HomeMy WebLinkAbout1326Being a by-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1959. WHEREAS the Counoi 1 of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke has in aoeordanae with The Municipal Aat oonsidered the estimates of the municipality end of the Boards and Commissions of the municipality and it is necessary that the following estimates be raised by means of taaation for the year 1958; Countyy Purposes Township General Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ) (Included in- Township General ) ) l~ew Grader Ganaraska Conservation Authority Durham County District High School Police 9illage of. Orono Federation of Agriculture Newtonville Street Lighting Kendal Street Lighting Township of Clarke School Area Sohool Section No. 2 n n NO. 5 n n No. 7 n n NO. 10 n n NO. 12 n n No. 14 n n No. 15 n n N©. 16 " " NO . 18 n " NO. 19 n n NO. 20II n n No. 22U n n No. 23II d 25II n n No. 24II Total # 36,426.20 57 813.71 -------- 6,874.80 1,400.00 38,197.18 4,669.13 950.00 185.00 100.00 15,502.68 1, 562.20 3,400.00 2,343.91 1,500.00 14,295.96 2,708.63 2.369.00 1,008.53 1,812.84 984.4'1 497.00 2,194.32 1,724.85 48.00 #198,568.41 AND WHEREAS the Assessment Roll made in 1958 and upon which the 1959 taws are to be levied and finally revised by the Court of Revision on the 19th day of November, 1958; AND WHEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as residentis]. and farm, and the amount of assessment not en titled to benefit, hereinafter referred to as business, of Unoonditional Grants in accordance wi th Sea tions 308 and 311 of The Municipal Aat, R.S.O. 1950, ns amended by The Munioipal Amendment Aot 1951, is as follows: ~" . - 2 - Assessment entitled to Benefit $2 884 50.00 Assessment not entitled to Benefit# , .'~' 1. THAT the above estimates be adopted and levied therefor in the manner as set ont hereinafter and there shall be levied and collected upon the asaeasnble lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Town ship of Clarke the follow- ing mill rates for the year 1959: Mill Rates 2. The tares shall become due and payable on the 15th day BE IT THEREFORE and it i s hereby enacted as follows: County Purposes 10.7 Township General: Township Commercial 17.59 Police Village Commercial 13.32 Township with Grants Applied 13.84 Police Village with Granta Applied 9.57 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority ) (Included in Township General) ) ------- New Grader 2. Ganaraska Conservation Authority .4 Durham County District High School 11.1 Police Village of Orono 7.5 Federation of Agriculture .5 Newtonville Street Lighting 1.5 Kendal Street Lighting. 2.6 Township of Clarke School Area 12. School Section No. 2 14. n n No. 5 24. n n NO . '/ 12 . " " No. 10 12.4 " " No. 12 19. " " No. 1$ 13. " " No. 15 20. n n No. 16 8. n n NO. 18 22. n n No. 19 12. " " No. 20U 22. " " No. 22U 24. n n No. 23U & 25U 20. n n NO. 24U 12. of September 1959, but may be paid in two instalments payable on and provided that upon failure to make paymem t of one or all instalments, the whole shall become due and payable forthwith. 3. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of tease on due date or on instalments thereof, the amount of 1~ of the mount. dtte on the first day of default, and an additional penalty of 1~ shall be added on the first dny of each calendar month thereafter on the balance remaining unpaid up to and including December 31st, 195 9; nOR" - (Not both) - 3 - 4. A penalty of 4~. shall be oharged on all current fazes remaining unpaid on the first day of default after the 15th day of December 1959. 5. The Treasurer and Collector are hereby empowered to receive in any year payments on acoount of fazes for that year in advance of the date due and is hereby authorized to allow a discount on such prey-payments at a rate of discount of 6~ per annum. 6. The collector is hereby authorized to mail or pause to be mailed the notice of fazes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom such notioe is required to be given . 7. All current taxes shall be paid into the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Newcastle and Orono. All taz arrears shall be paid into the office of the collector. 8. VPhere a tenant of lands, owned by the Crown or in whioh the Crown has an interest, has been employ®d either within or outside the municipality by the same employer for not less than 30 days, such employer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of any wages, salaries, or other remuneration due to suoh employee, the amount then payable for fazes under this by-law and any suoh payment shall relieve the employer from any liability to the employee for the amount paid. 9. The collector sad treasur®r are hereby empowered to accept part payment Prom time to time on acoount of any taxes due. 10. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. READ a first and second time this 6th day of auly 1959• , ~, ~~ Acting Reeve ~3er~c READ a third time and finally passed __ thi s 6 th day of July 195 9. .~ ~ Aoting Reeve ~ ` ., Clerk .. ,.~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ :-r ~~ 9 1. ~ }.. ~.L t ~ j jr fi ~~ N ~~ ~7 ~.'1 S-Z :.S' 1 ~ ~ Sv X ~ n -.~ ~~ sy ;~ ~s -~ sy 1 ~,7 _Y ,7 ~. -. ,~ ~~~ ~~. ~..:'t ' 3 O S '* ~ O ~' '~ `.7 in O '7 Y ,'~ : 7 • i1. ;t .~] Cp ~~ `~ J~ ..Y fi (T ~~ ~ :t Imo. :~ 'J• f~ ~~ ~ ~~ -r 'i M ~:~~ O ~^) Q. A~ -i p1 > '~ '• ;n ~ ~i J. ~ ,-1- ~ ..J `-~ D i~ iv ~ - ~. ul ~. ;~ a `t' ;t O ~ J'T 7 ,, 7