HomeMy WebLinkAbout1212A By-law to provide for the total 1952 expenditure on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. FOP.M B-6 BY-LAVd N0. /.Z/.Z A BY-L,A~~J TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19,~,EXPENDITIIRE ON ROADS IN THE TOC~~v3HIP OF _ LA KE IN THE COUNTY ~ OF D«,/z.~~M DISTRICT t~VH.EREAS The Highway ImproveII~ent Act requires that tt:e total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to The Minister of Highways for approval. 'I'E~.i~FOHE t~~e Oouncil of the Corporation of the sai3 Tot~nship enacts as follows (1) The sum of ~ SG. o00 • °'O is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its juris~ diction during the year 19~as follows:- BRIDGES & ROADS CULV~.RTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ........... ~ ~e~,~ • "'O ~ /2. n ne • °~° ~ ~ yee ' nO MAINTENANCE ............ ~~... ,~~ „no • °`~ ~ ~rnne • °'O ~ .Z~~oo~' °~ NEW' 1t^,ACI-~INTr;RY .......... ~ ? n ea .az~ ~ ~p ~ _ 2_ od o • 00 MISCELLArJ~LOUS ... • ... • • • ~ S' en n •dO ~ ~ Ste. Ood • ~'° A'JAENi~/~RY ~ZEPA/le. T 0 T A L S y`{~ O.OOG •~__ ~=inn . oe p~p ~ % ~.r,~ a" .._ 000• ~ ~ - (2j The said monies shall, be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highvaay Improvement Act. ti3} ~1'he clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Hads Branch, Department of i:igh~~aays, not later than February 28th of the said year. Passed at a,P ~n this S day of fEBR~s.ARV A.D.19S~- • ( 5 ~ AL ) ~,~CLE ~ ~ EVE 1 ~ ~~~ ~~: =~ , Clerk. of the Corporation of the Township of ~h~,_ _ do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of tsy-law No. i1i2. 'passed by the Council of the said i:orpo~•ation cn theme-day of ~ 19~• • TO~rJiv5 I~ CLERK