HomeMy WebLinkAbout1283A By-law to divide the TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF CLARKE to provide for the withdrawal therefrom of former School Section No. 8 of the Township of Clarke. WHEREAS a majority or the ratepayers and electors of that part of the Township of Clarke, which prior to the 25th day of December ~9~~ compri sed Sohool Seoti on No. 8 of the Townahip of Clarke, have filed with the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke a request to withdraw from the Township School Area of Clarke; AND WHEREAS it clearly appears that all persons to be affected by the proposed division of tht Township School Area of Clarke have been duly notified of such application; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke in ezeroise of the powers conferred upon it by subsection 1(b) of Section 14 of The Public Schools Act, being R.S.O, 1950, Chapter 316, ENACTS as follows:- 1. The present Township Sohool Area of Clarke is hereby divided so that those portions of the said Township School Area of Clarke, formerly known as Sohool Section No. 8 of the Township of Clsmr~e, shall be and form a separate school section under its former name of "SCHOOL SECTION N0. 8 OF THE T0~lfNSHIP OF CLARKS" and. the remaining part of the present Township School Area oP Clarke shall continue to be and form ~ township school area under the name of the "TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA OF CLARKS"; 2. This By-law, subject to the approval oP the ~di.nister of Education, shall take effect from the 25th day of December 1957. Passed and Sealed this ~ defy of 'm~ 1957• ................. Reeve Clerk First Reading on the ~~ dqy of ,R~o..c:/ 1957 Second Reading on the ,?s day of „~.: / 1957 Third Reading on the z dqy of 'Yr,.~ 1957 I, H.E. MILLSON, Clerk of the Corporation of the Towns hip of Clarke, do hereby certify that the foregoing i s a true Dopy of By-law No. 1283 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the Sixth day of May, 1957. .................... Township Clerk I, HERMAN ED~PARD DdILLSON of the Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham, Township Clerk of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Clarke CERTIFY that the area referred to in th® annexed By-Law No.~2~3 as "those portions of the said Township School Area of Clarke formerly known as School Section No. 8 of the Township of Clarke" consists of the North Halves of Lots Twenty-four to Tarenty-six both inclusive in the Third Concession, the South Halves of Lots Twenty-three to Twenty-six bath inclusive in the Fourth Concession, the Narth Halves of Lots Twenty to Trrenty- eight both inclusive in the Fourth Concession, the South Halves of Lots Nineteen to 3wenty-siz both inclusive in the Fifth Concession and the North Halves of Lats Twenty-two to Twenty-siz both inclusive in the Fifth Concession of the said Township of Clarke. ~ ~ .... Township Clerk