HomeMy WebLinkAbout1285A supplementary By-law to provide for the 1957 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. t, "r 'FORM M.R.1Ci BY-LAW NO.~~L~~ A P3Y-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19~.w EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN 'fHE TOWNSHIP' OF ~ COUNTX OF ~~2u-1R Niw~'r~''s- -- ~` ~ A~ #C~ IN fHF ~fi1tPH~Er1' _~~~e~_ WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the hya law be submj.tted to the Minister of Highways for approval. T11Eft.EFORE the ~"~a-.~sci1 of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as fol.lows:- (l) The sum of $~ ~ d1, 0 C~ D ` ~'" is hereby appropriated from monies provided by levy, debentures an government subsidy for the expendlrt tore upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its ~urisdictican during the year 1;~~ as follows:- // ry CONSTR~ryU. CTION 1~l~I.C7GES & CULV1rI~TS • .. • • $..,_.~.:.~, 4 A Q'`~ MA IN'.~F;NA NCE IOTA L' ~....... ~,.,a.,,,,_,,,.,yL,,,,,~,d 'C'..~..,....co .... NE6! MACIiINERY .... , ..... $_~___~,,,_„ nib. ~,~..~.~.. MgSC~".LLANEUUS..®»......$ TUTA LS $ ~, a n C'' tlO $..~. ~ (2) The said monies shall be expended under the superv3.sion of the duly appointed zawnshiP road superintendent and on work performed ~.n accardance with The Highway Improvement- Act. (~) The clerk shall transmit du licate copies of this by~-law to the district office of the Municipal Roa s ranch, Department of II~.ghways, not later than March 31st of the said year, Passed at ~ ~>p~,oa/~ this ~e d'ay of ~+A~ A.D.1~,~„~~ (SEA L) -~.i lerk peeve ~- I, ~,~,E_ ~,,~f,~,_s~r1 , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of ~~iiR.Q,K,I~ , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.-~'~~ passed by the Council of the said Cor- pora tion on the ~ day of ~~1f 19 ~' ~. L GZ~~ ~ .: ~r~ is tV l r'~ R.~ Township Clerk r . .~ r'o~m MR18 4M-56-3268 TOWNSHIP OF C ,C A i~ ~ ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19~ 1. Construction (a) ROADS Road No. - _ ~~- Location _ _ Nature of Work Miles Estimated Cost `~ ('~ ~ "` ~.. ~ ,~' tl ° C G ,j ~.{ f '~Ct i r'.J. 1 n ,,.C~ ~ . G 0 U ~` ~l A ~ ~~ :' , ~( f_..,._ t ;~ ~"~ - - (J ~ ~; .' SUB-TOTAL I ~ ~ ``" (b) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS-TYPE AND LOCATION C) ~' C~ SUB-TOTAL (c) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (d) MISCELLANEOUS (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ ._ir~~ > ~ t'' 2. Maintenance (a) ROADS-EXTRAORDINARY Resurfacing (Pavement) Miles__ Resurfacing (Gravel or Stone) Miles_ Surface Treatment Milea_ ROADS-ORDINARY Pavement Patching, Crack Filling, Sweeping Stone or Gravel Patching, Dragging, Blading Dust Laying-Calcium, Salt, Oil, Prime Ditches, Tile Drains, Catch Basins, Curbs, Gutters, Drainage Assessments Weed Spraying, Cutting, Brushing, Fence Bonus Guardrails, Signs, Zone Marking Winter Control-Snow Fence, Plowing, Sanding, Salting SUB-TOTAL (b; BRIDGES AND CULVERTS Major Repairs (Describe) Minor Repairs SUB-TOTAL (c) MISCELLANEOUS (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ~ ~ G ~' ~ ~ ,~--~-> ~ ~ ~, , ~ 9s 7 Date fiJJJ) ~ ;,,~8 j/} Y~ l:` .1~~~ ~,t f t l 1 syn.,.. _,.. Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Miscellaneous (Overhead, etc.) may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b).