HomeMy WebLinkAbout1331A By-law for the purpose of correcting an apparent discrepancy resulting from as error in survey on the lands described in Appendix "A" attached to this by-law and forming a part of it. ~RFA3 the Corporation of the Township of Clarke have boon requested by the gel Ri t Manufac turi ng Company, who are pnrohasing One sore more or less in Lot 27, Concession 5, of ;the Township of Clarke, to convey a correcting dead which will ramous any defect on their title in order that their property will ba approved by the Solicitors for their mortgage holder. TZ"ORE the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ffi~ACTS AS FOLLOWS: That the Council of the Township of Clarks grunt the deed in question to the said Company for a nominal sum of $1.00 therefore relinquishing say claim on the lands in question as described in said Appendiz "A". RBAD a first and second time this / day of SFPT,En,6~R 1959• .~' ~,a~ ~~eev ~G~ RF~,D a third time and finally passed this ~ day o f SEPT1~nj6eR 1959 • _`~'` _ ~~~sevs F ~ L _ r,r;~,a ~~ ~ der • . 'F CORPORATION Ole Z~ TOIIPNSHIP OF CURSE Apgendiz "A" being a part of By-law No. /33/ ALL and Singular that pertain paroel or traot of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Clarke, County of Durham, Provinoe of Ontario, being oomposed of part of Lot 27 in the Fifth Conoeaaion of said Township, said paroel or traot being more pnrtiou- larly desoribed ns follows: PRgMISING that the bearing of the southerly limit of said Lot 27 is Aotth 74 degrees Asst and relating-all other bearings hereinafter mentioned (ezoept as otherwise apeoified) thereto; CONAtEACING at a point in the south limit of said. Lot 27 distant easterly therein 858 feet 6 inohes from the south-west eagle thereof (said point being also distant westerly therein 410 feet); T~NCE South 74 degrees West along the southerly limit of said Lot 27 a disteaoe of 53 feet 6 inohes; TI~NCE along a post and wire fea~toe ezlsting in August 1859 North 61 degrees 07 minutes Best a distanoe of 235 feet 3 inohes; TBENCE North 74 degrees East parallel to the Southerly limit of said Lot 27 in a strai ght line to point of interseotion of said strai ght line with a straight line drawn on a bearing North 62 degrees 37 minutes West astronomio fromt3~e point of oommenoe- man t (being interseotion of said first mentioned straight line parallel to the Southerly limit of Lot 27 with the North-easterly limit of the old railway lands by deed); TI~ENCE South 62 degrees 37 minutes East astronomio in a straight line to the point of oommenoemeat. ~ i ~ d ~ r`~ ~ ~ Q ...~ ~ ~ MM (( Ci7 J~ V' ~ Y' "j Et ~~ ~ ~~ ~. (D ~. ~~ ~ G. ~ W c1' '7J v ' f y ; J ~+ ~ ~ :7 ~ '~ ;t ~ ~-y s %~ ; ~ ' i --3 ~ ~ ri- ~ u. ~.~ ~ CO n ~~• ~~n t~• p., ; ~. is ~ ~~ ~, . ~ >> ~. 7 0 0 ~7 ~1 ~- F-.~ . ~ _ ~ U IJ n w ,~ ~:~ ~~~ ~ ~ s w ~j ~~ ~==. D , ~~ ~j -r- n O t 1 ~ ~. ~q ;_~. ~ + ri .+ ,' .s #,