HomeMy WebLinkAbout1230A By-law to provide for the payment of a fee for the inspection of plumbing and sewers. .~ -., ` - 2 AND WHII~EAS by paragraph 83a of Section 38g {1) of The Alunicipal Act, the Council of this i~unicipality is authorized to pass by-law for charging fees for such inspections, NOf~J TI-TEREFORE it is enacted by the Pdunicipal Council of the Corporation of the '/or/ti/sp~P of C',~ARKE as a by-law of the said Corporation as follows:- 1. This Bylaw shall apply to any Group A system, any Group B system and any Group C syste.~, as defined in Ontario Regulation 261/52 or amendnents thereto or any regulation made in substitution therefor, situate in this Municipality. 2. This By-law shall not apply to (a) repair or replacement of a valve, faucet or fixture, or (b) work in (i) repairing a leak, or iii) forcing out a stoppage 3. In this By-law (a) "Plumbing" includes the pipes, fittings, fixtures, traps, drains, and appliances for conveying water or sewage or other liquid wastes, as the case may be, to, in or from, a building and the premises contiguous thereto under the control of the same occupier. (b ) 11Inspectort4 means an inspector appointed or authorized by the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit under The Public Health Act to enforce within this Municipality the provisions of Ontario Regulation 261/52 or amendments thereto or any regulation made in substitution therefor. (c) "Treasurer" includes any person authorized to act on behalf of the Treasurer. !~. Any person who intends by himself or through others to construct, repair, renew or alter any plumbing shall before the commencement of suc~a construction, repair, renewal, or alteration pay ~( fee:RSf ~ ,. for'the inspection of such construction, repair, renewal or alteration by the inspector, as required by the said Regulations. 5. The fee may be paid by the owner or occupier of premises for whom the work is to be done or by the person who intends to do the work or cause it to be done. Payment by one of such persons shall relieve the other or others from responsibility for payment. r t '".. -3- 6. The fee shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall prepare in triplicate a written acknowledgment of payment thereof showing the name of the person intending to do the work, the name of the owner and of the occupant of the premises, the address or location of the premises, and the date on which it is intended that the work shall be commenced. The acknowledgment shall be signed by the Treasurer and by the person paying the fee. 7. The Treasurer shall deliver one copy of the acknowledgment to the person paying the fee and shall forthwith deliver, or send by mail the second copy of the acknowledgment to the inspector and shall retain the third copy of the acknowledgment in his records. g. The Treasurer shall forthwith pay the fee into the general funds of this NIunicipality and ahall from time to time on demand pay out of such funds to the Nortriumberland-Durham Health Unit such sums as may lawfully be demanded in respect of the cost of inspections of such work in this NTunicipality, pursuant to section 20 (1) of The Public Health Act. 9, lyothing in this By-law shall relieve any person from any responsibility imposed by the said Regulations for notifying the inspector when the work is ready for inspection. Read a first time the :~ day of 19.,~~ Read a second time the day of Read a third time and passed in open Council the 19.... day of ~ ~ ` 19 ..~ .~ (Mayo or Reeve (Seal) Clerk • ~ '* Nb~!'~I~i~ER~i}}~-.~ALTH SC~UIE Cff' FFES .,.~ -~~` z 7 f~ ~ z n ~{ rr`.~ f ~t ~ C June, 1953 ../ FOR PLUMBING INSP~CTICl~TS ~ r !, Residence Duplex and 1'dultiple apartments Factories and Schools Combined apartment and store or business Store or Business a k c i "~ t X3.00 plus 50~ a f:i xture `~.. ,. ~ , ~- << ` ^ ~ ~~ j.~, Sv3.00 Por first suite, v~2.00 for each addi ti onal suite, plus 50~ A fixture . w5.00 plus 50~ a fixture X3.00 for apartment, X2.00 for store and for each additional apartment, plus 50~ a fixture $x3.00 plus 50¢ a fixture Fixtures added to existing system or plumbing repaired, renewed or " altered w2.00 plus 50¢ a fixture Septic Tanks w3.00 Above to include one interim and one final inspection Additional inspections to be X1.00 Change from septic tank to municipal sewer C, •-- ~~'~~` ~ r ,r , X2.00 ,~L ~~/ ; ;n r • , , .., R rim r. ~ ~ ~,~ ~, y.` ~ . ; f ~'"' ~;,. ; •, ;: '~ ,~ ~ ' .. ,,~ ~ Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, Ontario, May 30, 1953. To Clerks and Reeves of the iviunicipalities in the United Counties: Dear Sirs : PLUP:~ING & SF?ERS RFCxUL~TTONS I have been instructed by the Board of Health of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit to advise you that the Regulations under the Public Health Act respecting Plumbing and Sewers came into force on ~4ay 6th, 1953. Regulations under the Public Health Act respecting Health Units, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 306, provide that the board of health of a health unit shall perform the same duties as a local board of health, and that the board of health shall, with the approval of the Minister, appoint such personnel as the ~'linister may require to perform such duties as the Board and the l"inister may assign, The power of the council of a local municipality to appoint health workers is confined to appointing a Medical Officer of Health and such sanitary inspectors as the municipal bo~~rd may require (Public Health ~-~et section 33 (1) ). It follows that where there is a health unit, since the municipal local board does not exist and therefore cannot require any appointments, the municipal councils cannot appoint personnel to perform duties under the 11.ct or Regulations. These Regulations respecting Plumbing and Sewers apply where what are called "Group A Systems", "Group B Systems" and "Group C Systems" exist. Clause 1 (.36) A Group A system is a water-supply system conveying potable water supplied to tha premises from a community source. (e.g. municipal waterworks). Clause 1 (.37) A Group B system is a drainage system which either (a) discharges into a municipal sewerage system, or (b) is in a locality in which no municipal sewerage system is available, but has a population density of three or more people an acre according to the last revised assessment roll. Clause 1 (.38) A Group C system is a plumbing system in a public-access building (A public-access building is defined by Reg. 1 (.57)). Clause 4 (2) of the new Regulations prohibits putting into use a Group A, B, or C system, which has been constructed, repaired, renewed or altered (with minor excc;ptions) until the work ilas been inspected and found to conform to the Regulations. Clause 4 (L,.) requires an inspector to inspect the work within 'J days after being notified in writing that the work is ready for inspection. By Clause 1 (.44) 49Inspectorp' is a person appointed or authorized under the Act to enforce the new Regulations. ~~s you probably know, there is provision in the Public Health Act, Section 20 (1) whereby the Treasurer of the municipality shall pay upon demand the costs of services, such as these inspections, performed under the direction of the board, Provision has been made by a new clause, 83 (a) under Section 3gg (1) of the ~~Iunicipal Act, (in effect as of Hpril 2, 1953) for the charging of a fee by the council of the local municipality for inspections. By charging such a fee, the municipality may obtain a revenue to cover the cost of the inspections. A draft form of such a ,^ i 'Sc r _ 2 _ by-law is now under preparation, and will be forwarded in the future for presentation to the councils and for their necessary action. UVith reference to the definition of a Group B system, you will note that l• (37) (b) states ".. is in a locality in which no municipal sewerage system is available, but has a population density of three or more people an acre according to the last revised assissment roll". It would appear that for the purpose of the administration of this ~~ct, such areas will have to be defined. This will be discussed with you by a member of our staff in the near future. It is drawn to your attention that the provisions of the Regulations in no way prevent an individual from installing his own plumbing. However, it is required that the plumbing installed by riim conform to the requirements of the Regulations in the areas where these regulations apply. For your information, authority is given under Section 413 (9) of the ~2unicipal tact for the municipality to license, regulate and govern plumbing contractors, plumbers, master plumbers and journeyman plumbers. There is considerable administration and organization to be done, and I ask for the co-operation of every member of your council to assist the Board of Health and the R7edical Officer of Health to adriinister the se Regulations so that every one may benefit from their provisions, as is the intention. Attached is a summary of pertinent legislation for the information of the council members. ae would welcome any questions or comrrients about these new Regulations. Yours truly, Enc. charlotte TuI. Horner, B.~1., 19I.D., D.P.H. I~dedical Officer of Health } l4 Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, Ontario, June 30, 1953 To Clerks and Reeves of the Municipalities of the United C ounti es PLUMBING AND S~EGdERS REGULATIONS Doerr Sirs: Reference is made to a letter dated May 30, 1953, regarding the Plumbing and Sewers Regulations, which was sent to Clerks. and Reeves of the muni ci pali ties of the United Counties . I am enclosing a copy of a by-law, which has been drafted by the Solicitor for the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, to provide for the payment of a fee for the inspection of plumbing ap.d sewers. A motion which was passed by the Board of Health of the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit at a meeting on June 3, 1953 reads as follows: "THAT the proposed by-law as submitted by Mr. Ryan re ~'lumbing and Sewers Regulations be approved, and copies forwarded to the municipalities for the necessary action. This by-law is a suggested one, and drafted for your convenience and. assistance, and may be altered by your Council as deemed necessary, Authority for passing such a by-law is a recent enactment under The r~iunicipal Act, Section 388 (1), paragraph 83A. It would be appreciated if you would present this by-law to your municipal council at an early date, for their discussion and necessary action. It may be pointed out that, as mentioned in the letter regarding the Plumbing and Securers Regulations which has been sent to you the Board of Health has authority under section 20 (1) of the Ptiablic Health Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 306, to collect the fees for such inspections from the municipality, and that this by-law is intended to enable the muhicipality to recover these expenses from the individuals who are receiving the inspections. For your guidance, I am also enclosing the schedule of fees which was adopted by motion of the Board of Health at a meeting held on June 17, 1953• This will be the Health Unit charge for services, but the fee set by the municipality may be for any amount your council wishes to impose. The by-law and schedule of fees will be discussed with council members by a member of the Health Unit staff in the near future. tide would welcome any comments or suggestions. Yours truly,. ~~rw.~n/ Enc . Charlotte 142. Horner, B.A. , P,l.D . , D.P.H. , Medical Officer of Health 1 ;~r 1. Pub13c,Health .t-~ct -Regulations respecting Health Units 8. The Board shall exercise within its jurisdiction the s«me powers and perform the same duties as a local board of health appointed under the Act, and those assigned by the hTinister. 1L~.. Subject to the approval of the UZinister the board shall appoint and fix the remuneration of such physicians, public health nurses, sanit~:ry officers and other personnel as the T~dinister may rec_uire, and they shall perform such duties as the board and the T~iinister may assign. 2. Public Health hct - Re~,ulations respecting Plul;ibing and Sewers 4• (1) No j~erson shall construct, repair, renew, or alter, plumbing except in conformity with these regulations. (2) ~Nhere plumbir~ has been constructed, repaired, renewed, or altered, the plumbing so constructed, repaired, renewed, or altered, shall not be put into use until. it has been inspected and found to conform to these regulations. (3) Subregulati on 2 shall not aptly to (a) repair, or rep lacement, of a valve, faucet, or fixture, or (b) work in (i) repairing a leak, or (ii) forcir~ out a stoppugo (L,.) An inspector shall make the inspection within 7 days after being notified in writix~ that the co nstruction, repair, renewal, or alteration, is ready for inspection. 3. T~unicipal Act 3gg (1) By-laws may be ~.assed by the councils of local municipalities; g3a• For charging a fee for the inspection of plumbing, sewers, septic tanks, cesspools, water closets, earth closets, privies and imivy vaults where, under this or any other Act, approval or a certificate of compliance or such inspection is recYuired. 4• Public Health Act 20. (1) The treasurer of the manic ipality shall forthwith upon demand pay the amount of any account f'or services performed under the direction of the board ar~d materials and s applies furnished, or for any expenditure incurred by the board or by the medical officer of health or sanitary inspe ctor in carrying out the provisions of this Act or the regulations, after the board has by resolution approved of the account and a copy of the resolution certif ied by the chairman and secretary has been filed in the office of the treasurer. 1 "'~ Northumberland-Durham P.e«lth Unit, Cobourg, Ontario, December 16, 1953 To Clerks and Reeves of the Iuunieipalities of the United Counties: Dear Sirs: PLtTti;BING AND S>;~-'ERS ~,EGUZATIONS Reference is made to letters dated I~~ay 30, 1953, and June 30, 1953, regarding Plwnbing and Sewers Regulations which were sent to Clerks and Reeves of the r~iunicipalities of the United Counties. As you probably know, r~Ir. ?'J. D. Cameron was appointed Pliu~bing Inspector for the Health Unit by the Board of Health, and he began his duties on November 1, 1953• If your municipal council has not already considered the draft by-law which was enclosed with the letter dated June 30, 1953, I main ask that this be brought before the members for their consideration. D:'r. Cameron would be pleased to meet them and discuss it further if you would advise me as to the most convenient time. Reference is trade to the Health Unit schedule of fees which was also enclosed Trith the letter of June 30, 1953• At the time this schedule was adopted, a fee for the inspection of drains was inadvertently omitted. Therefore, at their meeting on i~ecember 9th the Board of Health passed a rwtion including a Pee of X1.50 for the inspection of drains. Your co-operation in assisting the staff of the He::lth Unit to carry out the provisions of these Provincial Regulations would be very much appreciated. ~; ...~ Yours truly, ~;' Charlotte I~. Horner, B.A., I~~l.D., D.P.H. Iyedical Officer of Health ~-~r~ ~~ f ~~~~ 1 ' t+ .~,~~., ~.,,wy ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~Ir. H. E. ld~'lll son, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Clarke, Oroao, Ont. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, January 29, 1954. Dear Sir: Re: The rrovincial Aid to Drainage Act, R,S.O. 1950, Chapter 295 - Section 3. Your attention is drawn to Section 3 of The Projri.ncial Aid to Drainage Act ~~~hich rewires a P4unicipality to submit a petition for a drainage grant on drainage work to the Lieutenant -Governor in Council before undertaking the work. This Section reads as follows: "The Council of a ~xunicipality initiating a drainage work, being or including work to which this Act applies, may, before passim and by-law for undertaking the work aonly to the Lieutenant-Governor in ~ou~ Heil by uetition, verified by a statutory declaration of the Engineer, and settinn; forth the reasons why the whole cost of the work should not be assessed upon the land which would be liable to assessment therefor under the funicipal Drainage Act, and that aid should therefore be granted, accompanied bar a verified copy of the report, a statement of the cash value and the Engineer's assessment of the land, and a field plan and profile of the proposed work," ' Some 2~Iunicipalities have not fully complied ~rrith this Section of the Act reouiring the petition to be submitted before passing any by-law for undertaking the work, and have assumed that it is permissible to submit their petition after passing of the by- law or undertaking the work. -- 'ro clarify this matter, amendments to The Provincial Aid to Drainage Act are being proposed at the coming Session of the Legislature to require the petitions for aid towards the cost of approved drainage works to be submitted to the P~Iinister of Public Works within three months after the date of the passing of the by-law for undertaking the work. If there are any drainage projects for which the bar-latias for undertaking the work have been passed and a petition has not been submitted and your ~~T_unicipality intends to apply for a. grant towards their cost under the provisions of the Act; the petitions to the Lieutenant -Governor in Council must be submitted to the P~Iinister of Public Works on or before IRarch 31, 1954, to receive consideration for a grant, could you please acknowledge by return, receipt of this letter. Yours very truly, ~ ~~ W, L. Rice, P,Eng,, h1LR :IS Civil Engineer, /~,~ ) _~ ~ ~... f Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, Cobourg, Ontario, June 30, 1953 To Clerks and Reeves of the Municipalities of the United Counties PLUMBING AND SEGdERS REGULATIONS Doax Sirs: Reference is made to a letter dated May 30, 1953 regarding the Plumbing and Sewers Regulations, which was sent to Clerks and Reeves of the municipalities of the United Counties . I am enclosing a copy of a by-law, which has been drafted by the Solicitor for the Northumberland-Durham Health Unit, to provide Por the payment of a fee for the inspection of plumbing and sewers. A motion which was passed by the Board of Health of the Northumberland-Durham Health UxLi.t at a meeting on Mr. R3anlre3~'lumbis as follows: "THAT the proposed. by-law as submitted by to the manic palitiesaforsthernece saryiaetion.~pproved, and copies forwarded This by-law is a suggested one, anal drafted for your convenience and assistance, and may be altered by your Council as deemed necessary. Authority for passing such a by-law is a recent enactment under The Municipal Act, Section 388 (1), paragraph 83A. It would be appreciated if you would present this by-law to your municipal council at an early date, for their discussion and necessary action. It may be pointed out that, as mentioned in the letter regarding the Plumbing and Sewers Regulations which has been sent t o you the Board of Health has authority under section 20 (1} of the Public Health Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 306, to collect the fees for such inspections from the municipality, and that this by-law is intended to enable the muhicipality to recover these expenses from the individuals who are receiving the inspections. For your guidance, I am also enclosing the schedule of fees which was adopted by motion of the Board of Health at a meeting held on June 17, 1953• This will be the Health Unit charge for services, but the fee set by the municipality may be for any amount your council wishes to impose. The by-law and schedule of fees will be discussed with council members by a member of the Health Unit staff in the near future. tide would welcome any comments or suggestions. Yours truly, Enc. Charlotte M. Horner, B.A., Pa.D., D.P.H., Iviedi cal Officer of Health