HomeMy WebLinkAbout1369A By-Law to authorize the construction of a six inch water main system together with a suitable well, pump and pressure tank for the properties on Division Street in the Police Village Village of Orono as a Local Improvement under the provisions of the Local Improvement Act. WHE£t~'1-.ti Mr. Carman L. Cornish sad others have petitioned the Council to constract as a Local Improvsseat under the provisions of the Losa1 Isprovesent Act, a six inch water gain, together with suitable well, pulp acid pressure system, for properties ors Divisiox .Street in Orono and the Clerk has certified that the petition is sufficient; A~ WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the pr~prer of tho petition in tho sannsr hereinafter provided; THEkF',FO~E THE BN~ICIPAL COiJNCIL OF THE Ct)RPOBIITION OF THE T(~iNSHIP OF ~ hereby masts as a By-Law of the said Corporation as follows; 1. That the works hereinafter described b• constructed in the Police Village of Orono in the Township of Clarke as loeal isprovsssnts ~: assessed as hereinafter set out, pursuant to the provisions of the said Act. under the provisions of tho Local.Improvsmsnt Ast, grid the host of the said works, ssti~tatsd in the sus •f #6,700.00 shall be specially Said works are described as followa;- 2. { (1) The construction of a six inch watsrawia in the Fblics Villago of Orono in the Township •f Clarks on Division Street in the E: said Village frog the intersection of that street with Cobble- . disk Street southerly following parallel with the bounclariss of E said Division Street to the Road Allowance betxesn the Fourth r s and Fifth Coxcessions of the said Township of Clark, to serve the property owners of both sides of the said Division Street saving and excepting the owner of that property havins a , of 'said frontage of 62 feet ?inches on the. easterly licit Division Street which said frontage runs northerly free the c northerly licit of the said Road A11®wanss between the,Fowrth and Fifth Coneessions of the Township of Clarke.. r (2) The constx~ction of one well together with owe pulp and ono presaare tank for the supply of water to the said water sniff k sswtionsd in Subsestioa (1) of this Section. s of Qarke d® forthwith yaks sas3~~''~-1~s The Engineer of the Town hip fi '~ -~ r~'~'~~ profiles and specifications and furnish such inforaation as aa~ be neces$ar~r fer the asking of a contrast for th• execution of th• werk. 3. 'The work shall be carried out and executed ender the superintendanse and according to the directions and orders of sash engineer. 4. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Clarks d® cause a contract for the constriction of the werk to be wade and sntered into with some psrson or persons, fin or corporation. 5• The Treasurer asy (sib3ect to approval of the C®uncil) agree with air bank or person for tea~porarT advances of money to meet the cost of the work pending the completion of it. 6. Ths entire Cerporation~s share of the test of the work shall be assessed open the lots abutting direstlT upon the werk to be carried out, saving and excepting that lot having a frontage of 62 feet 7 inches on the easterly 11~it of said Division Street which frontage rips nerther],~r Eros the northerlT limit of the said Road Allowance between the Fourth and Fifth Concessions of the Tewnahip of Clarks and sick assessment sha11 b• paid annually. 7. The Council of the Corporation eP the Township of Clarke say issue debersturss for the lean, if arm, to be effected t® pal for the sost of the ~rerk when completed. Sash debentures shall bear interest at sash rat• as the Council say deteraine and be aide payable not longer than ten Tesrs. 8. This By-Law shall cone into force and take effect ©n the date following the final passing thereof. READ a first and second time this ~i~PST day of ~ /e~~c~ 196D. Reeve READ a third tine and final.3~r passed this ~'~y~+!~`'ee~/~daT of APR l 1961. C er -- °l/ R~e~e C~srk' i r ' ~- ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~7 cr - O '~`~ o ~ 'd ~ C 'S '? CL` 'Z:~ fi ~"~ fy ~ (~ yam. c'" ti jb :)' C7 C-~- 'D L~ :5' ~~ t~~ CG '; ~ rD 'i ~, (G N , .7 ~ O !y 'D ~ C'7 .S' ~~ ~' .. 5 a. ;n e o ~- ~ c~ ~~ ~~ ,gin ~ t-~ ~. C -~- ~. ,y ~ ~ c ~-~ ~~ m ~~ ~- ~• ~ ,~- ~ c~ t~_s .~ ~~ ~ ~ ; s ~ '? ~~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ O ~ <~ • , . ~ b -r X11 ' i ] ~Z ( rJ ~ ~T) ~ J _ - rev ~ T .. y C~ ,y l ~ l i ~~ ~ .y "/ i~ rj F-1. c_ N• ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~a ;-~- n i r~~~ w.t r ~ ~ ;-r . w ~~