HomeMy WebLinkAbout1232A By-law to regulate the size, strength, character, location and use of buildings and structures. - Page 2 - ~. A side sari shall be provided an each sid.l of the main auildin pith a minimum widtYi of 4 feet on each side, plus 2 f~~c~t on each side for each additional story above t~~~-: First. ~. A dwelling for one or more f~~r~ila -;~> shall have aground ~ floor area of not lE~.~: than 1~z~0 square feet and each family unit cont.~ine;' therein shall not have less thar4 1~$0 feet of floor ,I;-ace. ,. , ryo accessory b~.zildin; shall be located v~ithin three feet of the building; to tin•hich it is acces;~ory or ~rithiri six feet of any required c5tindo~a li~;htin; a habitable room ror c;xceed one storey in hei~hth or 15 feet above the ground level. -: A private gars e located in they~ sloe y~d of the dwelling it serves shall not be withir, six feet of such dwellin ;, unless '~. bath the garage and the d~vellin are f~aeed with incombustible E~'rE ~ t,.,*' /i material. and the rara~e shall not be ~u~.~, in two feet of the i lot line. This last provision shall nbt be nterpreted as prohibitin; a double ara~;e serving two dwellings and located or the lot line. 10. 'I'he Council shall appoint a building inspector to carry out the provisions of this by-law and the building inspector is hereby empowered to r{~ceive all applications for t-he construction of buil~:iinr;s or a~c}itionu hez~eto acid the plans th.~~refore shall k~e subr;ittecl ~~!it~: each apt~lication; 11. The buildin; inspector when satisfied that the proposed buildin;; or addition will conform with the provisions of this ~y-lay, shall issue a prelirniriary per~;,it for the construction of the building or addition but the said building; or addition shall not be occupied until the applicant has received a final permit from the buildin,; inspector who shall first satisfy himself that the provisions of this by-law have been carried out by the applicant. .~ . 'I'he fee for the preliminary permit shall be the' sum of X2.00 far a residence, and the sum of X1.00 for a garage, gage 3 - and the fee for the final permit shall be the sum of X3.00 for a residence, and the sum of ~p1.00 for a garage, and the surn of ~,~1.U0 for. all buildings other than dwellin,~;s, All fees shall be payable to the building; inspector upon the issue of each permit. ?. Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this t3y-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting ma;istrati~ a ~~ena qty not exceedin} the sum of `o ` '~:{)U for each afi'ence, e:r:clu~ive or costs. Read ~~ f{r•st,, f~cor:d and ±;hird time and finally pas:~ed this r~" day of A.~.'''. ~„..,_ v_ ~.... eeve ~~ ' erk ~.:0}ii~llULE nArr vlinimum :size of ~uilcin.; Lot and i~iinirt~um Area of Buildin Lot Whictl ::lust be kept free; of uuildinE;. A. Where there is neither a public water supply nor sanitary sewers: (1) ~'or Dwelliri~~s : Area free of Buildint; lot area buildings in Type in square feet square feet One family 15,000 X3,000 Two family 15,000 10,000 Multiple family 15,000 10,000 plus 2,000 for each additional awellin,~ unit in es.cess of two. X11) For kusiness rises and Industrial Uses: Area free of Size of I3uildin~; lot area builcAin~s in Business in square feet square feet Li;lployirr„ up to six persons 15,000 E; , C){JO u~~,;loyin r~~~~rL=, than six persons includiri,; employer 15, coo 6, o0o plus 500 for each additional person over six (111) For Motels and Boardir~ houses: rarsons for whom Area free of acco~rodation is Building; lot area btxildir~~s in provided in square feet square feet mix 1$,000 10,000 More than six 1$,000 10,000 plus 500 for each additional person ac- corrLmodated or 1,500 for each additional room. B. Where there is a public water supply but no sanitary sewers: (1) For D~~ellin~;s: Area free of ~suilc~in; lot area buildings in Ty~;e ir. square fedt square feet une family 7,500 5,000 Tcti~o family 10,000 b, 500 multiple fa~~rily 10,~)UO 6,500 plus 2,000 for each additional dwelliri unit in excess of two. (11) F'or ~usiness USP,s ar~d Industrial Uses: Size of Business Buildin lot area in square feet Area- free of buildings in squaz~e feet Bmployin up to six persons 7,500E 3,000 :1CH%llIJLL "A" ( cony d ) B. (11) cont'd Employing more than Six persons 7,500 3,000 plus 500 for each additional person over six in number. (111) .~,or Hotels and Boarding Houses: Persons for wriorn acco~~odation is Building lot area provided in square feet ;: ix 12, 000 dare than six 12,000 Area free of buildings in square feet F~, 000 6,000 plus 500 for each additional person or 1, 50~ f for each additional room. C. `~Yhere tlF~re is a public caater- supply and sanitary sewers: (1) r'ari~~rellin=;s Area free of Type Une far<~ily Tti~~o family i~lult;-i-~le 1~e~r~llly Building lot area in sc~ua.re feet 5,000 7,000 7,000 (11) F'or I~usiness rises and Industrial Uses: :size of Building lot area ~3usiness in square feet Tn all cases Not applicable (111) x'or Motels and 13aarding Houses: Persons for whom accornodatior~ is Huilding Lot area provided in square feet '+ot a~.~~~licable lYot ap~.licable builalr~;s ~.n square feet 3,300 k,6o0 1,., b00 plus 1,000 for each additional dwelling unit in excess of two. Area free of buildings in square feet 25b of building; lot urea free of buildings .. :: .. .. x .. • ;a '~ y ~ .. rn y .. ~' F-' U1 ~ . ~, ~~ .. ~ ~ O t.+. . o P .. ~ ~ " [~]~ s~~} ro ~ V ~ ~ •• .. ^ " ' •• O ~ O .. Cn ~ . • F • F'• N .. O J N m ~ ~ ~ .~ ' ~ ~ O Cd] iU "~ .. ~ c~' ~ G~ .. H ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ • • fD ' O ~~~0 t ~• • (D ~ ~ • ~ Q .. . . r • • e^ \/ F-~~ '• ~ ~' ~ r T ro •• r .. ~ n I ~ CR r WY ~ ,~ ~, •• :: ~ . n ~+, fa cr :: ~. ~..~ . ~+ ~ m .. .. ~, .. d .. .. . • c~ ro .. ~ .. .. .. •• w •• •