HomeMy WebLinkAbout1354A By-law to license, regulate and govern Trailer Camps. WHF,RL4~ provision is made in The I~uiicipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 213, Section t,13, (12), for licensing, regulating and governing trailer camps; AND WAS it is deemed advisable to provide for the licensing, regulating, and governing of trailer carps within the THEREFOA'g the l~.inicipal Council of the Corporation of the .....~.9i+~hYiXl~....... of .....~ah'~P:4 .............F~tACTS AS FOLL4t 1. A trailer camp may only be established in a location in the municipality approved by the Council of the Corporation of ....T~i:g.....~. .......... . ~.~.~'r.~r~P .. Rf.... ~'./R~K,~..... .............................. 2. No person shall establish, operate, keep or maintain a trailer camp without first obtaining a license therefor and paying the Ease pres- cribed under clause (~) of this by-lax. 3 No owner of land situate in the . ~~+1~'N.~.P .. of . ~ 6/.wR~~ ~ ~ . ~ .. shall permit the use of land for the purpose of a trailer caffip unless a license for the establishment and operation of arch camp has been issued in accordance with this by-law and has not expired or been revoked. 1~. A fee of Ten lbllars (~L0.00) per month, payable in advance shall be paid by the oeoser of the trailer camp to the license issuer for each lot to be made available by the ovazer for the occupancy of a trailer and no lot shall be occupied by a trailer unless such license fee has bean paid and a license obtained therefor. 5. The Clerk of the municipality sha11 be the license isauuer, and applications for licenses shall be made on forms supplied by the licemae issuer. ~. ~-~~ 3 -2- 6. The trailer camp license shall state the number of lots licensed and the period of time for which the license is valid. 7. When a license for a trailer camp is issued or renewed, suspended, or revoked, notification thereof hhall be sent by the license issuer to the Medical Officer of Health, the Chief of Police and the Fire Chief. g. Trailer .camps shall be divided into lots and each lot shall, contain a ~sinimum area of 2,000 sq.ft., shall be at least 1~0 ft. wide, and shall. have its boundaries clearly defined. Trailers shall be so located on each lot that there shall be at least 20 ft. clearance between trailers pro- vided, however, that with trailers parked end to end, the ~d-to-end clear- ance between trailers shall not be less than IO ft. No trailer shall be located closer than 15 ft. from. any buildir~ within the camp or loft. from any adjoining property line. Trailers shall be located at least 50 ft. from the boundary of all public highways and each boundary of~ the trailer camp shall be at least two hundred feet from any residential building located outside the trailer cam. 9. All such lots shall abut upon a driveway of not less than 25 :Et. in width which shall have unobstructed access to a public street or highway. All. driveways shall have surface paved or oiled sufficiently to control duet, and shall be well marked in the daytime and lighted at night with at least 25 watt lamps at intervals of 100 ft. located approxi- mately l5 ft. above the ground. 10. Sufficient area shall be provided for the parking of at least one motor vehicle for each lot. Motor vehicles shall not be parked betw+~en trailers. A separate area shall be provided for recreational purposes. This area shall be in a location not sub3ect to traffic hazards and shall be not less in area than one lot for each twenty trailers or fraction thereof. 11. An electrical outlet supplying at least 110 volts shall be pro- vided for each lot. and such wiring shall comply with the fkitario Hs+dro- Electric Power Cons sion Regalatione. -~ .~ ~~ -3- 12. 3'he use of a telephone shall be provided for the inhabitants of a trailer camp. 13. Each trailer camp shall provide service buildings to horse toilet facilities, bathing facilities, laundry facilities, and other sanitary facilities as hereinafter more particularly described. (a) The toilet and other sanitary facilities for males and females shall be either in separate buildings or, if in the same building, shall be separated by a sound-proof wall. (b) Toilet facilities for males shall consist of not less than one tlush toilet for every tifteen (15) trailers or fraction thereof, one shower or bath tub with individual dressing accommodation for every ten (lO) trailers or fraction thereof, and one wash basin For every ten (10) trailers or fraction thereof. (c) Toilet facilities for females shall consist of not less than one flush toilet for every ten {lO) trailers or fraction thereof, one shower or bath tub with individual ~--~:s: dressing acevmmodation for every ten (lO) trailers or fraction thereof. (d) Anything in subsections (b) and (c) to the contrary not- withstanding every trailer camp shall provide toilet and laundry facilities i.ri a service building and in no came shall there be leas than - (i) Two water flush toilets, one wash basin, one shower or bath for women, and one toilet, one urinal, one wash basin and one shower or bath for men, or (ii) One toilet, one wash basin, one shower or bath in a self-contained unit assigned to each trailer. (e} Each toilet and each shower or bath tub fof~ which provision is made in subsection (b ), and (d) shall be in a private compartment with self-closing doors. (f) Service buildings housing the toilet facilities shall be permanent structures complying with the provisions of all by-laws of the municipality and Provincial Statutes regulating electrical and plumbing installations, and shall be locateid not closer than 15 ft. nor farther than 2O0 ft. from any trailer space. (g) The service building shall be well lighted at all times of the day and night, shall be well ventilated with screened openings, shall be constructed of such moisture-proof material including painted woodwork as shall permit repeated cleaning and washing and shall be maintained at a temperature of at least ?~ degrees. Fahrenheit during cool weather, The floors of the service building shall be of material impervious to water. .' . {., '~.~ :~ -4- (h) All service buildings and the grounds of the camp shall be maintained in a clean, asst condition acid kept free of any condition that will menace the health of any occupant or the public or constitute a nuisance. (i) Laundry facilities shall be provided in the ratio of one doable laundry tub and one conventional, wringer-type washing machine for every $0 lots or fraction thereof or one single laundry tub and one automatic or semi-automatic type washing machine for every 20 lots or fraction thereof. An electric outlet shall be provided supplying current sufficient to operate each washing machin®. Adequate laundry drying space shall be provided. The laundry facilities shall. be in a separate room of the service building with at least one direct opening to the outside. (j) There shall be provided in each service building with the laundry facilities, or is a separate compartment, not less than one slop sink or other like facility. (k) An adequate supply of hot water shall be provided at all times in the service building for all bathing, washing, cleansing axed laundry facilities. 1!}. Each trailer camp shall provide the facilities hereinafter more particularly described. (a) Each lot shall be provided with a cold water tap at least four inches above the ground and water shall be obtained from faucets only. (b) Each lot shalt be provided with a trapped sewer cormection at least four inches in diameter which shall be so connected that it will be leak-proof axrd receive the waste from the shower, bath tub, flush toilet, wash basin and kitchen sink of the trailer located in suchepace. 1~. No toilet or other sanitary facilities in a trailer or in a service building may be need unless these facilities are connected with an approved sewerage system. 16. Every trailer camp shall be equipped at all times with one fire extinguisher in good working order for every ten (10) lots, located sot further than 200 feet from each lot. 17. No person licensed under this by-law shall. cause or permit any obstruction of vehicles or otherw3.se on a highway in front of or ad- joining his prea~i.ses or any thronging or congregation of the public on such highway or employ or permit any person, instrument or devise to be need upon each highway for the purpose of soliciting business or attracting attention to his trailer camp. '4 ~ i,^ a ~~ 18. Np person licensed under this by-law shall permit his premises to be used for any unlawful purpose, nor shall he permit disorderly conduct thereon or any profane<, obscene, or abusive language to be used by any person thereon. 19. No owner or person in charge of any dog, cat or other pet or anima]. shall permit it to run at large within the limits of spy trailer caffip. 20. A responsible attendant or caretaker, owner or operator, shall be in charge at all times to keep the trailer caffip, its facilities and equipt in a clean orderly and sanitary condition and he shall be answerable, with the licensee, for any violation of the provisions of this by-law. The council may revoke any license issued tinder this by law. 21. Any premises licensed under this by-law shall be subject to in- spection at all times by the Medical Officer of Health, the Sanitary Inspector, any Police Officer or the Fire Chief, and no person shall refuse admission to any such inspecting officer or shall fail to remedy any condition if so requested by any such official. 22. This by-law shall not apply to trailers operated in connection with any exhibition, fair, carnival or c~the~ public glace of ama~ses-ent or entertainment provided such exhibition, fair, carnival or entertain- ment is authorized by the l~nicipal Council to operate for a specific duration of time in a certain site. 23. Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this b~ law shall be liable on aum~riary conviction to a fine not exceeding Three Hundred Dollars 0300.00), exclusive of costs, and shall take such steps as may be necessary to meet the requirements of this by-law. /,, ' ` ;r.~ .~ `' ~: i 2#• Se-ch day that a violation is permdtted to exist, shall constitute a separate offence. READ a first and second time this ,Zo day of~ 1960 . ~~ ~ Mayor or Reeve '~~Y1 , e ~ . ~,,,/ Clerk READ a third time finally passed this ,~ da~r of ...~.. 196 0 . ~~ ~ A3ayor or Reeve Clerk.