HomeMy WebLinkAbout1291Being a by-law for licensing, regulating and governing transient traders. 4'VHEREAS Section 413 (13) of The Pdiunicipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243 provides that by-laws may be passed by the councils of municipalities for licensing, regulating and governing transient traders and other persons whose names have not been entered on the assessment roll in respect of income or business assessment for the then current year, and who offer goods, wares or merchandise for sale by auction, conducted by themselves or by a licensed auctioneer or otherwise, or who offer them for sale in any other manner; AND 'JPHEREAS Section 413 (14 ) of The PJfuni cipal Aet, R. 5.0. 1950, Chapter 243 provides that by-laws may, be passed by the councils of municipalities for requiring transient traders and other persons whose names are not entered on the assessment roll or are entered on it for the first time, in respect of income or business assessment, and who so offer goods, wares or merchandise for sale in any other manner, to pay a license fee before commencing to trade; A1VTD V7HEREAS Section 413 (15) of The M~inicipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243 provides that by-laws may be passed by the councils of municipalities for requiring persons not licensed under the provisions of paragraphs 13 and 14 oP the said Section 413 of The Municipal Aot, who after the return of the assessment roll, commence to carry on any business in premises in respect to which they are liable Por business assessment, to pay a license Pee before commencing such business; NO'S 'T'HEREFORE the Counci 1 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That every transient trader or other person as so defined in Section 413, paragraphs 13 and 14 of the said Municipal Act shall bta a lice s A E kF °o r;v as a transient traders license, from the of th e before selling or offering for sale any goods, wares or merchandise within the Police Village of Orono. s ~,aRy / ,c A E 2. The fee payable to the ~ of the said for said license shall be in the sum of 100.00 save and except in the case of a farmer, resident in Ontario who offers for sale produce of his own farm, in which case .the license fee of said farmer shall be in the sum of X25,00, 3. That every person so defined in Section 413, paragraph 15 oP the R~unicipal Act, shall before commencing business within the Police Village of Orono, obtain a license from the Secretary of the Village of Orono. The fee for said license shall be a sum computed by reference to the tax on such business assessment which such person would have been required to pay Por the current year in respect to the premises in which he has commenced business if he had been previously assessed and made liable for such tax, and shall be either one-half the amount oP-such tax-for the whole year or a proportion- ate~art of same for the balance oP the year after he commences business, wh chewer is the greater. :. - 2 - 4. That every transient prominently and permanently the full term in which he is and in default thereof shall more than 10.00, which said Summary C onvi c ti on s Act . trader shall cause his license to be displayed in his place of business during carrying on business as a transient trader incur a penalty of not less than X1.00 or penalty shall be recoverable under The 5. That every transient trader who carried on business without a licence shall be guilty oP an offence and shall incur a penalty equal to the license Pee which he should have paid and in addition thereto the sum of not less than $50.00 and not more than 100.00, which said penalty shall be recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act. 6. That every applicant for a transient traders license shall as part of his application Por such license Furnish a statement in writing containin a full description of the goods, wares or merchand- ise which he pro ~es to sell or offer for sale under such license. ?. That the sum paid for a license under paragraph 1 herein, shall be credited to the person paying it, or to any bona fide"purchaser oP the business who carries on the same, on account of taxes payable in respect of the business, and in respect of real property taxes on the land used for the purpose of or in connection wi th the business if the land is owned by the person carrying on the business, during the year in which the license was issued and five years thereafter. 8. That this by-law shall come into force and effect on the date of the final passing thereof. READ a first and second time this......:j....day oP....~......,195 ~... ....... ................ Reev f C1 erk READ a third time and finally passed this.......~......day of...~:~~......,195,7...... ....... ................. Reeve -- C1 Prk