HomeMy WebLinkAbout1324A By-law respecting licences for Nursing Homes. S, r ~ ( 2 ) 5. Bash licence shall be issued in respeot of a specified number of persons and the occupier shall not permit a number of persons granter than that specified in the license to be oared for or lodged for hire nt the location in respect of which the liaenae is issued, 6. Every applioant for a liaeace or renewal of a license to operate a nur$ing home shall submit a written npplioation in which he shall stnL e (a) the name and address of the applioant;; (b) looation of the pr emises for which the liaeace i s sought ; (c) the number of rooms used for sleeping acoommodation by the residents and the number of beds is eaoh; (d) the mazimum cumber of residents which the applioant • proposes to accommodate at one time; (e) the number of bath-tubs or showers, wash-basins and flush toilets available for use by the residents; (f) such other information as the Board may require. 7. Bash applioant for a liaenoe or renewal of a liaenoe shall be aoaompanied by (a) a certificate of an officer authorized to inspeot buildings under The Fire Marshals Aot certifying that the pr emisss have been inspea tad by him wi thin 3 months of the date of application and that they are reasonably safe from fire hazard; and (b) a asrtifioate of the Medioal Officer of Heath certifying that the premises have been inspected by him or his representative within three months of the date of the applioation, and that, in his opinion, they are in reasonable oompliaaoe with the requirements of this By-law. p t`- i i ( 3 ) 8. The occupier shall provide sleeping accommodation fvr residents in rooms with a minimum of (e) 400 oubio feet of air spade and fifty square feet of flo©r spade for each person under si=teen years of age, (b) 600 oubio feet of air spade and seventy-live square feet of floor spade for eaoh person si=teen years of age etad over, and eaoh room so used shall oontai n at least one window oponiag directly to the outside air, and t2be size o! the window shell be not less than 10 per Dent of the floor area of the room and shall be capable of being opened orolosed at all times. 9. Sleeping aocommodatioa shall not be provided in any spade in the premises uso8 as a lobby, hallway, oldest, bathroom, stairway or litchen. 10. The occupier shall. provide toilet acrd bathing facilities which are readily accessible to all residents with a minimum of one wash-basin and one flush toilet for every eight residents and one bath-tub or shower for every twelve residents. lI. The oooupier shall not admit or retain as a rssidoat any maternity o ass, or any person who requires treatment for alcoholism, drag addiction, mental illness or disease, or any person who requires active medical or surgical care or treatment of a kind usually provided in a hospital. 12. Tho ocoupi er shall (a) provide for Horning serviosa for residents by or Hader the supervision of a rogistored nurse, and (b) ensure tYut.t medical card sad attention are made available by n duly qualified modioal practitioner to residents ns required. ~. ~~- t 4 ) 13. The oceupior shall employ such persona who are in the opinion of the Board or the Jdedioal Officer of Health sufficient in number and qualified to provide the nursing asrvlcos sad personal Dare rsquirod by the residents. 14 . The o oeupi er shall provide (a) nourishing meals at regular intervals and special diets, where rsqur;ired, prepared by or under the supervision of a oompetont person, and (b) adequate and semitary supplies of milk Brad drinking water. lg. The ooaupior shall. ksop or cerass to be kopt a register of persons resident in the nursing home which shall sot forth (a) the name, ep~ e, soz and former place of abode of osah resident, (b) the date and circumstances of his admission to the home, (c) a record of all medival ezamiaations after erdmisaion, the diagnoses end orders of duly qualified medical practitioners, and the medicines, medications and trontmeats prescribed or administered, (d) tho date, the a ircums tang es of his di soharge from the home and the nemne affi address of the person or institution in moose care or to which he was dis- charged, (e) in the event of the death of the resident, a record of the oiroumstasoes of the depth and the name and address of the person claiming the body, and (f) such other additi©nal information as may be required by the ~edioal Officer of gealth. ~> y ; ( 5 ) 16 . The o0 oupi er shall maintain the nursing home i n a thoroughly glean, sate and sanitary condition, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, he shall (a) eliminate Lire hazards ihcluding the provision and maintena~tce of (i) protection from radiators or other heating equipment, (ii) water supplies adequate for all normal needs includi ng those of fire protee Lion, and (iii) at least two separate means of agrees to the ouxside from flours with sleeping accommodation; (b) maintain a minimum temperature of 68 degrees Farenheit in the nursing hone from the lst of ©ctober to the 31st of may; (e) here the prea~.tsea inspec tad at least once is every twelve months by an offioer authorized to inspect buildings under The Fire marshals Act; (d) have the premises inspeoted at least onc• in every siz months by the medical officer of Health or his representative; (e) keep all parts of the building free from rubT~ish, garbage, ashes, flammable materials and other debris; (f) keep the cellar of the nursing home well drained and ventilated; (g) keep the nursing home weatherproof, free from dampness, adequately heated, gad all heating equipment in good repair; (h) maintain adequate kitehen equipment and facilities to ensure the proper preparation and protee Lion of rood; (i) take all necessary steps to keep the building free from vermin, insects anal pests. A By-law respecting licences for Nursing Homes. ~_. \~ ..~~ ~-J z c~ -C .J. h-' u ',~ 0 ~ rS ~ `~ W '..Tf N• L~ `$ 'y ~ ~~ 'n ~.._ . rt r~ ') .~ c i :., -s o ~ r ~ ~~ -s m ?' n °c3 ~' ' 4 ~. ~ 1 :~ !~ ~~ `J ,.. ~ . 3 O O f'd `G O ~~ 7 `b !-~ in • ;r lyye. ~ '~ `J rr~~ V C~ n n 4; ~~ ~ _.,, ,~ , o w .:s W ;-r .~ ~~ I T-i