HomeMy WebLinkAbout1380A By-law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year and to strike the rates of taxation for the year 1961. -2~ Assessment entitled to Benefit 2,894,425.00 Assessment not entitled to Benefit 64,100.55 BE I`" TT'FRE~'CTZF and i t i s hereby enacted as follows; 1. '?`TTAT the above estimates be adopted and levied therefore ir. the manner as set out hereinafter and there sh all be levied and collected upon the assessable lands, buildings and businesses within the Corporation of the Township of Cla.r.ke the follovr- in` mill rates for the year 1861: 11rii 11 ~a t e s County Purposes 13.0 'T'ownship General; Township Commercial - ~ 19.73 Township with Grants Applied 15.84 Police Village Commercial 15.42 Police Vi1lan~e with Grants Applied 11.53 Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority} (Included in Township General) - New Grader 2.0 Xanaraska •~ Durham County District iii gh School Board 15.9 Police Village of Orono 9.0 Federation of Agriculture •~ Newtonville :street Lighting 1.5 Kendal Street Ligh tang 2.4 Township af- Gla-rke Sebool Area ~~- G•.t~~~~ 20.0 School Section No. 2 14.0 rr sr rjo. 5 22.5 rr n rro . 7 12 . o n n ri0.10 18.4 n rr rYo.12 21.0 n n hTO.14 11.0 n rr No.15 21.0 n n No. 16 9.0 n n IV'o .18 16.0 n -r No.19 18.0 " No.20U 28.4 r- " No.22U 22.2 n rr No.23U 8c 25U 26.5 rr ,, r~o.24U 12.0 ?~.C. School Section r1o. 6 & No. 8 (Dope) 12.0 2. The taxes shall become due and payable on the 1st day of September, 1861. 3. Where shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on due date or on instalments thereof, the amount of 1~ of the amount true on the first day of default, and an additional penalt~r of 1'~ shall be added on the first day of each calendar mor~tr, thereafter on the balance remainin; unpaid ur to and inclu~irv December 31st, 1861. --... ^1. -3- 4. The Treasurer and Collector are hereb~T er~potraered to receive in anyy*ear ~~a,ymen'*.s on account of taxes for that yoar in advar_ce of the date due and is h.ereb~T authorized to ailocv a discount or such. pre-paymer_ts at a rate of di seount of 6~! per ann~zm. 5. ^_'he Collector is hereby autharize~ to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes dv.e to the address of the residence or place of businsss of the person to whom such notice is required. to be liven. h. X11 current taxes sh?11 be paid into the Cana~'ian 1?ank of Cary ~!erce at l'ewcastle ar~d Grono. All tax arrears shall be y>aid into the office of the Treaurer. ']. ''Trere a tenant of lands, owned bbl the Crown or irl ~7'~ich the Cro:an h~.s ~:n interest, h?s been e~:~l~loyed either w thin or autsi~:e the m~znicipality bar t'^a sa:^e e-nl,}latrer for not '_ess Iran 30 dQys, ~uc'_~ emnloJer shall pay over to the collector on demand out of caa~es, salari~;s, cr. other re~:uneration due to suc'~. employee, the amount then pa~Tabl° for taxes un~?er !;?^is b~T--~ rm and t~.ny suc~i payment shall relieve the employer from any liabilit~T to the e-~~ployee for the a.rla~ar.t paid. 3. "'he collector and treasurer are hereby empowered. to accept ^art _~~ayment from tine to tirr~e on aec^unt of any taxes due. ~, mhis 'c~--laiFa :hall come into force and effect upon. the date of the r; nal readirl~, thereof. r~ ~~~ a first ar_d second. time this . , 1~... day of . f~.PRtI, 1961 Reeve Cler READ a t ~~td time and fine~y.~ y passed t~~i s. , t... day of . ~f~':~. , 1961. fa --. .~, ~itGl ~~ Reeve Cler~~ N r~ ~ r;; ~ , ~ ~ w r,. ~ a a a. y a, ~ m w ;+ ~~~ i ~ -~ m < - m a. ;~ ~ ~ w ~. ,J ~J CD c~ O ~~ I-~ . C7 µ~ ~ ~ 1 J t '~ U~ }.. rJ `l FJ ~' J h • .J. ''J. Q ~ V7 ,.y .7 CG r~ i~ ~. f-~• U E--~ „~ n ~"' ~ H~ O ~ p -~. %, c+- C ~ ~: ~ '-Y .ti 'S O F-~ v V w (~ U. J7 w r ~ h J. . 1 ~'Y '~ v (1~ ! y Q. ~ ~~