due to the Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 I~ 'J 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS lack of coordination prior to fabricationlinstallation. N. For equipment substitutions a complete interference drawing of the area affected by the revision shall be provided by the Division 15 Contractor. O. If equipment is substituted a complete interference drawing of the area affected by the revision shall be provided. P. Interference drawings shall be provided showing both plan and sections and shall incorporate all services including ductwork, HVAC piping, plumbing and drainage, electrical conduit over 3" (75mm) and electrical cable trays. O. The Division 15 Contractor shall submit dimensioned sleeving drawings showing the location and dimension of sleeves through all floors and structural walls for review by the Mechanical and Structural Consultants. R. The Division 15 Contractor shall submit a plan layout showing all of the equipmentto be provided and the actual weights of the equipment for review as soon as possible after contrail award. The drawings shall also show areas where there are concentrated loads due to piping and equipment suspended from the roof or slab above. S. Installation of the Division 15 work shall not proceed until final interference drawings have been submitted. T. Should there be interterence between the Division 15 and Division 16 work a meeting shall be called within one (1) week of the discovery of the interterence to allow prompt remedial action to take place. 1.06 CONTRACT A. The mechanical drawings do not show all the Architectural and structural details, and any Specifications information involving accurate measuring of the building shall be taken from the building drawings or at the building. Make without additional charge, any necessary changes or additions to the runs of drains, pipes, ducts, etc., to accommodate the above conditions. The location of equipment may be altered without charge providing the change is made before installation and does not necessitate major additional material. The Architectural, Structural, and Electrical drawings may show details relevant to the mechanical systems and should be referred to equally with the Mechanical drawings. B. Wherever differences occur between plans and riser diagrams or schematics and drawings, the maximum conditions shall govern and the bid shall be based on whichever indicates the greater cost. C. Field verifications of dimensions on plans shall be made since actual locations, distances, and levels will be governed by actual field conditions. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS D. Discrepancies between different plans, or between plans and actual field conditions, or between plans and specifications shall promptly be brought to the attention of the Consultant for a decision. E. As the work progresses and before installing apparatus, equipment, fixtures and devices which may interfere with the interior treatment and use of the building orwith the work of other trades, provide interterence drawings and consult with the Consultant for instructions for the exact locations of all drains, pipes, ducts, and equipment. Refer to Division 1 specifications and provide information and interference drawings as may be required by this Section. Install all mechanical services including but not exclusive to drains, pipes, and ducts, to conserve headroom and interfere as little as possible with the free use of the space through which they pass. All drains, pipes, ducts, etc., particularlythosewhich may interfere with the inside treatment of the building, or conflicting with othertrades, shall be installed only after the locations have been approved by the Consultant. Special care shall be taken in the installation of all mechanical services including, but not exclusive to drains, pipes, and ducts, which are to be concealed to see that they comewithin the finished lines of floors, walls, and ceilings. Wheresuch drains, pipes, ducts, etc., have been installed in such a manner as to cause interterence, they shall be removed and re-installed in suitable locations without extra cost to the Owner. G. Before commencing work, check and verify all grade and invert elevations, levels, and dimensions, to ensure proper and correct installation of the work. H. In every place where there is space indicated as reserved for future or other equipment, leave such space clear, install blank offs, shut off valves with blind flanges and other work so that the necessary connections can be made without any stoppages to the system. Consult with the consultant whenever necessary for this purpose. I. In addition to the work specifically mentioned in the specifications and shown on the drawings, provide all other items that are obviously necessary to make a complete working installation, including those required by the authorities having jurisdiction over the work. J. Install all ceiling mounted components (diffusers, grilles, etc.) in strict accordance with reflected ceiling plans, and instructions from the Consultant. K. The mechanical plans show approximate locations forwall mounted devices. Obtain Consultant's approval of mounting heights and locations before commencement of work. L. The Mechanical Contractor shall provide a list of the foreman for each trade who will be involved with this project prior to the start of construction. The list is to contain their credentials and a list of previous projects that they have been involved with. M. The Mechanical Contractor is responsible for coordinating the installation of the mechanical services with the Electrical and Structural elements within the building. Provide coordination/interference drawings prior to installation of the services in Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL ProjeIX No. 090W r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS accordance with Item 1.5 of this section of the specification and include in the Mechanical bid price the cost of all minor offsets of ductwork, piping, etc to coordinate the installation of the services. N. The approximate location of terminal devices such as thermostats, sinks, water closets, lavatories, grilles and diffusers etc located within the finished space are shown on the mechanical drawings. The dimensioned location for these devices is to be obtained from the Architectural drawings. Where these devices are not dimensioned on the Architectural drawings request the final elevation and location from the Consultants prior to installation. Locate the devices within 1.5 metres of the position shown on the Mechanical Drawings at no cost to the Owner. 1.07 EXAMINE SITE A. Examine the site and the local conditions and Conditions affecting thework. Examine carefully the Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and all other drawings and the complete specifications to ensure that the work can be satisfactorily carried out as shown. Before commencing work, examine the work of the other Divisions and report at once any defect or interference affecting the work, the completion, or the guarantee of the work of this Division. No allowance will be made later for any expenses incurred through the failure to make these examinations or to report any such discrepancies in writing to the Consultant. 1.08 CONTRACTOR'S SHOP A. Provide Job site office, work-shop, tools, scaffolds, material storage, etc., as required to complete the work of Division 15. ' 1.09 CLEANING A. Refer to Division 1 Section 01740 "Cleaning" and the following. B. During the performance ofthe work and on the completion, remove from the place of the work all debris, rubbish and waste materials caused by the performance of the work for Division 15. Remove all tools and surplus materials after completion and acceptance of the work. C. All equipment shall be thoroughly vacuumed out at the time of final acceptance of the work. D. The Mechanical Contractor shall vacuum all equipment thoroughly at the time of final acceptance and of the work. 1.010 TEMPORARY SERVICES A. Refer to Section 01510 "Temporary Utilities' for the temporary mechanical services required for construction, temporary sanitary facilities, and potable water. 1.011 EQUIPMENT WEIGHT DRAWINGS Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS A. The Division 15 shall be responsible for submitting Dimensioned drawings showing the actual location of all equipment to be provided and the actual weights of the equipment for review as soon as possible after contract award. The drawings shall also show areas where there are concentrated loads due to piping and equipment suspended from the roof or slab above. 8. The Division 15 and Division 16 Contractors shall provide information and cooperate with the General Contractor for the preparation of equipment and concentrated load weight drawings. C. The drawings shall be provided on Autocad 2008 and shall identify all equipment mounted on suspended slabs and concentrated loads of piping and conduit 1.012 ROOF PENETRATION DRAWINGS A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for submitting dimensioned drawings showing the location and dimension of all roof penetrations for the Division 15 and Division 16 Contractors through the roof for review by the Consultants. B. The Division 15 and Division 16 Contractors shall provide information and cooperate with the General Contractor for the preparation of roof penetration drawings. C. The roof penetration drawings shall be provided on AutoCAD 2008 and shall identify all penetrations through the roof. 1.D13 SLEEVING DRAWINGS A. The General Contractor shall be responsible for submitting dimensioned sleeving drawings showing the location and dimension of all sleeves for the Division 15 and Division 16 Contractors through all floors and structural walls for review by the Consultants. B. The Division 15 and Division 16 Contractors shall provide information and cooperate with the General Contractor for the preparation of sleeving drawings. C. The sleeving drawings shall be provided on AutoCAD 2008 and shall identify all penetrations through the structure. D. After the concrete is in place no holes through the structure will be permitted without written approval of the Consultant. E. No new openings shall be permitted within the existing precast concrete slabs without approval by the Consultants. 1.014 INSTALLATION OF WORK A. Be responsible for: The layout of the work of Division 15, and for any damage caused to the Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 11 LJ ~~ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15D1D MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Owner, or other Divisions of the contract by improper location or carrying out of this work. 2 The prompt installation of the work of Division 15 in advance of concrete pouring or similar work. 3 The protection of finished and unfinished work and equipment and work of other Divisions from damage due to the carrying out of the work of Division 15. 4 The condition of all material and equipment supplied under Division 15, and for the protection and maintenance of work completed. B. Coordinate with other trades and schedule all work to suit the date for the substantial performance established in the construction contract. Refer to Division 1 Section 0132D "Construction Progress Documentation". C. Furnish items to be "built-up" in ample time and give necessary information and assistance in connection with the building in of the same. D. Provide drawings showing all sleeving and openings required. Notify the General Contractor of the size and location of recesses, openings and chases before walls, floors, etc., are erected. E. Proceed with the work as quickly as practical so that construction may be completed in as short a time as possible and in accordance with the building schedule. Ensure that all health, safety and environmental conditions are maintained. F. Ensure that all equipment and material is ordered in time to meet the building schedule. Provide a schedule of equipment deliveries to the General Contractor within the time limit stipulated. G. Furnish promptly information required for the construction schedule. H. Manufactured products supplied with instructions for their installation shall be installed in strict accordance with those instructions. 1.015 CODES PERMITS FEES AND CONNECTIONS A. Conform to Federal, Provincial and Municipal regulations and perform work in accordance with requirements of By-Laws and Regulations in force in area wherethe building is to be erected. B. Apply for, obtain, and pay for permits, fees and service connections for the work of this Division and the inspections required by Authorities having jurisdiction in the area where the building is to be erected. C. For information, a specific code or standard might be mentioned. This information must not be taken as the only code or standard applicable. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 10 ' D. When part of equipment does not bear the required UL label, the contractor shall , obtain UL approval on site, when that part of the equipment is an electric component, a special approval shall be obtained and the Contractor shall pay the applicable fees. ' E. Furnish necessary certificates as evidence that the work installed conforms with laws and regulations of Authorities having jurisdiction. Changes in work requested by an Authority having jurisdiction shall be carried out without charge. , 1.016 MATERIALS A. Where materials, equipment, apparatus, or other products are specified by the , manufacturer, brand name, type or catalogue number, such designation is to establish standards of desired quality style or dimensions and shall be the basis of the Bid. Materials so specified shall be furnished under this Contract, unless changed by mutual agreement. B. The use of equivalent, alternate and/or substitute materials and equipment is subject ' to the following: 1 Where the use of equivalent, alternate or substitute equipment alters the design or space requirements indicated on the plans, the contractor for Division 15 shall include all items of cost for the revised design and ' construction, including cost of all the related trades involved. 2 Acceptance of the proposed equivalents, alternates or substitutions shall be subject to the approval of the Consultant and, if requested by the Consultant, ' the Mechanical Subcontractor shall submit samples of both the specified and the proposed items for review. 3 In all cases where the use of equivalents, alternates or substitutions is ' permitted, the Mechanical Subcontractor shall bear any extra costs of independent testing agencies of evaluating the quality of materials and the equipment to be installed. , 1.017 EQUIVALENTS AND ALTERNATES A. Should the base Mechanical Subcontractor propose to furnish material and equipment other than those specified, he shall apply in writing to the Consultant for , approval of equivalents at least fourteen days prior to opening of Bids, submitting with his request for approval complete descriptive and technical data on the item or items he proposes to furnish. Approval for changes in base bid specifications will be ' considered onlyupon individual requests of the Subcontractors. No blanket approval for equipment will be given to suppliers, distributors or contractors. B. Unless requests for changes in base bid specifications are received and approved ' prior to the opening of the bids, as defined above, the Subcontractors will be held to furnish specified items under his base bid. After the Contract is awarded changes in Darlington SpoRs Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 n t ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 11 ' specifications will be made only as defined in Article: Material Substitutions (15010 1.18). ' C. Equipment of the Subcontractors' choice may be offered as alternates to the items named in the specifications, in the space provided in the Supplementary Bid Form. Alternate proposals must be accompanied by full descriptive and technical data on the article proposed, together with a statement of the amount of addition ordeduction from the base bid if the alternate is accepted. Prior approval from the Consultant is not required on items submitted as alternate bids, but the decision on acceptance of the alternate(s) will rest with the Consultant. laced ork shalt be re ilt i th t p e w n o D. Unspecified materials and/or rejected alternates bu with specified or accepted materials at no additional cost to the Owner. E. If any motor selections are revised to suit the specified performance data, the l dditi ona Division 15 Contractor and/or the equipment manufacturer shall carry all a cost impact incurred by the Division 16 Contractor. ' 1.018 MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS After execution of the Contract, requests for substitution of materials of makes other A . than those specifically named in the Contract Documents may be approved by the ' " ' . Submittal Procedures Consultant. Refer to Division 1, Section 01330 1.019 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES A. Submit to the Consultant detailed dimension shop drawings and installation wiring uirements ecial re il d t q s an sp a diagrams for all mechanical equipment. Further de called far in these specifications shall be shown on the shop drawings. B. All 8 '/i' x 11" and 11" x 17" shop drawings shall be submitted in Electronic PDF format. The procedure shall be as follows: 1 .1 Shop drawings are to be sent through the proper channels in electronic PDF format. 2 Each submission of shop drawings shall include a completed Shop Drawing ' Transmittal form filled out in its entirety. The shop drawings submittal template included in the appendix to this section of the specification shall be utilized. I 3 The Shop Drawing Transmittal sheet must identify the relevant Mechanical i b i ng ngs are e Project Manager at Crossey Engineering that the shop draw sent to. ' 4 Crossey Engineering will return one electronic copy of the shop drawings through the proper channels for the project. All printing costs associated with printing hard copies of the shop drawings shall be the responsibility of the ' Contractor. C. All shop drawing submittals that are larger than 11" x 17" shall be submitted in either ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation 09064 N o. CEL Project DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 12 hard copy or electronic format as agreed to by Crossey Engineering's designated , Project Manager. D. Ensure that one hard copy of all reviewed shop drawings are available on the job site , for reference. E. Provide samples of mechanical equipment as requested in the specification in accordance with Division 1 Specification. ' 1.020 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Refer to Section 01780 "Closeout Submittals" and the requirements outlined in this section of the specifcation. B. The Consultant will provide at a cost of x100.00 per drawing to the Contractor(s) one set of CAD drawings on computer disk based on AutoCad Version 2008, and one set ' of white prints of all drawings relating to the work of this Contract, for the purpose of preparing interference and record drawings. As the job progresses, mark up thewhite prints to accurately indicate installed work, i.e. location and elevations, etc. On completion of the work, transfer the information neatly onto the computerdisks based on AutoCad Version 2008, and submit the disks and one set of prints for approval. Correct the disks as directed by the Consultant and hand these over to the Consultant, togetherwith a set ofwhite prints, on completion. Complete all computer schedules as deemed necessary by the Owner. The version and type of software must be coordinated with the Owner. If the request for CAD drawings is received by the General Contractor on behalf of the Mechanical Contractor, it will not relieve the Contractor of his payment to the Consultant. ' C. The Mechanical Contractor shall record, as thejob progresses, all approved changes and deviations made to any work shown on the original contract drawings whether by addenda, requested changes, job instructions, and changes due to job conditions. D. Record drawings shall be kept up to date and be available for checking at any time by the Consultant. Failure to produce drawings may affect monthly progress draws. Contractor will provide updated record drawings at 25%, 50%, and 75% milestone ' dates of the construction schedule. Drawings to be submitted to General Contractor for distribution. Minimum three (3) copies, one for Mechanical Consultant one for , Owner, and one for General Contractor. Each submission shall be clearly identified. ' E. Record drawings shall be kept up to date and available for review at any time by the Consultant. Progress draws may not be processed if record drawings are not kept up to date. , F. The final set of record drawings shall be submitted four (4) weeks before the requested date of substantial completion. ' 1.021 TEMPORARY AND TRIAL USAGE A. After any part of the work for Division 15 has been completed, the Consultant will make an inspection, and performance tests of such parts shall be carried out under , the direction of the Consultant. If deficiencies are found, they shall be immediately Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 13 ' rectified to the satisfaction of the Consultant. After such deficiencies have been rectified, the work shall be placed in service at such time and in such order as the Consultant may direct. If, in placing a portion of the equipment in service, it is necessary to make temporary connections in the wiring in order to obtain proper operation, such connections shall be provided to the extent and in the manner required by the Consultant. ' B. Temporary or trial usage of any mechanical devices, machinery, apparatus, equipment or materials shall not be construed as evidence of the acceptance of same. C. No claims for damage will be considered for damage to, or the breaking of any parts of such work which may be used. 1.022 REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION -RFI A. All RFI's shall be submitted to the General Contractor. The General Contractor shall 1 then submit them to the Architect. Following this, the Architect will issue the RFI to the relevant Consultant. B. The Contractor may submit if he chooses, a Request for Information also known as an RFI to the General Contractor for clarification to an item within his Scope of Work. C. It is understood that an RFI is a form of dialogue between the Contractor and Consultant(s). D. The quantity of RFIs generated during the project's construction phase is no reflection of the quality of the mechanical documents, nor shall the quantity of RFIs form the basis of a delay claim. ' E. The RFI shall be submitted to the General Contractor in a timely manner with a minimum of one (1) month look ahead for its related work. The Contractor shall be 1 responsible that the construction schedule is never impacted. 1500hrs) to the OO i d ft 3 F. er pm ( tte a : An RFI will not be accepted nor shall it be subm Consultants. If the RFI is submitted after the time specified then it shall be dated for the next working day. G. The Contractor shall never place the Consultant's in a situation where, due to poor planning by the Contractor and issuance of the RFI requires an immediate response 1 if not a deliverable date will be in jeopardy. H. It is the Mechanical Contractor's responsibility to notify the General Contractor and ensure he directs the RFI to the respective Consultant for example, a slab core drilling request shall be directed to the Structural Engineer, the Mechanical and Prime Consultants shall be copied. I. The Contractor shall avoid an RFI with requesting clarification for multiple subjects. ki d J. ays. ng The Consultant reserves the right to process each RFI within five (5) wor 1 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Prgecl No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 14 Issuance of the RFI shall factor in the response time and the look ahead time noted. K. The Contractor shall avoid multiple RFI submissions as they will be dated and processed in the order of receipt. 1.023 CONSULTANT'S INSTRUCTIONS A. During construction the Consultant will issue such instructions as may be necessary for verification and correction of the work. These instructions shall be binding as part of the specifcation. 1.024 ADDITIONAL WORK AND CHANGES A. Refer to Division 0 Section 00400 "Supplementary General Conditions" of the specification for the procedures to be followed and the mark ups for Overhead and Profit that will be accepted for additional work and changes. 1.025 WARRANTY A. Refer to Division 1 Section 01780 "Closeout Submittals" and this section of the specification. B. The Contractor for Division 15 shall provide a warranty far all work and apparatus installed under his contract against all defects of workmanship and material for a period of one (1) year after the substantial performance of the work ,unless otherwise mentioned in the specifications, and shall make good any and all defects developing during such time without expense to the Owner. Any materials shall be further guaranteed as may be called for in these specifications. Wherewarranties on equipment extend beyond one (1) yearthe Contractor for Division 15 shall honor the extended warranty. 1.026 SEPARATE PRICES A. Provide separate prices for the items listed in the Tender Form. Show separate prices as individually broken out prices on the Supplementary Tender Form and DO NOT include them in the overall price. 1 Provide a separate price for providing 2" (50mm) of external insulation on the existing to remain portion of return air ductwork located above the existing Dressing Room ceiling space. 1.027 SCHEDULING OF WORK A. For all work to be performed under this contract, adhere to construction schedule detailed in other parts of the contract, and/or as prepared by the Construction Manager. B. All connections to the services serving existing buildings that remain operational shall be coordinated with the Owner a minimum of two weeks prior to any shut down. 1.028 BONDS AND CASH ALLOWANCES A. Refer to "Instruction to Bidders" and Section 01210 "Allowances' for details of Darlington Sports Cen6e, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 119064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 15 Bonding requirements and Cash Allowances. 1.029 ENERGY CONSUMPTION A. The Consultant may reject equipment submitted for approval on basis of performance or energy consumed or demanded. B. All equipment installed on the project shall conform to the requirements outlined in ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004. C. For the required efficiency of all electric motors refer to specification Section 15170. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 16 1.030 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION A. Permit equipment maintenance and disassembly by use of unions or flanges to minimize disturbance to connecting piping and dud systems and without interference from building structure or other equipment. B. Provide accessible means for lubricating equipment including permanent lubricated bearings. C. For all boilers, pumps, air compressors, fans and other rotating equipment installed on the floor or specified in individual sections, provide chamfered edge housekeeping pads a minimum of 4" (100 mm) high and 4" (100 mm) larger than equipment dimensions all around. All air handling units shall be mounted on 6" (150 mm) chamfered edge housekeeping pads a minimum of 4" (1 D0 mm) larger than the equipment dimensions all around. Installation of the housekeeping pads shall be in accordance with the requirements outlined in Division 03 Section 03200 "Concrete Reinforcement" and Section 03300 "Cast in Place Concrete'. Work shall be performed by the trades specializing in this work. D. Pipe all drain lines to drains. For glycol systems, pipe drains and relief lines to their respective glycol make up tanks. E. Line-up equipment, rectangular cleancuts and similar items with building walls wherever possible. F. Provide supports such as saddles, platforms, etc for equipment requiring auxiliary supports including but not limited to heat exchangers, hot water tanks, etc. 1.031 SLEEVES A. Pipe and duct sleeves: at points where pipes pass through masonry or concrete. B. Sleeves of: minimum 22-gauge (0.8 mm) thick galvanized sheet steel with lock seam joints at partition walls. C. Use cast iron sleeve or steel pipe sleeves with annular fin continuously welded at midpoint. PVC sleeve with annular fin is also acceptable.: 1 Through foundation walls. Size all exterior penetration sleeves to accommodate required link seals as indicated below. 2 Where sleeves are specified to extends above finished floor. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 17 D. Sizes 1 1/4" (6 mm) clearance all around, between sleeve and pipes or between sleeve and insulation. 2 Where piping passes below footings, provide minimum clearance of 2" (50 mm) between sleeve and pipe. Backfill up to underside of footing with concrete of same strength as footing. E. Terminate sleeves Flush with surface of concrete and masonry and 4" (100 mm) above floors. Not applicable to concrete floors on grade. F. For pipes passing through roofs, use cast iron sleeves with caulking recess and flashing clamp device. Anchor sleeves in roof construction; caulk between sleeve recess and pipe; fasten roof flashing to clamp device; make water-tight durablejoint. ' G. Fill voids around pipes. 1 For sleeves and pipe in foundation walls and below grade floors, provide "link seal@ clamp manufactured by Thunderline or Innerlynx. 2 Where sleeves pass through walls or floors, caulk space between insulation and sleeve or between pipe (duct) and sleeve with waterproof fire retardant non-hardening mastic. Seal space at each end of sleeve with waterproof, fire retardant, non-hardening mastic. 3 Ensure no contact between copper tube or pipe and ferrous sleeve. 4 Fill future-use sleeves with easily removable fire stop filler. 5 Coat exposed exterior surfaces of ferrous sleeves with heavy application of 1 zinc rich paint. H. Where pipes and ducts pass through fire rated walls, floors and partitions, pack space with fire stopping materials as specified in 07270 "Fire Stopping and Smoke Seals" I. Install sleeves following approval of interference drawings. J. On typical floors, provide one diameter between adjacent sleeves. K. Extend sleeves 6" (150 mm) above floors in mechanical rooms and all areas where ' waterproofing is required. L. All sleeves shall be as detailed on drawings. M. All sleeve locations including dimensions shall be submitted to the Structural Engineer for review. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 18 N. All sleeved or formed openings through the structure must be shown on sleeving ' drawings which are submitted to all Consultants for review priorto Construction. No holes through the structure will be permitted without written approval of theArchitect. O. The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for showing all sleeve locations required by the Division 15 Sub Contractors on the interference drawings. ' P. The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for installing all of the sleeves required for the Division 15 Contract and the Division 15 Sub Contractors. 1.032 ESCUTCHEONS AND PLATES , A. Provide on pipes passing through finished walls, partitions, floors and ceilings. B. Use chrome or nickel plated brass, solid type with set screws for ceiling or wall mounting. All escutcheons and plates in exhibition spaces shall be flat black. C. Inside diameter shall fit around finished pipe. Outside diametershall coveropening or sleeve. , D. Where sleeve extends above finished floor, escutcheons or plates shall clear sleeve extension. E. Secure to pipe or finished surface but not to insulation. 1.033 TESTS ' A. Do not insulate or conceal work until tested and approved. Follow construction schedule and arrange for tests. B. Inform the Consultant when tests will be conducted. The Consultant will periodically be present for tests. All tests are to be documented test results submitted and included in the maintenance manuals. Refer to attached AppendixAforthefonnatto be utilized for the test reports. C. Bear costs including retesting and making good. D. Pipe pressure: 1 Hydraulically test piping systems at 1-1/2 times system operating pressure or minimum 125 psi (860 kPa), whichever is greater. 2 Maintain test pressures without loss for 4h unless otherwise specified. 3 Test natural gas systems to requirements of authorities having jurisdiction , and as per CGA and Ontario Building Code. 4 Test drainage, waste and vent piping to code. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 19 E. Priorto tests, isolate all equipment or other parts which are not designed to withstand test pressures. 1.034 PAINTING A. Apply at least one coat of corrosion resistant primer paint to supports, and equipment fabricated from ferrous metals. B. Touch-up paint all damaged equipment with products matching original finish in ' quality and appearance. C. Provide flat black painting behind grilles and diffusers. D. Paint the gas line in its entirety to match existing. 1.035 ACCESS DOORS A. 1 Refer to Division 15 Section 15075 of the specification for access door requirements. .036 DIELECTRIC COUPLINGS A. Provide wherever pipes of dissimilar metals are joined. B. Provide insulating unions for pipe sizes NPS 2 and under and flanges for pipe sizes over NPS 2. C. Cast brass adapters may be used on domestic water systems and where approved by the Consultant. D. Provide rubber gaskets to prevent dissimilar metals contact. 1.037 INSTRUCTION OF OPERATING STAFF A. Supply certified personnel to instruct operating staff on operation of mechanical equipment. Supply maintenance specialist personnel to instruct operating staff on maintenance and adjustment of mechanical equipment and any changes or modification in equipment made under terms of guarantee. B. Provide instruction during regular work hours prior to acceptance and turn-over to operating staff for regular operation. C. Use operation and maintenance data manual for instruction purposes. On completion of instruction, turn manuals over to the Consultant. D. Scheduling of the timing for the training of the operating staff shall be arranged 45 ' days prior to the completion of the project. t Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 !~ DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 20 1.038 MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Provide minimum of six (8) copies of Mechanical Maintenance Manuals, in accordance to the following and Section 01780 "Closeout Submittals'. ' B. The Mechanical Maintenance Manuals shall also be submitted in Electronic PDF format. ' C. Mechanical Maintenance Manuals to be delivered to the Engineer's office 60-days prior to the completion of the Contract. D. Manuals to be bound in a hard cover neatly labeled: "OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". E. The Maintenance Manuals shalt be divided into sections with neatly labeled and ' tabbed dividers between each section. The sections to be included in the manual are: 1 Section I -General. 2 Section II -Piping and Pump Systems. 3 Section III -Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation. 4 Section VI -Air and Hydronic Balancing Report F. The following information shall be contained within the sections: , 1 SECTION I: A list giving name, address and telephone number of the Consultant, Engineers, Construction Manager, Mechanical Trade and Controls Trade. Written guarantees for the Mechanical Systems. A copy of the Valve directory giving number, valve location, normal valve position, and purpose of valve. A framed copy of Valve Directory to be hung in Mechanical Room. Equipment lists and certificates shall be provided. Certificates shall be signed and sealed by the appropriate suppliers. All major equipment ' including but not limited to boilers, cooling towers, chillers, air handling units, isolators, silencers, pumps, and humidifiers are to be inspected by the manufacturerto ensurethatthe equipment has been installed in accordance with their recommendations. 2 SECTION II, III, and IV: A copy of all pressure tests and operational tests for ' pumping system. A copy of Gas Operational Tests for gas fired equipment. A list giving name, address and telephone number of all suppliers. A copy of all approved Shop Drawings. Copies of warranties. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEl Project No. 09064 LJ ~J i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 21 ' 3 SECTION IV: Complete Control Diagrams, Wiring Diagrams and description of Control system and the functioning of the system. A copy of all shop drawings and all calibration certificates. Shop drawings shall be the updated record drawings. 4 SECTION V: A copy of all shop drawings. Copies of all warranties. Maintenance information. 5 SECTION VI: Provide complete air balance report including pump and tan curves, measured values and floor plans showing location of all traverse readings and grille measurements. Provide copies of all pressure tests completed on the systems. ' 1.039 FLASHING A. Coordinate with requirements for roofing, water-proofing and flashing in Division 7 Section 07620 "Metal Flashing and Trim". B. Flash mechanical parts passing through, or built into a roof. Leave flashing as directed by the Roofing Trade to permit Roofing Trade to make a watertight connection. C. Provide zinc coated steel flashing in accordance with Section 07620 for pipes and ducts passing through waterproof walls. D. Provide zinc coated steel flashing in accordance with Section 07620 for pipes and ducts passing through waterproof floors. E. Co-operate with Division 7 at all times, and do not break any waterproofing seal without consent of the Waterproofing Trade. Provide piping passing through waterproof walls with extra heavy cast iron sleeves with asphalt roofing wrapped around so as to leave a 1" x 2" (25 mm x 50 mm) recessed on both sides of wall. These recesses and the space between pipe and sleeve shall be caulked as specified in Section 07900 Joint Sealants. F. Fit counter flashing over flashing or curb, and make watertight. G. Detailed dimensioned drawings showing all roof penetrations shall be submitted to the Structural Consultant far review. 1.040 CUR BS AND SLEEPERS A. Prefabricated curbs for mechanical equipment will be provided by Division 15. 1 Built-up curbs and sleepers will be supplied and installed under work of other sections, except as specified herein and noted on the drawings. B. It shall be the responsibility of the Mechanical Trade to supply detailed requirements for curbs, including their locations, sizes and materials to be used, and loads imposed on the curbs. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 22 ,~ C. Curbs are required for roof mounted equipment, surrounding holes where groups of , pipes and/or ducts pass through equipment room floors, and where indicated on the Drawings. , D. Roof curbs shall be minimum 16" (400 mm) height above finished roof. E. Curbs around holes in equipment room floors shall be concrete or steel, extending at least 6" (150 mm) above finished floor. Make watertight connection between curb and ' floor. F. Fill spaces between curbs and pipes and ducts with glass fibre material. Caulk with fire resistant waterproof compound to make watertight connection. G. Sleepers shall be C-Ports c/w the required unistrut provided for piping and/or ductwork installed outdoor without a roof curb. ' 1.041 CONCRETE A. All concrete work required by Division 15 shall be done by this Division in accordance with Sections 03100 "Concrete Formwork", 03200 "Concrete Reinforcement"and 03300 "Cast in Place Concrete". B. Refer to Item Section 15010 Item 1.30 for requirements for housekeeping pad. 1.042 METALS A. Steel construction required solely for the work of Mechanical Subcontractor and not shown on Architectural or Structural Drawings shall be supplied and installed by this Subcontractor in accordance with applicable requirements of Division 05, Metals, Structural and Miscellaneous. 1.043 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Cutting and patching shall be in accordance with General and Supplementary Conditions and the following: , 1 No openings shall be permitted through the completed structure without the wrdten approval of the Architect. Any openings which are required through the completed structure must be clearly and accurately shown on a copy of the structural drawings. Exact locations, elevations and size of the proposed opening must be identified and submitted to the Architect for review, well in advance of doing the work. ~ 2 All cutting and patching shall be done by the trades specializing in the materials to be cut and is covered by the appropriate Divisions of this specification. Prepare drawings in conjunction with all trades concerned, showing sleeves and openings for passage through structure and all insert sizes and locations. Where this information is not furnished in time, the Subtrade contractor for this Division shall bear the cost of all sleeving, provision for inserts, cutting and patching. Darlington SpoRs Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 'J DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 ~ MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 23 '"' 3 Should any cutting and/or repairing of finished surfaces be required, the Subtrade contractor for this Division shall employ the particular trades ' engaged on the site for this type of work to do such cutting and/or repairing. Obtain the approval of the Consultant before doing any cutting. In the event that tradesmen required for particular cutting and/or repairing are not already on the site, bring to the site tradesmen to do this work. 4 Supporting members of any floor, wall or the building structure shall be cut only in such a location and manner as approved by the Consultant in writing. 5 Prior to cutting any existing walls and floors the Division 15 Contractor shall consult with the Structural Engineer for approval. Where X-rays are requested by the Structural Engineerthe Division 15 Contractor shall provide x-rays at no cost to the Owner. All X-raying shall be done during off hours. 1.044 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. Refer to Division 2 Section 02200 "Excavating, Backfill and Grading' and do all excavation, back fill and related work required for the work of Division 15 in accordance therewith except as modified by this Article. B. Grade the bottom of the pipe trench excavation as required. C. Infirm, undisturbed soil, lay pipes directly on the soil, and shape soil to fit the lower one-third segment of all pipes and pipe bells. Ensure even bearing along the barrels. Backfill excess excavation with 3625 psi (25 mPa) concrete. D. Where rock or shale is encountered, arrange to have this excavated and removed by Section 02315 but at this Division=s expense. After excavation, Backfill with a bedding of 3/8" (10 mm) crushed stone. E. Prepare new bedding under the pipe in unstable soil, in fill, and in all cases where pipe bedding has been removed in earlier excavation, particularly near perimeter walls of buildings, at manholes and catch basins. Compact to maximum possible density and support the pipe by 8" (200 mm) thick firm supports. Install reinforcing steel in cradle or construct piers every eight feet or closer, down to solid load bearing strata. Provide a minimum of one pier per length of pipe. Use same method where pipes cross. F. Where excavation is necessary in proximity to and below the level of any footing, Backfill with 3625 psi (25 mPa) concrete to the level of the highest adjacent footing. Proximity is determined by the angle of repose as established by the consultant. 1 G. Provide support over at least the bottom one third segment of the pipe in all bedding methods. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 24 H. Do not open trench ahead of pipe laying and backfilling more than weather will '~ permit. Keep walls of trenches straight to at least 18" (450 mm) above the top of the pipe to keep the diameter load within the pipe design limits. Have excavations ' inspected at least once a week by authorities. . 1. Before backfilling, obtain approval. Remove all shoring during Backfill. J. Backfill trenches within building, with clean sharp sand or gravel in individual layers of maximum 6" (150 mm) thickness, compacted to a density of 100% Standard Proctor. Hand compact the first layers up to a compacted level of minimum 12" (30D mm) above the top of pipe. Hand or machine compact the balance up to grade, using approved equipment. K. Backfill trenches outside buildings, not under roads, parking lots, or traffic areas, up to a compacted level of 18" (450 mm) above the pipes with individual layers of material 6" (150 mm) thick, hand compacted to a density of 95% Standard Proctor, using approved 3/8" (10 mm) crushed stone. Backfill the balance with 6" (150 mm) layers of approved excavated material, compacted to 95% Standard Proctor, using approved equipment. L. Backfill all other trenches outside buildings with 6" (150 mm) 3/8" crushed stone in " (150 mm) thickness, compacted to 100% Standard Proctor layers not exceeding 6 density up to grade level. Manual compaction up to 18" (450 mm) abovethe pipewith approved equipment for the balance. M. Fill all depressions to a correct grade level with appropriate material. After a period has passed adequate to reveal any settlement, use maximum possible compaction. Pay all costs required to make good all damages caused by settlement. N. All excavated materials shall be removed from site. 1.045 PERFORMANCE TESTS A. Refer to Section 15050 for performance test requirements. ' 1.046 MECHANICAL PROJECT COMPLETION A. Refer to Division 1 Section 01770 "Closeout Procedure' and the requirements outlined in this section. B. Thirty days prior to substantial performance of work obtain documentation and/or ' prepare certification of the following times and submit them to the Owner's representative: 1 All inspection certificates. 2 Warranty certificates as called for under "Warranty". 3 Record drawings. Darlington SpoRS Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 25 4 Operating and Maintenance Manuals. ' 5 Test certifications as called for under "Testing". All test certificates to be included in maintenance manuals. 6 Provide a signed statement to the effect that all tests for mechanical systems and equipment have been completely carried out in the Trade Sections of these Specifications and to the manufacturer's recommendations, and in accordance with the requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction. ' 1.047 WORK WITHIN THE EXISTING BUILDING A. Refer to Division 15 Section 15065 for the requirements for work within existing ' buildings. I I INATION OO 1.048 DIVI SION 15 /DIV S ON 16 C RD A. All conduit and wiring shall conform to the requirements of Division 16 Specification. ' The quality of materials and workmanship shall be strictly in conformance with Division 16 Specification. ' B. The following is a list of mechanical and electrical responsibilities for the above mentioned project. 1 All starters, motor control centres, etc., along with input and output power wiring will be by Division 16. This is with the exception of equipment that is shipped to site as a package with a single power feed and includes internal transformers and starters. Refer to individual specification sections to identify equipment that is to be provided with single power feeds. 2 Package units will have integral starters and only power feeders need be provided. The package unit starters will be by Division 15. 3 Division 16 to provide all remote disconnect switches with the exception of disconnect switches specified to be provided with the Mechanical Equipment. C. All control wiring inclusive of 120 V mechanical control wiring, except fire alarm shall be by Division 15. D. Voltages for motors 112 HP and larger will be either 208 V or 600 V, 3-phase. All motors that are smaller than 1!2 HP will be 120V single phase or 208V 1 or 3-phase. Refer to the equipment schedules for power requirements. E. All multi-speed motors to be consequent pole. F. All motors shall be by Division 15. Refer to Section 15170 for requirements. G. No two-speed double winding motors are to be used unless a request is made bythe Division 15 Contractor to the Electrical Consultant and the request is approved bythe Electrical Consultant. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEl PrgeCt No. 09066 DIVISION 15 , SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 26 H. Where 208 V 3 phase equipment is specified 208 V 1 phase equipment shall not be ^ submitted as an equal. If equipment is not available as 208 V 3 phase the Division 15 Contractor may make a request to the Electrical Consultant to revise the equipment to 208 V 1 phase however, all redesign costs incurred by the Electrical ' Consultant due to these revisions shall be paid by the Division 15 Contractor. I. If the Division 15 Contractor makes and/or requests any revisions to equipment voltages /phases specified, they (the Division 15 Contractor) shall pay for all ' redesign costs incurred by the Electrical Consultant and all installation costs incurred by the Division 16 Contractor. the rf rmance data if d i th ' , ie pe o e spec t J. If any motor selections are revised to su Division 15 Contractor and/or the equipment manufacturer shall carry all additional cost impact incurred by the Division 16 Contractor. ' K. All low voltage controls (60 volts and below) shall be provided by Division 15. All 120V control transformers shall be supplied by Division 15, installed and connected by Division 15, except for control transformers built into starters being provided by Division 16. If not a building management circuit the Division 16 Contractor shall ' provide primary side termination. L. Motor Thermistor ' 1 Division 15 to provide thermistor protection on motors 20 HP and larger using approved thermistors. 15 Di i i id d b on . v s e y 2 Thermistors shall be prov 3 Division 16 to provide manual reset devices for motor starters for thermistor interface. (Only for starters provided by Division 16). ' 4 Division 16 to wire between the thermistor and the starter. M. All fire alarm work shall be done by Division 16. Division 16 will provide all relays for interface to control wiring for fan shutdown etc. N. All relays required for Division 15 will be by Division 15. O. All electric tracing will be by Division 15 with power connections by Division 16. All electric tracing will be 208V. All electric tracing will beself-limiting type of cable. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide loads of circuits to Division 16. P. All electric convectors, electric force flow heaters and electric unit heaters will be supplied and installed by Division 15. The Division 15 shall coordinate the exact location of these heaters with the Division 16 Contractor prior to installation. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 27 O. All level switches for sump pumps will be wired by Division 15. R. All electrical connections for trap seal primers, softeners and faucets shall be wired by Division 15 from nearest electrical panel. S. All motor starters, control wiring, etc., shall conform to Division 16 Specification. END OF SECTION - Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 28 APPENDIX A 47 PIPE TEST. REPORT 4g Project Name 49 50 Company 51 Performing Test 52 53 Date 54 55 Temperature 56 57 System Being 58 Tested 59 Location 63 60 (Name of Area 64 and Gridlines) 65 61 66 62 67 68 Pressure Utilized 69 For Test 70 Medium 72 71 (Water, Air, Nitrogen, other) 73 Location of 74 Pressure Gauge 75 Date Pressure 76 Was Applied 77 Date Pressure 78 Was Checked 79 Duration of Test 80 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09064 1 O u 1 LJ L 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 29 81 82 Witnessed By 83 (Print) 84 Date 85 86 Signature 87 88 89 Test Form 90 Completed By (Print) 91 Date 92 93 Signature 94 95 96 Results of Test 102 97 98 99 100 101 Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEl Project No. 09064 1 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15013 MECHANICAL PROJECT SCHEDULE REQUIREMENT PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 REFERENCE A. Read and be governed by Definitions, Conditions of the Contract and Amendments or Supplements including Division 0, Division 1, and Agreement between the Owner and the Contractor, and General Conditions of Contract and Supplementary General Conditions. 1.02 MECHANICAL PROJECT SCHEDULE REQUIREMENTS A. The Mechanical Contractor shall prepare and maintain an electronic project schedule using as a minimum the Latest Version of MS Project or Prima Vera Contractor. B. The MechanicalContractortocoordinatewiththeGeneralContractorandensurethat the software employed by the Div. 15 Contractorwill be compatible with the General Contractors scheduling software. If it is required the Div.15 Contractor shall purchase a copy of the scheduling software used by the General Contractor to ensure the information can be integrated to provide an overall project schedule that will be issued by the General Contractor. C. The Division 15 Contractor shall maintain and update the mechanical schedule on a bi-weekly basis. The schedule shall be provided to the consultant every time the schedule is updated in a hard copy and well as an electronic copy. D. The Division 15 Contractor shall maintain and update the mechanical schedule on a biweekly basis. The schedule shall be provided to the General Contractorevery time the schedule is updated for inclusion in the overall project schedule. E. The schedule shall be based upon the Critical Path Method and reflect linkages to one task before and after. F. The schedule shall be available two weeks after the instructions have been given by the General Contractor or Project Manager to proceed. G. Schedule shall include the following as a minimum: 1 The Schedule shall provide a one month look ahead. 2 The Schedule shall reflect resources required to meet each defined task. 3 The Schedule shall reflect where there is float within it. 4 The Schedule shall reflect slippage and provide a plan as to how to recover in order to get back on schedule. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15013 MECHANICAL PROJECT SCHEDULE REQUIREMENT Page 2 ' 5 The Schedule shall reflect as a minimum: 1 2 All Mechanical Construction Tasks; Demolition; ' 3 Site Services; 4 Coordination drawings; 5 Mechanical Rough-in; 6 Installation of Ductwork per floor basis; 7 Installation of HVAC piping per floor basis; 8 Installation of Plumbing piping per floor basis; 9 Installation of Fire Protection system per floor basis; ' 1D Installation of Controls per floor basis; 11 Testing; 12 Commissioning; 13 Owners training; ' 14 Shut down requests and durations: 15 Power on Dates; 16 Activation of key systems dates; 17 Shop drawings; 18 Any approvals; 19 Equipment deliveries; 20 Dates when mock ups will be available and 21 Reflect time required for project close , H. Provide shop drawings submission schedule and identify critical items far approval. The shop drawings schedule shall be submitted within one (1) month from signing the contract. ' -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation , CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15050 ' START UP, PERFORMANCE TESTS 8 MECHANICAL SYSTEM COMMISSIONING PART 1: GENERAL ' 1 01 G ENERAL . A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 RESERVED PART 3: EXECUTION 01 START UP OF EQUIPMENT 3 . A. Prior to the start up of equipment the Division 15 Contractor shall arrange to have the Manufacturer of all equipment including but not limited to boilers, evaporative cooler, chillers, roof top air handling units, isolators, silencers, pumps, domestic hot water heaters and exhaust airfans to inspect the installation to ensure their equipment has ' been installed in accordance with their recommendations. B. The Supplier shall submit a written report of their findings. C. Upon confirmation that the equipment has been installed in accordance with the ' Manufacturers Recommendations the equipment may be started. D. All equipment shall be started by the Manufacturers representative. ' 02 DI 3 VISION 15 PERFORMANCE TESTS . A. After all equipment has been installed, adjusted, balanced and started up, the ' Division 15 Contractor shall subject equipment to a series of performance tests, as soon as conditions permit. B. The Division 15 Contractor shall perform all tests necessary to confirm that the equipment is operating in accordance with the specifications. C. Where equipment requires adjusting, testing and/or calibration that is beyond the level of expertise of the Division 15 Contractor's personnel the Division 15 Contractor ' shall obtain the services of an appropriate Manufacturer's Field Representative or Independent Testing Firm. D. The Division 15 Contractor shall notify the Consultant one week prior to test to allow the Consultant to attend the tests if deemed necessary by the Consultant. E. The Division 15 Contractor shall record the daily start and stoptimes, operating hours and functions performed. Darlington Sports Cenfre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 r--t 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15050 START UP, PERFORMANCE TESTS & MECHANICAL SYSTEM COMMISSIONING Page 2 ' , F. The Division 15 Contractor shall submit a written report indicating all of the performance tests that were completed. The written reports shall be included in the maintenance manuals. ' G. The Division 15 Contractor shall operate equipment under varying load conditions, demonstrate start-up sequence, normal shutdown, simulated emergency shutdown, operation of temperature, etc., and safety controls. Operate switches and electrical ' devices for correct wiring sequences. Adjust components to achieve a proper functional relationship among all the components of all the systems. H. Upon completion of the performance tests the Division 15 Contractor shall notify the , Consultant that the performance testing has been completed. The Consultant shall spot check the operation of the equipment to ensure that it is operating in accordance with the specifications. I. The Division 15 Contractor shall work in conjunction with the Air and Hydronic Balancer and the Controls Contractor to provide assistance to the Consultants and Owner's representatives to carry out spot checks of the facility. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide access to the equipment and manually start and stop equipment as directed by the Consultant. The Division 15 Contractorshall provide all necessary trades to carry out this work. , J. The Division 15 Contractor shall repeat these functions as many times as deemed necessary by the Consultant to achieve reliable operation. K. Repair defects and repeat tests as necessary. During test maintain lubrication , schedule, set, align and tension drives. L. All additional tests required by local or Provincial requirements that are not ' mentioned in the specifications shall be performed by the Division 15 Contractor at no additional expense. M. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all instrumentation required to perform the , tests. 3.03 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING ' A. At the successful completion of all testing and balancing, make the systems readyfor final inspection and subsequent acceptance of the Owner. Replace and clean filters, clean out ducts and casings, flush out lines and equipment, remove and clean ' strainers, fill liquid systems and purge air, clean fan wheels and air coils. B. Provide water treatment to pipes and report in accordance to Section 15602. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation , CEL Project No. 09064 r~ 1 t DIVISION 15 SECTION 15050 START UP, PERFORMANCE TESTS & MECHANICAL SYSTEM COMMISSIONING ' C. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide ladders, tools and associated equipment to assist the Consultant in carrying out spot checks. D. The Owner may choose to hire an Independent Commissioning Agent to carry out commissioning at the final inspection. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide ladders, tools and associated equipment to assist the Commissioning Agent as required. The Division 15 Contractor shall carry costs in order to fill out all forms as provided by the Owner's Commissioning Agent and carry labour for inspections and attend meetings. E. Conduct tests to demonstrate operation and ability to meet under "Warranty". F. Conduct tests to demonstrate operation and ability to meet requirements of all equipment and freedom from undue noise and vibration at the time of final inspection, having ensured that it has previously been subjected to Performance Tests. 3.04 VIDEO TAPING OF ALL TRAINING SESSIONS ' A. The Division 15 Contract shall provide video taping of all required Commissioning and Training sessions. The video taping shall be submitted in a DVD format for each individual commissioning and training sessions. The video taping shall be perfonned in a professional manor. 3.05 CARE. OPERATION, START-UP A. Instruct operating personnel in operation, care and maintenance of equipment. B. Arrange and payfor services of manufacturer's factory service engineer to supervise start-up of installation, check, adjust, balance and calibrate components. C. Provide these services for such period, and for as many visits as necessary to put equipment in operation, and ensure that operating personnel are conversant with aspects of its care and operation. Refer to Training Section. ' 3.06 TRAINING OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL A. On project completion (all mechanical systems tested and operating), and prior to Owner assuming responsibility of regular maintenance and operation of the systems ' contractor to instruct Owner's representative in the care, operation and maintenance of the equipment or systems installed. B. Demonstrate the complete sequence of operation to Owner's & Tenants representative for each piece of equipment. Operating sequences shall be simulated if the conditions are not present. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. W064 ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15050 START UP, PERFORMANCE TESTS & MECHANICAL SYSTEM COMMISSIONING Page 4 ' , C. Contractorshall ensure proper representation of manufacturers are presentandtheir associated costs are carried. Contractor shall coordinate all work with General Contractor and ensure all trades are notified. Tests shall be coordinated and ' scheduled in advance with the Owner. All testing /training must be witnessed by the Owner's assigned forces, General Contractor ,Consultant and Prime Consultant. D. Supply certified personnel to instruct staff on operation of mechanical equipment. ' Supply maintenance specialist personnel to instruct operating staff on maintenance and adjustment of mechanical equipment and any changes of modification in equipment made under terms of warranty. E. Provide instruction during regular work hours prior to acceptance and turn-over to Owner's operating staff for regular operation. The amount of training time will be ' s operational staff until satisfied. As a minimum, the determined by the Owner ' contractor shall carry three (3) days of training /demonstration time. F. Use operation and maintenance data manuals for instruction purposes. ' -END- 1 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 i 1 1 1 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 ' HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1 01 GENERAL . A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS ' A. MSS SP 58-2002 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture ' B. MSS SP 69 - 2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports -Selection and Applications C. MSS SP 89 - 2003 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Fabrication and Installation ' D Practices MSS SP 90 2000 G i li f . - u de ne or Terminology For Pipe Hangers and Supports. ' E. ASTM 6633 -Specification for Electrodeposited coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel. F. ASTM A123 -Specification for Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip. ' G. ASTM A653 -Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc, Coated by the Hot Dip Process. H. ASTM A1011 -Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High Strength low Alloy, and High Strength Low Alloy with Improved ' Formability. I. NFPA 13 - Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems. ' 1 03 SHOP DRAWINGS . ' A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. ' B. Submit for approval, manufacturer s catalogue literature related to installation and fabrication. ' C. Submit product data on all hanger and support devices, including shields and attachment methods. Product data to include, but not limited to materials, finishes, approvals, load ratings and dimension information. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. W064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 ERS AND SUPPORTS PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Inserts 2 1 Inserts shall be in accordance with MSS SP 58. 2 Set inserts in position in advance of concrete work. If necessary, use grid system in equipment room. 3 All inserts shall be provided with a means for attachment to forms. B. Poured Concrete 1 For concrete that has been poured and is a minimum of 4" (100mm) thick and pipes up to 4 NPS, approved type expansion shields and bolts may be used. 2 All drilling for hangers, rod inserts and work of similar nature shall be completed by Division 15. C. Clamps 1 For pipe sizes 2" (50mm) and smaller utilize malleable iron C clamps, lock nuts and cup point set screws for steel construction. 2 For pipe sizes larger than 2" (50mm) utilize malleable iron beam clamp with cross bolt for steel construction. 3 Clamps shall be UL, ULc and FM approved. D. Supplementary Supports 1 Steel construction required solely for the work of the Mechanical Contractor or Sub Trades and not shown on the Architectural or Structural Drawings shall be supplied and installed by the Mechanical Contractor or Sub Trade in accordance with applicable requirements of Division 5, Metals and Structural Miscellaneous. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Page 3 ' E. Anchoring 1 Anchoring of piping and equipment shall be to manufacturers recommendations. 2 All steam and condensate piping shall be hung in accordance with the requirements outlined in ANSI B31.1-1995. Refer to Specification Sections for Steam and Condensate piping for requirements for stress analysis calculations. F. Hangers ' 1 Fabricate hangers, riser clamps, supports and sway braces in accordance with ANSI 831.1-1995 and MSS SP 58, MSS SP 69, MSS SP 89 and MSS SP 90. 2 Steel pipe hangers and supports shall have the manufacturers name, part number, and applicable size stamped in the part itself for identification. 3 Hangers shall adequately support the piping system. They shall be located ' near or at changes in piping direction and as close as possible to concentrated loads. They shall provide a means for vertical adjustment after erection to maintain pitch required far proper drainage. ' 4 The Division 15 Contractor shall complete weight balance calculations far all piping systems to determine the required supporting force at each hanger location and the pipe weight load at each equipment connection. 5 The pipe hangers shall be capable of supporting the pipe in all conditions of operation. They shall allow free expansion and contraction of the piping and prevent excessive stress resulting from transferred weight being introduced into the connected equipment. 6 Where piping is subjected to shock loads, such as thrust imposed by the activation of safety valves or the starting and stopping of condenser water ' systems hanger design shall include the provision of rigid restraints or shock absorbing devices of approved design. ' 7 Supports, guides and anchors shall be designed so that excessive heat will not be transmitted to the structure. ' 8 For pipe sizes 2 %" (65 mm) and less utilize either adjustable clevis hangers or adjustable swivel ring hangers. 9 For pipe sizes greater than 2 Y:" (65 mm) utilize adjustable clevis type hangers. 10 For all domestic cold water, chilled water and steam and condensate piping Darlington Sports Centre, CEL Project No. 09064 Arena Renovation DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Page 4 ' the hangers shall be oversized to fit over the outside of the insulation. 11 Use roller type hangers as required. ' 12 Provide spring hangers where required to offset expansion on horizontal runs which follow long vertical risers. , 13 Provide spring hangers where specified in Section 15241. 14 Provide saddles for all insulated pipes and prefabricated insulation shields ' with high density insulation with vapour barriers for domestic cold water and chilled water piping. G. Hanger Types , 1 Adjustable Swivel Type Hangers 1 Hanger shall constructed of carbon steel. ' 2 Hanger to be UL, ULc and FM approved. 3 For sprinkler piping applications the swivel hanger shall meet the requirements of the NFPA. 4 Swivel nut shall provide vertical adjustment once the pipe is in , place. 5 For non insulated copper pipe utilize either copper plated or epoxy coated hangers. 6 Standard of Acceptance uninsulated steel pipe: Hunt Fig. #20, ' Myatt, Anvil Fig.69. 7 Standard of Acceptance uninsulated copper pipe: Hunt Fig #20C or Hunt Fig # 20E, Myatt, Anvil Fig. CT~9. ' 8 Standard of Acceptance insulated copper or steel pipe: Hunt Fig # 25H, Myatt, Anvil, Cooper B-Line 2 Clevis Hangers 1 Hanger shall be constructed of carbon steel. 2 Hanger to be UL, ULc and FM approved. 3 Hanger shall provide vertical adjustment once the pipe is in place. For sizes 5" (125 mm) and larger utilize rod with two nuts. For ' sizes less than 5" (125 mm) utilize bolt and nut. 4 For non insulated copper pipe utilize either copper plated or epoxy coated hangers. 5 For roller hangers provide cast iron roller. 6 Standard of Acceptance uninsulated steel pipe: Hunt Fig #32, Myatt, Anvil, Cooper B-Line. 30C Fi or g 7 Standard of Acceptance uninsulated copper pipe: Hunt ' 30E, Myatt, Anvil Fig 65 epoxy coated, Cooper B-Line. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation , CEL Project No. 09064 1 ~J LJ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 8 Standard of Acceptance steam piping requiring roller hangers: Hunt Fig #3436, Myatt, Anvil Fig 181, Cooper B-Line. 9 Standard of Acceptance insulated copper or steel pipe: Hunt Fig 32U, Myatt, Anvil Fig 260, Cooper B-Line. H. Trapeze Hangers 5 1 Hanger shall be tube construction constructed of 12 gauge rolled form ASTM 1011 structural steel Gr. 33 structural steel channel with galvanized finish. 2 Hanger shall be sized for the total weight of the pipes, concentrated loads, water and insulation supported on the trapeze. 3 Trapeze assembly shall be supported by a minimum of two rods with washer plates sized for the total weight of the pipes, concentrated loads and fluids within the pipes. .4 All insulated pipe shall be provided with insulation shields and high density insulation so that the insulation can be supported above the trapeze. 5 Pipes mounted on trapeze hangers shall be guided by a U bolt every second hanger. 6 Trapeze hangers shall be sized as follows: Tra eze Han ers Tubing Maximum Load (Ibs) based on the following distance between supports (inches) at a Size maximum tem erature of 250 F. 18 20 22 24 26 28" 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 60" 3/16" x 4" 5800 520 ~ 480 4400 3900 3600 3500 2900 2500 2200 190 1700 x 3" 0 ~ 0 p '/." x 4" x 1020 910 830 7500 7000 6500 6100 5100 4300 3800 530 4800 4" 0 0 0 p '/<" x 6" x 1200 1110 1030 9600 8000 6800 6000 530 4800 4" 0 0 0 0 '/. " x 8" x I 2000 1840 1710 1600 1330 1140 1000 880 8000 4" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Standard of Acceptance: Anvil Fig. 46, Myatt, Hunt, Cooper B-Line. 8 Riser clamps 1 Clamp shall be constructed of carbon steel. 2 Clamp to be UL, ULc and FM approved. 3 For uninsulated copper pipe utilize copper plated riser clamp. 4 Standard of Acceptance: Hunt Fig #40, 41, 42C, Myatt, Anvil Fig 261, Cooper B-Line. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Page 6 I. Roof Mounted Pipe Supports 1 Base shall be constructed of 100% recycled rubber, UV resistant with 14 gauge galvanized channel (13/16" high). 2 Dimension shall be 4 13!16" high x 6" wide by 9.6" to 48" long (as required). 3 Maximum load shall be 1500 Ibs/ft. 4 Provide required support accessories to suit. 5 Standard of Acceptance: C-Port C-Strut Support Series. J. Roof Mounted Duct Support 1 Base shall be constructed of 100% recycled rubber, UV resistant with 14 gauge galvanized channel (13/16" high) and 22" long. Supports shall be galvanized steel 60" high and shall be spaced to accommodate the duct size. 2 Maximum load shall be 1500 Ibs/ft. 3 Provide required support accessories to suit. 4 Standard of Acceptance: C-Port DSR- Duct Support Series. 2.02 Insulation Shields (Saddles) 1 Insulation shields shall be constructed of carbon steel and shall be galvanized. 2 Insulation shields shall be utilized in conjunction with high compressive strength inserts. 3 For pipes sizes NPS 5 and smaller the minimum metal thickness shall be 0.12" (3.2 mm). 4 For pipes sizes NPS 6 and larger the minimum metal thickness shall be 0.19", (4.8 mm). 5 Shields shall 12" (300 mm) in axial length and shall span an arc of approximately 180 degrees. 6 Shields for pipe sizes NPS 12 and larger shall have a centre rib. 7 Standard of Acceptance: Hunt, Myatt, Anvil Fig 167, Cooper B- Line. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 J DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Page 7 2.03 Calcium Silicate A. Providing Calcium Silicate Insulation at each hanger or trapeze support rather than insulation shields is acceptable. 2.04 Rod Sizing and Suooort SDacing A. Govern spacing between pipe rack supports using smallest pipe size. B. All hanger rods shall be galvanized or painted with red chromate primer. C. Rods shalt be threaded at both ends or be provided with a continuous thread. Use ' adjusting locknuts at upper attachments and hangers. No wire, chain or perforated straps shall be allowed. ' D. Use rod diameters and spacing for pipe supports as shown in table with folldwing exceptions: r 1 Support plumbing piping in accordance with more stringent requirements of authorities having jurisdiction or as specified. 2 Support NPS 1/2 gas pipe every 6 ft (1.8 m). 3 Support NPS 1/2 copper pipe every 5 ft (1.5 m). 4 Support flexible joint roll grooved pipe in accordance with table 2 below, but not less than one hanger for each joint. 5 Support fire protection piping in accordance with NFPA codes. 6 Support plumbing piping in accordance with the Ontario Building Code, and the following: 1 Support all vertical soil pipe, vents, waste stacks and rain water leaders at every floor with steel pipe clamps. Pipe Size NPS Rod Diameter Maximum Spacing:. Steel Co er u to, 3/4 3/8" 10 mm 7ft 2.1 m Eft 1.8 m 1 3/8" 10 mm 7ft 2.1 m 6 ft 1.8 m 1-1/4 318" 10 mm 7ft 2.1 m 6 ft 1.8 m 1-1/2 3/8" 10 mm 9 ft 2.7 m 8 ft 2.4 m 2 3/S" 10 mm 10ft 3m 9ft 2.7m 2-1/2 '/:" 12 mm 12ft 3.6m 10ft 3m 3 ''/:" 12 mm 12ft 3.6m 10ft 3m 3-1/2 '/~' 12 mm 13ft 3.9m 11ft 3.3m 4 518" 16 mm 14ft 4.2m 12ft 3.6m Darlington Sports Cen7e, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 II 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 8 e Size NPS Pi Rod Diameter Maximum Spacing: p Steel Co er 5 5!8" 16 mm 16 ft 4.8 m 6 718" 22 mm 17 ft 5.1 m 8 7/8" 22 mm 19ft 5.7m 10 7/8" 22 mm 22 ft 6.6 m 12 718" 22 mm) 22 ft (6.6 m) 14 and 16 1" 25mm 22 ft 6.6 m 18 1 1l8" 28mm) 22 ft 6.6 m) 20 1 '/." 32mm 22 ft 6.6 m 24 1 Y:" 40mm 22 ft 6.6 m E. Hangers shall be 3 piece minimum standard ie attachment, rod, pipe attachment. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. For cast iron pipe support piping on 5 foot centres (1500mm) and within 24" (600 mm) of each fitting. B. For steel and copper piping provide hangers at concentrated loads and within 24" (600 mm) of each elbow or tee. C. Where multiple pipes run parallel at the same elevation trapeze hangers may be utilized. Trapeze hangers shall be spaced according to the smallest pipe size. D. Provide inserts for placement in formwork before concrete is poured. Where concrete slabs form finished ceilings provide inserts flush with slab surface. Provide hooked rod to concrete reinforcement for inserts carrying pipe over 4" (100mm). E. Mild steel wall hooks maybe used to support non-expanding piping. Allow 1" (25 mm) minimum clearance for insulated pipe. F. Do not support piping, ductwork or equipment from any element other than the building structure. G. Where horizontal piping movements are greater than '/~' (12mm) and where the hanger rod angularity from the vertical is less than 4 degrees from the cold to hot position the hanger pipe and the structural attachments shall be offset in such a manner that the rod is vertical in the hot position. When the hanger rod angularity is greater than 4 degrees from vertical, then structural attachment shall be offset so that at no point will the rod angularity exceed 4 degrees from vertical. H. If calculations indicate that the sway will be greater than 4 degrees from the vertical utilize roller hangers. I. Adjust hanger rods to equalize load. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 u r I_ J 1 C~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15060 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS J. Provide hanger within 24" (600 mm) on each side of valve, elbow or tee. K. All hangers shall be directly hung from the structure. No hangers shall be installed or supported off other pipes, ducts, equipment, or steel decks. L. Where necessary to support piping from floor, use concrete pier base with cast iron pipe rest with floor flange and pipe roll stands. M. All hangers and connections to open web steel joists, must be made at the panel joints. It is not structurally acceptable to impose any loads on either the top or bottom chord of the joist, between panel points. The maximum working load that can be suspended from a joist panel point is not to exceed 1.0 kN. Loads must be applied so that they do not cause twisting of the joists. N. For all domestic cold water and chilled water piping provide oversized hangers so that the hanger is outside of the insulation. In addition, provide oversized hangers for all piping within the areas designated noise critical. O. Hangers shall be installed to maintain a clearance of at least 1" (25mm) from other work. P. All vertical piping shall be supported by the horizontal pipe, or a pedestal support or the foundation at the base of the riser and riser clamps at each floor level for cast iron or PVC pipe and every other floor for steel and copper pipe. For floors greater than 12 feet (3650 mm) provide riser clamps at every floor. Wherever possible locate riser clamps directly below the pipe couplings or shear lugs. Q. Rigid support spray bracing shall be provided at all changes in direction greaterthan 45 degrees for pipe sizes 4' (100mm) and greater. R. Provide roller hangers for steam and condensate systems as required for expansion and contraction. S. All hangers exposed to the Outdoors shall be hot dipped galvanized or stainless steel. Zinc plated hardware is not acceptable for outdoor use. T. All hangers exposed in Corrosive Areas shall be Type 304 stainless steel with stainless steel hardware. END- Darlington Sports Cenve, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15065 WORK WITHIN EXISTING BUILDINGS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 RESERVED PART 3: EXECUTION A. Scheduling of Work: 1 Notify and obtain agreement from the Owner before connecting or making modification to existing electrical, or mechanical services. Disruptions shall ' be kept to a minimum. Whenever the Contractor contemplates entering any occupied areas and any existing floors to carry out Work orto obstructortake out of use any area, he shall make such request to the Owner in writing 72 hours before he intends to do the Work. Coordinate all work with the General Contractor. B. Protection: ~ 1 Work shall include temporary, weathertight, dust tight partitions between areas, and enclosing areas within the building where Work is performed. t 2 Protection of existing building, including roofs, shall be substantial enough to prevent damage to them by falling objects, demolition, and mandatory construction traffic during new Work. 3 Protection of property in, or on, existing building shall include equipment, furniture, and other similarfurnishings, hardware, trim, and supplies, whether fixed to building or not. t 4 Take all precautions to ensure that no structural damage is caused to existing building by demolition and alternation Work. 5 Ensure during demolition and construction Work that materials, components, and similar items to be reused are protected from damage, and that measures are taken to keep down dust and noise at all times. 6 Take extraordinary means to protect relics, weathered surface, and materials and components which cannot be replaced. 7 Provide all necessary coverings to protect existing surtaces from damage during course of renovation. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 1 SECTION 15065 WORK WITHIN EXISTING BUILDINGS Page 2 ' C. Removal of Existing Work: 1 Remove building elements, components, materials, and equipment. Store ' and protect materials from damage for re-installation when Work above is complete. 2 Store and protect relocated items until built into new locations. 3 Limit removal of items to smallest areas possible, and make good disturbed existing Work. 4 Remove debris and accumulated dirt from existing building immediately as it accumulates, on a daily basis. Ensure that during removal operations through the existing building that existing Work is not damaged and dirt, debris, and dust is not spread. 5 Maintain Work areas in existing building constantly broom clean to avoid tracking of dirt into adjacent areas. Immediately clean up debris resulting from Work of Contract that is deposited in existing building outside of Work ' areas. Make a daily inspection to ensure that Work and construction access areas are maintained clean and undamaged as specifed. k t W D. New or : and Replacemen 1 Where existing work is altered, do all necessary cutting and fitting required to make satisfactory connections with existing work so as to leave entire work in a finished and acceptable condition. 2 Execute work with least possible interference and disturbance to occupants, public and normal use of premises. Arrange with Consultant to facilitate execution of work. 3 Make good all existing materials and finishes, which are not to be removed nor altered, but which are damaged or disturbed during the progress of work , under this contrail. .4 Where existing work is to be made good, match the new work exactly to the old work in material, form, construction and finish, unless otherwise specified or approved. 5 Existing ductwork serving adjacent areas shall not be removed until all material for ductwork replacing it is on site. 6 Where ductwork is being removed and replaced to improve available ceiling heights, the interference drawings shall show: ' 1 All existing services including current dud location; 2 New duct and service locations; 3 New ceiling height. 7 No work shall proceed until interference drawings have been submitted and Darlington Sports Centre 9064 , Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 0 I [~ 1 R DIVISION 15 SECTION 15065 WORK WITHIN EXISTING BUILDINGS Page 3 revised by the Consultant. E. Con tractor's Use of Existing Building: ~ Access of construction personnel to the buildings will be permitted only at ' 2 locations approved by the Owner and General Contractor. E nsure that construction personnel perform Work in existing building only as required under the Contract, and that they do not use it as access to Work areas, except for Work in existing building, or for other approved purposes. ' Access for construction personnel to their Work areas shall be approved by the Owner before the Work commences. 3 Use of washroom and other services in existing building by construction personnel is prohibited, unless agreed upon with the Owner. The Contractor shall clean all spaces needed at the completion of the job to the satisfaction of the Owner and General Contractor. 4 C onstruction personnel shall use areas of the existing building for their purposes only as designated by the Owner and the General Contractor only while Work is in progress. Prohibit lounging and smoking in assigned areas. Keep assigned areas clean under Work of Contract, and return them to an "as was" condition at completion of construction. Make good damage to building, fixtures, and fittings caused during use by construction personnel by replacement with new Work. Include cost of installation and making good of other Work thereby affected in replacement. 5 Construction personnel shall use areas of the existing buildings only in a ' manner as determined by the Work. 6 All noisy and disrupted work shall be identified to the Owner and General Contractor with 48 hours minimum notice. Cooperate with the Owner in regards to any special arrangements which may have to be made as a result. i=. Exist ing Services: 1 Ensure that existing services are not damaged during demolition and construction. Immediately cut off and cap concealed services uncovered during Work by qualified mechanical and electrical workers. 2 Relocate exposed existing mechanical and electrical services where alteration Work occurs. ' 3 Do not interrupt mechanical or electrical services of the existing building except for temporary close-downs to make connections to new Work, and as approved by prior arrangements with Consultant and Owner. Give the General Contractor, Consultant and Owner three working days written notice of intention to interrupt mechanical or electrical services in existing building in any area, and obtain written permission from Owner and General Contractor. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15065 WORK WITHIN EXISTING BUILDINGS Page 4 , 4 In no case shall services interruptions affect the total building. 5 Should existing services be accidentally uncovered and disrupted, make complete restoration immediately, and provide adequate protection to avoid further disruption until alternative means of providing permanent continuation of the services are made. the Contractor b d h ll b ' 6 y e ma e a Payment for Work specified in the foregoing s at no additional cost to the Owner, if, in the opinion of the Consultant, such Work could have been foreseen at time of tendering and which has been caused by lack of proper care and protection. 7 Payment for Work specified in the foregoing shall be paid for by the Owner at standard rates established in the industry if, in the opinion of the Consultant, such Work could not have been foreseen at time of tendering. 8 Advise the General Contractor, Consultant and Owner of the commencement, duration and termination dates of this Work. Contractor shall keep a record of work hours, number of workers, tools, equipment ' rentals, quantities of material used, mileage, etc. to present with his claim if requested by Consultant or Owner. 9 Unless otherwise specified, restore services on which Work is performed to original condition. 10 Where services such as mechanical equipment, piping or ductwork are to be removed as part of the demolition work and/or services needs to be removed to facilitate installation of new services or equipment, the mechanical contractor shall review the site and ensure that these services are not" live" and that their removal/demolition will not cause any damage or any disturbance to the building or its occupant. 11 If there are existing isolation valves in the piping, prior to cutting any of the piping, the contractor shall examine all of these isolating valves to ensure they are in good working condition. If they are not in good condition and they can not be counted on to provide isolation of the system the Contractor shall either freeze the piping or drain it down prior to making the connection. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation , CEL Prolecl No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15065 WORK WITHIN EXISTING BUILDINGS 5 12 If the Contractor discovers any issues or deficiencies with respect to the existing services during his/her site review the Contractor shall report these issues or deficiencies to the Consultant prior to any demolition work taking place. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused by their failure to review the existing systems prior to proceeding with the work. G. Return Air Ductwork 1 Install temporary filters on all return air ducts within the construction zone prior to the start of construction. END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15070 V-BELTS AND GUARDS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 S HOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit for approval, manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation and ' fabrication. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.D1 V-BELTS A. Fit reinforced belts in sheave matched to drive. Multiple belts on unit to be matched ' set. B. Use steel sheaves secured to shafts with removable keys. C . For motors 1/3 HP to 10 HP: standard adjustable pitch drive sheaves, having+/-10% ' range. Use mid-position of range for specified r/min. D . For motors over 10 HP: Sheave with split tapered bushing and keyway having fixed pitch unless specifically required for item concerned. Provide sheave of correct size to suit balancing. E . Minimum drive rating: 1.5 times nameplate rating on motor. Keep overhung loads ' within manufacturers design requirements on prime mover shafts. F. Motor slide rail adjustment plates to allow for center line adjustment. G . Tension belts to manufacturer's recommendations before start up and after the first 100 hours of operation using calibrated belt tensioning gauge. ' H . 1-1/2" (40 mm) diameter holes on both shaft centers for insertion of tachometer. I. Provide means to permit lubrication and use of test instruments with guards in place. J. Install belt guards to permit movement of motors for adjusting belt tension. K . For flexible couplings, provide removable, "U" shaped, 12 gage (2.7 mm) thick galvanized frame and 18 gage (1.2 mm) thick expanded mesh face. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15070 V-BELTS AND GUARDS Page 2 L. Provide 3/4" (19 mm) galvanized mesh wire screen on inlet or outlet of exposed fan blades. M. Provide belt and rotating shaft guards for exposed drives and shafts. 2.02 GUARDS A. All belt guards for remote return fans shall be provided with a complete guard which covers the front and back of the belt. B. Provide guards for exposed drives. This includes the drives within the air handling units. C. All guards shall meet the requirements outlined in the OSHA Regulations. D. Guards for drives shall have: 1 Expanded metal screen welded to 1" (25 mm) steel angle frame. 2 18 gauge (1.2 mm) thick galvanized sheet metal tops and bottoms. 3 Removable side for servicing. 4 1-1l2" (40 mm) diameter holes on both shaft centers for insertion of tachometer. E. Provide means to permit lubrication and use of test instruments with guards in place. F. Install belt guards to permit movement of motors for adjusting belt tension. G. Provide 3/4" (20 mm) galvanized mesh wire screen on inlet or outlet of exposed fan blades. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations. END- Darlington Sports Cen[re, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15075 ACCESS DOORS AND VALVE BOXES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit for approval, manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation and fabrication. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.D1 GENERAL A. Supply access doors to the relevant building trade to provide access in furred ceilings for the following: 1 Servicing equipment 2 Access to plumbing cleanouts 3 Access to shut off valves. .4 Inspection of life safety equipment. 5 Service of operating devices 6 All locations where periodic maintenance is required. B. Access door sizes shall be as follows: 1 Body Entry: 24" x 24" (600 x 600 mm) 2 Far Hand Entry: 18" x 18" (450 x 450 mm) 3 Far Viewing Only: 12" x 12" (300mm x 300mm) C. All doors shall open 180E have rounded safety corners D. For fire rated ceilings or wall provide a fire rated access door that will match the fire rating of the wall that the access door is installed in. The Division 15 Contractorshall be responsible for reviewing the drawings and providing fire rated access doors where they are required. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15075 ACCESS DOORS AND VALVE BOXES 2 E. Where body access is possible the access doors shall be provided with a releasing mechanism on both sides of the door. F. Refer to section 08310 of the specification. 2.02 RECESSED ACCESS DOOR FOR DRYWALL APPLICATIONS A. Door shall be 16 gauge steel. Mounting frame shall be 14 gauge galvanized steel. B. Door shall be provided with a 25 mm (1") recess or 14mm (5/8") to suit the thickness of the drywall ceiling. C. The frame shall be provided with a galvanized steel drywall taping bead on all sides. D. The hinge shall be a concealed pivoting rod. E. The latch shall be a flush to the surface, screwdriver operated cam latch. F. The steel finish shall be 5 stage iron phosphate preparation with prime coat of grey baked enamel. G. Standard of Acceptance: Acudor DW-5015, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers 2.03 RECESSED ACCESS DOOR FOR PLASTER APPLICATIONS A. Door shall be 16 gauge steel. Mounting frame shall be 14 gauge galvanized steel. B. Door shall be provided with a 14mm (5!8°) recess and shall be lined with self furring galvanized lath. C. The frame shall be provided an expansion casing bead with 75 mm (3") wide galvanized lath, recessed 20mm (3!4") to receive plaster. D. The hinge shall be a concealed pivoting rod. E. The latch shall be a flush to the surface, screwdriver operated cam latch. F. The steel finish shall be 5 stage iron phosphate preparation with prime coat of grey baked enamel. G. Standard of Acceptance: Acudor AP-5010, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL ProjeA No. 09064 LJ l_.I L1 CI DIVISION 15 SECTION 15075 ACCESS DOORS AND VALVE BOXES Page 3 2.04 FLUSH ACCESS DOORS FOR TILED WALL APPLICATIONS A. For doors 400mm x 400mm (16" x 16") and smaller the door shall be 16 gauge with 18 gauge mounting frame. B. For doors over 400mm x 400mm (16" x 16") the door shall be 14 gauge with 16 gauge mounting frame. C. Door shall be flush to frame with rounded safety corners. D. The frame shall be one piece welded to the mounting frame. E. The hinge shall be a continuous concealed hinge. F. The latch shall be a stainless steel screwdriver cam latch. G. The finish shall be Type 304 #4 satin polish stainless steel. H. Standard of Acceptance: Acudor OF-5000, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers 2.05 FIRE RATED ACCESS DOOR A. Door shall be constructed of 20 gauge steel with a 16 gauge mounting frame. B. Door shall be filled with SOmm (2")thick fire rated insulation. C. The door frame shall be provided with a 25mm (1 ") wide flange and mounting frame to have anchor straps. D. The hinge shall be concealed and shall be provided with a spring closer. E. Door shall be UL/ULC rated for 1 Y hour "B" label with 250 degree F temp rise in 30 minutes. F. The latch shall be a universal self latching bolt, operated by either a knurled knob. G. The steel finish shall be 5 stage iron phosphate prepared with a prime coat of grey baked enamel. H. For drywall applications provide a galvanized steel drywall taping bead flange. I. Standard of Acceptance: Acudor FB-5050, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15075 ACCESS DOORS AND VALVE BOXES Page 4 2.06 FIRE RATED ACCESS DOOR WITH INSIDE LATCH RELEASE A. Door shall be constructed of 16 gauge steel with a 16 gauge mounting frame. B. Door shall be flush to frame with reinforced edges. C. The door frame shall be provided with a 25 mm (1") wide flange and shall be provided with anchor straps. D. The hinge shall be concealed and shall be provided with a spring closer. E. The door shall be UUULC rated for 1 'h hour "B" label or 2 hour "B" label as required where temperature rise is not a factor. F. The latch shall be a universal self latching bolt, operated by either a knurled knob. G. The steel finish shall be 5 stage iron phosphate prepared with a prime coat of grey baked enamel. H. Door shall be provided with an interior latch release. I. For drywall applications provide a galvanized steel drywall taping bead flange. J. Standard of Acceptance: Acudor FB-5060, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers 2.07 VALVE BOX-SURFACE MOUNT A. Door shall be stainless steel in public areas and steel in mechanical rooms and service areas. B. Door and box shall be 16 gauge steel. C. The door shall overlap the box, providing a tight and secure fit. D. The box shall be fully enclosed, attached to the door. E. The hinge shall be a continuous piano hinge. F. The door shall be provided with a cylinder lock and key. G. For steel doors the finish shall be 5 stage iron phosphate preparation with prime coat of grey baked enamel. H. Stainless steel doors shall be #4 satin finish. I. Standard of Acceptance: AcudorASVB, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09069 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15075 ACCESS DOORS AND VALVE BOXES Page 5 2.08 VALVE BOX-RECESSED ' A. Door shall be stainless steel in public areas and steel in mechanical rooms and service areas. 8. Door and box shall be 16 gauge steel. C. The door shall be flush to the frame with rounded safety corners. D. The box shall be fully enclosed, completely attached to the frame. E. The hinge shall be a continuous concealed hinge. ' F. The door shall be provided with a cylinder lock and key. G. For steel doors the finish shall be 5 stage iron phosphate preparation with prime coat of grey baked enamel. H. Stainless steel doors shall be #4 satin finish. I. Standard of Acceptance: Acudor ARVB, Mifab, Zurn, Watrous, Williams Brothers PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. On some drawings, access door locations have been indicated for coordination. The drawings do not show all access doors required. B. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide a set of drawings showing locations and types of all access doors located in public areas to the Consultant for approval, prior to commencing the installation of any piping or ductwork within these areas. C. Access doors shall be turned over to the building trade that is responsible for finishing the wall or ceiling where the access door is required. D. The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for providing the access doors required to be installed in ductwork. Refer to Section 15820 for requirements. END- Darlington Sports Cen6e, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 fJ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15080 THERMOMETERS AND PRESSURE GAUGES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit for approval, manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation and fabrication. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 THERMOMETERS AND PRESSURE GAUGES A. Direct Reading Thermometers: 1 Industrial, 9" (225 mm) adjustable angle cast aluminum case, kerosene tinted red or organic liquid tinted green (no mercury), lens front tube, white scale black embossed figures, clear glass or acrylic window, tapered aluminum stem. 2 Accuracy to be +/- 1 % of full scale. 3 Scale shall be suitable for 2 times the temperature range of service. Scale shall be combined Celcius and Fahrenheit. 4 Thermometer shall be fully adjustable to provide full 360 degree positioning on the vertical axis and 180 degree rotation on the horizontal axis. The thermometer shall be able to be locked into any position along this arc. 5 Thermometer shall be designed as a sealed system to allow for easy replacement of the thermometer without the need to shut down or drain the system. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide thermal grease in the well to ensure good heat transfer between the thermometer probe and the well. 6 Standard of Acceptance: Weiss, Ashcroft, Trerice, Winters B. Remote Reading Thermometers 1 Dial size shall be 4 Y=" (112mm) with black and red markings. 2 Casing shall be aluminum with polycarbonate lens. 3 Pointer to be anodized black pointer. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15080 THERMOMETERS AND PRESSURE GAUGES Page 2 4 Internals shall be phosphor bronze tube, brass movement. 5 Connection shall be brass 7/16" OD x 2" insertion depth brass bulb. Operating range shall be 75% of full scale range. 6 Provide with 5 feet of double braided bronze armor over copper capillary. Care shall betaken to ensure that the capillary tube is not located in areas of extreme temperatures. 7 Provide with'/:" NPT removable brass union connection. 8 Thermometer shall be liquid flled. 9 Accuracy to be 0.5% of full scale 10 Standard of Acceptance: Weiss, Ashcroft, Trerice, Winters. 2.02 C. Pressure Gauges: 1 4 112" (112 mm) dial, solid front blow out back, fibreglass reinforced polypropylene case, phosphor bronze Bourdon tube and brass OT58 1/4" N.P.T. socket, bottom connection, stainless steel rotarytype movement, gauge to conform to ANSI/ASME 640.1 Grade 2A. Accuracy to be +/- 0.5%. 2 On all pumps liquid filled gauges shall be utilized. 3 Provide bronze ball valve, bronze bar stock 1/4" N.P.T. bronze porous core pressure snubber for pulsating operation and diaphragm for corrosive service. 4 Use materials compatible with system requirements. 5 Gauges shall have combined kPa and psi scales. 6 Standard of Acceptance: Weiss, Ashcroft, Trerice, Winters THERMOMETER TEST WELLS A. '/e" NPT female connection brass test well. B. Test well to be provided with cap and chain. C. Test well to be provided for future installation of thermometer specified above. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15080 THERMOMETERS AND PRESSURE GAUGES Page 3 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION -GENERAL A. Locate direct reading thermometers and gauges for reading from floor or platform. B. Provide remote reading thermometers and gauges where direct reading instruments cannot be satisfactorily located. ' C. Locate engraved lamacoid nameplate as specified in Section Identification, identifying medium adjacent to thermometers and gauges. I 3.02 LOCATIONS A. Thermometers are to be installed in the following locations: 1 At all air handling units on the fluid supply and return lines. 2 For all pumped coils provide a thermometer in the supply and return from the coil in addition to the supply and return from the system. 3 At all supply and return headers. 4 In the fluid supply and return for all glycol and water heat exchangers. 5 In the supply for line for all boilers. 6 In the supply and return for the chilled water and condenser water for all chillers. 7 Provide for fan coils where required by Drawing Details. 8 Provide for reheat coils where required by Drawing Details. 9 Hot water supply for all domestic hot water tanks. Darlington sports Cen7e, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15080 THERMOMETERS AND PRESSURE GAUGES Page 4 B. Pressure Gauges are to be installed in the following locations 1 Provide one gauge piped across the supply and return for all pumps. Pipe in accordance with Drawing Details. 2 Provide one gauge piped across the supply and return for all glycol and water heat exchangers. Pipe in accordance with Drawing Details. 3 At all expansion tanks. 4 Provide in the inlet and the discharge of all pressure reducing valves. 5 Provide in the header for all steam boilers. 6 Provide at air handling units when indicated on the Drawing Details. 7 Provide at fan coils when indicated on the Drawing Details. C. Test Wells 1 Provide in the locations shown on the Drawing Details. -END- Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15090 IDENTIFICATION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed ' by the requirements outlined in Section 1501D. 1.02 EQUIPMENT ' A. Manufacturer's nameplates: 1 Provide metal nameplate on each piece of equipment, mechanicallyfastened with raised or recessed letters. ' 2 Coordinate the exact location of the nameplate on each piece of equipment prior to installation and coordinate the size of the nameplate to suit the 3 equipment size. P id it ' L i U d b t i t ti l t rov erwr ers ora or es reg ra e n a s on p a es. ' 4 Manufacturers nameplate to indicate size, equipment model, manufacturer's name, serial number, voltage, cycle, phase and power of motors. 5 Locate nameplates so that they are easily read. Do not insulate or paint over plates. B. System nameplates: 1 Provide laminated plastic plates with black face and white center of minimum Size 3'/" x 2 The size of the name plates shall be coordinated with the size of the equipment. Provide amuck-up of three (3) nameplate sizes proposed for the various smaller pieces of equipment specified for this project. For all large pieces of equipment such as roof top air handling units, chillers, boilers, evaporative coolers & heat exchangers, provide a minimum. size ' 3 '/_" x 1 '/:" x 1/1D" (90 x40 x 2.5 mm) nominal thickness, engraved with 114" (6 mm) high lettering. Use 1" (25 mm) lettering for major equipment. 3 Fasten nameplates securely in conspicuous place. Where nameplates can ' not be mounted on cool surface, provide standoffs. 4 Identify equipment tag and service or area or zone on all nameplates (e.g. EF-C17, Lunch Room #2116, Exhaust Air Fan) or (e.g. RAHU-C1, Brokers Area, Air Handling Unit.) or (e.g. P-C401, Condenser Water Pump) pr (e.g. ET-C1, Glycol Heating Expansion Tank). ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 0906a DIVISION 15 SECTION 15090 IDENTIFICATION 2 5 All plates shall be pop riveted in place. 8 Submit list of nameplates c/w mock-ups indicated above for review prior to engraving. 1.03 PIPING A. Identify medium in piping with markers showing name and service including temperature, pressure and directional flow arrows in accordance with CGSB 24-GP-3a. B. Manufactured pipe markers and color bands: 1 All identification shall incorporate direction of flow arrows. 2 Markers shall be manufactured from semi rigid plastic vinyl, with subsurface printing using quality indoor/outdoor vinyl inks and a UV vinyl inhibitor. 3 For outside diameters up to 6" the markers shall be coiled and wrap completely around the pipe with six rows of wording in alternate directions. 4 For outside diameters greater than 6"the markers shall be saddle style with two (2) rows of wording and shall he installed utilizing nylon cable ties provided with the marker. 5 Letter heights shall be as follows: O.D. RANGE LETTER HEIGHT 3/8"to 5/8" 1/4" 314" to 1 1/4" 1/2" 1 118" to 2 3/8" 3/4" 2 1/2"to 6 1 1/4" 6" to 10" 1 3/4" 10" to 18" 2 1l2" Over 18" 3 1/2" 8 Standard of Acceptance: SMS Coil-Mark, Brady Wrap Around, Seton Setmark Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ll t I`] L.J ~J 1 1 fI LJ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15090 IDENTIFICATION Pape 3 C. Location: 1 Locate markers and classifying colors on piping systems so they can be seen from floor or platform. 2 Piping runs at least once in each room. 3 Maximum 50 ft (15 m) between identifications in open areas. 4 Both sides where piping passes through walls, partitions and floors. 5 At point of entry and leaving, where piping is concealed in pipe chase or other confined space, and at each access opening. 6 At start and end points of runs and at each piece of equipment. 7 At major manual and automatic valves immediately upstream of valves. 8 Identify branch, equipment or area served after valve. D. Table: pipe and valve identification. E. Coding shall be in accordance with the following schedule with approved plastic bands: PIPE MARKER LEGEND LETTERING ON BAND BAND COLOR LETTERING COLOR Chilled Water Supply Chilled Wtr. Sup. Green White Chilled Water Return Chilled Wtr. Ret Green White Condenser Water Supply Cond. Water Sup. Green White Condenser Water Return Cond. Water Ret. Green White City water City Water Green White Cold water Cold Water Green White Condensate Condensate Yellow Black Domestic Hot Water DHW Dom. Hot Water Yellow Black Domestic Hot Water Recirc. Dom. H.W. Recirc Yellow Dark Green Fine Gas Carbon Dioxide Fine Gas Carbon Dioxide Grey Black Fuel Oil Supply Fuel Oil Supply Yellow Black Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15090 IDENTIFICATION 4 PIPE MARKER LEGEND LETTERING ON BAND BAND COLOR LETTERING COLOR Fuel Oil Return Fuel Oil Return Yellow 81ack Hot Water Supply Heating Supply Yellow Black Hot Water Return Heating Return Yellow Black Glycol Heating Supply Glycol Htg. Supply Yellow Black Glycol Heating Return Glycol Htg. Return Yellow Black Make-up water Make-up Water Yellow Black Non Potable Cold Water Non Potable Wtr Green White Non Potable Hot Water Nan Potable HW Yellow Black San sewer Sanitary Drain Green White Sprinkler water Sprinkler Water Red White Storm Water Storm Drain Green White Tempered Water Tempered Water. Green White Vent Vent Green White 1.04 DUCTWORK A. Use 2" (50 mm) high black stenciled letters, e.g. "Supply AH-1", "Return AH-1", "Sanitary Exhaust EF-1" with directional flow arrow. Lettering must identify the system that the ductwork serves. B. Maintain maximum 50 ft (15 m) distance between markings. C. Identify ducts each side of dividing walls or partitions and beside each access door. D. Stencil over final finish only. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 u DIVISION 15 SECTION 15090 IDENTIFICATION Page 5 1.05 VALVES AND CONTROLLERS A. Provide two-ply engraved laminated plastic tags equal to SMS Series LS-1500 cobr coding. ' 1.06 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 B. Provide Consultant with six (6) identification flow diagrams of approved size for each system. Include tag schedule, designating number, service, function, and location of each tagged item and normal operating position of valves. C. Install where directed one (1) copy of flow diagram and valve schedule mounted in glazed frame. The flow diagram and valve chart shall be mounted in the Mechanical Room and/or Owners designated area. Provide one (1) copy in each operating and maintenance instruction manual. D. Consecutively number valves in systems. E. The Division 15 Contractor shall coordinate the valve numbering system with the Owner's current valve numbering system (if any). If a numbering system does not currently exist, a new valve numbering system shall be started. VAV AND REHEAT LOCATIONS A. Provide a blue round 3/4" (20 mm) sticker on the T-Bar grid at each location of VAV boxes or fan power boxes above the ceiling. B. Provide a red round 3/4" (20 mm) sticker on the T-bar grid at each location of reheat or heating coils above the ceiling. -END- DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. B. The drive shall be designed to meet the following specifications: 1 NFPA 70 - US National Electrical Code 2 NEMA ICS 3.1 -Safety standards for Construction and Guide for Selection. Installation and Operation of Adjustable Speed Drive Systems. 3 NEMA 250 -Enclosures for Electrical Equipment 4 UL 508C -Underwriter's Laboratory 5 CAN/CSA-C22 No. 14-M91. -Canadian Standards Association. 6 IEC 146 -International Electrical Code. 1.03 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. The drive shall conform to the following requirements: .1 NFPA 70 .2 IEC 146 .3 C-UL marking to provide an approved listing for Canadian users. Manufacturer to furnish the product as listed and classified by Underwriter's Laboratories as suitable for the purpose specified and indicated. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 i DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 2 4 EN Standard/CE marked for the following directives 1 Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) EN50178 Electronic Equipment for use in power installations ' 2 EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) EN61800-3 Adjustable Speed electrical power drive systems Part 3. , 3 The drive shall have an internal EMC filter capable of meeting the Second Environment levels forthe EMC directive withoutthe need for additional components. First environment classification requires an additional, external filter. 5 SEMI 47 certification ' 1.04 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010 and 01330. B. Indicate the following: dimensional drawings, connection drawings, power circuit certification agency file numbers. warranty description dia rams ' , g , 1.05 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in ' Section 15010. 1.06 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS ' A. Provide maintenance materials in accordance with Section 15010. 07 MANUFACTURED ITEMS 1 , . A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying , adherence to codes and standards in force. PART 2: PRODUCTS Ot GENERAL 2 ' . A. Furnish complete variable frequency drives (VFD) far the fans and pumps designated on the schedules to be variable speed. Separate schedules are not issued for the , variable frequency drives. Refer to the air handling unit, return fan, exhaust fan, supply fan and pump schedules as applicable. All standard and optional features shall be included within the VFD enclosure. VFD enclosure for indoor application shall be in heavy gauge metal NEMA 1 with inlet air filters. The entire package shall , be UL and CSA approved. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 3 +~ B. The variable frequency drives for the roof top air handling units, return fans, exhaust fans, supply fans and pumps shall be made by the same Manufacturer. C. The VFD shall convert three-phase, 60 hz utility power to adjustable voltage and frequency, three phase power for stepless motor speed control. The input voltage shall be as specified on the drawing schedules. ' D. The VFD shall include a converter and an inverter section. The converter section shall convert fixed frequency and voltage AC utility power to DC voltage. All VFD's shall include input line reactors. E. The inverter section of the VFD shall invert the DC voltage into a quality output waveform with adjustable voltage and frequency for stepless motor speed control. The VFD shall maintain a constant V/Hz. ratio. F. Power line noise shall be limited to a voltage distortion factor and line notch depth as defined in IEEE Standard 519-19851, Guide for Harmonic Control. The total voltage distortion shall not exceed 5%. The total current harmonic distortion shall be less ' than 10 percent. ' G. VFD's shall include fltration to limit Electromagnetic Interference and eliminate compatibility issues with sensitive computer equipment. All VFD's shall be provided in all metal enclosures to limit Radio Frequency Interference. The VFD shall not emit radiated RFI in excess of the limitations set forth in the FCC Rules, Part 15 for Class A computing devices. PWM drives shall include RFI filters. 2.02 Protective Features: A. Motor overload protection for each motor controlled. B. Protection against: 1 Input power under and over voltage, phase loss. 2 Output current overload and instantaneous over current. 3 Over temperature within VFD enclosure. 4 Over voltage on the DC bus. .5 Sustained power or phase loss. .6 Line side voltage distortion not to exceed 3 percent. 7 Line side current distortion not to exceed 8%. C. Automatically reset faults due to under voltage, phase loss, over voltage and Over temperature. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 4 D. Protection against output short circuit and motor winding shorting to cause faults, as defined by UL508. E. Status lights or digital display (English language) of individual faults. ' F. Controller capable of operating without a motor to facilitate start-up and troubleshooting. G. Input line reactors shall be provided to minimize harmonics reduced to the AC line ' and to provide protection to AC line transients. H. New Motors 1 1 All motors operated by VFD drives shall meet the NEMA MG1, Part 31 standards for operation without filtration. If VFD output exceeds MG1, Part ' 31 standards additional LC filter Networks shall be included with each VFD. 1. Provide contact for power shut down in case of fire alarm, for connection to fire alarm ' panel. 2.03 Interface Features: A. Dcor mounted Hand/Off/Auto selector switch. , B. Door mounted, interlocked, padlockable disconnect switch. This disconnect switch ' shall disconnect the drive from the input power line. C. Local/Remote selector switch. In the remote position motor speed is determined by the follower signal. In the local position motor speed is determined by a manual switch mounted on the panel faceplate. D. Power "ON" light. , E. Fault lights to indicate that the VFD has tripped on a fault condition. F. Digital meter to indicate percent speed and percent load. ' G. Form C dry contacts to indicate when the VFD is in the run mode and to indicate when the VFD is in the fault mode. ' H. A 0-10 Vdc signal proportional to the speed. I. Safety shutdown from safety contacts (smoke, freeze) in drive or bypass mode. J. VFD shall accept 4 - 20ma, 0-10 Vdc control signal. K. All alarms shall read out in full English language, coded messages are not ' acceptable. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES 5 2.04 ADJUSTMENTS: A. Maximum speed (50-100% base), minimum (0-50% base). B. Acceleration time, adjustable 3 to 300 sec. C. Deceleration time, adjustable 3 to 300 sec. D. Current limit, adjustable 0 to 105%. E. Overload trip setpoint. F. Offset and gain to condition the input speed signal. 2.05 SERVICE CONDITIONS A. Ambient temperature 0 to 40 deg. C. B. 0 to 95% RH non condensing. C. Elevation to 10D0 meters without Berating. D. AC line voltage variation, -10 to +10% nominal. 2.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. To ensure quality the complete VFD shall be tested at the manufacturer's factory. The VFD shall operate a dynamometer at full load and the speed shall be cycled during the test. B. All optional features shall be functionally tested at the factory for proper operation. 2.07 MICRO VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES A. Furnish complete VFD as specified herein or in the equipment schedule for loads designated to be variable speed. VFD's shall be programmable for both constant and variable torque. B. The VFD shall convert incoming fixed frequency three-phase AC power and in some cases single-phase AC power into a variable frequency and votage for controlling the speed of three-phase AC induction motors. The VFD shall be a six-pulse input design, and the input voltage rectifier shall employ a full wave diode bridge; VFD's utilizing controlled SCR rectifiers shall not be acceptable. The output waveform shall closely approximate a sine wave. The VFD shall be of a PWM output design utilizing current IGBT inverter technology and voltage vector control of the output PWM waveform. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES C. The VFD shall include afull-wave diode bridge rectifier and maintain a displacement power factor of near unity regardless of speed and load. D. The VFD shall produce an output waveform capable of handling maximum motor cable distances of up to 165 ft. (unshielded) without tripping. E. The VFD shall have conformal coated printed circuit boards meeting Class 3C3 as a standard for resistance to chemicals and environment. F. The VFD shall utilize WCPLUS, an output voltage-vector switching algorithm, or equivalent, in both variable and constant torque modes. WCPLUS provides rated RMS fundamental voltage from the VFD. This allows the motor to operate at a lower temperature rise, extending its thermal life. VFD's that cannot produce rated RMS fundamental output voltage or require the input voltage to be increased above motor nameplate value to achieve rated RMS fundamental output voltage are not acceptable. VFD's that only utilize Sine-Coded PWM or look-up tables shall not be acceptable. G. The VFD selected must be able to source the motor's full load nameplate amperage (fundamental RMS) on a continuous basis, and be capable of running the motorat its nameplate RPM, voltage, current, and slip without having to utilize the service factor of the motor. H. The VFD will be capable of running either variable or constant torque loads. In variable torque applications, the VFD shall provide a CT-start feature and be able to provide full torque at any speed up to the base speed of the motor. In either CT or VT mode, the VFD shall be able to provide its full rated output current continuously and 150% of rated current for 60 seconds. I. An Automatic Energy Optimization (AEO) selection feature shall be provided in the VFD to minimize energy consumption in variable torque applications. This feature shall dynamically adjust output voltage in response to load, independent of speed. This feature shall incorporate power factor compensation. Output voltage adjustment based upon frequency alone is not acceptable for single motor VT configurations. J. An initial ramp function shall be available to provide a different beginning ramp time, up to 3600 seconds, for applications requiring a faster or slower ramp than the normal ramp. K. Switching of the input power to the VFD shall be possible without interlocks or damage to the VFD at a minimum interval of 2 times per minute. L. Switching of power on the output side between the VFD and the motor shall be possible with no limitation or damage to the VFD and shall require no additional interlocks. M. An Automatic Motor Tuning (AMT) function shall measure motor stator resistance and reactance to optimize pertormance and efficiency. It shall not be necessary to Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 7 spin the motor shaft or decouple the motor from the load to accomplish this optimization. Additionally, the parameters for motor resistance and motor reactance shall be user-programmable. ' N. VFD shall provide full torque to the motor given input voltage fluctuations of up to t10%ofthe rated input voltage. Additionally, sustained line voltage reductions upto 15% shall not cause the VFD to trip. O. 20 step Smart Logic Controller for programming special functions such as sleep mode, pipe fill mode, and setup change. ' 08 Protective Features: 2 . ' A. The VFD shall protect itself from transients by utilizing MOV's. B. VFD shall include circuitry to detect phase imbalance and phase loss on the input side of the VFD. ' C. VFD shall include circuitry to detect a ground fault in the motor or motor wiring. D. The VFD shall have an integral Class Al RFI Filter. 2.09 Interface Features: A. VFD shall provide a numeric backlit display keypad which maybe remotely mounted. ' VFD may be operated with keypad disconnected or removed entirely. Keypad may be disconnected during normal operation without the need to stop the motor or disconnect power to the VFD. B. Keypad shall be supplied with or without a potentiometer (please specify when ordering) capable of controlling the speed of the VFD in hand and auto modes of ' operation. C. Keypad shall provide an integral H-O-A (Hand-Off-Auto) selection capability, and manual control of speed locally without the need for adding selector switches, ' potentiometers, or other devices. In addition there will be indicator LEDs for each key to show operator what state the VFD is in. D. All VFDs shall use the same terminal numbers and same parameter numbers as the ' entire product series to avoid confusion and speed up commissioning. E. VFD keypad shall be capable of storing drive parameter values in non-volatile RAM ' uploaded to it from the VFD, and shall be capable of downloading stored values to the VFD to facilitate programming of multiple drives in similar applications, or as a means of backing up the programmed parameters. ' F. VFD Display shall have the ability tc display parameter number, value and units during parameter changes.. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No . 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 8 G. VFD display shall indicate which digital inputs are active, and the state of the output relay. ' H. A red FAULT light, a yellow WARNING light and a green POWER-ON light shall be provided. These indications shall be visible both on the keypad and on the VFD when the keypad is removed. I. Password protection shall be provided to prevent unauthorized changes to the programming of the VFD. J. There shall be two quick setup menus. One with typical motor parameters shall be provided on the VFD to facilitate commissioning. The second far quick setup of process closed loop operation. Use of macros shall not be required. ' K. VFD shall provide full galvanic isolation with suitable potential separation from the power sources (control, signal, and power circuitry within the drive) to ensure ' compliance with PELV requirements and to protect PLC's and other connected equipment from power surges and spikes. L. There shall be five fully programmable digital inputs for interfacing with the systems ' external control and safety interlock circuitry. M. The VFD shall have two analog signal inputs. Inputs shall be selectable for either 0 - 10V or 014-20 mA. ' N. One programmable analog output shall be provided for indication of a drive status. This output shall be programmable for output speed, voltage, frequency, motor ' current and output power. The analog output signal shall be 0/4-20 mA. O. The VFD shall provide one user programmable relays with 41 selectable functions. Form-C 250VAC/2A rated dry contact relay outputs shall be provided. ' P. Floating point control interface shall be provided to speed-up digital input and speed down digital input control i.e. increase/decrease frequency in response to external ' switch closures. Q. The VFD shall be equipped with a standard RS-485 serial communications port utilizing ModBus RTU. , R. The VFD shall be supplied with a standard RS-485 serial communications data port and a Windows®compatible software. This software shall allow parameter changes, ' storage of all VFD operating and setup parameters. 2.010 Adjustments: ' A. The VFD shall have an adjustable output switching frequency. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 9 B. Two complete programming parameter setups shall be provided, which can be locally selected through the keypad or remotely selected via digital input(s), allowing the VFD to be programmed for two alternate control scenarios without requiring ' parameter changes. C. Each programming set up shall have two independent acceleration and deceleration ramps. Both acceleration and deceleration ramp times shall be adjustable over the range from 0.05 to 3,600 seconds to base speed. D. The VFD shall be capable of DC resistor braking to dissipate energy into resistors or AC braking to dissipate excess energy back into the motor without the need to add ' external braking resistors. E. VFD shall include an over voltage controller to automatically change deceleration ' ramp-time function to prevent nuisance over voltage tripping from regeneration and simplify start-up. F. In each programming setup, independent torque limit settings for motoring and regenerating conditions, programmable between 0% and 400% of the motors output current rating, shall be provided. ' G. Process closed loop parameter settings shall be adjustable while the VFD is operating, to aid in tuning the loop. H. The VFD will include a "loss of follower" function to detect the loss of process ' feedback or reference signals with alive-zero value, with auser-selectable choice of responses (freeze speed, go to set speed, go to max speed, stop, stop and trip). I. The VFD will include a user selectable Reset function, which enables the selection of between zero and twenty restart attempts after any self-clearing fault condition (under-voltage, over-voltage, current limit, inverter overload and motor overload), or the selection of an infinite number of attempts. The time between attempts shall be ' adjustable from 0 through 600 seconds. J. The VFD will include auser-selectable Auto-Restart function that enables the VFD to ' power up in a running condition after a power loss, to prevent the need to manually reset and restart the VFD. K. VFD shall catch a rotating motor operating either in forward or reverse direction at speeds up to base speed. 2.011 Serv ice Conditions: ° ° A. Ambient Temperature of the VFD, -10 to 40=C (14 to 104F); 50 C (122 F) with derating. B. 5 to 95% relative humidity, non-condensing C. Elevation to 1000 meters (3,300 feet) without de-rating Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 10 ' D. VFDs shall be rated for line voltage of 208 V or 600 V as per the schedule; with t10% variation and all 3 phases symmetrically balanced to ground within 2%. Line frequency variation oft 2% shall be acceptable. E. Zero side clearance shall be required for cooling of the units. , 2.012 Minimum Speed Settings ll b f ll i h i l d d , A. o ows: r ves s a e as e spee ab The minimum speed setpoints for the var B. Motor in the Airstream - 30% ' C. Motor out of the Airstream - 40% 2.013 Stan dard of Acceptance: Danfoss Graham, ABB ' 2.014 CONTROLS FOR EXHAUST AIR FAN EF-7 (REFRIGERATION ROOM) , A. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all required control wiring c/w conduit from the refrigeration detection system control panel to the wall mounted variable frequency drive. ' B. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all required control wiring c/w conduit from the room temperature sensor to the wall mounted variable frequencydrive. The exact location of the VFD shall be coordinated on site within the Refrigeration Room. ' C. For exhaust air fan EF-7 control sequence refer to section 15900. CONTROLS FOR EXHAUST AIR FAN EF-4 (NEW ZAMBONI ROOM) ' 2.015 A. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all required control wiring c/w conduit from the CO and natural gas detection system control panel to the wall mounted variable , frequency drive. B. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all required control wiring c/w conduit from the room temperature sensor to the wall mounted variable frequencydrive. The exact , location of the VFD shall be coordinated on site within the new Zamboni Room. C. For Exhaust air fan EF-4 control sequence refer to section 15900. ' 2.016 CONTROLS FOR SUPPLY AIR FAN SF-2 (NEW BOILER ROOM) A. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide all required control wiring c/w conduit from , the room temperature sensor to the wall mounted variable frequency drive. The exact location of the VFD shall be coordinated on site within the new Boiler Room. , B. On exhaust fan EF-4 start-up, the VFD shall start the exhaust air fan at minimum speed of 300 cfm. t Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEO Project No. 090fi4 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 11 C. The speed of the exhaust air fan shall ramp up /down tD a maximum speed (600 cfm) by the VFD as required to maintain space temperature at setpoint of 70°F. 2.017 STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE A. Danfoss/Graham, ABB ' 2.018 EXECUTION A. The manufacturer shall provide start-up commissioning of the variable frequency drive and its circuits by a factory trained certified technician. The commissioning personnel shall be the same personnel that will provide service and warranty repairs at the customer's site. The VFD manufactures technician shall start-up the VFD's in conjunction with the equipment manufactures start-up and the balancer. Therefore, ' the VFD manufactures start-up technician, the equipment manufactures start-up technician and the air /water balancing contractor shall be present for all VFD start- ups. ' B. The manufacturer shall provide four hours of customer operator training on operation and service diagnostics at the time of equipment commissioning. C. Warranty 1 The VFD shall be warranted by the manufacturer for a period of 24 months from the date of substantial completion. The warranty shall include parts, labour, travel costs and living costs to provide authorized on-site service. .2 The manufacturer shall maintain a fully stocked depot within 150 KM of the site. .3 The new or existing motors which are directly connected to the VFD shall be warranted by the VFD manufacturer against insulation breakdown which is ' directly attributed to the VFD for a period of 24 months from the date of substantial completion. ' D. Drives shall be set to prevent the minimum amount of supply and/or exhaust air from dropping below 30 percent of the total volume. ' E. Drive manufacturer shall provide as much assistance is required to the air balance contractor to set the drives to provide the specified air flow. F. Disconnect switches wired between the VFD and the motor shall be provided with ' auxiliary contacts which shall be wired into the VFD's safety trip circuitry such that the VFD shall de-energize when the switch is opened. When the switch is closed the VFD shall energize and go through normal start up routines. ' G. Properly ground the electrical system as per manufacturer's instructions. H. Provide a separate steel conduiUshielded wiring for all supply, line load and control ' wiring. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15100 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES Page 12 I. Install the drive not more than 10 metres from the motor. The length of wiring connection shall not exceed 10 metres. Provide support for the variable frequency drive in the vicinity of the motor as required. END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEl Projec[ No. 09064 1 r~ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15125 ELECTRICAL HEATING EQUIPMENT Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.D1 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. B. All electrical work shall conform to Division 16. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. 1.03 PRODUCT DATA A. Include the following data in the shop drawings: 1 The physical dimensions and weight of the heaters. 2 The kilowatt, voltage and phase ratings. 3 The cabinet thickness. 4 The cabinet finish and colour. 5 The maximum surface temperature of the cabinet. 6 Details of the heating element suspension. 7 Details and ratings of thermostats, control relays and contactors when integrally mounted. 6 Element replacement data for cabinet convector heaters. 9 Recommended mounting methods. 1.04 A. Design, manufacture and test of the heating units shall be in accordance with good industry practice and the following standards: 1 CSA Standard C22.2 No. 46: Electric Air-Heaters. 2 ULC listed B. For equipment capacities refer to schedules. Oarling[on Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15125 ELECTRICAL HEATING EQUIPMENT 2 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 ELECTRIC CONVECTORS A. Convectors shall be completely prewired with a connection box at each end of the heater so that the power connection can be made at either end. B. Convector colour to be selected from the standard colour selection chart at the shop drawing stage by the Architect. C. Tubular stainless steel elementwithmineral insulation and aluminum heating vanes. D. Anti noise element supports along the length of the element to allow for linear expansion. E. Built in over temperature protection. F. Two piece, extruded aluminum 14 gauge front enclosure and heater back. G. Wall or pedestal mounted as indicated on the schedule. H. Capacity as indicated on the schedule. I. Left and right end caps. J. Provide tamper proof integral built in controls or all necessary accessories (relays, transformers etc) for low voltage themostat control as indicated. Refer to electric convector schedule for controls. K. Standard of Acceptance: Chromalox, Federal Pioneer. 2.02 ELECTRIC FORCED FLOW HEATERS A. Wall mounted recessed mounted forced flow heater. B. Convector colour to be selected from the standard colour selection chart at the shop drawing stage by the Architect. C. Sheet metal enclosure, acid etched, primed and finished with 2 coats of enamel with colour as determined by the Consultant at the shop drawing stage. D. Integral tamperproof thermostat, control transformer and contactors. Refer to electric force flow heater schedule for controls. E. Thermal cutout. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Prolec[ No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15125 ELECTRICAL HEATING EQUIPMENT Page 3 ' F. Totally enclosed, shaded pole, impedance protected motor. G. Factory wired to one junction box. H. Standard of Acceptance: Chromalox, Federal Pioneer. 2.03 ELECTRIC UNIT HEATERS A. Ceiling or wall mounted electric unit heater. ' B. Unit heater colour to be selected from the standard colour selection chart at the shop drawing stage by the Architect or as indicated in the schedule. ' C. Sheet metal enclosure, acid etched, primed and finished with 2 coats of enamel with colour as determined by the Consultant at the shop drawing stage. D. Provide tamper proof integral built in controls or all necessary accessories (relays, transformers, etc) for low voltage temperature sensor control. Refer to schedule for electric unit heater controls. ' E. Thermal cutout. F. Totally enclosed, shaded pole, impedance protected motor. G. Factory wired to one junction box. H. Standard of Acceptance: Chromalox, Federal Pioneer. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. All electric convectors, electric force flow heaters and electric unit heaters shall be supplied and installed by the Division 15 Contractor. The Division 15 Contractor shall coordinate the location of all electric convectors, electric force flow heaters and ' electric unit heaters with the Division 16 Contractor on site prior to installation. -END- ' Darlington Sports CenUe, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15150 ELECTRIC HEAT TRACING Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be ' governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 of the specification. B. Heat tracing shall be provided in all locations shown on the mechanical drawing plans and details and/or the mechanical drawing schematics. ' C. Supply labour, products and services necessary for the complete installation of electric heat tracing systems for piping in accordance with the contract documents. ' 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 EXTERNAL HEAT TRACING CABLE ' A. Cable shall be UL listed and CSA Certified system of heating cables, components and controls to prevent pipes from freezing. B. Self-regulating heating cable shall consist of two (2) 1.5 mmZ (No. 16 AWG) bus wired embedded in parallel in self regulating polymer core that varies its poweroutput to respond to temperature along its length, allowing the heating cable to be cut to ' length in the field. The heating cable shall be covered by a radiation-cross linked, modified polyolefin dielectric jacket. To provide a ground path and to enhance the heating cable's ruggedness, the heating cable shall have a braid of tinned copper and an outerjacket of modified polyolefin as required per section 427-23 of the NEC 1996. C. In order to conserve energy and to prevent overheating, the heating cable shall have a self regulating factor of at least 90 percent. The self regulating factor is defined as the percentage reduction, without thermostatic control, of the heating cable output ' going from 40 F (4.4 C) pipe temperature operating to 150 F (65.6 C) pipe temperature operation. ' D. The heating cable shall operate on a line voltage of 208 volts single phase without the use of transformers. E. Where heating cable is provided within the building and is provided to prevent freezing in places that are heated but may experience periods of low temperatures such as loading docks, heating parking ramps, garbage rooms the heat tracing shall be selected based on a minimum ambient temperature of 0 F (-17.8 C). Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEl Project No. 09064 LJ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15150 ELECTRIC HEAT TRACING F. Where heating cable is provided exterior to the building or in locations within the building that are not heated the heat tracing shall be selected based on a minimum ambient temperature of -20 F (-28.9 C). G. The heating cable for metal pipe freeze protection shall be sized according to the table below. The required heating cable output rating shall be in watts per foot at 50 F (10 C). Heating cable selection based on 1" (25mm) of pipe insulation on metal piping. H. J. Minimum Ambient Tem erature Pi a Size Inches O F -17.8 C -20 F -28.9 C 3 or less 5 watts 5 watts 4 5 watts 8 watts 6 8 watts 8 watts 8 8 watts 2 stri s- 5 watts 10 2 stri s- 5 watts 2 stri s- 8 watts The power connection, end seal, splice and tee kit components shall be applied in the field. Heating cable circuit shall be protected by a ground fault device for equipment protection. This requirement shall be in accordance with section 427-22 of the NEC1996. Standard of Acceptance: Raychem Corporation XL-Trace Cable with CR jacket, Chromalox 2.02 COMPONENTS A. All heating cable components shall be UL listed and CSA certified for use as part of the system to provide pipe freeze protection. Component enclosures shall be rated NEMA 4X to prevent water ingress and corrosion. Installation shall not require the installing contractor to cut into the heating cable core to expose the bus wires. Connection systems that required the installing contractorto strip to the bus wires or that use crimps or terminal blocks shall not be acceptable. All components that make an electrical connection shall be re-enterable for serving. No component shall use silicone seal to seal the electrical connections. An exception will be made in areas where a conduit transition is required. 2.03 SYSTEM CONTROL A. The system shall be controlled by an ambient sensing thermostat with a Raychem AMC -1A fixed at 40 F (4.4 C). Darlington Sports Cen[re, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 1 S ~~ 1 J i~ i~ II DIVISION 15 SECTION 15150 ELECTRIC HEAT TRACING Page 3 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. All lengths of cable shall be established by site measurement. B. Install heat tracing system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Apply power supply to heat tracing system on the pipe, only after piping has been pressure tested. D. Secure heating cable to piping with cable ties or fibreglass tape. E. Install "electric traced" nameplates to the outside of thermal insulation. F. Power connection, end seal, splice and tee kits components shall be installed infield as required. G. After installation and before and after installing thermal insulation, subject heating cable totesting using a 2500 Vdc Megger. Minimum insulation resistance shall be 20 megaohms or greater. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15170 MOTORS AND WIRING METHODS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004 B. National Electrical Code 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit for approval, manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation and fabrication. C. Division 15 shall review the shop drawings for the motor starters submitted by Division 16 to ensure that all field connections are shown motor horsepowers and , voltages are correct and that the motor control schematic reflects all mechanical requirements. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 ELECTRIC MOTORS A. Provide motors for mechanical equipment as specified. B. If delivery of specified motor will delay delivery or installation of any equipment, install an acceptable motor for temporary use. Final acceptance of equipment will not occur until specified motor is installed. ' C. All motors shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with ULc and CSA requirements. D. Motor speed shall be 1750 rpm unless otherwise specified. I E. All motors shall be "T"frame NMA Standard Design "B" with 104oF (40 C) ambient, standard drip-proof with a 1.15 service factor, or as otherwise specified. F. All motors not connected to variable frequency drives shall have Class "B"insulation. I Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15170 MOTORS AND WIRING METHODS G. Variable Frequency Drives For all variable frequency drive applications the motors shall be rated for variable speed service and be provided with a minimum of Type F insulation. Motors shall meet NEMA MG1, Part 31 standards without filtration. H. Motors shall be of adequate size to operate associated equipment and drive mechanisms under all conditions of load and service and to bring equipment up to operating speed within 13 seconds without overloading, and be not less than the nameplate HP specified or indicated on the Drawings. I. Integral HP motor sizes 1/2HP and above shall be squirrel cage induction motors rated for either 208 volt or 600 volt, 3 phase, 60 hertz, unless noted otherwise. Refer to the equipment schedules for the voltage required for each piece of equipment. J. Fractional HP motors up to but not including 1/2 hp shall be rated 120 volt, single phase, 60 hertz and will be capacitor start, induction motors, with adequate thrust capacity when used with direct mounted equipment, and shall be provided with integral overload and overheating protection. Shaded pole starting deviceswill not be accepted. K. Multi-speed motors and associated switching devices shall be circuited to protectthe motor at each speed. Motors shall be consequent pole. L. All motors, 1 HP and up shall comply with the requirements outlined in ASHRAE 90.1- 2004 as tested by IEEE 1126, and be UL and CSA approved. M. All starter panels shall be lockable in accordance with the requirements outlined in the Division 16000 Specification and supplied with locks. All panels provided by a single manufacturer shall have a like key. Motors shall meet the following levels of efficiency: EFFICIENCY Motor Size HP Open Drip Proof Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled RPM 3600 1800 900 3600 1800 900 1 77 85.5 82.5 77 85.5 82.5 1.5 84 86.5 86.5 84 86.5 87.5 2 85.5 86.5 87.5 85.5 86.5 88.5 3 85.5 89.5 88.5 86.5 89.5 89.5 5 86.5 89.5 89.5 88.5 89.5 89.5 7.5 88.5 91.0 90.2 89.5 91.7 91.0 10 89.5 91.7 91.7 90.2 91.7 91.0 15 90.2 93 91.7 91.0 92.4 91.7 20 91.0 93.0 92.4 91.0 93.0 91.7 25 91.7 93.6 93.0 91.7 93.6 93.0 Darlington SpoRe CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 I~ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15170 MOTORS AND WIRING METHODS 3 EFFICIENCY Motor Size HP Open Drip Proof Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled RPM 3600 1800 900 3600 1800 900 30 91.7 94.1 93.6 91.7 93.6 93.0 40 92.4 94.1 94.1 92.4 94.1 94.1 50 93.0 94.5 94.1 93.0 94.5 94.1 60 93.6 95.0 94.5 93.6 95.0 94.5 Table 1 For motors HP which are not listed the efficiencies shall be interpolated based on this table. NOTE: The above Table is the latest at time of writing. Contractor to provide motors as per latest revisions to ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004 motor eff ciency levels. O. All motors over 20 Hp (except where they are connected to a VFD) shall be provided with thermistors imbedded in the motor. The Contractor for Division 15 shall wire from the motor thermistor to the motor starter. The Thermistors shall be in accordance with Section 16825 of the Division 16 Specification. P. The following motor information shall be provided with the shop drawings for each piece of equipment: 1 Make 2 Model Number 3 Enclosure Type 4 Speed 5 Nameplate Efficiency O. Standard of Acceptance: Baldor, US Motors, Magnetech, Reliance, GE Motors Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. D9064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15170 MOTORS AND WIRING METHODS Page 4 2.02 WIRING GENERAL A. All conduit and wiring shall conform to the requirements of Division 16 including the following: 1 Except where specifed otherwise in Division 16, Division 15 shall provide all control wiring and interlocks that are required by mechanical equipment. 2 Quality of materials and workmanship shall be strictly in conformance with Division 16. 3 Division 15 shall review the shop drawings for motor starters submitted by Division 16 to ensure that all field connections are shown, motor horsepowers and voltages are correct and that motor control schematic reflects all mechanical requirements. PART 3: EXECUTION NIL -END- Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 ~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements outlined in Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Provide separate shop drawings for each piece of attenuation equipment, complete with product data. C. Submit dynamic insertion loss, air generated noise and aerodynamic performance test results shall be supplied. ' 1.03 PERFORMANCE RATING DATA A. Provide performance rating data from an independent laboratoryon silencers certified by a professional engineer and supported by test results in accordance with referenced standards as follows: 1 Silencer: insertion loss in octave bands 63Hz to 5000 Hz, pressure drop, self noise. B. All tests are to have been conducted in the same facility. C. Noise levels shall be measured according to the duct to room method, ASTM E477 - 06a or in-duct intensity method. Dynamic insertion loss, air generated noise and aerodynamic performance test results, both in positive and negative air flow, with pressure drop ratings shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements indicated i on the schedules. D. The insertion loss of the silencers shall be measured with octave band or one third octave band pink noise. E. Contractor shall require the manufacturer to document insertion lass and air flow regenerated noise data. Over extrapolation and data from out-dated equipment are ' unacceptable. F. The manufacturer of prefabricated panels shall submit sound transmission loss measurements in accordance with the latest ASTM Standard E90 and the absorption performance of the panels, windows and operating doors in accordance with the latest ASTM Standard C423 details of joints and fittings. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION 1.D4 REFERENCE STANDARDS 2 A. In addition to complying with all pertinent codes and regulations, all work of this Section shall conform to the following Standard Specification requirements: 1 ANSI S12.2-1995 Criteria for Evaluating Room Noise. 2 ANSI S12.34-1988 Engineering Method for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources for Essentially Free-Field Conditions over a Reflecting Plane. 3 ANSI/ARI 880-89P Air Terminals. 4 ARI Standard 260P Sound Rating of Ducted Air Moving and Conditioning Equipment. 5 ARI 890/ASHRAE 70-2007 Rating of Air Diffusers and Air Diffuser Assemblies 6 ARI Standard 885-90 Method for Estimating Occupied Space Sound Levels in the Application of Air Terminals and Air Outlets 7 ARI Standard 575-94 Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Levels within Equipment Rooms. 8 ARI Standard 350-86 Sound Rating of Non-Ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning Equipment. 9 ASHRAE Standard 68-1997 / AMCA Standard 330-86 Method of Testing In-Duct Sound Power Measurement Procedure for Fans. 10 ASTM C423-09 a Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method. 11 ASTM C1071-O5E1 Thermal and Acoustical Insulation (Mineral Fiber, Duct Lining Material) 12 ASTM E90-09 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions. 13 ASTM E413-04 Classification for Determination of Sound Transmission Class (STC). 14 ASTM E477-06a Standard Test Method for Measuring Acoustical and Airflow Performance of Duct Liner Materials. 15 ASTM E795-05 Practices for Mounting Test Specimens During Sound Absorption Tests. Darlington $poRS Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09069 LJ L' t DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION Page 3 16 ASTM E1222-90 (2009) Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of ' Insertion Loss of Pipe Lagging Systems. 17 ISO 7235-199 Acoustics Measurement procedures for Ducted Silencers Insertion Loss, Flow Noise, and Total Pressure loss ' 1.05 ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE A. It is the intent of this specification that noise levels from HVAC equipment will not exceed the Noise Criteria curves described below. Noise criteria curves establish a one number rating for evaluating the acceptability of a sound pressure spectrum according to the average person's hearing. Noise criteria curves and their related sound pressure equivalents for each frequency are described in ASHRAE Handbook Systems Volume. B. Acoustical pertormance shall be established by ASTM E90, E413, E795 and C423 ' procedures. Sound Transmission Loss data, STC value, Sound Absorption Coefficients and NRC value shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements established later in this section. i 1 1 ~1 C. These NC levels should be used as a guide in the event of product substitutions and shop drawing modifications. The NC levels shall also serve as a gauge bywhich the results of workmanship and care of installation will be judged from an acoustical standpoint, since a poor installation can lead to the generation of noise. LOCATION NC LEVEL General Area /Office Area 30 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SILENCERS A. Factory manufactured of prime coated or galvanized steel, compatible with ductwork specified elsewhere and to ASHRAE and SMACNA standards. Material gauges listed below are minimums. Material gauges shall be increased as required for the system pressure and velocity classification. The silencers shall not fail structurally when subjected to a differential pressure of 8" w.g. B. Rectangular Duct Silencers: Rectangular duct silencers shall have outer casings of not less than 22 gauge galvanized steel outer casing and 24 gauge galvanized perforated steel. ' Darlington Sports Centre,Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION C. D. Casing Diameter Casing Gauge Less than 30" (750mm) 20 30" to 54" (750 mm to 1350 mm) 18 Over 54"(1350mm) 16 Circular Duct Silencers with Media: Circular duct silencers shall have outer casings as listed below and 22 gauge galvanized perforated steel. All casing seams and joints shall be lockformed and sealed or stitch welded and sealed. Circular Duct Silencers with No Media: Circular dud silencers shall have outer casings as listed below and 22 gauge galvanized perforated steel. All casing seams and joints shall be lockformed and sealed or stitch welded and sealed: Casing Diameter Casing Gauge Less than 18" (450mm) 22 18" to 30" (450mm to 750mm) 20 30" to 54" (750mm to 1350mm) 18 Over 54" (1350mm) 16 E. Elbow Duct Silencers shall have outer casings of 18 gauge galvanized steel and 22 gauge galvanized perforated steel. All acoustical splitters shall be internally radiused and aerodynamically designed for effcient turning of the air. Half and full splitters shall be provided as necessary to achieve the scheduled insertion loss. All elbow silencers with a turning cross section dimension greater than 48" (1200mm) shall have at least two half splitters and one full splitter. F. All casings shall be lockformed and sealed to provide leakage resistant construction. Air tight construction shall be achieved by utilizing dud sealant compound supplied and installed by the Division 15 Contractor. G. All perforated steel shall be adequately stiffened to insure flatness and form. All spat welds shall be painted. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 e GI ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION Page ; H. Acoustic Media 1 Dissipative and Film Lined Silencers 1 Media shall be of acoustic quality, shot free glass fibre insulation with long resilient fibers bonded with a thermosetting resin. Glass ' fibre density and compression shall he as required to insure conformance with laboratory test data. Glass fibre shall be packed with a minimum of 15 percent compression during silencer ' assembly. 2 Media shall be bacteria and fungus resistant, resilient such that it will not crumble or break, and conforming to irregular surtaces. Media shall not cause or accelerate corrosion of aluminum or steel. ' Mineral wool not be permitted as substitute for glass fibre. 2 No Media Silencers 1 All no media silencers shall not contain absorptive media of any kind. Attenuation shall be achieved with controlled impedance membranes and broadly tuned resonators. 3 Media Protection 1 The acoustic media for dissipative silencers shall be encapsulated in glass fibre cloth to help prevent shedding, erasion and impregnation of the glass fiber. All axial cone silencers shall have a glass f bre cloth liner. 2 The acoustic media for film lined silencers shall be completely wrapped in Tedlar film to help prevent shedding erosion and impregnation of the glass fibre. The wrapped acoustic media shall be separated from the perforated metal by a factory installed 1/2" (12mm) thick acoustically transparent spacer. The spacer shall be ' flame retardant and erosion resistant. A mesh, screen or corrugated perforated liner will not be acceptable as a substitute for the specified spacer. ' 4 Combustion Ratings 1 For Dissipative Silencers the materials, including the glass fibre shall have a maximum combustion rating as noted below when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255 or UL 723. ' 1 Flamespread Classification 15 2 Smoke Development Rating: 5 2 For Film Lined Silencers the materials, including the glass fibre, ' Tedlar film and acoustical spacer shall have maximum combustion rating as noted below when tested in accordance with ASTM E84, NFPA 255 or UL 723. 1 Flamespread Classification 20 ' 2 Smoke Development Rating: 45 5 HTL Casings ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION Page 6 1 Where indicated on the silencer schedule silencers shall have high transmission loss (HTL) walls externally applied and completely sealed to the silencer casing by the silencer manufacturer to assure quality controlled transmission loss. 2 The HTL walls shall consist of media, airspace, mass and outer protective metal skin, as required, to obtain the specifed room noise criteria. Standard acoustical panels will not be accepted as HTL walls. Breakout noise calculations for each air handling and fan system shall be provided with the silencer submittal to insure compliance with the room noise criteria. Breakout noise calculations shall be based on the sound power levels of the specified equipment. Access Doors 1 Where indicated on the silencer schedule, silencers shall be supplied with access doors to permit fire damper service. Access doors shall be supplied as an integral part of the silencer by the silencer manufacturer. Where HTL walls are also supplied the access doors shall not reduce the effectiveness of the HTL walls. J. Generated Noise 1 Generated noise of all silencers shall not contribute adversely to the NC criteria. K. Insertion Noise 1 The insertion loss of each silencer shall be as shown on the schedule. Unless otherwise specified, the sound power insertion loss of the duct silencers shall be not less than the following values at an air velocity of 1000 fpm in the direction of sound propagation. 1 1/3 octave band insertion loss in dB at the following frequencies: Silencer Length 63 Hz 725 Hz 250 Hz 3 ft. (0.9 m) 4 7 12 5 ft. (1.5 m) 6 10 18 7 ft. (2.1 m) 10 14 24 1 D ft (3.0 m) 12 20 34 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project rw. 09064 1 u DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 ' SOUND ATTENUATION Page 7 L. Pressure Drops ' 1 Unless otherwise specified, the pressure drop across the duct silencers shall not exceed the following values: 1 Silencer Length Pressure Drop (w.g.) for Air Velocity of 1000 fpm (Sm/s) 3 ft. (0.9 m) 0.16 in (4 mm) (39.8 Pa) 5 ft. (1.5 m) 0.17 in (4 mm) (42.3 Pa) 7 ft. (2.1 m) 0.20 in (5 mm) (49.8 Pa) M. Dimensions 1 Duct dimensions indicated on drawings are clear inside dimensions. Silencer dimensions shall be larger in both depth and width to match sheet metal dimensions of the ducts. N. SeH Noise 1 Maximum allowable self noise for silencer should be less than the following at an air velocity of 1000 fpm in the direction of sound propagation. Face Area 63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 1 ft2 (0.10 m2) 38 26 30 2 ft2 (0.19 m2) 41 29 33 4 ft2 (0.37 m2) 44 32 36 8 ft2 (0.74 m2) 47 35 39 O. Performance: as indicated on the Schedule. 1 Insertion losses are minimum and pressure drops are maximum. P. Standard of Acceptance for Sound Attenuators: Vibro-Acoustics, Vibron 2.02 NON-HARDENING SEALANT A. Non-hardening sealant shall be of the polysulphide type, conforming to all fire regulations and codes. Material shall possess a minimum density of 60 pcf and a minimum hardness of 60 durometer. 2.03 FOAM ROD A. Foam rod shall be of the closed cell polyethylene foam type conforming to all fire regulations and codes, suitable for use as a backing for non-hardening sealant. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15240 SOUND ATTENUATION Page 8 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install sound attenuation equipment in accordance with manufacturers instructions. B. Duct dimensions indicated on the drawings are clear inside dimensions of acoustic lining. Silencer dimension shall be 2" (SOmm) larger in both width and depth to match ductwork. C. Where silencers are installed through a wall, provide a 1" (25mm) clear gap between the silencer and the wall. This gap should then be sealed with packed fibreglass and sealed on both sides of the wall with elastomeric non-hardening sealer. D. If any equipment installed under Division 15 fails to meet the noise or vibration requirements specified herein, that equipment shall be corrected or replaced without claim for additional payment, inclusive of all labor and material costs. END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09004 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15241 ' VIBRATION ISOLATION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 G ENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A Submit sho drawin s in accordance with Section 15010 . p g . B. Provide separate shop drawings for each isolated system completewith pertormance and product data. C. Submit type of isolator, size, height when uncompressed and maximum allowable static deflection weight of all isolated equipment, loads on each isolator and static deflection of each isolator under the specific design load. D. Submit marked up plans indicating all locations where pipes are to be isolated in mechanical rooms, crossing acoustic joints and as specified. 1.03 SAMPLES ' A. Provide a sample of each type of isolator to be utilized on the project at the time the shop drawings are submitted. ' 1.04 VIBRATION ISOLATOR GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. All vibration isolators shall have either known undeflected heights or other markings so that after adjustment, when carrying their load, the deflection under load can be verified thus determining the load is within the proper range of the device and that the ' correct degree of vibration isolation is being provided according to the design. B. All isolators shall operate in the linear portion of their load versus deflection curve. Load versus deflection curves shall be furnished by the manufacturer and shall be linear over a deflection range of 50 percent above the design deflection. C. The ratio of lateral to vertical stiffness shall not be less than 1.0 or greater than 2.0. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Projec[ No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15241 VIBRATION ISOLATION PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL 2 A. The static deflection of isolators shall be given in the equipment schedule and as specified. B. Vibration isolator sizes and layout shall be determined by the vibration isolator supplier. C. All mechanical equipment not specifically identified in this specification that contains rotating or vibrating elements shall be installed on Type P1 isolators. D. Elastomeric elements that will be exposed to temperatures below freezing shall be fabricated from natural rubber instead of neoprene. E. All isolators to be installed outdoors or exposed to weather shall be hot dipped galvanized and shall be furnished with neoprene mounting sleeves for hold-down bolts to prevent any metal to metal contact. F. Standard of Acceptance (All vibration isolators): Mason, Vibro-Acoustics, Vibron, Amber Booth G. Model numbers for Mason isolators are indicated for reference purposes. 2.02 ELASTOMERIC PADS A. Type P1 -neoprene waffle or ribbed; 5116" (9 mm) minimum thick; 50 durometer; maximum loading 50 psi (350 kPa). Mason type W B. Type P2 -rubber waffle or ribbed; 5116" (9 mm) minimum thick; 30 durometer natural rubber; maximum loading 60 psi (415 kPa). Mason type W. C. Type P3 -neoprene-steel-neoprene; 5116" (9 mm) minimum thick neoprene bonded to 16 gage (1.71 mm) steel plate; 50 durometer neoprene, waffle or ribbed; holes sleeved with isolation washers. Mason type WSW. D. Type P4 -rubber-steel-rubber; 5/16" (9 mm) minimum thick rubber bonded to 16 gage (1.71 mm) steel plate; 30 durometer natural rubber, waffle or ribbed; holes sleeved with isolation washers. Mason type WSW E. Pads to be selected for 15% strain. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15241 VIBRATION ISOLATION Page 3 ' 2.03 ELASTOMERIC MOUNTS A. Type M1 -color coded; neoprene in shear; laterally stable maximum durometerof 60; threaded insert and two bolt-down holes; ribbed top and bottom surfaces. All metal surfaces to be covered with neoprene. Mounts shall have leveling bolts rigidly secured to the equipment. Mason type ND. B. 2 04 ISO Pads to be selected for 15% strain. LATOR SPRINGS . A. Design stable springs so that ratio of lateral to axial stiffness is equal to or greater than 1.2 times the ratio of static deflection to working height. Select for 50% travel beyond rated load. Units to be complete with leveling devices. B. Cadmium plate for outdoor and internal air handling installations. C. Color code springs. The spring diameter shall be not less than 60% of the compressed height of the spring. D. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum static deflection for equipment mounted on grade slabs shall be 1" (25 mm) and the minimum static deflection for equipment ' E mounted above the lowest level shall be 2" (50 mm). T i l ti d i . wo so a on pa s sandw ching a 16 gage (1.71 mm) steel plate shall be bonded to the isolator base plate. ' F. Unless otherwise specified, isolators need not be bolted to the floor for indoor installations. If the base plates are bolted to the structure, a neoprene vibration isolation washer and sleeve shall be installed under the bolt head between the steel ' washer and the base plate. 2.05 SPRING MOUNT A. Zinc or cadmium plated hardware; housings coated with rust resistant paint. B. Type M2 -stable open spring: support on bonded 1/4" (6 mm) minimum thick ribbed ' neoprene or rubber friction and acoustic pad. Mason type SLF. C. Type M3 -stable open spring: 1/4" (6 mm) minimum thick ribbed neoprene or rubber friction and acoustic pad, bonded under isolator and on isolator top plate; internal adjustment; equipment bolting not necessary. Mason type SLF. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15241 VIBRATION ISOLATION 2.06 D. Type M4 -restrained stable open spring: supported on bonded 1/4" (6 mm) minimum thick ribbed neoprene or rubber friction and acoustic pad; built-in resilient limit stops, removable spacer plates. Minimum clearance of 1" (25 mm) shall be maintained around restraining boots and between the housing and the spring so as not to interfere with the spring operation. Limit stops shall be out of contact during normal operation, backed away from contact by at least 1/2" (12 mm); a neoprene washer shall be installed beneath the bolt head/washer used to restrain the isolator. Mason Type SLR. E. Type M5 -enclosed spring mounts with snubbers for isolation up to 51 Ibs (23 kg) maximum. HANGERS A. Color coded springs, rust resistant, painted box type hangers. Swivel arrangementto permit hanger box or rod to move through a 30E arc without metal to metal contact. B. Unless specified otherwise, the static deflection shall be 318" (9 mm), with a strain not exceeding 15%, and spring hangers to have minimum static deflection of 2" (50 mm). C. A neoprene sleeve shall be provided where the lower hanger rod passes through the steel hanger box such that the hanger rod cannot contact the steel hanger. The diameter of [he clear hole in the hanger box shall beat least 3t8" (19 mm) largerthan the diameter of the hanger rod. D. Type H1 -neoprene - in-shear. Mason Type HD E. Type H2 -stable spring, elastomeric washer. Mason Type 30 Type H3 -stable spring, elastomeric element. Mason Type 30N 2.07 RISER GUIDE A. For vertical isolated piping, riser guides shall be M-1 type isolators bolted to the vertical edge of a 90 degree steel angle. The angle shall allow the pipe to move axially but shall limit lateral movement to approximately +/- 1" (25 mm). 2.08 INERTIA BASE FORMS A. Type B1 -Full depth perimeter structural orformed channels, frames: welded in place reinforcing rods running in both directions; provide metal pans integrally welded on sizes up to 8 feet (2400 mm) on smallest dimension, bolted on sizes over 8 feet (2400 mm) on smallest dimension; spring mounted units carried by gusseted height saving brackets welded to frame; and clear housekeeping pads by 2" (50 mm) minimum. B. Division 15 Contractor to provide concrete in accordance with Section 15010. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Proiecl No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15241 VIBRATION ISOLATION Paae 5 C. Minimum thickness of isolation base forms to be in accordance with the following schedule: MotorSizeHP Minimum Thicknesslnches 3-9 6 10-24 8 25-74 10 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide vibration isolation for new equipment as noted in the specification, listed in the schedule and shown on the drawings. r B. Install vibration isolation equipment in accordance with manufacturers instructions and adjust mountings to level equipment. ' C. Ensure piping, ducting and electrical connections to isolated equipment do not reduce system flexibility. ' D. Ensure that piping and ducting passage through walls and floors do not transmit vibrations. A minimum of 1" (25 mm) clearance shall be allowed around the entire perimeter of the penetration. The clearance shall be packed with fibreglass and sealed with non-hardening mastic on both sides. ' E. Unless indicated otherwise, support piping connected to isolated equipment with spring mounts or spring hangers with 1" (25 mm) minimum static deflection as follows: r 1 Up to NPS 4: first 3 points of support. 2 First point of support shall have a static deflection of twice deflection of ' isolated equipment, but not more than 2" (50 mm). F. Unless specified otherwise, isolators indoors need not be bolted to the Floor. Where isolation is bolted to floor avoid short circuiting of sound pads by using vibration isolation rubber washers. G. Provide suitable supports for all equipment which does not have a frame with adequate rigidity. Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15241 VIBRATION ISOLATION Page 6 ' All steel bases shall clear the sub-bases by at least 2" (50 mm). All bases shall be H . blocked and shimmed level so that all ductwork and piping connections can be made , to a rigid system, at operating level, before the isolation adjustment is made. The clearance shall be checked by the contractor to ensure that no scraps have been left to short circuit the vibration isolators. , There shall be a minimum of 4" (1D0 mm) clearance between isolated equipment and I . the walls, ceiling, floors, columns and any other equipment not installed on vibration isolators. ' J. Piping, ductwork, conduit or mechanical equipment shall not be hung from or supported on other equipment, pipes or ductwork installed on vibration isolators. It shall be supported on or suspended from building structure. , K. Equipment connected to fluid piping shall be erected on isolators or isolated foundations at correct operating heights prior to connection of piping. Equipment th Wh en e should be blocked-up with temporary shims to final operating height. system is assembled and fluid is added, the isolators shall be adjusted to allow removal of the shims, and the Contractor shall confirm that the isolators for the fluid- filled pipes, pumps and other elements deflect the specified amounts and no more. , L. All wiring connections to mechanical equipment on isolators shall be made in a 360-degree loop: minimum conduit length: 3-ft (1 m). Cut any ties used to install this loop prior to adjusting the isolators. ' -END- , ~J CJ Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.D1 GENERAL A. This section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 1501D -Mechanical General Provisions. B. Perform Thermal Insulation work in accordance with ASHRAE 90-1 latest edition Standards. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI/NFPA 90A-2009 Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems B. ANSI/NFPA 906-20D91nstallation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems C. ASTM.A167-99(09) Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium-Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip D. ASTM C335 Test Method for Steady State Heat Transfer Properties of Horizontal Pipe Insulations E. ASTM C411-O5 Test Method for Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulation F. CAN/CGSB-51.20M Type 2: Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Coverings G. CANlCGSB-51.12 Cement, Thermal Insulating and Finishing H. CAN/CGSB-51.40 Thermal Insulation, Flexible, Elastomeric, Unicellular, Sheet and Pipe Covering I. CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies J. CGSB 51-GP-9M Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Sleeving for Piping and Round Ducting K. CGSB5I-GP-11 M Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Blanket for Piping, Ducting, Machinery and Boilers Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING L. CGSB5I-GP-52M M. CGSB51-GP-53M N. CSA HA Series 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS 2 Vapour Barrier Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment Thermal Insulation Jacketing Polyvinyl Chloride Sheet for Insulating Pipes, Vessels and Round Ducts CSA Standards for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit manufacturer's catalogue of literature related to installation, fabrication for pipe, fittings, valves and jointing recommendations for approval. C. Prior to ordering insulation materials, submit a sample board demonstrating the cross section of each type of insulation to be utilized on the project for approval. Submission shall include insulating material, exteriorjackets and adhesive for each type of insulation. After review and acceptance, the sample board shall be kept on site for the duration of the project for reference purposes. Deviation from the accepted samples will not be permitted. 1.04 DEFINITIONS A. "CONCEALED" Means: Insulated mechanical services and equipment in trenches, chases, furred spaces, pipe shafts or hung ceilings. B. "EXPOSED" Means: "not concealed" as defined herein. This shall also include but not be limited to areas where the ceiling is not continuous from wall to wall and the gap between thewall and the ceiling is a minimum of 12" (300 mm) "floating ceilings" or as indicated on the drawings, the space above the floating ceiling shall be considered exposed. C. "RUNOUTS" Means: Piping to individual terminal units not exceeding 12' (3650 mm). 1.05 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with all requirements of Local and Provincial Authorities having jurisdiction, the Ontario Building Code and the Underwriters' Laboratory of Canada (ULC). Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Pro)ed No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Page 3 ' B. When tested, fire retardant type insulation materials, coverings and adhesives with maximum 25 Flame Spread and maximum 50 Smoke Developed ratings, shall be in ' accordance with CAN/ULC-S102 and NFPA 255-2006. Materials tested in accordance with ASTM C411-05 shall not flame, smoulder, glow or smoke at temperature(s) to which exposed in service. ' C Pro erl identif insulation materials c i d dh i . p y y , over ngs an a es ves when required by Federal and/or Provincial Health and Safety WHMIS Legislation. 1.06 QUALIFICATIONS A. Engage a licensed Insulation Application Contractor, specializing in, and possessing an established reputation for this type of work. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Insulating material(s) shall be new, undamaged and of the respective type(s) specified for each specific application. B. Pipe insulation shall be preformed and furnished in standard lengths with ends cut square, and conforming with the dimensional requirements of ASTM C 585. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING ' A. Insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives coatings etc., shall be shipped to the site in factory fabricated containers, with the manufacturer's stamp or label affixed, indicating the fire hazard ratings of the products, name of the manufacturer and ' brand. B. Retain insulation materials in their original containers, until immediately prior to application. Keep all materials dry during shipping and storage. ' C. Retain adhesives in their original cartons or containers with the manufacturer's name and catalogue number clearly identified on same. Protect contents against freezing. D. Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical and mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Do not install damaged insulation. The Contractorshall remove all damaged insulation from the job site, at no additional cost to the Owner/Architect. E. Installed, non-weatherproofed, insulation shall be protected from inclement weather with an approved waterproof sheeting as installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall remove and replace anywet or damaged insulation, at no additional cost to the ' Owner/Architect. II Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING 1.D9 VOC REQUIREMENTS 4 A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 P-1 -FORMED FIBROUS GLASS A. Application: 1 Insulation System P-1 for piping, valves, and fittings as follows: 1 hot water heating (including hot water, glycol and reheat systems) including pot feeder, filter and pot feeder piping, expansion tank fittings and all other associated piping connected to hot water circulating heating system; 2 domestic hot water, tempered water and recirculating piping; B. Material(s): 1 Insulate all piping with a preformed fiberglass pipe insulation, complying with ASTM C 547, Class 3 to 850°F. (454°C.), rigid, moulded pipe insulation, non-combustible and conforming with the following: 1 "k" (KSI) @ 75°F. mean temperature 0.23 max. (0.033 @ 24°C.); 2 maximum service temperature 850°F.(454°C.); 3 rated 25/50 per ASTM E 84, UL 723 and NFPA 255; 4 product must comply with the requirements of ASTM C 795, when used over stainless steel. C. Vapour Retardant Jacketing: White "KRAFT' paper reinforced with a glass fibre yarn and bonded to an aluminum foil, with self sealing longitudinal laps and butt strips. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Fiberglass Canada: 850 with ASJ-SSL Jacket, Manson: Alley K with all purpose APT Jacket, Knauf, Johns Manville. Darlington sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING 5 D. Thickness: 1 Table 1 -Insulation Thicknesses follows: 2 Steam Lines: For steam pressures not listed in Table 1, use insulation thickness as specified for the next higher pressure listed. TABLE 7-HOT SYSTEMS INSULATION THICKNESSES Service ..Fluid Design Nominal Pi a Sizelnsulation Thickness Operating Runout Temperature s Up To 1 8 1-314 2-V2 6 8& Up Range °F 2 Less To 2 To 4 Dom. Hot Water & Recirc Up to 140° F.Up 1.0" 1.0" 1.0" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" Piping&TemperedWater to 60°C. 25mm 25mm 25mm 40mm 40mm 40mm (E>asting & New) Hot water Heating, Glycol Up to 200°F.Up 1.0" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" and Reheat to 93° C. 25mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm Condensate Lines (Low Up to 200° F.Up 1!2" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" Pressure) to 93° C. 12mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm Condensate Lines (High Up to 250° F.Up 1.0" 1.5" 1.5" 2.0" 2.0" 3.5" Pressure) to 121° C. 25mm 40mm 40mm SOmm SOmm 90mm Boiler Blow Down and Up to 200° F.Up 1/2" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" Boiler Feed Piping to 93° C. 12mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm Equipment Drain Lines, Up to 200° F.Up 1/2" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" 1.5" Safety Valve Vents, etc. to 93° C. 12mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 40mm 2.02 P-2 -FORMED FIBROUS GLASS WITH VAPOUR BARRIER A. Application: 1 Insulation System P-2 -Piping, Valves and Fittings -Temperatures Up To 850° F. (454°C.): 1 domestic cold water; 2 horizontal and vertical runs of storm piping for 33' (10 m) from roof drain; 3 where multiple storm drain runouts are shorter than 33' (10 m) connect into a storm main. Insulate entire length of storm main up to 33' (10 m) beyond the last runout; 4 entire length of horizontal storm piping above hard ceilings; Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Page 6 5 chilled water supply and return piping; 6 condenser water supply and return piping for winterized tower systems; 7 all exterior condenser water supply and return piping; 8 piping for equipment installed in domestic cold water and chilled water piping systems. Material(s): Insulate all piping with a preformed fiberglass pipe insulation, complying with ASTM C 547, Class 3 to 850°F.(454°C.), rigid, moulded pipe insulation, non combustible and conforming with the following: 1 "k"(KSI)@75°F. (24°C.), mean temperature 0.23max. (0.033@24°C.); 2 maximum service temperature 850°F.(454°C.); 3 rated 25/50 perASTM E 84, UL723 and NFPA255; 4 product must comply with ASTM C795 when used over stainless steel. C. Vapour Retardant Jacketing: White "KRAFT' paper reinforced with a glass fibre yarn and bonded to an aluminum foil, with self sealing longitudinal laps and butt strips. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Fibreglass Canada: 850 with ASJ-SSL Jacket, Manson: Alley K with all purpose APT Jacket, Knauf, Johns Manville D. Thickness: TABLE 1-COLD SYSTEMS INSULATION THICKNESSES Service Fluid Design Nominal Pipe Sizelnsulation Thickness ti O pera ng Temperature Range °F Runouts Up To 2 1 & Less 1.314 To 2 2-112 To 4 6 8 & Up Domestic Cold Water 40 to 50 1" 1" 1" t5" 1" 1" (25mm) (25mm) (25mm (40mm (25mm (25mm (E>asting & New) ) ) ) ) Storm Water 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" (25mm) (25mm) (25mm (25mm (25mm (25mm Chilled Water Piping 40 to 50 1" 1" 1" 1" 1.5" 1.5" (25mm) (25mm) (25mm (25mm (40mm (40mm Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Page 7 .TABLE 1-COLD SYSTEMS INSULATION THICKNESSES Service Fluid Design Nominal Pipe Sizelnsulation Thickness Operating Temperature Range°F U n 1 8 Less _ "'6 8 & Up . p TO 2 To 2 To 4 Condenser Water 40 to 50 1" 1" 1" 1" 1.5" t5" Piping For Winterized (25mm) (25mm) (25mm (25mm (40mm (40mm Towers ) ) ) ) Condenser Water 85 to 95 1" 1" 1" 1" 1.5" 1.5" Piping Exterior to the (25mm) (25mm) (25mm (25mm (40mm (40mm Building ) ) ) ) 2.03 P-3 -FLEXIBLE FIBROUS GLASS WITH VAPOUR BARRIER A. Application: 1 Insulation System P-3 Piping and Fittings: underside of roof drain body. B. Material(s): 1 CGSB 51-GP-11M+Amdt-Apr-78, mineral fibre blanket for piping and CGSB 51-GP-52M vapour barrier jacket and facing material. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Fiberglass Canada, Manson, Knauf. C. Thickness: FLEXIBLE FIBROUS GLASS WITH VAPOUR BARRIER -INSULATION Line Size Nominal Thickness All Sizes 1"(25mm) 2.04 P~ -FLEXIBLE ELASTOMERIC -40° F to 203° F (-40° C to 95°C ) A. Application: 1 Insulation System P-4 -Valves and Fittings -Temperature Range -40°F. to 203°F. (130°C. to 95° C.) Up: 1 refrigeration suction and hot gas lines; 2 chilled water connections to chiller; 3 chilled water pot feeder and filter. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING 8 B. Material(s): 1 CAN2-51.40-M80+Amdt-Aug-83,flexible fire retardantelastomericunicellular sheet and pipe covering. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Armstrong Armaflex, Johns Manville. C. Thickness: FLEXIBLE ELASTOMERIC -40° F. to 203° F. (,t0° C. to 95° C.) -INSULATION Line Size Nominal Thickness Up to NPS 2 318" (9mm) NPS 2-1/2 and over 1/2" (12mm) 2.05 P-5 -BOILER BREACHING AND EXHAUST DUCT A. Application: 1 Boiler Breaching. Refer to Section 15881: 1 Domestic hot water heating boiler. B. Material(s): 1 preformed, rigid, hydrous calcium silicate pipe and block, asbestos free, complying with ASTM C533, Type 1, to 1200° F. (640°C.); 2 "k" (ksi) @ 300°F. mean temperature 0.42 max. (0.060 @ 149° C.); 3 maximum service temperature. 1200° F. (649° C.); 4 compressive strength of 160 psi at 5% compression; 5 when used over stainless steel, product must comply with the requirements of ASTM C795, MIL-I-24244 or NRC 1.36; 6 product shall carry a 0/0 Flame Spread/Smoke Developed rating as tested in accordance with ASTM E84/NFPA 255lUL 723; 7 product shall be rated as non combustible as tested per ASTM E136. 8 Standard of Acceptance: Kaylo-10, Manson, Knauf, Johns Manville: Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Pape 9 C. Thickness: 1 All Piping: 3" (75mm). 2.06 FASTENINGS A. Insulation Systems P-1, P-2 and P-3: 1 Tape: Colour matching, pressure sensitive, self adhesive vinyl tape. Under 25 for Flame Spread and under 50 for Smoke Developed ratings. 2 Lap Seal Adhesive: Quick-setting adhesive for joints and lap sealing of vapour barriers. 1 D Flame Spread and 0 Smoke Developed ratings. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Foster: 85-75 Drion. 4 Lagging Adhesive: Fire retardant coating approved by CFFM and Authorities having jurisdiction prior to application. B. Insulation System P-4: 1 Contact Adhesive: Quick-setting adhesive for seams and joints of flexible unicellular insulation. 5 Flame Spread and 0 Smoke Developed ratings. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Armstrong: 520 Adhesive. C. Insulation System P-5: 1 cut and mitred to fit, secured in place with 16 gauge stainless steel with twisted ends on maximum 12" (300mm) centres; 2 all joints shall be painted with high temperature insulating cement. 2.07 JACKETS A. Canvas: 1 Apply in exposed areas: compacted firm, ULC listed, heavy plain weave, cotton fabric at 6 oz. per sq. yd (220g/m2) treated with diluted fire retardant lagging adhesive. 2 On concealed valves and fittings use ULC listed plain weave cotton fabric at 3 oz. per sq. yd(120 g/m2). 3 Standard of Acceptance: S. Fattal, Thermocanvas, Johns Manville. Darlington Sporls Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 119064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING B. Aluminum: 10 1 Apply in areas exposed to the outdoors to CSA HA Series-M1980: 1 crimped or embossed alloy jacketing 0.016" (0.045 mm) 26 gauge thick with longitudinal slip joints and 2" (50mm) end laps with factory attached protective liner on interior surface. Aluminum alloy butt straps with mechanical fasteners; 2 jackets on fitting, 0.016" (0.045mm) thick, die shaped components of alloy with factory attached protective liner on interior surface. C. PVC: 1 Apply in exposed areas on piping with operating temperatures less than 180°F. (80°C.). 2 Piping: ULC listed PVC moulded type jacketing material, gloss white complying with 25 Flame Spread and 50 Smoke Developed ratings. 3 Fittings: ULC listed PVC, gloss white, 1-piece, pre-moulded fittings complying with 25 Flame Spread and 50 Smoke Developed ratings. 4 PVC Application: strictly in accordance with the requirements of Authorities having jurisdiction. 5 Ultraviolet resistant. 6 Fastenings: To manufacturers standard(s). PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION A. Apply insulation once required tests are complete and approved by the Consultant. Surtaces shall be clean and dry when insulation is installed and during application of any finish. B. Work shall be performed by a qualified Insulation Journeymen. C. Apply insulation under ambient temperature conditions in accordance with insulation or adhesive manufacturer's recommendations. D. Insulate roof drain body with 1"(25mm) flexible insulation. Hold in place with 100% coverage of insulating cement. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Page 11 E. Apply insulation neatly and tightly in unbroken lengths and with ends of sections firmly and squarely butted or engaged together. Lap canvas or other specified ' wrapping overalljointsandthoroughlycementdownwithadhesive. Vapour barriers and insulation shall be complete over the full length of pipe or surface, without penetration for hangers, and without interruption at sleeves, pipe and fittings. ' F. Extend insulation through sleeves in walls (except fire walls) or other openings in the building for a continual insulation and vapour barrier of uniform diameter. G. Terminate insulation at each side of the fire walls and pack the space between the wall sleeve and pipe as specified in Section 15010. H. Replace removed insulation from existing piping to make tie-in connections with new insulation. Cut back existing insulation a sufficient distance to make/form a neat and firm butt joint between old and new insulation. I Protect insulation on domestic cold water and chilled water lines with insulation 1 shields consisting of high density insulation and sheet steel support. Insulation inserts shall be sized as follows: CJ 1 J. K. L. M. INSULATION INSERTS -SIZES Pipe Size Length Inches (mm) Inches (mm) 1-1/2" to 2-1/2" (40mm to 65mm) 10" (250mm) 3" to 6" (75mm to 150mm) 12" (3DDmm) S" to 10" (200mm to 250mm) 16" (400mm) 12" and up (300mm and up) 22" (550mm) Apply specified adhesives, mastics and coatings to manufacturer's recommended minimum coverage per gallon. Install insulation with smooth and even surfaces. Where piping is indicated to be heat traced, provide oversized insulation to accommodate heat tracing cable. Apply insulation materials, accessories and finishes in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.02 PIPE INSULATION A. Preformed Insulation: Sectional insulation up to NPS 12, sectional or curved segmented above NPS 12. B. Multi-Layered Insulation: Use staggered butt joint construction. C. Vertical Pipe over NPS 3: Use insulation supports welded or bolted to pipe directly Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Page 12 , above lowest pipe fitting. Thereafter, locate on 15' (4.5 m) centres and at each valve and flange. D. At expansion joints in piping, apply insulation over a 16 gauge sleeve fabricated to fit , around expansion joint without restricting its movement. Fabricate sleeve(s) so it may be removed to allow for the repacking and lubrication of the expansion joint without damaging adjoining insulation. Extend sleeves a minimum of 3" (75mm) longer than the expansion joint, fit with insulation retaining flanges and with a means ' of maintaining the position of the sleeve over the expansion joint. E. Terminate insulation at each end of unions and flanges on hot lines, and at other points where indicated, with insulation cement, to CGSB 51-GP-6M, trowelled on bevel. F. Gouge out insulation for a proper fit where there is interference between the weld ' bead and the insulation. Bevel away from studs and nuts to permit their removal without damage to insulation, and closely and neatly trim around extending parts of pipe saddles, supports, hangers, and clamp guides and seal with insulating cement. G. Insulation is not required on chrome plated piping and fittings. H. Surface temperature on the outside of insulation shall not exceed 150°F.(66°C.). , I. Insulate flanges, valves and fittings with segments of insulation of the sametype and thickness as the insulation on the pipe, secured in place with soft annealed galvanized wire. Finish with cement and canvas while the cement is still wet. 3.03 TYPE P-5 INSULATION A. Apply Insulation firmly in place with all joints butted tightly and mechanically fastened , in place by wiring using 16 gauge stainless steel wire on 12"(300mm) centres. B. Stagger all joints. ' C. Apply ajacket of 0.016 aluminum jacket with factory applied moisture barrieroverthe calcium silicate pipe insulation. Ensure butt joints and longitudinal overlaps arewide enough to provide weather proofing. , D. The jacket shall be secured with aluminum bands or screws. Aluminum bands of 1/2" (12mm) wide, made of 0.020 alloy T-3003 H-14 shall be used and applied on 12" (300mm) centres. The jacket can also be secured with sheet metal screws 3/8" ' (10mm) long, aluminum screw installed on 4" (100mm) centres. E. For applications in a corrosive environment apply a 0.020 stainless steeljacket in lieu of the aluminum jacket. Secure jacket in place with either 1!2" (12mm) 304E ' stainless steel bands on 12" (300mm) centres or 3/8" (10mm) stainless steel screws on 4" (100mm) centres. 3.04 SIZING Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation , CEL ProjeM No. 09064 1 A. ~ B. r C. r t DIVISION 15 SECTION 15260 THERMAL INSULATION FOR PIPING Page 13 Provide fire retardant coating on canvas jackets. Fire retardant coating shall be approved by Authorities having jurisdiction and CFFM prior to application. Priming: 1 Coat canvas covering exposed in finished spaces with diluted coat of lagging adhesive, as recommended by the insulation manufacturer. -END- Darlington Sports Cenbe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 119064 i~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by r the requirements outlined in Section 15010 -Mechanical General Provisions. B. Pertorm Thermal Insulation work in accordance with ASHRAE 90-1 latest edition standards. 1.02 FIRE RESISTANCE A. Comply with NFPA 90A-2009 Standards. Maximum flame spread rating of 25 and maximum smoke developed rating of 50 shall be in accordance with NFPA255-2006 and CAN4-S102. B. Material(s) tested in accordance with ASTM C411-05 shall not flame, smoulder, glow or smoke at temperature(s) to which exposed in service. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI/NFPA 90A-20091nstallation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems B. ANSI/NFPA 906-2009 Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems C. ASTM A167 Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip D. ASTM C335 Test Method for Steady State Heat Transfer Properties of Horizontal Pipe Insulations E. ASTM C411 Test Method for Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulation F. ASTM E84 G. CAN/CGSB-51.2M Type 2, Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Coverings H. CAN/CGSB-51.12 Cement, Thermal Insulating and Finishing I. CAN/CGSB-51.40 Thermal Insulation, Flexible, Elastomeric, Unicellular, Sheet and Pipe Covering J. CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies K. CGSB 51-GP-9M Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Sleeving for Piping and Round Ducting Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING Page 2 L. CGSB 51-11M Thermal insulation, Mineral Fibre, Blanket for Piping, Ducting, Machinery and Boilers M. CGSB 51-GP-52M Vapour Barrier Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment Thermal Insulation N. CGSB 51-GP-53M Jacketing, Polyvinyl Chloride Sheet for Insulating Pipes, Vessels and Round Ducts O. CSA HA Series CSA Standards for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 1.04 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation, fabrication for pipe, fittings, valves and jointing recommendations for approval. C. Prior to ordering any insulation materials, prepare a sample board, with a crass section sample of all types of insulation, including exteriorjacket, properly identified for the various services and equipment on the project and state types of adhesives used. Submit the sample board to the Consultant for review. After review and acceptance, the sample board shall be kept on site for the duration of the project for reference. Deviation from the accepted samples wilt not be permitted. 1.05 DEFINITIONS A. "CONCEALED" Means: Insulated mechanical services and equipment in chases, furred spaces, pipe shafts or hung ceilings. B. "EXPOSED" Means: "not concealed" as defined herein. This shall also include but not be limited to areas where the ceiling is not continuous from wall to wall and the gap between thewall and the ceiling is a minimum of 12" (300 mm) "floating ceilings" or as indicated on the drawings, the space above the floating ceiling shall be considered exposed. 1.06 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with all requirements of Local and Provincial Authorities having jurisdiction, the Ontario Building Code and the Underwriters' Laboratory of Canada (ULC). Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 II DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING Page 3 B. Fire retardant type insulation materials, coverings and adhesives with maximum 25 Flame Spread and maximum 50 Smoke Developed rating when tested shall be in accordance with CAN/ULC-S1 D2 and NFPA 255-2006. Materials tested in accordance with ASTM C411-05 shall not Flame, smoulder, glow or smoke at temperature(s) to which exposed in service. C . Properly identify insulation materials, coverings and adhesives when required by Federal and/or Provincial Health and Safety WHMIS Legislation. ' 1.07 Q UALIFICATIONS A . Engage a licensed Insulation Application Contractor, specializing in, possessing an established reputation for this type of work. ' SURANCE 1.08 Q UALITY AS A . Insulating material(s) shall be new, undamaged and of the respective type(s) specified for each specific application. B . Installed, non-weatherproofed, insulation shall be protected from inclement weather by an approved waterproof sheeting installed by the Contractor. The Contractor ' shall remove and replace any wet or damaged insulation, at no additional cost to the Owner/Architect. 1.09 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives, coatings etc., shall be shipped to the sde in factory fabricated containers with manufacturer's stamp or label affixed indicating the fire hazard ratings of the products, name of manufacturer and brand. B. Retain insulation materials in their original containers, until immediately prior to application. Keep all materials dry during shipping and storage. C. Retain adhesives in their original cartons or containers with the manufacturers name and catalogue number clearly identified on same. D. Protect the insulation against dirt, water, chemical and mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Do not install damaged insulation. The Contractor shall remove all damaged insulation from the job site at no additional cost to the Owner/Architect. E. Installed insulation, which has not been weatherproofed, shall be protected from inclement weather by an approved waterproof sheeting installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall remove all wet or damaged insulation from the job site at no additional cost to the Owner/Architect. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING 4 1.010 SAMPLES A. For exterior insulation complete a 10 foot sample and have it approved by the Consultant prior to proceeding with the remainder of the installation. 1.011 VOC REQUIREMENTS A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 D-2 -MINERAL FIBRE BLANKET WITH VAPOUR BARRIER A. Application: 1 Apply on round or oval ducting or concealed rectangular ductwork less than 32" (850 mm) wide, either cold or dual temperature, where such ductswould otherwise be insulated as described for D-4. B. Material(s): 1 duct wrap insulation shall comply with facing and shall meet ASTM C 533. 2 "k" @ 75 F. mean temperature 0.27 max. ("k" @ 24° C mean temperature 0.039.)whenmaterialcompressed25%; The density of the material shall be a minimum of 1.0 Ib/ft' (16 kglm'). 3 maximum service temperature 450 F.(232 C.); 4 rated at 25/50 per ASTM E84, UL 723 and NFPA 255; 5 product must comply with requirements of ASTM C 795 when used over stainless steel; 6 material(s) faced with "FSK" shall have a permeance of 0.02 or less. 7 material(s) must conform to ASHRAE 90.1; 8 Fiberglas Flexible Reinforced Foil and Flame Retardant "KRAFT". C. Standard of Acceptance: Knauf, Manson, Johns Manville. Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 LJ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING 2.02 D-4 -FIBROUS GLASS RIGID WITH VAPOUR BARRIER A. Application: Insulation System D-4 for ducting temperature up to 450 F. (232 C.) on cold or dual temperature rectangular ducting as follows: Material(s): 1 rigid board insulation shall comply with ASTM C 612, Type 1; 2 "k" @ 75 F. mean temperature 0.23 max. (0.033 @ 24 C.); 3 maximum service temperature 450 F. (232 C.); 4 rated at 25/50 per ASTM E84, UL 723 and NFPA 255; 5 product must comply with the requirements of ASTM C 795 when being used over stainless steel, 2 Vapour Retardant Jacketing: ~1 LJ r vapour retardant jacketing shall be bleached "KRAFT" paper reinforced with a glass f bre yarn and bonded to an aluminum foil or aluminum foil reinforced with a glass fibre yarn and laminated to fire resistant kraft, secured with UL listed pressure sensitive tape and/or outward clinched expanded staples and vapour barrier mastic as required; Fibreglass Reinforced Foil and Fire Retardant "KRAFT" Facing. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Knauf, Manson, Johns Manville. 2.03 APPLICATIONS FOR D-2 AND D-4 APPLICATIONS FOR D-2 AND D~ APPLICATION EXTENT THICKNESS AIR TEMPERATURE`: RANGE Outside Air Intake Outside air plenum and all ductwork up 2" -40 to 50°F (incuding Combustion to mixing box. This includes all outside (50 mm) (-40 to 10 C) Air intakes) air ductwork from the point that it enters the building to the air handling units. Exhaust Air Discharge From walllroof penetration to 10 feet 2" -40 to 50°F (including Relief Air from exterior. Terminate at fan if fan (50 mm) (-40 to 10 C) discharge) closer than 10 feet. Include the exhaust air plenum. Supply Air I From supply fan discharge to 11" 150°F to 149°F Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING 6 APPLICATION ' EXTENT THICKNESS AIR TEMPERATURE RANGE. diffuser/grille. (25 mm) 10 C to 65 C Exceptions .1 Do not insulate ductwork that is exposed in the room that it serves where ducts continue to another room ductwork is required to be insulated. .2 Ductwork that is internally lined with the required thickness of insulation. Silencers Insulate all supply air silencers. 1" 50°F to 149°F 25 mm tOCto65C Outdoor Supply & Required for ductwork eMerior to the 2" 50°F to 149°F Return Air Ductwork building even if the ductwork is 50 mm 10 C to 65 C internally lined. Blanked Off Louvres Entire Surface 2" -40 to 50°F SO mm (-40 to 10 C) Where insulation is installed on ductwork having flanged connections, increase duct insulation as required to provide a 112" (12 mm) cover on flanges and duct angles. For duct sizes 20" (500 mm) to 34" (850 mm) utilize either 1-112" (40 mm) flexible wrap or 1" (25 mm) rigid board insulation where 1" (25 mm) insulation is called for. For thicknesses greater than 1" utilize rigid board insulation. For ductwork exposed to the outdoors the top section of the insulation shall be sloped to ensure positive drainage from the top of the duct. 2.04 FASTENINGS A. Tape: Self adhesive, 4" (100 mm) wide under 25 Flame Spread and under 50 Smoke Developed rating. B. Contact Adhesive: Quick-setting, non-flammable fire resistive adhesive to adhere fibrous glass to ducts. 15 Flame Spread and 0 Smoke Developed ratings. 1 Acceptable Products: Foster: 85-20 Asbestos Free, Armstrong: 520. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING Page 7 C. Lap Seal Adhesive: Quick-setting adhesive for joints and lap sealing of vapour barriers. 10 Flame Spread and 0 Smoke Developed ratings. 1 Acceptable Products: Foster: 85-75, Asbestos Free, Drion. D. Canvas: Washable adhesive for cementing canvas lagging cloth to duct insulation. 1 Acceptable Products: Foster: 30-36 Asbestos Free. E. Pins: 1 Weld pins 1/8" (4 mm) diameter with 1-1/2" (35 mm) diameter head for installation through the insulation. Length to suit thickness of insulation. 2 Weld Pins: If duct is over 600 mm (24") wide, use on bottom of duct. 1 Acceptable Products: Duro Dyne: clip-pin. 3 Weld pins 118" (2.0 mm) for installation prior to applying insulation. Length to suit thickness of insulation. Nylon retaining clips 1-1l4" (32 mm) square. 1 Acceptable Products: Duro Dyne: spotter clips or stop clips as required. 2.05 JACKETS A. Canvas: 1 Apply in exposed areas, compacted firm, ULC listed, heavy plain weave cotton fabric at 6 oz./sq. yd. (220 g/m2) treated with diluted fire retardant lagging adhesive. 2 Standard of Acceptance: S. Fattal, Thermocanvas, Johns Manville. B. PVC 1 Venture Clad PVC Jacketing 1577CW is acceptable forjacketing in exposed areas. C. Outdoors: 1 Outdoor vapour barrier mastic. Flintguard 110-26 complete with reinforcing glass fabric. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING Page 8 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION A. Apply insulation after required tests are completed and approved by the Engineer. Ensure surfaces are clean and drywhen insulation is installed and during application ' of any finish. B. Apply insulation as close as possible to equipment by grooving, scoring and bevelling insulation if necessary. Secure insulation to equipment with studs, pins, clips, adhesive, wires or bands. C. Fill joints, cracks, seams and depressions with bedding compound to form a smooth surtace. Use a vapour retardant cement on cold equipment. D. Provide vapour retardant jacket. Seal all vapour retardant jacket seams and penetrations with UL listed tapes or vapour retardant adhesive. Where service access is required bevel and seal ends of insulation. ' E. Continue insulation through walls, sleeves, hangers and other duct penetrations except where prohibited by Code. F. Work shall be performed by a qualified Insulation Journeymen. G. Apply insulation and coverings at ambient conditions as required by manufacturers of insulations, adhesives and mastics. H. Install insulation with smooth and even surfaces. I. Replace removed insulation from existing ductwork to make tie-in connections with new insulation. Cut back existing insulation a sufficient distance to make/fonn a neat and firm butt joint between the old and new insulation. pins and alin rk with welded im t l d ' J. g p ar uc wo Secure insulation on exposed rectangu speed washer type fasteners at 12" (300 mm) on centre. Provide a minimum of two (2) rows of fasteners on each side of the duct. t K. In addition to the mechanical fasteners, adhere insulation to the duct with fire resistive adhesive applied to the duct in 6" (150 mm) wide strips at 18" (450 mm) centres. Tightly butt all joints and breaks in the insulation and seal with fire resistive mastic and 3" (75 mm) wide scrim foil pressure sensitive tape. Cut off protruding ends of welded pins and cover speed washers with same tape to ensure a smooth application of exterior jacket. i Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 Il DIVISION 15 SECTION 15270 THERMAL INSULATION FOR DUCTING Page 9 L. Fasten insulation to rectangular ductwork less than 31" (787 mm) wide and round ductwork with adhesive applied in 6" (150 mm) wide strips at 18" (450 mm) centres. Tightly butt all joints and breaks in the insulation. Seal with fire resistive mastic and 3" (75 mm) wide scrim foil pressure sensitive tape. Use tying cord only to temporarily secure insulation until adhesive has set. Remove prior to application of exterior jacket. M. Insulate access doors or removable panels in ductwork as separate units to permit opening or removal without damage to the adjoining insulation. 3.02 EXTERIOR INSULATION INSTALLATION A. Install on all insulation exposed to the outdoors. B. Insulation Application: 1 All joints and penetrations shall be covered with two 3mm wet coats of vapour mastic reinforced with glass fabric. 2 When dry, cover entire surface with 3mm coat of vapour mastic and while this coat is still wet, embed a layer of glass fabric, with all joints overlapped a minimum of 75mm and cover entire surface with another coat of mastic. 3 All penetrations of angle iron supports shall be completely sealed to weather. 4 Built up centre to slope top surface of insulation to prevent ponding. 5 Paint mastic assembly with white coloured weather resistant paint when it is dry. END- Darlington Sports Cenfre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15280 THERMAL INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 1501D -Mechanical General Provisions. B. Perform Thermal Insulation work in accordance with ASHRAE 90.1 latest edition standards: 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSIlNFPA 90A-20091nst allation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems B. ANSI/NFPA90B-2009 Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems C. ASTM A167-99(2009) Specification for Stainless and Heat Resisting Chromium Nickel Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip D. ASTM C335 Test Method for Steady State Heat Transfer Properties of Horizontal Pipe Insulations E. ASTM C411(2005) Test Method for Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulation F. ASTM E84 G. CAN/CGSB-51.2M Type 2, Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Coverings H. CAN/CGSB-51.12 Cement, Thermal Insulating and Finishing I. CAN/CGSB-51.40 Thermal Insulation, Flexible, Elastomeric, Unicellular, Sheet and Pipe Covering. J. CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies K. CGSB51-GP-9M Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Sleeving for Piping and Round Ducting L. CGSB51-11 M Thermal insulation, Mineral Fibre, Blanket for Piping, Ducting, Machinery and Boilers t Darlington Sporls Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15280 THERMAL INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT 1.03 M. CGSB5I-GP-52M N. CGSB5I-GP-53M O. CSA HA Series Vapour Barrier Jacket and Facing Material for Pipe, Duct and Equipment Thermal Insulation Jacketing, Polyvinyl Chloride Sheet for Insulating Pipes, Vessels and Round Ducts CSA Standards for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys 1.04 FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS A. Fire resistance ratings shall meet NFPA 90A-2009 maximum flame spread rating of 25 and maximum smoke developed rating of 50 in accordance with NFPA 255-2006 and CAN4-S102-M83 for all components of insulation system. Test materials in accordance with ASTM C411(2005). SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit for approval, manufacturers catalogue literature related to installation, fabrication for pipe, fittings, valves and jointing recommendations. C. Prior to ordering any insulation materials, prepare a sample board, with a cross section sample of all types of insulation, including exteriorjacket, properly identified for the various services and equipment on the project and state types of adhesives used. Submit the sample board to the Consultant for review. After review and acceptance, the sample board shall be kept on site for the duration of the project for reference. Deviation from the accepted samples will not be permitted. 1.05 DEFINITIONS A. "CONCEALED" Means: Insulated mechanical services and equipment in hung ceilings and non-accessible chases and furred spaces. B. "EXPOSED" Means: "not concealed" as defined herein. 1.06 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with all requirements of Local and Provincial Authorities having jurisdiction, the Ontario Building Code and the Underwriters' Laboratory of Canada (ULC). B. Fire retardant type insulation materials, coverings and adhesives with maximum 25 Flame Spread and maximum 50 Smoke Developed rating when tested shall be in accordance with CAN/ULC-S102 and NFPA 255-2006. Materials tested in accordance with ASTM C411(2005) shall not flame, smoulder, glow or smoke at temperature(s) to which exposed in service. C. Properly identify insulation materials, coverings and adhesives when required by Federal andlor Provincial Health and Safety WHMIS Legislation. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09064 t u 1 1 u 1 i~ L' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15280 THERMAL INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT Page 3 1.07 QUALIFICATIONS A. Engage a licensed Insulation Application Contractor specializing in, and possessing an established reputation for this type of work. 1.08 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Insulating material(s) shall be new, undamaged and of the respective type(s) specified for each specific application. B. Installed, non-weatherproofed, insulation shall be protected from inclement weather by an approved waterproof sheeting installed by the Contractor. Any wet or damaged insulation shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the OwnerlArchitect. 1.09 DELIVERY STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Ship Insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives coatings etc. to the site in factory fabricated containers, with the manufacturers stamp or label affixed, indicating the fire hazard ratings of products, name of manufacturer and brand. B. Retain insulation materials in their original containers, until immediately prior to application. Keep all materials dry during shipping and storage. C. Retain adhesives in theiroriginal cartons orcontainerswith the manufacturer's name and catalogue number clearly identified on same. Protect contents against freezing. D. Protect insulation against dirt, water, chemical and mechanical damage before, ' during and after installation. Do not install damaged insulation. The Contractorshall remove all damaged insulation from the job site, at no additional cost to the Owner/Architect. E. Installed, non-weatherproofed, insulation, shall be protected from inclementweather by an approved waterproof sheeting installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall remove and replace all wet or damaged insulation from the job site at no additional ' cost to the Owner/Architect. 1.010 VOC REQUIREMENTS ' A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. C~ ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15280 THERMAL INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT Page 4 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 E-1 -MINERAL RIGID FIBRE BOARD HOT CURVED SURFACES 68 TO 850° F. (20 TO 440°C. A. Application: 1 expansion tanks; 2 heat exchangers; 3 domestic hot water storage tanks (where not preinsulated) 4 air separators; B. Materials(s): 1 Rigid, non combustible fibreglass board insulation complying with the requirements of ASTM C 612, Type II and the following: 1 "k" (KSI) @ 75°F. mean temperature 0.23 max. (0.033 @ 24°C.); 2 maximum service temperature: 850°F. (454°C.); 3 rated 25/50 per ASTM E 84, UL 723 and NFPA 255. 4 product must comply with the requirements of ASTM C 795 when being used over stainless steel, 2 Standard of Acceptance: Fiberglass, Knauf, Manson, Johns Manville. C. Thickness: 1 Refer to Schedule for mineral rigid fibreboard thicknesses as follows: SCHEDULE-f-1 MINERAL RIGID FIBRE BOARD THICKNESSES SERVICE OPERATING TEMP. THICKNESS Domestic Hat Water Up to 200°F. 2"(50mm) Storage Tanks Up to 80°C. Expansion Tanks Up to 200°F. 2"(50mm) U to 80°C. Heat Exchangers Up to 250°F. 2"(SOmm) U to 107°C. Air Separators Up to 200°F. 2"(50mm) U to 80°C. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15280 THERMAL INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT Page 5 ' 2.02 E-5 -FLEXIBLE ELASTOMERIC SHEET -40 TO 200°F.(-40 TO 95°C.) COLD CURVED ' SURFACES A. Appli cation: ' 1 water meter assemblies; 2 cold water expansion tanks; ' 3 cold water pressure tanks 4 domestic cold water pumps; ' S Domestic cold water storage tanks (where not preinsulated); 6 Water softener package 7 Iron Filter package B. Materials: ' 1 CAN2 51.40-M80 & Amdt-Jan 82, flexible fire retardant elastomeric unicellular sheet covering with total thickness of 3/4" (20mm) applied in two (2) - 3/8"(10mm) layers. ' 2 Equipment and tank surfaced thermal conductivity "k" factor shall be a maximum of 0.27. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Armstrong Armaflex, Johns Manville, Nomaco, Therma-Cel. ' 2.03 FASTENINGS id " A. (100mm) w e. Tape: Self Adhesive: 4 B. Contact Adhesive: Quick-setting. 1 Standard of Acceptance: Foster: 85-20 asbestos free, 5m2/L, Armstrong: 520. ' C. Lap Seal Adhesive: Quick-setting for joints and lap sealing of vapour barriers. 1 Standard of Acceptance: Foster: 85-75 asbestos free, 6m2/L. ' D. Canvas: Washable adhesive for cementing canvas lagging cloth to equipment insulation. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Proles No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15280 THERMAL INSULATION FOR EQUIPMENT Page 6 1 Standard of Acceptance: Foster: 30-36 asbestos free, 1.25m2/L. 2.04 JACKETS A. Canvas: 1 Application: All exposed insulated equipment (except chiller) including: 1 heat exchangers; 2 hot water storage tanks; 3 air separators; 4 domestic cold water storage tanks; 5 domestic hot water storage tanks (if not preinsulated). 2 Material(s): ULC listed, plain weave, cotton fabric at 220g/m' (6 oz.). 3 Standard of Acceptance: S. Fattal, Thermo Canvas. B. PVC 1 Venture Clad PVC Jacketing is also acceptable in place of Canvas. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATION A. Apply insulation materials, accessories and finishes to manufacturer's recommendations and as specified. B. Apply after required tests are completed and approved by Consultant. Ensure insulation and insulation surfaces are clean and dry when installed and during application of any finish. C. On equipment insulation with vapour barriers, maintain integrity of vapour barrier without penetration. D. Install insulation with smcoth and even surfaces. -END- Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15305 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do work in accordance with the recommendations and requirements of: .1 NFPA 10 - 2007 for portable fire extinguishers. 2 Ontario Building Code 3 Ontario Fire Code 4 Municipality of Clarington 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. 1.D4 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 15010. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MULTI-PURPOSE DRY CHEMICAL AND CO2 EXTINGUISHERS A. Stored pressure rechargeable type with hose and shut-off nozzle, ULC labeled forA, B and C class protection. Sizes are as follows: B. Location A ent Ca acit Manufacturer Fire ABC 5 Lb Wilson and Cousins EMinguisher ABC-050 Cabinets in Corridors, Open Areas Existing Fire ABC 10 Ib Wilson and Cousins Hose Cabinets ' ABC -1DG Mechanical ABC ! 10 Ib Wilson and Cousins Rooms, ABC -10G Janitor's Rooms, Electrical CO2 15 Ib Wilson and Cousins Rooms CO2-15H Standard of Acceptance: Wilson & Cousins, Ansul, Pyrene, Flag, National Fire ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation _ CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15305 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS 2 2.02 FULLY RECESSED PAINTED STEEL CABINETS FOR 5 Ib DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHERS A. Flush mounted fire extinguisher cabinet constructed of 22 ga (0.76mm) steel tub and 16 ga. (1.57mm) steel door and trim with 1/4" (6mm) return frame. Tub dimension to be 8" x 17" x 5" (200mm x 425mm x 125mm). B. Cabinet shall be able to be installed in a 5" (125mm) thick wall. C. Cabinet to have a full length semi concealed piano hinge and flush stainless steel door latch. D. Door to be metal panel with 3116" (5mm) safety glass panel 4" x 13" (101mm x 33Dmm). E. Cabinet finish shall to be white baked enamel suitable for field painting or as a final finish. F. Cabinet to maintain fire resistive rating of construction in which they occur. G. Standard of Acceptance: Wilson and Cousins, National Fire Equipment, Stelpro. 2.03 WALL MOUNTED EXTINGUISHERS A. Provide a wall mounting bracket for all wall mounted extinguisher to suit the size of the extinguisher. 2.04 IDENTIFICATION A. Identify extinguishers in accordance with recommendations of NFPA 10 - 20D7. B. Attach tag or label to extinguishers, indicating month and year of installation. Provide space for service dates. C. Provide rigid plastic fire extinguisher sign for all new and existing fire extinguishers. Sign to be screen printed with UV inks. Holes to be spaced more than 5" (125 mm) apart to provide 3D effect. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide portable fire extinguisher and cabinet and mount in wall during construction. Cabinet to be surface or recessed as noted on the drawings. B. Install extinguishers in cabinets or mount on wall. C. Prior to installing the extinguisher cabinets confirm mounting height and exact location with Consultant and/or architect. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Woject No. 09064 u t 1 t t 1 t ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15305 ' PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Page 3 D. Install all fire extinguisher signs above new and/or existing fire extinguishers. -END- 1 1 ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project Na. 09D64 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15411 ' DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -DUCTILE IRON & PVC Page 1 PART t GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. B. Installation to conform to Municipality of Clarington standards. ' 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do the work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code -Plumbing Code and local authority having jurisdiction. ' B. ANSI 21.4/AWWA C104 -2004 Standard for Cement Mortar Lining for Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water C. ANSI A21.10/AWWA C110 -2008 Standard for Ductile Iron & Gray Iron Fittings 3" to 48" for Water D. ANSI A21.11/AWWA C111 - 2000 Standard for Rubber Gasket Joints for Ductile ' Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings E. ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151 -2009 Standard for Ductile Iron, Centrifugally Cast, ' for Water F. AWWA C651 - 2005 Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains G. AWWA C652 - 2002 Standard for Disinfection of Water Storage Facilities ' H. CSA/CAN-8137.3 -1999 Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe for Pressure Applications I. ASTM A3D7- 07b Specifications for Carbon Steel Bolts and ' Studs, 60,OOD psi Tensile Strength. J. ASTM D1784 -08 Specifications for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl ' Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds K. MSS SP-70 - 2006 Cast Iron, Gate, Globe Angle and Check Valves 1 1 03 PRO DUCT DATA . A. Submit product data in accordance with Section 1501D. B. Indicate the following: valves couplin gs mechanical joints. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEl Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15411 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -DUCTILE IRON & PVC Page 2 1.04 VOC REQUIREMENTS A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE A. Genera 1 Service water and fire main pipe: Ductile iron cement mortar lined or PVC up to the point where the pipe enters the building. B. Ductile Iron 1 Ductile iron: to ANSI A21.51! AWWA C151. 2 Cement mortar lining for ductile iron pipe: to ANSI A21.4/AWWA C104. C. PVC 1 Pipe shall be made from clean, virgin approved class 12454-B PVC Compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1784. Clean, reworked material generated from the Manufacturer's own pipe production may be utilized. 2 Pipe shall conform to CSA/CAN-B137.3. 3 The pipe shall be designed for a pressure rating of 1150 kPa (167 psi) and shall be designated DR25 with cast iron outside diameters and integral bell gasketed joints. 4 Pipe shall be hydrostatic proof tested at 2758 kPa (400 psi). 5 Gaskets are to be installed into the pipe bell at the factory prior to shipment. 6 The pipe is to be shipped in 6.1 m (20 ft) nominal lengths. 2.02 FITTINGS A. Mechanical joint cast iron and ductile iron fittings NPS 3 and larger: to ANSI A21.10 or AW WA C 110. B. Flanged cast iron fittings NPS 3 and larger: to ANSI A21.10/AWWA C110. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15411 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -DUCTILE IRON 8 PVC Page 3 2.03 JOINTS A. Rubber gasket for mechanical pipe joints: to ANSI A21.11/ AWWA C111. B. Rubber gasket for flange pipe joints 1.6 mm thick: to ANSI A21.11/ AWWA C111. C. Bolts, nuts, hex head with washers: to ASTM A307-92a-07b heavy series. D. PVC: Integral bell gasketted joints. 2.04 GATE VALVES A. NPS 3 and over, flanged: 1 Non-rising stem: to MSS SP-70, class 125, 860 kPa, FF flange, cast-iron body, bronze trim, bolted bonnet, complete with sleeve extension and street box on grade as required by City standards. 2 Standard of Acceptance: McAvity, Darling PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Piping tc be cut square, reamed, free of cuttings and foreign material. B. Apply one coating of bituminous paint. C. Lay buried piping in compacted sand in accordance with AWWA Class "B" bedding. D. Provide protection against corrosion in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington standards. E. Provide a 14 gauge TWH solid copper, light coloured plastic coated, tracer wire with all PVC piping. Tracer wire must be brought to the surface at each valve box. Tracer wire to be attached to pipe and outside valve box by means of tape. F. Apply for and pay water meter fee. G. Potable water systems shall be purged of deleterious matter and disinfected prior to utilization. The method to be followed shall be that prescribed by the health authority having jurisdiction or, in the absence of a prescribed method, the procedure described in eitherAWWA C651 or AWWA C652 or as described in this section. 1 The pipe system shall be flushed with clean, potable water until dirty water does not appear at the points of outlet. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15411 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -DUCTILE IRON & PVC Page 4 2 The system or part thereof shall be filled with awater/chlorine solution containing at least 50 parts per million (50 mg/L) of chlorine, and the system or part thereof shall be valved off and allowed to stand for 24 hours; or the system or part thereof shall be filled with a waterlchlorine solution containing at least 200 parts per million (200mg/l) of chlorine and allowed to stand for three (3) hours. 3 Following the required standing time, the system shall be flushed with clean potable water until the chlorine is purged from the system. 4 The procedure shall be repeated where shown by a bacteriological examination that contamination remains present in the system. END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation GEL Protect No. 09064 t1 C u i~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do the work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Plumbing Code and local authority having jurisdiction. B. ASTM 862-09 Specifications for Composition Bronze orOunce Metal Castings. C. ANSI/ASME 816.5-2005 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. D. ANSI/ASME 816.11-2009 Forged Fittings, Socket Welding. E. ASTM B88-03 Specifications for Seamless Copper Water Tube. F. CSA 8242-M80 Groove and Shoulder Type Mechanical Pipe Couplings. G. MSS SP 67-2002 Butterfly Valves H. MSS SP 70-2006 Cast Iron Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves I. MSS SP 71-2005 Cast Iron Swing Check Valves Flanged and Threaded Ends. J. MSS SP 80-2003 Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit product data in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate following: valves. C. Provide shop drawings for all grooved end components. D. All grooved end components shall be provided by one manufacturer. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPING A. Domestic hot, cold and recirc tubing, within building. 1 Above ground: copper tube, hard drawn, type L: to ASTM B88M. 2 Buried: copper tube, soft annealed, type K: to ASTM B88M. B. All piping shall have certification markings for compliance with ASTM 888. 2 2.02 FITTINGS A. Brass or bronze flanges and flanged fittings: to ANSI B16.24. B. Brass or bronze threaded fittings: to ANSI B16.15. C. Cast bronze to ANSI 816.18- 1984 or wrought copper and bronze to ANSI 816.22. 2.03 JOINTS A. Rubber gaskets, 0.063" (1.6 mm) thick: to AWWA C111 -95. B. Bolts, nuts, hex head and washers: to ASTM A307-92a-07b, heavy series. C. For installation of the potable water system only lead free solder shall be used in accordance with Ontario Building Code Standards. D. Solder, tin antimony, 95:5: to ASTM B32. 2.04 GROOVED COPPER METHOD A. Application 1 Grooved piping system may be used in lieu of flanged or sweated copper in size 2" (50 mm) and larger. Couplings shall be designed with angle bolt pads to provide a rigid joint, complete with EPDM flush seal gasket suitable for temperatures from -30°F to 230°F (-34°C to 110°C). B. Fittings 1 Housing: ductile iron conforming to ASTM-A536, Grade 65-45-12 2 Coating: rust inhibiting lead free paint 3 Bolts and nuts: heat treated, zinc electroplated carbon steel oval-neck track bolts conforming to ASTM A-183 and zinc electroplated carbon steel heavy hex nuts conforming to ASTM A-563, Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Pace 3 4 Hinge Pin: carbon steel 5 Gaskets: in accordance with ASTM D-2000. Grade E: EPDM rated for service between -30°F to 230°F (-34°C to 110°C). 6 Copper Fittings: Copper per ASTM B-75 and ASTM B-584. 7 When connecting dissimilar metals in liquid systems from grooved end steel (IPS) to Copper (CTS) provide a dielectric waterway between the two materials. C. Standard of Acceptance: Victaulic, Anvil 2.05 GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVES 1 NPS 2 1/2 and over, grooved ends: 1 Class 300, bubble tight shut off to 300 psi (2065 KPa) bronze body. 2 Operators: 1 NPS 4 and under, lever handle 2 NPS 6 and over, gear operated. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Victaulic Series 608, Grinnell. Mueller 2.06 GATE VALVES A. Gate valves shall only be utilized where specifically noted on the drawings. For all other shut off valve applications utilize ball valves for 2" (50 mm) or smaller and butterfly valves for 2.6" (65 mm) and larger. B. NPS 2 and under, soldered: 1 Non-rising stem to MSS SP-80, Class 125, 860 kPa, bronze body, screw-in or bolted bonnet. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 281, Kitz 41, Grinnell C. NPS 2 and under. screwed: 1 Rising stem: to MSS SP-80, class 125, 860 kPa, bronze body, solid wedge disc. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 293, Kitz 24, Grinnell D. NPS 2-1/2 and over, in Mechanical rooms, flanged: 1 Rising stem: to MSS SP-70, class 125, 860 kPa, FF flange, cast-iron body, OS&Y bronze trim. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 421, Kitz 72, Grinnell E. NPS 2-1/2 and over, other than mechanical rooms, flanged: Darlington Sports centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Page 4 1 Non-rising stem: to MSS SP-70, Class 125, 860 kPa, FF flange, cast-iron body, bronze trim, bolted bonnet. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 415, Kitz 75, Grinnell 2.07 GLOBE VALVES A. NPS 2 and under, balancing, soldered: 1 To MSS SP-80, Class 125, 860 kPa, bronze body, renewable composition disc, screwed aver bonnet. 2 Lockshield handles: as indicated. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 222, Kitz 10, Grinnell B. NPS 2 and under, balancing, screwed: 1 To MSS SP-80, class 125, 860 kPa, bronze body, screwed over bonnet, renewable composition disc. 2 Lockshield handles: as indicated. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 220, Kitz 09, Grinnell 2.08 SWING CHECK VALVES A. NPS 2 and under, soldered: 1 To MSS SP-80, class 125, 860 kPa, bronze body, bronze swing disc, screw in cap, regrindable seat. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 237, Kitz 23, Grinnell B. NPS 2 and under, screwed: 1 To MSS SP-80, class 125, 860 kPa, bronze body, bronze swing disc, screw in cap, regrindable seat 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 236, Kitz 22, Grinnell C. NPS 2-1/2 and over, flanged: 1 To MSS SP-70, class 125, 860 kPa, cast iron body, FF flange, regrind renewable seat, bronze disc, bolted cap. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jenkins, Crane, Toyo 435, Kitz 78, Grinnell 2.09 BALL VALVES Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Page 5 A. NPS 2 and under, branch isolators, screwed: 1 600 WOG, bronze body, bronze ball, with Teflon seal. 2 Ball valves shall have full port opening. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Toyo 5044A, Kitz 58, Grinnell. 2.010 AUTOMATIC CIRCUIT BALANCING VALVES A. Circuit balancing valves shall be of the automatic variety. Manual circuit balancing valves will not be accepted. B. Circuit Balancing Valves are required on the domestic hot water recirculation system. C. Provide the following sizes: 1 Provide 0.032 I/s (0.5 gpm) for 12 mm pipe size. 2 Provide 0.063 I/s (1.0 gpm) for 20 mm pipe size. D. Product Warranty and Performance Guarantee 1 Valves shall be warranted by the manufacturer to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of five years. 2 Valves shall control flow to within pluslminus 5 percent of design over an operating differential range of at least 14 times the minimum required for control. Four operating pressure ranges shall be available with the minimum range requiring less than 3 psid to actuate the mechanism. 3 The valve flow curve shall be smooth over its entire nominal control range. Gaps, bumps and dips in flow curves shall not be acceptable. E. Shop Drawing Submission 1 The Balancing Valve Manufacturer shall submit a complete list of balancing valves, their location and their performance. 2 The Balancing Valve Manufacturer shall mark up a set of full size plans showing the location of each balancing valve and assign an appropriate identification tag for the balancing valve. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Page 6 3 The Balancing Valve Manufacturer shall submit these drawings for the Consultant to review, incorporate any comments from the Consultant and then submit copies of this drawing to the Mechanical Contractor, Mechanical Consultant, Architect and Construction Manager. 4 All balancing valves shall be shipped to site with this tag number firmly attached to the valve and the full size drawings shall be utilized to identify the location where they are to be installed. F. Valve Flow Control CaRridge (Typical for all valves) 1 The non adjustable flow control cartridge shall be 100% stainless steel. Parts made of soft metals such as brass with only a coating of hard metal such as nickel shall not be allowed. Rubber based materials whose properties change with temperature and pressure shall not be allowed. 2 The cartridges shall have segmented ports through which water can pass, rather than a continuous large port, to eliminate noise and full travel linear coil spring. 3 The cartridge movement shall result in a shearing action that will dislodge or shear any particle that may tend to get stuck in a port. .4 Cartridge shall be removable from the housing and shall be held in place in the housing without adhesive. 5 All flow control cartridges shall be warranted by the manufacturer for five years from the date of sale. G. Sizes 40mm and smaller 1 Valves shall have forged brass bodies and stainless steel cartridge assembly rated for a minimum of 230 psi/250F. H. Valve end connections shall be either female sweat or FPT. I. Valves shall be provided wlth two pressureltemperature taps. J. Valves shall be provided with a union tailpiece and built in isolation valve. K. The body design shall allow for inspection or removal of the cartridge without disturbing piping connections. Darlington SpoRS Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 LJ r u lJ I1 r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Page 7 ' L. The valve shall come fully assembled and shall be permanently marked to show ' direction of flow and shall have a body tag to indicated flow rate and model number. M. Provide a shut off valve upstream of the valve to allow the system to be shut off and the balancing valve to be removed without shutting down the entire heating system. ' N. Standard of Acceptance: Griswold Isolator R valve, Victaulic. PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Connect to fixtures and equipment in accordance with manufacturers instructions. B. Install tubing close to building structure to minimize furring, conserve headroom and space. Group exposed piping and run parallel to walls. ' C. Cut square, ream and clean tubing and tube ends, clean recesses of fittings and assemble without binding. ' D. Lay buried tubing in accordance with AWWA Class "B" bedding. E. Isolate equipment, fixtures and branches with ball valves. F. New or repaired potable water systems shall be purged of deleterious matter and ' disinfected prior to utilization. The method to be followed shall be that prescribed by the health authority having jurisdiction or in the absence of a prescribed method as follows: 1 The pipe system shall be flushed with clean, potable water until dirty water does not appear at the points of outlet. ' 2 The system or part thereof shall be filled with awater/chlorine solution containing at least 50 parts per million (50 mglL) of chlorine, and the system or part thereof shall be valved off and allowed to stand for 24 hours; or the system or part thereof shall be filled with awater/chlorine solution containing ' at least 200 parts per million (200mg/l) of chlorine and allowed to stand for three (3) hours. 3 Following the required standing time, the system shall be flushed with clean ' potable water until the chlorine is purged from the system. 4 The procedure shall be repeated where shown by a bacteriological ' examination that contamination remains present in the system. G. Compression fittings are not acceptable. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15412 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY PIPING -COPPER Page 8 H. All valves packing shall be asbestos free. I. Provide isolation valves on all main branch feeds to each washroom group. J. Install all grooved end components as per manufacturer's latest recommendation. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 I t I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15413 SANITARY, STORM & PUMPED DRAINAGE PIPING CAST IRON, COPPER Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do the work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Plumbing Code and local authority having jurisdiction. B. CSA B70 - 2006 Specifications for Cast Iron Soil Pipe Fittings C. D. E. F. G. H. and Means of Joining. CSA 8125 - 2005 Specifications for Plumbing Fittings ASTM 632 - 2008 Specifications for Solder Metal ASTM B306 - 2009 Specifications for Copper Drainage Tube (DWV) ANSI B16.29 ASTM B88, ASTM B88M - 2003 ASTM A74 - 2009 ASTM C564 -2009 Specifications for Seamless Copper Water Tube Specification for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings Specification for Rubber Gasket for Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 COPPER TUBE AND FITTINGS A. For all above grade vent, sanitary and storm piping, Type DWV to: 1 ASTM 8306 -Specification for copper drainage tube (DWV). 2 CSA B158 for cast brass fittings. 3 ANSI B16.29 for wrought copper fittings. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15413 SANITARY, STORM 8 PUMPED DRAINAGE PIPING CAST IRON, COPPER Page 2 4 Solder: tin-lead, 50:50, to ASTM B32, type SOA -Specification for solder metal. 5 ASTM 688. 6 ASTM C564 2.02 CAST IRON PIPING AND FITTINGS A. For above grade storm, sanitary and vent piping, minimum NPS 3, to CSA B70, ASTM A74 with heavy bituminous coating. B. For above grade storm, sanitary and vent piping 4" (100 mm) size and larger: Cast iron. C. For storm, sanitary and vent piping joints. 1 Mechanical joints. 1 Neoprene of butyl rubber compression gaskets for all pipe connections.: to ASTM C564-2009. 2 SS clamps. 2.03 PUMPED DRAINAGE A. Pumped drains shall be copper with brazed copper connections. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install piping parallel and close to walls to conserve space, and to grade indicated, and to suit installation of related work. B. Apply two coats of asphalt paint to pipe laid in, or passing through concrete. C. Where piping passes through floor or wall below grade pack and seal in concrete complete with Link Seal in accordance with Specification Section 15010. D. PVC piping shall not be utilized above grade. PVC piping as specified in Section 15415 is acceptable for below grade piping. The PVC piping shall convert to cast iron prior to the point where it penetrates the floor slab. E. Provide venting to plumbing fixtures and fixture groups in accordance with the Ontario Building Code Plumbing Code and local authorities having jurisdiction. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15413 SANITARY, STORM & PUMPED DRAINAGE PIPING CAST IRON, COPPER Paae 3 3.02 TESTING A. The drainage and vent system shall be tested in accordance with the Ontario Building Code -Plumbing Code and tested in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction, perform tests in the presence of each governing authority and obtain certification. Repeat tests as often as necessary to obtain certification. B. Perform tests before piping is covered or concealed. C. Remove all fittings which will not withstand test pressure, and replace after test. D. Eliminate leaks, or remove and refit defective parts. END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09069 i~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15415 DRAINAGE & VENT PIPING -PLASTIC Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do the work in accordance with Ontario Building Code -Plumbing Code and local ' authority having jurisdiction except where specified otherwise. B. Pipe and Fittings Shall Comply to t 1 CAN/CSA B181.1 - R2005 Fittings 2 CAN/CSA B181.2 - R2005 3 CANlCSA B182.1 - R2005 4 CAN/CSA 8182.2 - 2006 5 ASTM D2996 6 ASTM D4024 7 ASTM D2241-OS - 8 ASTM D2672-96a(2009) 9 ASTM D2992 10 ASTM D1599 11 ASTM D2105 ie Following Standards: ABS Drain, Waste and Vent Pipe and Pipe PVC Drain and Sewer Pipe and Pipe Fittings Plastic Drain and Sewer Pipe and Pipe Fittings PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings Specification for Filament Wound Fibreglass Pipe Standard Specification for Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Flanges Standard Test Methods. Specification for poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic pipe (SDR Series) Specification for Joints for IPS PVC Pipe Using Solvent Cement. Standard Practice for Obtaining Hydrostatic or Pressure Design Basis for Fibreglass Pipe and Fittings. Standard Test Method for Short time Hydraulic Failure Pressure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing and Fittings. Standard Test Method for Longitudinal Tensile Properties of Fibreglass. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15415 DRAINAGE & VENT PIPING -PLASTIC Page 2 12 ASTM D2412 Standard Test Method for Determination of External Loading Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel Plate Loading. 1.03 SCOPE A. PVC piping shall be utilized below grade. No PVC shall be utilized above grade. 1.04 DELIVERY A. Delivery, Storage and Handling: Pipe and fittings shall be protected from damage due to impact and point loading. Pipe shall be properly supported to avoid damage due to flexure strains. The contractor shall not allow dirt, debris or other extraneous materials to get into pipe and fittings. All factory machined areas shall be protected from sunlight until installed. 1 All sanitary drainage above ground shall be cast iron as specified in Section 15413. All sanitary drainage piping below grade shall be in accordance with Item 2.1. 1.05 VOC REQUIREMENTS A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SANITARY DRAINAGE AND VENTS A. Piping And Fittings B. For buried sanitary, storm and vent piping: 1 ASTM D2665, ASTM D2949, ASTM 8251 2 ASTM D3034, ASTM F891 3 CAN/CSA- 8181.2 for PVC DWV or 4 CAN/CSAB182.1-forplasticDWV. C. Joints 1 Solvent weld for PVC: to ASTM D2564. 2 Solvent weld for ABS: to ASTM D2235. Darlington sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 090G4 L~ t u II 1 ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15415 DRAINAGE & VENT PIPING -PLASTIC 3 3 For sizes above 4" (100mm). 1 Provide Ring-Tile joints Canron Ring-Tite joints PVC DR35 gravity sewer pipe, with locked in rubber ring sealing feature providing tight flexible seal. 2 Spigot ends to be supplied complete with bevel. D. All PVC piping below grade shall be a minimum of SDR 35. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install buried pipe on 6" (150 mm) bed of clean sand, shaped to accommodate hubs and fittings, to line and grade as indicated. Backfill with clean sand. B. Install piping parallel and close to walls to conserve space and to grade indicated, and to suit the installation of related work. C. Apply solvent to male end of joints only. D. Pipe installation: Pipe shall be installed as specified and indicated on the drawings. E. The piping system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturers current published installation procedures. F. PVC piping shall not be utilized above grade. PVC piping as specified in Section 15415 is acceptable for below grade piping. The PVC piping shall convert to cast iron prior to the point where it penetrates the floor slab. G. Where piping passes through floor or wall below grade pack and seal in concrete in accordance with specification Section 15010. H. Provide venting to all plumbing fixtures and fixture groups in accordance to the Ontario Building Code -Plumbing Code and local authorities having jurisdiction. I. If tests are required by an authority having jurisdiction, perform tests in presence of each governing authority and obtain certification. Repeat tests as often as necessary to obtain certifcation. J. Test pressure shall not exceed 1-1 /2 times the maximum rated pressure of the lowest related element in the system. K. Remove all fittings which do not withstand test pressure, replace and retest. L. Eliminate leaks, or remove and refit defective parts. END- DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do plumbing specialties and accessories work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code -Plumbing Code and local authority having jurisdiction. 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate dimensions, construction details and materials for the following: 1 Floor drains 2 Roof drains 3 Area drains 4 Trench Drains 5 Scupper drains 6 Clean outs 7 Strainers 8 Water hammer arrester 9 Backflow preventors 10 Hose bibbs 11 Grease Interceptors 12 Sanitary Aluminum Sump Pit Cover 13 Expansion Tanks 14 Pressure Tanks 15 Water Meters Darlington Sports Cen Ve, Arena Renovation CEL Prolec[ No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 2 VOC REQUIREMENTS C. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 FLOOR DRAINS A. General: all floor drains to be provided with trap primer tapping. B. Floor Drains -Finished "FD-1" 1 All epoxy coated cast iron body with reversible clamp device and adjustable 5" diameter (127 mm) nickel bronze 1/2" (12 mm) thick strainer, secured with stainless steel screws, 4" (100 mm) throat on strainer. In quarry or mosaic tiled areas provide square SQ - 6" x 6" (150 mm x 150 mm) polished bronze square Y::" (12mm) thick strainer. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 2005-A (round) JR Smith 2005-B (square)-NB-PO50, Zurn ZXN 415-B5-P (round) /Zurn ZXN 415-Y5-P (square), Watts (round)FD-100-C-AS-1, Watts (5 x 5 sq) FD-100-C-LS-1. C. Floor Drains - (Mech. Rooms/Unfinished Areas) "FD-2" 1 All epoxy coated cast iron body with seepage flange, adjustable collar, clamping device and 8"diameter grate. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 2320-P050, Zurn 2556, Watts FD-320-4. D. Existing Floor Drains 1 Provide new nickel bronze strainers on all existing to remain floordrains. New strainers shall match existing drain body. The exact number of existing to remain floor drains shall be confirmed on site. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith, Zurn, Watts. E. Floor Drains - (With Combination Funnel) "FFD-1" 1 All epoxy coated cast iron body with seepage flange, adjustable collar, clamping device and 8-1/2" grate with full opening in grate for 4" x 9" oval funnel. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 2320-3591, Zurn Z-415-BF, Watts FD-320-G-50 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Page 3 ' 2.02 AREA DRAINS ' A. Area Drains -"AD-1" (15" Round Grate Half Open) 1 15" diameter round with 12" top and 8" deep epoxy coated cast iron flanged receptor. Area drain shall have a nickel bronze rim and nickel bronze ' secured grate. The drain shall have a 4" connection located on the bottom of the drain and an aluminum slotted sediment bucket within the drain body. The nickel bronze grate shall be provided over 1/2 of the area drain the other half shall be left open to allow the drain lines from sprinkler system to be discharged over the opening. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 3060, Zurn ZN-1950-K-23, Watts FS-760- ' 1-150-5 2.03 TRENCH DRAINS ' A. TD-1: Trench Drain 1 Precast polymer concrete 5.1" (130mm) wide, sloped modular system with interlocking components and extra heavy duty CLASS 'E' ductile iron grates ' and integral channel rail frame, catch basin with galvanized trash bucket, foul air trap and shovel head. Inside dimension of trench to be 4" (102mm). Provide a thickness of concrete encasement all around the trench drain equivalent to the slab thickness and not less then 4" (102mm) thick. 2 Trench to be connected via positive interlocking tongue and groove ends. Length to be site measured to suit. ' 3 Built in channel slo e to be 0 6% com lete with r di d b tt p . p a use o om. ' 4 Standard of Acceptance:JRSmith9818completewithheavydutyCLASS'E' 9870-461-M grate, 9868TS-B catch basin & 9853 shovel head, Zurn. 2.04 ROOF DRAINS A. Roof Drains - "RD-1" Full Flow Standard Roof 1 All epoxy coated 15" (380 mm) dia. cast iron body with under deck clamp, adjustable solid extension to suit insulation height and ballast thickness and sump receiver, flashing clamp with seepage openings, bearing pan, stainless steel gravel stop and 11" (280 mm) diameter secured galvanized cast iron dome. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 1017-RCCID, Zurn, Watts RD-100BVD-K-GSS B. Roof Drains - "RD-2" Full Flow Standard Roof Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Paae 4 All epoxy coated 15" (380 mm) dia. cast iron body with under deck clamp, adjustable solid extension to suit insulation height and ballast thickness and sump receiver, flashing clamp with seepage openings, bearing pan, stainless steel gravel stop and 11" (280 mm) diameter secured galvanized cast iron dome. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 7017-RCCID, Zurn, Watts RD-1008VD-K-GSS C. Roof Drains - "RD-3" Full Flow Standard Roof All duco coated 15-1/4" (387mm) diameter cast iron body, flashing clamp with seepage openings, side outlet ,sump receiver, underdeck clamp, extension (specify height), cast iron dome. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Jay R. Smith #1020-R-C-E-CID Roof Drain, Zurn, Watts. 2.05 NON FREEZE WALL HYDRANT A. Non Freeze Wall Hydrant'NFHB-1' 1 Encased recessed non-freeze wall or ground hydrant with NPS 3/4" (20 mm) hose outlet with double check valve and vacuum breaker. Removable operating key. 1/4 turn non-drip, ceramic cartridge, with bronze face and stainless steel with full 180 degree cover opening box, adjustable wall flange operating key and self draining integral vacuum breaker. Provide adjustable wall flange to provide a secure installation. Length to suit wall thickness. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 5519WCNB, Zurn Z-1300, Watts HY-725 2.06 HOSE BIBB -INTERIOR A. Hose Bibb'HB-1' (cold water connection only) 1 C.P. heavy duty polished cast brass body with integral cast flange, vandal- resistant lock shield bonnet with removable wheel handle, 3/4" (19mm) NPT female inlet and hose end vacuum breaker. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Acorn 'Neptune' 8121CP, Zurn, Watts 2.07 WATER METERS Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 i~l DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 ' PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Page 5 1 The Division 15 contractor shall provide and install a water meter Gw remote readout. The water meter shall be Neptune High Performance Turbine Meter ' or approve Municipality of Clarington alternate. 2.08 PRESSURE TANKS ' 1 The storage tanks shall be welded steel, constructed, tested and stamped in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code far a working pressure of 125 psig/8.8 bar and air pre-charged. ' 2 Each diaphragm type tank shall have aheavy-duty butyl/EPDM diaphragm with code approvals NSFlANSI 61. Each tank shall have a polypropylene liner. ' 3 Each bladder type tank shall have aheavy-duty butyl bladder with code approvals NSF/ANSI 61. The bladder shall have a minimum thickness of 0.100 inches (2.54mm) ' 4 Provide saddles for horizontal installation or base mount for vertical installation. 5 Capacity as indicated on drawings or schedules 6 Standard of Acceptance: Amtrol, Extrol, Taco, Armstrong, Bell and Gosset. 2.09 EXPANSION TANKS 1 The expansion tank shall be welded steel, constructed, tested and stamped in accordance with Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code for working pressure of 125 PSIG, factory air pre-charged and field adjustable. All welds conforming to ASME Section IX. 2 Tank shall have a steel shell and an internal butyl/EPDM diaphragm or butyl bladder with code approvals NSF/ANSI 61 used to isolate the air charge from fluid. 3 Provide saddles for horizontal installation or base mount for vertical installation. ' 4 Capacity as indicated on drawings or schedules. 5 Standard of Acceptance: Amtrol, Extrol, Taco, Armstrong, Bell and Gossett. ' 2.010 CLEANOUTS A. Line Cleanouts 1 Line cleanouts in cast iron pipe with polyurethane gasketted cover secured to body with full size pipe opening. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovffiion CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4420, Zurn, Watts CO-2D0-50 Stack Cleanout In base of cast iron stacks with neoprene gasketted secured cover. Where cleanouts are concealed behind finished walls access shall be round stainless steel plate and slotted flat head S.S. screws. 2 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4510, Zurn, Watts CO-460-50 C. Floor cleanouts In Unfinished Areas. 2.11 Epoxy coated cast body with integral clamp device, and removable positive seal cleanout plug and heavy duty 6" (150 mm) adjustable cover secured with stainless steel screws. 2.12 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 422D, Zurn ZN 1600, Wade, Josam, Watts C-100-C-RX-4 A. In Finished Areas All cleanouts shall be coordinated with the Architectural floor finish. Submit shop drawing showing all floor cleanouts on Architectural Terrazzo Finish Drawing to coordinate location with Architectural Terrazzo priorto installation. 2 In tiled areas: 2.13 Same as above with square nickel bronze cover secured with stainless steel screws and frame recessed for tile. Cover shall be adjustable to suit floor lines when installing finished floor. 2.14 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4140, Zurn ZN-1614-SP, Watts CO-100-C-S-1 In terazzo areas: 2.15 Same as above with round nickel bronze cover secured with stainless steel screws and frame recessed for terazzo. Cover shall be adjustable to suit floor lines when installing finished floor. 2.16 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4180, Zurn, Watts CO-100-US-1 In carpeted areas: 2.17 Same as above with nickel bronze cover and frame secured with stainless steel screws. Cover shall be adjustable to suit floor lines when installing finished floor. 2.18 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4020Y, Zurn, Watts CO-100-C-RC-1 Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 t 1 ~J DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Page 7 1 In other finished areas: 2.19 Same as above with nickel bronze frame and cover secured with ' stainless steel screws. Cover shall be adjustable to suit floor lines when installing finished floor. 2.20 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4020, Zurn, Watts CO-100-C-R-1 1 In heavy traffic areas 2.21 Same as above with extra heavy nickel bronze frame and cover secured with stainless steel screws. Cover shall be adjustable to suit floor lines when installing finished floor. 2.22 Standard of Acceptance: JR Smith 4100, Zurn, Watts CO-C-RX-1 2.023 RECESSED ACCESS DOORS A. Refer to Section 15075 of the specification for access door requirements. ' B. The Division 15 Contractor shall prepare a drawing showing the location of all access doors required in hard ceilings prior to proceeding with the installation of the piping for these areas. 2.024 WATER HAMMER ARRESTOR 1 t A. Brass piston in a type K copper casing size according to manufacturers recommendation chart below to eliminate water hammer and shock from piping system. Provide water hammer arrester on hot and cold water supplies to all quick valves, solenoids and plumbing fixtures and locate in an upright position between the last two fixtures on a line, or horizontally at the end of line closets to supply source. B. SIZE FIXTURE UNITS MODEL NO. CONN. SIZE A 1-11 SC-500 2" (12 mm) B 12-32 SC-700 3/4" 20 mm C 33-60 SC-1000 1" 25 mm D 61-113 SC-1250 1-1 /4" 32 mm E 114-154 SC-1500 1 2" (38 mm) F 155-330 SC-2000 2" 50 mm Standard of Acceptance: PPP Series SC, Watts SG Series, Zurn-1705 ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 2.025 BACK FLOW PREVENTERS 8 A. Protect entire potable water distribution system against contamination due to back flow from non-potable sources. Back flow preventer reduced pressure principle type: to CSA 664.10. B. Standard of Acceptance for 4" and larger: Watts 909 series, Hersey 6CM Series, Conbraco C. Standard of Acceptance far less than 4": Watts 009 series, Hersey, Conbraco, Zurn 2.026 TRAP SEAL PRIMERS A. Provide for all floor and hub drains. 8. 1 or 2 Floor Drains 1 1/2" (12 mm) NPT connections, with strainer and integral back flow preventer and vacuum breaker. 2 Provide NPS 1/2 Type K hard copper or plastic tubing connection between trap primer valve and floor drain. 3 Trap primer to be mounted 1 foot above the floor for every 20 feet of make-up water line. 4 Standard of Acceptance: PPP Model PO-500 as required, Zurn 1022 C. All Locations With 2 or More Traps within 100 Feet of Each Other 1 The unit shall supply a minimum of 10 oz. Of water per opening, once in each 24 hour period based on system pressure of 60 psi. Factory assembled with a bronze body ball valve, water hammer arrester, solenoid valve, atmospheric vacuum breaker, 24 hour timer, 3/4" NPT connection, and a Type L copper manifold. Electronic single point power connection 120 V 1 amp draw and manual override switch 2 Trap primer shall be mounted 1 foot above the floor for every 20 feet of make-up water line. 3 Standard of Acceptance: PPP PT-4 through 24 as required. 2.027 STRAINERS A. All strainers to be 125 psi (860 kPa) gauge pressure Y-type strainer with 314" (20 mesh), bronze or stainless steel removable screen. B. 2" (50 mm) nominal and under Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 C i 'J DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 1 Bronze, and screwed with brass cap. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Sarco BT, Armstrong F4SC, Crane 988- 2, Braukmann FY32, Leitch BE, Toyo 380, Mueller 351 M. C. 2-1/2" (65 mm) nominal and over Cast iron, flanged with bolted cap. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Sarco BF-150, Crane 989-1/2, Armstrong F4FL, Braukmann FH33, Leitch 528 pipeline basket type, Mueller 758. 2.028 TRAPS A. Cast iron body deep seal traps, threaded, hub, or spigot on inlet. 2.029 GREASE INTERCEPTOR A. INT-1: Grease Interceptor serving sink S-2. Shall be c/w removable baffles, gasketed coverwith lock and lift ring, integral flow control device, deep seal trap with cleanout and bottom debris trapping leg ,outside Flow Control Device (located on the inlet side of the grease interceptor), all duco coated inside & outside C.R. steel enzyme type, flow rating of 15 GPM (57LPM) and grease capacity for [30 pounds (13.6KG)]. 2" (51mm) inlet and outlet. 2 The Division 15 Contractor shall provide a 600mm (24") high floor mounted painted steel support system /frame suitable of supporting the grease interceptor when full to capacity. 3 Standard of Acceptance: Jay R. Smith #8015-FLO Grease Interceptor, Zurn, Watts. 2.030 SANITARY ALUMINUM SUMP PIT COVER A. Provide a 1200mm diameter round frame and round floor access door for the 1200mm diameter precast sanitary pit. The 1200mm diameter round floor access door shall be Model No. RPS as manufactured by U.S.F Fabrication Inc. (www.usffab.com). The door leaf shall be '/." thick aluminum diamond plate reinforced fora 300 p.s.f live load. The frame shall be extruded aluminum with an integral anchor flange and door seat. The floor access door shall be equipped with a flush lifting handle that does not protrude above the cover, and a stainless steel hold open arm with red vinyl grip that automatically keeps the cover in its upright, open position and a stainless steel horizontal spring for easy opening of access door. The door shall have stainless steel hinges and stainless steel tamper resistant bolts / locknuts. A staple for a padlock shall be supplied for security. Provide a continuous gasket between the round frame and the round access door far the sanitary sump pit. PART 3: EXECUTION Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 10 3.01 CLEANOUTS A. In addition to those required by code, install at base of all sail and waste stacks, and rainwater leaders and where indicated. B. Bring cleanouts to wall or finished floor unless serviceable from below floor. C. Building drain cleanout and stack base cleanouts: line size to maximum NPS 4. 3.02 WATER HAMMER ARRESTER A. Install on branch supplies to each fixture or group of fixtures and where indicated. 3.03 BACK FLOW PREVENTERS A. Install in accordance with manufacturers instructions. B. Pipe discharge to nearest drain. 3.04 TESTS AND CERTIFICATES A. Mechanical Contractor shall be responsible to test back flow preventers, and any other plumbing equipment and provide certificate as required by local building authority. Cost associated with testing and certification shall be paid by the mechanical contractor. 3.05 HOSE BIBBS A. Install at bottom of all risers, at low paints to drain systems, and as indicated. 3.06 TRAP SEAL PRIMERS A. Install on cold water supply to nearest plumbing fixture, in concealed space and in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. 6. Install shut-off valves, solenoid valves and timer in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Provide wiring and connections as required. Mechanical contractor shall be responsible for all electrical wiring to the timerfrom the nearestjunction box and circuit provided by Division 16 and all control wiring from the timertothe solenoid valves. The electrical work carried out shall comply with Division 16. C. The trap seal primers are not shown on the drawing. The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for locating the trap seal primers in Janitor's closets, Storage Rooms or Mechanical rooms and providing all piping and wiring from these locations. 3.07 STRAINERS A. Install in accordance with manufacturers' instructions. Allow sufficient room to Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15430 PLUMBING SPECIALTIES Pape 11 remove basket. 3.08 FLOOR DRAINS AND AREA DRAINS A. Install all squarefloor and area drains perpendicular to walls and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.09 GREASE INTERCEPTOR ABOVE GROUND A. The grease interceptor shall be installed level on a painted steel support system / frame provide by the Division 15 Contractor. B. Install the frame and cover and install all required clean out caps. 3.010 SANITARY AND STORM ALUMINUM SUMP PIT COVERS A. Install the sump pit covers as per the manufacturers recommendations. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide a '/:" thick, 1200mm diameter plywood template on the precast sump pit in order to allow for the sump pit cover to be installed recessed flush with the new finished floor slab. -END- Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 1501 D. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do the work in accordance with the Ontario Building Code -Plumbing Code and in accordance with local regulations except where specified otherwise. B. Do the work in accordance with CAN3 -645 and CSA B125 except where specified otherwise. 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. 1.04 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. 1.05 FIXTURES AND TRIM A. Architectural drawings to govern in determination of number and location of fixtures. B. Fixtures to be product of one manufacturer. C. Unless specified otherwise, trim to be product of one manufacturer. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Plumbing fixtures shall be as indicated and specified with all required supports, accessories, wastes, vent and water connections as required to make the fixture complete. B. Unless specified otherwise, fixtures shall be white C. Unless specified otherwise, all exposed valves, pipe, escutcheon, etc., shall be polished chrome finish. D. Fixtures and trim shall be new and free of all defects or blemishes. Finished surfaces shall be clean, smooth, and bright guaranteed not to craze, change color or scale. Imperfections of any kind shall be sufficient reason for rejection and the item shall be removed and an acceptable replacement installed at no additional cost. Darlington Sports Cenlre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM 2.02 E. Provide all lavatory hot and cold water supply lines with a renewable disc, chromium plated lock shield stop valve. F. Provide cast brass chrome plated escutcheon plates with set screws on all water and drain pipes where such lines pass through, floors, walls and partitions. G. Protect fixtures with enamel or glazed surface from damage by covering orcoating as recommended in the Bulletin "Handling & Care of Enameled C.I. Plumbing Fixtures". H. National Building Code conforming wheel chair accessible assemblies shall be covered with an under sinkllavatory protective pipe cover. I. Standard of Acceptance Plumbing Trim: American Standard, Chicago Faucet, Zurn, Teck, Sloan. URINAL A. Urinal Type U-1: Wall Hung, Electronic "No Touch" Flush Valve Unit. .1 Bowl: Vitreous china, wash out flush action, 3.SL (1.0 gal.) per flush, extended sides for privacy, integral flush spreader, wall hangers, open trap, removable stainless steel strainer#047068-0070A, 3/4"(19mm) top spud, wall hangers, 2" (50mm) outlet connecting flange with gasket and bolts. Connect urinal with 314" (19mm) S.S. braided flexible piping. 2 Sloan #186-1.0 ES-S ROYAL II OPTIMA Electronic'No-Touch' Flush Valve Unit, C.P. low consumption, 3.8 LPF (1.0 GPF) factory set flow, quiet action with infrared proximity sensor, solenoid flush controller, circuitry, in S.S. wall access plate, triple seal handle, dual filtered by-pass 'Permex' diaphragm type, high pressure vacuum breaker, V.P. smooth design stop cap and back- check angle stop. Sloan #EL-154 Transformer, hard wired 120/24 VAC 50 VA located in accessible ceiling space. The Division 15 Contractor shall field adjust the length of the flush valve flush tubes on site to suit the existing / new cold water rough in. 3 The total number of transformers required shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. 4 Jay R. Smith Series #SO4-1819 Urinal wall access cleanout, with round stainless steel face and vandal proof screw. 5 The urinals shall be mounted directly to the existing concrete block wall Gw supplied mounting hardware. 6 Standard of acceptance: American Standard model "WASHBROOK" #6501.010'Low Consumption' Urinal, Kohler, Crane. 1 1 r Darlington Sports Cenlre, Arena Renovation t CEL Proles No. 09064 1 CJ !~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM 2.03 WATERCLOSETS A. Water Closet Type WC-1: Floor Mounted, Manual Exposed Flush Valve. 1 Bowt: 15" (381mm) high, floor mounted for flush valve, vitreous china with EverCleanT"' antimicrobial surface which inhibits the growth of stain and odor causing bacteria, mold and mildew, elongated syphon jet flush action bowl, 2- 1/8" (54mm) fully glazed internal trapway, 10" x 12" (254mmx 305mm) large water surface, 6L (1.6 gal.) per flush, 1-112" (38mm) top spud with condensate channel and bolt caps. (Minimum MaP Test Rating: 1000 grams.) 2 Sloan #111-YO-ROYAL Flush Valve, C.P. low consumption, 6 LPF (1.6 GPF) factory set flow, quiet action 'PERMEX' diaphragm type with non hold open feature, dual filtered by-pass, high pressure vacuum breaker, triple seal handle, smooth design V.P. smooth design stop cap, and back-check angle stop. The Division 15 Contractor shall field adjust the length ofthe flush valve flush tubes on site to suit the existing /new cold water rough in. 3 Centoco #1500STSCCSS Toilet Seat, heavy-duty solid plastic open front less cover with reinforced stainless steel self-sustaining check hinge, posts, washers and nuts, for elongated bowl. 4 Provide Floor Flange, flange bolts and gasket as required. 5 Standard of Acceptance: American Standard "Madera Elongated" #3451.160, Kohler. Crane. B. Water Closet Type WC-2: (Barrier Free !Right Height) Floor Mounted, Manual Exposed Flush Valve. Bowl: 16-1/2" (420mm) high, floor mounted forflush valve, vitreous chinawith EverClean'" antimicrobial surface which inhibits the growth of stain and odor causing bacteria, mold and mildew, elongated syphon jet flush action bowl, 2- 1/8" (54mm) fully glazed internal trapway, 10" x 12" (254mmx 305mm) large water surface, 6L (1.6 gal.) per flush, 1-1/2" (38mm) top spud with condensate channel and bolt caps. (Minimum MaP Test Rating: 1000 grams.) 2 Sloan #111-YG ROYAL Flush Valve, C.P. low consumption, 6 LPF (1.6 GPF) factory set flow, quiet action 'PERMEX' diaphragm type with non hold open feature, dual filtered by-pass, high pressure vacuum breaker, triple seal handle, smooth design V.P. stop cap, and extended seat bumper on back- check angle stop. The Division 15 Contractor shall field adjust the length of the flush valve flush tube on site to suit the existing /new cold water rough in. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09084 1 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 4 , 3 Centoco #820STSS Toilet Seat, heavy duty solid plastic open front with cover, reinforced stainless steel self-sustaining check hinge, posts, washers and nuts, for elongated bowl. 4 Provide Floor Flange, flange bolts and gasket as required. 5 Standard of Acceptance: American Standard "Madera Elongated" #3461.160, , Kohler, Crane. C. Water Closet Type WC-3: Floor Mounted, Flush Tank. ' 1 Bowl: floor mounted, vitreous china with EverCleanT'" antimicrobial surface which inhibits the growth of stain and odor causing bacteria, mold and mildew, elongated syphon action jetted bowl, large flapper-free 4" (102mm) ' dia. piston action accelerator flush valve with 2-318" (60mm) fully glazed internal trapway, 9" x 8" (228mm x 203mm) large water surface, pilot valve for quiet refill (no float ball) and 'Speed Connect' lined bolted on tank cover with recessed lip detail complete, 6L (1.6 gal.) per flush, with large sweeping ' sanitary bar on bowl for china to china tank assembly, and bolt caps. (Minimum MaP Test Rating: 1000 grams.) 2 Centoco #AMSOOSTSCC Toilet Seat, elongated heavy duty anti-microbial solid plastic open front less cover, with reinforced stainless steel check hinge, posts, washers and nuts. Provide Floor Flange, flange bolts and gasket. 3 McGuire #H166LKN3 Toilet Supply, C.P., polished brass, rigid horizontal ' nipple 3/8" (9.Smm) x 3" (75mm) long I.P.S., heavy all brass angle stop, with V.P. loose key, escutcheon and flexible copper riser. 4 Provide Floor Flan e flan e bolts and asket as re uired ' g , g g q . 5 Standard of Acceptance: American Standard'CHAMPION 4TM ELONGATED' 'Low Consumption' Two Piece Tank Toilet #2018.704, Kohler, Crane. ' 2.04 LAVATORY A. Basin L-7: Four (4) Station - Corterra Counter Lav. (Women's Washroom). ' Countertop four (4) station basin drilled to faucet requirement, 120" x 22" (3048mm x 559mm) minimum with 4" (102mm) back ledge with four (4) , integral 17" x 13-t/2" x 5" (432mm x 343mm x 127mm) deep bowls x 3" (75mm) deep front. Basin, countertop, back splash, right side splash & left side apron, of solid surface cast polyester resin, fasteners, integral overflow ' (standard colour as selected by architect), sensor operation with deck mounted 'J' spout and 110/24 VAC plug-in transformer 12 Amp, hot 8 cold water temperature balancing mixing valve, extended countertop left hand extension of 10", extended countertop right hand extension of 10" (total length of 140") ,metering liquid soap dispenser, same color /material as corterra counter-lav. for each individual station. The exact length of basin Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena RenovMion ' CEL Project No. 09064 C~ 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM shall be site measured by the Division 15 Contractor and confirmed by the Consultant and/or Architect prior to fabrication. 2 McGuire #155A Basin Drain, C.P., cast brass 1 pc. top, open grid with 17ga. (1.5mm), 1-1/4" (32mm) tailpiece. (Typical of 4). 3 McGuire #H165LKN5 Supplies, C.P., polished brass, rigid horizontal nipple 3/8" (9.5mm) x 5" (127mm) long I.P.S., heavy all brass angle stops, with V.P. loose key, escutcheons and flexible copper risers. (Typical of 4). 4 McGuire #8872C'p' Trap, C.P., polished, cast brass adjustable body, 1-1/4" (32mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. (Typical of 4). 5 The total number of transformers required shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. ' 6 Lawler #TMM-1000-86800 Under Counter Mechanical Mixing Valve with Thermostatic Limit Stop, with adjustable temperature dial and with integral back checks. Set valve temperature at 115° F (46° C), shut-off temp. at 120° F (48.8° C). Flaw rate 1.OGPM (3.7LPM) at 10 PSI (70 kPa) drop through 1 valve. Minimum operating pressure 10 PSI (70 kPa) Mixer installed in H & CW supplies to provide tempered water to hot side of faucet, minimum flow rate of 0.5 GPM (1.9 LPM). (Typical of4, mounted directly below the counter). ' 7 Carrier: Supplied by others. 8 Standard of Acceptance: Acorn #3764-SO-DMJ-MXT -ECL-ECR-LSA-PDM- ' RSA-SM'CORTERRA' Countertop and Basin Four Station. B. Basin L-2: Four (4) Station - Corterra Counter Lav. (Men's Washroom). ' 1 Countertop four (4) station basin drilled to faucet requirement, 120" x 22" (3048mm x 559mm) minimum with 4" (102mm) back ledge with four (4) integral 17" x 13-1/2" x 5" (432mm x 343mm x 127mm) deep bowls x 3" (75mm) deep front. Basin, countertop, back splash, right side splash & left side splash, of solid surface cast polyester resin, fasteners, integral overflow (standard colour as selected), sensor operation with deck mounted'J' spout and 110/24 VAC plug-in transformer 12 Amp, hot & cold water temperature ' balancing mixing valve, extended countertop left hand extension of 3.5", extended countertop right hand extension of 3.5" (total length of 127"), metering liquid soap dispenser, same color/ material as corterra counter-lav. for each individual station. The exact length of basin shall be site measured ' by the Division 15 Contractor and confirmed by the Consultant and/or Architect prior to fabrication. 2 McGuire #155A Basin Drain, C.P., cast brass 1 pc. top, open grid with 17ga. (1.5mm), 1-114" (32mm) tailpiece. (Typical of4). 3 McGuire #H165LKN5 Supplies, C.P., polished brass, rigid horizontal nipple Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM 3/8" (9.Smm) x 5" (127mm) long I.P.S., heavy all brass angle stops, with V.P. loose key, escutcheons and flexible copper risers. (Typical of 4). 4 McGuire #8872C'p' Trap, C.P., polished, cast brass adjustable body, 1-1/4" (32mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. (Typical of 4). 5 The total number of transformers required shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. 6 Lawler #TMM-1000-86800 Under Counter Mechanical Mixing Valve with Thermostatic Limit Stop, with adjustable temperature dial and with integral back checks. Set valve temperature at 115° F (46° C), shut-off temp. at 120° F (48.8° C). Flow rate 1.OGPM (3.7LPM) at 10 PSI (70 kPa) drop through valve. Minimum operating pressure 10 PSI (70 kPa). Mixer installed in H & CW supplies to provide tempered water to hot side of faucet, minimum flow rate of 0.5 GPM (1.9 LPM). (Typical of 4, mounted directly below the counter). 7 Carrier: Supplied by others. 8 Standard of Acceptance: Acorn #3764-SO-DMJ-MXT -ECL-ECR-LSA-PDM- RSA-SM 'CORTERRA' Countertop and Basin Four Station. C. Basin L-3: (Barrier Free) Semi-Counter Mounted Lavatory, Electronic "NO Touch" Faucet. 1 Basin: center hole only, 22" x 21-112" x 6" (559mm x 546mm x 152mm) deep at front edge, fireclay china, rear overflow, tapered style rim, self rimming and mounting kit. Provide basin rim sealant. 2 Sloan #ETF-700-1021A-VPB 'OPTIMA' Electronic 'No Touch' Faucet, C.P. single hole C.C., solid cast brass 10-114" (260mm) high, 4-1/2" (114mm) reach rigid gooseneck spout with integral proximity sensor, with 1.9 LPM (0.5 GPM) flow spray outlet, control module, solenoid, strainer, circuitry, tempered water supplied by thermostatic mixing valve with back checks and stops, housed in 12" (305mm) Sq. recessed box with 13" (330mm) Sq. V.P. S.S. face, located under basin. Flexible conduit from control module to faucet and solenoid provided. Power requirement 15 VA. Provide S.S. Supply with escutcheon (to connect box to faucet). 3 Sloan #EL-154 Transformer, 120124 VAC 50 VA. The total number of transformers required shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. 4 McGuire #155WC Basin Drain, C.P., cast brass 1 pc. top, offset open grid with 17ga. (1.5mm), 1-1/4" (32mm) tailpiece (install trap parallel to wall). 5 McGuire #8872C-17T 'p' Trap, C.P., 17 gauge (1.Smm), brass adjustable body, 1-114" (32mm) and escutcheon. Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 ' PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 7 6 ATS SPEC #BF-1 'Sanitary Safti-Covers' of PVC, vandal-resistantflexible seamless construction, anti-microbial, to exposed piping as per local codes(to protect against heaUcontusions). 7 Standard of Acceptance: American Standard "Mezzo" #9960.001, Kohler, Crane. D. Basin L-4: Wall Hung Vitreous China, Electronic "No Touch" Faucet. 1 Basin: center hole only, 20-1/2" x 18-1/4" x 8-1/8" (521mm x 464mm x 206mm) deep, wall hung, vitreous china, integral back splash, self-draining deck area with contoured back and side splash shields, 'D' shaped bowl, contoured back and side splash shields for concealed arm carrier. l 2 Sloan #ETF-610-LT-VPB'OPTIMA' Electronic'NoTouch' Faucet, Hard-Wired C.P. single hole C.C., solid cast brass body with integral proximity sensor, with vandal-resistant 1.9 LPM (0.5 GPM) flow pressure compensating spray outlet, control module, solenoid, strainer, circuitry, housed in 12" (305mm) sq. recessed metal box with 13" (330mm) sq. V.P., S.S. face, located in wall under basin. Flexible conduit from control module to faucet and solenoid ' provided. Power requirement 15 VA. Provide S.S. Supplywith escutcheon (to connect box to faucet). The Division 15 Contractor shall locate the recessed control box in the concrete block wall below the fixture. ' 3 Sloan #EL-154 Transformer, 120124 VAC 50 VA. The total number of transformers required shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. 4 McGuire #155A Basin Drain, C.P., cast brass 1 pc. top, open grid with 17ga. (1.5mm), 1-1 /4" (32mm) tailpiece. 5 McGuire#8872C'p' Trap, C.P., polished, cast brass adjustable body, 1-1/4" (32mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. 6 Jay R. Smith #0700-Z Basin Carrier, with concealed arms and steel pipe legs, welded to block base feet support. (For narrow wall installation provide 'Z' ' type sleeve for arms). " " 7 #0356.421, Kohler, Standard of Acceptance: American Standard Lucerne Crane. E. Basin L-5: Wall Hung Vitreous China, Electronic "No Touch" Faucet. ' 1 Basin: center hole only, 20-1/2" x 18-1/4" x 8-1/8" (521mm x 464mm x 206mm) deep, wall hung, vitreous china, integral back splash, self-draining deck area with contoured back and side splash shields, 'D' shaped bowl, contoured back and side splash shields for concealed arm carrier. 2 Sloan #ETF-610-LT-VPB'OPTIMA' Electronic'NoTouch' Faucet, Hard-Wired Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM C.P. single hale C.C., solid cast brass body with integral proximity sensor, with vandal-resistant 1.9 LPM (0.5 GPM) flow pressure compensating spray outlet, control module, solenoid, strainer, circuitry, tempered water supplied by thermostatic mixing valve with back checks and stops housed in housed in 12" (305mm) sq. recessed metal box with 13" (330mm) sq. V.P., S.S. face, located in wall under basin. Flexible conduit from control module to faucet and solenoid provided. Power requirement 15 VA. Provide S.S. Supply with escutcheon (to connect box to faucet). The Division 15 Contractor shall locate the recessed control box in the concrete block wall below the fixture. 3 Sloan #EL-154 Transformer, 12024 VAC 50 VA. The total number of transformers required shall be coordinated with the Division 16 Contractor. 4 McGuire #155A Basin Drain, C.P., cast brass 1 pc. top, open grid with 17ga. (1.Smm), 1-1/4" (32mm) tailpiece. 5 McGuire #8872C'p' Trap, C.P., polished, cast brass adjustable body, 1-1/4" (32mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. 6 Jay R. Smith #0700-Z Basin Carrier, with concealed arms and steel pipe legs, welded to block base feet support. (For narrow wall installation provide 'Z' type sleeve for arms). 7 Standard of Acceptance: American Standard "Lucerne" #0356.421, Kohler, Crane. 2.05 JANITOR SINK A. Mop Sink JS-1: Square Floor Mounted Mop Sink. 1 36" x 36" x 12" (914mm x 914mm x 305mm) deep, floor mounted, precast terrazzo, with one piece stainless steel cast integral cap on all four sides and Integral Cast Brass Drain with S.S. strainer, 3" (75mm) outlet. 2 Chicago Faucets #3DSVB-R-XK-Hose Faucet, C.P. 8" (2D3mm) C.C., wall mounted, solid cast brass leadfree body, 1/4 turn ceramic disc valve cartridges, cast brass lever handles, body mounted vacuum breaker, integral stops, 36" (915mm) hose and hanger. 3 Stern Williams #T-40 S.S. Mop Hanger, triple. 4 Stern Williams #TC-3 Mop Sink Drain Gasket, connection for 3" (75mm) pipe. 5 Stern Williams #BP S.S. Back Splash Panels, on two sides. Provide'p' Trap. 6 The Division 15 contractor shall provide for all janitor's sinks a DuC backflow preventer in the hot and cold water piping in accordance with CSA 864. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 C1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 9 ' 7 Standard of Acceptance: Stern Williams "Serviceptor" SB-500 Mop Sink. I 2.06 STAINLESS STEEL SINKS A. Sink S-1: Counter Mounted, Single Compartment Stainless Steel Hand Sink. 1 Sink: 3 hole, 8" (203mm) centers, 20-9/16" x 20-1/8" x 10" (522mm x 511mm x254mm) deep, counter mounted, back ledge, 18 GA. (1.2mm) grade 18-10 type 304 stainless steel, single compartment, satin finished rim and bowl, self-rimming, with 1-1/2" (38mm) tailpiece, sound deadening and mounting ' kit, Strainer, 3-1/2" (89mm) crumb cup. 2 Chicago Faucets #1100-V-GN2A-317-XK/E2805-5 Faucet, C.P. 8" (203mm) C.C., deck mounted, solid cast brass lead-free body, 1/4 turn ceramic disc ' valve cartridges, 9 3/4" 9248mm) high 5 1/4" (133mm) reach rigid/swing gooseneck spout with aerator vandal-resistant, 1.9 LPM (0.5 GPM) flow aerator outlet. and cast brass 4" (102mm) blade handles. 3 McGuire #H170BV Supplies, C.P., polished brass, rigid horizontal integral coppersweat tube nipples, 1/2" (12mm) I.D. x 5" (127mm) long, all brass 1/4 turn ball valve angle stops with combination V.P. loose key handles, ' escutcheons and flexible copper risers. .4 McGuire #8912C 17 gauge 'p' Trap, C.P., polished, cast brass adjustable body, 1-1 /2" (40mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and ' escutcheon. 5 Standard of Acceptance: Franke Commercial LBS6810P-1/3 S.S. Sink, ' Kohler, Crane. B. Sink S-2: Counter Mounted Double Compartment Stainless Steel Sink. ' 1 Sink: 4 hole, 8" (203mm) centers, 20-9/16" x 31-1/4" x 10" (522mm x 794mm x 254mm) deep, counter mounted, back ledge, 18 Ga. (1.2mm) grade 18-10 type 304 stainless steel, double compartment, satin finished rim and bowl, with spillway, self rimming, with crumb cup strainers, 1 1/2" (38mm) tail ' pieces, sound deadening and mounting kit, Strainer, 3-1 /2" (89mm) crumb cup. 2 Chicago Faucets #1102-V-GN8FC-317-XK Faucet, C.P. 8" (203mm) C. C., deck mounted, solid cast brass lead-free body, 1/4 turn ceramic disc valve cartridges, 11-1 /4" (286mm) high, 8" (203mm) reach rigid/swivel gooseneck spout with integral 6 LPM (1.6 GPM) max. flow laminar outlet, 4" (102mm) ' cast brass blade handles and separate side spray. (extra hole is required on sink with back ledge). 3 McGuire #H1706V Supplies, C.P., polished brass, rigid horizontal integral copper sweat tube nipples, 1/2" (12mm) I.D. x 5" (127mm) long, all brass 1/4 turn ball valve angle stops with combination V.P. loose key handles, escutcheons and flexible copper risers. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 u DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 10 4 McGuire #8912C'p' Trap, C.P. polished cast brass adjustable body, 1-1 /2" (38mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. 5 The drain line from S-2 sink shall be connected directly to the inlet side of the , grease interceptor located on the floor level below as indicated. 6 Standard of Acceptance: Franke Commercial LBD6410P-1/4 S.S. Sink, Kohler, Crane. 2.07 LAUNDRY TUB A. Laundry Tub LT-1: Single Compartment S.S. Laundry Tub -Free Standing ' 1 2 hole, 8" (203mm) centers, 27" x 27" x 14" (686mm x 686mm x 356mm) , deep, free standing, 9" (229mm) high back, 16 GA. (1.6mm) grade 18-10 type 304 stainless steel, single compartment, satin finish, standing overflow and guard, coved corners, rolled front and sides and C.P. adjustable feet, Strainer, 3-1/2" (89mm) crumb cup. ' 2 Chicago Faucets #540-LD-L9-R-XK/E32VP Faucet, C.P. 8" (203mm) C.C., wall mounted, solid cast brass lead- free body, 1/4 turn ceramic disc valve cartridges, adjustable inlets, integral stops, 9" (229mm) long swing spoutwith ' laminar vandal-resistant, 8.3 LPM (2.2 GPM) laminar (non aerating) outlet male adaptor. and cast brass lever handles. 3 McGuire #8912C 'p' Trap, C.P. polished cast brass adjustable body, 1-1 /2" ' (38mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. 4 Standard of Acceptance: Franke Commercial SL2424-5-D602 S.S. Sink. , 2.08 BOTTLE FILLER A. Bottle Filler BF-1: Stainless Steel, Wall Hung, recessed bottle filler. , 1 Wall mounted 12-1/2" x 20" x 4" (318 x 610 x 102mm) deep, fully recessed, stainless steel, 16 ga. (1.5mm) with #4 satin finish, lead-free, lever action glass filler, open grid strainer. Provide adequate support in wall for fountain ' mounting and service stop in accessible ceiling space. 2 McGuire #8872C'p' Trap, C.P., polished, cast brass adjustable body, 1-114" (32mm) with cleanout plug, seamless brass wall bend and escutcheon. 3 The dedicated domestic cold water line serving the bottle filler shall be connected to the cold water line before the water softening system. Refer to ' the domestic cold water schematic for exact location. 4 The dedicated domestic cold water line serving the bottle filler shall be connected upstream of the domestic cold water softening system as indicated. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Protect No. 09064 1 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 11 ' 5 Standard of Acceptance: Filtrine #6103 Glass Filler. 2.09 EMERGENCY EYEWASH A. Eyewash EW-1: Wall Hung ' 1 Wall hung, Omni-flow wrap-around eye/face wash assembly with integral yellow plastic dust cover, built-in 6.25 gpm (23.61pm), self-regulating flow control, in-line C.P. strainer, foam filter, push handle, ball valvewith S.S. trim, wall hanger, and with universal wall sign (all factory assembled). All exposed piping to be chrome plated. If piping length to unit is more than 50'-0" (19.7 m), provide 3/4" (19mm) CW supply, 1/2" (12.7mm) connection. 1/2" (13mm) connection and escutcheon. ' 2 McGuire #887X-17T'p' trap, chrome plated cast brass 1 1/4" (30mm) with cleanout and escutcheon. Provide a 3/4" (20mm) mixed water supply line to unit, '/~' (12.7mm) connection, escutcheon. All exposed piping shall be chrome plated. Provide adequate support in wall for eye wash mounting. If piping length to unit is more than 50'-0" (19.7 m), provide 3/4" (19mm) CW supply, 112" (12.7mm) connection. 1/2" (13mm) connection and escutcheon. 1 Eye wash requires min. 1.5 LPM (0.4 GPM) flow for 15 minutes. 3 The Division 15 contractor shall provide a Haws #9201 Emergency Supply Fixture, thermostatic mixing valve, all brass and stainless steel design, with liquid-filled thermal motor, inlet check valves, positive safety shut-off should ' cold water supply fail, hot water failure or the liquid motor fails will by-pass to full flowcold water, volume control valve, rough bronze, ball valves, outlet temperature gauge, vandal-resistanttemperature adjustment 1-1/4" (32mm) NPT inlet and outlet. Tempered water factory set at 85 deg. F (29 deg. C) ' (Model #9201 provides up to 94 LPM (25 GPM) at 30psi (246kPa) drop through valve). ' 4 Standard of Acceptance: Haws 70008T Emergency Eyewash, Bradley, Western ' 2.010 EMERGENCY EYEWASH /SAFETY SHOWER ' A. Eyewash /Safety Shower EWS-1: Free Standing 1 Free Standing, stainless steel shower head with 20 gpm flow control, S.S. 'Soft Flow' anti-surge eye wash heads and face ririg, stay open full flow S.S. ball valve actuated by pull rod and aerated eyewash with S.S. bowl and trim, S.S. dust covers, hand and foot operated, and all interconnecting piping, eyewash factory assembled. 1-1/4" (32mm) CW Supply connection. Provide 'p' Trap. 1-1/2" (38mm) CW supply, 1-1 /4" (32mm) connection. Drench shower requires min. 76 LPM (20 GPM) flow for 15 minutes. Eye /face wash requires min. 19 LPM (5.0 GPM) flow for 15 minutes. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 J 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 12 2 The Division 15 contractor shall provide a Haws #9201 Emergency Supply Fixture, thermostatic mixing valve, all brass and stainless steel design, with liquid-filled thermal motor, inlet check valves, positive safety shut-off should cold water supply fail, hot water failure or the liquid motorfails will by-pass to full flowcold water, volume control valve, rough bronze, ball valves, outlet temperature gauge, vandal-resistant temperature adjustment 1- 1/4" (32mm) NPT inlet and outlet. Tempered water factory set at 85 deg. F ' (29 deg. C) (Model #9201 provides up to 94 LPM (25 GPM) at 30 psi (246kPa) drop through valve). 3 Standard of Acceptance Haws 8330/SP220SS Emergency Shower and Eye ' Wash Combination, Bradley, Western Existing Eyewash !Safety Shower EWS-2: Existing Free Standing ' 1 Existing free standing emergency eyewash /safety shower to remain. The Division 15 Contractor shall remove and reinstall the existing emergency eyewash 1 safety shower to suit new construction. ' 2 The Division 15 contractor shall provide a Haws #92D1 Emergency Supply Fixture, thermostatic mixing valve, all brass and stainless steel design, with liquid-filled thermal motor, inlet check valves, positive safety shutoff should cold water supply fail, hot water failure orthe liquid motorfails will by-pass to full flow cold water, volume control valve, rough bronze, ball valves, outlet temperature gauge, vandal-resistant temperature adjustment 1-114" (32mm) NPT inlet and outlet. Tempered water factory set at 85 deg. F (29 deg. C) ' (Model #9201 provides up to 94 LPM (25 GPM) at 30psi (246kPa) drop through valve). 1 t 2.011 TEMPERED HI-LO WATER MIXING VALVE C/W CABINET ' A. Tempered Hi-Lo water mixing valve TMV-1 clw cabinet. , 1 'Tempcontrol Hi-Low' cabinet supply fixture, thermostatictemperature control valves with liquid filled motor, triple duty check stops, safety shut-off, volume control valve, rough bronze, P.R.V. pressure gauges, ball valves, dial ' thermometer, in a surface mounted stainless steel cabinet, bottom supplies and top outlet, completely factory assembled. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Symmons model no. 5-200-1026T-PRV, 0.5 - 38 t GPM. Darlington Sports CenUe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 C t t L~ ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES AND TRIM Page 13 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FIXTURE INSTALLATION A. Connect fixtures complete with supplies and drains, traps and cleanouts, supported level and square. Hot water faucets shall be on left. B. Provide venting for all plumbing fixtures as required by codes. C. All handicap fixtures to be mounted at heights to be in accordance with Ontario Building Code requirements and shall be in accordance with requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction. D. Provide chrome plated flexible supplies to fixtures with screw driver stops, reducers and escutcheons. E. All piping shall be recessed unless otherwise approved. Piping to be installed in areas shall be run in neat parallel lines as tight as possible to walls and ceilings. F. Division 15 shall provide all wiring for the electronic urinals and lavatories from the connections within the room provided by Division 16. G. Install emergency combination eyewash safety showers in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. H. Install emergency eyewash stations in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Install the thermostatic temperature control valve in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. -END- DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate: ' 1 Equipment, including connections, fittings, control assemblies and ancillaries. Identify whether factory or field assembled. ' 2 Wiring and schematic diagrams. 3 Dimensions and recommended installation. .4 Pump curves. 1.03 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into manual specified in Section 15010. B. Data to include: 1 Description of equipment giving manufacturers name, type, model year, capacity and serial number. 2 Details of operation, servicing and maintenance. 3 Recommended spare parts list with names and addresses. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 CAPACITY A. Capacity for all pumps shall be as indicated on the schedule. 2.02 PUMP MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT A. Hydraulic sealing Flange: A hydraulically operated sealing flange, complete with Buna N rubber diaphragm type sealing gasket, shall be mounted on each pump discharge. The diaphragm shall be held in place by a 300 series stainless steel ring with stainless steel fasteners. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING B. When the pump is activated, the resulting discharge pressure shall force the diaphragm seal against the flange face of the discharge elbow providing a leak proof seal. When pressure is removed, the diaphragm shall relax so that there is no mechanical connection to the discharge, and pump with hydraulic sealing flange may be easily removed. Units utilizing metal to metal connection which could corrode together shall not be acceptable. C. Guide Rail: The guide rails used to direct the pump in proper alignment with the stationary discharge piping shall be of a dual ail design. The rail shall be a 2" corrosion resistant pipe and positioned on the centerline of the pump to each side so that no weight of the pump bears on either of the two guide rails at any time. The guide rails shall serve truly as a guide rail. Units which do not have the guide rails positioned on the centerline of the pump with off centered weight distribution shall not be considered. D. Carrier Guide Bracket: A sliding guide bracket shall be attached to the pump. The sliding carrier guide bracket shall be fabricated from steel and protected with a corrosion resistant coating. The carrier shall be mounted on the pump so lifting is done from the carrier and no strain is placed on the pump or guide rails. Fasteners shall be 300 Series stainless steel. The carrier shall be designed to lift from a centered loop. E. Discharge Base Elbow With Base Plate: A discharge elbow shalt be furnished for each pump. The discharge base elbow shall be attached to a flat steel fabricated base plate which rests squarely on the wet well floor. The flat base plate shall assure the pump has a smooth surface on which to rest when lowered into position. The base plate shall include a leveling bolt adjustment as well as adjustable guide rail supports which hold the guide rail pipes at the bottom. The pump discharge with hydraulic sealing flange shall align with the base elbow of the base plate assembly. The sealing face of the base discharge elbow shall be smooth and shall be heavily coated with zing to provide a smooth corrosion resistant and abrasion resistant surface. All fasteners shall be 300 series stainless steel. F. When the pump is lowered into place, it shall rest squarely on the base plate, supported only by the feet on the pump. Units which hang from the discharge elbow shall not be acceptable as undue stress may occur on the volute case casing of the pump or on the base elbow of the base plate assembly. G. Lift Chain: Each pumps shall be provided with a galvanized lifting chain or cable. The lifting chain or cable shall be of sufficient length to extend from the pumping unit at one end to the top of the wet well at the other end. The access frame shall provide a hook to attach the lifting chain or cable when not in use. The lifting chain or cable shall be sized according to the pumps weight. Provide appropriate chain hooks to permit lifting of pump from well for inspection and service. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL ProJecl No. 09064 LI' C L1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 3 2.03 PIPING A. Piping: Piping shall include one swing check valve with outside lever and spring, and one plug valve. Piping shall include all necessary elbows and tees. B. All piping shall be coated with coal tar epoxy or equal for corrosion resistance. t Where piping passes through the wall the pipes shall be sealed to make a water tight joint. C. Refer to Section 15413 for material and connections. 2.04 CONTROLS ' A. Controls: Provide packaged duplex control system. Duplex controls shall be housed in CEMA I sheet metal enclosure and shall comprise of the following: ' 1 Main disconnect switch. 2 Fuse Clips 3 Full voltage magnetic starters complete with overload protection for each phase. 4 110 Volt control circuit transformer. ' (Hand/Off/Auto) 5 Selector switch for each um p p . 6 Green pump "running" light for each pump. ' " " light. Pump fault shall be provided with a dry contact for fault 7 Red pump future connection to the EMCS. The pump status shall be provided by current switches provided across the starter for each motor. If the control ' panel calls for the pump to be running and the current switch indicates no flow /pump fault, an audible, visual, indication and silence switch shall be provided. Provide two (2) visual no flow 1 fault alarm strobe lights interconnected into the control panel. Locate one (1) of the strobe lights directly above the control panel control panel and locate one (1) just outside the room were the pumps are located. Coordinate the strobe light locations with the high level alarm strobe light locations and if the same strobe lights could be utilized for both the sump pump no flow /fault and the high level alarm, make all required modifications to suit. ' 8 The High water alarm control panel shall be complete with audible, visual, indication and silence switch. High water alarm shall be provided with dry contact for future connection to EMCS. Provide two (2) visual high level alarm strobe lights interconnected into the high level alarm control panel. Locate ' one (1) of the strobe lights directly above the high level alarm control panel and locate one (1) just outside the room were the pumps are located. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL ProjeM No. D9064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING Page 4 9 Terminal strip for mercury type level control (Off, Primary pump on, Sec. Pump on, High level) 1D Mercury type level controls with waterproof cables. 11 Automatic lead, lag alternator, electric. B. Pumps shall be controlled as follows: 1 On sump level rise lower switch shall first be energized, then upper level switch shall next energize and start lead pump. 2 With lead pump operating, sump level shall lower to low switch turn off setting and pump shall stop. Alternating relay shall index on stopping of pump so that lag pump will start first on next operation and became lead pump. 3 If sump level continues to rise when lead pump is operating, override switch shall energize and start lag pump. 4 Both lead and lag pump shall operating together until low level switch turns off both pumps. If level continues to rise when both pumps are operating, alarm switch shall energize and signal the alarm. 5 Alarm signal shall close a contact to alarm at EMCS. All level switches shall be adjusted for level setting from the surface. C. The power connection for the high level alarm must be independent of the power feed to the pump control panel. 2.05 VISUAL HIGH LEVEL ALARM STROBE LIGHT FOR EXISTING SANITARY SUMP PUMPS 1 Provide a visual high level alarm strobe light interconnected into the existing high level alarm control panel serving the existing sanitary sump pumps. Locate the strobe light in the adjacent basement level corridor. The exact location of the strobe light shall be coordinated on site and make all required modifications to the existing high level alarm control panel to suit. 2.06 NON CLOG SUMP PUMP -SUBMERSIBLE DUPLEX A. Pump shall be capable of handling raw unscreened sewage consisting of water, fibrous 2" (SOmm) diameter spherical solids. ~adington SpoRs Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 n ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING B. Operating Temperature ' 1 The pump shall be capable of handling liquids with temperatures of 104 F continuous, 160 F intermittent and shall be capable of running dry for extended periods. ' 2 Where indicated on the schedule as "high temperature operation" the pump shall be capable of handling liquids with temperatures of 200 F continuous and shall be capable of running dry for extended periods. ' C. Pump Construction 1 The volute, seal plates, and motor housing shall be constructed of high quality ASTM A-48 class 30 cast iron. The pump shall be painted with a ' water based air dry enamel of 2.0 mil minimum thickness. 2 All exposed hardware shall be 300 series stainless steel. The pump ' construction shall contain no points of critical clearance nor require periodic adjustment or replacement to maintain operating efficiency. 3 Discharge connection shall be a standard 2" (50mm) NPT in the vertical position. All caskets shall be of the compression square ring type to eliminate critical slip fits and the possibility of damage during service associated with sliding O-ring sealing arrangements. 4 The pump impeller shall be of a non clog design with pump out vanes on the back side. The impeller shall be dynamically balanced to ISO G6.3 specificaitons. ' S The unit shall utilize a single mechanical shaft seal which will operate in an oil atmosphere. The materials of construction shall be carbon for the rotating face and ceramic for the stationary face, lapped and polished to a tolerance ' of one light band, 300 series hardware and all elastomer parts to be of Buna-N. The seal shall be commercially available and not a proprietary design. ' D. Motor 1 The pump shall be designed to be non overloading throughout the entire ' pump curve. 2 The rotor and stator assembly shall be of the standard frame design and secured to the pump seal plate by four threaded fasteners allowing for easy ' serviceability. Motor designs incorporating shrink for press fit assembly between the stator and the motor housing shall not be acceptable. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING The motor shall be constructed with the windings operating in a sealed environment containing clean dielectric oil, making it capable of operating in a totally, partially or non submerged condition for extended periods of time without damage due to the heat being generated. Air filled motors shall not be acceptable. 4 The motor shall meet the standard NEMA Design L for single phase and NEMA design B for three phase. The motor shaft shall be of 416 stainless steel. The lower bearing shall be of the single ball type to accept radial loads and the upper bearing of the sleeve or ball design, for radial loads. Bearings shall operate in an oil bath atmosphere for superior lift. Permanently lubricated bearings shall not be acceptable. Thermal sensor shall be provided for use on three phase units to monitor the stator temperatures. The stator shall be equipped with a thermal switch embedded in the end coil of the stator winding. This shall be used in conjunction with external motor overload protection and wired to the control panel. Single phase shall have an overload switch on the motor windings and do not required any external protection. E. Power Cable The pump shall be equipped with sufficient power cable to connect to the control panel. Power cable shall be connected to the motor via quick disconnect spade terminals. Crimp connected cords are not acceptable. A secondary rubber pressure grommet shall be provided as an additional sealing point and strain relief at the paint of cable entry. Cable entry designs utilizing terminal boards to connect power cord leads with motor leads are not acceptable. Pump Test 1 The pump manufacturer shall perform the following inspections and tests in accordance with Hydraulic Institute type B standards prior to shipment from the factory. 2 A check of the motor voltage and frequency shall be made as shown on the name plate. 3 A motor and cable insulation test for moisture content or insulation defects shall be made per UL criteria. 4 The pump shall be completely submerged and run to determine that the unit meets three predetermined hydraulic performance points. 5 A written report shall be available showing the aforementioned tests have been performed in accordance with the specifications. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ 1 L~1 LJ 1 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING G. Start Up 7 I 1 The pump(s) shall be tested at start up by a qualified representative of the manufacturer. ' 2 A start up report shall be provided by the manufacturer and shall be completed prior to final acceptance of the pump(s). H. Standard of Acceptance: Barnes, Myers, Darling, Hydromatic, Scarboro. r CI CJ 2.07 CIRCULATING PUMPS A. Capacity: As shown on the pump schedules. B. Construction: Closed-coupled, in-line centrifugal, all bronze construction, ss or alloy steel shaft, ss or bronze shaft sleeve, two oil lubricated bronze sleeves or ball bearing. Design for 125 psi (230oF (860 kPa and 105 C) continuous service. C. Motor: Drip-proof, thermal overload protection. D. Standard of Acceptance: Annstrong, Taco, ITT Bell 8 Gossett. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Make piping and electrical connections to pump and motor assembly and controls as indicated. B. Ensure pump and motor assembly do not support piping. C. Confirm pump rotation is correct. D. Set up and adjust all controls. E. Provide ball or butterFly valve, check valve and union, or flange as applicable on pump discharge pipes and union or flange as applicable on vent pipe for sanitary pits. F. Check valves downstream of pumps shall be swing type with external lever and adjustable weight. G. Mount domestic cold water booster pump package on a 100mm (4") housekeeping pad. Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15452 PUMPS -PLUMBING 8 H. Start-Up of Domestic Cold Water Booster Package 1 The service of afactory-trained representative shall be made available on the job site to verify the installation and Start-Up and instruct operating personnel. 2 Division 15 Contractor to provide conduit and wiring from the supply pressure sensor to the pump control package. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 II II ' ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15455 DOMESTIC COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS FOR POTABLE WATER STORAGE Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS ' ith: k i d h ance w n accor e wor A. Do t 1 AWWA-D120-02, Thermosetting Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Tanks 2 NSF-61, Drinking Water System Components -Health Effects 1.03 CERTIFICATION 1 Each tank shall be manufactured to comply with the requirements of the above standards. A Certification Plate is not required. ' 1.04 SUBMITTALS 1 The Contractor shall submit a drawing showing locations of all fittings, ' accessories, and critical dimensions. 2 The Contractor shall submit Gauge Chart for each tank indicating contained volume (in US gal.) of each tank for each half centimetre of depth of contained liquid. Gauge Charts shall be based on actual tank capacity and shall be accurate within 0.1 % of tank volume. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) ' A. Design: 1 Tank shall be Single Wall Construction. 2 Tank shall be provided with attached Hold-Down Lugs. 3 Tank shall be constructed of 100% resin and glass-fiber reinforcement, no ' sand fillers, and by such process, that they shall not break, collapse or corrode due to the potable water contents of tank, for a period of one (1) year from the date of installation. 4 The laminate materials used in the internal coating system shall conform to the requirements of NSF Standard 61. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Protect No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15455 DOMESTIC COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS FOR POTABLE WATER STORAGE B. Loading Conditions: 1 When installed according to the manufacturer's instructions, the tank(s) shall meet the following design conditions: 1 Design Pressure: Hydrostatic Head 6" w.c., 2" w.c. (vacuum) 2 Design Temperature: 65 C 2 Hold-Down Lugs shall be capable of supporting the tank under fully loaded conditions. C. Testing: Each tank shall be hydrostatic tested by manufacturer, vented to atmospheric pressure at all times. During hydrostatic test, the exterior of the tank shall be observed to be free of leaks. D. Pressure Rating: Except while being tested in accordance to the manufacturer's Installation Instructions, or other methods approved by the manufacturer, the tank(s) shall not be subject to pressure or vacuum in excess of the values indicated. Tank(s) shall be vented at all times. E. Product Storage: Tank(s) shall be capable of storing liquids with specific gravity up to 1.1. 2 Tank(s) shall be used for storage of potable water only. F. OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Where intcated on the drawings, the tank may be supplied with the following Optional Accessories: 1 FRP couplings, 2", 3", 4" or 6" NPT at locations shown on drawings. 2 Stainless steel couplings, 2", 3", 4" or 6" NPT at locations shown on drawings. 3 FRP Flanged Nozzles, 50 psi rated, ANSI 816.5 Class 150 drilling pattern, in the appropriate size at location shown on drawings. 4 Optional exterior Urethane Foam Insulation with elastomeric coating for freeze protection. G. STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE: ZCL Composites, Clemmer. 2.02 POTABLE WATER STORAGE ULTRASONIC LEVEL SENSOR AND RELAY CONTROL Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 t 1 1 1 1 'J 1 1 11 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15455 DOMESTIC COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS FOR POTABLE WATER STORAGE 1 The Potable Water Storage Tank Level Sensor shall be as follows: 1 Level and Relay status LCD Display. 2 4 SPDT Programmable 120vac Relays. 3 Adjustable Level Relays for Pump Controls. 4 4-20mAdc Output for Connection to EMCS System 5 120vac supply voltage 2 The relay set points shall be completely adjustable to suit the system contro. Relay set paints shall allow for High Level Alarm, Pump Off, Pump On, Low Level Cut-off. 3 The display shall indicate the tank level and have a 4-20mA output signal for connection to EMCS system or connection to remote readout near water treatment package control panel. 4 Unit shall be mounted a top of tank in location shown on drawings. 5 Div.15 contractor shall follow manufacturer's installation instructions. 6 Standard of Acceptance: Flowline, Siemens, approved alternate. PART 3: EXEXUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION AND TESTING 1 Install and test tanks in accordance with tank manufacturer's current installation instructions. All deviations from published installation instructions must be approved by the Tank Manufacturer and the Consultant. 2 Position tanks using lifting lugs and hooks and where necessary use spreader bars. Do not use chains or slings. Also refer to manufacturers recommendations for handling FRP tanks. 3.02 PIPING Connect to equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions unless noted otherwise. 2 Use eccentric reducers at pipe size changes. 3.D3 MECHANICAL WIRING Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15455 DOMESTIC COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS FOR POTABLE WATER STORAGE Page 4 1 Div.15 contractor shall provide all control wiring and conduit between pump starter, level sensors, level meter, pump control panel and pumps to make system a complete working system. 3.04 FLUSHING AND CLEANING 1 Div.15 contractor shall provide temporary by-pass as shown on drawings when flushing the system. Div.15 contractor shall by-pass storage tankduring flushing and shall not flush into tank. -END OF SECTION - Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL ProJed No. 0906A fl DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS ' A. Do the work in accordance with: 1 CSA 651 1995 -Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code ' 2 CSA 4.1 - M98 -Gas Water Heaters -Volume I, Storage Water Heaters With Input Ratings of 75,000 Btu/hr or Less. 3 CSA 4.3 - M98 -Gas Water Heaters -Volume III, Storage Water Heaters With Input Ratings Above 75,000 Btu/hr Circulating and Instantaneous. 4 ANSI 221.10.1 - 2001 -Gas Water Heaters -Volume 1, Storage Water ' Heaters With Input Ratings of 75,000 BTU/hr or less. 5 ANSI 221.10.3 - 2001 -Gas Water Heaters -Volume 1, Storage Water Heaters With Input Ratings Above 75,000 BTU/hr. 6 GSB51.65 - M90 -Insulating Blankets For Domestic Hot Water Heaters 7 CANGa- 3.3 - R1999 - Industrial and Commercial Gas Designed Atmospherically Fired Vertical Flue Boilers and Hot Water Supply Headers 8 ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004 -Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low Rise ' Residential Buildings. 9 CAN/CGA -B149.1-MO5 -Natural Gas Installation Code. ' 10 Ontario Building Code 2006 11 Local Authority Having Jurisdiction 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. 1 B Submit capacities and accessories included with water heater. Include general layout, dimensions, size and location of water, fuel, electric, air inlet and vent connections, electrical characteristics, weight and mounting loads. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS 1.04 MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. 1.05 WATER HEATER PACKAGED SYSTEM -NATURAL GAS (B-11 A. Refer to schedule for domestic hot water boiler capacity. Boiler shall have CGA seal of approval and meet ASHRAE 90.1 2004 standards. B. Water Heater Packaged System shall be a complete skid mounted package. C. Water Heater 1 Copper tube water heater construction shall conform to ASME Section Nand UL 795. The water heater shall bear the ASME "H" stamp and be National Board Listed for 160psi working pressure and 250 deg F. 2 Gas Train and Safety Controls: Conform to requirements of UL 795 and CSD- 1. 3 Factory-packaged unit, complete with jacket, gas manifold, burner and controls mounted and wired, as specified in this Section. 4 The complete water heater shall be factory fre tested by the manufacturer and a copy of the fire test report shall be supplied with the unit. 5 Heat exchangers shall be constructed in accordance with Section IV of the ASME code, with straight, integral copper-finned tube construction and a gastketless header at top and bottom. 6 The heat exchanger design must allow for individual access and replacement of each tube. 7 The heat exchanger shall encompass the entire burner and be enclosed in stainless steel with a fully water-backed tube sheet. 8 Each water heater shall be contained in a minimum 16-gauge negative pressure steel jacket protected with a powdercoated finish. The and shall be able to operate with any jacket panels removed during inspection or maintenance periods. D. Fuel Burning System Radiant non-corroding ceramic burner, with no moving parts. Double-meshed screen, fiber-metal mats, aluminized or stainless steel construction of the bumer will not be accepted. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 i 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS Page 3 2 Burner operation shall be Full Modulation with minimum 3:1 turn down utilizing a VFD and air-fuel ratio valve for dependable, repeatable modulation. 1 Dampers, linkages or a one-speed fan are not acceptable. 3 Interrupted-type mixed fuel/air pilot system with electric spark-to-pilot ignition that utilizes a UV scanner to prove pilot before main gas valves open. Hot ' surface ignition systems are not acceptable. 4 The entire firing control sequence shall be monitored by a UL approved, commercial-type microprocessor flame safeguard programmer with first out fault annunciation and diagnostic indicator lights. Furnish pre-purge and post-purge timing. Shut down burner in the event of ignition pilot and/or main flame failure with manual reset. 5 Full frontal access port shall be provided for the control area. 6 The water heater will be equipped with anon-sparking blower manufactured with a cast aluminum housing. 7 Combustion air pressure switch shall be provided. 8 The blower shall be equipped with a replaceable combustion air filter, 99% efficient to one micron. The unit will have the capability of sealed, direct, or conventional venting. Air inlet dampers and vacuum relief dampers are not required for proper operation. 9 The sound level for a single water heater shall be no more than 60 Db. ' E. Gas Train 1 Gas train shall be UL/FM/CSD-1 compliant. 2 The gas train shall be certified to take a maximum of 5 psi Natural Gas. Additional step-down regulators are not allowed and can cause nuisance shutdowns of the unit. ' 3 Pilot and main gas pressure regulator. 4 Automatic main and redundant gas valves. 5 Motorized automatic main and redundant gas valves and a normally open vent valve in between (if IRI). 1 .6 Leak test valves downstream of each gas valve. 7 High and low gas pressure switches. j 8 Manual shut off valve upstream of burner and downstream of last gas valve. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS 4 F. Electricallnput 1 Electrical input to each water heater shall be 120v11 ph. The manufacturerwill mount the control transformer and fuses inside the unit, as needed, before rt leaves the factory. Single-point electrical hook-upon every unit is required; separate power wiring and control wiring is not acceptable. 2 The water heaters must utilize a commercial quality 120v/1 ph control system. A residential type 24v control system is not acceptable. G. Water Trim and Controls 1 ASME rated pressure relief valve set at 125 psig. 2 Combination water pressure and temperature gage. Furnish graduated pressure gauge scale from 1-112 to 3 times of pressure relief valve setting. 3 A water flow switch to prevent burner operation during low water flow conditions. 4 An adjustable high limit temperature controller with manual reset to prevent water temperature from exceeding a safe system temperature. 5 An adjustable operating temperature controller. 6 A bronze circulating pump between the water heater and tank shall be factory mounted, piped and wired. H. Storage Tank 1 Construction shall conform to ASME Section VIII and shall beepoxy-lined and factory insulated. 2 Tank shall have a working pressure rating of 150psi (1000kPa) and shall be tested to withstand a hydrostatic test pressure of 300 psi (2000 kPa). 3 The interior of the tank shall be epoxy lined. 4 The exterior of the tank shall be prime painted and have 2" fiberglass insulation and a 14yauge metal jacket. 5 The tank shall be mounted on an 8" high skirt welded to the tank. 6 The tank shall have a 12" x 16" manway. 7 All interconnecting piping between Water Heater and Storage tank shall be factory installed. This shall include the required pump and controls. Darlington Sports CenUe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 Tank Controls DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS 5 1 The tank shall include an operating aquastat, a high limit aquastat with manual reset, apressure/temperature gauge, and a T & P relief valve. 2 The control panel includes relays to energize the pump and water heater when there is a call for heat in the tank. 3 The control circuit in the control panel shall be 120v/tph and is powered through the water heater. 4 Power for the pump shall be connected at the appropriate relay's contacts in the control panel. 5 All interconnecting wiring between the individual equipment shall be labeled and disconnected, as needed, to accommodate the split skid. J. System Skid The water heater and storage tank shall be factory mounted on a 6" high steel skid. 2 The water heater and storage tank shall be factory piped and all interconnecting piping shall be copper, brass, and/or bronze for use with potable water. 3 The skid shall be a bolt together split skid with unions in the piping to allow shipping in two pieces to ease in field handling and installation. K. Unit shall be furnished with a tube bundle having a double coating of high temperature porcelain enamel and rigid supported magnesium resistor anode rods and a boilertype hand hole cleanout. L. Water heater shall be completely factory assembled, including a pressure regulator properly adjusted for operation on natural gas, high chromium stainless steel burner, and ASME rated, temperature/pressure relief valve. M. Controls to be arranged for 100% safety shut off in the event of pilot failure. N. Complete unit shall be insulated with a blanket of heavy duty fibreglass. 0. The burner shall be rated for a minimum of 80 percent thermal efficiency. P. Burner assembly shall slide out for quick inspection and maintenance. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Roject No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS Page 6 O. Hot water heater shall be provided with the following: 1 Heater tank shall have a 3 year warranty. 2 Fully adjustable from 100 F (37.8 C) 180 F (82.2 C) operating thermostat. 3 24 V combination gas valve includes main gas pressure regulation, onloff manual valve, 120/24 Volt transformer. 4 High temperature limiting device. 5 Dielectric nipples. 6 Ball drain valve. 7 Safety shut-off in the event the pilot flame is extinguished 8 An automatic intermittent pilot control shall automatically extinguish the pilot light during the entire standby cycle. The pilot light shall be relit when the thermostat calls for heat. 9 A self contained automatic flue damper which closes tightly after each heating cycle to minimize heat loss through the flue. On a call for heat, the flue shall open fully prior to burner operation. Provide LED diagnostics on the damper. 10 Factory authorized start-up. 11 Baked enamel finish over a bonderized undercoating. R. Combustion System 1 The heater shall be a sealed combustion system, taking only outside air for combustion and exhausting the flue gas the exterior of the building. 2 The flue gas piping material to the exterior shall be in accordance to the Manufacturers recommendations and comply with the local code requirements. 3 All related intake air and exhaust gas shall be approved for 0 clearance to any combustible surface. S. Standard of Acceptance: AO Smith, Thermal Solutions. Darlington sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 O C~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS 1.06 TANKLESS HOT WATER HEATERS -NATURAL GAS (HWH-1 &HWH-2) A. Refer to schedule for the tankless hot water heater capacity. B. The tankless water heater shall be capable of producing temperatures of 180°F (82.2°C) and shall be ASME approved for commercial applications. C. The tankless water heater shall be sealed combustion, condensing capable of 1% incremental modulation range of 9 to 1. D. The tankless water heater shall have modulating negative pressure gas valve to maintain a constant gas-air ratio to the burner assembly. E. The tankless water heater shall have a flow rate capacity of 9.2 USGPM (34.8 L) with a minimum activation rate of 0.65 USGPM (2.5 L). F. The tankless water heater shall be equipped with automatic protection shut-off sensor. G. The tankless water heater shall be capable of venting vertically or horizontally in a concentric or twin pipe configuration. System venting shall be ULC-S636 3" PVC, type BH Class 11A with a maximum temperature rating of 149°F (65°C). 2 The total maximum allowable equivalent vent length on a two pipe application shall not exceed 52 feet (15.Sm) and for concentric venting configuration, the total equivalent vent length shall not exceed 36 feet (10.9m). H. The hot and cold water connections shall be a minimum nominal diameter of 3/4". I. The tankless water heater shall have a minimum thermal efficiency of 94% and integral surface mounted temperature controller shall have a range of 100°F (38°C) - 180°F (82°C). J. The tankless water heater shall be installed c/w isolation valves and purge assemblies on the hot water outlet and cold water inlet to allow for the flush out of any lime and/or mineral deposits in the heat exchanger. K. The tankless water heater shall be able to cascade two (2) water heaters with "T- Link" or approved equal to provide staging and rotating with a combined flow capability of 6gpm at 110 deg F temperature rise to provide a supply temperature of 160 deg F. L. The tankless water heater shall have an integral push button LCD screen to display operating data and service diagnostics. M. Standard of Acceptance: Bosch, Rheem, Takagi. Il Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15460 DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEATERS 8 PART 2: EXECUTION 2.01 INSTALLATION A. Connect domestic water heater to cold water supply and domestic hot water supply connections as indicated. B. Install in accordance with applicable codes and manufacturer's recommendations. C. Pipe pressure, temperature relief valve and drain tee to drain. D. Install flue as per manufacturer's recommendation. E. Where two (2) or more water heaters are shown manifolded together, provide prefabricated manifolds to ensure water flow through heaters is equal. F. Provide structural steel for support as required. G. Factory representative to submit a written report indicating that the installation has been installed in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. H. Provide a thermometer in the hot water supply downstream of the hot water heater. For the requirements for thermometers refer to Section 15080 of the specification. 2.02 START-UP SERVICE A. The Division 15 Contractor shall have the manufacturer provide a factory trained service technician to pertorm the unit start-up. B. The manufacturer shall provide instruction to the Owner on the operation and maintenance of equipment. Manufacturer's warranty shall include all parts and labour to install parts. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Do the work in accordance with: 1 NSF-61, Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects and requirements and standards of regulating authorities, except where specifed otherwise. 2 Ontario Building Code 2006 3 Local Authority Having Jurisdiction 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS t A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. 1.04 MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 CHLORINATION PACKAGE: ' A. Chlorination package shall consist of the following components: 1 One (1) Myers 26350-1 50 gal. Chemical Tank. 2 One (1) Myers AA951-389SI Chemical Feed Pump (P-7). 3 One (1) Myers AA951-398SI Chemical Feed Pump (P-8). ' 4 One (1) M ers Chlorine residual anal zer y y . S One (1) Myers HJ50S-K Jet Pump to circulate the stored water through the ' Chlorine residual analyzer (P-5). 6 Provide initial 40 gal. of Chlorine mixture to allow for start-up. ' B. Storage tank circulator Jet Pump shall be self priming. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Projec[ No. 09064 i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE C. All interconnecting piping for Chlorination package shall be completed by the Div. 15 contractor in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and Mechanical Drawings. D. Standard of Acceptance: Myers, Klenzoid, Grace Dearborn, Betz, Siemens. 2.02 IRON FILTER PACKAGE: A. Iron Filter Package shall be of fully automatic operation with separate back wash. Back wash shall utilize treated water. B. Automatic control shall be accomplished through the use of a heavy duty stager with integral clock timer. This stager shall allow the scheduling of backwash to occur at a time that will not interfere with times of high water demands. C. Filters shall use hub and lateral lower distribution with fine slot design for maximum service flow with efficient utilization of the enter media bed to eliminate channeling. These hub and lateral distributors shall be made of PVC. D. Tank shall be high quality welded steel designed for a working pressure of 100 psi and tested to a pressure of 150 psi. E. Tanks 20" to 30" in diameter shall be designed with hand holes in the head and side shell while tanks 36" in diameter or larger shall utilize a 11" x 15" manhole. F. Tanks 20" to 42" in diameter shall be fabricated of steel and hot dip galvanized inside and out. G. All interconnecting piping for Iron Filter package shall be completed by the Div. 15 contractor in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and Mechanical Drawings. H. Standard of Acceptance: Myers MGA-24, Klenzoid, Betz, Siemens. 2.03 WATER SOFTENER PACKAGE: A. Provide a complete automatic water softener package. Provide chemicals, salt and service for a period of one (1) year after substantial completion. B. The purpose of the water softening system will be to reduce the hardness to less than 5 mg/l based on incoming water hardness of not less than SOOppm. C. Softener shall be rated for continuous flow of not less than 16 gpm. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 C C 1 t ~~ ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Page 3 D. The complete system shall be designed to provide 60 kilograins per tank maximum capacity of hardness reduction between regenerations with continuous flow rate of ' minimum 16 gpm with a pressure drop of 15 psi; with intermittent peak flow of 21 gpm not more than 25 psi pressure drop. E. Softener Tanks: 1 The softenertanks shall be designed for a working pressure of 100 PSI and a temperature of 120°F. A minimum freeboard volume of 50% shall be 1 provided to assure adequate bed expansion during backwash. 2 The Tank shall be constructed from Fiberglass with openings for mineral filling and periodic inspection. 3 The tank shall be equipped with an opening in the top head for mineral filling and periodic inspection. The Tank shall have the dimensions of 12"D x 54"H. ' 4 The softener tank shall have a stainless steel upper distributor which disperse water laterally to avoid channeling within the resin bed. The lower distributor shall be of all plastic construction in ahub-radial design. It shall ' incorporate f ne slot distributors to avoid possible passing of resin to service in the event of plumbing system upset. No slots shall face upward to minimize the opportunity of channeling. One (1) layer of gravel shall be provided to aid in the even collection of water and make efficient use of the softening capacity of the resin. F. Brine Tank: ' 1 The combination salt storage and brine measuring tank with cover shall be sized to have the dimensions of 18" dia. x 40" tall. The tank shall be of 3/8" rotationally molded rigid polyethylene. The brine tank shall be equipped with an elevated salt plate for the collection of brine and shall have a chamber to house a brine valve assembly. The brine valve assembly shall include an automatic air eliminator and float safety shut-off valve. It shall open automatically to educt brine, close to prevent the entrance of air afterthe brine has been drawn, and permit refill of the tank with the correct amount of water. During refill, the brine valve shall regulate the flow of soft water into the brine tank, working with the timed refill feature of the softener control valve; together ' these components shall admit the correct volume of water to the brine tank in accordance with the salt dosage settings on the control valves. The brine valves shall include afloat-operated safety shut-off valve, and a back up to the time refill valve on the control, to prevent brine tank from overflow. LI I~ ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE G. Control System: 1 The automatic control shall be of top mount design and all brass construction. It shall utilize a bolt down flange connection to permit proper positioning between the valve and conditioner tank openings. Allow either left hand or right hand raw water plumbing to simplify installation. 2 Service connections of the control shall be minimum 75 mm pipe size. The control shall be fully automatic multi-port control valve operated by a rotary pilot that hydraulically or pneumatically activates cartridge style diaphragm valves to accomplish regeneration. The multi-port valve shall incorporate self- adjustable flow regulators to control flow rate and prevent resin loss during backwash, brine-rinse, and brine tank refill positions, regardless of pressure fluctuations between 3D and 100 PSI. the control shall open and close slowly to prevent noise and hydraulic shock. It shall have provision for bypass of hard water during the regeneration cycle or eliminate of the bypass, depending upon the requirements. 3 The electrical control mechanism shall be enclosed in a gasketted, moisture- resistant panel to NEMA3. 4 The unit shall have provisions for individual adjustment of backwash and rinse cycle, and provisions for manually regenerating the water softener by means of inlet hydraulic pressure even without the use of electric power. Regeneration shall be controlled by a 7-day calendar clock that permits regeneration at any time of the day or night, any or every day of the week. H. Standard of Acceptance: Myers, Klenzoid, Betz, Siemens. 2.04 CONTROLS: A. Provide Three (3) Myers PS20D5 pressure switches or approved alternate. B. Provide a Control Panel that shall control the following pieces of equipment: 1 Domestic Cold Water Booster Pumps P-3 and P-4. 2 Storage tank circulator, pump P-5. 3 Chemical Feed pump P-7. 4 One (1) control valve. 5 Well Pump. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 I~ II ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15480 DOMESTIC WATER TREATMENT PACKAGE Page 5 ' C. This Control Panel shall also receive inputs from the following pieces of ' equipment: 1 Three (3) Pressure switches. 2 Four (4) relays from Ultrasonic Level Sensor. 3 Fire Protection Storage Tank Float Switches. D. Control Panel shall be enclosed in a Nema 3 rated enclosure. I E. Refer to Section 15900 for required control sequence. I , PART 3: EXECUTION A. INSTALLATION ' 1 Install equipment in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2 Install Softener package and Iron Filter package on housekeeping pads. ' 3 Ensure adequate clearances to permit performance of servicing and maintenance of equipment. ' 4 Pipe blow-off connections to nearest drain. 5 Provide power and control from electrical tie in points. 6 All piping shall be flushed prior to start-up. By-pass all equipment during flushing and cleaning. B. START-UP SERVICE 1 Manufacturer shall furnish a factory trained service technician to perform the unit start-up. ' 2 Provide a start up log by the manufacturer to document the start-up procedure. ' 3 The manufacturer shall provide instruction to the owner's personnel on the operation and maintenance of equipment. Manufacturers warranty shall include all parts and labour to install parts. ' -END- ' Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Projec[ No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15551 PIPING, VALVES AND FITTINGS -NATURAL GAS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 -Mechanical General Provisions. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Perform Piping System Work in accordance with CAN/CGA-B149.1-M05 for Natural Gas and the following: .1 ANSI/ASME 616.3 -2006 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings 2 ANSI/ASME 816.5 -2005 3 ANSI/ASME B16.9 - 2007 4 ASTM A53M-09 5 ASTM A105M-09 6 ASTM A181 M-60 7 ASTM A197-00(2006) 8 ASTM A234M92a-07 9 ASTM A30792a-07b 10 ASTM 688-03 11 CAN/CGA-B137.4-99 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings Factory Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot Dipped, Zinc Coated Welded and Seamless Specification for Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping Components Specification for Forgings, Carbon Steel, For General Purpose Piping Specification for Cupola Malleable Iron Specification for Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures Specifications for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength Specification for Seamless Copper WaterTube Polyethylene Piping Systems for Gas Services 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 0906M1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15551 VALVES AND FITTINGS -NATURAL GAS Page 2 PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 STEEL PIPE A. Pipe 1 Above Grade Steel Pipe: Schedule 40 ERW or CW black carbon steel pipe conforming to ASTMA53 Grade B, seamless as follows: 2 NPS 1/2 to 1-1/2 Exposed, Threaded Ends. 3 NPS %: to 1-1 /2 Concealed, Bevelled Ends. 4 NPS 2 to 10, Bevelled Ends. B. Jointing Material 1 Flange Gaskets: Nitrite binder flat ring type of 1.6 mm (1/16") thickness to ANSI 816.21, ANSI 816.20 or ANSI A21.11. Flange gaskets shall be made of either neoprene or other similar material which shall be resistant to any action of gas. Natural rubber or asbestos shall not be utilized. C. Fittings 1 Pipe fittings, screwed, flanged or welded shall be as follows: 2 Screwed Fittings: Class 150 black malleable iron screwed fittings conforming to ASTM A197 and ANSI/ASME 816.9. 1 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings: Class 150 forged carbon steel raised face slip-on or welding neck type conforming to ASTM A81 Grade 1 and ANSI/ASME 616.5. Remove raised face when connecting to valves or equipment having a flat faced flange. 2 Welded Fittings: Schedule 40 carbon steel buttwelding fittings conforming to ASTM A234 WPB Grade B and ANSI/ASME 816.9. 3 Piping or fitting threads in accordance with ANSI 61.120.1. 4 Unions: Class 250 black malleable iron "Dart" type with brass to brass seat. 5 Bolts and Nuts: Hex head machine bolts with hexagon nuts, both of semi-finished carbon steel conforming to ASTM A307 Class A. 6 Nipples, Schedule 40: to ASTM A53M-09. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15551 ' PIPING, VALVES AND FITTINGS -NATURAL GAS Page 3 2.02 POLYETHYLENE PIPE A. Below Grade Polyethylene Pipe: Series 125 polyethylene pipe certified to CAN/CSA 6137.4-M with a smooth finish, free from imperfections such as grooves and ripples. ' B. For polyethylene pipe provide Series 125 polyethylene socket welding type, being compatible with the pipe material, certified to CAN/CSA 8137.4-M. Join pipe and fittings using a heat fusion method as recommended and described in the pipe manufacturers installation manuals. Install in accordance with CSA 2184-M and ' Z184S1. C. Provideacontinuous#10whitestrandedtracerwireonallundergrounddirectburied piping. No underground connections will be permitted. The tracer wire shall be ' fastened to the top of the direct buried and turned up and terminated through the finished floor and or grade. ' 2.03 FLEXIBLE GAS PIPING A. Pipe 1 Tubing shall be made from 300 series Stainless steel strip conforming to ASTM A240. 2 Tubing shall not be subjected to heat tracing or annealing after the corrugation forming operation. 3 Tubing shall be suitable for operation with Natural gas and LP gas. 4 Tubing shall be rated for 5 psi and 25 psi as required by the application. ' 5 Tubing must have elevated pressure ratings of 125 G for sizes up to 32mm (1 '/.") and 25 G for 40mm and SOmm (1 '/: and 2") sizes for high pressure applications permitted by the local distribution utility. These elevated pressure ratings shall be demonstrated by test reports from the ' certification agency. B. Plastic Jacket ' 1 The jacket shall be extruded from fire retarded polyethylene. 2 Chlorinated plastics such as PVC shall not be permitted. ' 3 ASTM E84 flame spread rating shall not exceed 25. 4 ATSM E84 smoke density rating shall not exceed 50. ' 5 Polyethylene shall be UV resistant. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15551 PIPING, VALVES AND FITTINGS -NATURAL GAS Page 4 C. Autoflare Mechanical Attachment Fittings 1 Fittings shall be made from yellow brass. 2 Fittings shall be equipped with stainless steel inset to pilot on the tubing ID and provide a reliable flaring operation. 3 Autoflare fittings shall be tested and listed by CSA for concealed use where required. 4 Autoflare fittings shall be available in straight, straight reducer, tee, reducer tee and coupling configurations. 5 Fittings shall provide a metal to metal seal (no gaskets). D. Protective Devices Striker plates shall be made from carbon steel, heat treated to R640. 2 Floppy conduit utilized for additional protection with striker plates is to be made from galvanized steel. E. Termination Mount Fittings 1 Termination mount fittings are to be used to provide a secure termination of the tubing at moveable appliance locations and other stub out points depending on building construction. 2 Termination mount accessories shall consist of a plated carbon steel plate or brass mounting flange and an Autoflare fitting. 3 Fittings at termination mounts must be accessible and provide a fitting joint exterior to the building floor or wall. F. Meter Termination Fittings 1 Meter termination fittings may be used fro exterior wall penetrations at meter locations and other penetrations such as rooftop units. 2 Meter termination fittings shall consist of a plated carbon steel mounting plate and sleeve and an Autoflare fitting. 3 Fittings at meter termination outlets must be accessible and provide a fitting joint exterior to the building. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 f_1 1 I 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15551 PIPING, VALVES AND FITTINGS -NATURAL GAS Page 5 G. Manifolds 1 Manifolds shall be made from malleable iron either plastic coated or uncoated. Manifolds may be mounted using available manifold brackets or gas load centers they may alternately be mounted using conventional pipe mounting methods. H. Electrical Bonding /Grounding 1 The flexible gas system must be bonded to an effective ground fault current path per NFPA 70 and NFPA 54. 2 A bonding clamp must be attached to the brass autoflare fittings adapterorto a black pipe component located in the same electricallycontinuous gas piping system as the Autoflare fitting. 3 The corrugated stainless steel portion of the gas piping system shall not be used as the bonding attachment point under any circumstances. The bonding conductor shall be bonded per the National Electrical Code. I. Standard of Acceptance: Omegaflex TracPipe 2.04 GATE VALVES A. NPS 2-1/2 and Larger: 1 CGA approved, Class 175 lubricated plug valve with semi steel body, flat ' faced flanged ends drilled to Class 125, tapered plug with lever operator for valves NPS 4 and smaller and worm gear handwheel operator forvalves NPS 6 and larger. ' 2.05 BALL VALVES A. Up to 2" (50mm) threaded valves. B. Rated to 125 psig natural gas, bronze body, 2 piece, full port, complete with chrome plated bronze ball, TFE seats, adjustable or double O ring packing. C. Stamped CSA and CGA 3.16 on the body. D. Standard of Acceptance: Kitz 58, Toyo 5044A, Crane, Jenkins, Grinnell r ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Projec[ Na. 119064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15551 PIPING, VALVES AND FITTINGS -NATURAL GAS Page 6 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 PIPING A. Install natural gas piping in accordance with CAN1-6149.1-M05. B. Unless otherwise indicated, connect to equipment in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Slope piping down in direction of flow to low points. D. Use eccentric reducers at pipe size change installed to provide positive drainage. E. Provide clearance for access for maintenance of equipment, valves and fittings. F. Ream pipes clean of scale and dirt, inside and out. G. Cap open ends during construction to prevent entry of foreign material. H. Make connection to equipmentwith unions orflanges. Install piping to minimize pipe dismantling for equipment removal. I. Provide vents for all gas piping shafts in accordance to Code. J. Pipe mounted outdoors shall be painted in its entirety. K. Natural gas pipe mounted on the roof shall be installed on 'C-ports' as indicated on the installation detail included on the drawings. 3.02 PURGING A. Purge after pressure testing in accordance with applicable Codes. 3.03 VALVES A. Valves that are 2" (50mm) and smaller shall be ball valves. Valves 2 1/2" (65mm) and larger shall be lubricated plug gate valves. B. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal unless approved otherwise. C. Install valves at all branch take-offs to isolate each piece of equipment, and as indicated. 3.04 TESTING A. Test system in accordance with applicable Codes. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15621 GAS FIRED INFRA-RED TUBE HEATERS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate: ' 1 Equipment, capacity, piping, and connections. Dimensions, internal and external construction details, recommended method of installation with proposed structural steel support, sizes and location of mounting bolt holes. ' 1.03 MAINTENANCE A. Provide maintenance data for the gas fired infra-red tube heaters for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 1501 D. PART 2: PRODUCT ' 2.01 GENERAL A. Provide CSA approved natural gas fired radiant tube heaters as shown on Drawings. ' Heater sizes and capacities as noted on drawing and schedule. B. The radiant tube heater shall consist of a control housing containing a burner assembly, dual pressure switches, electronic ignition control, gas valve and control ' transformer; and additionally shall consist of radiant tubing, reflectors, hangers, tube couplers and elbows, and/or turbulators and tees as needed. C. The burner shall be fixed air pressurized type with independent operating controls capable of operating singly or in tandem with other units. The burner head shall have ' the infrared ceramic media for improved combustion, resulting in lower sound levels and reduced detrimental emissions. The burner package shall be of modular construction allowing easy removal for maintenance or servicing. ' D. All controls and the combustion blower shall be located inside the cabinet to prevent dirt accumulation, thereby reducing maintenance requirements . E. The burner assembly shall have lwo separate factory-set and sealed air safety switches, one to monitor inlet air pressure and one to monitor flue pressure. In the event of a blocked air intake or blocked exhaust vent, the system shall shut off. F. The radiant combustion chambertubing shall be 16 gauge electric resistance welded aluminized steel (alumatherm steel on 175 and 200 MBH heaters) with 1.05 sq. ft. of ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Projec[ No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15621 GAS FIRED INFRA-RED TUBE HEATERS Page 2 radiating surface per running foot and shall have a flame observation port. G. The radiant heat exchanger (10 ft., 20 ft., 30 ft., 40 ft., 50 ft., or 60 ft.) shall be 16 gauge welded steel (aluminized steel first 10 ft. section of 175 and 200 MBH heaters. H. All radiant tubing will have swaged ends for ease and continuity of assembly and to increase the mechanical strength of the system. An aluminized steel coupling shall be used at each joint of tubes to ensure consistent expansion with tubes and minimize leakage. I. The reflectors shall have end caps and extend below the radiant tube to provide higher radiant efficiency. J. The standard configuration shall be comprised of end plate hangers fastened to the reflectors at each end of straight tube run. Wire hangers manufactured from 114" heat-treated steel wire shall be spaced to support reflectors and tubes between the end plate hangers. K. Refer to specification section 15881 for venting requirements. L. Standard of Acceptance: Schwank, Reznor, Easy Radiant. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install according to piping layout. Provide for equipment movement during normal operation. B. Maintain proper clearance around equipment to meet manufacturer recommendations and permit performance of service maintenance. Check final location with Consultant if different from that indicated prior to installation. C. Should deviations beyond allowable clearances arise, request and follow Consultant's directive. D. Refer to manufacturer's installation drawings. Verify electrical service work with characteristics stamped on unit. E. Install infrared heaters at heights indicated. Where not indicated, follow Consultant's instruction. Set discharge pattern required. F. Provide supplementary suspension steel chains for hanging the heaters. Suspended steel chains from structural steel members only; DO NOT HANG CHAINS FROM ROOF DECK. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Vroject No. 09064 11 CJ !~ u ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15707 REFRIGERATION Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 General A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010. B. The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for the following: !1 1 The refrigeration scope of work includes the supply and installation of the area refrigeration system. This scope of work was pretendered by the Owner and the Refrigeration Contractor (Subcontractor to the Division 15 Contractor) shall be Cimco Refrigeration. The amount to be carried for the refrigeration scope of work in included in the Tender Form, Part D, Pretendered Work. 2 The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for receiving the shop drawing and maintenance information from Cimco Refrigeration and inserting the information in the maintenance manuals. 3 The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing the shop drawings and inserting the actual unit dimensions into the interference drawings. 4 The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for reviewing the shop drawings and sending a letter identifying any concerns that they may have in writing to the Consultant, Architect and Owner. 5 The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for installing the housekeeping pads and mounting units on top of the pad. -END- Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 ' DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. (1000 PA) Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This Section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements of Section 15010 -Mechanical General Provisions. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. ~II B. Indicate the following: 1 proprietary joints. 1.03 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogue or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by the manufacturer or Independent Testing Agency signifying adherence to Codes and Standards. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible -Second Edition 1995 B. NFPA 96 - 2008 C. NFPA 90A-2009 D. NFPA 90B-2009 E. ASTM A621 & A621 M - 1998 F. ASTM A653M - 09 G. ASTM A924M - 09 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems Installation of Warm Air Conditioning and Air Conditioning Systems Specification for Forming Steel (FS), sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot Rolled. Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated Galvanized or Zinc Alloy Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot Dip Process General Requirements for Sheet Steel, Metallic Coated by the Hot Dip Process 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK-LOW PRESSURE-METALLIC UPTO4" W.G. (1000 PA) 2 1.05 VOC REQUIREMENTS A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SEALING CLASSIFICATION A. Sealing classifications shall be in accordance with the Sealing Classifications Table as follows: TABLE -SEALING CLASSIFICATION Seal Sealing Requirements Applicable Static Pressure Allowable Leakage Rate Clan - Construction Class s A All traverse joints, 4" w. g. (1000 Pa)-4" w.g. 1% of total system design at longitudinal seams and duct (-1000 Pa) system operating pressure wall enetrations. 4" 1000 Pa B All transverse joints and Up to 3" w.g. (750 Pa)3" w.g. 1% of total system design at Ion dudinal seams -750 Pa and less 3"w. .750 Pa C All transverse joints only Up to 2" w. g. (500 Pa)-2" w.g. 1.5% of total system design 500 Pa and less at 2" w. .500 Pa D Not sealed Up to 1" w.g. (250 Pa)-1"w.g. 5% of total system design at -250 Pa and less 1" w. .250 Pa 2.02 PRESSURE CLASSIFICATIONS A. Ductwork material shall be constructed in accordance with SMACNA ratings for the following pressure classifications. Pressure classifications shall be in accordance with the Pressure Classifications Table as follows: TABLE -PRESSURE CLASSIFICATIONS Ductwork Operating Pressure Seal Remarks Classification Ductwork Exposed to the All A Outdoors Supply Air Ductwork Up to 2" wg C (500 Pa) Exhaust Air Ductwork Up to -1" wg C for systems over (-250 Pa) 750 cfm. D for systems under 750 cfm. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. (1000 PA) Page 3 TABLE -:PRESSURE CLASSIFICATIONS Ductwork Operating Pressure Seal Remarks Classification Return Air Ductwork Up to -1" wg C (-250 Pa) E~aust and Outside Air Up to +!- 1" wg B Intake Plenums (+!- 250 Pa) All Other Ductwork Not Up to 0.5" wg(125 Pa) D Listed Above 2.03 FITTINGS A. Fabrication shall be to SMACNA Standards. B. Radiused elbows shall be to standard radius. C. Square elbows shall be used over 16" (400 mm) with double thickness vanes. Square elbows shall not be used unless specifically shown on drawings. D. Main Supply Duct Branches: Provide branch duct balancing damper. E. Sub branch duct with 45° entry and balancing damper on branch. F. Transitions: 1 Diverging: 20° maximum included angle. 2 Converging: 30° maximum included angle. G. Offsets: Radiused elbows as indicated. H. Obstruction Deflectors: Maintain full cross-sectional area. Maximum included angles as for transitions. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena RenovMion CEL ProjeR No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. (1000 PA) 2.04 GALVANIZED STEEL 4 A. G-60 coated galvanized of lockforming grade conforming to ASTM A653 and A924 Standards. Minimum yield strength for steel sheet and reinforcements shall be 30,000 psi (207 kPa). B. The sheet metal gauge and requirement for reinforcement shall be in accordance with Tables 1-3-1/2" W.G. Static pressure to Table 1-7 4" W.G. Static pressure of SMACNA. C. Fabrication shall be to SMACNA Standards. D. Joints: To SMACNA or proprietary manufactured duct joint. Proprietary manufactured flanged duct joint shall be considered to be a Class C seal. E. Standard of Acceptance: Namasco, Ductmate, Exanno, Nexus. F. Joint reinforcement shall be in accordance with Tables 1-1 D to 1-13 of the SMACNA Standard. 2.05 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. B. C. D. Strap hangers shall be of same material as the duct material but shall be to the next sheet metal thickness heavier than the duct. Hanger configuration shall be to SMACNA. Maximum size duct supported by strap hanger shall be 19" (500 mm). Hangers: Galvanized steel angle with galvanized steel rods shall be in accordance with SMACNA and the Table -Hangers And Supports as follows: TABLE -HANGERS AND SUPPORTS Duct Size(mm) Angle Size (mm) Rod Size(mm) up to 750 25 x 25 x 3 6 751 to 1500 40 x 40 x 3 10 1501 to 2400 50 x 50 x 5 10 2401 and over 50 x 50 x 6 10 Upper Hanger Attachments: 1 Concrete: Prior to concrete pour: manufactured concrete inserts. 1 Standard of Acceptance: Myatt: Fig. 485. 1 u ll C Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. (1000 PA) ' 2 Concrete: after concrete pour: 1 expanded concrete anchors shall be made of steel. ; 2 powder actuated fasteners shall not be utilized; ' 3 holes for expanding fasteners shall be drilled either by a carbide bit or by the teeth on the fastener itself. Expansion shield shall be "set" by driving it into the hole and expanding it with a conical plug. t 3 Steel Joist: manufactured joist clamp or steel plate washer: 1 clamp or washer shall be mounted to top chord of steel truss only. 2 Standard of Acceptance: Joist Clamps: Grinnell: Fig. 61 or 86, Hunt. ' 4 Steel Beams: Manufactured beam clamps: 1 Standard of Acceptance: Grinnell: Fig. 60, Hunt. E. Round Ductwork: duct shall be supported as follows: 1 duct dimensions 36" (900 mm) single hangers are acceptable; 2 duct dimensions aver 36" (900 mm) hanger rods shall be provided on both ' sides of the duct; ' F 3 minimum hanger sizes shall be in accordance with Table 4-2 of SMACNA. ll b i ith T di t b h d bl 4 3 f SMACNA L . n accor ance w oa ng on rapeze ars s a e a e - o . 2.06 ROUND DUCTWORK A. All round ductwork up to 60" (1500 mm) in diameter shall be of Spiro lockseam construction with an intermediate standard rib to provide the rigidity equivalent to ' SMACNA Standard -Gauge Spiral Duct. B. G-60 coated galvanized of lockforming grade conforming to ASTM A635 and A924 standards. Minimum yield strength for steel and reinforcements shall be 30,000 psi. ' (207 Kpa.) with a thickness not less than for 24 gauge for duct diameters 250 mm. to 425 mm. (10" to 17"), 24 gauge for 450 mm. to 600 mm. (18" to 24"), 22 gauge for 650 mm. to 800 mm. (26" to 30") and 20 gauge for 850 mm. to 1500 mm. (32" to 60") diameters. " C. For duct diameters less than 9 (225 mm), use 26 gauge Spiro duct without ribs. u LJ Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. D. Fittings: 1 Elbows 4" to 8" (100 mm to 200 mm), shall be diestamped. Diestamped elbows shall be 2-piece construction with fully welded longitudinal seam. 2 Elbows 9" to 36" (225 mm to 900 mm) shall be standing seam construction. 3 Elbows 38" to 60" (950 mm to 1500 mm) shall be standard gore construction with joints riveted and bonded. 4 Fittings shall be 1-gauge thicker than standard ductwork. E. All couplings shall be slipped joint construction with minimum 2" (50 mm) insertion length. Duct sealer shall be applied on male end connectors before insertion and afterwards to cover the entirejoint and sheet metal screws. Sheet metal screws shall be installed at a maximum 12" (300 mm) spacing, with a minimum otthree (3) screws per joint. In large diameters, flanging gasketted joints are acceptable, in lieu of slip joints. 2.07 INTERNALLY LINED ROUND DUCTWORK A. Round ductwork indicated to be internally lined utilize spiral round insulated ductwith double wall including external pressure tight metal shell, 1" (25 mm) fibreglass insulation and an internal perforated liner. B. The external shell and couplings shall comply with the specification for round ductwork. 2.08 OPEN ENDED DUCTWORK DURING CONSTRUCTION A. All ductwork shall be protected from the outdoor elements and construction debris. During construction, all open ended ductwork shall be taped and sealed with a minimum of 6mm poly in order to prevent the outdoor element and/or construction debris from entering the ductwork. 2.09 DUCTWORK CLEANING A. Clean all ductwork shall be cleaned prior to the startup of any associated fan system. B. When/if the ductwork is NOT cleaned properly, the Owner, Architect and/or Consultant shall have the authority to have all duciwork and/or sections recleaned 'rf not cleaned properly. Periodic checks will be performed on site during installation. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 u II t DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. (1000 PA) Page 7 t PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 G ENERAL A. Install ducts in accordance with SMACNA Standards and as indicated. B. Do not break continuity of insulation vapour barrier with hangers or rods. Insulate strap hangers 4" (100 mm) beyond insulated duct. ith SMACNA Standards or as indicated d t i i C. . n accor ance w Suppor r sers ' D. Provide a drain at the low point of all exhaust and outside air plenums. Pipe drain to funnel floor drain. LJ 3.02 HANGERS A. Strap Hangers: Install in accordance with SMACNA. B. Angle Hangers: Complete with locking nuts and washers. C. Hanger spacing shall be as follows: 1 Horizontal ducts shall have a support within 27" (600 mm) of each elbow and within 48" (1200 mm) of each branch intersection. 2 Straight runs of duct, the hanger spacing shall be in accordance with the Table -Hanger Spacing as follows: TABLE -HANGER SPACING Duct Size mm Spacing mm u to 1500 3000 1501 and over 2500 3.03 WATERTIGHT DUCT A. Provide watertight duct for: 1 Applications: 1 Outside air plenums; 2 Exhaust air plenums. B. Form bottom of horizontal duct without longitudinal seams. Solder or weld joints of bottom and side sheets. Conform to ASTM Standard B32. Seal all other joints with duct sealer. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15801 DUCTWORK -LOW PRESSURE -METALLIC UPTO 4" W.G. (1000 PA) 3.04 SEALING AND TAPING A. Refer to Section 15825. 3.05 LOUVERS A. Refer to Section 15851. -END- 8 Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 L t ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15811 FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This Section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 -Mechanical, General Provisions. 1.02 A. Comply with requirements of: 1 ULC S110M Fire Tests for Air Ducts 2 UL 181-2008 Standards for Safety, Factory Made Air Ducts and Air Connectors 3 NFPA 9DA-2009 Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems 4 NFPA 908-2009 Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems 5 SMACNA - 2005 HVAC Duct Construction Standards -Second Edition 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. 1.04 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogue or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by the manufacturer or Independent Testing Agency signifying adherence to Codes and Standards. 1.05 VOC REQUIREMENTS A. All adhesives, sealants, paints and coatings used on or inside of building weatherproofing layer shall have a VOC content that is less than the content limits defined in Section 01611 LEED Product Requirements. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 GENERAL A. Factory fabricated. ' B. Pressure drop coefficients listed below are based on sheet metal duct pressure drop coefficient of 1.00. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15811 FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK 2 C. Fire retardant type insulation materials, coverings and adhesives with maximum flame spread rating of 25 and maximum smoke developed rating of 50when tested in a accordance with CAN/ULC-S102 and NFPA 255-20D6. Materials tested in accordance with ASTM C411-05 shall not flame, smoulder, glow or smoke at temperature to which exposed in service. Flexible duct system shall meet OBC requirements for smoke and flame spread for return air plenums. 2.02 METALLIC -INSULATED A. Spiral wound flexible aluminum with 1" (25 mm) external insulation. B. Performance: 1 Temperature range: -40° F. to 250° F. (-40° C. to 120° C.) 2 Minimum bend radius: 1.5 x diameter. 3 Vinyl sleeve outer covering. 4 Maximum working pressure: 12" (3000 Pa). 5 Class 1 duct material. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 DUCT INSTALLATION A. Install where indicated and in accordance with preferred method of SMACNA and the following: 1 Connections: 1 Duct Sizes 300 mm (12") and Under: 1 Provide a minimum of three (3) #8 sheet metal screws equally spaced to hold the flexible duct. 2 Duct sizes above 300 mm (12"): 1 Provide a minimum of five (5) #8 sheet metal screws equally spaced to hold the flexible duct. 3 Screws shall be located at least 1/2" (12 mm) from the end of the duct. 4 The collar to which the flexible duct is attached shall be a minimum 2" (50 mm) in length. 5 Cover entire joint with tape and seal as specified in Section 15801. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEO Protect No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15811 FLEXIBLE DUCTWORK 3 2 Supports: 1 Support shall be in accordance with SMACNA. 2 The maximum amount of sag for flexible duct shall not exceed 1/2" (12 mm) per foot. Provide additional supports as required. 3 Length: 1 Maximum length of flexible duct: 300D mm (10 ft.). 2 Minimum length of flexible duct connecting to light fixture troffers or ceiling diffusers shall be 72" (1800 mm). -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15820 DUCT ACCESSORIES Paoe 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate the following: 1 Flexible connections. 2 Sealants and tapes. 3 Duct access doors. 4 Instrument test ports. 1.03 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogue or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS A. Frame: galvanized sheetme[alframewithfabricclenchedbymeansofdoublelocked seams. B. Material: neoprene. 1 Fire resistant, self extinguishing, neoprene coated glass fabric, temperature rated at -40°F to plus 194°F(- 40°C to plus 90°C), density of 0.266 Ib/ft' (1.3 kglm~). 2.02 SEALANT AND TAPE A. Sealant: fibre reinforced, flame resistant (flame spread 5, smoke developed 0) high velocity duct sealing compound. Temperature range ofminus -22°F to 200°F (30 °C to plus 93 °C). Sealant to meet ULS102. System to be rated up to 16" W.C without the need for fibreglass mesh tape. B. Where system pressures are in excess of 16" W.C. utilize a fibreglass mesh scrim to reinforce the system. Where a gap exists which is larger than 1!4" provide fiberglass ' Darlington SpoRS Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15820 DUCT ACCESSORIES Page 2 mesh scrim over the gap prior to applying the sealant. C. Standard of Acceptance: Phoenix #33-526, 3M 2.03 ACCESS DOORS A. General. 1 Non-insulated sandwich construction of same material as duct, one sheet metal thickness heavier, minimum 0.0236" (0.6 mm) thick complete with sheet metal angle frame. 2 Insulated sandwich construction of same material as duct, one sheet metal thickness heavier, minimum 0.0236" (0.6 mm) thick complete with sheet metal angle frame and 1" (25 mm) thick rigid glass fibre insulation. B. Gaskets: neoprene or foam rubber. Provide on all access doors. C. Hardware: 1 Up to 12" x 12" (300mm x 300mm): 2 sash locks. 2 12" to 18" (301 to 450 mm): 4 sash locks. 3 20" to 33" (451 to 1000 mm): piano hinge and minimum 2 sash locks. 4 Doors over 34" (1000 mm): piano hinge and 2 handles operable from both sides. 2.04 INSTRUMENT TEST PORTS A. 0.063" (1.6 mm) thick steel zinc plated after manufacture. B. Cam lock handles with neoprene expansion plug and handle chain. C. 1" (25 mm) minimum inside diameter. Length to suit insulation thickness. D. Neoprene mounting gasket. E. Standard of Acceptance: Duro Dyne IP1 or IP2 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS A. Install in following locations: Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~~ 1 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15820 DUCT ACCESSORIES Page 3 1 Inlets to supply air units. 2 Outlets from supply air units. 3 Inlets and outlets of exhaust and return air fans. 4 As indicated. B. Length of connection: 6" (150 mm). C. Minimum distance between metal parts when system in operation: 3" (75 mm). D. Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA. 3.02 SEALANTS AND TAPES A. Apply sealant in accordance with SMACNA and to manufacturer's recommendations. B. Bed tape in sealant and recoat with minimum of one (1) coat of sealant to manufacturer's recommendations. 3.03 ACCESS DOORS A. Size: 1 24" x 24" (600 x 600 mm) for person size entry. 2 18" x 18" (450 x 450 mm) for servicing entry. 3 12" x 12" (300 x 300 mm) for viewing. 4 As indicated. B. Location: 1 At fire and smoke dampers. 2 At control dampers. 3 Upstream of all reheat coils. .4 At devices requiring maintenance. 5 At locations required by code. 6 As indicated. C. All access doors that a man could fit through shall be provided with handles on both the interior and the exterior of the ductwork. Darlington sports centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15820 DUCT ACCESSORIES 3.04 INSTRUMENT TEST PORTS 4 A. General: 1 For traverse readings, install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA. 2 Provide adjacent to all control sensors installed by Division 15900 to allowfor confirmation and validation of the readings provided by these sensors. This includes but is not limited to temperature sensors, relative humidity sensors, pressure sensors, and flow stations. 3 Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. -END- Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 I I I I DIVISION 15 SECTION 15825 DAMPERS -BALANCING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 G ENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 SPLITTER DAMPERS A. Not to be used. 2.02 SI NGLE BLADE DAMPERS A. Of same material as duct. V-groove stiffened. B. Size and configuration to recommendations of SMACNA, except maximum height 10" (250 mm). C. Locking quadrant. D. Inside and outside end bearings. 2.03 MULTI-BLADED DAMPERS A. Factory manufactured of material compatible with duct. B. Opposed blade: configuration to recommendations of SMACNA. C. Maximum blade height: 4" (100 mm). D. Bearings: pin in bronze bushings. E. Linkage: shaft extension with locking quadrant. F. Channel frame complete with angle stop. 2.04 DIVERTING DAMPERS A. Adjustable, curved vanes, mounted in supporting frame. B. All aluminum construction. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15825 DAMPERS -BALANCING 2 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install where indicated on the drawings and identified herein. For ducts concealed behind plaster or drywall ceilings, provide dampers where specifically shown on the drawings. B. Provide balancing damper on all branch ducts. C. Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA. D. Provide balancing dampers on all return air ducts connected to air handling units. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15828 ACOUSTIC LINING Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be ' governed by the requirements outlined in section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NFPA 90A-2009 Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. B. NFPA 906-2009 Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Systems ' C. ASTM C1071 -2005 Specification for Fibrous Glass Duct Lining Insulation (Thermal and Sound Absorbing Material) ' D. ASTM C411-OSe1 Test Method for Hot Surface Performance of High Temperature Thermal Insulation. E. ASTM C1104M - 00(2006) Test Method for Determining Water Vapour Sorption of Unlaced Mineral Fibre Insulation F. ASTMC916-85(2007) Specification for Adhesives for Duct Thermallnsulation G . ASTM G21 - 96(2002) Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of ' Synthetic Polymer Materials to Fungi H . ASTM G22 - 96(2002) Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of ' Plastics to Bacteria I. ASTM C423-09a Test for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method J. ASTM E795 - OS Standard PracticeforMounting Test Specimens During Sound Absorption Tests. K. ASHRAE 62.1 - 2007. L. CGSB 51.10-92 M. CGSB 51-GP-11 M Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre, Blanket for Piping, Ducting, Machinery and Bailers ' N. CGSB 51.2M Type II, Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene, Boards and Pipe Coverings. O. CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assemblies. P. SMACNA Duct Liner Application Standard. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 , SECTION 15828 ACOUSTIC LINING Page 2 1.03 FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS A. Meet NFPA 90A and ASTM E-84. Maximum flame spread rating of 25 and maximum , smoke developed rating of 50 in accordance with NFPA 255 and ASTM E-84 for all components of insulation system. Materials tested in accordance with ASTM C411. 1.04 SHOP DRAWINGS ' A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit for approval manufacturer's catalogue literature related to installation and ' jointing recommendations. C. Before ordering any insulation materials, prepare a sample board, with a cross ' section sample of all types of insulation, including exterior jacket, properly identified for the various services and equipment on the project and state types of adhesives used. Submit the sample board to the Consultant for review and after review and acceptance, the sample board shall be kept on site for the duration of the project for ' reference. Deviation from the accepted samples will not be allowed. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Deliver all materials to the job site and protect the insulation against dirt, water, ' chemical and mechanical damage before, during and after installation. Do not install damaged insulation and remove it from the project B. Deliver insulation, coverings, cements, adhesives, coatings etc. to the site in factory ' fabricated containers with manufacturer's stamp or label affixed showing fire hazard ratings of the products, name of manufacturer and brand. , C. Installed insulation which has not been weatherproofed shall be protected from inclement weather by an approved waterproof sheeting installed by the Contractor. Any wet or damaged insulation shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost. 1.06 ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE A. Acoustical performance shall be established byASTM C423-09a procedures. Sound absorption coefficients with type "A" mounting per ASTM E795 shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements established later in this specification. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIAL ' A. Fibrous glass flexible duct liner with factory applied edge coating. B. Rated for 250°F (121 C) service temperature and velocities up to 4,000 fpm. C. Surface coating shall contain an immobilized, EPA registered, anti microbial agent so Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 u DIVISION 15 SECTION 15828 ACOUSTIC LINING it will not support microbial growth as tested in accordance with ASTM G21 and G22. The coating shall be damage resistant which does not tear or abrade easily. Duct lining shall be capable of being cleaned per NAIMA Duct Cleaning Standards. D. The duct liner shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 1071 with a noise reduction criteria (NRC) rating of not less than 0.65 for 1" (25 mm) liner as tested per ASTM C 423 using a type "A" mounting in ASTM E 795. E. Duct lining adhesive shall conform to ASTM C916 "Specifications for Adhesives for Duct Thermal Insulation". Fasteners shall comply with SMACNA. F. Water vapour sorption shall not exceed 3 percent by weight. G. Thermal conductivity of the liner shall be no higher than 0.24 Btu/in/hr ftZ°F at 75°F (1.36 W/m2oC at 24°C) mean temperature. H. Density of insulation shall be a minimum density of 1.5 Ib/ft' (24 kglm3). I. Duct dimensions shown on the drawings are clear inside dimensions. Where acoustically lined, actual duct dimension shall be 2" (50 mm) larger than size shown on the drawing to accommodate 1" (25 mm) acoustic lining. J. Weld pins for installation priorto applying insulation. Nylon returning clips to be 1 1/4" (32mm) square. Adhesive pins or pins that penetrate the duct are not acceptable. The mechanical fasteners shall not compress the liner more than 1 /8" (3.2 mm) and shall be installed perpendicular to the air stream. K. Thickness: 1" (25 mm) or as indicated on the drawings. 1 L. Standard of Acceptance: Mason Akousti-Liner, Owens Corning, Knauf, Johns Mansville, CertainTeed Corporation. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Acoustically line inside of ducts where indicated on the drawings. B. For drawing clarity not all ductwork to be internally lined has been cross-hatched. Where cross-hatching is not continuous, internally insulate all ductwork from fan to furthest point from fan where cross-hatching has been shown. C. Install lining in accordancewith manufacturer's recommendations and in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA. D. Fasten to interior sheet metal surfaces with 100% coverage of a fire retardent adhesive and metal pins and washers at 16" (400mm) on centre and within 3" (75mm) from all joints and corners. The black acrylic face shall face the air stream. ' Darlington sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09069 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15828 ACOUSTIC LINING Page 4 E. All transverse and longitudinal abutting edges of duct lining shall be sealed and lapped 3" (75 mm) with a heavy coat of adhesive, in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. Seal all edges, pin penetrations and joints with adhesive. F. Protect leading edges at the fan discharge with sheet metal edging. Protect all other edges with adhesive. G. At velocities over 2000 fpm, coat all longitudinal joints with adhesive. H. Corner joints shall be overlapped so no gaps are present. Top pieces shall be supported by side pieces. I. All internal lining damaged during construction shall be repaired with adhesive. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15831 COMMERCIAL FANS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in section 15010 of the specification. B. Refer to section 15170 for electric motor requirements. ' C. Refer to section 15070 for V belt and drive requirements. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA ' A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010 and 01330. B. Product data to include fan curves and sound rating data. 1.D3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide operation and maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010 and 01830. 1.04 MANUFACTURED ITEMS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying ' adherence to codes and standards in force. 1.05 ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE A. Acoustical performance shall be established by AMCA standard 330, ASHRAE ' Standard 68 or ARI 260P procedures. Sound data shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements indicated on schedules. (Data that is presented in Bones or Bels is not acceptable. ' 1.06 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AMCA Standard 300-1996 Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans. ' B. AMCA Standard 301-1990 Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data. ' C. ARI Standard 575-94 Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Levels within Equipment Rooms. D. ARI Standard 350-86 Sound Rating of Non-Ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning ' Equipment. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15831 COMMERCIAL FANS Page 2 E. ASHRAE Standard 68-97 /AMCA Standard 330-86 Method of Testing In-Duct Sound Power Measurement Procedure for Fans. F. Refer to Section 15240 reference standards for additional requirements. 1.07 SPARE PARTS A. Provide one spare set of V belts for each fan provided. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 FANS GENERAL A. Capacity, static pressure, revolutions per minute, power, model, size and sound power levels: as indicated on the schedules. B. Sound ratings: comply with AMCA (Air Moving and Conditioning Association) 301-76 tested to AMCA 300-67. Sound power levels shall not exceed those of the fan selected on the Schedule. C. Fans: statically and dynamically balanced, constructed in conformity with AMCA 99-76. D. Ratings: based on tests performed in accordance with AMCA 210-74, and ASHRAE 51-2007. E. Accessories and hardware: V-belt drives, adjustable slide rail motor bases, belt guards & coupling guards. F. Factory primed before assembly in colour standard to manufacturer. G. Scroll drains: where indicated. 2.02 CENTRIFUGAL FANS A. Fan wheels: 1 Welded steel construction 2 Maximum operating speed of centrifugal fans not more than 50 percent of first critical speed. 3 Air foil backward inclined blades. B. Housings: Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15831 ' COMMERCIAL FANS Page 3 1 Form volute with inlet cones, fabricated steel fro wheels, braced, and with ' welded supports. 2 For horizontally or vertically split housings provide flanges on each section for bolting together, with gaskets of non oxidizing non flammable material. 3 Provide air tight access doors with handles. C. Motors: 1 Sizes as specified, Motor efficiency as identified in section 15010. 2 Motors connected to variable speed drives shall be rated forthat service and ' have a minimum of type F insulation. D. Bearings: 1 Bearings: shall be in self aligning pillow block, grease lubricated, extra heavy ' duty anti-friction double row, roller bearing ball, selected for an average life of 200,000 hours at design operating and maintenance conditions. Bearings are to be mounted on the fan structural bracing. Fans shall be accordance with ANSI 63.15-1972 for ball bearings and ANSI 83.16- 1972 for roller bearings and (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association) AFBMA L-10 life standard. 2 Standard of Acceptance: SKF, NTN Seal Master, Timken, FAG. Provide bearing lubrication system. E. Weatherproof Construction 1 All fans mounted on the roof shall be provided with a weatherproof enclosure. F. Standard of Acceptance 1 Cook, Twin City, Barry Blower, New York Blower. ' 2.03 CABINET FANS A. Single or multiple wheel withDWDlairfoilcentrifugalfansinfactoryfabricatedcasing complete with motor, V-belt drive and guard or outside casing. B. Fabricate casing of zinc coated or phosphate treated steel, reinforced and braced for rigidity. Provide removable panels for access to internal parts. Uncoated, steel parts shall be painted over with corrosion resistant paint to CGSB 1-GP- ' 181 M+Amdt-Mar-78. Finish inside and out, over prime coat, with rust resistant baked on enamel. Internally line cabinet with 3/S" (16 mm) thick rigid acoustic insulation. ' C. Bearings shall be heavy duty grease lubricated ball or roller bearings of self aligning type listed for an average life of 200,000 hours at design operating and maintenance conditions. Fans shall be accordance with ANSI 63.15 far ball bearings and ANSI ' Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL ProjeR No . 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15831 COMMERCIAL FANS Page 4 B3.16 for roller bearings and (Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association) AFBMA L-10 life standard. 1 Standard of Acceptance: SKF, NTN Seal Master, Timken, FAG. Provide bearing lubrication system. D. Motors shall be sized as specified. Motor efficiency shall be as specified in 15010. E. Standard of Acceptance: Cook, Greenheck, Jenn, Twin City, Carnes PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 FAN INSTALLATION A. Install fans as indicated, complete with resilient mountings specified in Section 15241 and flexible electrical leads. B. Provide a flexible connection on inlet ductwork and on discharge ductwork. Each sleeve shall be installed with at least 3" (75 mm) of slack across a clear metal to metal gap of 4" (100 mm). Each sleeve shall consist of a minimum of 7" (175 mm) of fabric. Ensure metal bands of connectors are parallel with minimum 3" (75 mm) flex between ductwork and fan during running. C. Install fan restraining snubbers as indicated. Flexible connections shall not be in tension during running. Provide all sheaves and belts required for final air balance. -END- Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15832 PACKAGED ROOF EXHAUSTERS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. B. Refer to section 15170 for electric motor requirements ' 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. ' B. Product data to include fan curves and sound rating data. 1.03 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide operation and maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. ' 1.04 MANUFACTURED ITEMS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards in force. 1.05 ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE A. Acoustical performance shall be established by AMCA Standard 300 or 301 ' procedures. Sound data shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements established in the schedules. ' 1.06 SPARE PARTS A. Provide one spare set of V belts for each fan provided. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 FANS GENERAL ' A. Provide, as indicated in the schedule, for CFM, total static pressure Pa, r/min, bhp, model and size and sound ratings. ' B. Fans: statically and dynamically balanced, constructed in conformity with AMCA 99. C. Ratings: based on tests performed in accordance with AMCA 210 and ASHRAE 51. ' D. Bearings: equip with sealed lifetime bearings of self aligning type with oil retaining, dust excluding seals and 100,000 h service in accordance with AFBMA B9 and 611 ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL ProjeM No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15832 PACKAGED ROOF EXHAUSTERS Page 2 ' life standard and standardforfanmanufacturerfordutyconcerned.Bearingsshallbe ' suited for service conditions. 2.02 ROOF EXHAUSTERS ' A. Centrifugal fan units, V belt ordirect driven, with spun aluminum housings, complete with resilient mounted motor and fan, adjustable motor sheave Y:" (12 mm) mesh 1/12" (2.0 mm) diam aluminum birdscreen, automatic motorized gasketted aluminum ' dampers; continuous curb gaskets, stainless steel securing bolts and screws, and prefabricated 16" (400mm) high insulated roof curbs. B. Direct drive fans as called for in the schedule shall be provided complete with , variable speed controller. Where variable speed controllers are shown on the drawings, mount the controller in the location shown and provide wiring and conduit to the exhaust fan. Where the controller is not shown on the drawings mount the ' controller within the fan housing. The balancer will utilize this controller to set the correct air flow. C. Where reverse acting thermostats are called for on the drawings or in the schedule ' mount the thermostat in the location shown and provide wiring and conduit to the exhaust fan. D. Confrm mounting location of the variable speed controllers or reverse acting ' thermostats with the consultant prior to installation. E. Sound power levels should not exceed those indicated on the schedule. ' F. Provide motorized damper for all fans unless specifically noted otherwise in the schedule. Motorized damper to be located in a location where it does not interfere with the air stream of the fan. ' G. Fan to be provided with insulated prefabricated roof curb. H. Standard of Acceptance: Cook, Greenheck, Jenn, Carnes, Twin City ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION ' A. Install roof exhausters in accordance with manufacturers instructions. B. Install prefabricated 16" (400mm) high insulated roof curbs for all roof exhausters. ' END- ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 1 I~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. B. Refer to Section 15170 for motor requirements. C. Refer to Section 15070 for V belts and guards requirements. D. Refer to Section 15855 for filters and spare filters requirements. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The air handling units shall conform to the requirements outlined ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004. 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010 and 01330. B. Indicate the following: 1 Fan 2 Fan curve 3 Motor drive 4 Filters c/w efficiency 5 Mixing box 8 Wiring diagrams 7 Control diagrams 8 Access doors 9 Dampers 10 D/x Cooling Coil 11 Natural Gas Heat Exchanger 12 Marine lights Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING 8 NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 2 13 Weights 14 All performance data 15 Deep seal trap requirements to suit units. C. Sound power data for all fans and air handling units to be provided. Sound power data shall include sound power data for return fan inlet, supply fan discharge and sound power levels radiated from the unit. 1.04 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. B. Look at OP2 specification and include information. 1.05 MAINTENANCE MATERIALS A. Provide maintenance materials in accordance with Section 15010 and 01830. 1.06 MANUFACTURED ITEMS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards in force. 1.07 ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE A. Acoustical performance shall be established by AMCA standard 330, ASHRAE Standard 68 or ARI 260P procedures. Sound data shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements indicated on schedules. (Data that is presented in sones or Bels is not acceptable. 1.08 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. AMCA Standard 300-1996 Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans. B. AMCA Standard 301-1990 Methods for Calculating Fan Sound Ratings from Laboratory Test Data. C. ARI Standard 575-94 Method of Measuring Machinery Sound Levels within Equipment Rooms. D. ARI Standard 350-86 Sound Rating of Non-Ducted Indoor Air-Conditioning Equipment. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X ' COOLING 8 NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 3 E. ASHRAE Standard 68-97/AMCA Standard 330-86 Method of Testing In-Duct Sound ' Power Measurement Procedure for Fans. F. Refer to Section 15240 and 15241 of the specification for additional requirements. ' 1.09 SPARE PARTS A. Provide one spare set of V belts for each fan provided. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 UNITS GENERAL A. Provide factory assembled air handling unit in configuration as indicated on drawings. Unit shall include all specified components installed at the factory. Field fabrication of units and their components will not be accepted. 2.02 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS A. Units shall consist of the following components: ' 1 RTU 1 U i N n - ( ) 1 Roof Mounted Air Handling t o. - 1 Horizontal type consisting of casing, motors, drives, prefilter and final cartridge filter section, outside air, exhaust and return air ' dampers, d/x cooling coil, indirect natural gas fired heat exchanger, mixing box, supply fan, condensing unit and hot gas bypass on lead compressor. 1 2 Supply fan shall be constant air volume. 3 Provide marine lights in all sections. 4 The air handling unit shall be designed and mounted on a 16" (400mm) high insulated prefabricated roof curb, supplied with the unit. 5 Air handling unit shall be designed for outdoor use. B. Casing " " " 1 All walls shall be constructed of minimum 2 (50 mm) thick, double wall solid acoustical thermal panels. Exterior wall panels shall be a minimum of 16-gauge galvanized steel. The inner wall shall be a minimum of 22-gauge ' metal, galvanized steel solid. The insulation shall be a minimum of 2" (50 mm) 3.0 Ib/cu. ft. density rigid fibreglass. All permanentlyjoined flanged panel surfaces shall be sealed with an individual strip of tape sealer. Wall (and roof) seams shall be turned inward to provide a clean flush exterior finish. All panel seams shall be sealed during assembly to produce an airtight unit. All wall construction shall be waterproof construction to facilitate regular maintenance wipe down of units. ' 2 All insulation edges shall be protected with metal lagging. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 J DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING 3 Casings shall be sized provide 500 fUmin velocity through the filter section. Casing shall be continuous size throughout the unit. G Base Construction 1 Units shall be constructed from structural steel channel iron around the perimeter of unit, with intermediate channel and angle iron supports. Units less than or equal to 10,000 cfm shall have a minimum 4" (100mm) channel, and units greater than 10,000 cfm shall have a minimum 6" (150mm) channel. 2 14-gauge checker plate floor shall be installed on the base. Flocrshall be flat, reinforced from below, with all seams continuously welded. Base shall be provided with lifting lugs, minimum four (4) per unit section. The base shall be insulated with 2" (50 mm) 1 1/2 Ib/ft3 fibreglass insulation under the floor. 3 Provide auxiliary drains in fan sections downstream of cooling coils and humidifiers and in mixing sections. Drain pans shall slope to drains. 4 All drain connections on roof mounted air handling units shall terminate at the side of the unit. D. Access Doors Access doors shall be manufactured from 16-gauge galvanized steel. The doors shall be double wall construction with 22-gauge solid metal liner on the inside. Corners of the doors shall be continuously welded for rigidity. A minimum of two inch 3.0 Ib/cu. ft. density insulation shall be sandwiched between the 16-gauge outer layer and the 22-gauge solid inner layer. Access doors shall be provided with continuous piano hinges. 2 Provide 10" (250mm) round double pane glass window in each door. All doors to be identical construction. 3 Two (2) "Ventlock" latches operable from either side of door shall be provided. Door opening shall be fully gasketed with continuous 112" (13 mm) closed cell hollow round black gasket with a metal encapsulated reinforced backing that mechanically fastens to the door frame. Door frames shall be made from 16-gauge galvanized steel with the outside of the door flush with the unit. Minimum door opening size shall be 18" x 60" (450 mm x 1500 mm) (Where unit height permits). 4 All doors under positive pressure shall open inwards and doors under negative pressure shall open outwards. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 LJ LJ DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 5 E. Fans 1 Fans shall be either AMCA-rated DWDI centrifugal forvvard curved type or Class II Air Foil centrifugal fans as indicated in the schedules or as implied by the specified equipment. ' 2 All fans shall be tested in accordance with AMCA Standard 210-70 Test Code for Air Moving Devices. 3 fan housing shall be constructed of steel, adequately braced with structural steel for rigidity. 4 Fan shafts are to be solid, ground and polished, carbon steel, SAE 1045 ' material, machined to close tolerances, keyed to the fan wheel. Coat the fan shaft with a rust inhibitor after machining. Hollow shafts will not be acceptable. 5 Fan bearings shall be self aligning pillow block, grease lubricated, extra heavy duty anti-friction double row, roller bearing ball, selected for an average life of 200,000 hours at L50 design operating and maintenance conditions. Bearings are to be mounted on the fan structural bracing. Provide extended lubrication lines to permit lubrication for both bearings to be pertormed from the access door side of the air handling unit for units less than 10,000 CFM. ' 8 Fan and motor are to be mounted on an all welded, structural steel, prime coated, internal isolation base with springs selected to provide 99% isolation efficiency from the building structure. The outlet of the fan shall be separated ' from the unit casing by means of a factory installed flexible fabric connection. The internally mounted motor shall be provided on a slide rail base to allow proper adjustment of belt tension. 7 Drive sheaves are to be machined cast iron. Provide an adjustable motor ' sheave on motors of 5 HP and less. Sheave selections and belt lengths are to he in accordance with the drive manufacturer for the specific motor loads being encountered. 8 Fan motors shall be high efficiency ODP type. All fan motors connected to variable frequency drives shall be rated for that service and shall be provided with minimum type F insulation. Refer to Section 15170 of the specification ' for requirements. 9 Air Handling Units provided with variable frequency drives shall be wired with ' Drive RX cable. 10 Provide belt guard as indicated in section 15070. 11 Centrifugal Fan Standard of Acceptance: Greenheck, Chicago Blower, Barry Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING 8 NATURAL GAS HEATING Blower, New York Blower, Twin City F. Vibration Isolation 6 1 An integral all welded steel vibration isolation base shall be provided for the fan and motor. 2 Isolators shall be free standing with sound deadening pads and leveling bolts. 3 Spring diameter to compressed operating height ratio shall be 1 to 1. Deflection to be in accordance with the schedule. 4 Provide a minimum of 4" (100mm) flexible connection between fan outlet and unit casing and return air inlet and unit casing. G. Coils 1 Rack shall be stainless steel. 2 Removable coil access panels shall be provided to remove coils through casing wall. Coils shall be individually removable towards the access side as shown on the drawings. 3 Coils shall be designed for d/x cooling service with alternate tube circuiting and Tx valve. 4 Coils shall be certified in accordance with ARI Standard 410-81. 5 Coils shall be hydrostatically tested at 400 Psig, (2758 KPa) and shall be suitable for working pressures and temperatures up to 200 Psig (1379 KPa) and 220°F (104°C). 6 Pipe connections shall be on the same end, and shall be threaded. 7 On cooling coils using vertically corrugated fins. Face velocity shall not exceed a velocity of 500 fpm (2.5 M/sec). 8 Each refrigerant coil shall be equipped with a distributor connected to the coil by copper tubes. 9 Provide hot gas bypass on lead compressor for all air handling units. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEt. Project No. 09064 ~~ 0 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 ' CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING 8 NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 7 H. Filter Gauges f 1 Provide Dwyer 2000 magnehelic gauges. ' 2 Magnehelic gauges shall be accurate to +/-2e/a of full range. 3 One gauge shall be provided to serve both the pre filter and final filter. ' I. Finish 1 Unit shall be finished painted with two component etch bond primer and fnish painted with alkyd enamel. All uncoated steel shall be painted with red oxide primer. All metal surtaces shall be prepainted with vinyl wash primer to ensure paint bond to metal. 2 Unpainted units will not be accepted. ' J Weath er roofin . p g ' 1 Units shall be weatherproofed and equipped for installation outdoors. The unit shall include for the prevention of infiltration of rain and snow into the unit. The air intakes shall be provided with louvers and the exhaust air openings shall be provided with 1" (25mm) galvanized inlet screens and hoods, rain gutters over all access doors and all joints shall be caulked with a ' water resistant sealant. K. Roof Curb ' 1 Provide a full perimeter insulated roof mounting curb of heavy gauge sheet metal, minimum of 16" (400mm) high, complete with wood nailer, neoprene sealing strip and fully welded "Z" bar with a 1" (25mm) upturn on inner ' perimeter, to provide a complete seal against the elements. 2 Gasketing shall be provided forfield mounting between the unit base and roof 1 L Fil curb. . ters 1 For all air handling units refer to section 15855 for filter requirements and the ' number of spare filters required. M. Dampers 1 Refer to Section 15853. 2 Dampers complete with actuators to be provided with the air handling unit. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEO Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 t SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 8 ' N. Drip Pans 1 Provide a stainless steel sloped primary drain pan underthe cooling coil and beyond leaving side of the coil and underneath of the cooling coil connections. The drain pan shall have a minimum slope of 1/8" per foot and shall be connected to a stainless steel drain connection extending through the base. Provide intermediate secondary stainless steel drain pans connected to the primary drain pan for stacked coils. Access panel located adjacent to drip pan allowing access for cleaning. Provide 1" (25 mm) drain connection at eMerior of the unit. ' O. Mixing Box 1 Material to match casing. 2 Length as indicated on the drawings. Mixing boxes shorterthan shown on the air handling unit drawings will not be accepted. ' P. Marine Lights 1 Provide marine lights with protective metal case and glass seals in each ' section. Provide a duplex receptacle on the wall beside the switch for the marine lights mounted adjacent to the supply fan access door. 2 Marine lights shall be provided within the air handling units identified in item ' 2.1.3 above. 3 Provide one switch with an indicator light to turn on/off the marine lights in all sections of the air handling unit. The switch shall be mounted on the exterior , of the unit adjacent to the supply fan access door. 4 Factory wire from the switch to the lights in rigid conduit with rain tight steel couplings and connectors. Utilize minimum No. 12 wiring. Electrical power , shall be 120V/1/60. 5 Division 16 shall provide the 120V power connection to the switch to power , the marine lights. O. Heat Exchanger and Burner , 1 The indirect natural gas fired heating section shall be C-ETL approved for both sea-level and high altitude areas. The packaged unit assembly shall be approved and labeled by a nationally recognized certification agency. ' 2 Operating natural gas pressure at unit manifold shall be 7" w.c. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' ' DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS DIX COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 9 3 The primary drum and multi-tube secondary shall be 409 titanium stainless ' steel of a floating, stress relieved design. Heat exchanger shall be provided with condensate drain connection. The heat exchanger casing shall house 1" (25mm) of insulation between outer cabinet and inner liner. ' 4 The burner shall be a blow through positive pressure type with an intermittent pilot ignition providing a high seasonal efficiency. Flame surveillance shallbe with a solid state programmed flame relay c/w flame rod. The burnerand gas ' train shall be in a cabinet enclosure. The burner shall be equipped with a minimum of 15:1 turndown ratio with a minimum of 80 percent efficiency through the entire range. Burner controls are to include modulating combustion air and gas control. 5 Clam shell type heat exchangers are not acceptable. 6 The burner, controls and valve shall be housed within an integral burner vestibule. The vestibule door shall be hinged at the top and equipped with steel retainer rod to hold the door open for service. ' 7 R C d The burner shall be factory tested and adjusted. i U it . on ens ng n s 1 .Fabricate as an integral part of unit complete with all refrigerant lines, valves and specialties located within the unit. 2 Condensing units shall be C.S.A. approved. Condensing units shall be designed for a minimum of 15°F (8°C) liquid subcooling. Condensing units shall operate down to 50°F (10°C) as standard. Multiple compressor/condenser circuits shall be separate from each other. Service ports fitted with Schroeder fittings shall be connected to the suction and discharge lines for charging or pressure gauge readings. Semi-hermetic units shall also incorporate liquid line service ports and liquid line manual shut-off valves. Incorporate load compensated thermal expansion valves ' 3 with external equalizers and combination sight glass moisture eliminators. C l ontro s for semi-hermetic compressor units shall include compressor and condenser fan motor contactors, control circuit transformers, cooling relays, recycling pumpdown relays, ambient compressor lockout, manual reset high ' pressure controls, automatic reset low pressure controls, head pressure actuated fan cycling switches, temperature and pressure actuated cylinder unloading, solid state compressor overload protection module with integral two minute anti-cycle timer and oil pressure failure switch with built in time delay. 4 Provide five minute anti-cycle timers. ' S Provide interstage time delay timers. Darlington Sports CenUe, Arena Renovation CEL Projec[ No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 10 , 6 Provide hot gas bypass connection on the lead compressor. ' 7 Provide normally closed relay in D/x circuit to lockout cooling during power ' failure. 2.03 AIR HANDLING UNIT CONTROLLER ' A. Provide programmable thermostat capable of allowing space temperature control and interface to air handling unit controller. The Div. 15 contractor to provide all required mechanical wiring between devices. ' B. The air handling unit shall be provided with a stand alone controller capable of the following features: 1 The controller's electronic temperature control system shall provide up to 5 I stages of mechanical cooling control to maintain discharge (room) temperature. The minimum run and off time for the compressors shall be variable based on load requirements. ' 2 Provide automatic changeover from heating to cooling and vice versa. The controller shall automatically start in heating, economizer, or cooling mode based on continuously monitored ambient temperature and load ' requirements. 3 The heat/economizer/cool function shall be modulating discharge air complete with sensor and integral selector with variable room control ' ( Programmable Thermostat) 4 The controller shalt include an adjustable low limit set point for freeze ' protection to cease equipment operation in the event of low discharge temperature. If the discharge air temperature falls below the adjusted set point, the blowers will shut down and the outside air dampers shall close. The low limit bypass timer shall vary automatically depending on the thermal coefficient of the style of heat exchanger. 5 As the ambient temperature falls, the controller shall automatically , compensate for outside air thermal expansion by proportionally reducing the amount of outside air. 6 The controller shall automatically pre-heat and cool down the heat exchanger ' before enabling or disabling the supply blower. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' cEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15842 ' CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D/X COOLING & NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 11 7 P id i rov e an econom zer with adjustable minimum position setting. The economizer shall function as follows: ' 1 Until there is a cooling demand, the economizer will operate at minimum position. 2 On a call for cooling, the economizer will modulate to provide the required discharge air temperature. 3 The outside air dampers will continue to modulate until they are fully open. On further cooling demand, compressors No. 1 will be activated. The outside air damper will continue to modulate in order to maintain a constant compressor load until the outside ambient ' dry bulb temperature exceeds the indoor dry bulb temperature at which point the outside air dampers will assume minimum position. 4 If the discharge air temperature approaches the low limit set point , the controller shall automatically reduce the economizer minimum ' fresh air down to half of its original setting to compensate. 8 In heating control mode, the outside air dampers shall be fixed in the minimum position. The controller will provide a 0-10VDC signal to a second ' level control device that shall control gas fired heating. C. The second level control device shall be capable of controlling the gas fired heating ' section of the air handling unit. This control device shall be capable of the following: 1 The controller shall provide proportional or integral discharge air temperature contra 1. ' 2 Di h sc arge air temperature set point shall have a 55 deg F to 100 deg F setting range. ' 3 Heating shall be disabled above an adjustable ambient temperature set point. 4 Adjustable authority discharge air temperature reset shall be provided with authority from the programmable thermostat. 5 The minimum heater protection shall be a high temperature limit switch, an induced draft motor speed sensor, flame proving controls redundant gas valve. 6 Continuous monitoring of the pilot valve and flame relay operation. ' 7 The controller shall attempt up to 3 ignition attempts (DJ and DG up to 2500 MBH) in the event of loss of flame signal before disabling equipment operation. 2.04 STANDARDS OF ACCEPTANCE ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15842 CUSTOM ROOF MOUNTED AIR HANDLING UNITS D!X COOLING i;< NATURAL GAS HEATING Page 12 ' A. Standard of Acceptance: Engineered Air, McOuay Skyline. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION /START-UP SERVICE A. Install units in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as indicated. , B. All air handling units shall be provided with 18" (400mm) insulated roof curb. Unit to be installed flat and level on the roof curb. C. Arrange a factory trained technician to provide full time advice to assemble the unit on site to ensure the unit is aligned and sealed properly. The factory shall allow one i h bid pr ce. e (1) full day on this requirement and this shall be included in t ' D. Provide afactory-trained service technician without additional charge to start and commission the units. In addition, factory shall allow at least one (1) extra normal working day on job site to instruct Owner's representatives; dates will be determined ' by Owner's representative. This extra day is in addition to the day noted in the item above. E. Provide all wiring for internal controls and power wiring. Provide wiring diagram to ' reflect actual installed wiring. F. Provide start up reports from the manufacturer's representative for both heating and ' cooling. -END- t Darlington sports Cen[re, Arena Renovation ' CEL Protect No. 09064 1 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15851 LOUVRES, INTAKE AND VENTS Page 1 ' PART 1: GENERAL ' 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by ' the requirements outlined in section 15010. 1 02 SHOP DRAWINGS . ' A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate the following: Louvres, Style and Performance. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) Standard 511 ' 1.04 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by ' manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying adherence AMCA Standard 500 testing procedures. PART 2: PRODUCTS ' 2.01 GOOSENECK HOODS A. Thickness: to SMACNA. B. Fabrication: to SMACNA. C. Joints: to SMACNA. ' 02 STATIONARY LOUVRES 2 . A. B Construction: welded with exposed joints ground flush and smooth. l ll M i l t d d i 6063 T5 . ater ru num a a : ex e a um oy - . C. Blade: stormproof pattern with rain check, reinforcing basses and maximum blade length of 1500 mm. Blade to have a 39 degree angle. D. All welded construction with a minimum of 1" (25mm) fillet welds. ' E. Frame, head, sill and jamb: 4" (100 mm) deep one piece extruded aluminum, minimum 0.081" (2 mm) thick with approved caulking slot, integral to unit. ' F. Mullions: at 5 ft (1500 mm) maximum centres. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15851 LOUVRES, INTAKE AND VENTS Page 2 , G. Fastenings: stainless steel (Society of Automotive Engineers) SAE-194-SF with , SAE-194- SFB nuts and resilient neoprene washers between aluminum and head of bolt, or between nut, ss washer and aluminum body. ' H. Screen: 12 mm mesh aluminum bird screen in removable extruded aluminum frame. Provide mesh in removable extruded aluminum frame. I. Finish: factory applied Duranar-XL baked enamel finish. A paint chip will be provided ' by the Architect during the shop drawing stage for this project. Louvres to be custom coloured to match paint chip. J. Performance: ' 1 Free area 4' x 4' unit: 8.82 sq. ft (0.820 sq. m): 55.3%. m (intake) at 990 f 14 In w 2 P d ' . p .g. ressure rop . 3 Water penetration .01 oz. per sq. ft. free area at 990 fpm. ' K. Standard of Acceptance: Construction Specialties, Airolite K6774, Alumavent Ind. Ltd., Airstream Products Inc., McGill PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 IN STALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and in accordance with , recommendations of SMACNA. B. Reinforce and brace air vents, intakes and gooseneck hoods for wind speed in accordance with NBC fior location. C Blank off and insulate with sheet metal, 2" (50mm) of insulation and sheet metal, all . unused portions of louvres. , -END- ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15853 DAMPERS OPERATING Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. B. Indicate the following. 1 Performance curve charts. 1.03 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in Section 15010. ' 1.04 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogue or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency. fl PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MULTI-LEAF (NOT CONNECTED DIRECTLY TO OUTSIDE AIR) A. Opposed or Parallel blade type. Two position dampers to be parallel, modulating dampers to be opposed blade type. B. Blades to be of extruded aluminum profiles. Blade ends to be capped in orderto seal hollow interior and reduce air leakage rate. C. Blade and frame seals shall be of extruded silicon and be secured in an integral slot within the aluminum eMrusions. D. Bearings to be comprised of a Celcon inner bearing fixed to a 7/16" aluminum hexagon blade pin rotating within a polycarbonate outer bearing inserted in frame. E. Linkage hardware shall be installed in frame side and be constructed of aluminum and corrosion resistant, zinc and nickel plated steel, complete with cup point trunnion screws for slip proof grip. F. Dampers to be designed for operation in temperatures ranging between - 40°F and 212°F (-40 C to 100 C). G. Damper actuator shall be provided by the Controls Contractor. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15853 DAMPERS OPERATING Page 2 H. Performance: leakage in closed position to be less than 4.9 cfm/ft2 against 4" differential static pressure at ~0 F. I. Air leakage through a 48" x 48" (1220mm x 1220mm) damper shall not exceed 1.7 cfm/ft2 against 1" w.g. differential static pressure at standard air. Standard air leakage data to be certified under the AMCA certified ratings program. J. Pressure drop of a fully open 48" x 48" (1220mm x1220mm) damper shall not exceed 0.02" w.g. at 1000 fpm. K. Dampers shall be made to size and shall not be limited to standard sizes. L. Standard of Acceptance: Tamco Air Foil Series 1500, Ruskin CD50 Series, Arrow PBDAF 206 and OBDAF 2D7. 2.02 MULTILEAF (DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO OUTSIDE AIR) A. Opposed or Parallel blade type. Two position dampers to be parallel, modulating dampers to be opposed blade type. B. Damper frame shall be of extruded aluminum not less than 0.08" (2.03mm) in thickness. Damper frame to be 4" (101.6mm) deep and shall be insulated with Styrofoam on four sides. Entire frame shall be thermally broken by means of polyurethane resin pockets, complete with thermal cuts. C. Blades to be of extruded aluminum, internally insulated with expanded polyurethane foam and shall be thermally broken. Complete blade shall have an insulating factor of R-2.29 and a temperature index of 55. D. Blade and frame seals shall be of extruded silicon and be secured in an integral slot within the aluminum extrusions. E. Bearings to be comprised of a Celcon inner bearing fixed to a 7116" aluminum hexagon blade pin rotating within a polycarbonate outer bearing inserted in frame. F. Linkage hardware shall be installed in frame side and be constructed of aluminum and corrosion resistant, zinc and nickel plated steel, complete with cup pointtrunnion screws for slip proof grip. G. Dampers to be designed for operation in temperatures ranging between - 40°F and 212°F (-40 C to 10D C). H. Damper actuator shall be provided by the Controls Contractor. I. Performance: leakage in closed position to be less than 4.9 cfm/ft2 against 4" differential static pressure at -40 °F. J. Air leakage through a 48" x 48" (1220mm x 1220mm) damper shall not exceed 4.12 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 CJ ~J LJ LJ E1 ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15853 DAMPERS OPERATING 3 cfm/ft2 against 4" w.g. differential static pressure at standard air. Standard air leakage data to be certified under the AMCA certified ratings program. K. Pressure drop of a fully open 48" x 48" (1220mm x1220mm) damper shall not exceed 0.03" w.g. at 1000 fpm. L. Dampers shall be made to size and shall not be limited to standard sizes. M. Standard of Acceptance: Tamco Air Foil Series 9000 BF, Ruskin CD2000 Series, Arrow PBDAF 206 and OBDAF 207 insulated. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in the exhaust air ducts from all air handling units and return fans where the exhaust dud connects to the exhaust air plenum unless otherwise noted on the drawings. B. Outside air and return air dampers shall be factory mounted within the air handling units unless otherwise noted on the drawings. C. Install in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Seal multiple damper modules with UL listed non-transparent silicon sealant. END- DIVISION 15 SECTION 15854 DAMPERS -FIRE AND SMOKE Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This Section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010 -Mechanical, General Provisions. 1.02 A. ANSIlNFPA 90A-20091nstallation of Air Conditioning and Venting Systems B. CAN 4-S112-M84 (R2001) Fire Test of Fire Damper Assemblies C. CAN4-S112.2-M84 Fire Test of Ceiling Firestop Flap Assemblies D. ULC-S505-1974 Fusible Links for Fire Protection Service. E. UL-555-2006 Standard for Safety Fire Dampers F. UL-555C-2006 Standard for Safety Ceiling Dampers 1.03 PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15D10. B. Operational and Maintenance Data: Provide equipment literature, operating instructions, maintenance instructions, parts lists, and other pertinent data for all equipment and systems covered by this Section. C. Indicate the following: 1 fire dampers; 2 fire stop flaps; 3 operators; 4 fusible Links. D. Maintenance Data: 1 Provide maintenance data for incorporation into the Maintenance Manual(s) as specified in Section 15010. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Regulatory Requirements: Conform to the requirements of local By-laws, Ministry of Labour Regulations, and Authorities having jurisdiction. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Projeect.NO. 09060 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15854 DAMPERS -FIRE AND SMOKE 1.05 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by the manufacturer(s) or those ordered by him from an Independent Testing Agency signifying adherence to Codes and Standards. B. 1.06 SAMPLE FOR THE BUILDING INSPECTOR A. At the start of construction the Mechanical Contractor complete the installation of one fire damper to provide a sample for review by the Building Inspector. B. The Mechanical Contractor shall arrange to have the Building Inspector and the Mechanical Consultant review the installation prior to proceeding with the installation of the remainder of the fire dampers on the site. Any modifications requested by the Building Inspector shall be rectified. C. All fire dampers for the project shall be installed in accordance with this sample. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 FIRE DAMPERS A. Fire dampers shall be listed, bear a label of ULC approval, shall conform to the requirements of UL555 Standard for Fire Dampers and shall meet with requirements of NFPA 90A and Authorities having jurisdiction. B. Unless otherwise noted on the drawings, furnish "Type B" fire dampers for rectangular or square ductwork and "Type C" fire dampers for round ductwork. C. Furnish fire dampers and frame constructed of same material as the duct in which they are installed. Damper(s) shall be factory fabricated forfire rating requirements to maintain integrity of fire wall andlor fire separation. D. Top hinges shall be offset, round or square; multi-blade hinged or interlocking type and sized to maintain full duct cross section. E. Fusible link actuated. Fusible link shall be rated for 74° C. (165° F.) unless otherwise noted on the drawings. Dampers shall be provided with closing features as follows: 1 Vertical Fire Damper with Horizontal Air Flow: 1 weighted to close and lock in closed position when released. 2 Horizontal Fire Damper with Vertical Air Flow or MultiLeaf Fire Dampers: 1 provided with a stainless steel closure spring. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15854 DAMPERS -FIRE AND SMOKE Page 3 ' F. Angle Iron Frames: 1 Duct sizes less than 48" (1200 mm) width or 60" (1500 mm) in height provide the following: 1 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 16 gauge (40 mm x 40 mm x 16 gauge) angle iron on full perimeter of frame on both sides of the wall or floor being t pierced. Angles shall be fastened to the sleeves with one (1) of the following: 1 1/4" (6 mm) diameter nuts and bolts; 2 welding 6" (150 mm) on centre; ' 3 No.10 sheet metal screws 6" (150 mm) on centre; 4 3/16" (5 mm) steel pop rivets. 2 Duct sizes 48" (1200 mm) width or 60" (1500 mm) height or greater, provide the following: 1 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 118" (40 x 40 x 3 mm) angle iron on full perimeter of frame on both sides of wall or floor being pierced. Angles shall ' be fastened to the sleeves with one (1) of the following: 1 1/4" (6 mm) diameter nuts and bolts; 2 welding 6" (150 mm) on centre; 3 No. 14 sheet metal screws 8" (200 mm) on centre; ' 4 3116" (5 mm) steel pop rivets. G. The maximum single damper of a multiple damper assembly shall be 60" x 54" (1530 mm x 1375 mm) in vertical mountings and 40x36" (1000 mm x 900 mm) in horizontal mountings. In cases where the openings are larger than these dimensions, a 12" (300 mm) wide brick or reinforced concrete mullion shall be provided between adjacent assemblies. ' H. Sleeves shall be of the same gauge or heavier than the duct they are connecting to. Sleeves shall extend 3" (75 mm) on either side of the wall or floor to facilitate the joining of the sleeve to the duct. In cases where the width of the retaining angle is ' such that it would inhibit joining the sleeve to the duct, the collar may eMend approximately 2" (50 mm) beyond the edge of the angles. I. Standard of Acceptance: 1 Nailor Industries, EH Price, Canada Advanced Air Ltd., Penn Ventilator Canada Ltd. and Ruskin (Kerr-Hunt). ' 2.02 FIRE STOP FLAPS A. Fire stop flaps shall be ULC listed and labelled and fire tested in accordance with ' CAN4-5112.2. B. Blades shall be galvanized steel with ceramic fibre insulation (non asbestos). Frame shall be galvanized. Pins and hinges shall be corrosion-resistant. ° C. Flaps to be held open with fusible link conforming to ULC-S505 and close at 165 F. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL ProjeU No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15854 DAMPERS -FIRE AND SMOKE 4 (74° C.). D. Maximum size of fire stop flap shall be 24" x 24" (600 x 600 mm). E. Where fire stop flaps are provided for square ceiling diffusers, provide ceramic fibre thermal blanket on the back of the ceiling diffuser. Size of blanket shall match ceiling diffuser size. F. Standard of Acceptance: 1 Nailor Industries, EH Price, Canada Advanced Air Ltd., Penn Ventilator Canada Ltd. and Ruskin (Kerr-Hunt). PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 I NSTALLATIO N A. General: 1 Maintain integrity of fire wall and/or fire separation. 2 For fire dampers provide an access door adjacent to the damper to allow for inspection of the damper. Refer to Section 15820 for access door requirements. 3 After completion and prior to concealment, obtain approvals of complete installation. 4 Provide fire stop flaps on any grilles penetrating fire-rated ceilings. 5 The Mechanical Contractor shall review the Architectural Drawings. Any discrepancies between fire damper locations and the fire rated walls shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant. B. Fire Dampers: 1 Install fire dampers in accordance with NFPA 90A, UL555 and suppliers instructions, complete with retaining angles on both sides of wall or floor and fastened to damper collars. 2 Minimum size of the opening for the fire damper shall be larger than the fire damper by 118" (3 mm) for each 12" (300 mm) of width or height of the damper to allow for expansion. The maximum allowable size of the opening shall be 112" (12 mm) larger in either dimension than the allowable minimum size. 1 Example, a sleeve dimension of 36" x 48" (900 x 1200 mm) shall have an opening of 36-3/8" x 48-1/2" (912 x 1212 mm) The Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. U9064 u ~1 r r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15854 DAMPERS -FIRE AND SMOKE Paae 5 maximum opening size shall be 36-7/8" x 49" (924 x 1224 mm). 3 The damper shall be connected to the sleeve by one (1) of the following methods: 1 Where the sleeve is the same metal gauge as the duct, the duct shall be connected to the sleeve utilizing one (1) of the approved slip joints. 2 Where the sleeve is 16-gauge up to 36" x 24" (900 x 600 mm) and 14-gauge for sizes exceeding 36" x 24" (900 x 600 mm) the duct may be connected with a rigid or fixed joint. 4 The damper shall be centred horizontally in the opening and all of the clearance in the vertical plane shall be at the top. 5 Dampers shall not be cast-in-place. Retaining angles and damper shall not be fastened directly to the wall or floor. 6 The damper shall be installed in the plane of the fire separation. C. Fire Stop Flaps: 1 Fire stop flaps shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 90A-2009 and the supplier's instructions 2 Acceptable Mounting Method: 1 Support the duct with two (2) 16-gauge, cold rolled steel support channels. Place the support channels at the bottom of the duct, adjacent to both sides of the duct drop. Install the ceiling fire stop flap in the duct drop using 3/16" (5 mm) diameter by 1/2" (12 mm) long steel bolts, No. 8 sheet metal screws or 3/16" (5 mm) diameter steel rivets. 3 Provide No. 12 galvanized steel wire hangers to independently support the channels to the structural members of the floor or roof above. 4 Clearance between each side of the ceiling fire stop flap and the duct drop shall be 118" (3 mm ). 5 The grille or diffuser shall be attached to the duct drop or ceiling fire stop flap using No. 8 by 1/2" (12 mm) sheet metal screws at 8" (200 mm) on centre and at least one (1) screw per side. The grille or diffuser flange shall overlap the ceiling opening by a minimum of 1" (25 mm). -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ~_J ~~ 1 O ~~ DIVISION 15 SECTION 15855 FILTERS Paae 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASHRAE 52.2-1999 1 Filters shall meet the rated performance specifications based on the ASHRAE 52.2-1999 test method. Filters utilizing partial or complete synthetic media will be tested in compliance with pre-conditioning steps as stated in Appendix J. 2 All testing is to be conducted on filters with a nominal 600 x 600 mm (24" by 24") face dimension. Testing to be performed at an independent, commercially operated test lab or a test lab covered by an ISO 9000 qualitylbusiness system. All performance data to be supplied from the same individual test report. B. ARI 850-93 Section 7.4 I 1 Pertinent tolerances specified in Section 7.4 of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 850-93 shall apply to the performance ratings ' 1.03 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. ' 1.04 MAINTENANCE DATA A. Provide maintenance data for incorporation into maintenance manual specified in ' Section 15010. I TION OF RA IN 1.05 CERT FICA T GS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards.. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL ' A. Filters: Suitable for air at 100% RH. Air temperatures up to 350 F. ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15855 FILTERS 2.02 2.03 B. Provide filter types described herein for air handling units as specified in Section 15840 and as identified in specification and on the drawing. LOCATIONS REQUIRED E ui ment Location T e Merv Ratin De th Roof Top Air Handlin Units Intake Pleated Panel 8 SOmm Intake Cartrid e 14 300mm Supply Fans Intake Pleated Panel 8 25mm FILTER PERFORMANCE A. Pleated Panel Filters (50mm (2"); MERV 8; UL 900 Class 2) (30 to 35% Dust Spot Efficiency) 1 Each filter shall consist of an individual pleated media pack, enclosed in a clay coated board frame, with integral pleat stabilizers and support straps. 2 The media shall be a blend of 100% virgin synthetic fibers. Media must also be self supporting in pleated form, with no metal or plastic material laminated to the media to provide pleat support. The pleated media pack must be enclosed in a 1-piece, 28 pt. moisture resistant beverage carrier board frame. In addition to the perimeter frame, the filter must have three pleat stabilizers bonded to the media on the air leaving side and three support straps adhered to the air entering side of the filter. The pleat stabilizers must be made of moisture resistant beverage carrier board, and bonded to the media to maintain the proper pleat spacing throughout the life of the filter. The support straps are to be made from moisture resistant beverage carrier board and must be adhered along the tips of each pleat. 4 Filters of the size and air flow capacity shall meet the following rated performance specifications based on the ASHRAE 52.2-1999 test method. Pertinent tolerances specified in Section 7.4 of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard 850-93 shall apply to the performance ratings. All testing is to be conducted on filters with a nomina1600 x600 (24" x 24") face dimension. Minimum Efficient Re ortin Value 8 Dust Holdin Ca acit rams 105 Nominal Size (Width x Height x Depth) 600x600x50 24x24x2 Rated Air Flow Ca acit cfm 2000 Rated Air Flow Rate feet er minute 500 Final Resistance inches w. 1.0 Rated Initial Resistance inches w. 0.33 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09069 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15855 FILTERS Page 3 ' 5 The f Iters shall be approved and listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. as Class 2 when tested according to U. L. Standard 900 and CAN 4-5111. ' 6 Standard of Acceptance: AAF "PerfectPleat M8", Farr, Flanders, PM Wright B. Exte nded Surface Cartridge Filters (300mm (12"); MERV 14; UL 900 Class 1): 1 Each filter shall consist of a pleated media pack contained in galvanized steel cell sides. The filters shall be capable of operating at temperatures up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The filters must fit without modification to the holding frames. 2 The filter cell sides and single (peripheral) header shall be constructed of 30 gauge galvanized steel. The header and cell sides must be of unitized design, where the cell sides are interlocked with the header along the entire perimeter of the filter. This is to provide maximum sealing around the filter, eliminating the potential for air bypass. To further seal the contact between the header and cell sides, tape is applied at each corner of the filter to ' eliminate any bypass that may occur. The rear flanges of the cell sides should also be crimped to eliminate sharp edges and riveted to eliminate air bypass. One half inch wide bars of 20 gauge steel are riveted to the air ' leaving side of the filter to add supplemental support to the media pack.\ 3 The media shall be made of micro glass fibers with a water repellent binder. The media shall be a dual density construction, with coarser fibers on the air entering side and finer fbers on the air leaving side. 4 The media shall be pleated using corrugated aluminum separators. The ' edges of the separators shall be rolled over, to prevent any accidental abrasion or cutting of the media. 5 During the pleating of the media, a small amount of adhesive is applied to each separator, which bonds the adjacent media to the separator. This 1 provides a rigid media pack that minimizes any shifting or excessive movement of the pack which could damage the media. A layer of lofted, high efficiency media is applied between the media pack and the cell sides at the top and bottom of the f Iter. This provides a sealant for air bypass, as well as a cushion for the media pack during any shipping or handling. The media is glued along the sides of the filter to prevent air bypass. ' 6 Filters of the size, air flow capacity and nominal efficiency (MERV) shall meet the following rated performance specifications based on the ASHRAE 52.2- 1999 test method. Where applicable, performance tolerance specified in Section 7.4 of the Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI) Standard ' 850-93 shall apply to the performance ratings. All testing is to be conducted on filters with a nominal 600 x 600 mm (24"x24") header dimension. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15855 FILTERS Page 4 Minimum Efficiency 14 13 11 Reporting Value Dust S of Efficienc 90 to 95% 80 to 90% 60 to 65% Dust Holding 180 130 245 Ca aci rams Nominal Size (Width 600x600x300 600x600x300 600x600x300 x Hei ht x De th 24x24x12 24x24x12 24x24x12 Rated Air Flow 2000 2000 2000 Ca acit cfm Rated Air Flow Rate 500 500 500 feet er minute Final Resistance 1.5 1.2 1.2 inches w. . Rated Initial 0.58 0.56 0.39 Resistance (inches w. . 7 The filters shall be approved and listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. as Class 1 when tested according to U. L. Standard 900 and CAN 4-5111. 8 Standard of Acceptance: AAF Varicel, Farr, Air Guard. Flanders, PM Wright PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. B. Prefilter shall be installed on initial startup. Prior to the start of balancing install new prefifters and final filters. C. Replace all prefilters and final filters at turnover to the owner. Used filters shall be inspected by the Owner. All filters in acceptable condition shall be retained by the Owner. D. Therefore, the above total number of filters to be provided forthe roof top air handling unit is as follows: 1 Four (4) sets of pre-filters 2 Three (3) sets of final filters. E. The total number of filters to be provided for the supply air fan system is as follows: 1 Three (3) sets of pre-filters. END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15875 GRILLES, REGISTERS & DIFFUSERS Pape 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and shall be governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 of the specification. 1.02 SHOP DRAWINGS AND PRODUCT DATA A. Submit shop drawings and product data in accordance with Section 15010. 1.03 SAMPLES A. Submit samples in accordance with Section 15010. B. Submit samples for the following: 1.04 ACOUSTICAL PERFORMANCE A. Acoustical pertormance shall be established by ADC 1062 GRD and ADC/ARI standard 885 procedures. Sound power data and NC value correction factors used shall be supplied that meets or exceeds requirements established later in this section. 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ADC 1062GRD-84 Test Code for Grilles, Registers and Diffusers. 1.06 MANUFACTURED ITEMS A. Grilles, registers and diffusers shall be product of one manufacturer for generic type, i.e. grilles and registers by one, diffusers by one, or same. 1.07 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from tests carried out by manufacturer or those ordered by him from independent testing agency signifying adherence to codes and standards. ' PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL ' A. Provide standard product to meet capacity, throw, noise level, throat and outlet velocity. B. Where grilles, registers and diffusers penetrate fire walls and fire partitions, provide ' approved steel sleeve secured to structure in accordance with NFPA 90A-2009 and required fire damper. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15875 REGISTERS 8 DIFFUSERS C. Frames: 2 1 Steel: primed cold rolled steel with exposed welded joints and mitred corners. 2 Aluminum: extruded satin finish with mechanical fasteners and mitred corners. 3 Provide plaster frames as plaster stops where set into plaster or gypsum board. 4 Provide concealed fasteners and balancing operators in all finished areas. 5 Final finish to be selected by Architect from standard manufacturerfinishes at shop drawing stage. 6 Style, frame, and installation details as indicated on the schedule. D. Sizes and capacities: as indicated in the schedule. E. Standard of Acceptance: EH Price, Nailor, Titus, Tuttle and Bailey, Metalaire. 2.02 SUPPLY GRILLES AND REGISTERS A. 1-1l4" (32 mm) border double deflection with airfoil shape horizontal face and vertical rear bars, opposed blade dampers (OBD) where indicated with concealed manual operator, and gaskets. 2.03 RETURN AND EXHAUST GRILLES AND REGISTERS A. 1-1/4" (32 mm) border, single deflection, air foil shape, horizontal bar type 35E max turn up, when shown on the schedule opposed blade damper with concealed operator and rubber sealing strips. B. Perforated Grilles shall consist of a perforated core with 3116" (5) holes on 1!4" (6) centres staggered 60 degrees and an extruded aluminum border. Finish in accordance with the schedule. 2.D4 DIFFUSERS A. Diffusers shall consist of a precision formed back cone of one piece seamless construction which incorporates a round inlet collar of sufficient length forconnecting rigid or flexible duct. B. Refer to schedule for finish. C. As indicated on the schedule, Circular, square or perforated type, having adjustable fixed pattern, and volume control dampers with flow straightening devices and blank-off quadrants. Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 C'~~ i ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15875 GRILLES, REGISTERS & DIFFUSERS Page 3 D. For plaque diffusers an inner plaque assembly shall be incorporated that drops no more than 1/4" below the ceiling plane to assure proper air distribution performance. ' The inner plaque assembly shall be completely removable from the diffuser face to allow full access to any dampers or other ductwork components located near the diffuser neck. ' 2.05 LINEAR GRILLES A. Bar core linear grilles with frame as indicated, plaster frame, sealing strip and B accessories as indicated. All h ll b it d . corners s a e m re . C. Floor grilles to be capable of supporting 200 Ib (90 kg) point load weight between supports with negligible deflection. D. Provide opposed blade damper in maximum 3'0" (1000 mm) lengths. Do not supply OBD in return air linear grilles. E. Extruded aluminum linearslot diffuserwith adjustable vane controls and accessories as indicated. ' PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 IN STALLATION A Install in acc d ith f t i t ti . or ance w manu ac urers ns ruc ons. ' B. All diffusers and grilles in finished areas to have concealed mounting. In unfinished areas and where grilles or diffusers are to be installed in ductwork. For linear bar grilles and linear slot diffusers site measure for exact fit. C. Final locations of diffusers and grilles to be in accordance with details of Architect's ' reflected ceiling plan. D. Install and adjust air registers to provide noiseless and draffless distribution. Primary air balance to be done at duct dampers with fnal adjustment only at diffusers and grilles. E. Provide flat black painting behind grilles and diffusers. ' -END- ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15881 ' BREECHING AND CHIMNEYS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This Section of the Specification shall be read in conjunction with and will be ' governed by the requirements outlined in Section 15010 -Mechanical General Provisions. B. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 15010. Do not proceed with ' fabrication without approved shop drawings. C. Clearly indicate proposed routing, fittings, expansion joints, supports, radiation shield and all other related parts. ' D. Height of stacks shall be at least 80" (1500 mm) unless noted othervvise. Also refer to mechanical and architectural drawings 1.02 CERTIFICATION OF RATINGS A. Catalogued or published ratings shall be those obtained from test(s) carried out by ' the manufacturer or those ordered by him/her from an independent testing agency signifying adherence to Codes and Standards. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 VENTS A. Type A: To CAN/ULC-S604-1994, Factory Built, Type A chimneys. ' 1 Application: gas and liquid fuel fired appliances. 2 Service Temperature: Maximum flue gas temperature of 540 C. ' Gas Vents CAN/ULC 5605 1991 T B T B - , ype : o - . ' 1 Application: gas fired appliances certified with draft hoods or divertors. 2 Service Temperature: Maximum flue gas temperature of 243 C. 2.02 POSITIVE PRESSURE VENT -FOR GAS FIRED POSITIVE PRESSURE EQUIPMENT (Boilers & Infrared Gas Fired Heater) A. The vent shall be of double wall, factory-built type for use on condensing appliances or pressurized venting system serving Category II, III, or IV appliances or as specified by the equipment manufacturer. B. Maximum temperature shall not exceed 550 deg F (288 deg C). " " C. Vent shall be listed for an internal static pressure of 6 w.g. and tested to 15 w.g. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15881 BREECHING AND CHIMNEYS Page 2 D. Vent shall be constructed on an inner and outerwallwith a 1"annular insulating air space. E. The inner wall (vent) shall be constructed of AL29-4c superferric stainless steel, 0.015 thickness for 6" to 12"diameters and 0.024 thickness for 14" to 24"diameters. F. The outer wall (casing) shall be type 304 stainless steel, .018 thickness for 6"-12" diameters and .D24 thickness for 14" to 24" diameters. G. Inner and outer walls shall be connected by means of spacer clips that maintain the concentricity of the annular space and allow unobstructed differential thermal expansion of the inner and outer walls. H. All sections and accessories shall bejoined with mated fittings and couplings, outer and inner seals between sections to suit application. I. Clearance to Combustible: 2" (50 mm) air space, clearance to non combustible: 0. J. All supports, roof or wall penetrations, terminations, appliance connectors and drain fittings, required to install the vent system shall be included. K. Roof penetration pieces shall be UL listed and provided by the vent manufacturer. Roof curbs shall be required on roofs greater than 12:12 pitch. L. All inner vent connections shall be secured by means of profiled connector bands with gear clamp tighteners. Joints shall be sealed with P077 sealant. M. Where exposed to weather, the outer closure band shall be sealed to prevent rainwater from entering the space between inner and outer walls. N. Vent shall terminate in accordance with installation instructions and local codes. O. Accessories: 1 Cleanouts shall be bolted shall be bolted, gasketted type, full size of breeching, and as indicated. 2 Rain caps, radiation shields, supports, (lashings, storm collars, appliance adaptors and all components required for installation in accordance with manufactures recommendations and instructions. . 3 Hangers and supports shall be constructed in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and the manufacturer(s) of chimneys and breeching and shall be ULC labeled, Type A, 540 C. rated, all fuels. P. Standard of Acceptance: Metal-Fab Corr/Guard Model CG, Van Packer, Selkirk, Metalbestos, Industrial Chimney Co. (ICC) Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 r t r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15881 BREECHING AND CHIMNEYS Page 3 2.03 GAS VENT (Domestic Hot Water Heatersl A. Chimney shall be ULC labeled, Type B, 425° C. rating maximum, gas vent only. Use "B" vents only for venting approved gas appliances in accordance with the "Installation Code for Gas Burning Appliances and Equipment", CSA B149.1, CSA 8149.2 , NFPA 211 Standards and Authorities having jurisdiction. B. Clearance to combustibles : 1" (25 mm) clearance to non-combustible : 0. C. Sectional prefabricated double wall with mated fittings and couplings. Outer casing galvalume, and inner liner of aluminum. D. Accessories: 1 Cleanouts shall be bolted, gasketted type and full size of breeching; 2 Support assembly; 3 Firestop spacer; 4 Roof Flashing and Storm Collar; 5 Raincap; 6 Draft Hood Connector (If applicable); 7 Tee or reduction tee with swivel joint; 8 Barometric dampers shall be complete with double acting, 70% of full size of breeching area as per appliance manufacturers recommendation and as indicated. E. Hangers and supports shall be in accordance with recommendations of SMACNA and the manufacturer. F. Standard of Acceptance: 1 Cleaver Brooks Amerivent, Van Packer, Selkirk, Metalbestos B Vent and Don Park Inc. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09069 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15881 BREECHING AND CHIMNEYS Page 4 PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Gene ral: 1 Follow manufacturer's and SMACNA installation recommendations for shop fabricated components. 2 Support chimneys at bottom, roof and intermediate levels as required. Install thimbles where penetrating roof and floor. 3 Install chimneys penetrating roofs as indicated, complete with (lashings to suit installation. .4 Provide all fuels chimney for all natural gas appliances with chimney under positive pressure. 5 Submit detailed shop drawings prior to fabrication. 6 For all fuel chimneys, insure the shaft provided is non-combustible. 7 Do not penetrate the flue gas chamber of vent with screws or mechanical fasteners. 8 Install breeching with positive slope upward from appliance. 9 Suspend breeching using trapeze hangers at 60" (1500mm) centres. 10 Install cleanout at the base of the chimney. 11 Provide for expansion and contraction of chimney and breeching. 12 Provide barometric dampers when required by system design and/or as indicated on the drawings. -END- Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09066 r DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Pace 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. 1.02 STANDARD OF ACCEPTANCE A. T.A.C. Controls B. Siemens 1.03 SCOPE OF WORK A. Contractor's Responsibilities 1. Include all wiring, conduit, piping, installation, materials, supervision and labor including calibration, commissioning and additional work necessary to provide a complete and fully operating system to the approval of Owner's representative. 2. This Section of Specifications does not entail all control requirements. For further details, refer to all relevant sections of Specifications. Some control interfacing requirements may be noted on respective sections, provide all necessary relays/contacts, control hardware and accessories to accomplish controls described in this Section. Should control devices, interfaces, control cards/panels, relays, hardware, contacts etc. not be mentioned in respective sections of Specification, it shall imply that those devices shall be provided by Control Contractor. B. System Requirements 1. All material and equipment used shall be standard components, regularly manufactured and available and guaranteed to be available as regular inventory as replacement parts for a minimum period of ten (10) years; and not custom designed especially for this project. All systems and components, except site specific software, shall have previously been thoroughly tested and proven in actual use prior to installation on this project. 2. The system, upon completion of the installation and prior to acceptance of the project, shall perform all operating functions as detailed in this specification. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 , SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 2 ' C. Equipment 1. General ' 1 All electrical and electronic equipment shall be UL and / or NEC approved where such approvals are required by ' regulatory authorities. 2 All input/output devices shall be ASCII (American Standard for Communication and Information Interchange) coded with standard EIA (Electronic Industry Association) interface. 3 Digital controllers shall have capability for accommodating inputs and outputs meeting ISA (Instrument Society of America) standards. 2. System Hardware ' 1 The Contractor shall provide the following: 1 All relays, switches, indicating devices, and ' transducers required to perform the specified control sequence. 2 Control panels for equipment to carry out specified ' control sequence. 1.04 GENERAL CONDITIONS ' A. Changes in the Work 1. All changes in the work shall be authorized by written Change Order, ' and shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents. B. Correction of Work 1. The Contractor shall promptly correct all work defective or failing to conform to the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall bear all cost of correcting such work. , 2. If, within the warranty period required by the Contract Documents, any of the work is found to he defective or not in accordance with the contract documents, the Contractor shall correct it promptly after ' receipt of a written notice to do so. C. Coordination During Construction , 1. The Contractor shall coordinate any necessary changes in work scheduling, to minimize the disruption. 1 Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Paae 3 2. The Contractor shall protect the installed works by other trades. 3. The Contractor shall coordinate with other trades. 4. The Contractor shall repair any damage caused by his work to building(s) and equipment at no additional cost to the owner. D. Warranty 1. The Contractor shall warrant that all systems, subsystems, component parts, and software are fully free from defective design, materials, and workmanship for a period of one (1) yearfrom the date of final acceptance by the Owner. 2. If any components forming part of the control system becomes defective during warranty period, it shall be replaced or repaired without charge. 3. Servicing shall be performed by factory trained and employed, service representative of system manufacturer. 1.05 SUBMITTALS. DOCUMENTATION AND ACCEPTANCE A. Submittals 1. Submit shop drawings in accordance with 15010. B. Documentation 1. Submit Operation and Maintenance Manuals in accordance with 15010. C. Acceptance Test and Acceptance 1. Control Contractor shall commission the entire installation. This shall include verification of all devices and physical inspection of the devices upon changes made on workstation and/or sensing devices. 2. Make adjustments to each device and component to ensure that operations are performed correctly as specified. All alarms, startlstop and status conditions shall be checked to ensure proper operation. 3. Complete all outstanding deficiencies as determined by Owner's representative in his inspection report, after which a resubmission of formal acceptance shall be made. This procedure shall be repeated if necessary until acceptable performance has been established. An acceptance test shall be performed by the Contractor in the presence of the owner's representative.Owner's Instructions Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 4 ' 4. Provide a minimum of eight (8) hours of training for Owner's representatives on trouble-shooting, servicing, and operation of the various control systems. ' 5. Operating instructions shall be given by factory trained technicians completely familiar with installation and system application. ' 6. The controls subcontractor shall provide brief concise operating instructions (on laminated sheets) for the Owner. The instructions shall be in heavy bold capital letters and shall be placed with the O8M ' manual. 7. Training shall include an explanation of the drawings, operations and maintenance manuals, a walk through of the site to locate control ' components, an explanation of the operation /function, and an explanation of the adjustment, calibration, and replacement procedures. D. Identification of Equipment ' 1. Identify each piece of equipment with nameplate identifying , equipment and functions with letter and number designation. 2. Nameplates shall be minimum size, 3" (75mm) x 1" (25mm) x 1/S" (3.2mm) thick laminated plastic with black face and white centre and , 1/4" (6.4mm) high engraved lettering. Nameplates shall be mechanically secured and listed in the O & M Manual. PART 2: PRODUCTS t 2.01 CONTROL VALVES A. Control valves for the domestic cold water system shall be as follows: 1. General , 1 All characteristics of control valves shall be suitable for the required operation. Operators are to be 24 VAC, receiving 0 ' to 10 VDC or 4 to 20 mA proportional control signals. 2 Provide 2 way valves as indicated on the drawings, sequence of operation and schematics. ' 2. Service Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09069 , i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Paae 5 3. 4. Service Type Spring Return Domestic Cold Water Full Port Ball Valves Yes Default Setup Type Signal to Close Fail Position 2 way no spring return 2 Volts or 4 Ma Fail in last position on loss of power 2 way spring return 2 Volts or 4 mA Fail open for heating applications and fail closed for cooling applications. Full Port Ball Valves 1/2" to 2" (12 mm to 50 mm) Valve Body 1 Forged brass body with nickel plating, NPT screw type. The operating temperature shall be 0°F to 212° F (-18 C to 100 C). 2 The valves shall have an ISO type 4 bolt flange for mounting actuator in any orientation parallel or perpendicular to the pipe. Anon metallic thermal isolation adapter shall separate flange from actuator with high temperature materials rated for continual use at greater than the application temperature. Valve assemblies without thermal isolation as described above are not acceptable. 3 The isolation adaptor shall also provide stable direct coupled mechanical connection between the valve body and actuator and prevent lateral or rotational forces from affecting the stem and its packing O rings. 4 All control ball valves shall be furnished with solid stainless steel ball and stem and fiberglass reinforced Teflon seats and seals. The valves shall have a blow out proof stem design. Each valve shall be tested by the Valve Manufacturer. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 6 5 Two way valves shall be equal percentage. All control ball valves shall have a flow characterized disc in the inlet of the valve to provide this equal percentage flow response. 6 Three way valves shall be mixing valves. The A port shall be equal percentage, B port shall have a modified linear bypass which shall yield 70% of the flow of the A port to give constant AB flow. 7 Characterized disc shall be held securely by a keyed ring. 8 The stem packing shall consist of two (2) O rings designed for on/off service or modulating service and requiring no maintenance. 9 Valve pressure rating shall be 600 psi ((" to 1-1/4") and 400 psi (1 (" to 2") 10 Close off pressure shall be 100 psi. 11 Manufacturer shall provide a 2 year unconditional warranty from the date of installation. 12 Standard of Acceptance: Belimo, Siemens. 2 Valve Actuator - Ball Valve 1 The actuator shall be UL listed under standard 873 and CSA Class 4813.02. 2 Actuators shall be direct coupled to the valve with a single screw. 3 Actuators shall be applied according to the manufacturers specifications. 4 The valve actuator shall be capable of providing the minimum torque required for proper valve close offfor the required application. 5 Each actuator shall have current limiting circuitry or microprocessor overload protection incorporated in its design to prevent damage to the actuator. 6 The actuator shall be proportional. All proportional valves shall be positive positioning, and respond to a 2-10 VDC or 4-20 mA signal with a load resistor. Proportional units shall have a position feedback signal corresponding to the actual valve position which can be wired back to the control system. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 1 CJ 1 1 I i DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 7 .7 All control valves shall have a visual position indicator and an attached 3 foot cable for easy installation to a junction box. 8 Manufacturer shall provide an unconditional two year warranty from the date of installation. 9 Standard of Acceptance: Belimo, Siemens 2.02 GASEOUS SENSORS A. Gaseous Sensors shall be provided to suit the sequence of operation. All sensors shall be pre-calibrated at factory prior to shipment. The sensors shall be packaged, compact, self-contained instrument with electro chemical sensor for monitoring ambient air for either natural gas or carbon monoxide. B. CO and natural gas panels shall be installed inside the new Zamboni room (Ice Resurtacer Room). C. All sensors shall be ULC listed. Panels shall provide audible alarm to alert operator. Audible level shall be minimum 65 dBA at 3 feet. D. Accuracy : 5%+/- maximum. E. Range: 1. CO to be 0-250ppm. 2. natural gas to be 0-100ppm. 2.03 FIRE PROTECTION STORAGE TANK FLOATS A. Controls contractor shall provide a conduit from the existing Boiler Room Gw control wiring to the new boiler room. This control wire shall be tied into the new control panel controlling the existing well pump. Routing of conduit to be coordinated on site. 2.D4 A. Air handling unit (RTU-1) room sensor with local +/- room temperature adjustment and night setback override. The room sensor shall be able to communicate directly with the air handling unit. Should the night setback override button be pressed, the night setback program will be overriden for two (2) hours (adjustable). B. All sensors installed in public areas shall be provided with guards. C. Sensors installed in the new Zamboni Room (Ice Resurtacer Room) shall be complete with heavy duty guards. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 8 ' PART 3: EXECUTION ' 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Supply and install all low andlor high voltage wiring for complete working stand alone control systems. B. Supply and install all wiring necessary for system operation including ' tie-ins from system control relays into motor starting circuits. Wiring and conduit shall be installed in neat and workmanlike manner, concealed where possible, and meet standards of Division 16. , C. Sensors which are shown wall mounted shall have wiring concealed in wall construction. I il i l t ' D. emen n ng e s. d Exposed wiring shall be in conduit running along bu occupied space without ceiling, such as ice rinks etc, the conduit shall be installed beside building element; suspended conduit is not acceptable. ' E. Where practical, sensors mounted on columns or poured concrete construction shall have wiring or tubing concealed up to ceiling above. F. Sensors shall be mounted 1200 mm from floor to centre unless shown f otherwise. Devices installed in areas assessable to public, including viewing rooms, shall be provided with vandal-proof guards. Sensors serving gym and Ice rink change rooms shall be recessed type with vandal ' -proof guards. G . Duct mounted devices shall be mounted on panels with bases plumb and level. Duct panels shall be dampened to eliminate detrimental vibration. ' H . Operators shall be mounted on shop fabricated brackets built to transmit torque or forces to ductwork panels or supports which can absorb these forces without distortion or fatigue. I. Local control panels shall be mounted in accessible convenient wall locations and coordinated on site with the Consultant. , J. Cooperate with the air and water balance technicians during balancing of the system. i i l dua v K. The sequence of operation will not entail the specifications of ind equipment. Control contractor shall make reference to respective section of specification to review factory supplied accessories. Provide all remaining control hardware, software, interfacing relays, contacts, control , panel, circuit board, wiring to suit and complete controls. L. Refer to Division16 for provision of electrical power for equipment and Darlington Snorts Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 , ' ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 9 controls. Control Contractor is required to wire from nearest junction ' boxes/electrical panels to all control components. Control Contractor shall provide all interfacing instruments or transformers to suit. M. All space sensing devices, including but not limited to space, carbon monoxide detectors, natural gas detectors, shall be provided by Control Contractor. All detectors and detection systems shall be certified to ULC and CSA requirements. Control Contractor shall also provide local LCD annunciation panels for each system. 3.02 SEQUENCES OF OPERATION A. Domestic Hot Water Heaters I 1 l G . enera ' 1 The domestic hot water heater (8-1) controls shall be provided by the boiler manufacturers. Refer to Specification Section 15460. i 2 Sequence of Operation 1 Start/Stop of the domestic water recirculating pump P- 6shall be based on a time of day schedule controlled by the remote mounted time switch (provided by ' Division 16 Contractor) and programmed by the Owner. ' 2 The average hot water tank temperature setpoint at 120°F (adjustable). B. Air Handling Unit (RTU-1) 1. General 1 The air handling unit shall be provided with a programmable thermostat c/w automatic heating /cooling switch overfeature by the air handling unit manufacturer. 2 Temperature settings shall be adjustable by the Owner. C. Exhaust and Supply Fans ' 1. Fan Start-Stop Control 1 For temperature controlled fans, fans shall be complete with ' local remote thermostats and shall be controlled so that they are cycled to maintain space temperature at setpoint. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 10 ' 2 For exhaust fan (EF-4) serving the New Zamboni Room (Ice Resurfacer Room), the operating sequence shall be as follows: , 1 Two (2) CO detectors and one (1) natural gas detector and a proprietary LCD annunciation panel shall be provided by the Controls Contractor. When both CO level and natural gas level fall below the predetermined levels. The speed of the exhaust air fan shall ramp up /down by the VFD as required to maintain space temperature at set point of 70°F. ' 2 The exhaust fan EF-4 shall run continuously and not drop below 400 CFM even if set point can be maintained at a lower CFM. 3 When either CO level or natural gas level rises above the predetermined level, the VFD serving exhaust fan ' EF-4 shall operate the fan to maintain 1000 cfm until the CO level decreases below the predetermined level by 5% when the system shall be reverted to alert mode. The alarm shall be annunciated at the local LCD annunciation panel. Provide a wall mounted visual strobe light outside the room it serves, the exact location to be confirmed on site. , 3 For exhaust fan EF-7 serving Refrigeration Room, the operating sequence shall be as follows: 1 The speed of the exhaust air fan shall ramp up /down t by the VFD as required to maintain spacetemperature at set point of 70°F. 2 The exhaust fan EF-7 shall run continuously and not drop below 750 CFM even if set point can be maintained at a lower CFM. , 3 On a refrigeration alarm signal from the refrigeration detection system, the VFD shall ramp up the speed of the exhaust air fan to 100% (2300 cfm). It shall continue to operate at 100% speed until the refrigeration alarm is reset. D. Heaters ' 1. Temperature Control 1 Cabinet heaters and unit heaters with remote thermostats , shall be controlled by line voltage thermostats so they are cycled to maintain space temperature at its set point. Control Contractor shall wire between line voltage thermostats and ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Paae 11 respective unit heaters. E. Domestic Water Treatment package 1. Well pump 1 Provide a signal to turn on the well pump only when: 1 Pressure switch detects a pressure of 50 psi in the ' domestic cold water system. 2 Well pump "ON/OFF" level relay for either the Domestic cold water storage tank or the Fire ' Protection storage tanks are activated. 2 Provide a signal to turn off the well pump only when: 1 The pressure switch detects a pressure of 70 psi in the domestic cold water system. 2 Well pump "ON/OFF" level relay for either the Domestic Coldwater storage tank or the Fire Protection storage tanks is deactivated. 3 High water cut-off level relay in the domestic cold ' water storage tank is activated. 3 The well pump shall have a minimum run time of 2 minutes ' and shall work in conjunction with the control valve (V-1) that shall control system pressure for the bottle filler line take-off. 2. Control Valve (V-1) 1 Control valve shall be provided with a signal to open only when: ' 1 The Well pump "ON/OFF" level relay in the Domestic cold water storage tank is activated. ' 2 All other cases control valve V-1 shall be in the closed position. ' 3. Domestic Cold Water Booster Pumps (P-3 & P-4) 1 Booster Pump shall be provided with a signal to turn on only when: 1 Pressure switch detects a pressure of 50psi in the domestic cold water system. 2 Booster Pumps shall be provided with a signal to turn off only when the low water cut-off level relay in the domestic cold ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 I DIVISION 15 ' SECTION 15900 CONTROLS SYSTEM Page 12 water storage tank is activated or the pressure switch detects a pressure of 70psi in the domestic cold water system. 4. Chemical Feed Pump for Chlorination (P-7) 1 Chemical Feed Pump P-7 shall be provided with a signal to ' turn on when: 1 The well pump is "ON" END OF SECTION Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 179064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (TAB) Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. B. The acceptable TAB contractors are as follows. The Division i5 Contractor shall select one of the following contractors to perform the work. The Division 15 Contractor shall indicate the TAB Contractor that they intend to use on the supplementary tender form: 1 Design Test and Balance 2 Pro Air 3 VPG 4 John Price Enterprises 5 Clarke Balancing C. TAB: means to test, adjust and balance all systems, including equipment, to perform in accordance with Contract Documents. D. Follow start-up procedures as recommended by manufacturer. E. Special start-up procedures may be specifed elsewhere. 1.02 SITE INSPECTIONS AND SUBSEQUENT MEETINGS: A. Schedule once a month, site visits to correspond with the weekly site meeting. After each site visit submit a written report to the Construction Manager and Mechanical Consultant. Site visits shall commence at the start of the air distribution work and be spread overthe construction period up to the start of the balance of the work. Ifwork requiring correction is discovered during an inspection, be sure that the required correction work is clearly indicated in the report. In addition [o site meetings and inspections specified above, attend, when requested by the Consultant, at the TAB Contractors expense any other meetings where the TAB Contractors presence is required. 1.03 DIVISION 15000 ASSISTANCE A. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide the TAB Contractor all of the assistance which is required to complete the TAB Contractor's work. This shall include but not be limited to: ' Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (TAB) Page 2 1 Provision of all required shop drawings and fan and pump curves. 2 Provision of all required test ports. 3 All assistance required to balancevariable speed systems in accordancewith the design documents. 1.04 SYSTEMS TO BE TESTED A. TAB to apply to following systems, equipment and related controls: 1 New and existing Air handling units. 2 Hydronic piping systems 3 Exhaust air systems. 4 Supply /Return air systems. 1.05 REFERENCE STANDARDS: A. Do TAB of complete mechanical systems over entire operating range in accordance with most stringent conditions of selected standard: 1 AABC (Associated Air Balance Council). 2 ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating & Air Conditioning Engineers). 3 NABC (National Air Balance Council). 4 SMACNA (Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors National Association). 5 Specifications herein or elsewhere in contract documents. 1.06 QUALIFICATIONS A. Testing and balancing personnel shall be experienced in balancing of mechanical systems. 1.07 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Prior to commencing work, shop drawings shall be submitted showing equipment, proof of calibration, testing methods to be used with each different style of diffuser and measuring point, and forms and diagrams to be used for the air and hydronic balance. Darlington Sports CenVe, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. D9064 ' DIVISION 15 SECTION 15950 ' TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (TAB) Page 3 1.08 AIE QUANTITY READINGS OF EXISTING SYSTEM REQUIRED A. Prior to any demolition and/or modifications of the existing s/a and return airductwork from the existing to remain gas fired air handling unit serving the existing Dressing Room area, the air balancing contractor shall perform air quantity measurements of all grilles and/or diffusers and submit a written report indicating these readings. A ' traverse reading of the main s/a and r/a ductwork leaving the mechanical room shall also be taken and the readings shall be submitted in the report. 1.09 FINAL BALANCING A. Start final TAB only when building is essentially completed, including: 1 Installation of ceilings, doors, windows, light fixtures and other construction affecting TAB. 2 Application of sealing, caulking and weather-stripping. ' 3 Normal o eration of mechanical s stems affectin TAB p y g . 1.010 ACCURACY: A. Do TAB to within plus or minus 10% of design values at the diffusers and 5% at the air handling units. ' B. Measurements to be accurate to within plus or minus 10 % of actual values at the diffusers and 5% at the air handling unit. C. Instrument calibration: In accordance with referenced standard, within three (3) months of commencement of TAB. D. Provide proof of calibration to Consultant. ' 1 011 REPORT . : t A. Format to be in accordance with referenced standard listed above, but using design drawing units. B. Reports shall be indexed as follows: ! 1 Air Systems 1 Summary ' 2 Procedure 3 Instrumentation 4 Drawings 5 Equipment/Component Summary 6 Fan data sheets 7 Fan curves 8 Air handling unit profile data Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation ' CEL Project No. 09064 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (TAB) Page 4 9 Traverse data and schedule 10 Outlets data summary and schematic (per system) 11 Diagnostics C. Produce "as-built" full system schematics and floor plans identifying the location where all measurements were taken and the resulting flows that were obtained. Use as-built drawings for reference. D. Submit two (2) copies of preliminary TAB reports, each in "D" ring binders, complete with index tabs for verification and approval of Consultant. E. Submit six (6) copies of final TAB reports after approval by the Consultant. F. Obtain the shop drawing for each fan system. Mark the actual operating point on the fan curve for each fan. Include the fan curves for each fan in the balancing report. G. Obtain the shop drawing for each pump system. On the pump curve for each pump mark the actual operating point on the curve. Include the pump curves with superimposed power draw, rpm and impeller size. 1.012 VERIFICATION: A. Reported measurements shall be subject to verification by Consultant. Provide instrumentation and manpower to verify results of up to 30 % of all reported measurements. Number and location of verified measurements to be at discretion of the Consultant. B. A measured flow deviation of more than 10 percent between the verification reading and the reported data shall be considered a failure of the verification procedure. C. A failure of more than 10-percent of the selected verification readings shall result in the rejection of the report as unacceptable. D. Should the report be rejected, the TAB Contractor shall rebalance all systems, submit new certified reports and make a reinspection at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Bear costs to repeat TAB, as required, to satisfaction of Consultant 1.013 SETTINGS A. Lock and permanently mark settings as required by reference standard. 1.014 TAB COMPLETION A. TAB to be considered complete only when final reports are approved by Consultant. B. Confirm that all flow stations are providing accurate measurements as described below. Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 LJ 7 EJ O 1 I u 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (TAB) Page 5 1.015 AIR MOVING A. General 1 Measurements as required by Systems referenced standards, including, but not limited to, following: B. Measurements: 1 Air velocity. 2 Static pressure. 3 Velocity pressure. .4 Temperature: 1 Wet bulb. 2 Dry bulb. 5 Cross sectional area. 6 RPM. 7 Electrical power: 1 Voltage 2 Current draw. C. Location of Equipment Measurements: 1 Inlet and outlet of each: 1 Fan. 2 Coil 3 Filter. 4 Damper. 5 Flow Station 6 Other auxiliary equipment. D. Location of System Measurements at: Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15950 TESTING, ADJUSTING AND BALANCING (TAB) Page 6 1 Main ducts. 2 Main branch ducts. 3 Sub-branch ducts. 4 Each supply, exhaust and return air inlet and outlet. 5 Other auxiliary equipment. 6 All areas served by system. 7 Before and after the silencers. E. Balancing Pumps 1 For constant volume systems the TAB Contractor shall open the main balancing valves in the system and measure the flow for each pump system with the system running at its maximum capacity. The TAB Contractor shall submit a preliminary report indicating the operating point for each pump and the revised impeller size (if required) to make the pump operate at ds peak efficiency without the requirement for closing the circuit balancing valves. 2 The Pump Manufacturer wilt include for the cost of the impeller trim. The TAB Contractor shall confirm the pump is providing the specified flow once the impeller trim has been completed. PART 2: EXECUTION 2.01 GENERAL A. Balancing shall be carried out by an independent qualified balancing company. Balancing company must be one of the approved balancing companies. B. Replace sheaves as required to balance systems to the indicated air volumes. Sheaves shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner by the Division 15 Contractor. C. Division 15 Contractor to provide all required parts, belts and adjustments for all systems as deemed necessary to complete the required balancing. D. The Division 15 Contractor shall provide the required assistance to the TAB Contractor as deemed necessary by the Consultant. E. The TAB contractor shall visit the site in accordance with item 1.02 above. -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 1 J t t 1 DIVISION 15 SECTION 15999 SCHEDULES, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL A. The fo llowing schedules have been included in this section: 1 Air Handling Unit Schedules 2 Domestic Cold Water Storage Tank Schedule 3 Domestic Hot Water Boiler Schedule .4 Domestic Hot Water Heater Schedule 5 Electric Convector Schedule 6 Electric Force Flow Heater Schedule 7 Electric Unit Heater Schedule 8 Exhaust Fan Schedule 9 Expansion Tank Schedule 10 Gas Fired Infra-red Tube Heater Schedule 11 Grille and Diffuser Schedule 12 Isolator Schedule 13 Plumbing Pump Schedule 14 Pressure Tank Schedule 15 Silencer Schedule 16 Supply Fan Schedule -END- Darlington Sports Centre, Arena Renovation CEL Project No. 09064 1 i 1 r °~.. 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PROJECT No.: 09064 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION-SYSTEM "ISSUEDFOR TENDER" December 08, 2009 CROSSEY = ENGINEERING ~ LTD. CEL PROJECT No.: 09064 Rev.O DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15000 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 1 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 __ __ _- MECHANICAL GENERAL REQUIREMENTS No. of Pages 15000 Mechanical Specifcations Table of Contents 1 15010 Mechanical General Provisions 16 HEAT TRANSFER EQUIPMENT 15700 Ice Rink Refrigeration System S End of Section DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 1 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 ' Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 1 General ' 1.1 GENERAL 1 This section of the specification is an integral part of the Contract Documents and shall be ' read accordingly. .2 The General Conditions of the Contract, the Supplementary Conditions and all Sections of Division 0 and 1 -General Requirements shall be deemed to apply and be a part of this section of the specifcations as fully as if recited in full herein. They shall be read-and fully adhered to by the contractor for Division 15. 3 Do the work in accordance with Ontario Building Code, Ontario Building Code and local authority having jurisdiction except where specified otherwise. 1.2 INTENT , 1 Bidders for work under this Division shall include for all labor, material, equipment and all other related cost including all applicable taxes and fees to provide the complete mechanical work specified in Division 15 and shown on the mechanical drawings, and all ' mechanical work noted in the specifications and'showh`on the drawings for other Divisions of this Contract as being the responsibilityof Division 15. 2 Misinterpretation of any requirement of the drawings and specifications will not relieve the ' contractor of responsibilty. If in any doubt, the contractor shall contact the Consultant for written clarification prior to submitting a Tender for the work. ' 3 The Division 15 Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the entire mechanical installation noted in the specifications and drawings. Demarcation of the responsibilities among various mechanical sub trades shall be the sole responsibility of the Division 15 Contractor. 1.3 INTERFERENCE .1 Provide information and cooperate writh the Construction ManagerfGeneral Contractor for the preparation of interference drawings. 2 Refer to Division 1 Section 01040 "Coordination" and the requirements outlined in this item. , 3 Interference drawings shall be prepared on AutoCAD 2008. These drawings shall be submitted to the Consultant far review on both a hard copy and CD Rom. ' 4 Interference drawings shall be provided to make clear the work intended or to show how it affects other trades. .6 Interference drawings shall be provided to scale 1:50 for the Mechanical Rooms. 6 Interference drawings shall also be provided for areas where there are potential conflicts in positioning the mechanical and electrical equipment, piping and cable trayslconduits. , ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 2 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 ' 7 Coordinate with all other trades and divisions before interference drawings are prepared. Installed and/or fabricated services shall be modified, replaced, removed and/or relocated to suit the field conditions at no eMra cost to the Owner due to the lack of coordination prior to fabrication/installation. t 8 For equipment substitutions a complete interference drawing of the area affected by the revision shall be provided by the Division 15 Contractor. ' 9 Interference drawings shall be provided showing both plan and sections and shall incorporate all services including ductwork, HVAC piping, plumbing and drainage;' electrical conduit over 3" (75mm) and electrical cable trays. 10 The Division 15 Contractor shall submit dimensioned sleeving drawings showing the location and dimension of sleeves through all floors and structural walls for revew by the Mechanical and Structural Consultants. 11 Dimensioned drawings shall be provided for all roof penetrations for review by the Mechanical and Structural Consultant. ' 12 The Division 15 Contractor shall submit a plan layout showing all of the equipment to be provided and the actual weights of the equipment forreview as soon as possible after contract award. The drawings shall also show areas where there are concentrated loads ' due to piping and equipment suspended from the roof or slab above. 13 Installation of the Division 15 work shall not proceed until final interference drawings have been submitted. 1 .14 Should there be interference between the Division 15 and Division 16 work a meeting shall be called within one weekbf the discovery of the interference to allow prompt remedial ' action to take place. 1.4 CONTRACT 1 The mecharncal drawings do not show all the Architectural and structural details, and any Specifications information involving accurate measuring of the building shall be taken from the building drawings or at She building. Make without additional charge, any necessary changes or additans to the runs of drains, pipes, ducts, etc., to accommodate the above conditions The location of equipment may be altered without charge providing the change is made before installation and does not necessitate major additional material. The Architectural, Structural, and Electrical drawings may show details relevant to the ' mechanical systems and should be referred to equally with the Mechanical drawings. 2 Wherever d"rfferences occur between plans and riser diagrams or schematics and drawings, the maximum conditions shall govern and the bid shall be based on whichever 1 indicates the greater cost. 3 Field verifications of dimensions on plans shall be made since actual locations, distances, and levels will be governed by actual field conditions. .4 Discrepancies between different plans, or between plans and actual field conditions, or between plans and specifications shall promptly be brought to the attention of the Consultant for a decision. r^ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Section 15010 , MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 3 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 As the work progresses and before installing apparatus, equipment, fixtures and devices which may interfere with the interior treatment and use of the building or with the work of other trades, provide interference drawings and consult with the Consultant for instructions for the exact locations of all drains, pipes, ducts, and equipment. Refer to Division 1 specification Section 01040 "Coordination" and provide information and interference drawings as may be required by this Section. Install all mechanical services including but not exclusive to drains, pipes, and. ducts, to conserve headroom and interfere as little as possible wdh the free use of the space through which they pass. All drains, pipes, ducts, etc., particularly those which may interfere with the inside treatment of the building, or conflicting with other Vades; shall be installed only after the locations have been approved by the Consultant. Special care shall be taken in the installation of all mechanical services including, but not exclusive to drains, pipes, and ducts, which are to be concealed to see that they,come within the finished lines of floors, walls, and ceilings. Where such drains, pipes, ducts, etc., have been installed in such a manner as to cause interference, they shall be removed and re-installed in suitable locations without eMra cost to the owner. 7 Before commencing work, check and verify all grade and invert elevations, levels, and dimensions, to ensure proper and correct installation of the work. 8 In every place where there is space indicated as reserved for future or other equipment, leave such space clear, install blank offs, shut off valves with blind flanges and other work sc that the necessary connections can tri=_ made without any stoppages to the system. Consult with the consultant whenever necessary for this purpose. 9 In addition to the work specifically mentioned in the specifications and shown on the drawings, provide all other items that are obviously necessary to make a complete working installation, including those required by the authorities having jurisdiction over the work. 10 The mechanical plans show approximate locations for wall mounted devices. Obtain Consultant's approval of mounting heights and locations before commencement of work. 11 The Mechanical Contractor shall provide a list of the foreman for each trade who will be invdlved with this project prior to the start of construction. The list is to contain their credentials and a list of previous projects that they have been involved with. .12 The Mechanical Contractor is responsible for coordinating the installation of the mechanical services with the Electrical, Sprinkler and Structural elements within the building. Provide coordination/interference drawings prior to installation of the services in accordance with item 1.5 of this section of the specification and include in the Mechanical bid price the cost of all minor offsets of ductwork, piping, etc to coordinate the installation of the services. 13 The approximate location of terminal devices such as thermostats, humidistats, sinks, water closets, lavatories, sprinkler heads, grilles and diffusers etc located within the fnished space are shown on the mechanical drawings. The dimensioned location for these devices is to be obtained from the Archtectural drawings. Where these devices are not dimensioned on the Architectural drawings request the final elevation and location from the Design Group prior to installation. Locate the devices within 1.5 metres of the position shown on the Mechanical Drawings at no cost to the Owner. I~~ 1 t I i~ ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 4 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 ' 1.5 EXAMINE SITE 1 Examine the site and the local conditions and Conditions affecting the work. Examine carefully the Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and all other drawings and the complete specifications to ensure that the work can be satisfactorily carried out as shown. ' Betore commencing work, examine the work of the other Divisions and report atonce any defect or interference affecting the work, the completion, or the guarantee of the"work of this Division. No allowance will be made later for any expenses incurred thrdugh the failure to make these examinations or to report any such discrepancies in writing to the ' Consultant. 1.6 CONTRACTOR'S SHOP .1 Provide Job site office, work-shop, tools, scaffolds, material storage etc., as required to complete the work of Division 15. 1.7 CLEANING 1 Refer to Division 1 Section 01710 "Cleaning" and>the following. ' 2 During the performance of the work and on the completion, remove from the place of the work all debris, rubbish and waste materials caused by the performance of the work for Division 15. Remove all tools and surplus materials after completion and acceptance of the work. ' .3 All equipment shall be thoroughly vacuumed out at the time of final acceptance of the work. ' 1.8 TEMPORARY SERVICES .1 Refer to Section 01500 "Temporary FacilRies and Controls" for the temporary mechanical ' services required for construction, temporary sanitary facilities, and potable water. 1.9 INSTALLATION OF' WORK ' 1 Be responsible for: 1 The layout of the work of Division 15, and for any damage caused to the Owner, or other Divisions of the contract by improper location or carrying out of this work. ' 2 The prompt installation of the work of Division 15 in advance of concrete pouring or similar work. 3 The protection of finished and unfinished work and equipment and work of other ' Divisions from damage due to the carrying out of the work of Division 15. .4 The condition of all material and equipment supplied under Division 15, and for the protection and maintenance of work completed. 2 Coordinate with other trades and schedule all work to suit the date for the substantial performance established in the construction contract. Refer to Division 1 Section 01310 "Construction Schedule'. ' .3 Furnish items to be "built-u p" in ample time and give necessary information and assistance in connection with the building in of the same. ~J DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 5 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 Section 15010 ' MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS .4 Provide drawings showing all sleeving and openings required. Notify the Construction Manager of the size and location of recesses, openings and chases before walls, floors, etc.. are erected. 5 Proceed with the work as quickly as practical so that construction may be completed in as short a time as possible and in accordance with the building schedule. Ensure that all health, safety and environmental conditions are maintained. 6 Ensure that all equipment and material is ordered in time to meet the building sdhetlule. Provide a schedule of equipment deliveries to the Construction Manager within the time limit stipulated .7 Furnish promptly information required for the construction schedule.-.. 8 Manufactured products supplied with instructions for their. installation shall be installed in strict accordance with those instructions. 1.10 CODES, PERMITS, FEES AND CONNECTIONS 1 Conform to Federal, Provincial and Municipal .regulations and perform work in accordance with requirements of By-Laws and Regulations in force in area where the building is to be erected. 2 Apply for, obtain, and pay for permits, fees and service connections for the work of this Division and the inspections required by Authorities having jurisdiction in the area where the building is to be erected. 3 For information, a specific code`or tandard might be mentioned. This information must not be taken as the only code or'standard applicable. 4 When part of equipment does not bear the required UL label, the contractor shall obtain UL approval on site, when that part of the equipment is an electric component, a special approvafshall be obtained and the Contractor shall pay the applicable fees. .5 Furnish necessary certificates as evidence that the work installed conforms with laws and regulations of Authorities having jurisdiction. Changes in work requested by an Authority havingjurisdiction shall be carried out without charge. 1.17 MATERIALS 1 Where materials, equipment, apparatus, or other products are specifed by the manufacturer, brand name, type or catalogue number, such designation is to establish standards of desired qualdy style or dimensions and shall be the basis of the Bid. Materials so specified shall be furnished under this Contract, unless changed by mutual agreement. .2 The use of equivalent, alternate and/or substitute materials and equipment is subject to the following: Where the use of equivalent, alternate or substdute equipment alters the design or space requirements indicated on the plans, the contractor for Division 15 shall include all items of cost for the revised design and construction, including cost of all the related trades involved. 1 t ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM C tl f Page 6 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 2 Acceptance of the proposed equivalents, alternates or substitutions shall be subject to the approval of the Consultant and, if requested by the Consultant, the Mechanical Subcontractor shall submit samples of both the specified and the proposed items for review. 3 In all cases where the use of equivalents, alternates or substdutions is permitted, the Mechanical Subcontractor shall bear any extra costs of independent testing agencies of evaluating the quality of materials and the equipment to'be installed. 1.12 EQUIVALENTS AND ALTERNATES .1 Should the base Mechanical Subcontractor propose to furnish material and equipment other than those specified, he shall apply in writing to the Consultant for approval of equivalents at least fourteen days prior to opening of Bids, submitting with his request for approval complete descriptive and technical data on the item or`items he proposes to furnish. Approval for changes in base bid specifications wiltbe considered only upon individual requests of the Subcontractors. No blanket approvatcforequipmenttyill be given to suppliers, distributors or contractors. .2 Unless requests for changes in base bid specifigationsare received and approved prior to the opening of the bids, as defined above, the SubconVactors will be held to furnish specified items under his base bid. After the Contract is awarded changes in specifications will be made only as defined in Article: Material Substtutions (15010 1.13). 3 Equipment of the Subcontractors' choice may be offered as alternates to the items named in the specifications, in the. space provided in the Supplementary Bid Form. Alternate proposals must be accompanied by full descriptive and technical data on the article proposed, together with a statement of the amount of addition or deduction from the base bid if the alternate is accepted. Prior approval from the Consultant is not required on items submitted as alternate bids, but the decision on acceptance of the alternate(s) will rest with the Consultant. .4 Unspecified materials and/or rejected alternates built into the work shall be replaced with specified pr accepted materials at no additional cost to the Owner. 1.13 MATERIAL;SUBSTITUTIONS 1 After execution of the Contract, requests for substitution of materials of makes other than those specifically named in the Contract Documents may be approved by the Consultant as specifed in Division 1, Section 01230 "Alternates and Substitutions". 1.14 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES .1 Submit to the Consultant detailed dimension shop drawings and installation wiring diagrams for all mechanical equipment. Further details and special requirements called for in these specifications shall be shown on the shop drawings. 2 All 8'/z" x 11"and 11" x 17" shop drawings shall be submitted in electronic format. The procedure shall be as follows: 1 Shop drawings are to be sent through the proper channels in electronic PDF ~J DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 7 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 format. 2 Each submission of shop drawings shall include a completed Shop Drawing Transmittal form filled out in its entirety. The shop drawings submittal template included in the appendix to this section of the specification shall be utilized. 3 The shop drawing transmittal sheet must identify the relevant mechanical or electrical project manager at Crossey Engineering that the shop drawings are being sent to. .4 Crossey Engineering will return one electronic copy of the shop drawings*through the proper channels for the project. All printing costs associated with printing hard copies of the shop drawings shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. 3 All shop drawing submittals that are larger than 11" x 17" shall be submitted in either hard copy or electronic format as agreed to by Crossey Engineerinj3's`designated Project Manages .4 Ensure that copies of all reviewed shop drawings are available on the job site for reference. 5 Provide samples of mechanical equipment asYequested in the specification in accordance with Division 1 Section 01300 at the same time as the shop drawing submission. .6 All mechanical shop drawings submitted shall be annotated with a priority of review to ensure that the most critical shop drawings arereviewed first. 7 Shop drawings shall indicate clearly the materials and/or equipment actually being supplied. Each shop drawing shall give the identrfying number of the item for which it was prepared. 8 Each shop drawing for non-catalogue items shall be prepared specifically for this project. Any optional items not to be included for the project shall not appear on the drawings. Shop drawings and brochures for catalogue items shall be marked clearly to show the items being supplied, 9 Shop drawings shall include the following data where applicable: .1 Manufacturer's name and model number. 2 Shipping and operating weights. 3 Physical arrangement showing all dimensions and including arrangement size and location of all piping and duct connections. 4 Clearances required for servicing. :5 Materials used in manufacture. 6 Finish. 7 Performance characteristics. 8 Electrical characteristics including full load current, motor sizes and motor start time. .9 Wiring schematics including connections to remote devices. 10 Approval agencies. .11 Manufacturer's recommended installation instructions. 10 Shop drawing reviewed by Consultant or Sub-Consultants is for the sole purpose of ascertaining general conformance wdh the design concept. This review shall not mean that Consultant and Sub-Consultants warrantor represent that the information contained 1 i~ IJ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 8 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 ' on the shop drawings is either accurate or complete, responsibility for which shall remain with the supplier submitting same, and such review shall not relieve the supplier of his responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings or of his responsibility for meeting design, details and all other requirements of the contract documents. .11 Do not add new details or information to shop drawings after they have been finally reviewed, except when approval is given. 12 Fabricate work exactly as shown on shop drawings. If shop practice dictates revisions, ' revise drawings and resubmit. 13 Installation or manufacturer of any product shall not start until after reviewbf shop drawings. ' n i 14 Provide shop drawings within two (2) week of award of cdntract dicating required dates and delivery. ' 15 Provide samples of items as requested by the Consultant. 1.15 RECORD DRAWINGS 1 Refer to Section 01720 "As-Built Records' and the requirements outlined in this section of the specification. 2 The Consultant will provide two sets of white prints of all drawings related to the work of Division 15, for the purpose of preparing record drawings. As the job progresses, mark up the white prints accurately indicate installed work. On completion of the work, transfer the information onto the second set of whRe prints to the Consultant for approval. The Division 15 Contractor shall transfer the information onto Autocad 2008 and store the drawings on a CD Rom. Correct the ihformation as directed and hand over two sets of whRe prints and the CD Rom to the:Consultaht on completion. ' 3 Record, as the lob progresses, all approved changes and deviations made to any work shown on tfieorigihal contract drawings whether by addenda, requested changes, field instructions, and changes due to job conditions. 4 Record drawings shall be kept up to date and available for review at any time by the Consultant. Progress draws may not be processed if record drawings are not kept up to ' date. 1.16 TEMPORARY AND TRIAL USAGE ' 1 After any part of the work for Division 15 has been completed, the Consultant will make an inspection, and performance tests of such parts shall be carried out under the direction of the Consultant. If deficiencies are found, they shall be immediately rectifed to the satisfaction of the Consultant. After such deficiencies have been rectified, the work shall be ' placed in service at such time and in such order as the Consultant may direct. If, in placing a portion of the equipment in service, it is necessary to make temporary connections in the wiring in order to obtain proper operation, such connections shall be provided to the extent and in the manner required by the Consultant. DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 9 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 Section 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS 2 Temporary or trial usage of any mechanical devices, machinery, apparatus, equipment or materials shall not be construed as evidence of the acceptance of same. 3 No claims for damage will be considered for damage to, or the breaking of any parts of such work which may be used. 1.17 CONSULTANT'S INSTRUCTIONS .1 During construction the Consultant will issue such instructions as may be necessary for verifcation and correction of the work. These instructions shall be binding as part of the specification. 1.18 ADDITIONAL WORK AND CHANGES .1 Refer to Division 0 Section 00800 "Amendments to CCDC 2 - 1994" of the specification for the procedures to be followed and the mark ups for Overhead and' Profit that will be accepted for additional work and changes. 1.19 WARRANTY .1 Refer to Division 1 Section 01780 "Warranties" andthis section of the specification. 2 The Contractor for Division 15 shall provide a warranty for all work and apparatus installed under his contract against all defects of workmanship and material for a period of one (1) year after the substantial performance of the work ,unless otherwise mentioned in the spec"fiications, and shall make good any and all defects developing during such time wdhout expense to the Owner. Any materials shall be further guaranteed as may be called for in these specifications. Where warranties on equipment extend beyond one (1) year the Contractor for Division`15 shall honor the eMended warranty. 1.20 SCHEDULING OF WORK .1 For delivery of equipment supplied under this contract, adhere to construction schedule provided byOwner's designated agent. 2 All connections to the services serving existing buildings that remain operational shall be coordinated with the Owner a minimum of two weeks prior to any shut down. 1.21 ENERGY CONSUMPTION 1 The Consultant may reject equipment submitted for approval on basis of performance or energy consumed or demanded. 2 Units shall be designed and fabricated according to ASHRAE Standards 90.1. 1.22 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS .1 Provide accessible means for lubricating equipment including permanent lubricated bearings. 2 Provide structural loads with all details necessary. Coordinate and distribute the loads to DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM t II~ t Page 10 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 match structural capacities. 3 Submit all drawings prior to commencement of the Work. 1.23 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS AND INSTALLATION 1 Permit equipment maintenance and disassembly by use of unions or flanges tc minimize disturbance to connecting piping and duct systems and without interference from building structure or other equipment .2 Provide accessible means for lubricating equipment including permanentautiricated bearings. .3 For all boilers, pumps, air compressors, fans and other rotating equipment installed on the floor or specified in individual sections, provide chamfered edge_hdusekeeping pads a minimum of 4" (100 mm) high and 4" (100 mm) larger than equipment dimensions all around. All air handling units shall be mounted oh 6" (150 mm) chamfered edge housekeeping pads a minimum of 4" (100 mm) larger than the equipment dimensions all around. Installation of the housekeeping pads shalfbe in accordance wdh the requirements outlined in Division 03 Sectign 03200 "Concrete Reinforcement" and Section 03300 "Cast in Place Concrete". Work shal6:beperformed by the trades specializing in this work. .4 Pipe all drain lines to drains. For glycol systems, pipe drains and relief lines to their respective glycol make up tanks. .5 Line-up equipment, rectangular cleanouts and similar items with building walls wherever possible. 6 Provide supports such as saddles, platforms, etc for equipment requiring auxiliary supports including but not limited to heat exchangers, hot water tanks, etc. 1.24 SLEEVES .1 Pipeand duct sleeves: at points where pipes pass through masonry or concrete. 2 Sleeves of: minimum 22-gauge (0.8 mm) thick galvanized sheet steel with lack seam joints at partition walls. 3 Use cast iron sleeve or steel pipe sleeves with annular fin continuously welded at midpoint. PVC sleeve with annular fin is also acceptable.: .1 Through foundation walls. 2 Where sleeves are specified to extends above finished floor. 4 Sizes 1 114" (6 mm) clearance all around, between sleeve and pipes or between sleeve and insulation. 2 Where piping passes below footings, provide minimum clearance of 2" (50 mm) between sleeve and pipe. Backfill up to underside of footing with concrete of same 1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 11 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 Section 15010 , MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS strength as footing. .5 Terminate sleeves flush with surface of concrete and masonry and 4" (100 mm) above floors. Not applicable to concrete floors on grade. 6 For pipes passing through roofs, use cast iron sleeves with caulking recess and flashing clamp device. Anchor sleeves in roof construction; caulk between sleeve recess and pipe; fasten roof flashing to clamp device; make water-tight durable joint. Fill voids around pipes. 1 For sleeves and pipe in foundation walls, eMerior walls and below grade floors, provide "link seals clamp manufactured by Thunderline or Innerlynx. 2 Where sleeves pass through walls or floors, caulk spacebetween insulation and sleeve or between pipe (duct) and sleeve with waterproof fire retardant non-hardening mastic. Seal space at each end of sleeve with waterproof, fire retardant, non-hardening mastic. 3 Ensure no contact between copper tube orpipe artl ferrous sleeve. .4 Fill future-use sleeves with easily removable fire stop filler. 5 Coat exposed eMerior surfaces of ferrous: sleeves with heavy application of zinc rich paint. 8 Where pipes and ducts pass through fire rated walls, floors and parttions, pack space with fire stopping materials as specified in 07840 "Fire Stopping" 9 Install sleeves following approval of interference drawings. 10 On typical floors, provide one diameter between adjacent sleeves. 11 EMend sleeves 6" (150 mmj above floors in mechanical rooms and all areas where waterproofing is required. 12 All sleeves shall be asdetailed on drawings. 13 All sleeve locations including dimensions shall be submitted to the Structural Engineer for review. .14 All sleeved or formed openings through the structure must be shown on sleeving drawings which are-submitted to all Consultants for review prior to Construction. No holes through the structure will be permitted without written approval of the Architect. 15 The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for showing aII sleeve locations required by the Division 15 Sub Contractors on the interference drawings. 16 The Division 15 Contractor shall be responsible for installing all of the sleeves required for the Division 15 Contract and the Division 15 Sub Contractors. 1.25 ESCUTCHEONS AND PLATES .1 Provide on pipes passing through fnished walls, partitions, floors and ceilings. 2 Use chrome or nickel plated brass, solid type with set screws for ceiling or wall mounting. All escutcheons and plates in exhibition spaces shall be flat black. 1 r ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM LJ 1 LJ Page 12 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 3 Inside diameter shall ft around finished pipe. Outside diameter shall cover opening or sleeve. .4 Where sleeve extends above finished floor, escutcheons or plates shall clear sleeve eMension. 5 Secure to pipe or finished surface but not to insulation. 1.26 TESTS .1 Do not insulate or conceal work until tested and approved. Follow construction schedule and arrange for tests. 2 Inform the Consultant when tests will be conducted. The Consultant will periodically be present for tests. All tests are to be documented test results submitted and included in the maintenance manuals. Refer to attached Appendix A for the format to be utilized for the test reports. 3 Bear costs including retesting and making gootl" .4 Pipe pressure: 1 Hydraulically test piping systems at 1- 1!2 times system operating pressure or minimum 125 psi (860 kPa), whicheveris greater. 2 Maintain test pressures without loss for 4h unless otherwise specified. 3 Test natural gas systems td requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and as per CGA and Ontario Building'Code. .4 Test drainage, wasteand vent piping to code. 5 Prior to tests, isolate all equipment or other parts which are not designed to withstand test pressures. 1.27 PAINTING 1 Apply at least one coat of corrosion resistant primer paint to supports, and equipment fabricated from ferrous metals. .2 Touch-up paint all damaged equipment with products matching original finish in qualdy and appearance. 3 . Provide flat black painting behind grilles and diffusers. 4 Paint the gas line in its entirety where it is exposed outside. In locations within building where the gas line is above t-bar or hard ceilings the gas line shall be banded in accordance with the CGA requirements. In all areas where the gas line is exposed within the building it shall be painted in its entirety. 1.28 DIELECTRIC COUPLINGS Provide wherever pipes of dissimilar metals are joined. .2 Provide insulating unions for pipe sizes NPS 2 and under and flanges for pipe sizes over DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 13 Section 15010 , MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 NPS 2. 3 Cast brass adapters may be used on domestic water systems and where approved by the Consultant. .4 Provide rubber gaskets to prevent dissimilar metals contact. 1.29 INSTRUCTION OF OPERATING STAFF .1 Supply certified personnel to instruct operating staff on operation of mechanical equipment. Supply maintenance specialist personnel to instruct operating staff on maintenance and adjustment of mechanical equipment and any changes or modification in equipment made under terms of guarantee. .2 Provide instruction during regular work hours prior to acceptance and turn-over to operating staff for regular operation. 3 Use operation and maintenance data manual for instructidn purposes. On completion of instruction, turn manuals over to the Consultant" .4 Scheduling of the timing for the training of the operating staff shall be arranged 45 days prior to the completion of the project. Provide a total of eight (8) hours of on site training of the refrigeration plant with the building Owner. 1.30 MANUALS 1 Submit three (3) sets df operational and maintenance manuals. Manuals will include information covering the specfications, installation and maintenance of all equipment. Manuals will be prdvided for review and comments four (4) weeks prior to substantial performance., 2 Manuals shall bi3 to the approval of the Consultant. Submit format of manual, including index, for approval prior to assembly. 3 Include the following in the Manuals for each item of equipment. :1 Warranty letter and contact personnel. 2 Final approved set of construction set shop drawings. 3 Operating instructions. 4 Maintenance instructions and schedule. 5 List of recommended spare parts. 1.31 CUTTING AND PATCHING 1 Cutting and patching shall be in accordance wdh General and Supplementary Conddions and the following: No openings shall be permitted through the completed structure without the written approval of the Architect. Any openings which are required through the completed structure must be clearly and accurately shown on a copy of the structural ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM ' Page 14 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December D8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 ' drawings. Exact locations, elevations and size of the proposed opening must be identified and submitted to the Architect for review, well in advance of doing the work. 2 All cutting and patching shall be done by the trades specializing in the materials to be cut and is covered by the appropriate Divisions of this specifcation. Prepare drawings in conjunction with all trades concerned, showing sleeves and openings for passage through structure and all insert sizes and locations. Where this information is not furnished in time, the Subtrade contractor for this Division shall bear the cost of all sleeving, provision for inserts, cutting and patching. 3 Should any cutting and/or repairing of finished surfaces be requiredahe Subtrade contractor for this Division shall employ the particular trades engaged on the site for this type of work to do such cutting and/or repairing. Obtain. the approval of the Consultant before doing any cutting. In the event that tradesmen required for particular cutting and/or repairing are not already on the site; bring to the site tradesmen to do this work. ,.._ .... .4 Supporting members of any floor, wall or the bwlding structure shall be cut only in such a location and manner as approved by the Consultant in writing. 5 Prior to cutting any existing walls and floors the Division 15 Contractor shall consult ' with the Structural Engineer for approval. Where X-rays are requested by the Structural Engineer the Division 15 Contractor shall provide x-rays at no cost to the Owner. All X-raying shall be done during off hours. ' 1.32 EXCAVATION AND BACKFtLL 1 Refer to Division 2 Section 02315 "Excavating and Backfll" and do all excavation, back fill and related work required for the work'of Division 15 in accordance therewith except as ' modified by this Article. ,.. .2 Grade the bottom of the pipe trench excavation as required. ' 3 In firm, undisturbed soil, lay pipes directly on the soil, and shape soil to fd the lower one- third segment of all pipes. and. pipe bells. Ensure even bearing along the barrels. Backfill excess excavation with 3625 psi (25 mPa) concrete. 4 Where rock o[ shale is encountered, arrange to have this excavated and removed by Section'02315`but at this Division=s expense. After excavation, backfill with a bedding of 3/8' (10mm) crushed stone. 5 Prepare new bedding under the pipe in unstable soil, in fill, and in all cases where pipe bedding has been removed in earlier excavation, particularly near perimeter walls of buildings, at manholes and catch basins. Compact to maximum possible density and support the pipe by 8" (200 mm) thick firm supports. Install reinforcing steel in cradle or construct piers every eight feet or closer, down to solid load bearing strata. Provide a 'minimum of one pier per length of pipe. Use same method where pipes cross. ':6 Where excavation is necessary in proximity to and below the level of any footing, backfill with 3625 psi (25 mPa) concrete to the level of the highest adjacent footing. Proximity is determined by the angle of repose as established by the consultant. 7 Provide support over at least the bottom one third segment of the pipe in all bedding methods. ' 8 Do not open trench ahead of pipe laying and backfilling more than weather will permit. Keep walls of trenches straight to at least 18" (450 mm) above the top of the pipe to keep DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15010 , PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 15 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 ' Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 the diameter load within the pipe design limits. Have excavations inspected at least once a , week by authorities. . 9 Before backfilling, obtain approval. Remove all shoring during Backfill. 10 Backfll trenches within building, wdh clean sharp sand or gravel in individual layers of r maximum 6" (150 mm) thickness, compacted to a density of 100% Standard Proctor. Hand compact the first layers up to a compacted level of minimum 12" (300 mm) above , the top of pipe. Hand or machine compact the balance up to grade, using approved equipment. 11 Backfill trenches outside buildings, not under roads, parking lots, or traffic areas, up to a ' compacted level of 18" (450 mm) above the pipes with individual layers of material 6" (150 mm) thick, hand compacted to a density of 95% Standard Proctor, using approved 3/S" (10 mm) crushed stone. Backfll the balance with 6" (150 mm) layets of approved excavated material, compacted to 95% Standard Proctor, using approved equipment. , 12 Backfill all other trenches outside buildings with 6" (150 mm) 3/8" crushed stone in layers not exceeding 6" (150 mm) thickness, compacted to 100%'Standard Proctor density up to , grade level. Manual compaction up to 18" (450 mm) above the pipe with approved equipment for the balance. 13 Fill all depressions to a correct grade level with'appropriate material. After a period has passed adequate to reveal any settlement, use maximum possible compaction. Pay all , costs required to make good all damages caused`by settlement. 14 All excavated materials shall be removed frbm site. ' 1:33 PERFORMANCE TESTS 1 Refer to Section 15050 for performance test requirements. ' 1.34 MECHANICAL PROJECT COMPLETION .1 Refer to Division 1 Section 01700 "Contract Closeout" and the requirements outlined in this section. .2 Thirty days prior to substantial performance of work obtain documentation and/or prepare , cert~cation of the following times and submit them to the Owner's representative: 1 All inspection certifcates. 2" Warranty cert~cates as called for under "Warranty". 3 Record drawings. 4 Operating and Maintenance Manuals. 5 Test certifications as called for under "Testing". All test cert~cates to be included in maintenance manuals. , 6 Provide a signed statement to the effect that all tests for mechanical systems and equipment have been completely carried out in the Trade Sections of these Specifications and to the manufacturer's recommendations, and in accordance with the requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction. ' 1.35 WORK WITHIN THE EXISTING BUILDING , ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM 1 Section 15010 MECHANICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS Page 16 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 Refer to Division 15 Section 15065 for the requirements for work within existing buildings. 1.36 DIVISION 15 f DIVISION 16 COORDINATION The following is a list of mechanical and electrical responsibilities for the above mentioned project. 1 All starters, motor control centres, etc., along with input and output power wiring will be by Division 16. This is with the exception of equipment that is shipped to site as a package with a single power feed and includes internal transformers and starters. Refer to individual specification sections to identify equipment that is to be provided with single power feeds. 2 Package units will have integral starters and only power feeders need be provided. The package unit starters will be by Division 15. 3 Division 16 to provide all remote disconnect switches with the exception of disconnect switches specified to be provided with he Mechanical Equipment. 2 All control wiring inclusive of EMCS and 120 V mechanical control wiring, except fire alarm shall be by Division 15. 3 Voltages for motors z HP and larger will be either 208 V>qr 600 V, 3-phase. All motors that are smaller than'h HP will be 120V single phase or 208V`1 or 3-phase as coordinated with CEL. Refer to the equipment schedules for power requirements. 4 All multi-speed motors to be consequent pole. .5 All motors shall be by Division X15. 6 No two-speed double winding motors are to be used unless a request is made by the Division 15 Contractor to the Electrical Consultant and the request is approved by the Electrical Consultant:, 7 Where 208 V 3 phase equipment is specified 208 V 1 phase equipment shall not be submitted asan equal 1f equipment is not available as 208 V 3 phase the Division 15 Contractor may make a request to the Electrical Consultant to revise the equipment to 208 V 1 phase howevegall redesign costs incurred by the Electrical Consultant due to these revisionsshall be paid by the Division 15 Contractor. 8 NlotdrThermistor 1 Division 15 to provide thermistor protection on motors 20 HP and larger using approved thermistors. 2 Thermistors shall be provided by Division 15. 3 Division 16 to provide manual reset devices for motor starters for thermistor interface. (Only for starters provided by Division 16). .4 Division 15 to wire between the thermistor and the starter. t End of Section DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 1 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 Section 15700 ' ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL 1 This section of the specification shall be read in conjunction with and be governed by the requirements of Section 15010. .2 This specification section covers the design, equipment and material supply, installation, testing, start-up of an art~cial ice rink system as outlined herein. 3 This specification section includes all ice rink equipment work called for, or implied; by the drawings and specifcations, required to complete the work to the full intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications. .4 The design for the ice refrigeration system is based on a balanced'charge< ammonia/ethylene glycol recirculation system. The overall system capacity of 55 tons of refrigeration (TR) is based on the efficient matching of rink piping; compressors, condenser and chiller ratings. 5 The ice rink refrigeration system shall be guaranteed to make and hold good artificial ice on a 15725 ft2 arena concrete rink floor when the ice thickness does not exceed 11/2", the outdoor ambient conditions do not exceed 72°F drybulb. 1.2 DESIGN CRITERIA 1 The scope of work for this section.: shall include the supply and installation of an NH3 ! 40% Ethylene Glycol refrigeration system. The automatic refigeratbn system, shall be capable of producing and maintaining optimum ice conditions based on the following conditions: 1 Rink Size an¢ Type; 15750 ft2 indoor concrete floor. 2 Operating Season; Seasonal, September to April. 3 Outside Ambient Design Conditions; 72°F dry bulb, 73°F wet bulb. .4 PowerCharaderistics; 575!3160 volt (power), 120/1/60 volt (controls). 5 Refrigeration Plant Capacity; 55 TR @ 10°F E.T./ 95°F C.T.; Ammonia NHs ,approx. 4001bs. 6 Rink fldbr.Cooling Heat Transfer Fluid; 40% by wgt. ethylene glycol solution. 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS 1 " Do work in accordance with the following standards: 1 CSA 652 Mechanical Refrigeration Code 2 CSA 651-03 Boiler, Pressure Vessels and Pressure Piping Code 3 ANSI 831.5-2001 Refrigeration Piping 4 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 2004 Section V111, Pressure Vessels, Div. 1 5 TSSA Operating Engineers Act, Ontario Reg. 219101 6 TSSA Piping System Design Registration 7 Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act for Industrial Establishments 8 WCB Regulations 9 CSA and Local Electrical Safety Codes LJ ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Section 15700 ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM ' Page 2 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 J i 2 Indicate .1 Equipment including connections, piping and fittings, valves, strainers, control assemblies and ancillaries, identifying factory and field assembled. 2 Wiring as assembled and schematically. 3 Dimensions, construction details, recommended installation and support, mounting bolt hole sizes and locations and point loads. .4 Sound power levels. 5 Performance curves. , 1.4 WORK SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY OTHER DIVISIONS 1 Cutting, patching, sleeving, sealing and freproofing of floor„wall and ceiling openings for all refrigeration system piping and/or conduits 2 All trenching, backfilling and compaction for any buried portions of refrigeration system piping. 3 Temporary lighting, heating, 120V power and water will be provided. Should the refrigeration contractor require additional light, heaS br-power, d shall be provided in order to complete his work. .4 A permanent water supply shall be availablefor the rink floor piping system pressure test and concrete rink floor pour. ` 5 Refrigeration Compressor Room to be constructed in accordance with current edition of the CSA 652 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. 6 Refrigeration Compressor Room exhaust and fresh air make-up to meet the current CSA 652 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. .7 Heat for Refrigeration Compressor Room to maintain minimum 65°F room temperature. Open flame heater is not acceptable. 8 Coldwater service with valved back flow preventer inside the Refrigeration Compressor Room for initial system filling. .9 :. Removal of existing concrete housekeeping pads and the forming and pouring of new level concrete housekeeping pads for new refrigeration equipment. 10 Floor drains in Refrigeration Compressor Room. 11 Repairs or replacement (as required) of the existing concrete piers supporting the outdoor evaporative condenser. 12 Minimum 3" (75mm) of eMruded polystyrene board insulation, installed in two layers with staggered joints. .13 6 mil polyethylene slip sheet over insulation. .14 5" (130mm) reinforced concrete slab including concrete, rebar and/or welded wire mesh. .15 Ice paint, logos and frst ice installation. DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Section 15700 , ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 3 ' CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE ' 1 The refrigeration contractor shall use only skilled welders, each holding a current, active certificate from a recognized testing association. 2 Workmanship throughout shall conform to standard of best practice; labour ' employed shall be competent to do the work. Piping shall run straight,belween fittings. Vertical piping shall be plumb and horizontal piping shall be parallel with walls whenever possible. Unnecessary offsets and elbows shall be avoided. Piping shall be solidly supported in place. Piping that crosses an open"space that affords passageway shall be not less than 8'-0" above floor unless the piping is against the ceiling. e 1 3 A qualrfied refrigeration mechanic shall commission th refrigeration system. .4 The refrigeration contractor shall be able to provide warranty service work to the ' equipment after installation for the warranty period specifed. 1.6 MAINTENANCE AND ENGINEERING DATA .1 Data to include: , 1 Description of equipment giving manufacturers name, type, model year, capacity and serial numbers. `- .2 Provide part load performance curves. , 3 Details on operation servicing and maintenance. .4 Recommended spare parts list. 5 Weight. , 2 PRODUCTS 1 EVAPORATOR l CHILLER ECH 1 , ( - ) 2. .1 Provde one (1) Alfa Laval model # M10-BWFD PFHX. 1 Duty; 750 USGPM, 40% ethylene glycol flow from 19.1 °F to 17°F. 2 The plate heat exchanger shall have a capacity of 58 tons refrigeration with a maximum pressure drop of 15psi on the glycol side (hot side). Arranged for flooded ammonia , operation at 10°F saturated suction temperature. Chiller will be complete with stainless steel semi-welded plates. Provide a carbon steel vertical surge drum (SD-1 ), factory insulated will be interconnected to the chiller and designed for a maximum of 150ft./min. vertical gas velocity to provide proper gas/liquid separation. Provide pipeline strainer on ' glycol inlet piping to PFHX. 2.2 ICE RINK PUMP (P-1) ' .1 Provide one (1), S.A. Armstrong # 4030, 6 x 5 x 10 pump Gw 25HP, 1800 RPM high efficiency motor. 1 Duty: 750 USGPM at 60' Head. 1 DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM 1 Section 15700 ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 4 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 2 The glycol pump shall be base mounted, centrifugal design and bronze fitted iron body construction c/w mechanical seals and stainless steel sleeves. Motors shall be suitable for full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starting. 2.3 EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER (EC-1) 1 Provide one (1 ), Evapco LSCB 80 evaporative condenser c/ov 7.SHP, 575l3l60'fan motor. .1 Duty; ~ 971 MBH at 95°F saturated condensing temperature and 73°F wetbulb temperature. .2 Provide new 300mm high galvanized steel I beams (as required):.fpr supportof the new evaporative condenser. The condenser to be c/w a separate coil for cooling the compressor glycol loop. 2.4 CONDENSER WATER PUMP (P-3) .1 Provide one (1), S.A. Armstrong # 4030, 3 x 2 1/2 x 8 pump c/w 3HP motor, 1800 RPM high efficiency motor. 1 Duty: 125 USGPM at 45' Head. 2 The water pump shall be base mounted, centrfugal design and bronze fitted iron body construction dw mechanical seals and stainlesxsteel sleeves. Motor shall be suitable for full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starting. 2.5 COMPRESSORS (COMP-1 & COMP=2) .1 Provide one (1), Mycom N6WA'reciprocating compressors Gvv 50 HP, 1800 RPM high efficiency motor. 2.6 Duty; 33.6' TR, ammonia 10°F SST & 95°F SCT 2 Provide one (1); Mycom N4WA reciprocating compressors c/w 30 HP, 1800 RPM high efficiency motor 1 - Duty; 21.3 TR, ammonia 10°F SST & 95°F SCT .3 Each compressor shall be Gw discharge oil separator, relief valve, service valves, suction & dischargettermometers, safety cutouts, crankcase heater, glycol cooled oil cooler, jacket and heads. Glycol to be cooled via glycol coil in evaporative condenser. ~:4 Each compressor shall be provided with a discharge oil trap OPT (V-1 & V-2). The COMP-1 (SOhp) compressor shall be provided with a DOT 8 and COMP-2 (3Dhp) compressor shall be provided with a DOT 6. GLYCOL PUMP (P-2) 1 Provide one (1 ), S.A. Armstrong # 4360 model 1-1/2 D Gw 1.OHP motor, 1800 RPM high efficiency motor. Duty: 20 USGPM at 50' Head. 2 The glycol pump shall be vertical in-line, centrifugal design and bronze fitted iron body DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15700 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 4 , CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 2 The glycol pump shall be base mounted, centrifugal design and bronze fitted iron body construction c/w mechanical seals and stainless steel sleeves. Motors shall be suitable for ' full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starting. 2.3 EVAPORATIVE CONDENSER (EC-1) , 1 Provide one (1), Evapco LSCB 80 evaporative condenser c/w 7.5HP, 575!3!60 fan motor. 1 Duty; ~ 971 MBH at 95°F saturated condensing temperature and 73°F wet tiulb temperature. .2 Provide new 300mm high galvanized steel I beams (as required).for support of the new evaporative condenser. The condenser to be c/w a separate coil for cooling the compressor glycol loop. ' 2.4 CONDENSER WATER PUMP (P-3) R ' 1 PM Provide one (1), S.A. Armstrong # 4030, 3 x 2 112 x 8 pump dw 3HP motor, 18D0 high efficiency motor. .1 Duty: 125 USGPM at 45' Head.:, `::: 2 The water pump shall be base mounted, centrifugal design and bronze fitted iron body construction cPov mechanical seals ahd stainless steel sleeves. Motor shall be suitable for full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starting. 2.5 COMPRESSORS (COMP-1 8 COMP-2) 1 Provide one (1), Mycom N6WA reciprocating compressors c/w 50 HP, 1800 RPM high , efficiency motor .1 Duty; 33.6T:R,'ammonia 10°F SST & 95°F SCT 2 Provide one (1), Mycom N4WA reciprocating compressors c/w 30 HP, 1800 RPM high efficiency motor 3 1 buty; 21.3 TR, ammonia 10°F SST & 95°F SCT suction & service valves relief valve ressor shall be c/w discharge oil separator om E h , , , , p ac c discharge thermometers, safety cutouts, crankcase heater, glycol cooled oil cooler, jacket and heads. Glycol to be cooled via glycol coil in evaporative condenser. The COMP-1 OPT N-1 & V-2) il t di h i h ' 4 . rap a sc arge o t Each compressor shall be provided w (50hp) compressor shall be provided wRh a DOT 8 and COMP-2 (30hp) compressor shall be provided wRh a DOT 6. , 2.6 GLYCOL PUMP (P-2) 1 Provide one (1), 9.A. Armstrong #4360 model 1-112 D c/w 1.OHP motor, 1500 RPM high efficiency motor. , 1 Duty: 20 USGPM at 50' Head. d i b d fi .2 ron o y tte The glycol pump shall be vertical in-line, centrrfugal design and bronze ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Section 15700 ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 5 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 ' construction dw mechanical seals and stainless steel sleeves. Motor shall be suitable for full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starting. ' 2.7 COLD GLYCOL EXPANSION TANK (ET-1) 8 OVERFLOW TANK (OFT-1) ' 1 Provide one (1) model # ACO ASSMAN RT-500 horizontal type expansion tank.,. 1 The closed style cold glycol balance tank to allow for expansion and contraction of the ethylene glycol charge within the rink floor piping. Tanks shall be honzontal type and mounted at high level elevated above highest cooling glycol pipuig:; 2 Provide one (1) cold glycol overflow tank (OFT-1) model # ACO ASSMAN OT-45 .1 The overflow glycol tank shall be mounted at low leveldirecttybelow the expansion tank and piped as indicated on the schematic: - 2.8 GLYCOL EXPANSION TANK (ET-2) 1 Provide one (1) Amtrol model # 300E horizontal type expansion tank. .1 The closed style glycol expansion tank to allow for. expansion and contraction of the ethylene glycol charge Tanks shall be horizontal type and mounted at high level. 2.9 WATER BALANCE TANK (WT-1) 1 Provide a floor mounted vertical 42" diameter x 72" high polyethelene tank c/w lid. 2.10 ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL (ECP-1) ' 1 Provide one (1), combination controllstarter panel for the refrigeration system motors. .2 The control panel shall be sized for 575/3/60 volt power supply and 120/1/6D volt control. i The electrical control panels shall be complete with a 400 amp non-fused main disconnect and control transformer. ' 3 All supplied pump motor starters will be across-the-line complete with 3-phase overload protection. The compressors motors will be reduced voltage, solid state starting. Each motor will have an on/off/auto selector switch mounted on the door of the conVol panel and individual .pilot IigFits: -.-.4 Alleledrical components will be housed in a NEMA12 enclosure complete wRh convection vents. ' 5 Panel to be UL and CSA approved as a complete unit. 6 Connect to existing 575V feed in compressor room. 2.11 DE-SUPERHEATER (DSH-1) 1 Provide one (1 ), de-superheater heat exchanger located on the refrigeration discharge line between the refrigeration compressors and the evaporative condenser. The de- superheater shall be utilized to pre-heat the domestic hot water supply. r ~~ DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 5 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 Section 15700 ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM consWction clv/ mechanical seals and stainless steel sleeves. Motor shall be sudable for full voltage non-reversing (FVNR) starting. 2.7 COLD GLYCOL EXPANSION TANK (ET-1) 8 OVERFLOW TANK (OFT-1) 1 Provide one (1) model # ACO ASSMAN RT-500 horizontal type expansion tank, .1 The closed style cold glycol balance tank to allow for expansion andcontraction of the ethylene glycol charge wdhin the rink floor piping. Tanks shall 6e'hdrizontal type and mounted at high level elevated above highest cooling glycol piping,.. 2 Provide one (1) cold glycol overflow tank (OFT-1) model # ACO ASSMAN OT-45. The overflow glycol tank shall be mounted at low level-directly 6elowthe expansion tank and piped as indicated on the schematic 2.8 GLYCOL EXPANSION TANK (ET-2) 1 Provide one (1) Amtrol model # 300E horizontal type expansion tank. .1 The closed style glycol expansion tank to allow for expansion and contraction of the ethylene glycol charge. Tanks sfialt be horizontal type and mounted at high level. 2.9 WATER BALANCE TANK (WT-1) 1 Provide a floor mounted vertical 42" diameter x 72" high polyethelene tank c/w lid. 2.10 ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL (ECP-1) 1 Provide one (1), combination control/starter panel for the refrigeration system motors. .2 The control panelshall be sized for 575!3/60 volt power supply and 12011!60 volt control. The electricaf.control panels shall be complete with a 400 amp non-fused main disconnect and control trahsformer. 3 All supplied: pump motor starters will be across-the-line complete wRh 3-phase overload protecfion. The compressors motors will be reduced voltage, solid state starting. Each motor will have an on/off/auto selector swdch mounted on the door of the control panel and individual pilot lights. 4 All electrical components will be housed in a NEMA12 enclosure complete wdh convection vents. 5 Panel to be UL and CSA approved as a complete unit. 6 Connect to existing 575V feed in compressor room. 2.11 DE-SUPERHEATER (DSH-1) Provide one (1), de-superheater heat exchanger located on the refrigeration discharge line between the refrigeration compressors and the evaporative condenser. The de- superheatershall be utilized to pre-heat the domestic hot water supply. LJ r i ' DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Section 15700 ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM t Page 6 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 I I 2.12 RINK FLOOR PIPING SYSTEM Cooling Glvcol Headers: 1 Header pipes shall be 6" schedule 40 ASTM A53 grade A or 8 ERW pipe. Nipple pipes shall be'/." schedule 80 ASTM A106 grade A or B seamless pipe welded at 8" centres. All pipe shall be new, straight and true before fabrication. Nipples shall not protrude into`the headers. Support headers on galvanized steel channel at minimums8 feet centers. Headers shall be factory fabricated, pressure tested and painted. Install on new galvanized steel trench supports. Rink Floor Cooling Pipe; 2 Rink floor cooling piping shall be installed on 4" centers. All rink floor piping shall be 1.05" ID x 1.25" OD linear low density, virgin polyethylene7esin, C1SA approved pipe specifcally manufactured for rink use. The only permitted connections or joints in the cold floor piping shall be at the 180° PVC return bends. Pipes sfiall be fastened to the header and return bends via stainless steel clamps with carbon steel screws, two (2) clamps per pipe connection. Rink Pipe Supports; 3 Supply and install top loaded pipe supporfirig chairs made of steel rod fabricated with a 3" wide, 24 gauge steel plate on the bottom. Pipe lift shall allow 1 3/4" concrete over the top of rink piping. Pipe chairs shall space the cooling rink floor piping on 4" centres and shall be placed in rows on 2'-6" centres down the length of the rink. Overlap chairs by one (1) pipe at the end of each chair; Coolino Glvcol Pipina: .4 Supply andinstall steel piping in the existing trench from the refrigeration compressor room and conriect to new cooling headers. 2.13 REFRIGERANT PIPING & VALVES 1 All ammonia refrigerant piping shall conform to the latest edition of the ASME 631.5 ' ..Refrigeration Pressure Piping Code and CSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. 2 Supply and install all necessary ammonia shutoff and control valves as indicated on the drawings. Valves to be manufactured by Hansen, Phillips, RlS, or approved equal. .3 All ammonia pressure relief valves shall be sized and piped to a suitable location as defined in the CSA B52 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. Provide a glass faced emergency fire box mounted on an eMerior wall with valves as required by CSA 652 Mechanical Refrigeration Code. 2.14 GLYCOL AND WATER PIPING & VALVES Supply and install all necessary glycol and water piping as indicated on the drawings and/or schematic. DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15700 1 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 7 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December 08, 2009 , Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 2 Supply and install all necessary glycol and water valves and controls for safe, convenient operation and maintenance. Butterfly valves shall be full lug type with trim selection compatible with fluid being handled. All butterfly valves shall have lever handle operator. Butterfly valves to be Challenger, or approved equal. On piping 2" and smaller full port ball valves manufactured by M.A.S., or approved equal may be used. ' 2.15 RINK ACCESSORIES .1 Supply and install two (2), rotating beacons with alarm horns mounted on outsitle exterior ' wall of refrigeration compressor room and also within the new refrigeration room vestibule. Connect to the existing /relocated ammonia leak detector system c/w required conduit and control wiring to suit. , 2.16 REFRIGERANTS AND OIL CHARGE 1 Supply and install complete operating charge of anhydrous ammonia , .2 Provide a complete charge of ethylene glycol diluted to 45% by weight for the ice rink. 3 Refrigerant grade oil will be supplied as recommended by the compressor manufacturer ' for the initial oil charge and one (1) refill (change) , . 3 EXECUTION ' 3.1 EQUIPMENT AND PIPING uate clearances Provide ade t th f de b ! .1 q urer. y e manu ac d,, Install all equipment as recommen , around the equipment to allow access#or maintenance and removal for service. The equipment shall be supported andsecured to the refrigeration room concrete house keeping pads. Co-ordinate the forming and pouring of level concrete bases by the general , contractor 2 Provide an ammonia relief piping sized and installed to current code standards. The new ammonia header pipit to be installed and piped from the refrigeration compressor room tc an ammonia relief diffuser mounted outside within the cooling tower enclosure. 3 .Install all piping in a neat and professional manner using acceptable trade practices. Piping , shall+be run straight and true between fttings. Vertical piping shall be plumb and horizontal piping shall be parallel with walls whenever possible. Unnecessary offsets and elbows shall be avoided. Ammonia piping shall be solidly supported in place to comply with the latest TSSA regulations. ' 4 Pressure test all glycol steel pipe, headers and rink piping, as specified prior to painting, insulating or covering with welded wire mesh. Pressure test all ammonia piping to comply with the latest TSSA regulations, prior to painting or insulating. Arrange for TSSA on-site , piping inspection and to witness the ammonia piping pressure test. 3.2 RINK FLOOR PIPING 1 The rink cooling floor and header system shall be tested with water pressure at a minimum of 50 psig for 48 hours, prior to pouring of concrete. Pressure shall remain on the Floor piping for the duration of the rink pour. , DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15700 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 8 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December O8, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 2 To repair a polyethylene pipe leak (damaged after the welded wire mesh is placed in the cold floor, the pipe is to be cut at the leak. A 1" plastic insert coupling, with two clamps on either side, is to be installed and re-tested. Any pipe leak found while the circuit is still accessible, shall be repaired by replacing the entire circuit. 3 Verify and co-ordinate with the general contractor that the sub-floor rigid insulation is installed level to the specified tolerances prior to placing rink pipe supports. Do hqt use shims under the rink pipe supports. 4 Provide a qualified installation technician on-site prior to and during the pouring of the' ' concrete for the rink floor. Cut return bend wire ties two days after the concrete floor pour, through the perimeter side of the expansion joint before the compression seal is installed, ' 3 3 to permit the floor slab to contract during operation. ELECTRICAL FIELD W G . IRIN 1 Provide all power and control electrical field wiring from the refrigeration control panel to the refrigeration equipment motors, switches, controls and remote temperature sensors. All electrical wiring must conform to CSA and local egdes. Main power wiring to and connection into the supplied control panel is.not ihcluded but required. ' 3 4 PIPE INSULATION . 1 Provide thermal insulation on all low temperature piping. Insulation thickness shall be sufficient to prevent any surface condensation 2 Insulation shall be preformed extruded polystyrene with vapour barrier and a PVC jacket. ' 3.5 COMMISSIONING .1 The refrigeration cbntractorshall be solely responsible for charging of glycol, refrigerant and oil intp the system. A qualified refrigeration mechanic shall commission the ' refrigeration system. 2 The procedure for the rink slab pull down /sheet of ice is as follows: 1 A minimum 28 day cure period is required on the concrete slab before the temperature can be reduced (pull down). ' 2 The floor should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. A detergent type soap, not oil based, can be applied by a power scrubber or hand mopped. Ensure any traces of petroleum-based distillates have been removed. ' 3 Reduce the floor slab temperature down to 32°F. The full system capacity can be used to minimize the time required to reduce the floor slab temperature to 32°F. 4 Hold the floor slab at 32°F for 24 hours. 6 Reduce the floor slab temperature at a rate of 3°F per day until a temperature of approximately 20°F is reached. 6 O b i i . wner ns eg ce making installation process. DARLINGTON SPORTS CENTRE RENOVATION Section 15700 PRE-TENDER OF ICE RINK ICE RINK REFRIGERATION SYSTEM REFRIGERATION SYSTEM Page 9 CEL Project No. 09064 Dated: December OS, 2009 Consultant: Crossey Engineering Ltd. Revised: 0 .7 Provide complete commissioning of the refrigeration plant and provide a total of eight (8) hours of on site training for the building Owner. End of Section