HomeMy WebLinkAbout1320A by-.law to provide for taking the vote of the electors qualified to vote on money by-laws on a question concerning the proposed construction of certain new public schools at an estimated cost of $75,000.00. WHEREAS Bywlaw No. 1319 passed on the 10th. day of April, 1959 provides for submission to the electors of the question therein set forth respecting the construction of certain new public schools et an estimated cost of 75,000.00 and it is necessary to provide for taking such vote; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town ship of Clarke hereby ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. For the purpose of this bylaw "electors" means "those municipal electors who are qualified under The bduniaipal Aat to vote on money by-laws and who are supporters of Public Schools under the jurisdiction of the board". 2. There shall be submitted to the electors on the Sixth day of May, 1959 the following question; "Are you in favour of the application of the Board of Trust ees of the To~ship School Area of Clarke for the issue of twenty year debentures in the amount of $75,000.00 for the construction of a two room school in form®r school section number 9 and a two room school in former school section number 4". 3. The vote of the electors shall be taken upon the said proposed bylaw in the Township of Clarke on Wednesday the Sixth day of May, A.D. 1g5g and at the following polling planes and the following Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks shall take the vote: Former School Seati on No. 1 Port Granby School House Deputy Returning Off icer Poll Clerk -= ~- Former School Sea ti on No. 4 Newtonville School House Deputy Returning Officer - Poll Clerk - Former School Section No. 8 Antioch School House Deputy Returning Officer - Poll Clerk Mr. Tupper Johnston Mr. Ernest Webster, Jr. abr. George Stapleton Miss Olive Johnston Rt`r. Donald Staples ~drs. Donald Evans ........ ~~ ~.-,.. ~ " _ Township of Clarke By-law No. 1320 Contd. Former Sohool Seotion No. 9 Lookharts Sohool House. Deputy Returning Offioer - Poll Clerk - Former Sohool Seotion No. 13 Kendal Sohool House Deputy Returning Offioer - Poll Clerk - Former Sohool Seoti on No. 17 Mal,eans Sohool House Deputy Returning Officer - Pall Clerk - Former Soh001 S6otiOn No. 21 Sixth Line Sohool House D®puty Returning Offioer g Poll Clerk Mr. Ceoil Malley Mrs. M, Pedwell Mr. Herbert Holland Mrs. Hatoher Foster Mr. Arthur Thompson Ddrs. Herbert Mercer Mrs. Lawrence Greenwood Mrs. Garland Cathcart Polls will be open from 10 a. m. to ~ p.m. May Sixth, A.D. 1959 Daylight Saving Time And at the said Election, H.E. MILLSON shall be Returning Officer. 4. The prooedure for such a vote shall, with such variations as may be necessary, be the prooedure prescribed for use in voting at regular municipal elections and Friday the First day of May, 1959, at Three o~olock in the afternoon at the Clerks office in the Township Hal 1 in the Village of Orono, shall be the time and place for the appointment by the Reeve of persons to attend at the various polling planes, cad at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the vote in the affirmative or negative on the said question. 5• The Clerk of the Township of Clarke shall attend in his office in the Township Hall in the Police Village of Orono at the hour of Nine otalook in the afternoon on the Sixth day of May, 1859, to sum up the number of votes given in the affirmative and the negative upon the said question. READ a PYrst, Second and Third time. and finally passed in Open Council this 10th. day of April, 1859. _ _ ~ ~~~v ... ........................ Jam s T. Brown, RTEVE. S~ALv • • • • • ' P • • ~( . • • • • • . I • -.~ ~ H.E. Millson, CLERK. .,.,, ~, _~ - ~ ~ :r i -) J. ~ ~ ;t f/ ~n _'~' '~ J. ~V J ~ 'J Jl Ct' ".~ ~ ~ ~ ;;l ''D '~ :~ ~' Ci u ~ ~ u. _~3' O. UI O 3 ~,~ ;~ 'D ~,; ' O ~ .n in ~-t : ~ ~'' O i~~ fi ; O ~ t _:i :S ;-~ ,_,~ ~ p -~ ~i7 ~-Jl J. • .V ':I It . Jy.~ t_y~ ~ '_It ~ '-t' '~ ;~ ~. ~ I '') • Sy ~, a