HomeMy WebLinkAbout1306A By-law to designate an area of sub-division control. l 'fAV 1'I. -~ . , ~' .. 1 r ~ * t ~ to ( y4 1 ~~f *~~ ~ ~ ~ YM-4 t ~ r [~7F'k ~ ^`5~ -c ft , ity'.e~ ~ 'T' ~ ~ "~ . ~ ~, .f Ft ~ ~~ ;, 4'ti ~t~4~' t ~,j it 1 i ~~.~ -t? s ~ f i ~ rd~ ,~~ ~ i.~ `~ t 4 ~ ,~ ~ r. za ~ - ~~- 1 r ';` 'Trr _' tv' n 1 H°l~?.l~ Dt s `'"' ~,. r. ,~ ,~ i t # i 0~~ t+~rll`abl~ ~ #~ ~~ ~f ~ti~~. adequately Zlro ds~-elep~tt e? eia"~r ~~''~i~ .~t'''!~'~Ilts~tp Ot Q~~ ~i4t- ... is a resi~stes-ed ar fps fi~~_ ~ _ ~ ., ~ ~ f '~~ r ., et t4i ~~ 4~" tlto ' Tit ilhi p of Qlas'ln hesi~, a~tr~ ,fit ~~ef ~ ~ ~ ~._ - ..t ;~,- ` ~t area ', r ,. ,~ ~ t •) ~ f i~R .~ ~' twt#o~rl ~~ .,~ ~ ~ ~9 fat . ~s~essions ,~' :-= r ~ and ~ ~I~MM" :ikl~±a~:,°~*`;;~ ~~~ ~ ~d ~'~ Of O~~~S '; ~ iA +l'lo 'x"M`',~tp ~! ~ + ''~' ~1~ ~##' artd seto~rs to tli .. '~ko ~ ~1 ~e !'~ M~`" °'~~ ~t'~E ptArtvlti p~ aas - +~ , ~ !~ ea!# Tilt~~~~ '~' ,~.a`. ~~, ~.L#S., tiloi in tho ~i~tr)' . 4ti'3 00 ~ for . tht ~ r ~- ~i~ri +~ aft ~ ~- -#Nt ~ldlag of the Oonaty a!` ~rhaoi. ~~ ~. fh+ore 11tai ni tutu ~sr~r"#~ ~ Dir~;siof~, Qratx'sl ~,tetber 1 i a wi this a re~stered plan 1r!' -Bt~~ ~~ ~o ~ fhwtll. a oaf a par t of - . ~ ~ , +~n7 of or tiloeh of 1110 l+r~et ~~ d-i" ~ted •r laraastor oa anT ealo, • .: sr inter iato am '~C'oastAb~° •! ,~' rp~tre3~ter o! a part of any lot .~r lrlooh +st- th* a~~, ~-~-;~ ~T`~s~t1-that hue thr etteot _~_,~ of sraatia~ ate soe qt ~ ~ ~t a t e! am lot or blooh of the ,~ ~ laced direstlT or i? Mttit~t 'M rat~al !br a period of Treaty-one year or ^ot~ey sR~tb,~e4t q ~acaTiaE~ts of eabaootios 3 of seotion 84 of the Plasaipg a-at, i#55• '3• 8ot2ting is aaD~.seetioa eni or Oro prehibita any oouTSyanoe or agreeawtt reapootia6 lsad, ~a) i! rho laud i~r tam tome or as:o ie area aad the remnant, it ~T, rafaini~46 in th~o ~raator it aloe tea aoroa or more; or fib) it tIIo lard is rho •hole cart ~ainins to the graator of one parool daacribod in a registore4 eoain-~csa- to him; or (ol it rho ooasont of the yi~tator i~ giTSn to the oonTSye~noe or agreamen t. 4 . T'hi a D7-law sbsll ooa~e is#o !" sai tam e!!`ea t on July 7, 193 , enb~oot to the approral et the, 7~part~a4 of Planning and DeTelopmeat;. TAat $~'-Law 80. 1301 De and is hos•by repealed. ~a~sa- Ts- moan ~ - - - _ - . _ - _ _ _ --_ ~3-~ :.........:......... . $eeTe ~t~nd.) ~i.E. .~il2son. • + • • • • e . • • • • • • • • . • • . • s • • Qi+~'~k .f~„ : ~ {°:~ ~=02~, hereby vor~Qi2"y tb.at ~.6~ ~~ ~_ ~~ ie a trite Qom' of ~'~~~ ~ ~~ , ;~~ ~f the ~4wr~tahip of Olark+r. a ~':. r .q r+. F f ~,. ;~.~ ,,:i. ... ,,,~c,~j, .... .,~w.:: _,I~,I,~IYIi~,,,i~~,1,,M~,,,e,~iii,,,+,,,.:.~~,-W"r. ~. .., ,~ f ~. • ,:. m -r y 37 - ± ~ T '3' s 1 :1, ;t =L ;n ' ~. _, w ~ _, ~ ~ ~ U '7 O .~. y O ~ ~ ;t ~ *~ ;.i ~ to ~ c* !y ,-'• ~' ~ o ~ ~.~ '~ j -t Of ~ ~ ~ -' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ?~ ~ ,"' - o s ~~ S '~ ~i iy <+ -, u. ~,