HomeMy WebLinkAbout1307A By-law to raise the necessary rates is the Township of Clarke for the year 1958. The Munioipal Council of th® corporation of the~'.PQw~ship of Clar&e enaots a~ follows: That the several rat®s herein m~tictn®d b® lev#~~d, e~ss®aaed sad collected on the rateable proparrtg in t&4r Tarrnshp of Q~,arke for the year 1988 and the several rates shy. b®; levied, ao lected and paid to" the proper officer of the D~aictpality in the manner and at each, times as the Statutes of the Prfltinve of Qntagic- end the bylar-s of , this Municipalitq require. _ Provided however that can: all taxes. reme~.fming unpaid after the fifteenth day of Deceffiber nezt an additional`cherge t~f two per cent for non-payment ehall be added and paid. by wag Qf penalty.. A rate to be levied for Counties purposes for the year ~9g8 of ie milks on the dollar. ` A r to to be levied for Township. purposes for the year 3988 of mills on the dollar on assessment not applicable for-Per ap a Undo ndi ti onai Grant and~;L ~mi lls on the dollar on assessment entitled to benefit ~y~e Per Capita IInconditie~nal Grant and ~Q.Q .mills on .the dollar wi thin the li~i ter of tt~e Police Vil agr~e o-f Orono on aseessmen~ net applioable for Per Oapita IInoonditional Grant and ~, mills, on the dollar within the limits of the Police Village o rono on `as$essment entitled to .benefit by the Per Capita IInconditional Grant. A rate to be~levied for Township General School purposes for the year 1958 as per Bill'1g0 cit®d in the Consolidated Public St:hools Act 1920 and amendments thereto; of ~~ mills on the dollar.• A mete to be levied -for the Ganaraske River -0oaservetion Authority urposes of ~_ mill$ on the dollar to raise the amount of 1400.04. A rate to be levied for Durham County Distriot High. School purposes of= mills on the dollar for the gear 1p58. A rate to be levied for Hydro Street Lighting purposes in the- defined area constitutsng the. Hamlet of Newtonville of ~," mills on the dollar for the year 1958. A rate to be levied Por Hydro Street Lighting purposes in the defined area constituti .the Hamlet of Kendal of ,~ mills on the dollar , for the year 1958. A rate to be levied for the purchase o2 a new Grader to be mills on the dollar for the year 1958 and .the balance fn 19 A rate to be levied for Durham County Federatoa oP Agriculture on farm .properties only of .,S ,_mills on the dollar for 1958. Finally passed this day of ~,~„L~,---`--1958,. ...._ _, e6F ~'° ~;'~ ~._A . L 1~ ..... ~., ..,, _ - 1l --= - Z~~r cam. ~.. -=-f--.~ .,.. ~, -- _. ~~\ ~>~~ f ~~ _° ~ ~~ . . , +~- _, ~-1 r~r^ VJ ~1 t~ -: mmJ • ~- J lV _~ C_~, ~ ~. , ~~ N , J. ~"'' ':Y Ul O i-}. J• ~} V ~. O ~_S \, C! F. ~+, .T' iv f' rp -'• ;~ I- ~n ~ .~ ~ a £ ~ o 0 ~ ~ rr ~ O ~~~/~~~ U V7 (t ~-: lJ. rl ~ ~ ~ S (7 J lD C i'1 • -~ m H; ;~ ,n s c7 Sy C7 ~ u -~ a ,~ A, W ~i F -; yy N W ~~ N• ''- O :~