HomeMy WebLinkAbout1219A By-law authorizing an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs to extend the time for the return of the Assessment Roll. ~~~ ~~ , ~~, ~` Whereas the Assessment Act R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 24, ~4 `~.~~~ ~;~~~ Section 53, Sub-section 6 authorizes an extension of the `<<`~ r~~ time Par the return of the Assessment Roll, ~`~'~ And Whereas the Council are of the opinion that the ~ .. Assessment Roll cannot be completed by September 30, 1952. Therefore the time for the return of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Clarke is extended for a period of Sixty daps as from September 34, 1952; and the time for the revision and the final revision of the said roll is extended for a period of Sixty days. Read a first and second time this 24th day of September 1952 Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of September 1952 -~ i Reeve er .. Copy The Corporation of the Township of Clarke By-Law Ao. I,_„ 2„ I,~,~ A Hy-law authorizing an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs to extend th® time for the return of the Assessment Roll. Whereas the Assessment Aot R.S.Cl. 19513, Chapter 24, Section 53, :3ub-section 6 authorizes an extension of the tiros for the return of.the Assessment Aoll, And Whereas the 0ouncil are of the opinion that the Assess®ent Roll cannot be aompieted by September 30, Ig52. Therefore the tires for the return of the .Assessment Roll of the Township of Gls.rl~e is extended for a period of Sixty daya~ as from September 3A, 2952; and the time for the revision and the final revision of the said roll is extended for a period of Sixty days. Aead a first and second tirrie this 24th day o! September 1952 Read a third time and finally passed thin 24th day of September ig5~ Z AppRpVED «s:. - . DAP F MI~IiCIP A /% ._,~ A~SL&SMEN{. 8EP Z 9 12 ,~ Reeve (Sgnd) H. E. Millaon