HomeMy WebLinkAbout1201 A By-law to provide for the total 1951 expenditure on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. A EY-LAW TO PRQVTDE FOR THE TOTAL 19~LEXPENDI~URE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ~-~~~ IN THE OOUNTY OF ~-~ ---~ 4ISTRICT WHEREAS The High?~i=?y Improvement Act, Ch?pte~ 55, R.SoO., 1937 and amendments reouires that the tot~.l expenditure on to?~mehip rows a.n.~ bridges be provided for annually by to~~mship' b3~-la?~~, THEREFORE- the council of the corporation of the s~.id tou~mship enacts 's follor~s (1) The sum of $~ASa~ • ~ ,is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures ?,nd government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction a.n~ maintenance of the roads and bri~.ges under its jurisdiction during the year 19 ac folio?~.~s ; ' . - BRIDGES & ROADS CULV RTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION...... . $_ DDQ $ ~ nDD owe • as °~° -~ oo $ MAINTENANCE..,....,...$.; ~~L, 2Ro '°d $ ~, eea'r'D $ .Z/, ern ~~'"° NEW MACHINERY... ; , .. $ .Siva ~OiO $_ Tee • dO MACHINERY REPAIRS... $ ~ span • °y $ ~ ~„ e , o~ MISCELLANEOUS. , .....~~,~ ~ 002 °° $ aeo • O'° ~, $R .~l~o . °~° $ / ~ o 0 0 • ~ $ S~ Soo , °° (2) The said moni~G si~a i.l be °~-pende~. under the direction of the ~'ul,y appointc~~ to~~nship roa-3 super~nten:ient end on ?~Tor)c rerforme 3 in a,ccorda,nce ~•~ th T?:e High~~~ay Im~rove:r.-cnt Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit ~uplicat~ copies o:`' this by-la~•i to the district office of th,~ Municipal Ro~dG Br?nch, Department of High?~~a.y:=, on or before Febru~-ry 28th of the pr~~rent ynar< Passe~~? at ,~z~ this_~day of A.D.,, 1~.~~. (ShAL ) CLE REEVE I',, !5~~_ Cleriz of the corporation of the to?~.~nship of ,~'.~~~ ~o hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Py-la.?+~ No.,, /~,o/ _,,,_passe~l by the council of thn eai~i corporation on the `~~ ~/ TOWNSHIP ChFRK