HomeMy WebLinkAbout1361A By-law to prohibit the throwing of refuse on that property owned by the Towr~hip of Clarke and desoribs8 in Appendiz "A" attnoh- ed to this by-law and forming a part of it. WHEI~AS it is deemed ezpedient to pro- hi bit the sots hereinafter set forth pursuant to the powers granted under the Mnnioipal Aot; TBBRBFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarke ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; 1. In this by-law - No person shall throw, plaoe~deposit or otherwise cause to appear on the property described in Appendiz "A" any dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcase of any animal. 2. Any parson who contravenes any provision of this by-lew shall upon conviction be liable to a penalty not e=ceeding X300.00 recoverable under The Summary Convictions Aot. READ a first and second time this ~ day of 1959• O t G.. ^~ 'ALL'"-7 . hot ng eeve Z~er RFD a third time and finally pasamd this ,~ day of .~~~ ~ 19~D. SEAL - er F f `+} fyy Y ~' • > ` ~,. TBB CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CLARKS Apgendiz "A" being a part of By-law loo. i,3~i Description of pert of Lot limber 16, in the Second Concession of the Township of Clarke contained in a Deed from Stanley Porteous to the Township of Clerks, rsgia- tered ns Number 13829• ALL AND SIN(i~III.AR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Township of Clarke, in the County of Durham, 'and Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot number sia- teen in tl~e seoond concesaioa of the said Township, and may be Iasown and described as follows, that i s to sag: COR-l~S1QCII~G at the south west corner of tha north half of Lot siateen thenoe northerly along the west boundary of said Lot siateen a distance of two hundred sad sixty- tour feet, thence easterly parallel with the north bound- ary of the sand lot a distance of one hundred and ainety- eight feet, thenoe southerlg 1n a straight line a distance of two hundred and seventy-three feet to a point in the south boundary of the northern half of the said Lot siateen a distance of one hundred and thirty-two feet easterly from the place of ~beginaing, thence weaterlg along the south boundary of the north half of Isot siateen a distance of one hundred and thirty-two feet to the place of begin- ning, being one acre more or les~c. iU ~ J C~' Ci) ~ v C~J O ~ ~) T :i7 ~' .~:j ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ '~-. •'~ '~ ~ W ~I~ O i.J. ~ ' ' " c~ ~ ~b ~ -+ V ~~ ~'~ V7 '') C~ _ ~ i~ O J. W rV 7 ~~ N ; ~ c!- I N• C7 ~r, O C~~ r 1 ~7 ~t V ~~~ 1 ~ S }~ .. (~'1 ~..~. ~.. Y ., ~ ~ i1' ~. J y Y• r ~. L' V IT ~J. p_ (G F~ ~..~ J O 1 I ~~ ~ ~ ~~'~ ~< w