HomeMy WebLinkAbout1250A supplementary by-law to provide for the total 1955 expenditure on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. . -. , ,,. FORM B-6 S'upp~E.n~~-~Y BY-LAW NO. i.2So A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19~ EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP of ~'.l~~e.~~ IN THE COU&~ OF ~.~~,rA~ WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purpose last year was ~ ......i1'a4 ............. which required a levy of .. , . , ~~, , , , mills on the assessment of ~.....,,~~~t;,,,~,,,,,,,,,., AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the said Township desires to .expend for the said purpose this year ~ ~'pQp;;;,,,,,,,,,, for which it is prepared to l~vy an estimate of ...~/,~,,. mills on the assessment of ~.~~~?.~.9-~,•. 3. , ~ , , , , , , , , THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows:- (1) The sum of ~ ~poo • °~ is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures. and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its jurisdiction during the pear 19,,E as follows: - ROADS CONSTRUCTION .................... ~ ~Y000•°= MAINTENANCE ..................... ~. NEW MACHINERY ................... MISCELLANEOUS ................... ~ T O T A L S BRIDGES & CULVERTS TOTAL ~ ~~~o•~ ~. $~ 000 • °.° ~ ~ A ~~Q •ev (2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit d~uPlicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads branch, Department of Highways. Passed at O,Poi/o this ~ day of FEBRc.-A~eY A.D,19 SS ( SEAL ) Clerk ~!i~`~' Reeve I, ~,~~Y~.~ca_e-.~ , C~erk of the Corporation of the Township of ~':C.~.e~E do he~eby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. i,2So passed py the Council of the said Corporation on the dap of FEa~e~c A~e~Y 19s~ . Township Clerk Port Hope Ontario March 2, X955. Mr. H. E. Millson~ Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Clarke, Box 51, ORONO, Ontario. Dear Sir: Unfortunately the forms we forwarded to you for your Supplementary By-Law were an obsolete print and we are enclosing the amended forms herewith. Will you please complete the proper forms and return them to this office. This was an oversight on our part, which I trust you will forgive. Yours very truly, 7 L% f` L _ ~. DAG: CB ,, D1, A. Gorrie Encl. ;j" District Eng~neer. ... ~i46. ~f.G,~K „~G,S -~C<.,.,L~ lQ.e.~s+~ ~i~ .i'..3..i,,.~Gt,~. rlN6G. C~ k. ~~' e~cc ~ f/ ~ J/ /'(J na et. ..G-->._C.~iL C*..1..GQ ~~1.G,4.. ~t/ '° -'{`t../,a,<. 4- .,.,- f"&r.~.~,r.. ~> w--y .a t .,..-E`. t ,.. ~ E ° ~,... G, ,.. ~ /~~ . e ~~ V ~ ~ ~ FOP,M B-6 a~~PLEME./TfiRSI BY-LAVJ N0. /.?SO A BY-LA'~~d TO PROVIDE FOR ~i'HE 19SSEXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN T~ir~ TO`rT1~SHIP OF ~:lh+R~lE IlV THE ~s T~~~OF ~"R~A'~ 'lJrriEHEA,S The Highway Improvenient Act requires that tY~e total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-lativ be submitted to The Minister of Hi.gh~vays for approval. 'I'f-~i~FUNF, tt~e council of the Corporation of the sai3 Toi~nship enacts as follows: (1) The sum of ~ ~oo•°-°-° is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its juris- diction during the year 19 as follows:- BRIDGES & ROADS CULV'r;RTS TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ........... ~ ,~,~oe • °-° ~ ~ Joao '=°- NiAIr~ TE I~ATJ CE ............ ~_.. ~ NEW 11^~ACHINERY.......... ~p ~: ~P MISCELLAPJ-EOUS.......... T 0 T A L S ~ ~ODO ' `!° ~ ~_ _000 ' °!'~ (2) I'he said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highvray Improver',ent ~~ct . r3) ~l'he clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-la~v to the district office of the It;unicipal Roads Branch, Department of I~i i bhuv ays . Passed at D~oi/o this / day of .jEB~~A~eYt~..D.19_~. ( S E A L ~~ l~~ CL:~ R~ REEVE 1 ~ ~ ~ ~, , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of C,C.Q,e.~E. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of try-lavr No. ~-ZSo passed by the Council of the said (:orporation cn the ~ day of FEBRiIARY 19 ~S ~c~ t/L = sr/ TC1Y~1Va CLERK '~ ' '~ FbP.M B-6 ~u.~+PLEinE./TAQy BY-LAVd N0._ /~~ A BY-LA~~d TO PROVIDE FOR ~i'HE 19 ~SEXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN 'I`~rfr; TOVTiJSHIP OF ~'.L/~R ICE IN THE COUNTY OF ~2.~-~-QyA,,,~ DISTRICT !i'JHENEAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that tt:e total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to The Minister of Highways for approval. `I'f~i~FUHE tt~e Uouncil of th.e Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows (1) The sum of ~_~op•~ is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and. government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its juris- diction during the year 19 as follows:- ROt^~DS CONSTRUCTION...........`' ~a,~a•dO $~ NAIS~TENATJCE ............ ~_ NE~i 1~~ACHtNERY .......... BRIDGES & CULV'r•; RTS MTSCELL~J~~:OUS .......... T O T A L S ~ ~oa~ •%° ~ TOTAL ~e ~.,1L , av ~ ~ ao •_ (2) I'he said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road. superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highvaay Improvement ~~ct. ~3) `i'he clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the N:unicipal Hoads Branch, Department aP H i ghvr ays . Passed at _____~iQa~/a this /day of FEerz~s~~ey n.D.lySa- . S P: A L _.__ C _~s---- CL~s FLT REEVE ;~ ~ ~=~/~ . ,, , Clerk of the Corporation of the TOYJT1Snlp of G'.LA2~-CE. do hereby certify that tre foregoing is a true copy of try-law No. /-250 Passed by the Council of the said Corporation cn the / day of FEBRuA2Y 19 SS • ®~ TUu~1VS P CLERK ,~, ~ "l ~ FOP,N B-6 di~P,LE/~lEw~T~4Ry BY-LAVJ N0. /.?SO A BY-LAuJ TO PROVIDE FOR THE '~ 19SSEXPENDITIIRE T~I~; TO`~JT~SHIP OF ~;lh-R~IE IN THE CO~~OF~ '~irFiEREAS Th'e Highway Improvement Act requires that tY~e total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-lativ be submitted to The Mini:~ter of Highways for approval. 'I'F~r;I-ZEFURE tt~e council of the Corporation of the said Tor~nship enacts as follows (1) The sum of ~ DOVO•=°-° is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its juris- diction during the year 19 as follows:- CONSTRUCTION........... ROADS ~i~~A , vo NAIP1TEI~ ANCE ............ BRIDGES & CULVr;RTS NEW' 11^,ACHINF,RY.......... ~p ~P, MISCELLAPJ~LOUS .......... T O T A L S ~ d 000 ' TOTAL ~~00 ' °~ ~P ~ ~ 000 ' ao (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement ~~ct. ti3a ~l'he clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the h;unicipal Roads Branch, Department oY I:i bhw ays . Passed at O~Poivo this / day Of .fEB~Pu.A•P~(h..D.19~s . ( S E AL ) .'~ -~ ~c s CLE R~ - - REEVE 1, o~~~zu ~,_,__ , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of C.CA.e.~E. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of ray-law No. i-2~passed by the Council of the said (:orpor•ation cn the i day of fEBRuARY 19 ~~ • ~in~/ T~Y1r1V~ ~iLERK ON ROADS IN