HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-05-05 ,< ,'. I' Cl~mglOn REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: General Purpose & Administration Committee Date: May 24,2005 Resolution #: Report #: CSD-05-05 File#: By-law #: Subject: Clarington Public Library Main Branch Coffee Kiosk Operation Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CSD-05-05 be received; 2. THAT Council approve the proposed relocation of the coffee kiosk to the mezzanine level of the Main Branch, Clarington Public Library to be operated as The Clarington Project Library Cafe; 3, THAT the required capital costs for the relocation of the operation totalling $17,000.00, be approved and the costs be charged to Clarington Library Cafe account # 110-36-440- 83658-7401 with the necessary funds to be drawn from the General Capital Reserve, with any additional funds raised by The Clarington Project for capital costs to be repaid to this account; 4. THAT the Community Services Department continue to operate the existing coffee kiosk until the new operation is ready to open; and, 5. THAT the C ington Public Library Board and The Clarington Project be advised of Council's ire tion. Submitted by: Reviewed Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer o~ Nanc Taylor, B.B.A., C.A, --\,1 Director of Finance " REPORT NO.: CSD-05-05 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Since May 26, 2003 the Community Services Department has been operating the coffee kiosk located in the Clarington Public Library, Main Branch. Initially the kiosk was to operate on a six-month trial basis, At the January 12, 2004 General Purpose and Administration Meeting, staff was directed to continue the operation of the kiosk, 1.2 Subsequently staff received a letter from The Clarington Project indicating an interest in assuming the operation of the coffee kiosk and direction was received to initiate discussions between staff, The Clarington Project and the library, 1.3 The Clarington Project prepared a Business Plan (Attachment #1) and presented it to staff and the Library Board for consideration. 1.4 At the Library Board meeting on April 2ih, The Clarington Project made a presentation of the business plan, which was endorsed in principle by the Library Board (Attachment #2). Please note, subject to approval of this report, the Clarington Public Library will undertake discussions with The Clarington Project regarding leasing arrangements. 1.5 Any questions regarding the business plan should be directed to the representatives of The Clarington Project. They will be advised of this report and will be requested to be in attendance at the meeting. 2.0 FINANCIAL 2.1 In order to accommodate the relocation of the operation to the mezzanine area of the library, certain capital upgrades are required. The Director of Operations has provided an estimated cost for this work (Attachment #3). The budget covers the plumbing and electrical upgrades to accommodate this initiative which is not carried in The Clarington Project business plan. Flooring and Millwork will be the responsibility of The Clarington Project subject to the approval of the Library Board and the Municipality. Specific questions on the scope of work and associated costs should be directed to the Director of Operations. 2.2 The Clarington Project will endeavor to raise additional funds to assist with the capital costs of this relocation, above and beyond their commitment for millwork and flooring and any funds realized will be repaid to the General Capital Reserve Account which is recommended as the funding source for the capital work. ,l REPORT NO.: CSD-05-05 PAGE 3 2.3 In the Business Plan, The Clarington Project identified certain pieces of equipment that were used in the current operation ie. cash register, waste receptacles etc. The Community Services Department is prepared to make this equipment available, with the concurrence of Council. 3.0 COMMENTS 3.1 Throughout this process the staff with The Clarington Project has done extensive work from the initial investigation of the feasibility of this operation to the development of the detailed business plan and should be commended. 3.2 The proposed operation will continue to provide a service for the patrons and staff of the library and the Municipal Administrative Centre, while at the same time, provide The Clarington Project clients training and development opportunities that will benefit the whole community. Attachments: Attachment 1 - The Clarington Project Library Cafe, Business Plan Attachment 2 - Letter dated May 10, 2005 from Alan Hewitt, Chair, Claiington Public Library Board Attachment 3 - Kiosk relocation capital cost information, as provide by Director of Operations Interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Support Services and The Clarington Project Terry Gray Outcomes Manager Clarington Public Library Edith Hopkins Chief Executive Officer ,( ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT eSD-05-05 ~~ ~ TIle Oshawa/Clarington ~ Association for TIre c/lllltgton Proj41~l1lunllnir\' Liring 132 Church SL ., Sowmanvll/e, Onl8rlo LfC 115 39 Wellington St. East Oshawa, Ontario L 1H 3Y1 Tel (905) 576-3011 Fax (905) 576-9754 March 14,2005 Mr. Joe Caruana Director of Operations Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario L 1 C 3A6 Dear Joe, This letter is to thank you for your audience at the meeting on January 25th. The Clarington Project believes in the value of the Library Cafe business initiative and continues to explore possibilities that would make this endeavour a supcess. We appreciated your feedback last week about how we should proceed. ' Due to the space constraints that exist with the current kiosk, and recognizing that this endeavour would not be lucrative without leasehold improvements, the Clarington Project does not plan to pursue operation of the existing Library coffee kiosk. We would like to explore the possibility of operating the Library Cafe Training Enterprise from another location within the library, specifically the Mezzanine Level. Following a meeting with the Library Board President, Allan Hewitt, and the Library Director, Edith Hopkins, the Board gave their approval to investigate further opportunities in this area. The original Library Cafe Business Plan, amendments to the plan, and our proposal for support is attached. It is our objective to work with the Municipality, the Library and all contributing partners, in our pursuit to operate an enterprise that would be advantageous to so many people. We hope that you will continue to award us with your support and consideration where applicable. Please do not hesitate to call Dar1ene Matthews at 623-6814 ext. 35 or me at 579-3011 ext. 329 if you have any questions or concerns. Regards, ( ./;;;a.rkde Hd(!tiVS JbrTerri Gray Manager, Support Services and The Clarington Project www.ocact.ca cc: Jim Schell, Councilor Edie Hopkins, Library Director Allan Hewitt, President, Library Board SUPPORTtO B r ~ lit!? United Way ,I rrne Cfarineton cp,oject Li6rary Ca+i ~ ':J' ~ .' rra6fe of Contents rrIie Cfarington Project Li6rary Cafi ~ :-.....; ~ Page Executive Summary The Team Management Team Staff Advisory Committee Advisors Business Environment Business Summary and History Industry Overview Position in the Industry Marketing Plan Target Market Services/P rod ucts Pricing Strategy Food Products and Sources of Supply Sales/Distribution Plan Advertising and Promotions Plan Finance Capital Requirements Operating Costs Other Expenses Financial Forecast Operations Stage of Development Production Process Risks and Conclusions Summary 3 4 5 7 10 12 14 14 The Clannglon PrO.leel Libr.lTY CJt~ BUsmt:~~ P!a..'1 -1. 31l.U;OO; " 'I1ie CfarinlJton Project LiErary Cafi ~ ;:- ~ The Library Cafe Training Enterprise is an initiative that will contribute to the training development and employability of people with intellectual disabilities. It reflects a need in the community, and offers a sustainable commerce opportunity and sense of community belonging. It also contributes to the viability of the Clarington Project, a project of Community Living Oshawa/Clarington (CLOC). 'E:(!cutwe Summary The Library Cafe will offer employment training opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities in the Clarington area. Successful applicants will be hired for a one year contract, where they will be assisted to operate a viable community based operation as they develop skills relevant for future job opportunities. It will offer a variety of quality beverages and food items at competitive prices to library patrons, employees of the Municipality of Clarington and people who are doing business with the Municipality. Patrons will be ensured a warm, welcoming and accessible atmosphere that has comfortable seating to enjoy their selection and access the library. ,Patrons can FEEL GOOD about supporting a unique and exciting enterprise that offers work experience to people', with intellectual disabilities. A prime location for the cafe is the Municipal Library in the downtown core. It is accessible and the library's membership exceeds 34,000 people. It also connects to the Municipality of Clarington where there is over 650 staff. The market will also be maintained by implementing the use of a mobile unit to sell product during library off hours. The Clarington Project is currently in deliberation with the Municipality and the Library Board to pursue operation of the existing Library coffee kiosk. Leasehold improvements that meet Public Health Regulations would be essential to ensure the operation is viable. Preliminary costs would need tb cover leasehold improvements and items such as fumiture, an industrial dishwasher, triple sinks, uniforms, a sign, products, a cash register, and salaries. Continuing operating costs are not excessive, however, a sustainable operation would need to cover rent, wages, insurance, utilities, advertising, interest, products and supplies. Modifying the hours of operation to ensure consumers can purchase products at desired times will be essential to the success of the operation. Forming strong community links with the Rotary, the BIA, the library, the Municipality, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) would also strengthen the operating advantage. ' As the Library Cafe Training Enterprise offers work experience to people with intellectual disabilities, application to receive funding support for wages, rent and for initial startup costs, such as leasehold improvements, appliances and products, is being pursued. It is anticipated that the Library Cafe will gain the support of HRDC and ODSP. With continuous financial support for wages and rent through supporting agencies, the Clarington Project anticipates the Library Cafe will be sustainable to buy product and maintain services within the third year of operation. The Clarington Project Library Cafe Business Plan .3. 3/14/2005 " The Library Cafe Training Enterprise capital requirements will be completed in three phases over a three year period, Initiai capital costs for equipment and leasehold improvements are estimated at $5000. A strong foundation and partnership with the Municipality and the Library Board would be an essential component of success, A signed agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities of each party will be completed. 'l1ie %am 'l1ie CCarinnton ([Jroject Lwrary caft ~-.. - ;,- ~ The Clarington Project, a project of Community Living OshawalClarington, will own and operate 100% of the Library Cafe Training Enterprise. The Clarington Project Management Team will manage all aspects of the operation, with support from the Advisory Committee, The Library Cafe will offer empioyment training opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities in the Clarington area. People with intellectual disabilities will submit their application for employment. Successful applicants will be hired for a one year contract, where they will be assisted to operate a viable commun~y based operation as they develop skills relevant for future job opportunities, Management Team Steve Finlay, Executive Director, Community Living OshawalClarington Terri Gray, Operations Manager. Support Services and the Clarington Project Dariene Matthews, Coordinator of Commun~y Relations and Volunteers Warren Lamondin, Coordinator of Community Relations and Volunteers . Responsible for creating a sustainable and viable training enterprise for people with intellectual disabilities · Oversee all aspects of the operation . Secure funding support through government grants and applications . Manager of the Library Cafe and Food Services reports directly to the Management Team Staff Manager of the Library Cafe and Food Services - TBA Trainer - TBA Trainees 6 -10 - TBA Advisory Committee Elaine Lamont - Co-founder of the Clarington Project, volunteer, Advisory Committee member. Ralph Kellett - Co-founder of the Clarington Project, volunteer, Advisory Committee member. The Clannglon PrOJect Library C;1I~ Busmess Pl:m '. ' 3/1-1./2005 " Sandra Cooke - Co.founder of the Clarington Project, Financial/Accounting expertise, Advisory Committee member. Kevin Anyan - Owner/Operator King's Court Catering, Sponsor of the Clarington Project since 1997, Advisory Committee member 2004, Bowmanville Rotary President. Kevin has supported the Clarington Project for several years and offers a wealth of business knowledge in food services and community relations. Heather Northam - Advisory Committee member, Community Living Support Services Advisors Bill Hyder, Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Retired Senior Manager, Tax Advisory Services Bill Hyder is Treasurer of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville; a position he has held for the last five years, and is the Rotary Chair for Disabled People. He owned and operated Terribrae Pet Foods & Supplies. Is presently operating a property management company, Branthugh Limited, and is the Financial Officer for Rouge Valley Construction. Bill will offer his financial ~pertise and support. Municipal Staff' <Business t.EnWcmment tfIie Cfarinaton <Project Library Cafe ~ ~7 ~ Business Summary and History The Library Cafe Training Enterprise is an initiative that will contribute to the training development and employability of people with intellectual disabilities. It reflects a need in the community, and offers a sustainable commerce opportunity and sense of community belonging. It also contributes to the viability of the Clarington Project, a project of Community Living OshawalClarington (CLOC). The Library Cafe will serve quality beverages and light snack items to library patrons, employees of the Municipality of Clarington and people who are doing business with the Municipality. It will offer a variety of quality hot and cold beverages such as coffee, tea, and juice, along with food items such as bagels, muffins, soups, cookies, and desserts at competitive prices. A mobile trolley unit fillild with selected items will be made available to municipal staff during the early moming hours and at appropriate breaks throughout the day. Customers can expect a warm, welcoming and accessible atmosphere that has comfortable seating to enjoy their selection. Industry Overview The Municipal Library in the downtown core is the perfect location to set up the Clarington Project Library Cafe. Discussions are now taking place between the Clarington Project, the Municipality and the Library'Board to secure operation of the The Clarington Project Library Cafe Busmess Plan .5. 311.t~005 coffee kiosk now operating out of the Municipal Library, The library is accessible and the library's membership exceeds 34,000 people, The Municipal Library connects to the Municipality of Clarington where there are over 650 employees. Easy access to the Library Cafe would also benefit those individuals who are doing business with the Municipality, With over 40,000 people between the ages of 18 and 55 living in Clarington 1, the community continues to grow and opportunities to meet demand increases. In order for our initiative to be competitive, we will offer the following: . products that taste good. . variety and freshness. . sanitary and well kept premises, . a convenient and accessible location. . a relaxing/welcoming atmosphere that offers comfort without the rush. . knowledge that by purchasing an item they want, customers are giving back to their community at the same time. Customers can FEEL GOOD about supporting a unique and exciting enterprise that offers work experience to people with intellectual disabilities. · An opportunity to support growth, encourage independence and foster community, Position in the Industry The Library Cafe Training Enterprise reflects a need in our community, Bowmanville has a growing population presenting great potential for a library cafe development. Currently, one business in Bowmanville, Espresso Legato, serves an existing market in which demand exceeds supply, The Clarington Project is currently in deliberation with the Municipality to pursue operation of the existing Library coffee kiosk. A favourable relationship has been established with the Municipal Government over the years and their support is paramount in this endeavor. The scope is to be a viable community enterprise that trains and offers expertise to people with intellectual disabilities. People with an intellectual disability, that are currently unemployed, will be hired for a one year paid contract position. Following the one year contract, a referral will be made to a partnering agency to assist people to obtain gainful, long term employment utilizing the skills developed during the contract position, The Library Cafe would provide patrons with an accessible, comfortable atmosphere that offers Qualitv oroducts at a comoetitive orice, The two buildings, the Municipal Library and the Municipality of Clarington, connect which helps to increase the volume of Library Cafe customers to include library patrons, employees of the Municipality of Clarington and people who are doing business with the Municipality. A relaxed, comfortable and inviting atmosphere would ensure a successful enterprise and reflects a need in the community. Forming strong community links with the Rotary, the BIA, the library, the Municipality, the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) would also strengthen the operating advantage, Another benefrt of the Library Cafe is the opportunity to support training opportunities and employment to people with intellectual disabilities. - Stat. Canada, 2001 The Clann~lon ProJect Libmrv Cafe BUSlIlCSS Plan ,6, J/W2005 !Ma~tino Cl'fan TIie CfarinlJton Project Li6rary Cafe ~:. ~T Target Market As the existing library coffee kiosk now stands, it does not meet Public Health Regulations to offer any prepared food products on-site. This results in a very limited selection of items and an existing market that is not being maintained. With leasehold improvements that meet Public Health Regulations, the Clarington Project Library Cafe plans to offer the 'right' product, at competitive prices. Product variety will address the market demand and ensure increased revenue. Modifying the hours of operation to ensure consumers can purchase products at desired times will be essential to the success of the operation. The market will also be maintained by implementing the use of a mobile unit to sell product during library off hours. The Library Cafe will serve quality beverages and light snack items at competitive prices to library patrons, parents accessing the library with their children, employees of the ,Municipality of Clarington and the community sectors attending the Municipal Complex. It will offer a variety of quality hot and cold beverages such as coffee, cappuccino, espresso, tea, and juice, along with food items such as bagels, muffins, soups, cookies, made to order sandwiches and desserts. Patrons will be ensured a warm, welcoming and accessible atmosphere that has comfortable seating to enjoy their selection and access the library. The library's membership exceeds 34,000 people. The Municipal Library connects directly to the Municipality of Clarington where there are approximately 658 employees, many of who access the building on a regular basis for various reasons such as conferences, council meetings, and business related issues. Easy access to the Library Cafe would also benefit those individuals who are doing business with the Municipality. With over 40,000 people between the ages of 18 and 55 living in Clarington2, the community continues to grow and opportunities .to meet demand increases. Services/Products The Library cafe is a unique and exciting enterprise that offers work experience to people with intellectual disabilities. People can feel good about buying a great tasting product, knowing that they are supporting an enterprise designed to offer training and work skills to people with disabilities. People will be hired for a one year contract, and work directly with a trainer who will support and ensure quality service, product and value to the customer, Each staff will be trained in all aspects of the Library Cafe. Responsibilities would include, but are not limited to, opening and closing the kiosk, brewing hot beverages, serving beverages and food items, developing money skills to make correct change, learning to use the cash register, maintaining a sanitary work area, and preparing products such as cookies, soups and sandwiches.h 2 Stats Canada, 2001 The Cla.rin~ton Project Library' Cafe Business Plan .7. 311 ~;"OO5 A convenient and accessible location with a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere using warm colour tones, with adequate lighting for reading further enhances the special features of the Library Cafe, Comfortable seating to lounge or read the newspaper also makes this location more enticing, In partnership with the Library, patrons can access free reading material, computer access, customer service and many other library benefits. In addition to these important features, the Library Cafe will feature a variety of quality products at competitive prices, Patrons can expect great tasting food and beverage items at an affordable cost. Not only will the customer feel good about using the Library Cafe, they will enjoy flavourful tasting products that don't cost too much, an inviting atmosphere, an accessible location with nearby, free parking, and the benefrts of the library. Pricing Strategy To be competitive with existing markets, products must be of equal or better quality than our competitors, the atmosphere inviting and the service efficient. As the Library Cafe Training Enterprise offers work experience to people with intellectual disabilities, application to receive funding support for wages, rent and for initial startup costs, such as leasehold improvements, appliances and products, is being pursued. If successful, the overhead for operating the Library Cafe would be reduced, providing an avenue to offer quality products competitive with the existing markets, The location is accessible providing access to all people in the community, The direct competition is not accessible and only a few of the indirect competitors offer a location that is easily accessible, A portion of the target market consists of parents and children who access the library. With this target market in mind, ensuring high quality products at a competitive price is essential to the success of the Library Cafe. Food Products and Sources of Supply i Product Description I Supplier I Coffee (Regular or I Flanagan Food Decaffeinated), Tea (Regular or Service Inc. Herbal), Hot Chocolate I Includes: ' Cream or Milk Sugar or Sugar Substitute i Sti r Stick : Napkin i Cup/Lid , ! : Milk, Chocolate Milk I i I Pricing I 'I' Sale Price per Unit Sm. 1.00 Med. 1.25 Lg. 1.50 ! , i I , I i ! Flanagan Food Service Inc. The Clanngton Project Library Cafe B\.l...<;tness Plan ,8 - 3/1..J/.2005 Bottled Water Flanagan Food Dispensed Beverages Service Inc. Pop Juice i Treats (prepackaged) Flanagan Food Cookies Service Inc. Muffins Brownies Butter Tarts Bagels Flanagan Food With butter Service Inc. 1.00 With cream cheese 1.50 With peanut butter 1.25 With jam 1.25 Veggie Plate Flanagan Food Includes: Service Inc. Paper plate Napkin Fruit Plate Flanagan Food Includes: Service Inc. Paper plate Napkin Breakfast Bars Flanagan Food Service Inc. Sandwiches (made to order) Flanagan Food Egg Salad Service Inc. Salmon Ham Cheese Soup (heat and serve) Flanagan Food Includes: Service Inc. Bowl I Spoon i Napkin I Salt/Pepper i I , Crackers Flanagan Food . .25/pkg . Service Inc. i , The Clarington Project anticipates the Library Cafe will be sustainable to buy product and maintain services within the third year of operation. As the Library Cafe Training Enterprise offers opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities, it is anticipated that this endeavour will continue to be supported financially towards wages and rent through supporting agencies. The Clanngton Project Library Cafe Business Plan -9- 3/14/2005 Sales/Distribution Plan All products of the Library Cafe will be sold exclusively from the location established at the library. To enhance the training opportunities, employees will purchase, stock and prepare all products for on site sales, including the preparation of items like cookies, muffins and soup. All sales will be cash only, Using a cash register, staff will be required to record all sales and returns. An inventory of product will be calculated at the end of each day to track revenue. Marketing applications to increase revenue will be examined and utilized throughout the year. Examples include coffee cards, senior discount days, coupons, and one day only - 10% off all sales. Customer service and satisfaction is essential to the success of any operation. If a customer is unhappy with a product, they will be offered a refund or another selection equal to the value of the unsatisfactory item. Advertising and Promotions Plan The Library Cafe plans to market the Training Enterprise in a fashion that promotes the training and work experien'ce of people with intellectual disabilities. Promotion will include supporting your community by purchasing desired and great tasting products. The Library Cafe will invite the press, guests and community partners for an exciting grand opening. This celebration will offer a special thanks to our supporters and promote who we are, what we do and the products we offer at the Library Cafe. Minimal costs would be attached to the following promotional tools: the phone book, community calendars, word of mouth, and community flyers, Specially designed Cafe Brochures/Menu will be distributed in the community, at the cafe and with other library literature to further advertise the positive image of the Library Cafe. A street sign welcoming patrons to come into the Library Cafe will also be displayed in front of the building. As owner and operator of the Library Cafe, the Clarington Project will include this Training Enterprise into our existing web site at www.ocacl.ca. As this initiative will offer training opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities, it is anticipated that the Library Cafe will gain the support of HRDC and ODSP, who will advertise internally and externally using their diverse avenues of advertisements. Various advertising and marketing applications to increase revenue will also be examined and used, as deemed appropriate, throughout the year. fJ1ie Cfari7IfJton CJ?roject Lwrary Cafe ~ ~ :"'-0.;7 ~" A successful partnership to operate the existing Library Cafe will dramatically reduce the initial entry cost of this endeavour. Leasehold improvements to modify space to meet Pinana The Clanngton Project LibraI'- Cale Busmess Plan ,10, 3/14/2005 Public Health Regulations would be essential to ensuring the operation is viable. Preliminary costs would need to cover leasehold improvements and items such as furniture, an industrial dishwasher, triple sinks, uniforms, a sign, products. a cash register, and salaries, Continuing operating costs are not excessive. however. a sustainable operation would need to cover the following expenses. · Rent . Wages . Insurance . Utilities · Advertising . Interest . Products and supplies Capital Requirements The Library Cafe Training Enterprise capital requirements will be completed in three phases over a three year period. Initial capital costs for equipment and leasehold improvements are estimated at $4,500, signage is estimated at $500. Items identified below with an asterisks will be upgraded by phase three if deemed necessary. As part , of the negotiations with the Municipality. the Clarington Project will request items such as the cash register, display units, existing counter, remain, and have been identified below with 'to remain' under the 'Comments' section. Item Comments Phase Leasehold Imorovements. 1 - 3 Tables 2 Chairs 2 Sofas I Loveseats 2 Under Counter Dishwasher. 1-3 Toaster 1 Advertisina Sians . Chalk board; two sandwich boards; 1 - 3 Cash Reaister to remain 1 Refriaeration . to remain 1 - 3 Chest Freezer. 1-3 Garbage Cans to remain I 1 Utensils/Cookware 1 Storaae Units. to remain 1 Plumbed In Coffee Maker 1 Refrigerated Disolay Cabinet 1 Mobile Carts (2\ 1 Food Travs 1 Stove/Oven. 1 - 3 Triple Sinks I I The Clarington Project Library Cate Business Plan - II . 3/14/2005 Operating Costs i Item I Disposables: , Bowls i Spoons/Forks/Knives Napkins Stir Sticks Plates Cups/Lids Comments j Phase 1 Other Expenses Item Uniforms. Comments I Golf Shirts Financial Forecast See Appendix A. Operations rrIie cCarit1fJton CJ?roject Lwrary cafe ~ -=" ~7 ~- Stage of Development The Library Cafe is in the early stages of development. We have approached the appropriate person at the Business Development Centre to determine if a cafe would be deemed favourable in the Bowmanville area. Feedback was very positive regarding the development and growth in the Bowmanville and Newcastle arl;!as. The Municipality of Clarington has been approached regarding the operation of the existing library cafe through conversations and meetings with the mayor and various municipal staff. In support of the Clarington Project taking over the operation of the library cafe, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington has approved recommendation that "Report CSD-10-04 be received, that the Community Services Department meet with representatives from the Clarlngton Project to discuss the feasibility of this group taking over the operation of the Library Main Branch Coffee kiosk, that staff continue to operate the kiosk during these discussions, that the Community Services Department report back to Council upon completion of these discussions, and that the Clarington Public Library Board be advised of Council's direction", The Community Services Department has scheduled a meeting with Edith Hopkins, Executive Director of the Library , Clarington Project is currently drafting a full proposal, including plans, projections and costs to be forwarded to Council for consideration. A proposal to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville requesting seed money for leasehold improvements to bring the existing cafe up to Public Health Standards has been submitted and granted up to $5,000, Without leasehold improvements to the space, the The Clarinjpon PrOject Library Cali!: Busmess Plan -12 . 3/J.II2005 products currently being sold could not generate enough revenue to sustain the Library Cafe Training Enterprise. Additional funding sources and fundraising events to ensure the success of this endeavour are being pursued. Application to the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Innovative Projects is in the development stages. ODSP's Directive 105-02 Innovative Projects states their "Purpose of Directive" to be "to provide a mechanism of the Employment Supports System Manager to fund projects which demonstrate innovative approaches to employment supports for people with disabilities'. It continues, "the prescribed employment supports may be provided to a person described in subsection (2) in order to remove barriers to the person's competitive employment and assist the person in attaining his or her competitive employment goal'. We believe the Library Cafe fits with these requirements and may have opportunity to be supported through ODSP. Application to Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) will be pursued once an agreement has been established between the municipal parties, the Clarington Project and other community partners. HRDC is an agency that provides employment support and connections between employers and potential staff. ,Community Living Oshawa/Clarington has employment supports through ODSP to assists people with disabilities to gain meaningful employment through subsidy, on-site training support and coaching. We will work in partnership with this department to support this initiative. Survey has been drafted to determine feasibility and user analysis. To be operational, the following must occur: . Signed agreement between the Municipality, the Library Board and Community Living Oshawa/Clarington / the Clarington Project, to own and operate the Library Cafe . Negotiate with Municipality for free utilities and rental space of the existing Library kiosk . Make leasehold improvements to existing space to meet Public Health Regulations for food preparation . Apply to ODSP, HRDC and CLOC Employment Supports, for employee connections and financial wage subsidy and support . Hire Food Services Manager, Trainer, and Trainees Production Process The basic requirements to operate the Library Cafe include the following: . Library Cafe space - in negotiations with the'Municipality and the Library Board . Office space - will share existing office space with Clarington Project Coordinators. An inventory and revenue tracking sheet will be set up and maintained on the existing equipment at this office until deemed necessary to purchase one. . Seating - tables/chairs, loungers with side tables, stools . Cash Register . Triple Sinks The Clarin~on PrOject Library Cafe Business Plan -13, .~J]4/2005 · Equipment - pots. baking dishes, bowls, measuring cups, spoons, spatulas, coffee makers, tea pot, tea towels, dish clothes, refrigerator, oven, microwave, display cooler, cleaning products, garbage bins, computer . Storage Units · Sign to advertise in front of building · Product - Coffee (Regular and Decaffeinated), Tea (Regular and Herbal), Hot Chocolate, milk/cream, sugar, sugar substitute, chocolate milk, pop, bottled water, juice, bagels, butter, cream cheese, peanut butter, jam, vegetables, fruit, breakfast bars, ingredients to make soup/muffins/brownies/butter tarts/sandwiches (egg salad, salmon, ham, cheese), crackers, stir sticks, napkins, cups/lids, small disposable paper plates, small disposable bowls, disposable spoons, salt, pepper Once the Library Cafe is open, products will be prepared daily and sold on-site. gJJs{ana CondUsions rz1ie Cfarington (project LiBrary caft ~ , ~ A strong foundation and partnership with the Municipality and the Library would be an essential component of success. With passing years, the profile of the Municipality and the library may change. Maintaining supportive relationships between these parties would ensure a successful operation and reduce the risk for the Clarington Project. This risk can be further minimized with a signed agreement outlining the roles and responsibilities of each party. Backing through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Innovative Projects would further support this endeavour. The "Purpose of Directive" is "to provide a mechanism of the Employment Supports System Manager to fund projects which demonstrate innovative approaches to employment supports for people with disabilities'. It continues, "the prescribed employment supports may be provided to a person described in subsection (2) in order to remove barriers to the person's competitive employment and assist the person in attaining his or her competitive employment goal", We believe the Library Cafe fits with these requirements and ongoing ODSP funding would be imperative. Backing through Human Resources Development Canada and CLOC Employment Supports is also needed to ensure our success. rz1ie Cfarington (project LiBrary Cafe ~ ;- ~ The Library Cafe unit would contribute to the training development and employability of people with intellectual disabilities, reflects a need in the community, and offers a sense of belonging and viability in our community. Summary The Clarington Project will maintain a full business plan, including a cost analysis that will ensure the feasibility and sustain ability of this endeavour. The Clanngton Project Library Cufe Busmes.s Plan - 14- 3114/2005 - '" '0 ... Gl III III Q. - < )( .- 'C C GI C. C. < iii .. o I- >- III It) CO) 'E= =- ''; _ <.0 ';0)0') III >- a> lXl 1lI== '1:1 ,_.- 0 --... :!= 0 0 -... ... >- llIa>lXl '1:1__ 1Il:::"'0 ~--~ :100 ~...... >- III 'I:Ia>lXl 1/)_ CLl=_O COO...... '1:1...... ~ i;'a> lXl '1:1;;: 0 cn--...... 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C 8 Gl .c - c o i ell III .c Gl "- III ell Q) ~ Q) ell Gl .c I- N q'/ie Cfari:ngton CFroject Li6rary Cafe ~ jIaaenaum jI , ' Introauction The Library Cafe business plan has been revised to reflect changes to the space requested within the Library, to the leasehold improvements, to the request for support from the Ontario Disability Support Project, and to the request for support from the Municipality and Library, Addendum A outlines these revisions, ~cutWe Summary ~ Cfarington ~ject LiErary Caft ~_ " ~~ 1, Changes to the 4111 paragraph of the "Executive Summary" A prime location for the cafe is the Municipal Ubrary in the downtown core, It is accessible and the library's membership exceeds 34,000 people, It also connects to the Municipality of Clarington where there is over 650 staff, The market will a/so be maintained by implementing the use of a mobile unit to sell product during library off hours, The Clarington Project is currently in deliberation with the Municipality and the Library Board regarding the Library coffee kiosk. It is our desire to relocate the Library coffee kiosk to a new area in the Library, specifically the Mezzanine area, and secure operation of that unit, Placing the Library Cafe Training Enterprise in this area would add to the security and supervision of the Mezzanine area. tfIie %am 'tfIie Cfarington ([Jroject LiErary cafe ~ ~T 2, Changes to the "Staff' requirements Staff Manager, with Durham Food Handlers Certificate - TBA Trainer, with Durham Food Handlers Certificate ~ TBA Trainees 6 -10 - TBA CBusiness P.nvironment tfIie Cfarington ([Jroject LiErary cafe ~- ---.- :.---.,.' ~- Changes to the 1st paragraph of the "Industry Overview" 3, Industry Overview The Municipal Library in the downtown core is the perfect location to set up the Clarington Project Library Cafe, The Clarington Project is currently in deliberation '.\lith the Municipality and the Library Seard regarding the Library coffee kiosk. It lS our ,:!esire to move the Library coffee kiosk. to a new area in the Library, specificaiiy the Mezzanine area, The library is accessible and the library's membership exceeds 34,000 people, The Clarington PrOject Library Cafe Business Plan Addendum A -2 - ,;/1612005 4, Changes to the 2nd paragraph of the "Position in the Industry" Position in the Industry The Clarington Project is currently in deliberation with the Municipality and the Library Board regarding the Librari coffee kiosk. It is our desire to move the Library coffee kiosk to a new area in the Library, speciiicaiiy the Mezzanine area, A favourable relationship has been established with the Municipal Government over the years and their support is paramount in this endeavor, The scope'is to be a viable community enterprise that trains and offers expertise to people with intellectual disabilities, People with an intellectual disability, that are currently unemployed, will be hired for a one year paid contract position, Following the one year contract, a referral will be made to a partnering agency to assist people to obtain gainful, long term employment utilizing the skills developed during the contract position, tfIie Cfarington ([Jroject LiErary Cafe ~ , ~- 5, Changes to the 2nd, paragraph of the "Target Market" 9da~ting (]?fan Target Market The Mezzanine area is the perfect location from which to operate the Library Cafe, It has the space needed to accommodate the leasehold improvements that meet Public Health Regulations, With leasehold improvements the Clarington Project Library Cafe plans to offer the 'right' product, at competitive prices, Product variety will address the market demand and ensure increased revenue, Modifying the hours of operation to ensure consumers can purchase products at desired times will be essential to the success of the operation, The market will also be maintained by implementing the use of a mobile unit to sell product during library off hours, ' 'Finance tfIie Cfari1Jeton ([Jroject LiErary Cafe ~ -..."" ,,~ 6, Changes to the 1st paragraph of "Finance" A successful partnership to operate the Library Cafe from the Mezzanine area will significantly increase the opportunity to generate revenue and be successful. Leasehold improvements to the Mezzanine area that meets Public Health Regulations would be essential to ensuring the operation is viable, A contingency fund to retum the space to its original design will be outlined in the signed agreement. Preliminary costs would need to cover leasehold improvements and items such as furniture, an industrial dishwasher, triple sinks, uniforms, a sign, products, a cash register, and salaries, Continuing operating costs are not excessive, however, a sustainable operation would need to cover the following expenses, The Clarington Project Library Cat~ Busmess Plan Addendum A .3- 3/1612005 · Rent . Wages · Insurance . Utilities · Advertising . Interest · Products and supplies 7, Changes to the 1"t paragraph of "Capital Requirements" Capital Requirements The Library Cafe Training Enterprise capital requirements will be completed in three phases over a three year period. Initial capital costs for equipment and leasehold improvements are estimated at $7,000 and are fisted below, As part of the negotiations with the Municipality and the Library, the Clarington Project will request items such as the cash register and display units to be relocated to the new area, as identified below. Item Comments Phase Leasehold Improvements' 1-3 Existing Counter To remain in circulation area Tables 2 Chairs 2 Sofas I Loveseats 2 Under Counter Oishwasher 1 - 3 Toaster 1 Advertisinc Signs Chalk board' two sandwich boards; 1-3 Cash Register Relocated to Mezzanine 1 Refrigeration Relocated to Mezzanine 1-3 Chest Freezer 1 - 3 Garbage Cans Relocated to Mezzanine 1 Utensils/Cookware 1 Storage Units Relocated to Mezzanine 1 Plumbed In Coffee Maker 1 Refrigerated Oisolav Cabinet 1 Mobile Carts (2) 1 Food Travs 1 Stove/Oven 1 - 3 Triple Sinks I 1 The Clanngton Project Library Cafe Busmess Plan Addendum A -4. 3/16/2005 Operations tfIie Cfarington ~ject LiErary Caft ~ . ~ ~ ~ 8, Changes to the 1s' paragraph of "Stage of Development" Stage of Development The Library Cafe is nearing the final stages of development. We have approached the appropriate person at the Business Development Centre to determine if a cafe would be deemed favourable in the Bowmanville area, Feedback was very positive regarding the development and growth in the Bowmanville and Newcastle areas, 9, Add this paragraph following the 2nd paragraph of "Stage of Development" A meeting with the Municipality of Clarington and Edith Hopkins, Library Director, has occurred, Discussions resulted in further exploration of the Library Cafe operating from another location within the Library, Following a meeting with the Library Board President, and the Library Director, Board approval was granted to investigate further opportunities in the Me""~nine area of the Library, The Clarington Project was then offered direction from the Municipality of Clarington, Community Services Department on how to proceed, ' 10, Changes to the 3rd paragraph of "Stage of Development" Clarington Project has made c."langes to our business plan as outlined in Amendment A. The business plan with amendments has been forwarded to Councii and the Library Board for consideration, along with a full proposal for support, including plans, projec'Jons and costs, To strengthen the partnership between the Municipality of Clarington, the Library and the Clarington Project, an agreement between all parties will be drafted, 11, Add this paragraph following the 3rd paragraph of "Stage of Development" The Clarington Project will request a meeting wiih the Municipality of Clarington to discuss construction details, Pending the approval from the Municipality of Clarington and the Library Board, drawings will be submitted to Durham Health for approval. 12, Changes to the 4111 paragraph of "Stage of Development" A proposal to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville requesting seed money for leasehold improvements to the Mezzanine area that meets Public Health Regulations has been submitted and granted up to $5,000, With leasehold improvements to the Mezzanine area the Clarington Project Library Cafe can generate enough revenue to sustain the Library Cafe Training Enterprise, Additional funding sources and fund raising events to ensure the success of this endeavour are being pursued, The Clarington Project Librar~; Cafe Business Plan Addondum A .5- 311612005 13, Changes to the 5111 paragraph of "Stage of Development" Community Living OshawaJClarington offers employment supports through ODSP to assist people with disabilities to gain meaningful employment through subsidy, on-site training support and coaching, Preliminary discussions have occurred between employment support staff and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), The Clarington Project Library Cafe has submitted application to register with ODSP as a business, We believe the Library Cafe fits the requirements of ODSP to receive employment support and subsidy for people with disabilities. 14, Delete paragraph 7 "Community LlvingOshawa/Clarington has employment supports", " of "Stage of Development" 15, Changes to the 9111 paragraph of .Stage of Development" To be operational, the following must occur: · Signed agreement between the Municipality, the Library Board and Community Living Oshawa/Clarington I the Clarin9ton Project, to own and operate the Library Cafe · Negotiate with Municip~lity for free utilities and rental space of the new Library kiosk · Make leasehold improvements to new space to meet Public Health Regulations for food preparation · Apply to ODSP, HRDC and CLOC Employment Supports, for employee connections and financial wage subsidy and support · Hire Food Services Manager and Trainer with Durham Food Handlers Certificates, and Trainees ~{antf ConclUsions '11ie Cfarington ([Jroject, LiErary Cafe ~~ :'---"'"F ~ 16. Changes to the 2nd paragraph of "Risk and Conclusions' Backing through the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) would further support this endeavour, Community Living Oshawa/Clarington offers employment supports through ODSP to assist people with disabilities to gain meaningful employment through subsidy. on-site training support and coaching, We believe the Librarj Cafe fits with the requirements of ODSP, and their funding would be imperative. In Cfosing This document. "Addendum A", outlines the revisions to the Library Cafe business plan, Revisions reflect changes to the space requested within the Library, to the leasehold improvements, to the request for support from the Ontario Disability Support Project, and to the request for support from the Municipality and Library, The Clarington Project Library Cafe Business Plan Addendum A -6- )/16/2005 "oj. _. :.-.". D I, o o . III L o o .- ., "I!! }, " ., . iL ' 0 o ;iJI '. .. ~~ [1 Slfflf..L L~~ . ~_, f- I fL i ~! .I!!. I ,\\..,q_ W;; ;,J ~ I a ',_n" r'l. ~'\~ " . ;; - - -- - - - - -- - .. , Ii : II ~ I II " -I f~ ",: ~ 'ii 3: ~ > f" .ii QJ I. ":l ...J ; ,u - i ~ 'J;' li~ 'ci: I o ClI- 1 C N- , = N 4. Ja ~r41. ~~\ ,."" J 1~1 The Clarington Project, a project of Community Living Oshawa/Clarington Training Enterprise ~ --- ~ rrne Cfarington CFroject Li6rary Cafe PROPOSAL FOR SUPPORT THE CLARJNGTON PROJECT The Clarington Project is a cooperative endeavour of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families, friends, community agencies and businesses, Due to the lack of services and opportunities for persons with intellectual disabilities in the area of Clarington. a group of families and concerned community members formed the Clarington Project with the assistance of Community Living OshawalClarington, to develop solutions to some of the issues facing people living in the community. ABOUT THE INITIATIVE The Library Cafe Training 'Enterprise is an initiative that will contribute to the training development and employability of people with intellectual disabilities, It reflects a need in the community, and offers a sustainable commerce opportunity and sense of community belonging, It will also contribute to the viability of the Clarington Project. The Library Cafe will serve premium beverages and light snack items at competitive prices to library patrons, employees of the Municipality of Clarington and people who are doing business with the Municipality, It will offer a variety of quality hot and cold beverages such as coffee, cappuccino, espresso, tea, and juice, along with food jtems such as bagels, muffins, cookies, soups, made to order sandwiches and desserts, All food preparation and sales will be done on~site by the cafe employees, The Library Cafe will offer employed training opportunities to both adults and transitional age youth with intellectual disabilities in the Clarington area, They will submit their application for employment. Successful applicants will be hired for a one year contract, where they will be assisted to operate a viable community based enterprise as they develop skills relevant for future job opportunities, At the completion of the one year contract, trained employees will be connected to a community based organization for assistance with obtaining continuous employment. A strong community link with the Municipality of Clarington and the Library Board is imperative to the practicality of this initiative, As ,outlined in the business pian. the Bowmanville Municipal Library is the prime location for the Clarington Project Library Cafe, The library is accessible, the library's membership exceeds 34,000 people and the Municipality of Clarington, where there are over 650 employees, connects directly to the Library, The Clarington Project Libra!}' Cafe Business Plan Proposal for Suppon -1- Re\ised March 1~.100S Leasehold improvements that meet Public Health Regulations would be essential to ensure the operation is viable, Our request for your support is outlined later on in this document. Preliminary costs would need to cover leasehold improvements and items such as furniture, an industrial dishwasher, a sign, products, a cash register, uniforms and salaries, Continuing operating costs are detailed in the business plan, Modifying the hours of operation to ensure consumers can purchase products at desired times will also be essential to the success of the operation, The Municipality of Clarington and the Library have differing hours of operation, The Clarington Project Library Cafe envisions a mobile unit set up in the lobby of the Municipality to capture this market during Library off hours, Library access would be needed to perform this task, Accordingly, please consider this request for approval to gain Library access at appropriate hours, OTHER SOURCES A proposal to the Rotary Club of Bowmanville requesting seed money towards this endeavour has been accepted, The Rotary Club of Bowmanville will contribute up to $5,000 for leasehold improvements, however, the funding is time limited and must be spent by June 01/05. Application for funding support through Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP and Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) is being pursued, We are excited about this initiative and the opportunity it provides to people with intellectual disabilities, It is anticipated that the Library Cafe will gain the support of HRDC and ODSP, With continuous financial support through supporting agencies, the Clarington Project anticipates the Library Cafe will be sustainable to buy product and maintain services within the third year of operation, This is a unique and exciting opportunity for everyone involved, It is essential that strong community links with the Municipality, the Library, the Rotary Club of Bowmanville, the BIA, ODSP and HRDC be maintained to strengthen the operating advantage. PROPOSAL FOR SUPPORT In collaboration with the Mayor, key municipal staff, and the Library Board, it is our request to relocate the Library coffee kiosk to a new area in the Library, specifically the Mezzanine Level, and secure operation of that unit, Please see the Clarington Public Library Floor Plan - Mezzanine Level (attached) for the location requested, Your contribution towards free rent and utilities is imperative to strengthen the operation of this initiative, Your approval to complete leasehold improvements to the Mezzanine Level that meet Public Health Regulations for food preparation is essential. Improvements would include installation of a new counter with triple sinks, a sandwich counter, four 15 amp circuits, plumbing and flooring, Ceramic tile flooring, or the like, is requested in Reading Area 185, as shown on the Clarington Public Library Floor Plan - Mezzanine Level. Leasehold improvements are estimated at $7,000, and are presently based on drawings that do not include plumbing and electrical displays, With leasehold improvements the Clarington Project Library Cafe can offer product variety to address the market demand and ensure increased revenue, Municipal backing towards the cost of the electrical and plumbing work, estimated at $4,000, would be an important offer of support. The Clanngton Project Libraf}-' Cafe Busioess Plan Proposal for Support .2- Re..ised March 14.1005 It will be necessary to install some new equipment in order to offer a variety of quality hot and cold beverages and food items, It is with your approval that we assume use of all existing equipment and install new equipment such as a toaster, a convection oven, a dishwasher, and refrigerator, As outlined in the business plan, it is anticipated that equipment will be acquired in three phases of operation, As previously outlined, modifying the hours of operation to ensure consumers can purchase products at desired times will also be essential to the success of the operation, Approval to set up a mobile unit in the lobby of the Municipality during Library off hours, to capture the morning market is requested, Ubrary access would be needed to perform this task, Accordingly, please consider this request for approval to gain Ubrary access at appropriate hours, With the assistance of Community Livihg OshawalClarington, The Clarington Project is determined in its efforts to provide opportunities to people with intellectual disabilities in this area, EVALUATION AND VIABiliTY In conjunction with this initiative, the Clarington Project will continue to develop , resources and opportunities in our community to increase awareness, support opportunities relevant to the people we provide service to, and enhance the quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities living in Clarington, Success of our initiative can be measured individually, financially and statistically, Key community supporters with a keen business sense have committed their support, as well as the continued commitment from families, friends, volunteers, and community agencies and businesses, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Clarington Project would be sincerely grateful for the sponsorship of the Municipality' , of Clarington, With your approval, you would be recognized on our web site, in our newsletter and through a press release with our community newspaper, You would be invited as an honorary guest to our grand opening and recognized for your support in this exciting Training Enterprise, SUMMARY The Clarington Project is pleased to present to you our Library Cafe Business Plan, Amendment A, and this Proposal for Support, Thank you for your consideration of this request. The Clarington Project Library Cafe BusUless Plan Proposal for Suppon .3. ReVIsed March 14. :WOS -' ,~ .', = ~ ~TACCia~fngtonO ~bn~lfb;a;05 I Telephone: (905) 623-7322 Fax: (905) 6lJ9905 Admm;slra.ion: (905) 623-9742 163 Church Street. Bo\'tmamille Onlario. Canada LI C l17 May 10, 2005 Ms, Patti Barrie, Clerk Council of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L 1C 3A6 Dear Ms, Barrie: .' At its regular meeting of April 27, 2005, the Clarington Public Library Board adopted the following motions: t "That the Library Board endorse in principle the concept of the provision of a cafe on the mezzanine of the Bowmanville Branch Library, operated by The Clarington Project, and That the endorsement be communicated to the Municipal Council and staff", I understand that the Director of Community Services will be submitting a full report to the Council on the issue of the current Library Coffee Kiosk and that he will incorporate the Library Board comments in his report, Yours sincerely, ~, ff~'~, pv~-, Allan Hewitt, Chair Clarington Public Library Board ~1E(CJETI~j1E~ MAY 1 1 Z005 cc:~ Caruana, Director of Community Services Fred Horvath, Director of Operations MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Communiiy Services Dept. Attachment #3 to Report CSD-05-05 Kiosk Relocation Mezzanine Level Electrical Plumbing Contingency $3,773,00 $9,877,00 $3,000,00 $16,650,00 Municipal Staff will assist with the demolition and finish work and co- ordinate the project with the Library Board and Clarington Project. The Clarington Project will be responsible for the flooring and Millwork required as part of this relocation, May 2005