HomeMy WebLinkAbout1365A By-law to provide for the 1960 expenditures on roads in the Township of Clarke in the County of Durham. . S[~PPLTA13Y +. .a ` t CLARKE aE: BY-LAW No ~'~65 _ ' FORM MR-i9 TOWNSHIP OF sa-ease ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 196() 1. CONSTRUCTION (p) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURt OF WORK MILES ESTIMATtD COST .- SUB-TOTAL (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS -TYPE AND LOCATION - SUB-TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (BEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS -EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS -ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. BEADING DUST LAYING -CALCIUM. SALT, OIL. PRIME DITCHES, TILff DRAINS. CATCH BASINS, CURBS. GUTTERS. DRAINAGt A88t88MENT8 WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL -SNOW FENCE, PLOWING. BANDING. SALTING SUB-TOTAL (B) BRIDGES AND CUWERTB MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS SUB-TOTAL (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS POR MAINTENANCE BRAND TOTAL ©~00 ~ ~'~~y©KO©~ ©V i~/~~ 00 _ ~Q ~ ~0 1©000 ~ DO ~Q/000~ OO Septe~aber 19, 1960 Dste Cv VLQM~' Township Road Suparh-ta it insufficient room attach additional shaab `WIII[ tha dah M tM form Mdlcabd NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Conatroction and Maintananw In tha proportion that total of (tams 1(a) and 1 tb) Haar to total of items 2 (e) and 2 (b). r P'onw •MR-IB, d!-J187 StTPPLEMENTARY BY--LAW NO.___11' 6-~--------__ ~4 BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 6Q__ EXPENDITURES OWN ROADS IN THE COUNTY DURHAIi~ TOWNSHIP O;F_CLARKE-------------------- IN THE ~F------------------------ WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expendi- ture on roads be provided for annually. by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval... THEREFORE the Council of the. Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows (1) The sum of $__~~,_000.00 _____ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the constructio and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction during the year 19_~~__ as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS _- ~-'I,_~go oo------ ~~=500.00 ------ BR.I:DGES & CULVERTS ---------- ~-----------------~----- $-------------------------- $----------------- NEW MACHINERY ----------- ~----------------------- $ nil $--- ------------- SUPERINTENDENCE d; 23500.00 2,500.00 OVERHEAD ----------------~---- $----------------------- $---- ----------------- - $------------------- TOTALS -------------- $----------------------- St~-~-000.00 ---- $10,000.00_x' (2) The said monies shall be expended. under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and an work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at ____ORONO_____________this----____-- lsth---- day of SEP~MBER______A.D. 19_60 (SEAL) Clerk - - Reeve ~~ - --- -- -- - Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of __CLARgE______________________, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of . 19th By-law No.1~6~----. passed by the Councll ~of the said Corporation on the _____________ 60 day of ___ Sep t emb er------__________, 19 ~^----H . E . MILLSON -------------- ----, ----------- -- - Township Clerk. ~~~;{pq1~,"' t,~ • c J Ka. `~ pyrf \ AI ~~ a e ~ r4 _.. ,c. ,jay i„ ~: t ` b i ., ~\ .~ .._.. .i~ _,.. ........ ~ ~ r.. i ~. ..,.. r. "~ .. .... ~ .. .,. 1. ~`~ ~ ~" 1 _ .-_ - ____ ~ rJ n `~ '~ t ~ ~' W ~ ~ ;C G -h CO _. ~ 7~ CY i'] ~ ;j '~ 't~ c'' "~ Cp i"f" U] ~ `: .~ ~ !J, u. '~ ` ~ ~ 7 C ~~ .~ C~ ~_~ ~ n b `~) CD ~ `~ u . r, G7 F~ CI) G'l 'j C7 O ~' ct' "i tai CD ~T' i-~ O `~ h~• ~_~ ;t '~ ,~ ;t __ :. 11 ~ r~ ~~ ,~ \ / r~ +J ~ A~ ~ G~ , ~ ~ U ~ ~~ E-J O n ~ yti ° j ~ u rt.~.J`i W t7 ~~ - . O CU ~ :~ ,i ~'~ ,,~ h-~ ('! ~ y ,`:~ 7 w ~ ~~ ~' y Jl